#coffee machine supplier near me
cherise54 · 1 year
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Cherise - Automating the daily cuppa
Automating the daily cuppa From Cherise Global. The difference between the Cherise India machine and others is the kind of investment and manpower that has gone into its development and support, Shah explained. Shah added that he put together a team that included mechatronic specialists with a view to building, supporting, and maintaining their smart IoT and android-based vending machine which is an integral part of Cherise’s farm-to-cup ecosystem. Visit Website
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Slayer Commercial Espresso Machines
Slayer Coffee Machines epitomize precision and innovation in coffee craftsmanship. Meticulously engineered, these machines boast a unique needle valve technology that offers baristas unparalleled control over extraction profiles, resulting in consistently exquisite shots. With their striking design, customizable aesthetics, and intuitive interface, Slayer machines harmoniously blend form and function. Crafted for coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike, they elevate the espresso experience by allowing users to fine-tune every aspect of the brewing process. Whether in a bustling cafe or specialty coffee shop, Slayer Commercial Espresso Machines empower baristas to unleash their creativity and deliver unparalleled, top-tier coffee that delights the senses with every sip.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and being office workers
requested by @turquoisefluff-1767: "Could you please write about how the SVT members would behave as colleagues working in a corporate office set-up? The recent office-themed FML concept photographs and a strong urge to escape my own monotonous office routine has made me rather curious about this concept. Thank you!"
notes: i tried my best! i've never actually worked in an office before lmao so this is based solely on books ive read and the meagre research i tried to do about it ^-^
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assistant manager, but probably ends up working overtime bc he's taking on his duties along with the manager's duties too bc the other guy is so lazy. was the supervisor for dino for almost 2 years bc the manager forgot to actually hire him. has approved approximately 60% of the successful projects within his department. is secretly plotting to get the manager fired so he can take his position and get the higher pay
company favourite. has been asked to be the face of the company a total of three times since he's joined. comes in half an hour late every single day, is the loudest to complain when wonwoo's coffee is too bitter. organises the halloween event. and the valentines event. rigged the secret santa so everyone picked the person they wanted the least, was exposed not even a week after the event
either is glued to his desk or nowhere near it. the lovely colleague, everyone approaches him with concerns bc he always looks so willing to listen. nods along rlly seriously as someone talks to him, but afterwards the only advice he gives is "just kill it/them". however, is always the one that people go to when they can't figure out how to work excel. somehow knows all those spreadsheet hacks that everyone forgets after going through high school
resident biscuit supplier in the break room. he's just doing a corporate job for fun tbh, bc he's actually fucking loaded and was bored and needed something to do in his spare time. emails cat pictures to everyone while at work. is somehow always the one that jeonghan picks to stay behind w him to decorate the office before an event the next day. secretly the department ace even tho he has no idea what he did that was so brilliant
always has beef with the photocopier. can be found slapping and kicking the thing at least 3 times a week and if not, then he's probably squinting at the login screen wondering why the blasted machine has locked him out again. gets drunk at every single company dinner, has to be dragged out before he can start loudly exposing everyone on how much they hate their manager
everyone complains when he's in charge of making the coffee for the day bc it's always way too bitter and so strong. even so, practically half the department has a crush on him bc he's the handsome, quiet guy who is just so everyone's type. has to be wheedled and convinced into coming to any company dinners and gatherings bc he'd much rather ruin his eyes by continuing to stare at a screen when he gets home n play his computer games
everyone goes to him for tech problems rather than actually ringing up anyone in their IT department. had everyone terrified of him for a good 5 months when they first join bc all they've heard about him are the horror stories of him beating someone up with a computer keyboard. associate manager in seungcheol's department, has approved the other 40% of successful projects even though it's not even his job
only ever arrives the exact second he's supposed to come to work. leaves as soon as the work day is over. comes in with a flurry of silk scarves and fancy coats like a designer whirlwind, peering at everyone judgingly over his glasses. gets asked why a fancy person like him is working in such a monotonous job every month. always just laughs in response and sips his black coffee
probably works in marketing. idk why, he just gives that kind of vibe. is being promoted like every year bc he's just so vigorous and passionate about his job. as soon as the weather no longer looks in danger of being freezing, he's ditching his blazer and Only wears his dress shirt that makes his biceps look good without even trying. walks in and is immediate taking his coat off, flexing his arms and smirking at the squeals as he goes to his desk
seems to be the only one who genuinely adores his job. or maybe that's just him loving his colleagues. acts the most surprised when junhui's cookies are gone within the day he brings them in, tries to discreetly wipe away the crumbs around his mouth as he's helping the guy narrow down the list of suspects. invites everyone to the nearby bar every friday, ends up convincing another person to pay
has the biggest smile on his face every single day. tells everyone to cheer up in the break room whenever they've had a bad day, but is always complaining about how much he hates his job whenever he can. still with the big smile on his face. knows all the gossip, even amongst all the interns
also knows all the gossip, for some reason. never spills anything unless he's been bribed with the expensive cookies that junhui sometimes buys. is always standing there awkwardly in the back of the break room whenever a breakup or something dramatic is happening. the only one who tries to help hoshi every time he has trouble with the photocopier. walks away like nothing happened when he manages to make it worse and has the machine spilling ink everywhere
was an intern for way too long before he was actually hired to work at the company. as a result, knows the ins and outs of the photocopiers way too well. still never helps hoshi when he gets stuck tho, bc it's just so funny to watch him swear and kick the machine. the funniest at company dinners, is always doing his impressions and showing off his made-up characters in his skits which leaves everyone in stitches
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currently taking requests
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What were an average day’s tasks at your favorite job you’ve had so far? Working with big brands/clients = campaigns around the clock, all year long. That said I’m constantly brainstorming for and conceptualizing PR proposals for consumer campaigns; looking for 50-100 influencers at a time who can best fit my running campaigns; I write a lot and cover stuff from press releases to event scripts to lifestyle articles; working with suppliers for stuff like PR kits, mounting events, brand sponsorships; and I help in handling even financial aspects like ensuring talents are paid after they fulfill their contract. The work is very 360º in nature, is fast-paced and you can usually tell early on if a new hire is gonna last or not depending on how fast they can adjust/keep up.
