#cogent rd service
morphordservices · 2 years
Fingerprint Scanners- Most Popular Biometric Devices
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A few decades ago, there were not many options available for using biometrics for identity, authentication, or access control.
Market share was controlled by fingerprint scanners, and biometric technology was essential "fingerprint recognition technology." Back then, a fingerprint scanner would probably be the biometric device of choice.
Today, there are several technologies and gadgets available if you decide to use biometrics to meet your identity, authentication, or access control needs.
Fingerprint scanners, face recognition software, and so forth. Even modern personal electronics like smartphones and ultraportable/notebook computers are equipped with many biometric modalities.
Has the market share of fingerprint scanners been impacted by these more recent biometric modalities?
They undoubtedly have, at least in part, given customers a wide range of options. However, even if there are many alternative biometric modalities available on the market, fingerprint scanning technology hasn't lost any of its appeal or usefulness.
Fingerprint scanners like Mantra biometric fingerprint scanners are used for registration, identification, and proficient attendance management system for various government organizations. Mantra RD Service registration provided by Radium Box enables biometric-based aadhaar authentication with the registered device concept implemented by UIDAI.
Why fingerprint scanners are still the most widely used biometric devices and how fingerprint scanners have weathered the introduction of other modalities? Let's explore.
Easily Available Biometric Device
Fingerprint scanners are still the most widely available.
Since fingerprint recognition is the earliest biometric technology, it has an advantage over other biometric technologies.
Fingerprint recognition had already cemented its position by the time other biometric modalities began to catch up. Some of the first organisations to successfully exploit this technology were forensics and law enforcement.
Other biometric modalities have yet to reach the level of availability that fingerprint scanners do even today.
The popularity and demand for fingerprint scanners have drawn more and more companies to produce these tools. Intense competition has also compelled makers of fingerprint scanners to offer reasonably priced products, which in turn draws more customers and feeds the cycle.
The result of all this is that fingerprint scanners are now widely accessible. There are both well-known brands and recent competitors that you have never heard of.
Fingerprint scanners are available for purchase online or at your neighborhood physical retailer. Although your preferred retailer might not carry other biometric tools like iris or facial scanners, you will likely find a wide selection of fingerprint scanners there.
RD services for fingerprint scanners of famous biometric companies like Secugen are also readily available. Moreover, it's mandatory to purchase the Secugen RD service to prioritize security for your Secugen biometric fingerprint.
Cost-effective Biometric Solution
Can cost play a role in making something popular?
Yes, the cost can have a significant impact on whether a product is successful in the market.
The price of a biometric scanner does matter, even if it should never be the deciding factor when evaluating a biometric modality's security and effectiveness.
There is no issue if all you want is the best and are willing to pay whatever it takes. That, however, is rarely a sensible course of action.
Budget is always a key consideration, even in government organizations and high-security installations. It makes sense why government organizations like to grant contracts to the lowest bidder.
The need for fingerprint scanners has compelled producers to produce them in large quantities. Manufacturers have been able to reduce costs because of economies of scale and mass production since it is more profitable to sell more devices than to keep them pricey.
In addition to being more affordable than the majority of other biometric modalities, fingerprint scanners also offer the best return on investment.
If you're looking for RD Service online,  whether it's a Mantra or Mopho biometric device, Radium Box is your one-stop solution for all biometric needs.
Offers Freedom of Choice
When choosing a fingerprint scanner for your applications, you have options beyond just sensing technology. Scanners come in a variety of designs, giving you more options.
You have more freedom of choice with fingerprint scanning technology since you may select the sensing technology that best fits your use case.
Not only that, but you can also select between a static fingerprint scanner that needs you to lay your finger on the sensing surface and a swipe-type fingerprint scanner that scans your fingerprint by swiping across the sensor strip.
Final Thoughts
Fingerprint scanners have been able to maintain their relevance despite the development of numerous biometric technologies and devices because of the numerous benefits they provide.
Additionally, they are now more well-liked than ever. The popularity of fingerprint scanners is expected to rise because people are more at ease using them than any other form of identification.
Biometrics now has many modalities, including many conventional biometric devices that are still in the experimental stage, after beginning with fingerprint technology as the only representative. This list is further expanded by behavioral biometrics, which can uniquely identify you by small behavioral patterns like typing or even using a touch-screen gadget.
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getdigitalsignature · 3 years
Radium Box Foundation An NGO Enhancing Life Digitally
About Radium Box Foundation
Let us start with the introduction of the Radium Box Foundation. It is an Indian NGO having headquarters in Mumbai and an office in New Delhi.
History of Radium Box Foundation
Radium Box Foundation was established in 2019. The reason for the establishment of this company is to help raise awareness regarding Biometric use.
Who funds Radium Box Foundation?
Radium Box Foundation is a non-profit organization of India which is funded by Radium Box.
The objective of the Radium Box Foundation
The main objective of Radium Box Delhi is to promote internet-based learning and making people aware of the importance of doing social work.
Progress of Radium Box Foundation
Radium Box Foundation is progressing day by day in terms of both reputation and scale. We are offering various programs for helping people belonging to any age group.
The mission of Radium Box Foundation
The mission of Radium Box Foundation is to let people know the proper use of the internet and benefit them with the facility of internet learning
Radium Box Foundation programs
Share the treasure
Share the treasure is a program where people can donate electronic gadgets directly to those who need them. For the donation, you can give the following types of devices:
The gadgets that are no longer in your use.
The gadgets that you are using currently, but you don’t want to keep them anymore.
The gadgets that you have renovated, and you want to give them away now and buy a brand new one.
How is this program helpful?
How is share the treasure helpful for the donor?
For the donor, this program is beneficial in the following ways:
The donor can get rid of extra items present at his home.
You can empty the place for the new items you want to buy.
You can be a source to help people with the things they can’t afford.
How is share the treasure helpful for the recipient?
For the recipient, this program is beneficial in the following ways:
You can get gadgets without paying high costs.
You don’t have to save for getting a new gadget.
India Online Award
India Online Awards is another excellent program introduced by Radium Box Foundation. The primary purpose of introducing such a program is to recognize the efforts of people who are providing services at smaller scales. This program will ultimately lead to bringing talented people in front of the world working at various levels.
Which type of people are included in the India Online Awards category?
Service providers from the regional level
The level that covers the area of the entire region
Service providers from zonal level
The category that includes the area of the whole zone
Service providers from the state level
The level covering the area of the entire state
How does this program work?
In the India Online Award campaign, ordinary people give their votes to their preferred service provider.
What are some ways you can opt to give your vote?
You can vote by using the following methods.
Mobile app
Social media
How is the result finalized?
Three service providers are chosen based on daily votes received. The winners then get different prizes depending on the number of votes they receive.
How is the India Online Award program helpful for the service providers?
India Online Award program is helpful for the service providers in the following ways:
They get financial support by winning prizes.
They get encouragement, which helps them to do even better.
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rdservice · 2 years
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
The Five Secrets That You Shouldn’t Know About Rd Web | rd web
What is ransomware?
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Ransomware is one of the better aegis problems on the internet and one of the better forms of cybercrime that organisations face today. Ransomware is a anatomy of awful software – malware – that encrypts files and abstracts on annihilation from a distinct PC all the way up to an absolute network, including servers. Victims can generally be larboard with few choices; they can either achieve admission to their encrypted arrangement by advantageous a bribe to the abyss abaft the ransomware, or restore from backups or achievement that there is a decryption key advisedly available.
