aesthetically-flora · 2 months
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«Woman’s Study Bible» I love this book and I love to read the Word of God 🙏🏻
Nothing beats being in the prescence of God 🙏🏻💖
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years
Self care ❣️
Made a pumpkinspice latte with my keurig this morning! Made it all by myself. Happy anniversary to me!!! Finally, I have an idea for a blog! Coffee with God!
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morellareborn · 5 years
Struggling with Your QT's? Me Too
Struggling with Your QT’s? Me Too
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So recently I’ve been struggling with having quiet times, let alone ones that leave me satisfied, thinking, and with something meaningful enough to be applicable. I’ll either do a surface-level word study, pick a random passage to study, or just watch a Bible Project video. I’ll try to think of things I’ve been struggling with or wondering about to study them out, but I find myself thinking,…
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elielssouza · 6 years
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O fruto da retidão é árvore de vida,
e aquele que conquista almas é sábio. (Provérbios 11:30)
#jesus #Deus #cafe #coffee #god #coffeewithgod #devocional #palavra #mensagens #lifestyle #jesuscopy #cafezinho #espiritosanto #holybible #church #igreja #barrinha #ieaderp #jesuscristo #jovens #jesusloves #jesusculture #jesusteama #evangelhododia #pao #gospel #holyspirit #espiritosanto #jovem #frases #status
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fellowshipgj · 7 years
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Psalm 5:3 "Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my request to you and wait expectantly." #CoffeeWithGod ☕ For more information, visit our website! http://fellowshipgj.com/
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deadbscrolls · 8 years
Coffee with God
Check out the ten-minute video above. Bill Hybels lays out a very simple rap on regular time with God and the effects it can have on us.
Personally I've seen how a model like what he explains has worked out in my life, and I know it can do the same for you if you go to God daily with the attitude of wanting to draw near to him.
I've read the verse "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." many times (James 4:8). But this is a way in which it is actually done that prior to the last few months I never really took to heart. I knew the bible said that, but never really believed it. I did everything I was supposed to be doing so why did it not feel like God was getting closer to me? Simply, it has nothing to do with what we are "supposed" to be doing, but whether or not we want to. If you want to get closer to God and actually take steps daily to do so, you will see the effects play out in your life.
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magicalvelvet · 8 years
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Honor God in the morning and throughout the day... #coffeewithGod
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1stacyrenee-blog · 9 years
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Wishing you a glorious Sunday. May your heart be full and your cup runneth over with gratitude and grace. ❄️💙✝💚❄️ #lakehaase #happyplace #makingmemories #coffeewithGod (at Bear Lake)
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erwinjadraque · 9 years
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“What a terrible thing to think “Did they not love me because I was not their first choice?” What a terrible thing that is, because you shouldn’t be on a list at all. Yes, love is a choice, but not one that settles. We see someone and we think “I want to love this person and build them up.” And so you do, and not in a way that says “I want to love this person because they can do A.B. and C. For me.” No, you love the person because you want to see them grow in beauty, grace, love, gentleness and wisdom. You want the best for them, because to you, they are the choice you made for better or worse, and not a number that fit all your needs and desires; because love comes with a servants heart.” T.B. LaBerge #refreshed #startthedayoffwithtgeword #jesus #praise #vscocam #love #instagood #bible #coffeewithgod
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kennedysmistress · 9 years
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Enjoying these last couple months of engagement. 💕 #engagedlife #theknotrings #dailydevotion #coffeewithgod
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katyluke-us · 10 years
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The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey's colt!” John 12:12-19🌴 #palmsunday #holyweek #faith #Scripture #timewithGod #Bible #coffeewithGod #inspiration #katyshealthandfitness #teamconnection #instainspiration #christianentrepreneur (at bit.ly/katyshealthandfitness)
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dasanie813-blog · 6 years
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Read Genesis 35-36, Matthew 10:26-42, Psalm 13-14, and Proverbs 3:19-20.
I gotta stop missing days!
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elielssouza · 6 years
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Quem dera eles tivessem sempre no coração esta disposição para temer-me e para obedecer a todos os meus mandamentos. Assim tudo iria bem com eles e com seus descendentes para sempre! 
(Deuteronômio 5:29)
#jesus #Deus #cafe #coffee #god #coffeewithgod #devocional #palavra #mensagens #lifestyle #jesuscopy #cafezinho #espiritosanto #holybible #church #igreja #barrinha #ieaderp #jesuscristo #jovens #jesusloves #jesusculture #jesusteama #evangelhododia #pao #gospel #holyspirit #espiritosanto #jovem #frases #status
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Today I watched to young people run towards each other from either side of a city block. When they met in the middle they hugged each other and spun in circles. The young man kissed his beauty with so much passion, you would think they’d been apart for years. I teared up. It was like a scene from the movies! Tonight I was in church, worshipping God and He told me to dwell in the silence longer. To dwell in His presence. To dwell in His beauty. To dwell in a moment of passionate love. At that moment I remembered the young couple and I imagined myself running towards God and Him running towards me. After we hugged, we walked arm in arm to Starbucks and grabbed coffee together. You might laugh at my imagination. But honestly, for me there would be absolutely nothing better than to run to God quickly and have everlasting coffee and chats with him in a calm, soothing atmosphere. The only things I’ve dwelt on lately is negative things that drag me down. It’s time to change my dwelling place to chill time with My Main Man. Yeah, I could stay there forever.
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I miss my family and friends... But right now He is with me, and we are having coffee, and that is all I need! #coffeewithGod #blessed #homesick #moments
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YAM Coffee Night! Let's do this! Come, have fun, rest, bond with other Young Adults, and experience God :)
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