#coco bacardi
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trippin-chippin · 1 year ago
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Funky drawing of Bacardi
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When you live away from your family but made too much of a thing you don’t drink
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ocombatenterondonia · 11 months ago
Pina colada
Ingredientes 2 e 1/2 doses de bacardi 4 doses de suco de abacaxi 2 dose leite de coco 2 dose leite condensado pedras de gelo Modo de Preparo Coloque os ingredientes em ordem em uma coqueteleira. Agite por aproximadamente 20 segundos. Enfeite um copo com calda de chocolate e um pedaço pequeno de abacaxi. Por cima coloque coco ralado. Decore com frutas por cima. (opcional) VEJA ESSA RECEITA:…
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sipwatchtravel · 1 year ago
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"White Wash" Mai Tai via Hideout at The Laylow [@bacardi light rum, @ferrandcognac dry curaçao, fresh lime and pineapple juice topped with their signature (yummy!) coco-loco foam]
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gazeta24br · 1 year ago
Já pensou em passar a virada de ano num dos lugares mais cobiçados do mundo? Em frente à praia de Copacabana com a famosa e tradicional queima de fogos? Pensando sempre em oferecer o melhor ao cliente, o Pestana Rio Atlântica está com vendas abertas para o Réveillon Rooftop Pestana 2024: All inclusive. A festa de 31 de dezembro é para ficar na memória. Com início às 21h até às 2h, o público terá um evento com tudo o que um Ano Novo incrível tem direito. A começar pelas atrações musicais com Tech Drum Live e Dj. Na parte do Deck Bar – All Inclusive, o valor por pessoa sai a R$2.590,00 – 1º lote (capacidade máxima de 200 pessoas). Os ingressos do deck bar não dão direito ao Sollarium (Área Vip). O que inclui: Para quem comprar o ingresso para o Deck Bar – Open Bar e Open Food, estão inclusos: Mesa de antepastos finos com queijos variados, charcutaria selecionada, coquetel de camarão dentre outros. Também há o Buffet de Saladas Premium: Caesar Camarão, Waldorf, Palmito Pupunha, e muito mais. Já no Buffet de Principais: Ragu de cordeiro, Arroz de Pato, Caldeirada de frutos do mar, Bombom de Salmão, Arroz com Lentilha além de Bacalhoada, entre outros. E para fechar a experiência, o Buffet de Sobremesas com Profiteroles de doce de leite, Creme brulée de paçoca , Quindim , Tartelete de limão com merengue suíço e outros. Essa opção também conta com serviço volante: Dadinho de tapioca, croquete de carne, pasteis variados, bolinho de bacalhau e muito mais. Na ala das bebidas: Espumante Francês Veuve du Vernay, Whisky Johnnie, Walker Blond, Vodka Ketel One, Gin Gordon´s, Rum Bacardí, Tequila José Cuervo, Vinho Branco e Tinto Chileno Fray Leon, Cerveja Stella, Bar de Caipirinha e Caipiroska, Soft Drinks água com e sem gás, refrigerantes, sucos, água tônica e Schweppes citrus. Já no Sollarium (Área Vip) – All Inclusive, sai a R$2.990,00 por pessoa – 1º lote, área especial reservada na cobertura, com direito a Open Bar Premium (máximo de 80 pessoas). O que inclui: O ingresso do Sollarium – Open Bar e Open Food, contempla: Mesa exclusiva de Antepastos: Alichella, Sardella, Hommus de beterraba, queijos e Charcutaria premium, cascata de camarão, salmão gravlax, ceviche de Caju, vinagrete de polvo, bruschetta de carpaccio, endívias com vinagrete de manga, e muito mais. No serviço volante: Queijo de coalho e melaço de cana, pastel de Queijo, pastel de carne, empadinha de camarão, dadinho de tapioca, bolinho de bacalhau dentre outros. Acesso total ao buffet oferecido na área do Deck. Na parte das bebidas: Champagne Francês Moët & Chandon Imperial Brut, Whisky Johnnie Walker Black Label, Gin Tanqueray, Vodka Ciroc, Rum Bacardi, Cerveja Corona, Tequila José Cuervo, Bar de Caipirinha e caipiroska, Vinho Branco e Tinto Morandé Terrarum, Energético Red Bull, Soft drinks, água com e sem gás, refrigerantes, sucos, água tônica, água de coco e Schweppes Citrus. Para reservar e fazer parte desta festa espetacular, entre