tama1313 · 4 years
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I completely forgot to post CodeJuly entries.
Day 9 + 13: AU + Lost
I’ll probably remake this cuz I don’t like the expression I gave her, plus I have a better idea; but I wanted to share this too.
This is mainly inspred by ep. 6 from season 1 when Yumi falls in the digital sea.
In this AU, She can’t be saved anymore (even with the “Earth Code”), and so she is lost in the digital sea (joyfull, isn’t it?). (Also I may have a second part about this AU when Yumi swap villain place with William in the 4th season, but she is not possesed by XANA, etc.. Maybe I’ll post more in the future)
About Code July, I have only two other entries but I’m gonna post these tomorrow and perhaps I’ll finish even someother entry in the future
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zhinyart · 4 years
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CodeJuly Day #15: Distance
Home quarantine. I hope you are all taking care!!
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semie78 · 4 years
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HEY EVERYONE GUESS WHAT’S BACK, CODEJULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe this is our seventh year of codejuly!!!!, wow I actually posted this at a decent time this year. The reason why I made this event was to make the tag more active again after getting inspired by the Danny Phantom’s phanniemay calendar
The official tag is “#codejuly” also “#codejuly20” (no spaces or punctuation). Please use it so that people can block it if they don’t want to see it. If you are just talking about Code July, please do not tag your post with that tag
I don’t have time to do this in July?/Can I post it on another day? Even though the calendar is for July, you don’t have to do them all in July. You can do them on whatever day seem best for you.
I don’t get the theme for some of these days? You can go ask me on my ask box if you are confused on a specific day. (btw each word is just an idea, so as long as you come up with something it doesn’t matter how far you stray from the literal meaning of the word)
Is this a drawing thing only? No, you can do anything including fanfic, AMV, cosplay, playlist, and etc… the choice is yours
Do I have to do all the themes? Nope, it’s your choice on what you want to do. If you don’t feel inspired by some you can skip them. (and if you get an idea later you can submit it late)    
(But there is a special prize where I will give everyone who completes all the prompts a lil doodle of a code lyoko character of your choice~ just make sure to let me know if you complete them all)
ONLY ENTRIES MAY BE POSTED IN THE Codejuly TAG!  NO TEXT POSTS (except for Fanfiction)!
I hope everyone has fun with this ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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irryne · 4 years
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so close and yet so far...
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a-queenoffairys · 4 years
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Code July 2020 day 6: Favourite rare pair Litalise
I emerged from my months-long art rut just because I had a good excuse to draw them .w.
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vahn5 · 4 years
Code July day 3 - Protect
Yumi Ishiyama was peacefully sleeping in her room like any regular student would at 3:30 in the morning, that is until her rest was quickly interrupted by a ringing sound. Still very sleepy, Yumi reached for her alarm clock, but that wasn’t the source, it was her phone. She picked it up and answered, a very familiar voice came through the speaker.
“Yumi, we need you at the factory right now!”
“Jeremy, you know what time it is?!” Yumi asked rhetorically, not quite awake yet.
“Yumi, XANA has taken control of the bulldozers.”
“Bulldozers? What bulldozers?”
“The ones that were parked at Kadic when the principal told us about the new equipment, remember? Ulrich and Odd are following them, trying to figure out what’s XANA up to.” With this the Japanese girl fully woke up.
“What?! Ok, I’ll be there ASAP.” She answered ending the call. She wasn’t quite in the best attire to head outside, so she got ready as fast as she could, while making sure she didn’t wake up her family, and headed outside.
Fortunately for her, Yumi was quite the fast runner, so it only took her a couple minutes to reach the factory. But before reaching it she got another call from Jeremy, which probably didn’t mean good news, so she answered while still running towards the bridge.
“Yumi, I’ve lost contact with Ulrich!” Jeremy said panicking slightly.
“Were was he when you last spoke to him?” Yumi asked, trying to keep calm.
“He was heading for the factory with the bulldozers.”
“Right, I’m almost there, I’ll find him.” With that she ended the call and finally reached her destination.
Upon entering the building Yumi was shocked and had to stop for a second. In just a few minutes XANA had manage to destroy half of the factory, columns were bend over or completely broken, platforms had crumble to the floor, bits of the roof were falling over… And in the middle of the chaos, she saw it, an arm hanging limp from the broken window of one bulldozer. A gasp escaped her mouth as fear for the worst possible scenario took over her, but she quickly returned to herself and jumped into action.
Yumi ran towards the possessed machine, avoiding the debris constantly falling around her. After dodging a couple swings from XANA she finally reached the window. Ulrich was lying on the door, unconscious. She screamed his name, but to no avail, meanwhile the bulldozer started picking up speed with the intention to crash against a wall.
