#cod merrick x reader
howtotwirlaknife22 · 1 month
I regret to inform ya’ll but upon closer HD observations I can see that Merrick in fact has hair….its just buzzed like the rest of them lol. He probably keeps it buzzed most of the time but in the scene where he shoves Hesh to the seat he most definitely has hair there he’s just buzzed down probably due to regulations. In all honesty I headcannon Rorke to be the only one on the team who’s truly bald bald (imma suction cup his head plunger style frfr). Just wanted to inform ya’ll of this important discovery.
P.s. I wish they all had longer hair like the MW characters do.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 7 months
it IS funny to me that we collectively decided keegan is THE meanest, most fuckable, most viscera-soaked dirt-caked bitch in cod ghosts. and while i do agree, keegs is absolutely not the main character of his own game (it's hesh, with silent player character logan and keegan's boss merrick as secondary protags) and even fucking tvtopes roasts keegan's ass for having zero ascertainable personality:
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keegan exists because the devs realized they couldn't show the first-person player character assassinating people from the shadows, but they could still serve us some good fucking food by handing a knife and night vision goggles to the scrunkliest freak on the recon team.
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luboy7rt · 1 month
How I think COD GHOSTS Characters Would Sleep/Sleep next to you (GN - Teammate!Reader)
Note: This is like awkward coworker things. As if being forced to share a bed, not really romantic or anything, so it's platonic but could be for anyone. Just my thoughts on how these characters would react/act to this type of situation.
Includes; Elias Walker, David ‘Hesh’ Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan P. Russ, Thomas A. Merrick, Kick and Riley
Elias Walker:
- He does an awkward little ‘I'm just gonna scootch in right here’ murmur as he lays down on one side of the bed. A pillow between you two as he crosses his arms over his chest to sleep.
- He's dead asleep before you even touch your pillow, and he snores… loudly. Like loud. And he can sleep in any position. His time in the military trained him for anything. Even if you take up most of the bed, he can hang his legs half off it and still stay asleep.
- He ends up sleeping with a pillow over his eyes, his arm would keep it in place, it lowkey looks like he suffocated himself, but nah, he's fine. Somehow, he just sleeps like that just to ‘block everything out’ for no specific reason. (But hey it blocks out his snores half the time)
- Elias doesn't really shift or move once he's asleep, he just stays very still, you might assume he's dead every time You wake up through the night.
- Elias is the ‘right’ temperature during the night, he's always very warm, not too cold or not too hot. If you're cold, he's willing to simply offer you all the blankets, or if you're hot he wouldn't mind taking the blankets for himself.
- Elias tries to be mindful of what you want or need, you could just wake him up if you need to, just let him know if you need something. Like you want a cup of water? He would get up out of bed to go get you one.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker:
- Surprisingly, Hesh doesn't snore, but he does like grunt or groan when he sleeps whenever he shifts over or when Riley hops onto him/the bed to sleep with you both.
- He isn't very awkward if you two know each other ‘well enough’ but if you two don't? He's as stiff as a board, glancing at you every few minutes as if to ensure that this was okay, are you comfortable? He's not comfortable.
- Hesh puts a pillow between the two of you at the beginning of the night, but half way through he ends up holding that pillow, cuddling up to it just to have something to hold. 
- He spawls out when he sleeps, unlike Elias he shifts around alot, moving his body when he's too hot, to find the colder areas of the bed. Hesh is like a human-heater while asleep and you being in the bed next to him doesn't help.
- If you need something he will begrudgingly go get it for you, he would grumble or be sassy about it though. Only for your first ask, if he gets in bed and you ask him for another thing? He's not getting up till morning unless it's important.
Logan Walker: 
- He snores, despite being deadly silent throughout the whole day, he snores like his father. Very loud, Like put him and Riley in a room together overnight and Hesh would refuse to sleep near them.
- Logan would just opt to stay awake, silently staring at the ceiling as you sleep next to him. He reflecting his life, like he does every night. His hands grasped together on his lower stomach as he doesn't even move. 
- You might get curious and glance up because you don't even hear or see him breath, get jumpscared by his eyes being wide open as he ‘reflects’ or he also just sleeps with his eyes open somehow. Like half open, his eyes don't even fully close as he got into a ‘habit’ when he was young. (It scared the shit out of Elias and Hesh constantly when he was young, Elias would always just..  close his eyes at night, so he didn't have to see it or put a sleep mask on him)
- Logan isn't aware of this habit either, you try and smack him awake, and he wakes up but confused thinking you just smacked him for no reason, even if you try and explain it to him, he just waves it off.
- Logan’s freezing during the night, he ends up accidentally stealing the blanket a handful of times from you. You may need to yank it back over yourself or he just wouldn't notice your silent suffering or your annoyance.
- Logan isn't a fan of getting woken up, he would give you a side eye as he grunts if you ask for something.. unless it's very needed, he won't be moving. Claims his legs asleep just for him to forget about your request and fall back asleep.
Keegan P. Russ: 
- He's an asshole, puts his cold feet over you, never in a pattern, but just does it, even wakes you up with just putting his feet on you.
- He can sleep anywhere, Any position, any time. Give him five minutes and he'll be dead asleep.
- Suffers from nightmares, so he might scare you awake randomly through the night when he shoots up from his sleep and accidentally almost shoves you off the bed.
- Keegan is freezing, and he knows it. Randomly places his hand on your arm or his legs over yours if you two know each other very well, he's simply smug and likes messing with you.
- If you two don't know each other he's silently there. Won't interact with you, won't touch you, won't go near you, there is two pillows between you both as if you even shift he's staring at you. He would stay awake the whole night, not trusting sleeping next to someone he doesn't know very well.
- If you do ask him for something throughout the night he tells you to “screw yourself” or a flat out “No.” before going to go get whatever you ask for within five minutes. He won't get up twice though, so if you need a handful of things just ask while he's up because he will ignore you if you ask for something else after he lays down again.
Thomas A. Merrick:
- It isn't that bad at all, Merrick's pretty respectful, makes it comfortable for you both. He'll ask if you are comfortable when you sleep side by side. If you're not? He's willing to put a pillow between you, or he might just end up sleeping on a chair if you don't want to sleep next to him.
- He will scrunch up his body uncomfortably if you ask him to sit in the chair. Merrick can somehow sleep like that, but will wake up with back pains.
- Sleeping in bed next to each other isn't even awkward, it's just the silence that is heavy, he makes sure not to touch you, or bother you. But he does snore in his sleep, and it's never continuous snoring. No it's random loud snores or snorts while he's asleep, it's like a jumpscare how random it is.
- He apologizes if you wake him up to tell him off, and does indeed sleep elsewhere if you want him to. Merrick does care about your sleep, you both being teammates, he needs you in your best conditions and if he is ruining your sleep accidentally, he's willing to sleep elsewhere.
- Merrick is nice and warm when he sleeps, he wouldn't really mind if you cuddle up to him if you two know each other well enough. He will simply put his arm under your head and hold you close. 
- If you ask him to get up from the bed to get you something, he would grumble about it under his breath but get up to go get it for you, you can do this a maximum of three times throughout the while night before he gets too agitated with you and gives you a order to just go to fucking bed.
- Kick is.. well a difficult sleeper, he could either have great nights of sleep, or he'll continuously wake up every few hours. In turn? He wakes you up every few hours as well, he shifts, turns, throws a leg over you (you can throw it back over him or shove him off the bed, he will end up staying on the floor till the next time he wakes up through the night.).
- He also makes random noises? Like completely random, he's somehow really good at impressions while dead asleep, boots against the floor? No it's just Kick sleep talking..? conversations while he's dead asleep? It keeps you on edge the whole night, not knowing what is Kick… or what could possibly be an intruder.
- You two end up kicking eachothers feet all night long, Kick doing it too well.. kick you, randomly just attacking your feet with his own, and in retaliation you kick him back, this goes on all night. Neither of you get sleep.
- He ends up asking to hold hands with a smug look, just for his own amusement, he's trying to make this night difficult for you so he can laugh later. 
If you accept? Great, his interlocking your hands with a smug look on his face, ends up doing a death grip on your hand and he commits to the bit, he stays like that all night, even if it gets sweaty.. You'll have to fight him to get him to let go.
If You give him a side eye, tell him to shut up and get some rest, he'll be dramatic. Monologues out loud about his ‘disappointment’, makes it a point to call Keegan (if he could, Keegan might hangup or just listen to make fun of Kick next time they're on a mission together) and complain to him loudly for you to hear.
- Kick is a cool guy, not to hot or not to cold, he doesn't mind cuddling at all, he will put up a fight if you attempt to take all the blankets, if he gets none he will cuddle up to your cocooned form (if you are comfortable with that) 
- If you ask him to get up to get you something he just laughs at you and tells you hell no. Unless it's important, he's not moving from this bed until morning.
- It's actually not that awkward sharing a bed with Kick, his constant teasing, jokes and idiotic actions make it seem more like a friendly sleepover rather than awkward co-worker forced to share a bed.
- Riley decides to sleep in your room instead of Hesh's (after Hesh annoyed the poor dog by promising Riley to go on a walk, then forgetting due to getting back from a rough mission.) Riley ends up plopping head first into your pillow, carrying one of Logan's shirt in his mouth deciding it was his comfort item of the night.
- Riley just puts a good chunk of his weight onto you, plops his butt right to sit on you while you're asleep to attempt to wake you up. Like he will just sit like that and side eye you until you wake up and acknowledge his grand presence. 
- if you don't pet him or lay him down next to you, he gets in your personal space, like creepily stares into your closed eyes, standing over you with Logan's damn sweatshirt smacking your face until you get up or groan.. or pull Riley down to lay next to you or on you.
- Riley's tail wags when you finally wake up or acknowledge him, laying over you as you give him attention. 
- Riley does indeed quiet down after he gets what he wants, but he sprawls In his sleep.. despite being a dog, he takes up most of the bed. (It's why Hesh gets grumbley when Riley decides to take over his bed, because neither Hesh, Logan or Riley are winning whenever they share a room, as Riley makes sure to take over any bed space he could see). 
- Riley also snores, no one is sure if he's just mimicking Elias or Logan or if he really just snores really loud. Riley does indeed sometimes loudly snores when napping, you'll hear it from another room.
(Random Note; Lowkey. I want more COD GHOSTS content. more lore on Torch, Neptune, and Grim. Hell even Kick, Ajax and the OG members, Like old Task Force Stalker missions, would be so epic to know about)
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mrshesh · 1 year
hi! do you have any general hcs for the cod:ghosts boys?
general headcanons - call of duty: ghost's
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overview: general headcanons of the call of duty: ghost's boys!
pairing: none!
genre: fluff, pure tomfoolery
a/n: hi anon! i'm thrilled i finally got a request for these boys. i love them so much, it's getting a bit unhealthy. you're truly the best for requesting them! i hope you love it!
x logan walker
He sucks at puzzles. He’s smart and tactical, but puzzles are on another level of difficulty for him. 
He likes doodling a lot. If he has a pen and a surface to draw on, he will sketch a small smiley or a caterpillar. It has become such a habit that he doesn’t even think about it when he does it. It got so bad that once, Keegan called him out on it mid-doodle, leaving Logan embarrassed for a week. 
He loves the ocean, but beaches annoy him. He hates sand. (I firmly believe his hate for them is from Hesh throwing sand in his face as children.)
He has a picture of him and Hesh as kids in his wallet. He feels calmer when he looks at it, getting into the habit of peeking at it when stressed. 
He’s an avid Deftones enjoyer. He loves Beware and Diamond Eyes. 
He likes caramel-scented things, but he doesn’t like the taste of it. 
He has some insane dirt on Elias, and, of course, Hesh knows all of it. 
For some odd reason, he’s phenomenal at parallel parking. 
x david "hesh" walker
He loves movies. He can watch any genre! Horror? Great! Action? Love. Romance? Cute! Comedy? Perfect! He loves it all. Shows, however? Nope. 
He takes pride in his nails being clipped and filed at all times. He was a nailbiter in his teens, so he cares about his nails more than he should today. 
He can’t cook to save his life. 
Eminem is his go-to artist. He loves and respects many artists, but Eminem will always be at the top of his list. He loves Stan. 
He’s respectful in general.
He’s extremely secure and confident, yet he’s still pretty nervous when he talks to girls. 
He loves long car rides. Driving around in his car while listening to his favorite songs brings out a unique joy in him. 
He, unlike Logan, loves beaches! (He wasn’t the one who got sand thrown on him, so he’s thriving.) 
He hates coriander. 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
Unlike his son, Elias is great at puzzles! He’s disappointed Logan didn’t inherit that quality. He mourns it every day. 
He loves pickles. (Same.)
He manipulated himself into liking beer many years ago. 
People call him DILF all the time. It has happened too many times to count. He finds it funny, while Hesh and Logan are horrified every time. 
He doesn’t know how to put on chapstick. He puts it between his lips and swipes it back and forth, not on his lips. 
He got so much action when he was a teenager/young adult. He tells Logan and Hesh to “live a little” so they can experience that life, too. 
He doesn’t listen to music often, but when he does, he listens to either Korn or Chris Isaak. 
He adores Riley, sometimes stealing him from Hesh without warning. 
x keegan russ
He secretly enjoys ASMR. It helps him unwind and de-stress, but not sleep, surprisingly.
He’s excellent at the game Mafia. 
He has made way too many people giggle excitedly because of his voice. He finds it amusing but disturbing at the same time. He knows it’s attractive, but that many people? He has even made Elias giggle like a schoolgirl because of his vocal folds. 
Keegan strikes me as a Slipknot fan. He finds Killpop and Vermillion to be sexy. 
He loves grocery shopping. 
He talks to himself a lot. He’s antisocial and quiet around others, but when Keegan’s alone, he keeps having full-on conversations with himself. Merrick caught him doing it once - he never brought it up again. 
He enjoys lasagna a bit too much. 
He had a motorcycle phase as a young adult. It got so bad he learned how to do a wheelie on them, but his love for them has died down in the many years he’s been alive. 
He thinks wine is gross. 
x thomas merrick
He cannot stand bananas. Everything about them makes him gag. 
