#coar 24
rimeswithpurple · 1 month
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I'm so excited to share my Carry On Art Remix! I was so blown away by @alexalexinii’s art that I couldn’t just do one artwork, I had to do three!
This was my first time participating in an event like this and I really enjoyed the challenge. I don't think I would've tackled an outdoor scene if it weren't for this. Thank you to @coartremix for hosting such a fun event!
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Alright, everyone.  It’s only been 10 days since my last post about this.  But apparently it needs to be said again, and in more detail.
First - I’m going to repeat myself:  “Sometimes there are going to be commenters you don’t agree with and/or who come off as argumentative.  If you find that happening frequently with specific people, it’s up to you (not the mods) to curate your own experience with them and with this blog.”
And now that I’ve repeated myself, here’s the rest:
Please remember that the mods can’t be on this blog 24/7 to monitor what’s happening in the comments.  When we’re on, we do our best to catch up with everything that’s been happening while we’re away and to deal with any issues.  It is 100% okay to alert us to issues going on on particular comments - we’re always grateful for that - but please understand we can’t always get to things in a timely fashion.  I promise - if it’s an issue, we’re going to deal with it.  Have patience with us, please.
Next, our rules are clear - they ask you to remain civil, then they go on to specifically prohibit the use of derogatory language.  However, the key word here is ‘civil.’  You can absolutely be uncivil without uttering a single derogatory word.  More than once over the last couple of weeks, comments on certain confessions have toed that line.  Yesterday (and today,) certain comments on a specific confession unequivocally crossed it.
Because the mods can’t be here all the time, we rely heavily on all of you to do the right thing when it comes to making comments and curating your own experience while interacting with COAR (and any users who comment here.)  In the case of a public blog like this one, ‘the right thing’ when a situation gets heated is typically to block and/or ignore, and move on.  The ‘right thing’ is not to carry out an unrelated argument, riddled with personal attacks, in the comments of the confession.  
Most of the comments on this specific confession have now been deleted - not only because they were interrelated, but because all three individuals were at fault for continuing something that should never have started in the first place.
Moving forward, we want to remind all of our followers - your block button is yours to control.  As mods we curate COAR in accordance with our rules.  For anything that goes beyond our rules, you have to decide what’s best for you as an individual.  We can’t (and won’t) do that for you.
~ Mod MJ ~
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squeiky · 4 years
You have Alphys energy
QwQ i know i stutter 24/7 but how??!
I personally always thought i had more of a papyrus energy...
Mabye it was beacuse once i get Into a fandom, i get so involved, constantly theorizing and peicing things together, i did have noodles a few days ago, but i ate spaghetti TODAY! i do like glasses and look absolutely Fab in them. Okay and i have to admit I LOVE SCIENCE AND MECHANICS, PUZZLES, JUNIOR JUMBLE IS SUPER HARD BUT STILL COOL. Im on my phone alot.. And i guess a lab coar would look absolutely stunning I- okay yeah mabye ima mix of papyrus and alphys.
Wait a minute.
Isn't a mix of papyrus and alphys, gaster?
That explains why my room is so dark is pitch black.
now i have some questions about my life choices.
That explains why I tried to learn wingdings.
(Yes, i can translate a few, just by looking at the font, lol. I know"
"rus" and mabye a bit of "te" and defiently can do the hand signals. But i know 90% of the lowercase ones. Not the uppercase. =) )
(Holy shit i am gaster wtf)
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This incredible picture taken by
Chris Weeks
He says :
sundance session with crispin
this guy is a fucking trip. he will NOT look into a lens. somehow ... somehow ... i got him to...
yes a fucking trip ... but so damn nice.
he hates looking at his own images. he's afraid of mirrors. his publicist -- also one of the fucking hottest girls in town -- told him to look at this.
he wanted the file.
canon eos 1d mark 2 with 24-70/2.8L. 500 iso. 500th at 2.8 or 3.2. converted to b/w using custom actions in ps cs. scrimmed natural light camera right. foam coar camera left and down a bit.
