#coeurl rp
chill-bunn-sage · 8 months
📚☕️It’s that time of week again! NovelTea is opening tonight from 8:30pm-11:30pm EST!☕️📚
✨Stop by for good books, good snacks, and a comfy place to rest awhile✨
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Try Outs! Coming Soon.
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Cross Realm Wrestling,
is on the way;
But before we can have our season, we need a cast. Do you think you have what it takes to be part of the crew?
Not only do we need wrestlers, there's many roles in and around the ringside, not just the 'stars' of the show. Managers, ring staff, side kicks.
For more information, find us on Discord; there you can communicate with the current wrestlers and staff, spitball ideas with your fellow try-out competitors, you could even find the perfect partner for your tag team!
Registration is taking place now! If you want to come by the try-outs and see what it's all about, then stop on by January 14th 7pm EST.
Balmung, Mists, Ward 17, Plot 29, 7 PM!
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nightraid-hq · 6 months
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The hustle and bustle makes itself known within the Silver Bazaar, trails of carts and wagons from all kinds of regions set up shop to show off their wares and provide their services! We are putting together a market befitting those who seek adventure, travel, supplies, hunting, food, combat and more!
Accepting vendors, fortunetellers, games, bards, and other services pertaining to the above! (Please keep it SFW!)
✨ WHEN: SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th @ 9PM-12AM EST! ✨ WHERE: The Silver Bazaar, Western Thanalan [x16, y29] ✨ STALLS: huntersbazaar.carrd.co
Join the discord if you're interested in signing on for future stalls! https://discord.gg/SnjZWRf
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tetsuro-wulf · 2 months
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WHERE: [Coeurl] Doman Enclave WHEN: Saturday, August 31st @9PM EST
Friends and loved ones come together in this celebration of our ancestors, a festival of cherished memories and blessed times. We gather at the Obon Odori to celebrate with friends, family, and community.
We start our evening with the Segaki, a ritual to help repel the hungry gaki, pacifying their hunger so that we might celebrate in peace. Shortly after our markets open, during the open markets feel free to peruse our lovely vendors, enjoy snacks, and merchandise, and participate in constructing your very own lantern! Please listen to our honored guests recite their tales during our Storytelling then join us in the Bon dance, a celebratory dance. Finally, we take our lanterns in loving hands and head to the docks where we will set them afloat down the One River, sending our ancestors back to their slumber until the next time.
🏮 Currently seeking storytellers, fortune tellers, vendors, and volunteers to help run lantern construction. Want to keep up with festival announcements? Join our discord and sign up: https://discord.gg/etVHHBjtrb
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odisauv · 4 months
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《Mun-Tuy Beans》 is a Crystal RP Fellowship/Discord for people from Gridania and the Black Shroud! This includes Hyur, Wildwoods, Duskwights, Keepers of the Moon, and more!
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taebeast · 7 months
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Kugane Night Market
Thursday March 7th
Twilight falls over Kugane and all is well, the streets emptying as the people make their way to their homes seeking the solace of their beds. This evening, however, is not like any other. A sweet smell hangs on the crisp night air and distant music draws you in like a siren's call. You turn the corner and there it is glittering in the darkness. Mesmerized, you make your way between the stalls, laughter echoing in your ears. You ask a passerby where you are and he hands you a mask, his smile wider than his face.
"Welcome," he says. "Welcome to the Kugane Night Market."
Ghosts and spirits, yokai and mortals, as well as those who seek the fantastic or uncanny, all find their way here to the patterned stalls of the Night Market. Whatever you may desire, you will find it here. Every desire has it's price and those who are not willing to pay will find the cost extracted in ways they may not expect. Learn well the rules of this eldritch occasion: mind your manners, wear a mask, and always be sure to be long gone before the market fades back from whence it came lest you find that curiosity too has it's cost.