Does your house have an separate laundry room? Idk if it counts as a room...but we did erect this makeshift ‘room’ at the rooftop for laundry stuff. It’s basically a super tiny customized room we had made to fit the washing machine because those things just take up so much space indoors and usually end up being an eyesore.
Do your parents still help you financially? Technically, yes. I never ask for money anymore (unless I have to borrow) and I always make a transfer every payday, but they do remain in charge of managing the bills and buying groceries. I imagine whatever I contribute becomes absorbed in the bills and whatnot, but for the most part it’s fair to say they still support me.
List 3 things you can see from where you’re sitting? I can see my phone, the TV, and my earphones.
Do you go by any nicknames? I just go by Robyn most of the time, but I have a few relatives who call me Byn.
Are you a very talkative person? Depends on the crowd.
What stereotype about your age group do you definitely live up to? I’m obsessed with social media and it’s a must for me to check each of my feeds on a daily, hell hourly, basis. Except for TikTok I guess as I find that shit annoying and most edits cringey for the most part.
When was the last time it rained where you live? Thursday. Such a refreshing sight, too; it hasn’t rained in months.
Where is your local polling place for elections? My village’s clubhouse.
What was the topic of the last documentary you watched? It was that new MH370 documentary that came out on Netflix a month ago. Around that same period I also started on In the Name of God which is about Korean cults, but found it too upsetting to be able to finish it.
Does your car have a backup camera? I’m not sure what a backup camera is but I do have a dashcam in case some idiots mess with my car and pretend to get run over.
Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? My mom for some minor traffic violations. I don’t think my dad’s ever run into an issue; he’s barely in the country anyway HAHA.
What was the last restaurant you ate at? It’s a local coffee shop called Daily Habit.
Are you in the same mood most days or are your emotions all over the place? The only time I’m all over the place is when I’m nearing my period; otherwise I can manage my emotions quite well.
Have you ever had a pet that lived to be really old for its breed/species? Kimi lived to be 14, which was way longer than I ever expected. I thought that little dude was going to last forever with how he always bounced back from every single health scare. 14 years is above average for a dog, but I’m still very impressed and amazed by him.
Do you have a preferred brand of bottled water? I avoid bottled water whenever I can since all of them have a ~taste.
Have you ever spilled food or drink in your car? Once or twice. My bigger issue is when the dogs throw up in the car hahaha. Much harder to handle and clean up.
Is your skin more oily, dry, or combination? Dryness is a major problem for my skin at the moment.
Have you ever been in a relationship that was progressing faster than you wanted it to? I don’t think so. My previous one had an okay pacing for the most part, but it was the rapid crashing and burning towards the end of it that really threw me off-guard and messed me up mentally.
What kind of flooring is in the room you’re in? Hardwood.
Pop quiz! Who is the prime minister of Germany? Germany doesn’t have a Prime Minister. < Ok there you go then, haha.
What was the last strong scent you smelled? My black forest-flavored coffee. Not the biggest fan of this variant but it’s the only kind left in the pantry (and it’s the only one left since I avoided it this entire time hahaha), and I wanted to drink coffee before sleeping so here we are.
Are you more prone to overthinking things, or being too impulsive? I’m a very toxic combination of both. Overthinking makes me impulsive. When was the last time you wore an article of clothing that wasn’t yours? A month ago when I borrowed my sister’s sweatpants for an event.
Which one of your friends do you see the least often? My college friends BY A MILE.
Do you know anyone with a life-threatening food allergy? A number of them have food allergies but idk they themselves don’t seem to concerned by it?? Like all they need are antihistamines and that’s all I ever hear about it.
When was the last time you were outside? This morning when my family went to Sunday mass.