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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Some thoughts on Comet Lake and Ice Lake
I think I'm more excited about Intel's latest 14nm refresh (Comet Lake) than I am about their new 10nm (Ice Lake) CPUs, but it's hard to tell. It really ends up depending on your use-cases for the laptop that you get, I think, and how interested you are in things like eGPUs. The major change that came out of all of this is that the Intel iGPU for the 10nm node (Ice Lake) don't suck super hard for things like playing not-demanding games, kind of like the Vega 8/10/11 option on the laptop based Ryzen APUs. I almost exclusively prefer more cores in a laptop to a faster clock speed or a stronger GPU. I don't have GPU related tasks that I do on a laptop on a regular basis, which makes that addition not hugely interesting, and in the breakdown below, the biggest change I see in either of the new processor SKU groups is the inclusion of a 6core laptop option that runs at 15 watts.
Comet Lake -> 14nm Refresh replacing Canon Lake
Ice Lake -> 10nm new node changes
SKU -> Core Count @ Base(All)Single Clock speeds & GPU Execution Units @ TDP
Comet Lake:
i7-10 710 U -> 6/12 ct @ [1.1 (3.9) 4.7] GHz & 24 EU's @15/25W
i7-10 510 U -> 4/8 ct @ [1.8 (4.3) 4.9] GHz & 24 EU's @15/25W
i7-10 510 Y -> 4/8 ct @ [1.2 (3.2) 4.5] GHz & 24 EU's @4.5/7/9W
Ice Lake:
i7-10 68 G7 -> 4/8 ct @ [2.3 (3.6) 4.1] GHz & 64 EU's @28W
i7-10 65 G7 -> 4/8 ct @ [1.3 (3.5) 3.9] GHz & 64 EU's @15/25W
i5-10 35 G4 -> 4/8 ct @ [1.1 (3.3) 3.7] GHz & 48 EU's @15/25W
i7-10 60 G7 -> 4/8 ct @ [1.0 (3.4) 3.8] GHz & 64 EU's @9/12W
For reading the SKUs, U's and 65/35?'s are regular parts, 60's and Y's are low power parts. H's and 68's are high performance parts. H's haven't been announced for Comet Lake. I just picked out the SKUs that I found personally interesting, but there are a bunch more that are announced and around. So here's some thoughts about what I see above and what I've been reading etc:
So after some research about the new Ice Lake iGPUs, the thing that sticks out to me is that they're about 100% better than the Canon Lake (predecessor to the Comet Lake) iGPUs. When you'd get 10 frames before, you get around 20, and if you're getting like 50-60 you're getting closer to 100. That's good. That's like, on par with the MX150 and MX250 from NVIDIA as their discrete addons. When you consider that the 15/25 Watt TDP that you see in most of the cases above rolls in the cost of the GPU, that makes it much more attractive than having a discrete NVIDIA option tacked on in terms of travel, weight, battery life, cost... kind of just everything. Useable laptop graphics is a nice thing to have, especially with all the tasty indie games available for play. As long as you're hitting whatever the screen refresh you're including, then that makes them pretty worthwhile, and if it doesn't come at added cost compared to your normal style of laptop, that's just added value!
One thing that stuck out to me was how in many use-cases the 25W version of the new 64 Execution Unit iGPU didn't actually outperform the 15W version in the laptop that the testers were given. It was some Intel created device specifically for the purpose of testing, so presumably its optimal, but not SUPER optimal so that way it doesn't look like they're being too tryhard. Both the 15 and 25 Watt versions of the iGPU performed at parity or better with the Ryzen Vega 8 that they had to compare it against (I think it was in an Acer?) and that is a good sign in terms of the future of iGPUs, since Intel is actually putting effort into making themselves competitive with AMD on that front.
The most glaring hole for me though, is the fact that there is no Ice Lake 6 core SKU. That just isn't a thing that's available yet. The biggest problem that I run into on laptops (especially the 2c ore variety) is pegging all the cores at 100% and not being able to get out of it until some process completes. A 4 core alleviates to the problem slightly, but honestly when I've got some PDFs, Roll20, my standard suite of Tabs, and Discord running, a 4 core is still going to have a few issues here and there, and I would like to not feel that pain point on a laptop just like I don't on my desktop. When it comes to doing real work on a laptop, my 4 core at my last company regularly would be pegged while trying to do SQL related stuff or while starting up the debugger to run a piece of software that was designed to run on an i3-2 core desktop CPU. So the more cores, the less you feel having 4-8 threads stuck at 100% while they try and accomplish tasks, and that, in my book, is what makes desktops superior for every day use.
