#coffee valen bat
fuckyeahchiptune · 1 year
James aka CalmDownKidder plays the latest chiptune tracks, talks about upcoming shows and some tech news!
/// New Releases
Robotprins - On My Way (feat. Weatherwitch) https://robotprins.bandcamp.com/album/on-my-way
Kabayama - Theme of Chiptune Galaxy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsAxr32ICCQ
Abstract64 - Fastest Game Of Pong https://youtu.be/Wz-RuCT_mQg
Beej - coaxed from the ether https://youtu.be/QWG_YRZwq6k
Ratticus Vile - Grindhouse https://youtu.be/dxXjvx0yMbQ
Rei8bit - Pursuing Your Ospective https://soundcloud.com/rei-kaj/pursuing-your-ospective-ym2612sn76489
/// Interview with 10k aka LOW STAKES
Ten Thousand Free Men & Their Families - Frens http://www.10kfreemen.com/
LOW STAKES - Incendental https://lowstakesbeats.bandcamp.com/album/m8tracker-junglist
LOW STAKES - Shades https://sydneycitychiptuneministries.bandcamp.com/album/handheld-breaks
Sydney City Chiptune Ministries https://www.sydneycitychiptuneministries.com/
Toecutter - 190 Breasts per minute https://sydneycitychiptuneministries.bandcamp.com/album/handheld-breaks
/// Upcoming Shows https://twitter.com/chiptuneshows
/// Tech News Bintracker https://bintracker.org/
HUGETracker https://nickfa.ro/index.php?title=HUGETracker
Coffee "Valen" Bat - High Mountains (G-ZERO [Game Boy] OST) https://youtu.be/mZDrUtyiG3k
/// From The Vault
Fearofdark - zoning residential https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-69ToKouU84
https://chiptune.chat/ Thursdays 7pm (UK Time)
logo + stream graphics by https://wendymurphy.online/ 10k thumbnail photo by Marjorie Becker Shah https://chiptography.com
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miracle-sham · 5 years
When Sitting on the Roof, We are but Coffee Sleuths.
| {Sequel to Death is the Stage, My Art is Your Grave.} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [DitSMAiYG Link] |
| {Repost due to original post disappearing from tags.} |
| Triggers/Warnings: Mentions of drugs/drug ring (in regards to a case), Mild language. |
| After a long day of boring casework, there's nothing better than getting a new commission, and then drinking coffee and having a chat on top of a roof with a certain bat. |
| Word Count: 3051 |
| A/N: First of all, I'd like to quickly thank everyone for all the positive response and support the original oneshot got on both Tumblr and Ao3! It really motivated and inspired me to continue with this Au (expect at least another sequel, maybe more if I get more inspo but even if I don't there's definitely gonna be one sequel minimum to this). I'd also like to mention, that this took a lot longer to write as I got a cold halfway through writing it and also it's romance based fluff (which is not my forté), but thanks to those who've waited for this! And finally, for reasons that I'll explain in a separate post later, it might be a "little" while before I can start work on the sequel to this one but it will get written at some point. |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then send me a DM or an ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
It's been a month since Marinette got kidnapped, kissed Red Robin, and solved the Elemental Park Serial Killer case. For three weeks she's been held off active duty to make sure her bruised ribs heal but now that she's able to be on active duty again, all the available cases are those that are paperwork heavy. A small part of her misses the immediate healing of the Miraculous Cure but she's not Ladybug anymore and even if she was, it would raise too many flags for her to even use it anyway. But logic doesn't stop her from missing the days when she could literally and metaphorically magic away her aches and pains.
Marinette groans and slumps into her chair, it's been a surprisingly slow day at the GCPD, so when her phone beeps rapidly for a few seconds, she thinks, please be something interesting, and can't help but take a quick glance to see what new notifications she has. The screen reads: '3 new messages from Red'. So she taps the notification and reads through each message.
>RedRob: Hey, found some new evidence on our case, want to meet up for coffee to discuss it?
>RedRob: Rooftop coffee after dark, of course.
>RedRob: I mean I could waltz into a coffee shop during the day in my suit but that might get too much attention for case talk.
Marinette snickers to herself as she reads the messages over a second time. She quickly taps out her response.
>MariBlue: Will we need to worry about one of the other Gotham vigilantes crashing our coffee not-date?
Almost instantly she receives a response.
>RedRob: I'll bribe Oracle or Batgirl, maybe even Black Bat, into keeping the others away.
She sends a heart emoji back, then returns to sorting out her boring paperwork.
Detective Grayson raises an eyebrow at her from over the desk, clearly having caught her looking at her phone. “Red Robin again?”
She flashes him a sheepish grin. “How'd you guess.”
He gives her a deadpan stare. “He's the only person you respond to when working.”
Marinette bites her lip. “Whoops, that obvious?”
“Yes.” Detective Grayson hesitates for a second, he leans in closer—and like a teenage girl at a sleepover in a cheesy teen drama, asks, “So are you dating yet?”
She shrugs. “Well neither of us have asked the other so not really.”
“But you guys are perfect for each other!” He exclaims, gesturing towards her with an outstretched arm—very narrowly avoiding knocking anything off the desk.
It's Marinette's turn to raise an eyebrow. “We literally have only seen or talked to each other when working…”
“So? What do you call you quote unquote "not-dates"” He huffs, making air quotes as he speaks.
She huffs and shakes her head. “There's a reason they're called "not-dates" and that's because we discuss work at them. And anyway it's too early to rush our relationship.”
“Fair.” Detective Grayson stills, frowns and then almost hesitantly, he asks, “Is it because if the mask? The whole not knowing his real identity?”
Marinette rolls her eyes and shakes her head again. “Nope, I couldn't care less about finding out his real identity—at least not without his consent that is.”