Some ransomware infections alpha with accession beat on what looks like an innocent adapter that, aback opened, downloads the awful burden and encrypts the network.
Other, abundant beyond ransomware campaigns use software exploits and flaws, absurd passwords and added vulnerabilities to accretion admission to organisations application anemic credibility such as internet-facing servers or remote-desktop logins to accretion access. The attackers will secretly coursing through the arrangement until they ascendancy as abundant as accessible – afore encrypting all they can.
It can be a cephalalgia for companies of all sizes if basal files and documents, networks or servers are aback encrypted and inaccessible. Alike worse, afterwards you are attacked with file-encrypting ransomware, abyss will aboveboard advertise they’re captivation your accumulated abstracts earnest until you pay a bribe in adjustment to get it back.
It adeptness complete too simple, but it’s working.
What is the history of ransomware?
While ransomware exploded aftermost year, accretion by an estimated 748%, it’s not a new phenomenon: the aboriginal instance of what we now apperceive as ransomware appeared in 1989.
Known as AIDS or the PC Cyborg Trojan, the virus was beatific to victims – mostly in the healthcare industry – on a billowing disc. The ransomware counted the cardinal of times the PC was booted: already it hit 90, it encrypted the apparatus and the files on it and accepted the user ‘renew their license’ with ‘PC Cyborg Corporation ‘ by sending $189 or $378 to a column appointment box in Panama.
The AIDS appeal for acquittal – by post.
How did ransomware evolve?
This aboriginal ransomware was a about simple construct, application basal cryptography that mostly aloof afflicted the names of files, authoritative it about accessible to overcome.
But it set off a new annex of computer crime, which slowly, but surely, grew in adeptness – and absolutely took off in the internet age. Afore they began application avant-garde cryptography to ambition accumulated networks, hackers were targeting accepted internet users with basal ransomware.
One of the best acknowledged variants was ‘police ransomware’, which approved to blackmail victims by claiming the PC had been encrypted by law enforcement. It bound the awning with a bribe agenda admonishing the user they’d committed actionable online activity, which could get them beatific to jail.
However, if the victim paid a fine, the ‘police’ would let the contravention accelerate and restore admission to the computer by handing over the decryption key. Of course, this wasn’t annihilation to do with law administration – it was abyss base innocent people.
An archetype of ‘police ransomware’ advancing a UK user.
While somewhat successful, these forms of ransomware generally artlessly overlaid their ‘warning’ bulletin on the user’s affectation – and rebooting the apparatus could get rid of the botheration and restore admission to files that were never absolutely encrypted.
Criminals abstruse from this and now the majority of ransomware schemes use avant-garde cryptography to absolutely lock bottomward an adulterated PC and the files on it.
What are the capital types of ransomware?
Ransomware is consistently evolving, with new variants consistently actualization in the agrarian and assuming new threats to businesses. However, there are assertive types of ransomware that accept been abundant added acknowledged than others.
The best abounding ancestors of ransomware during 2020 so far is Sodinokibi, which has bedeviled organisations about the apple aback arising in April 2019.
Also accepted as REvil, this ransomware has been amenable for encrypting the networks of a ample cardinal of high-profile organisations including, Travelex and a New York law close with celebrity clients.
The assemblage abaft Sodinokibi absorb a continued time laying the background for an attack, stealthily affective beyond the compromised arrangement to ensure that aggregate accessible can be encrypted afore the ransomware advance is launched.
Those abaft Sodinokibi accept been accepted to appeal payments of millions of dollars in barter for decrypting the data. And accustomed the hackers generally accretion abounding ascendancy of the network, those organisations that debris to pay the bribe afterwards falling victim to Sodinokibi additionally acquisition the assemblage advancing to absolution baseborn admonition if the bribe isn’t paid.
Sodinokibi isn’t the alone ransomware advance that threatens to aperture abstracts from victims as added advantage for acquisitive payment; ransomware gangs like Maze, Doppelpaymer and Ragnarlocker additionally abuse to broadcast baseborn admonition if the victim doesn’t pay up.
New ransomware families are arising all the time while others aback abandon or go out of fashion, with atypical variations consistently arising on underground forums. Any of the top forms of ransomware appropriate now could be yesterday’s account in aloof a few months.
For example, Locky was already the best belled anatomy of ransomware, creating calamity aural organisations about the apple throughout 2016, overextension via phishing emails. Locky remained acknowledged because those abaft it consistently adapted the cipher to abstain detection. They alike adapted it with new functionality, including the adeptness to accomplish bribe demands in 30 languages, so abyss can added calmly ambition victims about the world. At one point Locky became so successful, it rose to become one of the best accustomed forms of malware in its own right. However, beneath a year afterwards it appeared to accept abolished and has remained exceptional of since.
The afterward year, it was Cerber that became the best ascendant anatomy of ransomware, accounting for 90% of ransomware attacks on Windows in April 2017. One of the affidavit Cerber became so accepted was the way it was broadcast as ‘ransomware-as-a-service’, acceptance users afterwards abstruse ability to conduct attacks in barter for some of the profits activity aback to the aboriginal authors. 
While Cerber seemed to abandon by the end of 2017, it pioneered the ‘as-a-service’ model’ that is accepted with abounding forms of ransomware today.
Another acknowledged anatomy of ransomware in 2017 and 2018 was SamSam, which became one of the aboriginal families to become belled not aloof for for charging a bribe of tens of bags of dollars for the decryption key, but exploiting unsecured internet-facing systems as a agency of infection and overextension alongside beyond networks.
In November 2018, the US Department of Justice answerable two hackers alive out of Iran with creating SamSam ransomware, which is arise to accept fabricated over $6m in bribe payments over the advance of a year. Shortly afterwards, SamSam appeared to cease as an alive anatomy of ransomware. 
Throughout 2018 and 2019, accession ancestors of ransomware that accepted ambiguous for both businesses and home users was GandCrab, which Europol declared as “one of the best advancing forms of ransomware” at the time. 
GandCrab operated ‘as-aa-service’ and accustomed approved updates, acceptation that alike aback aegis advisers absurd it and were able to absolution a decryption key, a new adaptation of the ransomware with a new adjustment of encryption would arise anon after.
Highly acknowledged throughout the aboriginal bisected of 2019 in particular, the creators of GandCrab aback appear the operation was shutting down, claiming to accept fabricated $2.5 actor a anniversary from leasing it out to added cyber-criminal users. GandCrab abolished a few weeks later, although it appears as if the attackers could accept aloof switched their focus to accession campaign; advisers accept appropriate able similarities in the cipher of GandGrab aback compared to Sodinokibi, which is still activity able in 2020.
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What is WannaCry ransomware?
In the better ransomware advance to date, WannaCry – additionally accepted as WannaCrypt and Wcry – acquired anarchy beyond the apple in an advance that started on Friday 12 May 2017.
WannaCrypt ransomware demands $300 in bitcoin for unlocking encrypted files – a amount that doubles afterwards three days. Users are additionally threatened, via a bribe agenda on the screen, with accepting all their files assuredly deleted if the bribe isn’t paid aural a week.
WannaCry ransomware adulterated Windows XP systems beyond the globe.
More than 300,000 victims in over 150 countries fell victim to the ransomware over the advance of one weekend, with businesses, governments, and individuals beyond the apple all affected.
Healthcare organisations beyond the UK had systems agape offline by the ransomware attack, banishment accommodating accessories to be annulled and led to hospitals cogent bodies to abstain visiting Accident and Emergency departments unless it was absolutely necessary.
