dirt-str1der · 2 years
Discussed this last night with a friend but kiryu really does not have a code against killing. The cruel gods of the rgg universe just see fit that he should not take a life (on screen) or he will be punished for it so the world will reorganise itself so kiryu doesnt have to kill someone. Because the moment kiryus like “yeah i should kill that guy” someone else steps in to shoot them in the head (y5) or a large piece of burning wood falls and crushes them (y:ishin)
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apas-95 · 9 months
You are not a rabies puppy. Rabies always kills in a few days at most. Stop lying online for clout.
i am im a little puppy and i have soft soft paws and i dictate everything i type by barking and growling in morse codr eeeeeeee
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thevicariousviscount · 7 months
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Gee, Jr, you're more popular than your dear ol' pops is, ehe~ Even if that attention may not always be the best? Poor guy's only just stopped bleeding again...
Vince Codred Jr. for @fags-and-freaks ! I wanted to get in the swing of drawing portraits again.
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Can i help organize the skittles
I cant promise i wont eat some
But i wanna color codr skittles
@tomkittycat ?
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searchie · 4 months
truly a coldr moment
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code-dread · 8 months
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Vince Codred Jr. | 20 | He/Him | 5'10
Vince is an extremely traumatized man who struggles to get along with most people for a variety of reasons. Please understand that his reactions toward you or your characters do not reflect my own feelings.
In this AU, Vince works under Briar as a form of protection and as a source of information. The only reason Vince even has this job is because of his father, who also works alongside Briar. However, he's more focused on the underground brothel. Vince doesn't enjoy his job in any way.
Once again, Vince is traumatized. He panics easily and, when given the chance, will run away from situations the second he's capable of running. However, Vince won't run when trapped someplace by his job or by social expectations. If it could ruin his reputation, he'll push through it, no matter how traumatizing it is for him.
Vince isn't talkative. He's extremely antisocial and, when possible, actually prefers using sign language over speaking. When he does talk, he's usually very uptight and avoids using slang.
He lives on Danube Street, with his father. Whenever possible, he does his best to avoid his home. You can often find him wandering the outskirts of the woods or traveling random alleyways if he isn't working.
He's bi with a preference for women. For hobbies, he enjoys cooking, coding, and playing the piano. He's very neat and organized, and he's usually wearing gloves. You could probably call him a germaphobe of some sort.
Art: Credit
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liminalpsych · 2 years
Le Fresne live react
This one's a bit more direct of a moral tale, at least to start, than the "reader, make your own judgment" of Equitan.
There are two knights. They're neighbors, they're both rich and powerful, bold and valiant, etc etc. One knight's wife has twin sons. Her husband is elated and sends word to his neighbor, asking him to be the godparent of the sons.
However, the neighbor wife is "false and proud and backbiting and envious", and says essentially that having twins means a woman cheated on her husband, because "nor will it chance to happen that in one single pregnancy a woman should have two sons, unless two men have done this to her".
Hard to tell if this is common wisdom, or if she's just making it up. Her husband says don't say that, the neighbor lady has a good reputation. But everyone gossips about it and believes that the mother of twin sons definitely had an affair, and even her husband believed it, "and greatly mistrusted her, and kept her closely confined without her deserving it".
Well, the same year, the gossip lady gets pregnant and has twin daughters, which she's very distressed about, because, well:
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Gossip lady is terribly shitty. "I'm gonna gossip about this other woman because I'm jealous!" "Oops now I'm in the same position, shouldn't have gossiped, guess I have no choice but to kill one of my twins to cover it up," like, what?? That's your first thought?
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Oh good, another competent interesting servant character. Hopefully she sticks around for the whole poem, but I doubt it.
So the lady is happy that she doesn't have to kill her infant, and says she'll reward the maiden for taking her child to a church. So they wrap up the child with fancy cloth ("very fine linen" and "a patterned silk cloth" that her husband had brought back from Constantinople), and the lady ties a heavy gold ring to the baby's arm with a red zircon in the setting, so that anyone who found the child would know she was born to a noble family.