He hums, a pensive look on his face. “So you're not curious?”
She shrugs. “Not particularly, why?”
Detective Grayson shrugs back. “Just wondering,” he leans back on his chair and for a split second, Marinette fears he might topple over but somehow he seems unaffected by gravity, “I think you're the first person I've met, who doesn't want to know who's behind a vigilante's mask.”
A smile tugs at Marinette's lips. “I think it's kinda dumb that so many people are obsessed with the people behind the masks because if they're doing good, unmasking them will only deter them from continuing fighting the good fight and all that, y'know.”
He nods slowly, “huh, that's one way of putting it I guess but I agree, the vigilantes do more for this city than people think they do.” Detective Grayson then tilts his head towards the Commissioner's office. “Anyway back to work, don't want to get in more trouble with the Commish than we are already!”
Marinette huffs in amusement and rolls her eyes but complies nonetheless. Wouldn't do to get in trouble so soon after getting back onto active duty!
It isn't until gone seven pm, that Marinette finally gets home. She slips through the door, locking it behind her. Now that she's in, the first thing she does, as she does every day, is check her online portfolio and commission site.
Marinette plops herself down in her wheely chair and logs onto to her computer, going through all the verification and security Max had kindly added. A new commission notification grabs her attention. With three clicks, she brings up the new commission's details. She scrolls down to the name of the commissioner: one Mr 'T. Drake-Wayne'.
Curious as to why the name sounds vaguely familiar, Marinette opens up a tab on Google with a hum and types in the name. Upon reading the top results, she half chokes in shock and thinks to herself, Are you kidding me? She blinks and breathes in, a small part of her very glad she wasn't drinking anything otherwise she definitely would've fully choked on that or spat it all up from the shock. I know a bunch of well-known celebrities have all commissioned me many times before, but still why the heck is a fortune 500 CEO commissioning me? I'm not Audrey Bourgeois, Gabriel Agreste, or even Valen-hecking-tino. I do celebrities, not fortune 500. The heck. What. The. Actual. Heck.
Eyes wide and gobsmacked, Marinette shakes her head and clicks back to her latest commission's details page to read through the actual commission. After reading the first line, she scrambles for her sketchbook and begins jotting down notes and scribbling down ideas.
Half an hour in, Marinette takes a break to sort out and eat dinner, no point designing on an empty stomach but once she's done eating and washed up, she goes straight back to designing.
Even at a quarter past midnight, she's still at it—surprisingly only three drafts in and so thoroughly lost in her own head in designing, Marinette nearly misses the knocking against her window facing the fire escape.
The rapid rap-tap-tap spooks her so much that she falls out of her chair with an “Eep!”
Marinette, face flushing bright red, scrambles up and scurries over to the window in question. Shoving her blinds out the way, she stares through the window and is greeted with the absolutely glorious sight of a beaming and uninjured Red Robin holding two takeaway coffee cups on the fire escape. He waves at her with one hand and gestures for her to join him on the fire escape.
She can't help but grin back at him and deftly opens the window and slinks out onto the fire escape. He hands a coffee cup towards her and instead of taking it, Marinette gives him a good ol' bearhug—smooshing pressing her face into his Kevlar armoured chest. Which is unsurprisingly, very uncomfortable. She shifts her head to stare up at him (as he's at least whole head taller than her) “Hey,” she greets.
Awkwardly hugging her back, as to not spill either of the coffees in the process, “hey yourself,” Red Robin responds, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.
Marinette pulls back from the hug and nabs the coffee cup that had been offered to her before their hug. “Thank you~!”
“No problem.” He then gestures towards the fire escape stairs leading to the roof, “after you.”
“So which of our cases did you manage to get a lead for?” She asks, making her way up to the roof.
“The one pertaining to the new drug ring in the fashion district. I've narrowed down where they're storing the drugs to potentially three warehouses near Miller Harbour.” Red Robin answers, following after her.
Reaching the roof, Marinette sits down on the half wall around the roof edge. She glances over at Red Robin as he joins her on the improvised seat. “That's the drug ring dealing Miraclo right?”
“Yeah, that's the one.” He pauses to take a sip of his coffee, “I got the intel from an old friend of Catwoman's called Mackey lives in an apartment that overlooks the Harbour and saw a shipment of the drug arrive at the warehouses.”
Taking a sip of her own coffee, Marinette raises an eyebrow. “And will Detective Grayson and I will be able to get that intel as witness statement?”
Red Robin nods. “Yep, Catwoman's vouching for you both.”
She jerks back in surprise, nearly toppling off the half wall but managing to cling to the edge in time to keep her from falling. Miraculously somehow managing to avoid dropping or spilling her coffee. Oof, if it wasn't for my stint in Spandex I definitely would've made a fool of myself in front of Red Robin. And here I thought that part of my life had since passed. Marinette thinks to herself, wincing at the newly gained superficial graze across her palms. She clears her throat and attempts to look like she didn't just nearly fall off a half wall. “Catwoman's vouching for us? Since when? I've literally never encountered her before.”
Red Robin, the traitor, snorts at her predicament. “You are the epitome of elegance. And Detective Grayson's bumped into her a few times on the job.”
“Thanks.” She responds drily, layering on the sarcasm thickly. She shakes her head and sighs. “So do you know what the addresses are for the warehouses and this Mackey's apartment?”
He takes an excruciatingly slow sip of his coffee before speaking. “Of course I can, what kind of vigilante do you take me for?” He then proceeds to rattle off the addresses.
Which Marinette jots down on the napkin that came with her coffee, and puts it into a pocket for safekeeping. “Thank you.” With it written down, she pauses then starts kicking her legs in the air. She sniffs. “And I take you for the kind that flirts with innocent police officers.”
