#code: escensia
els-imagines · 6 years
Ishtar x Code: Esencia? queen x queen? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (extra fluff please)
How does one fluff? No seriously I had to ask for help from some friends in a discord server. Here you go anon, a fluff cake - Mod Sei who does no know how to write fluff.
The night air was quiet and calm, the wind brushing her hair as the nasod queen stands at the deck of the black crow. Eve’s eyes followed the moon, unblinking and holding a sense of calmness and elegance.
“Aren’t the starts bright tonight?” A voice suddenly asks and then there was the clacking of heels landing behind her. Lu smiles that unreadable smile of hers, hair slightly dancing in the breeze.
“Good evening, Queen.” Eve smiles in an almost casual fashion doing a little curtsy before straightening up.
The demon chuckles.” No need for formalities here dear, we are both queens here after all.” She says, crossing her legs and starting to levitate a bit off the ground.
Eve herself was hovering in the air and she gives her a lucrative smile.” What brings you here then, Lu?” She asks.
Lu smiles back, a genuine one before walking towards the railing.” I suppose you could say I’m trying to learn how to use my,” she gestures to the new appendages at her back.
“wings.” she makes a face, still not used to the movement on her back every time she does something that caused the wings to stir, which is generally her just moving.
Eve nods in understanding, holding her chin and examining the wings thoughtfully.”I see.” She murmurs then turned back to look at the night sky again.
Lu peers over the railing, the action making the nasod turn to her in silent confusion.She then raises her foot and planted it on the metal bars before hoisting herself up and standing so she was balanced on the railing.
“What are you doing?” Eve cocks her head, Lu looks back at her with an indifferent shrug.
“Like I said, I’m trying to learn how to use my wings.” Eve quirks a brow and walks towards her.
“And based from my observations and from your words and actions, you are planning to jump off. yes?”
The other simply nods, a small smile cresting upon her lips. Eve sighs.” Lu, I do not think it is a logical course of action to just jump off and-”
“Nonsense Eve.” Lu smirks at the nasod.” Something as flying should be simple for a queen like me!” She declares before jumping off.
No sooner after she jumped off she immediately started screeching, falling at an alarming speed towards the land far below. Oh Sult this was a bad mistake a stupid bad mistake how does she fly how does she use her wings how-
Ah, pride Eve thinks to herself before Lu suddenly and actually jumped off the deck, much to Eve’s shock and surprise.
She immediately peers over the railing and saw a figure falling down. Hearing the screech Eve wastes no moment and jumps off the railing herself, Moby and Remy following their queen.
Lu was still screeching like a banshee as she plummeted, nearing the ground with each passing second before suddenly, everything is still again and she realizes she stopped falling.
And only then did she realize someone was holding her, She looks up and her face turns an interesting shade of red when she finds a familiar face holding her bridal style.
“E-eve?!” She stammers. The nasod merely looks at her with indifferent golden orbs.
“I have told you this was an illogical plan to take.” She sighs before she slowly moves her hands so she’s holding Lu by the arms.
“Would you like me to assist you in learning how to fly?”
Lu pauses and looks at her with something akin to confusion and wonder before smiling and nodding.“ That would be greatly appreciated, Eve.”
Though the situation wasn’t exactly Eve teaching her how to fly, more like she was letting Lu learn on her own while holding her and preventing her from falling to her death.
But Lu didn’t mind it one bit, the quiet air filled with chatting about random subjects. At one point they even proposed an alliance between the nasods and demons when Lu get’s her rightful place back in the demon world.
The night passed like this until Lu finally learned how to use her wings properly and wasn’t holding on to Eve anymore.
“Hey look, I can do it now!” She says, excitement barely concealed in her voice. And it was true, her wings were now flapping behind her back, keeping her upright in air and sending gentle gusts of wind towards the nasod in front of her.
There was a soft smile cresting Eve’s lips as Lu lets go of her arms and started flying.