em contato através dos telefones: (+55 21) 99230-8881 | 99649-5418 | 3816-8533 ou pelo e-mail: [email protected]. Sobre formas de pagamento: As formas de pagamentos são através de transferência bancária, cartão de credito em até 6x, sem juros ou pelo Pix (Chave: 03422.594000389 - Brastur Inv. Turístico). Os preços estão sujeitos a alteração sem aviso prévio. É obrigatório a apresentação do documento com foto e cartão de crédito utilizado na compra do (s) ingresso(s). Sobre o local, haverá um lounge e mesas bistrôs distribuídas pelo espaço, mas o hotel não trabalha com reservas ou lugar marcado. O evento será ao ar livre e acontecerá mesmo em caso de chuva. Todos os participantes farão um rápido check in na entrada do hotel e terão suas respectivas pulseiras. Vale ressaltar que menores de idade podem entrar acompanhados dos pais ou responsáveis. Os pais devem entrar em contato diretamente com o Hotel. Este evento será filmado, gravado e fotografado para posterior publicação, transmissão,
retransmissão, reprodução e/ou divulgação em internet/ mídias sociais, para publicidades em geral, no Brasil e no exterior, a critério da empresa organizadora e/ou de terceiros por elas indicados. Ao participar do evento, o cliente concorda e autoriza a utilização gratuita de sua imagem, nome e voz, sem limite de vezes e de tempo, em conjunto ou não com as logomarcas das empresas organizadoras, apoiadoras e/ou patrocinadoras, sem que isso caracterize uso indevido de imagem ou de qualquer outro direito da personalidade, e sem que dessa utilização decorra qualquer ônus e/ou indenização. Seu comparecimento ao evento implica aceitação incondicional dos termos acima. Garanta seu ingresso e não perca essa festa! Comece 2024 de forma inesquecível!   Sobre o Pestana Hotel Group: Com um percurso de 50 anos de sucesso, o Grupo tem e gere mais de 100 hotéis em Portugal e no estrangeiro, onde se dedica a proporcionar a 3,5 milhões de hóspedes por ano ‘The Time of Your Life’. Na hotelaria, o seu principal negócio, opera com quatro marcas: Pestana Hotels & Resorts, Pestana Collection Hotels, Pestana Pousadas de Portugal e Pestana CR7 Lifestyle Hotels. Presente em 16 países, tem mais de 12.000 quartos disponíveis na Europa, África e América e uma equipa global de sete mil colaboradores, sendo o maior grupo hoteleiro multinacional de origem portuguesa. Com o objetivo de oferecer produtos completos e mais atrativos, o Grupo opera ainda em outras áreas de negócio: hotelaria, imobiliário turístico, turismo vocacional, golfe, casinos, indústria e serviços. O Pestana Hotel Group integra o programa Pestana Sustainability Program: Planet Guest - “Somos apenas hóspedes do Planeta” – que incorpora todas as iniciativas que promovem a sustentabilidade. O Planet Guest transmite a posição do Grupo e dos seus colaboradores no que diz respeito à sustentabilidade do Planeta em que vivemos e o foco do PHG na extrema preocupação perante as gerações futuras. Tem como objetivo criar valor no longo prazo para a empresa, desenvolvendo a sua atividade com respeito pelo meio ambiente, comunidades locais, colaboradores, clientes e todos os stakeholders relevantes no exercício da sua atividade. Entre no universo Pestana e saiba mais em www.pestana.com   Serviço: Pestana Rio Atlântica Endereço: Pestana Rio Atlântica - Avenida Atlântica, 2964 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro E-mail: [email protected] Telefone: +55 (21) 3816-8533 WhatsApp: +55 (21) 99230-8881 Instagram: @pestanarioatlantica  
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Many thanks @midwestguy75 for the music tag, usually I do random playlists on spotify, which is pretty different genres & international mix for me....but here we go with a few of my favorites these days..
...I would like to tag:
@lamonathesoulful @yourroseone @waternymph55 @angel-0ver-you @ame1111 @my-love-my-soul @the-muse21 @sweetlongings @mandycaly @bacardi-and-coke @aussieleo @returnofthedarknight @ayushi1999 @thornsnthistlesinstead
...and of course, whoever would like to...🎶❤️
Had to add this for my beloved dad .rip. 💫❤️💫
Oh! Musical tag!!
