#coffee shop the series
missfanfiktionowner · 2 years
Aka the grand plan gets exposed
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When your Ex does everything to get you back
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And it works!
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They're a true Affogato together
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"Excuse me, but the owner of this café has an owner too."
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"This drink is suited for someone who just opened their heart for the taste of coffee."
Bonus: Tod being a cutie
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Boy and Tod in another episode of the short stories series Coffee Shop. I just love them and how they act together.
Link for those of you who want to watch:
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imminentinertia · 2 years
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Boy: "Careful, it's hot"
Tod: *immediately grabs baking tray with both mittened and bare hand*
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hummingbirdsinjune · 2 years
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MY beach vacation spot in MY Thai coffee show???
Not LA, not Miami, buy MYRTLE lmao this is like seeing bigfoot or mothman in your own back yard
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honeylashofficial · 8 months
Imagine with me.
A Flower-ranchers trio AU where Jimmy is the receptionist to the Bad Boys Tattoo Parlor, Scott is a self-starter flower shop owner, and Tango serves at a local coffee shop. They all work on the same street, and through a series of events probably involving some mixed up order of sorts, they stir up a bit of business chaos between their companies, but still manage to meet and become great friends at the end of all of it.
Tango is often looked upon as the toughest of the three and is sometimes avoided by wary people, but he’s also the most gentle and tender hearted of the three. Jimmy absolutely hates needles, yet his brothers Joel and Grian somehow still roped him into the family business. Scott is a dream chaser who doesn’t let anyone get in his way when he wants something. Even if it means being lonely in his endeavors.
Once they’re friends, they enjoy breakfast together at the Ranch Hand Cafe before departing for their individual work days. Tango convinced his boss to purchase small bouquets from Scott’s flower shop, named Dual Dependence, as part of their cafe table setups. Scott joins Jimmy for lunch every day so that he can have a small break and distraction from being surrounded by needles all day long. The session sign-ins for the tattoo parlor close earlier than the cafe, so most days, Jimmy goes back to the cafe to spend the last hour or so with Tango as he begins the cleanup process from the long shift.
Just an idea.
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lily-blue · 4 months
13 reasons why | extra no.1: whipped (for you) cream
☆ characters: baker!mingyu & food critic!you (Sooyoung - ‘97 liner) ☆ genre: coffee shop au, pregnancy au, fluff ☆ requested by: this lovely anon ☆ summary: despite your insistence on helping out in the kitchen, you have a hard time decorating cupcakes while being pregnant; Mingyu could say “he told you so” but instead, he supports you through your stubbornness ☆ words: 2,3k ☆ taglist: @dat-town, @lilylikesthat​​
➼ chapter index
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A lot of things had changed since Kim Mingyu had come into your life - some for the worse, some for the better. 
Just as you had feared the night you had agreed to go out with him in the middle of your tiny kitchen, you didn’t like all aspects of being tied to another person. You still craved your alone time when your social battery was about to die on you, and you liked being independent and in control of the most important aspects of your life, disgusted by the idea of becoming financially or emotionally dependent on another person. You also couldn’t see yourself as an amazing mother. 
Yet, with over five years down the road and a belly as round as a damned watermelon, you could say that none of your cons against a future with the baker was strong enough to beat the pros. 
To everyone’s biggest surprise - including yourself -, you enjoyed living under the same roof as your now-husband. He was the man you could whole-heartedly call your person even on your worst days: when you were annoyed and annoying, when you thrived on picking a fight with him for the most insignificant things just to blow off some steam, or when you would have rather have him sleep on the floor after a heated argument than fall asleep without him in the same bedroom.
You were genuinely incapable of picturing yourself starting a family with anyone else but Kim Mingyu. As cheesy as Felix would have called you for admitting it, you were convinced that he was the love of your life. 
Because somehow Mingyu got you. He supported you. He stuck by your side even when you were ready to push him away. And most importantly, he made you the happiest person in the world, sharing the same enthusiasm with you for food and desserts. You might not have been as talented as him, but he had even taught you how to bake over the years, which was a great testament for his commitment. (In the beginning, your fluffy pancakes had been so dry, you couldn’t have called them crispy to save your life, and your cupcakes had resembled pieces of coals that could have kept your home warm for years during the most unforgiving winters.)
‘A penny for your thoughts?’ The question was murmured into your ear, the husky voice of your husband pulling you out of your head without much trouble. Too used to him standing behind your back and monitoring your baking process in your enormous kitchen, you leaned the back of your head against his broad chest and did not bother to sneak a glance at him. The low rumble that escaped his throat the moment your body fit close to his was enough: you knew he found your behaviour amusing and had his full attention on you.
You unconsciously patted your baby bump once, twice, three times before you grabbed a new piece of chocolate-orange cupcake and started to decorate it with pastel coloured buttercream - apparently, pastel was Haeun’s new favourite palette, which genuinely surprised you, since you could still remember her excitement a year ago when she had been allowed to paint her bedroom at their new home with Joshua eggplant. Children grew up so fast.
‘I’m just thinking about Haeun-ah’s birthday. It’s hard to believe she’s already turning ten,’ you said, purposely omitting the part where you had been thinking about him, your own baby and the future that was awaiting you three. Mingyu had already had a decent-sized ego, you didn’t want his head to grow even bigger.
Plus, he knew you like one knew the back of their hand. He might have already figured out what had been on your mind before he had sneaked up on you.
‘Hn, you know what’s even crazier? That the twins will start preschool next year,’ Mingyu said, and you let out a hum in agreement. Now that you were pregnant and knew how much pain it could cause sometimes just to stand for a longer period of time on swollen ankles and with constant backache, you thought it was insane how noone (except Seungcheol and her mother) had realised Hoyeon had been with twins until her third trimester.
You couldn’t have hidden it for a month.
‘Talking about crazy… How does Haeun have twenty-three friends she wants to celebrate with at her party? At her age, I couldn’t keep around more than two to save my life,’ you complained rather light-heartedly, although you did find it slightly annoying that you had been decorating cupcakes since eight in the morning and it still felt like there was no end to the desserts that flooded your kitchen.
