#college ben solo
tarzelladraws · 1 year
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She’s reading the sacred college texts📚
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arrumrosee · 6 months
i like the way you kiss me
Reylo | Rated E | 1/5
A reylo frat friends with benefits (and feelings) AU
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celartzee · 11 months
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University Au
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punkymacc · 3 months
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soft like silk chiffon
Pairing: Reylo (f/f)
"Hi, I'm-"
"Stop." The girl (Kyla, Rey reminds herself) holds up her hand.
Rey's mouth clicks shut.
"Busy," Kyla says flatly.
Not a good sign.
What to Expect:
fem!kylo ren, college au, bed sharing, and they were roommates, enemies to lovers,
Complete (3/3), 19.7K
Rated E
🔗➡️ Link
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askbensolo · 2 months
Hoooooo boy.
Dang I'm real sorry you had to go through that Ben, that sucks all over.
I have to say though, I think you maybe dodged a blaster bolt here.
A relationship ought to be made up of people with good communication and similar values and expectations, and if those arn't there, there really isn't much point to it.
It seems like both of you definitely have a roadblock in communication going, and while that could definitely be overcome, truth is it sounds like Fanny has very different wants/needs/expectations for her future.
She seems to definitely expect there to be some sort of physical relationship eventually. Wether she just expects it due to thinking that's just how "relationships" work, or something she actually wants for herself, just on her own time table, it does sound from what you wrote that she is at least more interested/affected by sex then you are.
It also sounds from her saying she wants to wait for her first kiss to be with someone she's engaged to, and that she's liked you for years but was willing to suffer in silence that she's a romantic at heart. She will want you to do romantic things for her in order to feel loved and appreciated.
And if neither sex nor romance are things you feel like you could ever want, I wouldn't go through with this. Both of you will just end up miserable, and neither of you deserve that.
Best of luck man, and sorry again that you have to deal with this
Hiiiii I'm sober tonight but I had a pretty good day today so I think I can handle this one on jellyfruit sparkling water alone.
So…the idea of romance is beginning to grow on me, even if it’s hard for me to pick out what makes it different from friendship. I can kind of sort it out by asking myself whether the things I’d like to do with her are different from things I’d like to do with my college buddies, and—yeah. Yeah, they are. Sorry, Treeso ol’ pal, but I’m not about to slow-dance in the kitchen with you—not without an unhealthy amount of alcohol, anyway. I’m probably never gonna be as much of a hopeless romantic as Fannie is, but…I think there are things I could learn. I even think I could kiss her one day. Just…just not yet.
But…sex is different. I don’t know if…I can ever do that.
And you're right. That's a whole ‘nother thing to think about in this whole mess. At first, I thought Fannie and I were alike, since she's so…you know…vanilla. But I know she wants to be married, and she wants to have children, and...she probably wants other things too, like you said.
Part of it is just how I've always been. As if there was some kind of developmental stage that just never occurred for me (psychologically, I mean). But I think some of it has to do with...Snoke. He took residence in my mind for years, and although I was sixteen when he first made contact, who knows how long he was there before that? And then eventually he won my trust and affections, and began to meet with me outside of my mind...and even though the memories are fuzzy...I remember certain things. He used to hold me in his arms while I cried. Cradle my face in his hands. Run his fingers through my hair. I kissed him on the cheek once, in the sunken hollow of his scars. Don't get me wrong, he and I never did anything weird together, but—
...No, what am I saying? Everything I just said is super weird. Aren’t I insane, trying to claim it wasn't weird I kissed an ancient raisin freak on his nasty, crusty face when I was a teenage boy—
But it was also the things he did to me mentally that stick with me. He used to probe my thoughts at night, and even though he could do that without actually touching me, it was...just as bad as it sounds. I remember being scared and skinny and sixteen, lying on my back and staring at the ceiling, trying to keep still while he entered my head. Trying to relax so that it wouldn’t hurt as much. I’d feel his presence pushing against the perimeter of my mind, harder and harder, until my resistance snapped, like a rubber band stretched to its limit, and then it was like my soul ruptured and bled out all around me on the bed while his cold bony hands were feeling around my brain, and pulling stuff out, and examining things, and rearranging them, while I kind of went into shock and laid there frozen with tears streaming down my face and waited for him to be done—
Actually no I don't want to talk about this anymore. Throwing up in my mouth just a little bit.
...Sparkling water break. Ahh, the refreshing taste of carbonated water that was once in the same room as someone imagining a jellyfruit.
But, yeah…I just can’t think about being naked with someone, without being reminded of how that felt.
Um—I wasn’t physically naked with him. Again, I hate that that’s something I legitimately need to clarify. Just…naked in every single other sense of the word, to the point that I may as well have been.
And…it’s hard for me sometimes, because it sort of makes me feel like…like I’m not a guy or something. I mean, I know I’m a guy, I just mean…most guys aren’t afraid of sex. Quite the opposite, in fact. You remember I was homeschooled, right? Well, I learned a lot of new things in college. And I learned to pretend like I wasn’t afraid, you know, when the fellas were hanging out and swapping stories, and I’d just sit there, and try to laugh at the appropriate times…
I kind of told Treeso a little bit, since we were close buds. Not about Snoke specifically, but just…that something bad had happened to me when I was a teenager. Treeso was a solid dude, despite presenting like your typical frat bro, and he started taking me to the gym and joked that he was gonna make sure I got jacked so no one could ever hurt me again. I don’t think Snoke would be deterred by my biceps…but I did get a lot more confident.
And more physically attractive. I mean. Come on. I know I look good. I like looking good. But it never changed how I felt about…you know.
So…yeah. I never really worked on addressing this particular little trauma, since A) um…AUGHHHHHHHGHHGHHH and B) it didn’t seem like a problem, since I was so sure I was gonna be single forever. When this whole thing with Fannie started, I thought about it only a little...and part of me was like, hey, maybe she’d be okay with not...really...doing that?
But…that’s kind of a huge ask, isn’t it. It doesn’t make sense to me, but sex is kind of a big deal to most people, huh.
...Who knows. Maybe it would have been to me, too, if I hadn’t been…if Snoke hadn’t…
...I mean...what if this isn't just "how I am"? What if he made me this way, and now there's just a crucial part of my adult self that never got to form, that's broken, that I’ll never experience the same way other people do, that I can never get back, and...that I can never offer her…
...Oh Force. The sparkling water cannot save me. I know I like her. I know I love her. I'm even pretty sure now that I'm in love with her. But everything's all wrong, and I'm all wrong, I'm so screwed up, I'm screwed up in ways I've never fully realized, and probably screwed up in ways I don't even know yet—I mean look at me I’m not even a real man I mean what an absolute loser how can I look so damn good without a shirt but totally freak at the thought of getting in bed?? I'm such a weak kriffing beta failure I freaking hate myself and I bet she’d only end up hating me too and—and—and—okay, calm down, Ben, calm down, keep it chill…
…Okay. So. Clearly, this will not be my last time thinking about this. I am very tempted to throw it out of my brain and never think about it again, but…no. This feels…important to me.
Note to self. Need to buy more sparkling water.
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theunluckycanuck · 4 months
sick day - a reylo fan fic
summary: rey had convinced herself that she wasn't sick, or at least sick enough to go to class despite her roommate's protest. but when rey collapses during her afternoon lecture, it is ben who has to look after her while she is recovering. feeling in debt to him, she promises to make it up to him anyway she can. while he doesn't see it as a debt owed, he goes along with it to make her feel better. however it is was the first time ben noticed her as more than the stubborn roommate he is staying with over the summer. the more time they spend together, the more they grow closer! is love in the picture or is rey to stubborn to admit it?
tags: college au, roommates au, sick fic, smut, fluff, gentle sex, oral sex (m receiving), masturbation, friends-to-lovers, stubbornness, doggy style, sick sex, unprotected sex, shower sex
words: 10.1k
ao3 mirror <3
It started out as a sore throat in achy bones during the first few days of June. Rey thought nothing of it, she brushed it off and continued working. It was  almost the middle of summer semester so she had little time to think about much else other than getting assignments in on time. In between writing up assignments she chugged vitamin water to boost her vitamin C.
Then it all came down like a tidal wave. She woke up on Thursday with a sinus infection, a fever, runny nose, sore throat, achy joints and a pathetic cough. Excellent, awesome, great! She tried all morning to get herself ready for her afternoon class. But it didn't take long for her roommate to get involved.
He watched her cough multiple times into her elbow as she tried to make some coffee after her third shower of the morning. He sighed to himself and said, "You're not going out today."
She looked up at him, "I'm perfectly fine." As if her nose wasn't slowly turning a bright red from all the rubbing, "It's just allergies."
He seemed unimpressed, in all fairness he seemed unimpressed with her since they moved into the dorms for the summer. He replied, "You look like shit. You sound like shit. I'm pretty sure they won't let you into the lecture hall. Take the day off."
  "You're not my dad." She bit back.
  "Someone has to be responsible for you considering you won't be yourself." He replied sharply.
  "I can take care of myself just fine. I don't need you getting into my business." She replied as she poured hot water over the instant coffee in her mug, "I don't need you to help me." Then let out a sharp hiss as she splashed boiling water onto her hand as she wasn't looking at where she was poured. She put the kettle down harshly and went to put cold water on the burned skin. She grumbled loudly to herself, but wasn't making much sense.
Ben got up from the couch and crossed over to the small kitchen of the dorm where Rey was standing. He took her hand with a little more force than he hoped and turned the tap higher so the water was cooler, "It is my business. We're roommates."
She looked at him and tried to pull her hand away but it was useless. She relaxed herself and let him examine the redness of the top of her hand. "Do I need to go to Health and Wellness?"
  "No." He replied, "And they won't need to chop it off either. It'll be tender for a while. Try not to pour any more water on it." Sometimes Rey forgot that Ben was First Aid certified.
  "Well I won't." She said, "Because I'll be in a lecture where there will be no kettles to harm me."
  "Yeah, only chemicals that come in containers with skulls and crossbones on them." He replied as he gave her back her hand, "This is the last time I'm going to suggest this. Don't go. Stay here. Rest."
She tried her hand on the bottom of her sweatshirt, "I'll be fine. I'll wear a mask and sit in the back away from everyone."
He looked down at her one last time and sighed, there was no convincing her once she had her mind set on something. He stepped back and replied, "Fine. But I'm not picking you up from Health and Wellness if you pass out in a lab."
She was a tad proud of herself as she replied, "Don't worry, Ben. I'll be fine." Then turned to her coffee before she coughed into her elbow. She convinced herself that a little caffeine, some slightly expired Tylenol and cough syrup she bought on sale would fix her up enough to get through her classes.
Rey and Ben were only going to be roommates for the summer semester. They had both opted to spend the summer studying so they could finish their diplomas faster. While less students meant more space in the apartment-like dorms, they got put together. Rey didn't mind it, Ben could be a bit broody and stubborn like her. But at least they, for the most part, stayed out of each other's way.
Even if Rey had a habit of wanting some of whatever take out Ben brought home on Thursday nights. If he was going to refuse to tell her the name of the place he was getting those burritos from, then she was going to take some of his! But right now, Rey didn't want to think about food.
The idea of food made her feel gross all over, even as she walked by the cafeteria on campus. She kept her N95 mask on as she trudged past the door and the wafting smell of all matters of good food. All she had to do right now was survive one lecture and one lab then she could crawl back to her dorm and get under her weighted blanket and sink into the bed till Monday.
But the stuffiness in her head and the aches in her joints made it hard for her to get across the large campus. It didn't help that she felt chilled despite it being June. She had to push through, she couldn't let a cold control her life. She could push through it!
That was the problem about Rey, she would work herself to the bone and still push through that. She had dreams and ambitions that she wanted to accomplish and they couldn't be put on hold even when she got sick. Even though getting sick was a symptom of her chronic working.
She thought about another coffee to boost her spirits, but grimaced at the line for the coffee shop and continued to her lecture. Her legs felt like they were encased in cement as she made her way to the sciences building. The hike to the second floor auditorium took the wind out of her and she had to stop halfway to catch her breath. It was followed by a dry cough that verged off sounding like dry heaving.
She had to do it. She had to do it!
She tensed her jaw and climbed the rest of the way. She imagined it like someone climbing a mountain, they wouldn't stop halfway. So why would she give up when she was so close to the lecture hall. She stayed away from others as she waited outside for the previous class to finish. Then when she was allowed in, she put herself in the farthest corner of the room and put her bag beside her to allow for space between her and other classmates.
When she sat down, she coughed once more. The sound of it rang through the room. A few classmates looked over, but seemed relieved when they saw she was not only wearing a mask but also covering her mouth with her elbow. Of course biology majors would be a little more concerned about a sick classmate, enough were branching off into epidemiology.
The class started and Rey felt more pressure in her head. It was as if her body was both tense but relaxed and her head felt full of cotton. Maybe Ben was right, maybe going to class was a bad idea. Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth and her vision was unfocused. She thought to herself, oh shit, before darkness crashed over her.
Rey wasn't looking forward to showing her face again in class.
When she woke up, she was not in the Health and Wellness office. The fluorescent lights of the hospital room glared back at her as she made a soft groaning noise. She tried to sit up but a hand on her chest made her lie back down. She didn't even have to look over to know who it was.
  "Why are you here?"
  "I told you, it's my business." Ben replied.
In all fairness, who else would they have called? Both her parents were dead, it was basically just her. She sighed and laid in the bed, "I feel like shit."
  "You have the flu, and if you kept treating it the way you were, which was not treating it at all, you would've probably ended up with acute bronchitis." Ben replied. He looked up from the book he brought, "And I'm pretty sure you would've still gone to class with that."
Rey frowned, "I'm fine."
He put his book onto the bed and took her by the wrist. He showed her the hospital band she wore, "And bronchitis, when left untreated, turns into pneumonia which means you'll be in here a hell of a lot longer." His grip was tight, but tight enough to hurt or scare her. She could see the worry in his face.
She sighed, "Ben... Please."
  "I know you want to keep being the best, your scholarship depends on it. But you can't keep living like this. You eat like a bird, you survive on whatever has the highest caffeine content. You work and you work and you work until there is nothing. You'll be dead before you graduate." He said to her sternly.
She looked down and slouched her shoulders, she felt like she was going to cry. She covered her face with her hands, "If I don't have this degree, then I have nothing. I can't fail now." Her body started to tremble. She felt almost pathetic crying in front of him. He more often than not seemed annoyed with her and to just break down felt like a cardinal sin.
But instead of a harsh remark or worse, him just leaving, he wrapped a strong arm around her and placed his chin on top of her head. They barely knew each other, but here he was, being her emergency contact. He had been sitting there since he arrived at the hospital. He stayed.
  "I'm sorry."
  "Then get better." He replied, "That's how you'll pay me back."
Rey would spend the next two days in the hospital. Ben brought her laptop to her, even though she requested that she bring her biology textbooks too. He simply told her, "No science until you get better." And handed her the device.
It felt weird throughout day one to not think about her degree or her studies. She had been on such a grind since her first year that she hadn't really stopped to think about things outside of it. Sure, she had friends, but with the course load she took, it was a miracle she was able to see them for coffee. As a result she almost cried when she saw her three friends come in with balloons and a container of ice cream.
  "You're alive!" Finn beamed underneath his mask as he came over to her, "I'd hug you, but ya know... The flu."
  "You guys didn't have to come." Rey replied.
Poe tied the balloons to the chair that Ben had been sitting on earlier that day, "Your roommate called Rose and we thought we'd come by to cheer you up. You passed out in the lecture?"
