#colin and rose dream panel
priscilla9993 · 2 years
TLDR: Chaotic Rose and Colin panel with matching themed outfits; Probably the only way I’m going to be able to attend a OUAT convention: In my dreams. In the dream, I sat down in the middle of a bunch of rows looking at a stage. I could tell by the vertical banners that it was a ouat con and was excited, despite not knowing who was going to appear on the big stage in front of me and a whole bunch of attendees/fans. Out from the blue curtains walks Rose Reynolds, bouncing around on stage and waving to us, the crowd, as the band plays some music. She’s wearing the most neon pink outfit I have ever seen; a red sweater topped with a neon pink jacket, matching neon pink athletic pants, and gray tennis shoes.  Rose, hyping up the crowd, and turning on the mic with a blue taped stripe, says, “Are you ready, Oncers?! I have a surprise and I think you know who he is.” Everyone starts naming cast members, but it’s no surprise for those who have seen the schedule. My phone couldn’t pull that up somehow. One thing’s for certain, we’re all laughing after one person screams, “Sexy O’Donoghue!” They aren’t wrong when we see Colin appear shortly after. Rose starts clapping and says, “Give it up for Colin O’Donoghue!” as she sits down in her chair. Colin runs onto the stage from behind the curtains and looks very nervous. People are taking photos of the two of them left and right as the band finishes their instrumental intro and moves off the stage. He manages to get to the chair next to her and sits down as she hands him a mic with a green stripe. Rose says something about because he’s from Ireland and voiced a leprechaun in his most recent film. He says, “It’s a pleasure to be here.” She looks really smug as he fidgets in his seat and scratches the back of his ear. As if the whistling and fangirling screams didn’t give it away, Rose announces, “Good morning! Before we start answering questions, did you guys notice our matching outfits? Colin, how about you explain what you’re wearing?” Colin does so, his face reddening. “Rose dared me to dress in a sports theme with her during the panel, since the World Cup is happening, as you can see. I couldn’t say no to that. Is anyone watching the tournament?”  He gets some cheers. This man, looking like a shy model, is dressed in his Vancouver Whitecaps charity football/soccer shirt and black gym shorts which oddly reminded me of Patrick Star’s Goofy Goober Rock from the short length and aesthetic.  Rose pokes him in the shoulder and says, “He’s such a fan of the sport!” Looking at him and then us, she asks, “Ready for some questions?” Everyone agrees and Colin says as he directs her to their left, “Let’s start on this side, Rose.” They answer questions, some I’ve heard the answers to and others I’ve never heard of, but can’t remember the answers upon waking up. Well, not that it mattered, since it was all dream answers. I swear a zombie question came up though. There were a lot of soccer/football jokes and puns made by the two of them as the panel went on and Colin got less nervous and more goofy as he relaxed. I think the best one was Colin’s “You’ll reach your goal if you keep kicking your best,” in response to someone’s question about advice on trying for a dream job. The panel was over before I knew it and I hoped someone had recorded the panel so I could rewatch it later on Youtube. Colin admitted near the end that he wasn’t sure if everyone was going to be okay with him dressed like a sports player, but the fans and Rose ushered him on and fluffed him up with compliments. Colin and Rose went backstage as Rebecca and Lana soon popped on stage. I woke up and was like, “Must type this down! Aaaah, I wish that were real! I wanted to see everything!”
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Pablo Hidalgo’s Many Revelations About The Last Jedi at Comic Con Chile
Pablo Hidalgo, he of the witty Tweets wrecking Reywalker (exhibit 1), cat lover and Lucasfilm Story Group top banana, was recently at Comic Con Chile for a panel called “Mysteries of Star Wars”. One of our Spanish-speaking members from Reylo Skyforum has made a recap/translation of the panel. Behold the wisdom gleaned from this video.
Pablo (PH) opened by revealing that he wrote the captions that appear under the Annie Leibovitz photos in the Vanity Fair spotlight of The Last Jedi. He went on to scroll through the photos and added commentary about the characters and filming process as follows:
About Kylo Ren:
“Here are the bad guys in The Last Jedi -  Kylo of course, carrying the scar that he got from Rey. Kylo has a lot to prove. Even though the First Order was successful in a lot of what it did in TFA, you can't forget that Kylo was defeated by a newcomer. The Last Jedi starts off right where TFA ended, and he has to go visit his boss. We can all imagine how that's gonna turn out."
Audience member question: “Does Kylo Ren know that Darth Vader turned good in the end?” PH: “I think Luke would have told him. He may only have heard a certain side of the story from someone else, and he decided to choose what he chose to believe.”
About Luke/Mark Hamill:
Luke's gloved hand is touching "an ancient Jedi book" in the trailer.
