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I’d like to live in this picture today❄️🤍
#cozy#winter#snow#christmas#cozyvibes#winter vibes#snowvibes#christmasvibes#cozy aesthetic#winter aesthetic#snowy aesthetic#cozywinter#cozy and comfy#winter love#winterwonderland#cozyblog#winterblog#christmas blog#coffeeblog#cozyseason#sweaterseason#colderweather#snowy weather#sweater weather#coffee#coffeevibes#coffee aesthetic#cozysnowday#cozy winter day#letitsnow
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🧳Traveling Mug Collection
✈️I’m starting a 7 post series to highlight 7 U.S cities or states that I have been to and of course I have a mug ☕️ to prove it! I will also include a short description of the city/state with some worth travel information. Let’s start with #1 🏖️ORLANDO, FLORIDA. Besides Mickey and the thousands things to do there, what else is in Orlando? Orlando History Orlando’s history dates back to 1838…
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“From Bean to Cup”: Nic Salerno’s ‘Espresso Chronicles’ and the love of specialty coffee in Australia.
Hey all! Together with the blog’s first guest, I have brewed something special for you.
Grab your favourite caffeinated beverage and allow me to introduce you to the first of many collaborations with thought leaders, business owners and individuals from the Southern European and Middle Eastern diaspora community.
The aim of working with fellow wogs is to highlight those who are making waves and leading the pack in what is the next generation of wog influence (wogfluence?) in Australia. Without further ado, I introduce to you Nic Salerno - Owner & Coffee Enthusiast at Espresso Chronicles.
Espresso Chronicles operates via e-commerce and is founded by Nic’s Coffee enthusiasm and entrepreneurship, informed by Italian-Australian heritage, and based in Sydney, Australia.
From recommending the ‘Best Brew in Town’, a collection of the best Cafes in Sydney to something more personal; a reel where Nic sits down with his Nonno to get his valued opinion on Perfetto Moka Hazelnut by Bialetti.
Nic's dedication to Coffee is evident in all facets of his business endeavour.
I came across Espresso Chronicles by participating in the brand’s regular Tik Tok lives earlier this year in March.
"Espresso Chronicles is not just a business, we are dedicated Coffee enthusiasts with a pure passion for the Coffee community." - Nic Salerno, Owner & Coffee Enthusiast
What captivated me the most was watching Nic come to life in the live sessions, which showcased an interactive and educational approach to coffee with an impeccable set design (you can see his marketing influence shine here), and an opportunity to discuss what coffee means for the viewers.
This really gave me an insight into Nic’s world and everything that made him tick and light up. A true joy to watch, in which he deploys a natural and relatable live stream approach to his viewers and loyal followers.
The business sells an array of items such as Coffee, Coffee Accessories and Coffee Makers including Grinders, Moka Pots, Cups & Christmas Specialty items (i.e. Panettone)
Products are sold online and are shipped nationwide, to New Zealand and selected international countries.
Espresso Chronicles aims to be a hub for anything coffee-related (not just product specific).
I chose to speak to Nic and this business due to the intent and meaningful story that informs the consumer and enthusiast on how he creates a hub for fellow coffee enthusiasts and showcases his passion for doing what truly makes you proud to represent culture (in your own special way).
In sitting down with Nic one-on-one, I was able to truly understand and immerse myself in his passion for coffee, in what has become a very personal experience for him.
Growing up in an Italian household, coffee was at the centrepiece of every discussion and family visit.
“Coffee is the beverage that brings us together and evokes unity,” Nic relayed, and I 100% agree. Initially, going into coffee was not something on Nic’s radar, as his expertise lies in Marketing, Project Management and Buying, with a degree in Counselling in his back pocket also.
As Nic said, “Through life experiences, we naturally evolve into our true selves.”
The business evolved out of Nic’s true love and passion for espresso, in what became a joke amongst friends with the nickname “Mr Espresso.”
Nic became quite known for ordering his signature coffee whilst out and slowly the business morphed into a community of that same passion.
Through the creation of Espresso Chronicles, Nic has enabled a community of individuals with a special passion for the iconic (and very Italian) beverage and its methodology.
It’s been an amazing journey to see Nic and Espresso Chronicles grow in the 2 years of activation, which I have felt very privileged to have been a part of in the very initial stages as a customer and now, a collaborator.
I want to highlight that not only can wogs be proud of their heritage, and in Nic’s instance coffee, but through professionalism, passion and business expertise he has been able to create something that brings heritage and identity into play, in his own way.
Being proud of your roots is what makes us who we are and forms the fabric of our identity and leaning into where we are from and enhancing our identity's core values, makes us true representations of our higher self.
Drawing inspiration from origins is something to note here, and resonates well with the wogism ethos.
I want to thank Nic for his interest and time in being involved in the first wogism feature and collaboration.
It’s been a joy and pleasure to get to know him and I look forward to seeing what he has in store for Espresso Chronicles and his own journey in the coming months/years!
Should you have any questions or inquiries you can reach Espresso Chronicles on Instagram, Tik Tok and the Web.
