mynonsenseistingling · 6 months
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Night City
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cyberpawn-arc · 1 year
One such OC I've been thinking about in my brain is named Raptor. She's been seen on this blog once before in this ask reply! Here's a quick run down of who Raptor is and what she's like!
She's a member of the Animals! Fairly high ranking in her Pack in Night City which hangs around Coastview in Pacifica and sometimes travels towards The Glen in Heywood. Her Pack primarily keeps the naming theme of dinosaurs and birds. Raptor is what she goes by most of the time, the only people allowed to call her her legal name are close friends and any higher ranking members of the Animals.
She has the Animal belief of "survival of the fittest", "kill or be killed", etc! Very nature-focused despite living in Night City her whole life!
Her legal name is Mavis, rarely used, but before she was in the Animals, she often went by the name "Maverick" or "Mav"
She's been to prison a few times! Assault, homicide, grand theft auto, a little bit of arson, disorderly conduct, robbery, she's a very busy person!
Firm believer of "don't let your mouth cash checks your ass can't cash". She doesn't lie. It's a waste of her time and energy to make up shit. She's loud in volume, but she's not like Vale who is constantly talking.
Probably could assign you an animal that fits your personality
Favorite play: Macbeth (she thinks Lady Macbeth is "goals")
Likes fighting games. Likes to fight. Will fight if she loses at fighting games
Claws, bites, throws people, causes carnage
Met Vale because of course Vale had to show up at her Pack of all the Packs in town. They showed up and won't leave and they beat her in a fight and she's still pissed about it to this day. She's convinced her Pack likes Vale to spite her. (She also respects and likes Vale but you'll catch her dead before she actually admits she doesn't hate them)
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mhbcaps · 2 years
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my in-game blorbos at a glance :3 brief info for each under the cut
David “V” Lozano: (he/him) my canon V, a born-and-bred Heywood brawler who never really cared about being famous but god Jackie made it sound so good. He doesn’t think he can make a difference and he doesn’t really try to. It’s all about survival, and corps can wipe you out in the blink of an eye. He would’ve minded his damn business after the heist if it hadn’t been for Johnny.
Viggo “Gogo” Day: (they/them) a Static of the Kessler clan along with their three brothers and a sister. They’re David’s best friend, a bright and cheerful foil to his taciturn toughness. The city hasn’t beaten the optimism out of them yet, and they have a lot of friends in surprising places who’d like to keep it that way.
Sanctuary Zelenko: (they/them) Medtech washout, ex-Scav, currently a ripperdoc in Vista del Rey. They’re eccentric, they’re enigmatic, they’re downright creepy sometimes. Their friends tell people they’re harmless, but no one knows for sure. Best not to find out.
Brother Calloway: (she/her) a statuesque netrunner that’s earned herself a spot in the Afterlife’s back booths. She keeps things close to the vest, never lets people in on what she’s thinking. It can be hard to get a hold of her, but she’s worth the wait.
Heiress: (she/her) Seasoned merc and 6th Street royalty--her grandfather was Santo Domingo’s premier fixer in the 2020s and her mother was a founding member of the Street. She used to be a high school teacher, but she got sick of corpos headhunting her students. Now she takes young and dumb mercs under her wing and teaches them a thing or two about survival before the city can eat them alive.
Hunter Ward: (she/her) the eldest daughter of Gogo and River. She’s a rainbow baby and her parents are protective of her, and she’s fine with that. Probably why she tends to be shy and doesn’t go out much without her family. Put her on a motorcycle, though, and she lights up like Christmas.
Joey Armas: (he/him) Scav who’s on the cusp of growing a conscience and quitting. He grew up poor on the outer edge of the Glen, just shy of Coastview. His brother was killed by some trust fund kid testing out their new combat-grade implants--that’s probably what set him down the path that led to the cyberware and organ black market. He and Sanctuary used to to date, and Sanctuary’s leaving the Scavs might have planted a seed of an idea that hey, maybe this shit is really fucked up.
Léonide St. Martin: (he/they) wannabe rockerboy and another Static of the Kessler clan. He’s Gogo’s “twin” brother--they were born a month apart and Leo’s mother nursed Gogo after Gogo’s mother died in childbirth. Leo’s the black sheep of the family, and that’s saying something considering his older brother Augie is registered as a cyberpsycho (but he’s doing really well these days). Like Gogo, he’s embraced Night City, but he’s drawn to the darker underbelly and he’s always getting into trouble that gets back to his family more often than it should.