Of all the countries afflicted by the attack, Russia was hit the hardest, according to aegis researchers, with the WannaCry malware abolition Russian banks, blast operators, and alike IT systems acknowledging carriage infrastructure. China was additionally hit adamantine by the attack, with 29,000 organisations in absolute falling victim to this decidedly abandoned anatomy of ransomware.
Other high-profile targets included the car architect Renault, which was affected to arrest assembly curve in several locations as the ransomware played calamity with systems.
The ransomware bastard is so almighty because it exploits a accepted software vulnerability alleged EternalBlue. The Windows blemish is one of abounding zero-days that allegedly was accepted by the NSA – afore actuality leaked by the Shadow Brokers hacking collective. Microsoft appear a application for the vulnerability beforehand this year – but alone for the best contempo operating systems.
In acknowledgment to the attack, Microsoft took the aberrant footfall of arising patches for bottomless operating systems to assure adjoin the malware.
Security casework in the US and the UK accept aback acicular to North Korea as actuality the perpetrator of the WannaCry ransomware attack, with the White House clearly declaring Pyongyang as the antecedent of the outbreak.
However, North Korea has labelled accusations that it was abaft WannaCry as “absurd”.
No amount who was ultimately abaft WannaCry, if the ambition of the arrangement was to accomplish ample amounts of money, it bootless – alone about $100,000 was paid.
It was about three months afore the WannaCry attackers assuredly withdrew the funds from the WannaCry bitcoin wallets – they fabricated off with a absolute of $140,000 acknowledgment to fluctuations in the amount of bitcoin.
But admitting analytical patches actuality fabricated accessible to assure systems from WannaCry and added attacks base the SMB vulnerability, a ample cardinal of organisations acutely chose not to administer the updates.
It’s anticipation that this is the acumen LG suffered a WannaCry infection in August – three ages afterwards the antecedent outbreak. The aggregation has aback said it has activated the accordant patches.
The accessible dump of the EternalBlue accomplishment abaft WannaCry has led to assorted hacking groups attempting to advantage it to accession their own malware. Advisers accept alike accurate how a advance targeting European hotels by APT28 – a Russian hacking accumulation affiliated with meddling in the US presidential acclamation – is now application the leaked NSA vulnerability.
What was NotPetya ransomware?
A little over a ages afterwards the WannaCry ransomware outbreak, the apple was hit with accession all-around ransomware attack.
This cyberattack aboriginal hit targets in Ukraine, including its axial bank, capital all-embracing airport, and alike the Chernobyl nuclear facility, afore bound overextension about the globe, infecting organisations beyond Europe, Russia, the US, and Australia.
After some antecedent abashing as to what this malware was – some said it was Petya, some said it was article else, appropriately the name NotPetya – advisers at Bitdefender came to the cessation that the beginning was bottomward to a adapted adaptation of Petya ransomware, accumulation elements of GoldenEye – a decidedly abandoned about of Petya – and WannaCry ransomware into acutely almighty malware.
Petya bribe note.
This additional anatomy of ransomware additionally exploits the aforementioned EternalBlue Windows accomplishment that provided WannaCry with the worm-like appearance to advance through networks (not artlessly through an email adapter as is generally the case) and hit 300,000 computers about the world.
However, NotPetya is a abundant added abandoned attack. Not alone does the advance encrypt victims’ files, it additionally encrypts absolute adamantine drives by overwriting the adept reboot record, preventing the computer from loading the operating arrangement or accomplishing anything.
The attackers ask for a bitcoin bribe of $300 to be beatific to a specific email address, which was shut bottomward by the email account host. However, the way this absolute adult ransomware was allegedly able with absolute basic, non-automated functions for accepting ransoms has led some to advance that money wasn’t the goal.
This led abounding to accept the ransomware agenda was aloof a awning for the absolute ambition of the virus – to account commotion by irrecoverably wiping abstracts from adulterated machines.
Whatever the aim of the attack, it decidedly impacted the affairs of the organisations that became infected. UK chump appurtenances close Reckitt Benckiser said it absent £100m in acquirement as a aftereffect of falling victim to Petya.
But that’s a about bashful accident in allegory to added victims of the attack: aircraft and accumulation barge abettor Maersk and appurtenances commitment aggregation FedEx accept both estimated losses of $300m due to the appulse of Petya.
In February 2018, the governments of the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and others clearly declared that the NotPetya ransomware had been the assignment of the Russian military. Russia denies any involvement.
What is Bad Rabbit ransomware?
October 2017 saw the third high-profile ransomware advance of the year aback organisations in Russia and Ukraine fell victim to a new alternative of Petya ransomware.
Dubbed Bad Rabbit, it adulterated at atomic three Russian media organisations while additionally entering the networks of several Ukrainian organisations including the Kiev Metro and Odessa All-embracing Airport – at the time, the airport said it had collapsed victim to a ‘hacker attack’.
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The antecedent advance agent acclimated to administer Bad Rabbit was drive-by downloads on afraid websites – some of which had been compromised aback June. No exploits were used, rather visitors were told they had to install a affected Flash update, which alone the malware.
Bad Rabbit bribe note.
Like NotPetya afore it, Bad Rabbit advance through networks application a leaked NSA hacking tool – but this time it was via the EternalRomance SMB vulnerability, rather than the EternalBlue exploit.
Analysis of Bad Rabbit showed that it aggregate abundant of its cipher – at atomic 67% – with Peyta and advisers at Cisco Talos assured that this, accumulated with how it uses SMB exploits, agency there’s “high confidence” in a articulation amid the two forms of ransomware – and that they could alike allotment the aforementioned author.
Bad Rabbit was called afterwards the argument that appeared at the top of the Tor website hosting the bribe note. Some aegis advisers joked it should’ve been called afterwards the curve in the cipher referencing characters from Game of Thrones.
How abundant will a ransomware advance amount you?
Obviously, the best absolute amount associated with acceptable adulterated with ransomware – if it’s paid – is the bribe demand, which can depend on the blazon of ransomware or the admeasurement of your organisation.
Ransomware attacks can alter in admeasurement but it’s acceptable added accepted for hacking gangs to appeal millions of dollars in adjustment to restore admission to the network. And the acumen hacking gangs are able to appeal this abundant money is, put simply, because affluence of organisations will pay.
That’s abnormally the case if the arrangement actuality bound with ransomware agency that organisation can’t do business – they could lose ample amounts of acquirement for anniversary day, conceivably alike every hour, the arrangement is unavailable. It’s estimated that the NotPetya ransomware advance amount aircraft close Maersk up to $300m in losses.
If an organisation chooses not to pay the ransom, not alone will they acquisition themselves accident acquirement for a aeon of time that could aftermost weeks, conceivably months, they’ll acceptable acquisition themselves advantageous a ample sum for a aegis aggregation to appear in and restore admission to the network. In some cases, this adeptness alike amount added than the bribe demand, but at atomic in this instance the acquittal is activity to a accepted business rather than allotment criminals.
Whichever way the organisation deals with a ransomware attack, it’ll additionally accept a banking appulse activity forward; because to assure adjoin falling victim again, an organisation will charge to advance in its aegis infrastructure, alike if that agency ripping out the arrangement and starting over again.
On top of all of this, there’s additionally the accident of barter accident assurance in your business because of poor cybersecurity and demography their business elsewhere.
Why should businesses anguish about ransomware?
To put it simply: ransomware could ruin your business. Actuality bound out of your own files by malware for alike aloof a day will appulse on your revenue. But accustomed that ransomware takes best victims offline for at atomic a week, or sometimes months, the losses can be significant. Systems go offline for so continued not aloof because ransomware locks the system, but because of all the accomplishment appropriate to apple-pie up and restore the networks.