He gets such a rise out of being a bitch. He’s already annoying by default but strives to be even more insufferable for the fuck of it.
He, Alex, and Keegan smoke while being sentimental together at least once a month. (It’s always with Keegan and Alex - Elias, David, and Logan get left out.) 
He listens to underground metal like Sold Soul, and he thinks it makes him superior to everyone else. (And he gatekeeps it.)
He’s immune to pretty much all physical pain except for waxing. It’s enough to make him cry. 
He loved trains as a child.
His comfort song is Toxicity by System Of A Down. 
His appetite is insane. This man can eat a horse and still be hungry by the end of it. 
His calves are huge for some reason. 
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madammidnightsblog · 3 months
COD Ghosts in bed
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At first, I wanted to say he was a dom but I started to really think about it and decided he would be a switch with a dom lean- a small one. He is someone that likes to take charge in and out of the bedroom but ultimately ends up allowing you to take charge sometimes because he needs that reassurance. He's not insecure in the slightest- he's pretty confident in himself but due to being more of a loner, he tends to overthink which leads to him distancing himself.
He's big on degrading and praising, the good 'ol mixture of both is all that leaves his mouth. "Good little slut, taking me so well like you're supposed to" or "That's it, pretty. Suck my cock like that whore you are". He doesn't like to straight up degrade as he sees it as a sin to degrade his baby only. You deserve praises too, after all, not just anyone gets to sleep with him.
Keegan is also a big fan of riding- strictly for you though, he's not really a fan of pegging or having his asshole touched so that's not part of the fun. Something about seeing you ride is enough to have him drool and cum drunk because he loves watching you move and take control. Watching you tire yourself out only for him have to hold your hips and fuck into you until you're stupid <3.
He's always there to perform aftercare for you but it will be a little bit lazy but not because he doesn't care. No, you just took so much energy out of him just riding him and having him fuck into you like a dog in heat. It will be a little half assed but he will make it up with cuddles and kisses.
Okay, so my headcannon is that he tends to go nonverbal due to trauma so that will come into play even during sex. He does talk to you in and out of the bedroom but due to all the trauma from ODIN destroying the Earth in one day and just having to have the weight of the world on your shoulders, he sometimes is so overwhelmed he cannot speak. So, there are many nonverbal signs to ask if you're okay or you need a break or even to tell you that he loves you or he needs a break. He will always make sure you and him are safe and comfortable throughout the entire session, he may even annoy you a bit with the constant checkup. But he means well, and it makes your heart flutter to see how much he cares.
He is a dom all the way but a soft one, he isn't the type to be rough and hurt you unless you ask for it. He is more than happy to perform any kink of yours just to make you happy and he also likes to explore as he's not as experienced as his brother Hesh. So, he's learning all while making sure to satisfy you. But his main kink is biting because I think he would like to bite and mark you as his in a silent territorial manner. I can see Logan and Hesh have the same type in women and often had little fights over a crush, so Logan is just marking you to show off you're his to Hesh.
Logan only praises- never degrades only if you ask so it will be a lot of "good gilr/boy/baby" or "such a good bunny". He absolutely worships you like the goddess/god you are and will fight you if you ever try to down talk yourself in front of him. He is the king of foreplay and spends a good ten to fifteen minutes just kissing every inch of your skin and tell you how beautiful you are before he even gets to your pussy/cock.
Outside biting and praising, Logan loves finger sucking whether its him or you sucking. He loves hands and find them so pretty and if you have rings or painted nails, he will most definitely watch your hands more than whatever you're talking about. It's not because he doesn't care, it's just your hands are distracting him and the only way to get him to pay attention is to put those pretty fingers into his mouth.
Now this man was hard to really think much about because the obvious answer would have been Dom but when I really looked at him, I concluded Sub. Before you come at me, this man is a victim to dehumanizing torture and being brainwashed which means this sad man needs to be pampered and showed he’s human. He is a power bottom- a brat that just needs a little correcting done. But nothing that is under the impact play, he may act all big and tuff but in reality he’s a scared man.
So, his turn off and strictly forbidden plays are anything that under the impact label, degrading, and bondage. It’s all triggering for him and puts him in a bad headspace so his punishments are small yet effective reminders of who’s in charge. Such as, “Keep acting up and I will have to make you use a strap instead of your cock” or “Oh? So, if you’re such a big boy, then it shouldn’t be an issue to do without my pussy/cock for the day?”. He isn’t an easy man to make him fold but those little threats are enough to remind him just who is in charge and how easy it is for you to in fact, in force those threats.
Now, for his turn one are definitely roleplaying, DDLB/MDLB, and toys because they show how much care and attention you put in for him because you have to do any of those things with attention. Rorke is just a scarred and damaged man that just needs to be built back up and reminded not everyone he cares about forgot him or is out to kill him. He needs to be reminded that he is in fact loved and cared for so those are his safest options. He also uses DDLB/MDLB not just as a kink but as a coping mechanism so outside the bedroom you will expect him to treat you the same way and expects the same.
Hesh is a dom, I cannot see him going for a submissive role but not because he sees it as a negative thing but it’s just not for him. He will occasionally allow you to take charge but not often and it won’t last long. Hes someone that strives to protect and attend to others, the big brother in him will always have him taking the leading role even in relationships. And if you’re nonverbal or autistic or any form of neurodivergent, he is definitely the man for you thanks to his brother being nonverbal. He will be able to communicate and catch any stim or whatever you’re feeling in the bedroom. He will make sure to stop if needed and even give you several options outside sex for you two to do if you cannot bring yourself to keep going.
Hesh will be damned if he makes you uncomfortable or feel as if you need to continue if you’re too overwhelmed to do so. So, like Logan, he will make sure to ask you if you’re okay and if you need a break. His hands will gently caress your skin, following along the curve of your body while he pepper kisses along your skin while asking if you need anything and tell you you can stop if needed, he can always take care of himself if needed. After all, you come first, not getting his dick wet.
Hesh’s main turn on is literally you. This man gets turned on from anything you do- from your smile, laugh, and even the smell of your shampoo. He has many other woman he had slept with before ODIN so he knows what he does and doesn’t like but something about you drives him insane. Maybe it’s just the way you chose him when most girls/boys/ people like Keegan so when you picked him, he became obsessed with you. But in a healthy way, he isn’t someone that will be breathing down your neck every chance he gets but he will stare at you for hours without ever getting bored.
Please, dress up as kitty/puppy/bunny/whatever! He loves petplay and will do anything to see a pretty collar around your neck while you wear the cutest ears and tail while being on all fours. You will have him at your mercy and be fucked from behind until his balls run dry, he will shoot blanks after blanks with the most pussy/ass drunk expression on his face as he fucks into you like a bitch in heat. Something about you looking so pretty like a pet while calling him your Master or Daddy will have him needing to breed you!
Elias is a simple man, he’s a dom and someone that’s very much into you wearing lingerie. He needs a little bit more foreplay than anything due to age which gave him Erectile dysfunction. No worry though, he’s a man with year of experience behind his belt and knows how to please a pretty little thing like you, so no need to worry about you being neglected. While you give his limp cock affection in hopes it will get hard, he will have you in 69 just to give your cute pussy/ass/cock attention so you feel good. He will push those panties or jock strap to the side and make sure that his little one is given the proper care.
Call him by his rank or sir, just fucking do it. He will be smitten with you and make sure you’re happy with riding his thigh, fingers, or tongue for as long as possible. He doesn’t care if he has work or where you two are, he will drag you to the nearest isolated area and tug your pants down to get to work. Don’t worry about being too heavy or rough, he’s a big boy, he can handle it, just put all your weight on him and let him worry about the rest.
Thanks to the Erectile dysfunction, he has a hard time getting to up so he will spend more time with sex toys to get you all messy and cute before eh can properly fuck you. No need to fuss over his cock when he can easy make you cum as much as needed with that stupid dildo and his fingers to the point you’re too dumb to tell the difference between a fake cock and a real one. He has no shame in that problem of his, it may have a disadvantage but it only comes with more improvement in other aspects. He will make your masturbating times a little harder because how well he uses your toys compared to you, it only makes you crave him more.
Another man with years of experience thanks to age and just overall the good boot camp and college days. He messed around and got into the hookup culture until he became as Ghost, that’s when he took himself more seriously and became more selective in that aspect. To him, teen and twenties are for hookups and regrets while everything after is times of being serious and settling down. So, I see him as a dom that has a little more a small breeding kink- if you cannot tell by that little intro. He’s ready to settle down and you are the one he cannot help but picture having a family with- that is if you’re afab. If not, then he will still bred you and adopt because who said family was biological only?
Big in DDLG/DDLB and loves being called Daddy so you better expect him to ask you to call him that. But also expect him to be quick as hell to perform aftercare along with making sure to create rules along with safe words for you two to use. He is all about safety due to the like of work he does and just naturally calls for safety in the bedroom, that is the only time you will see the soldier and civilian mind to clash. In and out of the bedroom he is in charge and is more than happy to show off his abilities to not only guide you but to put your cute ass to work. Want daddy to fuck you? Well, get under his desk to use that mouth as it’s meant to do the talking, so put it to work. Want daddy to breed you and make you all full of his cum? Then beg. Simple.
Another one that’s big with degrading and praising. He will tell you the most dirty yet sweet little things while you’re at your cutest state! “Mhm, thats a good little slut. Spreading your legs for daddy to breed you like the breeding whore you are” or “Get to work, whore. A cock doesn’t ride itself so move that pretty ass of yours and ride my cock like you’re meant to.” He never means anything he says when he calls you names, he loves you and sees you as the absolute king/queen you are. He just knows how much you tighten up when he calls you those names, knowing how much you like to when he calls you a whore and a slut but still treats you like the treasure you are <3!
Ajax is a switch with a sub leaning, he is someone that likes taking charge but much rather be receiving than giving. Not that he’s against giving, he just rather be the one being pampered until you’re flipping the switch. Ajax is all for being a pillow prince for you, being pampered and used as if he was simply a living dildo for you is all he wants once the sun goes down because when you ride him, there is not a single thought in his head. He lives to service you.
His kink is easy to tell, being used like a toy. He finds joy and pleasure in it because not only you're getting pleased but so if he, he finds no reason to be against it. What's there to hate when you both get to cum in the end? He loves it and loves it even more when he tries to speak and you scoff, "I didn't know toys could talk." Oh, how he loves being reduced to nothing but an object you use. It makes him cum so hard and quickly when you treat him like that because he knows in this moment that's all he is to you but once you're satisfied, he's your loving boyfriend.
Peg him. Just do it and you'll have an adorable babbling idiot under you while he's fisting the sheets and crying his eyes out from how good it feels. Something about being dominated in such a humiliating way for a man like him and you repeatedly slamming into his prostate, milking him dry is so yummy. Make him get on all fours, make him beg, make him call himself your bitch boy. Just do it and he'll be more than happy to comply.
He was a tough one to figure out, but I ended up saying fuck it. Kick does not care about positions in bed, and he will follow whatever idea you had in your pretty little head. Want him to ruin you until you're squirting your worth into the sheets? Done. Want him to get on all fours and kiss your boots while thanking you for letting him eat you out? Done. He's not someone that is afraid to get down and dirty if needed- if anything, he enjoys it. Kick plays behind the scenes mostly so the fact you're allowing him to get up and personal is all he needs, and he shamelessly will enjoy it.
His biggest kink though is voyeurism. He loves all the little pictures and videos of you fucking yourself or wearing sexy little numbers just for him only for it to turn into him being tied to a kitchen chair in the bedroom just to watch you fuck yourself on a dildo. Nothing gets him harder than watching and seeing you all fucked out on a toy or even a guest Keegan you invited into the bedroom. It's so hot in his eyes and just knowing that his pretty baby is getting the best treatment while he got to watch was enough to have him creaming in his pants.
When it comes to actually fucking you, he's deranged and rough like a bitch in heat. He's panting and whining like a mutt while his pistols his cock in and out of you, his hands holding onto your hips and just fucking you like it's his last time. Kick gets so pussy/ass drunk and will literally start to drool and incoherently babble about how good you feel around his cock, he wouldn't even be making sense. All that matters to him is to fuck you as hard and as long as possible because how tight and warm you are, he cannot live without it.
All he wants is to make you feel good, but he cannot help but be selfish at times and rut into you in hopes to fill you to the brim with his cum. He doesn't mean to be mean, he just got so lost in the pleasure, he didn't even notice you crying and cumming over and over :(. Please forgive him, you just feel so good he went a little stupid and thought with his dick!
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bloodyquillink-blog · 3 months
White at Your Wedding, Ghosts HC’s
Prompt: How the Ghosts would react to someone wearing white at your wedding.
A/N🪶: Hello again. To anyone who may have been keeping up with my fic “Sugar and Lemon”, I’m sorry I haven’t been writing. Between creative juices for the fic running out as well as school, I haven’t been as motivated. However, I do want to continue it. I just need to find the right time. I’m doing summer classes otherwise I probably would be working on it now. It’s just overwhelming at this point. But I still want to give y’all something with the Ghosts since I know a lot of people in that part of the fandom don’t usually get a lot unless it’s with (typically) Keegan. Nothing wrong with that, I just want to include more of them, especially more underrated characters like Ajax and David/Hesh. Thanks for reading this blurb <3
HC Note/TW: May include descriptions/mentions of weapons, violence/violent intentions, shitty people, harassment. Please note: I’m gonna make this AU style where Rorke wasn’t turned and no one was killed because I said so. Reader is gn so their groomsmen/bridesmaids will just be referred to as your “friends on the side”. 
I made a separate one for David because I love him, find that here
He was almost done getting ready. Today was finally that day, that beautiful day that he never thought would happen. Between the world gradually being broken down each time it was nearly put back up, he had expected to be killed in action like everyone else. But perhaps fate was on his side for now. He knew better than to expect everything to run smoothly, though. 
With two different people from two different families, someone was bound to have some opinions. It was just a matter of whether or not they voiced it. Of course, he had made plans just in case. He was getting married to you and there was no way in hell, heaven or on this Earth someone was going to stop that. They could interrupt the wedding all they wanted to, however they pleased. They could set the whole damn thing on fire, but he’d still marry you. 