Harvey Vignaud: (he/him) London-born and never figured he’d do anything else but work for Arasaka like his parents. And he did, for a while, netrunning his way up the corpo ladder and earning himself a reputation as someone you never want to meet out there in the net. Then he quit and became a BD editor instead. There’s not much more to it--he’s fickle, and he’s got the skills to do whatever he wants and not be bothered about it. He’s got the air of someone standing comfortably on that thin line between enigmatic and completely detached from reality.
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luvwich · 1 year
WIP wednesday: Arpeggio ch.27
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[from ch. 27 of Arpeggio - each of these last few chapters has been just exponentially harder to turn out, but i'm getting there...]
Pacifica was the mausoleum for a grand capitalist dream; an eternally deferred paradise, dotted with the angels of rotting palms and rusted carnival rides. The tremendous ferris wheel had defaulted on all its joyful promises years ago and now stood bankrupt, unmanned, a leaning tower of corrosion and undead neon. This place belonged, off the books, to the Voodoo Boys. The musical lilt of Haitian Creole rose from every street corner and alleyway, utterances ranging from the sacred to the profane to the mundane. Prayers interwoven with ammo prices clashed with friendly barterings for fresh milk, live chickens, medications, seasonings. River pushed past stares and glares down the shambling sidewalks. For all its grim habits and its violent heart, he nurtured a perverse affinity for the district. One had to respect the hardscrabble people who made this soil theirs, who wrested their bloodsoaked square mile from the claws of the corps, from the cops, and from the ruling class.
How long had it been since he’d walked these wild, ungovernable streets? Had it been four years already? Twenty seventy-three crossed his mind, and as he rolled that date around in his head, the vicissitudes of memory drove him to a small butcher shop in Coastview. Rolland’s consisted of four grimy walls around a mess of cracked and stained tiles, its smudged display cases piled with wares that weren’t arranged to appeal to any casual shopper. You either came to this place knowing precisely what you wanted or you walked right back out with your nose pinched between your fingers. The man behind the counter steered his gaze toward River, surprise overtaken by an amusement that deepened the crinkles in the corners of his dark eyes. “I’ll take five pounds of oxtail,” River said, moving a hand into his coat to grasp at his wallet. He’d lodged a toothpick in his back teeth, a vintage trick from his early days on the force: a way to channel anxiety into something that looked tougher than fussing with your lapels or picking at your cuticles. His jaw worked the toothpick patiently as he waited for a response. The man looked River up and down and reacted as though to a joke he’d never heard before. “Oh-hh, fie pound oxtail?” A hollow chuckle. “Sa a sòti nan men'w. You are not cooking oxtail! Hah.” A knobby finger extended toward River’s face. “I know who you are, ofisye.” River shrugged. “Sure you do. But either way, I need five pounds. Or even six.”
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mnasthaii · 1 year
specify what sub-district in the tags <3
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lifesupreme-if · 2 years
hello tis I the grilled cheese wife 💕
what's each of the ro's favorite area of NC?
hi sweet thing 💖
dylan: she likes japantown in westbrook, though you'll find she avoids it more often these days! content to hang around kabuki.
stéphanie: doesn't like the city, and venturing into it makes her anxious. she'll stay comfortable in coastview, pacifica, thank you very much.
dorothea: also doesn't like the city, and so prefers the badlands. but the trailer park in red peaks would catch her eye. feels like home, somehow. even when she takes home with her where she goes.
[locked]: rancho coronado in santo domingo, though she'd be loathe to visit it. everything smells like trash, and these cookie cutter houses don't hold the same gleam as the buildings of the city center. still. there's something there, even if she doesn't want to admit it.
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Just overheard an NPC in pacifica/coastview saying "they';re gonna make us another goddamn combat zone soon. its not a matter of if but when."
Wonder if that's a new line or what. I've never heard it before.
Was the end of a conversation about how the VooDoo Boys were letting everyone walk all over them, and how the scavs and animals were just moving in and doing their thing.
