prcdigic · 4 years
pet shop : tears a mouse apart giorno : 
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tears-like-snow · 4 years
coelcstis started following you
 Burning eyes like melting azurites.
That was what caught her attention when she noticed someone in the shadows. They brunt and glowed and shinned in the darkness in a way she had never seen before. And yet that looming figure in the darkness never once made a move to attack her. Apart of her wondered why…yet oddly enough she was content with the company, even if it was from a demon looming to take her soul.
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“….You have sad eyes....” Came her quiet whisper, calm and gentle even in her uncertainty.
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xresistance · 5 years
@nacphilim​ | Spark & Go
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Go dozes lightly, a pile of tiny vulpix in the nest of his folded legs. He jerks awake at a whine but it was only one of the kits kicking in its sleep. Sleepily he blinks a couple times before looking upwards and spotting his leader hovering. He rubs at an eye with the heel of a hand, grimacing when he realizes some milk was sticky and lingering on his cheek.
“I’m not sleeping,” he grumbles, realizing his legs have gone entirely numb. “Was just resting my eyes.”
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starprint · 4 years
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   𝕌ℕℙℝ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕋𝔼𝔻  𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔼  • always accepting          |    @coelcstis​​​  ⤸  
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dio •     "what are you prepared to do?" questioned the vampire, tone expectant of an answer that would please. "have i not made it clear that failure is not an option?" 
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    ❛   you------   ❜     how   dare   she  ‼   oh how her pride had almost caused the woman to snap in the face of danger ;   but it was a wound still so terribly sore .   mariah didn’t lose .   no ,   never ‼   it disgusted her to no end .   that joseph joestar had made a complete fool out of her !!   had he just died like she’d planned ,   she wouldn’t be in this mess .   even with her broken bones ,   left out of commission for weeks ,   she had returned ;   she had come back .   was that not proof enough of the loyalty she had towards dio ⁇   failure  ...  failure  ...   she didn’t fail !!    ❛   let me kill that joestar ,   allow me another chance lord dio ,   and i won’t fail .   never .   ❜    her calm demeanour was cracking ;   a desperation not like her beginning to show itself .   she grits her teeth together .   what an ugly display .   the woman’s fists clench and unclench by her side ,   kneading her coat with her sharp nails as she forces herself to relax .   dio could be rather terrifying at times ;   it might have amused her once upon a time ,   but it was as if she was kicking her while she was down .   
    ❛   i’ll do   whatever   you wish of me ,   you know i will .   ❜   slowly ,   her shoulders begin to relax .   she was still in control ,   but god she was itching for a smoke .   however forced it was ,   mariah managed to calm her expression ,   hand moving to rest against her hip .   ❛   i’m useful to you .   or ,   do you just have a soft spot for people like hol horse ,   my lord dio ⁇   if that’s the case ,   i’m quite jealous .   ❜
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lamentdom · 4 years
✖ @coelcstis​​ ( FOR DIAVOLO )
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                                           ❛ Gr...❜  BOTTLED  EMOTIONS  DO  LITTLE  BUT  ATTRIBUTE  FRUSTRATIONS  &  BITTERNESS  over everyone else except his brothers. Their sorrows transferred to the PRIDEFUL demon the more HER NAME arises, especially by the young ‘ pups ’. For their grief was the highest and he couldn’t speak out the truth ... not unless their sorrows will take hold over the DEVILDOM’S lord. Last thing LUCIFER desired was creating another chaotic war for the sake of siblings ------ all he could do was support and obey. OBEY like the foolish demon he had become where a blackened heart accompanied those beautifully raven-feathers of his. Speaking of that servitude, the snarls accommodated a frustrated and tired brow without showing the hint of respect. Even this vow does little to aid the demon’s own griefs from keeping this BURDEN a secret. Crimson hues glared away before attending to the butler’s request of summoning him by the LORD’S side  (  THAT  DEMON ... I  HATE  HAVING  SACRIFICED  MY  PRIDE  BUT ... LILITH ... PLEASE  BE  HAPPY  ). Anger rises up with arms folded across his chest as he replies bluntly.  ❛ Hurry up and get this over with. I have no intentions to remaining stuck by your side, even if I agreed to pledge my LOYALTY to you. ❜
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starprint-a · 4 years
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 @coelcstis​​​    ★*:.゜:。    meme no longer accepting    ★*:.゜:。    risotto .
