#colin gunderson
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jprgirl · 7 months ago
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Happy Birthday Shane Cortese!
August 13, 1968
Shane played Colin Gunderson in 19 episodes!
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silvermoon-scrolls · 2 years ago
I love these scenes because we are so unaccustomed to seeing Anders feeling powerless. With mortals Anders always comes out on top because of his powers. With his family he has nothing to fear and he can be his cocky self (which is a bit of a security blanket). But with Colin he is at a disadvantage. Colin is more powerful and crazy on top of that. To anger him is very risky.
In these gifs you can easily see Anders start to worry that maybe he has bitten off more than he can chew now that Colin uses Dawn as a sort of unsuspecting bargaining chip.
Colin is such a good character! He’s equally terrifying when he is chipper as when he is angry.
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Anders face throughout “And Then on to Norsewood” when it concerns Dawn and Colin.
I loved these faces so much because when Dawn first speaks to Colin about the campaign she outright insults him.  They then focus on Anders who you can see is quite concerned.  He doesn’t know how Colin will react and he is nervous, I’ll go as far and say is actually quite afraid Colin will hurt her.  You can see after Colin actually is impressed and interested in her ideas that it’s met with confusion by Anders.  
I could go off and say how he most likely expected verbal if not physical retribution from Colin.  Probably because his quick wit, smart words and sarcasm was more likely then not taken well by his father. Or the fact the he is a witness to his mothers abuse.  But that is for another time.
Then we see later in the episode Anders becomes even more concerned with Colin’s sudden focus on Dawn and he really doesn’t like it.  He doesn’t even want to think about him and Dawn in a sexual relationship.  Dawn is much more precious to him then a woman he hooks up with for sex.  You can see in the last two gifs he knows why this question of them “banging” is brought up and he doesn’t like it.  Now the concern is tenfold but he doesn’t know what to do about it.
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lostaroace · 2 years ago
Beware of the dragon | Anders Johnson x Fem!Reader
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My Fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
Fandom: The Almighty Johnsons
Pairing: Anders Johnson x Dragon!Fem!Reader
Rating: General.
Content Warnings: free call on mythical creatures, swearing, jealousy.
Summary: The Johnsons are humans again, but their relationship with the Norse gods is not quite done yet. The woman Anders had been longing for shows up holding a red stone and asking for Colin which proves that she wasn’t a mortal as he had thought. When she meets Colin, Anders starts to feel a very disturbing feeling of jealousy. Will he do something about it?
Word Count: 5140
Also avialable on AO3
This work was created to be part of the Deanobingo2023 event by @deanobingo​ It fills the Character Card with Anders Johnson and the General Prompt Card with Dimples and Jealousy. 
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Beware of the dragon | Oneshot
Being a mortal sucked. That was Anders' conclusion after a full week without Bragi's powers. If it wasn't for Dawn he had no idea what would've happened to his company, seriously. It was ridiculous how much he had relied on his silver tongue to sweet-talk his clients, what the actual fuck. He knew his business, of course, and he still had the cute blue eyes, his nice smile with those dimples that made people look at him twice… Yeah, sure, Anders' had his tools, but they didn't work with everyone. However, he was a great judge of character and was able to understand if his client needed to fat their ego or if they were more on the 'saving people' end of the line. If only his business had not been blown before the whole stunt…
He wanted to get drunk after a tedious day at work. He had named Dawn as a partner of his company to acknowledge her talent and hard work, and even if they still had to cover her previous position by hiring someone, they decided to go celebrate. Ty, as might've been expected, had Mike agreed to them using the main floor of his place as a get-together point of reunion; they would drink, congratulate Dawn, probably at Anders' expense, and then they all would go to dinner or a pub or something. Ty was the guy with a plan, Anders' just wanted to get pissed.
As the Johnsons together with Dawn, Hanna, Gaia, Zeb, Michele, and Stacey entered the place, they found a woman behind the bar playing with a shining red stone. Her eyes looked at all of them as a predator would.
"Welcome home. Now, who's going to tell me where Colin Gunderson lives?"
When the others glanced at Anders looking for answers he had none to give. She had been occupying his mind for a week now as he thought that with his change of status, she would've forgotten him.
Thinking now, there must've been signs that pinned her down as something else than mortal.
The first time Anders saw her, she was surrounded by books in her cozy office. Her personal assistant had made him enter the room, but she was still so focused on her books that she hadn't noted the new presence, or so the thought. Anders cleared his throat and her intense look pierced his soul, his skin breaking into goosebumps. As he introduced himself in the name of his company, she accepted his presence as well as the idea of having her publishing company work with J: PR.
Anders was unable to forget her after that. She was a constant presence in the back of his mind, never suffocating or incapacitating, just there. As time went by, Anders found himself seeking her company in a platonic way. He longed so hard for her that he just took whatever she was willing to give. The idea of using his powers to have her was out of the question, just as much as the possibility of her finding him attractive or worthy. Anders had no idea why the fuck he thought that, but the moment those eyes glued to his, he was unable to be pretentious.
Then the whole incident with Rosie happened. She had shown up to J: PR with a frown and a clenched jaw.
"What the fuck have you done?" She scolded.
"I haven't done anything," he put on his best innocent facade. "Look, if Rosie gave him the pills it's just–"
"Don't you dare to lie to me," she seemed to growl, her voice deeper than usual, coming out from the core of her chest. Anders' mouth dried out.
"He's a better client. That's all. This is business." His own confession surprised him.
She sighed with disappointment. "You had a loyal client and you just stabbed her in the back. Am I supposed to expect the same behavior on your part, Anders?"
"Never." His voice waved. "I will never do something like this to you!"
"How can I believe you now?" Her shoulders dropped with exhaustion. "I think it's better if we part ways."
"What? No. Hey, come on, don't do this. I'll fix it! I will!"
First Dawn quit her job wearing earplugs and now this. Bragi's voice itched in his throat, willing to be of use and this time avoid her for leaving him. It never came up. She turned around and left the office while he was frozen in place unable to say anything else, unable to process the panic that was crawling under his skin.
He had to fix the situation, and he did. He fixed Rosie's reputation, engaged Dawn in the job again, and, finally, he went to The Hoard Publishing. She listened to everything he had to say, which was good, but unnerving at the same time. When she accepted to keep the business relationship Anders felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
That's how their weekly dinner meetings started. Every Tuesday, Anders would go to The Hoard Publishing with some takeout after work and just have dinner with her there while talking about nothingness. When he was in her cozy office he felt more at home than in his apartment. The furniture was homey with warm tones, fabrics, and woodwork. She had a couple of armchairs that screamed comfort. The walls of the room were dressed with shelves from floor to ceiling, all of them heavily stocked with books. It didn't matter where he looked, books were piling up on every surface, and each week the books that surrounded her on the desk were different. He should've felt overwhelmed and even claustrophobic in that environment, but instead, he felt content.
More times than not, Anders felt the pull of just blurting out his with to properly date her although he wasn't the dating type; maybe that's what stopped him. He didn't want a one-stand with her and the possibilities of him engaging in a long-term relationship were scarce.
