#coffeetable books
hayabs · 10 months
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Follow @globalstrike1 on insta for more details !!!!!
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chambergambit · 8 months
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
might fuck around and buy my friend a copy of the riverside shakespeare (1973) for his birthday
side note it astonishes me that ppl are selling this book for between $50 to $100 secondhand in some places. you can get it for under 10 bucks at so many online retailers. it's a fifty-year-old tome that was commonly used as a college textbook, there are so many fuckin copies still floating around out there and most of them on the market are in the acceptable-to-good category of condition. how could one you have be worth much more than that? is yours in extra special superb condition? what?
do ppl just think everything vintage is valuable... bc oftentimes it just isn't
#idk#tales from diana#i just figure as a book my copy has meant a lot to me#like it is no exaggeration at all for me to say the riverside shakespeare changed my life#changed my reading habits changed my relationship to art#despite being such an unwieldy inconveniently gigantic and uncomfortable physical object to read from#i still have read uhhhh like 17 plays in there and a number of the poems.#not to mention all the supplementary materials like introductions and historical essays#if 5 years ago my grandmother didn't let me take home my aunt's old college textbook i cant imagine my life now i genuinely cant#i already did read shakespeare at that time but i had read so few. i didnt know how to continue. whether to keep buying copies#going to libraries etc#i never wouldve bought myself the complete works at that age i had no money#if i HAD bought myself smth i mightve gone for that b&n coffeetable book w no fucking supplementary material at all#that thing is a waste of paper btw ive probably said that before#that thing was not made to actually read shakespeare from but it's made to look like a good deal for beginners#FUCK THAT THING i mean i suppose it's not crazy expensive but it's not HELPFUL#anyone would be discouraged trying to read from that by themselves#anyway this friend also already does like shakespeare and stuff we talk about it sometimes. he took a class at one point in college#but i dont think he owns the complete works. i texted his gf asking him if he still has his textbook from that class#i dont think he does bc i know him to have rented textbooks most of the time buuuuut#just checking#im excited teehee#itd be a nice personal gift. i love mine not just for the wealth of interest it's brought me but the personal attachment to my copy#id like to have that kind of bond through an object w someone else.#plus it's just a nice thing to have around the house#it sat in my grandmother's house as a pretty untouched object for more than 40 years#it sparks curiosity. it's wonderful. it's a great reference. it holds the complete works of shakespeare!#yeah im excited about this
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zoanzon · 2 months
I want a website that tells me if a history book actually has citations, or if it just says stuff and expects me to believe it.
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shojoboy · 1 year
<- guy who Cannot stop putting books on hold at his local library
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megamassikalove · 2 months
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4t2 Lovestruck (EP16) Hearts furniture
From the new pack:
Loveseat - poly: 494, § 225
Chair - poly: 363, § 375
Herbert Heart (deco pluche) - poly: 462, § 100
Books (works as bookcase) - poly: 307, § 165
Endtable - poly: 408, § 150
Repo'd coffeetable - poly: 332, § 150
Added slots to tables, seating has morphs, books need FT, all, except pluche, have two subsets. You'll need the LC Sims4shadowfile for shadows to work (included). Swatches included.
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ofsilentthings · 7 months
I like to go thrift shopping. Today I went for a chair - no luck, but I took a bit to look through the donated books.
The donated book section can be hit or miss. Sometimes they're a smattering of various topics. You can tell they were donated or freebies, or that a household didn't really read them. Coffeetable books, books about fad diets or dealing with sympathy, books about passing interests like photography. These books are given as gifts to acquaintances, who heard you mention you were interested in something, the quip remembered (even though you just made it to be polite), and then on a birthday or Christmas there it is.. A book you'll flip through once or maybe twice and then donate.
Not these books though. Today's donated books skewed towards the literary. Now I have a degree in English Literature so these topics pop out to me. There were Norton Guides to Literature, analyses of the Middle Ages, Romantic English Novel, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Coleridge and Shelley, and the classic Shakespeare plays everyone seems to read: A Hamlet, an Othello, a King Lear.
