#cole is my faviorate
anxiouslittlepossum · 2 years
all credit to @almostaccurateninjagoquotes​
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poly boyfriends squabbling or smth idk ive never seen Ninjago
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ask-synergy · 7 years
what is everyone's powers??? Is there a character page that I'm unaware of?????
//Ah, unfortunately not dear Anon!! But worry bnot, I’ve been working on character sheets these past couple weeks, so I should have that up and running soon! For now, I’ll let you in on everyone’s powers my dear Nonnie.
Ember- Her powers are very complicated because I am an overachiever. To boil it down, she basically has the ability to create portals to other dimensions and realities; with the center of it all being the place she dubbed as the “Middleworld,” Which is kind of like this pocket in space, time, and reality where Ember can go and bring others with her if she so chooses! She can also put things into, bring things out of, or create new things from the MiddleWorld. The disadvantage to her powers is that she tires very easily, and is extremely susceptible to blacklash. There’s also the risk that she can get lost in the Middleworld, or overuse her abilities to the point it kills her. However if she’s careful, she can use the power of the middleworld to extend her life- No one knows for how long, though. She’s a natural Abit.
Side note- Blacklash is a concept I borrowed from Mercedes Lackey- Modified to fit the world, though. I think the idea of it came from somewhere else too, but I first heard of it in her books. The concept is that if you overuse your abilities/magic/gifts, whatever, you can be bedridden with migraines, sickness, ect. In my version, certain characters don’t get it at all, or are extremely sensitive to it- AKA Ember.
Side note #2: Although as they travel from country to country, they’ll be called different things, characters with abilities are called “Abits” in America. Their separated into two different categories- “Manifactured” abits and “Natural” abits. Natural Abits gain their abilities through a natural source. Most commonly it is genetically inherited, though rarely (as with James) natural disasters cause one to gain abilities as well. Manufactured Abits are ones that gain abilities from outside or human-caused sources- Most commonly scientific experimentation. (After character sheets I’ll be making a page on the world state, so that’ll come soon too.)
Toxa: Her abilities are semi-similar to Embers in that she also has her own little pocket of space-time that she can travel too, though hers is very different. Hers is called the shadow world, which also has a lot to do with her powers. She can control, create, manipulate, or bring to life shadows. She can also travel through shadows, becoming a shadow herself and entering that shadow world. She’s a natural Abit and she’s sensitive to blacklash.
Skye: Her abilities are super strength- There hasn’t yet been something a match for her strength, girl could probably arm wrestle a fucking giant and win- and self healing. Oh. And she’s also immortal. She’s tested the limits of this too (something she’d rather not discuss) and has discovered that even the deadliest of things won’t stop her. Now, that being said, she’s not impossible to beat. She can get knocked out, knocked down, or hurt so badly she can seem to “die” for weeks or even months as her body stitches itself back together. She’s a combination of manufactured and natural abit, and she can’t get blacklash.
Nyte: Nyte’s abilities revolve around a mystic sword and the wind. She’s fast, agile, and fucking deadly with a blade in her hands. She can manipulate the wind to her advantage, create tornados, fly, and crumble buildings with the force of her winds. Her weakness is the sword, as her life force has been tied with the sword. It’s destroyed, she dies. Until then, no one knows how long she’d be able to live. She’s a natural abit, not sensitive to blacklash but able to get it.
Angel: His powers are mainly defensive in nature, with healing, creating barriers, and even the ability to soothes ones mindstate, his powers are mostly benevolent- As long as he desires them to be. The exact opposite of Toxa, his powers fall into the manipulation of light, as well as healing. He's a natural abit.
Zach: Zach can control the flow of blood in a person or animals body. He can look inside you, and shut down organs or cut off bloodflow or just cause excruciating pain without lifting a finger. He can also return the blood flow to a persons body or restart an organ. He's a natural abit, semi sensitive to blacklash.
Leo: Leo is a shapeshifter, plain as that. He can change into anything he wants, as long as it's a living creature. Even mystical creatures work, though the forms are often unstable and hard for him to maintain. He's a natural abit.
Fallen: Fallen can control metal and steel, using the material for anything he desires. He usually fights with his hands or weapons if he's in close quarters with someone, but if he has the advantage of being distant from his opponent, his abilities are a lot more useful. Natural abit.
Cole: Cole does not have any abilities (as far as he knows) unless you count being incredibly skilled with technology and being able to learn things and observe things very fast.
Vincent: Vincent is a telepath and a telekinetic, though the latter is stronger then the former. He has a very easy time mindmelding, however, and has a very good grasp on his abilities. Natural abit.
Oli: Oli has ice powers- Exactly what it says on the tin. They can create ice out of thin air and use it their advantage. Natural abit.
Flare: Flare is the exact opposite of Oli with Fire powers- Though her dads didn't know this when they named her Flare, ironically enough. Natural abit.
Adrien/N701: Adrien is a cyborg, and as you can probably guess from that, also a manufactured abit. He has many skills- His right arm is completely cybernetic and can turn into any melee weapon, while his left is half cybernetic and can turn into any gun.
Axyl: Axyl has control over plants, foliage, and anything else related to such. His personal faviorates are vines, though. He's able to make those from anywhere. Natural Abit.
Grech: Grech is also a manufactured Abit. He grew up in the same lab as Adrien did- though he's no cyborg. He has hard, leathery wings, and two sets on either side of his body of claw like spikes that can rotate in any direction and can cling to any surface. He also has sharp claws with similar spines going up to his forearms.
James: James' abilities originate from one of those rare cases of natural disaster born abilities. He was struck by lightning- And went blind because of it. He also got power over electricity- He doesn't think it's a fair bargain.
-Admin Kian
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