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mcyt-homophobic · 2 days ago
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Olm/The Old One
Avid Adventures/Skyblock Kingdoms
Told Avid to put his nonbinary friends in tubes. Trapped Avid himself in Limbo for a thousand years. Caused two illegally wedded spouses to break up by possessing one of them. Visibly uncomfortable whenever Leon flirts with him, too 🤔
Olm’s favorite pastime is literally burying the gays. Not just figuratively but literally: the tubes are in ossha’s basement, vintage ended up buried in the tunnels they built in part to shelter from him in, limbo is below pretty much everything, and don’t even get me started on avid adventures
He's olm “tubed the gays” old one. there is a clear answer here
Wystery Origins
In Wystery Origins (vods are on @PrimaVeraArchive on yt) he literally makes laws to kill stop gay people from kissing and his bodyguard only kills lesbians
He hates the main lesbians of the server (to be fair I do too) and replies with vomit emojis every time there's art of them in the discord. Also just look at him, he's so homophobic looking. And emo for some reason. 
hes literally said it himself so many times its canon now
He hosted a ball on Wystery Origins and told his security guard to stop one specific lesbian couple from being together (instructions were: kill them if they leave together, punch them if they kiss, etc). His war general is one of the lesbians and he tried to ban her from seeing her wife. (She didn’t listen and invited her wife over anyway. Prince Cod was not happy). (The vod is on YouTube @primaveraarchive.) 
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robinflock-art · 7 days ago
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sketch fanart for @codther's chaos life session two episode! "this is my box now" iconic, showstopping, incredible, never been done before!!!
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shlimelive · 5 months ago
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Wisptober Day 1: Moon
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whereiswysterygang · 5 months ago
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Hoping Wystery gets the joke
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shitty-mcyt-doodles-daily · 7 months ago
Two random where is smp members.
(My fucking laptop won’t let me onto the server and I am understandably pissed.)
-Not feather
C!cyan's wonderful boyfriend and girlfriend on wisp smp
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I am so sorry you can't get on the server feather😭 I hope you can get on eventually
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cyans-ocverse-of-madness · 3 months ago
Memories of a Different Yesterday
Ambrose on Wystery Origins SMP
This is a different character than wisp!Ambrose, sort of an AU version where different backstory things happened. Also, Ambrose is not nonverbal at this point like he was in my Codex lore writings. This Ambrose talks and currently has it/it's pronouns
Words - 889
CW: drunkeness/alcoholism, mentions of death, multiple people in one body, drug mentions
Ambrose had hidden in it's home for quite a while. The people of this world were a little scary, in it's opinion, so it tended to steer clear of them.
Sure, the ocean prince Codther was nice. He had given Ambrose a heart of the sea and offered it a place in his kingdom. The little star Comet gave it a welcome box with nice shiny things in it. Karp had given it the armor it wore daily.
But it never really connected to anybody here.
The last time it had felt connected to somebody in a real way was Shlime. The body it inhabited was “with” her. Shlime had found other people though, and she didn't know that Ambrose was no longer the sentient being in control of this body.
Ambrose stepped down into the water. A slight glow slipped around it's boots. The conduit within the prince's place would keep it dry and let others breathe. Ambrose’s lungs had been long full of spores so that effect was unnecessary.
A flicker caught it's eye and they turned their head. Bubbly laughter echoed up as some sort of explosion rocked the ballroom. It dove down to investigate.
Comet met it at the door. Ambrose nodded and waved, and the starling returned the gesture. The water felt as if it was pressing against Ambrose's body. It didn't like being underwater. The body had never seen the ocean in it’s life so it couldn't swim too well. It was claustrophobic.
Comet and Ambrose entered the hall. Cod grinned and ran up to it. “You made it! Oh I didn't know if you were going to come, I'm so glad!”
Ambrose smiled hesitantly back. “Sorry for not returning your letter. I've been a bit busy and stationery is hard to find.”
“Don't worry about it! I'm just glad you're here. Come in!”
Comet swam back out to greet new guests and Ambrose followed the prince inside.There were a lot of people it had never seen before. Ube was chatting with somebody with a skull face. Someone with a beard and flowers sat at the bar near Sunny. Shlime and Prima were making out.