Looking at these books as a whole I wondered what kind of person would donate them. Maybe they had studied literature awhile ago and had moved on with their lives? Maybe, but these books had notes in them. A poetry book talking about what made a poem lyrical. Underlined passages. Brief phrases in margins.
What kind of person donated these books? I don't know but I feel a kinship with them, wherever they are. These weren't just books. These were studied and absorbed into someone's life. I know because my own set of books at home are just like that. Written in, scribbled, highlighted, studied, absorbed. A time capsule of the person I was when I first encountered those texts.
I wonder what kind of image my book shelf will present when I move on and my books are donated. I hope they see the type of person I was, and know my books were loved
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oldsargasso · 8 months
Winner is definitely one of those people who does not act as mature as his age LOL. DEAN’S CUSTOMER SERVICE SPIRIT SHFJFJF
I was gonna say Kim is probably bad at letting people take care of him when he’s sick but you know what! He’d probably be good at that too, the bastard!! (But oh, I’m having thoughts now about Kenta providing care for him the first time after the whole Tony incident, and it bringing back memories and complicated emotions about that time he totally definitely canonically tended to Kim’s wounds when he was captured)
And oh Kenta, oh baby, he WOULD have trouble understanding the appeal of his body, it just would not compute to him (I need to see him get shy when it finally starts to sink in, please)
Winner would be the WORST (when is he not) to learn on because he’d be shifting and complaining the ENTIRE TIME. And yet it would give Dean very important feedback on what happens if he leaves it too loose in this spot, or too tight in that one etc etc—whereas Kenta would simply Not Say Anything unless continuously prompted by Kim. 
Dean *has* worked hard and deserves recognition and Kim is gonna tell him what a good job he’s doing and how appreciated he is and it is NOT going to make me emotional.
Kim 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this practically perfect dude and his three loser boyfriends
noooo I canNOT think about kim being cared for! especially by Kenta which 100% happened while Kim was Tony's captive - do you think that's when Kim started to realise what a gentle soul Kenta truly is? even when Kenta was holding a knife to his throat, the hand in his hair wasn't pulling hard or forcing him to strain his neck. lol I do kinda love the idea of Kim being a terrible patient though. he's gotta have a flaw!
I need the other three to have like, a campaign to make him understand. or maybe a game to see who can get away with the most blatant innuendo or...I can't think of the word. but like making excuses like 'oh you should take your shirt off while doing XYZ 😇 you don't want to get it dirty'
(listen...very very occasionally Winner is not the worst. it probably hasn't ever occurred onscreen but I believe in my terrible pathetic emotional support goon okay. he just wants to race cars and wave a gun around!!) but YES Kenta would absolutely keep quiet about being uncomfortable (back to the not safewording when he should that you mentioned - it's not THAT bad so why would he say anything? Kenta knows how to endure, more than anything.) but omg 🥺 Kim constantly checking in 🥺 and then with Winner they're like "okay we GET IT" (while still not actually crossing any lines) in my head Winner just isn't into the rope thing at all. why would he not wanna touch? why would he not wanna be touched? but perhaps there is a tiny little EMOTION occurring when he sees how peaceful it makes Kenta. and how proud Dean is.
I'm like sick over Dean getting praised. every time I think about actually writing polycule fic it's the first thing I go to I NEED IT TO HAPPEN. (honestly it's so blatant you wonder how the rest of x hunter weren't getting Dean to do literally anything - Kenta had one conversation where he said something remotely nice about Dean and Dean went and sabotaged a car over it. imagine what could have been.) anyway. imagine the first time Winner says something genuinely appreciative for Dean. (I gotta go work on my winnerdean fic lol)
I honestly need like a coffeetable book of everything about everyone on this show. birthdays, favourite foods, how they all got into racing. an explanation of how everyone's finances work lol.
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gimmickbook · 1 year
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Definitely some kind of era of design. — Neue Fasc — Gov Modern — Someone do a coffeetable book that collects all the [Stand Here] wayfinders.