He tried not to think about how beautiful you’d look, lest he start blushing. It didn’t work but the attempt was worth it, despite the pestering the other Ghosts would no doubt lay upon him. 
The time came and he stood on the slightly elevated stage, groomsmen and best man at his side. Normally, he doesn’t wear white but this is a wedding… his wedding… his and yours wedding. His back was to the hallway you would walk out of, so he kept looking to the faces of his friends and family for any indication. His heart beat was relatively controlled… and then the music began playing… and they smiled… and the officiant gave him the look to turn around. So he did.
And by God, you were ethereal. He couldn’t tell if his heart stopped or was beating so fast he could no longer feel it. His brain was short-circuiting. You had made your way up to the stage, your friends on the side smiling. He just stared, had he been smiling since he saw you? His cheeks were hurting already. You looked up at him, your smile like the sun, he couldn’t care less about going blind if it meant the image of you would be imprinted in his eyes.
Logan Walker
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This man would be trying so hard not to panic.
He almost gets whiplash from how fast his head turned to David who, alongside Merrick, would pipe up and tell off the person.
Logan would have been prepared in a rather classy way. 
See… There’s a thing where, if someone wears white at a wedding, especially a dress, the bridesmaids can take wine and pour it on them, effectively ruining the dress.
Logan absolutely has heard of this and got your friends the cheapest wine possible.
Logan looks at your friends and signals to them to get the wine. 
One of them moves around closer to them so their attention is away from the friends with the wine.
David and Merrick tell them that they need to leave.
As they get up to get in their face, wine is poured on them.
They yell and fuss, claiming you and Logan are going to pay for their outfit as they stomp out of the room. 
You, not having expected this, stand there. Your hands are held by Logans and your mouth hangs open.
Your friends smile at you, David and Merrick chuckling to themselves as they all come back to their original positions.
You struggle to form coherent words.
“Did you- when did- where’d the wine come from?! Was that planned?!”
And the wedding continues, the smell of wine and the sound of laughter flowing through the air.
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker'
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You know this man would be willing to drag out the guilty party himself. 
I fully believe he’d pick them up and carry them outside. 
Otherwise he’d probably set up his other comrades to be guards so people don’t try to get in.
I could imagine it being an old ex or probably a family member he hates. None of the soldiers he knows would dare do that to someone like him, he’s garnered so much respect from them over the years.
Any one of his friends, whether groomsmen or guests, I know they’d all stick up for him as he just watches with a smile.
Thomas A. Merrick
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Roasts the ever loving shit out of whoever is wearing white.
“If you’re gonna wear white, at least pick an outfit that fits you right.”
“Did you get that from Walmart? I think I saw that when I went last week.”
“That would look better on Riley, but hey, who am I to judge?”
I know the person would willingly walk out without having to be escorted, due to embarrassment.
Gabriel T. Rorke
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I can’t see him having a very public wedding. There is a very short list of people allowed and if there’s someone he doesn’t know, he’s meeting them beforehand.
If someone dared to wear white, well…
As all eyes are on them as they stand, showing off the color that was only meant for the two of you, he takes the opportunity since everyone is distracted.
He slowly reaches and shifts his white suit jacket, lifting just the edge, enough for the offender to see the gun, or other weapon, he has tucked away.
He lets go so he looks normal again, while the person is left with wide eyes, suddenly nervous.
They leave with minimal issue and everything resumes, people are left confused but eventually shrug it off as Rorke having intimidated them with his presence alone.
Keegan P. Russ
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Keegan would be the type where, prior to the wedding, he expects everyone to show what they are planning on wearing.
He makes sure the two of you set guidelines so it is absolutely clear that if anyone tries to come in wearing white, they will be thrown out and not allowed back in. 
This man does not leave room for error. 
He takes advantage of having your friends/family’s (bridesmaids/groomsmen) contact info so he can keep an eye on everything.
Would absolutely sweet talk your grandparents or parents into keeping him informed whenever possible, especially if there’s gossip (Keegan loves gossip and you can’t tell me otherwise).
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson
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He wouldn’t bring weapons like Rorke or make snide comments like Merrick.
This is a man of respect, and while he’d be annoyed, he’d be prepared.
As people turned around and gasped and gossiped, he’d remain calm and relaxed despite his comrades wanting to push the person out.
He’d want them to be politely escorted out and you wouldn’t have to do anything.
Naturally, he’s fuming but this is your wedding after all. He maintains his composure.
If the person speaks up, they’ll be escorted out. If not, I can imagine him letting them stay, not wanting to waste time and probably continuing to marry you out of spite and right before the dinner, they suddenly aren’t allowed in.
They’re edited out of any photos they may have forced their way into, everyone basically ignores them. 
I love you, Ajax <3
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This guy is just getting married privately.
Mostly just because regular weddings are so hectic and frankly, he isn’t much of a people person but he still wants to marry you.
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writingwarden · 11 months
Hiiiiiii!! Logan's been taking over my brain alot lately.
I was thinking what if reader is the one to save him from Rorke?
[A/N]- YEP. Took this one and R A N across the field with it. Enjoy!
Logan Walker x Reader
Cracks in the Glass
TW- being stabbed, torture, physically fighting to blow off steam, blood, minor and Major character death (not Reader or Walker brothers), Canon typical violence, revenge, verbal fighting, let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count- 6.5k
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Sand and blood cake onto any uncovered skin it can reach. A series of explosions rouses you from your sleep, pain blooming from your lower abdomen. From the ground where you lay flat on your stomach, gear digging uncomfortably into your skin, you raise your head enough to see through blurred eyes three figures. Two sitting against a rock and one walking towards where they sat.
Where were you?
Oh fuck right, Rorke. Checkmate. Hesh and Logan!
Slowly and painfully you force your limbs to move, crawling to the figures who were sitting down. A coughing fit wrecks through your body, blood splattering the sand beneath you. What the fuck? Dragging your body up onto its knees, arms barely holding the weight. A slow glance down reveals a deep stab wound, the knife still embedded in your body, right above the hip bone. Muscle and skin shredded from the serrated blade Rorke had plunged into you in the struggle that had occurred after he shot Hesh and tried to go after Logan.
Blood congealed with the sand, hardening into a crude sludge around the blade, at least you wouldn’t bleed out as fast. Another yell rings out from in front of you.
“Cobra!” Hesh’s voice reaches your ears. Looking up, Hesh was trying to sit up further against the rock, the gunshot wound preventing him from running to you or Logan. The third figure was getting closer. The closer they got, the more pronounced their limp was. Was that… fuck!
Pointing past Hesh to where Logan lay sprawled on the sand, “Hesh look!” you call out. Hesh looks over just in time to see Rorke knock the knife out of Logan’s hand, his boot pinning the other man’s arm into the sand. Hesh makes a frantic scurry to get Rorke off of Logan, but Rorke kicks him away.
More explosions shake the ground. You can see Rorke’s mouth moving, see him getting in Logan’s face. Another surge of adrenaline courses through your veins. With the last of your energy, you pull the knife from your stomach. Arms shaking and vision blurring once again, you throw the knife, Logan's name escaping your mouth. There was just enough force in the throw to graze Rorke’s arm, he stops talking and whips his head around to stare directly into your eyes. You swear there was amusement written across his features as he stands and begins shuffling towards you.
“Well would you look at that! The snake still has fangs!” He stands over you, “You may be as promising one day as Logan.” The sing-song tone when he says Logan's name makes your blood run cold. You wish you had a gun or anything to wound the monster in front of you. But you wouldn’t get the chance, a heavy kick to your stomach has you falling back down, screams ripping from your throat. Laughter from above you as your vision clouds with black spots. You knew you were going to pass out.
Words were being spoken to you but they were hard to make out over the pounding in your head. “...ever again, Cobra.” Another kick and your consciousness fades away, the sounds of Hesh screaming for his brother the last thing you hear.
– — —-
You were met with a screaming match as you entered the war room.
It has been a week since Logan was taken and you and Hesh had been rescued from the beach. This was the first time out of the medical wing since then. They had been forced to lock both of you in a private hospital room with guards posted outside of the door. You had fought the nurses as they tried to help you, your mind having not been in the right state. All you knew was that your Logan had been taken by the very man that was supposed to have died on that train. They had been forced to sedate you before they could help fix the various injuries you had acquired in your adrenaline fueled revenge.
The nurse told you the extent of your injuries after you had calmed down. The grand total was two broken ribs, the stab wound, and a concussion. She had said how lucky you were to have only gotten those injuries multiple times, but you sure as hell didn’t feel lucky.
Coming back into the land of the living you had been surprised to see Hesh in the same room. What was even more of a surprise was that you had both been handcuffed to your beds! Soon you learned they had to do almost the same thing to contain him. Except this time Merrick had to tackle him back onto the stretcher, while you only required being held down.
Man, had Merrick and Keegan ripped you both a new one. For your reckless actions to your fighting the nurses. Every conversation since had everyone either walking on eggshells or ready to tear each other apart.
He had tried to leave right after that but had been stopped by the two soldiers that had been tasked with being your “guards”. All they did was stand in front of the door and occasionally helped the nurses.
Hesh was the more defiant of you two. He wouldn’t settle, the only thought on his mind was once again Rorke and rescuing his brother. Finding Rorke, Killing Rorke, Burning Rorke’s body after dumping an entire magazine into the body, never letting Logan out of either of your sights. He was restless. They eventually had to cuff him again to the bed to stop him from aggravating his gunshot wound further, you were behaving enough that they didn’t feel you needed to join him in his “imprisonment”.
“It’s bullshit, Cobra.” He kept saying. Loathing the fact they weren’t letting either of you out, “We should be out there looking for him!” or “We’ll get him back.” Words spit with venom and promise. The terms bull-headed and impulsive were thrown back at him several times.
Your own anger had been barely contained. You shoved it into a glass box, not hiding it or burying it, but putting it on display. Crystal clear glass revealing the hatred inside of it like an art museum would display a delicate artefact. You knew that one of you had to appear level headed or they would never let you out to search for him. They would deem you both unstable and unfit for any further duty. And you couldn’t have that; Not yet. After you had rescued Logan and ensured his safety, they could all go to hell for any matter. But only after you healed and Logan was safe with you and Hesh.
And reality was that neither of you were in any shape to fight. While medical technology had improved drastically, there was only so much they could do for a stab wound and gunshot. And Merrick had told you they were doing their best to find him with the extremely limited information they had. The federation had been scattered in the wind after the last attack. Information had become even less reliable than before.
Hesh had picked the locks on his handcuffs if the bent paper clip and missing man were anything to go off of when you woke up from your nap.
Which was what brought you limping to the doorway of the war room.
“We need to be out there and looking for him!” Hesh was standing, a crutch supporting him, in front of Merrick, who looked ready to explode.
Merrick clenched his fist where it sat against the table full of maps and files. The radio in the middle of the table, quiet but full of chatter. Location markers and notes had been scribbled all over. Keegan sat at the table, typing furiously at the tablet in his hands. They both looked like you felt.
Looking around the rest of the room you saw that Kick was nowhere to be found. But that was not uncommon, he really liked his solitude. He was probably on the other side of the base.
Looking back over at Keegan, you found him staring at you. Shooting a questioning look at him, hoping to get some answer out of him. His response is an exasperated look and a shrug of the shoulders. Well, that’s always a good sign, You thought frustratedly.
The arguing continued as you walked further into the room, finally standing opposite of the two who remained going back and forth and had yet to notice you. Keegan clears his throat pointedly and they look over, meeting your gaze. Taking advantage of the moment you began, “Care to explain?” You already knew what Hesh was trying to accomplish and you knew exactly what Merrick was trying to reason. You know that both sides had their points, guess it's time to be the mediator. But you knew Hesh was always stubborn, usually to the point that it always ended with a punch being thrown. Which it might. From where you stand, that is what it looks like.
Hesh has a pleading look in his eye as he turns to you, “Cobra you gotta help, we need to be out there! Looking for him!”
Looking from him to Merrick, you motion for him to say his part, “What do you got?”
Merrick sighs loudly; clearly annoyed, “We have a possible lead on one of the Federation colonels who might know where Rorke is hiding. But we don’t know for sure and we can’t just rush in half-cocked!” He shoots a glaring look at Hesh. “We need more time.”
Hesh throws his free hand up, “We don’t have more time to waste!” He opens his mouth to say more when Merrick holds in hand up in a way that told you there would be no room for arguing anymore.
“We have people on the ground, searching,” he says slowly but firmly, like he is trying to drive to point in with a hammer (and you two are the nails), “You two are in no condition to be back in the field.” Hesh moves like he is about to interrupt but Merrick fixes him with a stare. You can see a decision being made behind his eyes. “With your injuries, if we do find him before you are healed you could pose a hindrance to the operation and very well get Logan killed and let Rorke get away. Again.”
Silence overtakes the room. A deathly silence, one only used when mourning the dead or for prayer before the final strike. The radio had faded into nothing behind the previously reigned in rage that was suffocating you. Cracks were forming in the glass, that feral and primal anger rearing its ugly head, bashing it into the material holding it captive.
You know he’s right, this is the rational and secure way to do things. But if you were any more of a suicidal person, you’d be bashing his skull into the edge of the table. Small tremors shake your body where you stand and your fists clench. He was right and you were still acting irrationally. So why did you itch to bury one of your knives into his throat?
In the corner of your eye you see Keegan moving slowly, the tablet on the table and his hand ready to grab the gun from his hip. You needed to defuse this before Hesh gets you both thrown into jail, if the way his shoulders were tensing and his fist was clenching were anything to go off of.
“Hesh… Merrick’s right.” The look Hesh shot in your direction, you could have sworn you had just personally stabbed him. Ignoring the look of betrayal you take a shaky breath in, “We need to be fully functional for any of this to go right. Rorke will get his, but do you think Logan would want us to be killed trying to find him because we wouldn’t listen to orders?” A low blow to bring up Logan in that way again, but hey, when they go low, you grab a shovel and dig a hole in hell.
A moment passes, Hesh now looks like he wants to hit you instead. Let him feel angry at me. You think to yourself, you two could deal with this later. Hell, maybe even brawl to settle it out like old times. The air remains tense but Keegan sits back down, just as carefully as he had stood.
