newsbites · 2 years
The toll of attacks on villages by militiamen on Saturday in Ituri, in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), rose from 15 to more than 30 dead, including many women and children, we learned Monday from local sources.
The CODECO ( Cooperative for the Development of Congo ) community militia, which claims to protect the Lendu tribe against the Hema tribe, is accused of carrying out the attacks early Saturday morning against five villages in the territory of Mahagi, killing inhabitants, stealing cattle, looting and burning houses.
Arnold Lokwa, head of the "chiefdom" of Panduru, in which the targeted villages are located, said on Sunday that the bodies of 15 victims had been found, "mostly women, children and old people".
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magaratimes · 2 years
#PoliticoCD. | Ituri: A branch of the CODECO militia accused of killing seven gold miners
#PoliticoCD. | Ituri: A branch of the CODECO militia accused of killing seven gold miners
Seven miners were executed by URDPC/CODECO militiamen on Tuesday in Gjugu territory in Ituri province, according to security sources and Banyali-Kilo notables. These victims would have refused to be enlisted by force by this militia and to pay 1000 USD each in ransom for their release, this, after several days taken hostage in the Lisey village in the same territory, since September 26th. These…
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iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Instabilité de l'Est : Félix Tshisekedi demande aux FARDC de faire bloc derrière lui puis promet de leur offrir la victoire contre l'ennemi
Mercredi dernier, Félix Tshisekedi a enfilé le maillot de commandant suprême des Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo. Au cours d’un repas de corps où officiers généraux et supérieurs ainsi que sous-officiers des FARDC ont été conviés, le président de la République a galvanisé les troupes alors que les tensions sécuritaires ne se sont pas estompées dans l’est du pays. Une adresse…
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Lamborghini LM002, 1988. One of 328 LM002s manufactured between 1986 and 1993 has been sold at auction in Monaco for €308,750. The SUV has traveled 22,000 km. It was delivered new to Lamborghini distributor Codeco S.A. in Lausanne, Switzerland on 21 March 1988, the car has a Lamborghini certificate of origin.
pictures from R M Sotheby's
auction listing
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Why aren't we talking about The Congo War?
I've been talking about Palestine a lot but I wanted to take the time to point out what is going on in terms in the Congo and her people. Now, everyone has rightfully been speaking on Palestine and (not at lately) the Ukraine and Taiwan (which is rarely talked about) and I wondered why isn't Congo being talked about in the same breath.
Congo and her people have been facing atrocities from now only the March 23 movement (M23), but by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation (AFDL) and CODECO.
From human shields, child soldiers, massacres, sexual violence, and more, to the point that 150,000 people have been displaced this year with 1 MILLION in east DRC being displaced in 2023. And yet no one speaks about it. People who care about Palestine and Ukraine (again, the latter is barely spoken about now) should also be speaking up regarding this and yet, they aren't.
I believe that there are a few reasons.
The Congo is something that's geographically distance enough that people don't think about it.
People are aware of it but don't care because it's less important political wise ala Ukraine or Palestine
People are aware of it but feel there is nothing they can do since it's been going on for decades, which would be hypocritical considering the Palestine-Israel conflict, the China-Taiwan conflict, and the North and South Korea conflicts have been going on for ages as well.
It's our oldest and sickest friend, racisim. You can make the case that racisim isn't the key considering all the conflicts I listed but typically, anyone with darker skin is always looked at poorly when it comes to the world stage and often receive scorn versus those with a lighter complexion.
Truthfully, this cause is as important as Ukraine and Palestine but even I am ignorant in a lot of the complexities the DRC issue has so I implore people to learn more about it and make that another just cause. Don't want until it becomes the next "Trend." Please help and donate to the humanitarian efforts for the DRC.
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jobaaj · 3 months
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🚨Chinese citizens killed in DR Congo!!🚨 🔍 What Happened?
📢 Breaking News: China has issued a statement revealing that several Chinese nationals have been declared dead or missing following a violent armed attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
⚠️ According to local sources, a militia assault on a mining site in Ituri province has tragically claimed the lives of at least six Chinese citizens. Why?
📌 Reasons Behind the Attack:
Militia Aggression: Militia group Codeco launched attacks on the Chinese mining site.
Ethnic Tensions: The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is plagued by a deep ethnic divide, particularly between the Lendu and Hema tribes.
Resource-Rich Ituri: The Ituri region, abundant in resources like gold, was established by a UPDF commander who appointed a Hema tribesman as governor.
