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aesthetically-flora · 8 months ago
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«Woman’s Study Bible» I love this book and I love to read the Word of God 🙏🏻
Nothing beats being in the prescence of God 🙏🏻💖
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
Self care ❣️
Made a pumpkinspice latte with my keurig this morning! Made it all by myself. Happy anniversary to me!!! Finally, I have an idea for a blog! Coffee with God!
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elielssouza · 6 years ago
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O fruto da retidão é árvore de vida,
e aquele que conquista almas é sábio. (Provérbios 11:30)
#jesus #Deus #cafe #coffee #god #coffeewithgod #devocional #palavra #mensagens #lifestyle #jesuscopy #cafezinho #espiritosanto #holybible #church #igreja #barrinha #ieaderp #jesuscristo #jovens #jesusloves #jesusculture #jesusteama #evangelhododia #pao #gospel #holyspirit #espiritosanto #jovem #frases #status
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fellowshipgj · 7 years ago
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Psalm 5:3 "Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my request to you and wait expectantly." #CoffeeWithGod ☕ For more information, visit our website! http://fellowshipgj.com/
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deadbscrolls · 9 years ago
Coffee with God
Check out the ten-minute video above. Bill Hybels lays out a very simple rap on regular time with God and the effects it can have on us.
Personally I've seen how a model like what he explains has worked out in my life, and I know it can do the same for you if you go to God daily with the attitude of wanting to draw near to him.
I've read the verse "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." many times (James 4:8). But this is a way in which it is actually done that prior to the last few months I never really took to heart. I knew the bible said that, but never really believed it. I did everything I was supposed to be doing so why did it not feel like God was getting closer to me? Simply, it has nothing to do with what we are "supposed" to be doing, but whether or not we want to. If you want to get closer to God and actually take steps daily to do so, you will see the effects play out in your life.
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 35-36, Matthew 10:26-42, Psalm 13-14, and Proverbs 3:19-20.
I gotta stop missing days!
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elielssouza · 6 years ago
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Quem dera eles tivessem sempre no coração esta disposição para temer-me e para obedecer a todos os meus mandamentos. Assim tudo iria bem com eles e com seus descendentes para sempre! 
(Deuteronômio 5:29)
#jesus #Deus #cafe #coffee #god #coffeewithgod #devocional #palavra #mensagens #lifestyle #jesuscopy #cafezinho #espiritosanto #holybible #church #igreja #barrinha #ieaderp #jesuscristo #jovens #jesusloves #jesusculture #jesusteama #evangelhododia #pao #gospel #holyspirit #espiritosanto #jovem #frases #status
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charke105 · 12 years ago
the armor-bearer
1 Samuel 14:1-23
reading this passage, i feel like i relate most to the unnamed "young man who carried [Jonathan's] armor." 
he is a follower, not a leader
he follows not the authority of the land (Saul), but the righteousness of one of God's chosen (Jonathan)
the armor-bearer trusts Jonathan and sees that his faith is in God's promises and past actions. although he himself is not a self-starter nor one to rebel against authority, he is willing to do so if it is to follow God's righteousness which he sees in Jonathan. in verse seven, he tells Jonathan, "Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you heart and soul." is this not the perfect example of how we are to follow God's call for justice and goodness on this earth? when given the choice of following Saul, which everyone else does, or Jonathan, he chooses Jonathan. he sets aside everything, is even willing to give up his life, in order that what he sees is good might be pursued. and then, he listens as Jonathan commands him, and he obeys. this faith is rewarded, for the two men are not testing God, but trusting Him. as they enter the enemy camp, their first strike "killed about twenty men ... [and caused] a panic in the camp, in the field, and among the people." What is significant about this scene is that the armor-bearer follows Jonathan; that is, Jonathan comes before the armor-bearer and the enemy soldiers "fell before Jonathan." the "armor-bearer killed them after him." the armor-bearer alone, had he attempted this, would not have succeeded; it is jonathan who first lays the men down so that the armor-bearer can act. and, God's response to these two is very obvious affirmation; He makes the earth quake.
in the second part of this passage, we see Saul acting in the very opposite manner as his son. Saul trusts himself, rather than the Lord. He puts his faith in his own decision-making capabilities, his own power, and the number of men in his ranks. as he is in formed of Jonathan and the armor-bearer's deeds, he is finally convicted to follow suit, and mobilizes his army to pursue the Philistines. it is worth noting that by the time this happens, the Philistines are already on the verge of self-destruction - "every Philistine's sword was against his fellow, and there was very great confusion." as it becomes clear that the enemy is being defeated, all manner of Israelites join the fight; "the Hebrews who had been with the Philistines before that time and who had gone up with them into the camp" and "the men of Israel who had hidden themselves in the hill country of Ephraim" join the battle as the Philistines flee. 