Who was the last person you sent a birthday card to? How old did they turn? I don’t send birthday cards...not a practice here.
[A/N: another two-in-one just because]
- Past -
Are you happy with your upbringing? No. I know my elders tried their best, but sometimes the best still isn’t good enough. I grew up in a very crowded half of a duplex; my parents were barely home (something for which I hold no grudge – they were just working to make us as comfortable as possible back then); I had relatives who drank and smoke on a sickeningly regular basis – sometimes leading to embarrassing, loud, public, and physical fights that the entire neighborhood would be witness to; and there was rarely a platform to be a kid. We never did anything during summer vacations and I can’t remember most of my childhood birthdays because there had been no plans for them.
I’m not resentful and have moved past that shitfest, but I imagine I’d do everything in my power for my hypothetical kids’ childhood to be entirely different.
Who was your first best friend? Someone in kindergarten named Kaye. Who was your first love? Not naming any people we’re trying to healthily move past :)
Did you ever attend any school dances? Like...prom? Yeah I had to go to my school’s own prom because it was required (ew), then I got invited to be a date at another school’s senior ball.
Did you play any sports growing up? Table tennis. I’m pretty sure I had potential in football/futsal because we had to take up a few sessions in school and was surprisingly an ok goalkeeper lol – even the PE teacher pointed it out – but I never pursued it.
Did you have a special blanket when you were younger? I didn’t.
What movie reminds you of your childhood? Toy Story, Shrek 2, and Finding Nemo.
Were you a picky eater as a child? Very picky. I only liked eating eggs and hotdogs. Took hours to finish anything else.
What’s your favorite memory with a family member? Growing up with my eldest cousin on my mom’s side. He’s always been an older brother rather than a cousin.
Did you ever have to share a bedroom? Yes I shared one room with my parents and siblings until I was 10.
Are there any smells that remind you of the past? There’s a very specific coffee smell that would hurl me right back to my childhood if I ever smelled it again. My maternal grandparents always drank coffee together in the morning, and they always used the same combination of brands (instant coffee, creamer, etc) that would result in the same aromatic smell every day.
Did you play outside or inside as a child? Outside. Indoors was crowded enough with more than 10 people squished in three small rooms, so if we wanted to run around and be kids we had to ask permission to play outdoors.
What was your first favorite song? Continued from last weekend. Idk man, something from Hi-5 maybe? Or High School Musical? Were you ever pranked at a sleepover? Hmm, I don’t think so.
- Present -
What’s your favorite color to wear? I like olive green, burgundy, and mustard yellow.
Who is your favorite musical artist? Currently and has been for a while, BTS.
Do you have any pets? I have two dogs. Kimi also hangs out with them in the living room, just as an urn on the coffee table hehe. :)
If so, how many and what kind? I have a beagle and a Yorkie.
Do you live with your parents or on your own? I live with my parents and siblings.
Are you in school? Nopes.
Do you have a job? I do.
If so, do you like it? I don’t love it, but like I’ve also got no plans to leave it any time soon. I’m still learning and I work really well with everyone; there’s really no reason for me to leave.
How often are you on the internet? Everyday...this survey must be quite old, because I think a good majority of people have at least one reason to go online at least once a day at this point.
On average, how much time a day do you spend on your appearance? 0 minutes, 5 minutes if I have to show up to work or at a work-related event.
Do you have any children? I don’t have any, no.
Are you in a relationship? Nope.
Are you subscribed to any streaming services? Spotify, YouTube, Disney+ yeah.
What time do you usually go to sleep and wake up? These days I’ll sleep anywhere between midnight to 2 AM at the latest; I usually wake up at 7.
- Future -
Do you have any long-term goals? Sure, but they’re all leisure-related – like going to Wrestlemania or traveling to a different continent and experiencing jet lag for the first time hahaha. I’m not a fan of making work/career-oriented goals; it brings in unwanted pressure more than anything.
Do you want children? (Or more if you already have any) I used to want to have kids, but ever since my failed relationship made me stoic I’ve been emotionless about the idea of having a family. I’m just not interested anymore; and kids annoy me these days lol so.
Where would you like to be in your career five years from now? In a higher position, with an even higher salary. Only time will tell if I’ll still be on the agency side or actually make the switch to the brand side by then haha.
Do you think you’ll ever move from the city you’re in? For sure. I have plans for that anyway; I’ve stayed here for more than 20 years and I know that eventually I’ll crave a new environment.
How do you hope your life will look in 10 years? I hope I’ll be more independent by then.
Do you think you’re heading in that direction? Bit by bit, yeah.
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kidysbakery · 6 months
Best Coffee Near Me
In the heart of the bustling city, there's a charming corner that beckons coffee enthusiasts and sweet-toothed individuals alike. Kidys Bakery, a quaint establishment with a reputation for delectable treats, has carved a niche for itself in the world of beverages with its enticing range of hot and cold coffees. Join us on a journey through the aromatic world of Kidys Bakery, where every cup is a celebration of flavors and craftsmanship.