You bit down on your lower lip harshly before more complaints could have left your mouth. Mingyu had given you a week’s notice that he would bake the birthday girl’s cupcake-cake the morning of her party, so they would have been as fresh as possible. It had also been you who had insisted on helping with the decoration, because while you had difficulties getting used to your pregnant body and moving around so close to your due date, you were also stubborn and selfish, and you wanted to spend your free Saturday with Mingyu.
‘Wasn’t Felix your only friend when we met?’ Mingyu teased you with his chin on the top of your head, earning an elbow in his gut for such an unnecessary comment.
His quiet, deep chuckle made you smile within a second.
‘That’s not the point. Twenty-three close friends aren’t normal either,’ you said with a pout as you finished the petals on the cupcake and grabbed another bag of coloured buttercream to make the cream-bouquet more realistic with a lighter shade of the pastel purple you had been using.
‘I already had fourteen close friends when I met you. And I’d like to believe I grow close to most of the guys’ significant others. And Felix, too. And Jihye’s brother,’ he went on and on with a shiteating grin on his face that you could visualise without looking at him. Without doubt, Mingyu was proud of himself to have so many people in his life he could not only care for but also rely on, so you didn’t scoff. Especially because you were well aware of the number of many fake people who tried to get close to him because of his money and looks while they called him a himbo behind his back.
It was an insecurity that had caused many fights between the two of you at the beginning of your relationship, but as time went on and the two of you had gotten more secure in what you had, those people’s existence and opinion slowly started to fade into the background. They didn’t matter - your date nights, your baking sessions, your achievements and your growing family did.
‘Considering that you knew about Jiung’s girlfriend before his sister, I would say you’re pretty close,’ you acknowledged his bond with the boy who had become a more permanent character in your lives shortly after Jihoon and Jihye’s housewarming party where both he and Mingyu had gotten sentimental drunk on the couple’s brand new couch. You remembered covering them with a soft blanket after they had fallen asleep: how you had realised at that moment that Mingyu would be an amazing dad because he was protecting the younger’s head with both of his hands in his sleep.
Once the flowers on the cupcake looked pleasant enough, you placed it on the tray with the finished desserts on it, then patted your belly absentmindedly. You didn’t want to whine, but you also wanted to whine a little. The added weight started to become heavy on your back and you could also feel a sheer layer of sweat forming above your upper lips and on your temples.
Refusing to slow down and let this side job slash birthday present steal your entire Saturday, you wiped the moisture off your face and got back to work, dodging your husband’s hands when he tried to take the buttercream bag out of yours to decorate the orange-chocolate piece you had picked up.
‘You should pay attention to the tray in the oven. It’s the last one, right?’ You asked, happy to be correct about the dessert and that the cupcakes needed his attention more. This way, Mingyu didn’t have a comeback as to why he should have assisted you without bringing up your baby bump: a reason you had grown to be allergic to. You weren’t disabled. You could still do things on your own even if some took you a little bit longer these days. You didn’t like when your independence got threatened. (It didn’t matter that deep down you knew that was never Mingyu’s true intention.)
After your husband walked back to the oven, you picked up the yellow buttercream and let out a silent sigh. You could do it. One and a half more trays to go. It was as easy as stealing candy from a toddler. 
Working your way through two more cupcakes by the time the last tray got ready, you were secretly happy to be able to lean against Mingyu’s broad chest again, although it didn’t take much weight off your ankles. They were still throbbing lightly, reminding you of your new limits that you refused to acknowledge. You were so damn tired. You started to doubt whether assisting Mingyu was a good idea. You should have stayed in bed and simply waited for him. Then, you still would have had the energy to do more with him than eating on the couch and demanding cuddles once the cupcake-cake got delivered.
However, it was too late to make up your mind now.
Even though you really, really wanted to go back to bed and sleep.
‘Love…’ the now-familiar endearment fell from Mingyu’s lips quietly as though he wanted to make sure he was gentle enough for you to listen. You pressed your lips together, feeling overwhelmed and a tad moody. ‘Let me help.’
Your lips trembled as you kept working on the birthday cupcakes. You wanted his help. In fact, you didn’t want to stand anymore at all, but you had insisted despite his arguments last night and this morning, and you didn’t want to hear how he had been right. How you were too pregnant apparently to decorate five dozen cupcakes with buttercream without crying. The thought alone made you feel incompetent. Dependent. A burden.
‘But then the flowers wouldn’t look the same,’ you insisted, because that was the only thing you could do without feeling like a failure. Because finishing the damned cupcake-cake with tears in your eyes was still better in your opinion than letting him handle the rest regardless of how those flowers came out to be. You both knew none of those ten-year-olds would have thrown a tantrum because of the decoration when Mingyu’s chocolate-orange and strawberry- white-chocolate cupcakes were mouth-watering, breathtaking, goddamn delicious.
You were being difficult for no reason, and you already hated yourself for it. You just couldn’t help it when your brain was dead set on proving something silly to the both of you when in reality, you had nothing to prove.
The first thing you noticed was the light touch of a chin on your shoulder and the stubble that rubbed against your cheek before most of the weight was lifted off your aching body. Your hands trembled and you almost dropped the buttercream bag when you looked down at your baby bump and saw your husband’s arms around you. He was holding… No, he was lifting up your belly, so you wouldn’t feel the extra weight that prominently.
‘You’re right,’ he murmured into your ear, encouraging you to finish the decoration on your own; meanwhile, he did not let go of your belly.
It should have felt offensive. It should have felt like he didn’t believe in you. And most importantly, it shouldn’t have felt so freaking good that you wished he would have done this more frequently in the future. Like every day - every single day until your baby boy was born and your body could start the healing process.
‘Just let me be here for you, hm?’ He asked for your permission, which you gave him in the most you-way possible: without words, leaning into him more, humming out your approval. God, you loved him so much.
You loved him so much.
During the next hour or so, while you slowly finished the buttercream flowers in the colours of the rainbow, Mingyu didn’t let go of you for a second. He stood behind you, holding your pregnant belly, talking about everything and anything to keep your mind occupied, so you wouldn’t pay attention to your obvious discomfort. He chatted your ears off about Hoshi’s upcoming engagement party, about who he thought would start a family next (your bet was on Seokmin, but he was convinced Soonyoung wouldn’t be able to keep it in his pants after Eunseo said yes to his proposal), and about Jihye’s new album that came with a mini tour. It was nice. It was bearable.