Thank you to the awesome @gotankgo for the tag. So a handful of songs I've been listening to lately, you say? I think I can handle that, even with my brain in the state it's in.
I'ma tag @beyondthehaze2 @the-changingman @curvycandyyyy @dread-loxx @conversallstar and @that-wanton-housewife
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acocktailmoment · 4 years ago
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The Coco-Mallow !
Coco Lopez
Coconut Milk
Evaporated Milk
Blowtorched Marshmallow
Cocktail Recipes from Il Pampero, Chesham Place, Belgravia, London
This article was not sponsored or supported by a third-party. A Cocktail Moment is not affiliated with any individuals or companies depicted here.
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imagineredwood · 4 years ago
Are you willing to share that coquito recipe?????
Sure babe. I usually do 1 can of coconut milk, 1 can of coco lopez, one can of evaporated milk, half a can of condensed milk, 2 egg yolks, Bacardi and gran Marnier to taste, Vanilla and cinnamon but I don’t measure I just pour until it looks right  😂 I think that’s it. I don’t really have it down on paper we just do it 
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ishaangarland · 6 years ago
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Cocktail Iron Man:
Sirope simple
Mezcla agridulce
Zumo de piña
Vodka de cereza
Cerezas al marrasquino
Azúcar dorado
Cocktail Thor:
Sirope simple
Zumo de arándano
Ron de cereza especiado
Rocas de caramelo rojo
Sprinkles dorados
Purpurina plateada
Cocktail Capitán América:
Colorante azul
Mix de piña colada
Vodka de cereza
Curaçao azul
Cocktail Doctor Strange:
Sirope simple
Zumo de piña
Ron de coco
Licor de melón
Triple sec
Cocktail Ant-Man:
Sirope simple
Zumo de piña
Ron de coco
Vodka de piña
Agua de coco
Whisky Crown Royal
Cerezas al marrasquino
Sprinkles plateados
Cocktail Spiderman:
Sirope simple
Kool-Aid de cereza (mix de bebida en polvo)
Kool-Aid Limonada de frambuesa, azul
Colorante rojo
Colorante azul neón
Azúcar azul
Cocktail Hawkeye:
Sirope simple
Licor de naranja
Miel cruda
Zumo de lima
Moras congeladas
Moras frescas
Lima fresca
Melocotón congelado
Sal Kosher
//En sus versiones sin alcohol, estos están sustituidos por otros zumos y aromas
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asbinike-blog · 6 years ago
Keto Diet
Keto Diet Review
The ketogenic diet is an extraordinary method to shed pounds, however it is additionally a way of life change that will remain with you forever. While you won't eat the amazingly low dimensions of carbs you eat while you are getting thinner once you achieve your objectives, you should limit carbs in your diet for all time to keep those outcomes. Obviously, there are a few things you need to quit any pretense of amid the exacting, starting enlistment stage (which makes up the initial ten to twelve days of your ketogenic diet plan) that you might not have any desire to focus on surrendering for an incredible remainder. A key one of these, for some, individuals, is liquor.
How does liquor influence ketosis?
Liquor has an effect on weight reduction through a ketogenic diet, notwithstanding when you drink low carb or carb free mixed refreshments. This is on the grounds that the body can utilize liquor as a wellspring of fuel. It isn't put away as glycogen, as carbs, so once it is scorched off you will go straight once again into ketosis, anyway this means you are losing some fat consuming time when you drink. How much this influences your weight reduction differs between people. A few people discover their weight reduction slows down on the off chance that they drink anything alcoholic, while others discover they can drink dependable measures of wine, hard alcohol or a low carb lager (they do exist) and continue getting more fit.
Would i be able to drink liquor on a Keto Diet?
In the event that you appreciate liquor, at that point as long as you have completed acceptance, you can take a stab at consolidating some low carb mixed beverages into your ketogenic diet, and screen the outcomes. A few people discover they can drink vodka without any issues yet their weight reduction slows down in the event that they drink wine. It is an instance of testing and seeing what works for you, and after that weighing up the upsides and downsides of having a beverage when you need to. In the event that it is an extraordinary event, you may acknowledge a potential weight reduction slow down to have some champagne, yet you may not be set up to acknowledge the slow down for a fast beverage after work with your companions. When you know the effect of liquor all alone advancement, you can settle on instructed choices and assume responsibility for what you do.
Similarly as an expression of caution, recollect that one impact liquor can have is diminishing your self discipline, so ensure that in the event that you do drink, you don't enable yourself to tumble off the wagon with what you eat. In the event that your beverages are reasonably low in carbs, at that point the impacts of the ketogenic diet won't be hindered by any glycogen getting put away in your muscles, in any case if drinking makes you believe that a few bites won't hurt, you are on a perilous way!
Will my liquor resilience be influenced by being on a Ketogenic Diet?
Truly! You will find that your liquor resistance is significantly diminished while following a ketogenic diet. This is brought about by two variables: (1) As referenced prior, liquor will be scorched off before your body resumes consuming fat for vitality, so the liquor you admission will begin to be used right away. (2) You won't eat pizza and different tasty, yet carb-loaded nourishments that alcoholic individuals regularly eat, which ordinarily help to absorb up liquor the stomach and hinder the inebriation procedure.
For a few, this diminished resistance is an irritation. The measure of alcohol you could once drink coolly without inclination any inebriating impacts will currently abandon you with a strong buzz. The measure of alcohol you could once drink before inclination a strong buzz won't get you all out alcoholic. A portion of the more (how would we put this… ) eager consumers, that are ordinarily assimilating so as to feel the full impacts of the liquor, might be very satisfied with their decreased resistance, and will find that it spares them untold number of dollars at the bar each end of the week.
What are the best sorts of liquor to drink on a Ketogenic Diet? Furthermore, what number of carbs are in various types of liquor?
While there is no best sort of liquor to drink while following a Keto Diet, there are absolutely sort of liquor that are without carb or low in carbs. Look at a couple of thoughts in the rundowns beneath:
Zero-Carb Liquors
It would be ideal if you note, the rundown above incorporates unflavored vodkas, rums, and bourbons. Seasoned vodkas (Pinnacle, Ciroc, Smirnoff, and so on.), enhanced rums (Captain Morgan, Bacardi Coco, and so forth.), and enhanced bourbons (Fireball, Jack Daniel's Tennessee Fire, and so on.) may incorporate starches, so it is ideal to check the nourishing mark before reveling.
Low Carb Beer
Brew isn't an especially carb-accommodating liquor decision, yet there are some low(- er) carb lager alternatives. While your Coors Lights and Amstel Lights of the world load in at ~100 calories and 5g net carbs, and something like Bud Light admissions surprisingly more terrible at 110 calories and 6.6g net carbs, there are certainly a couple of brands that can be obliged in little sums:
Bud Select 55 – 55 calories, 1.9g net carbs
MGD 64 – 64 calories, 2.4g net carbs
Moving Rock Green Light – 92 calories, 2.4g net carbs
Michelob Ultra – 95 Calories, 2.6g net carbs
Bud Select – 99 calories, 3.1g net carbs
Mill operator Lite – 96 calories, 3.2g net carbs
Michelob Ultra Amber – 114 calories, 3.7g net carbs
Low-Carb Wines
There are clearly awfully numerous brands and styles of wine to manufacture a complete rundown of carb tallies, however there are a couple of general guidelines you can use to decide how much wine you can drink without going over your carb limit.
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trippin-chippin · 1 year ago
Can I give your coconut oc a hug (I don’t really know her name but can a nickname her baric)
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kristoffersenboel0-blog · 6 years ago
Turing Test
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pass test
A large-scale cheating scheme on college entrance exams was uncovered by the FBI and federal prosecutors in Boston, according to court documents unsealed on Tuesday. In a career that would see many election night defeats to go with the victories, the 1966 win was essential in two ways. First, Bush made his bones as politician. There is a club open only to those willing to put themselves on the line, to let the public measure their value to the decimal point and to suffer repudiation or emerge victorious. Bush entered the club. At the same time, knowingly or unknowingly, he pitched his family's flag at the heart of what would become the essential Republican quandary of the next half-century. How could a conservative party persuade the public that it cared? The sensitive and dynamic” conservatism of Bush '66 would become the kinder, gentler” vision of Bush's 1988 presidential campaign—and would find echoes in the compassionate conservative” message that his son would run on in 2000. It is a question the GOP continues to wrestle with today. A test is also required to transfer the registered ownership between private parties for the vehicles listed above unless the vehicle has been tested within the last 365 days. A test is not required to transfer the registered ownership between parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, spouses, legal domestic partners, or present co-owners or to change the legal owner. And yes, internationals are definitely eligible for US residency spots after completing MD at a US medical school - though, again, keep in mind that as they would most likely need to sponsor your H-1B visa, there is a limited amount of spots for internationals at programs that do offer this option, and hence again, the criteria will be somewhat harsher on us as opposed to US citizens. It is discouraging to hear those examination supervisors who are supposed to prevent malpractices in examination halls now promote it. It is not new to hear in some African countries like Nigeria that supervisors encourage malpractices in examination by collecting bribes from students or the candidates that came for examinations. passing test It is a big problem with the education sector of Africa. They also collect bribes from impersonators who write examinations for other candidates. In some cases, these people smuggle out question papers from the halls, get people to solve the questions, and distribute the answers to the exam candidates and collect money in return.
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Most schools, institutes, and foreign language programs schedule formal evaluations or tests several times per semester, level or whatever their term divisions might be. For the most part, these are neither pleasant, nor positive experiences for teachers or foreign language learners either. pass test Teachers especially, can have a better exam day experience if they have eyes in the back of their head and can be in three places at the same time. (Yeah, right) how to cheat on exam If not, then you'll likely want to consider some alternatives or adjustments to smooth out the test-taking process. Often, the teacher must receive and check a wheel barrow load of assignments, texts, essays or compositions or assignment workbooks before an exam. Sometimes right before a scheduled exam on the very same day. If the poor soul has more than one class group scheduled for an exam on the same day, break out the Bacardi, boys.
12 Best Method How To how to cheat on exam
A few days later, on Beltane, Viviane sends Morgaine to be a part of a fertility rite as "The Virgin Huntress", where Morgaine is to make love to the man who kills the king's stag. Both partners are masked, so neither knows who the other is, but afterward, Morgaine longs for it to be Lancelot, but she knows she will never know for sure. Busy season for tax accountants is from January-April, and 80% of that time falls within Q1 (January-March). People who work full-time probably find it hard to keep up with studying , so it falls how to cheat on test by the wayside. Pair this with the fact that Q1 comes right after the holiday season, another time candidates probably find poorly suited for studying, and fewer people end up passing. A crucial piece of any laboratory test is that there should be a control. Turing never makes clear whether the interrogator in his tests is aware that one of the participants is a computer. However, if there were a machine that did have the potential to pass a Turing test, it would be safe to assume a double blind control would be necessary.
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Growing up, Lister would frequently visit Shibden Hall , the brick-and-timber mansion that was the home of her aunt and uncle, who had no children of his own. Lister moved into the estate in 1815, after the untimely deaths of all four of her brothers. When her uncle James passed away in 1826, the job of managing Shibden Hall (and its surrounding 400 acres) fell to Lister. She handled its finances, oversaw its coal deposits and quarries , profited off of the onsite canals and timber, and collected rent from its tenants right up until her death in 1840. I think yes, if you leave your gluten unchecked and eat bread all the time and just live in discomfort with possible pain and ignore everything, yes you could develop something much worse. But I would never do this. I am a very detailed person and will go gluten free base on my results. Simply having the possibility of developing Celiac is enough for me, but cheating every now and then I do not think is out of the question. Friday I have to take Zuzu to a dentist appointment, and that night, she and David are attending a dance at school. (Confession: I'm so relieved not to have to go! I'm sure they will have fun and Coco and I will find something else fun to do that doesn't involve large numbers of elementary school girls shrieking in a gymnasium).
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havekiddoswilltravel · 6 years ago
Making Puerto Rican Coquito with Kids
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As our family prepares for Christmas, we love to incorporate cultural traditions and educational opportunities by exploring how other countries celebrate the holiday season. 
If you’ve never heard of coquito, then you will appreciate my friend Eddie’s description of this non eggnog like Navidad treat.
“Coquito = the heavens open up and an angel touches your tongue with a piece of heaven in liquid form.” - Eddie Cabase
Are you feeling inspired to add a little sabor to your holiday festivities? Then keep scrolling and have your kids join you and in putting together this easy coquito recipe.