Red Robin grins at her as he gently elbows her in the ribs. “I don't hear you complaining.”
Marinette scoffs and slaps her hand to her chest in an overly dramatic mock of shock. “Unfair! If I complained I wouldn't get any hugs or kisses from you!”
Humming he wraps an arm around her shoulders and presses a kiss to her temple. “That's true, what a shame it would be for you to miss out on all those hugs.”
She hums back and the two ease into a comfortable silence; leaning against each other and sipping their coffees whilst staring at the night sky.
Once Marinette gets halfway through her coffee, she glances at Red Robin and hesitates, her earlier conversation with Detective Grayson springing to mind. “Communication is key in healthy relationships,” she prefaces, “so are you okay with our current relationship? Y'know the flirting, the not-dates, the whole me not knowing your identity?”
Red Robin laughs, sounding slightly bitter. “Of course I'm fine with the flirting and not-dates but I'm not going to lie and say I don't have any worries over you not knowing my identity. It's one of the reasons a relationship I had with a fellow mask didn't work out.” Rubbing at his jaw, he tilts his face away from her slightly, as though reminiscing about something. He then shakes his head and turns back to her. “Really, I ought to be asking you that. So what about you, are you okay with how our relationship is?”
Marinette hums. “This isn't the first time relationship I've had with a masked hero.” Then takes a calm sip of her coffee.
“So you've got a thing for masks then huh? Lucky me I guess.” He responds, smirking mischievously, and whilst she can't see the rest of his face thanks to the cowl, Marinette just knows that he's wiggling his eyebrows at her from underneath that cowl.
His comment nearly sends her tumbling off the half wall—again. She coughs and splutters in laughter as she nearly spits up her sip of coffee. It takes her a full thirty seconds to recover and mock gripes, “remind me why I love you again.”
Red Robin cocks his head to the side and grins. “Because I bring you coffee?”
She huffs, “good point.”
“So back to the mask thing, can I ask what happened with your masked hero relationship?” He asks, tone hesitant. He stares at her, ready to back off the topic at the slightest sign of discomfort from her.
Marinette hisses through her teeth and states, “I can trust you.”
His stare conveys an 'I would hope so' whilst he bobs his head a little in a 'yes you can' and a 'please continue' gesture.
She takes a deep breath before speaking, “I used to be a hero, back when I lived in Paris.”
“Oh?” Red Robin freezes, thrown off guard by her admission.
Nodding, Marinette continues. “It was difficult. We started when we were barely teens and had no training and no support except for temporary heroes we could bring in when the battles got too hard for just me and my partner to handle. When we started, we were repeatedly told to never, under any circumstances, let anyone find out our identities. My partner and I, neither of us knew who the other was beneath the mask. And we only knew the identities of the temporary heroes because we gave them the ability to become superheroes. But even then we didn't always know their real identities and they certainly never knew ours.”
“Yikes.” Is all he can respond with, mind racing with questions. “That can't have been good, at least I had Batman and Nightwing when I was starting out, but you had no one to talk to about being a mask, outside the mask.”
She flashes him a watery smile and sighs. “No, I did have someone. Tikki. But we're uh, not in contact any more. Since I retired.”
Still, Red Robin makes a noise of concern at that.
“Anyway, one thing led to another led to another, and my partner found out my identity.” Marinette puts her coffee down then tips her head back and closes her eyes. “We started dating not long after that. But once we defeated the BBEG terrorising Paris and some… concerning things came to light, our—we,” She shakes her head, “we realised that because of that, neither of us were emotionally able to continue our relationship in a romantic way. So we decided to stay friends and I—uh, I retired and moved to Gotham.”
He puts his coffee down as well, and pulls her into a tight hug, although making sure it wasn't too constricting as to not make her uncomfortable. “I'm sorry.”
She leans into the hug, rests her head on his shoulder, and delicately wraps her arms around him in return. “What? Why? It's not your fault.”
Red Robin frowns, not that she can see in their current position, “I know but no one should be forced into becoming a hero at such a young age with no support network.”
Huffing, Marinette buries her face in his shoulder, somewhat muffling her voice but not enough to make her unintelligible, “what about Spoiler? She became a hero around that age and had no support network.”
He sighs. “Spoiler chose to become a vigilante, she wasn't forced. And anyway, she had Robin and the rest of the bats to support her once they realised what she was doing.”
“Hmm… fair.” Marinette pulls back from the hug and pauses. “On a lighter note, I got a commission on my fashion site from Tim Drake-Wayne!”
Red Robin raises an eyebrow and with poorly concealed amusement, responds, “Oh? And what's so special about him”
She rolls her eyes at him. “He's the youngest fortune five hundred CEO, founded the Neon Knights among other charities, and often donates to various charities around Gotham! Plus Wayne Enterprises is one of, if not the most ethical company in the fortune five hundred bracket. Employees get living stipends, and training and higher education paid by the company. They get healthcare and dental insurance. They get flexible work hours, paid breaks, and receive above minimum wage pay!”
He laughs. “I guess he is a pretty decent sounding guy then.”
“So what's the commission then? Or is it a secret?” He teases, leaning towards her.
Marinette dramatically places her hand over her heart. “I guess I can spare you the details this one time.”
She bites her lip before launching into a long ramble about the commission, gushing over what design and colour palette she's thinking of going with, what bots and bobs and patterns to add, what stitch to use and how to make sure it fits his style, etc.
Red Robin spends the entire time listening attentively, despite not really understanding half the fashion terms, and staring at her like a love-struck puppy.
“Damn, I love you!” He exclaims once she finishes speaking, then leans in to kiss her on the lips.