“I congratulate you, Lu.” She says until Lu suddenly disappears from sight.”…Lu?”
She looks around, seeing nothing but clouds and the night sky, she sends moby and remy to look for the missing demon queen.
“C’mon!” Lu’s voice suddenly rings out.” Why not play a game of hide and seek?”
Eve blinks before starting to float towards the direction of the voice with a sigh.
” Lu, playing this ‘game’ is merely a waste of time and does not help develop our skills in whatsoever.” She says, spotting the flapping of wings from behind a cloud.
With a childish pout out of her image as an elegant queen, Lu flies and stops before Eve.
“Aww, why so serious Eve?”
The nasod blinks.” I’m afraid I don’t follow, I am just explaining that this does not help our skills in anything.”
Taking Lu’s hand she starts floating up again with the help of the boosters at her.” Now come, let’s return to the airship.”
Lu allows herself to be led away, a faint hue of red dusting her pale skin when Eve held her hand, moby and remy following after them as they reached the deck of the black crow.
Eve lets go of her hand upon finding purchase on the deck again and for a moment, Lu was tempted to hold her hand again but decided against it.
“....That cloud looks like Moby.” She says instead, pointing up and to a cloud that indeed holds the shape of the drone.
Eve blinks before looking up, upon seeing it she laughs softly, the sound making something in Lu’s heart flutter.
“Well, that one resembles a phoru then.” Eve counters, pointing to a different cloud, smiling softly.
Instead of going back inside the airship, the two queens instead spent the night looking at the stars and clouds, and when Lu moves to gently clasps Eve’s hand again.
Eve doesn’t mention it, instead entwining their hands together as she goes back to observing the night sky again.
“Two queens standing at an ungodly hour, looking up at the stars and holding hands, Well isn’t that just cute, are you sure you don’t like her?”, Ciel’s teasing tone says through the contract. 
A blush flares up to Lu’s pale face.” Shut up Ciel!” She yells in her mind, but Ciel could feel the embarrassment from his master through the contract and only chuckled to himself.
“And yet you don’t want to let go of her hand.”
Lu has no rebuke for that, falling silent before shutting off her side of the contract to get a sense of privacy.
Ciel blinks from inside his room before chuckling again. Well, at least it looks like Lu finally acknowledged her feelings for the queen of nasods.
Shaking his head fondly he lies down to bed, with the intention to tease her tomorrow.
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els-imagines · 6 years
Heeeeey, Mod Sei, so you know that past ask you answered about CN being frustrated about the lack of progress the gang was making. Can you please write a continuation where CN's now Ultimate and somehow meets Esencia and Sariel. What's her reaction towards their future?
“Hmm, why do I feel like I’ve seen you before? Whatever, here’s your order.“ - Mod Sei
Her eyes stared into the dark, aware of another presence before her, there was a clack, like metal meeting metal and then a glow.
Two figures stood before her. Both dressed in white, one highlighted with pink and the other with black. The gems on their foreheads, much like her own, was enough for her to gather data and come to a conclusion.
Nasods. Like her.
The first one had the air of dignity around her, coupled by the gentle smile on her face. The white dress and the soft shade of pink made her feel like she was staring at the petal of a cherry blossom. The white crown on perched on the figure’s head was more than enough to tell Ultimate of the position this particular nasod held.
The second had eyes even blanker than hers, the light had gone out in them.  The holographic crown and wings on her back glowed a soft cyan. A stark contrast to the pink that the other one had.
It was only the three of them in this void of darkness. The two before her glowing pale pink and electric cyan.
“Scanning complete,” Ultimate’s voice echoed.” Data positive, we emit the same energy,” she tilts her head.” I conclude that we are the same person.”
The first one nods, smile still in place, the display of emotions makes Ultimate surprised.” Correct, you may call me Escensia.”
The second one only looks at her with those blank, golden orbs as she speaks.” And I am called Code: Sariel.”