Historical Grievances: The Lendu, already in conflict with the Hema due to the Land Use Law issues of 1973, suspected UPDF support for the Hema, exacerbating the tension.
Ongoing Violence: This longstanding conflict has resulted in continuous violence and bloodshed, claiming thousands of lives and still persisting today!
😲Interestingly: ▪ China has called for the DRC to pursue and punish the perpetrators as soon as possible. ▪ But China can be blamed for this as well. ▪ China controls over 70% of the country’s mines and is reported to have forced many people, including children into labour to extract resources! 🥸Analysis: ▪ China has been known to forge deals for political influence in other countries. ▪ However, these deals are often detrimental to the general public and corrupt politicians accept it for the money. ▪ As a result, citizens form militia groups and Chinese citizens are killed in their attacks! ❓Will this ruin the relations between both countries?
Is this a signal for China to stop interfering in African politics?? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group for more)
About Jobaaj Stories Jobaaj Stories began as the storytelling branch of Jobaaj and has since expanded to cover news, inspiring stories, and informational resources. Our mission is to educate and inspire budding professionals and students through storytelling, enriching you with information and inspiration.
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bikekokin24 · 3 months
Les FARDC récupèrent quatre villages des miliciens CODECO en Ituri
Les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) viennent de remporter une importante victoire contre les miliciens CODECO dans le territoire de Djugu, en Ituri. En effet, les FARDC ont annoncé avoir récupéré quatre villages précédemment contrôlés par ces miliciens, à savoir Sakoko, Liseyi, Mayalibo et Andisa. Ces victoires ont été possibles grâce aux opérations militaires…
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peacekeepersday · 4 months
MONUSCO Blue Helmets leading the "TIGER PAW" military operation with support from the FARDC.
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MONUSCO peacekeepers from Bangadlesh and Nepal launched a reconnaissance and offensive operation in Itur that included combat troops. Supported by intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance drones, the operation was lead by the military commander of the Bangadleshi contingent of the UN and aimed at identifying and destroying the checkpoints controlled by militiamen from Codeco. The operation was conducted in collabortion with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). The Operation ‘Tiger Paw’, launched mid-May, neutralized the armed group members and freed the areas of Bayoo and Drodo, in Djugu, in Ituri, neutralizing at least eight checkpoints and liberating an important axe connecting several villages. Common FARDC – MONUSCO effort to free the area; The operation ‘Tiger Paw’ was meticulously planned with the involvement of the FARDC, local authorities and affected population.  On 21 May, FARDC members coordinated efforts with the peacekeepers and extended patrols were planned and carried out in the areas of Ivo Djugu, Lenga, Gali, Plateau Savo, Lida, Jippi and Pimbo. The village of Arr, known as the epicenter of insecurity in the areas, was subject to particular attention by the patrols. The aim was to map out the area before a robust intervention. The following day, four Congolese soldiers from the Masumbuko FARDC regiment joined the patrol and launched,from the Drodro base, an offensive to secure an axis including Drodro-Masumbuko-Uzi Hill-Tchoru village- and Pitso. The operation cleared the routes part of the axis of any presence of armed groups. The first illegal checkpoint was identified in the direction of Uzi hill, after a cordon and search operation had been carried out. It was subsequently destroyed. After clearing more than 1.5 km near Uzi hill, the patrol discovered and destroyed a second checkpoint and a third checkpoint manned by Codeco militiamen, who opened firebefore being shelled by mortar fire from the Blue Helmets. Having ascertained that there was no threat in the area, the patrol headed for the village of Tchoru, then on to Pitso, where it was joined by a Nepalese patrol. Between the villages of Tchoru and Pitso, the patrol destroyed five other unmanned Codeco checkpoints. The peacekeepers also organized a free medical campaign in the village of Tchoru, during which 120 patients, including 45 women and 45 children, received medical treatment. Medicines and medical kits were also handed over to the doctor in charge of the village health center.