You stare ahead at Merrick as Hesh shoulders forcefully past you and out of the room. You take the shove with grace, not bothering to look back or follow him. You knew exactly where he would be going anyways. Let him have time to cool down before you approach him again.
You stand there staring ahead as Merrick sits down in the chair next to him. He rubs both hands over his face before addressing you, “Need something, Cobra?”
You hesitate before speaking, trying to find the right questions. “What do we have so far?” is what you settle on. Keegan slides the tablet over to you. The screen shows a list of names and locations. Federation higher ups and high value targets that should be in disarray now. You place the tablet on the table and begin to look over the maps. A talent of yours that made you a great interrogator was your empathy. “If I was a homicidal, revenge led Ghost killer, where would I brainwash the youngest kid of my ex brother-in-arms?” You wonder out loud, missing the weird glance the two men shared. “Somewhere remote,” you think about the habits and patterns Rorke showed, “Somewhere sedimental. I’d want it to bring back memories of betrayal.”
– — —-
The knife split the man's throat open like a hot knife through butter. He had finally given you Rorke's exact location and a pure feral feeling was coursing through your blood. Finally after two months of your Logan being gone, did you have a location.
After being cleared for light work (aka being back in the killing field) after the fight, you had set your heart and soul on gathering information and taking out several high ranking Federation soldiers. Each had crack eventually under your carefully sharpened knives. Interrogation had been a skill that had come naturally to you. It was an art, one that you had perfected quickly.
It was the skill that had landed you a spot on Ghost Team. Elias had chosen you along with the brothers. He cited your skills and bond you had from a childhood growing up with the brothers as his reason for bringing you along. He claimed you kept them levelled and that the damn near telepathic bond you had with Logan made you valuable on Ops. Which was true; your parents had been close friends of Elias, which made you best friends with the Walker boys by default.
Hesh was the most outgoing of the trio. Always talking to new people and preferring to hang out at the more crowded skate parks. He’d drag you and Logan everywhere and who were you two to deny him? He was a guardian to you until you had physically outgrown him by becoming a full two inches taller than him. Something he still had yet to “forgive” you for.
But it was Logan that you had really clicked with. The boy was of very few words; a selective mute. But that did not hinder your ability to communicate, a mix of sign language and your own secret nonverbal language. Which mainly consisted of micro expressions and body language. You two could hold an entire conversation with just your eyes. It had always confused the hell out of the rest of your squads.
And so what if you had come to have feelings for the youngest Walker? It feels as natural as an ocean wave crashing onto a sandy beach. You had planned on never telling him, or hell, maybe you would have in due time. But now that he had been taken before you could confess, you were damned sure that the moment he was safe and healing was the moment you’d tell him. You would get to tell him, damn it all, even if you had to drag his ass back into the land of the living with your bare hands.
A hand on your shoulder pulled you back into the present. “Cobra, we need to get going.” Hesh said quietly. Suddenly aware that you had been staring holes into the dead body you shrug his hand off your shoulder and turn on your heel. You two still haven’t talked, instead opting to push yourselves further into training, into becoming stronger. He threw himself and sometimes Riley into working out. Often you would find him running the track in the middle of the night. Some nights you’d join him. Others you’d slink off into the range. Forcing yourself to become better with both gun and knife. The conversation had yet to be had and it was eroding at the years of being a perfect pair- trio. There were three of you and you’d be dead before you’d let that change.
Shaking those thoughts from your head, you look up to see the rest of the team waiting for you by the doors of the old house you had dragged the Federation soldier into.
Looking to where Merrick stood, his stance told you he expected you to say something. “So I was right. You know for such a violent brainwashed bastard he sure is sedimental.”
You had been right in your guess. He would hold Logan at the old jungle compound where the Federation had broken Rorke and twisted him into their own personal ghost hunter. But that place had been raided and every one of the enemy personnel had either been killed or thrown into prison. As far as anyone knew, it was abandoned. It was too little of a possible reward to venture that far into the jungle. Oh what fools you were to hope otherwise.
A groan and nod were Merrick’s answer. I was really hoping you weren't.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “I mean, they torched the place after. I can’t imagine much of it still stands. Son of a bitch.”
“Yeah…” You let the implications of everything you had just learned sink in. Eyes meet with Hesh’s, no words are spoken but an agreement is made. That barely closed glass box of rage continues to crack. Just got to hold it together, just a little while longer. One foot in front of the other, Cobra.
– — —
The foliage is thick as you creep closer to your designated position. The sounds of the forest and chatter of Federation soldiers deafened by the leafy canopies above your heads. Keegan leads the way, revenge and relief are now so close at hand. But you have to start the plan before anything else can happen. Two months of searching, you can Not fuck this up, Logan’s life depends on it. Depends on You and Hesh to keep your cool long enough to complete your tasks and locate the pit he would no doubt be in.
Keegan holds his hand up, telling you to halt. Flexing your fingers where they lay on your rifle, ready to fire at a moment's notice. The moment passes before he’s motioning to keep moving.
As you resume your walk, Hesh slides up next to you, footsteps falling in time with your own. “We still in agreement on what happens when we find him?” His voice is low, still as tense as it had been since the beach.
You glance up at Keegan, who you know is listening, before you respond just as quietly. “I get first blows while you secure Logan. Then you get the killing blow while Keegan keeps overwatch. I haven't forgotten, David.” The words come out harsher than they were meant to but again, that's how most of the words from your mouth had sounded recently.
Hesh doesn't respond, usually his first name gets a rise out of him. A true testament to how he's feeling right now. Silence takes over again as your group keeps marching on.
The next few minutes are a blur as Ghost team and Marines descend on the compound. Body after body falls as you push in. Sinking into your mind further and further as bullets zip past you. One even grazing your ear but it only serves to piss you off more. That glass box has burst open, red rage flowing out, drowning anything in its path.
You'd imagine Hesh is feeling the same, watching him sink a knife into a federation soldier as your group rounds a corner.
Finally you come to it, the courtyard with a single hole dug in the earth. Logan was in it. Your shoulder aches from the recoil of your rifle, fingers numb. But it doesn't matter.
Your team makes quick work of the enemies that attempt to stop you. Clearing the surrounding areas, your Marines holding position in each entrance. Looking up to the exposed second floor you see Keegan’s team.
Your radio crackles as Keegan’s voice comes through, “Eyes on Logan, proceed with caution. Rorke's got a gun to his head.”
Your eyes lock with Hesh's. Then you're moving, rushing forward to the hole, fingers on the trigger. Skidding to a stop above it, the sight inside damn near breaks you right there.
Logan on his back, caked in blood, dirt, and who knows what else as Rorke stands with his foot planted on his chest, pistol pointing at Logan's head. The sick motherfucker has a smile on his face, his eyes trained on you and Hesh.
A low growl comes from the man next to you. “It's over Rorke! No escape from here, you son of a bitch.” Hesh calls down. Part of you thinks he's about to abandon the entire plan for dumping all of his ammunition into Rorke. But he doesn't.
“You know,” the monster below you begins to drawl, like this was a normal conversation, “I didn't expect you to make it; the snake, sure. But you,” He points a finger at Hesh, “I expected you to die just like your da-”
A shot rings out, then another as Rorke's hands cease to be connected to his body; Keegan and his partner’s bullets hitting their marks. That was the cue for you two to get on with it.
Jumping into the pit you plant your feet firmly into Rorke's chest, rolling forward off of him as he hits the ground. Turning around you lunge forward on top of Rorke. Rearing your fist back then bringing it down onto his face. Over and over; blow after blow lands on the man who made your life hell. The monster who killed the man that saved you after ODIN, the monster that took and tortured your Logan.
His attempts to fight back are futile, the full front of your rage holding him there. His face becomes unrecognisable by the time Hesh grabs your shoulder. The signal to switch with him. One last punch and you're standing up, swaying on your feet.
Hesh takes your place as you rush over to Logan. Your hands frantically search over his body, cataloguing the visible injuries. Bruises mottle the skin not covered in blood or dirt. His name and promises to help him fall like prayers from your lips.
Finally you place your hands on either side of his face, willing him to look at you. His eyes are swollen and cloudy, no doubt from whatever they drugged him with. It was strange, the way his face was almost completely untouched. But you don't get much time to dwell on it as sharp movements in your peripheral.
Logan’s blood covered hands shoot quickly to your face. Panic in his suddenly clear eyes, the word “Go!” and “Run.” were being silently screamed at you. His mouth moves but only raspy gibberish comes out. You grab his hands as they hold your head, fingers tangling in your hair forcing you to stay looking at him. “Logan! Logan it’s us! We’ve got you, he’s dead. He’s dead!” You are sure that he couldn’t hear you as hysteria begins to creep in.
But the recognition was undeniable, just for a split second before they're rolling back into his head. His body begins convulsing violently as his hands slip from yours. Screams for a medic, for somebody, rip from your throat. One of the medics lands on their knees next to you but you can't move your limbs. All you can do is stare as the seizure happens.
Then hands are pulling you away from him. You fight against them before another pair is wrapping under your arms and pulling more. Someone is screaming your name but it sounds miles away. The only input reaching your mind is the sight of Logan, being surrounded by medics as you are taken further away from where he lies.
The glass box was gone, only shards and small puddles remain. Your mind clears enough to realise that it’s Hesh whose arms are wrapped around your torso, holding you back. Turning around in his grip you shove your entire being to his in a constrictor like hug.
Blood spatters cover every bit of armour and skin he has, the Ghost paint smeared with red. His eyes are wide, feral as he watches the scene now behind you.
Rorke's battered corpse lying behind, riddled with bullet holes from Hesh dumping his entire mag into him was all you could focus on.
Keegan stands over it, looking at his ex brother in arms, eyes blank. Merrick jumps down next to him and delivers a swift kick to the corpse.
– — —
Life continues as normal on base. The only shifts in the routine now were four Ghosts, taking their turns watching over their youngest in the hospital bed he lays.
In the beginning, it was you and Hesh refusing to leave Logan's bedside. Only leaving in shifts to deal with the bare minimum of your duties and body's needs. Eating and sleeping next to him. The hospital staff had dragged in another chair when it was clear neither of you would be leaving.
It was once again Merrick that forced you both away to deal with yourselves. The other three Ghosts had made a deal that there would always be one of them watching over him if you or Hesh couldn't.
And they stayed true to that promise. A knock drags you out of your thoughts. Keegan stands in the doorway, “Come on, it's my turn.” He enters further into the room, a knowing look in his eyes as he takes in your hand holding onto Logan's.
“You did good, kid. He's here and he's not going anywhere till he's better.” His words were meant to sooth but tears sting your eyes. It seems like since you've gotten back that you just can't stop crying.
Reluctantly you let go of Logan's hand and stand up, but your feet don't move. Not until Keegan places his hand on your arm with a promise to get you if anything happens. Then you're walking out the door and down the hallway.
It’s late, nearing midnight as you approach the smaller gym rooms knowing exactly who’s in there at this hour. Ignoring the Private Session sign on the door you enter quietly. Hesh is on the other side, fists slamming into the sandbag. The only greeting you get is a falter in his punches before he's back at it.
Looking over to the benches you see Riley curled up underneath. The dog huffs a greeting as you walk over and sit down. Hands sliding across his fur.
This has been both of your normal nights since Logan was taken and you just couldn't let it go even though he was home safe. The routine is comforting though your body aches from pushing past your limits.
It started with Hesh showing up at your door during the night, dressed in his gym clothes with Riley at his heels. No words were spoken as you invited him in and changed into your own gym attire. The cold air countering the heated anger as you ran around the city.
Then it was that someone had pissed you off enough that you had dragged your body to the gym, intent to hit and throw things until you felt better. But that plan had been ruined by Hesh, who was already there, doing just that.
That's when the first screaming match had happened. And the screaming led to blows being exchanged. The feeling of beating on each other was cathartic.
So it became the routine, if one couldn't sleep then they were to drag the other (who likely wasn't sleeping) from their rooms then either run or spar. No one has stopped this so far, only looked at you with a knowing (disappointed?) look and move on.
The thudding stops and a loud sigh comes from across the room. Looking up just as he crosses the room and slumps on the bench next to you. Exhaustion visibly pulls at him the same way it does on you.
“Feel up for it.” He motions to the mats in the middle of the room. You take note that his hands are bare and bleeding as you shake your head. Instead opting to slide down on the floor and lay flat looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah that's fair. We can do floor time.”
He slides down onto the ground and lays his head next to yours, body laying the other way. Such as most nights, no words are shared. At least for the first hour.
Then he's speaking, “Did I tell you the time he managed to steal one of the neighbours dogs and no one noticed for hours?” You did this often, recounting stories of Logan. Funny, sad, plain boring; it didn't matter. He loved to tell the more calm ones while you opted to spill the hijinks the pair of you committed.
“I don't think I remember that one.” You did but you liked to humour him. He launches into the story, talking with his hands in the air, you laugh and make comments.
“You should have seen the proud look dad had while Logan apologised. I swear the lady's head was gonna explode, she was so red!” he laughs through the words.
You look up at him, “Yeah, that tracks. You and your dad were always enabling our bullshit.”
He lets out a slow sigh and lets the buzz of the overhead lights and occasional footsteps fill the space. You were content to let them do so but there was eating at your thoughts.
“I love him.” You had told him before in a fit. He had barely understood you the first time you said it, had been borderline hysterical, expecting him to hate you. “I know” he had said. Called you right stupid for not saying it sooner.
His hand appears in the air above your face and you're too tired to care as he brings it down and palms your entire face, like something straight out of Alien. He shakes your head back and forth before he lets go. “I know, you know you're going to have to tell him eventually, right?”
It was your turn to sigh, “I know, dude. I know.”
– — —
It’s one of those nights where you and Hesh are on watch at the same time. It was rare but it does happen. Logan has been in a medically induced coma for a month now. It's Hesh's turn to go get you both dinner, so you get to take up watch over Logan.
(The eldest brother opted to leave Riley with you. The dog takes up his usual post at the door, ever the guardian.)