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justalilguyoops · 5 months
regarding the reddit post about the saltburn coffeetable book! i reached out to OP like literally 2 days ago they said that life got in the way but its almost done
Ooooh super cool!!! I hope they do upload it because it sounds like they really want to, but I can def always been a back up <3 I'll probably still scan some of my favorite pages and what not once it gets here!
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xsavannahx987 · 2 years
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Lot size 20x20
Cost: §75,672
Lot type: Residential
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
Baysic Kitchen and Bedroom
Lennox low secto pendal
Kitchen sink
Sponge & dishwasher
Corded phone
Bewitching bohemina draping plant
Plant medium
Bed & pillows
Plumbob neon light, sul sul neon light, dye rug, wood mannequin, millennial poster, scissor wall lamp
Bedside & bed
Shoes box
Soak lamp
Home calling
Wooden lamp
Dining table 2 tiles
Sheer curtain long
Armchair, sofa & books
Console table
Poolside set
Sofa, armchair & coffeetable
Counter & sink
Toothbrush holder & soap
Cool pool kit
Narrow clapboard siding with no trim
Behr wallpaper
Historic simple siding
Oakhouse wallpaper
consider to buy me a coffee <3
@moonglitchccfinds @dreamstatesimsfinds @emilyccfinds @sssvitlanz
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harrison-abbott · 8 months
I went to see a psychiatrist
To see if I could get some help
With my verbal tics; because they
Had bothered me my entire life
And they made other people
Think I was funny,
When I wasn’t, or so I hoped;
I had a job and a flat and friends:
Everything else was all right aside
From these tics – where I would
Spasmodically say words without
Meaning to; when I was in the
Supermarket or on the bus or
Just walking down the street, all
At random. …
So I looked up this psychiatrist
Chap who was within my price
Range. And I took the tram out
To his office, which was in
Some ugly industrial building
Several miles away. And I was
Pretty nervous about meeting him.
The only things I knew about
Psychiatry were from TV shows
And scenes in books and thus I
Was no expert. And so I thought
I would meet the cute girl
Receptionist at a plush desk and
Then would be shown in to this
Equally snazzy room with books
Lining the walls and two huge
Arm chairs on either side of
A coffeetable … But all that
Happened was that I went to
The ground floor and asked to
See this man and they told me
To get that elevator and then
I found an office four minutes
Later and this chap asked me
To come in and shut the door
And sit at his tinny table. He
Spent another minute checking
His emails and then he shut
His laptop away and then he
Sat back and asked me to describe
My problem. And I’ve never been
So good a speaker in any sense.
You know how people are good
With their voice, that they have
That thespian thing? Well, I have
Never quite been adept with language.
I can write okay but when it comes
To speaking I stumble over the words
And I used to have a stutter when
I was a kid and I have extra problems
With eye contact and so on, etc etc.
And because I was trying to explain
Something that bothered me I got
A bit emotional at the same time.
About my tic. Tics. There are many
Of them – where I spout out a word
Involuntarily. And as I was relaying
The description, I started to tic,
Right there in front of this man.
He first noticed it with a snap of
His own head, and he blinked, as
If hearing a popped balloon.
And I tried to control it but I couldn’t
And so I just kept tic tic ticking
Right in front of him. And at first
He put his hand up to his mouth,
Which I thought at first was to
Mask his embarrassment. And so
I thought he was empathetic …
But then his fingers slipped off
And I saw that he was smiling.
He was trying not to laugh.
And then he laughed. Ho hee ha.
He scoffed and I stared at him
And he spluttered and it was quite
Bizarre because I didn’t have the
Confidence to say some dramatic
Commanding line to get him to
Hush up and I eventually had
To stop altogether because the tics
Had invaded the whole monologue.
What I did instead was to get up
From my chair and bolt out of the
Room and whilst I was hurt and so
On I didn’t see why I had to pay this
Man for his session and he called
After me Mister … and my surname
And his expression had changed and
He wasn’t getting fifty fucking pound
To laugh at me like we were in high
School, which was probably where
All of this mess began and proliferated.  
