#college starter post verse
lexicmarshall · 6 months
Alexis had been invited to an surprise outing by her good friend Cheryl and Beth. She had known that her father and brother had called lockdown a couple of nights ago. But they were all celebrating end of term finals. So she wasn’t going to miss the chance to have fun before the time came for her to be caged up again. ( yes that’s what it was like for her at those times ).
It was about five or so hours that they had been there at that point she had several messages from her brother And Andrew (striker) his vice president.Even though she knew she should answer the texts. They did seem urgent. But instead, Alex’s impaired mind decided to ingnored all of them. After a few dances with the girls she shook her glass “TO NO MORE HOMEWORK!” She said to the others giggling. Her mood changes when she heard bikes rev up to the bar.
That’s when she saw the medalion of the bar (Scorpions Mc) ‘Shit’ she thought. That was one of the reasons why she had to cut school earlier this month.Rival tensions and what not. “Cheryl. Is this a biker bar?”she asked curiously. “Can sometimes be. Why”she asked as she got another drink. “Just a thought. It’s nothing. They had had a few drinks when she saw a couple of familiar faces walk in.She was so going into lockdown for her friend antics.
She turned to see Jax,Opie , and Andrew his vice president coming into the bar “shit” she said as she spit out her drink a bit as she saw the three enter with their heads held high like they owned the joint. She coughed a bit as she looked to Beth. “if I don’t communicate for a bit. I’m grounded”she said quickly as she saw the others lock eyes with them. When he was near her she looked to her older brother.
“Jax.. hi. ”she said softly as she knew she was in trouble. But it wasn’t her fault. right ? Oh and the fact that she was a little drunk didn’t help right now either as she had her big brother hovering over her at the moment. Also the fact they had to travel 10 + hours from California to retrieve her at Colombia University.
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goodvulture · 1 year
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alwaysaqueene · 3 months
Destined Queen
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Indie RP Blog for Original Character’ Medieval, Regency, and High Fantasy Verses — Sideblog to @joyfulmagic & special verses for Relta & Aislin of @fantasiesandfolklore, guest test muse Prince Alastair as well
Written by 𝕷𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖊 [Lettie] || Mun is 25+ || Blog is 18+ (Preferably 21+)
Minors (under 18) and Personal Blogs DO NOT INTERACT
[Relta’s “Regular” Bio]
[Verse Info Tag] [Guest Staring Lord Alastair, Half-Brother to Relta] & Aislin’s Medieval Verses from @fantasiesandfolklore FCs Used: Charlotte Hope (18-32); Rebecca Ferguson (30+); Ruairi O’Connor (18-35); Anya Taylor Joy (18+); & Natalie Dormer (30+)
Rules are below the readmore on this post
Heavily Affiliated With: @ofheroesandscholars, @singeart, @blackarrcw, @luposcainus, @aislingarrow and @tsarincvdova
𝒜 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒹𝓎 𝒾𝓃…being the bad guy, raising Hell and high water, religion, paganism, royalty, destiny, fighting fate, the girl with ice in her veins and a heart of gold, blood spilled for justice, living out of spite, heroics, being the final girl, the stench of the battlefield after a war, and taking one’s rightful place on the throne.
NO minors (under 18 years old / still in high school) or personal blogs please! I’d prefer to write only with muns ABOVE age 21, as I am currently 27 (6/2024) years old.
Open to non-mutuals, but still semi-selective toward the selective side
Preferential treatment given to those I’ve built an OOC relationship with / am heavily affiliated with. Just being honest.
No god modding with the exception of starters, as I know you kind of have to a bit to write a decent starter
Multi-para / novella length replies usually. Please attempt to meet my length or at least my effort. Sometimes replies are short to move things along, I get that.
No auto-shipping, as Relta does not want to fall in love or have a co-monarch as a default in the phoenix queen/queen of ashes verses
IF we do ship, know I’ll be simping for them and wish to talk about them OOC a fair amount. Also, expect playlists for solidified ships haha.
My main triggers are animal death, parent death, cancer, infertility, and Dementia/Alzheimer's. Memory issues due to other reasons are fine. PLEASE let me know your triggers so I can avoid them as well.
Dark topics will be present, and the presence of NSF/W isn’t impossible. I will tag NS/FW as “lemons” or “mild lemons” depending on the severity (like PG-13 versus R rated).