Grabbing his hand, something that had become a habit. You start recounting the day's events, another thing you both had taken up. Talking to the sleeping man, telling him the base gossip and telling him how the day went, how Riley and the team are, everything you could think of you talked about.
“Then he made them run laps. He's shaping up nicely for that Captain role he's heading for.” You laugh, explaining how Hesh oversaw today's training. “He gets that promotion and we're set to get away with so much shit, Lo.”
He made no movements, the only sound to respond was the steady beat of the vitals monitor. You let loose a breath and place your head down on the bed next to his hand. “Wake up soon, please.” You plead into dead air, “He needs you. I need you.”
Time passes slowly, Hesh taking his sweet time getting that food. Must be Chilli Night in the mess. That always caused the place to be packed. Your mind wanders all over the place, what was it that one sergeant had said? When was Merrick going to send you back into the field, you were already on borrowed time. A thousand things plague your thoughts; it was beginning to give you a migraine.
The hand in yours twitches. You sit up so fast your back twinges. Ignoring that you stare down at your hand, did you imagine that? “Logan?” You murmur, looking up at his sleeping form and you gasp. His eyes were fluttering open. Standing up you lean over him hopefully, “Logan? You with me?”
Your heart starts racing as those same eyes open and land on you. Reaching up to hold his face but you're interrupted by a harsh grip on your arm. “Lo?” You ask shakily, staring at the place he has in his grasp.
“R-run!” The word was urgent, the beeping of the heart monitor became louder, quicker. Fear shines brightly through his eyes as they dart around the room, underlined with confusion.
You grip over his hand, “No no no, Logan you're safe! We're home!” His fingers dig into your skin as he starts shaking. With fear that he is going to start having another seizure you turn your head around to call for help. But you're met with the frozen forms of Hesh and Merrick standing in the doorway.
Quickly you call to him, “Get help!” Your voice was high, panic beginning to creep in. The trays fall out of his hands as he steps back out and starts shouting for help. Merrick starts for the bedside but you wave him off, not wanting to overwhelm the already panicking man.
Directing your attention back to Logan you can almost see the dots beginning to connect as he stares past you, to where Hesh just stood. You should for Hesh, yelling his voice as loud as you can.
The tall man comes running full tilt back to the room, almost skidding past the door. “Logan!” He shouts and you have to stop yourself because it was the same scared scream from the beach. He sprints over to the bed, grabbing Logan's other hand, trying to soothe the man into the present.
Logan's mouth is moving, repeating “Not real” as he flickers his eyes from you to Hesh.
You both start speaking at the same time, trying to tell him it is real, that this is real. Someone else enters the room. But you don't look away from Logan as his grip on your arm begins to loosen. Slowly and suspiciously (?) he starts to lay back into the bed.
It's only when he's retracted his arm away fully and is now sitting reclined in the bed that you breathe a full breath. Nurses flutter around you checking his vitals and tweaking his pain meds. Your eyes never leave his except to look over at Hesh, who sits there determined to not leave unless absolutely necessary.
Eventually the buzz dies down, Merrick having stepped out to make a few calls. Either way, you were glad for the privacy. Neither of you had let go of his hands, afraid that it would be a dream.
His fingers entwined with yours had those emotions stirring violently in your chest.
Hesh had been catching him up to speed on everything, thankfully omitting the violent way the two of you coped. You had just been nodding along and speaking up occasionally to add in if Hesh forgot something.
Logan, he just sat there, taking everything in. He had been quiet since the nurses left, not asking questions or only speaking in clipped words. Your eyes flit down to his throat, a ring of rope burn now healed.
His eyes catch yours, a small smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. Oh, how you missed that smile.
Hesh clears his throat, catching your attention. He waits for you both to look at him before speaking, “I dropped our dinner. I'm going to run to the corner store and grab us something.” He stands from his chair and walks over, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezes. A whisper of “Tell him.” and then Hesh is gone, Riley at his heels.
Turning back to Logan, you place your head against your hands. You needed to tell him, the confession trapped behind your teeth. You look back up at him and let go of his hands reluctantly, doubt tugging at the forefront of your mind. You had just gotten him back, what if you lose him now? There would be no way to cope with that, but he would be alive to hate you and you were fine with that.
“I-” You start, “I love you, Logan.” The words themselves are not strangers to you. They were said so regularly throughout your life, so the look you got from him was no surprise.
He drums his fingers against the hospital bed and hums, “Love you too.”
A stressed sigh leaves your mouth and you find yourself staring into his eyes again. “No Lo, I love you.” The words emphasised, “I'm sorry for not telling you before and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same but I was going to be damned before I let you leave before telling you.” The confession is quick as you look away from him.
An amused huff answers you and then a hand was grabbing your face again. This time is so much more gentle. Nothing like the harsh grip that had come to plague your dreams. Letting him pull you to look at his face. There's fondness in place of the rejection you had feared.
He pulls you closer and you let him. Your face now hovering over his. And then his lips are on yours. And then you're melting against him, careful not to put weight on his injuries.
In that moment there's nothing else in the world. No war, no cold hospital room, just two scar riddled childhood friends who were becoming something more.
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lovefromlaura · 4 months
Get every Hesh Walker fan here and you could make a groupchat
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smilocity · 3 months
Random texts — COD (Ghosts)
These are random messages that you (as their significant other) sent to the Ghost Team!
Characters: Thomas Merrick, David "Hesh" Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan, Kick (no one writes about my man Kick 😔)
Notes: This is situated for the team to be dating or married with female reader. (The images do not mean ANYTHING, the app I used just wants me to add images.)
Warning: Just watch out for Keegan’s and Merrick’s parts. They’re kind of 18+ so read with caution! The rest is comedy!
Thomas A. Merrick
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Keegan P. Russ
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David "Hesh" Walker
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Logan Walker
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Hope you like these! I just thought about these on a whim lol so some might not make sense.
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aoioozora · 3 months
The beach scenes in the Top Gun movies have absolutely ruined me and now I need to write Logan and the Ghosts on the beach ahhhh
The beach is teeming with people as the sun shines its golden hour light upon the shimmering waters and the sweltering summer day gets cooler. You're cleaning up an outdoor table of the plates and the benches of the sand when you notice a passionate volleyball game not too far away from you.
Four men playing and one a referee. All of them muscular, heads buzzed, and shirtless. Possibly soldiers; a lot of them visited the sandy shores as a military base was a couple miles out.
One of them in particular catches your eye as you straighten yourself up. He's the rowdiest of the bunch, flaxen haired, lightly tanned, a great big smile, and a powerful serve. Winning even a single point makes him yell gleefully and tackle his teammate. You are mesmerized by the child-like way in which he runs about the sandy court to block and save, his laughter roaring and echoing in the beach.
You smile and shake your head, muttering, "Boys will be boys," as you take the plates inside the restaurant.
When the sun has significantly set, you notice the five men approaching the restaurant, a little damp from the humidity, sweat, and water, and sand sticking to their faces, hair, and limbs. The flaxen-haired man takes your particular notice once again; he ruffles the sand out of his salty hair and his red and green Hawaiian shirt is half-buttoned to display a well-built chest. The group of five look about the establishment for a spot big enough for their giant bodies.
"Hey guys," you approach them with a friendly, polite smile, trying not to look at the flaxen-haired man too much, "A table for how many?"
"Five," says one with green eyes and a kind smile.
You lead them to a larger table with ample space for all and as they get settled in their seats and look through the menus, you bring them cold water and set them down on the table. You can't help but notice the flaxen-haired man looking straight at you, almost awed.
"What can I get you gentlemen?" you ask as you pull out your notepad and pen, ready to jot down their orders.
You watch them have a brief discussion before each one of them repeats their orders to you while you diligently write them down.
"What're you having, Logan?" asks the green-eyed man to the flaxen-haired man who was seated next to him.
You glance at Logan for a moment, your eye lingering a little too long and too appreciatingly on his sun-kissed face, his slightly hooked nose, and his pink lips. His milk-chocolate eyes dart back to you and your eyes quickly dart back to your notepad, pretending to be reading through the orders. You look back at him and find him smilingly repeating his order to you.
"Anything else?" you ask, looking at all of them.
"Your number."
You turn to the owner of the voice and find that it was none other than Logan who said those words, smirking playfully, not even a hint shy. His friends break into chuckles, while you scoff and blush out of surprise.
"Please," the man quickly adds, remembering that his father taught him to be polite. His smirk turns a little smug at your cute reaction.
You rolled your eyes, now chuckling. The green-eyed man nudges Logan's arm hard, making him yelp. "Ow, what the hell, man!" Logan complains, rubbing his aching arm.
"Sorry about him," says the green-eyed man, shaking his head.
"C'mon Hesh, don't ruin it for me," Logan complains again.
"It's alright," you tell Hesh, and then look at Logan smilingly, "I don't mind."
Logan raises a brow at you, unable to keep his lingering smirk from widening. The others exchange glances and smiles, amused by the mutual attraction that they can see blooming in front of them. You read out their orders to them and they all nod approvingly.
When you get to the end, you say, particularly to Logan, "as for my number, Volleyboy, you'll have to earn it."
The men chuckle at this. Logan raises a brow, realising that you saw him play. He leans forward. "State your terms, gorgeous."
You open the menu and point to an item. Heart Attack Bowl. The accompanying picture shows a massive bowl filled to the top with rice, slices of beef steak, fried chicken, eggs, beans, topped with an unhealthy load of cheese. Logan's eyes widen slightly at the monstrosity.
"That's the biggest, most expensive menu item. If you can finish it singlehandedly and no cheating, it'll be free, you'll get my number," you then point to a brick wall with Hall of Fame written in gold lettering with gold spotlights shining over it from above, "and you'll be on the Hall of Fame."
Logan looks at the brick wall, letting out a low whistle as he crosses his muscular arms. "Don't underestimate my appetite. Cancel my orders. I'll take on this bad boy."
You steal a glance at his guns before looking back at him. "You sure? It's massive. Only one person has been able to finish that bowl so far, and that was a decade ago."
He glances at the only framed photo on the Hall of Fame, imagining his photo over there. "I'd be happy to add an update. Maybe then you'll see my face more often," he says with a flirtatious wink.
You chuckle, impressed by his confidence. "Alright then. Heart Attack Bowl for you." Then looking at all of them, you smiled, "Your orders will be ready in twenty."
As soon as you left, Hesh sighed loudly, giving Logan a light slap on the back of his head, "Reckless as always. I'm not gonna hear any of your whining if you can't finish the bowl."
"Don't be such a mother hen, Hesh," Kick chortles, "I kinda wanna see how this turns out."
"Don't worry bro, I got this," Logan grabs Hesh's shoulder and gives it a brotherly shake.
"You still got it, bro?" asks Hesh as he watches Logan forcing spoonfuls of the food into his mouth with a queasy, contorted look on his face.
"It's too much, man, I can't," Logan wearily forces the words out of his mouth after swallowing down a mouthful. He looks into the bowl and is face-to-face with a quarter to finish.
"I kinda get why women call men dogs," says Keegan teasingly and shakes his head, "the lengths a man would go to just get a phone number is wild."
Logan glares at Keegan.
"C'mon Logan, don't force yourself. Getting sick over a phone number is not worth it," Hesh looks on worriedly, peering into the bowl.
Logan, being reminded of the phone number, immediately changes his mind, "And destroy my pride as a man? No way." He adamantly forces another spoon of the rice into his mouth. Hesh grimaces at the sight.
Kick also peers into the bowl, smirking a little when he sees the remainder of meat and rice. "You totally cannot finish that, dude. Call it quits already," he provokes.
"Shut up," Logan grumbles, now letting out a burp, "I'm gonna finish this."
"Good," chimes Merrick with a smirk, "because I'll make you run back to the base to digest all that," to which Logan groans.
His friends continue to look on, empty plates in front of them and arms crossed, amused and intrigued looks on their faces. They knew that Logan had a large stomach capacity but it was still surprising to witness him finish three-quarters of a massive bowl of food; that in itself was impressive enough.
"How are we doing, Volleyboy?" you appear at their table, smiling at Logan, who was red-faced, sweaty, and weary.
He immediately straightens up and grins like he wasn't suffering from being a stuffed thanksgiving turkey just a few seconds ago. "Great! This is the easiest eating challenge I've ever participated in."
Hesh face-palms while the rest of his friends glance at each other and laugh.
You tilt your head, looking at Logan's sweaty face. "Are you sure? You look like you're about to get a heart attack yourself."
Logan laughs wearily. "Don't jinx it," he says, "but real talk, if I die of an attack, I'll have no regrets because it was all in pursuit of you."
You raise a brow, smirking. "You're dedicated."
"A dedicated simp," Kick jibes playfully, which makes the company and yourself laugh.
Logan rolls his eyes at Kick and then turns to you, "Listen gorgeous, I won't die, alright? I got a girl to flirt with."
You chuckle. "Good luck, Volleyboy."
After a few more minutes of force-feeding, Logan finally threw the spoon in the empty bowl, making it clatter loudly. "I did it," he announces, wearily slouching against his seat as he raises his fist in the air.
His friends exchange surprised looks and nod approvingly. "Crazy son of a bitch, he actually did it!" Kick chuckles as he turns around and waves his hand to get your attention from across the restaurant.
You see Kick's hand waving and you go to their table. As soon as you're near, Kick announces, "He's done."
You look into the bowl and find that it has been cleaned thoroughly, not a single grain of rice left. "Not bad," you nod approvingly, giving Logan a pat on his shoulder, "Now sit up straight with the bowl. I need to take your picture."
Logan forces a smile at your approval and sits straight. He holds the empty bowl facing your phone camera. Despite feeling queasy and nauseated, he flexes his biceps just for good measure, making you chuckle.
"What's your full name?" you ask as you show him the photo.
"Logan Walker," he answers after he gives you a thumbs-up for the photo.
You chuckle as you show the photo to his friends, "You'll live up to your surname after this, I'm sure."
He forces a chuckle while his friends smirk. Merrick says with a grin, "I'll see to it that he does. I'll make him digest it all."
Merrick spoke too soon.
Logan grimaces and feels sharp stabs in his stomach. He rises slowly and unsteadily, holding a hand to his mouth. "Be right back, guys," he croaks out through the nausea and makes a run to the men's restroom.