Nic also writes a dedicated blog named “EC Coffee Break” which I urge you to give it a read; my favourite post would be How-To Make the Perfect Moka Coffee.
As always,
Stay well and be well.
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☕️🌟 Explore the Wonders of Coffee: A Journey Into Aromatic Bliss!
☕️✨ Join the Coffee Connoisseur Community, Engage with passionate coffee lovers, share your experiences, and exchange brewing tips in the comments section. Let's create a vibrant community that celebrates the wonders of coffee!
☕️🌐 Read the full blog post on our website Exploring the Wonders of Coffee and awaken your senses to the world of coffee.
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Who Takes your Coffee Order?
Could the reason you go to the same place daily for coffee have anything to do with a social media strategy you didn't know was working? Why is it that Starbucks is so expensive but has regulars? Could it be their POST (people, objectives, strategy, technology) model of knowing their people and what they look for daily? Knowing how to increase audience by offering free things with a purchase of something else? The strategy of interacting with their audience on social media answering questions and concerns and being active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and more?
Welcome to it's all about coffee, a coffee blog where I spend each blog talking about different organizations like Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Mcdonald's etc. and how they use social media strategies to increase audience and business on not only their platforms but in their stores.
What brings you to Starbucks? Does it start with the free bakery item offered with the purchase of a drink, a bonus of 25 stars if you bring reusable cups, a free birthday drink, or their creative seasonal drinks all customizable to fit your dietary needs? All of this is part of their POST model, knowing their objectives and using these to increase sales and audience. They post all promotions on their social media platforms as well as send out notifications on their app to gain an audience.
It is not only the promotions that Starbucks uses to draw in their audience, but they are also very active on social media. Responding to a large number of comments made on any of their posts, making your experience feel more personal and getting your questions and concerns answered. This is part of the people, strategy and technology model, helping with interactions and building a community. They also have captions in both English and French on their Instagram posts to engage with a larger audience.
With the help of influencers as well as Starbucks' own baristas showing us new and creative drinks to order on our next Starbucks run on TikTok, Instagram or YouTube, Starbucks has a great social media strategy using the POST model as well as many others. Gaining business and engaging with its audience is what Starbucks is known for and they have a great strategy for doing it.
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DALV COUNT: 8. : ̗̀➛ COFFEEBLOG AU, SEPARATE DALV. (Dalv is a barista in Hotland, and lives in the Hotel along with Pops just so Dalv can actually get to work on time lmfao.)
: ̗̀➛ Hasn't met Clover yet, or they haven't fallen in the Underground yet.
: ̗̀➛ Other ask blogs are free to interact with and encouraged!
: ̗̀➛ Corn Yaoi .. plausible. 𖣤 𖧝 𖠗 𖢟 𖣛
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What is your Coffee Tonk? (while sipping your coffee) This my favorite COFFEE TONK!! Share your favorite coffee TONK with us today!! #coffeetalk #coffeeblog Brantley Gilbert - Bottoms Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukick72Qafc
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Explore the positive effects of stomach-friendly coffee Discover how it promotes digestive regularity, supports gut health, and offers anti-inflammatory properties. With low acidity and gentle processing, stomach-friendly coffee reduces the risk of acid reflux and heartburn. Enjoy the stimulating effects of caffeine without compromising your digestive comfort. Improve your focus, mental performance, and productivity while savoring the taste and aroma of this beloved beverage. Embrace a new coffee experience that nourishes both your taste buds and your stomach, making your daily ritual a delight for your overall well-being.
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Pfffffff... Ezzz a csúcs.
Tipikus, aki másnak a hibájára ugrik, de közben teljesen elfeledkezve saját magáról...
Az vajon milyen megértő „NEM” , amikor sokszoros kérés ellenére is, több mint 1 éven át trigger sztorikat dob a hátamra egy öregasszony, áldozatnak, vagy elkövetőnek beállítva? Az olvasóinak pedig további traumákat okozva? - Csak akkor fejezte be végre, csak akkor működött a „NEM az NEM” amikor már pszichológusok, és Telexes írók, kiváló szakértőkkel jártak körbe hasonló témákat, mások érzékenységét is tiszteletben tartva. Illetve DTK a Szilágyi Liliánán keresztül mutatta meg, hogyan lehet a lehető legnormálisabban metoo történetet bemutatni.
Az vajon milyen megértő „NEM” amikor sokszoros kérés ellenére is, csupán csak tárgynak használ, eszköznek valaki, azért hogy a clickbait működjön nála?
Az vajon milyen megértő „NEM” amikor sokszoros kérés ellenére is, ők még a túrázást is az én hátamon keresztül reklámozzák, úgy, hogy PONTOSAN TUDJÁK ♿ mozgássérült is vagyok!
Az vajon milyen megértő „NEM” , amikor a Coffeeblog-on szintén manipulálva rajtam szórakoznak csaló, sz*r embernek beállitva, impotenciával lealázva, csupán csak azért mert nem nekik tetszően élek?
Az vajon milyen megértő „NEM” amikor (sértődötten) békén hagynak egy, két hétre, majd újrakezdik?