Relta is queer, as is the mun. Please be respectful of that.
The mun is neurodivergent and disabled, so please be patient with me. I may miss stuff like social cues at times.
My discord is open to mutuals, but it’s an easy one to guess based on my main blog hub title lol
I have studied history and international politics in college, and plan to focus on medieval times in graduate school when I attend. Relta’s verses on this blog are heavily influenced by actual history and historical figures, so please know I HAVE done my research or asked my Tudor historian friend lol I might twist it and throw in a ton of various influences, but it’s still historically inspired.
I saw BBC’s Robin Hood…18 years ago now…when it first came out and I was a kid, so I’m a bit rusty on it since I can’t find a free way to rewatch it. Thus, I’ll be leaning into headcanons a bit and actual history about King Richard, the Crusades, and Robin Hood lore for the V: Lionhearted verse. I’d be happy to discuss the show AND history/lore with anyone interested in this verse.
I often post worldbuilding and headcanon stuff about Relta in these verses, so don’t be surprised if they outnumber IC posts for a while.
Relta has been an OC of mine since I played make believe with my friends in elementary school, and simply has evolved to who she is now through a passion for creative writing and a gaining of knowledge on character building. She’s still a bit Mary Sue-ish at times, but I work hard to incorporate her flaws and weaknesses as much as I do her strengths and positive traits. She’s not perfect, as no one is.
I am mobile always, so I cannot cut posts unfortunately.
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pvnkesttt · 9 months
TLOU Spidey AU: A Rundown.
titled: katipō.
tlou-verse: a masterlist.
Featuring the pairing: Joel Miller x Athena Kallis (OC). Other OCs included/Mentioned: Rowan, Dev and Uncle Ari. Notes: Hi, Hello! So, I recently made a mini post about wanting to start a Spidey AU of sorts for TLOU/my OC, Athena Kallis, who essentially becomes a spidey/spider-woman variant. In this post, I'll be doing just that: sharing my thoughts and idea on the spidey au I have in mind for my OC as well as her relationship with Joel Miller and how it's effected in this AU. I hope y'all like this and if you like this, please feel free to let me know!
Let's begin, shall we?
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For starters, let me introduce Athena Kallis and her lore in this specific AU:
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Athena Kallis was born on November 1st, near a settlement in Auckland, New Zealand. That settlement was known as Piha. Growing up, she'd love exploring the beachside and creating her most memorable memories there as a way of distracting herself from the mournful loss of her parents.
Her parents died of a tragic accident while she was young and at the young of 9, she would find herself moving in with her uncle. Where? San Marcos, Texas. However, she moved within the inlands of that area which arises some conflict with who she is and where she's from.
Later on in life, after graduating high school, Athena took the road to college, moving away from Texas and finding herself in Seattle, Washington where'd she study up on her education and use her degree to become a wildlife biologist at the age of 25. Her Uncle Ari had soon moved into Seattle as well, hoping to be near her whenever he'd like. He also found a job working for a nearby homeless shelter, one in which Athena would volunteer at from time to time.
Getting back to Athena, though, being a wildlife biologist was great! She got to provide expertise on conserving the biological diversity of national forests and grasslands while working to protect and recover endangered species. One particular species she worked on a lot was that of a spider: the katipō. The young woman grew fascinated with how it worked and what it's species was like. The spider, itself, also became crucial to Athena's life after the incident.
One night, while getting so caught up in her work and studying up on the spider, she hadn't realized that she got bit by the venomous spider she was studying. For a time (more like a few hours), nothing abnormal seemed to have happened after getting bit....that was until things started changing. Soon after, Athena found out just how much she had changed due to the bite. Things were sticking to her glue, she had a strong grip on objects and....she could shoot out webs AND climb up walls. She was living, human spider in a way. There came a time where she took advantage of these spider powers, it happened during robbery near the homeless shelter her uncle worked at. At first, Athena didn't know if she could help out or not but luckily she did as she managed to stop a criminal from going around the city and robbing other places. HOWEVER, that also came with the scar she now bares under her eye, a scar that she got while chasing down the criminal as he struck her with a knife. Athena figured that, if she can stop a criminal like the one before that, she'd be able to stop many others. It's what the city needed: A hero.