With no more options, Yumi jumped inside the cabin and put her body around Ulrich’s, shielding him as much as possible. The impact brought part of the wall down, so the machine backed up getting ready for another assault, meanwhile Yumi got up, grabbed Ulrich and jumped out, they roll on the floor several times barely avoid some more debris that fell over after the second impact.
As quickly as she could, Yumi grabbed Ulrich again and got to cover behind some fallen piece of concrete.
“Ulrich! You gotta get up!” She screamed once more, this time managing to wake up her unconscious friend.
The bulldozer found them and started approaching, and Ulrich was in no condition to run, still Yumi grabbed his hand and together they ran as fast as they could. Fortunately, they fell through a small hole that allowed them to go one floor down, where XANA couldn’t reach them.
Yumi, completely out of breath, looked up to see the bulldozer passing over them, but when she looked to her side, Ulrich had fallen back unconscious. Worried she called his name, to no response. Seeing as they were safe for now, she decided to take a better look at her partner while she recovered her breath. Ulrich had a distress look on his face, his hair was all messy and his clothes were full of dust, to the young girl’s relief he didn’t seem to have any cuts from the broken windows or other visible injuries.
Yumi realized she had been just staring at him while caressing his cheek for the last minute. Blushing slightly, she got up, grabbed Ulrich’s unconscious body and continued towards the lab.
They finally arrived at the top of the laboratory, Yumi brought Ulrich down with Jeremy’s help and they sat him on the wall besides the ladder. Yumi kneeled down beside him still checking on his state, but after a couple seconds, one of Odds sarcastic messages made it clear that he needed help, so Yumi ran for the scanner room, not before giving Ulrich one last glance.
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yoshistack · 4 years
Code July Day 5: Redesign
I was going to skip this day, but then I got an idea, for better or for worse.
(Ao3 and FF.net links here! Support is appreciated on either!)
XANA was getting stronger. That was always the case anymore, but things had grown even worse recently. With William under his control, and XANA's power seemingly spread out across the network, the fight had escalated to a new height , and that height required new strategies.
One of which was new combat gear.
At least, that was how Jeremy described the idea to his friends one day after meeting up with Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi in the former two's room one afternoon.
Yumi eyed him and the notepad he carried skeptically. "Are you sure about this, Jeremy? You and Aelita aren't even done putting Lyoko back together, and you want to add this much more to your plate?"
"Seriously, you two look like you haven't slept in weeks," Ulrich agreed.
Jeremy, tired looking as he was, waved it off. "We're almost done with that. We just have a few more tests to run on it before we can restore the surface sectors, which Aelita's working on right now," he assured them. "Besides, this is nothing compared to that. This is just a matter of altering your guys digital avatars. All that takes is just looking at the virtual structures of each of your mainframes and reco-"
"Ok, ok, let's not get into that," Odd interrupted with a sharp clap of his hands, much to Jeremy's ire. "So long as you know what you're doing with that, we trust you." The others gave quick nods; Jeremy rolled his eyes. "But then, what do you need from us?"
Jeremy sighed. "Ideas," he admitted. He started tapping the back of the pen against the paper as he leaned back in the chair at Ulrich's desk, making the button click. "I've got some basics in mind, but you guys are the ones actually using your weapons out in the field. You know what works and what could be improved way better than I do, and with how much XANA's suped William up, getting this right is more important than ever. So, within reason," he sent a sharp look toward Odd, who flashed an innocent looking grin in return. "I'm willing to take some suggestions. I can't promise I can make them all happen, but I can at least give it a shot,"
There was no immediate response. Jeremy's pen tapped impatiently against the table. "Well? Speak now or forever hold your peace."
The suggestions started to flow in after that.
"Look, I don't know, some kind of upgrade to my saber?"
"It'd be nice to be able to get my fans out quicker."
"Or even like, I dunno, two swords maybe?"
"If there's some way to make using telekinesis easier I'd appreciate it,"
Jeremy nodded and let out a hum as he wrote down some of the suggestions as they continued. Not all were feasible, and some he'd already thought of, but they were good to hear regardless. But someone had been strangely quiet.
He looked up toward Odd and immediately felt a sense of regret for ever having this idea.
He had that look on his face again.
Ulrich and Yumi seemed to notice too and shared a look with each other. "Emphasis on the 'within reason' part, Odd," she warned him.