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passengerpigeons · 8 months
coffeetable book titled "165 old rural women who look like Colin Meloy of the Decemberists"
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pcttrailsidereader · 1 year
Top Ten PCT Books
There is an overwhelming abundance of books in the pantheon of PCT literature. I have read many over the past 40+ years (often in the process of developing the three anthologies . . . see #2). I have given some thought recently to my Top Ten PCT books. It is a rather arbitrary list certainly influenced by my own preferences and the reality that many of the early voices were male. I am confident that I have missed some worthy choices and would invite readers to submit their favorites.
The Pacific Crest Trail: Exploring America's Wilderness Trail by Mark Larabee and Barney Mann
My rationale for putting this beautiful coffeetable book at the top of my list is that it captures the spectacle of the PCT in photos, includes essays about the history and culture of the trail, and rounds things out with profiles of the people of the trail. I never tire of flipping through and relishing the photos. There are other excellent books of photos from the PCT, but this is a comprehensive resource under one cover.
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2. The Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: California; The Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: Oregon and Washington (Edited by Rees Hughes and Corey Lewis) and Crossing Paths: A Pacific Crest Trailside Reader (Edited by Rees Hughes and Howard Shapiro)
While I admit to a certain bias, the 150 short stories captured in this trilogy reflects the full range of PCT people and experiences in, for the most part, their own words. It really is a 'must read' for those interested in a full appreciation of the PCT. It also draws from many of the individual accounts of walking the trail that would otherwise dominate your bookshelves.
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3. The Great Alone by Tim Voors
Of all of the many accounts of walking the PCT, why did I elevate this particular account? I have read countless memoirs written by PCT hikers. They are all deeply personal accounts of hiking the same 2,650 miles, generally with a few variations here and there.  Most are enjoyable, a few are tedious or self-important, but virtually all suffer from following a similar formula.  Any of you who have read even a handful know the formula – preparing for the trail, physically and mentally adjusting to trail life through the desert and the High Sierra, marveling at trail culture, persevering through the monotonous Northern California and Oregon stretch, and the race to the end through the wet and often white spectacular North Cascades.  It is delightful to find a memoir that carves its own unique path.  Tim Voors in The Great Alone has done just that.
Throughout his time on the trail, Voors spends some serious time devoted to reflection that he gracefully weaves into the story of his walk north.  He manages to share his introspection in a way that never seems tedious and rarely seems forced.  What if I die tomorrow?  Quitting.  Restructuring your life around your dreams.  Do I believe in God?  Much of what he learns comes from the wisdom of hikers a generation younger than him. I believe his honesty and candor makes his reflections engaging as does his self-deprecating humor.  It may help that Voors shares my own belief that walking the PCT is richest when it includes a spiritual experience where hikers think about themselves and the world around them and their role in the world.
Voors, who is Dutch, demonstrates his command of English throughout the book.  In addition, his simple watercolor paintings (he is aptly known as ‘Van Go’ on the trail) and the photos he has included enrich the total experience of reading the book.  I would rarely comment on the choice of paper used in printing the book, but I really liked the thick, textured paper (which seems to be a trademark of the publisher, Gestalten).  The graphics throughout the book are exceptional and add measurably to the quality of the reading experience.
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4. Wanderlust: A History of Walking by Rebecca Solnit or On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moor
Pick one of these two books. Although Moor talks about the PCT in On Trails, both Solnit and Moor offer the best homage to 'walking' among the many philosophical treatments available. They are the books I wish I had written about pedestrianism.
5. The High Adventure of Eric Ryback by Eric Ryback
Ryback's account of his 1970 hike from Canada to Mexico on a trail that was often just a concept elevated the profile of the PCT. Read by dreamers like me (and thousands of others), Ryback's book was my first exposure to the PCT and the impetus for me to walk the PCT. It captured the spirit of adventure that has drawn hikers to the trail in the decades since.
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6. A T'hru-Hikers Heart: Tales on the Pacific Crest Trail by Ray "No Way" Echols
Ray Echols collection of essays, compiled following Ray's tragic death along Deep Creek by his widow, Alice Tulloch, is also not your typical PCT account. I have kept this book in my collection because I find the depth of Ray's experiences, the strength of his feeling, the wisdom of his writing so exceptional. In it all, he manages to capture why I return to the trail year after year.