Ultimate straightens up, black nasod wings floating behind her back.’ Code: Ultimate.”
Sariel tilts her head at her.” Impressive, you have formulated a new code, one that enables you to get hold of the power of destruction.”
Ultimate raises an eyebrow at the sheer emptiness at Sariel’s voice, even her own voice isn’t that blank.
“ May I know what paths did you two take?” She asks, curiosity getting the best of the queen of destruction. The prospect of other hers is so intriguing, from the looks of it, they pursued different paths in order to achieve the goal they shared.
Escencia’s eyes shine but her lips remained in that small smile as she crosses her legs and levitates off the ground.
“ I put trust in my friends and pursued a new goal, to make a kindom where nasods can co-exist peacefully with everyone. I want to live together with everyone in peace.”
Her eyes were shinig softly, full of hope and confidence. Sariel suddenly speaks.
“ Impractical, it is impossible, but I suppose it’s alright, as long as it is for the sake of our race.”
Escencia’s smile fades and she looks at the winged nasod.” What decision did you make then?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.
Sariel closes her eyes and replies calmly, unnerved by the empress’ reaction.” I terminated my emotion circuit in order to install a new code. I need power to revive the nasod race.”
So that was why, Ultimate notes, the reason why Sariel seemed so blank, so empty.
She terminated her emotion circuit, the one that helps them get along with everyone.
Looking at her two alternate selves, it makes her reflect on herself. Sariel, the one who threw away her emotions for power. Escencia, the one who came closest to reviving the kingdom. Who learned emotions better along the way.
Then Escencia must be in the white, her goals and ambitions is sure to bring back the nasod kingdom.
Sariel, hard to understand. She threw away the thing that helped her get along with people, but that was so she could get stronger and be a step closer to being able to protect her people.
So she’s in between, the gray one. But where does that place her then?
She compares herself to her two counterparts, she was not a ruler like Escensia, she’s a fighter like Sariel, a battle ready nasod. But….
To rebuild the nasod kingdom she sought for greater power, but unlike Sariel she realized, she only walked a path of destruction, she was the black queen of nasods, the opposite of Escensia and Sariel.
Strangely enough, she does not feel inferior, far from that actually, she looks at her counterparts, a small smile cresting her lips.
Escensia and Sariel’s futures were clearer, more fine than hers. She does not mind it though, she is quite content with how her own future turned out.
She respects and admires her counterparts but that does not mean she wants to end up walking their path. If the queen of destruction is what she is destined to be then so be it.
She cannot lead people, but she is also not like Sariel who is merely a living weapon now. She still has her emotions, she still has moby and remy.
She chuckles quietly to herself, making Escensia and Sariel turn to her.
"Is there something funny?" Both ask unintentionally at the same time.
Ultimate only shakes her head with a smile, mentally thanking the two for helping her see her future more clearer.
She will be the queen that fights for her people instead of leading them. She may not be like her counterparts, but she is quite content with what she has right now.
And right now, that's enough.
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els-imagines · 6 years
Out of all the el gangs 3rd classes, witch class is more tsundere?
When good shit comes I steal them. Thanks flame for reserving this for me.
The final decision is between Knight emperor and Immortal. Though everything is still up to you guys. Knight emperor is more tsundere than Immortal, mostly is because he wants to be seen as a mature man now but he still gets coddles by everyone where they say how much he’s grown up now and etc. When he tries to rebuke the comments about his looks he unknowingly says tsundere lines. Really, he just wants people to see that he’s not a kid anymore, unfortunately this just causes them to go “aww” and change nothing.
All the aisha’s are tsunderes, but judging from the portraits and how the fandom portrays her, I say the most tsundere is Aether sage. Oz sorcerer and Metamorphy seems more laid back and happy, a little smug in the former’s case. Aether is the only Aisha out of the three to still hold that stern, angry look that can already be seen when she was still EM. Even Oz and morphy seemed to have their tsundere tendencies lessened.