Rey looked over, a little embarrassed, "Yeah.. I did."
  "That's what the blind item online was about then." Rose grimaced as she sat down and handed her friend the ice cream and a spoon she got from her apartment, "But hey, it's alright. I'm pretty sure enough people have passed out over the years." She reached out, wanting to give her friend a pat but instead gave her a thumbs up.
Rey looked at the ice cream. They really did feel bad she ended up here. Not only was it Oreo ice cream, it was the Orea name-brand ice cream. She frowned further, "I'm sorry, guys."
  "Don't be." Finn replied, "Just take care of yourself. I'm pretty sure they'll give you some medications and a doctor's note for you to miss class. You're not going to fail because you missed a week or two."
  "I think it's your body telling you to take breaks." Poe replied, "You ran yourself ragged."
Rey opened the container and took a hearty spoonful, "Thank you so much." She would have cried from the cold sweetness in her mouth, "I've never wanted anything more in my life right now."
  "Well, then you better finish it all up before it melts." Finn laughed as he gave his friend a wink. There was one thing she appreciated about her friends, was that no matter how much of a hole she put herself in academically and barely saw them. If they needed her or in this case, she needed them, they were there.
Rey felt much better by day two. While her fever had gone down, there were still some lingering sore feelings across her body. She slept most of the second day, only stirring awake when she felt the presence of someone else in the room. Her eyes opened, and she looked up to see Ben staring down at her.
  "Isn't it Friday? Aren't you supposed to be with your dad?" She questioned weakly, her throat was still raw.
He sat down, noticed the balloons still tied to the chair, "Called in. Said I was needed elsewhere for school." He took the book out of his knapsack and rested it on the bed. It was the same one as the days prior.
  "Usually you get through books in a day." She remarked.
  "I've had a lot on my mind." He replied, not willing to elaborate further. When she tried to pick it up, he took it from her and said, "Go back to sleep, you'll need your strength for lunch. I heard you're having meatloaf today."
She frowned for a moment before she reached over to him, "Ben.. Please. I've asked for nothing as a roommate. But can you please, please get me something from anywhere. I'm not eating that meatloaf again."
Ben chuckled and looked down at her hand on his arm. They looked at one another as he closed the book, "Is it that bad?"
She nodded, there was a different look in her eyes. She really didn't want to eat that meatloaf, "You've compacted potting soil? It was like they compact potting soil and slather it in ketchup. If you get lucky, there is a bite of onion that is somehow dry. It's not a crunch onion, it's a dry onion. I didn't know that was possible." She let go of him for a moment to cough into her elbow. The overworking of her vocal cords made her wheeze into her elbow. She went back to touching him, "Ben. Please. Anything."
He looked at her. Those dark eyes with the faintest circles under there. His nose was a tad crooked from an accident as a teen. The bulk of muscle that was under Rey's grasp. The sweatshirt he wore with his department stitched onto it and the dark jeans he wore as well. The way his long legs were stretched out and the ankles crossed.
Rey felt her heart leap into her throat before she went into another coughing fit. She made a pained noise, her dark eyes watery as she looked back over to him, "C'mon. Help a girl out."
He carefully took her hand off his arm and stood up. The book he held made home on the padded chair. He looked down at her and pushed hair off her sweaty forehead, "If you look just a bit more pathetic, maybe I'll do it."
She narrowed her eyes at him, "Asshole." Her voice was hoarse from all the coughing.  She wiped her runny nose on the collar of the hospital gown.
  "There it is." He replied, "Now, is there anything specific you'd like?"
She replied, "Anything but meatloaf."
Ben returned twenty minutes later with a paper bag with a logo from a local burrito place. He smiled when he saw her reaching for the bag with enthusiasm. He sat down and handed it to her. She held it in her hands the way someone would hold an injured bird. He simply said, "Enjoy."
When she opened the bag and pulled out a hefty burrito bowl that had all the same things that Ben put in his order. Her eyes lit up.
  "I didn't know exactly what you liked, so I got you what I usually get. The place is called Gus' Tacos. It's just outside campus if you take the side road near student housing." He explained, "That's where I've been getting it every week."
She looked at him, with big doe eyes, "You do like me."
  "I know it'll fill you up. There's also fries in there. I.. I used the free coupon I had on you." He explained further.
She reached for him and pulled him into a tight hug, "You DO like me."
He patted her back and let her cling onto him for a moment. It felt nice in a way, even if she was still sick. Her body was warm, a little frailer than he anticipated. She really had been working herself down to the bone. He was honestly surprised that she hadn't gotten sick sooner. When she let go of him, he gazed into those brown eyes of hers.
They were like coffee, with just a hint of milk in it. Just as he liked it.
As they stared at one another for a brief moment, Rey mentioned, "You haven't been wearing a mask." She didn't notice it, everyone else who had been in and out of her room had done minimal touching and wore a mask. She pulled away quickly, "I am so sorry." She said, "I shouldn't be touching you and YOU should be protecting yourself!"
Ben replied, "I'm alright." He reached out for her for a moment, "I guess if I get sick, you'll have to take care of me."
The tip of her ears grew hot, "Oh, well. I guess so. But...." She leaned away, "We should be doing everything to make sure you don't get sick in the first place."
He said, "You seem more concerned about the possibility of me getting sick over you actually being sick."
She replied, "I don't want to cause more problems. I'd feel bad if you got sick."
He took her by the top of the head and made her face him. He gazed into her eyes, he could see how sick she still was. He said to her, "I'll bounce back if I get sick. Unlike you."
She gave him one last look before she pulled away, "Well, I'm not sharing this anyway." Then opened the lid and dug in with the wooden fork that came with the order. She looked out of the corner of her eye briefly and saw him attempting to relax his tall body against the padded hospital chair. His book was open and he was reading.
They sat in a comfortable silence. Rey felt almost too full by the end of her meal. She'd save the fries for when they were cold and she needed to munch on something later. She got up from the bed with the container in the paper bag, and she walked over carefully. She could feel Ben's gaze on her back as she tossed the garbage.
When she turned around to head back to the bed, she looked at him. He looked like he was about to suddenly get up and go to her aid if she got too weak to stand. She held her hand out, "I've become too familiar with that look, Ben. I'm fine."
He exhaled through his nose, "Still." His gaze lingered on her as she headed back to the bed and got under the thin covers. He reached over and pulled them up to her ears, "Rest now, you'll be out tomorrow. I'll be here when you wake up."
He kept to his word, when she stirred away hours later. He was in an uncomfortable position but was asleep on the chair. The book had fallen to the floor with the bookmark almost under the hospital bed. She looked at him through sleepy eyes. Her hand emerged from under the covers and touched the top of his hand softly.
  "I owe ya one, Solo." She yawned before she turned over and fell back asleep.
The following day she was able to leave the hospital, everything seemed good on her end. She was given some Relenza and a strong form of Tylenol, she'd have to check in with her doctor on campus or if anything got worse to come back to the hospital. Ben drove her back to the dorms, even if she ATTEMPTED to convince him to let her take the bus.
  "That's stupid, Rey. I don't even want to hear your reasoning." He butted in before she could start. He ushered her into the car and even buckled her in. He looked at her, "I can see the wheels turning in your head, don't start." Then closed the door and went to the otherside.
The car he drove was nice, she tried not to pry into his business. She knew that he worked for his dad and his mother was in politics, but other than that he didn't speak much about his past or even his current life. Other than he was in pre-med, that he'd eventually become a doctor and do whatever with his life. She could understand why someone who lived a pretty charmed life wouldn't want to talk about it with someone who was scraping by on scholarships and other social assistance.
It was why she survived on instant coffee, even most instant ramen, the leftovers from the bake shop on campus and the school's food bank. She thought treating herself meant paying full price for a Monster Energy at the corner store.
She thought about the cost of everything going forward, especially with the hospital. It made her throat tighten up and her palms sweaty. Ben noticed that she looked pale and she looked back at him.
  "Are you-"
  "I'm fine. I just... Been thinking."
  "About what?"
  "The cost of everything. I have the school's insurance, but I don't think that'll make a dent... I could've left yesterday and that could've saved like twenty-five hundred dollars... Oh god." The realization dawned on her. Her eyes went wide as she stared at Ben, "What the hell am I going to do?"
He quickly reached over the console of the car and placed a firm hand on her thigh, "It's been dealt with." He couldn't mince words with her. Sometimes it was just easier to be blunt, "It's been taken care of. You owe nothing."
Her expression changed to one of dumbfoundedness, "What are you talking about?"
He kept his eyes on the road and one hand on her thigh, "I paid for it."
  "You did what now?"
His jaw tensed, "I paid for it... In whole... Plus the medications you needed. That's why they just kind of handed them to you without handing a credit card machine after. Everything's covered."
  "What did it amount to? I'll pay you back eventually!" She said as she leaned forward to him, "Ben... C'mon."
  "I'm not telling you. And paying me back isn't important. I made enough." He licked his bottom lip anxiously, "Just... Get better. That's all I ask. Don't worry about it."
  "Of course I'm going to worry about it! It's like seven thousand dollars."
  "Eight thousand dollars."
She could've screamed if her throat wasn't still sore. She would've also yanked his hair out if he wasn't driving the car. She could've killed him! But instead she sat there in the passenger seat FUMING.
  "Look, Rey."
  "I don't need your help. I could've come up with eight thousand dollars."
He sighed, "Sure. Yeah. You have enough on your plate. I didn't want to see you sink even further. You push yourself so hard, so I dipped into savings and paid for your treatment." He swallowed, "I can't have you dying on me."
  "Who do you care about?" She asked, "Seriously. I'm your roommate, by September you'll have another roommate and by next summer you'll have another one." She swallowed, "I.. I don't get it. Is it a weird martyr complex? Something to brag about at the country club? What?"
He simply said, "I care about you. When I got the call, I realized that it's just you. You could only rely on you, and I....I guess wanted to make sure that you didn't feel all alone." He nervously ran his tongue across his bottom molars on the left side, "They didn't call your parents or any siblings or anyone. They called me, and I knew I had to be there for you. And that meant paying as well."
  "I don't wanna feel indebted to you."
  "You're not." He pulled into the student parking space near the dorms. His hand was still on her thigh. He gave it a squeeze, "I guess, I get what it's like to be alone. I had family, but they weren't around that much. So I could only imagine what not having anyone entirely must feel like."
Their eyes met. Rey wasn't too sure what she was doing, as she reached out for him. She cupped his face and leaned in. She watched his eyes close, this was the closests she'd ever been to him. Her other hand was on top of his that was on her thigh. But before she could go in, she came to her senses.
She pulled back, face bright pink. She spat out, "I'm so sorry..."
His eyes opened and gazed back at her, there was a tense moment of silence. She had put herself into the farthest corner of the front of the car. He said, "No... Don't." Then took her hands and laced her fingers with his, "I.. Care for you. In a way I haven't cared for another person. You challenge me with your stubbornness. We butt heads and I feel more alive then at any other point in my life. Being your roommate has made coming home to the dorm every day worth it. Even when you drive me insane, I want to see what you do next."
  "I've already taken so much from you, I can't- '' It was sealed with a kiss. He crowded her space in the passenger side and kissed her while he held her hands. He finally quieted her down, after days of back and forth. As much as she tried to buck against him, not letting herself be vulnerable. He kissed her.
  "Rey." He replied.
  "You are the most confusing man I've ever met. I thought you hated me this entire time." She admitted.
He shook his head, "No. I never hated you. I did get mildly annoyed when you wouldn't listen. But I never hated you. The people I've met at this school are dry and boring. They get by on barely passing grades because their parents pay for everything, but not you. You work until you drop and while I hate that, I can admire your dedication. Your willingness to keep going."
  "But I take it too far?"
  "Way too far." He replied as he let go of her hands. He reached for her face, which still felt hot to the touch. His hands weren't any cooler as he gazed into her dark eyes. They were so close to one another. She reached and held onto his arms. He said, "Let me take care of you, Rey. This will be a debt you never have to pay."
  "Do I have to pay it if I don't date you?"
  "No, you don't. "
  "You're not thinking of me as some weird charity case?"
  "No. I think of you as my potential partner."
  "Not a girlfriend?"
  "Girlfriend makes it sound like we're sixteen. I want you as an equal. But if you choose not to date me. I won't think of you any less."
She got out of his grasp and swallowed. On one hand, the electricity between the two of them was undeniable. Ben obviously cared for her. He stayed with her over the course of her time at the hospital and then paid for the visit. He really did make her feel not alone. But the worrying part was the idea of being trapped. Rey spent her entire life feeling trapped, that was why she worked so hard in school. So she could make a life for herself.
  "Can.. Can I think of it?" She asked. Her voice was rough, "I don't think I can make that kind of decision while I'm still sick."
He nodded, "Yes. I didn't mean to pressure you in any way."
 "You did nothing wrong, Ben. I just don't like to make too many changes when I feel like my head is full of cotton." She gave him a reassured smile, "Like you said, I just have to get better."
Ben returned with a small smile of his own, "Alright. Now let's get you back into bed." When he turned away, his smile broke. A cold anxiety filled him, but he shoved it down as he went to the trunk to grab her stuff. He didn't want to pressure her nor scare her off. He worried that he had sprung it on her too quickly.
Ben looked after her for the following days. It was almost a week before she felt like she could be responsible for herself. Rey often felt bad about the entire situation. She knew that she had to make a decision and anyone she made, Ben would respect. That was honestly the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. So it was appealing, to date him wouldn't be a bad idea.
But on the other hand, was she doing it out of obligation? Because she felt indebted to him? That didn't sit well with her either. So she remained quiet about it and Ben didn't push on it any further.
That however changed quite quickly. Only a few weeks after Rey got better, Ben got sick. For him it started out the same way, it was mild before he crashed down on him like a freight train. He accepted his place in bed a lot earlier than she did. So, just as he did for her. She was going to do it for him. Except this time with a few more safety precautions.
They weren't going to pass around the same flu for the next little while. She wore a face mask and gloves when she went into his room. She was nice enough to knock first, hearing his hoarse voice on the other side before she entered.
  "Hey, Ben...ny?"
  "Don't call me that." He coughed into his elbow. He had stripped down to an undershirt and dark underwear which was covered by the thin black sheet. Through the limited light that came through the window, Rey could see the sheen of sweat on his forehead.
She frowned under her mask and got down on her knees beside his bed. She reached out for him, "Hey big guy, how are you feeling?"
He groaned, "Don't call me that either." He turned to look at her, strands of dark hair stuck to his forehead, "Ben is fine."
She nodded and held his hand, "Do you need anything?"
He exhaled deeply, "I- no, no." He shifted further under the covers, "I'm alright."
She let go of his hand and got up, she put her hands on her hips and looked down at him, "Aw c'mon. Tell me. Anything you need, you got it."
He cracked open an eye at her, "I promise I'm fine. I'll call if I need anything, alright?" Their eyes met once more before he watched Rey nod and turn around and head out the door, softly closing it behind her. He rolled onto his back and coughed into his elbow. He kicked off the covers and prayed to whatever god was out there that Rey didn't notice the lump in he covers from his hard on.
He coughed once more into his elbow as he began stroking his cock once more. The heat raced through his body, not helping his sick state. But as he laid suffering in bed, the only thoughts were of her. What he'd give to have her. He stroked his cock on top of the covers, letting the sweat drip down his neck. He was going to need multiple cold showers to wear off the heat in his body.