Marinette bursts into giggles and kisses him back. Her giggles are seemingly infectious, as once they part from the kiss, both are giggling and flushed red.
A bright flash of white followed by a camera shutter sound immediately distracts them both. They just manage to catch sight of Nightwing swinging away.
She gives him a look, which is somewhat less effective as she's still smiling from the kiss. “What happened to bribing Oracle, Black Bat, or Batgirl?”
Red Robin groans and drops his face into his hands. “Clearly Nightwing was able to one-up my bribe. Probably in the form of giving them copies of the photos both he and Detective Grayson have taken.”
“You mean to tell me those two are working together? No wonder Detective Grayson was asking about our relationship earlier today at work!” Marinette gasps, sounding mildly horrified and betrayed.
“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” Red Robin asks, lifting his head up and grinning deviously at her.
She smirks back, “Revenge?”
He nods—the sagely kind of nod. “Revenge.”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
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Hell - Prologue
And the first of the unfinished writing projects that actually survived long enough to be a decent length. I’ll divide it into multiple portions, for ease of reading. 
Prologue A gust of wind brought with it the scent of salt and murmur of gentle waves against the shore. A few strands of brilliant scarlet fell across grey-blue eyes, jaw length locks captured by the breeze. A glimmer of pearly white drew her gaze to the sand beneath bare feet, the perfect edge of a shell shining in the sun. Grinning, she reached for the small reasure, only for the sunlit beach to vanish abruptly from her attention. The young girl blinked, finding herself staring up at the textured white ceiling of her bedroom. Lifting her head from the cream colored fabric of her pillow, she scanned the room for a moment. The horrendous sky blue curtains her mother refused to replace remained dark, which meant it was still night time. Her door was still closed too, which meant nobody had come to wake her. A frown set itself firmly upon her features. That had been such a nice dream too. Laying her head back again, she closed her eyes to return to the blissful realm of slumber. A deep boom shook the entire house, the sound resonanting through everything and setting the glass rattling in the window panes. The girl sat bolt upright, eyes wide with fright. Pushing aside the leopard print comforter, she climbed out of bed and crept to the window, pushing open the thin cotton curtains. The world outside was shrouded in darkness, its young observer's eyes just barely able to make out the silhouette of the wooden fence, and the slope of her neighbor's roof. The sky was dark tonight, barely a handful of stas adorning the darkness. The sound of her bedroom door opening caused her to turn. Her mother was standing in the doorway, still dressed in her pink flower printed nightgown, her dark brown hair messy. "Valen, come on, we've gotta go shelter." The woman coaxed, beckoning. Valen frowned, expression a mix of her earlier fright and confusion. "Why mom? What was that boom?" "It's just a bad storm Valen, come on." her mother insisted. The young girl followed her mother, still puzzled. "But, it's not raining!" "The rain just hasn't reached us yet." The child was ushered into the small laundry room, where her father waited with her younger sisters. The other two girls were both seated on hte cold white tile of the floor, the youngest hugging a plush toy of a unicorn to her chest. Valen chose to stand beside her father in front of the dryer, looking up to blink at him. He was wearing his glasses, which meant he probably just woke up too. He always put his contacts in right after he woke up. "What kind of storm is it Dad?" The gray haired man glanced briefly at her wife with a frown. "It's just a really bad one sweety. Stay in here with your sisters, Mom and I are gonna go watch the News. It'll all be okay." He stepped past the eldest girl to join Valen's mother in the hallway, closing the door behind them and leaving the three children alone with nothing but the washer and dryer, the glorified closet that served as their laundry room lit by a single bulb set in a fixture on the ceiling. "Valen, what's going on?" The middle sister raised eyes a slighty darker shade of gray-blue than Valen's own to the eldest sibling. "I don't know, Mom and Dad said it's just a storm." "But did you hear that boom? It sounded like an essplosion!" The younger girl gestured with both hands to emphasize her statement. Valen shrugged. "I don't know, I already said th-" She was interrupted by a loud crash and a scream from somewhere else in the house. The youngest of the three hugged her plsuh unicorn tighter to her chest, tears welling up in her eyes. "I want Mommy!" she wailed. "Shh!" Valen snapped, slowly opening the door so she could peer out into the hall. The hallway was currently empty, but shouting and more crashing came from the direction of the living room. "Stay here." she glanced over her shoulder long enough to hiss, stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind her. Her petite frame shook with an almost overwhelming sensation of fear and dread as she tiptoed toward the corner around which the living room lay. "Mom? Dad?" She called, voice trembling. She raised a hand, resting her palm against the smooth white wall as she leaned around the corner, her eyes widening with horror at what lay beyond. The front windows had been smashed, shards of glass scattered across the carpet in glittering fragments. A tall figure stood just outside, in her mother's beloved flower garden. Its frame was just a silhouette against the blaze of the house across the street. Bizarre beasts, like oversized wolves with horns and an extra set of legs, ran amok on the lawn, ivory fangs stained with crimson. Valen's eyes fixed on one thing in particular. Her mother's body, slumped over the coffee table, the back of her flowery nightgown soaked through with red. "Mom!" The child shriked, taking a couple of steps toward the body before stopping in her tracks as the silhouette in the windows turned, glowing scarlet eyes locking on Valen. She took a step back, watching as the monster studied her for a moment before turning its back again and whistling to the dog monsters. Three of them dashed for the broken windows, teeth bared in vicious snarls. Valen turned, sprinting for the back door as quickly as her legs could carry her and wrenching open the sliding glass, even as she heard heavy paws crunching on the remnants of the living room windows. The