Ahch-To is the site of the first Jedi temple, but the stone hut featured behind Rey and Luke in the VF picture is not a temple. PH: "The island is home to caretakers, and these aliens live in those huts - so Luke hasn't been entirely alone."
“The space siblings (Luke and Leia) have moments (in The Last Jedi) as well.”
Audience member question: “What can you say about Mark Hamill's displeasure with the creative direction of Lucasfilm? He has talked about this in a lot of articles.” PH: “Mark has been quoted out of context. He said he had disagreements with how his character was shown because he didn't think it was going to work out, but then he said ‘I was happy to be proven wrong.’ I think that Mark gives an amazing performance in TLJ and he has nothing but incredible things to say about Rian Johnson. I think any reports about him being unhappy are probably being framed that way for some reason.”
About Rey:
Rey has inherited Anakin's saber and the pilot's seat in the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca is a loyal co-pilot. 
     That’s it, wop wop :(
About Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia
"Carrie Fisher's role is much bigger in TLJ than in TFA. We didn’t intend for it to be that way at the time, but TLJ will be an amazing tribute to Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia.”
“Even though we lost Carrie Fisher it doesn't mean we're done telling stories about Princess Leia. There's chapters of her life that haven't been told yet. We have a book coming out by Claudia Grey which follows sixteen-year-old Leia. I think we have opportunity to tell more stories about her.
About Snoke: 
Audience member question: “Was Snoke's first appearance in TFA, or have we seen him before? Is he related to Darth Plagueis?” PH: “Snoke was first seen in TFA. He is a new character we have never seen before.
About the new characters:
“Kelly Marie Tran’s character Rose Tico is a mechanic in the Resistance, her sister Paige is a gunner on a bombing ship.”
Laura Dern’s character: “You had best not underestimate Vice-Admiral Holdo."
"Here is Benicio del Toro as DJ. There are all sorts of rumors about DJ on the internet; he is so shady that there's probably all sorts of rumors about him in the galaxy as well. If you shouldn't judge Holdo by her looks, you can probably judge DJ by his looks."
About Phasma:
"We'll learn a lot more about Phasma this year": there is a new comic about how she arrived on Star Killer Base. There is also a forthcoming novel from DelRey which “talks about how the First Order came to find her in the first place, her past, her home world.”
The picture of Phasma in Vanity Fair “is Gwendolyn behind the scenes, not what Phasma looks like without the helmet.”
About the filming process of The Last Jedi and episode 9:
Rian Johnson went to Skellig Michael to film the continuation of Luke and Rey’s meeting scene for start of The Last Jedi about 2 weeks after JJ wrapped up filming the end of TFA - so before TFA was released.
Audience member question: “Did Carrie's death affect The Last Jedi?” PH answer: “No, because she had already completed her part in its entirety. It did create a challenge for Colin in episode 9, because we all wanted her to feature quite prominently in it, but that can't happen anymore. We are evolving the story from the loss of that, to tell us where it should go.”
About the Force:
“If the Jedi have existed for thousands of years, they would have explored all aspects of how the Force works, from the spiritual to the biological. Only thinking of one side of the equation is an incomplete understanding.”
General Star Wars questions from the audience:
“Was Anakin Skywalker created by Darth Plagueis? PH: “All clues point to yes. This is just a theory, everyone can believe what they want; I think Sidious and Plagueis tried to provoke the creation of The Chosen One so that they could control it, and it didn't work out.
“Did Palpatine have any involvement in Padme's death?” PH: “You can theorize about it; I doubt we're ever going to get any more detail as to exactly how she died. That is a story George presented and we'll leave it as is in the movie.
“Did Palpatine influence Anakin's dreams?” PH doesn't think so. “He is a fearful person, and Palpatine took advantage of it.”
“How did you guys get over the criticism of the PT?” (lol) PH: “Lots of kids love the PT. That generation will get a chance to get out of the shadow of the previous generation. Then they also have to deal with the next generation, who have staked out episode 7, 8 and whatever comes next as THEIR Star Wars. That's healthy.”
“Is Return of the Jedi plural or singular? PH: “People should figure it out for themselves, it's magical that we're still arguing about what it means 30 years later. This is like our religion and we are not done studying it; it doesn't matter what I think about that, it matters what you believe."
“Is Jango Fett Mandalorian or just a mercenary wearing Mandalorian armor?” PH: “All we have to go by is Prime Minister Almec's word. if Jango is Mandalorian he has to be of such shaky standing that someone like Almec can say "No he's not," but there's more to come about this.”
“Are you going to make movies about the survivors from Order 66?” PH: “The era of the early Empire while Jedi were being hunted is an area of storytelling we're interested in. We just launched a new Darth Vader comic series that takes place right during that era. We're not done telling those stories, so it's always a possibility.”