But not that Rey wasn't doing any better. She expected for him to be back asleep when she went from the main room to her bedroom. Once she dropped onto the bed, her body felt tingly all over. An excited flip of her stomach to see her roommate and potential boyfriend looking so disheveled. She had only seen him so proper and of high standing, but to see him as a sweaty mess in a white undershirt.
God, the lustful feeling raced through her.
She splayed her legs out onto the bed and got comfortable with the few pillows she had. Her hand was soon in her shorts as she played with her clit. Her eyes closed and let the visions of Bed flow through her mind. Her breathing began to stagger as she forced herself to be quiet.  She continued to rub against her clit over her  panties with the side of her hand as she held back the loudest of moans.
By the time Ben came to his senses, he heard something that caused him to become a little more lucid. He shifted as he put his cock back into his briefs after making a mess out of the front of them. He heard the shifting of the bed in the other room. But his ears went hot when he heard a stifled moan. He got up on shaky legs and put on a pair of basketball shorts to go inspect his roommate.
Rey's door was left partially open and he was able to see through the slit Rey on the bed, her hand in her pants. She had resorted to covering her mouth with her hand as she pleasured herself. He could see the heat in her face. She didn't even notice him as she was so lost in the thrill of pleasure. The sight was arousing however, it made the heat pin prick the back of his neck as he examined her.
  "Shit." She whimpered pathetically, "Ben." Her words kept getting stuck in her throat as she continued to pleasure herself. Her breathing was getting heavy and her body grew tight.
That made his eyes go wide and almost trip over himself as he tried to turn away to exit the situation. He collided with the wall close to the door and he cursed loudly. He froze when he heard the door creak open. He was on the floor and looked up to her.
They were both blushing.
  "I.. Uh.. Tripped." He said.
Her lips pressed into a fine line for a moment before she replied, "How much did you see?"
  "I saw a lot." He said as he got up.
She reached out for him and fisted the front of his undershirt. She sighed, "I guess the heart wants what the heart wants." Then pulled him in for a deep kiss. It took him by surprise for a moment before he melted into it. He guessed it was all the answer he needed. She wanted him. And he wanted her. They both wanted one another and it collided into the two of them masturbating to thoughts of each other.
She pulled back and sighed, "I'm so going to get sick because of this."
He cupped the back of her neck and kept her close to him. He looked down at her and kissed her forehead, "Well. All the more reason to take care of you."
She looked up at him. Those beautiful eyes that seemed heavy with lust, she didn't get to climax. The heat between them felt palpable as she asked, "Now... What can I do to make you feel better?"
Two people having sex on a single bed wasn't an easy task. Especially someone who was large like Ben. So he had to get creative, which meant Rey's top half onto the bed with her hips held up by Ben. It was a bit of an odd angle, but it worked considering their conditions.  She gripped onto the covers of her bed as he rubbed his hard cock up against her slit.
  "Are you ready?" He asked.
She looked over her shoulder, her hair falling out of her braid, "Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be."
He looked at her, "You look like a dream." Even as he felt feverish, he wasn't going to give up the chance to have sex with her. In all fairness he wanted to do more than just have sex with her. But at that moment, lust was the only thought bouncing in his head. This all started because she got so sick and now he was able to be balls deep inside of her.
  "Please, Ben. No need to butter me up." She chuckled as she tried to mentally prepare herself for what was to come. It wasn't like she had a lot of experience in the sex department, so to do this was a big risk. But she relaxed against the bed as his large hands roamed her back.
  "You're tense." He said, "Too tense. It won't fit if you overthink it." His words were reassuring as he massaged her back and sides.
She moaned against the sheets as her back cracked. He made a pleased noise, his cock barely up against her entrance. He leaned over her like a shadow, a protector of sorts. He'd make sure that she never felt like the odd one out ever again. He'd love her from this moment until the end of the universe. When every star exploded in the sky.
  "You look good." He assured her.
She murmured, "Stop buttering me up."
He chuckled as he placed one hand onto her hip and the other on his cock. He slowly slid his cock into her. Inch by inch, until it was all fitted inside of her. She tensed around him and his mind went blank for a moment. His pace started out slow, a gentle rock of his hips as he buried his cock into her. The heat pulsated between the two of them as she clutched onto the bed spread.
  "I'll never hurt you." He assured her. He was on his knees behind her, just at the right angle to fuck her. The bed was basically on the floor. He leaned forward and kissed the smooth skin of her back. Not as sun kissed as the rest of her, but carried enough heat that he found himself going for more kisses. He examined every mole along her skin.
  "Thank you, Ben." She said, She believed him, she really believed that he'd never hurt her.
She felt the small nugget of trust form in her chest as he continued to rock against her. It made her smile against the bed, it was a feeling that she couldn't place into words. Only that it seemed to fill a small part of a larger gap in her chest.
  "Of course." He replied. His kisses turned into soft nips across her skin as he picked up the pace. The sounds of their heavy breathing and sex filled the cramped room. Ben realized that he had never even seen her bedroom prior to this. There was a throb in his head as repositioned himself to bury his cock further into her. The feeling made her tighten around him and whimper into the bed.
  "Shit. Ben." She groaned, her voice was getting louder the more he pleasured her.
  "How does it feel?" He asked his voice was close to her ear, he loomed over her once more. He watched the small movements she made as he bullied his cock into her. The pace was moving faster, he felt the pleasure stuff his head full next to the sickness in his body. He was sweating out the flu the more he fucked her. He watched her claw at the bed under her and it lit a fire in his stomach.
  "Please. Ben." She whimpered, "It feels so good. Ah, shit." She groaned, the heat flooded her body. She felt the sweat on her back and in her hair. She felt herself losing her voice, as it wasn't all the way back yet. If she could right now she'd be screaming while her roommate and now boyfriend was fucking the stars out of her. She felt so hot in the cramped room, letting him do this to her. It was erotic, it swelled in her chest as he hit all the right places.
He groaned in response and held onto her hair in one hand and her hip in the other. The leverage was good for making sure she was taking every last inch of him into her greedy cunt. It was like they were made for one another. As he felt the sweat down his neck, he groaned and huffed between heavy thrusts. The air was being taken out of his sick lungs as he moved with every thrust.
It was hot, it was electric. There was a fire inside both of them that was burning them alive as they fucked on the flimsy bed. Ben was glad that they weren't both on top of the bed because it probably would've given in from the weight of both of them. He was just so much bigger than her that the support of the bed wouldn't take it. But it was fine, next time he'd simply have her on the couch or over the dining table.
The opportunities were endless for the next few weeks that they were together in this dorm. He wondered how much damage they could do in that amount of time. He knew he'd have to find a way for him to take her easier. She once again, just so small that his cock looked intimidating by comparison. He wanted her in every position he could get her in.
First he had to get better first. Which wasn't being helped by being so deep inside of her. His thrusts began to stagger as pleasure licked at his soul. He wiped the sweat from his brow, he was starting to lose steam. The sickness and the exhaustion was wearing him down. But he was determined to make her climax. He continued his pace as best as he could. The slick sounds of their sex filled the air.
  "Rey." He gasped.
They were both nearing their climaxes. It was the peak they were trying to achieve as they were washed with pleasure from one another. Ben's cock did things to Rey's mind that made it feel like it was melting. In a good way, it was a rush that she had never felt before and it had her scratching at the covers with her back arched. The air of the bedroom was stuffy and reeked of sex.
She was going to need to open a window when they were finished.
  "Rey. You're so beautiful." He groaned, "I've thought about you every day since we became roommates. I wish I told you sooner, how much I needed you. How much you drove me insane. Your beauty, your intelligence, your damn stubbornness. I want it all. I want every last piece of you. Mine, forever."
  "Shit." She hissed as she felt the last stroke of pleasure lick her brain. Her back arched further as she tensed up. Her heart raced in her chest as she felt the sweat drip down her temple. It felt raw and dirty. It wasn't simple love making, it was feral fucking. He had her on her knees by her bed and fucked her. Even though the covers wiped the sweat from her forehead, her brain felt like mush.
  "I'm close.' He groaned as he picked up the pace further. He pushed her further against the bed as he tried to get a better angle to fuck her sweet cunt. The throb in his head only increased the closer he got to climax. It felt like a bottle about the pop. His eyes were shut as he gave a few more hard thrusts, before he climaxed into her.
He continued her thrusts, without much coordination. They left Rey stuck to the bed as she came as well. It washed over her quickly and pulled her under its waves. She threw her head back and her toes curled as she tensed up for a brief moment. Then all the fight left her as she started to come down from the high. Even her head started to ache from the rush of chemicals.
He reached for her. Tilted her head back to look at him, even if her gaze was unfocused. He leaned over her to kiss her gently on the lips.  He then moved her onto the bed fully by her torso. He tucked her in while she was still naked with his cum stuck to her thigh. He wiped the sweat from his neck and brow. He coughed heavily into his elbow. Yeah, that was enough excitement for him.
  "You better get better now." She mumbled, still in a daze.
He pressed his lips to her heated forehead, "I will. Now you rest." Then went to grab what little clothes he had and headed to the shower. He needed to cool off, the last thing he needed was for his fever to get worse because he decided to fuck his roommate. But he quickly noticed that he had a visitor when he got into the shower.
He could see her through the thin shower curtain. He opened it slightly and held out his hand. She grabbed it and he helped her inside the tub. The cool water made her nipples turn hard and force herself further into his arms. He wrapped his strong arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
  "It feels good." She mumbled, "Just wasn't expecting it." She broke from his embrace and said, "Now relax, let me take care of you." While he thought that meant washing his hair. He didn't expect that meant she was giving him head. She got on her knees in the shower and let his hardening cock brush against her cheek before she turned her head to kiss the tip.
  "Fuck." He groaned out. He eventually sat on the floor of the tub, cramped as a result. But she got between his legs and began to worship his cock like it brought the sun up every morning. He gripped on the side of the tub and tried not to hack up a lung from the rush in his body. "Where did you learn to do this?"
She looked up at him curiously. She looked good with his cock partially in her mouth. She pulled her mouth away and stroked his length. "You don't think I never watched porn, huh?"
  "Were you taking notes?" He asked, his breathing grew ragged and the cold shower did little to alleviate the heat in his body.  She was otherworldly at times. He couldn't believe that she was currently between his legs, shivering from the cold shower (that did feel good on her warm skin) and licked his cock like she had done it a million times.
  “No. I'm just a quick learner.”
He reached for her hair and got it out of the hair tie that kept her braid intact. Her hair covered her shoulders and stuck to her neck. His cheeks grew hotter and his pulse jumped from the sight of her. He was certain no one had ever seen this side of her before. His grip went white on the tub as she began to take him fully down her throat.
He tensed up, he could've come right then. He was still so sensitive from their previous round. He pushed his dark hair out of his eyes as he swallowed back a moan. The sight of her was almost pornographic. She was a siren and he was a man falling for her song. Who would've thought the stubborn girl he roomed with would turn out to be a very talented woman.
  ”Please, Rey. Holy shit.“ He groaned. He coughed heavily and felt his chest heave at the feeling of her around his cock. Those lips were heavenly and he was a sucker for them.
He wiped his face with his hands and went back to holding onto the tub as she pleasured him with her mouth. This is what heaven felt like, he only had to wait for the skies to open and the angels to appear. After all, he already had one in between his legs. Another cough pulled from his chest as he felt the heat rise up to his neck. The pin pricks of fever poked at his back. But everything in a way was overloaded by the feeling of want for the smaller woman.
He yearned for her in a way that he never had before. He wanted to see her in every way he could. From in her bra and panties, to tired and sick. He wanted it all. He grit his teeth as he grumbled out that he was going to cum.
In true Rey fashion, she gave him a thumbs up and worked over time onto his cock. She felt him tense up and accepted his cum down her throat shortly after. She swallowed, even though the bitter taste made her wince. The throb in her head was still there as she gasped for air. She was greeted by Ben's arms around her and being pulled into his lap.
She tried her best not to squish his cock under her ass while he held her. His nose buried into the crook of her neck. She rubbed his forearms and relaxed against him.
  ”Alright. Alright.“ She said between pants, ”That's enough for tonight. I think if we do anymore, you'll die. And I don't want you to die. I like you very much, so don't die. Got it?“ She looked over her shoulder at her lover.
He nodded, ”Of course. But right now, I think I need a little help washing myself down. I think you broke my brain, Rey.“
She chuckled and leaned in to kiss him on the lips before she stayed seated on his lap and only turned herself so she could begin to wash him down. Nothing sexual was exchanged while she cleaned him, the last thing she wanted was him dead. She wasn't too sure how'd she explain that one.
Poor university student kills rich boyfriend via head. Yeah, that would make the front cover of the school newspaper by next week. But as she washed Ben's face, she got a closer look at him.
And even though she had already mapped out his face. Every large line and crooked edge. She noticed the lines in his forehead from all the streets. The moles on his face made her wonder if she could map out constellations on them. She peppered his face with kisses as she made sure he was able to cool down from their heated sessions.
He stayed close to her, in all honesty he didn't have much choice. But he loved the feeling of her hands on his face. Even though he felt much weaker than before, her hands were almost healing to him. He leaned into her touch and made a soft noise whenever he felt some relief in his sickness.
  ”You're a real nurse, Rey.“
She chuckled, ”Well. Only for you.“ She kissed the top of his nose, ”I always wondered what happened to your nose.“ She said out loud.
He replied with his eyes partially open, ”For another time. I promise it's not super interesting.“
  ”Not to get ahead of myself, but I think I have a whole lifetime to figure out everything about you, Solo.“ Her hands rested on his broad chest as she went in for another kiss. Even though the kiss lingered, it never got beyond kissing.
Once the shower was finished, Rey even went ahead and dried him down. His eyes lingered on her naked form as she did so, then a good look at her behind as she went to her drawer in the counter to find a hair tie to get her hair out of her eyes.
The water droplets trailed down her body and Ben looked away not to get worked up again. His poor lungs couldn't handle it anymore. They were soon dried off and Rey left the bathroom with Ben trailing behind her.
She entered his room and began to shuffle through his drawers. He watched from the door with his arms crossed. With her ass in the air,  it was quite a sight.
He asked, ”What are you doing?”
  “Something comfortable to wear.” She replied before she pulled out a pair of boxers and a black t-shirt. She looked over to him, “So do you own everything in black?”
She frowned at the shirt in hand, ”Well. It'll do.“ She then stepped into the boxers and pulled the shirt over her. While it fit him tightly,  it fit her a lot looser.
He entered the room and put his large hands on her hips. He gazed down at her and kissed her on the forehead, ”You suck me dry then steal my clothes.“
She replied, ”Well,  since I was in debt to you. Now you're in debt to me. So it's only fair. Plus, I need something loser to cool off in.“ She extended her arms outwards on either side.
He kissed her once more, ”Alright. Let me get dressed and take some cold medications.“ He had every intention to join her for the rest of the day or until he got too tired.
She shook her head, ”Oh no.“ She said as she pulled away from him, ”You're going back to bed. You need to rest. I'll see if there's anything you can take.“ She nudged him towards the bed. She watched him with careful eyes as he got under the sheet.
  ”Rey I'm-“
  ”Nope!“ She said, she had her hands on her hips, ”We're not doing this all over again. You're sick, you rest. Don't be like me. I'm not paying your hospital bills.“
He chuckled but then it turned into a dry cough. He placed both hands on top of the covers, ”Alright. I will TRY and go to sleep. But when I wake up, will you still be here? Or is this the worst fever dream of all time?“
She leaned forward, got the hair out of her face as she kissed him on his heated forehead, ”Don't worry.“ She said, ”I'll be here. When you wake up and every day after.“
She stayed with him until he fell asleep. His hand in hers. She even felt herself start to doze off while seated on the ground near the bed. She rested up against it as she held his hand.