So, she became just that, a hero that Seattle needed. She managed to make a suit for herself, one in which the colors were reminiscent of her favorite bird: the wrybill, that meant her colors were white, black and gray. With the suit, she could keep her identity hidden while still being able to save citizens from criminals and turning them in. There was a cop, Dev Burman, who had become curious of why this spiderling was roaming the streets, why they were suddenly coming in to take out bad guys. He still keeps an eye out on the spiderling, hoping to one day get to know her a bit better even if he already knows about the girl behind the mask.
The people of Seattle loved this spiderling and Athena loved seeing how much she was loved, even if some had doubts about her. Her Uncle Ari was quite fascinated over a person in suit taking the streets to fight off bad guys, he just hoped that whoever was under there was staying safe. Speaking of Uncle Ari, he's important as he's the one who unintentionally gets his niece into a budding romance with his best friend, Joel Miller, without even knowing it.
The Beginning/Relationship of Joel and Athena:
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Joel Miller was close friends with Uncle Ari for a while, a bit after Athena left for college. Sometimes, Uncle Ari would mention him to her on the phone, was yapping about what the two discussed that day and everything like that. Athena never knew what he looked like but did have curious mind as to what he looked like.
Joel Miller was around Ari's age, having met him a bit after Athena left for college. From then on, him and Ari have been the greatest of friends. Sometimes, whenever Athena was mentioned, Joel was reminded of his sweet baby girl: Sarah. Sarah was Joel's daughter, his everything however, she was gone from him to quickly after a tragedy happened, he'll never forget what was taken from him, how someone he loved so much can just vanish like that.
While Athena never knew what Joel looked like, it was quite the opposite for Joel as he knew what Athena looked liked. Ari would show baby pictures of his niece to Joel from time to time and had even showed a recent picture of her attending some local event with friends Athena had sent to Ari. It was a polaroid picture of her and, while Joel would never say it out loud, he thought Athena was very pretty in his eyes. It seemed as though she could light up his whole world if ever got the chance to meet her.
and she did.
When Joel came up to visit with Ari, he'd told he'd like to stay for a few months, see what it's like away from Texas. Ari was thrilled about this visit, excited to see his best friend after months and even more thrilled that he'd be able to properly introduce his niece to Joel.
Both and Athena and Joel had met when Athena came in to help volunteer at one of the many cookouts the shelter threw every few months. Athena's mind immediately sensed that a handsome, older man was standing in front of her as soon as Ari called him out. Joel's brain was no good either, here Athena was, standing right in front of him. She was real!
The two introduced themselves, making small talk that day but both would eventually hit it off. Time went on and soon, Joel and Athena were gaining strong feelings for one another, feelings that would be admitted. They just couldn't help themselves around each other, it was a spark that matched between them. So, they do eventually get together and things are better than ever for the pair.
For a time, Joel doesn't know about Athena's identity as "The Katipō", and Athena keeps it that way for a while. In fact, the only person who knew at the time was Rowan Bauer, her best friend (and has a thing for Dev) and he's done a (almost) pretty good job at keeping it secret. She doesn't want Joel to freak out over his girl practically risking herself to save the city. Eventually, though, it's revealed to him that Athena is the web slinger he keep seeing on the news and tv. Things are a bit complicated for a while but, in the end, Joel realizes that all he wants is for Athena to be okay out there. That she comes home, still in tact, still carrying her love for Joel. That's exactly what she does because both she and Joel couldn't live without one another, they deserved one another and belonged together.
Bonus fun facts:
Joel has a calico cat named franklin.
Athena has a tattoo in honor of her heritage/culture and where she comes from.
Athena also has a blind salamander named Palo (though, sometimes he's referred to as "Matty" also 😉)
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notes: there you have it! a rundown on the tlou spidey au I've got going on! I've been loving this AU so MUCH that I wanted to share with you all. If you enjoyed or have thoughts, like I said, please let me know! I'd love to know. :))
(also, I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes in this post lol)
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itchose · 6 months
for my own reference and hopefully the benefit of everyone else,  I'm making a list of my characters and where I usually default to / prefer writing them in the timeline:
AKILAH:  generally open to writing at any point in the wilderness,  season 1-2.  I typically default anywhere post episode 1x08 because her stitching van is really crucial to her development,  but I'm still open to writing before then.  I do have some things figured out for her post-rescue verse but it will never be my default + will likely always require some plotting.