That's when his mother sent him away looking for Yggdrasil. All that time away, all those Tuesday nights missed, for the damn stick to get hold of at Customs. Not only that! His baby brother got super sick and forced them to lose their powers, the egg.
Everything was wrong, wrong, wrong.
"What happened to your face? Are you applying for a dwarf role in the new Peter Jackson production or something?" She asked with a sweet smile when he finally gathered the courage to visit.
"You don't like my beard?"
"Hides your dimples."
"So, you like my dimples, then?"
"You love yourself way too much, Anders."
He shrugged, "If not me, then who?"
She nodded accepting his logic. After that, it was as if he had never left. He was afraid that the time without seeing each other would make the reunion awkward, but it was the opposite. Anders felt like he was finally complete, and that was terrifying.
Then Helen happened, and Gaia after that, which filled Anders with so many contradictory feelings that he decided to avoid the publisher as much as possible. He hated it, of course, and not only because she was the only big client in his company after the big fiasco next to the people from the uneatable cereal and the dog food.
"Tell me you're not sticking your nose in politics." Was the first text in weeks that she sent to Anders.
How she found out was a mystery. Yes, Colin had offered Anders a huge amount of money for helping him with the campaign to be Auckland's new mayor. He wanted that, needed that thrill, that emotion, the idea of being him behind someone else's success. His name flew mouth-to-mouth until his company became the most requested of them all. Of fucking course he wanted that!!
They stopped talking since then and Anders kept telling himself that it was because he was too busy with Colin's campaign and that his Tuesday nights were full.
One day, for whatever reason, she walked into J: PR after Ty as he was in a rush to deliver something. She waited patiently while Dawn signed the receipt. The office was full of life with workers for the campaign, not that she paid attention to anything; Anders had seen her appear and debated on whether or not to get up and do some small talk. Ty turned to leave finding the door blocked by Colin. After a few uncomfortable words, Anders' brother left and Colin asked Dawn for something.
She was happy to wait, obviously, but she didn't like to be ignored by Dawn as she made a beeline to Anders' desk to ask him about the whole deal between Ty and Colin. Once her curiosity was mostly satisfied she turned to go back to her seat suddenly realizing that the publisher was there, waiting.
"Dawn, could you get me the documents we talked about?" she asked the blonde.
"Oh! Of course, sorry."
The woman searched in her workplace for said documents while Colin took in the publisher's presence. He looked at her head to toe a couple of times before wearing his best smile and playing with his best manners.
"I'm afraid we've not been introduced," he offered his hand. "My name is Colin Gunderson, and I am now running for mayor."
She shook his hand introducing herself with weary eyes, "I'm not really into politics, Mr. Gunderbar."
"Gunderson," he corrected with a polite smile.
"Sure," she dismissed his correction.
"You know, I'm looking forward to improving the well-being of our marvelous city. You might not be into politics, but I'm sure there's something you'll want to improve, isn't it?"
"I guess, although I doubt you have the citizens' best interest at heart, Mr. Gundermorguen."
"Gunderson," he grumbled. "I totally understand your skepticism, as you have not heard yet my great proposal. Anders! Anders, tell this beautiful woman about my campaign."
Anders, who was having a great time with her intentional mistakes on Colin's last name, started talking about it but got cut out when she seethed.
"I don't care. And, Mr. Gunderthunder–"
"–I'm very good at pointing out liars. Want to know why? Because their mouths stink from all the bullshit that comes out of them. Now, give me back my hand, Mr. Gundermoth, as I want to leave."
Colin was obfuscated. He was clenching his jaw with ire, biting down his comeback as he still wanted to be on Dawn's good side. Anders saw that on him as much as the mischievous grin the publisher gifted them. Once she had the documents in her hands, she left without looking back.
"What was in those documents?" He asked Dawn as Colin decided to have some alone time in the bathroom.
"The information about her company that we've collected over the time she's been our client. Her new PR company needed it."
"New what?"
"I told you like a thousand times, Anders. Do you really not listen to me? The Hoard Publishing canceled our contract. Thank god it was just after you decided to do this campaign with Colin or we would be drowning."
Everything was dark in Anders' heart after that. When Colin insinuated using Bragi's power to lure Dawn into sleeping with him it was the last straw. Anders was cunning and power motivated, sure, but he had standards and principles; especially since Rosie's incident, his conscience had developed extra roots. Without Colin's money, J: PR got back to anguish. Anders hesitated for a few weeks until he decided to suck it up and drag his cute little bum into The Hoard Publishing; he begged and pleaded, but even in his desperation he did not resort to Bragi.
She had accepted to renew her faith in him and Anders pushed his luck further by inviting himself on Tuesday night to have dinner with her like before. It had been awkward at first, but he had missed it so much that he overlooked the uneasiness. He even flirted with her!!
Understanding that after the ritual between Odin and Frigg, the mortals would forget about them, that she was going to forget everything about him, it was quite a shock.
On his penultimate day as Bragi, Anders burst into her office and slashed open his heart and soul to her. He didn't tell her about the god stuff because he knew it was insane, but he explained the sleepless nights he spent thinking of her, of how much he longed for her touch, her smile, her undivided attention… His palms were sweaty and his breath was shaky while waiting for any kind of reaction on her part.
She looked at him over at the manuscript she had been correcting, blinking slowly as she took him in. He swallowed feeling extremely vulnerable and exposed. Cautiously, the same way a predator would approach a prey, she closed the distance between them and caressed his cheek with a feathery touch. Anders gasped when her fingernails scratched his stubble. He had kissed a lot of women since he hit puberty; this was different. That kiss made his skin burn with desire, his finger itching with want, and moans creeping on the back of his throat unable to stop them.
The realization hit him when they were recovering from a night of nonstop lovemaking; he had no clue about what to do to make her remember him. He wasn't Ty, he didn't know if he was able to work extra hard to win her over again. Especially since he had no fucking idea how he had done it, to begin with.
That's how he had ghosted her for the whole day as he slept with Michele, went with her and Mike to the casino, and, finally, participated in the ritual by saying his goodbyes to Bragi. Hence how Anders hadn't seen her in a while.
He gaped at her as she was waiting patiently for them to speak.
As she seethed, she turned around the bar to sit on one of the stools.
"Do I have to repeat myself?"
"We don't know where Colin is." Ty squared his shoulders to look bigger.
She crocked her head to the side taking a deep breath through her nose. "It doesn't smell like a lie, but it's not a truth either. I don't like it. Too ambiguous. Also, it's not what I asked Tyrone. Where does he live?"
"I'm sorry, but what is this about?" Mike stepped forward.
"Well, Bragi told me that Loki never made it to Asgard, and Odin's certain that the asshole is still here. As they're now happily away from Midgard they've decided to use me to clean their mess," she looked to the ceiling, "although I. AM. NOT. YOUR. PET."
"A dragon!!" Olaf yelled with a sudden realization.
Ingrid looked at her, eyes wide. "Of course… Oh, we've been so blind! I knew there was something off with you."