background was currently empty, and the terrified girl ran straight for the towering trunk of the mulberry tree, jumping to reach for lower hanging branches. An echoing thunk behind her told her that the creatures had reached the back door, but had not yet broken through the glass. She hauled herself higher into the tree, praying that the leaves would be enough to conceal her even as tears streamed over her cheeks. Another thunk rang from the sliding door, accompanied by the scrape of claws. Valen hugged the branch she presently clung to, the air thick with smoke from the handful of her neighbor's homes that were ablaze. A bright glow of crimson light drew tear blurred vision to the ground. A bizarre pattern of lines and shapes, confined within a circle of ruby light shone on the grass. A form rose from it, heavy armored body adorned with wide wings, webbed like those of a bat. Horns curved from its head, framing a face with an expression of exasperated hatred. "Worthless beasts." The voice that rose from this thing's throat echoed with power, and the young girl glimpsed sharp fangs. The red eyed monster turned, raising its gaze to the terrified child poorly concealed by mulberry branches. "Pathetic mortals. So weak." It raised a hand, scarlet light gathering at its fingertips. "So easily slain." The light shot towards Valen. Scrunching her eyes shut, Valen released her grip on the bark, branches scraping at her face as she fell to the grass, the air knocked from her lungs on impact. She gasped weakly, struggling to push herself back to her feet as the branch she'd previously been clinging to exploded in splinters and charred leaves. "Hmph." The monster lowered its arm, glowing eyes narrowing as it charged light for a second shot. Valen crawled across the grass, pebbles sticking in her palms as the young girl attempted to reach the fence, still wheezing. A low chuckle rumbled through the air, the monster's face twisted into something reminiscent of amusement. "You are more resilient than the other human worms." A sharp toothed smirk curved onto its features, and it reached forward, claws snatching a fist full of brown t-shirt as it lifted the girl from the ground to peer at her more closely. "Perhaps you could be of use..." The creature trailed off with a thoughtful frown. "Well. I suppose we shall see." Gray-blue eyes widened and Valen flailed, kicking at her captor with bare feet as the monster turned, holding her over the shining crimson circle from which it had emerged. Just as her toes finally managed to connect with rough scaled hide, she felt the talons holding her let go. The young girl scrunched her eyes shut, expecting the solid earth of the lawn to stop her fall. Instead, she felt her stomach rise into her throat as she continued to fall. The air seemed to grow warmer as she plummeted, before it became to much and unconsciousness overtook her.
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cloversdreams · 8 years
For the first time ever I actually prompted myself !! Wo0o0o0o... couldn’t help it. I read the line and the idea just happened. Alright so I shall kick off the Valentine’s Prompts a little bit early with this little gem X3
5. Chocolates or candy hearts (Bonus points if they contain something the other half of your OTP is allergic to) - kirideku, puppy!kiri au
Izuku waited for Kiri to sit down on the couch next to him and get comfortable before he pulled the surprise he had out from behind his back. "Happy valentine's day, Kiri!" Izuku chirped with a smile as he offered him a stuffed bear that held a small box of candy in its little arms.
Kiri took the little red bear and looked at it. He smiled at the fact that Izuku smiled but he had no idea what the heck he meant. "Valen-tines? What's that?"
"Oh, uh... It's a holiday for, um, couples... to spend time together and show just how much they appreciate each other. Normally they give one another stuff like flowers and candy and other things." Izuku explained as he rubbed the back of his head slowly with a half-smile.
Kiri looked down at the stuffed bear that held a heart shaped box and tilted his head. "You got this for me?"
"On Valentine's day?"
"Um. I guess..."
"Does that mean we’re a couple?" Kiri asked with a grin.
"Ah! No, that’s not what-!" Izuku's cheeks turned red and he shook his head quickly. He turned away from Kiri and added, "You can also give gifts to your good friends on this holiday. I should have said that too."
"So we're good friends?" Kiri asked as he tilted his head and blinked at him.
Izuku nodded and muttered, "Of course we are..."
"Great! I love that!" Kiri chirped as he bounced in place excitedly. He wrapped his arms around Izuku and squeezed him. He pulled back from the hug then brought the little bear up to his nose and sniffed it curiously. "What's in here?"
"Hard candy, I think. Like lollipops without the stick." Izuku replied as he put his finger on his lip and tapped. To be honest he wasn’t exactly sure what kind of candy was in the box since it wasn’t labeled. He was fairly certain though since it was in the section with all of the other hard candy.
"Sounds yummy!" Kiri exclaimed as he pulled the box free of the little bear's grip. He smiled at the happy little bear then placed it onto the coffee table carefully. He made sure it sat upright without any support before he pulled his hand away. He turned his attention to the small box and then tore off the plastic. He pulled it open and then looked inside with a low 'ooh'.
"Ah! Those are chocolates! Gimmie!" Izuku shrieked as he reached for the candy.  
Kiri moved quickly and pulled it away from him as he shook his head. He laughed when Izuku lost his balance and fell onto his lap. He helped him up into a sitting position again and then pouted as he mumbled, "If these are for me then why are you trying to take them away?"
"Kiri, listen to me. I didn’t know there were chocolates inside that. I don’t know if you can even eat chocolate. You couldn’t when you were a dog so I don’t want to risk it now. Just give me those and I'll buy you something else instead!" Izuku reached for the candy but Kiri kept it away from him and shook his head.
"You can't take back a gift, Izuku. That’s so mean."  Kiri replied as he batted his eyes at him.
"I'm not taking it back, I'm going to give you something else instead. So stop fighting me and hand them over." Izuku demanded as he held out his hand. He figured the serious look on his face would be enough to get the redhead to comply.
Kiri looked at Izuku and then at the box of candy in his hand. He frowned as he debated what he should do. Izuku snapped his fingers as he waited for the box and then Kiri shook his head and shouted, "No!"
