#codename bewareofthefangirl
Kageyama Tobio
Goody-Two-Shoes - @universalistotalis
a piece of you with me - @heich0e
no title, but trust me! - @angstyoikawa (olympian!kageyama tobio with your ring hanging from his neck on a silver chain)
Sawamura Daichi
Sleep-Deprived - @amarimaryllis
Tsukishima Kei
By @pies-writes-and-more
how to make a guy jealous my girl
no title, but trust me! - @codename-bewareofthefangirl (Kei is needy and wants cuddles)
lying next to you - @dinosaurtsukki
2:07 am - @elysianslove
Iwaizumi Hajime
8:23 a.m. - @hajiberry
Akaashi Keiji
Fever - @let-me-simp-in-peace
fake dating, real feelings - @pies-writes-and-more
Accidental Confession - @jumoutjumin
Awake - @dokifluffs
BETWEEN THE LINES - @kuroosdarling
Bokuto Koutaru
Daddy's kisses - @anxiousbabybirdb
Miya Atsumu
Miya Osamu
INDECISIVE - @loveephia
no title, but trust me! - @kiwanopie (small amnesia drabble)
Onions aren’t the only reason why we cry - @sashimiyas
good enough - @literaltrashforeverything
osamu miya is hiding something. - @neoheros
Osamu is not the partying type. - @emmyrosee
AUDACIOUS - @kaiijo
Sakusa Kiyoomi
no title, but trust me! (sakusa kiyoomi doesn’t believe that you’re his ‘first love’.) no title, but trust me! ^2 (sakusa kiyoomi now thinks the sport is too dreadful for him to play.)
SPOILED ROTTEN bathing together, a drabble
Sunshine - @kiwanopie
MWAH - @gabseyoo
no title, but trust me! - @popkorrn (a bus ride home)
no title, but trust me! - @moonbeamwritings (mornings with gossips)
Kiyoomi is a man committed to his routines. - @heich0e
silent disco - @cosmi1k
-> Navigation.
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mookarts · 7 years
Hi dear! I have a question about your ff "the beat of my heart" (it's absolutely for curiosity, I hope it's not rude of me): Is it correct to say that in the end we have Mattsun and Makki in love with each other, then Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Makki and Mattsun in love with Hinata, but Iwaizumi and Oikawa are not in love with each other nor with Mattsun and Makki? Or at least not in the same way the like Hinata? Or I misunderstood? Sorry if I'm a bit slow about it, I love your ff!
yep youve got it right!! theyre all dating hinata, and only mattsun and makki are dating each other. i hope that clears it up for you!
and thank you so very much!! im glad that you love it, i promise theres more to come!!!
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coolcatcaptain · 7 years
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@tobieaux it rly is rare isnt it? its super cute tho! @missbeatricegrant yesss kuroo is good with like everyone tbh @codename-bewareofthefangirl oikuro is my JAM tbh i have a pmv idea for these two ;)
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dahliadenoire · 6 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
omg thank you!! ❤️❤️
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About Me: Being A Writer
I was tagged by @oiivkawa 😍 Thank you dear, sorry if it took me so long!
tagging: All the ones tagged here :3 (If you feel comfortable) And everyone who read this and want to share: I’d love to know you.
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? 
I discovered Tumblr while I was searching a place where I could talk and enjoy my fave anime and shows without being judged or anything else because I’m a nerd, socially awkward etc. etc. I wanted to create a safe space for myself and then for others. Nobody except two people knows about this, so I felt like I had a secret hideout -> I felt like an agent undercover.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (Bookmarks/ Subscriptions/ Hits/ Kudos)
Surely the ones I used to write in Italian, I reached the 1000 XD Now that I write in English I’m sort of an underdog. I have some popular posts or ask. As in for proper ff, it’s Confetti 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it? 
Uh I still don’t have one. At first, I created the account only to follow my fave authors and to comment, I didn’t think I was enough good to post my works. I’ll probably put the same one on my blog, Iwa-chan. As I empathize greatly with Oikawa, I admired Iwaizumi a lot; plus, the image is a lot calming and beautiful.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters? 