The infant is stashed in an ash tree in front of an abbey and found by a porter as he's leaving the abbey. He takes her home to his widowed daughter who's still nursing, and they take care of her. He tells the abbess about it the next day and she adopts the child as her niece, names her Le Fresne (ash tree), and she's raised in that way til she's an adult.
Of course she grows up beautiful, courteous, gracious, well educated, well spoken, wise, etc (all words used in the Lai to describe her). "No one saw her who did not love her and hold her in the highest esteem."
So a lord named Gurun of Dol hears about her, falls in love without even seeing her (which seems to be a theme; I'm skeptical of it but I suspect I should internalize it when reading Arthurian literature), and takes great pains to be able to talk to her. Eventually she sleeps with him after he cajoled her a bunch, and then he uses that to get her to come away with him as his mistress. (To make this worse, we're told that Le Fresne has basically never left the abbey and is very sheltered.)
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This is not condemned in the text. We were told just a page earlier that he was "a good lord; never before nor since was there a better", so I'm guessing this behavior is considered acceptable and even romantic?
Different culture, different time, different morals. But still. That's some dubious consent and sketchy behavior right there.
So Le Fresne goes off with the baby cloths and ring she'd been found with sealed up in coffers, and spends a long time with Gurun, and everyone loves her "for her graciousness" and cherishes and honors her. But the knights say the lord should get rid of her and marry a noblewoman.
Who does he get matched with except… Le Codre. Which means the hazel tree. Her twin sister.
(Lais: the original soap operas?)
Le Fresne stays gracious through the news, keeps serving the lord "most kindly" and honoring the people, and the whole household is very upset that they're going to lose her.
Gurun and Le Codre get married. The mother goes with Le Codre because she's worried Gurun's mistress will make trouble.
Le Fresne's serving her unknown sister, everyone's amazed that she can be so courteous. Even her mother loves her and wishes she wouldn't have suffered loss for Le Codre's sake, she wouldn't have agreed to the match if she'd known the sort of person Le Fresne was. Which is a big deal, since you might remember what a petty person the mother was in the past. (Maybe she's changed her ways.)
Le Fresne prepares the bridal chamber. There's an old silk coverlet on it, and Le Fresne thinks it's too shabby for her lord. So she puts her birth cloth over it instead, to honor him.
Good thing, too, because the mother brings Le Codre over and is absolutely shocked to find the silk cloth she gave her hidden daughter.
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She admits to her misdeed to her husband, who's actually really happy to learn he has another daughter. They tell Sir Gurun, who's also joyful.
The archbishop says to leave things as they are for the night, and he'll separate them the next day, and then Gurun can marry Le Fresne. (Does that mean Gurun and Le Codre sleep together for a night? What does that mean for Le Codre (sometimes written as La Codre in different parts of the text)? How does she feel about this?)
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Well, all right, I guess?
This one read very much like a fairy tale to me. Kind of Cinderella in a lot of ways. I mean, the adoptive mother (the abbess) is way better than the birth mother, there are no stepparents, and the dad's still alive, etc. But the feel is similar.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
Still a work in progress but I'm feeling real good about the CD AU playlist 😭🤌
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casasdeapuesta · 2 months
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Codere mexico | Zalatek Ltd Codre Messiku huwa kkummercjalizzat bhala wiehed mill-akbar postijiet fejn jitqieghdu imhatri sportivi fil-Messiku, kif ukoll jilaghbu fil-kazinò online meraviljuz taghhom.
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headphonesonline · 3 months
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dreastmilk · 5 months
CODR (chronic onset drolo rsd)
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¿Cuáles son las mejores técnicas de codre para mejorar el posicionamiento de mi página web en Google?
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¿Cuáles son las mejores técnicas de codre para mejorar el posicionamiento de mi página web en Google?
Optimización de palabras clave
La optimización de palabras clave es una parte fundamental de cualquier estrategia de SEO exitosa. Consiste en investigar y seleccionar las palabras y frases que los usuarios más utilizan al buscar información relacionada con un determinado tema o industria. Al elegir las palabras clave correctas y utilizarlas de manera estratégica en el contenido de un sitio web, se puede aumentar la visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda y atraer más tráfico orgánico.
