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unteriors · 11 months ago
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S Grand Street, Cobleskill, New York.
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donselectricandplumbing · 1 year ago
AC Replacement in Cobleskill, NY
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whitefireprincess · 5 months ago
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Cobleskill Diner
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porcelainapparition · 2 years ago
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Cobleskill, New York
built in 1893
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vigilxnte-shit · 6 months ago
chapter one: fresh out the slammer
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i choose you and me, religiously || matt murdock x éliette de castillon || a taylor swift-inspired matt murdock x oc love story
masterlist here || 18+ fic, minors go away
summary: after five years in a loveless marriage, éliette de castillon leaves her small town in upstate new york on a train bound for hell’s kitchen. she has nothing to start her new life- no car, no phone, no money, just the hope that a former acquaintance with a conflict of interest may be able to break the holy ties that bind her. 
warnings: mentions of emotional abuse
word count: 1685
a/n: i want to dedicate this first chapter to the entire murdock tuna team 🐟 and especially to darling @a-leg-without-fear and @yarrystyleeza for inspiring me and proofreading!! i love this entire server and the community we've developed, thank you to everyone in the server for inspiring me to get back into writing!
at first, she had thought the rain would be refreshing. she thought the walk would clear her mind, that after five hours on a bus and braving the c-line with no cell phone she would enjoy the peace and quiet and the feeling of being clean. instead, she just felt freezing cold, exhausted, and alone. 
she had spent the multiple bus rides from cobleskill in silence, absorbed in the book she had brought, refusing to make eye contact with anyone- she could never know who knew sam, if any of her busmates were secret compatriots of her soon-to-be ex-husband, and so she had opted to err on the side of caution until the last half hour of the second bus trip. she’d gotten carsick then, setting her book into her bag and staring out the window. she had watched the city come into view, the sun just hitting a low point in the west as she stepped off to the subway station.
hell’s kitchen welcomed her home with that smell- not a good one, necessarily, but the smell of the city. she took the steps down to the subway just as the rain started, and the ceaseless chatter and grimy handrails brought her back to six again. her childhood hadn’t been a happy one, but the idea somehow comforted her. new york city had been bigger when she was six. still scary, but in a different way, in a vivid, huge, and encapsulating way; a way that she chose to visualize as she stepped onto the subway and left her married name on the platform. 
her sense of hope had dwindled as she ascended a different set of stairs at the next station, when she walked out of the underground to a world caged in by gray. the rain was pouring now, and she definitely didn’t have an umbrella. she shielded her eyes as she looked up at the sky, hoping that if god was real, he was listening. 
“you’re not doing yourself any favors,” she muttered to him. the sky answered with a clap of thunder, and she rolled her eyes. maybe the church was right. maybe this was punishment for breaking her vow, for leaving her marriage. 
she didn’t have time to think about that as she tugged her notebook from her bag, shielding it from the rain. she had written down the directions to the office in pink gel pen, the closest stationery she could find- it was already hard to read, she couldn’t risk water damage, too. 
she leaned over towards the wall,  visoring the notebook with her hand. she cursed herself from eight hours ago from this handwriting- in addition to the unfortunate decision of pen, the cursive letters were swiftly scribbled, sometimes running together or breaking in the middle of words. after half a minute of whispered profanities and huffing, she finally pieced her own words together, staring at the page in annoyance. 
the good news was, she was close. the neighborhood was only an eight-minute walk away, and from there the office was only a couple more. only fifteen minutes and she would arrive at the concrete doorstep. she had hoped she would arrive looking semi-put together, but this rain didn’t seem to be going anywhere. 
with a grumble, she closed the notebook, holding it tight to her chest just in case. she set off towards 50th street, the spring in her step rusted by the rain soaking through her strawberry blonde curls and black pencil skirt. her arms wrapped around the notebook like an embrace, a gesture she was all too used to gracing herself with.