"Wait. Wait! I'm not getting what's going on here," Anders walked closer to her but kept a secure distance. "Firstly, what do you mean that you've talked to Bragi? And secondly, what the fuck do they mean by you being a dragon?"
"Your confusion smells funny, Anders." There it was, the predatory smile that made his heart flutter.
"Dragons are mythological creatures just as giants or dwarfs, though scarce. They're possessive, and they hoard. I didn't know they had a good relationship with gods," Ingrid explained, the publisher who was, in fact, a dragon got up to the stool and faced her with a finger pointing menacingly.
"Hey! We wouldn't have eaten gods if they stopped trying to hunt us down for our skin. And my hoard is none of your business, mortal."
"They're also patient creatures when suited, but they have some fierce temperament. They have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. Hello," Ingrid finished slightly uncomfortable with the dragon's proximity.
She snarled and retreated to her stool, crossing her arms over her chest. "You know, now that you're mortals and away from the gods' business, the best thing for you would be to just answer my question and I would be out of your sight."
"You can't just show up saying Loki's still here and expect us to pretend we don't care," Mike stated.
"Why not?"
"Because we care!"
She scrunched her nose, "Liar. You don't care, you're just bored with your mortal life." Mike started to complain, but she wasn't paying attention to him, her head shot up looking at the ceiling. "Oi! Shut the fuck up, you smug idiot. Do I look like I'm wasting time on purpose? If you're so worried, get your pretty ass down here and DO THE JOB YOURSELF!"
Massaging her temples she sighed, and locked her eyes with Anders', "How did you manage to share a life with Bragi without developing a chronic migraine?"
"It's not like he talked to me directly."
"He did," she dismissed. "What? Well, I guess not with precise words and using his own voice, but he definitely communicated with you. And now won't shut up."
"All right, as former Odin, I propose we all calm down and you explain what you want with Colin. Try to do it like we were toddlers," Axl quickly added sensing her patience shaking.
Apparently, after the ritual, Loki had left for Midgard, but he never made it to Asgard because Colin had used that red stone to link Loki. He had thrown the stone at the ground when everyone was leaving, only to return later and use it to drive Loki back. The god was now powerful enough to use his magic to shapeshift until his appearance was the same as Colin's. In the beginning, both of them had lived in Auckland but Mortal!Colin was too egocentric to subdued himself to God!Colin, which ended up with Loki using the stone to absorb the mortal; then he got rid of it, and because he's a nostalgic little shit, he threw it at the same spot where the ritual took place.
Bragi, who had been pestering her since he had gone to Asgard, warned her about the Loki situation and she performed the investigation that gave them answers, but she had no idea where she could find Colin as his old house had been sold.
"And are you strong enough to force Loki out of here?" Mike asked skeptically.
"I haven't eaten a mortal in five hundred years, Mikkel, want to be the one who breaks my record?" She snarled.
"We can lure him here," Axl proposed and his brothers voiced their concerns and complaints. "Hear me out. He's pretending to be Colin, he'll come here, especially if Mike challenges his virility and power. Then she can take him down or whatever. I think it's easier than looking for him somewhere else. I'm sure that he knows Odin had noticed his absence."
"Huh… It's interesting to see that you can use your brain from time to time, Axl." She pinned Mike with her eyes, "Call him then."
"I don't have his phone number."
She growled shaking her head in disgust, "Do not lie to me."
"Do it, Mike," Anders ordered with a frown.
"Fine," Mike threw his arms into the air in surrender.
As he was lying on the phone, she scratched her nose in disgust. Anders was unable to tear his eyes from her. Paying attention to her using the new information in his mind, he was able to pin down the elements that screamed what she was. First, it was her whole demeanor. She held herself as she was bigger and stronger than she looked, she owned every room she stepped into with her precise movements, her chin up, and her eyes scanning the place as if she was looking for someone. Now Anders thought that she was probably looking for a menace. Dragons, as he understood, were very weary of their surroundings and not particularly social, that's why it shocked him extra hard the fact that she welcomed him into her lair (her office in The Hoard Publishing) weekly.
"You hoard books," he voiced one of his conclusions about her.
Apparently, the change of subject helped her focus on the smell of his words instead of Mike's. "Knowledge, mostly. But, as it turned out, knowledge comes in books. They smell good as well."
"You knew? That I was a god, I mean."
"Yes. Bragi has always had a particular smell; like when the bananas are so ripe that although they're still sweet, they have an acid undertone." She seemed to deem for a moment, pursing her lips. "However, it was very subtle and I must admit that I missed it at the beginning. Your own essence blocked Bragi's."
"My essence? What– What do I smell like?"
"Sex. Weed. Smoke. Chemicals from the drugs. And lies. It's a very intense… odor. No offense."
"Yes, offense! What the fuck? If I smell that bad why did you spend time with me willingly?"
"Because you smell better when you're being honest. Plus, on Tuesday nights you paid extra attention to not smoking, or drinking, although I'm positive it was unconsciously."
Thinking about it, she was right. He noticed how she subtly kept more distance between them if he had smoked or drank that day, and then he stopped having sex on both Mondays and Tuesdays just to be closer to her. All this time he thought she had some sort of analytic eye, like the detectives of noir novels.
Once Colin accepted the meeting, she busied herself playing with the red stone at the bad, twisting it and turning it like a spinning top. The Johnsons and the former goddess were free to go and do whatever they wanted at that point, she didn't need them anymore, but they were all so captivated by being in the presence of a dragon that leaving seemed unnatural. Pouring themselves some spirituous drinks, the mortals gathered away from her where they could still look at her while mumbling their wildest hypothesis.
Anders didn't like the picture in front of him. They had made her into a zoo attraction, a wild animal bored to death in a glass cage with thousands of tourists peeping in wanting for it to suddenly become a savage ball of raw rage. She was doing her best to ignore them, focusing her attention on the stone, but Anders knew her well enough to see how her nonchalance was a facade. She was gifting them her patience, which was one step behind on running out.
She started to whisper under her breath and Anders thought she was probably cursing them for using her as a freak show, that was until he heard her say Bargi's name. A conversation, that is what it was. Bragi was having a conversation with the dragon, one that only she could listen to and understand. Oh, Anders hated it. His stomach started to turn, a sour undertaste overflowing in his mouth. If she had known he was Bragi's vessel this whole time, would it mean that she wanted to fuck Bragi to begin with? That night in which Anders threw himself into honesty in front of her, did she accept him because of him or because of Bragi.
Fuck, he was jealous.
That was new. He had never experienced jealousy like that. He'd had troubled thoughts due to his brothers and the attention they received from their mother when they were young, sure. He'd envied Ty and how easily people seemed to like him even with his poor anger management. But jealousy because someone he was interested in was more interested (or could be more interested) in someone else? Never. It was new and he didn't know if he was able to control it. That was frightening. He'd seen a lot of people do stupid things because they were jealous, including hurting the people they most cared about, and he didn't want to be just that toxic towards anyone, much less towards her.