Shlime. Shlime's hand reached out to Ambrose as he appeared.
Shlime offering Ambrose a pufferfish. “It's the closest thing to drugs you can get here, bud.”
Shlime tossing him a diamond as he blushed, wearing the maid dress she made for the first time.
It's eyes snapped shut and it froze. After a few moments, the thoughts faded. He opened his eyes, ignoring the strange look from Cod.
“Can I get a whiskey?” Ambrose sat down at the bar next to the bearded person.
“Menu.” The bartender slid a book made of some sort of waterproof material towards it.
“Why doesn't anybody have whiskey? I need a whiskey. It's been 90 years since I've had one.”
“90 years? Damn.” The bearded one spoke again. “I don't think I've seen you before. I'm Wolf.”
“Oh! Hello, I'm Ambrose. Cyan works too.” Wolf nodded and pointed to Ambrose's menu.
“The ~nondescript beer~ is good. Try that one.” They shrugged and turned back to chat with the bartender.
A pillar with a chest underneath, filled with offerings to a god that came and went.
A hidden bunker underground that he never should have found.
A grave, built far up on a mountain for somebody he never met.
Ambrose shuddered. The drink in front of it swirled in it's vision. It reached out and yanked the cork out. The alcohol drained into it’s mouth in seconds.
“I need another.” It slammed the bottle onto the bar.
The bullet enters his chest. He never had a chance. Even if it hadn't immediately torn through his heart, the medical supplies back at camp would never have helped.
The belts dig into his wrists as he fights back. They didn't tell him it meant he couldn't see Sterling again.
“I said, GIVE ME ANOTHER BEER.” The bartender looked up with concern and set another in front of Ambrose. It chugged it. It's muscles relaxed. It's mind began to stop buzzing.
“Thank you, kind sir. I apologize for yelling. Please keep the drinks coming.”
And so, that's how the night went. Any time it looked at Shlime and the memories of the body came back, it would drink until they stopped.
You can't think about your state of being if you can't think straight at all.
Ambrose stood up, stumbling. If it wasn't underwater it would have fallen on its ass. “ShlimeeeeeEEEEE-” It tripped over itself on its way to her.
The slime was sitting on the floor with Prima on her lap.“I gotta secret to tell you!”
Prima glanced at Shlime. “Okokok, so you know that I'm dead. Obviously. Cause we're both from the… country that's not here. BUT-” Ambrose paused. It blinked slowly. “I'm not dead. Cause I'm not Ambrose! I'm Pseudonis. Ambrose is dead. I'm living in his body! Hehe. I've been here since we met but I finally won! He fought back, but I killed him.”
Prima and Shlime got up, Prima stepped away.
“I think you've had too much to drink. Let's get you home. NonsenSMP was weird, but i'm pretty sure you're just a cryptid creature and not some sort of… mimic thing.”
“Suresuresure… believe whatever you want.”
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starcrossedandstupid · 9 months ago
I always adore those Pinterest tag games, so I’m making one!