I love everyone who spare their time to comment. I don’t have “regulars” on ao3, but here on tumblr @jenasisity , @ru-cchi and @secret-fujoshi-diary have been with me from the start. @mhioislife is always there for MatsuHanaIwaOi and I love her blog. And I go crazy when people, especially artists, I admire comment positively in my posts (ex. my lovely @nyciel )
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again? 
I have a good memory for stories, so I don’t re-read many of them. Coffe King by Oiivkawa and few others are my exception.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked? I subscribed to nearly 100-105 ff and bookmarked 99. 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most? 
I LOVE AUs, I’D LIKE TO WRITE MORE. I love Uni/College Au (being a uni student too), Soulmates Au and Fantasy/Historical but I have barely written for them here. 
I’ve been requested more than once (and I enjoyed them greatly) Zombie!Au, HarryPotter!Au, Bodyguards!AU and Spy!Au. I also love Crossovers.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? 
On AO3 subscriptions: 36 bookmarked: 40
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!) 
I’m scared every time I write in English, terrified. I’d love to be more confident and being able to finish my projects, since I get discouraged easily when I don’t have feedback. (I was spoiled when I wrote in Italian, but I’m working on it) I’d love to write more AUs, even small shots!
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc. 
MY ENGLISH. I WANT TO HAVE A FLUENT ENGLISH. And I’m not comfortable with explicit smut, so I avoid it. (and updating with frequency, but my studies don’t let me)
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often? 
I usually ship popular ship...i think? It depends on the anime. My OTP are IwaOi, KuroKen, BokuAka, AoKise, GaLe and KiriBaku. 
I have some rarepairs: I’d die for AoKawa (Aomine x Oikawa, Crossover), BakuShimaNari, TodoDenki, my OT4 MatsuHanaIwaOi and (idk if it’s rarepair) BoKuroo
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day? 3
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program? Like WIPs? 
HAHAHAHAHAH. Only stories, without headcanons or scenarios? 104
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head? 
It depends, I’m constantly creating stories, especially if I’m bored, and always before sleeping. I think at least one or two a day so…no, I write down the only ones I project to write or to which I’m particularly attached to. Otherwise I keep them in my head.
15. Have you ever co- authored a story? 
Yep, more than once. It’s fun and motivating if you manage to get along.
16. How did you discover AO3? I was searching a new base to read fanfiction from, in English this time, and I stumbled upon it.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3? Nope, no really. I was in my Italian fandoms XD Now I just enjoy sharing small things and reading beautiful ffs. 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers? 
Survivors. (jk, I don’t have one) I call everyone “dear” or “sweetheart” since I don’t want to offend anyone by assuming things.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write? 
In general? Probably my father when I was little, but it was spontaneous. I’ve always created stories, I just needed a way to let them out and…puff, I started writing.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? 
Everyone starts from the basics, making mistakes, receiving few appreciative comments or kudos…don’t let this discourage you. First, because practice makes you better. Second, because even if it’s one person who reads it and leaves a “like”, it means you have made them happy. You don’t know how important for them your story has been, you can’t know, so don’t sell yourself shortly. I’ve been saved over and over by the most unexpected stories.
And, always write something you love.
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go? 
Both! I have a vague idea and some scenes I’m sure of, but while I write it I understand all the rest. Arguing and discussing with the characters also helps. Half of the time, for most of the short stories, I start writing without having any idea of what I’m doing and they come up on their own.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? 
Not really, just corrections or correct observations, especially about my grammar or the logic flow. I thanked them, correct the ff and learnt from my mistakes. 
Ah, but I’ve received today my first hate on my character analysis of Bakugou Katsuki and…nothing, I’m bothered and a bit annoyed, but haters who have decided to not even try having a dialogue are not worth bothering. It’s just toxic. I tried to focus more on the positive or/and constructive feedback.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc) 
Nearly unable to write real, explicit smut (I get embarrassed and I don’t know the real dynamic sooo….) and action is also difficult if you want to describe a specific style of combat.