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7. Seven Summers (and a few bummers) by Bob Welch
As I mentioned before, I am disinclined to include accounts of walking the Pacific Crest Trail that begin in the desert south and proceed linearly and predictably. However, I found Bob Welch’s account of completing the PCT with his brother-in-law, Glenn, refreshingly bumpy (and very real).  Written with self-deprecating humor, Seven Summers seems part Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods, part Barney Mann’s Journeys North, but all uniquely the Oregon Boys (Bob and Glenn’s trail name).  The Oregon Boys dealt with hypothermia, fire, quitting (and starting again), the realities of work and family, snow, injury, and more, but in the course of 11 years they finished the PCT.
The book captures the special challenge of being a section hiker. As Welch observes near the end of the book, section hiking necessitated thirty-two travel days,“ just getting to and from that trail, that encompassed more than 17,000 miles, just so I could hike 2,650 miles.” He continued, “Some 180 miles of extraneous hiking miles [were] needed to get to and from trail heads; to follow “workarounds” because of fire closures; to get off-trail water and food; and to return to points that we overshot”.
Welch, a lifelong journalist and author of a number of other books, makes the book an enjoyable read. By the end of the book you feel a special connection with Bob and Glenn and their spouses. Seven Summers touches on the changing nature of the PCT, profiles a number of hikers on the trail, captures the essence of trail culture, and the PCT experience. In addition, it is a pleasure to read a well-crafted book. And only a few times did I tire of Welch’s humor.
I appreciated the inclusion of photos, maps, special charts (“Breakdown of the 17 Section Hikes”, how he put everything in his pack, his equipment list, a best and worst list, the PCT experience by the numbers, etc.), and some delightful illustrations by Don White.
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8. The Pacific Crest Trail: A Visual Compendium by Joshua M. Powell
This is another unique and very entertaining treatment of the PCT. I loved his collection of lists and notes of every possible (and some I never would have thought of) aspect of a thru-hike on the PCT. Powell shows us the various flora and fauna he discovered along the trail. Everything from pileated woodpecker to lupine. Paintbrush to rattlesnake and many, many more. He goes on to create illustrations of notable buildings found in trail towns and illustrates an alphabet from scripts seen along the trail. He describes his mental struggles, landmarks, weather, and specific trail notes. There are numerous easy to read charts and graphs and stunning graphics.  Everything from elevations of various sections to traits shared by thru-hikers and characters in Steinbeck novels.
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9.Journeys North by Barney 'Scout' Mann
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Scout's treatment of his PCT thru-hike experience is the most traditional of those included in my top 10 list. He has the advantage of a long and rich association with the trail . . . as a hiker (along with his wife Sandy . . . aka 'Frodo'), as a long-time devoted trail angel, as a PCT board member, as an advocate for the PCT and for the national trail system. That history gives his account additional 'heft' often missing in other accounts.
10. Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart by Carrot Quinn
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Carrot Quinn authored one of my favorite PCT blogs/journals; one I followed religiously on her trek north. Cleverly written and insightful, I think I appreciated it even more because Carrot's take on the experience was so different from my own. Written with humor and, at times, a biting insight, I think that Carrot's writing helped me take my own PCT experience a little less nobly and self-importantly.
Other Contenders: I really like Suzanne Roberts's Almost Somewhere: 28 Days on the John Muir Trail, but did not include it because it is limited to the JMT. Roberts is a wonderful writer. I also enjoyed Gail D. Storey's I Promise Not to Suffer: A Fool for Love Hikes the Pacific Crest Trail. It is clever and fun but did not make the cut because, like Cheryl Strayed, Gail walked less than half of the PCT. I also tend to discount books written about fast-walking the trail because, while I admire the tenacity and strength for such an achievement, I am biased against those that don't savor the PCT experience.