The six of you watch him go. Keegan clicks his tongue, "Is it what I think it is?"
"He's a fucking idiot," Hesh sighs.
"Well, at least this will be a core memory for him," chimes Kick with a chuckle and then turns to you, "Instead of Walker, we'll christen him Puker."
You force a chuckle, but you're genuinely worried for Logan. Excusing yourself, you run to the door of the men's restroom and put your ear on it. You hear retching, wheezing, and coughing.
"Mr. Walker?" you call, your voice heavy with worry.
"I'm okay," comes his hoarse, breathy response.
"Are you sure?"
You hear more retching, and man is it loud. You stand by the door, waiting for Logan to come out. After what feels like forever, you finally hear the tap running and him gargling water and spitting out the bitter bile. He soon emerges from the bathroom, his pale face dripping with water.
"Mr. Walker!" you exclaim, "Are you okay?"
He nods slowly, shuddering once. "I'm okay," he says with a sigh after clearing his throat as he wipes his face with a hand towel.
You look worriedly at him. "Can I get you anything?"
"Your number," he reminds with a weary smile but a lively glint in his eye, "If it counts by your terms."
You walked right into it, and you snort. "You're tenacious, I'll give you that."
"Do you like it?" he asks, raising his eyebrows slightly as he watches you take out your notepad and scribble your name and number on it.
"Yes," you smile as you tear out the piece of paper and slap it against his chest.
He smirks; the brief touch-- even over the thin paper-- makes his chest tingle. He takes the paper and looks at it, going over your name, your number, and your handwriting. He folds it and stashes it in his pocket.
"If you want me to text you, you'll have to agree to two of my terms," he announces.
You raise a brow, "And those are?"
He holds up an index finger, "One, don't call me Mr. Walker. Call me Logan, or babe, or darling, whatever you prefer."
You chuckle, rolling your eyes. "I'll stick to Logan."
"Your call, sweetheart." He then brings up his second finger, "Two, you'll have to tolerate a volley of flirty texts from the Volleyboy."
You purse your lips, suppressing a smile. "Tolerate? I'm sure I'll enjoy it."
He grins, pleased to hear your encouragement. "Perfect."
You escort Logan back to the table and Volleyboy is bombarded with a volley of concerned questions from Hesh. As you're preparing their bill by the cashier counter, you amusedly watch Kick tease Logan for being queasy and puking, calling him "Logan Puker," making Merrick and Keegan laugh.
They split the bill and you see them out. Logan looks back at you, smiling.
"See ya soon, gorgeous," he gives you a playful salute.
"See you, Logan Puker," you say teasingly, which makes Kick howl with laughter.
"Wait till I get my hands on you, you motherfucker!" Logan growls, now beginning to chase Kick, who's running for his life down the cobbled beach pathways and laughing hysterically. In the distance, you see Logan finally catch Kick in a chokehold.
"So immature," Merrick remarks, smiling fondly.
The men now begin to leave, and you bid them to come again, to which they emphatically promise that they will. You watch the three join Logan and Kick afar off. As soon as they reunited, Logan looks back at you and waves.
You wave back, already feeling a little forlorn by his departure, but excited for his promised volley of flirtatious texts.
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gunnrblze · 3 months
Silly little unserious fic about the guys finding you in No Man’s Land. Had to get this sit-com bs out of my head lol.
CW: slight suggestiveness, general talk of death ‘n stuff like that.
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One probably wouldn’t assume that every day during a war would be the same, unpredictability and all. But that wasn’t quite your experience, considering you did the same thing every day. Every, single, day.
You wake up, curse men for being so stupid, for starting wars and killing one another for material things…scrounge for food and water, mourn your losses around noon, work on securing a shelter again for the impending nightfall, and tend to your more physical wounds, lest you get infected and all your hard work goes down the drain.
No Man’s Land was shitty, but you’d stumbled right into the cesspool itself, somehow. Your family passing away from whatever the fuck started falling out of the sky however many years ago was shitty too. Being left behind when you should’ve died already wasn’t sunshine and rainbows either. But you couldn’t focus on that too much when every turn you made could, literally, get you killed.
Armed fuckers everywhere, you were thankful you played too much hide and seek as a kid, cause you’d surely be dead if you didn’t somehow blend in with your bland surroundings. Unable to understand what anyone was even saying -doomed with trying to be quirky in Highschool and taking French instead of Spanish like everyone else wasn’t paying off, apparently-all you could understand from these dictator puppets was sí, nada, and rojo? You weren’t too keen on trying to understand why you kept hearing about stuff being red, maybe ignorance was bliss after all.
You’re not entirely sure though, it’s hard to pick up on spoken words when the blood rushing in your ears is the only sound you can hear, second to the gunshots and explosions booming everywhere. What were you even doing at this point? Surviving just so they didn’t give you a merciless ending? Was it worth it to live like this? You didn’t know that either, but you’d be damned if you simply gave up just because the going got tough. What is it that America’s so proud of? Freedom and bravery and what not?
Navigating abandoned and destroyed land for mere survival wasn’t on your lifelong bucket list, but here you were, sweating half to death behind a chunk of some random rubble in a desolated office building.
Shoveling the scraps of food you managed to find down your sore throat, eyes that had permanently grown in the back of your head always scanning for any lone beret who could knock your head off with a single bullet.
It wasn’t peachy or anything, but the sound of a whining dog made you forget all about it.
Shoving yourself as far behind the rubble as humanly possible, backpack squishing against the wall, you prayed -or talked, something like that, whatever- to whoever may be listening, that whatever Fed dog was sniffling around wouldn’t pick up your scent.
Unfortunately, your luck seemed to dwindle these days, as a massive German shepherd decided to knock over a nearby half broken-in door.
You took that time to suck down a breath, before figuring an escape route. You had no idea where your nationalist friends loomed, so like always, you hoped that crawling from post to post would keep you hidden for long enough.
As quietly as you could on broken chunks of tile, you crawled out from behind said chunk of rubble, to an adjacent one a few feet away. The sound of footsteps and distant voices ripped through any ounce of self confidence you’d gained, and you went back to the blinding fear for a moment. White hot and, confusing? Why weren’t they speaking Spanish?
“Shouldn’t be anybody round, place is trashed, boys” a deep, older sounding voice echoed. No, no, you don’t like the sound of that at all. You hoped maybe whoever this guy was talking to would agree, but alas, it seemed there was always a voice of bigger reason.
“I dunno, dad…Riley’s picking something up I think” his friend, or son apparently, shot back.
Riley? The furry battering ram? Maybe that was good…? These guys didn’t seem to be of Federation influence, perhaps they’d hear you out at least before splattering the insides of your skull onto the grimy tile.
The little pitter patter of dog paws got closer in range, and it made all the random joint aches and pains in your body more pronounced, bones vibrating with fear once you realized you couldn’t get out of this building. The knife you pulled from your bag only shook pathetically in your hand, more of a damn fidget toy than anything you could defend yourself with at this point.
Shoved back into a near corner, you already clocked the two voices, and there had to be more ‘boys’ with them, unless of course the older voice was including their door toppling canine in that group address.
“What is it, Riley? Go get it” the second guy spoke again, his distant words sending an even bigger pang of fear through your chest. Go get it. Go get you.
Apparently, Riley’s a good boy, because moments later the dog was sneaking right in front of your makeshift hideout. Barking ensued and it made you flinch on instinct, eyes wide as you heard all sorts of footsteps jogging your way. You could only sit there, backing yourself further into the corner, crouched behind the rubble as you stared into the canines beady eyes.
No Federation symbol on his little vest, though. Not that you could really process that, before a large man with a stupid little green beanie on came into view. The rifle in his grip didn’t phase you much anymore, only the fact that he was pointing it in your vicinity and that he donned a certain look on his face did.
You didn’t have much access to mirrors these days, but you knew being stuck in this desecrated, excuse for a city left you looking rather…gross. But this wasn’t that kind of look, of course.
“What the hell?” Beanie said a little louder than you preferred. “Who are you?” He followed up with, lowering his little killing machine when he seemed to deny your presence as an immediate threat.
If that broad ass statement wasn’t enough, the near geriatric sounding man you heard first ran up right next to him, followed by a blonder man that looked a little bit younger than Beanie himself.
You didn’t respond, naturally, what the fuck do you say to three armed men and their yapping German shepherd? They stared at you like a science experiment, before dad, you presume, spoke directly.
“What are you doing here? Where’d ya come from, kid?” His voice was sharper and more harsh than you typically enjoyed, but they didn’t seem to want to turn you to dust just yet.
It appeared they clocked the way your eyes flitted from corner to corner, wall to wall and door to door, your body screaming at you to run, but paralyzed with fear, and the harsh reality that you couldn’t escape these three.
“Relax, we won’t hurt you” Beanie so kindly assisted, seeming to understand your predicament a bit more. You didn’t trust your sore throat to speak, so you gulped instead, shaking like a leaf with that hunting knife in your grip while you picked up on more voices through their radio chatter.
They weren’t Federation, thank god, but that was almost just as scary. Because you didn’t know who they were yet, and they seemed to be quite interested in figuring you out. Dressed to the nines in tactical gear, obviously soldiers with the massive guns and all. American, with the west coast lilt that didn’t actually quell your fear, just create another problem for you to solve with the little resources you had.
You didn’t like the tone of the Geriatrics voice too much, he was understandably suspicious of you as he told you to put the knife down. Your body moved on its own accord, sheathing it in your backpack as you fully came to the realization that these people decided what happened now. Beanie asked more cursory questions, arms crossed like the brutes they seemed to be, and you feebly explained you were lost.
Lost. An idiotic answer. Stranded in No Man’s Land, you were obviously out of your element, due to the simple fact you were still alive and kicking it, disheveled as you were.
You weren’t keen on giving them your name, and Blondie seemed to understand that before you went silent at the question, nudging Beanie and sending some kind of telepathic message to him.
“Dad, they’re obviously not supposed to be here, we’ll just take them back to base, get them outta here at least?” Beanie said, his own uncertainty making the empty pit in your stomach blossom. Dad seemed to agree, but gave you a side eye that your own mother couldn’t even dole out that well.
You relented more quickly than any of you thought you would, including yourself. You knew it was game over the moment Riley The Dog spotted you. They seemed to hash out a plan rather immediately, and the idea of being helped, even by strangers, did seem a bit deserving on your end.
Your creaky knees burned as you stood up, tentative and unsure about this arrangement, despite your desperate need for assistance. You weren’t deciding to go back to this ‘base’ with them, you were being led back to this base with them. Beanie explained that they’re Army, and it still didn’t quite help. You shuffled along the split flooring of your abandoned little office shelter, checking every exit again, wondering about that escape shot one more time.
Blondie clocked you again though, apparently the silent and observant type, because he nudged his old man, who swiftly turned to you, his eyes expressing an unspoken knowledge. The knowledge that you were beyond outnumbered.
“We’ll get you back to our base, get you squared away from there” he said as if it were that simple, clearly trying not to bug out at the knowledge that someone survived all this. You wanted to explain there was no where to square you off to. That you were alone, but they seemed to already know that. They didn’t ask nearly enough questions, you thought. But then again, you didn’t have much to expand on.
The three of them moved like a unit. Water flowing through oil, smooth and sure, despite your awkward presence lingering shortly behind Geriatric, his offspring nearing either side of you. Caging you in. Riley The Dog seemed to skip ahead, content with scoping things out for them first.
Apparently, three -four- isn’t quite a party yet though, because two other sets of heavy footsteps sounded outside the building, the chatter on their radios picking up more. You hadn’t really listened to what Geriatric muttered into said radio when they’d first found you, too busy trying to tame your nervous system.
But apparently they valued a buddy system.
Two men, just as large and brutish, rounded the corner as soon as the four of you walked out of that broken down door, courtesy of the shepherd that trotted off to god knows where.
They seemed both surprised and unsurprised to see you. Expecting your tagging along back to base, from what you could tell, but still unprepared to witness a living civilian in No Man’s Land.
“What’s their name?” The bald one asked, a gruff in his voice that shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was. That’s how you knew your brain was scrambled, finding these square ass men attractive even in the slightest, when all they were offering was a little ‘help’ during arguably the worst time of your life, was a bit insane.
But you’d gone a little insane, so maybe it was understandable.
After Geriatric stepped off to the side with Baldy and the dude in the mask, whatever that get up was about, you only heard his more hushed voice. Discussing the pertinent problem you seemed to create just by existing.
The twin towers idled next to you, sharing silent looks as they combed over your appearance. Your hair ratty and clothes dirty, covering your battered up skin well enough, some stray cuts and scrapes that you weren’t able to take nearly good enough care of made you look straight out of a survivalist horror film. Donning a suspicious blood stain on the waistband of your cargo shorts, something everyone seemed to be thankfully ignoring.
Until now, at least.
“Are you hurt?” Beanie asked with some kind of concern, motioning to your blood stained pants that’d given you away long before you could even stand up and flaunt your crooked gait.
Your blank stare made everyone fall flat for a moment, all five men standing like robots, looks being shared and eyebrows being raised. Obviously you were fucking hurt, but not enough to mention it, in your opinion.
Your mere head shake didn’t extinguish Beanie and Blondies curiosity though, but their father seemed to want to get the show on the road, so long as you could actually walk down said road.
You trudged behind the five of them, making off putting eye contact with the masked one for a moment, his eyes lighting a path of unease down your spine, whether he meant to or not.
They cut off into the woods shortly after exiting the blown-to-bits plaza you’d wandered into. Beanie seemed to be concerned with your health, asking another time if you were sure you could walk. You’d be annoyed if it weren’t for the obvious hobbling and coughing you were doing with every step.
You insisted though, what was the alternative? One of the avengers would just haul you over their shoulder until you arrived on the scene where this ‘Kick’ fucker was apparently waiting for you all?
Yes, apparently so.
“Hesh, help them, son” the Geriatric called out without even turning around. First you noticed the name that was finally given up. Hesh didn’t sound any less silly than Beanie in your head, but you were forced to digress when said man stopped and turned to you, pointing to his back.