Abruptly, she picked up the stone, put it in her pocket, and jumped the bar hiding behind it. Colin entered Mike's place seconds later as if he owned it, almost dancing with each step exuding confidence. When he saw the congregation he said some sarcastic and bitter remarks unaware of the woman that closed the exit on his back.
"Sit." To the growl in her voice, Colin turned immediately eyeing her.
"I know you, you were the lady not interested in politics. Well, I'm not running for mayor anymore."
In a fluid movement, she pushed the man into a chair sitting on top of him, her chest vibrating with her constant growl.
"Uh, is this a lap dance?"
"What does the red stone do, Gunderbar?" She growled.
"I'm Gunderson. Colin Gunderson. And I have no clue what are you talking about. Hey! Johnsons! Do something with this crazy woman!"
She smiled showing her teeth to be dangerously sharp. The iris in her eyes changed to an unnatural green as her pupil slanted vertically and the white in them disappeared. As her growling increased her chest and throat started to glow.
"Fuck! Get off me!! Johnsons, a hand!!"
"You've been naughty, Loki Laufeyson."
"I'm not Loki, I'm Colin."
She grabbed his face, claws instead of fingernails, keeping him in place as her other hand ripped his clothing. "Lying liar that lies. I hate it. They don't smell good. Talk the truth."
Logically, Anders knew he should be scared while the woman he knew was turning more and more into a dragon, but he couldn't help the arousal that broke his skin into goosebumps. However, at the same time, there was a bitter twist setting in the pit of his stomach. The jealousy was hitting him hard again, this time not because of her close friendly relationship with Bragi, but because of bloody Colin. Yes, she was menacing at the moment, with Colin completely at her mercy, yet she was sitting on top of him, touching him, the distance between their faces almost inexistent… Anders hated it. He was fucking jealous and he wanted them to break apart immediately.
Her claws had broken Colin's skin on his chest, but he wasn't buggering. Anders could see how Mike was growing restless with her interrogation, perhaps he was questioning whether she was right or not about Loki's identity. When his brother moved just slightly to intervene, Anders grabbed his arm pulling him behind his back. The dragon's eyes darted toward them calculating the odds. Anders shook his head praying that she got the message.
"My patience had run out. Open your mouth."
Colin fought to break free, but dragons are naturally strong. With one hand on his hair pulling his head backward and another on his jaw, she made him open his mouth. The light on her chest and throat gleamed stronger, she put her mouth on top of his and the fire entered his body illuminating it from the inside. As she pulled away, the audience stood dumbfounded as Colin had just swallowed the fire with no consequence.
"God of fire," Anders mumbled.
"A dragon. Of course. I should've known that my dear father would send a bloody dragon to catch me. What now, deathly monster?"
"The stone," before he could tell something, she inserted her claws into his stomach making him whine in pain. "Only the truth."
"The mortal's inside."
"Oi, hot stuff, you there?" She looked at the ceiling. "Hum… That's going to let a big hole in this place." She tilted her head, "Okay, that sounds better. You, up, Odin's going to grab you."
Dragging him by the nape, she pulled Colin outside followed by the Johnsons. A strong white light illuminated them and suddenly the dragon and Loki were gone, in their place was a red stone that burst open with a magical light; a very human, very mortal, and very naked Colin Gunderson stood in front of them complaining.
The Hoard Publishing was still active, therefore Anders drove there after three showers and a long speech in front of the mirror full of truths and honesty knowing that his breath would smell better then. Uninvited and unwanted, he strode inside her office where she was correcting a manuscript, just like the time he slept with her.
"I miss you."
She frowned. Her head tilted to the side and her nose twisted just slightly; his smell must've surprised her because she blinked fast after a sniff in his direction.
"I've wanted you for a long time, but I didn't think you would want me. When I finally gathered the courage… Fuck, you were supposed to be mortal. If I knew you were going to remember me… I… I didn't look for you after becoming mortal because I thought you deserved better than me."
"And don't I now?"
"No. Yes! I mean… Yes, you still deserve better, so much better than me, yet I reckon I'm a better option than Bragi, you know? That dude's married. And– And although I'm a mortal now I know that you're a dragon so you won't have to hide it from me. I'll be completely yours… If you want. If you– If you'd have me."
Damned his voice and how it died with uncertainty at the end of his speech. Nonetheless, he stood there, unable to tear his eyes from her, praying to the gods that he could have this, just this one thing. Ty had Dawn and the mortal life that he so much craved when he was Mr. Freezer. Mike had a big bank account and Hanna with him. Axl had gotten back with Gaia and Zeb was still his best friend. Anders had nothing but loneliness.
She giggled softly pushing herself away from the desk. With a relaxed demeanor, the dragon approached him, a predatory smile sketched on her face. Anders remained still, waiting. Her hands hovered over his arms and shoulders, his skin breaking into goosebumps as his breath became fast and needed.
"Bragi warned me about your insecurities, but I still had faith in your rampant avidity. I knew that you wanted me and that, sooner or later, you'll come back to me."
"You don't like Bragi better then?" He whispered almost voiceless.
"That posh bastard? Not even as a meal."
"Good. That's good."
Her lips ghosted around his yet Anders did not break the distance, waiting patiently for her. He was the prey, in the end, he had to act like one.
"You smell very tempting today, Anders. Did you make an effort for me?"
To his truth, she moaned. "That's good."
Before he could rejoice in the praise, her lips captured Anders', and he resourced to full-on melt with it.
The End
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flownintothesun · 2 years ago
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name : westley colin johannes henrik van der sterren (mccarthy / bernardi / pollard / gunderson).
eye colour : shifting like the sea between blues and greens & grays.
hair style & colour : curly & black — catches red in the light.
clothing style : think ‘bad boy’ who can clean up damn well.
best physical feature : the ones i write about most are his ever-changing eyes, the dusting of freckles across his nose, or the dimples when he smiles.
fears : abandonment, death of a loved one, being incapable, not being strong enough, lack of control, lack of stability, not being smart enough, being the reason a loved one gets hurt, losing his sense of self, being corrupt / evil.
guilty pleasure : musicals. he enjoys both watching them and singing them and will take this fact to his grave — unless you’re muriel or james, in which case you already know.
biggest pet peeve : incompetence that causes trouble, people who don’t respect the boundaries of his loved ones.
ambitions for the future : to be happy and loved.
first thoughts waking up : coffee now pls.
what they think about most : @batteredoptimist’s james and muriel, tbh. how to love them, how to keep them safe, how to do good / right by them.
what they think about before bed : honestly it’s probably very citrusy, and i blame nonny for this, too.
what they think their best quality is : well, since we got him thinking about citrus fruits, he says his ass. i think his best quality is that he pushes himself so hard to do right by the ones he loves when the world did him so utterly wrong. he’s a fighter and he is so strong and beautiful and brave and i’m so proud of him.
single or group dates : single (but also this counts for his polyam triad with muriel & james)  — he just wants to spend time with the ones he loves, tbh. he doesn’t mind company, but prefers to keep dates intimate.
to be loved or respected : both, and feared too in the right circumstances. it depends on the person. by strangers? respected. by an enemy? feared. by those he loves? loved, loved, loved.