as she walked, trying not to focus on the cold, she thought about matt. it had been years since the two of them had last met- he had been in his second year of grad school, a year ahead of sam. el had attended three parties that overlapped with matt, her hand holding to sam’s elbow as he tugged her from clique to clique, seen but never heard. everyone had marvelled at how he’d done it, how the pastor’s son and future district attorney had settled upon the quiet girl from a foster home. she had never had anything to say to these comments, simply smiling and nodding, eventually breaking off to go sit by the alcohol that she was too young to touch. 
that was how she’d met matt. she had sat down by him without thinking, desperate to just take a break from the overstimulating noise and the headache-inducing crowd and the overwhelming sense of christian guilt taking over her soul. it made the room felt too small; everything reeked of either alcohol or sex or some combination of both and then some. she had clutched her rosary in her fingers and as she sat down, already preparing for how she would take this to confessional. her heart raced at the thought, her world spun and she felt the tips of her fingers go cold. this was her fault. she should have talked sam out of attending the party, should have reminded him-
“hey, are you okay?” 
the concerned voice had broken her spiral meditation, her head jerking to the side and witnessed an image that would never leave her head: a young man with wavy chestnut hair, his brows furrowed and his eyes hidden by a pair of dark-tinted glasses. 
“your breath picked up,” the young man had said. “it sounded like you were about to hyperventilate.”
“i…i’m okay, thank you,” el had answered timidly.
and then she had seen something that would haunt her every day of her married life, a sight that carried her through every argument and each tear she cried and any rare sliver of happiness she experienced. 
she saw him smile. this young stranger, who seemed to be blind, who had never met her before, had smiled at her. and his smile was beautiful. dimpled on the right side, with perfect teeth and a type of warmness that lit up the entire room. it reminded her of the nimbus in all the portraits of christ, illuminated the entire space around him. 
“i’m matt,” he had said softly, extending his hand. 
“el,” she smiled back. his hands were just as warm as his smile, just as friendly and open. 
but before she could say anything else, before she could tell him she loved his smile or thank him for checking on her, she heard those footsteps. the world went back to grayscale, growing paler with each step towards her before the world went completely black and white when his hands settled on her shoulders.
“murdock! i see you’ve met my fiancée,” sam had gloated, his voice taunting and drunken. this was the routine, this was what el was used to- being sam’s trophy, his success story, the project that proved his worth. an immigrant with a dark background on her way to being his wife. 
that was something that hadn’t changed throughout their marriage. that was the monochrome world she’d come to know as she sat night after night at the kitchen table, being force-fed everything she did wrong. burning the dinner, trying to go to college and be a lawyer, forgetting to pick up coffee- it was all destructive, all laziness and delusion, all god telling her that she was too defiant and should learn to obey her husband. 
sam’s nightly sermons were loud and angry and targeted, but still they fell on deaf ears. she would sit in the dining room chairs and nod, let the occasional “mmhmm” slip, and think back to that college party where the world was brighter and warmer. 
el and matt had met twice more after that night, both times at other parties. she had no clue if he would somehow recognize her, if he would even remember her, but if nothing else, she had to try. 
when she saw the sign, she tensed up a bit. what if he was still talking with sam? what if he was in on this whole thing, and was about to send her right back to him as soon as she opened that office door? 
the rain didn't stop. it kept pouring down on her, almost with a newfound intensity, forcing her hand- she couldn’t stand and freeze in the street forever. 
with a nod, she clicked her heels along the concrete towards the door with the little sign. it was 6:26, and the sign reading Nelson & Murdock stated the office closed at 7. she had made it in time. she hugged her arms for just a moment longer before she tucked her notebook back into its bag, never taking her eyes off the sign as she reached for the knob and turned it.
the rain stopped when she crossed the threshold. it was warm inside, the rise in temperature making her acutely aware of just how drenched her clothes were, and yet she couldn’t find it in herself to care much. she scanned the room, taking it in, before her eyes landed on a desk in the middle of the office. three people sat around it: a pretty blonde woman with the biggest blue eyes el had ever seen, a familiar shaggy haircut with a side profile that she couldn’t quite place a name to, and the one person she’d made this whole journey for. she barely had time to identify him after entering, recognizing his deep brown hair milliseconds before he urgently spun around.
she couldn’t meet his eyes. they were still covered by deep tinted glasses, only not the rectangular, black frames that she had often seen so clearly  in her mind. they were round now, gold trim with deep red lenses. he looked sophisticated, mysterious, and above all- shocked. his friends looked confused, their eyes looking to him for an explanation. he never gave one. 
his eyebrows raised above the line of his glasses, his dimple lost in the shock. he clearly hadn’t been expecting her arrival. when he spoke, his voice was soft, almost fantastical, like was in a dream.