"Kiri, wait!" Izuku watched wide eyed as Kiri tilted his head back and dumped the candy into his mouth.  
Kiri smiled at him and said, "See? Everything's fi-"
Suddenly there was a puff of smoke all around him so thick that Izuku could barely breathe. He held his breath and waved his hand back and forth quickly to try and get it to dissipate. When it finally cleared Izuku realized that the redhead no longer sat across from him. He panicked as he looked all around and yelled, "Kiri! Where are you! Kiri!"
A familiar yip that Izuku hadn't heard in quite a while echoed in his ears. His eyes widened as he looked down at the floor to see his little red dog panting and wagging his tail happily. Kiri leaped onto the couch and then into Izuku's arms and proceeded to lick his face. Izuku wrapped his arms around him and pet his soft fur said the only thing he could think of in that moment, "Oh crap."
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miracle-sham · 5 years
When Sitting on the Roof, We are but Coffee Sleuths.
| {Sequel to Death is the Stage, My Art is Your Grave.} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [DitSMAiYG Link] |
| Triggers/Warnings: Mentions of drugs/drug ring (in regards to a case), Mild language. |
| After a long day of boring casework, there's nothing better than getting a new commission, and then drinking coffee and having a chat on top of a roof with a certain bat. |
| Word Count: 3051 |
| A/N: First of all, I'd like to quickly thank everyone for all the positive response and support the original oneshot got on both Tumblr and Ao3! It really motivated and inspired me to continue with this Au (expect at least another sequel, maybe more if I get more inspo but even if I don't there's definitely gonna be one sequel minimum to this). I'd also like to mention, that this took a lot longer to write as I got a cold halfway through writing it and also it's romance based fluff (which is not my forté), but thanks to those who've waited for this! And finally, for reasons that I'll explain in a separate post later, it might be a "little" while before I can start work on the sequel to this one but it will get written at some point. |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then send me a DM or an ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
 It's been a month since Marinette got kidnapped, kissed Red Robin, and solved the Elemental Park Serial Killer case. For three weeks she's been held off active duty to make sure her bruised ribs heal but now that she's able to be on active duty again, all the available cases are those that are paperwork heavy. A small part of her misses the immediate healing of the Miraculous Cure but she's not Ladybug anymore and even if she was, it would raise too many flags for her to even use it anyway. But logic doesn't stop her from missing the days when she could literally and metaphorically magic away her aches and pains.
 Marinette groans and slumps into her chair, it's been a surprisingly slow day at the GCPD, so when her phone beeps rapidly for a few seconds, she thinks, please be something interesting, and can't help but take a quick glance to see what new notifications she has. The screen reads: '3 new messages from Red'. So she taps the notification and reads through each message.
 >RedRob: Hey, found some new evidence on our case, want to meet up for coffee to discuss it?
 >RedRob: Rooftop coffee after dark, of course.
 >RedRob: I mean I could waltz into a coffee shop during the day in my suit but that might get too much attention for case talk.
 Marinette snickers to herself as she reads the messages over a second time. She quickly taps out her response.
 >MariBlue: Will we need to worry about one of the other Gotham vigilantes crashing our coffee not-date?
 Almost instantly she receives a response.
 >RedRob: I'll bribe Oracle or Batgirl, maybe even Black Bat, into keeping the others away.
 She sends a heart emoji back, then returns to sorting out her boring paperwork.
 Detective Grayson raises an eyebrow at her from over the desk, clearly having caught her looking at her phone. “Red Robin again?”
 She flashes him a sheepish grin. “How'd you guess.”
 He gives her a deadpan stare. “He's the only person you respond to when working.”
 Marinette bites her lip. “Whoops, that obvious?”
 “Yes.” Detective Grayson hesitates for a second, he leans in closer—and like a teenage girl at a sleepover in a cheesy teen drama, asks, “So are you dating yet?”
 She shrugs. “Well neither of us have asked the other so not really.”
 “But you guys are perfect for each other!” He exclaims, gesturing towards her with an outstretched arm—very narrowly avoiding knocking anything off the desk.
 It's Marinette's turn to raise an eyebrow. “We literally have only seen or talked to each other when working…”
 “So? What do you call you quote unquote "not-dates"” He huffs, making air quotes as he speaks.
 She huffs and shakes her head. “There's a reason they're called "not-dates" and that's because we discuss work at them. And anyway it's too early to rush our relationship.”
 “Fair.” Detective Grayson stills, frowns and then almost hesitantly, he asks, “Is it because if the mask? The whole not knowing his real identity?”
 Marinette rolls her eyes and shakes her head again. “Nope, I couldn't care less about finding out his real identity—at least not without his consent that is.”
 He hums, a pensive look on his face. “So you're not curious?”
 She shrugs. “Not particularly, why?”
 Detective Grayson shrugs back. “Just wondering,” he leans back on his chair and for a split second, Marinette fears he might topple over but somehow he seems unaffected by gravity, “I think you're the first person I've met, who doesn't want to know who's behind a vigilante's mask.”
 A smile tugs at Marinette's lips. “I think it's kinda dumb that so many people are obsessed with the people behind the masks because if they're doing good, unmasking them will only deter them from continuing fighting the good fight and all that, y'know.”
 He nods slowly, “huh, that's one way of putting it I guess but I agree, the vigilantes do more for this city than people think they do.” Detective Grayson then tilts his head towards the Commissioner's office. “Anyway back to work, don't want to get in more trouble with the Commish than we are already!”
 Marinette huffs in amusement and rolls her eyes but complies nonetheless. Wouldn't do to get in trouble so soon after getting back onto active duty!