Apparently the grimace on your face was noticeable, a smirk cracking on his lips as he slung his backpack off, handing it to Blondie whose arm was already outstretched, standing to the other side of you.
“Familiar with the piggy back ride? We’ll be walking for a while, and you’ve clearly got something wrong under that bloodstain” he added as he motioned to your stained waistband, as if his knowing look wasn’t enough.
You felt silly, felt even sillier when your knee jerk reaction was the most petulant eye roll you’d ever given. But you found yourself digressing again. The large cut on your hipbone hurt too much to keep going like this. So you stepped closer as he squatted down, and climbed on his back like a monkey.
It wasn’t really funny, nothing about the situation was, but the absurdity made you roll your eyes again, earning a smirk from Blondie who picked right back up with the trek. In any other circumstance, you’d probably feel a stir down south with the way this man held onto you. Hands cupped under the backs of your knees to hold you up, was as innocent as innocent could be.
But again, you’d gone a little off your rocker the last several months, so being chest to back with a hot sweaty soldier who carried you like you were a sack of flour almost did something to you.
The three musketeers up ahead seemed to be chatting more, Baldy with a near permanent scowl on his face as the six of you moved through this too warm thatch of forestry. The masked one was quiet as he spoke to their Ringmaster, but not as quiet as Blondie was, who hadn’t even so much as muttered anything yet.
You willfully ignored all the aches and pains in your body up until now. The reprieve of being carried piggy back took pressure off your brittled bones and squeaky ass joints. Hesh didn’t seem to sweat having your weight on his back until the terrain got a bit more hilly.
Your insistence that you could walk again on your own was shut up very quickly by a shush from grumpy dwarf up ahead, everyone stopping at once. You peeked above Hesh’s head some more, only to see a group of berets in the distance. That not so funny feeling returning to your stomach, gut wrenching and definitely ruining the more pleasant one that’d somehow bloomed.
Your head shot down on instinct, wrapping yourself more around the green giant you were hanging off of, who seemed to have the same idea, securing your legs further around his waist as he crouched down.
Everything was a bit of a blur from then on, yelling and guns going off, your last view being the sunlight shining through the tree tops before you and Hesh fell over as a unit.
Not even cognizant enough to feel the intense ache on the back of your head, fortunately. Just a hand around your scraggly wrist and another somewhere near your waist.
And that goddamned dog barking.
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 5 months
What kind of dogs I think the ghosts would be:
A/N: was literally thrown together in like 5 mins so no extraordinary writing 😔✌️
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Keegan: Husky
It just makes to much sense for him. He’s got those piercing blue eyes.
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Merrick: Bulldog
Again, this makes sense for him. They’re stocky little tank dogs, just like he is. Mr tank.
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Hesh and Logan: German Sheppard and Belgian Malinois
Hesh would be a German Sheppard and Logan would be a Belgian Malinois. Both for obvious reasons. (Riley my love 🫶)
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Kick: Corgi
I actually do not have an explanation for this one, but something about it just feels right to me.
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Elias: German Sheppard
Hesh had to get it from someone, and they’re very loyal and hard working dogs. But I do think the difference between him and Hesh is that he has the lighter coat.
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Rorke: Rottweiler
He’s big and tough, and he’s also scary. Typical guard dog.
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50 / 820 words / for @keegansshark who converted me to the cult of Hesh <3
"Anyone sitting here?"
"Uh, no. Knock yourself out."
You sit down across from Hesh. The mess hall isn’t crowded yet. You have plenty of space. "So. About yesterday."
"Remind me,” he says. “It's been a long week."
You roll an orange in your palms. "I was just wondering. Do you want to?"
"Want to what?"
You stare at him, brows raised, curving your thumbnail into the rind until it dawns on him.
"Oh. That."
You've never seen him nervous, and most people wouldn't peg him as nervous right now. You can see it, though.
"I think so. Yeah. I mean, yeah." Hesh looks down at his tray. "I want to."
You begin peeling the skin off in one long strip. "Haven't had time?"
"I haven't, no. I've... you know... been focused on other things." Hesh takes a long swallow of water. “Military stuff."
"Dad stuff."
"Yeah. Dad stuff."
"You looking to change that?"
"Hm." You dig your nail into a stubborn bit of orange skin. "But not yet?"
Hesh falters. His eyes flicker down to your hands. "The issue isn’t when I want to. It’s how.”
“I've never actually dated. Or had a girlfriend. I don't know where to start."
"If you want to give it a shot, I can help you out."
Hesh blinks like he's not sure you meant what you just said. "You? Help me out with women?"
You snort. "Not with women. With sex."
Hesh's brow furrows. "What?"
"You said you’re interested in sex. I'll have sex with you if you want."
For several seconds, Hesh doesn't respond. Then he asks, "Why?"
You shrug and tilt your gaze to the side, glancing at the other soldiers in the cafeteria. They don't pay your conversation much attention. "Because this is No Man's Land. If you're waiting for a golden opportunity, you'll probably die before it comes along."
"No, I mean-- why not one of the other guys in our unit?"
"Pretty sure you could get one of them to do it for you if you prefer that. Keegan once told me about this one time when he--"
"No. No, I mean," Hesh says hastily, "why me? Why are you offering me, uh... what you're offering me?"
You peer at him. He doesn't look nervous, but the tips of his ears turn a darker shade of pink. You lean back and bite an orange slice in half. "Because you've never done it."
"Right. But, I mean, that's not a reason." Hesh pauses, searching for the right words. "You can't possibly be interested in me."
"We're friends, aren't we?"
Hesh glances away again. Friends is strong language for it. "Still."
"You want to know what's in it for me," you guess.
"Yes. I do." Hesh crosses his arms, waiting for you to speak. You pop an orange slice in your mouth and chew slowly. Then you peel away another two slices and begin stripping them of their stringy pulp. "Yeah, what is in it for you?"
"I mean, I’m no golden opportunity, but I’d feel sad if you died tomorrow never having known the touch of another person or whatever. Life sucks out here. We have to take small pleasures where we can get them." You pull a piece of rind out of your teeth and flick it into the pile of orange skins. "Something like that."
"So, out of pity."
At his deadpan look, a smirk spreads across your face. "If that's what you wanna call it. I don't make this offer to everyone, if that's what you're asking. It's Merrick's job to fuck the newbies, not mine."
Hesh's eyebrows shoot up.
"I'm kidding."
“Uh huh.” He's not sure how to feel. It's almost a relief that it's not about him, personally. It's not about him at all. Just No Man's Land. "Aren't there rules about that? Fraternizing, or... or whatever."
You tilt your head at him. It's a little funny to see him flustered. He has the whole act down, usually—refined, quiet, confident strength. Almost a perfect soldier. Lab-grown for the Ghosts.
“It's fine, Hesh, really. No big deal either way. You know where my bunk is if you change your mind.” You scoop orange peel scraps off the table. “You've got a night if you want it."
"Wait," Hesh says as you rise. "It's not that, it’s…”
As you walk away, Hesh barely quashes the sudden urge to stand up, back straight, like the goddamn president is leaving the mess hall. He's not even sure what he wants to say. There’s a strange desperation in his gut to keep the conversation from ending yet.
Instead, he watches you go and his stomach flips sideways.
You dump your orange peel into the compost and head for your bunk. Merrick sits at the fringe of the cafeteria. He looks at you, then at Hesh, and his brow creases in confusion. You shake your head as if to say nah, don't ask.
more call of duty: ghosts / masterlist tag
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luboy7rt · 2 months
How I think Call Of Duty Ghosts Show They Care/Love You (GN - Headcanons)
Note: (There are many different ways that people express love, these are just some ways I believe these characters would express the fact they would care for you)(Includes: Elias Walker, David ‘Hesh’ Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan P. Russ, Thomas A. Merrick, Kick and Riley) (Feel free to drop your own ideas in the comments/reblogs, Let me know if you think this fits them) (These are platonic but can be viewed as romantic?)
Elias Walker: 
- Elias loves in a quiet way, he likes placing his hand on people he deeply cares for, your shoulder, forearm, head, back, etc.
- Making eye contact is alot for him, as he does the same with his sons when he needs to just check on you or them, or even his teammates. Just a glance or long eye contact to ensure everyone is alright is a habit he has. Even if it's a quick glance, he just likes checking over to ensure you are alright.
- He gives shoulder pats, head pats or back pats when moving past you or whenever he just finished talking to you and moves to end the conversation. Like a sorta ‘alright, you're done’.
- If he thinks you need to hear words of encouragement or praise, he will offer it. He's very amazing with words, and knows exactly what to say. He tries his best to communicate even if he thinks he's doing a shitty job at it, it usually comes across good.
- Likes doing small acts, taking you out for snacks randomly, taking you out for walks or for car rides. He tries very hard to attempt to make time for you despite being pretty busy.
- He doesn't mind touch, he's alright with hugs (if you don't know each other well, It will be as awkward and stiff as Logan's hugs) but if you do know each other well it will be comfortable and relaxing. He's willing to hug you as long as you want.
David 'Hesh' Walker: 
- He's very physical, head pats, shoulder pats, back pats anything, especially while walking past or over to you.
- He does small acts quite often, you need to do something you don't really want to do, he got it. You look exhausted? He lets you sleep in and does whatever tasks he deems will make you happy when you wake up.
- He likes to take you along on random tasks, like taking Riley for a walk, or just sitting outside with you while playing fetch with Riley. He likes sitting and just talking with you for a while.
- He's very understanding, if you just need to talk, he's there. Listening to every word, he understands you, even if you don't speak a word. He just had an understanding of most people he's close to.
- He's very good at communicating, able to tell you how he feels, (maybe he would chat it over with Elias or Logan, just to get his thoughts straight and be able to fully think over what he wants to say). You would be able to chat just about anything with him, he does indeed love being relied on, as he has been relied on all his life and he isn't sure how to feel when people don't rely on him.
Logan Walker: 
- Logan likes bringing gifts or small trinkets to people he cares for. Random stuff he picks up while on his missions to just spotting something in a shop and if he thought you would like it? He'd buy it.
- He just likes people watching as well, like people assume he's just zoned out but no, he's just people watching those he cares for. It's a bit intimidating with the way he stares  (accidentally glares) at you while making sure no one was messing with you.
- He likes making sure you can protect yourself if needed, either making you spar him (if you could) or just punch into his hands to show you how to effectively knock someone out. You knock out one of the guys accidentally? He just gives a thumbs up with a smile.
- I doubt he's a fan of public PDA, but if you two are together and someone else is talking, he might rest his forearm or elbow on your shoulder or head.
- He just brings you the most random shit sometimes, could be one of Hesh's pencils (this habit annoys Hesh like crazy, as he just always finds the supplies he needs gone.) And you always somehow have it as Logan just keeps taking from Hesh, and keeps giving it to you. This is an endless cycle of ‘who's even is that’ between you three, as somehow just all your stuff gets mixed up, no one knows who's is whos anymore. (Even Riley sometimes just messes up Hesh’s stuff and lays it by your or Logan’s beds, Logan always gets blamed though, neither the dog or Logan can defend themselves) 
Keegan P. Russ: 
- Keegan Is a bit rough with how he shows he cares for others, he speaks up for you despite usually being quite quiet. He'll make snide comments at anyone to try and make you laugh.
- Keegan calls you idiot or stupid affectionately as he finds it amusing if you are ‘offended’ or not. He doesn't actually mean it unless you do indeed do something stupid in front of him.
-If he notices you are cold, he'll toss his jacket over you, (your lap/shoulders) but that's the best you're getting from him.
- He's not into public PDA, might shove you off if you get too touchy but in private he's more willing to get close and personal, his chin would rest on your shoulder or head willingly Rest his eyes for a moment to just allow his body to relax and unstiffen from his usual on guard body.
- He's willing to put in work, you need something fixed? Keegan knows how to fix it (if not he'll learn).
- He's not really phased by much, it's hard to tell if he likes or dislikes something, but usually if you both are close he'll put up with it most of the time, Keegan silently does this to show he does care.
- He likes quality time, it would usually just be sitting in the same room, both of you doing your own things or just sitting or standing next to each other without talking.
Thomas A. Merrick: 
- Merrick is a bit of a mixed bag with how he shows he cares for you, reassurance is a big thing for him even if his words comes off a bit blunt if he tries to tell you.
- If it's physical touch? He's a bit more relaxed with it, if you are upset and want no one to see, he would wrap his arm around your shoulder firmly, and pull you into his side to allow you ‘hide’ against him, to ensure no prying eyes could see you as he would rub your back.
- Merrick is indeed a bit ‘clingy’, unconsciously liking to stay close to you but no one really voices it as he does it with anyone he is close to, his arm thrown over you shoulders or back, or his hand on your shoulder forearm. It basically could be just casual touch just about anywhere.
- He does like quiet moment as well, humming under his breath while you relax in the room he is a bit softer when no one else is about. He keeps things within work-mode and casually himself. He hums quite a bit when he is able to, usually you are the only one to hear him hum or sing a song under his breath when making breakfast in the mornings. He's far more relaxed out of work, not as aggressive so he's a sweetheart whenever around you.
- He does/says the most poetic stuff by accident, like sometimes he just says stuff that is very unique, compliments are usually like that. Compliments are a big thing for him, he enjoys making you happy, that's all that matters to him, if you're smiling, he's smiling.
- He likes spending quality time with you, talking about your interests, and his interests, telling jokes, or being snarky.
- Kick likes chatting about technology, codes, and anything he has a vast amount of knowledge in. If you also know about it? Even better. If you don't? Don't worry; you'll learn within a few hours just by him talking/rambling on.
- He likes telling you random absurd facts, like you see an animal and he just tells you the worst, idiotic thing about that animal. Oh, you see a specific car? You now know why it came to be, and any absurd fact from the people/person who invented it.
- He just loves teasing or messing with you, the most absurd ‘pranks’, moving your stuff around your room while you're away by one inch type stuff or putting a whoopee cushion under your mattress just to annoy you for a split moment. He finds this type of stuff hilarious even if he isn't around to see your reaction, just thinking about it makes him cackle.