Want to participate or keep up with announcements? Join our discord: https://discord.com/invite/r2BrMJxXCq
When: Thursday March 7th [First Thursday of the month] | 8pm EST
Where: Coeurl server, Kugane, Rakuza District
Carrd: https://kugane-night-market.carrd.co/
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the-dancing-coeurl · 6 months
E'venna Zekiel
The Dancing Coeurl
"Not much to say bout me, really. Just livin' day by day, lookin' after my family. But hey, if you ever wanna sparrin' partner swing by the Pugilist's Guild! Or, or, if you wanna see a REAL good show stop by the Coliseum, my fight's tonight!"
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Hello, and thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm Hazel and this is one of my alt characters for FFXIV. My pronouns are he/him, I'm an early 20's college student still trying to figure out what to do with my life, but I'm getting there!
I'm still very new to roleplaying but I've always had a ton of thoughts and ideas about my characters so this blog is both to help consolidate those thoughts and to also share them with anyone who wants to see them.
E'venna's Carrd cannot be found anywhere as I haven't made one yet lmao. It'll get done...eventually. The blog for my main XIV character can be found here however:
Hazel Kha
I'm situated on Zalera (Crystal) and spend most of my time either raiding or taking GPose shots, but regardless I look forward to seeing everyone around the great, vast star we find ourselves on.
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About E'venna
E'venna Zekiel, eldest daughter of Eshaya Vant. After her father was tempered by Ifrit and subsequently killed, she took it upon herself to help her mother care for her younger siblings.
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It wasn't an easy road to get where she and her family are now. Caring for her four younger siblings, including three triplets, was no easy task. E'venna began her "career" in Ul'dah in back alley fights, she's always been scrappy in a brawl. After getting into an impromptu fight outside the Pugilist's Guild she was offered membership, and upon joining took it upon herself to partake in Coliseum matches.
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Her golden hair and nimble fighting style earned her the nickname "The Dancing Coeurl" from spectators. While some of her family members disapprove of E'venna's line of work she can't imagine herself doing anything but. She's found her place, and that's in the ring.
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Prompt #23: On Cloud Nine
Griffons!   It’s been too long since she’s danced with them.  Far, far too long.  It was the right time of year to catch a young one too and tame it.  The hatchlings would be old enough to be easy to feed but young enough to not be too set in their ways.  It was harder to train them than from the egg, but from the egg was a lot easier to lose the chick and a lot harder to train them to hunt and fly.  Of course, hunting them now had the problem of having to deal with the parents.  But, that was part of the fun!  Nothing was as thrilling as dropping down onto a griffin’s back to force them to the ground. 
“You’re insane.”, Lokh said for at least the tenth time since they started out for the cliffs outside Gyr Abania this morning.  “Uhhuh, and that’s why you love me.”, Mina grins at him before standing on tippy toe to plant a kiss on his cheek.  A put upon groan and an eyeroll that didn’t match his smile was Lokh’s response, tone both worried and playful, “You’re going to get us killed.”  “Nahh, Cethin already agreed to the hunt.  He’s looking forward to it even when we spoke last night.”  “That does not make me feel any better.” “It should, your ass won’t die!”  A swat at Mina’s rear that she deftly dodges, “I like yours better.” “Good, watch my back then.”  “I’m alvays vatching your back..” “I don’t mean my backside, Lokh.”  
A soft chuckle and the man falls silent, looking up at the sky with a furrowed brow.  Griffons.  Right.  “I don’t see any.” “It’s nap time for them.  We’ll see them soon enough.  Wait down here, I’ll get ‘em out of the nest, you grab the hatchling.” “I vould feel better if I vas the bait.” “Trust me darlin’, you can’t do what I can as bait.” “I vouldn’t be so sure of that.” “I am, you’ll see.” A much put upon sigh and a grunt, Lokh reaching out to pull Mina close.  “You vill be careful.” A protest came to her lips until Mina looked up and saw the worry lurking in his silver eyes and her expression softened and she let herself be drawn in close against his chest.  “I’ll be careful, I promise.”   The two miqo’te stared at each other for a long moment, words were still hard between them sometimes.  Instead they let their eyes speak for each other and then the tender kiss that had the promise of fire lingering in it that followed.  “Good.  Now go get your chicken.”  “Chicken?!?  Lokh, it’s a griffon not a chicken.”  “Eh, one bird is like another.  Chicken, griffon, they sound the same.”, Lokh trying to keep from laughing as he teased. A swat to his tail with her own, Mina giving Lokh a playful glare as she pulled away.  “Not even close.  If you or Cethin tries to eat my griffon, I’ll skin you both.”  A whispery voice in both their minds answers, ”You promised me a meal, kitten.” “Yes, but not my griffon! You’ll get your meal soon, Cethin.  I did promise.  But I’d better hurry, or they will wake up before I get there.”  And with that the Seeker was off and running, up the cliff that had no visible path but the one that her former tribe knew by heart.  It was time to fly! 