The Aroma of Tradition:
Stepping into Kidys Bakery is like entering a haven of comforting aromas. The heady scent of freshly ground coffee beans greets you, instantly awakening your senses. Kidys Bakery takes pride in sourcing premium coffee beans from sustainable and ethical suppliers, ensuring that each cup tells a story of quality and authenticity.
Hot Coffee Bliss:
For those who seek solace in the warmth of a cup, Kidys Bakery's hot coffee selection is a revelation. The menu boasts a variety of options, from the classic Espresso and Americano to the indulgent Caramel Macchiato and velvety Mocha. The skilled baristas at Kidys Bakery are artisans, crafting each cup with precision and passion. The result? A symphony of rich flavors, a perfect balance of bitterness and sweetness that dance on your palate with every sip.
One standout from the hot coffee menu is the signature Kidys Blend, a meticulously curated blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. This concoction delivers a bold, robust flavor that caters to the true coffee connoisseur. Paired with Kidys Bakery's artisanal pastries or signature cakes, the hot coffee experience becomes a ritual, a moment to savor and cherish.
Chill Vibes with Cold Coffee:
As the mercury rises, Kidys Bakery seamlessly transitions from hot to cold, offering a refreshing array of iced coffee delights. The Cold Brew, a slow-steeped coffee concentrate poured over ice, is a revelation in itself. Its smooth, mellow taste is a testament to the patience and dedication put into the brewing process.
For those seeking a more indulgent experience, the Iced Caramel Latte and the Hazelnut Frappé are sure to please. These cold coffee creations not only provide respite from the heat but also elevate the art of iced coffee to new heights. Served in stylish glassware, each sip is a delightful journey through layers of flavor and texture.
Kidys Bakery also offers customizable options, allowing patrons to tailor their cold coffee to personal preferences. Whether you prefer it sweetened, extra creamy, or with a dash of flavor, the baristas are more than happy to cater to your taste buds.
Beyond the Cup:
Kidys Bakery's commitment to excellence extends beyond the cup. The cozy ambiance, paired with attentive service, creates an inviting atmosphere that encourages patrons to linger and savor the experience. The cozy seating, warm lighting, and the hum of coffee machines contribute to an environment where conversations flow as smoothly as the coffee.
In a world where coffee has become an art form, Kidys Bakery stands out as a canvas of flavor and ingenuity. Whether you're a hot coffee enthusiast or an aficionado of iced delights, Kidys Bakery offers a beverage experience that transcends the ordinary. So, the next time you find yourself yearning for a moment of indulgence, step into Kidys Bakery and let the magic of their hot and cold coffee transport you to a world of pure delight.
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richiesmobilecafe · 1 year
Barista supplies near me
Finding the right tools and accessories is essential for any barista who takes pride in their craft. That's why we have curated a collection of premium barista supplies that are designed to meet your every need. From espresso tampers and milk frothers to latte art tools and coffee scales, we have everything you require to create exceptional coffee creations. https://richiesmobilecafe.com/products/barista-pro-coffee-machine-supplier
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refreshingusa · 1 year
Find Vending Machines for Sale near Me | Commercial Vending Machine
Refreshing USA is a Coffee machine supplier specializing in helping clients save money and ensure buying a vending machine offers the highest quality experience for their employees and customers. Visit the refreshing USA website for commercial vending machines. Contact now!
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mefit · 3 years
A cup of coffee in the morning can help you feel more energized, elevate your mood, and stay awake. A coffee vending machine is an ideal way to distribute coffee and increase workplace efficiency at the push of a button. If you want to run a profitable coffee vending machine business. MeFit Vending provides San Jose vending machines. Visit us or call for best services at affordable quotes.
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cherise54 · 1 year
Cherise - Automating the daily cuppa
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Automating the daily cuppa From Cherise Global. The difference between the Cherise India machine and others is the kind of investment and manpower that has gone into its development and support, Shah explained. Shah added that he put together a team that included mechatronic specialists with a view to building, supporting, and maintaining their smart IoT and android-based vending machine which is an integral part of Cherise’s farm-to-cup ecosystem. Visit Website
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Buy Best Coffee Makers Online at Best Prices
Discover a world of aromatic delight with our collection of the best espresso coffee machine for home available online. Elevate your mornings with the perfect brew, all at unbeatable prices. Whether you prefer the convenience of single-serve machines or the rich flavor from drip coffee makers, we have the ideal option for you. Experience innovation and style as you explore our range, featuring leading brands and cutting-edge technology. Start your day right with the finest coffee makers that promise both quality and affordability. Shop now and embark on a journey to create barista-worthy beverages from the comfort of your home.