beauty or brains : he says that muriel tells him that he has both. but ehm, in a partner? i don’t think that it’s that black and white and neither does he. beauty becomes beauty when it’s something beloved, and intelligence is such a broad spectrum of knowledge. westley says (and i agree) that there is no one person that is more or less this than anyone else in the right eyes.
dogs or cats : dogs, but he loves both and he basically is a wee feral kitten. he has a golden retriever named ‘baby’ that he adores in one of my main / closed nonny-verses though and thus...dogs, but also all creatures great and small. ♡
LAYER 005 : DO THEY ...?
lie : he values honesty in relationships but he will absolutely lie to every single other person in his life that isn’t intimately close.
believe in themselves : he has a weird relationship with this, and it kind of teeters back and forth.
believe in love : of course he does. he’s loved too deeply to doubt that love is one of the greatest forces on earth.
want someone : *waves at james and muriel* but also, he wants ‘home’ and ‘family’.
been on stage : verse-dependent.
changed who they were to fit in : sure. he’ll do whatever it takes in a pinch to get himself and his loved ones out of or into whatever scenario presents itself.
favourite colour : gold
favourite animal : he says don’t make him choose. he seems to have an affinity for pretty much all animals — but maybe dogs and birds?
favourite book :   he has adhd and has trouble focusing if it’s not special interest. he likes to make up / tell stories, or hear them from others. if he wants to learn something though, he will BURY himself in source material.
favourite game :  no one plays board games or video games with him, he’s absolutely relentless.
day their next birthday will be : june 26, 2023.
how old will they be : verse-dependent. infinite, or technically somewhere between 26-28.
i love my husbands.
i feel deeply, sometimes i feel too much.
i hide from rejection. i don’t want to be a disappointment.
i miss feeling as though i belonged somewhere in the world.
i (rarely) have all the answers.
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Character Tags (1/20/25)
Aka the massive tag breakdown to get super specific lol
The Mechanisms
Gunpowder Tim, Jonny D'ville, Nastya Rasputina, Ashes O'Reilly, Marius Von Raum, Ivy Alexandria, The Toy Soldier, Toy Soldier, Drumbot Brian, Raphaella La Cognizi, Doctor Carmilla
mordred hnoc, mordred, the pendragons, arthur pendragon, lancelot pendragon, guinevere pendragon, galahad hnoc, arthur hnoc, merlin hnoc, gawain hnoc, ulysses, hades udad, (several posts mention "the oracle of delphi" but are not tagged as such and left as drumbot brian), loki tbi, sigyn tbi, lyfrassir edda, bertie the mechanisms
timraph, hearteyes, two of hearts
mechs performance, ben below, ouatis, tbi, hnoc, udad, ttbt, jonny without the waistcoat
Whizzer Brown, Marvin Falsettos, Mendel Weisenbachfeld, Mendel Falsettos, Marvin Gardens, Jason Falsettos, Jason Gardens, Charlotte Falsettos, Cordelia Falsettos, Trina Falsettos
Delicious in Dungeon
Laios Touden, Falin Touden, Chimera Falin, Chilchuck Tims, Chilchuck, Chilchuk Tims, Senshi, Senshi of Izganda, Itzusmi, Marcille, Marcille Donato, Thistle, Mithrun, Chilchuck's Wife, Whitbelle, Chilchuck Wife, Chilchucks Wife, Flertim Chils, Meijack Chils, Puckpatti Chils, Flertom, Meijack, Puckpatti, The Winged Lion, Kabru, Mayjack Chils, Mayjack, Itzusumi, Kabru of Utaya
Chilchuck's daughters
chilshi, pots n picks, chilchuck sandwich, labru, farcille
Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, Ling Yao, Greedling, Riza Hawkeye, FMA Greed, Trisha Elric
Pidge, Pidge Gunderson, Keith Kogane
South Park
Kenny McCormick, Karen McCormick
The Owl House
King Clawthorne
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Gabriel
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Waddles. Grunkle Stan, Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Standford Pines
The Book of Bill
Over The Garden Wall/OTGW
Wirt, OTGW Wirt, OTGW Greg, OTGW Beatrice, Greg, Beatrice
Arcane/Arcane League of Legends
Jayce Talis, Viktor, Viktor Arcane, Jinx, Ekko, Isha, Caitlyn Kiramman, Vi Arcane
Jayvik, Timebomb, Caitvi
The Magnus Archives
Jon Sims, Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker, Timothy Stoker, Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Jonah Magnus, Peter Lukas, Simon Fairchild, Oliver Banks, Jared Hopworth, Michael Distortion, Helen Distortion, Michael Shelley, Helen Richardson, Agnes Montague, Jude Perry, Gertrude Robinson, Eric Delano, Mary Keay, Gerry Keay, Gerard Keay, Basira Hussain, Daisy Tonner, Daisy Toner, Alice Daisy Tonner, Nikola Orsinov, Georgie Barker, Jane Prentiss, The Admiral, Annabelle Cane, Melanie King, Not!Sasha, Mike Crew, Jack Barnabus, Lucia Wright, Robert Smirke, Desolation!Tim, Danny Stoker, Gerry Delano, Manuela Dominguez,
The Distortion, The Watcher, The Eye, The Spiral, The Stranger,
MAG 39, MAG 132, MAG 200, MAG 168, MAG 67, MAG 159, MAG 112, MAG 89, MAG 158, MAG 93, MAG 172, MAG 101, MAG 179, MAG 160, MAG 81, MAG 4, TMA S5, TMA S3, TMA S4, TMA Season 5,
teaholding, jmart, jonmartin, jontim, gerrymichael, timsasha, lonelyeyes, gerrytim, timgerry,
The Magnus Protocol
Alice Dyer, Gwen Bouchard, Gwendolyn Bouchard, Sam Khalid, Samama Khalid, Celia Ripley, Chester, Chester TMAGP, Gerard Keay, Gerry Keay, Mr Bonzo, Bonzo TMAGP, Bonzo, Georgie Barker, Jack TMAGP, Lady Mowbray, TMAGP Needles, Colin Becher, Norris, Norris TMAGP, Lena Kelley
(T)MAGP 15, (T)MAGP 12, TMAGP 10, (T)MAGP 8, (T)MAGP 7, MAGP 11, TMAGP 22, TMAGP 21, TMAGP 23
Just Roll With It
Chip JRWI, Gillion Tidestrider, Jay Ferin, Kian Stone, Timothy Rand, Rand JRWI, Lizzie Lafayette, Grefgor, JRWI Grefgor, Shilo Bathory, JRWI Shilo, William Wisp, Vyncent Sol, Dakota Cole, Queen JRWI, Caspian JRWI, Rolan Deep, Niklaus Hendrix, May Ferin, Peter Sqloint, JRWI Rumi, Rumi JRWI, JRWI Ollie, Ensa JRWI, Edyn Tidestrider, Goobleck, JRWI Goobleck, Runt JRWI, Uncle Threestrings, Troy Lougferd, Blink JRWI, Doppler JRWI, Pinch JRWI, Becky Jones, Becky JRWI, Old Man Earl, JRWI Doppelgilly, JRWI Igneous, Igneous JRWI