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enkeynetwork · 1 year
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manufabo · 5 years
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left hand free. —— #nonchalant #coastviews in #portugal #praiadaadraga —— #manufabo #beltbag #tubularbag #surferbag #beachbag #crossbodybags #crossbodypurse #petrolbags #everydaybags #turquoisebag #madeingermany #grünerknopf #slowfashion #badberleburg #germanfashion #arfeld #wavyviews #minimalisticstyle #essentialsonly #essentialaccessory #nocloudsinthesky #bluesky #bluesea #blueleash (hier: Praia da Adraga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SA1YrB6W7/?igshid=fiye8s3i0txn
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cyberpunkcortez · 4 years
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Coastview - Pacifica
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legitedigiulia · 4 years
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Olhao, Portugal
june 2017
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williechou · 4 years
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這次跟朋友來的柴山時已經是傍晚時分, 太陽公公要準備回家了, 於是點了飲料跟一些小餐點吃, 然後就是好好的享受這片無價的海景。 我們的點了 夏日味覺戀曲、紅底雲層、還有黑糖拿鐵, 餐點部分點了個鬆餅跟一個雞塊跟洋蔥圈的炸物雙拼。 只能說他們的飲品真的很網美很適合拍照, 用了很多植物在上面做裝飾, 視覺效果滿點! 沒有說不好喝, 但也沒有到特別讓人感到驚艷, 但是很真材實料, 像我點的夏日味覺戀曲, 是用蘋果醋、檸檬跟綠茶去製作的, 你可以喝到很紮實的蘋果醋味道, 不會是要酸不酸的那種比例, 整體甜度也不會過甜, 可以喝到滿滿的醋酸味跟香氣, 上面裝飾的蘋果薄片也給了很足夠的量, 不是真的只給一兩片的裝飾, 在夏天的傍晚來上一杯真的頗消暑, 也很搭配我們點的炸物跟鬆餅。 炸物雙拼, 吃起來就是中規中矩, 但是這數量真的頗少的, 下次應該不會再點, 除非我有點酒來喝再考慮。 楓糖鬆餅 格子鬆餅烤到外表酥脆, 淋上楓糖搭配上旁邊的堅果, 吃起來味道跟口感都還不錯, 只是不知道另一面怎麼覺得有點烤過頭的感覺, 但還好沒有苦焦味, 所以給過! 這裡的戶外能看到柴山的海岸, 想當然耳, 周遭會有很多的小昆蟲, 所以有潔癖或是會怕這些的人, 請三思, 加上店家人手有限, 趕時間的人也請三思! #kaohsiung #柴山 #萊加呵 #ninej #lookout #outdoorcafe #coastview #lemongreenteawithapplevinger #blackteawithcheeseform #brownsugatlatte #wafflewithmaplesyrup #frieddish #popdaily(在 萊加呵Nine J) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIMl2m6MY83/?igshid=lro85rn9xi0p
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hexaflexageek · 5 years
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Marsden Rock. Passed on the annual Sunderland refugee week walk for refugees yesterday. Sunderland to North Shields. #Marsden #rock #beachwalk #beach #coastview #coastline #coast #sea #seaside #NEEngland #northernengland #tyneandwear #Sunderland #tyneside #shoreline #shore #northsea #walk #refugeesarewelcome #refugeeweek #southshields #photo #beachphotography #photooftheday (at Marsden Rock) https://www.instagram.com/p/By3dWX0ALsz/?igshid=1fjs03x3aqajm
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care4dog · 2 years
Animal Hospital in San Diego, CA | 24-Hour Emergency Vet
Animal Hospital in San Diego, CA | 24-Hour Emergency Vet
Near your 24-hour emergency vet and animal hospital in San Diego, CA. Quickly Find Chip Emergency Animal Hospital. Find Chip Emergency pet vet quickly. Our team in San Diego makes it easy to find an emergency vet based on top customer ratings and reviews. Find the nearest Emergency Mobile Pet Hospital, Animal Hospital in San Diego, CA. Center Veterinary Clinic and Urgent Care Rating 4.9 out of…
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steven-dddd · 2 years
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#pointedugrouin #cancale #coast #coastline #coastview #france #france🇫🇷 #frankreich #frankreich🇫🇷 #voyage #frankreichurlaub #urlaub #travel #francetrip #europa #europe #europ #europetravel (在 Pointe du Grouin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIYD5fsiOM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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