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pabrikcoldstorage · 3 years
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0895396089651~ JASA KONTRAKTOR COLD STORAGE TANJUNGPINANG Kepulauan Riau (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1134104936-0895396089651%7E-jasa-kontraktor-cold-storage?
 kami adalah Perusahaan yang sudah didirikan dari tahun 1995, dengan pengalaman dalam usaha berbasis pendingin sejak tahun 80an merupakan perjalanan yang cukup berharga untuk lebih mendalami dan melakukan inovasi teknologi dan penerapannya hingga dapat menjadi pelopor dan leader dalam usaha pendingin atau refrigerasi. Perusahaan kami dipercaya karena memiliki SDM yang ahli dibidang pendingin yang bekerja profesional dan didukung dengan suku cadang yang berkualitas.
 Bisnis utama CV. Bina Teknik adalah bergerak dalam bidang pendingin yang telah dirintis sejak tahun 90an. Kegiatan yang terkait dengan bidang bisnis kami adalah :
 -          Consultan (Advice)
-          Design and Planning
-          Install and Commissioning
-          Supplier
-          Contract Service
-          Joint Technical Operation
Jenis pelayanan dari Produk kami adalah :
-         Air Blast Freezer (ABF)
-         Cold Storage
-         Chilling room
-         Antee Room
-         Contact Freezer
-         Ice Maker
-         Commercial Refrigeration
-         Morgue Refrigeration ( Pendingin Jenazah )
-         Insulation knock down panel for many function : hygienic processing plan, cleaning room, insulated container etc
Komitmen CV. Bina Teknik dalam memberikan pelayan prima serta selalu mengedepankan mutu dan profesionalisme, karenanya perusahaan selalu menggunakan suku cadang yang sudah terjamin kualitasnya. Merek-merek suku cadang yang digunakan adalah :
 Bitzer | Manurope | Tecumseh | Copeland |Bristol |Frigair | Muller | Searle | Guntner | Green Halgh (GCA) | Roller | Frigabon | Bristol | Alco/Emerson/Castel | Danfoss | Dupont / Forane – refrigerants
 Pemesanan: CV.BINA TEKNIK – SIDOARJO 0895396089651
                          TANJUNGPINANG Kepulauan Riau
Pabrik jual cold storage room Tanjungpinang | Pabrik jual cold storage room Bengkalis | Pabrik jual cold storage room Indragiri Hilir | Pabrik jual cold storage room Indragiri Hulu | Pabrik jual cold storage room Tembilahan | Pabrik jual cold storage room Rengat | Pabrik jual cold storage room Kampar | Pabrik jual cold storage room Bangkinang | Pabrik jual cold storage room Kepulauan Meranti | Pabrik jual cold storage room Selatpanjang | Pabrik jual cold storage room Kuantan Singingi | Pabrik jual cold storage room Teluk Kuantan | Pabrik jual cold storage room Pelalawan | Pabrik jual cold storage room Kerinci | Pabrik jual cold storage room Rokan Hilir | Pabrik jual cold storage room Bagansiapiapi | Pabrik jual cold storage room Rokan Hulu | Pabrik jual cold storage room Siak | Pabrik jual cold storage room Siak Sri Indrapura | Pabrik jual cold storage room Dumai
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jasacoldstorage · 3 years
kami adalah Perusahaan yang sudah didirikan dari tahun 1995, dengan pengalaman dalam usaha berbasis pendingin sejak tahun 80an merupakan perjalanan yang cukup berharga untuk lebih mendalami dan melakukan inovasi teknologi dan penerapannya hingga dapat menjadi pelopor dan leader dalam usaha pendingin atau refrigerasi. Perusahaan kami dipercaya karena memiliki SDM yang ahli dibidang pendingin yang bekerja profesional dan didukung dengan suku cadang yang berkualitas.
 Bisnis utama CV. Bina Teknik adalah bergerak dalam bidang pendingin yang telah dirintis sejak tahun 90an. Kegiatan yang terkait dengan bidang bisnis kami adalah :
 -          Consultan (Advice)
-          Design and Planning
-          Install and Commissioning
-          Supplier
-          Contract Service
-          Joint Technical Operation
Jenis pelayanan dari Produk kami adalah :
-         Air Blast Freezer (ABF)
-         Cold Storage
-         Chilling room
-         Antee Room
-         Contact Freezer
-         Ice Maker
-         Commercial Refrigeration
-         Morgue Refrigeration ( Pendingin Jenazah )
-         Insulation knock down panel for many function : hygienic processing plan, cleaning room, insulated container etc
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oneofthemillionarmy · 4 years
The Impossible Order | Ch.2
Summary line: Mr. Min is a stoic boss who will never outwardly show appreciation for you. Not until you’re gone does he recognize how much you do. And what you do matters to him.
ceo!Yoongi | best.friend!Hoseok | romance, fluff, angst, and stuff
Loosely inspired by Secretary Kim and this third bullet point of the prompt list
Last chapter
Last night, one of the Peruvian suppliers was able to promise 250 ct worth of tourmaline, but it would be delivered in two weeks rather than the originally intended week and a half. Knowing your boss is one for deadlines and punctuality, you believe he’d prefer Hestia Sourcing. Despite your own gut telling you that Peruvian Treasures will pay off in the long run. Regardless of the turnaround time from your main supplier, the 200 ct in two weeks will keep the remaining four projects afloat before the regular shipment. However, you still report the remaining two supplier response and quotes, also providing your own input. Mr. Min says he prefers Hestia; as expected.