Once his breathing leveled out and Rey was alone with her thoughts. She smiled. She let go of his hand and padded out of the bedroom. She sat herself on the couch and kicked her legs up onto the coffee table.
She had left her phone in her bedroom,  but was content with staring up at the ceiling. She noticed a few cracks in the plaster and sighed to herself.
So, she had a boyfriend.
She really had a boyfriend. He really made her feel like she wasn't alone. The feeling was nice. She couldn't wait to break the news to her friends. They'd be shocked that was for sure, but over the last little while they had really grown closer together.
Her heart fluttered at the thought of him. How he made her feel. There was really a caring person under the brooding nature he presented. She covered her face out of embarrassment even though no one was around.
She could kick her feet out at that moment from the sheer rush of emotions that he gave her. She couldn't believe that someone like him wanted to be with someone like her.
But she couldn't linger on it forever. Because when she took her hands away from her face. Ben was staring down at her.
  ”You should be in bed.“
  ”I want to cuddle.“ He replied with sleep heavy in his tone. He yawned into his fist before he rounded the couch  and got up against Rey.
  ”Oh, so the great Ben Solo likes to snuggle, huh?“
He yawned, ”Only you.“
She chuckled softly, ”Well aren't I special?“
Ben curled up with her, his legs dangled over the edge of the couch with his head in her lap. He quickly fell back asleep and Rey was content with running her fingers through his hair.
She smiled once more. She'd be there for him, just as he was for her.  Maybe it was just a simple connection, or maybe for the first time in Rey's life she had felt like someone understood her. That she didn't have to pretend to not seem like a total freak.
That she could in reality take a break, she can enjoy life on campus. That there was no need to wear herself thin. Because even if she had nothing, she still had Ben.
She leaned over to him and kissed him on the cheek. In a gentle voice she said, so quiet she was certain that he wouldn't hear her, ”I think I'm in love with her.“ The words out loud made her blush and she pulled away. Once again content with staring at the ceiling.
Time spent with Ben was never time wasted. Or at least that was what Rey told herself as she sat cuddled up on the couch with her boyfriend.
She coughed into her elbow and sat in Ben's larger sweatshirt. The one he wore when she was in the hospital. She stayed cuddled up to him and he draped an arm around her before he coughed into his other elbow.
Ben did stop being sick, but then what might possibly be the same flu ran through both of them once more. So for another week, they were stuck in the dorms together. But it did allow them to cuddle for extended periods of time except when Rey had to pee. Because Ben was making sure that she drank a lot of water.
Ben was actually a fairly good boyfriend. While they hadn't gone on an official date yet because they both have been in and out of sickness. But they were making plans for it after midterms.
And yes, Rey hadn't been staying away from her studies for too long. She ended up filling out the forms to take a partial sick leave and has been filling in the gaps of missing lectures when she felt mildly better.
While they can't share a bed, they both have found mutual ground on the couch where they'd often be in each other's arms. For the first time in her entire academic career, Rey felt like she wasn't dancing on a knife's edge.
She was able to simply exist. While her grades were still impressive, she wasn't running herself ragged. While she still had a lingering cough, she wasn't forcing herself so hard that the sickness only got worse.
It was... Nice.
She closed her eyes briefly in content as Ben leaned over and kissed her on the top of the head. She clung to him and got as comfortable as possible. The lingering heat of sickness and summer still went through her veins.
But it felt like home. They were hoping to move in somewhere together by the end of the summer. Just to make it easier, plus Rey could get out of the dorm system. Sadly that meant the journey to lecture would be harder.
However, she could share a bed with Ben. So that made up for any commute times.
It was almost picturesque.
  ”We should do something for dinner.“ Rey grumbled into her boyfriend's side.
  ”Burritos.“ He offered.
  ”From Gus'?“ She replied.
  ”Nowhere else.“ He replied before he kissed her on the head once more, then went in for a kiss on the lips. He held her face for a moment before he let her get back to cuddling him.
It felt nice. Despite the sickness, the two of them felt like a matching pair.
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zepskies · 1 month
Lost on You - Part 5
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Supe!Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
AN: We’re going deeper and darker on this one, with an ending you might not expect...
Word Count: 5.5K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only. TW: attempted sexual assault (not successful), violence, character death, drug use, and a twist.
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🎙️ Series Masterlist
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Part 5: Eminence Front
Your last conversation with your mother was on a Sunday morning, in hospice.
You sat at her bedside and held her hand. Chris and your father were downstairs in the hospital food court, ordering sandwiches. You hadn’t had much of an appetite for three days.
“I had your father call the whole family so they could watch the music video with you and Soldier Boy,” your mom said. She wore a proud, if weak smile. “He even recorded a few tapes of it. He sent one to your aunt, another to your cousins, and another to our friends Leah and Stan.”
“Pretty sure that’s illegal piracy, Mom,” you said with a laugh.
“I don’t care. You’re my daughter, and you’ve worked incredibly hard to get here,” she said. Her eyes misted over a bit in memory. “We’ve all worked hard.”
You stilled at that. You didn’t know what memories she had filtering through her head, but you were sure your perspective behind the lens was…different.
In your mind’s eye, you saw yourself at twelve years old. Chris had been pestering you all day, as big brothers were wont to do sometimes. With a slap on his arm, you’d screamed at him to leave you alone.
He didn’t speak to you for a whole month. He didn’t go to your piano recital or your choir concert, where you had the best solo. He didn’t talk to you until you touched him again, grabbing his arm, pleading with him.
"Please, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Just talk to me!"
He startled as if he’d woken up from a dream.
Your parents had shared a look, and they’d known then that their gamble had worked.
You remembered being sat down by your mother and told that they had spent their entire life’s savings to make you a hero. So you were going to spend the rest of your young life training to be one.
“We’re investing in your future, but we’re also investing in ours.”
You remembered sleepover invites rejected and summer plans canceled on your behalf. Your mother used her meager retirement fund to sign you up for vocal lessons from a former opera singer. Your high school football coach father drilled you to condition your body like an athlete.
You never had a moment that wasn’t scheduled. You were always exhausted, taking whatever “supplements” your parents gave you to keep you going. (Often it was Adderall, until it started giving you insomnia, among other delightful side effects.)
You were miserable. Then again, you’d be surprised by what you could get used to.
The end goal was always getting into Payback. It was where you’d garner the most fame and make the most money, and therefore, make the most returns on your parents’ investments.
So your father later took out a loan to get you some basic combat training from an ex-Vought employee. Your parents wanted you to be well-rounded and prepared for anything when you got onto the team—and it was always when.
If was not part of the story.
Any small commercials and modelling gigs you landed throughout middle school and high school helped pay for your family’s bills, and later for college, where you double majored in Vocal Performance and Marketing. You would learn how to become your own brand.
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Through it all, you always remembered what your mom had said to you on the set of your first commercial. You were crying because the hours were long and you missed your friends, and even your brother.
“Come on, let’s wipe those tears. You don’t want to smudge your makeup,” she’d said. When you couldn’t be consoled, she guided you over to a quieter corner of the set. “Listen, sweetheart. Don’t let them see you upset. You'll get a reputation for being difficult to work with.”
“I don’t care! I don’t want to do this anymore,” you said, sniffling badly as you scrubbed at your eyes. Your mother sighed sharply.
“You’re just starting out. Of course there are going to be growing pains,” she said. “Showbusiness is a cutthroat world, and yes, you’re so young. Maybe too young.”
She wiped your face with gentler hands, then she laid them on your shoulders and made sure you met her eyes.
“But you’re going to be better prepared than most superheroes. You can literally read men. You know what’s in their hearts, and you can control them. As a woman in this world, do you know how damn powerful that is?” she said.
She squeezed your shoulders.
“That’s why you’ll be smarter than any of them, and you’ll only show the world what you want them to see.”
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What you want them to see…
“We don’t have to talk about that right now,” you said at last.
Your mom nodded and stroked your hand. Her eyes fell closed in rest. She looked so small and frail in her bed.
“I’m so, so proud of you,” she said. “Always remember that.”
Your lower lip trembled, and your eyes stung. You couldn’t help but feel hollow. What was there to be proud of? You’d failed. All your hard work was meant to give your family a better life, not…this.
“You’re so beautiful and talented,” she continued. “And you’ll get your father out from under these medical bills I put on him, won’t you?”
Deep in your soul, a painful ache twinged.
You ignored it and nodded in agreement.
“I’ll take care of Dad, don’t worry.”
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Your mother died the next morning. You wrote a statement about her passing to explain your absence to your fans. It went through Madelyn Stillwell and Arthur before they released the press release and even had it covered in Vought News. Then you spent the next week entrenched in funeral arrangements with your father and brother.
When you eventually returned to Vought Tower after the funeral, it felt like another part of you had chipped off.
Your room was filled with flowers and gifts from your fans, which managed to make you wide-eyed, and even tearfully touched. So this was the power of fame, then?
But there was one vase filled with beautiful scarlet roses. Attatched was a handwritten note:
Welcome home.
You thought you recognized the scrawl. A small smile graced your lips.
You gave into the desire to venture up to the penthouse floor, and knock on Ben’s door. He opened it himself. He was dressed down for once in the afternoon, in a normal sweater rolled up to his elbows and tucked into his slacks. Once he saw you, he was a little surprised.
You held up the note for his view. “Was this you?”
He smiled slightly, but he didn’t answer you. He just welcomed you inside. You followed him into the living room area and sat heavily on the couch. An album was playing on his record player. You recognized Sinatra’s smooth voice singing “My Way.”
“You want a drink?” Ben asked.
“Whiskey, neat,” you replied. He rose a brow, but he fulfilled your request.
While he was busy, you grabbed his forgotten half a blunt from the ashtray on the coffee table, and you lit up. You didn’t often partake in drugs because you didn’t like being out of your lucid mind. You preferred being in control.
Today was different. You needed a distraction. Maybe that was why you were here to begin with.
You accepted the glass he handed to you and took a generous sip, though you coughed at the burn on the way down. And you took a puff, the smoke irritating your throat even more. You practically coughed up half a lung, until he sat down beside you and reached out his hand. You passed the blunt back to him. You two traded off hits until it was more than halfway down to the roach, and he eventually put it out on the ashtray.
“My offer still stands, you know,” he said.
You turned to him. Even in your “enlightened” state, you could feel his intentions. The way he roamed your body with his eyes was unmistakable, but just then, you had a moment of clarity. You couldn’t be bothered to play this game, or hide your true thoughts for that matter. You smiled to yourself, and you stood.
Ben got up with you, trying to gauge your reaction.
“Thank you,” you said, “for finally showing me who you really are.”
His lips slowly pulled into a frown. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“My mom died,” you said. “I know you knew that, but you couldn’t even muster up a basic ‘I’m sorry for your loss,’ or whatever the fuck.”
You even laughed through the spark of tears. You wiped at your face. “This place is exactly what I thought it would be.”
The man was silent while you finished the drink in one long gulp. You slammed the glass on his counter, and you left his apartment.
It wasn’t the first time Ben watched you walk away from him, but despite his outward stoicism, it was the first time he felt the sting of it.
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You knew it would be difficult at Vought, but you were finding it more and more challenging to keep focused as the months went by.
On one mission, Ben threw a man out of a three-story apartment. He lived, by some miracle, but shattered almost every bone in his body.
On another, Black Noir choke-slammed an escaped convict so hard, her esophagus caved in. And it was a good day if the TNT Twins even zapped the right culprit.
You were increasingly wary of the collateral damage and violence you were being complicit in, just by being there. You had to keep reminding yourself of why you were here. You needed to take care of your father, who was still swimming in your mother’s medical bills and funeral costs. You needed to prove to yourself that you could do this, with or without Ben’s help.
Even so, a day you were called to a full team mission made you more anxious than excited.
It was a drug ring that the police had been trying to dismantle for nearly a decade: Los Reyes. They were the "kings of cocaine," and they were brutal in their retaliations, locked in a turf war with one of the Italian mafias. As Stan Edgar had explained, the police were grateful for any help that Payback could provide.
You guys were sent to a warehouse in Hell’s Kitchen. According to law enforcement intel, it was the base of the Reyes gang's operations.
Infiltrating it was the easy part. Countess blasted right through the front doors, revealing your entire team to the group of men huddled around entire tables and crates filled with product.
When a man aimed a gun at you, Ben threw his shield. It hit the man, who then crashed into a support beam and broke his back in half. Your eyes went wide in horror at seeing his lifeless ones. You gaped up at Ben.
“Was that really necessary?” you asked in alarm.
"Would you rather get shot?” he said coolly.
The others picked off a few men in the room, but the rest of the gang scattered into other rooms within the large building. Ben barked commands for who should go in which direction.
“Sirena, you’re with Swatto. Head east towards the alley and cut off any rats,” he commanded.
You wanted to take issue with being partnered with Swatto. You glanced over at him. After how you compelled him a few months ago, he still had a grudge against you as well. But you two knew better than to argue with Soldier Boy on a mission.
You and your partner ducked out the east side into the alley. Sure enough, you saw blood splatters on the wall from a handprint, and drips of blood leading down the concrete path. After sharing a nod, you and Swatto followed the line of blood.
You turned the corner into a dusty construction site, where a new skyscraper was only partially built. Some walls were up along with the foundation, but it was mostly dirt, bare concrete walls, and piles of brick.
When you turned a corner, you and Swatto stopped short as bullets rained your way.
“Oh, fuck!” Swatto shouted. He pulled out his gun and decided to fly above. You heard more shots and men screaming, and then, it was quiet. You cocked your own gun, though you hoped you didn’t have to use it. The problem with your powers was you needed to be close enough to touch someone to actually compel them, man or woman.
Your last resort was your actual siren song, a power you rarely used. Mainly because it was lethal to any man who heard it. For that reason, it had to be your in case of emergency break glass tactic.
So you crept around the corner to see what Swatto had done. You were surprised to find that he fought well. He managed to kill a few of them, but one large man was still alive. He was on his knees in the dirt with his hands folded behind his head.
“See? Ain’t so fuckin’ tough now, huh?” Swatto taunted. “Get ready to get fucked in the ass in jail, Paco.”
You grimaced in disgust. “All right, that’s enough. Just—”
Before you could realize what was happening, the man raised up from the ground and swept the gun from Swatto’s hands. It flew across the clearing and hit the wall, setting the gun off. A bullet ricocheted and grazed Swatto in the side. 
“Aw, fuck! I’m fucking hit!” he yelled in alarm. His wings expanded from his back, and he raised off the ground in flight. Your eyes widened.
“Where the hell are you going?” you shouted.
“I’m hit! I need a hospital!” His voice grew smaller as he flew away like a fucking coward.
It left you alone with a man twice your size. He seized you up with a smirk.
“Hey, baby,” he said. “You’re the new one, right?”
You raised your gun and fired, but you were too late. He evaded and grabbed the gun from your hands. You held your ground after the first punch, but the second and third made your legs shake. You were more durable than the average human, and you were well trained. Unfortunately, you didn’t have super strength like most of your teammates.
You blocked when you could and gave blows of your own, but this man was large enough that it didn’t slow him for long. He wore a sweatshirt with long sleeves, so you couldn’t easily compel him with a touch.
