missspecter · 7 years
Girl, you sure about your recap? Coz i'm hyperventilating here.😆 Praying for all of it to happen, to be written well, and for Iris/Candice to shine in those scenes. We've been waiting for so long, it's finally here! Thanks, love!!
99% sure about all of those :
Fun therapy session was confirmed by Candice
Candice’s latest IG pic (taken by EBR) is from 4x05 reshoots & you can clearly see she’s wearing a bachelorette party sash. Danielle N. posted a pic of her, Candice & EBR around the time they were shooting that ep. And the actress playing Joanie posted a pic in some kind of trailer around that time too.
David R confirmed there’s TWO weddings in the crossover. It’s confirmed one of them is WestAllen. As for the 2nd, using an elimination process (OF aren’t engaged, s@nvers are getting canned + apparently Floriana, the actress playing Maggie hasn’t been on set since Ep5) it’s clear that WA is the 2nd as well.  
Iris/Cecile was confirmed by Candice
Iris/Kara/Felicity only scene + Iris crossing over to Arrow & LOT was confirmed by a VA pap
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iriswestallens · 7 years
Fowsia! You did great and I want to thank you for feeding us well last Saturday. Everybody was in a good mood and even hyper Zoe remained calm and cooperative. It was one of those rare times that CP and GG sat side by side and both showed how at ease they were with each other's company. I knew you had an awesome time. 🤗
Thanks so much and I did! I really enjoyed this panel. So glad I went!
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pensbridgerton · 7 years
thanks to @coffee-w-iriswa for making me remember why I love Candice Kristina Patton portrayal of Iris Ann West so much
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Hi! Chapter 12 is really comforting. This seems to be the start of Iris accepting everything that had happened to her & Barry, and to move on from there. I think in spite of her fears, confusions & anger, the twins will be her new Barry: guiding light, the push, her strength. I'm not saying the twins are the replacements for Barry, but instead a strong connection & reflection of WA love, even if the future is uncertain. Love the family moments & how the friendships turned out fine, eventually!💕
“connection and reflection of WestAllen’s love”
Yeah, I’m really looking forward to showing my interpretation of that connection and love.  
Iris doesn’t know it yet, but she has finally turned a corner during her period of grief. There are still challenges and struggles ahead, but she’s going to be ok for a little while at least.
I did see your other PM so I know which chapter you meant.
That said  I’m gonna post chapter 12 now. Let me know what you think when you get a chance to read it.
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grabetsi · 7 years
Wait, what are they saying??😏 When I learned about it, I went: dude I thought you bought one already? How many do you intend to buy, anyways?😁 At this point, it's downright hilarious and embarrassing. Lol.😜😆
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4ever-the-nme · 7 years
Hi there! Saw that you reposted your '411' fic. So, does that mean you're gonna write a follow up of it? I'm also still waiting for that 'Subtle' fic of yours, lol. You write good; don't waste your talent. I hope you get that energy and creative juices, going.✍️😙 Good luck!!👍
You know... I had no idea that I HAD reposted 411.  I mean, I saw that I got a few more likes and reblogs for it, which I was puzzled by since it hasn’t been updated in a while, but I totally did not realize that I had done it, and I can’t even see where I did repost it, but I feel guily regardless.
I’m still chugging away at Subtle, and the end for that is so close, I can freaking taste it, and as soon as that is done, I will FINALLY post the follow-up to 411.
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angelfireeast · 7 years
You on a negative train ride? Missy, you are not alone. Nothing seems to fit right lately and it's just sad that we have to barrel through all those unwanted friendships and a wedding that's supposed to be WA's alone, but nope, we need to accommodate one more. I'm just not feeling it anymore, but just here to support the Queen, her marriage and her fam. All the rest can go somewhere else with those dysfunctional storylines. Ooops, sorry for my mini rant. Thanks.
