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kenziemanan · 6 months ago
20230311 Ceritanya Jadi Pangeran, Pengen Naik Kuda Sambil Bawa Pedang dan Perisai 😁✌️
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chevvy-ryder · 9 months ago
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[NC_RES]-31102049-EURGER scharfenberg_g_portraits_047_RC_SD.file ///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
cowboy shirt by @gloryride and @breezypunk 🖤
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chronivore · 3 months ago
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Sylgun, the Coboy Centaur.
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miizufaye · 8 months ago
Pirate life for the win!!
Explain why in the tags
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b-0-ngripper · 3 months ago
Not to be an exclusionist but we shouldn't be uhm showing these people love. I'm usually not one to make these type of posts but I've seen at least one of my mutuals reblog this so please block me if you agree with this post
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pega-chan · 6 months ago
imagine my surprise and delight when the orchestra concert i went to started playing, as part of a medley, an orchestral rendition of Kamu by Coboy Junior
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ianthebee1 · 1 month ago
I normally don't know what to do or how to make a good intro butt it's alr!
Oh yeah I DONT do comissons!
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I'm Ian!
I go by he/him!
I'm 16 years old
I'm from The Nederlands!!
I suffer sadly from Dislexia
And ASD,
(sorry if I come over wierd or different or if I spell things wrong but then you know.)
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I love drawing,gaming and my boyfriend Remy! And I sleep alot but let's not talk about that HSHSH
I also stream from time to time I do drawing or gaming but mostly drawing!
Find my socials at the end!!
I'm a big nerd about space,aliens,insects,sea creatures,coboys,robots,
plants,cartoons,comics and ect...
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Proshippers,pedos/maps,zoophile,furry haters,ect. Should be comen sense.
If I find out you are and you follow me I will block and report you
Steal my art,
Trace my art,
Post my art on other platforms with out my promission!(like pintrest ect),
And if I do give you promission always credit me,
Thank you so much for reading!
@remyderatz !!!
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kleiner-ghost · 4 months ago
"Nice gun you've got there," Julianna tipped her glass towards the woman's belt. "A one of a kind?"
"Brough to me in a vision from the Great Beyond." The woman nodded. "Harriet Morse, spiritual leader to those who seek, irrelevant to the rest. I take you're willing to help my flock?"
"Julianna Blake. But pretty women call me Jules," Julianna winked. "And that depends,"
"On the pay?"
Julianna nodded, taking a sip of her drink.
"My flock, as violent as they can be when the chaos overtakes them, are lovers at heart, not fighters. There isn't much I can offer to you that you wouldn't find elsewhere, through easier work, and with more befitting company."
Julianna gave her an expecting look, prompting the woman to slide a black canvas bag over the table. It didn't weigh much, and held a map, a compass, and a thin slab of engraved rock inside.
"I can't offer you much, but I can offer you Eternity." The woman stated.
"Well, I have been offered much over the years, but can't say anyone has ever given me eternity," Julianna smirked. "Ah, what the hell, count me in. How many others have you got?"
Harriet looked at Jules, then tilted her head to the side, raising two fingers.
"Four versus a bandit king, sounds about right-"
"You and me."
Julianna burst out laughing. She almost tipped her whiskey glass over, but Harriet pulled it out of the way in time, an annoyed look on her face.
"You're crazy, you know that?" Julianna asked, still laughing.
"I see a path that many are oblivious too." The woman nonchalantly shrugged. "Now calm yourself, there is more I need to brief you on."
"Crazy with a broom stuck up her arse, got it," Julianna wiped away a tear.
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julie the kid
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williamleroy38 · 1 year ago
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Inktober day 3 : path
Quick little sketch today with the coboy jojos
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jejaringbiru · 2 years ago
Tak perlu tunggu hebat, untuk berani memulai apa yang kau impikan.
Hanya perlu memulai, untuk menjadi hebat raih yang kau impikan.
Coboy Junior - Terhebat
Page 122 of 365
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top 5 anime
Persona 4: The Animation
Coboy Bebop
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year ago
Obrolan random sobi gigsku
Loooohh heee? Apa nih posting2 iqbaal? Hahaha. Nyambung sama obrolan random sama si sobi gigsku.
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Si sobi baru nyadar baru2 ini, gpp dimaklumi emak2 anak 2 boro2 fangirling yah apalagi sama Iqbaal yg ex coboy junior dan digilai ciwi2 anak sekula sbg dylan. Sama bgt ko pikiranku memandang Iqbaal jg begitu kek dia. Tapii koo hee? Loohh kooo skrg beda yah? Iya itu aku baru merhatiin dgn seksama pas rilis vclip noah - yang terdalam modelnya si Iqbaal ini, penasaran kan soalnya lagu ini ter fav bgt dr jaman peterpan. Trus pas liat Iqbal, adumak ini bocil dah gedean ko ya jd ganteng (kata fansnya mah dr dulu emg ganteng sih yaa), udah lepas image dylannya mana berisi gt jd ngga terlalu babyface dylan bgt gaksii. Perfect combo lagu yang terdalam, modelnya Iqbal yaaa di repeat terus lahhhh.
Kepoin lah lsg IG nya, iya betul kata si sobi. Selera musiknya mirip2 selera musik kami wkwk. Bahkan saat di vclip itu doi pake kaosnya Ian Brown Stone Roses. Bener2 selera kami berdua masih sama hahaha. Kukira hanya ku yg menyadari dan ku simpan sendiri aja, setelah setahun baru bisa sepakat nih sama dia, sepemikiran memandang Iqbaal masa kini hahaha. Kitapun jg udah jrg ngobrol remeh temeh kek gt yah boro2 deh, tiba2 aja ih emak2 usia 34, ngefans sama dedek Gen Z umur 24 bukan ya Iqbaal tuh? Cuma gara2 stelan dan selera musik yg mirip2 selera musik kami.
Yaudah sih skedar gt aja emak2 mah gasampe jadi die hard fans. Ngga keumuran ah malu hahaha. Begitulah si millenial tiba2 ngefans sama cowo gen Z.
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enjomo-arch · 2 years ago
the  heavy  sound  of  two  crates  placed  down  and  the  back  of  his  arm  wiping  sweat  off  his  forehead,  casually  pushing  the  coboy  hat's  brim  up.  ceasing  the  shadow  lingering  over  hazel  irises  now  staring  at  the  blonde  sharing  patience  until  ace  would  be  finished.  it  was  quite  a  lot  of  vegetables,  fruits.  
products  naturally  sourced  from  his  own  crops  which  were  sold  locally.  yet  his  curiosity  knew  no  bounds,  it  was  so  much  to  buy  for  a  single  person.  usually  the  customers  hanging  around  his  farm  house  would  buy  only  a  handful  of  different  vegetables,  fruits  but  not  full  crates.
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❝  it'll  be  thirty  bucks.  oi,  by  the  way  if  y'don't  mind  me  askin'  why  exactly  two  crates  ?  s'  that  all  for  ya'  ?  ❞  ace  graced  @alfrodulls  with  his  smile  bright  as  sunshine.  he  didn't  mean  to  pry,  after  all.
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yoursjaeyun · 2 years ago
5, 13, 29 - music ask 🫶
hi baby 🫶🏼
GAME: music ask !
5. a song that needs to be played LOUD.
13. one of your favourite 80’s song.
29. a song that you remember from your childhood.
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wishesofdream · 11 days ago
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c0worker-bryce · 22 days ago
whats your opinion on the flesh coboy hat kid
(intended for both mod and/or bryce)
The what-?
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Ooc: ⁉️
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