The interesting thing I saw above is the comparison of the i7-10510U (CL) and the i7-1065G7 (IL) or the i7-1068G7 (IL) as they're the competitors across the separate nodes. I think the difference between the two IL parts is interesting in that it's main selling feature is the higher base clock at the expense of 3 Watts, but when you consider that the CPU doesn't tend to be thermally limited in normal loads for the 14nm loads (it's GPU intensive actions that tend to drive the heat up in my experience) but the main point of the 10nm node is that it has this powerful GPU, you can actually get more optimized (in my opinion) laptops in smaller chassis if you run the Comet Lake option for the price. The new node makes for pricier parts, so sticking with the older style might actually get you a more long-term friendly computer at a normalized price point. Hard to tell until stuff starts coming out, so that's mostly just speculation on my part.
I also found it interesting that there is a 4 core <5W SKU in the Comet Lake section, but ALL of the Y-equivalent Ice Lake parts bottom out at a 9 watt TDP. It makes me wonder how much power that GPU is using up, and if they ate into their power cost savings by making it nearly 3x as big.
The last note of interest that has me hopeful for Ice Lake is that the IPC changes are supposed to be fairly dramatic. I think some outlet was saying like over 10% in my readings, but I could be misremembering. That makes that 3.6 GHz All Core clock speed much more interesting compared to the 4.3 ghz one. They're closer to parity than what it appears at first, but it's still miles behind that 4.9 GHz top speed of the comparable U. Either way, if they can optimize their clocks a little and come out with a 6 core option, I think the 10nm node starts being pretty interesting. One day, maybe.
With all that being vomited out on a keyboard, I think between the two of them I'm much more excited for Comet Lake, what with my lack of a powerful GPU use-case for a laptop, my want and need for a laptop to potentially act as a work device (since I guess I'm now a contractor?) and my more than passing interest in eGPU solutions through Thunderbolt 3. A 6 core light weight 13" traveling laptop that I can actually do stuff on really appeals to me, and might be my first real laptop purchase since basically college. I've been scraping by on people's discards and a Toshiba that I had to solder back together, so the idea that things are coming out that I'm actually interested in is, in honor of the Tautology's club honorific section, actually interesting.
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cientista-vegana · 5 years
Leite de amêndoas, avelãs ou nozes
Amêndoas são ricas em vitamina E, magnésio, cálcio, ferro e potássio.
Nozes são ricas em vitamina E, ácidos graxos, ômega 3, selênio, cobre, zinco, magnésio e antioxidantes.