It’s Twilight. It just screams her name, and besides, Daybreaker and Anemos’  personalities are too gentle and cheerful to be considered tsunderes. All the Rena’s may get annoyed and lose heir patience but Twilight is different. She shows that she does not care that much about the elgang anymore and is affiliated with another organization but she still has that motherly side to her. So when she realizes that she’s going back to her old ways she tries to take back her words and actions, causing her to appear very tsundere.
…..It’s hard to say in Raven’s case as all his classes are highly unlikely to even show signs of being a tsundere. If they did though, it’s rare and barely even enough for you to pick up on. Most probably the more tsundere is furious blade, like it’s already written in his name. If he’s not serious angry and more like annoyed angr he’s probably gonna say something tsundereish, though like I said, not enough to be noticed.
Code: Ultimate can be considered the most tsundere. Sariel is emotionless and Escensia seems like the one who’s more open to her emotions and thus, is used to the human concept of “teasing” and “compliments”. Ultimate may have emotions but it seems that she did not bother to understand them, instead focusing on her goals.  So chances are, if you do things that manage to break her usually blank facade, you get tsundere-like actions towards you such as slaps and faint blushing and then her quickly going away, but that’s just about it.
Fatal phantom is the most tsundere despite his cold appearance, mostly because he’s probably trying to uphold his as an assassin. Get him embarrassed and bam, you get tsun tsun FP. The most he’ll do is crossing his arms and looking away with a red face and an embarrassed glare. Saying he’s cute works best, he’ll protest and deny it, saying assassins aren’t supposed to be “cute”.
I have a feeling that Empire sword will be the tsundere, though not really that obvious, in fact it’s rare. Flame lord is too laid back and happy go lucky, she’s the most relaxed out of all Elesis’ and if anything, it’s probably her that causes the others to act like tsunderes because teasing is her second language. Bloody queen can’t exactly be considered a tsundere, given the state her mind is in. Empire is the most tsundere but only if you get her flustered, which is rare because she’s always so serious now.
Hmm, it’s probably Shakti/Shiva since Devi appears to be yandere in her portrait and Vishnu is “too pure” as Meap said. Shiva feels proud of how strong she is but says very tsundere lines when you says she’s cute or etc. because goddammit she is friends with a kumiho spirit that fights with he that is not cute that’s baddass what are you talking about....yeah...that should be enough about tsun tsun Shiva. She wants to be seen as strong so she gets flustered and angry when you compliment her appearance, though its different if it’s about her strength.
Dominator would be the most tsundere out of all Adds. There’s this air of smugness around him (though we now all the adds have that) but it seems more apparent in DBr and DoM, though in the former’s case, seems more proud of himself instead smug. Dominator will be a tsundere if you manage to do better than him and/or get him embarrassed and flustered. 
Eh, all the Lus are tsunderes so I had a pretty hard time deciding. But I finally settled for Ishtar. Now that she’s queen and a noble again, the superiority complex has rose a few levels. So you may take her actions and personality as rude and boastful but she’s actually trying to be nice. If you do nice things for her expect slaps and very tsundere like lines. Ciel is often victim to said slaps but he’s used to Ishtar being like that. Iblis is a good option too, except she’s borderline yandere now.
Honestly? I’d say it’s Chevalier personality wise. He has to uphold the image of Ishtar’s loyal and serious butler and right-hand. If he does act tsundere, it’s pretty subtle and no one would realize it. Abysser is just to laid back and don’t you dare tell me Anullar’s mental health is good enough that he can smile, let alone act like a tsundere. ;^; my poor boi.
Let’s face it, it’s Richter. I mean, the fanfics are already enough proof right? Richter is also one to not show his feelings but he gets easily flustered and thus, shows it in the most common emotion he knows, anger. And besides, Bluhen s much too nice and bubbly to even be considered a tsundere. And then there’s Herrscher, dead both inside and outside. Though he can be classified as a kuudere now based from his personality.
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