TRAVIS: season 2 by default.  I'm really not interested in writing him in season 1 — I've only made exceptions based on some starters that only make sense in season 1, but for the most part, I generally don't plan to write there.  I'm mostly interested in his development post-doomcoming, so I'll always default to season 2.  I'm very much interested in writing him post-rescue,  but it will require some plotting based on the fact that he's mostly kept to himself and there's still a lot to figure out about where he ends up (this goes for any time, directly after rescue through the adult timeline).  
MELISSA: open to any point in the wilderness,  season 1 or 2.  I don't currently have post-rescue verse details figured out (because, well...) but I'm open to plotting it out if some interaction calls for it.
ALLIE:  mostly interested in writing her while the plane is still missing when she's stuck back at school trying to continue on while being left behind  (so, mostly relevant to crossover characters + any other character who was left behind).   still open to writing her any time between then and as an adult,  but for the most part,  I default to her during that time. 
CALLIE:   season 2 preferred, or post season 2, but still open to writing season 1 + college verses when it makes more sense based on who she's interacting with.  
VAN: my van muse is so fragile right now that I'm not sure where I'm even most interested in but I do lean towards season 2 for both timelines. she's just kind of on the bench right now.
HAYDEN: anytime seasons 1-2 wilderness timeline + immediate post rescue preferred.  I still have a lot to figure out for her adult verse,  but I'm open to plotting it.
JESSICA:   obviously this is a yj blog so most of her interactions default to season 1 canon,  but I'm actually really interested in developing her beyond the yj canon because her job is interesting and leaves plenty of opportunity for her to be basically anywhere,  involved in anything.  I'm also open to plotting things in the yj timeline post season 1 if it makes sense, but I'm not sure it does...? she did deserve to survive the woman who kidnapped, drugged, and locked her in a basement but I digress. if you have characters that aren't related to yj but may make sense to interact with jessica.. hi
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becktogroundcontrol · 3 months
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✧ main ✧ bio ✧ face ✧ muse ✧ wishlist ✧
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Dr. Christopher Beck is a canon character from The Martian. His portrayal is primarily pulled from headcanons and a mix of book and film influences. He's a Yale University graduate, a licensed medical doctor, astronaut, flight surgeon, biologist, and EVA specialist. Unless writing with a Beth Johanssen muse, that relationship was purely platonic. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write him into crossovers or AUs.
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default verses:
canon (+/-): Any events that take place in The Martian universe, either during or after Mark Watney's rescue.
college!verse: Beck is attending Yale University for a doctorate in biomedical science and hoping to someday go into space.
mcu: A crossover AU with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where NASA has help from Stark Industries in Mark Watney's rescue.
alien!verse: Beck is the medical doctor aboard the Nostromo when it goes to investigate a distress signal and discovers the Xenomorphs.
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ladyintree · 1 month
leave an emoji (or another comment) for a starter in tai’s canon
⚽️ for pre crash starter (feeling silly)
🌲 for a wilderness starter
✈️ for a post rescue starter
📖 for a college starter
💰 for an adult starter
🕺 for a surprise verse of the above
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frieddiscjockey · 2 months
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#FRIEDDISCJOCKEY writing blog for gregor "gonzo" vukovic, a ghost character from abc's crazy fun park. highly selective & private. minors dni. primarily runs on queue due to work schedule. loved by billie ( 32 . est. ) this blog will contain triggering content and spoilers . 21+ preferred . minors do not interact . established february 2024. followed back by coastercrushed.
 open starters./ headcanons / verses./prompts.
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affiliated with; @rvnawaytrain also found at: lennon. mapplethorpe .gareth. april. siobhan. marko.
01. first things first, i am aware that a lot of people haven’t seen crazy fun town. i highly recommend it. it’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you cry, it’ll make you feel nostalgic. i digress because this will have a lot of horror aspects. a lot of the park kids died in really horrific ways. gonzo was the dj at the park in the 90s who got electrocuted going down a water slide whilst some loose, broken cords got wrapped around his foot on his way down. a lot of depressing topics will be mentioned considering gonzo had died suddenly and he's almost decayed to nothing due to his memory nearly being forgotten.