Riley: (Yes, the dog) 
- If You are a part of Task Force Stalker/Team Ghosts, he protects you when you are near him, Logan or Hesh, ensuring to keep his favorite people near him, or in his sights. If a Federation soldier attempts to attack you from behind? Don't worry, your trusted dog will tackle the guy and ensure you are safe.
- Even if you aren't, he's willing to be a cuddle buddy and protect you and the house if Hesh tells him to.
- Fetch, Riley enjoys bringing you a ball randomly, getting you to throw it or put it in a throw machine for him. He can play for hours, but usually only plays around with people he genuinely likes. If he doesn't like someone he just sits there and stares at them like they are stupid until Hesh calls him. - Riley lays on his back in front of you, expecting pets, even if you are allergic you are not getting away from giving him attention. If You try and avoid him, the dog gives you the biggest side eye…
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mrshesh · 1 year
"a...worm?" - call of duty: ghosts x reader
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overview: cod:ghosts men reacting to you asking if they'd still love you if you were a worm
pairing: call of duty: ghosts men x gender neutral reader, romantic
genre: fluff
a/n: this was requested by @simpforhotmaskedmen! thank you for requesting this, babe! and thank you for wanting me to include kick - i love that man a bit too much. i had a blast writing this. i will always love these worm requests.
x keegan russ
His eyes widen immediately. He isn’t confused - he’s merely amused at your ability to keep thinking of stupid scenarios. 
He secretly finds it adorable. It just adds to your charm. 
“Babe… what?” 
“Would you still love me if I was a worm? It’s an easy question.” 
“I mean, yeah.” He quickly says. He doesn’t put much thought into your fantasy life as a worm. All he knows is that he loves you regardless of what you are. 
He would have a hard time in the beginning. He would find it freaky that you, his partner, are in a worm’s body. 
But eventually, he’d adjust. He would keep you in his pocket, checking up on you constantly. “Are you hungry?” “Do you need anything?” “Are you hurt?” are only some of the questions he’d ask you daily. Would he receive an answer? No. Would he keep asking them? Absolutely. 
“You need medication, babe.” 
x kick
Kick’s initial reaction is just: “What? 😀”
“How do you even come up with these questions?” He would mostly just be confused. 
“Would you, though?” “Yes, of course.” 
Despite his bewilderment, he would realistically take superb care of you. 
He would let you slither in his hands like a snake constantly. He would want to keep his eye on you to ensure your safety, but he would encourage you to be independent. 
He would teach you how to survive individually in life-or-death situations - to further ensure your health. (He would research worm’s way of life for you 🙁💗.)
He would even go as far as to keep a leaf with him at all times in case you got hungry. 
“How would I kiss you?” “On the tip of the body?” “I wouldn’t know if that’s your face or ass, though.” 
x logan walker
A blank stare is all you get initially. Logan soon gives you a small smile, though. He thinks your question is cute as hell.
“Yes.” He’s as blunt and honest as always. He would love you a lot, even if you were a worm. 
However, he would not know what to do.
He would not know how to take care of you. Sure, he’s smart, but he’s not a worm expert. 
He would find himself locking you in his room before his missions, only to return to the room with leaves and dirt in hand because he would forget that you need to eat while he’s gone. 
His knowledge would eventually evolve enough for him to keep you in a big dirt-filled container. 
Logan has always been a quiet man. He doesn’t talk unless he needs to. But if you turned into a worm, he would go out of his way more often to remind you that he loves you. 
I can see him petting you gently before he goes to sleep. ☹️
x david "hesh" walker
David has no shame in laughing at your question. A worm? Seriously? 
He, like Keegan, would not give your question much thought. He just instantly knows that he would love you regardless. 
“Yeah, babe! Of course, I would.” He chuckles. You never fail to amuse him.
He would be a little confused, but he’d have the spirit! 
He would let you be outside during the day and bring you inside when it's time to sleep. 
When you aren’t outside doing… worm things, he would keep you on his shoulder. And, my God, he wouldn’t shut up. David would talk to you as if you were a human to make you feel included and seen, in a way. (And because he loves talking to you.)
He would even stay with you outside to keep you company if you’d like! He would sit on the grass next to you, talking to you about anything and everything while you dug yourself into the dirt. 
“Is it legal to get married to worms, or?” 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
He immediately bursts out laughing. He loves how comfortable you are with him, to the point where you can ask him things like this. 
“Yes, hun.” He snorts. “I would still adore you.” 
Elias, unlike everyone else, would think about your life as a worm on a high-detail level. He would consider different possibilities and roadblocks along the way of your worm life. “It would be difficult, but that has never stopped me.” 
He would be a great caretaker! 
He would get a bit frustrated that you can’t verbally communicate, so he would teach you a made-up language between you. The language would consist of different physical moves you can do as a worm, and he would just use his words. (Yeah, he gets the easy part. 🙄)
Elias would keep you fed, clean, healthy, happy, and well-rested - he is a father of two very talented boys, after all! He knows how to take care of people (and worms).
“But, I’d prefer it if you stay like this, honey.” 
x thomas merrick
“No.” “Really?” “...No.” 
Thomas is a bitch. We all know this. But he has a soft spot for you - something he doesn’t have for anyone else. He will always love you, no matter what, but he will never admit that. 
He wouldn’t be horrible at caring for you, but he certainly wouldn’t be good. 
He would protect you with his life, though. 
If you even receive as little as a dirty look from someone, he’s knocking their teeth out. 
He would mostly keep you in his pocket. That way, Thomas can keep an eye on you. 
He, like Keegan, would check up on you regularly because if you’re a worm, you need him to survive (or that’s what he thinks).
“Are you hungry?” He would ask, only to scoff to himself. “Who am I kidding? Of course, you are. But since you’re a fuckin’ worm, you can’t tell me, can you?” He would seem annoyed, but the truth is, he wouldn’t be. 
But obviously, he does not want you to turn into a worm. 
“For the love of God, get a hobby.”
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brokenpieces-72 · 16 days
Loched In
Cod Ghosts Cryptid AU | Navigation
The question Keegan wants to reply with is 'why do you keep asking that'. You question everything, which is good in his opinion, but sometimes he wishes you would take him at his word. But you're young and curious so what is he supposed to do? Besides it's been beenficial. If he wants to prep you to become a ghost, understanding his trick of trade was important. Especially with what he was about to show you.
You and Keegan had gotten up early, which wasn't much of an issue with the jetlag, and were getting breakfast. He'd told you that you had to get breakfast and then go see Merrick. You asked why, as you often did. Keegan got you back in the vehicle, and told you it was a surprise.
You ended up sleeping in car on the way to Merrick, which meant Keegan had to get you out of the car, and into the old van. When you awoke you looked around a saw some odd devices you didn't recognize, and your father and Merrick in the front. Merrick saw you had woken up. Keegan got a quick check in, ensuring you hadn't gotten car sick, making sure you were comfortable, bathroom break, etc.
"Where are we going?" You asked. Keegan and Merrick exhcanged a glance at each other.
"A special fishing trip." Keegan replied.
"Why is it special?" You asked. Keegan gave Merrick a look of 'told ya'.
"We're going to the Loch Ness." He clarified. "Because I have something to show you there. I'll tell ya more when we get there okay?"
"Okay." You said staring out the window.
"Nosey little snot." Merrick muttered. Keegan shot him a look. That was his kid Merrick was talking about. Merrick wasn't entirely wrong, but still.
The morning was still dark, and by now you'd gotten plenty of food. Your father had the old van parked by a small wooden dock on the shore of Loch Ness. You had on a hooded flannel, and you were given privacy in the van to get into your wetsuit underneath. Merrick and Keegan were getting other stuff prepped along with a small rowboat. Once you came back out, you were called over to the dock, and helped into the boat.
Merrick handed Keegan a couple devices from the van, before Keegan started rowing away from the dock. The are was still, damp with mist. You could feel your heart beat, with only the sounds of the water around you to fill the silence. To Keegan's surprise you weren't asking any questions, only scanning the water around you. It didn't take too long for Merrick's sillhouette to vanish from view. You looked at your father, who kept a calm expression. You tried to stay calm yourself but it was a little hard, as you fidgeted in your spot. You couldn't see anything through the mist, and the water was dark.
You felt the boat suddenly rock, and you flinched, looking down and gripping the seat. Your father stopped rowing. He took one of the gadgets and lowered it into the water on a line, using a separate screen to view. You leaned forward to try and see, and could make out some bright colours. Something moved on the screen and you felt the boat move again.
Keegan put the screen away, reassuring you that everything was okay.
"Is it the monster?" You asked, your whispering frantic.
"It's okay. I need to tell you something but you have to keep this a secret." Keegan told you. You nodded. "You know how I leave for a long time for work? I fight bad people, that want to hurt other people. Good people. Something else I do, is uh... well I look for monsters."
You tilted your head. Keegan took as a chance to continue. "Usually I have to hunt the monsters, because all they want to do is hurt people. But some I leave alone, because they aren't hurting anyone."
There was a strange noise that seemed to come from all around you, and something broke the surface of the water close by. You were scared, so you hurried to your father, who didn't hesitate you hold you. He had expected you to be scared.
"Can we go back?" You asked him. He chuckled a little at that.
"I wouldn't bring you here if it wasn't safe." He said. Keegan sits you on his lap, while you heard another odd cry. You wrapped your arms around his neck, nearly choking Keegan from your death grip. "Sweetie, it's okay. You're safe. I promise."
You hear water's surface break again, and something approaching, You were shaking now, and Keegan had a hand on your head, hushing you. You whimpered, saying you wanted to go back over and over. It was getting closer and closer. You didn't want to die. Didn't want to be eaten.
"Hey hey hey, it's alright. It's not gonna hurt you. I promise. Don't fall short of my promises." He reminded you. "Open your eyes. She's just gonna say hello."
Very slowly and hesitatntly you peeled yourself from your father, and peeked. You returned to your first position out of fear at the foreign thing in your vision. Your dad continued to reassure it was safe, asking you to watch while he reached out to the monster. The creatures was a dark green, with a long neck, the rest of it's body submerged in the water. The eyes were shiny and dark like black marbles. The monster's nostrils flared, giving you a light spray of water. Teeth jutted out from it's jaws, as it made a softer cooing sound at Keegan's hand.
You peeled yourself away again, and stared as it stared back. Your dad was gently stroking the creature as it eased itself closer towards you. Very slowly, you reached out to touch it, and it gave another puff of air through its nose making you gasp and giggle.
“This is Nessie.” Keegan said. Your eyes lit up looking at him. He already knows what you’re going to ask. “Yep, that Nessie.”
“Hello.” You said to the plesiosaur. It made a noise in greeting, which made you jump again.
“Nessie is a friend. I have something called a bond with her. It lets us understand each other and we can tell if the other is in danger or needs some help.” Keegan exclaimed.
“Do I have one?” You asked.
“Not yet. Maybe when you’re older, we can talk about it more.” Keegan told you. You smiled and nodded. Nessie let you pet her some more before returning beneath the surface. Your father then asked if you wanted to go with her. At first you were nervous but then you nodded. Keegan would hold your hand the whole way if you wanted. Now you knew why he told you to get in your wet suit.
Keegan got down to his wetsuit, making sure you were ready. He helped you with your oxygen tank as well. Nessie got up alongside the small boat, her larger, thicker body like a small island. Keegan got out first, before helping you out. Nessie kept the boat steady for the two of you. You stabled yourself on her slick back, on your hands and knees. Her skin was smooth, like a whale's and had dark spots. Keegan sits down before sliding off Nessie's back.
When you don't follow him, adjusting yourself in the same position s he had, Nessie raised her head out of the water again. It was a little spooky without your dad around, and the morning was still cold. The water was gonna be icy, you could feel it splashing up a little at you. Nessie turned her neck and head towards you, cooing again. You reach out ot her nose again, hand shaky. Nothing to fear now. Your father came back up holding on to Nessie's body.
"You can do it." He tells you. You nod and slide in. Keegan follows you into the dark and cold waters. As you look around you panick. There is nothing around you. You see dark shapes, and everything around you is vast. What is out there? Is Nessie the only one? Is something beneath you? What just moved?! You hurry back up to the surface, your father coming with you. You try to get back on to Nessie but she's too slippery. Your father is trying to calm you, hearing you panting and gasping, kicking wildly. Nessie let's him hold on to her neck while he holds on to you.
"Hey hey! It okay!" He tells you, unsure whether you're trembling or shivering. "You're okay, I got you."
"Whats in there?" You asked, through chattering teeth.
"Nessie is the biggest threat out here, and she won't hurt you, I promise." Keegan said. You need a minute still to relax. "We'll take it slow."
Your father keeps hold of you, as Nessie starts moving. The water pushes around you as Nessie pulls you and your father along. Nothing touches you below except your dad's legs. Nessie holds back on her speed, able to tell you were afraid. After some time of Nessie circling the boat, getting you acclimated, Keegan shows you what to do next.
Nessie goes below, once again, and your father shows you where to hold on to her, at the base of one of her flippers. She moves a little faster, gliding through the water. It was dark all aorund you, but you were next to the two biggest threats in the water. It was safe. You don't know how long you had been swimming with them, but eventually the water became easier to see through. There were fish darting around, avoiding Nessie quickly.
At one point Keegan pulled you aside, letting Nessie go up ahead. Nessie disappeared into the green of the water, where you can just barely make out some movement. Keegan kept you close, while you watched the still. Suddenly there was a burst of movement, and a haunting cry. Your heart skyrocketed, seeing Nessie's massive shape darting around, and fish fleeing in different directions.
Keegan gave Nessie a chance to swim with you by yourself. Two pats meant go, let go of her to stop. Nessie lead around the Loch, letting you try stopping and going with her. She was gentle, more gentle than you'd heard. The Lochness monster was something you'd been learning about on your own for a while. Keegan would often voice doubts about different pieces of ibnformation you'd heard. That's probably where you got all the questions from.
Around midday, with the light gray clouds in the sky maintaining the chill, Keegan got you back in the boat and on shore while you piled on questions. Some he answered, some he left alone, wanting to tell you when you were older. When you reached the dock and Merrick helped you out, you got to tell him everything with a lot of excitement and detail.
You would never forget this trip, and Nessie would never forget you.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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