Para optimizar palabras clave de manera efectiva, es importante realizar una investigación exhaustiva para identificar las palabras y frases relevantes que están siendo buscadas por la audiencia objetivo. Herramientas como Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush o Ahrefs pueden ser de gran ayuda en este proceso.
Una vez identificadas las palabras clave principales, es crucial incorporarlas de forma natural en el contenido del sitio web, incluyendo en títulos, meta descripciones, encabezados y textos. Es importante no abusar de su uso, ya que Google penaliza el keyword stuffing, es decir, el relleno excesivo de palabras clave en un texto.
Además, la optimización de palabras clave debe ser constante y adaptarse a los cambios en las tendencias de búsqueda y algoritmos de los motores de búsqueda. Es recomendable monitorear regularmente el rendimiento de las palabras clave y realizar ajustes en la estrategia SEO según sea necesario.
En resumen, la optimización de palabras clave es una práctica esencial para mejorar el posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda y atraer tráfico de calidad a un sitio web. Con una estrategia de keywords bien definida y ejecutada, se pueden lograr resultados significativos en términos de visibilidad online y generación de leads.
Backlinks de calidad
Los backlinks de calidad son enlaces externos que apuntan a tu sitio web desde otra página web relevante y de alta autoridad. Son fundamentales para mejorar el SEO de tu sitio, ya que los motores de búsqueda como Google consideran los backlinks como votos de confianza hacia tu contenido.
La calidad de los backlinks es más importante que la cantidad. Es preferible tener unos pocos enlaces de calidad que muchos enlaces de sitios web de baja reputación. Los backlinks de calidad provienen de sitios que son relevantes para tu nicho, tienen una buena reputación y generan un tráfico constante.
Para obtener backlinks de calidad, es importante crear contenido de alto valor que sea digno de ser enlazado. Esto puede incluir publicaciones de blog informativas, infografías, estudios de caso, guías completas, entre otros. Además, es recomendable establecer relaciones con otros sitios web y bloggers dentro de tu industria para intercambiar enlaces de manera orgánica.
También puedes utilizar estrategias como la creación de contenido invitado en sitios relevantes, participar en directorios de calidad, utilizar menciones en redes sociales y colaborar con influencers para obtener backlinks de calidad. Recuerda siempre seguir las pautas de Google para no incurrir en prácticas de spam que puedan perjudicar tu clasificación SEO.
En resumen, los backlinks de calidad son esenciales para mejorar la autoridad de tu sitio web y aumentar su visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda. Dedica tiempo y esfuerzo en obtener enlaces de sitios confiables y relevantes, y verás cómo tu SEO se fortalece con el tiempo.
Contenido relevante y original
Para tener éxito en la creación de contenido en línea, es fundamental producir materiales que sean relevantes y originales. El contenido relevante se refiere a la información que es útil, interesante y significativa para la audiencia objetivo. Al enfocarse en temas que son pertinentes para su público, los creadores de contenido pueden captar la atención de los usuarios y mantenerlos comprometidos.
La originalidad también desempeña un papel crucial en la estrategia de contenido. Ser original implica ofrecer una perspectiva única, aportar nuevas ideas o enfoques, y evitar copiar o plagiar el trabajo de otros. La originalidad no solo ayuda a destacar en un mar de información en línea, sino que también contribuye a construir una reputación sólida y confiable.
Crear contenido relevante y original requiere tiempo, investigación y creatividad. Los creadores de contenido deben estar dispuestos a investigar las tendencias actuales, comprender las necesidades de su audiencia y pensar de manera innovadora para producir materiales únicos y valiosos. Además, es importante mantenerse actualizado con los cambios en el mercado y adaptar constantemente la estrategia de contenido para satisfacer las demandas en evolución de los usuarios.
En resumen, la creación de contenido relevante y original es esencial para alcanzar y mantener el éxito en el entorno digital actual. Al priorizar la calidad sobre la cantidad, los creadores de contenido pueden establecer una conexión significativa con su audiencia y destacar en un mercado saturado de información.