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forexdigitalinfo · 1 year
BENI, República Democrática do Congo (Reuters) - Pelo menos 14 pessoas foram mortas no domingo na província congolesa de Ituri, no leste, depois que milícias atacaram fiéis que rezavam em uma igreja, disseram uma autoridade local e um líder da sociedade civil na segunda-feira. O grupo Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento do Congo (CODECO), uma das muitas milícias que operam no leste assolado pelo conflito, esteve por trás do ataque, disseram o administrador do território de Djugu, Ruphin Mapela, e o líder da sociedade civil, Dieudonne Lossa. “As vítimas estavam orando ao Senhor, mas infelizmente milicianos identificados como CODECO abriram fogo contra elas”, disse Lossa. Ambos disseram que 9 civis, 4 agressores e um soldado foram mortos. Mapela disse que militantes atacaram as igrejas Mesa, Cepac e Aumopro localizadas perto da margem do Lago Albert, na chefia Bahema-Nord. “Apelamos à população para que mantenha a calma enquanto as forças armadas perseguem estes criminosos para os colocar fora de acção”, disse o porta-voz do exército de Ituri, Jules Ngongo Tshikudi. A CODECO afirma defender os interesses dos agricultores Lendu, que há muito estão em conflito com os pastores Hema. Os ataques do CODECO agravaram uma crise humanitária de longa data na província de Ituri, onde cerca de 3 milhões de pessoas necessitam desesperadamente de ajuda, segundo uma agência humanitária da ONU.
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Israel, Palestine not added.
The Special Representative said Israel and the State of Palestine would not be added to global list of offenders, emphasizing that a warning not to repeat the urban assault on Gaza in May 2021 and retaliatory missile launches had been heeded sufficiently.
She said there had been an “important decrease” in Israeli airstrikes during 2022, noting that the whole purpose of publishing the report and highlighting violence was to change behaviour and strengthen protection.
However, she raised concerns over the continuing high level of violence in the West Bank and other occupied territories so far this year.
Among those added to the offenders’ list are armed groups in the DRC including M23, Mai-Mai Zaire, and CODECO. Two non-State actors in Burkina Faso were also added.
Ms. Gamba also highlighted the addition of Myanmar’s military rulers, listed for attacks on schools and hospitals, saying “they sit with five violations”.
In addition, she said two situations – in Haiti and
– are of growing concern to her office.
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atukaworld · 4 months
Wazalendo-FARDC : en rupture déjà ?
“Voici les services de nos patriotes pour la population :Un FARDC a été capturé par les Wazalendo, en train de piller et de voler des motos (…)” C’est l’information qui nous parvient ce matin.   Nous intégrerons ici un lien vers le support vidéo publié sur WhatsApp. Maintenant, nous, chrétiens congolais, que disons-nous du tandem FARDC-Wazalendo ? Sommes-nous au courant que la CODECO aussi…
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lukanionso · 1 year
Ituri : une attaque CODECO fait 6 morts à Djugu
Une attaque des miliciens CODECO (Coopérative pour le Développement du Congo) a été enregistrée en territoire de Djugu (Ituri), précisément à Mbidjo, une localité de la chefferie de Bahema Badjere, le matin de ce vendredi 08 septembre 2023. Joint au téléphone, le chef de ladite chefferie dresse le bilan de 6 personnes tuées et d’autres blessées. Richard Dheda rapporte que les victimes ont été…
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bisonews · 1 year
Denis Mukwege condamne les attaques récentes contre les déplacés en Ituri
Le directeur de l’hôpital Panzi, Denis Mukwege, lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix, exprime son profond effroi face à l’attaque meurtrière perpétrée par les miliciens CODECO, faisant 46 victimes la nuit dernière sur le site des déplacés de Lala, dans le territoire de Djugu (Ituri). Malgré l’état de siège en vigueur depuis plus de deux ans, Mukwege déplore que des civils continuent de payer le prix…
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iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Instabilité de l'Est : Félix Tshisekedi demande aux FARDC de faire bloc derrière lui puis promet de leur offrir la victoire contre l'ennemi
Mercredi dernier, Félix Tshisekedi a enfilé le maillot de commandant suprême des Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo. Au cours d’un repas de corps où officiers généraux et supérieurs ainsi que sous-officiers des FARDC ont été conviés, le président de la République a galvanisé les troupes alors que les tensions sécuritaires ne se sont pas estompées dans l’est du pays. Une adresse…
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mapera · 1 year
Djugu : le bilan de la dernière attaque de la CODECO est revu à la hausse, il passe à 62 morts
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top10buzz · 1 year
Beni: tête-à-tête entre les commandants des troupes engagées dans les opérations conjointes FARDC-UPDF
Le commandant de la division de montagne et des troupes de la force ougandaise UPDF déployée dans l’Est dans le cadre des opérations conjointes avec les FARDC contre les groupes armés principalement pour combattre les ADF et les rebelles de la CODECO est arrivé à Beni ce mardi 28 Mars.Aussitôt arrivé, il a eu une séance de travail avec les commandants des opérations de l’armée congolaise en Ituri…
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