I blame this crossover for all the problems. They decided that Westallen has to get married on the crossover so to get that done they pushed on unnatural storytelling that is creating OOC moments and WTF reactions. Like instead letting Iris and Caitlin actually deal with what went down in s3 over course of s4 it’s instantly forgiven/forgotten/not important just so Caitlin can be braidsmaid & they can do ‘girls night out an episode. They realized too late there are no other women on the show & they didn’t address Caitlin/Killer Frost so pushed it under the rug and are acting like it doesn’t matter. Likewise, Felicity, a square peg is smashed into in round role in the narrative. Suddenly she besties with Iris too? Which I now think has something to do with the rumored double wedding giving Felicity hen night at the same time as Iris. Since Felicity doesn’t have any real close female friends they might as well just shove her off on any woman who walks by. I feel like something bad is happening to Thea in s6 along with any other woman who has anything to do with Oliver romantically no how distance and unwanted by said woman. btw does none of the writers remember Jesse Quick? If we are going to use women Iris hardly has any relationship with at least go with someone like her.
Iris and Westallen are the only things making me watch this crossover. I’m really worried about the rumored ‘death’ and how it will impact my favorite character on another show. The writers need to stop trying to make big things happen on crossover episodes because they are just messes, full of OCC stuff that happens to push the narrative on ward. All meaningful stories should be saved for after the crossovers. I kinda hope the wedding gets stopped on crossover and they have to do it again later on Flash with just the Flash fam. Might be better. 
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missspecter · 7 years
Hey there! I so agree w/ you & your anon's assessment of how Iris/CP fans have fought hard for her to be a significant presence in TF series, as well as in the other dctv shows. And it's not hard to stan her because she's unproblematic and the most talented, among her peers. Let's always celebrate & support her, in way we can. Love your Mariah gif reaction, by the way.✌️😀
YESSSS, I couldn’t have said it any better! At this point, TPTB knows how loved Iris is, I’m really hoping she has a significant presence in the non’flash part of the crossover. It’s season 4, it’s time!
(& thank you
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Tati just to vent a little, I agree w/ your anon, if they want to, they will find a way but they won't. Wally is canon; a real speedster. Heck my kids know him better than Barry. Whereas there's CS/KL in the team who's not really in the Flash mythos, and 1 made up character, Wells & his 101 versions, w/c I feel should have been placed somewhere else. Is this a case of too much, too soon? They seem to have not thought this out thoroughly. End of rant, thanks.
It might be too much too soon, because I’m sure Wally’s arc could have been handled more carefully and slowly. He didn’t need to become a speedster so soon. But that wouldn’t stop them from finding something else for Keiy if he and they both wanted it. I agree it’s not thought out, but on the bright side, Keiy appears to be returning to Vancouver this weekend. So at least he’ll probably be in 4.10!
Maybe we could attach 'we love wally west' to our tweets tomorrow. or even show up an hour early to tweet we love wally west. That seems fitting, and it fits with Keiy's new vibe of positivity so it wouldn't make him sad like if it was a negative thing.
Sounds like a good idea to me! Send reasons you love Wally, tag #TheFlash and tweet @keiynanlonsdale and @flashtvwriters.
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm looking forward to 4x05. With the women saving the day and all.
Right there with you! There are of course ways it could go wrong, but I’m ready for it. Kristen is a new writer, but I trust Lauren (she wrote 2.16, 2.20, 3.09 & 3.21).
They're basically replacing Wally with Ralph 😔 Why don't they want to write for Wally?
I wish I knew! I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Ralph and Wally trade off this season.
Yep it all goes back to the writers' preference for the Star Labs team and refusal to deviate from it. That's why they've stationed Iris there as the team leader, instead of giving her the badass reporter arc we've long been promised. If Wally ends up going to LOT I hope they treat him well.
Exactly. The fact that they made Iris the leader of STAR Labs - which no one asked for lmao - demonstrates their commitment to it as well as to utilizing Candice. 
So basically, Wally's anticipated storyline happens offscreen. It was hyped up in SDCC only for it to be false. Thus far, at least.
Yup. Either we’ll just hear about it when he gets back, or it’ll start in 4B.
I have to wonder if any of these writers and/or producers ever taken any writing courses? Courses on how to write a script? Because coming up with excuses to dismiss a character is a bit unprofessional. Even if KL asked for time off, they could have at least made it convincing to why he had to leave. Instead, it's Wally not being noticed by the team after he just had a break-up.
Screenwriting and PR interviews are different skills, haha. But yes, the writing for Wally leading up to the break up was lacking.
I am pretty sure there is more to the story on both sides that isn't being addressed. About the KL situation.Whether it ties into the rest of the storyline for the season or is about personal relationships remains to be seen
I hope they do a better job addressing it than a break-up cube when he returns lol. But I agree with you, AJK’s interview was BS and the real reason(s) was something else.