Search up ‘my past as an image’, ‘my present as an image’, ‘my future as an image’, and ‘my spirit as an image’ on Pinterest. Here are mine <3
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tags(no pressure ofc!): @of-the-faerie-folk @crenna @his-littlefox @insomnya777 @lavful @codther @harpoonsnotspoons @neck-thats-made-for-bruising @smoozie @olithewitch @peace-love-and-french-toast @ty-bayonet-betteridge @arjtogruta @astralazuli @mystical-cinnamoon @3guineapigsinatrenchcoat @k1meoo @thesquirterrrr @snailonurface + any moots I missed and anyone who would like to join in! (I need to update my tag list, haha)
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whereis-smp · 9 months ago
will update whenever more people post :P
ARTEMfluid - youtube/twitch
PrimaVeraArchive - youtube/twitch
Codther - youtube
ShlimeLIVE - youtube
Masquerade | @masqiscool : @wherearemogandpix | @whereisglitchduo
Leon | @dailyboatboys : @where-is-impulsesv
Artem | @artemfluid : @where-is-welsknight
Dee | @solqrays : @whereiscyansnail
Wolf | @arkynwolf : @whereisrendog
Ari | @where-is-cleo
Cod | @codther : @whereistibbycaps
Em | @emmaestrella : @where-is-pink-snail
Magenta | @magentasoup2527 : @whereisgem
Prima | @weirdeggii : @imp-and-skizz-but-everywhere
Magikarp | @gtws-in-various-places
Ailbhe | @gracefall-mcyt : @where-did-joe-go
Violet | @indigoviolet311 : @putting-mcyts-in-a-jar-of-jam
Aquatic | @aquaticwithnumbers : @where-is-vintagebeef
Mint | @dreamintkat | @craftedhermits : @whereislaurencezvahl
Rahne | @offline-nobody : @skizz-in-places-he-shouldnt-be
Flynn | @caramelcoatednightmares : @where-is-ethubs | @where-is-cuteguy
Yoshi | @your-local-manic-pixie-dream-gir | @where-is-grains-mending-book
Asher | @angelonasher : @doc-is-sometimes-in-places
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artemfluid · 5 months ago
Wisptober day 3! Fire....we got a blaze Maeve in the houuseee!
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Prompt list under cut!
Prompts by @/codther
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ellies-chaos-corner · 6 months ago
The amazing @codther drew me and @emmaestrella's characters on the Where Is SMP :D
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This all started as a joke because C!Em has joint problems and mobility aids, and C!Ellie is autistic, so I jokingly called them Disability Duo 💀
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codther · 10 months ago
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Pinned Post!!!!!
Hello! I am Cod, I am genderfuan but mostly use he/him. Attraction is very complicated for me but I’m ace, so be aware of that on my acc!!
I used to be @/justherforteamancher or JHFTR (might see it on my art) but I’m using @codther now.
My Tags:
#ort, for all my art
#disgraced thoughts, for all my text posts
I post about my little mcyt guys because they’re all my babies. Hermitcraft, Life series, and Artimator SMP are my main interests, but I might post about ESMP as I’m trying to watch a full season of it atm.
I watch Ethoslab, TangoTek, Geminitay, more recently Smallishbeans, Tibbycaps, and Cherrifire. I will watch others though, too.
My sona is inconsistent but rn I’ve got the fish/cod guy. Silver hair and all, wonder where I got that from. I can never decide on a species but eventually I’ll make a colored ref.
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mcyt-homophobic · 11 days ago
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Origin SMP
origin's Ranboo was married to origins Tubbo [beeduo marriage crossed over from the dsmp] and mans was so distressed about being gay he became a woman [o!Ranboo, our trans fem icon] [also this is all just being silly obvi]
Wystery Origins
In Wystery Origins (vods are on @PrimaVeraArchive on yt) he literally makes laws to kill stop gay people from kissing and his bodyguard only kills lesbians
He hates the main lesbians of the server (to be fair I do too) and replies with vomit emojis every time there's art of them in the discord. Also just look at him, he's so homophobic looking. And emo for some reason. 
hes literally said it himself so many times its canon now
He hosted a ball on Wystery Origins and told his security guard to stop one specific lesbian couple from being together (instructions were: kill them if they leave together, punch them if they kiss, etc). His war general is one of the lesbians and he tried to ban her from seeing her wife. (She didn’t listen and invited her wife over anyway. Prince Cod was not happy). (The vod is on YouTube @primaveraarchive.) 
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r3therat · 5 months ago
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@bugfromheaven @codther let me cook
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bigender-cowboy · 8 months ago
Silly Game Time: Tell us all a dumb joke! If English isn't your first language, feel free to tell us one in your first language! (I'd almost prefer it, in fact.)
I’m codther
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whereiswysterygang · 5 months ago
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Today, Wystery Gang is in the walls of the Manchester Wystery house!
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shitty-mcyt-doodles-daily · 2 months ago
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We're divorced but like. Not angrily because we don't hate eachother instead we both hate (/bit) Artem because they stole our home in the divorce court case
Wisp is wild yall
You should draw your ex-husband :)
which one
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