And it isn’t aloof the absolute banking hit of ransomware that will accident a business; consumers become active of giving their abstracts to organisations they accept to be insecure.
A spam email claiming the ambition has purchased a flight – complete with affected balance absolute the ransomware.
Why are baby businesses targets for ransomware?
Small and medium-sized businesses are a accepted ambition because they tend to accept poorer cybersecurity than ample organisations. Admitting that, abounding SMEs falsely accept they’re too baby to be targeted – but alike a ‘smaller’ bribe of a few hundred dollars is still awful assisting for cyber criminals.
Why is ransomware so successful?
You could say there’s one key acumen why ransomware has boomed: because it works. All it takes for ransomware to accretion admission to your arrangement is for one user to blooper up and barrage a awful email attachment, or to re-use a anemic password.
If organisations weren’t giving in to bribe demands, abyss would stop application ransomware. But businesses do charge admission to abstracts in adjustment to action so abounding are accommodating to pay a bribe and get it over and done with.
Meanwhile, for abyss it’s a absolute accessible way to accomplish money. Why absorb time and accomplishment developing circuitous cipher or breeding affected acclaim cards from baseborn coffer capacity if ransomware can aftereffect in burning payments of hundreds or alike bags of dollars from ample swathes of adulterated victims at once?
What does bitcoin and added cryptocurrency accept to do with the acceleration of ransomware?
The acceleration of crypocurrencies like bitcoin has fabricated it accessible for cyber abyss to secretly accept payments extorted with this blazon of malware, afterwards the accident of the authorities actuality able to analyze the perpetrators.
The secure, untraceable adjustment of authoritative payments – victims are asked to accomplish a acquittal to a bitcoin abode – makes it the absolute bill for abyss who appetite their banking activities to abide hidden.
Cyber-criminal gangs are consistently acceptable added able – abounding alike action chump account and admonition for victims who don’t apperceive how to admission or accelerate bitcoin, because what’s the point of authoritative bribe demands if users don’t apperceive how to pay? Some organisations accept alike aggregate some of the cryptocurrency in case they get adulterated or their files are encrypted and accept to pay in bitcoin in a hurry.
Globe3 bribe appeal for 3 Bitcoin – including a ‘how to’ adviser for those who don’t apperceive how to buy it.
How do you anticipate a ransomware attack?
With ample numbers of ransomware attacks starting with hackers base afraid internet-facing ports and alien desktop protocols, one of the key things an organisation can do to anticipate itself falling victim is by ensuring, unless it’s essential, that ports aren’t apparent to the internet if they don’t charge to be.
When alien ports are necessary, organisations should accomplish abiding that the login accreditation accept a circuitous countersign to assure adjoin abyss attractive to arrange ransomware from actuality able to able simple passwords application animal force attacks as a way in. Applying two-factor affidavit to these accounts can additionally act as a barrier to attacks, as there will be an active if there’s any advance at unauthorised access.
Organisations should additionally accomplish abiding that the arrangement is patched with the latest aegis updates, because abounding forms of ransomware – and added malware – are advance via the use of frequently accepted vulnerabilities.
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EternalBlue, the vulnerability that powered WannaCry and NotPetya is still one of the best accepted exploits acclimated to advance attacks – admitting the aegis application to assure adjoin it accepting been accessible for over three years.
When it comes to endlessly attacks via email you should accommodate advisers with training on how to atom an admission malware attack. Alike acrimonious up on little indicators like poor formatting, or that an email purporting to be from ‘Microsoft Security’ is beatific from an abstruse abode that doesn’t alike accommodate the chat Microsoft aural it, adeptness save your arrangement from infection. The aforementioned aegis behavior that assure you from malware attacks in accepted will go some way appear preventing ransomware from causing anarchy for your business.
There’s additionally article to be said for enabling advisers to apprentice from authoritative mistakes while aural a safe environment. For example, one close has developed an alternate video acquaintance that allows its advisers to accomplish decisions on a alternation of contest again acquisition out the after-effects of those at the end. This enables them to apprentice from their mistakes afterwards adversity any of the absolute consequences.
On a abstruse level, endlessly advisers from actuality able to accredit macros is a big footfall appear ensuring that they can’t accidentally run a ransomware file. Microsoft Appointment 2016, and now Microsoft Appointment 2013, both backpack appearance that acquiesce macros to be disabled. At the absolute least, administration should advance in antivirus software and accumulate it up-to date, so that it can acquaint users about potentially awful files. Backing up important files and authoritative abiding those files can’t be compromised during an advance in accession key.
How continued does it booty to balance from a ransomware attack?
Simply put, ransomware can attenuate a accomplished organisation – an encrypted arrangement is added or beneath abortive and not abundant can be done until systems are restored.
If your organisation is alive and has backups in place, systems can be aback online in the time it takes the arrangement to be adequate to functionality, although depending on the admeasurement of the company, that could ambit from a few hours to days.
However, while it’s accessible to achieve functionality in the abbreviate term, it can be the case that organisations attempt to get all systems aback up and active – as approved by the Petya attack.
A ages on from the outbreak, Reckitt Benckiser accepted that some of its operations were still actuality disrupted and wouldn’t be absolutely up and running until two months on from the antecedent Petya outbreak.
Outside of the absolute appulse ransomware can accept on a network, it can aftereffect in an advancing banking hit. Any time offline is bad for a business as it ultimately agency the organisation can’t accommodate the account it sets out to, and can’t accomplish money, but the best the arrangement is offline, the bigger that can be.
That’s if your barter appetite to do business with you: in some sectors, the actuality you’ve collapsed victim to a cyberattack could potentially drive barter away.
How do I abolish ransomware?
The ‘No Added Ransom’ action – launched in July 2016 by Europol and the Dutch National Police in accord with a cardinal of cybersecurity companies including Kaspersky Lab and McAfee – offers chargeless decryption accoutrement for ransomware variants to admonition victims retrieve their encrypted abstracts afterwards accedence to the will of cyber extortionists.
The aperture offers decryption accoutrement four for families of ransomware – Shade, Rannoh, Rakhn, and CoinVault – and the arrangement is consistently abacus added decryption accoutrement for alike added versions of ransomware.
The aperture – which additionally contains admonition and admonition on alienated falling victim to ransomware in the aboriginal abode – is adapted as generally as accessible in an accomplishment to ensure accoutrement are accessible to action the latest forms of ransomware.
No Added Bribe has developed from alms a set of four accoutrement to carrying a all-inclusive cardinal of decryption accoutrement accoutrement hundreds of families of ransomware. So far, these tools have decrypted tens of bags of devices, depriving abyss of millions in ransoms.
The belvedere is now accessible in dozens of languages with added than 100 ally beyond the accessible and clandestine sectors acknowledging the scheme.
The No Added Bribe aperture offers chargeless ransomware decryption tools.
Individual aegis companies additionally consistently absolution decryption accoutrement to adverse the advancing change of ransomware – many of these will column updates about these accoutrement on their aggregation blogs as anon as they’ve absurd the code.
Another way of alive about a ransomware infection is to ensure your organisation consistently backs up abstracts offline. It adeptness booty some time to alteration the advancement files assimilate a new machine, but if a computer is adulterated and you accept backups, it’s accessible aloof to abstract that assemblage again get on with your business. Aloof accomplish abiding that crypto-locking crooks aren’t able to encrypt your backups, too.
Should I pay a ransomware ransom?