50 g de sementes 1 l de água filtrada
Hidratar as sementes em água filtrada por 24 a 36 horas; trocar a água duas vezes por dia
Quando as sementes estiverem bem intumescidas e macias, descartar a água do molho; enxaguar com água fresca
Bater as sementes com a água no liquidificador até triturar completamente
Coar em uma peneira fina ou espremer em um coador de pano
Servir/usar imediatamente ou conservar em geladeira em uma garrafa de boca larga
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Af, Anaconda, and Bad: The Globalist Takeover of the Internet Anonymous ID.C No.152700066 1210/173un)14.59.11 Long before fake news or Net Neutraity INN) became major media topics, the US, govemmant was aseady was just one move in bad, nght? Sure the intemet became a quasiuty, but it didnt really aflect you anything, you got a chanos to finally sick t to Comcast G Ask yourself shy NN eame out of nowhoe. Whry was it so haavily adwertisad? Who paid for the adwertising? And who benefited from i Now asl yourset what sequance ed up to N.N and who lod t to thare? Where did tha sequence imand to ond? Baieve it or not, the sequenoe already came to completion. On Obama's final month in oice, the intemet was quietly nationalized by egisaion he signed the day before Christmas Eve The preeident himeelf became legally capeable of taking down any website in the United States within minulia 01 cours hat was ruined by the election. This is a long plecs, and the beginning will cover some malerial that you already know but it is crucial to understand the bi U.S. House of Ropresentatives commissions the Roase Commitoo to inwessgae potental oommunist inuence of domesti NGO.nd ronprotts Head mostgalor, Norman Dodd pubashed ธาย fnal report n which hie decover the the Ford. moral utiviam" and No. 152780184 ๛ nismo Tniemationaliem to the end of oligarchio col ectviem in other words, globalism. His roport was silanced and the two- 1980 - Civil Sociaty Sactor The cvi society seclor is typicaly underslood to be comprised of NGOs and nonprotts that, according to conventional ofte son But r that was over true.彐isnt arymore, and hasn't been for deados. By 1980 ail of civil sooty had been taken over by pmate and stste moreets, operating aB pron35 for ther agendas Just 85 Norman Dodd had discovered the White House. Googlo Ideaswas hoavly involved in the Arab Spring, which was irstigated by social modia. VP of Stratfor sald they have a "oovert role in foaming up risings," and that thay are doing things the CIA cannot do Bl Clintons Teleconmunication Act of 1996 legaies the monopolization of the media, paving the way for a two-decade gobaist crusade to consolicabe dounens of medis autwis into just six. And just ie that, the globa bs need anly pluck sin strings to maka us dance to heir faise song Comcnt, Dianey, Wacom, Time Warmer, News Corp, Cas, and stl shinking Socal Meda D Anonymous IID·ITD g 12/1017(5un115:01:24 No. 152700281 -sor arteed ty a quote from a reddt If you happen to hawe a right-wing perspeotve, Google puts your search rosuts on the 10th paga, Youtube demoneizes your vinos ior romovos tem. Twtter bons your account, and rootook censors your posts they never show up in he 2010 The Iniemet The global sts, having soidifiod thir control over banks, oducation, cil socioty, mocia, and social meda, now tum thair Araady controling much of the intemats med a and all the social media platfoms hat propagato it, the only thing t for privateattias with minimal regulaton tom the govemmer. Separato and unrelated to that dassikation, tio FCC held Verizon ν. FOC dangedha, fuling that if tha FOC w斪lod toenforco Opatitanet Ries they need lo sodassity ISPs under Ttle as quasi-utlites striotly regulated as "common camiens", efectively a stane-loeneed monopoly. The most crncal factor here ts that under Tiso ll,เร¡'s need to apply for Broaastrg Lomm. uhch gno the government mmmm their politioians. Netfx alegedy manipulaied their own service to frame the I3Ps for throtting No. 152700355 mszrem The full eodent af the infuence s not yet known. It may be that the luut's outoome was sheer caincicence Regandless thià mas a hupa win for tha globalsts, becausa now thay ara ora stup coar to fareing I3Ps to apply for Broadcanting the ISPs go bankrupt. The govemment can leverage Remember this, because Broadcaeting Licenees become the globlit'smost valuable weapon in just orne act more of agisition Three dges presided over the caon, Lauranco H. Sibarman (appointed by Ronald Roagan) uth Ann Wilon Foopers (appointed bry Bil Cinton David S. Tael (appointed by The Cinion-appoiniee Demoorats ruled in fawor of the Tife II classiication nuing. The Reagan-appointee parialy dissented No surprise, Now the FCC is stuck between a rock and a uand place H thery want to entorce Open-Intemet they