02. drama is not my thing. i avoid it in real life and you best believe i’m going to avoid it online, being that this is my hobby. i wont reblog callouts, but will read them. i’ll only reblog if the person is incredibly dangerous to make my followers be aware. no gross behavior with minor muses, either, thanks. don’t be transphobic, genderbend, whitewash, don’t be a racist asshole, don’t support n*zi imagery, don’t be a fucking dickhead. 
03. oooooh i do love shipping! though, i do prefer a little bit of plotting beforehand. i think it’s very important to build a relationship ooc as well. i’m more comfortable to ship if we talk a little ooc.
04. i’m billie! i’ve thirty one years old and i’ve been apart of the rpc since late 2010. i’m an old lady. i’ve been around the block a few times. i work full time overnight ( twelve hour shifts ) at hospital & i have a lot of social obligations so i’m primarily mobile. most of my replies will be posted by queue due to this. my reply speed is slow and whilst i post a lot of ooc posts while at work & what not, it may sometimes take me a few days or even weeks to reply to a thread. patience is key! this is something i do whenever i want to destress and have fun.
BIRTH NAME. gregor vukovic ALIAS(ES). gonzo, dj gonzo, greg. AGE. eighteen. DATE OF BIRTH. january 23rd MARITAL STATUS. single. verse dependent.  SPECIES. the ghost with the most GENDER. cismale PREFERRED PRONOUNS. he/him ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. bisexual  SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual.  OCCUPATION. was a high school graduate getting ready for college. disc jockey at crazy fun park within life and death.
HEIGHT. 5'11" BUILD. athletic. in good shape. has a slight chub around his hips. HAIR. brunette, almost a mullet. EYES.  SCARS. a lot of scars from just doing stupid shit.  ABNORMALITIES. other than being dead? some brain damage from being electrocuted that effects his speech. TATTOOS. red, melting smiley face on his forearm that he got for his 18th birthday. PHYSICAL AILMENTS. abdnormal speech patterns due to electrocution. ex: eat your cereal with a fork. ALLERGIES. none.
ALIGNMENT. chaotic good MYERS BRIGGS.  esfp FEARS. being forgotten, something happening to his dj booth. DISORDERS. undiagnosed adhd, autism OTHERS.  n/a.
PLACE OF BIRTH.   CURRENT RESIDENCE.   RELIGION.  agnostic  FAMILY.  the fun kids. parents unknown, little sister who is a radio dj named asha. ( she's 30 now. ) STATUS.  lower-middle class
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jordli · 11 months
i know i made a joke post last night about my "takes" regarding the finale, but here's a most serious post detailing my takes on the season + finale, as well as where it leaves my portrayal for jordan and this blog. spoilers under the cut!
season takes;
i really enjoyed this first season. as a college student myself, i found myself relating quite a bit with the dialogue + the way the characters act. granted, i'm not a supe (thank god) but... it felt real in ways that not every teenage/college based show does. so kudos to amazon for that.
big fan of limoreau!!! (yes that's the ship name, i did my research for this post...) love the enemies-to-lovers trope, but i do wish they'd had a slight better build-up. i feel like their relationship, imo, was a little rushed + came out of nowhere but... it's a queer relationship so you know what, i'll let it slide
finale takes;
loosely spoke to zawn about this last night, but i do think jordan could have taken sam in the beginning scene. i don't think it would've ended well, but i do think jordan is the only one out of the group with the abilities to actually... fight sam. (but i think there will come a time where... they won't be able to. like sam is going to become too powerful.)
big fan of cate + sam joining the seven. not only from a story standpoint, but also just keeping longevity for the franchise type of way? marvel (their movies) really failed at bringing in their new/younger cast and making them feel embedded in the story, which they're ultimately paying for now. i feel like the boys franchise is trying to avoid that and they've done in properly, imo, so far.
loved the finale coming full circle: jordan beginning the season protecting/saving marie, marie ending the season protecting/saving jordan. truly a moment for television history imo. but my god why was jordan walking so slow across that grass...
i do believe the theory that the godolkin crew is being held by victoria. it only makes sense to me, and i just saw a reddit post saying andre is even holding a phone in the scene. i don't think vought would allow their prisoners to have a cellphone. so yes, i believe victoria has them because it's in her best interests to keep marie and co. alive!