And you once again realised that there was no one… no one else in the world with whom you could have taken this scary step towards having your own family with so much ease and confidence. Because you loved your independence. You loved being able to do things on your own and pick fights when you couldn’t. You hated being wrong and being told that you were wrong, although you knew your stubborn ass never listened to well-founded reasoning. Yet, Mingyu rarely got angry with you for being who you were.
He stood by your side. He supported you. He accepted all your flaws.
And you, being you, could only wish he knew you would have done all these for him, too. That in this lifetime and the next one, too, for you, it was him. No one else. Only him.
the end.
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juniper-clan · 9 months
what if the ocean and heronstar kissed
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lorelaiblair · 11 months
The first time Enid Sinclair ever visited the Weathervane it was on a “double date” from hell.
Bianca’s relationship with Xavier was hanging on by a thread, she thought that maybe hanging out in a group setting would help mend some of the cracks in their relationship.
It didn’t really make sense to Enid, if a relationship was in trouble shouldn’t it be a conversation between the people in said relationship?
Anyways, Enid didn’t blame Bianca, she was scared and becoming desperate. Enid was going to be there to support her no matter what happened.
Even if that meant going on a double date with her ex, one of her best friends, and her friend’s boyfriend who she really disliked.
They walked into the small coffee shop, Ajax holding the door open for the rest of them.
“Thank you” Enid smiled
“All in a gentleman’s work” He grinned
Xavier settled into a booth in the corner and Bianca slid in beside him. It was almost awkward how they sat, everything about their body language tense and awkward.
Enid and Ajax mirrored them, but it was much more natural and relaxed. They were always better as friends, supporting and loving each other in a way that they could never seem to get right when they were trying to force a relationship.
Enid’s knee knocked against his and he grinned at her.
“How is rave’n planning going?” He asked her
“Stressful” Enid laughed, burying her face in her hands on the table. “There’s so much we still need to get done and so little time to do it”
“Did I tell you that the DJ finally got back to me?” Bianca asked
“Yeah?” Enid grinned, looking back up at her.
“Yeah” Bianca nodded with a teasing smile.
“And? What did he say?”
“Yes, he’s going to be there”
“Oh my god” Enid grabbed Bianca’s hand and squeezed in excitement “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!”
“I wanted to see your face” She smiled
“I am so excited” Enid said as she bounced in her seat
“Is he a big deal?” Ajax asked
“The biggest. He’s hoste-“ Enid stopped as a young woman began walking toward their table. She was dressed in all black and her dark hair tied in twin braids. She stopped to stand in front of their table and on her face was a look that said she couldn’t be more disinterested.
She was the most beautiful person Enid had ever seen. Her words were caught in her throat and her breath in her lungs.
“What are your orders?” The girl asked, her tone flat but her voice sounding like the sweetest honey.
“We haven’t had a chance to look at the menu yet” Bianca said kindly. The girl, Wednesday, said the name tag pinned to her dress, turned and walked away without another word. Bianca made a face, as if asking ‘can you believe that’?
Enid became painfully aware of herself. Staring at their waitress like a crazy person. She looked away quickly, grabbing her menu as a way to busy herself and not look as awkward as she felt.
Xavier didn’t have the same decency. Bianca scoffed and scooted even further away from him.
“Are you serious” She asked
“What?” Xavier asked, the first words he had said since they walked into the diner and it was to pretend as if he hadn’t been blatantly checking out their waitress while he was on a date.
“Oh my god, Xavier” Bianca scoffed, picking up her own menu, an attempt to hide just like Enid’s had been.
The silence was awkward, other customers around the room chatted and there was a sound of the coffee machines humming but everyone at this table with Enid promptly avoided speaking more. Xavier had taken his phone back out, at least he wasn’t staring anymore.
Enid had a hard time deciding what she wanted, they had so many things to choose from and Enid had always been bad at making choices. She sat the menu down and looked out the window, the sky was painted in a mural of pinks and purples and the moon was starting to peak over the horizon.
She took out her own phone to quickly snap a picture. It was beautiful, nowhere near as beautiful as the waitress.
Enid cursed herself. She felt like she was no better than Xavier, and since when had Enid even been attracted to girls?
Her eyes caught black hair again, the waitress, Wednesday if the name tag was anything to go by, was at a small table across the diner talking to the people who sat there. The unimpressed look never left her face, and honestly she was starting to look annoyed at the old woman who was speaking to her.
Enid looked down at the table, the wooden pattern of it suddenly incredibly interesting.
She realized that it made sense, being attracted to girls. It made more sense than Enid even wanted to think about right now.
The realization felt kind of freeing though. It was terrifying, but a piece of herself clicked into place.
Someone cleared their throat and Enid’s gaze snapped back up, right to Wednesday’s face. She had the darkest brown eyes rimmed with black eyeliner.
“Are we good?” Ajax asked
“Yeah” Bianca said, Enid nodded her head not trusting her voice to work and Xavier hummed.
“Okay. Ready?” Ajax asked, Wednesday blinked and he took that as an answer “I’ll take an americano and an breakfast sandwich on an english muffin”
“A cappuccino and a croissant” Bianca asked
“Another americano and a panini” Xavier said, which left it to be Enid’s turn. Wednesday hadn’t really looked at any of them, instead sort of looking into space as they spoke, but then Enid felt the girl’s eyes on her.
“Uhh” Enid smiled softly “An iced caramel latte with extra caramel and a blueberry muffin”
Wednesday didn’t respond verbally, but when Enid asked for extra caramel her eye’s crinkled slightly. That was the only sign that the girl had even been listening. She walked off again without a word, going behind the counter to probably get started on their things.
“She’s kind of scary, right?” Ajax asked with a quiet voice.
“I think it’s rude” Bianca said, was it bad that Enid found her endearing?
“She looks like the type of person who would enjoy witnessing a murder” He said
“Or committing one” Bianca added
“I’m sure she’s nice” Xavier said, Enid couldn’t help but glare. She hated he had been the one to say it. Bianca was quiet but Enid could tell she was furious.
“What were you saying earlier, about the DJ, Enid?” Ajax asked, his attempt to change the conversation was obvious.
“He’s just really popular” Enid said “And hard to book, we asked him like forever ago”
“Two months” Bianca clarified
“A long time to not be texted back” Enid argued, Ajax shook his head fondly.
“You’re crazy” He smiled
“I’m just really excited for this dance. It’s our first rave’n as senior’s and being in charge is so stressful. Figuring out the music and stuff took a lot off of my shoulders though, Bianca, thank you again”
“You’ve already thanked me countless times”
“Which is why I said again” Enid told her
“Well, you’re welcome” Bianca smiled “But really it wasn’t a big deal, if you need anymore help with anything just let me know”
“Okay. Are you going shopping with Yoko, Divina, and I next weekend?” Enid grinned
“I wouldn't miss it for anything” She nodded
“I have no idea what i’m going to wear yet” Ajax said
“A hoodie and pants that slightly match the theme?” Xavier asked, Ajax smiled and nodded.
“Like last year” He said
“And the year before that” Enid added, as she spoke Wednesday joined them again. A black tray in her hand, using the other hands to set things down.
“It’s hot” She said as she sat the muffin in front of Enid, even though she was holding it with her bare hand.
“Why are you touching it then?” Enid couldn’t help but ask.
“I’m not affected by such things” Wednesday said, her dark eyes meeting Enid’s, a spark in them that Enid hadn’t seen before. Was it mischief? Intrigue?
Enid wanted to know. She wanted to know everything about this strange girl.
Wednesday sat the last drink down and spun the tray around in her hands to hold it at her side. She went to walk away again, Bianca didn’t let her go very far.
“Are you not even going to ask if you got the order right, if we need anything else?” She asked
“I always get it right” Wednesday said, not even turning back to face them as she kept walking.
Bianca scoffed again, lifting her cup and blowing at the steam.
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appleysauce · 20 days
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thesunpersists · 1 month
The Yellow Line
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“Is this my punishment for being annoying, Katniss? ‘Cause I actually don't mind pillow fights with gorgeous half-naked women.” He grabs her wrists and pulls her closer. “I won't let it go because I want us to have this all the time. We won’t need to worry about the last bus, the weather, or someone hearing us... It'll be just you and me."
Two households, both alike in lack of privacy. Will Katniss and Peeta manage to get away and have a place of their own? Maybe somewhere on the yellow line?
Set six months after Katniss with a K and Codename: B³.
Read on ao3!
This is for  @browneyeddevil who left a lovely comment on Codename: B³ and requested I write something about the last part of the story, which goes:
“One of these days,” she thinks to herself, “you will spend the night in his bed in the twelfth borough. Then your displacement will not be zero.”
This got me thinking just how quickly that distance between their houses would become a source of annoyance and I wrote this short piece about how they would come to live together. Thank you, @browneyeddevil for the inspiration and the encouraging comments! ❤️
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tr0p1cal · 1 year
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cats got your tongue
the star series master list
synopsis: finding a cat in the alley beside the Star was not how you expected to end the worst day of your life, but maybe it’s just what you need to bring a little light back in on a gloomy day.
pairing: minho x reader
featuring: stray kids (mostly vocal/danceracha, but 3racha is mentioned), mingi of ateez, a very very brief blip of soobin from txt, and maybe others idk lol
genre: angst, fluff, crack, coffee shop au, college au, non idol au
warnings: sexual themes, language, toxic ex, mentioned cheating, mention and consumption of alcohol, kys/kms jokes, gangster mingi
note: this is strictly a work of fiction and not meant to portray a realistic version of the idols in any way. It is simply fantasy and meant purely for entertainment.
start: 23/9/23
end: 24/9/6
status: completed
schedule: monday and/or friday
🖍 = written portion within the part
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teaser / aesthetic
one - L
two - nice distraction
three - questionable
four - not really but kinda really
five - trust your judgement
six - favoritism
seven - this you?
eight - get well soon I guess?
nine - no idea what a 3RACHA is..
ten - he’s alright I guess..
eleven - always get what I want🖍️
twelve - exiled for the time being
thirteen - Song Mingi hate club
fourteen - rainy gets bitches!?
fifteen - just don’t get caught
sixteen - very wrong
seventeen - not my business
eighteen - would give the would to you
nineteen - roomie movie night🖍️
twenty - admire the homies
twenty one - why were you there?🖍️
twenty two - your down bad is showing
twenty three - fan behavior
twenty four - hard launch?
twenty five - unholy ground
bonus parts
lee knows birthday
the priv
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tag list is always open!
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missfanfiktionowner · 2 years
EP05 COFFEE SHOP "Black Coconut"
With depressed gay
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Jealous gay
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And whipped gay
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Depressed boy is worried about being openly together with his crush. He loves him but suddenly got anxious when it got serious.
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After offering a generous drink our jealous gay sees right through his anxiety
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Being worried about homophobic attacks in public is a real and serious issue
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But if you love your significant other, give each other strength and support. Have friends that have your back and care for you, you can live through it and fight back!
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"Black Coconut has coffee and coconut water. It's a drink that someone can love but also dislike. It depends on you. After tasting, do you like it or not?"
Bonus✨: BoyTod being the proud parents they are
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Vibie Gen is producing a little series called coffee shop wherein Boy Nattapon plays a barista that gives advice to broken hearted people. In episode 3 his ex-lover played by Tod Techit appears. It was a short little gem of an episode about loss, neglecting your partner for success but also beeing able to reflect on behavior and reconciling with your partner. Boy and Tod as always acted so good together, it was a joy to watch.
Link for anyone who wants to watch:
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forever-once-gone · 4 months
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Day 3: Yoongi - You Meet Your Fated at a Coffee Shop <3
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Part of the Love, Amour, Aur Pyaar drabble series for February! (lol)
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Word count: 3.7k (can't keep them short for the life of me)
Content and Warnings: soulmate au, coffee shop au, gn!reader, sharing preferences, arguing, frustration, they're both a bit dense lol, but other than that nothing too terrible in this, just sweet honestly, almost throwing up, coffee snob!Yoongi, barista!Yoongi, mocha slander, terms of endearment: baby, dear, Y/n is ready to FIGHT
Author's Note: Hey! So like I know it is well past Feb, but tbh it was crazy of me to even think id have time to publish these things during midterms season. Even though I had reading week, it was just not going to happen. Even though I did manage to write some of the days, I obviously couldn't every day. And posting? Forget about it. Anyway, even if it's past Feb, would you want me to post the ones I did write? It won't be instantaneous, but I would like to share what I did write, and maybe even finish all the other days as I had already planned out what I wanted to write each day. Let me know if you're interested! Anyways, as always, enjoy! <3
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Another mocha, just another mocha to fill up in the takeaway cup for another person who is trying to get through the February cold. Yoongi gets a lot of mocha requests before the winter holidays season. When so many are hyped up with Christmas cheer. Even people who do not celebrate Christmas tend to indulge in peppermint mochas when the snow hits the ground. And the trend trickled into the post holiday months every winter season. To the point when people ordered mochas even into early spring.
Yoongi, ever the coffee enthusiast, hated having to make so many mochas.
Frankly, he considered mochas just snobby chocolate milk with the smallest hint of caffeine. Like do mochas even deserve to be considered coffee-based beverages? He thought not. You could barely even taste the coffee in between the thick, tongue-coating taste of chocolate and the heaviness of way too much milk.
Everytime he had to make mochas, every single time, he’d be cursing in his head about how he would rather just be able to make his espressos, black coffees, and iced americanos. Iced americanos are the most he’d be willing to go when it comes to diffusing the taste of coffee.
Adding milk? Forget it.
Adding sugar? He’d rather just pour it down the drain than drink it.
Alas, when it comes to his job, he has to fulfill the customer’s wishes. No matter how much he hated the sugary, barely-even-coffee, more-like-milkshakes drinks, he would make the drink for them. A waste of good coffee in his books, but he needed the money that came from his overpriced caffeinated chocolate milk 
So, when it came to a coffee-novice coming into his coffee shop asking for a mocha, he would grit his teeth but make the drink nonetheless, the underline he requires to be able to pay his shop’s mortgage and keep all of his employees.
It was another one of these spring days when he’d unlocked the front doors of the café only to see someone new. Normally, only a few select people would come to his café so early in the morning, after all, most people started work at 9 or later. Only a few people would come at 5:30 when he opened. But today, there was someone new.
There was you, a person he’d never seen before standing behind his regulars. A cheery looking person, giving him a smile when he unlocked the door and opened it for the small group of people to trickle in.
He made his way behind the counter as he began his small routine with his regulars, smiling at each one of them as they gave him their orders, even though there really was no need as he had gotten each one of them memorized ages ago.
He took and prepared each order with practiced ease, until he got to the last person in line. The one who had spent the last ten minutes scanning the chalkboard menu with an analytical look.
“Good morning,” you said to him with a kind smile.
“Good morning,” he replied. “What can I get started for you today?”
You wrung your hands, scanning the menu again, before looking back at him. “Can I get a large mocha?”
He scoffed. Seriously, chocolate this early in the morning? Typical from a cheery-looking person like yourself.
“What?” you asked, wondering if you’d broken some unspoken social cue. You’d seen the way he’d kindly spoken to the customers before you, making small talk, so what happened when it came to you?
“Nothing, nothing,” he waved you off, before pressing some buttons on his cash register’s screen. “That’ll be 5000 won.”
“No, no. That definitely was something. Did I say anything wrong?” You insisted, brows furrowed together in a mix of worry and a bit of indignation.
“No, not at all. It’ll be 5000 won.” He tried to force a smile, but your eyes were squinted together just as you did before when you were scanning the menu, but this time your object of interest was him.
“What? You just don’t like me or something?” You felt a bit uncomfortable, out of place in this cafe with a barista who seemed to hold a certain disdain for you from the moment you opened your mouth. But that didn’t mean you were going to back down from this entitled man. You eyed him up and down, letting him know the contempt was mutual.
He let out a small scoff, before seeming to recompose himself with customer service professionalism. “Of course not. I’m sorry if it seemed that way. Your total is 5000 won.”
You could see through his poorly reconstructed composure, but nonetheless gave him the requested money. You were already running late to your job interview, and you needed this job if you hoped to actually be able to rent a place in this city. You had already spent three weeks staying with your friend after moving here from your old city. You couldn’t stay with her forever, even if she was willing to keep you for forever if you needed it.
You stepped away from the register after he had given you your change and moved away to make your drink. You took the time to continue admiring the interior of the cafe as the barista flew around his counter space. You took in the worn furniture resembling something half between industrial and contemporary. The hanging lights and the various maps lining the walls of the place. Very hipster. Fitting for a coffee shop.
The call of: “One large mocha?” brought you back from your inspection. With a hum, you took your drink from him, feeling the drink warm your gloved hands.
“No problem, have a nice day.” And with that he was moving back to his dishes to clean up the dishes he’d used before the next customers wandered in.
You turned away from him, moving towards the door. Before you pushed open the door to brave into the cold, you flipped open the flap on the top of the to-go cup. You took a quick sip, ready for the delicious drink to coat your tongue, but instead your tastebuds were assaulted with a heinous amount of sugar. It tasted like you’d boiled a pool full of chocolate and dumped a truck full of sugar and then reduced the entire pool full over a roaring fire until only a cup of the concentrated mixture remained full of pure chocolate and sugar.
You immediately turned back on your heel. Pressing your tongue against the tip of your mouth, trying to rid it of the sweet assault. “You messed up,” you slammed the cup on the counter, seeing the barista’s shoulders jump at the loud thump.
“What’s the issue?” he asked, as he wiped off his hands on a hand towel before flipping it onto his shoulder. He leaned onto the counter with the palms of his hands, not even trying to hide his annoyance with you anymore considering the frown he sent your way.
“This is way too sweet. Like what, did you dump a whole bag of sugar into this thing?” You nudged the cup towards him. “If you didn’t like me, you could have just refused to take my order, you didn’t have to do all this!” You gestured to the cup.
“Please, I need you to calm down. I didn’t do anything to your drink. It’s just a regular mocha. Mochas are sweet, you should have known that before you ordered it for the first time.” He rolled his eyes slightly.
“First time? Oh, honey, no—I know what mochas are meant to taste like and this is not it. It’s practically the only thing I ever get!”
He scoffed yet again. Typical, he thought to himself. Never would've guessed. “Just take your drink and go, I don’t have time for this.”
“You don’t believe me do you?” You said in disbelief. You never would dare fight with someone like this, but for some reason, this one guy was just getting on your nerves. Typically, even if your order had gotten mixed up you would just swallow your disappointment and try to enjoy the drink anyway. Even if it was something bitter and boring like a plain black coffee. But the way this man had been acting from the moment you ordered has been rude and completely ruined your confidence. Not what you needed at all before trying to get this job. And for some reason, it felt like all your senses and emotions had been turned up to 100, so controlling your anger was a lot harder.
“Drink it,” you told him, holding his eye contact. “Yeah, drink it. If you can drink even one gulp without making a face, I’ll admit I was wrong and leave.”
The barista tongued his cheek for a moment, contemplating what you said. “I don’t want to. I don’t like mochas, besides, I can’t drink a customer’s drink anyway.”
“I’m just gonna take your refusal as you admitting that you fucked with my drink.”
By this point the two people left in the shop were watching the two of you fighting at the counter. A middle aged man walked up to the counter, stepping in to try and defuse the situation. “Why don't you just take a sip of it, Yoongi? Just to prove them wrong?”
“I refuse,” the barista, Yoongi, said to the man. “It’s a matter of principle at this point. I’m not drinking it. I know my abilities, and I know that that mocha would be as good as mochas get. I’m not gonna take a sip of a nasty ass mocha just cause this person wants to throw a fuss at five in the morning.”
“So you admit you fucked with it?! You admitted it’s nasty!”
“No,” he rolled his eyes at you for the umpteenth time this morning. “I just hate mochas, they taste like shit. But anyone who likes those chocolatey messes will admit mine are as good as they get. I might not like them, but I still put all my effort into making sure they taste good.”
“Just fucking drink it then! I’m not joking, this tastes like shit. Maybe something is wrong with your milk steaming machine or something—this just isn’t right!”
The middle-aged man decided to try and put the fight to an end. “Why don’t I just give it a try, huh?”
“No!” But Yoongi and you said at the same time, before turning back to each other again.
“He refuses to admit it, and he has to be the one to try it!” You crossed your arms.
“And they’re the one who is making a big situation over nothing, you should never give in to people like them.” He glared at you. Now that his patrons were getting involved, he wanted to get you out as soon as possible.
“Just try it! I swear it’s unbelievable. Just give it one sip!” You threw up your arms in frustration. “Come on, I’m not even asking for a refund or anything, I just want you to admit that you took your anger out on me for no reason. That’s all, I don’t even want an apology!”
“I don’t need to apologize! I didn’t do anything wrong! That mocha is PERFECT! I’d bet my life on it.” Yoongi was fuming now, chest heaving with frustration and annoyance. He was this close to calling the cops on you and calling it a day.
“Oh shut up with the ‘perfect’ nonsense! It’s not perfect! Just try it! This whole thing would have been over ages ago if you just gave it a try!” You pulled the cap off of the cup. “If you’re afraid it’s poisoned, I’ll take a sip of it before you drink it. See look.” 
You took a swig of the drink, nearly choking on the sugary beverage as you tried to keep the concoction from coming right back up. You gagged for a second or two, before finally straightening back up, wiping your mouth with the back of your gloved hand.
The two men around you exchanged expressions, their anger turning more to disbelief. Either you were a great actor or that drink really, really sucked.
“There, see. I didn’t tamper with it. Now, please, please just try it. Please. Don’t make me look insane. Just try it.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Fine. Fucking fine. I’ll try it. But if it tastes fine, you need to leave my shop and never come back, you hear me?”
“I swear. I won’t come back, don’t plan to anyway.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at that, before grabbing the lidless cup from the counter. He held it up, hesitated, and then said, “I really don’t like mochas,” with a scrunch of his nose. He took a breath and then took the smallest sip you’ve ever seen a human being take before slamming the cup down. His hand immediately came up to cover his mouth, his eyebrows furrowed.
You couldn’t bear to hide your smug look. How was he gonna hide how terrible the drink was now? He looked like he was going to throw up. Ha! That will show him!
But then he did the weirdest thing. He took another sip. A long sip this time. Other than his furrowed brows, he didn’t choke, gag, or even dry heave for a millisecond. Just watching him drink was making you nauseous.
“Oh my god!” you yelled, snatching the cup from his hands before he could take another sip, holding it up behind you, away from him. “You’re going to give yourself diabetes if you drink that whole thing!”
Immediately he tried to reach across the counter and get it back from you. “Hey! Give that back! This makes no sense!”
“Yoongi, calm down!” The man said, pushing the barista back off of the counter that he was practically leaning his whole body onto at this point.
“Why does it taste good?!” The distress that the barista was under put even you on pause. You watched the barista scramble around, rubbing at his head as if it was aching him. Was this the effect of all the sugar?
“Hey, man, you doing alright?” You placed the cup back down on the counter, holding a hand out to him to show you meant no harm.
He just shook his head, picking up a half empty mug from behind the counter that you had seen him periodically sipping from between the preparation of yours and the others’ drinks. He took a large gulp only to immediately run to the sink, spitting the drink right into the drain.
“Why does my coffee taste so heinous?! Why does it taste like fucking bitter gasoline? Why does the mocha taste so fucking good?!” He was still hunched over the sink, the only thing you could see of him was his back a bit of his lowered head. His arm reached to grab the hand towel on his shoulder to throw it to the side.
You had no answer for him. This was all so bizarre.
“This—” the middle aged man brought both your and Yoongi’s attention to him, as he brought the cup back to his lips for another sip. When had he taken your mocha from you? Was it when Yoongi was losing his mind? 
“This tastes…” He took another sip. His brows furrowed in concentration. 
“This tastes like a regular mocha.” He put the cup back down. “I think you guys need to calm down for a moment and think about what this means.”
“What do you mean?” you asked him.
“I think you know what I mean, dear.” The man had a kind-hearted look on his face as his eyes flitted between both you and Yoongi.
“OH MY GOD.” Yoongi grabbed the edge of the counter, seeming to understand the man’s insinuation. “There is no way.”
“What? What am I missing?” The man only shook his head as Yoongi raised his head to meet your gaze. He just pushed his half empty mug to you. Inside was black coffee.
“Try it. I need to see if it’s true.”
“Um, no. I don’t like black coffee. Yuck.” You nudged the mug right back to him only for him to stop the movement halfway. 
“That’s exactly why you have to try this,” Yoongi said as calmly as he could, though you could swear he looked almost like he could faint right then and there.
“Fine,” you took the mug from him. “Just cause you did drink the mocha.”
You swirled the dark liquid in the mug, debating whether it was worth it to drink the bitter liquid. But when you looked up to see that both the man and Yoongi were watching you like scientists inspecting their latest mutant rats for their observational notes, you just took a sip only to get them to stop staring at you.
Instantly your throat was soothed as the smooth taste of the perfectly roasted coffee made its way through your mouth. You’d never drunk anything so refreshing, so calming as it warmed you up from the inside out. Even though there was no sugar or cream, you surprisingly didn’t mind it as it allowed the rich flavour of the black coffee to shine through strongly. It tasted so good.
You didn’t put down the mug until you’d finished the whole thing.
The middle aged man had a small smile on his face, while Yoongi seemed to be still in his inspector mode.
“So,” the man began. “How was it?”
You thought about it for a second. “Good. Like really good. Like surprisingly good.”
The man clapped his hands. “Well there you have it. Congrats you two.”
You shook your head for a second, scrunching your face in annoyance. “What are you talking about?”
Yoongi came around the counter, finally coming to stand beside you without anything between you two. “Do I need to spell it out for you?”
“Easy, Yoongi. Don’t want to scare them off now do you?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes at the man but then nodded his head in understanding. “You don’t like black coffee right? Too bitter or something?”
You nodded. “Yeah, too bitter. I need more sugar or else I just can’t get it down.”
“And I hate mochas. They’re too sweet and you can’t even tell there is coffee in it since it's so overpowered by the sugar, chocolate, and milk.”
“Okay… What does that have to do with me though?”
“But I just liked the mocha. Not just liked, I loved the mocha. And you loved the black coffee.”
“Yeah…” You waited for him to clarify further.
He waved his arm as if urging you to think further, but when you just cocked your head to the side in confusion, he dropped his arm back down to his side. “Seriously?” he asked, exasperated. “I hated my usual coffee and loved your mocha. And you hated your usual mocha and loved my coffee.”
You nodded your head, trying to understand what he was trying to get at. Until it just clicked, your eyes widening instantly, reaching to grab his elbows. “OH MY GOD! We’re soulmates! Oh my god! We switched preferences! We’re soulmates!” You threw your arms around him, pulling him as close to you as you could through your thick winter jacket.
“Took you long enough,” he huffed, his arms reciprocating your grasp.
“Oh my god! I knew I was meant to move here! I have to tell my roommate! But wait—” you pushed him out of your hold.
Yoongi let out a light groan, as he caught himself from stumbling.
You pointed a finger at him accusingly. “You hate mochas, you black coffee supremacist!”
“Seriously?” Yoongi asked you. “That’s your biggest concern now?”
“Well yeah! I mean, I don’t know if my preferences will change back, but if they do, I can’t stay with a soulmate that thinks he’s superior to me because of his coffee preferences!”
Yoongi let out a small laugh, his lips tugging into a smile. “If it makes you feel any better, I think I will never be able to hate mochas after today.”
Even with your finger still pointed at him, you felt your lips pull into a wide smile at the hidden meaning behind his words.
You both jumped at the clearing of a throat behind the two of you. The man had made his way to the front door of the coffee shop with his order in his hand. “Sorry, sorry. Just wanted to let you know that my wife, Maria, had been recording the entire thing in case you needed to call the police.” He nodded towards the other patron who had been at the shop when you and Yoongi had started fighting who was now standing holding the door open as she waited for her husband. “Let me know if you want the video of your first meeting, I’m sure your friends and family would love to see it,” he said between kind-hearted soft laughs, before leaving hand-in-hand with Maria.
“Maybe even our future grandkids,” you teased him happily, taking a step back towards him.
Yoongi just smiled in reply, showing off his perfect teeth to you.
You felt your heart swell.
He took another step towards you, grabbing a hold of your hands by your side. “I would like that.”
You heard the door chime as a customer walked into the coffee shop before their steps halted somewhere behind you.
“Uh, is this a bad time?” The customer asked from behind you.
“Give me a second,” Yoongi replied.
“Alright,” the person cleared their throat. “Just don’t want to be late for work.”
That seemed to jolt you out of your Yoongi admiring stupor. “Shit! I have an interview!” You tightened your hold on his hands before letting go.
By the time Yoongi realized what was going on, you were already halfway out the door.
“I’m going to be so late! I’ll be back later, okay, baby?” You had pushed the door open taking a step out before turning back to him. “I am allowed to come back right? Or am I still exiled from your shop?” You asked with a smile.
“Seriously?” He laughed, shaking his head as he made his way back behind the service counter. “Maybe you’ll just have to try your luck.”
“You’re impossible.” You laughed into your hand, waving your hand at him. “When I come back, if you don’t let me in, I’ll tell all your customers that I almost threw up after drinking your mocha.” You stuck out your tongue at him as he fake gasped, before finally actually leaving the shop.
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Well, there's that.
So if you didn't get it, in this case, soulmates have different ways of finding out if they're meant to be in this universe. For Yoongi and Y/n, they met and ended up switching coffee preferences (or maybe even more preferences but the only thing they noticed so far is the coffee). Even though their reactions may seem extra, when you meet your soulmate all your emotions/feelings/everything is meant to be heightened. So they had each other's preferences, but n times stronger. So that's why they loved the other's preference like it was ambrosia, but their own preferences tasted like so bad to them. Y/n found the mocha wayyyy to sweet like Yoongi would usually, and Yoongi found the black coffee wayyyyy too bitter cause Y/n likes her coffee well sweetened and with a lot of stuff to mellow the coffee flavour.
But anyway, yes they're in love.