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mickmundy · 1 year
sniper's loft bed headcanons pls 👁️👁️
omg.,., ehehe.,., i’m soo glad you asked this is something i am Not at All Insane About.,., ehee.,., and i actually think its probably for the best that i elaborate on this here since there really isn’t a graceful way to fit posts like this within a fic SKDFKSD so!! let’s get to it! starting off by saying i’ve been in and out of motorhomes, trucks with camper shells, vans, etc my entire life (though i would be doing it a lot more in my adult life if i could find ways to not have Every Bug On Earth eat me alive ;_; gwah!) so i guess i’m just a little biased for what i see In My Mind. i have yet to sketch out/floorplan out sniper’s van layout itself In My Mind but let’s just keep it vague enough to say it’s nothing flashy, but it’s cozy and Aged and… lived in! i’ve talked about it before in one of my Many headcanon posts but i think he was always taught that he doesn’t need material things and while i wouldn’t say he’s a hoarder by any means, i think he tries to convince himself everything in his home has a Practical Application just so he can justify hanging onto it! i think sniper is v sentimental and the stuff he chooses to keep might be a little “unconventional” by average standards (ie he doesn’t have lots of photos of his family, but kept his mum’s handmade quilts and his dad’s old knife and hunting rifle. also presses flowers and would keep the eggshell of when he and medic first ate breakfast in bed together, etc) but i could ALSO make a whole other post about just little knicknacks i think you’d find in sniper’s home at any given time HEHE… but i’m doing my best to stay on track so!!
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i’m going to preface this with IM SORRY for the “pinterest looking ass” photos to describe what i’m talking about but just use this as a Basic Jumping Off Point. Not as the Literal Visual. work with me here… so i think sniper’s bed has LOTS of pillows and blankets. if you’ve ever slept in one of those loft bed camper van beds you’d know that those walls are cold and hard and don’t really hold heat in all that well! i think the blankets are a combination of furs he has (though he rolls up and stores them when its hot out), sherpa/wool, knit blankets and quilts, etc. all of different sizes and weights. whatever makes him comfortable! pillows are extremely worn in (as are the blankets; you could find lots of mends on them!) and comfortable just the way sniper likes them. i think he has so many layers because he sleeps naked and likes to be able to adjust what parts of his body are covered and what parts aren’t. he’s the king of sticking one of those loooong legs out of the covers, or having only his tummy covered and the rest of him exposed, etc! he likes being able to change things quickly to suit his needs. this is also great for draping something over his shoulders when he’s laying out on top of his van at night watching the stars or sitting in a lawn chair feeding hoots!
the space is small, so i think he’d also have a “nightstand” which really is just a “coffeetable book” (ie a big-ish hard cover book) of some subject he’s interested in that he’d keep pressed against the “long wall” of the camper that has just a battery-powered plastic lantern (for reading before bed ehe) on it, a worn-out old book of poetry or some kind of book he’s read a thousand times that he likes skimming before bed (this is not to be confused with the Utility Books he reads at others times about survivalism, gun cleaning, etc. this is a Wind Down Specific book), and aheh, when he starts really falling for medic, something else too… but i’ll discuss that later in my fics! ;-) if i’m being really self-indulgent i think he also has a stuffed animal from his childhood that he’s still hung onto all these years, but he keeps him stored away safely in a pillowcase because he doesn’t want it getting lost or damaged! :’( also he’s just a huge cuddlebug imo, so he likes having things he can Grab or fling his leg or arm over in his sleep (pillows, bunched up blankets, etc)! the space is small but he makes it very homey! HEHEHE
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jeanbury74 · 11 months
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A CC filled lot this time. English-ish House is up on the gallery. 3 bed, 2.5 bath, with a pantry and laundry room. ID jeanbury. All the CC used is written below. Beware, it's a long 'un!
876 simmer-Oslo wardrobe, lowboy dresser, nightstand and standing mirror.
9 sims-DIY stars wall hanging.
Adrestea Moon-Storybook Lover and PJR Paintings.
Ars Botanica-Peonies Pitcher and Peony Jule Cup.
Ameyasims-You're So Vain: Vanity Brush and Hand Held Mirror.