"the LORD saved Israel that day."
what caught my attention was that without the armor-bearer, an un-named man who defied Saul's authority and followed Jonathan self-sacrificially and obediently, the Lord's promise to Israel would not have been fulfilled in this manner. 
and, really, aren't we supposed to be like the armor-bearer? as individuals, we serve the Kingdom. we serve righteousness, we serve goodness, we serve truth, and we serve justice. our identities are insignificant, except in that they are so integrally tied to who the Lord is and His promises to us. sometimes following the way of goodness, the way of God, can be difficult... the armor-bearer in this story must trust God enough to enter enemy territory from a disadvantage (coming out of a rock gully with one other man as the enemy ranks wait above) but we are called to obedience. we are called to be willing to give up our lives. we are called to pursue God's call even if it means walking into a seemingly hopeless situation with nothing more than a promise to go on. 
we have a choice, too. we can choose to follow a set course even when it has been corrupted, or we can choose to defy what everyone else around us tells us is correct. the men following Saul, we later find out, follow out of fear. they obey out of fear. we can also choose to act out of fear, or we can choose to act in radical defiance, in boldness that comes from trusting the Lord. who knows, out of this one act of faith, we might be able to move a nation of non-believers. 
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 32-34, Matthew 10:1-25, Psalm 12, and Proverbs 3:16-18.
Today was pretty awesome.
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 29-31, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11, and Proverbs 3:13-15.
I painted this today!
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 26-28, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, and Proverbs 3:11-12.
I had spiced apple and caramel tea today. Very yum. Sweetened with honey! So soothing on the throat.
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 24 and 25, Matthew 8, Psalm 10:1-15, and Proverbs 3:1-10.
Today was my lovey’s birthday! We spent some time together, and it was amazing. 🥰
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 22-23, Matthew 7, Psalm 9, and Proverbs 2:16-22.
I got a lot accomplished yesterday! I missed blogging, but that’s ok. Got all my stuff in order and my Uncle didn’t die!
Great services at church today and I had an awesome time fellowshipping between services. An awesome awesome day.
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 19-21, Matthew 6:19-34, Psalm 8, and Proverbs 2:6-15.
My Mom had this made for me. My Nanny passed away in July just 3 weeks after being diagnosed with lung cancer.
She lived in a trailer, and I cannot go into trailers because of my chair.
(Electric wheelchairs are too heavy for trailer floors. They’ll fall right through.)
Well, I said, “God! You cannot take my Nanny without letting me see her!”
Now here’s the thing, when we pray for something we often get angry because the answer isn’t the one we wanted. Doesn’t mean He didn’t hear us, it just means we didn’t get our way.
Well, she was put in the hospital shortly after my prayer. And for 14 beautiful hours, she was herself. No coughing. Just talking to everyone. She knew who we all were, and we got to say bye. She went to sleep at 10pm and didn’t wake back up. But I got to see her. And spend time with her. He gave me that gift.
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 16-18, Matthew 6:1-18, Psalm 7, and Proverbs 2:1-5 today.
Pretty upset that I missed yesterday. Blogging isn’t as easy as it seems. But that’s ok! We’ll just play a bit of catch up over the next few days.
Yesterday was my doctor appointment, and all is well! I feel super accomplished and motivated. Feeling pretty hyped about some of the things I got set up.
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years ago
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Read Genesis 13-15, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6, and Proverbs 1:29-33.
Bit of a rough start this morning! I feel like I slept just all day. Made a doctor appointment just for a check up. Sometimes you just need a check up. That’s what church is. It’s like a check up for your soul.
Nothing eventful today. No coffee for me. I slept plenty!
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