27 posts
There are two wolfs inside me, one of them is a lesbian, the other is a straight man. (all pronouns, and I'm a minor)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
littlekandiclown Ā· 9 days ago
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Saw other people doing this and thought I would be fun
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littlekandiclown Ā· 25 days ago
muahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah (fucked up evil laugh)
imposter!!!!!!!!!! why are you like this your fake
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littlekandiclown Ā· 1 month ago
ICE raids are happening.
Any immigrants, no matter how long you have been a citizen of the USA, is at risk of being deported either out of the country as a whole or into what are basically concentration camps. Raids starting in Chicago, Illinois. and spreading to other major cities with high POC and Hispanic populations. The US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) have started raiding homes and families in California.
There are no "protected locations" as of January 21, 2025. Hospitals, schools, and churches are all at risk of being raided, where before these places were deemed safe and off limits to raids.
When it comes to spotting an ICE agent, look for these:
Weirdly neat/well kept hair (shaved heads, side parts, military burs for men; low buns, high ponytails, close cropped bobs for women)
Oversized jacket (long and bulky outerwear makes it easier to hide tools/equipment without being suspicious)
Both hands in pockets
Many undercover agents/cops buy cheap plain clothes off the racks so they arenā€™t seen in their own clothes. This can make their outfit seem awkward
Sweatshirts with the hood up
Sports apparel (warm up jacket, sweats, etc) with non-sports clothes (jeans, cargo shorts)
Cargo pants/shorts (usually full of items like their badge, flashlight, taser, pepper spray, backup handcuffs, zip ties)
Military or hiking style boots, sometimes chunky sneakers (extra points if none of it matches anything in their outfit)
Outline of a gun in their pants/shirt (easy to see when bending, leaning, or raising arms) (NO NOT SAY ANYTHING)
Overly friendly
Overly inquisitive
ā€œHow old are youā€ and ā€œwhat do you know about this happeningā€ are both red flags, along with generally odd and personal questions
Donā€™t fit in
Mismatched pairs in public spaces (usually cops do these things in pairs. They donā€™t talk to each other or acknowledge each other much, if at all)
For protesting:
N95 masks
Respirator/gas mask if you have access to one
Water water water water water (I hate to say it, but disposable one use bottles are best here. If it comes to it, you need to be able to drop and run.) Use for flushing wounds, flushing eyes of tear gas, and of course drinking.
Snacks! You'll be doing a lot of walking and/or running and need to keep that energy up. Trail mix, dried fruit, nuts, granola bars, crackers, jerky/meat sticks, fruit snacks, candy, etc. Think of it like packing your lunchbox for a field trip.
Eyedrops (teargas is a bitch)
Goggles (I bring my old snowboarding goggles)
If you are wearing a t-shirt or have exposed skin, put on fake/temporary tattoos. If you are brought into something and they say you were there, showing a picture of you with the tattoos, show them where that tattoo would be and how thereā€™s nothing there. How would you get rid of a giant flower on your forearm in 2 days anyways?
Wigs fall under the same category as tattoos. The person they're claiming to be you has a blonde bob and you have green hair past your shoulders.It also makes it possible to go with a completely different color without the use of hair dye. This means if they try to arrest you later and try to prove it was you by taking your hair and testing for dye, it won't come back the way they hope. (Thank you @violetrosepetals for this addition!)
Hide your hair. I tuck my hair into my beanie since itā€™s short. If you have longer hair, try to do the same or tuck it into your shirt. Balaclavas are also a good choice, as they cover both your face and hair.
Power bank
Helmet. Any is fine, my personal choice is a skating helmet since theyā€™re rounder and can take more damage, but tactical is also good
Hand sanitizer
Gloves with hard knuckles (tactical gloves). These pack a good punch even if you don't have the correct form. Don't have those? Wrist guards for roller skating/skateboarding work kinda like that too. More of a slapping motion, but still hurt like a bitch. Extra points if they're all scuffed up from use and falls.
Bandanas. Somebody might need one for their face or hair, maybe you need to get dirt off somebodyā€™s face, maybe somebody got injured. Theyā€™re great for anything and everything.
Cash (try to stick to cash, your card can be tracked)
Medications if you take them. If you get arrested or happen to somehow be away for longer than expected after the protest, itā€™s always good to have emergency meds
FIRST AID ALL THE FIRST AID (Tourniquet, Quikclot, chest seal, trauma shears, gauze, bandages, duct tape, and all the usual stuff youā€™d have in there)
Good shoes. Boots and sneakers are your best choices. Not heels, not platforms, not sandals. Good boots or shoes that won't come off your feet too easily when you run. Steel toed shoes are a great option. Your toes won't be squashed, but also it'll hurt someone a lot more if you start kicking.