ATS4-Breakfast: Milk Pack, Coffee Jars, Coffe Jar, Milk Bottle, Instant Drink, Tea Tin, Tea Box, Cocoa Powder Box. Fruit Juice Packs, Fruit Juice Glass Bottle, Coffee Bag. Baking: Wooden Spoon,Mechanical Scale, Timer, Canister, Baking Decoration Jar, Dried Fruits, Mixing Bowl, Baking Aids, Flour, Nutella, Baking Aids Stock, Dried Fruits Stock, Electronic Scale, Measuring Cup, Sugar, Jar, Measuring Cups, Rubber Spatula, Pastry Wheel, Candied Fruits. SnowyDay: Gloves, Wall Scarf #2, Wall Beanie #1, Fur Boots, Boots Snowcalf, Wall Coat #1 and #2 Bag Clutter: Tic Tacs.
Awingedllama-Apartment Therapy Potted Vine Round Mirror, Hanging Ivy.
Charley Pancakes-Insomnia: Organic Cotton Bedding. Miscellanea: Book Collection, Standing Books, Book Series.
Desimmy-Tiny Nifty Pictures.
Dew At Home-Hallway Hanging Scarf.
Duckey-Springtime Melody ,mug, Forever Spring Canvas Art, Lil Lilies, Friends and More Friends(these are table mounted frames that are called friends. That's all the information that was given)
Faaeish-BB Wall Decor Pegs and Toy Camera.
Felixandre-Chateau: Alarm Clock, Bedding, End Table, End Table 2, Drawer, Table Lamp, Rug Square, Telephone, Dresser. Grove: Salad Bowl, Lady Sam's Peony Vase, Bedframe V1. Grove-Timbershelf Inside Corner, Flagstone Floor, Cups, Stacked Plates, Stacked Plates 2, Stacked Plates Small, Wall Basket Small, Casserole, Bowls.
Felix and Harrie-Livin Rum: Box Files, Rug, Book Row, Book Series. Orjanic: Table Lamp, Bench, Cushion 2, Book End. Baysic: Toothpaste Container. Florence Fresco Mural. Tiny Twavellers:Hedge Wall.
GhostlyCC-Pre Raphaelite Paintings.
Harrie-Coastal Kitchen: Cereal Boxes, Cabinet Stack, Accent Counter 1 Marble Type, Coastal: Farmhouse Kitchen Sink with Tea Towel, Tins, Sofa, Tv Unit, Display Cupboard, Small Plates, Bowl, Bowl Stack, Cans, , Large Plates. Heritage: Traditional Towel Ring, Bowl Traditional Toilet, Traditional Runner, Landscape Artwork, Traditional Console Table, Floor Lamp, Traditional Round End Table, Traditional Elegant Mirror Small, Traditional Desk, Traditional Bust. Country: CoffeeTable.
Haruinosato-2x1 Curtain 01 Short.
Javabeandreams-Whimsical Animal Portraits.
Kardofe-Vienna Dining Room Curtains, Bella Babies Bedroom Small Pics.
Kliekie-Yove Plants 06, Awipow Plants 11, DecorationsPlants 10 Dragon's Herb. Whisper Laurel Plants 05
Kriss-Scania Build Set:Windows Classic Colonial 2 Tile, Classic Estate 2 Tile,Jugend Cottage 2 Tile.
Leafmotif-Botanical Bathtub, Twee Tableware: 6 Egg bowl, 9 Pot with Lid, Twin Mug Stacks, Whimsy Cake Plate, Short Pitcher. Basil's Favourite Chair 3 Maud Lewis Paintings
Linacherie-Ts2 Olde Tyme Skillets, Billyjean Curio Kitchen: Trays, Clip, Jar. Simlish Art 11, RPC Prints, Sizzling Cuisine Mitts, Delicious Bakery: Cookbooks, Flour Bag.
Madame Ria-Back To Basics: Spice Bottle,Dish Rack, Cereal Box, Pot Holder Wall, Modular Shelves, Coffee Tin, Pot Holder, Stock Pot, Dressing Container, Spice Rack, Counter Grey Scale, Open Book.