Broadoasting Lioense. The FCC is stumped and cant really figure out what to do next... .So Obama comes in to save the day He preessures them to move fonward with the Titie II dlasitcation and give the govemment sweeping authority over namat infrastruce This potantialy unpopui move is quickly nebranded with a cate name and solkd to the pubic as The' ptic ild hat hy ire saving t1m internet, But awing 1 from wham? Hahaha frtam tho wery penople who สาย ting revokedOpen Internet wrizon v. FCC, nepackaged it, and gave back to us in ล bortsl of red tape Now heeo's where he story picks up." and inning. Thay Nat Neutrary Ivokes Tile of the Telecommunications Act of 1896 to require all i5Ps and any oompany that provides Wel.. what if the FCC doeen't want to renew them? Ah but thafs orazy talk. the FCC cant just rewoke Broadcasting But imagine what happens when you're appointed by he president as chaiman of the FOC, and shortly after you get a call And that call you get bs from whatreer said globaist preeident rules your Smeline. And that globalist preeident telis you viclaing fodoral law I voled for Trump and just hang up. But then the ofice phones stant ringing and you got a ite nervous because now other government tode8 สาย caing n,w substartinng that yme, in tac, the ISP rwaff is breging ho Lw So you hang up, cali your urwyer, and ask hir, to look up aThe livs hey wirù taling about to see1PalSP sealy is violatrg hem Atar al what kind of law would justity such an abuse of power? None, in tact, that you know ot. The next thing that wll happen is your lawyer wll walk into your offce, lnoking paie as a ghost and hand you a legal dooument teled Countering Inlormaton Act of 2016 (8 2602. This is where everything comee Boads of saeat start to form on your forehead as you begin reading the Countering Information Wartare Act of 2018 13.20821 You put it down and look up at your lawer, realizing whty his face is drained of ite R was drained by the Countaring Inlormaion Warfare Act af 2018 (3 2802Yue about lo k him aquestion abot the Countering Informason arfare Act of 2016 (8.282), but you pauso, and another thought stkos you Why don't thery jut call it The InfoWars Act D Anonymous IID- Emo, 12/10.17(Sunl15:0329 No. 152780604๛ .. dsaman (79 KB, 58T 1083) your lawyer simply closes his eyes, as it wth erosc satistoton and ฒ¡ckly whispers under his breath-.94 Cinton is a rapist You look back at the IntolWars Act to nead its mission statement Thats so bizama, you think to yourse f. Usualy agoncios are croated indopendant trom other branches of cormuptng influences Why would you bother craating a raw independant aganey f yose arally going to house it in he Whita House? so ifs a cantor, of mutiplo agoncias. In the p 1300-T℡ head of the Canlar. . atal bo appaled by the Pesídnt answers directy to the President? Okay? Wht exacty is it going to do? Mirtain, colo, uso, and dsseriato roords tnsoasch and山1a analysis of forogn stato and fasstato propaganda wait what? Non-State popaganda? You maan lkarmy exening ship sta on TD? What ธาอ fck does that mean? Laratr everyone on the planet is not s韧te. And how exactly b5 popaganda dened? Hn hat's strange tees nodenton in hare. Live they delberately amted tso thay can just.. call t whatwver hey want, Increcible Anonymous 1D 12/1018un)15:04:13 No.1527806882152 You look up to your lawyer, "How the fuck did Obama gat this thsough Congress? Your lawyer drops ancth e on your dask. It locks wspiciously farrsbiar s titiod Naional Delanea Autholization Act t for Fiscal Year 2017 He wated unti Chrisimas Eve and hid t inice af the 3,000 page anual maitary buckget so nobody would notice it Ohhhh shit yeah this is that fuckin propaganda thing that Obama legalized I always see it get reposted on The Donald what a Kenyan pedophle thing to do, amirte? ารฉ youve aheady read thought Oh...yah no fam a simple gay just see a gey arow Jesus Chried The lawyer fips through the 3,076 pages af the NDAA to page 1,300 for 1,438 in pat format) SEC. 1287. GLOBAL This is so much more than just propaganda. Look at what thary'e going to be doing ldottyng ourentand emerging herds in eregn propaganda ฮ d denormation ncluding tne use of prit broadcast. organizasons, and those of oown or dandostno special operaors and agents ⑩ īrnenoe tarpoted popínoms and CENTER govemments in order to coondinate and shape the development of tacics, techniques, and proceduree to eapose and Anonymous ID enrD ㅁ 12017(Sunl15:04:55 No. 152760643 msmas Nol aven Tom Clanoay would wrtn something lke this. Eariar you caled this a aryan thing to do. But even Kanyars sacrot agernes to Yeah.. Muik Obama woukd never do The legislaton establishes a fund to help train local joumalists. But just whan&couch' get wor.. gets way fucking war Second, the legielation seelks to