❛  authority must be obeyed ,  or it must be overthrown .  ❜
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❛     then we’re going through with it ?     ❜     he had told them to forget what happened .   a ridiculous notion .   for all they were ,   misplaced men cramped into a now broken group ,   if there was credit to be given it was their loyalty to the team .   to risotto .    his words are not that of a questioning man ,   but ones he simply mused on as cigarette dangled loosely from his lips .   smoke filled the room ,   but despite the fumes the room didn’t feel suffocating .   for the first time in months ,   the weight that burdened them had finally lifted into a fierce resolve .   a low hum vibrates within the confinements of his throat .     ❛     we’ll need to strip the place clean .     ❜     there’s no hesitance ,   not now that he was confident in his leader’s final decision .   the acts committed were inexcusable .   it had been a message ,   a show of power and authority over them .   that cocky bastard of a boss had messed with the wrong group ,   and he would make up for that mistake in blood .   he takes a final drag ,   pressed the bud of the smoke into the worn down table  ————   they won’t be needing it anymore anyway .     ❛     staying in one place won’t do anymore .   then ,   we can focus on uncovering the boss’s identity.     ❜     prosciutto had taken their plans into consideration long before the time came to execute them .   despite the abrupt change ,   he takes it with stride ,   missing not a single beat before shifting his focus onto their upcoming and possibly final assignment .
❛     this is what it means to be a leader .     ❜     and then ,   he’s finally meeting risotto’s gaze ,   raising a single finger and ,   as if answering the unspoken question ,   speaking with an unwavering pride in his tone .     ❛     it took you long enough .   we weren’t going to forget ,   even if you told us to .   that’s the only order i couldn’t abide while keeping my pride .   we’re with you to the bitter end .   god knows that’s where we’re heading ,   but that’s the path we have decided .   once we have a target ,   we don’t stop til they’re dead and the mission is completed .     ❜
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usfv-archived · 4 years
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@coelcstis​ said: « that just makes you a beta cuck. » - diego 😔😔
Sanic starter sentences. Accepting! 
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What is a cuck? Funny Valentine doesn’t understand, but he will not be made out to be a fool.
“I am the best at what I do, and I’m sure that I am the greatest beta cuck.” 
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fallendom · 4 years
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@coelcstis​ said: a sigh crossed the demon's lips as he leaned back against the cushions. a plethora of bottles laid out upon the coffee table, all of which are alcoholic. "oh goodness, lucifer.." drawled out diavolo with a slight slur in his speech due to the drunkenness state he has underwent. "i'm sorry that you've stumbled on such a unsightly scene of myself."
❛ DIAVOLO, I need you to  ------  ❜  Were the only words trailing out between his lips the moment eyes settle onto the foreign scenery. Having been vowed to the DEMON LORD for these past centuries, the PRIDEFUL demon can declare this wasn’t familiar. Foreign was appropriate to describe this sight and perhaps wishing to turn away from its shocking revelation. Even LUCIFER couldn’t comprehend why this occurred ... not without being wary about what the aftermath may bring forth. What kind of intoxicated demon is summoned forth during the royal’s state?  Why the AVATAR OF PRIDE can only dread a plausible wrath unleashing by accident but there shouldn’t be a concern. Vocalizing those words have brought some relief into the demon’s chest for knowing the frustrations hadn’t taken over. Whatever influence could be produced, a LORD’S right-man cannot hope to abandon him in this drunken state. The consequences already send some chills as to what the BUTLER may proclaim for one of his underlying servants abandoning the prince like this.
