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dualadler · 8 months ago
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𝐏𝐂 梢 雪花(こずえ せつか)  |推理作家|28歳|177cm|APP10|
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undeuxx · 8 months ago
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瑞月 透夜(ミヅキ トウヤ)
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year ago
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A pregen PC portrait from our pre-written Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy adventure module, FORIVA: The Angel Game.
Vi Tran, "The Gamer"
She is 26, but she’s way too small and skinny to be seen as such. Heavy bags lie under her very large eyes. Her baggy clothes, which are all merchandice from various video games, hang from her like fur on a wet dog. Short messy hair.
Of course, this is just a quickstart character for anyone who doesn't want to spend the time to make their own.
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Get a full breakdown of her stats as well as more information about her charactertization under the cut, and if that interests you, consider a $5 subscription to our Patreon to download both the functional Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy rulebook and FORIVA: The Angel Game today!
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1. Did You Know. . . || Choose two Knowledge skills. Gain an additional 2 Investigation Points to any investigation roll made with these skills. This character does not gain investigation points for Interpersonal rolls. 
2. Elementary! || This character has a keen eye for detail and can deduce a lot about a person just by looking at them, or at least they think they can. When meeting a new person for the first time, this character may choose to have the Narrator make a hidden Social Cues roll for you. Full Success = This character is able to guess two correct facts about this person just by looking at them. Partial Success = This character is able to guess one correct fact and one incorrect fact about this person. Failure = This character is able to guess two incorrect facts about this person. The Narrator will tell the character these facts, but will not tell them if they are true or false, and will not tell them what the result of the hidden roll was. This roll does not grant investigation points.
3. Savant || Add +2 to any investigation rolls. But a savant’s mind is a troubled place. All Composure rolls are made with at best a -2 modifier.
An extreme introvert who finds comfort and pride in understanding exactly how everything works, down to the tiniest detail. She has always had an incredible eye for detail, even the details of other people - for better or worse. Understanding social cues and nuances is extremely difficult for her, and so there are many secrets she’s accidentally revealed and many insecurities she’s accidentally called out. Unfortunately, people tended to just quietly resent her while acting polite rather than make their feelings obvious so she could improve. As she grew, people kept leaving her or exploding at her without explanation, and Vi, frustrated at people’s irrational two-facedness and vagueness, decided to ignore others entirely. If she could not understand them, she wanted nothing to do with them. She shut herself away in video games as escapism from this reality, but soon enough, she became entranced with understanding every single thing about how video games and technology as a whole works, since such craftsmanship was exact, technical, and not vague at all. She has an incredible passion for understanding everything around her and is ready to spout knowledge of her interests at any time - unfortunately, she has very few friends to share it with. 
One of her few friends is NekoLove70 on an online gaming forum, who became more and more distant from Vi in the past week. When Vi reached out, the only reply she got was “I’m trying to find the Angel”. Vi kept messaging them, but received no answer until just recently, when Neko’s father replied through the account to let Tram know that Neko was hospitalized for a severe illness, and he asked Vi to pray for her health. Vi tried to find out every detail possible about this inexplicable terror she was suddenly helpless before, and she discovered the trend of missing and hospitalized teenagers all said to have been speaking incoherently about an “Angel”.
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rayfishandchips · 9 months ago
burning with a desire to play trpg but don't know anyone I can play with
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crumpetsunderscore · 7 months ago
some recent art
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liz-freemen · 2 years ago
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garryyuee · 1 year ago
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Hot Girl Valentine's Day! To commemorate our one-year COC campaign
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goldpilot22 · 2 years ago
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this is Ven she is a journalist who does not know when to stop digging and save her own ass. she has the world's worst luck when it comes to stumbling into sussy situations, and the world's best luck (or something out there looking out for her) when it comes to getting out of them by the skin of her teeth. she has a little sister who she's very protective of (her sister is a foot taller, a lot stronger, and capable of befriending their way out of any situation)
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serbagadgetid · 8 months ago
Ulingame merupakan sebuah website berita game android dan pc, dimana konten yang kami informasikan disini meliputi daftar game terbaik, tips dan tutorial game. Semua game yang sedang populer di Indonesia akan dibahas juga disini.