leverage expertise from outside govermment.. prowide grants and contracts to NGOs, Gv povommment.. Thay cal in their globa from some "Totaly neutral third-party" and logwther hery can call arryone a propagancist Thary oan go aftorltoraly anybody who's boan fagpod by a thind-party "tact-chocker" without having to tako tham to court. were there all along for a branding ปาอ cuia tann-fale fews" to gaterale a damand for tac eders. And than they satsfed the demand tathey croated They trained te ptic to accept the idea of "neutral寸 rd-parties" polong onl ne oortot. Facebook, Twiter. Anonymous (ID 1210/1Sun15 05:16 No. 1527606781 22015731 Its brillant, really. They control the tact-chedkers, the enforcens, and wih the passage of Tle , the nrastructure to usine hem Once a propagandist has been tangeted, the Preeident can use absolkely The Center will develop, integrate, and sychronize And thats it lsdies and gentlemen. Thats why passing Not all 13Ps to take down hostila infornation and any websiles that distibuto it. IH the ISP rofuses, their Titio II Broadcasting License bgly revoked, tey can no longer do busness.they go bankrupt, and the government buys out ther STORY TINE IS OVER THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL Are you imagining how real this is They can physically shut down your access to the intomet without a court order! Just because someone cal led you a propogndSf! Ju赋because you htpost on The Donald They an tak® down Drudge Report, Brettart The Donald. of yoars, iko thay aways do, so that nobody would notico unti Rs too latol They coukve takan us down one buy one, yoar by year, and qulety suppress And it was 100% legal. They passedovary law they feeded to dit YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE WON THE ELECTION BECAUSE THERE WOULD HAVE NEVER AND NOW ONE FINAL QUOTE 1446-"The Center shall terminate on the date that is 8 years affer the date of the enactment of this Act
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robinmark · 3 years
Sodium Chloride Market Detailed Analytical Overview by 2031
A recent market study published by FMI on the sodium chloride market includes global industry analysis for 2016-2020 & opportunity assessment for 2021-2031, and delivers a comprehensive assessment of the most important market dynamics. After conducting thorough research on the historical and current growth parameters of the sodium chloride market, the growth prospects of the market are obtained with maximum precision.
Sodium Chloride Market: Taxonomy
The global sodium chloride market is segmented in detail to cover every aspect of the market and present complete market intelligence to the reader.
By Grade
By Source
Sea Water & Brine
Visit For Sample>>https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-11612
Report Chapters
Chapter 01 – Executive Summary
The report initiates with the executive summary of the sodium chloride market, which includes a summary of key findings and statistics of the market. It also includes the demand-side & supply-side trends about the sodium chloride market.
Chapter 02 – Market Overview
Readers can find the definition and a detailed taxonomy of the sodium chloride market in this chapter, which will help them understand basic information about the market. Along with this, comprehensive information pertaining to sodium chloride is provided in this section. This section also highlights the inclusions and exclusions, which help readers understand the scope of the sodium chloride market report.
Chapter 03 – Key Market Trends
The sodium chloride market report provides the key market trends and developments that are expected to significantly impact the market growth during the forecast period.
Chapter 04 – Key Success Factors
The sodium chloride market report provides key factors that are expected to support the market growth over the forecast period. This section includes the factors that have emerged as key successful factors and strategies adopted by key market participants.
Chapter 05 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Demand Analysis 2016-2020 and Forecast, 2021-2031
This section explains the global market volume analysis and forecast for the sodium chloride market in the forecast period of 2021-2031.
For any queries linked with the report, ask an analyst >>https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-11612
Chapter 06 – Global Sodium Chloride Market – Pricing Analysis
This section provides the pricing analysis for sodium chloride on the basis of product type.
Chapter 07 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ Mn) Analysis 2016-2020 and Forecast, 2021-2031
This section explains the global market value analysis or market size and forecast for the sodium chloride market in the forecast period of 2021-2031. