#coat charlie the unicorn
sycoraxophone · 7 months
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toxic doomed llama yaoi when wholesome eternal coat weasel yaoi comes at them
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decora-clown · 2 months
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peak queer rep
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plutokneeurm · 4 months
Might be some spoilers for CTU finale but honestly Idk if its considered spoilers - - -
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Some norwell (mostly norwell) and some human versions of coat and norwell. top left corner is some doodles of me an d my friend @rythoanimates she is super duper cool guys her art is awesome oasis. (got inspired from rytho''s norwell human version a bit so BIG SHOT credits to emmmm).
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demitheshine · 3 months
✨I can't believe Charlie the Unicorn has a gay objectum character that isn't even judged that much and no one's talking about it 😔
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meow972 · 2 years
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cannot explain why I think this creature is autistic, non binary and aroace and why I emotionally identify with them but I have a strong feeling and that’s all I need
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slimecicle-updates · 1 year
Charlie replied to Crumb on twitter!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a tweet by crumb @/cuptoast with a reply by Slimecicle @/Slimecicle.
Crumb’s tweet reads “i drew pony sonas for me and my friends!” Attached is a drawing of Crumb, Charlie, Snifferish, Poodwattle and Sneegsnag as ponies from My Little Pony.
Crumb is an Earth Pony with a yellow coat and a Cutie mark of Crumb’s little cat sona. Its Head and tail are covered in shadow.
Charlie is a cream coloured Earth Pony with a short curly brown mane. He’s wearing glasses and has a cutie mark of his Slimecicle logo. Additionally, he’s wearing cardboard wings and a horn to give the impression of being an Alicorn. He’s blowing an angry raspberry at Crumb.
Sniff is a very fluffy more orange cream coloured Earth Pony. Their ears end in heart shaped tufts and they have a mushroom Cutie Mark. Poodwattle is a light grey Pegasus with a blond mane pulled up in a sort of half ponytail. Their Cutie Mark is obscured by their wings. Sniff and Pood are looking at each other and have a little heart floating between them.
Sneeg is a white and blue Unicorn with a face shrouded in shadow and a dark blue Ace of Spades Cutie Mark. His magic glow is blue.
Charlie’s reply reads “Please redraw me I am not an earth pony I am not I do not eat mud I do not love rocks where is my MAGIC HORN where are my MAJESTIC WINGS this is fucking bullshit discord I’m howling at the moon I can change you can change me change me make me huge and shoot lasers and have a force field and make my pony stamp Jesus Christ or Autobots or something crumb on man”.
End ID]
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nuttersincorporated · 5 months
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Image description: An andromorphic pangolins. They are standing on two legs, wearing a patched purple coat and have a large backpack on
Nyx is the most character ever. They’re genderqueer, they’re depressed and stressed and they were never listened to until was too late.
It was never Nyx’s fault. Other people didn’t listen, made mistakes or just didn’t care. Yes, Nyx’s initial visit to the tower set things in motion. However, even if the weasels hadn’t opened the door, the chaos demon would have left sooner or later because they were never really trapped.
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Image description: screen shot of a reddit Q&A. The question is 'I'm curious to know more about how the first cube got trapped under the tower.' The answer is 'Nyx actually got this wrong - the cube didn't get trapped under the tower, they locked themselves away after consuming most of the world in order to await the rebuilding of civilization so that they could consume it all again.'
After the chaos demons killed Nyx, they then chose to stay on Earth as a ghost for 10,000 years, rather than moving on. They blamed themselves for everything that happened and they wanted to fix it but they didn’t know how.
Their best guess was that if someone could survive going through the portal without dying, then they might be able to fix it from the other side. Until Charlie came along, everyone they sent through died. They kept trying different things to get someone to survive but nothing worked.
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Image description: screen shot of a reddit Q&A. The question is 'Was it a coincidence that nyx tried to recruit the same unicorn being messed with by pink and blue?' The answer is 'Nyx's portal experiments have all resulted in the deaths of the subjects. In order to feel less guilty about this, Nyx tries to use subjects that are already marked for death by the cubes.'
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Image description: screen shot of a reddit Q&A. The question is 'how many other people did Nyx try to get through the portal to fix the mess that happened?' The answer is 'It was a few. More than one, less than twenty.'
In 10,000 years, Nyx killed less than twenty people. It’s obviously horrible that they killed so many people but they weren’t just throwing people at the portal willy-nilly.
They tried really, really, really hard to get it right every time. They also tried to use people the chaos demos had already chosen to mess with, so would die horribly soon anyway. Nyx killed less than one person every 500 years.