Okay, this warrants an emergency, you thought in alarm. When you opened your mouth to sing, he shot out a sharp blow to your throat. Maybe he thought you were going to scream for help, but it had its intended effect of choking you into silence.
He grabbed you and proceeded to beat you down, until you felt the sharp breaking of ribs and blood and dirt in your mouth. Every time you tried to slip away or get to your feet and escape, he knocked you back down. He was toying with you, and having fun with it too. You could sense his sick enjoyment.
But then, you felt his intentions shift. Darker, and more carnal. A more intense fear coiled in your stomach, rising up into your throat. A gasp got stuck there as you tried harder to crawl away.
He grabbed your ankle and dragged you back towards him. He took your wrists when you tried to claw at his eyes, or even just touch his face to try and enforce your power over his.
Just a scrap of skin. That’s all you need.
A whimper escaped you as you struggled, but you kneed him hard between the legs. That managed to stop him for a moment as he grunted and cursed. He got a hold of a meaty hand around your neck. Your eyes glowed in desperation.
Suddenly, the man’s weight lifted off you.
You panted for breath and raised yourself up on your elbow. You watched with wide eyes as Ben slammed your attacker’s face into the dirt until he couldn’t breathe. Ben glanced at you, taking in the sight of your bloody face and cut lip, your arm wrapped around your battered ribs.
His frown deepening in displeasure, he bent the man’s arm until it broke in at least two places. His howls of pain echoed into the night. Ben cut it off by twisting the man’s neck, until it released a loud crack.
He threw the body to the ground in disgust. He barely even wiped his gloves before he stood straighter. Then he went back to you.
“You all right?” he asked gruffly.
You stared up at him with tears shining in your eyes. You tried to answer, but it hurt your throat. It was also painful for you to move your body. You tasted blood in your mouth and knew it had dribbled down your chin.
With a rough exhale through his nose, Ben lowered down and slid his hands underneath your body. You cringed and cried out when he moved you, but you were grateful. You were embarrassed. And you were exhausted.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you folded your arms over your battered middle. You couldn't help but lay your head against his chest.
The rest of the team was waiting at the other end of the clearing, except for Swatto. Even Countess was quiet as she watched Ben carry you out of the construction site.
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You spent a couple of days in the hospital. There you were surrounded by Vought security fielding off any journalists or tabloids, and you were accompanied by your dad and brother.
Chris especially was angry for you, not to mention worried, but you tried to hide your pain and reassure them that you would be okay. This was just par for the course when taking down the bad guys.
Yeah, that one sounded hollow, even to you.
You were grateful when you got out of the hospital and were sent back to the Tower. Even so, the doctor had you mostly on bedrest until your ribs healed up. You weren’t proud of it, but you wallowed in your embarrassment and a bit of self-pity while you watched a marathon of Cheers and ate from a box of assorted chocolates. You dug around for your favorites, but you kept getting the weird shitty filling ones.
“Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came,” sang the TV show theme song. “You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name…” 
“Bullshit,” you muttered aloud. Such was your grouchiness that you had half a mind to change the channel. This godforsaken sitcom was too damn cheery, no matter how much you loved Ted Danson’s fine, rugged ass.
God. Maybe I do have a type.
That was when a knock at the door threatened to disrupt your solitude.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me.”
You’d now recognize that smooth, deep voice anywhere. Sighing, you closed the box of chocolates and hid them under your pillow before you turned off the TV.
“Come in,” you said.
Ben stepped into your apartment and soon found you in your room. It was the first time he’d ever been in here, and he took a subtle look around. He wore his suit and tactical gear.
“Just come from a mission?” you asked.
He nodded and approached your bed. He smiled slightly.
“Eating your feelings in Whitman’s, huh?” he teased, tapping his nose. He could probably smell the chocolate.
You blushed and crossed your arms on reflex, but you grimaced when the motion made your ribs twinge sharply. You made a sound of discomfort and lowered your arms back to your sides. You shifted in the bed as slowly as you could. You’d been in this position for a while.
“How’re you holding up?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m peachy,” you groused. When you looked up at him though, you realized that he hadn't needed to come visit you. He was here of his own free will…and there was something you had yet to say to him. You sighed and met him with sincerity.
“Look…thank you, for saving me,” you said.
Ben inclined his head. He lowered down and sat beside you on the edge of your bed.
“You may not like how I run things here, but this is the way of it,” he said, holding your gaze. “This is the real fucking world. If you’re going to stay here, you need to get with that program, or this place is going to chew you up and spit you out.”
That fell between you two for a moment. The more you turned his words over in your mind, the more you realized that he was right, to a point. If you stayed, this was your life. You couldn’t keep handwringing. You had to be smarter.
“I’m sorry, I’m not looking very camera ready,” you said eventually. You meant it to be joking, but your voice was heavy. “I wouldn’t blame you for averting your eyes.”
You half expected him to make a joke about your black eye and torn lip. But to your surprise, Ben picked up your hand with a kind of gentleness. He raised the back of it up to his lips for a kiss. He gave you a reserved smile.
“Rest up,” he said.
He got up and strode out of your apartment. Not for the first time, he left you feeling unbalanced…and this time warm.
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It took a few weeks for you to fully heal. You agreed to do an interview with Jason Carver, the anchor of Vought News. It was a bit intimidating being in yet another studio, and this was live.
The cameras aren’t there. This is just a stage like any other. You’re just…having a conversation, you coached yourself. You sat in an uncomfortable leather chair across from Jason at his desk.
When he got the green light from the producer, he kicked off the show by introducing you as his special guest.
“Can I just say, Sirena, we’re all very glad to see you’re all right,” he said, with a very convincing note of sincerity. Your abilities allowed you to read the truth.
Only show them what you want them to see.
You gave him a grateful smile.  
“Thanks, Jason. I appreciate that. It’s just…hazards of the job description, you know?” you said. “But I’m doing much better, and I’m very thankful that my team was there to support me.”
“Yes, the rest of Payback really stepped up to not only apprehend your attacker, but round up the entire Reyes gang. Is that right?” he said.
You nodded, reading the teleprompter. You were meant to go on a mini monologue about how great your team was, and how grateful you were to be a part of it. It was a script approved by Madelyn, and even Stan Edgar.
You paused, glancing over to where Arthur and Madelyn stood in the dark with the rest of the crew. They were both looking at you encouragingly, but expectant.
You took a steadying breath, and you decided to go a bit off-script.
“Well, actually, it was Soldier Boy who saved me,” you said. Jason’s brows rose at your shift in direction, but he reacted with all due interest.
“Really?” he prodded.
“Yes, he did,” you said. The memories of that night filtered through your mind with harrowing detail, including the way Ben stepped in and brutally handled that man. “He didn’t even hesitate. He just threw himself into the fray…and when it was over, he carried me to the hospital himself.”
That part wasn’t exactly true. He’d carried you over to a Vought-owned SUV, and the director of the camera crew drove you over to the hospital. You decided to gloss over that detail, and many others.
“Wow,” Jason said. He shook his head in wonder. “He truly lives up to the legend, doesn’t he?”
You smiled. “He’s more than that. Believe it or not, Soldier Boy was the first one to take me under his wing. He knew I was new to the city, so he guided me all over New York to see the sights like a tourist. Stuff I’m sure he’s seen millions of times, like Top of the Rock and Times Square. Oh, and he was also very gracious when my nephew came to visit. Got me some major brownie points for ‘Best Aunt in the World.’”
That earned you a congenial smile from your host. Your expression faded with a kind of weight in your heart.
“Ever since I got here, he’s been the one to tell it like it is, with that deep, authoritative voice of his,” you said, laughing a little when you tried to imitate Ben’s voice. It got you a laugh, even from those in the studio. “In a way, he’s the one who’s looked out for me the most. I’m very grateful for Soldier Boy, and of course for the rest of my team.”
When you finished, Jason nodded and clapped along with everyone else in the studio.
“Well, that’s just wonderful. Well said,” he said, and he looked straight into the camera with two fingers poised at his temple. “Soldier Boy, if you’re watching, we all appreciate you. And we salute you.”
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Ben watched the clip from his living room with a small, incredulous smile on his face.
He wiped the remnants of white powder from his nose and sneezed. Blinking the bleariness out of his eyes, he refocused on the screen while you talked about him. He knew you had to be playing it up for Jason and the cameras, but you also seemed so sincere.
“He’s more than that.”
After the segment was over, he enjoyed the climax of his high while sitting back on his plush sofa. He tossed up an old baseball from his collection up towards the ceiling, this one signed by Babe Ruth. He caught it when gravity pulled it back down towards his face.
That was how Donna found him when she let herself into his apartment. She was out of her suit and wearing a little red dress, one of his old favorites. She graced him with a sultry smile.
“Busy?” she asked.
“Evidently,” he said.
She pouted, almost like a little girl. She went to him and curled herself under his arm and against his chest, draping a smooth thigh over his.
“I miss you,” she purred.
He smiled wryly and turned off the TV.
“Really now?” he drawled. “Because by my calculations it’s been…what, a few months since we’ve fucked?”
Donna paused, the smile slipping from her face.
“And I’m not counting that hand job a couple weeks back. That shit was pitiful, and a little chafing,” he said.
For the past few months, he’d been wracking his brain to remember what it was that had attracted him to this woman, besides the obvious outer packaging. He knew the difference now.
In the beginning, she idolized him. Worshipped him. Loved him. These days, she only came to him when she wanted something, and he had gotten bored. Bored of her.
As if sensing his shift, Donna moved her leg off his lap and sat up with a frown.
“Well, then let me fix it,” she said, as she slid a hand up his thigh. Suddenly she was all too willing to use those red-painted lips to service him. 
Ben couldn’t help but envision those lips as yours, a sinful red, while your mouth did sinful things. He’d gotten off more than once to the thought of it alone, ever since he shot that goddamn music video with you.
So he grabbed Donna’s wandering hand and looked at her coolly.
“Look, for whatever reason, I know you’re not happy,” he said, waving dismissively with his other hand. “Neither of us are. So let’s just stop wasting time.”
Her eyes widened. “What’re you saying?”
Ben’s brows furrowed. “Am I speaking fucking English? It’s time to call it quits, sweetheart.”
Donna’s jaw worked as she fought to keep herself under control. He had a feeling she’d be angry. She always was a little spitfire.
Her body was coiled like a spring when she withdrew her hand from his and got to her feet. She gave him an icy look.
“This isn’t going to last,” she claimed, with a prideful tilt of her chin. “In a month, a week, you’ll get tired of her. And you’ll remember that I’m the one who looks best by your side.”
Ben huffed in amusement before he laid back again. He continued to toss up his baseball.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he said dismissively. 
Donna let loose an aggravated breath, but she kept most of her reaction inside. She turned on her heel, prideful as ever, and left his apartment.
When her fingers landed on the doorknob, however, she turned back for just a moment. Silence greeted her.
It wasn’t until then that her tears finally bubbled over.
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Days later, a knock on your door drew your attention out of pulling on some jeans. You were intending to go on a walk through the city, take some time to get out of the Tower and just be you for a change.
That had better not be Madelyn at the door again. She had chastised you for going off-script at the studio twice already. She made the point that she and Stan had gone over those talking points for weeks, and agreed that framing your rescue as a team effort would cover Swatto as well.
He was still laid up with a broken leg, long after the scrape of the bullet had healed. He was tight-lipped about how he’d broken said leg, but you’d heard from Tommy that he’d shattered it…somehow.
Arthur had smoothed things over about your adlib though. He pointed out that talking positively about Soldier Boy helped the whole team. He was the leader, after all.
So yeah, you hoped this visit wasn’t another passive aggressive dress down from the head of PR. You sighed and went over to get the door. You were thoroughly surprised to see Ben.
And a Ben that was wearing a regular suit, for that matter. He looked like he’d stepped out of a Hugo Boss catalogue, steeped in charcoal gray with a long black coat draped over his arm. Your mouth parted in soft shock, especially when he produced a single rose from behind his back.
You took it with tentative fingers and a blush rising hotly in your cheeks.
“Okay, what—”
“Let me take you out,” he said. “One night. You’ll get to see what it’s like to be with the most famous man in the world.”
What an opening line that was. You sensed he was in full Charm City mode, complete with a suave smile. Yours was more amused, even though you twisted the flower's soft petals lightly on your chin in contemplation.
After a few seconds to think, you gave him a patient look.
“Ben, nothing’s changed for me. I told you, I–”
“Countess and I are done, for real this time,” he said.
Once again, you were taken by surprise—mostly because he was telling the truth. You felt it.
Your brows knitted together in confusion. “When did this happen?”
“Recently,” he shrugged. “But like I said, it hasn’t been working for a while. It was a mutual thing.”
You weren’t so sure about that, but… 
This is what I wanted, you reminded yourself. In fact, it had been half what you’d hoped for when you went off-script. You just couldn’t believe it had worked this well, so soon. As much as you probably shouldn’t, part of you began to feel bad for manipulating him. For lying to him.
But it’ll be good for my career.
“…Okay,” you agreed, glancing down at your plain shirt and jeans. “Just give me some time to change.”
He raised a brow. “How much time?”
You gave him a slightly cheeky smile. “An hour, and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
He sighed, but he agreed.
“Just don’t keep me waiting all fucking day,” he said.
“Come on. What’s a little delayed gratification?” you teased. Then you gave him a more sincere smile. “I’ll see you later.”
Ben nodded, with some added charm in the look he gave you in return.
You slipped back into your apartment and shut the door. You paused there when a thought struck you.
Shit, now what am I going to wear?
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AN: Did you see that one coming?
A lot of darker angst and drama in this one, sorry for that. But I think you may like what's coming up...
Next Time:
You slid your hand over his on the table. You felt him stiffen slightly, his body tensing up at your touch. You frowned when you saw the glint of wariness cross his face.
“I won’t compel you again, Ben. I promise,” you said. As long as you don’t give me a reason to.
Your hand traveled up his arm, soothing along his neck, your palm finally resting against his cheek. His green eyes stared into yours.