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julianweyrauch · 1 year ago
Homecoming und andere Kopfschmerzen
Homecoming sowas wie eine Tradition der Schulen. Es ist einmal pro Schuljahr und man lädt alle ein, die jemals die Schule besucht haben, wieder "nach hause" zu kommen. Deswegen Homecoming. Mein Homecoming war am 6. Oktober. Das Middleburgh Homecoming wird traditionell mit einer sogenannten Spirit week gefeiert. Homecoming ist scheinbar immer ein Freitag und die Wochentage zuvor sind wie eine Mottowoche. Bei uns war es so:
Montag: Duo-outfit, also 2 Partner, die ein ähnliches Outfit anhaben oder eins, welches zueinander passt. Elsa und Anna zum Beispiel.
Dienstag: Jersey-day, also jeder trägt ein Trikot. Ich habe ein UCONN T-shirt getragen, welches mir Sidney zugeschickt hat. Sie ist auf der UCONN (University of Connecticut).
Mittwoch: Pink-out, also jeder soll pink tragen. Das dient dazu dem Thema "Brustkrebs" mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu geben. Ich habe das offizielle Pink-out shirt getragen.
Donnerstag: Green/White-day, also jeder soll grün und weiß tragen. Das gibt es immer, weil grün und weiß die Schulfarben sind.
Freitag war Homecoming und normalerweise wäre da auch noch ein weiterer Tag der Spirit week, aber Schule fiel dieses Jahr an dem Tag aus, weil die Lehrer eine Weiterbildung hatten.
Am Donnerstag war außerdem das Homecoming-Volleyballturnier. Middleburgh hat beide Spiele verloren. War aber trotzdem eine gute Stimmung! Freitag waren die Fußballspiele. Da war ordentlich was los! Feuerwehr hat Lärm mit den Sirenen gemacht und super viele Leute waren da. Als erstes haben die Mädchen gespielt. Sehr gutes Spiel! Danach waren wir dran und das war auch ein krasses Spiel. Naja, bis zu dem Punkt wo ich einen Ball ins Gesicht bekommen habe. Erinner mich nicht mehr wirklich daran was danach passiert ist, aber nach dem Spiel wurde ich von einer Krankenschwester untersucht. Diese Krankenschwester war zufällig auch meine zukünftige Gastmutter. Sie war der Meinung das ich eine leichte Gehirnerschütterung hätte. Also habe ich die nächsten Tage erstmal ruhig gemacht. Samstag war ich sehr licht- und lärmempfindlich. Ich hatte auch Kopfschmerzen und Übelkeit. Sonntag war das dann nochmal etwas schlimmer. Ich hatte das gleiche und noch dazu habe ich mich sehr unecht angefühlt. Nichts hat sich so wirklich real angefühlt. Also sind wir zum Arzt, ich wurde mit einer Gehirnerschütterung diagnostiziert und durfte bis letzten Mittwoch keinen Sport machen. Dort wurde ich nämlich von einem Arzt wieder als gesund erklärt. Jetzt ist alles wieder gut! Ich war im Krankenhaus in Cobleskill, welches für seine miserablen Diagnosen bekannt ist. Außerdem sind die Leute da irgendwie komisch! Waren eine Menge Macker-Patienten vor Ort. Um mal ein Beispiel zu nennen: Eine Klassenkameradin hatte einen verdacht auf einen entzündeten Blinddarm. Also nichts womit man spaßt. Sie war in Cobleskill und die meinten "Nein nein, alles gut!". Stellt sich raus: Auf deren Ultraschall war der Blinddarm nicht zu sehen. Die haben sich also nie den Blinddarm angeguckt. Zum Glück war da wirklich nichts! Eine andere Klassenkameradin hatte auch eine Gehirnerschütterung und Cobleskill meinte das sie wieder gesund wäre. 2 Tage später ist sie auf dem Fußballfeld zusammengebrochen und musste in die Notaufnahme nach Albany. Mir gehts aber prächtig und ich wurde auch von anderen Ärzten als gesund erklärt!