“We saw Mace Windu fly out the window but we never saw his corpse. Is he alive or dead?” PH: “Depends on who you ask. Sam Jackson says he's alive and well, and I don't want to argue with Sam Jackson.”
PH: “Dave Filoni wants to do something special with stories he didn't get a chance to tell. I'll leave that for him to describe.”
“Is Disney interested in doing films about the Old Republic era?” PH: Creative direction for Star Wars is under Lucasfilm - we are always looking along the timeline to see what stories to develop, if we find a filmmaker passionate about that era we may consider it but for now the story is told through the video games.”
“There's a rumor that the First Order will fight against an external galactic threat like the Yuuzhan Vong; will there be something like the YV in the Sequel Trilogy?” PH: The First Order has its hands full trying to take over the known galaxy... The Yuuzhan Vong where going to appear in Clone Wars, they were going to be different than what we read in the books, and it was going to be mysterious aliens encountered by the Jedi - but it was never produced. In our mind there is a version out there where the Jedi encounter Yuuzhan Vong.”
“What do you think about the "Jar Jar is evil" theory?” PH: “Poor guy, he's been through so much but still has  a heart of gold.”
If you made it this far, we regale you with our quick-fire impressions:
As discussed in our podcast analyzing the The Last Jedi teaser trailer, we believe events shown in the teaser will be occurring in the first 1/3 of The Last Jedi. Pablo’s comments about continuity and Kylo having something to prove after just being defeated support that. Don’t expect to see Kylo Ren appeased at the start of TLJ, he will probably be a hot mess. (Hot because he’s attractive, get it? u_u)
The picture of Rey and Chewbacca in Vanity Fair + Pablo’s brief comment about Rey inheriting the Millennium Falcon and a loyal co-pilot in Chewie point to her eventually leaving Ahch-To in The Last Jedi. Some have speculated she will probably spend the entirety of the film on the island, but we disagree.
We are relieved and thanking the Maker after hearing Pablo say “WE are evolving the story (episode 9)” - it’s not just riding on Colin Trevorrow’s shoulders (sorry, Colin). This should also be reassuring in light of PlotGATE: the filmmaker has freedom, but Lucasfilm is always a part of the process. 
They have more Princess Leia stories to tell! And Claudia Grey is involved, huzzah!
Barely any questions about Kylo Ren and zero questions about Rey - but y’all ask about Darth Jar Jar? Get it together, my dudes. -___-
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onelittlesparkx · 7 years
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It was the same normal house. In the same normal neighborhood with the seemingly normal family. All accept for the boys whose height's and obvious age-revealing features were what kept them apart. White paint chips lined the base of the wooden fence where the pieces had yet to fall. Beyond the border next to the matching building ( a small home with falling panels) was a pile of metal parts and things worthy of any collector's dreams. Next to that. the old 1980's volvo hummed, calling to the muggleborn. For some reason he felt uneasy as he approached, expecting to see his father busy working on his auto project. Nothing but a case of tools and his brother's hat. Why wasn't he wearing it? He always wore the damned thing the moment Colin shoved it on his head during the battle. Suddenly, the smell of boxed macaroni and cheese caught his attention and he realized the window beside him was open. He looked inside and saw three figures sitting at the table. His breath caught in his throat and for a moment he froze; his brain screaming to move. Finally he overpowered his fear and nearly tripped over Colin's skateboard as he headed for the side door of the home. The air from the buzzing a/c window unit cooled his face while the screen door shut behind him. For a second he forget where and when he was. "You're eating without me?" Brow rose quizzically feeling like a child again. He realized they were all looking down at their plates, unable to properly see them. "Mom? Dad?" They said nothing. "Colin?" The other boy looked up but there was no face, just flashes of the final moments he saw his brother alive. He panicked. The moment he did they all disappeared and he was alone, in the house he grew up in. It didn't matter that they were far from rich or lacked the cosmetic beauty a home usually had, it was still his and up until now hadn't seemed very haunting. Now it was marred with the departure of the Creeveys and their two sons. Almost dream like. "Where are you?" He heard faint voices, like they wanted to talk to him but couldn't. "I'm here. I'm still here!" He looked around frantically, hoping to be seen or see someone. Nothing. "I could come home, I could find you. I could go back" But stopped in place when he realized he couldn't. He could never go back. Going back meant looking into the eyes of his parents and telling them their son was dead and allow them placing any blame on him, their youngest. For someone who ran into battle he was such a coward. A filthy mudblood. "Get out," he shook his head and everyone around him started to fade at the previous thought. "Get out of my head!" "Even you're fears are pathetic," he could hear the shadowy figure gloat while all Dennis could do was gather himself as best as he could before his mind was targeted again. "If you say so, but you can't make me feel any worse than I already do." Closing his eyes, he braced himself.
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