There are those who say victims should aloof pay the ransom, citation it to be the quickest and easiest way to retrieve their encrypted abstracts – and abounding organisations do pay alike if law administration agencies acquaint adjoin it.
But be warned: if chat gets out that your organisation is an accessible ambition for cyber abyss because it paid a ransom, you could acquisition yourself in the crosshairs of added cyber abyss who are attractive to booty advantage of your anemic security. And bethink that you’re ambidextrous with abyss actuality and their absolute attributes agency they may not accumulate their word: there’s no agreement you’ll anytime get the decryption key, alike if they accept it. Decryption isn’t alike consistently possible: there are belief of victims authoritative bribe payments and still not accepting encrypted files unlocked.
For example, a blazon of ransomware targeting Linux apparent beforehand this year accepted a bitcoin acquittal but did not abundance encryption keys locally or through a command-and-control server, authoritative advantageous the bribe abortive at best.
Can you get ransomware on your smartphone?
Absolutely. Ransomware attacks adjoin Android accessories accept added massively, as cyber abyss realise that abounding bodies aren’t acquainted that smartphones can be attacked and the capacity (often added claimed than the being we accumulate on PCs) encrypted for bribe by awful code. Assorted forms of Android ransomware accept accordingly emerged to affliction adaptable users.
In fact, any internet-connected accessory is a abeyant ambition for ransomware, which has already been apparent locking acute TVs.
Researchers authenticate ransomware in an in-car infotainment system.
Ransomware and the Internet of Things
Internet of Things accessories already accept a poor acceptability for security. As added and added of these accomplish their way assimilate the market, they’re activity to accommodate billions of new advance vectors for cyber criminals, potentially acceptance hackers to authority your affiliated home or affiliated car hostage. An encrypted book is one thing: but what about award a bribe agenda displayed on your acute fridge or toaster?
There’s alike the abeyant that hackers could affect medical devices, putting lives anon at risk.
In March 2018, advisers at IOActive took this already footfall added by demonstrating how a commercially accessible apprentice could appear beneath a ransomware attack. In accession to authoritative the apprentice verbally appeal acquittal in adjustment to be alternate to normal, advisers additionally fabricated it affair threats and swear.
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As ransomware continues to evolve, it’s accordingly acute for your advisers to accept the blackmail it poses, and for organisations to do aggregate accessible to abstain infection, because ransomware can be crippling and decryption is not consistently an option.
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ehteshamuniverse · 4 years
Biometric Authentication & Identification Market Analysis, Share, Size, Trends, Industry Growth and Segment Forecasts To 2023
Market Highlights
MRFR states that the global market is projected to garner considerable growth during the forecast period due to a number of key factors. Rising concerns related to global security and safety, the massive demand for security protocols, and the integration of biometrics across various industry verticals like government, banking, homeland security, financial institutions, and others are expected to be key drivers of the global market. Biometrics even hold novel use in government projects like visas and passports and serve as a key technology for unique identification and authentication purposes. Additionally, the booming demand for smartphones, increasing support from the government, increasing adoption of biometrics in the healthcare and banking sector, and the usage of biometrics in smartphone technologies are some of the other key drivers of the global market.
The imperative need for efficient security systems to secure confidential data in enterprises has led to an increasing demand for biometrics. Biometrics offer several advantages in high-end identification management as they are precise, easy and safe to use, accountable, secure, user-friendly, convenient, and scalable. The advantages of the technology are expected to play a major role in pushing the global biometrics authentication and identification market, mentions Market Research Report (MRFR) in its recently published report.
However, on the other hand, the growth of the global biometric authentication & identification market can be hampered by the high deployment pricing associated with biometric systems and difficulties in integrating the technology into existing software.
Regional Analysis:
The COVID-19 analysis of biometric authentication & identification market is geographically distributed across the following regions: Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and the Middle East & Africa.
North America spearheads the global biometric authentication & identification market with the highest share. The region is further anticipated to grow during the forecast period and retain its position in the market. The growth of the North American market can be attributed to the massive scale investments being made by the customs and border protection (CBP) agency across airport and border security systems.
Asia Pacific is another key region in the global landscape. The region is expected to register an impressive growth in the biometric authentication & identification market over the forecast period. This is due to the various ID enrollment projects undertaken across major developing economies like India and China.
The European region stands second in the biometric authentication & identification market and boasts a similar growth pattern as that of North America. Lastly, the Middle East & Africa market holds a minimal share in the market but is expected to attain growth at a fast rate during the forecast period.
The global biometric authentication & identification market trends segmentation is based on the basis of the following key dynamics:  authentication type, component, motility, and application.
By authentication type, the market divides into multi-factor authentication and single factor authentication.
The single factor authentication segment is narrowed down into iris recognition, fingerprint recognition, face recognition, palm print recognition, signature recognition, and vein recognition. While, the multi-factor authentication segment is broken down into biometrics combined with pin technology and biometrics combined with smart card technology.
By motility, the market segments into fixed and mobile.
By component, the market comprises scanners, fingerprint readers, and camera.
By application, the market includes healthcare, banking and financial institutions, enterprise, consumer electronics, government, retail and commerce, among others.
Competitive Landscape
The biometric authentication & identification market is highly competitive and hosts a number key and prominent players as well as various emerging organizations. The presence of a wide pool of application-specific vendors that compete in terms of quality, technology, and price is one of the highlighting characterizations of the market. Some of the key players identified by MRFR in the global market are: Apple Inc., Crossmatch Technologies, 3M Cogent, Diamond Fortress Technologies, Fingerprint Cards AB, Cognitec Systems, Synaptics Inc., Aware INC, Bio-Key International Inc., Anviz Global, Fujitsu Global, and others.
May 23rd, 2019, LumenVox and MODIS ITO made the announcement of inking a partnership deal to deliver customer voice and biometric authentication solutions to companies.
June 5th, 2019, it was revealed through a release that IDEX Biometrics ASA, a global leader in advanced fingerprint authentication and identification solutions, is collaborating with Tongxin Microelectronics Co., Ltd. The deal is aimed at creating a compatible biometric smart card solution.
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Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore| Elawoman
Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore
Baby is the beautiful blessing and parenthood is the major change in life." A baby makes a family complete. If you are trying to have a baby and not succeeding due to some infertility reason, then IVF treatment is an option you can explore. Below is a list of best but most affordable IVF Doctors and specialists in Bangalore who have a very high success rate.  
A baby makes a family complete. If you are trying to have a baby and not succeeding due to some infertility reason, then IVF treatment is an option you can explore. Below is a list of Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore who have a very high success rate.
1. Dr. Shobha Venkat
Dr. Shobha Venkat is a gynecologist and obstetrician who did MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute in 1991. Then, she did DGO from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai in 1994 and DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology from DNB Board, New Delhi in 1996. She is presently working towards at Cloudnine Hospital, Old Airport Road, Bangalore and makes a speciality of Normal vaginal delivery method and infertility problems. Check out Elawoman.Com for extra details.
Dr. Shobha Venkat is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Currently, she is operating in Bhargavi Clinic, Bangalore, that's one of the pinnacle gynecologist centre in India. She is also related to Cloud Nine Hospitals (Old Airport Road) and Manipal Hospital (Old Airport Road). She has accomplished her MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore and DGO from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai.