“How goes the status on our tourmaline crisis?” Mr. Min asks as he sips on his third cup of coffee this morning.
“Hestia Sourcing has already been officially contacted for their shipment of tourmaline to arrive in a week and a half. Jimin is currently working with Kim Taehyung on the new design for the frame. Seokjin has already crafted two other designs for you to look at today before he meets with Yoo Jae Suk tomorrow. Beyoncé loves alexandrite, but the tourmaline was intended to match with her costumer designer’s vision for the Met Gala, so he’s unwilling to make changes. Your father had already ok’d the change for your parent’s anniversary gift, so we can switch their gemstones with alexandrite instead. The JP team has already started working on the mold for the Jubilee. And marketing just emailed me the final draft for the letter to the customers and PR is still working with marketing for the ethically sourced advertisement. They are utilizing internet ad platforms, both short clip video ads and on social media.” You handed him your tablet for him to read over the final draft letter and Seokjin’s designs.
“Tell marketing to go ahead with the letter. Also, tell Seokjin that I would also like to see his first design with silver instead of rose gold.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.”
“Today I’m meeting with Jasper and Jester Industries over Zoom at 12:30. Tell the tech team I want to use the hologram projector during this meeting because we’re showing them the prototype today. Speaking of prototype, I need to see the prototype from the TP team by 10. Go to L’Orange today for lunch today; I want the lamb chops. James and Soobin will be coming at 1:30 to go over the purchasing of the mine sites for the cobalt mining. Check back in with me at 2 on the Kim Taehyung project and the marketing strategy. I want to see Seokjin’s new designs by 3. And check with our supply team if we’re maintaining our upkeep of inventory. If not, I need a list before 11 this morning along with suppliers’ response for turnaround time and quotes.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.” You had your hands clasped behind your back the entire time.
“Another coffee please.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.” Without another word, you step out and take out your recorder. You play back his directives as you get the coffee.
“Hey, Hoseok.” You sigh as you pour hot water into your instant noodle bowl for lunch.
“Hey, Sunshine.” You chuckle. If the either of you were the sunshine, it’d be him.
“How’s Yeontan?”
“He’s fine. The vet says that he’s a little underfed, but otherwise, he’s still the most adorable Yeontan-ie that has ever lived.” Hoseok gushes at the puppy in his lap as he drives on his way back to his home. Hoseok will be holding onto Yeontan until the weekend.
“Ok. That’s good news. Was he good at the vet?”
“He hates the vet. You should know that better than I do. I was a dog catcher for 30 minutes. And he caused a whole waiting room full of dogs into a frenzy. Did you know that one of the people there brought their snake? I hate those. Yeontan almost fought a snake! You have no idea how hard it was for me to finally grab Yeontan before anything drastic happened.” You laugh as he goes on about his heroic deed of saving your pup from a snake.
“You did very well. Thank you, Hoseok.”
“Never mind that, Blessings. Hey. Are you coming over today after work?”
“I might. My boss has been very extra today. Every ten minutes, his chat bubble pops up adding 3 more things to do. But honestly, with the amount of things going on today, he shouldn’t have anything else left to do tonight. I might actually get off work on time.
“Good. Good. ‘Cause I was thinking –“ before Hoseok can finish his words, you hear the sound of a car swerve.
“Hoseok? You ok?”
“Yeah. Some idiot w-“ and the line cut off.
At 12:15, you were nowhere to be found. You left a message to Yoongi that you had to take the day off. Everything you were requested to do was already set in motion like a Rube Goldberg machine. You texted him saying that there are cups and cups of coffee in the fridge ready for him. If he wants hot, he’ll have to wait another day. And as promised, everything Yoongi needed was here. He had everything he needed. You just weren’t there to provide it.
“Where’s Y/N?” Seokjin asks as he comes in at 3pm like clockwork, “I would’ve thought she’d give me that 20-minute warning like she always does when I have a meeting with you.” She does that?
“I don’t know. She took a half day. I haven’t seen her since 11 or something.” Yoongi says nonchalantly as he looks over the Seokjin’s work. Seokjin just blinks at that before he starts slowly, “That’s not like her. Is everything ok? Do you know what happened?”
“It’s just not like her to –“
“I like it better in silver this way.” Yoongi cuts him off, gesturing to the new designs.
“Heh. Yeah, Y/N said you would. I wanted to show you the rose gold one first anyway.” Seokjin chuckles as he sits down across the table from him, “Speaking of Y/N,” I wasn’t speaking about her…, “You got the supplies list for JP, TP, and HP, right? She told me you were working with the cobalt mine sites today. She told me to tell you that since cobalt is one of the supplies on the list, and the mine site wouldn’t be ready just yet, she contacted 3 different cobalt miners and selected Arrows for the cobalt supply.”