 It isn't until gone seven pm, that Marinette finally gets home. She slips through the door, locking it behind her. Now that she's in, the first thing she does, as she does every day, is check her online portfolio and commission site.
 Marinette plops herself down in her wheely chair and logs onto to her computer, going through all the verification and security Max had kindly added. A new commission notification grabs her attention. With three clicks, she brings up the new commission's details. She scrolls down to the name of the commissioner: one Mr 'T. Drake-Wayne'.
 Curious as to why the name sounds vaguely familiar, Marinette opens up a tab on Google with a hum and types in the name. Upon reading the top results, she half chokes in shock and thinks to herself, Are you kidding me? She blinks and breathes in, a small part of her very glad she wasn't drinking anything otherwise she definitely would've fully choked on that or spat it all up from the shock. I know a bunch of well-known celebrities have all commissioned me many times before, but still why the heck is a fortune 500 CEO commissioning me? I'm not Audrey Bourgeois, Gabriel Agreste, or even Valen-hecking-tino. I do celebrities, not fortune 500. The heck. What. The. Actual. Heck.
 Eyes wide and gobsmacked, Marinette shakes her head and clicks back to her latest commission's details page to read through the actual commission. After reading the first line, she scrambles for her sketchbook and begins jotting down notes and scribbling down ideas.
 Half an hour in, Marinette takes a break to sort out and eat dinner, no point designing on an empty stomach but once she's done eating and washed up, she goes straight back to designing.
 Even at a quarter past midnight, she's still at it—surprisingly only three drafts in and so thoroughly lost in her own head in designing, Marinette nearly misses the knocking against her window facing the fire escape.
 The rapid rap-tap-tap spooks her so much that she falls out of her chair with an “Eep!”
 Marinette, face flushing bright red, scrambles up and scurries over to the window in question. Shoving her blinds out the way, she stares through the window and is greeted with the absolutely glorious sight of a beaming and uninjured Red Robin holding two takeaway coffee cups on the fire escape. He waves at her with one hand and gestures for her to join him on the fire escape.
 She can't help but grin back at him and deftly opens the window and slinks out onto the fire escape. He hands a coffee cup towards her and instead of taking it, Marinette gives him a good ol' bearhug—smooshing pressing her face into his Kevlar armoured chest. Which is unsurprisingly, very uncomfortable. She shifts her head to stare up at him (as he's at least whole head taller than her) “Hey,” she greets.
 Awkwardly hugging her back, as to not spill either of the coffees in the process, “hey yourself,” Red Robin responds, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.
 Marinette pulls back from the hug and nabs the coffee cup that had been offered to her before their hug. “Thank you~!”
 “No problem.” He then gestures towards the fire escape stairs leading to the roof, “after you.”
 “So which of our cases did you manage to get a lead for?” She asks, making her way up to the roof.
 “The one pertaining to the new drug ring in the fashion district. I've narrowed down where they're storing the drugs to potentially three warehouses near Miller Harbour.” Red Robin answers, following after her.
Reaching the roof, Marinette sits down on the half wall around the roof edge. She glances over at Red Robin as he joins her on the improvised seat. “That's the drug ring dealing Miraclo right?”
“Yeah, that's the one.” He pauses to take a sip of his coffee, “I got the intel from an old friend of Catwoman's called Mackey lives in an apartment that overlooks the Harbour and saw a shipment of the drug arrive at the warehouses.”
 Taking a sip of her own coffee, Marinette raises an eyebrow. “And will Detective Grayson and I will be able to get that intel as witness statement?”
 Red Robin nods. “Yep, Catwoman's vouching for you both.”
 She jerks back in surprise, nearly toppling off the half wall but managing to cling to the edge in time to keep her from falling. Miraculously somehow managing to avoid dropping or spilling her coffee. Oof, if it wasn't for my stint in Spandex I definitely would've made a fool of myself in front of Red Robin. And here I thought that part of my life had since passed. Marinette thinks to herself, wincing at the newly gained superficial graze across her palms. She clears her throat and attempts to look like she didn't just nearly fall off a half wall. “Catwoman's vouching for us? Since when? I've literally never encountered her before.”
 Red Robin, the traitor, snorts at her predicament. “You are the epitome of elegance. And Detective Grayson's bumped into her a few times on the job.”
 “Thanks.” She responds drily, layering on the sarcasm thickly. She shakes her head and sighs. “So do you know what the addresses are for the warehouses and this Mackey's apartment?”
 He takes an excruciatingly slow sip of his coffee before speaking. “Of course I can, what kind of vigilante do you take me for?” He then proceeds to rattle off the addresses.
 Which Marinette jots down on the napkin that came with her coffee, and puts it into a pocket for safekeeping. “Thank you.” With it written down, she pauses then starts kicking her legs in the air. She sniffs. “And I take you for the kind that flirts with innocent police officers.”
 Red Robin grins at her as he gently elbows her in the ribs. “I don't hear you complaining.”
 Marinette scoffs and slaps her hand to her chest in an overly dramatic mock of shock. “Unfair! If I complained I wouldn't get any hugs or kisses from you!”
 Humming he wraps an arm around her shoulders and presses a kiss to her temple. “That's true, what a shame it would be for you to miss out on all those hugs.”
 She hums back and the two ease into a comfortable silence; leaning against each other and sipping their coffees whilst staring at the night sky.
 Once Marinette gets halfway through her coffee, she glances at Red Robin and hesitates, her earlier conversation with Detective Grayson springing to mind. “Communication is key in healthy relationships,” she prefaces, “so are you okay with our current relationship? Y'know the flirting, the not-dates, the whole me not knowing your identity?”