Soon enough, his wariness bled away into desire.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 6
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
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217 notes · View notes
pinkcottonlatte · 1 year
BEOMGYUᵳᵢ𝓬 ᵣₑ𝓬ₛ
[part 1]
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⦾ Series
⁃ Lover = Lo$er by @wildernessuntothemselves (complete, sub!beomgyu, dom!reader, virgin shaming, degradation, slut shaming, foodplay, mommy kink, breeding kink)
⁃ You are my queen now by @wildernessuntothemselves (complete, switch!beomgyu, switch!reader, dry humping, cumming in pants, dirty talk, unrequited love, non con, extremely unhealthy relationship dynamics, manipulative characters, mentions of and justifications of rape, mentions of miscarriages, spanking, cheating, fingering, cunnilingus, dirty talk, orgasm denial)
⁃ Love affair by @yvesjun (complete, alcohol consumption, swearing, smut (drunk sex, fem. oral receiving, slight degradation, orgasm denial)
⁃ here I come by @ijhyo (complete, horror, swearing ,injuries, character death, mentions of blood, stabbing, knives)
⁃ run by @loveliestfelix (complete, angst, best friends to strangers)
⁃ ghosting by @jjunis (on going, swearing, family issues, abusive parents, mentions of domestic violence , mentions of some light injuries, anxiety ,depression, insecurities)
⁃ stranger things!beomgyu by @bb-eilish (mentions of death, sex, rough sex, dirty talk, pet names, dom!gyu, sub!reader,mutual pining, condom use)
⁃ ugly district by @jjuxii (on going, enemies to lovers, bullying, cursing)
⁃ bj!ben by @minnieves (on going, camboy!beomgyu, mutual masturbation, fingering)
⁃ fuck you series by @fairyofshampgyu (complete, nsfw, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, enemies to lovers, degrading & slut shaming, smut)
⁃ live now! Series by @fairyofshampgyu (on going, camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, solo beomgyu, anal, smut)
⁃ anti-romantic by @tokkibbang00 (on going, college!au, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, humor, ex! hyunjin, best friend! yeonjun, indie band! txt, cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex)
⁃ one way by @rosewould (on-going, hate sex, mean!gyu, slut shaming, breath play, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, post orgasm torture, dubcon, blood, pain play, breast play, biting, hair pulling, choking, spitting, unrequited crush, failed confession)
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⦾ One shots
⁃ honeymoon by @beomsight (edging, clothed sex, subspace, unestablished dom/sub roles, top!bg, he’s loud, mutual masturbation, drooling, biting, marks, crying)
⁃ needy thing by @beomsight (afab! reader, use of pet name, protected sex, hand job, oral)
⁃ surprise! by @beomsight (subby!bg, voyeurism, edging)
⁃ good boy by @beomsight (strap on, hand job, nipple play, softdom!reader
⁃ rude awakening by @beomsight (afab!reader, smacking, mention of temperature play, sleeping naked, tummy hickeys)
⁃ (blood) lust by @beomsight (afab!reader, lots of mentions of blood, hand jobs, fingering, slight dubcon, penetration, creampie, no protection, light choking, marking, biting, feeding, bloodplay, teasing, slight teasing
⁃ be sweet (I wanna believe in you) by @beomsight (angst, crying, mentions of insomnia, arguments, debilitating anxiety)
⁃ endorphins by @beomsight (poly! Featuring Taehyun, scratching, unprotected sex, creampie, oral)
⁃ control by @beomsight ( ot5, fem!reader, subspace, voyeurism, spanking, orgasm denial, crying, manhandling, fingering, oral), attempt at double penetration (no anal), nipple play,degradation, pet names)
⁃ rush by @idollemon (best friends to lovers, dirty talk, foreplay, no actual intercourse)
⁃ boyfriend by @hyewka (sub!beomgyu, harddom!reader, degradation, slight mommy kink, overstim, dacryphilia, nipple play (m receiving), titty sucking, bed humping, praise kink, dumbification )
⁃ puppy hybrid thought by @hyewka (smut, sub!dog hybrid beomgyu, corruption kink)
⁃ yandere!beomgyu thought by @hyewka (18+, smut, toxic behaviour)
⁃ perv bestfriend!gyu thought by @hyewka (smut)
⁃ gamer!beomgyu by @cheolhub (smut)
⁃ how to get the girl by @ijhyo (college au, strangers to friends to lovers, swearing, lots of food mentions, two small mention of a creepy teacher, making out/kissing, drinking, social anxiety)
⁃ then I’ll be yours by @loveliestfelix (fluff, angst, best friends to lovers)
⁃ take me where your heart is by @loveliestfelix (fluff, some angst, friends to lovers)
⁃ movie night by @loveliestfelix (fluff)
⁃ the best thing that I got by @jjunis (some pining, fluff, college!au, best friends to lovers)
⁃ for worse and for better by @jjunis (angsty fluff, cursing, slight mention of sex, mentions of a breakup, mentions of mental and emotional struggles)
⁃ all one shots of @wildernessuntothemselves (smut mostly)
⁃ stalker!beomgyu by @clubeomgyu (Stalker!Beomgyu, Dom!Beomgyu, Psycho!Beomgyu, Possessive!Beomgyu, Sub!reader, stalking, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, drinking, jealousy, dirty talk, praise, body worship, panty kink, crying kink, overstimulation, orgasm control, forced orgasm, fingering, oral, choking, degradation)
⁃ gyu + incubus!fem reader by @clubeomgyu (intentional lowercase, vouyerism, wet dreams, masturbating)
⁃ sub!gyu & dom!reader by @clubeomgyu (Best friend AU, swearing, use of viagra, masturbation, teasing, praising, degrading)
⁃ beomgyu fingers you in public by @bb-eilish (public fingering, beomgyu cums in his pants, lingerie, changing room, pet names, established relationship, praise, cum eating, licking)
⁃ mini skirt by @gyuubear (Dacryphilia, rough sex, hair pulling, dom!beomgyu, spanking/hitting, public sex, oral, bent over, orgasm denial/edging, degradation, explicit language/pet names, choking, deepthroating, humiliation kink, creampie, MDNI)
⁃ adrenaline rush by @sugarcherriess (Dark themes, noncon, manipulation, use of force and fear, sadism, mind break, piece of shit gyu, use of toys, pussy slapping, lots of internal conflict, cream pie, cum play)
⁃ all one shots of @minnieves (smut mostly)
⁃ all one shots of @fairyofshampgyu (smut mostly)
⁃ dom!gyu x sex tapes of @bangchanswolfpelt
⁃ hey emo boy! by @koqabear (friends to lovers, fluff, smut, lots of piercings, needles, nipple piercings, snake bites and a tongue piercing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of food, cursing)
⁃ only you, darling by @koqabear (featuring yeonjun, yandere au!, cursing, mentions of food/alcohol, unrequited love, pining, possessiveness, overprotectiveness, jealousy, mc is oblivious/trusting, hacking, stalking/harassment, toxic relationships, infidelity, lying, manipulation, brief sickness, nausea, tracking, panic attacks, paranoia and anxiety , threats, arguing, violence, weapons, blood, injuries, MCD, subspace (not explicitly named), unhealthy coping mechanisms, power imbalance, recurring nightmares, hallucinations, PTSD, forced isolation, Stockholm syndrome, guilt tripping, use of collars, brief starvation, choking, guns, vomiting)
⁃ take it! by @koqabear (fluff, angst, smut, featuring Taehyun, constant teasing)
⁃ traces you left by @koqabear (hurt/comfort, Angst, MCD, implied non-verbal characters, mentions of panic attacks, grieving, coping mechanisms, mentions of weight loss/eating disorders, mentions of depression, brief mentions of suicidal thoughts, brief mentions animal death/animal surgery)
⁃ all one shots of @bugsbinnie (some are smut)
⁃ brat by @rosewould (smut, fluff, non idol au, virgin!reader, corruption kink)
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912 notes · View notes
thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
double check
kinktober, day twenty-three
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warnings: dark!professor!ben solo x student!reader, smut, dubcon/noncon, manipulation, power imbalance, accidentally sending your teacher a sex tape, flashing, stripping, masturbation, altogether just toxic and terrible and so so wrong behaviour but it's also a kinda hot fantasy pick a struggle
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | kinktober 2023
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If only you had double checked. If only you had not been in a hurry and sent your professor the wrong file, the worst possible file ever, then you wouldn’t have been in this situation.
Your boyfriend went to a college across the country, so in attempts to combate the daunting reality that was a long-distance relationship, the two of you had made a habit of leaning on technology and such to help fill in the holes and make it feel less excruciating to be apart.
One of those holes conveniently came in the form of a video of you, in bed before classes, sunrays bathing your form as you got yourself off for him. 
If only that hadn’t been the video you had accidentally sent to your professor instead of the 5 minute tape he had asked you to turn in, proving that you had learned enough so far in the course to be able to talk freely about it. 
“Show me,” professor Solo simply said, leaning back in his chair. 
“Excuse me, sir?” you fiddled with the sleeve of your cardigan, wishing that you had just sat down and not awkwardly continued to stand in the middle of his office. 
“You just told me that you didn’t wanna fail the class, correct?”
“Yes,” you answered apprehensively. 
“And that you’d do anything to make that so?”
“Yes, but Mr Solo, I was thinking more in the lines of extra credit or-“
“You’ve already given me more than a peek, this is nothing compared to that,” he coldly cut you off as his eyes shamelessly wandered, “or you could just walk out that door and fail this class, choice is yours.”
Feeling your heart all the way in your throat, you pondered, “…you just want me to flash you, nothing else?”
“I’m not gonna touch you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Utterly mystified as to how he could be so composed while asking you such things, you continued, “…and if I do, then you won’t fail me in this class?”
“Might even fudge the numbers a bit and have you come out on top,” he shrugged, piecing gaze never straying far. 
Staring up at the dark ceiling, you took a deep breath and uttered, “…alright,” before your fingers nervously began to fiddle with your cardigan, slowly peeling it off and hooking it in the crook of your elbow for safekeeping as you then lifted your shirt up just enough for him to peek at your soft bra.
“You can do better than that,” he scoffed, his eyes practically burning holes in your brassiere, “turn around and bend over, let me see what you’ve got under that skirt.”
You needed this class to graduate… so like a stubborn pill, you turned around and braced on the chair behind you. Squeezing your eyes shut as you arched your back, feeling the crisp air hit your bottom. Your eyes swiftly snapped open once more as the sound of a zipper resonated throughout the room, “what are you doing?” you spun back around, skirt twirling around your thighs, “I thought you said-”
Hand down his pants, he nearly rolled his eyes, “I said I wouldn’t touch you, not that I wouldn’t make the most of this, now get back to it.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
385 notes · View notes
j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
Senario: walking in after a mission/spree and finding their partner dancing and singing to music while cleaning. (Bro made peace with being kidnapped LMAO)
Maybe BEN, Jeff, Toby and Eyeless Jack?
I absolutely love this!! Send in more scenarios!! I hope you enjoy 🖤
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He felt the atmosphere was different as he was walking towards the front door, it was odd, a feeling he wasn’t used to when coming home
It was happy, the air was lighter, it made his skin crawl
When he pushed open the door, there you were. Happily rocking out to the cd in the radio
He didn’t expect you to like the music he did, especially something as heavy as this
He didn’t realize you’d like the cd’s that we’re thrown about the house, but hell did he like it
He watched from the door as you jammed out, playing air guitar over the solo
A smile spread over his face, his scabbed cuts breaking and beginning to bleed
He could get used to this.
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He was happy you were finally getting used to being around here
He knew it was hard to adjust but he tried to make the transition as easy as possible
When he realized music was your thing he supplied you with any sort of access to it
So when he came home to you dancing he was more than happy to see that you were adjusting alright
He watched silently with a stupid grin on his face
As he watched all he could think of was how much he loved you. How glad he was to have you here.
Eventually he let you know he was home, assuring you not to stop just because he was there
When you wouldn’t start back up he joined in, starting the dancing session once more
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Music had always been an escape for Jack when he was human. When he was in college he was always swamped with hard homework and studies, so taking time to relax with music was a big thing for him
But ever since his sacrifice he’s dreaded music. It reminds him of the life he never got to have. What was ripped from him.
When he heard music from inside he felt anger bubble up in his chest. How did you get your hands on anything of the sort? He swore he burned all of his cd’s.
He walked in rather angrily, his steps heavy and his brows furrowed. When he heard your sweet voice singing along all of that anger subsided instantly
He felt guilty…
How could he take something that was so dear to him while he was human away from an actual human…
He felt his heart ache, he was confused, conflicted… He couldn’t be mad at the one he loved. Especially for trying to make yourself feel more at home…
He let his hand slip from the handle, turning around and walking away to ponder his thoughts alone
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It had been a rough day… The mission was long, and awfully bloody. He just wanted to have dinner on the table and lay in bed with you after. No matter what protest you put up
He was about to call the same thing he did every time he walked in the door “honey! I’m home!” but the faint music stopped him
He followed the soft sound through the house, quieting his heavy boots until he made it to the kitchen.
The heavenly smell of roast hit his nose as he peaked around the corner. There you were, dancing and singing quietly as you plated dinner
He felt his heart melt as he watched you. He’d wanted a domestic life just like this…
He knew it had been difficult for you to adjust to his wants and needs… And seeing you so happy made him happy. That’s all he wanted was a happy domestic family…
Seeing you adjusting happily was like his wildest dreams come true
He snuck up behind you, placing his large hands on your waist as you set the plate down on the table. “Smells great honey.”
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Brian had always been quiet when coming in the door. All he ever did was take off his boots, pull up his mask, and give you a kiss before continuing with whatever he had to do for the night
Honestly he thought of letting you go, he felt pretty damn bad that you were so unhappy
He didn’t like how you two fought, the yelling, the screaming. And he just couldn’t bring himself to kill you…
As he was coming home from a mission he almost dreaded walking in the door…
He tried to take anything dangerous from you, but he didn’t know what you’d get your hands on and what you’d do with it…
So when he walked in the door to you singing to the radio he couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t express how happy he was that you were finally beginning to get adjusted
He wasn’t exactly a fan of your music taste but he was happy that you were happy
He made his way over to you, pulling up his mask just halfway for you to see his gapped smile before he gave you a tender kiss
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Toby had always been a music guy
Just like Jeff he had an abundance of cd’s scattered around the house and he knew it was only a matter of time before you found something you liked
Which honestly he hoped for. He wanted to be able to spend time talking about music and enjoying it together
Coming home to his love singing along to the music in the cd player was just what he had been waiting for
“Found something y-you like?” He’d ask, taking the cd case from you and looking it over. “G-good choice. One of my f-favorites.”
At first you’d be embarrassed that he caught you, trying to put on that same persona that you hated it here and you wanted to go home
But as the music continued playing and Toby began singing along as well, you couldn’t help but get comfortable
“F-find more you like! It’s date night!”
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363 notes · View notes
inklore · 1 year
garage rooftop
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premise: the lines of friendship or something more grow more blurry the longer your eyes move from each mole, his cheek bones, his dark eyes, his lips. and you really don't understand why the two of you hadn't become something more ages ago.
pairing: ben solo x (f)reader
word count: 1k
contents: college au, fluff like this is nothing but fluff with one sexual innuendo and that's it, friends to lovers, quick mention of han being a lackluster dad sorry it's for the plot.
note: let's ignore that i actually wrote this back in april and just never got around to editing it but now that i'm in my driver era i had to come back to it. the title is from this song that i highly rec listening to while reading <3
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The way his face morphs into something that was once joyful and silly—the blissed high that paints your cheeks red from laughing too hard over being overheated from how weightless it feels to be laying on the roof of your apartment building. The space decked out with rugs, blankets, and cushions from past and current tenants, mostly college kids like yourselves. 
Making it the perfect place to get high and look up at the sky at night. The city lights outshine the stars, but the clouds—and the strain of ganja Poe recently snagged from his dealer—give the same ethereal effect. 
“Why haven’t we ever...”
“Ever what, Solo? Dated?” There’s a pause between your words, and a slow, sly smirk moves across your lips as you look over at him. “Fucked?” 
The blush painting his cheeks quickly moves down to his neck as he shakes his head in laughter, biting his lower lip to hide whatever feelings are currently making him look like a shy schoolboy—something he was far from. 
It’s the “both. Why haven’t we done any of it?” That makes you both fall silent. That makes the joyfulness fade and something else fill the air the longer the silence spreads between the two of you. 
And it’s not the weirdest question or the wildest thing that’s come out of either of your mouths. 
It’s a question that makes you wonder, why? Seriously why? With the longer you stare at him, the more you take in the nervous tick of his chiseled jaw. The way his dark hair falls into his face each time he laughs and he has to continuously push it out of his eyes. How the crook of his nose looks oddly kissable and more attractive than you’ve noticed it before when it’s this close to your face. 