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The finished product.
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Our favorite Dominican Vanilla that we bring back whenever we visit the island. 
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Our coquito mix is ready!
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coquito recipe ingredients
1 (12 oz) can evaporated milk
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
2 cups (1 15 oz can) cream of coconut (like coco lopez)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cup white rum 
cinnamon sticks for garnish
With this egg free recipe, you just have to add the ingredients and mix well. Pour into glass bottles and refrigerate. It helps to play some parranda Christmas music and dance around the kitchen while making this better than eggnog treat. I hold off on the rum in order to make it kid friendly. My hubby does have a bottle of Bacardi rum from our tour of the distillery in Puerto Rico, that we use to spice up the individual portions of coquito for adult consumption. 
Pro tip: It’s normal for the coquito to separate in the fridge. Just shake before serving into your favorite festive glass and garnish with a cinnamon stick.
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Here’s a short list of my favorite Spanish Christmas music which perfect for your coquito making mood.
- Aires de Navidad - Quinto Mayor (Holiday)
- El Burrito Sabanero  - Con Todo Pa Navidad
- Medley Navideno - Y Vuelve Trulla Express
- Esta Navidad - Ponle Salsa a tu Navidad
- De Fiesta - Jossie Estaban Navidad en Merengue
- Un Noche En Borinquen - Manny Manuel, Olga Tanon & Victor Manuelle 
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grandmarecipesblog · 3 years ago
Cocojito (Frozen Mojito)
A yummy frozen mojito with a slight coconut sweetness. Add more cream of coconut for a sweeter drink. Add more rum for a stronger one Enjoy Cocojito (Frozen Mojito) Ingredients 4 cups ice cubes 2? limes, rind removed 7 fluid ounces sweetened cream of coconut (such as Coco Lopez) 2? (1.5 fluid ounce) jiggers white rum (such as Bacardi) 5 sprigs fresh mint leaves 2 mint sprigs, for garnish 2…
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rjack2136 · 7 years ago
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Reposting @cocktail_maven: ... "It’s time to celebrate National Junk Food Day! This blended drink tastes like a refreshing slightly more tropical Last Word cocktail. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Junk in My Trunk 1.5 oz Bacardi Rum 1 oz Green Chartreuse 1 oz Maraschino Liqueur 2 oz Coco Réal 2 dashes Bar Keep Chinese Bitters Juice of one lime Blend with ice until smooth. Garnish is made with lucky charms marshmallows, fennel essential oil & sugar. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What’s you junk food indulgence? . . . . . #nationaljunkfoodday #luckycharms #coconut #maraschino #chartreuse #imbibegram #homebartender #drinkstagram #cocktails #breakfast #lime #blended #frozen #sweettooth #garnishgame #candy #junkfood #cocktailporn #liqpic #buzzfeedfood #drinkporn #phoenix #az #firstwedrink #rum #tropical #lastword #barkeepbitters" — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2NAJZ0F
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emperormpf · 4 years ago
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Marisol’s Coquito Recipe
2-Cans Evaporated Milk
1-Can Coconut Milk
1-Can Condensed Milk
1-Can Cream of Coconut (Coco Lopez)
Mix all the milks together on a big pot on Medium temperature. Never higher or else the milks will burn and smell ugly. Add plenty Nutmeg and Cinnamon. Using a hand mixer, mix them constantly while the spices dissolve into the milk. Meanwhile you continue to heat your Coquito mix on number 5 on your stove or medium temperature and are constantly mixing the milks... Separate 2 egg yolks on a small glass with 2 teaspoons of sugar and mix them together and slowly add to the milk mixture and continue to mix them together. By now your Coquito mix should be smelling really good. Try it! Never stop mixing the milks. Add 2 cups Bacardi Coconut Rum into the milk mixture and continue to mix them all together. Lower the temperature and with a clean container start transferring some of the mixture into your Blender and mix it all together to minimize any excess of the spices. Now using a clean funnel begin transferring the Coquito mix into clean bottles. Refrigerate them and enjoy. This make a great Xmas gift or simply to enjoy with your Friends and Family during the Christmas season.
PS. Duplicate the recipe according to the size of your pot.
Thank you and Enjoy!!!
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