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tutaivy · 1 year ago
CoC 大上咲月(33) 2023.10
警視庁刑事部捜査第一課所属 巡査部長
胡桃炸裂症候群 HO刑事
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dualadler · 8 months ago
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𝐏𝐂 キャンディ(キャンディーラー・フォーイット)  |刑事|31歳|183cm|APP16|
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undeuxx · 1 year ago
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驟雨 片鱗/HO2
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year ago
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A pregen PC from our prewritten Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy adventure module, FORIVA: The Angel Game.
Lars Kowalski, "The Collector"
Of course this is just an option for those who would rather just jump instead of making their own character.
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Find a full breakdown of his stats and further characterization under the cut, and if this interests you, consider downloading a PDF of both the fully functional Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy rulebook and FORIVA: The Angel Game with a $5 pledge to our Patreon!
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1. Mind over Body || Have a maximum of 3 superficial and 3 penetrative health, but also 4 extra points to use on skills, meaning the total of this character’s Base skills can equal 4. Warning: A gunshot would kill this character instantly.
2. Perfectionist || When this character gets anything but a full success on any non-combat roll, they can choose to try again, but this costs 1 point of composure. If this character also doesn't get a full success on the second roll, they may choose to lose an additional 1 composure and try again. This can be retried as much as desired.
3. Blissfully Ignorant: This character is not paying close enough attention to recognize the danger all around them. Add +2 to all Composure rolls, but subtract -2 from all Senses rolls. 
Rich middle-aged husband and an indulgent collector in his hobby - one who borders on hedonism with his vast game and arcade collection which he purchases to keep for himself, although he doesn't even play most of them. He loves to show them off and brag about their novelty and history, full of pride that he is the final step in that history. The few machines he does play are the oldest and the first he’s ever played, and they are only for his use. They fill him with a nostalgia that he has never been able to recapture.
Unfortunately, his full focus on his possessions can distract him from his family, and though they love each other deeply, he can unknowingly put them to the wayside. Such was the case when the older of his two sons became more and more isolated in his room, and Lars had seen no problem with it until they found him unmoving in his bed. The son, Noah, is currently catatonic for seemingly no reason. The doctors are perplexed. On the rare occasion that Noah does snap out of it for moments at a time, he will only speak about one thing: An “Angel”.
Lars has thrown his full attention into this matter now. Through his connections, he has heard that this has happened to many teenagers, and now he seeks whatever leads he can to fix this problem and get back to how things are supposed to be. This is a disruption in his perfect life, an attack on his loved ones, and he will not stand it - though, a part of him deep inside looks upon this mystery with the same fascinated gaze that he would cast upon a new marvel to fully know and possess.
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rayfishandchips · 9 months ago
what if I turn the doctor who "the giggle" episode into a one-shot coc run
I can have pls investigate upon bouts of madness spreading among people, and end up discovering the relationship between the madness and the first tv image ever. The pcs don't know each other beforehand but they have one thing in common: for some reason they are immune to the madness.
(pls don't need to be doctor who fans. All the better if they never watched the show. )
History and investigation? check. Madness and horror? Can be added. Relation to real life (so the story is more scary)? Definitely.
Won't be a lot of fighting bc there're no cultists. I prefer plot-heavy runs with less fight so that's good.
Will need to adjust the story a bit to boost eldritch horror vibes. This story itself is simple but it has so much potential, it can even develop into an international investigation if the pls are up to it.
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plumtale · 2 years ago
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stilettobitearch · 4 months ago
didn't disappoint any children and!! didn't die!! don't know that our next session is going to go well on that front, though
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🥀 ooc. gonna try and not disappoint anymore children and also hopefully not die (knocked on wood about it dw) in call of cthulhu, then i'm going to sleep before mental health appointments tomorrow and then cracking on drafts and getting ellie's blog live after that!!!
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