JRWI Riptide, JRWI Blood in the Bayou, JRWI BITB, JRWI The Suckening, JRWI PD, JRWI Prime Defenders, Just Roll With It Prime Defenders, BITB, JRWI Apotheosis, JRWI Wonderlust, Blood in the Bayou
The Suckening 6, The Suckening Ep 6
armored pheasant, ghostknife, angelstone
Arthur Lester, Kayne Malevolent, Oscar Malevolent, John Doe, John Malevolent, Detective Noel, Charlie Dowd, The Butcher Malevolent, Dennis Collins, Peter Yang
angeleyes, blind faith
All For The Game
Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Aaron Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Matt Boyd, Dan Wilds, Allison Reynolds, Renee Walker, Kevin Day, Jeremy Knox, Jean Moreau
The Foxhole Court, TFC
The Locked Tomb
Gideon Nav, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Harrow Nonagesimus, Ianthe Tridentarius, Coronabeth Tridentarius, Alecto the Ninth, Ortus Nigenad, Camilla Hect, Palamedes Sextus, Naberius Tern, Ianthe the First, Kiriona Gaia, Cytherea the First, Cytherea Loveday, Jeannemary Chatur, Issac Tettares, Abigail Pent, Magnus Quinn, Colum Asht, Silas Octakiseron, Dulcinea Septimus, Protesilaus Ebdoma, Marta Dyas, Judith Deuteros, Harrow Nova, Aiglamene, Marshal Crux, Pelleamena Novenarius, Priamhark Noniusvianus
Gideon The Ninth, GTN, Harrow The Ninth, HTN, Nona The Ninth, NTN, The Unwanted Guest
The Sixth House, The Third House, The First House, The Second House, The Fourth House, The Fifth House, The Seventh House, The Eighth House, The Ninth House, Sixth House
griddlehark, harryanthe, harrianthe, campal
TLT AU, TLT Crossover, Harrow Nova AU,
one flesh one end, TLT text post
Tolkien Works
The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey, Thorin Oakenshield, Tauriel, Kili, Kili Durin, Kili the Dwarf, Fili, Fili Durin, Fili the Dwarf, Lady Dis, Dis, Dis Frisul, Dis Durin, Balin, Dwalin, Frerin Thrainul, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Oin, Dori, Gloin, Bofur, Bombur, Legolas, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil, Smaug
The Line of Durin, Reshirement Vibes, Parentshield, Thorin's Company, BOTFA, The Hobbit BTS
bagginshield, kiliel, thilbo
Everyone Lives AU, Wraith Kili AU, The Hobbit Role Swap, Vampire AU, Modern Hobbit AU
House of Feathers Hall of Night Fic
Lord of the Rings
Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, Legolas, Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli, Gimli son of Gloin, Aragorn, Arwen, Galadriel, Elrond, Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey, Faramir, Boromir, Eowyn, Sam Gamgee, Nienna, Gandalf the White, Eomer, Eomer Eadig, Peregrin Took, Perigrin Took, Meridoc Brandybuck, Denethor II, Lothiriel, Dark Legolas, Arwen Undomiel
Viggo Mortensen
Fellowship of the Ring, FOTR, Return of the King, The Three Hunters, LOTR BTS, Two Towers
aragorn x arwen, gigolas, samfro, faramir x eowyn, farawyn
Boromir Lives AU
Beren and Luthien
Dave Strider, Jade Harley, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dirk Strider
Zagreus, Achilles, Patroclus, Eurydice, Artemis
Hades II
Melinoe, Chaos, Chaos Hades, Apollo,
Baldur's Gate 3
Astarion, Shadowheart, Jenevelle Hallowleaf, Gale Dekarios, Gale of Waterdeep, Lae'zel, Halsin, Karlach, Wyll Ravengard, Minthara, The Emperor, Withers, Scratch, Owlbear Cub
Razputin Aquato, Sasha Nein. Milla Vodello, Frazie, Lili Zanotto, Dogen Boole, Bobby Zilch, Benny Fideleo, Mr. Pokeylope
Mouthwashing (Game)
Swansea Mouthwashing, Anya Mouthwashing, Jimmy Mouthwashing. Daisuke Mouthwashing, Curly Mouthwashing, Captain Curly
Five Nights at Freddy's
Rusty Lake
David Eilander, Dale Vandermeer
Cube Escape
Genshin Impact
Mualani, Furina, Tartaglia, Childe, Kachina, Kinich, Albedo, Venti
Disco Elysium/DE
Kim Kitsuragi, Jean Vicquemare
Marvel Rivals
Winter Soldier
(Bride of) Reanimator
Herbert West, Dan Cain, Dr Hill, Megan Halsey, Meg Halsey, Daniel Cain
Deleted Scene
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Padme Amidala, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Sith Obi Wan, Darth Vader, Qui Gon Jinn, Sith Ahsoka
Star Wars AU, Naberrie Skywalker Twins, Sith AU
Star Wars GIFS. Star Wars Fic
anidala, skysolo, scoundress, hanleia
The Bad Guys
Diane Foxington
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit
Dead Poets Society
Neil Perry, Charlie Dalton
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Puss in Boots, Puss in Boots Perro
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins, John Silver, Sarah Hawkins, Captain Amelia, Doctor Doppler
Scream (1996)
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher
Deadpool, Wolverine, Wade Wilson, Logan Howlett, Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner, Bucky Barnes. Hawkeye, Jason Todd
Poolverine, Dead Claws, Logurt, Nightwolves
Xmen, X men
Lisa Frankenstein
Lisa Swallows, The Creature, Taffy, Taffy Lisa Frankenstein
Alien (1979)
Xenomorph, Rain Carradine, Andy Carradine, Ellen Ripley, Jones the Cat
Alien Romulus
The Mummy (1999)/The Mummy Returns
Rick O'Connell, Evelyn Carnahan, Alex O'Connell, Jonathan Carnahan, Ardeth Bay
Beetlejuice (1988)
Barbara Maitland
The Craft
Nancy Downs
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sonyclasica · 1 year ago
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SONY MASTERWORKS BROADWAY lanza Original Cast Recording de THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE: THE MUSICAL con nueva música de Joss Stone y Dave Stewart, el musical se estrenó el 1 de noviembre en el Teatro Apollo del West End londinense.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
El reparto de THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE: THE MUSICAL está encabezado por David Hunter (Henry), Joanna Woodward (Clare), Tim Mahendran (Gomez), Hiba Elchikhe (Charisse) y Ross Dawes (el padre de Henry).
THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE: THE MUSICAL está basado en la novela superventas de Audrey Niffenegger y en la película de New Line Cinema, con guion de Bruce Joel Rubin. Cuenta con música y letras originales de los compositores Joss Stone y Dave Stewart, ganadores de varios premios Grammy. Con texto de Lauren Gunderson, música adicional de Nick Finlow y letras adicionales de Kait Kerrigan; la producción está dirigida por Bill Buckhurst y diseñada por Anna Fleischle, con coreografía de Shelley Maxwell, diseño de iluminación de Lucy Carter y Rory Beaton, ilusión de Chris Fisher, diseño de vídeo de Andrzej Goulding, diseño de sonido de Richard Brooker, diseño de efectos de sonido de Pete Malkin, supervisión y arreglos musicales de Nick Finlow, orquestaciones de Malcolm Edmonstone y diseño de pelucas, peluquería y maquillaje de Susanna Peretz.  El reparto corre a cargo de Grindrod Burton Casting.  Está producida en el West End por Colin Ingram, InTheatre Productions, Gavin Kalin Productions, Teresa Tsai, Warner Bros.  Theatre Ventures, Crossroads Live y Ricardo Marques.
La relación de Henry y Clare no se parece a ninguna otra.  Y, sin embargo, es como todas las demás.  Clare es una escultora de talento y Henry es, bueno, un viajero en el tiempo. Se conocen, se enamoran y se casan, pero no en ese orden.  Separados por el tiempo, pero unidos por el amor, Henry siempre intenta volver con Clare. Su viaje es un viaje de resistencia, de imposibilidades y de intentar aferrarse el uno al otro cuando todo les separa.
1 Prologue
2 Masterpiece
3 Wait For Me
4 One Day
5 Damn Fool Love
6 I See Her
7 Who Are We
8 Entr’acte
9 Journeyman
10 This Time
11 A Woman’s Intuition
12 I’m In Control
13 Make It New
14 On and on
15 Love Wins The Day
16 Story of Love [Bonus Track]
Reparto Álbum:
David Hunter
Joanna Woodward
Tim Mahendran
Hiba Elchikhe
Ross Dawes
Eve Corbishley
Directora musical y Keys 1: Katharine Woolley
Director musical asociado y Keys 2: Chris Guard
Violín: Laura Melhuish
Violín & Viola:��Cat Parker
Cello: Rebecca Jordan
Guitarras: Justin Quinn
Bajo: Richard Coughlan
Batería: James Powell
Dirección: Nick Finlow & Katharine Woolley
Maestra del coro: Annie Skates
Voces: Annie Skates, Hazel Fernandes, Sumudu Jayatilaka, Emma Kershaw, CJ Neale, Mike Henry, Iain Mackenzie, Andrew Playfoot
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blairsanne · 2 years ago
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(Colin to Anders)
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phoenix · 7 years ago
Mike: I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna rip his eyeballs from his skull!
Olaf: A lot of people have said that about Loki over the years.
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blairsanne · 2 years ago
Cut dialogue from an Anders x Reader fic:
“Axl’s flatmate.” Anders frowned. “Zeb?”
You hadn’t caught the kid’s name before, but assumed this was the one in question. “He knows, doesn’t he.”
Anders pursed his lips, unsure how to respond just long enough for you to take it as a confirmation regardless.
You sighed and shook your head. “That’s risky.
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akuma-no-kotori · 8 years ago
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What if all the Almighty Johnsons characters used Instagram
p.s. as I am a great “dawnders” believer, the plot of this particular idea circulates around their wedding preparation (and obvioulsly her relationship with Ty is a bit tense)
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cocoapowder-multxfandom · 4 years ago
I’ve literally based most of the fandoms I have gotten into this year on the coolest fanart I can find. I swear this is not a good method because before I’ve even formally read/watched said thing, I end up knowing the whole plot, all the spoilers, and who my favorite character is... I-
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screen1ne · 2 years ago
The Time Traveller's Wife: The Musical to open in London's West End
The Time Traveller's Wife: The Musical to open in London's West End later this year! @TimeTWMusical @DaveStewart @JossStone @TheDavidHunter @JoannaWoodward
The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical Producer Colin Ingram (Back to the Future the Musical, Grease the Musical) is delighted to announce that his world premiere production of The Time Traveller’s Wife: The Musical, based on the best-selling novel by Audrey Niffenegger and the New Line Cinema film screenplay by Bruce Joel Rubin, will open at the Apollo Theatre in London’s West End, following a…
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harry-leroy · 5 years ago
20 in 20 Book Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @princess-of-france. Thank you!! ❤️
Rules: List either 20 books you want to read in 2020 or 20 goals, or some mix of both, up to you! Then tag some friends to play along :)
(Those are essentially paraphrased rules, but you get the general idea...)
I broke the rules a bit and did 20 books and 10 goals - as a lit major I always have a list a mile long of books I want/need to read. Some of these are plays as well, because I’ve got like half a leg stuck in theatre but I love it. And goals are always important!
20 Books for 2020
1. The Libertine - Stephen Jeffreys
2. Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
3. Shakespeare in Love - Tom Stoppard
4. Blandings Castle - P.G. Wodehouse
5. Dunbar: William Shakespeare’s King Lear Retold - Edward St. Aubyn
6. L.E.L.: The Lost Life and Scandalous Death of Letitia Elizabeth Landon, the Celebrated “Female Byron” - Lucasta Miller
7. The Island Princess - John Fletcher
8. Collaborative Playwriting - Paul C Castagno
9. The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
10. Farinelli and the King - Claire Van Kampen
11. The Vexations - Caitlin Horrocks
12. The Revolutionists: A Comedy, A Quartet, A Revolutionary Dream Fugue - Lauren Gunderson
13. Poldark - Winston Graham
14. This is Shakespeare - Emma Smith
15. The Gilded Stage: A Social History of Opera - Daniel Snowman
16. Schubert’s Winter Journey: Anatomy of an Obsession - Ian Bostridge
17. Emma - Jane Austen
18. The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
19. Last Bus to Woodstock - Colin Dexter
20. Shakespearean Character: Language in Performance - Jelena Marelj, Jonathan Hope (that’s my cool Shakespeare professor ahh), Lynne Magnusson
10 Goals for 2020
1. Get through 99 operas! - 49 were on a list of most famous operas, 50 were chosen by me. We’re 5 down - 94 to go!
2. Actually use my planner :’) - I bought fun stickers to put in and on it so maybe it’ll persuade me to use it.
3. Make new friends and keep in touch with old ones! (I’m so excited to meet a bunch of theatre people in two weeks guys).
4. Figure out a thesis topic (ahhhh)
5. Do well academically this semester and turn in some good honors projects.
6. Finish a draft of The Selby Roses
7. Perhaps start a new play WIP (we’ll see)
8. Travel!
9. Learn how to sing or play a new instrument
10. Perhaps start a studyblr... or blog/vlog thing? (I’m not sure how interested people would be or how plausible this sounds with my crazy busy schedule, but I feel like a studyblr would be manageable).