Velocidad de carga óptima
La velocidad de carga de un sitio web es un factor crucial en el mundo digital actual. La optimización de la velocidad de carga no solo mejora la experiencia del usuario, sino que también tiene un impacto significativo en el posicionamiento SEO de un sitio web. Cuando un sitio tarda demasiado en cargar, los usuarios tienden a abandonarlo, lo que resulta en una alta tasa de rebote y una disminución en el tráfico.
Para lograr una velocidad de carga óptima, es importante optimizar diversos aspectos técnicos del sitio web. Uno de los primeros pasos es minimizar el tamaño de los archivos, como imágenes, scripts y hojas de estilo, para que se carguen más rápidamente. Además, es fundamental utilizar un servicio de alojamiento web de calidad que garantice una conexión rápida y estable.
La implementación de técnicas de compresión de archivos, el uso de sistemas de caché y la optimización del código son estrategias efectivas para mejorar la velocidad de carga de un sitio web. Asimismo, es recomendable realizar pruebas periódicas de velocidad utilizando herramientas como PageSpeed Insights de Google para identificar posibles áreas de mejora.
En resumen, asegurar una velocidad de carga óptima es esencial para garantizar el éxito online de cualquier sitio web. Al priorizar la optimización de la velocidad de carga, se mejora la experiencia del usuario, se reduce la tasa de rebote y se incrementa la visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda. ¡No subestimes el poder de una carga rápida!
SEO On-Page y Off-Page
El SEO es una parte fundamental en la estrategia digital de cualquier sitio web. Existene dos tipos principales de SEO que son el SEO On-Page y el SEO Off-Page.
El SEO On-Page se refiere a las optimizaciones que se realizan dentro del sitio web para mejorar su visibilidad en los motores de búsqueda. Esto incluye la optimización de contenido, meta descripciones, etiquetas de encabezado, URL amigables, optimización de imágenes, velocidad de carga, entre otros. Todas estas acciones buscan mejorar la experiencia del usuario y facilitar que los motores de búsqueda indexen y muestren el sitio en los resultados de búsqueda.
Por otro lado, el SEO Off-Page se enfoca en las acciones que se realizan fuera del sitio web para mejorar su autoridad y relevancia en internet. Esto incluye la creación de backlinks de calidad, menciones en redes sociales, reseñas positivas, colaboraciones con otros sitios web, entre otras estrategias. El objetivo es aumentar la popularidad del sitio web y mejorar su posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda.
Ambos tipos de SEO son igual de importantes y complementarios. Es fundamental trabajar en conjunto el SEO On-Page y Off-Page para lograr un posicionamiento exitoso en los motores de búsqueda y atraer más tráfico cualificado al sitio web. Mantenerse al tanto de las mejores prácticas y realizar un monitoreo constante de los resultados son clave para mejorar la presencia online y alcanzar los objetivos de negocio.
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private-conversation · 8 months
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Vince Codred [Sr.] | 40+ | He/Him | 6'3
This about will be in bullet points, unlike the rest of my ocs. You don't need to know a lot about this man. You know why you're here.
Freak. Disgusting. Abusive. He isn't nice, and I beg you not to delude yourself into thinking you can change him. You can not fix him.
Human trafficker. Works in the underground brothel.
Used to have a wife before she died during childbirth. Never really got over it. Takes it out on his son.
Extremely controlling. Views most people as objects. Your wants do not matter to him.
Surprisingly fine as a business partner. He's respectful to people he views on the same level as him, and he won't go after their things usually. This extends to people close to them as well.
Sadist & masochist. I could list other kinks here, but honestly, he'll do anything at least once.
I will, however, say that he'll also do kinks that he's not into just as a power play. Being in control is his favorite thing, and he will absolutely abuse it.
If you want more info, just ask. This blog is more for screwing around anyway. Have fun with it.
Art: Credit
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aeternicvisions · 9 months
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dickandballsdotgov · 1 year
(not at you grey at your following (unless u wanna be flirted with idk))
hey Babygirls im a super awesome maverique intersex boydyke and i use neopronouns. i like being evil and silly i love silly things and i like snails and vkei and rhythm games . my dissed codr is doomsdyke literally talk to me right now to get your share of the silliness :P
(p.s. ask xir about vkei there is a lot of cool stuff to hear)
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