"Hey! I haven't even said anything!" Odd pouted. "You never wanna hear my ideas, and I've got some great ones in mind for this! How about some yellow stripe-"
"Odd, this isn't the time for detailed fashion requests," Jeremy interrupted. He pulled off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. He could feel a headache coming on. Different topic, now. "I could try giving you teleportation again?"
Odd made a face similar to that of a child eating overly sour candy. "What? No way! There's only enough room in the world for one Odd Della Robbia, virtual or otherwise. I'll leave that ability to Ulrich."
"...That wasn't what I-"
"I've got something better in mind anyway! Alright, picture this," Odd's voice got quieter as he leaned forward from his spot on his bed. "Imagine me, going across Lyoko, taking out monsters left and right—more than I usually do anyway—while I glide across the sky with some wings! It's awesome, right?" He let out a laugh, then looked at his friends. "...Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Odd…" Yumi sighed. Where to even begin?
"Cats don't have wings," Ulrich said bluntly.
"Right, because realism matters so much in a virtual world where we fight against giant fish and insects that fire lasers at us on the regular," Odd fired back. Ulrich rolled his eyes. "Come on, guys, think about how much more maneuverable I'd be! I have to keep up with you guys and your fancy powers somehow,"
"With the way you already climb around on everything, plus the stunts you pull with the Overboard, I think you've got that covered already," Yumi pointed out.
"Oh, but think of all the new possibilities that open up without having to rely on a vehicle! I could launch a full on aerial assault whenever XANA attacks!"
"Yeah, and with your luck, you'd get shot down and hurdle towards the Digital Sea in three seconds flat," Ulrich laughed while Odd let out another huff. He leaned back against the wall, hands behind his head, and noticed Jeremy still writing on his notepad. "Einstein, please tell me you aren't taking him seriously,"
"Huh?" Jeremy's head shot up, glasses going slightly askew. "What? No, of course not," he answered, much to Odd's irritation.
"None of you appreciate my ideas for what they are: genius!" Odd said.
"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, good buddy," Ulrich said. Beside him, Yumi put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from snickering too loudly.
Odd let out an indignant noise and started to raise his voice as the two roommates got into yet another one of their many ridiculous arguments. But Jeremy didn't care to listen. He had more important things to work on. And he had quite a few new things to think about for this latest project.
Because, while yes, Odd's idea was completely and totally ridiculous, it wasn't completely terrible...
Just so long as it wasn't applied to him.
He smirked to himself as he looked at the notes he'd written under Aelita's name. She'd told him not to worry too much about her, that her Energy Fields had been enough of an upgrade for her already.
But surely she wouldn't mind a little something extra.
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kirill-yasniy · 4 years
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Code july — day 31, free day
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days 3 and 4 of code july
day 3, protect, i have Jeremie protecting the scanners because while the gang is virtualized, he has to help them and also protect the various parts of the supercomputer without being well trained from fighting in lyoko and also doesn’t have powers. he’s just a trooper.
day 4 is fireworks and i have the warriors in a blanket together watching fireworks. i didn’t have the best coloring supplies so they’re colored with their main colors.
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oceanspray5 · 4 years
Not The Crown That Makes The Princess
Aelita Stones gulped as she looked up into the grand entrance hall of the towering building she had just entered. It was her new home for the next year. The glass chandelier reflected the room's light brilliantly illuminating the beautiful antiques and expensive paintings hanging from the walls. The sheer grandness of the room made her feel inexplicably tiny and out of place. She had entered a different world. A world not for her. Or at least… that’s what it felt like. The Kadic Royal Academy was the most prestigious school in Europe, possibly the world but, as the name suggested, it was a school for young royals. Something Aelita was far from.
Taking a deep breath, she geared her confidence. So what if she wasn’t of noble birth? She had won her opportunity fair and square. She deserved to be here. With a smile, she stepped forward, surer of herself this time. Unfortunately, despite her regained confidence Aelita ended up stepping on someone the very next second.
“I’m sorry!” She blurted, her confidence fast fading. She stood there waiting for a severe talking to from whichever stuck up royal she had the misfortune of meeting first. The stranger only laughed.
“It’s alright,” he said kindly. "I'm Jeremy." 
So... I had a sudden inspiration for this AU more than a month ago when I first was getting into Code Lyoko. I had just watched Barbie Princess Charm School which is my favorite Barbie film and the plots just intertwined. I basically just wanted to write Jerlita Royalty AU fluff and writing the plot parts of this was SO hard to crank out. Anyway... I put more than a month of effort into this. It was supposed to be a oneshot but it became so long I divided it into three parts and possibly an Epilogue for pacing purposes.
I really like Odissi as a potential relationship so there's bits of that as well. Ulumi, I do like but unfortunately find hard to write so there aren't many of their moments but I hope you will enjoy this story all the same.
I hate coming up with titles. The one for this is extremely cheesy I know but I couldn't think of anything else and didn't want to waste time posting this. Its sheer coincidence I got it done in time for Code July especially AU day. I have exams so I'm glad I managed to get this done in time.
So... without further ado, I hope you enjoy!
I worked EXTREMELY hard on this so if you enjoyed even a single scene of this fic I really really hope you'll be kind enough to leave a review! It would honestly make my day and make all the effort I put into it worth it.
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neverrieght · 4 years
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Here's a crossover idea.
Hellraiser and Lyoko crossover.
This goes with the headcanon that I have made about Ulrich being a medium. The Spirit Effect is about him helping spirits and making decisions that'll make some supernatural enemies and eventually being caught in a supernatural war. They are as for now oneshots. But here is the Hellraiser and Lyoko basic plot or summary.
The title - Strange Noon
Summary - In which Ulrich is caught in the middle of an unusual criminal case. He has to make a deal with those who are thought to be both angels and demons. The catch, Bring this man, who with the intent to hurt both the living and the dead, to them and they'll make the man suffer or else Ulrich might suffer
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zhinyart · 4 years
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Codejuly day #20: Formal
Just a concept art of Jeremy and Aelita’s wedding (?) :) I’d love your feedback on it.
This is something I want to explore more in the future.
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semie78 · 4 years
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Codejuly20 Day 9: AU - Angel’s friends au <33
man I love angel’s friends everyone should watch it, it’s horrible and great at the same time  Plot: the Angel’s (yumi, jer, and aelita) and the Devil’s (ulrich, sissi, and odd) go to earth to kadic to train to be guardian angels and devils, an angel and devil must partner up and paired to a human to guide/tempt them, 
“Angels and Devils cannot operate at the same time, so they decide, clashing in the Challenge Room, in order to determine who will work first. Moreover, they are subject to the V.E.T.O. (Vetoed from Exposing, Touching or Obstructing/Overhearing)”
An evil Neutral One XANA, imprisoned in the Limbo with her slave Franz, wants to take revenge of Angels and Devils who confined her. To get free, a sacrilege is necessary: because of this, she exploits the rising feelings between Aelita, an Angel, and Odd, a Devil, forcing them to kiss. 
I think this would be a fun au to work on more in the future, I hope you guys like it <3
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irryne · 4 years
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«...my mental and physical health gets worse and worse. But I’m moving so far forward in my research. I can’t stop this close to success»
— Jeremie, S02E38 «Temptation»
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yoshistack · 4 years
Code July Day 4: Fireworks
Letting the gang just act like kids? Check. Fluff? Check.
Me wishing I knew how to draw instead of having to write this? Check (One day I’ll have the patience... one day)
(Ao3 and FF.net links here!)
She was used to late night runs to the factory. Whether because of a XANA attack or for a Sector 5 mission, she was used to them by now. So she didn't blink an eye at Jeremy's request for everyone to meet up there that night.
Said meeting taking place on the roof of the factory, however, that was a new one.
"Will someone please explain to me what we're doing up here?" she asked, looking around. She couldn't find anything special around, aside from the bag that Odd had brought and put down near where they were all sitting.
"Ah, and ruin the surprise? No can do, Princess!" Odd said, waggling his finger. At her stare, he put his finger to his lip and shrugged with a grin.
She let out a confused noise and looked back at Ulrich and Yumi for answers. They both just shook their heads at her. She folded her arms across her chest and tilted her head at them.
"You'll just have to wait and see," Yumi said cryptically. Both she and Ulrich sat down next to each other with amused looks on their faces.
"See what?" she tried, but the three just smirked at one another while trying to hide their snickers. She didn't think they were laughing at her—she'd like to think they wouldn't do that, and that she'd spent enough time on Earth to learn the difference by now—but she couldn't tell what was supposed to be so funny.
She tried instead looking to Jeremy for guidance. He gave her a wide smile full of barely contained excitement she hadn't seen from him at least since her materialization. It surprised her enough that the feeling of his hand on her shoulder startled her.
"I know this probably seems weird, but I promise it'll be worth it," he said. That didn't really answer any of her questions either, but…
These were her friends after all. They were the ones helping her navigate through, well, everything since being materialized. They hadn't let her astray yet, and she couldn't imagine them intentionally putting her in danger now.
She trusted them; she trusted Jeremy.
Slowly, she nodded. "...Ok," she relented. She'd wait for… whatever it was.
"How long till it starts?" Ulrich asked.
Jeremy looked at his watch. "About 20 minutes, so we've got some time to kill," he said. He moved to take a seat next to her, still seemingly unable to fully wipe the excitement off of his face.
Perplexed as she was to why, it was refreshing to see with how much pressure he'd been under lately.
"I know just what to do!" Odd suddenly announced. He pulled the bag he'd brought closer to him and unzipped it to reveal a stash of snacks inside. "Eat!" he said, then dumped a bunch of them in front of him.
"Of course you brought food," Yumi let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes.
"Hey, it's hard work getting up here, and a guy's gotta eat," he picked up one of the chip bags and opened it up. "Besides, I don't know how long we're gonna be out here, so better safe than sorry,"
"Can't argue with that," Ulrich shrugged, then reached for some crackers. "What'd you end up telling your parents to get out here?" he asked, turning to Yumi.
"The truth… sort of," she replied. "I told them I was going to watch with friends, I just… might have fibbed about where." The look on her face told Aelita that even telling a half truth didn't sit well with her.
The guilt she usually felt whenever Yumi talked about her issues with her parents returned. She just hoped this wasn't another lie told on her behalf.
Odd however, had a different view on it.
"Well, they just don't know what they're missing! I mean, we've got the best seats in the house up here!" He gave a dramatic wave toward the sky. Yumi smiled a bit at that.
She however, was just lost. View to what?
The conversations continued for some time, making small talk while eating snacks, talking about school work and strange, non-XANA related occurrences throughout the day. It was nice to just relax and not worry about it for once (though of course Jeremy's laptop bag remained close just in case). Eventually, however, the conversation turned back to a point that made her tilt her head.
"What'd you end up doing about Kiwi?" Jeremy suddenly asked. "I can't imagine he'd be quiet during something like this,"
"Oh, that wasn't too hard. Kiwi's got these pills for when his allergies are bad that make him pretty sleepy, so I gave him a few of those," Odd replied as he tore into another chip bag. "He's in his drawer right now. He should be fine till we get back,"
Ulrich grinned a madman's grin. "You should've seen him though. Watching him try to hold Kiwi down to force the medicine down was hilarious," he added, letting out a snort.
"You could've helped," Odd huffed, though the effect was lessened by the ridiculous amount of chips he'd just stuffed into his mouth.
"Oh I could've, but then I wouldn't have the amazing memory of you slamming into the dresser while trying to dive bomb a 20 pound dog," Ulrich replied, causing him, Yumi, and Jeremy to burst into laughter. "And that would've been robbery,"
Odd grumbled under his breath and rubbed at a spot on his forehead.
"I don't get it," she admitted once everyone had quieted down again. "Why would you need to do something to make Kiwi qui-"
Suddenly a loud boom sounded above them. She cut herself off with a terrified squeak and shrank back. Another sounded out, and the sky lit up all around them. Her heart started to beat faster. She ducked her head down and covered her ears, squeezing her eyes shut tight.
What was this? Was it a XANA attack? It had to be! It reminded her of the laser fire she was so used to having to dodge on Lyoko. XANA must've activated a tower while they'd been talking. She needed to get down to the lab then! She needed to-
Jeremy gently pulled one of the hands covering her ears away. When she looked up at him, she saw no panic in his eyes, no fear. Out of the corner of her eye, he saw his bag still sitting nearby, untouched.
"Hey, it's ok," he assured her, leaning close to her so she could hear him over the noise. "They're called fireworks. They're kind of loud, and Ulrich brought some extra ear plugs if you want them," he pointed at Ulrich, who held up the plastic case for her to see, "but they're meant for you to watch."
So, it wasn't a XANA attack then? She'd been so sure… but then again none of the others seemed put off by it. Earth really was strange sometimes.
Jeremy motioned for her to look up at the sky with an encouraging smile. Cautiously, she lowered her other hand from her face to look up and…
"Wow…" she breathed out.
It was amazing. Bright explosions—ones that weren't nearly as scary as she'd initially thought—in vibrant colors lit up the sky around them. Each went off in a different way, some at different speeds, some with different designs; no two were quite the same. She was utterly mesmerized by the patterns.
"See? They're not so bad," Jeremy said. She nodded vaguely.
After about a minute of looking up, she leaned back against him, making him tense up. He let out a strangled noise, and he heard the others snicker at him. He shot a glare at them, but just as he was about to scoot away, he caught a glimpse of the pure, almost childlike wonder on her face, and found that he just couldn't.
Instead, he relaxed, and looked on to the sky with her.
Behind them, Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi shared grins. Jeremy had been right: getting up here had been a pain, but seeing it now, it had definitely been worth it.
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