Um das also zusammen zu fassen: Gehirnerschütterung sind eine komische Sache. Wer mich kennt weiß das ich mich gerne dumm und zu ungünstigen Zeitpunkten verletze, aber mein Gehirn war noch nie kaputt.
Da nebenbei noch eine Menge passiert ist, kommen noch weitere Blogposts! Zu meinem Geburtstag zum Beispiel oder wie ich mich derzeit eigentlich fühle. Ich sitze gerade in der Schule und in ein paar Minuten gehts los nach NewYork City. Da freue ich mich schon krass drauf!
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moreuglyhousephotos · 1 year ago
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GUEST BEDROOM FOR THANKSGIVING - People across America are working hard this week to prepare their homes for Thanksgiving guests. Here's a delightful bedroom in Cobleskill, New York. 11-18-23
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hayespaper · 10 days ago
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masr356 · 20 days ago
Schenectady Independent Owner/Operator Opportunity | masr356.com
$0 Utz Quality Foods and its partner brands are offering an Independently Owned Distribution Route for sale servicing the following areas: Schenectady / Middleburgh / Cobleskill / Niskayuna / Altamont / Duanesburg / Rotterdam, NY and surrounding areas! This unique business opportunity would allow the purchaser to sell Utz Quality Food snack products to current and potential customers within an…
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bijouxbyandrea · 10 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Postcard Vintage Delaware & Hudson Railways Company GP39-2 Locomotives 7611.
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donselectricandplumbing · 2 years ago
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Furnace Service in Cobleskill, NY
Don's Electric & Plumbing Inc. delivers one of the best furnace services in Cobleskill, NY, and the surrounding areas. Get your furnace fixed with our well-trained technicians—Call 518-673-2222 to know more.
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zach-is-here · 1 year ago
Fear and Loathing in Schoharie County
When you see a neon paper advertisement at your local ice cream store, you heed it's wisdom. This particular paper had been telling me for years to make my way to the Landis Arboretum and I finally listened, dragging Reagan with me.
First and foremost, and what we came to the arboretum for, was a visit to the barn book sale. This was the only thing we truly planned for today, leading us to some serious swag (art-magazine for me and the golden retriever bible for R). Funny enough, we found out that an arboretum has much more to offer than old dusty ass books stuffed in a barn. With our tour merch in hand, we decided to walk the venue heading from the upstate NY version of Stonehenge to the main meeting house with its unmatched views of the countryside. After a brief encounter with a very good boy and its struggling owner, our day at the arboretum was done (too hot to hike), however we weren't ready to go home.
What's there to do in Schoharie county? I'm genuinely asking b/c that was the dilemma we were faced with. After a 15 second ride through the downtown of Esperance, I saw we were in striking distance of a covered bridge (epic JF reference) so I figured that would be cool to visit. What I didn't know was the covered bridge was one of the focal points of the Lily Park and home to the July 8th LILY FESTIVAL. Unbeknownst to us, we had stumbled upon one of Schoharie's finest summer events, drawing in what seemed to be the entirety of the county. After, frolicking through the flowers and countless vendors, we found ourselves hungry for more of the culture. Luckily for us we had passed both a vegetable and fruit themed store on the way to the bridge.
Only by sheer distance to the park did we go to the carrot barn first - sadly not as many carrots as expected. What it did have was a multitude of carrot and carrot related products and merch as well as the makings of your typical farmer's market. I indulged in two carrot cookies and a carrot muffin, but again, no signs of any major carrot infrastructure. As our consolation prize, and for lunch, we made way to the Apple Barrel Cafe and Store. My minor hyper-fixation of carrots had pivoted to apples and to our luck, the menu was fruitful with apple themed dishes.