So yeah, do let me know if you want me to post the rest of these. It will be a slow process, but I would like to do so.
Take care!!
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rgco413 · 1 month
It seems like the Ineffable Husbands in Fairy Village love surprising me lately!
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Crowley surprisingly moved to the greenhouse above the bookshop by himself while Aziraphale continued to read.
Then later after I checked in again, Aziraphale joined him for some tea it seems!
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It's giving South Downs 💙❤️📚🐍
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hongtiddiez · 4 months
my stand in ep 4 thoughts, feelings, etc
WOW WA WE WAA THAT SURE WAS AN EPISODE HUH - happy to report i went back through the episode slowly this week and took notes and really tried to gather everything i wanted to say (but i will inevitably forget something)
🌸 ok disclaimers because i have a lot of them for this particular episode 🌸
i'm just a silly guy on the internet, i'm not an expert in mental health, psychology, body language, whatever. most days i can't even take care of myself. i'm just saying things recreationally.
PLEASE do not put novel spoilers in my replies, reblogs, or tags without a warning notice. i've got an itchy blocking finger for it these days.
i am treating ming and joe and everyone involved in this show as if they were real life human beings. ming was not born some mustache twirling villain sent from hell to make joe miserable. joe is not some pure angel descended from the clouds to do no wrong. everyone in this show exhibits very human behavior and that can be distressing under certain circumstances. i'm just going to comment on them as humans. i'm not interested in a round table discussion on why a character is irredeemable, the scum of the earth, etc. i'm just putting my thoughts out there and you can take them or leave them.
🌸 alright yucky disclaimer time over 🌸
the episode really just picks us back up where everything left off - and yet joe still made ming breakfast, and ming isn't stupid (well right now at least,) he knows something is off.
i am confused why tong needs to get married on this specific day. and like bro how fast are you getting married? relax. the whole thing is just unstoppable force (trajectory of this producers career) meets immovable object (tong's fuckass stubbornness) and the collateral damage is massive.
and then there's the question of did joe ever want to play a lead? or did he let his impulsiveness and hurt put a target on his back? (only emphasized by the fact that everyone assumed joe would turn down the role)
i DO apologize for all my doubt surrounding wut. he, ja, and may are the only people in this show with any god damn sense. maybe jojo and yim. we'll see.
getting into the confrontation at joe's work, i really don't think it's that surprising when we keep in mind ming genuinely has no fucking clue what is going on. all he knows is joe woke up, was acting weird, didn't come home, and then told him to pack up his shit and leave with ZERO explanation. like, joe's completely in the right, but i'd also be confused as fuck. (i wouldn't go to someone's work about it but, y'know, we know ming acts in extremes.)
and to me this is where it really became obvious that joe has always been able to overpower ming, to get away from him, as we have seen joe's physical prowess, we've seen what he's capable of, but he never uses his body to move ming away from him - that's not who joe is, he's not someone that would put his hands on another person like that. it's just another way ming and joe are the direct antithesis of each other.
it's my thought that the argument escalates because ming is used to getting everything he wants - except for tong, and now joe. when joe begins to push him away and deny him his substitution for tong i think ming lashes out in his hurt with a thought of "it's happening again, why doesn't anyone want me?"
i will say while i do believe sol has good intentions for the most part his white knighting is getting a little irksome. while convenient, it just shows how much he's still hovering and laying in wait for a chance with joe - he, too, is not respecting joe's wishes. no is a complete sentence, sol.
and then things continue back at home and joe finally, finally throws ming's words back at him: if i'm so terrible to be with, if you're so great, why are you wasting your time with me?
and ming doesn't have an answer. what ming DOES have is another back embrace, arms wrapped around joe as he asks "don't you love me anymore?" but is he asking joe or tong?
"although i'm not as good as tong" even now joe's rampant self worth issues are still at play but at least he finally knows he's worth more than whatever this is.
then the phone rings and to me, ming looks skittish. he looks shaken. he's never seen joe so angry and he's scared and as the call progresses that fear morphs into rage when sol calls joe. and the thing is, regardless of who played the main role, ming was never going to be happy. it was either going to be joe or tong playing opposite sol and neither of those things would have been acceptable.
and then i said, out loud, in my quiet office: OH! and promptly lost my shit in the group chat.
ming doesn't look wholly present after his act of violence. his face is vacant, like he isn't completely seeing or grasping what he's just done. i get the impression that ming isn't mentally well; stress and fear and anger have a way of making people do really fucking stupid things and as these things happen you risk falling into the sunk cost fallacy - you've already gone this far, you can't stop now - which all aligns with the obsessive behavior we've seen from ming in the past.
as joe wakes up and they talk once again joe doesn't blame ming, he blames himself for not seeing the writing on the walls even though it was written in invisible ink.
"all these times we were together did you ever love me?"
"you can't tell?"
again, so much of the blame and emotional responsibility of their situationship is put on joe and ming refuses to communicate any of his feelings, perhaps because he doesn't know how to after repressing everything for so long.
but the way joe looks at ming as they linger there in the wake of joe's request looks like a goodbye, the way his eyes soak in every detail of ming's face. despite all of this and the nightmare it has turned into he did love ming, perhaps still does, and he does have some of those good memories he was so desperate to keep.
though like.. joe.... maybe we could consider a different career path??? instead of just jumping to risking our lives? like sure food service sucks, cashiering sucks, etc. but you aren't in danger of falling off any cliffs, you know? and let's be real, he could just go into modeling with those looks.
it's my impression that when ming calls joe he looks haggard, like he's lost numerous nights of sleep (and we really don't know how much time has passed) but either way it does seem like he's at least done some amount of reflecting. his voice comes across soft, subdued, and sincere.
and after everything, back in the present, we see ming. he's still in the apartment, desperately calling joe's name all these years later, still unable to sleep and waiting for joe to come home just like he asked him to years ago.
maybe ming never wanted to enter the entertainment industry before, but he has now. perhaps it was never for the attention or the money, maybe he chose to promote those watches because it was a reminder of the gift from joe. and maybe this job, in this specific industry, is the closest he can feel to joe now. and maybe with new influence and connections ming can find out why he was never able to tell joe he loved him before he lost him.
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