“She should’ve come to me first about the different miners. We have our upcoming product from HP –“
“The ceramic tiles for Ms. James’ bathroom. Yeah. She contacted HP. They require 300 g and Arrows is the only one with the adequate amount of supply. It will be here in 5 days.” Seokjin stands up and walks over to Yoongi’s kitchen, “All the other suppliers have been contacted. She sent me the list and wants me to report it to you.”
“You’re just a designer for the jewelry department,” Yoongi says as he looks through his email to see if you sent him any recent emails. Nothing.
“Give me some credit. I’ve got a brain and it’s used for more than just designing. Don’t forget, before I was a designer, I was also your assistant too.”
“Yeah, a pretty bad one.” Yoongi snorts. It’s why he needed you.
“We were just a startup! We literally just graduated then.” Seokjin protests as he come back over and sets down a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of Yoongi.
“I thought Y/N only had iced ones left.”
“She did, but she instructed me to heat up one for you before we go over the list with you.” Seokjin scoots his chair closer as he whips out his tablet to bring up the supplies list, “And one for after.”
“Mr. Jung has suffered a serious blow to the head and is currently unconscious. We don’t know when he will wake at this point. His left arm has scarring from the glass shatters from the window when the car was impacted. His left leg has a hairline fracture and the patella was dislocated but has already been set back. Luckily, his left leg is the worst of the limbs. There’s bruising on the right thigh and right elbow also has bruising. The bruises are likely from holding on to the dog during impact. His right arm has some muscle tears do to strain.
“Right now, our biggest concern is when he will wake up. He had internal bleeding in the brain but the blood has been removed and there’s no clotting, in his brain or anywhere near his spine. Everything is where it needs to be, and there’s nothing that indicated long term brain damage or trauma. But we won’t know for sure until he wakes up.” The doctor nods his head and leaves.
You sniff as you cross your arms, staring at your best friend lying in the hospital bed. His head is wrapped as well as his left arm. His left leg is currently suspended in its cast. By his left eyes and cheeks, are massive bruises that still look sticky and gooey.
If only I didn’t let him take Yeontan…
“How’s my dog?”
“We checked in with the vet hospital nearby. Your dog has no extreme injuries, only mild bruising. The doctor wants him to stay overnight for observation.” The nurse reports to you. You shiver from the lonely air of the hospital.
“You can go in and see the patient right now, but please do not touch him. And visiting hours will be over in 40 minutes.” The nurse gently reminds you before you nod, thanking the nurse and heading in.
Walking towards Hoseok, your nose feels the burn as tears well up in your eyes. Before you even reach Hoseok’s bed, the tears already overflow out.
“I’m so sorry Hoseok. This is my fault.” And he’s a dancer too…oh my God, he’s a dancer….his limbs…
Your tears quickly turn into hysterical sobs, thinking too many things at once. Your greatest prayer is that he wakes up and he is completely healed. You start hyperventilating so you sit down and take deep breaths.
Although you were instructed not to touch him, you couldn’t resist to at least clutch to the hospital blankets next to his right hand, your knuckles touching each other’s.
“Please wake up, Hoseok. I’ll never have you do anything else for me. I’m sorry if I ever took advantage of you. Please know that I never once took you for granted. You are my dearest friend and I don’t want anyone else for a best friend. I promise to hug you more. I promise to cook for you. I’ll do it at your house. You don’t have to come to mine. I’ll clean up my mess after too. I’m here for you, I promise. I really am. I’m not leaving you, I swear to God. Please just wake up and be ok. You’re gonna be ok. I promise.” You turn to look to the hospital window to make sure no one sees you. You grab his right hand and lean down to kiss it, “Please wake up.”
Your phone in your pocket vibrates and you take it out.
The board members meeting is tomorrow at 8am. Please gather the data and reports from the teams ready by 6am. I will look over it before the meeting.
“Fuck you. No. Not now.” You grit your teeth and put the phone back in the pocket.
Your tears are both sad and angry now, but you know you need to calm down. Nothing drastic.
You take a couple deep breaths before you wipe your tears and take your phone out again to write an email. You look up as you think for a moment. Make that three.
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Next chapter
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burntcheesepita · 4 years
new beginning
pairing: ryan howard/reader
warnings: none
wordcount: 1209
a/n: idk this idea has been bouncing around in my head. takes place right after ryan took up jim’s job. tell if u want a part 2 ayyy
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You were a new temp stretching your legs in quality assurance, mostly to keep an eye on Creed. You quickly learned that the old man was pretty much completely senile, but absolutely refused to leave, and that you might be stuck at this office job a lot longer than expected.
Everyone was more or less easy enough to get along with, and you noticed that one particular salesman seemed to take interest in you. Ryan smiled at you whenever you met is eyes, and one day noticed you getting your favorite cookies out of the vending machine and since then had always “accidentally ended up with an extra bag” of them that “the stupid machine spit out” that he’d give you just about everyday. To get even, you stood behind him one day in the kitchen and watched him make his coffee. He had turned to you when he was done and asked, “What’s up?” to which you had smiled and said, “Oh, nothing.” and walked away.