Spare socks. Trust me. You can use them to stop bleeding if it comes to it, but also you can put rocks in there and boom weapon. Also if the socks you're wearing get wet.
As much covering clothing as you can handle. Plain jeans, plain hoodie, plain t-shirt, keep yourself as anonymous as possible. Black and baggy is best.
Photocopy of your ID, not your real one.
Make sure your clothes have pockets, even if you have a bag. You want everything to be easily accessible.
Do not wear contact lenses. If tear gas is used, that will make everything so much worse. Wear your glasses or go blind. If you have overly unique or identifiable frames, goggles are your friend here. Get some goggles that will fit over your frames, preferably ones that are tinted.
If you use mobility aids, cover defining features. Logos, brand names, colors, stickers, all of it. Take some old plain t-shirt and tie it around your wheelchairā€™s backrest. Wrap your wheelchair frame in cling wrap, then duct tape, or plain black self adhering medical tape. Cover stickers on your cane or crutches the same way. Electric chair? You have a little more work, but you can do it. Wrap it up. Same idea. Walker? Same thing. Cover. It. All.
If you are bringing a bag, make sure that bag is as plain as possible. No pins. No patches. No keychains. Except maybe a pride flag so people know which team you're playing on.
Scarf or keffiyeh if you have one. They have many uses!
Write a reliable phone number (of someone who is not at the protest with you) on your body. On the off chance you get arrested, that is your emergency contact.
Pocket knife.
Pepper spray/mace/bear spray
if you get tear gassed, shake around first before using water. Most tear gas is more of a powder and water has a high likelihood of just spreading it around. (Thank you @actually-a-bread-loaf for this addition!)
Tennis rackets also work wonderfully for chucking tear gas canisters back at those throwing them. Anybody asks, you're going out to play tennis with friends later. Baseball bats also work! (Thank you @azul-nova-24 for this addition!)
Anything you can throw. Soup for my family.
If you see a potential or active raid, take pictures and note the time and location. Post online if you can, as well.
You have the right to remain silent. State that you wish to remain silent. Avoid giving information about anybody's immigration status. You have the right to refuse to sign anything before speaking to an attorney. You have the right to refuse searches of your car, your home, and yourself. Schools do not collect a child's immigration status.
I do not want to scare anybody, but this is what life is right now. That man does not care how long you have been a citizen of this country. If you are not a white, cisgender, heterosexual, Christian male, you are seen as less than by men in power. You are not less than. You are a threat to them, and they are scared. Keep it that way.
Even if you're not currently protesting, it's good to know this just in case. Things are happening very quickly, and there is a very high chance of it changing very quickly within the next four years.
Here's the link to my post on what to bring in terms of first aid.
If you cannot attend protests, thatā€™s fine. Do whatā€™s best for you. Even just reposting information helps.
This is an updated version of this post,
Updated January 27, 2025.
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
I need to draw my girls Lenore and Annabelle in those outfits they wore in the new episode they where just to pretty!!!!!!!!!!!
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
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Annabel Lee closet cosplay in honor of Nevermore season 2
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
I'm actually going to explode I have to stim literally every time I think about Thursday!!!!!!!!!
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I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand ā€” How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep ā€” while I weep! O God! Can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream? - Edgar Allan Poe (Season 2 launches January 30th, at 9pm EST. Hope to see you there!)
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
Today was scary but raising 3k with my sister and being with my girlfriend filled me with hope. I love being transgender and I'll never stop.
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
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Some Nevermore fan art I made the other day when I was bored in class
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
"Being autistic is okay"
Until they lack empathy.
Until they stim freely without shame.
Until they are very direct.
Until they need a service dog.
Until they are nonverbal.
Until they don't understand emotions.
Until they can't and don't comfort others.
Until they can only talk about their SpIns.
Until they are visibly autistic.
Until they aren't able to mask.
You only think being low support needs and level 1 autistic is okay.
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littlekandiclown Ā· 2 months ago
god, Iā€™m so gay. all I can think about is vi and her muscles, and her back, her arms, her chest, her eyes, andā€¦
sometimes I think about her gf too. Not as much tho.
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littlekandiclown Ā· 3 months ago
Should I get an eyebrow slit
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littlekandiclown Ā· 3 months ago
My thoughts on what flowers symbolize in Nevermore
(There might be some grammar and spelling mistakes because i have dyslexia so i'm sorry in advance)
So I think that flowers represent the growth and loss of relationships as well as the hope that Lenore feels for the future within that relationship.
Iā€™m going to start with how flowers show up in the flashbacks first, then how they show up at the academy and end with how they specifically connect to Annabel because that makes the most sense to me. I hope you enjoy this.
Flowers in the Flashbacks
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When Lenore talks to her past self in the memory of Theo's funeral they are talking about a flower that fell off its stem. This flower represents Lenore losing her relationship with Theo, and the isolation that this loss will to bring into her life.