When the haze from the weed is making your body feel limitless and swoony. 
It’s a feeling that has you turning on your side. Putting a hand under your head shifts your body closer to Ben’s. Smiling when he doesn’t act phased in mirroring you, his body moving in the same motions and position as yours. Now putting the two of you so close that you can feel his breath hit your face, and the space between your legs barely exists without some part of him touching it. 
The two of you had been friends for forever, it seemed. Stuck in the woes of academia, making your parents proud does that to you. Makes you lose track of time and forget how the two of you became friends after getting into an argument over a Hamlet book in the library. 
A fight Finn quickly broke up, but Poe enthusiastically cheered on. 
The lot of you—Rose and Rey included—became inseparable after that day. Something that didn’t have a timestamp or expiration in your mind. It just happened. 
And now you have four best friends, and you’re coming to the conclusion that you’ve possibly liked one more than that. The lines of friendship or something more growing more and more blurry the longer your eyes moved from each mole, each scar, and each strand of hair. His cheek bones, his dark eyes, his lips. And you really don't understand why the two of you hadn’t become something more ages ago.
“Have you wanted to?” 
“The fact that you’re asking me tells me that you’ve never noticed. I’m not that subtle.” 
“Nose stuck in a book at all times, Ben, not subtle?” You make a sarcastic face, “yeah, who would ever think you’re subtle?” 
His knee nudges your thigh as his cheeks rise in that smile that makes his eyes crinkle at the edges. “You think I’d let Poe or Rey borrow my stuff? Steal my takeout from the fridge—which I know you do—without consequence?”
“In their defense, Poe and Rey have three late library books from two years ago and only you and I like the takeout you get from the bodega on the corner, so…it’s not really a fair asses-”
The squeal that comes from his fingers digging into your sides, pinching the skin at your hip and rib bones, fills the air and knocks the wind out of you all at the same time as you realize the position the two of you have wrestled yourselves in. 
Strands of dark hair moving against your forehead, your fingers instinctively reach up to brush the strands from both of your faces. Ben’s lips so close to yours that all it would take is a heavy breath and you’d be kissing. The relaxing rhythm of your heart now feeling like a hammer in your chest. 
Ben’s fingers run along your jawline, resting at your chin. 
“What if we did?” He asks. Searches your face for any reaction or indication that the subject should be changed. That he should stop asking, and the two of you should move away and pretend like this never happened. Go back to how things were—which was clearly not subtle and most definitely screaming ‘I’m in love with my best friend’. 
“Why have you never asked until now?” You answer with a question. 
“Losing my best friend is not the traumatic life experience I’d like to put on my resume beside divorced parents and an absent father.” He jokes, his smile playful, as the pad of his thumb draws small circles against the skin of your jaw. 
“No wonder you’re unemployed.” The two of you laugh, breaths mingling in the joys of this moment. Of the jokes that come easy and the touches that seem to come even easier. But then there's silence, and you’re leaning closer to him, a feathering touch of your lips against his as you murmur, “maybe you should stop being so afraid, Ben Solo. And have me.” 
And if you’ve ever felt like there was something missing—some cataclysmic event in your life that could rewire your nervous system and make you feel like you’ve been barely making it, your heart barely beating and keeping you alive: Ben’s mouth is the puzzle piece as he brings your mouths together in a bruising kiss. 
402 notes · View notes
All the Way Across the Country?
Ben Gross x reader
WC: 825 Warnings: None, just fluff. Nothing romantic between Devi and Ben has happened for the sake of this fic (dw I'm team Benvi 100% :)) I do not own any of the dialogue from Never Have I Ever, I am just writing about Ben Gross because no one else will, please do not sue me.
A/N: This is not proofread, and the ending kinda sucks, but I really couldn't figure out how to end it. I hope you still enjoy <3
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It was the night before you and all your friends left for college. Last night, you, Fabiola, and Eleanor had what was supposed to be your last hurrah, but Devi's grandmother invited you guys to her wedding the next night. She actually invited all of Devi's friends. You were excited you were going to have one last night with your friends before everyone left, though there was one person missing: Ben.
Ben left for an internship in New York right after graduation, and while you were happy that he got the opportunity, you wished you had been able to see him again before he left.
While Devi and Ben's relationship was based on academic validation and rivalry, your and Ben's relationship differed. You and Ben were friendly with each other through Devi and Ben's rivalry, (sometimes bothering Devi in the process. "You're supposed to be my right-hand girl not canoodling with my nemesis!). Though Devi and Ben often time butt heads, that somehow never got in between your and Ben's friendship. Eventually, your feeling turned into more than platonic, and you could never tell if Ben felt the same. The two of you would kiss, but neither of you would bring it up ever again. You because you were afraid of ruining the friendship and making it awkward, and he because he was afraid you would reject him.
The two of you had never been great at talking about your feelings.
You and all your friends, sans Devi, were sitting at a table playing a game of never have I ever.
Alright, never have I ever hooked up in my bestie's bed." Eleanor said, her gaze directed at Fabiola.
She and Fabiola met each other's gaze, and Fabiola's mouth hung wide open, a look of faux betrayal on her face.
"Fabiola you better pick up that damn cup," Eleanor said, her eyes narrowed at the girl in question.
Fabiola obliged.
Everyone gasped in surprise while you spoke up.
"Woah, woah, woah, whose bed?" You questioned, hoping that your name didn't fall from her mouth.
"Remember that party Devi had where she two-timed Paxton and he got hit by a car and his swimming career was over?" Fabiola questioned.
Chuckling a bit, you nodded. "Yup, everyone remembers that. How could you not?"
"Me and Eve had a make-out session on her bed."
Yours, Aneesa's, and Paxton's mouths dropped in surprise, while Eleanor and Trent looked at each other excitedly.
"You think she'd be mad if she found out?" Fabiola questioned.
"Well, I guess I should also drink," Trent spoke up. Paxton questioned why.
"I definitely had a couple of solo seshes on your futon." This, once again, made everyone gasp in surprise (and probably a bit of disgust).
While Trent and Paxton were talking about Trent's "solo seshes", Devi came over to you.
"Hey Y/N, I need your help with something in my room."
Thinking it was another way for your friends to sneak alcohol like you, Fab, Eleanor, and Devi did earlier, you didn't question it. You followed her to her room while she was talking nonsense the whole time. As the two of you were rounding the corner to her room, you felt her hands on your back give you a push into her room. Confused, you turned around to question her when you noticed someone in there.
"Ben?" You questioned. "What are you doing here?"
He was standing by Devi's window in a sweatshirt and jeans looking a bit bewildered.
"Uh, yeah, it's weird," he began, " Uh, well, I was in New York, and Devi mentioned that her pati invited all of us to her wedding and all of a sudden, I got this feeling that I needed to tell you that I... like you."
You chuckled lightly. "You flew all across the country to tell me you like me?"
"Well, yeah. Uh," he seemed conflicted with what to say next. "Actually," he chuckled, "I think I love you, y/n."
You stood there, not quite believing this was happening. "What?" You breathed out.
"I love you."
Hearing those words fall from his mouth made you realize this was real. This was Ben Gross, who hoped on a cross-country flight the night before you left for school to tell you he loved you.
"I love you too Ben."
The two of you smiled at each other before he suggested you guys left. You grabbed your things, (that were luckily in Devi's house and not in the tent,) and guided him to your car, driving to his house. The two of you made it to his room before your lips met.
You and Ben spent the night together, deciding to try and date during the semester. You were both going to be in New York-- him obviously at Columbia and you at Cornell, you guys could totally make it work.
And the two of you certainly did.
203 notes · View notes
readingreylo · 2 years
The best Reylo Fanfics I read in 2022
(Not necessarily written in 2022)
My 2021 wrap up was such a hit I thought I would do another one! While I didn't read nearly as many fanfics this year, I did discover a few new authors whose bodies of work are just *chef kiss*.
(Don't forget to check out my All Time Favourite Fic list and my pinned post with all my rec lists!)
And in no particular order...
Dog Day Open Hydrant by LinearA | @linearao3 | Explicit | 4k | One Shot | PWP | Modern AU | Summertime | Strangers to Lovers | Antagonism | Fireman!Ben Solo | It's too hot for this shit | One Night stand ??? | Ben POV | "Ben's come to close an open hydrant. The kids playing in it don't want him to, and a pretty girl on the street is backing them up."
Get Close by iffyluv | Explicit | 4k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | Snowed-in | Cuddling for warmth | Co-workers | Multi POV | Stranded on the side of the road during a blizzard, Ben and Rey share a blanket to stay warm *wiggles eyebrows*
Take Your Shot by Anonymous | Explicit | 4k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Hook-up | Strangers | "secret" identity | Missed Connections | Soccer/football | Multi POV | Rey hooks up with a guy at a sport bar not realizing he might be a famous player. Ben solo aka Kylo Ren of First Order Premier League is visiting his parents in his home town and stops by a pub for a drink...
A for... by crossingwinter | @shmisolo | Explicit | 5k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Maturbation | Anal Sex | Co-workers | Jewish!Ben Solo | Falling in love | Rey POV | A fantastically written oneshot about Rey's affinity for anal sex and how she ends up having it with Ben Solo.
tell me you recognize defeat by emphemeron | @emphemeron | Explicit | 10k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Office setting | Co-workers | Friends to Lovers but Rey's too stupid to see it coming | Zero discussions of boundaries | mildly dubious consent | ANGST because Rey is an idiot | Shy!Ben Solo | Rey POV | "Rey just wants to be friends with the tall, quiet IT specialist who sits by himself at the company all-hands meetings."
Yes, and... by slipgoingunder | @slipgoingunder | Explicit | 10k | Complete | PWP | Modern AU | Actors | Christmas | behind the scenes of making a Hallmark movie | Mistaken Identity | Actress!Rey | Acting coach!Ben Solo | Rey POV | "Newbie actress Rey lands the starring role in a Hallmark Christmas Movie...but she finds it's not so easy to become a wholesome Hallmark heroine. Enter a mysterious stranger who just might turn out to be her Christmas angel."
Ben Solo Is Not His Brother's Keeper by LyricalRiot | @lyricalriot | Explicit | 13k | Complete | Historical AU | Unspecific Setting | Strangers to Lovers | MISUNDERSTANDINGS | Arranged Marriage | Prima Noctis vibes | Infidelity | Ben and Poe are brothers | Hunting/trapping | Han Solo is an idiot | Poe and Rey are engaged | Loss of Virginity | Deflowering Ritual | HEA | Multi POV | It is expected that the great honor of deflowering his bride will fall to Poe's younger brother Ben. Ben who is secretly in love with Poe's bride wishes he was dead.
Orion by ianixela | @ianixela | Explicit | 14k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to lovers | Slowish burn | Photojournalist!Rey | Guide!Ben Solo | Ex-military!Ben Solo | Amputee!Ben Solo | PTSD | Implied/referenced abortion | Past Adultry | Desert | Oasis | Stranded togther | HEA | Reylo Baby | Rey POV | "Rey Niima finds herself in the Saharan desert trying to heal wounds from her life, and Ben Solo is there too, fixing himself along the way."
The Single Father by xtenn | @xavtenn | Explicit | 15k | Complete | Modern AU | College/University | Professor/Student dynamic | Single father!Ben Solo | Professor!Solo | Single mom!Rey | Student!Rey | Post Partum Depression | ANGST | Baby OCs | Breastfeeding | Roommates | Pining | Past Sexual Trauma | HEA | Ben POV | Returning to work after becoming a single father, Professor Solo is struggling to keep his head above water when he receives an unexpected offer from one of his student's.
For the Record by canox | Explicit | 16k | Complete | Modern AU | Office setting | Co-workers | Mistaken Indentity | One-night-stand | Drama at work | Snoke is a toxic boss | Rey POV | "Rey is a sharp-eyed editor at a top magazine. After a frustrating day at work, she has a one-night stand with a musician, never thinking he might be someone she knows. But she’s about to discover that, between sleeping with a stranger and missing what's happening at work, maybe she's not as sharp-eyed as she thought."
Avant Gardenerby bobaheadshark & kalx58 | @bobaheadshark | Explicit | 21k | Complete | Modern AU | Pandemic/Quarantine/covid-19 | Texting | Plant Nerds | Strangers to friends to hook up to friends to lovers | Rey wants casual | Ben wants Rey | NO-STRINGS-ATTACHED sure jan | Bisexual!Rey | Character study | Rey POV | "The ideal person to break Rey’s quarantine dry spell? The guy she’s been talking online with about plants for months. A harmless one night stand. She’ll never see him again. But the universe might have other plans."
hive. by indiecisivepsych | @indiecisivepsych | Explicit | 33k | Complete | Modern AU | Idiots to lovers | Casual no-strings-attached relationship | Honey Porn | Rey loves Bees | Ben loves Rey | Angst | Pining | HEA | "Rey Niima loves bees. And she doesn't want to admit that she also loves Ben Solo, the man who keeps giving her honey."
Similar Creatures by quamquam20 | @quamquam20 | Explicit | 36k | Complete | Historical AU | 1700s | Venice | Pretty Woman retelling | Sex worker!Rey | Mafioso/enforcer!Ben | "no kissing on the mouth" | Angst | HEA | Multi POV | "As the Hammer of the Medici, Benjamin Solatti has a lot of practice crushing dreams and wringing every coin from nearly empty pockets. Sent to Venice to collect on a debt, he doesn’t have time for pleasure. Nobody knows the winding alleys and canals of Venice quite like someone who works them. So when street-smart Rey notices a lost Florentine noble, she’s more than happy to offer her services. Worlds apart, they lead very different lives. Brought together by chance and an irresistible proposition, those same differences might be what tear them apart when their time runs out."
You Can Have Manhattan by reylo_addict | @thereyloaddict | Explicit | 41k | Complete | Modern AU | Manhattan | Established Reylo | Break ups | Flashbacks | Falling in love | Devoted Reylo | Angst | Break up sex | HEA | Rey POV | In the past: Rey falls in love with New York at the same time she falls in love with Ben Solo. In the present: Rey is angrily (and drunkenly) phoning her Ex from the otherside of the country.
what if the storm ends by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explicit | 61k | Complete | Historic AU | 1950's | WW2 flashbacks | England/Yorkshire | Growing up together | Estrangement | ANGST. SO MUCH BLOODY ANGST | Author!Rey | Widower!Ben | Ben was happily married to another | Farmer!Ben | Rey has PTSD | HEA | Rey POV | "As a child, Rey is evacuated from London to the Yorkshire Dales during the Blitz. She spends the war in the care of the Solos on their farm, wandering the moors with their son looking for a legendary family artifact long lost. When the war is over, she returns to a city she no longer recognizes, and she writes a popular series of children's fantasy books based on her childhood in the Dales. After amassing fame and fortune with her stories, tragedy brings her back to the farm to see Ben Solo, once her greatest inspiration and now a widower."
Pressed by mzladybird | @mzladybird | Explicit | 4k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | Strangers-to-lovers | Employee/customer | Rough sex | Rey POV | Rey works at a drycleaners and takes some *ahem* liberties with Ben's shirts.