24. What story(s) are you working on now? 
I’m always working on my first book, I’m editing it. I also answer asks for fun (even if I’m horrible slow) and works on Confetti and Hell Mission (I, II)
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)? I'm thinking of trying to write an otome.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself? 
HAHAHAHHAHA NO I WOULD KILL MYSELF. I only set them for my book, for the rest I do it for pleasure and to relax.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? ABSOLUTELY YES.
28. What is your favourite story that you have written? 
My book, some old Italian fanfictions and…I have some favorite posts: Fantasy/Heian Iwaoi, Star Child, (okay, nearly everything IwaOi and MatsuHanaIwaoi)  my Aokise Zombie!Au (Red Sunset, Finally), my AkaMido The Ballad Of The Robin and my AoKawa Series (especially Shooting Stars)
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written? 
Usually, if I write or publish something, it means I love it. I often re-read what I’ve written, even if it’s embarrassing seeing how bad it was.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years? 
WITH A BOOK PUBLISHED I HOPE. Still writing fanfictions too, I like people smiling.
31. What’s the easiest part about writing? 
The spontaneous thinking part, during the first moments of creation, when the ideas come up to you; or when you have that five minutes flow where the words write themselves. The rest is pure hell, from the start to the end.
32. What is the hardest part about writing? 
Editing. I correct over and over the same parts, especially in lengthy stories. Deciding what to cut or not for me it’s torture, I want to keep everything.
It’s also difficult creating new, consistent, realistic, congruent characters.
33. Why do you write? 
It’s the thing I love the most in the world, I don’t know what could I do without it. I need it, it has saved me. And I love making people smile, I’m trying to do what other books and authors have done for me: Give me reasons to go on, hope, warmth, acceptance, a smile…I want to be able to do it.
It’s also my way of thinking and expressing myself since I’m socially awkward; it’s my way of communicating.
And, well, also a ways to have fun and relax when things get tough :3
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soupfulness · 7 years
☺: ohh wait what’s this one is this supposed to be 😊😊😊 “you’re sweet. you’ve made me smile before.” i have decided it is this one!!😇: every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive😶: i’m honored that you’re following me tbh🐭: please be kinder to yourself.👍: i like you. just in general. i think you’re a genuinely good person!💉: talking to you or seeing you in my dash makes me feel better.📺: we have similar interests!💌: i’d love to send you more messages and asks but you make me nervous!
ooh thank u!! that’s a lot of nice emojis hahaha u went all out friendo!! and im def trying to take better care of myself, sorry for worrying u! haha dont be so nervous! i feel happy when i get random messages cause i too am an awkard bean too shy to try talking to people myself *sweats* anyway👍👍👍 right back @ u friend
send me emojis
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senren · 7 years
Hi dear! Just a random stranger here to remember you that your blog is a bless. Your art is a bless. You are bless. Thanks for giving our fandoms all this happiness! *hugs tightly*
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savnofilter · 5 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!!
i’ll just tag my senpais! which i think you ALL should give them a look!
@fantasydaydreamers @kazooli @lord-explosion-baku @sportyheroesimagines @bokunoheroes-stories @codename-bewareofthefangirl @shoutodoki @tobobio @wonderwomanfantasy @heroes-among-us-all @heros-amoung-us @quillmind @bakugouscentedcaramel @bakugou-tm @strawberryandspiceandchocolate  @lovely-angst @lovekatsukibakugo @cherrykwrites @imagines-forthe-soul @nekokoafanfictions @suneaterssun
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hiraethstill · 7 years
Hi dear! I deeply loved your Uknown Number for Kuroken; they are one of my otp and you depicted them beutifully *.* if you don't mind it, may I ask for a sequel? Maybe where Kuroo helps out Kenma in person? Lots of fluff and love?