where it leaves my blog + portrayal;
as far as my default/main verse goes: i'll probably make it pre-series. just off the basis of, once you enter the timeframe of the season, it's literally day-after-day stuff. i literally think this whole season takes place in the span of 2 weeks? like literally in canon?
activity will still remain consistent, but since the season is done airing, i do want to start returning to some of my other blogs that've been put on the backburner (@the2000bug for starters, where yes— i will be adding more characters from gen v)
if i do write threads post-season, i'll run under the theory that the crew is being held by victoria! at least until stated/proven otherwise.
jordan is over this shit yall: thats the main take away
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halofcrged · 5 months
            going to try and keep this pretty simple & straightforward.
I.  You must be 18+ to interact with me. I am 42 years old.
            There will be not safe for work content on this blog of the sexual and potentially of the graphic violence nature.  I do tag everything that might be triggering and am happy to tag whatever you ask me to so long as I remember!
                            I ask that you tag any visuals containing spiders with spider tw* spiders tw* arachnophobia tw* etc etc and yes, I know it’s a weird one but anything about the taste of soap or eating soap is a trigger so just tag it with soap tw* or penny don’t look* as I have that blacklisted too.  I don’t have any triggering fcs or what not.
II. This blog is multi-ship, multi-verse, crossover & au friendly.  
          Every ship is in its’ own verse unless previously discussed with all parties.  Every thread or set of threads takes place in its own universe unless previously discussed with all parties.
III.  I write anything from one-liners to novellas, it really just depends on life, my headspace, how much sleep I’ve been getting, how much else I have going on in real life, etc.
IV. My activity is NOT consistent.  I am infamous for blog hopping.  I have literally replied to some starters / replies two years+ after they were originally written.  I am not fast.  If I am fast, it’s by some small miracle and perfect storm of brain, muse and free time.  It will not last.
V.  I have kids, cats and dogs; I am in college, I have a household to take care of and I have many physical and mental handicaps that can affect my ability to function and write, including but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, ganglion cysts, torn meniscus, migraines, hypothyroidism, PMDD, nerve damage, herniated disc, ADHD, depression, anxiety, C-PTSD and severe insomnia.  
                          Roleplay is something I do for fun.  
                                  If it isn’t fun, I don’t do it.  
                                         If it’s stressing me out, I’ll avoid it.  
VI. I do graphic commissions.  
          I run @tuppencetrinkets where I post the millions of screencaps and 200x100 icons that I make.  The resources are free but donations are always appreciated as I pay about $40 in hosting / program fees a month.   My commissions are always pay what you can.  I hate setting prices because I want everyone to have pretties if they want them and I don’t know what anyone can afford at any given time.  I do everything from base icons to edited icons, backgrounds, headers, dividers, promos, videos, you name it.  I try to be quick with turnaround but again – sometimes I just can’t be.
VII.  I am fine with plotting things out in advance or winging it.  I really don’t care, whatever you are more comfortable with is fine with me.
               I like all kinds of plots.  I like fluffy things, slice of life, broships, frenemies, enemies, familial, found family, long arcing, one shot throwaway, dark and twisted, you name it plots.  I will not write n*ncon or anything nsfw themed /even hinted at with minor characters and I won’t write any explicit child death etc. but most everything else is fair game.
VIII.  You can throw a million memes at me any time you want to.
IX.  You can throw any and all starters at me any time you want to.
                I’m not necessarily mutual exclusive but I don’t guarantee I’ll respond to memes or starters from non-mutual blogs.
X. I use icons, headers, promos etc. that I make myself 99% of the time.  Please do not use any of my edited graphics.  All base icons I use are free and available on my resource blog.  
XI. I use small text and my icons are 200x100 with empty space to make them 540x130 so that they don’t stretch out on mobile.  I prefer not heavily edited replies in terms of font variance and colors but really don’t care that much.