Marefc-Half Tiled Walls 2.
MC- Modern Crafter The Short Contemporary Radishly Plant
Menaceman 44-Granny's Brolly Vase.
Midsummersim-Simterest Poster.
Moonlightsim-Photo Frame Memories.
Nocturne-Rustic Cottage: Pokers, Master Curtain, Pedestal Old Miller Tea Set, Deco Retro Vacuum, Not So Shabby Rug, End Table. Grandma Cupboard.
Nynaeve Design-Lyne Half Curtains Blinds V1. Lyne Three Quarters Blinds V2, 1069, 1069 Lyne Radiator 1 Tile.
Okruee- ACNH Bathroom Towel Rack. (Animal Crossing)-
Omorfi Mera- Glass Jars.
PlasticBox- Modular Plant Hanging Pot.
Peacemaker-Hinterlands:Living Throw Pillow, Farmhouse Dining Table, Single Bedframe, Cottage Dining Chair, Bedside Table, Luxurious Single Bedding V1, Arched Mirror, Wardrobe, Bedframe with Footend, Nightstand. Hinterlands Living: Stately Fireplace, Coffee Tray Table, Mantle Mirror, Fringed Pouffe. Hinterlands Dining: Framed Dining Chair, Hanging Clock, Short Petal Pendant Porcelain Lamp.
Piersim- The Office Mini Pack: Higher Plant, Landline, Stackable Book, Printer.
Pocci-S Cargeaux Cabinet RecoloursCyclamen Outdoor, Iris Outdoor, Lilac In A Glass Bottle, Woodcabinet Open (Book cabinet Mini Set), Vintage Tea Set: Teacup With Tea, Milk Pitcher, Cupcake Plate. Magnolia Ceramic Vase, Basket Decor With Slots, Anthropologie Ottoman, Laundry Day Basket on Stool, Steaming Coffee Cup, Marguerite Teacup Empty, Iris In Glass Jar. Single Rose Glass Bottle. Potted Lily Of The Valley.
PTS-Cottage Garden Tea Tin Herbs, Granny's Basket Deco, Deco Mason Jar Short.
Quaylinsims- Paintings Zodiac.
Rhiannon AR-Medium Rug Floral Modern, Long Rug WithModern Floral Patterns
Ricca Bee-Mom's Lamp.
RSVN-Clothes Minded: Fedora, Floppy Hat, Baseball Hat, Sweater. Peg To Differ: Dish Towel, Knife Set, Mug, Utensils. Simmerdown: Cookie Jar, Mason Jar, Mug, Hanging Pots And Pans, Paper Towel, Ceramic Jar, Macaroon Jar. Smeglish Kettle Large.Procraftination:Hoop Large,
RoyIMVU-Seagrass Baskets.
Silverhammer-Executron Executive Desk Throne.
SimMan123-Sheer Right Curtain Short.
Sixam-Spring Six Kitchen: Buttery Toast, T Meg Mid Century Toaster With Toast, TMeg The Terrance, Deco Stove Hood, Olly's Oil Bottles, Kitchen Appliances Stove, Don't Be A Square Plate.
SJB (Yika)-Charlie Set Two CurtainsV1.
Soloriya-Zoe Blinds Part 2.
SYB-Colette: Towel, Toilet Paper Rolls, Soap Dispenser,Wallshelf, Bath, Blanket, Sink, Floor Vertical Mirror, Book, Cupboard, Rug, Bath Tray, Toilet.Millenial: Fridge, Fruit Basket,Utensils Rack, Utensils Pot, Totebag, Spices, Dish Soap. Microwave, Olive Oil, Breadbox, Island, Trashbin, Shower Curtains Short. Highschool Corridor: Hanged Backpack, Sandrine Slippers.
Tianella SE- Honey Herbs Paintings.
Veranka-Yesteryear Loveseat.
Wistful Castle-Wistful Room Pictures, Wistful Lamp #1.
Wondymoon-Cycnus Curtains.
Zeenasims- English Cottage: Paintings, Wainscotting Wallpaper.
ZX-Tagada-Lighting Table Candlestick.
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