blood-ink · 11 months
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WIP, sketch. Really want to get this done digitally. Updated as we go.
Inspired by this tiktok
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blood-ink · 11 months
Xe'ro'xa: Maolin, dear, would you love me even if I was a man?
Maolin: (without hesitation) of course I would.
X: Really?
M: Yes. You are the love of my life. It doesn't matter what your gender is.
X: Well that's very sweet of you.
M: I ask the same hypothetical question to you: would you still love me if I was a woman?
X: Of course I would!
Meanwhile in a parallel universe
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blood-ink · 11 months
This would be Xe'ro'xa saying this to Maolin:
"Show me where they hurt you.
Show me the places you hide,
where you still bleed
from wounds you did not ask for
(yes, even that one).
Show me what you're most afraid of.
Show me what robs you of sleep,
what steals your peace in the deep of night.
Show me your 3am thoughts,
where your tears go to hide.
Show me what moves you
down to the marrow,
the dreams you dare not speak of.
Show me how you dance when you're alone.
Show me you ... the real you:
unfiltered, bruised,
haunted, healing,
brave, broken,
defeated, invincible.
Show me every version of you.
I want to know them all.
I want to love them all."
Poem written by Stefanie Briar, The Words That Made Us Immortal
What is a poem you would tie to your wol(oc) or wolship?
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blood-ink · 11 months
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What is your fixation on water?
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You chase after a ghost of a fantasy. A vague and esoteric vision eroded by time.
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But, I guess, there are worse things to put belief into.
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blood-ink · 11 months
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blood-ink · 11 months
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blood-ink · 11 months
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blood-ink · 11 months
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blood-ink · 11 months
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And how many more will succumb to their fate?
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No matter what they do, no matter how hard they try to change their future, it will always end this way.
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We're scripted to this fate. Bound by it eternally.
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We are not condemned to be free.
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For free will is but an illusion.
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...but we must act as if it matters.
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blood-ink · 11 months
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blood-ink · 1 year
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blood-ink · 1 year
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blood-ink · 1 year
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blood-ink · 1 year
[Introductions] (FFXIV)
A lone researcher sits stiff and patient at a coffee table at the cafe window. The morning light beams through the bushes of wild flowers and decorative greenery, creating a scattering of irregular shaped light and shadow across the table and statuesque figure. Nothing besides the porcelain tea set and two tea cups of warm tea remains on the table. The lone researcher turns his cyan eyes across the cafe, scanning for his fellow researcher that was assigned to him just last night. His austere face wrinkled as he heard the doors swing open. A more relaxed individual stepped in with flowing locks of white and pale blue. The statued researcher moves suddenly, determined to make and keep eye contact with the person he recognized as his new associate.
"You're late," he said grumpily.
"You know, people usually say 'good morning Hemera' or 'how're you doing today?'"
"But in this instance, you are late for our initial meeting. It does not give a very good first impression."
"Well, don't make the meeting so early in the morning then."
Hemera took a seat opposite of her new associate and slumped in front of an empty tea cup. "You're Erebus, right?"
"Correct." confirmed Erebus.
"Any idea why The Convocation put us together for this project?"
Erebus cleared his throat, "The Convocation assigns their brightest minds together for projects that align with previous experience or aptitude. For you, I presume for your work on The Janus Project. Excellent work, by the way."
"Oh, uh, thanks." Hemera didn't expect a commendation from someone that just reprimanded her for tardiness.
"And I assume that your contribution to the Tartarus Project made you a perfect candidate for whatever we're working on today?" Hemera scoffed and leaned back in her chair.
"Actually, no, I was recommended by none other than Hades to work on this." Erebus frowned. "I assume this is some sort of penance for somehow offending him in some way."
Hemera giggled, "So you two are friends?"
Erebus glared with a furrowed brow.
Hemera adjusted her robes and half mask dangling beneath her collar. "So what do you know about Hermes?"
"He likes birds." Erebus stated quickly and matter of factly.
"Does he? Oh avian creatures are quite lovely." Hemera cracked a smile hoping to make some kind of banter between her and Erebus. Instead, she found an uncomfortable silence between them and the now lukewarm tea.
"Unfortunately," Erebus broke the silence. "That is all I know of him. His fondness for avians. And that he's hired us to work with him on this new project of his."
The door swung open again. A dark haired man sporting his mask looked out towards the small few islands of conversation happening in the cafe. "Azem?" he calls out. Both Erebus and Hemera turn to see who called.
"Here!" They both say in unison. The man makes his way to the two seated Azem's.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted your morning tea. My name is Hermes."
Erebus shot up and extended his hand professionally. "It is good to finally meet you, Hermes." Hermes had a confused look on his face as he smiled politely to Erebus. He then turned to look at Hemera who was still seated. "I'm sorry, are you both Azem?" Hermes asked openly for either to answer.
"More of a title than a name after all." Hemera chuckled. "There's a lot of us that go by that name 'Azem', but you can call me Hemera." She gave Hermes a playful wink.
"And-" Hermes looked back at Erebus who was still shaking his hand.
"Oh, my apologies," Erebus released Hermes' hand. "You may call me Erebus."
"Well, now that introductions have been made, I would like to get straight to business." Hermes spied a nearby vacant chair and slid it over his way to place himself between his newly acquainted associates.
"It's something I've been working on for quite some time. I call it Kairos."
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blood-ink · 1 year
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Ural owl
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blood-ink · 1 year
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blood-ink · 1 year
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