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Then when Lenore takes off all of the floral wallpaper from her room in the attic this is showing Lenore at the most lonely. At this time she has basically no relships with anyone and believes that this is how her life is going to be forever. So she chooses to cut herself off more by accepting her fate in a way and has lost all of her hope.
When Annabel comes into Lenoreā€™s life not only are there flowers in the house but she is literally wearing flowers on her hat. This is symbolizing the growth or bloom of a new relship for Lenore and the reintroduction of hope into Lenoreā€™s life. She now sees a future where she is no longer alone.
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This connection between flowers and Lenoreā€™s relships is further seen in how she destroys the vase of flowers after Annabel levels her. I see a similarity in this action and her ripping off the wallpaper earlier because they are both showing Lenoreā€™s complete despair and isolation.
I also think that how Lenore describes the flowers further fits into the symbolism of them and Lenoreā€˜s relationships. All of these words you could also see in how Lenore thinks of her relationship with Annabel and as a hole at this moment.
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Ok this one might be a stretch but, you can see remnants of the wallpaper Lenore took down remaining on the wall in her memory before she burns down the house. I think this is showing the small amount of hope that her plan to come back as Leo and propose to Annabel has given her. Itā€™s only scraps of hope like the scraps of wallpaper left on the walls but that hope and that relship will grow like flowers do.
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This symbol is seen again with Annabel wearing a dress full of flowers when she meets Leo (Lenore) for the first time again. The flowers still only take up a piece of the dress though because there is still uncertainty within the relationship. But there are more flowers than the scraps of them before showing Lenoreā€™s growing hope.
I also think that the engagement ring looks like a flower showing more of this symbol coming up. A bit of theorizing here but when Annabel accepts Lenoreā€˜s proposal this will bring even more certainty to their relationship shown by the ring just being a flower.
Flowers while they are at Nevermore
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The first time flowers appear at Nevermore is when they make the promise to protect each other they are surrounded by flowers, roses specifically. This represents the new and old growth of their relationship in my opinion. These flowers are hole there are no petals on the ground or in the air showing how certain Lenore is in this relationship at the moment.
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Next before the start of the entrance exam they are in this courtyard area full of roses again but this time the air is full of the petals of the flowers unlike earlier. This is impotent because flowers lose petals when they dying. In this scene Annabel tells Lenor that they arenā€™t actually friends and that she doesnā€™t care for her. Lenoreā€™s perceived loss of this relship is shown by the roses from earlier losing their petals like her loss of hope.
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flowers are seen agen with Annabelā€™s specter when they are planning to meet up after the exam finishes. In this sense there are both whole flowers and petals. I think this is showing the distance that is still present between them but that they have a relship which is growing.
Interestingly in the arboretum when they actually meet after the exam you canā€™t see any acshawal flowers or petals. I think this is because Lenor at this moment still feels unsteady in their relationship at the same level she did earlier.
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When Annabel and Lenor are in the arboretum agen discussing their relship you can clearly see flowers. Especially At this moment where Lenore is reassuring Annabel you can clearly see flowers framing that moment showing the growth in their relship and the certainty that exists within it still.
Annabel Lee and Roses
So I think that flowers in general represent all of Lenore's relships but roses specifically only represent her and Annabel. In a lot of the examples I listed that involved Annabel the flowers present where roses.
Annabelā€™s specter design is full of flowers, I interpreted these to be roses as well. I think the petals specifically could be relating to the loneliness of her specter and how distant her and Lenore still are.
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This further connection between roses and Annabel is seen in this panel, where there are roses in the background. Interestingly the thorns seem to be emphasized more than the flowers themselves, I think this is because this scene shows more of the dangerous side of Annabel instead of the beautiful one. I think the thorns are emphasized to show the dangers that Lenora is starting to realize in her relationship with, this could also be maybe a new sense of uncertainty within their relationship.
I think that flowers represent lenors feelings on her relships with others. I hope you enjoyed reading this. It's my first time doing anything like this outside of school so itā€™s probably not the best, hopefully it was understandable at least. Let me know your thoughts, or if you have a different take than me. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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littlekandiclown Ā· 3 months ago
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new year, new season don't be late ~
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littlekandiclown Ā· 3 months ago
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This popped into my hand and I had to make it exist
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littlekandiclown Ā· 3 months ago
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Was planning Cards Against Humanity and this made me think of Lenore
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littlekandiclown Ā· 4 months ago
Ty for the tag, I'm selling your stickers!!!!
@lobstersprinklesx3 @twinkeycat @i-eat-beads @rosieposie2007 + open
Thanks for the tag @tar-thelien
Feel free to join in:
@melancholysage @mystrothedefender @flora-friend @mechanoelle
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