Lokh belongs to @realmoffantasy
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ffxivhimiko · 8 months
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Sunny winter day, let’s see how the spring unfolds.
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novel-tea-cafe · 8 months
☕️📚Welcome to the official sideblog for NovelTea!📚☕️
All announcements, events, menus, and screenshots regarding the cafe will go here!
Here is the carrd proper for the usual opening times: https://novel-tea-cafe.carrd.co/#menu
And if you have any questions or want to use the venue outside of opening hours, feel free to send an ask or a DM!
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senkoblogs · 1 year
I should get back into FFXIV RP, the only thing is that my sleep schedule is totally different these days so I can't stay up for prime NA time anymore
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chill-bunn-sage · 8 months
📚☕️It’s that time of week again! NovelTea is opening tonight from 7:30pm-10:30pm EST!☕️📚
✨💖Along with our usual menu, we also have a small Valentione’s menu available for the moon, you can take a look right here💖✨
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To Cross Realm Wrestling.
CRW /kru:/ is coming to you live from the Crystal Data Center!
Come and watch as wrestlers of all shapes and sizes, from all over Hydaelyn near, far, and beyond! As they square off head-to-head in all out brawls; fighting for the chance to take home the championship belt!
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Discord: https://discord.gg/CKUq3tvq83
Carrd: https://crw.carrd.co/#
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crwffxiv
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nightraid-hq · 10 months
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The holidays have made their way to NightRaid's yard! Celebrate it with the Network in a little starlight wonderland upon the front yard, filled with caroling, warm foods, markets, and joy! Dress up warm for the Starlight spirit!
🪙Markets: Shopping for a Starlight gift to yourself or a loved one? Visit our mini markets! If you'd like to run a vendor, sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/nraidstalls
☃️ Craft Ornaments: Craft your own ornament and make a wish! Hang it on the NightRaid tree!
☕Foods: Check out the food stall providing fresh coco and warm Starlight treats!
🎅 Santa: Father Starlight shall arrive later in the eve for those who want to pose or take photos with him!
❄️ WHEN: Fri, December 15th @ 9PM EST ❄️ WHERE: Coeurl | Shirogane W25 P46 ❄️ CYTUBE: https://cytu.be/r/NightRaid
Should you have any questions, dm okamidad via discord or join our server here: discord.gg/nightraidnetwork
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tetsuro-wulf · 11 months
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SUMMER SEASON IS HERE! Odoru-ha is newly formed two-day far eastern swords festival known as the 'Dancing Blades Tournament'. The chance for samurai to show off their skills as swordsman, and represent their backgrounds or clans! Those interested in the sword, and those willing to fight are welcome to join and sign up! There will be vendors, taiko drums, flying banners and more! Celebrate swordsmanship with your true colors. Spectators, eastern clans, and samurai enthusiasts welcome! The meeting of clans is encouraged!
⚔️ DAY ONE: Saturday, August 24, 8:00 PM EST ⚔️ DAY TWO: Sunday, August 25, 8:00 PM EST ⚔️ WHERE: COEURL | Kugane Sekiseigumi Barracks ⚔️ MUSIC: https://cytu.be/r/NightRaid CARRD TBA! STAY TUNED FOR INFORMATION! ✨✨
Join the discord for updates!: https://discord.gg/3vAgECgTn
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blood-ink · 1 year
Hide-and-seek RP event!
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Something's up with Maolin. Where's he gone off to? More details to follow...
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