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cl0wnsh4rk · 5 months
heavy breathing
jason filmcow steele has released TWO FREAKING TWO videos featuring norwell the weasel and his beautiful coat husband from the Charlie the unicorn finale (WHICH WAS LIKE 4 YEARS AGO)))
I’m tweaking im going crazy im i love them so much where are they are they okay whose house is that oh my god
jason please make a video where we find out that charlie the unicorn, llamas with hats, and shadow stone park were all the same universe please
llamas with hats finale is going to kill me..im going to explode jason…
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shipcestuous · 1 year
The Gang Goes Bowling
I'm a little bit late talking about it, but It's Always Sunny was in FINE form last week. I was surprised I didn't get any messages about it, because I thought it had The Gang Broke Dee vibes (after years of nothing even close) even if it wasn't on the same level. But nothing will ever be on the same level as The Gang Broke Dee.
Episode opens with Dennis demanding for Dee to open up her trench coat. It's fairly obvious she has clothes on underneath but still, it's something of a trope for a woman to be naked under a trenchcoat, and it doesn't seem entirely out of character for Dee to do something like that, running off to the front door of some man she thought was interested in her but who really wasn't.
Dee is hiding her bowling outfit. She doesn't want the gang to know because she wants it to be her thing. The guys laugh – why would they care what Dee is doing or where she is going? Why would they involve themselves in her evening out? But the moments after she leaves show that they, particularly Dennis, really can't stand that Dee has something going on and somewhere to be. They – Dennis – has to be a part of it.
This was part of what reminded me of The Gang Broke Dee: Dee having a bowling engagement might not be the same as being successful as a comedian, but it takes her out of his control, puts her out in the world without him. And he can't stand it on any scale.
As Dee left, she accused them all of having their hands on their ding-dongs, and then they each one by one mention that it's true. So while Mac was offering to pin Dee down and rip her coat off, and Dennis was agreeing and telling him to do it, Dennis had his hand down his pants.
Dennis calls Dee “Deandra”, which is fun and rare. It also marks the return of the incestuous McPoyles, who haven't been seen in years.
Dee is in a bowling tournament with The Waitress (Charlie's longtime crush), Artemis (Frank's friend with benefits), and Snail, another returning female character. The guys decide to sign up for the tournament and bowl against them. Even though it's a co-ed league, they end up in a battle of the sexes by chance, girls vs boys and Dee vs. Dennis. Dennis picks the lineup for the guys based on the lineup of the “Fridge-It Bitches”. Interestingly he pairs Artemis with Frank, Charlie and the Waitress, and himself with Dee. Although Mac and Snail have no sexual history and Mac is gay, Snail expresses attraction towards him after the first time they face off. So it's basically three pairs of romantic couples (if one-sided sometimes) and Dennis and Dee. Hmmm.
While the guys are signing up for the League, the others keep getting distracted by Dennis continues insisting they get paired up against Dee's team.
Another great thing about this episode is that Dennis shares an anecdote from his and Dee's teenage years, another unicorn. Dee was once excellent at bowling and was the captain of the girls' bowling team (presumably at their high school, or perhaps the local bowling alley). Obviously Dennis couldn't stand this, for reasons already given in this post. He discovered that he could get into her head and get her to do only gutter balls simply by saying “gutter ball”, and eventually only by looking at her while she bowled. Dennis power over Dee is pretty clear here.
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When Artemis and Frank face off against each other, they're very flirty. Dee shouts, “Everyone stop trying to have sex with each other”, and Dennis says that men and women can't compete because it's too “sexually charged”. Says the man who signed himself up to play against his twin sister. “Sexually-charged embrace” is also the term used for Dennis and Dee's hug from The Nightman Cometh when they played love interests. The kiss was negotiated down to a sexually-charged embrace. Hmm.
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Dennis gets hurt and substitutes one of the McPoyles for himself. Dee pretends to get hurt and substitutes the other one. So now they've got incestuous sibling as their stand-ins!
In the last frame of the game, Dee rolls. And even though Dennis had said “gutter ball” and been staring at her, she manages to knock down one pin. Just the right amount of progress! But, having already won, Dennis already left and he's not there to see it. So no progress was made.
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But much shipping fun was had.
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clowngames · 1 year
by the way most of you haven't watched the charlie the unicorn finale so I want to let you know 1) it's about the way the shortsightedness of capitalism is slowly destroying the world and 2) it has a scene where someone goes "Magic City: City of Magic has fallen" and a sentient coat who has been brought to life by a witch's curse stares into the middle distance and says "My father is dead."
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seawispdenizen · 1 year
Okay I watched the Charlie the Unicorn finale it was pretty good I will probably have the coat song stuck in my head
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fanartfulfurryboy · 2 years
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I don't have enough skill/time/love and devotion for mcyt fandom to draw it any better, but I saw this tumblr post and just had to do it to em.
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constant-downer · 2 years
Also, if you are ever inclined, would you ever do a human version of Norwell and Coat?
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sspiderj · 2 years
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batset · 3 years
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Just a ghost weasel and his coat husband having a peaceful sleep together.
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televangelizt · 3 years
*hits the ctu cast with my unstoppable aro beam*
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