A Scent Like Peony by mzladybird | @mzladybird | Explicit | 6k | Oneshot | Arranged Marriage | Strangers | Jealousy | Hate sex? | Rey!Palpatine | Steamy AF | Rey POV | As heiress to the Palpatine Empire Rey always knew she was going to marry Ben Solo.
a good woman by AnonPenguin | @penthescoundrel | Explicit | 9k | Oneshot | Historical AU | Victorian? | American West | Small Town | Widow!Rey | Teacher!Ben Solo | Eniemes to lovers | Misunderstandings | Spanking | Feral!Rey | HEA | Rey POV | "Upstanding citizen and businesswoman, Rey Johnson, has an indelible sense of the way forward. But, that all changes when the new school teacher, Mister Solo, comes to town."
little sir by AnonPenguin | @penthescoundrel | Explicit | 14k | Complete | Historic AU | Medieval | Robin Hood vibes | Injury Recovery | Strangers to lovers | Turbo-virgin!Rey | Ben Solo is a tits guy | Rey POV | Rey is a vigilante who is caught by Lord Solo but instead of turning her in he wants to worship her tits marry her.
Heirloom by AnonPenguin | @penthescoundrel | Explicit | 24k | Complete | Historic AU | Regency/Victorian | Arranged Marriage | Wedding Night | Curses/Magic | Sex Pollen Vibes | Age Difference | Dirty talk | Brat!Rey | Idiots In love | Ben POV | "Ben is encouraged to give an heirloom ring with "hopes" for the marriage to his new bride written inside. Showing a general disdain for the arrangement, he inscribes it, "May we fuck like bunnies, and never have enough", not realizing that magic binds the wish to come true."
Let's Eat by PurpleSugarQuills | @purplesugarquills | Explicit | 4k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Strangers to lovers | Food Porn | Bathroom sex | Rey POV | "The restaurant serves a tasting menu for two, and Rey wants to try it. So does the man sitting beside her at the bar. The solution? She shares a meal with a stranger. And if they end up sharing so much more than just food, well, Rey’s okay with that. Ben Solo isn’t so bad. Not really. And it’s nice, not eating alone."
Happenchance by PurpleSugarQuills | @purplesugarquills | Explicit | 5k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Office Party | Mistaken Indentity | Mention of sex work | Rey POV | "When Rose hires an escort to be Rey’s date for their company’s fundraising event, Rey’s livid. Until… Well, until she spots him in the hotel’s lobby. Tall and gorgeous, with dark hair nearly brushing the collar of the suit he fills out sinfully well. Maybe Rey doesn’t hate Rose. Maybe she should write Rose a thank you note. Or, Rey thinks Ben is an escort. Ben is not an escort."
Differential Equation by PurpleSugarQuills | @purplesugarquills | Explicit | 8.6k | Oneshot with a sequel | Modern AU | College/University | Enemies-to-lovers | Rivalry | Rey POV | After overhearing some comments about herself at a party Rey hates privileged frat boy Ben Solo.
The Twelve Dates of Christmas by PurpleSugarQuills | @purplesugarquills | Explicit | 16k | Complete | Modern AU | Blind Date | Christmas/holidays/ Hanukkah | Fake Dating | Dating | Falling in love | Christmas parties | Skating | Multi POV | "After a disastrous blind date, Ben and Rey can at least agree on one thing—between fancy work galas, ugly sweater parties, Hanukkah with the Solos, and Christmas Eve with Rey’s rowdy group of friends… facing December alone is tiring. Being chronically single with friends trying to pair you off is worse. But fake-dating their way through the holidays? What could go wrong."
Thin Ice by PurpleSugarQuills | @purplesugarquills | Explicit | 14k | Complete | Modern AU | Fake Dating | Hockey | Multi POV | To get revenge on her Ex Rey asks His favourite hockey player to be her date to said Ex's wedding.
Rental Girlfriend by PurpleSugarQuills | @purplesugarquills | Explicit | 18k | Complete | Modern AU | College/University | Enemies-to-lovers | Friend group dynamic | Escort!Rey | jealous/posessive/idiot!Ben Solo | Misunderstandings | ANGST | Rey POV | "Being a rental girlfriend was the best thing that ever happened to Rey. Until she met Ben Solo." or Rey can't stand the new guy at pub trivia. And the new guy cannot figure out Rey.
Trial and Error by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 7k | Complete | Modern AU | Enemies-to-lovers | Rivals-to-lovers | Scientists | Angst | HEA | Rey POV | "When rival scientists Rey and Kylo keep meeting at out-of-town conferences, the growing tension isn’t strictly professional."
To Heal by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 8k | Complete | Modern AU | Flashbacks | Big Buisness | Acquisitions/mergers | Enemies with History | College/University | Falling in Love | Marriage | PTSD | Night Terrors | ANGST | Break-ups | Reconciliation | Rey POV | "When CEO Rey Palpatine faces down her rival Ben Solo across a boardroom table, it’s been ten years since she’s seen him. Ten years since they belonged to each other."
How to Save a Life by Celia_and | @whatceliawrites | Explicit | 8k | Complete | Modern AU | Co-workers | Blizzard | Snowed-in | Scorned lover | Misunderstandings | Bickering as sexual tension | Steamy AF | Rey POV | "Ben rescues his coworker Rey from her cabin in a blizzard, and she can’t forgive him for it."
underworld by elle_p (need ao3 account to read) | Explicit | 2k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | College/University | Rave | Strangers | Hookup | Outdoor sex | Rey POV | "Rey goes to a rave. This tall guy won’t stop staring at her."
 I hold it towards you by elle_p (need ao3 account to read) | Mature | 2k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Pandemic/Quarantine/covid-19 | Loneliness | Anxiety/Depression | Neighbours | Strangers | Age gap | Angst | Happy/Hopeful ending | Rey POV | "After spending time alone in quarantine, Rey meets her next door neighbor, a poetry professor by the name of Benjamin Solo."
melatonin by sevenofreylo | @sevenofreylo | Explicit | 3k | One shot | Modern AU | Summertime | School vacation | Enemies-to-lovers | Bullying | Teenagers(?) | Awkward virgins | Masturbation | No p-in-v | Bunkbeds | Rey POV | "Rey can’t sleep, not with Luke’s nephew in the same room."
Feet Cute by sevenofreylo | @sevenofreylo | Explicit | 3.6k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Meet-cute | Ben has a foot fetish | Adorable then steamy AF | Rey POV | "Rey buys new trainers from Ben’s store."
Making Emends by alantieislander | Explicit | 3k | Oneshot | Modern AU | A/B/O | Alpha x Beta | Ben POV | "In which Alpha Ben meets Beta Rey, and has a biological crisis."
Snowmates by alantieislander | Explicit | 5k | Complete (One shot in two parts with a small epilogue) | Modern AU | Roomates | Rey/Finn | Ben&Finn friendship | No Infidelity | Friends to lovers | Multi POV | When they met Rey was dating Finn. Then Finn and Ben became roommates. Then Rey and Finn Broke up. Then Rey moved away. Now she's back for a visit.
Holdings by alantieislander | Explicit | 5k | Complete | Modern AU | Rich!Ben Solo | Assistant!Rey | Wrokplace relationship | Romantic | Multi POV | "In which Rey is a congresswoman's assistant's assistant and Ben is one of the richest men in the world, and they really like each other."
Leave It All, Lock to the Tide by alantieislander | Explicit | 11k | Complete | Historic AU | 1860s | Maine Coast | Shipwrecked | Magical Abilities | Injury recovery | Depression | HEA | Rey POV | Rey has the ability to take away other's pain, but unlike her mother or grandmother before her she cannot get rid of the pain, only magnify it. Rey exiles herself to a small coastal island to live out her lonely days in peace. Until Ben Solo washes up on the shore.
full fathom five (little lies) by lachesisgrimm | @lachesisgrimm | Mature | 45k | Complete | Modern AU | ANGST | Unplanned Pregnancy | Hurt/comfort | injury!recovery | Broken friend group dynamic | Villian!Luke | Rey needs a hug | Devoted Reylo | HEA | Rey POV | Ben ghosts Rey. He wont even answer her texts when she tells him she's pregnant. Then one day a phone call revealing that Ben has been in a coma for 5 months and he wants to see Rey. Slowly the truth comes out that a master manipulator has been pulling strings in the shadows.
mouth, stomach, heart by lachesisgrimm | @lachesisgrimm | Mature | 80k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to lovers | Rey needs a hug | Sick!fic | Food | Angst | Feral!Rey | Utter simp!Ben Solo | "i licked it and its mine" | Stalking/harassment | OC Antagonist | Falling in love | Loss of Virginity | Marriage proposals | Friend group dynamic | Rey POV | Rey works at Han's garage and his son starts hanging around. Rey's shitty childhood has left her with issues surrounding food and Ben wins her over with his cooking.
Here's to more amazing fics in 2023!🥂
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askbensolo · 1 month
Ben, did you ever eat bugs when you were younger? Y'know like you were channeling your inner Anakin
Yes. Yes I did. As well as other things. Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is. I don’t know why I did that, but hey, the heart wants what it wants…
Oh my gosh. Dude. Wanna hear a college story? ‘Cause I ate a live bug in college. In fact, I ate five of them.
I’ll set the scene. Good ol’ UNaboo. Junior year. My first year, actually, since I transferred in. A fall semester party. The Osk Trill Osk frat house. Enter Ben Solo, twenty years old, tall but scrawny, still in his ugly sweater era, dragged into the tableau by a twenty-one-year-old Treeso Wonga, his new friend from NHS 101: Introduction to Nonhuman Studies.
“I don’t think my mom would want me here,” Ben says, fear in his eyes, a college junior with a freshman soul. “Is it like in the holofilms? Are people gonna be, like…doing stuff?”
“Relax, Solo,” says Treeso, pushing him forward with a solid hand to the back. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We’re here to have fun!”
Osk Trill Osk is a co-ed, mostly-Gungan fraternity. Ben, at this time, has mostly only ever interacted with humans and near-human species, and even those he has barely interacted with. We’re looking at a guy who was homeschooled from age five, practically lived in his bedroom till nineteen, and can count all the friends he’s ever had on one hand. And now he’s standing awkwardly in the middle of a loud and crowded room with a bunch of eighteen-to-twenty-two-year-olds, but he feels like he’s twelve.
The others are friendly enough. They offer him drinks and they offer him things that aren’t drinks and one girl who’s maybe already had a bit too much to drink thinks he’s cute and offers him something else. But the looming threat of Leia Organa-Solo hovers over the boy, along with his own anxious inhibitions and fairly cautious nature, and he declines them all.
“I’m, uh, not twenty-one yet,” he says, naively thinking the excuse is watertight, but a rousing chorus of “neither are we!” shatters the illusion at once.
“I mean, I like following rules,” he says instead, with eyes so big you could read the humiliation in them from a lightyear away—but no one else in the room is in a state to be that observant. Nor are they in a state to spend even one of the brain cells they’re all trying to kill off on thinking about what a loser Ben is. But Ben, however, now has many brain cells that have devoted themselves entirely to this purpose, and he spends the next hour stressed-out and sober, thinking about what a loser he is, and how he can prove he’s not.
Enter the blue slug-beetles, which someone suddenly brings in a crate of, much in the same way one would bring in a six-pack of beer. There is a series of cheers from the Gungans in the room.
The slug-beetle is a bright blue insect about the size of the palm of your hand, and has the curious distinction of being native to both Naboo and Tatooine, with the ability to thrive in both wetland and desert. On Naboo, they are found in the eastern swamps, crawling in the mud amidst the roots of the pelote trees. They are a Gungan delicacy, and Gungans, with their strong teeth and long tongues, are well-suited to cracking the beetles’ hard shells and slurping up the juices. Treeso and several other Gungans begin to do so immediately, while some of the non-Gungan guests look on, some with fascination, some with disgust.
Ben Solo is not a Gungan. He is, however, an absolute freaking idiot. Through some insane inspiration, he decides that he is going to prove how cool he is by being the first human to eat a blue slug-beetle. He puts his hand in the crate.
It’s alive, first of all. These slug-beetles have been prepped for consumption by the removal of their wings, the stubs of which are clipped off in straight lines and flitter nervously as the beetles struggle vainly to survive another day. But even without flight, Ben’s beetle squirms in his hands, its several legs tickling his palms as he tries to prevent its escape.
This moron, frantic not to embarrass himself by having to chase a slug-beetle around the room, finally gives up on figuring out how to eat it. He settles for slapping his palm against his mouth, throwing back the beetle like a handful of pills. The legs tickle his tongue instead of his hands. In a panic, he champs down on it to end its life, and swallows it, the hard fragments of shell scraping the insides of his throat on the way down.
And guess what? Nobody freaking saw.
So then. Of course. What other conclusion is there? He has to do it again. Reluctantly, he reaches once more into the crate of crawling beetles.
Mind you, this buffoon is fully sober. He has nothing and no one to blame for his stupid decisions. He’s just…like that.
He picks up the second bug. Probably, he should have stopped and waved and said something like, “Hey, guys, watch me eat this bug!” (though in retrospect, I’m kind of glad he didn’t), but this dude had pretty bad social anxiety at the time, and such a prospect was unthinkable.
So…Ben Solo eats his second slug-beetle. And again. Nobody freaking sees him do it. Although it does go down a little smoother.
Well. Now he’s committed to the bit. Committed enough to grab a t-h-i-r-d slug-beetle, but for some reason not committed enough to say “hey guys watch me eat this bug” because that would involve calling attention to himself, which is exactly what he’s attempting to do, except no, he doesn’t want to make himself noticed, he just wants to be noticed.
Third slug-beetle goes down—similarly unseen. It’s looking like Ben prayed too hard at the beginning of the party for people not to look at him, because, yeah, that’s exactly what’s happening right now. Sure, he could just call it there and shrug it off and laugh at himself for eating three slug-beetles for nothing, but…you know? The sunk-cost fallacy is one hell of a drug.
He’s getting the hang of it. Down goes the fourth beetle. One of the Gungans looks at the crate and goes, hey, where’d all the beetles go? They went fast, huh? And Ben Solo’s like, oh, someone’s looking, now’s my chance. He grabs the fifth bug and puts it in his mouth and imagines the sweet, sweet taste of notoriety.
Well, he was getting the hang of it. But at this point, this stupid neophyte college boy is sweaty and dehydrated and has nothing in his stomach but hydrochloric acid and five blue slug-beetles and a bunch of social anxiety and his body decides, yeah, okay, show’s over, we’re done here. Pack it up, boys.
So, everyone’s watching when Ben Solo slaps his hands over his mouth and stumbles over to a conveniently-placed garbage can and keels over and…you know, un-eats all the bugs.
“Yooo, I thought you said you weren’t gonna drink!” says Treeso, pulling back my hair while I freaking die, and someone else says they can see why I don’t drink, since we’ve only been there an hour and I’m already losing my guts. And from that point on everyone thinks I’m just, like, the worst lightweight ever.
And? To this day? No one will kriffing believe me that I ate five bugs. Like…seriously?? If I was gonna lie about myself for clout, you really think that that’s what I’d be going with?? Ben Solo, the bug-eater???
Anyway…yeah. I present myself before you. Ben Solo, eater of bugs.
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butdaddyilovehim99 · 2 days
I was tagged by @avonne-writes @sleepy-hyperfixations and @hogans-heroes so thank you all 🥰
I feel like so many people have done this so no pressure tagging @aust-een @parker-hallie @umika @brotherwtf
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abr · 5 months
Il pensiero debole davvero che l'autostima di chiunque, delle donne in particolare ma anche dei ragazzi, si corrobori solo se nessun adulto maschio osi mai sfiorarla, è come credere che Michael Jordan avrebbe segnato ben più di 32 mila e fischia punti in Nba, se solo non fosse cresciuto con tutti quei difensori arcigni a contrastarlo negli anni del college e della high school.
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