The fundamental offerings supplied by way of her include High-Risk Pregnancy Care, PCOS treatment, preconception counseling, Infertility evaluation/treatment, most cancers screening, breast issues, publish-transport care, menstrual troubles and many others. Dr. Venkat has helped hundreds of ladies in her being pregnant and infertility related problems via her services. She additionally serves as an lively operating member of Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Associate member of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
2. Dr. Prakash Kini
Dr. Prakash Kini is an infertility professional, obstetrician and gynecologist with greater than four decades of revel in. He completed his MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune in 1975 and 1977 respectively. He additionally pursued DGO from King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College in 1978. Dr. Prakash Kini specializes in IVF, IUI, Embryo Transfer, Hysterectomy and High-danger pregnancy care. For more statistics, kindly go to elawoman.Com.
Dr. Prakash Kini is regarded as one of the pleasant gynecologists in Bangalore with a high fulfillment price. Currently, he is serving as a Senior Doctor Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Cloudnine Hospital, Bangalore. He has a total revel in of approximately four a long time. Due to his gynecological training, he imparted over the years, Dr. Prakash holds the honorable designation as Professor.
He pursued his MBBS and MD from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune. The fundamental offerings furnished through Dr. Kini include IVF, IUI, Natural Cycle IVF, Artificial Insemination, Infertility treatment, Breast care, Embryo switch, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Reproductive treatment, Sexual health etc.
Dr. Prakash Kini, One of the Senior Obstetricians and Gynaecologists at Cloudnine, Has Completed His MBBS From B.J Medical College, Pune University, and DGO at Kem Hospital Mumbai and MD From KEM Hospital, Pune. He Has Had His Stint in Academics as He Was the Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at M.S Ramaiah College. He Has Been the Professor and Head of Department of Obstetrics /gynecology at B. R. Ambedkar College.
Adding to His Varied Experience in His Field He Has Worked With Several Leading Medical Centres Including Sagar Hospital, Wockhardt Hospital, and Sevakshetra Hospital. Dr. Kini Has Been Part of Cloudnine Since Inception. With His Ability to Perceive Things That Matter the Most to a Mother He Says That 'joy' Needs to Be Planned, Conceived, and Delivered With Utmost Care.
3. Dr. Thejaswini J
Dr. Thejaswini J is an infertility expert who specializes in Abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy, Cesarean delivery, Gynecology Laparoscopy and IUI treatment. She has finished MBBS and MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from M S Ramaiah Medical College in Bangalore in 2005 and 2009 respectively. Currently, Dr. Thejaswini J is currently practicing her understanding at Apollo Cradle, Koramangala 6 Block, Bangalore. To realize greater approximately Dr. Thejaswini J, visit elawoman.Com.
Dr. Thejaswini is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist presently practicing at Women Care Clinic and Apollo Cradle in Bangalore. With an enjoy of approximately one decade, Dr. Thejaswini has sorted hundreds of instances of gynecological surgical procedure. Some of the gynecological offerings presented through Dr. Thejaswini are Pap smear, Dysmenorrhea treatment, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Unilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy, Tubectomy and Hysterectomy (Abdominal and Vagina). She finished her MBBS and MD from Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. Dr. Thejaswini is also an energetic member of Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI).
4. Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty
Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty is a gynecologist and infertility specialist in Bangalore. He finished MBBS from J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka in 1997. Then, Dr. Basavaraj pursued MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Kasturba Medical College in Mangalore in 2001. He also finished MRCOG and fellowships in infertility and replica from London among 2006 and 2009.
He become a proud member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2007. Dr. Basavaraj presents treatment services in reproductive endocrinology, Male sexual dysfunction treatments, Andrology, In Vitro fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI) in addition to Reproductive endocrinology. He is currently training at Vishvas Fertility and Andrology Clinic and Telerad RxDx Healthcare Pvt Ltd, each primarily based out in Bangalore. You can discover more statistics concerning Dr. Basavaraj at elawoman.Com.
Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty is taken into consideration to be among the pinnacle selections for Gynecologists in Hyderabad. He has extra than two decades of experience in this field. Currently, he practices at Vishvas Fertility and Andrology Clinic, Bangalore. He pursued his MBBS from JJM Medical College, Davangere and MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore. The foremost services provided by Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty are Reproductive Endocrinology (Infertility), Andrology, IUI, Male sexual disorder and so on. Dr. Devarashetty has been provided the membership of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London.
5. Dr. Reshu Saraogi
Dr. Reshu Saraogi is an obstetrician and gynecologist presently training at Cogent Care, Whitefield, Bangalore. Dr. Reshu pursued and completed MBBS from PSG Institute of Medical Science and Research, Coimbatore in 2005 and MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from UCMS in 2010. She pursued fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery in RGUHS, Bangalore in 2011. Dr. Reshu makes a speciality of IVF, IUI, Normal vaginal delivery, Gynecology Laparoscopy, Tubectomy and Hysterectomy strategies. Visit Elawoman.Com to understand greater approximately Dr. Reshu Saraogi.
Dr. Reshu Saraogi is a well known Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Bangalore. Currently, she works as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Cogent Care, Bangalore. She has a total experience of approximately one decade. Dr. Saraogi has worked in many hospitals throughout India and Asia and holds a famend position in International Gynecological Society. She finished her MBBS from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore and MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) from UCMS, Delhi.
The offerings provided by means of Dr. Saraogi are IVF, ICSI, NVD, Sperm Donor Program, IUI, Cervical Cerclage, Artificial Insemination, Laparoscopic surgical operation and many others. Dr. Saraogi has additionally published many articles on gynecological care beneath FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India). She has been awarded the RD Pandit Research Prize for the pleasant thesis by FOGSI in 2009.
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mredwinsmith · 6 years
What Startups Need to Know About Regulated Markets
Often the opposite of disruption is the status quo.
If  you’re a startup trying to disrupt an existing business you need to read The Fixer by Bradley Tusk and Regulatory Hacking by Evan Burfield. These two books, one by a practitioner, the other by an investor, are must-reads.
The Fixer is 1/3rd autobiography, 1/3rd case studies, and 1/3rd a “how-to” manual. Regulatory Hacking is closer to a “step-by-step” textbook with case studies.
Here’s why you need to read them.
One of the great things about teaching has been seeing the innovative, unique, groundbreaking and sometimes simply crazy ideas of my students. They use the Business Model (or Mission Model) Canvas to keep track of their key hypotheses and then rapidly test them by talking to customers and iterating their Minimal Viable Products. This allows them to quickly find product/market fit.
Except when they’re in a regulated market.
Regulation All businesses have regulations to follow –  paying taxes, incorporating the company, complying with financial reporting. And some have to ensure that there are no patents or blocking patents.  But regulated markets are different. Regulated marketplaces are ones that have significant government regulation to promote (ostensibly) the public interest. In theory regulations exist to protect the public interest for the benefit of all citizens. A good example is the regulations the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have in place for approving new drugs and medical devices.
In a regulated market, the government controls how products and services are allowed to enter the market, what prices may be charged, what features the product/service must have, safety of the product, environmental regulations, labor laws, domestic/foreign content, etc.
In the U.S. regulation happens on three levels:
federal laws that are applicable across the country are developed by Federal government in Washington
state laws that are applicable in one state are imposed by state government
local city and county laws come from local government.
Federal Government In the U.S. the national government has regulatory authority over inter-state commerce, foreign trade and other business activities of national scope and interest. Congress decides what things needs to be regulated and passes laws that determine those regulations. Congress often does not include all the details needed to explain how an individual, business, state or local government, or others might follow the law. In order to make the laws work on a day-to-day level, Congress authorizes certain government agencies to write the regulations which set the specific requirements about what is legal and what isn’t.  The regulatory agencies then oversee these requirements.