Az vajon milyen megértő ember, aki elvárja hogy őt megértsd, a világ problémáit, legyél empatikus, és állj ki minden mellett, viszont ő visszafelé szórakozik rajtad, sunnyog, lejárat, nevetve kever-kavar, stb... és nem akarja felfogni azt, hogy békén hagyjon.
Vajon milyen ember az, aki nem bírja azokat akiket nem tett tönkre a politika, jókat alszanak, ölelik naponta a gyerekeiket, az unokáikat, hisznek, és bíznak bennük, ha kell, gondoskodnak beteg idős szüleikről, van hogy másoknak is segítenek, optimistán és szeretetben élnek... Milyen ember az, aki másokban mindig csak a rosszat akarja látni? Még azokban is tekergetik a kést, akik becsületesen élnek, és jók!
Én nem azért követtem be, és olvastam számtalanszor az NTRTEA-t, nem azért állok ki ez, vagy az, vagy amaz mellett, mert egy istenverte párkapcsolat mániában élek, és ez romantikus!
Ott vannak a Coffeblog írók, nem egy idősebb nő, hogy az istenbe asszociálnak rám, és a Mérő Verára? Mi a franc történik? Oda ment valamelyikünk például ahhoz Szlavicsek Judithoz, és kértük hogy szórakozzon? Vagy beteg az a nő? Értékeset nem csinál, a gyerekei szégyellik! 😡 Nincsen két hete hogy írtam hasonlót, és megpróbáltam körbejárni hogy a neten akik játszanak, vagy oltogatnak a hátam mögött, és értetlenkednek, a határokat átlépik, manipulálnak sunnyogva, sokszor mennyire hasonlítanak a mindent uralni akaró nyomulós zaklatókhoz! És ha rájuk szólsz, még ők sértődnek meg, vagy rá tesznek még egy lapáttal!
Egy 60-as, otthon élő és unatkozó háziasszony. És gondoljatok bele, minden egyes ránk pazarolt idő, suttyó oltogatás, és a ciki like vadászat helyett, értéket is tehetne az asztalra! Például ki állhatna a bántalmazott gyerekek, vagy a bántalmazott nők mellett! Azért írom ezt, mert az zavarja hogy nem reagálok mindenre amit a Mérő Vera posztolt... de saját magát már nem veszi észre! Klasszikus.
Én, TÖBB MINT 13 ÉVE MILLIÓSZOR ÁLLTAM MÁR KI ANNYI MINDEN MELLETT, rég megtehetem hogy lazuljak! Ahogy szerintem minden egyes aktivista megérdemli pihenést! Amúgy a családomban a gyerekek büszkék a szüleikre, nem pedig szégyellik őket, ahogy a szülők is büszkék a gyerekeikre! Képesek megérteni és tisztelni egymást!
Az a nő miért nem hagy minket békén? Nem akarom, nem szeretném hogy rajtunk szórakozzon!
Ain’tudom ti hogy vagytok ezzel, de nekem a belem kifordul azoktól akik mások magánéletében tocsognak. Rohadt manipulátorok! Eldöntik az érzéseidet, eldöntik az életedet! És persze krvára nem értékelik amit csinálsz! Mert ha értékelné, akkor nem mások magánéletével lenne elfoglalva, hanem IDE koncentrálna! ⤵️
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Dreaming of cozy, autumn days🤎
#cozy#autumn#fall#cozyvibes#autumnvibes#fallvibes#cozy aesthetic#autumn aesthetic#fall aesthetic#book aesthetic#booksbooksbooks#coffee aesthetic#latte aesthetic#coffeeandbooks#coffeeblog#cozy blog#autumn blog#fall blog#cozy moodboard#autumn moodboard#fall moodboard#cozymood#autumn mood#fall mood#sweater weather#cozyweather#autumnweather#fallweather#cozy days#autumndays
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What is the secret to a good blog?
✍️How do you keep your audience engaged? ⏳Do you schedule all your posts. 🕵🏻♂️What is the secret to a good blog? How do you manage your blog❓ Asking for a friend… seriously any tips are helpful.
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up for some coffee date?
#coffee#coffetime#coffeeblog#coffeecouple#coffeeblr#you and me + coffee#you & me + coffee#coffeedate#coffeedrinker#coffeedaily#coffeelover
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Here’s me trying to save money by adding vanilla flavored milk to my homemade cold brew.
These days it’s the little things I look forward to.
It used to be trips and reunions and weddings. It used to be sleepovers and cinemas and amusement parks.
Now it’s a cup of coffee.
Now, it’s a delicious story about people with very different lives from my own.
It’s a stroll outside in this apocalyptic climate.
It’s a phone call with my best friend.
It’s figuring out who the murderer is in whichever detective show I watch, before the reveal.
It’s listening to an audiobook late at night in bed, imagining vividly all the things being described.
Now I look forward to the little things, they keep me busy until the big things are back.
#medicine#studywithme#doctors of tumblr#studyspo#study#studygram#studyblr#studybuddy#study studyblr#coffeeblog#iced coffee#iced latte
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disco dua & a drink for the drive home
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