Unknown Number (Part 2)
They’d never really seen each other in the hallways at school before, but now they made it a point to eat lunch together and grab something to eat from the cafe where they’d met every so often. Usually it was Kuroo that suggested these outings, but Kenma sometimes surprised him by tugging on his sleeve and quietly suggesting they eat off campus.
It was on a Thursday that Kuroo was waiting outside of Kenma’s classroom before lunch when he noticed that all the students and the teacher had left and he was the only one there. Slightly concerned now, he peeked his head into the classroom, calling Kenma’s name briefly.
The next second found him sprinting inside, maneuvering around desks until he came to the curled up figure on the floor. Kneeling, he lay a gentle hand on Kenma’s back.
“Kenma?” he said as softly as he could. It wasn’t the first time he’d found him like this, but it didn’t get easier over time.
There was a small sound from deep within the human ball, something that sounded like a mixture between choking and sobbing. The blonde lifted his head then, and crawled closer to Kuroo, clutching at his shirt.
“I… hate this,” he managed, curling in on himself again but not letting go. There was so much more than those three words written all over his face - I’m worthless, I’m helpless, I’m sick of this -  and Kuroo hesitated no longer, gathering him in his arms and dropping his chin on top of his head protectively.
“I know, but you’re strong. You’re going to make it.” There was no doubt about it - Kenma was one of the strongest people he knew.
A sob that almost sounded like a hiccup. Quick, irregular breathing. “I’m just weak. Do you… do you see this? There’s nothing strong about this.”
Gently, ever so gently, he ran his fingers through the blond hair, toying with the ends. “You’ve been through so much, but you don’t have to do it alone. No one should have to do it alone. If you don’t believe you’re strong, then let’s be strong together. Let me be strong with you.”
There was no answer this time, only quiet sniffles. Kuroo’s heart lifted slightly when minutes went by without any concerning sounds from the other boy. When he’d completely quieted, he murmured, “Any better?”
Detaching himself from Kuroo’s side, the blonde nodded, a barely perceptible duck of his head. There were still streaks of tears that ran down his face, but he tried for a small smile, and by this point, Kuroo knew how much effort it must have taken. His heart siezed in his chest, and he lifted a hand to brush his thumb over the glistening tracks. Before he even registered what he was doing, he was already leaning in to replace it with his lips.
A sharp intake of breath was all he heard from Kenma before he pulled away, much too soon. Strangely, neither of them were blushing, although Kenma’s lips were parted slightly in surprise and his eyes were closed, as if expecting more. After a moment, Kuroo realized that no, he wasn’t being pushed away, and waited for a moment to see if the other would open his eyes before placing a similar kiss on the other cheek.
He’d been about to kiss him properly when Kenma leaned forward to rest his forehead against his chest instead. The older boy didn’t need to say anything, didn’t need to adjust himself, and his arms instinctively rose to wrap around him.
Instead of the sounds of crying, a small huff of laughter arose from the body against his chest. “Took you long enough,” Kenma managed. “If you hadn’t done anything… would’ve done something myself.”
Kuroo matched his chuckle. “Sorry. Better late than never?”
“Surprised you did anything at all,” came the reply, and although his voice was still weak, waves of relief crashed over Kuroo at hearing a teasing remark.
“I didn’t know you were so impatient,” he said lightly, shaking his head.
“I’m not.”
He smirked slightly. “Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too, Kenma. Don’t lie to me.”
He felt rather than heard the slight laughter, and took a deep breath, letting himself relax. Kenma was going to be okay. He got the feeling both of them knew that now.
“Sorry for keeping you from lunch.”
Kuroo smiled. “We’re focusing on you right now.”
“Yeah, but…”
“I know you’re biting your lip right now, so don’t.”
Lightly, Kenma bumped his head against him. “I wasn’t.”
“Was too.”
“Are we really doing this again?”
Kuroo laughed louder this time and shifted slightly backward so he could look at him properly. “You’re gorgeous,” he said honestly.
“I was just crying,” Kenma said, raising an eyebrow.
“So? Maybe I don’t care if there’s snot and tears on your face.” His hands were still loosely around him.
Kenma grew a bit quieter. “And if we were to date…” He said it hesitantly, as if he didn’t deserve even this much.
“I wouldn’t care then either,” he said resolutely, hoping with every inch of his being that Kenma would believe him because he was gorgeous and was loved and needed to be told that. So much.
“I honestly just want something like this,” he barreled on before Kenma could reply. “Just us and our banter and being comfortable and there. I want to be there for you even if I know you’re strong enough to handle yourself.”
And Kenma’s face. It was slowly lighting up, he could tell. It was there in the way his eyes were a touch brighter even through the puffiness, the way he leaned slightly forward, the small tentative smile that rivaled anyone else’s broad grin. Yes, Kuroo could live for this.
And then the smaller boy was leaning forward, capturing his lips just lightly. There was a lot behind it - gratitude, hope - that Kuroo could feel thrumming in his own chest. “I… can’t do much right now,” he said softly, still close to Kuroo’s face. “But I’m not going anywhere, and I’m trying.”
Heart swelling, he pressed his own lips to the other’s forehead. “That’s all I need to hear.”
I’m sorry it’s so short, but again, I’m doing this between tons of work. But you know what we all need? Kenma being the one to take care of Kuroo. Just a thing I’d want to see. Who knows? Maybe I’ll write it sometime.
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puddingcatbeans · 8 years
Hi dear! I'm here again! If it's possible, could I have a fluffy/funny KuroOi for "you're not going to put those damn posters in our room without my consent!"
“No freaking way.”
“Why the heck not? They’re beautiful.”
“They’re going to make me sneeze every time I come in here!”
“That doesn’t even make sense!” Kuroo throws up his hands. “It’s just a poster of cats! Since we can’t get a real one, because you’re deathly allergic.”
Oikawa crosses his arms, huffing. “You’re not putting those damn posters up in our room without my consent!” 
“You have like a million weird alien posters on the walls, why can’t I have this?”
“They’re not weird, they’re tasteful!”
“Taste bad.”
“That doesn’t make sense!”
They both glare, standing in the middle of their dorm room with a cat poster in between them. Kuroo steps closer to the poster. Oikawa narrows his eyes. 
“Don’t,” he says slowly, “you. dare.”
Pursing his lips, Kuroo tries for a truce. “How about this. You let me put this one little cat poster up, and I’ll buy you milkbreads for the rest of the month.”
“Rest of the term,” Oikawa immediately says.
Kuroo raises an eyebrow. “That was fast.” He frowns. “Wait, did you pick a fight with me just for milkbreads?”
Oikawa rolls his eyes. “Please, as if I’m that shallow. I picked a fight with you because that cat poster is an atrocity, and also you look kind of hot when you’re scowling. But anything is worth it for milkbread.”
“Uh-huh—wait, did you just call me hot?”
Oikawa’s face is turning a suspicious shade of red. “Just—put up your poster before I change my mind!”
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feh-inprogress · 6 years
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Bakugou: What are those stupid pointy teeth supposed to be for?
Kiri *chucles*: Wanna find out?
Bakugou: WHAT?
Kiri: Wanna a bite?
Mythology AU where Baku is the God Ares, and Kiri is the Goddess Aphrodite ~
> More Here <
edit: Just found out this fic by @codename-bewareofthefangirl that has the same AU context, but very different!
Mythology AU by @satur-nya and me <3
Some people are asking me about writing fanfics, and please BE MY GUEST! fanfics, arts, anything, lets feed that au <3 just if you wanna credit please its on me AND SATUR-NYA! She is working on her own stuff now, so she can’t draw that right now :3
The best thing while drawing them again I think was realising in this version Kiri would have a pretty nice self steem and Baku will be in eternal denial of “of course i’m attracted to him/her, he is the FUCKING GODDESS OF ATTRACTION”
Extra, kiri clothes sketch:
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mookarts · 7 years
Hi dear! I'll write you here to not tire you put with my comments on Ao3. I've read the answer to my answer regarding the angst thing and I thank you, because I believe that that's the best way to approach polyamory and in general discriminated things. Showing that they can be accepted without necessary angst or suffering. I love your approach and your decision, thank you for sharing your story.
youre very welcome! im really glad that you agree with my approach on it. and  thank you for taking the time to message me about it! 
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coolcatcaptain · 7 years
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@codename-bewareofthefangirl omg thank you!!! im glad to have been of some help! (btw you should totally link me to your oikuro bc i would love to read it)
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Thank you too @codename-bewareofthefangirl ; ___ ; thank you so much 🖤🧡💙❤️
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kiviont · 7 years
YOUR ASK IS REALLY OPEN?! WE CAN ASK FOR YOUR BEAUTIFUL ART?! I'm crying...what about SecretAgent!Iwaizumi x ProPlayer!Oikawa?😍 Everything is fine, I just love the two of them in any au and your art is perfect! Take your time and have a wonderful day!
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Here you go, @codename-bewareofthefangirl for the SecretAgent!Iwaizumi x ProPlayer!Oikawa… and… this is what happens when you told me to take my time? X’D Since you didn’t mention anything specific I just come up with Oikawa as Iwaizumi’s target X’DSo thanks a lot for the prompt! It makes my imagination runs wild!
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It’s the first time Iwaizumi gets unwanted attention from his own mark instead of random passer-by.
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savnofilter · 5 years
are there writers on here you look up to?
this finna be along one.
@tommysmutnothingbut - oKAy this is not bnha blog but she is v kind and wrties really well! one of the people i consider really gave me a push to write content for other to read.
@cherrykwrites - writes s good, isnt afraid of what people think of her writing and i adore that.
@lovekatsukibakugo - one of the best writer on here and just like her work, it matters and it shows.
@lovely-angst - so freaking humble and cute and uggg did i say their writing is fucking amazing as well?
@codename-bewareofthefangirl - got me into bnha and also one of the first writing blogs i followed on here. theyre so beautiful.
@sportyheroesimagines - have you ever read their domestic au? you fucking better. thats all i have to fucking say.
@lord-explosion-baku - i. can. not. their writing is fucking amazing bitch UGG.
@nekokoafanfictions - um plot is thick, mood is delicious, i literally cant with them. beautiful.
@tobobio - just their stuff. do it. i dare you. you wont come back.
@imagines-forthe-soul - she sins and im here for it. we all are. nothings better than a good sinner whos good at writing it.
@bakugou-tm - this queen- i simply cant anon.
@bokunoheroes-stories - super talented and sweet, couldnt imagine the bnha community w/out them
OKAY so thats a lot of people iK but like heres some good blogs tho that i thoroughly enjoy from time to time. bc like,,,, p sure everyone is use to seeing the top bnha blogs so creds to the other ones (but in no means low in rankings iN MY HEART).
@strawberryandspiceandchocolate - why do i feel like i dont have to explain why your shit is good?
@humanitysfandomhoe - ily bitch, i aint ever gon stop lovin you, bitch. likes to starve me of good content (jk jk love your stuff)
@cocowritesbnha - DUDE your writing 👌 hits 👌 the 👌spot 👌 every 👌time 👌 pls youre s funny and sweet like this biih ^ untop. i also love you.
@humanityssoftest - i- dabi? you made him my daddy and im horny mad ab it.
@mci-the-hedge-lynx - my HUMBLE child, (ididntknowifyouwantmetotagyourwritingblogyet) i read your shit, and i fucking worship you for eternity for writing my hc so fucking good cause i didnt think would do it. 
@queenri0t - we talked a few times and im actually waiting for the next chap of red devil like this
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@themisadventurescrew - and imma need some bnha content soon, its a DROUGHT. i’ll be in your ask box soon. fic for fic, love your writing.
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