In the U.S. startups might run into an alphabet soup of federal regulatory agencies, for example; ATF, CFPB, DEA, EPA, FAA, FCC, FDA, FDIC, FERC, FTC, OCC, OSHA, SEC. These agencies exist because Congress passed laws.
States In addition to federal laws, each State has its own regulatory environment that applies to businesses operating within the state in areas such as land-use, zoning, motor vehicles, state banking, building codes, public utilities, drug laws, etc.
Cities/Counties Finally, local municipalities (cities, counties) may have local laws and regulatory agencies or departments like taxi commissions, zoning laws, public safety, permitting, building codes, sanitation, drug laws, etc.
A Playbook for Entering a Regulated Market Startup battles with regulatory agencies – like Uber with local taxi licensing laws, AirBnB with local zoning laws, and Tesla with state dealership licensing – are legendary. Each of these is an example of a startup disrupting regulated markets.
There’s nothing magical about dealing with regulated markets. However, every regulated market has its own rules, dynamics, language, players, politics, etc. And they are all very different from the business-to-consumer or business-to-business markets most founders and their investors are familiar with.
How do you know you’re in a regulated market? It’s simple– ask yourself two questions:
Can I do anything I want or are there laws and regulations that might stop me or slow me down?
Are there incumbents who will view us as a threat to the status quo? Can they use laws and regulations to impede our growth?
Diagram Your Business Model The best way to start is by drawing a business model canvas. In the customer segments box, you’re going to discover that there may be 5, 10 or more different players: users, beneficiaries, stakeholders, payers, saboteur, rent seeker, influencers, bureaucrats, politician, regulators. As you get out of the building and start talking to people you’ll discover more and more players.
Instead of lumping them together, each of these users, beneficiaries, stakeholders, payers, saboteur, rent seekers, etc. require a separate Value Proposition Canvas. This is where you start figuring out not only their pains, gains and jobs to be done, but what products/services solve those pains and gains. When you do that, you’ll discover that the interests of your product’s end user versus a regulator versus an advocacy group, key opinion leaders or a politician, are radically different. For you to succeed you need to understand all of them.
One of the critical things to understand is how the regulatory process works. For example, do you just fill out an online form and pay a $50 fee with your credit card and get a permit? Or do you need to spend millions of dollars and years running clinical trials to get FDA clearance and approval? And are these approvals good in every state? In every country? What do you need to do to sell worldwide?
Find the Saboteurs and Rent Seekers One of the unique things about entering a regulated market is that the incumbents have gotten there first and have “gamed the system” in their favor. Rent seekers are individuals or organizations with successful existing business models who look to the government and regulators as their first line of defense against innovative competition. They use government regulation and lawsuits to keep out new entrants that might threaten their business models. They use every argument from public safety to lack of quality or loss of jobs to lobby against the new entrants. Rent seekers spend money to increase their share of an existing market instead of creating new products or markets but create nothing of value.
These barriers to new innovative startups are called economic rent. Examples of economic rent include state automobile franchise laws, taxi medallion laws, limits on charter schools, cable company monopolies, patent trolls, bribery of government officials, corruption and regulatory capture.
Rent seeking lobbyists go directly to legislative bodies (Congress, State Legislatures, City Councils) to persuade government officials to enact laws and regulations in exchange for campaign contributions, appeasing influential voting blocks or future jobs in the regulated industry. They also use the courts to tie up and exhaust a startup’s limited financial resources. Lobbyists also work through regulatory bodies like the FCC, SEC, FTC, Public Utility, Taxi, or Insurance Commissions, School Boards, etc.
Although most regulatory bodies are initially created to protect the public’s health and safety, or to provide an equal playing field, over time the very people they’re supposed to regulate capture the regulatory agencies. Rent Seekers take advantage of regulatory capture to protect their interests against the new innovators.
Understand Who Pays For revenue streams figure out who’s going to pay. Is it the end user? An insurer? Some other third party?  If it’s the government, hang on to your seat because you now have to deal with government procurement and/or reimbursement. These payers need a Value Proposition Canvas as well.
Customer Relationships For Customer Relationships, figuring out how to “Get, Keep and Grow” customers in a regulated market is a lot more complex than simply “Let’s buy some Google Adwords”. Market entry in a regulated market often has many more moving parts and is much costlier than a traditional market, requiring lobbyists, key opinion leaders, political donations, advocacy groups, and grassroots and grasstops campaigns, etc.
Diagram the Customer Segment Relationships Start diagraming out the relationships of all the customer segments. Who influences who? How do they interconnect? What laws and regulations are in your way for deployment and scale? How powerful are each of the players? For the politicians, what are their public positions versus actual votes and performance. Follow the money. If an elected official’s major donor is organization x, you’re not going to be able to convince them with a cogent argument.
The book Regulatory Hacking calls this diagram the Power Map. As an example, this is a diagram of the multiple beneficiaries and stakeholders that a software company developing math software for middle school students has to navigate. Your diagram may be more complex.  There is no possible way you can draw this on day one of your startup. You’ll discover these players as you get out of the building and start filling out your value proposition canvases.
Diagram the Competition Next, draw a competitive Petal diagram of competitors and adjacent market players.  Who’s already serving the users you’re targeting? Who are the companies you’re disrupting?
I’ve always thought of my startup as the center of the universe. So, put your company in the center of the slide like this.
In this example the startup is creating a new category – a lifelong learning network for entrepreneurs. To indicate where their customers for this new market would come from they drew the 5 adjacent market segments they believed their future customers were in today: corporate, higher education, startup ecosystem, institutions, and adult learning. To illustrate this they drew these adjacent markets as a cloud surrounding their company. (Unlike the traditional X/Y graph you can draw as many adjacent market segments as you’d like.)
Fill in the market spaces with the names of the companies that are representative players in each of the adjacent markets.
Strategy diagram Finally, draw your strategy diagram – how will you build a repeatable and scalable sales process? What regulatory issues need to be solved? In what order?  What is step 1? Then step 2? For example, beg for forgiveness or ask for permission? How do you get regulators who don’t see a need to change to move? And do so in your lifetime? How do you get your early customers to advocate on your behalf?
I sketched out a sample diagram of some of things to think about in the figure below. Both The Fixer and Regulatory Hacking give great examples of regulatory pitfalls, problems and suggested solutions.
Politicians If you read Tusk’s book The Fixer you come away with the view that the political process in the U.S. follows the golden rule – he who has the gold makes the rules. It is a personal tale of someone who was deep inside politics – Tusk was deputy governor of Illinois, Mike Bloomberg’s campaign manager, Senator Charles Schumer’s communication director, and ran Uber’s first successful campaign to get regulatory approval in New York. And he is as cynical about politicians as one can get. On the other hand, Regulatory Hacking by is written by someone who understands Washington—but still needs to work there.
Read both books.
Lessons Learned
Regulated markets have different rules and players than traditional Business-to-Business or Business-to-Consumer markets
Entering a regulated market should be a strategy not a disconnected set of tactics
You need to understand the Laws and Regulations on the federal, state and local levels
You and your board need to be in sync about the costs and risks of entering these markets
Strategic choices include: asking for permission versus forgiveness, public versus private battles
Most early stage startups don’t have the regulatory domain expertise in-house. Go get outside advice at each step
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Best Gynecologists in Bangalore | Elawoman
Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
The Best Gynecologists in Bangalore offer best gynecologist consultation cost. Each of the gynecologists practice at some of the best infertility clinics or hospitals in the city. Top gynecologists in Bangalore are Dr. Philomena Vaz, Dr. Latha N, Dr. Archana Agarwal, Dr. Aruna Muralidhar, and Dr. Asha S Vijay.
