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Christmas themed OUAT blog interviews
Today’s special guest for my Christmas OUAT blog interviews is @cocoandcinnamon
My Notes: I like how you kind of want the show to end with not everything wrapped up completely. I know that that isn’t what most people would want but it would leave some stuff up to our imaginations.
Part 1: OUAT
1. When and why did you start watching OUAT?
I started watching about two years ago, my friend told me about it and my mother said she'd heard good things about it - it's safe to say I became absolutely infatuated with it and here we are!
2. Favourite characters:
My top ten at the moment: Regina, Merida, Emma, Robin, Killian, Snow, Neal, Maleficent, Belle, Rumplestiltskin.
3. Favourite ships:
Um, well I don't really have any favourite. I'm a pretty open minded person when it comes to that - I'd have to say I like Swan Queen, Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, Red Warrior and Brave Warrior at the moment.
4. Favourite episodes:
Oh man, don't make me choose! I currently have an obsession with Merida so probably the Bear and the Bow, and The Bear King. Overall I really like Shattered Sight and I have to say the Pilot.
5. Favourite season(s):
If I had to choose... 3b and 4a
6. Favourite quotes
1. 'Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems and everyone refuses to believe in magic.'
2. 'If you remember what you're fighting for you'll never miss.'
3. 'Yes, because preteen Baelfire probably spent lots of time making pasta.'
4. 'Love is weakness.'
5. 'I will destroy your happiness if it's the last thing I do.'
7. Favourite outfits:
Regina's Evil Queen & Bandit outfits. Snow's bandit outfit, and everything in Operation Mongoose.
8. How do you think/want OUAT to end?
Well I hope it doesn't end anytime soon but I think when the time comes I hope they don't try to tie up EVERYTHING. I hope they leave some things for us to think about and contemplate and maybe write down in our own ways in the form of fanfiction but as long as things are okay. I just hope Regina gets her happy ending and so does Rumple. As long as everyone's happy, or at least thinking they are.
9. How do you think the characters of OUAT would celebrate Christmas?
Before the curse broke, Regina would have overindulged her son and the Charmings’ would have been lonely (even David w/ his fake wifey) In the present day they would all be happy and smiley with hot chocolate until some other curse/evil witch came to ruin the day. Yay.
Part 2: Christmas!!
1. What kind of traditions/celebrations do you have in December?
I watch A Nanny for Christmas 1020393828 times in a row followed by Home Alone and other Christmas films then I eat a lot.
2. Favourite Christmas movie and Christmas song:
Movie: A Nanny for Christmas
3. Favourite part of December?
4. What is December weather like where you live?
Cold, Cold, Cold, Snow, Cold. (But then again it's like that year round…)
5. When does it start to feel like Christmas for you?
When Halloween ends!
6. Favourite holiday foods/drinks?
Hot chocolate, roast turkey & stuffing!
Part3: Personal
1. Name?
2. Why did you get Tumblr?
I'd been hearing about it a lot and I wanted somewhere to rant about fandoms.
3. Describe your blog in 3 words:
Absolutely inevitably insane.
4. Hobbies/interests?
Reading, writing and obsessing
5. Other favourite TV shows:
Sherlock, Doctor Who, Glee and Jessica Jones.
6. Favourite movies:
Brave, Enchanted, Bridge To Terabithia and War Horse.
7. Anything else:
This was a lot of fun :) thanks for letting me take part!
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