***Returning to finish this 8/20***
After ransacking the barn, we decided to get a feel for the country living that is Schoharie county. This included the local baseball field in lily park with one of the best outfield views I've seen, a drive through of Schoharie City's downtown (foreshadowing) a brief stop in Middleburgh (where I hope to return one day to see the Blenheim bridge), and then an impromptu visit to upstate NY's dullest college town, Cobleskill (Sorry not sorry).
Following an uneventful tour of the tiny-banner, beige buildings, campus conveniently located 3 minutes from a farmer's tool shopping center, we decided to head home with one final stop on our list, ICE CREAM! Seen on our way down, we decided to revisit the dairy carnival. (passed it on our way down) Do you want generic ice cream and generic fried goods, at a generic atmosphere all with a drive thru? well you're in luck my friend, I know exactly where to go. But honestly, this place seemed pulled straight out of Grand Theft Auto with it's lack of anything unique or distinctive. I highly recommend everyone goes for the soul churning experience w/ bonus points for actually going through the drive-thru. We capped this expereince off with a lil film/photo sess and then made our way back to mi casa.
Following "downstate trips" include potential visits to Hudson, NY and the Long-Pond Studios.
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porcelainapparition · 4 months ago
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Cobleskill, New York
built in 1900
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newsakd · 2 years ago
[ad_1] COBLESKILL, N.Y. (NEWS10) – After most of the Cobleskill police officers resigned this week, residents voiced concerns about public safety. Officers are upset that the village is limiting their overtime while they are short-staffed. Once officers found out portions of the general fund tax levy would be allocated to other services and not the police department, that’s when they started resigning, according to Cobleskill Mayor Rebecca Stanton-Terk. In a press release she said 87 percent of the tax fund levy is used to fund the police department. She is working with local leaders to rebuild an affordable and efficient police department after eight officers resigned, leaving only three left in the department. Get the latest news, weather, sports and entertainment delivered right to your inbox! Stanton-Terk was not immediately available for an interview on Friday but responded to an email saying, in part: “We will be seeking qualified individuals to replace officers who unfortunately chose to abruptly abandon this community along with their sworn duties. At this time, we are actively searching for an interim police chief.” Former Schoharie County Sheriff Tony Desmond said they had experienced officers who were familiar with the community but they didn’t feel supported by the administration. “I don’t think they need to look for any qualified people. They had qualified people. They had good dedicated people. Why reinvent the wheel,” said Desmond. He believes the village needs to ‘bite the bullet’ and hire them back, pay them overtime and fully fund the police department. Desmond was at the heated Village Board Meeting on Wednesday and said it was packed with angry residents. “They’re concerned about public safety. They want to see police on the street and they feel that they deserve it and they feel that police is a government service that should be provided,” said Desmond.  8 Cobleskill police officers resign over tax levy, mayor says On Thursday the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office shared a Facebook post urging Cobleskill officers to apply, adding that they pay overtime. Sheriff Richard Giardino says they have immediate openings and are eager to hire the officers who recently resigned because it was a political decision and they’re already trained. “My first thoughts were, they resigned in good standing. They just resigned because of politics and we’re so shorthanded. We are down four people and right now we have 10 deputies to cover 20 patrol spots and 500 square miles, 10 towns and three villages,” said Giardino. Schoharie County Sheriff Ronald Stevens said his office and the state troopers are responding to calls in Cobleskill. [ad_2] Source link
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news-wtf · 7 months ago
The suspect in question, Troy Kelly, was arrested this week after threatening to shoot President Joe Biden.
“Gonna put a bullet in your head if I ever catch you," the 19-year-old Crown Point, New York, resident posted on social media last month.
The court documents show his X account @CountryBoyTroy0, which is still active as of publication. On it, Kelly makes a number of threats against the president. He also incorporated insults and phrases from former President Donald Trump that were often used.
Investigators said that they were able to link Kelly's email address to his X account, as that same email address left a Google review for the Cobleskill Diner, displaying his full name. He said that the seafood always makes him ill.
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route22ny · 4 years ago
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The Park Theater, Cobleskill NY, October 2009
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