And thus began your strange ritual: you made him coffee in the morning and he bought you cookies at lunch. And during lunch, even on your first day as the odd one out, he sat next to you and made friendly conversation. You talked about college, his MBA and your BFA, and how to deal with loans without immediately having a panic attack. You’d talk about what it was like growing up poor near Philadelphia in contrast to Ryan’s middle-class upbringing in Scranton. You discussed the most recent Quentin Tarantino movies, you found Ryan’s somewhat pretentious criticisms endearing. He told you about his love of jazz and how he played saxophone in highschool, you countered with your love of 90s girl grunge and how you taught yourself to play guitar. He liked playing video games and you told him you were really only familiar with Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog.
He’d sit near you during Micheal’s superfluous meetings and generally seemed magnetically drawn to you.
During work hours, he went out of his way to ask you questions about the company’s paper suppliers, the difference between one type of paper to another, even how it was made, all for the sake of “helping a client.”
All of this to the dismay of Kelly.
Kelly didn’t seem mad at you as much as the fact that Ryan obviously liked being around you, and told you horror stories. How he always seemed nice at first, but that was to reel you in. He refused to commit. He was disinterested in dates and the wants and needs of his now ex girlfriend (her). He ignores calls and texts. He’s actually mean and manipulative when you get to know him for real. He only wants sex.
You had noticed Ryan had some contempt for Kelly. He tried to wiggle his way out of any conversation she tried to loop him into.
You thought you were getting along with Ryan just fine. Still, you had no idea what to think. You knew very well that guys could be very sweet one minute and absolutely vicious the next. Bad men don’t always seem like bad men at first.
You were thinking about this when you noticed Ryan get up from his desk near reception and walk toward the bathrooms.
You seized the moment, quickly shuffling over to Pam. She smiled at you and you smiled back and said, “Just came over to steal some of your jellybeans.”
You had gotten along with Pam very easily. she was sweet and helpful and you were her newest confidant in office pranks since Jim left. You figured that she might have some insight into Ryan and Kelly’s past relationship. Both of them would be unreliable sources and, most of all, you didn’t wanna scandalize Ryan by asking him if it was true that he was actually awful.
Pam continued to work as you chewed on a stale cherry jellybean.
“Oh, yuck,” you groaned quietly and Pam looked up.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Actually, I have a question. Should I go out with Ryan?”
Her expression went blank for a moment before she said, “I mean, he’s really nice to you. I think he might really like you.”
“Really?” you inquired, “Kelly was telling me some terrible things and….”
Pam considered this before answering, “Yeah, they weren’t great together. Ryan never really liked her now that I think about it. She can be a hard person to deal with.“
“What happened?”
“Jim had set them up, actually. He told me Ryan just wanted to have fun and Kelly wanted a committed relationship. But Kelly wouldn’t leave him alone after they hooked up and the whole thing just sort of spiraled out of control.”
You nodded slowly. “Do you think he actually likes me? Or he just wants a hookup?”
“I’m gonna be honest, he’s been far nicer to you than anyone else in this office. Kevin thinks you’re already hooking up.”
You raised your brows at her and giggled.
Just then, you heard the kitchen door open, and Ryan sauntered back to his desk. You smiled at him and was about to make your way back to your own desk when he said, “Come over here a second.”
You glanced at Pam, who shrugged suggestively at you, and you went to lean against his desk next to him. You crossed your arms and looked down at him expectantly.
He pretended to shuffle around his desk, finding a piece of paper and a pen. He looked back up at you and grinned, “Can you tell me the difference between A4 and letter-sized again? I forgot to write it down before and I can’t remember it.”
You quirked your brows at him, “Is that really what you’d like to ask me?”
His bright blue eyes lit up, “Oh, yeah, actually. Wanna come over to my place for dinner? Maybe we could play some video games together.”
You giggled. Video games and dinner? Whatever, you’d take it. “Sure,” you say, running your fingers over his hand where it sat on his desk, “Maybe you could show my some of your signature moves.”
He flushed.
The rest of the day, you were full of butterflies. You paid absolutely no attention to Creed and instead spent your time teasing Ryan. You loved the way he became flustered whenever you would put you hand on his shoulder or winked at him from across the room. No one really cared for the flirting, but at least Pam thought it was funny. She told you that you could be a good influence on him and liked seeing Ryan soften up to a girl instead of being dismissive or overly interested in hooking up. She had said that sometimes when he wants something superficial from a girl, he can become a little strange and overbearing. But you seemed to turn his brain to mush.
You thought about how your little date might go. You could already tell from your time spent with Ryan that he often had a hard time asserting himself and his feelings, but was open to brag about anything he found clout-worthy. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as Kelly says once he’s in the right environment.
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