Tagging: @nuingiliath, @dustyp-rose, @bonebreakfast, @sneez, @forcebros, @shredsandpatches, @necromancy-savant, @devilsss-dyke, @twostarsinonesphere, @meharmonycarmen, @ghost-minuet, @chaotic-archaeologist, @lovesjustachemical, @henriadical, @witty-fool, @fantasmaglory, @maryiofengland, @exercise-of-trust, and @themalhambird, @maplelantern
(I think all of y’all are mutuals! I don’t know all of you extraordinarily well, but consider this to be a wave hello! Of course, anyone who sees this and wants to do it is tagged - I love seeing people’s TBR lists. And if life is moving at 9000 mph, don’t feel obligated to do this! ❤️)
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flownintothesun · 2 years ago
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full name.    westley colin johannes henrik mccarthy (van der sterren / bernardi / pollard)
nicknames / aliases.   westley van der sterren (birth name, most human verses) ; colin gunderson (birth name, some human verses) ; captain (most tulpa verses) ; wes (by the previous captain mccarthy & muriel only) ; little shit (lovingly, mostly by me) ; the audacity (or, you know, half of it, by me and @batteredoptimist​) ; a whole entire chaos (again, lovingly by mostly me) ; many pet names (by james it’s cute old-fashioned things like ‘darling’ and ‘sweetheart’ ; and by muriel it’s ‘baby’ and ‘babe’ and a bunch of super sappy things in italian).
size.   5′8″ (173cm)
age.      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  if he’s a tulpa, he’s immortal. in his main human verses, he’s usually in his 20s, between 24-27.
zodiac. cancer
spoken languages. english (all verses) ; dutch (most verses) ; italian (most verses with muriel) ; scots-gaelic (some verses) ; russian (some verses) ; german (some verses).
hair colour. black.
eye colour. changing like the sea. they shift between gray, blue and green depending on how the light hits them. looking into the sun, you might see specks of gold. and in his tulpa verses when his magic hits, they look slightly red or gold depending on the form his magic takes.
body type.  somewhere between what they call ‘inverted triangle’ and what they call ‘rhomboid’.
dominant hand.  left.
posture. shoulders back with an air of easy confidence.
place of birth.   verse-dependent. somewhere in the north sea (tulpa verses) ; somewhere in the scottish highlands (most human verses) ; zandvoort in the netherlands (some human verses).
siblings. hamish gunderson (half-brother, deceased, verse-dependent).
parents.  in his tulpa verses, he’s born of love. a wish between two people. so he doesn’t know. in human verses: liam van der sterren (biological father) ; doris gunderson (most verses, biological mother) ; alex wesson (most verses, adoptive father, liam’s boyfriend) ; william mccarthy (some verses, adoptive father / father figure) ; many, many foster parents in a lot of his human verses. we don’t talk about that.
occupation. sailor, pirate, treasure-seeker, captain, legend, busker, criminal, lawyer, veterinarian, sex worker, student, carpenter’s assistant…almost definitely more to follow.
current residence(s).  verse-dependent. usually either on his ship, the arcady, sailing the open seas and feeling free. you might also find him in london, and in rare times the netherlands, scotland, italy, or on vacation somewhere with his loves.
financial status.  in his tulpa verse he’s…very well off, but not prideful or arrogant. he tends to get there in human verses too, just takes some time.
driver’s license. i asked his husbands and got this:
muriel: *rubs his chin thoughtfully* i mean- i guess the question isn’t can he drive, so much as should he drive…
james: well he tries very hard, you know. it’s just that cars are awfully confusing- goodness knows i cant drive one.
sexual orientation.demiromantic and pansexual.
preferred sexual role.   chaos switch.
turn-ons. a comprehensive guide.
turn-offs. see above.
hobbies to pass time. singing, playing tin whistle, dancing, stargazing, sailing, tormenting his husbands, caring for animals, being a terror, exploring and seeing all there is to be seen. living life and seeking out happiness!
mental illnesses. borderline personality disorder (bpd) ; ptsd ; depression (verse-dependent) ; panic disorder (verse-dependent)
0 notes
sonyclasica · 1 year ago
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SONY MASTERWORKS BROADWAY lanza Original Cast Recording de THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE: THE MUSICAL, que ya está disponible. Con nueva música de Joss Stone y Dave Stewart, el musical se estrenará el 1 de noviembre en el Teatro Apollo del West End londinense.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Escucha los temas adelanto AQUÍ
El reparto de THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE: THE MUSICAL está encabezado por David Hunter (Henry), Joanna Woodward (Clare), Tim Mahendran (Gomez), Hiba Elchikhe (Charisse) y Ross Dawes (el padre de Henry).
THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE: THE MUSICAL está basado en la novela superventas de Audrey Niffenegger y en la película de New Line Cinema, con guion de Bruce Joel Rubin. Cuenta con música y letras originales de los compositores Joss Stone y Dave Stewart, ganadores de varios premios Grammy. Con texto de Lauren Gunderson, música adicional de Nick Finlow y letras adicionales de Kait Kerrigan, la producción está dirigida por Bill Buckhurst y diseñada por Anna Fleischle, con coreografía de Shelley Maxwell, diseño de iluminación de Lucy Carter y Rory Beaton, ilusión de Chris Fisher, diseño de vídeo de Andrzej Goulding, diseño de sonido de Richard Brooker, diseño de efectos de sonido de Pete Malkin, supervisión y arreglos musicales de Nick Finlow, orquestaciones de Malcolm Edmonstone y diseño de pelucas, peluquería y maquillaje de Susanna Peretz.  El reparto corre a cargo de Grindrod Burton Casting.  Está producida en el West End por Colin Ingram, InTheatre Productions, Gavin Kalin Productions, Teresa Tsai, Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures, Crossroads Live y Ricardo Marques.
La relación de Henry y Clare no se parece a ninguna otra.  Y, sin embargo, es como todas las demás.  Clare es una escultora de talento y Henry es, bueno, un viajero en el tiempo. Se conocen, se enamoran y se casan, pero no en ese orden.  Separados por el tiempo pero unidos por el amor, Henry siempre intenta volver con Clare. Su viaje es un viaje de resistencia, de imposibilidades y de intentar aferrarse el uno al otro cuando todo les separa.
1 Prologue
2 Masterpiece
3 Wait For Me
4 One Day
5 Damn Fool Love
6 I See Her
7 Who Are We
8 Entr’acte
9 Journeyman
10 This Time
11 A Woman’s Intuition
12 I’m In Control
13 Make It New
14 On and on
15 Love Wins The Day
16 Story of Love [Bonus Track]
David Hunter
Joanna Woodward
Tim Mahendran
Hiba Elchikhe
Ross Dawes
Eve Corbishley
Directora musical y Keys 1: Katharine Woolley
Director musical asociado y Keys 2: Chris Guard
Violín: Laura Melhuish
Violín y Viola: Cat Parker
Violonchelo: Rebecca Jordan
Guitarras: Justin Quinn
Bajo: Richard Coughlan
Batería: James Powell
Dirección: Nick Finlow & Katharine Woolley
Maestra del coro: Annie Skates
Voces: Annie Skates, Hazel Fernandes, Sumudu Jayatilaka, Emma Kershaw, CJ Neale, Mike Henry, Iain Mackenzie, Andrew Playfoot
7 de octubre de 2023
Apollo Theatre
Shaftesbury Avenue
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allaroundjejje · 7 years ago
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and forever think that Colin Gunderson is a wanker.
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