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iriswestallens · 7 years
Hey Fowsia! It's so evident that you had a wonderful time doing that video, and I never thought your sister would be so game and crazy fun!!😆 Thanks for always being supportive of our favorite, Keiynan. Kudos to you, Candice and the rest of the fans who keep on supporting.👍 PS, still waiting for that autograph of yours.😂😂😂
Haha thank you so much! And my sister is the most extra I swear. 😂 You guys should meet her. And I’ll send you my autograph one day. 😏
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pensbridgerton · 7 years
Hey you! 👍for coming up with those story concepts (or whatever u writers call it, lol). Nice to be reaping from constructive collaborations among highly enthusiastic and dynamic people, such as you guys. Fandom is truly blessed. Keep it coming! And thank you.👏
You’re very welcome :D But I’m definitely not a writer, I just have snippets coming into my mind and @backtothestart02 make them into beautiful stories so all kudos to her :D
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
Hello. Just dropped by to tell how much I enjoyed "Sparks". You're naughty, lol.😙 Anyways, I'll be on a look out for more fics as I know a talented lady such as you have more stories to tell. Also, thanks for posting your thoughts on WA possibilities this season. It's really nice to read your perspective. And I know you're as excited as I am for tonight's episode, so here's hoping for a truly lighthearted episode and tons of feedback from you. Have fun!👍😊
“I know you’re as excited as I am for tonight’s episode”
I’m actually not. Like, at all. I mean, every so often something comes up that interests me and makes me think it’ll be awesome, but time will tell if the ep actually proves to be something fun for me to watch. Heh.
In regards to your other remarks though… thank you! Sparks and Baby West-Allens have both gotten a lot of buzz since I wrote them (both which were the result of @iwasalwaysaromantic requesting them, so y’all should thank her for thinking them up! Heh). I’m glad you enjoyed that one. I do try to make the smut just a liiiittle bit different every time, so I don’t repeat myself. Heh.
And I’m glad you’re enjoying my thoughts too. Always nice to hear. :D
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Your fic was really good & the title says it all. I enjoyed the tandem of Cisco-Iris there, w/ Cisco devising a plan to let Iris be part of Barry's bachelor's party. Unwittingly the pole dancing lesson became a challenge for Iris but because she was determined to conquer it, she persevered. Which lead to confirm the healthy relationship bet her and Barry. Full of humor, with a little white lie to help push the cause, but overall it was perfect. Thanks for writing & sharing this to us.😃👍
First off thank you so much for sending this ask! Things like this really make my day ;____;
I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed the fic. It was a TON of fun to write. I wanted to challenge myself to write this type of story where its more about Iris then anything. Of course had to make sure there were smutty scenes ;)
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grabetsi · 7 years
I concur with your assessment. Candice is one of the few, beautiful women on the planet. Period.
She truly is! Everyday i’m in awe by her beauty.
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theartofdreaming1 · 7 years
Ten Characters/Ten Fandoms
List 10 favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people. 
Thank you so much, @b99peraltiago, for tagging me! :)
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Iris West (The Flash)
Killian Jones (Once Upon A Time)
Barbara Gordon (Young Justice)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC Comics)
Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Daniel Sousa (Agent Carter)
Dr. Lance Sweets (Bones)
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
I tag @headcase-actress, @hotelsweet, @sergeant-santiago, @backtothestart02, @inksmudge, @luanna801, @juvenilekerrits , @coffee-w-iriswa @minute42, @jakelovesamy (if you guys want to) and anyone else who feels like doing this :)
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missspecter · 7 years
I would even accept & be totally down with the friendship of the three ladies in the picture that Nicolet posted, even though I'm not a big fan of FS/EBR for the shadiness she pulled on IW/CP, but those are forgivable sins, born out of silliness and ignorance. Much better than someone like CS/KF/DP, who is fake, jealous and bent on killing someone (tv character and in real life character assassination).
I feel the same.
I loved EBR (& still do) but I def side-eyed her when that interview of hers was released. But like you said, it wasn’t anything malicious or anything against Iris and/or Candice. So I got over it. And it’s clear she & Candice are friends so yeah.
DP is a whole other story.
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