XII.  I’ve probably forgotten relevant things but, who knows.
XIII.  No drama.  Period.  I’m not interested.  
XIV.  I’m here for fun.  I’m really pretty easy going.  If you have any questions feel free to toss them into my inbox!
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slautertm · 6 months
april wishlist!
these au's. hit that heart. let me write a starter for any of them ( or all of them. i love a challenge )
it's not listed but i have been thinking about vigilante / spy steph again too
also my hunger games verse...
it might be summer time slowly creeping forward but i also have post abstinence camp on the mind right now!
it's not on my verse at all ( yet ) but... who would like pirate steph / pirate universe based steph because i have oh so many ideas
band / rock aus? that's all i've got. but i think it would be fun in the hatchetfield universe
i have such a strong want to write steph in college / an older steph --- both in terms of far in the distance after nerdy prudes ( because uh... idk if steph goes to college hahaha Yikes ) or just a normalish verse.
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webbedphantom · 7 months
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Send in a symbol to get a starter set in its respective verse. Alternatively, like this post for a starter set in one my main verses. (Closer-to-Canon for Persona characters, Main for everyone else)
Main - 🕷️
Closer-to-Canon - 🃏
College (combine with 🕷️ or 🃏) - 🎓
Adult (combine with 🕷️ or 🃏) -⌚
Stranded - 🕳️
Persona Q2 - 🎞️
Danganronpa - 🧸
Post Danganronpa 1 - 🐻‍❄️
Solo Superhero - 🤟
Kingdom Come - 🏰
Persona 3 - 🌔
Greater Together - 🤝
I'll be adding onto this as I add more verses, and I'll be adding this to my pinned after it's posted.
For more info on these verses, click here
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So I did it again. I made another muse despite the fact I never write my other muses and no one is ever interested. But I liked this idea and I thought I’d give it a try.
Elleri @soul-mate-less
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Elleri comes from a dimension where soulmates actually exist only when the time came for Elleri to find hers, she learned that her soulmate is in fact a human and resides on a place called earth. Having to leave her world behind she now searches for her soulmate, hoping that one day she finds them.
Elleri also has a human verse where she’s just a regular ole human living her life. She’s a college student and works in a bakery.
I’ll post some open starters soon but go check her out!!
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spidergxys · 2 years
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MEET YOUR NEW SPIDER-MEN! These are the new web-wonder muses that you can find out more about through clicking on this posts source link. You can consider this a STARTER CALL so just give a like/reply if you’d like a starter and reply with who you’d like specifically. Mutuals will get first dibs.  🕸️  🕸️
PETER PARKER - 21 - College Student / Superhero - Tom Holland 
PETER PARKER (AMAZING VERSE) - 28 - Scientist - Andrew Garfield
MATTHEW PARKER (FUTURE VERSE) - 23 - Avenger  - Michael Evans Behling 
ERIC BLACK - 26 - Villain / Anti-Hero / Merc- Symbiote - Gain Leatherwood
LUCAS DIAS -  29 - Mechanic / Vigilante - The Steel Spider - Rafael Silva
IVAN RIVERA -  19 - Thief / Spy - Silk Specter - Michael Cimino
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ladyintree · 1 year
going to be silly and post a little starter call 🧍‍♂️going to take my time with these as i rewatch, and they'll likely be season 2 based in either timeline / after the fact.
feel free to specify a verse if you prefer (especially if you favor a timeline), otherwise i'll go with whatever i'm feeling for the dynamic!
the wilderness / teen canon (non yj canons welcome, just let me know which muse this works for!)
adult timeline (will likely message to plot if you don't write a yj canon/verse)
post rescue / college verse (may approach for plotting but am always up for writing here)
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xdefendingandy · 6 months
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◈ main ◈ bio ◈ face ◈ muse ◈ wishlist ◈
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Andy is a canon character from Defending Jacob, and there are major spoilers ahead for the show. All details vary based on verse, and I’m happy to write him into AUs and fandom crossovers.
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default verses:
welcome to new york: After Laurie and Jacob were both killed in the car accident, Andy saw no reason to drag their names further through the mud and kept his silence about the truth of Jacob's case. Unable to stand living in Newton anymore, he took a job at a law firm in New York City.
almost famous: Laurie and Jacob survived the car accident with minor injuries, the truth of it swept under the rug with the rest of Jacob's case, but their family fractured under the pressure. Andy and Laurie divorced, Jacob chose a college in New York City, and Andy took a job with a prestigious law firm that primarily caters to the rich and famous.
college!verse: After Laurie and Jacob were both killed in the car accident, Andy took a sabbatical from law. Rather than seek a job with a new firm when it was over, he took an offer to teach at a university.
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