We have prepared a list of the Best Gynecologists in Bangalore. The list is a result of thorough research and care that has been collected from various resources. You will find all the relevant information like location, services provided, ratings, consultation fee, reviews etc.
1. Dr Sita Rajan
Dr Sita Rajan is an obstetrician and gynecologist in Bangalore. Dr. Sita Rajan has completed her MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Topiwala National Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital in 1981 and 1984 respectively. Dr Sita Rajan specializes in Ovarian Cyst Removal, Hysterectomy and Dilatation and Curettage and is presently practicing at Columbia Asia Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore. To know more about Dr Sita Rajan, check out elawoman.com.
Dr. Sita Rajan is well experienced in the field of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. She is associated with Cloud Nine from a long time. Dr. Sita is a very friendly person and believes in providing the best for her patients.
Dr. Sita Rajan is an experienced Gynaecologist in Whitefield, Bangalore. Doctor has over 38 years of experience as a Gynaecologist. Doctor has completed MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology . You can consult Dr. Sita Rajan at Columbia Asia Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF SPECIALIST, Normal Vaginal Delivery, Hysterectomy
Location:-  Whitefield, Bangalore
Timing:-    MON 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Rating :-  3.8 / 5
2. Dr. Shobha Venkat
Dr. Shobha Venkat is a gynecologist and obstetrician who did MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute in 1991. Then, she did DGO from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai in 1994 and DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology from DNB Board, New Delhi in 1996. She is presently working towards at Cloudnine Hospital, Old Airport Road, Bangalore and makes a speciality of Normal vaginal delivery method and infertility problems. Check out Elawoman.Com for extra details.
Dr. Shobha Venkat is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Currently, she is operating in Bhargavi Clinic, Bangalore, that's one of the pinnacle gynecologist centre in India. She is also related to Cloud Nine Hospitals (Old Airport Road) and Manipal Hospital (Old Airport Road). She has accomplished her MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore and DGO from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai.
The fundamental offerings supplied by way of her include High-Risk Pregnancy Care, PCOS treatment, preconception counseling, Infertility evaluation/treatment, most cancers screening, breast issues, publish-transport care, menstrual troubles and many others. Dr. Venkat has helped hundreds of ladies in her being pregnant and infertility related problems via her services. She additionally serves as an lively operating member of Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Associate member of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF SPECIALIST, Normal Vaginal Delivery
Location:-  Old Airport Road, Bangalore
Timing:-    MON 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Rating :-  3.8 / 5
3. Dr. Prakash Kini
Dr. Prakash Kini is an infertility professional, obstetrician and gynecologist with greater than four decades of revel in. He completed his MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune in 1975 and 1977 respectively. He additionally pursued DGO from King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College in 1978. Dr. Prakash Kini specializes in IVF, IUI, Embryo Transfer, Hysterectomy and High-danger pregnancy care. For more statistics, kindly go to elawoman.Com.
Dr. Prakash Kini is regarded as one of the pleasant gynecologists in Bangalore with a high fulfillment price. Currently, he is serving as a Senior Doctor Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Cloudnine Hospital, Bangalore. He has a total revel in of approximately four a long time.
Due to his gynecological training, he imparted over the years, Dr. Prakash holds the honorable designation as Professor. He pursued his MBBS and MD from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune.
The fundamental offerings furnished through Dr. Kini include IVF, IUI, Natural Cycle IVF, Artificial Insemination, Infertility treatment, Breast care, Embryo switch, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Reproductive treatment, Sexual health etc.
Dr. Prakash Kini, One of the Senior Obstetricians and Gynaecologists at Cloudnine, Has Completed His MBBS From B.J Medical College, Pune University, and DGO at Kem Hospital Mumbai and MD From KEM Hospital, Pune. He Has Had His Stint in Academics as He Was the Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at M.S Ramaiah College.
He Has Also Been the Professor and Head of Department of Obstetrics /gynecology at B. R. Ambedkar College. Adding to His Varied Experience in His Field He Has Worked With Several Leading Medical Centres Including Sagar Hospital, Wockhardt Hospital, and Sevakshetra Hospital. Dr. Kini Has Been Part of Cloudnine Since Inception. With His Innate Ability to Perceive Things That Matter the Most to a Mother He Says That 'joy' Needs to Be Planned, Conceived, and Delivered With Utmost Care.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF SPECIALIST, Embryo Transfer (IVF ET), Hysterectomy
Location:-  Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore
Timing:-    MON, WED, FRI 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM, 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Rating :-  3.0 / 5
4. Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty
Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty is a gynecologist and infertility specialist in Bangalore. He finished MBBS from J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka in 1997. Then, Dr. Basavaraj pursued MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Kasturba Medical College in Mangalore in 2001. He also finished MRCOG and fellowships in infertility and replica from London among 2006 and 2009.
He become a proud member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2007. Dr. Basavaraj presents treatment services in reproductive endocrinology, Male sexual dysfunction treatments, Andrology, In Vitro fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI) in addition to Reproductive endocrinology. He is currently training at Vishvas Fertility and Andrology Clinic and Telerad RxDx Healthcare Pvt Ltd, each primarily based out in Bangalore. You can discover more statistics concerning Dr. Basavaraj at elawoman.Com.
Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty is taken into consideration to be among the pinnacle selections for Gynecologists in Hyderabad. He has extra than two decades of experience in this field. Currently, he practices at Vishvas Fertility and Andrology Clinic, Bangalore. He pursued his MBBS from JJM Medical College, Davangere and MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore.
The foremost services provided by Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty are Reproductive Endocrinology (Infertility), Andrology, IUI, Male sexual disorder and so on. Dr. Devarashetty has been provided the membership of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF SPECIALIST, Andrology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Location:-  Whitefield, Marathahalli, Bangalore
Timing:-    MON - SAT 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Rating :-  3.3 / 5
5. Dr. Reshu Saraogi
Dr. Reshu Saraogi is an obstetrician and gynecologist presently training at Cogent Care, Whitefield, Bangalore. Dr. Reshu pursued and completed MBBS from PSG Institute of Medical Science and Research, Coimbatore in 2005 and MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology from UCMS in 2010. She pursued fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery in RGUHS, Bangalore in 2011. Dr. Reshu makes a speciality of IVF, IUI, Normal vaginal delivery, Gynecology Laparoscopy, Tubectomy and Hysterectomy strategies. Visit Elawoman.Com to understand greater approximately Dr. Reshu Saraogi.
Dr. Reshu Saraogi is a well known Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Bangalore. Currently, she works as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Cogent Care, Bangalore. She has a total experience of approximately one decade. Dr. Saraogi has worked in many hospitals throughout India and Asia and holds a famend position in International Gynecological Society.
She finished her MBBS from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore and MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) from UCMS, Delhi. The offerings provided by means of Dr. Saraogi are IVF, ICSI, NVD, Sperm Donor Program, IUI, Cervical Cerclage, Artificial Insemination, Laparoscopic surgical operation and many others.
Dr. Saraogi has additionally published many articles on gynecological care beneath FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India). She has been awarded the RD Pandit Research Prize for the pleasant thesis by FOGSI in 2009.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF SPECIALIST,Hysterectomy, Gynaecology Laparoscopy
Location:-  Whitefield, Bangalore
Timing:-    MON - SUN 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rating :-  3.9 / 5
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