 Red Robin laughs, sounding slightly bitter. “Of course I'm fine with the flirting and not-dates but I'm not going to lie and say I don't have any worries over you not knowing my identity. It's one of the reasons a relationship I had with a fellow mask didn't work out.” Rubbing at his jaw, he tilts his face away from her slightly, as though reminiscing about something. He then shakes his head and turns back to her. “Really, I ought to be asking you that. So what about you, are you okay with how our relationship is?”
 Marinette hums. “This isn't the first time relationship I've had with a masked hero.” Then takes a calm sip of her coffee.
 “So you've got a thing for masks then huh? Lucky me I guess.” He responds, smirking mischievously, and whilst she can't see the rest of his face thanks to the cowl, Marinette just knows that he's wiggling his eyebrows at her from underneath that cowl.
 His comment nearly sends her tumbling off the half wall—again. She coughs and splutters in laughter as she nearly spits up her sip of coffee. It takes her a full thirty seconds to recover and mock gripes, “remind me why I love you again.”
 Red Robin cocks his head to the side and grins. “Because I bring you coffee?”
 She huffs, “good point.”
 “So back to the mask thing, can I ask what happened with your masked hero relationship?” He asks, tone hesitant. He stares at her, ready to back off the topic at the slightest sign of discomfort from her.
 Marinette hisses through her teeth and states, “I can trust you.”
 His stare conveys an 'I would hope so' whilst he bobs his head a little in a 'yes you can' and a 'please continue' gesture.
 She takes a deep breath before speaking, “I used to be a hero, back when I lived in Paris.”
 “Oh?” Red Robin freezes, thrown off guard by her admission.
 Nodding, Marinette continues. “It was difficult. We started when we were barely teens and had no training and no support except for temporary heroes we could bring in when the battles got too hard for just me and my partner to handle. When we started, we were repeatedly told to never, under any circumstances, let anyone find out our identities. My partner and I, neither of us knew who the other was beneath the mask. And we only knew the identities of the temporary heroes because we gave them the ability to become superheroes. But even then we didn't always know their real identities and they certainly never knew ours.”
 “Yikes.” Is all he can respond with, mind racing with questions. “That can't have been good, at least I had Batman and Nightwing when I was starting out, but you had no one to talk to about being a mask, outside the mask.”
 She flashes him a watery smile and sighs. “No, I did have someone. Tikki. But we're uh, not in contact any more. Since I retired.”
 Still, Red Robin makes a noise of concern at that.
 “Anyway, one thing led to another led to another, and my partner found out my identity.” Marinette puts her coffee down then tips her head back and closes her eyes. “We started dating not long after that. But once we defeated the BBEG terrorising Paris and some… concerning things came to light, our—we,” She shakes her head, “we realised that because of that, neither of us were emotionally able to continue our relationship in a romantic way. So we decided to stay friends and I—uh, I retired and moved to Gotham.”
 He puts his coffee down as well, and pulls her into a tight hug, although making sure it wasn't too constricting as to not make her uncomfortable. “I'm sorry.”
 She leans into the hug, rests her head on his shoulder, and delicately wraps her arms around him in return. “What? Why? It's not your fault.”
 Red Robin frowns, not that she can see in their current position, “I know but no one should be forced into becoming a hero at such a young age with no support network.”
 Huffing, Marinette buries her face in his shoulder, somewhat muffling her voice but not enough to make her unintelligible, “what about Spoiler? She became a hero around that age and had no support network.”
 He sighs. “Spoiler chose to become a vigilante, she wasn't forced. And anyway, she had Robin and the rest of the bats to support her once they realised what she was doing.”
 “Hmm… fair.” Marinette pulls back from the hug and pauses. “On a lighter note, I got a commission on my fashion site from Tim Drake-Wayne!”
Red Robin raises an eyebrow and with poorly concealed amusement, responds, “Oh? And what's so special about him”
 She rolls her eyes at him. “He's the youngest fortune five hundred CEO, founded the Neon Knights among other charities, and often donates to various charities around Gotham! Plus Wayne Enterprises is one of, if not the most ethical company in the fortune five hundred bracket. Employees get living stipends, and training and higher education paid by the company. They get healthcare and dental insurance. They get flexible work hours, paid breaks, and receive above minimum wage pay!”
 He laughs. “I guess he is a pretty decent sounding guy then.”
 “So what's the commission then? Or is it a secret?” He teases, leaning towards her.
 Marinette dramatically places her hand over her heart. “I guess I can spare you the details this one time.”
 She bites her lip before launching into a long ramble about the commission, gushing over what design and colour palette she's thinking of going with, what bots and bobs and patterns to add, what stitch to use and how to make sure it fits his style, etc.
 Red Robin spends the entire time listening attentively, despite not really understanding half the fashion terms, and staring at her like a love-struck puppy.
 “Damn, I love you!” He exclaims once she finishes speaking, then leans in to kiss her on the lips.
 Marinette bursts into giggles and kisses him back. Her giggles are seemingly infectious, as once they part from the kiss, both are giggling and flushed red.
 A bright flash of white followed by a camera shutter sound immediately distracts them both. They just manage to catch sight of Nightwing swinging away.
 She gives him a look, which is somewhat less effective as she's still smiling from the kiss. “What happened to bribing Oracle, Black Bat, or Batgirl?”
 Red Robin groans and drops his face into his hands. “Clearly Nightwing was able to one-up my bribe. Probably in the form of giving them copies of the photos both he and Detective Grayson have taken.”
 “You mean to tell me those two are working together? No wonder Detective Grayson was asking about our relationship earlier today at work!” Marinette gasps, sounding mildly horrified and betrayed.
 “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” Red Robin asks, lifting his head up and grinning deviously at her.
 She smirks back, “Revenge?”
 He nods—the sagely kind of nod. “Revenge.”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
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