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BLACK-GLOVED hands soon release the files LUCIFER previously wished to hand over and approach the other who sat against the cushions. One hand rests upon his LORD’S forehead to check on each symptom while aiding in taking him back into his room. Surely this wasn’t the best place for both demons to discuss this matter yet curiosity overwhelms the PRIDEFUL demon. For what became the trigger into drinking himself silly until he slurred like a madman ...  ❛ What the DEVILDOM have you done?  Good grief, I never imagined to witness you in this ... kind of scene but I’ll assist you back into your chambers. Be certain to hold onto my shoulders for some balance in your steps. ❜
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vagasbonds · 4 years
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@coelcstis​ said : "do you want some apple slices?" questioned the raven, ruby hues narrowed at other avian. "i have plenty to spare.." ( tokoyami @ webby!! )
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there’s a reason webby stares up in awe at him . it’s not that there aren’t many people who’s quirk came with physical bird - like attributes . no , it wasn’t that . it was that not many of them become HEROES . she’s seen him on the television plenty of times -- enough to make him her idol !  even with just a couple years in age difference , he’s become such a strong and accomplished hero !
she smiles up at him brightly , eagerly speaking , ❛ o - oh i’d love some , if you’re sure !  GOSH -- it’s such an honor to meet you !  you’re , like , my favorite hero of all time !  ❜
in her amazed stupor webby fails to think her words properly .
❛ a - and look !  you bird , me bird !  ❜
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woerended-a · 4 years
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@coelcstis​​ said: ‘ the real horror of my life is not that i’ve killed some terrible people . the real horror is that the people i’ve loved did not love me back . ’ - ahri
How was it that that saying went, again? ‘ Love of love, written by the broken-hearted. Love of life, written by the dead. ‘ There’s a tinge of truth to it, isn’t there? Or maybe it had always been true, and it had only taken becoming an adult for Adam to realize that. Her gentle, melancholy stirrings are what he hears with his head rested in her lap, opens his eyes for the first time in minutes to see her expression bathed in the fading violet sunset overhead. He sits up a bit, hand stabilizing himself as he lifts from grass. Wordlessly, he presses a soft kiss to her lips, holds her cheek with his free hand.
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“I’d like to change that, if I may...” he whispers.
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envyire-a · 4 years
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❤---  The incubus was being L A Z Y. He hated doing the paperwork portion of his job-- Enough to complain about it even. ❛ Why is it YOU never have to do any paperwork ?? ❜  // @coelcstis​ 
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prcdigic · 4 years
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❀     @coelcstis​​​​  ;  ❝ the sword of destiny has two edges. ❞ - abbacchio the witcher (show) starters  ━  accepting.
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            Statement   is   taken   with   some   consideration,   young   blond   looking   to   his   elder.   He’s   unsure   of   whether   or   not   it   was   meant   to   deter   him   from   continuing   this   path,   or   to   simply   keep   him   wary,   but   regardless... ❝    I am prepared to take either end of that blade.    ❞             Expression   is   that   of   determination,   only   fueling   the   flame   of   earnest   boss-to-be.   Whether   this   journey   ended   with   success   or   failure,   he   can   accept   the   outcome,   just   knowing   he   got   up   and   took   destiny   by   the   reigns.   To   sit   on   the   sidelines   and   dream   instead   of   act   would   have   surely   eaten   him   away,   had   he   not   found   the   courage   to   get   the   ball   rolling.  To   look   back   with   any   regret   would   be   disgraceful.   That   is   no   longer   an   option.
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ahiiru · 4 years
@coelcstis said: "from one to America, how free are you tonight?" is he really doing this? you bet he is. mikhail is awful down to his flirts. B) @ asahi
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     “ .....what. ” what is -- is he --- ? america ? what ? asahi grips the drink in his hand until his knuckles turn white, smile wavering. “ um...i swim f-free in the hundred-meter ? if that’s what you’re talking about ? ”
     spoiler alert: it wasn’t.
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xresistance · 5 years
@nacphilim​ | Spark & Candela
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“Do close your mouth, Sparky.”
The corners of her mouth tilt upwards in an easy, amused smile. She couldn’t recall if the Instinct leader had seen her yet in her formal attire. Candela allows the sheer, ruby and gold feathered shawl to slip from her shoulders and drops it on her desk. Cozying up to investors at fancy dinners for the good of her team was certainly not the worst part of the job, but not the most appealing either.
“Did you have something you wanted to talk about or did you just come by to pester?”
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starprint · 4 years
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  ℝ𝕆𝕃𝔼ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 ��𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔼   •   still accepting          |        @coelcstis​ ⤸     
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💓  cheek kiss - caesar @ joseph 👀👏
he was a real casanova from head to toe .   that guys moves were so cheesy it made him sick !   seriously ,   what girl could fall for something that generic anyway ⁇   oh ,   but joseph didn’t keep those thoughts to himself ,   acknowledging such cringy attempts at flirting with a scoff .   cheek rests against his palm ,   lips pulled into a deep frown as their usual back and forth began .   caesar was such a pretty boy ;   maybe that’s why the girls fell for his grossly over romantic act .    ❛   acting like that isn’t hard you know ,   even i could do it .   see ,   it’s as easy as taking them by the hand and whispering some lovely dovey garbage ,   ❜   fingers intertwine with caesar’s ,   a mischievous grin twitching at his lips .   oh ,   payback could be so sweet at times .    ❛   why don’t you stop looking at them already ,   and keep your eyes only on me .   just be mine .   ❜   it’s hard to keep a straight face ,   but he manages to keep words under a low breath ,   mumbled in tone as he needn’t speak any louder ;   lips all but hovering over the man’s ear .   seriously ,   this was priceless !!   oh ,   but he wasn’t done quite yet .   how was he doing this without laughing ??   instead ,   he settled for a deep chuckle ,   one that vibrates heavily within his chest as lips slowly move over to caesar’s cheek ,   brushing against his skin for a gentle kiss .   he lingers a few moments longer before meeting his companion’s gaze ,   eyes firm yet gentle at the same time ,   showcasing an unwavering desire in both words and actions .   that was until joseph finally broke the facade (   “farcade”   ) ,   giving the other a quick wink before his playful smile breaks free once more .
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❛   see ,   easy right ??   just don’t go falling for me now caesar ,   i know it’s almost impossible not to after a performance like that ,   right ??   ...  uh ,   caesar ??   hellooo ??  ....   -------  no way !!   don’t tell me you were actually into that !!   ❜   
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lamentdom · 4 years
✖ @coelcstis​​ ( FOR ROWAN  )
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                                           TEMPTATIONS  WAS  A  CRUEL  TRAIT  TO  POSSESS  though found it somewhat delightful  &  PLEASANT to observe someone in the darkened academy. Few warnings have been implied and repeated by the PRIDEFUL demon but finds that little human’s stubbornness to ignore everything. He stated enough to notice their curiosity was close in becoming their demise. While LUCIFER wasn’t fond of unnecessary intrusions over his lord’s intentions, it’d be in his SADISTIC nature to deliver faint teases. It wouldn’t harm anyone but the human in question ------ ROWAN was merely normal at best. Through a smirk curving up upon his features, the demon proceeded right behind him and took one step forward. The PRIDE overwhelming him into implanting a hard smash against the wall, pinning the poor SHEEP to his back. Crimson hues glow with his demon self presenting itself rather than a casual attire. It wasn’t against the RESTRICTIONS to have a little ‘ entertainment ’ on his own expense.  ❛ Aren’t you the CURIOUS one, ROWAN but there are limitations to what you are allowed to do. Was there a reason you’re roaming out late when you should be asleep? ❜
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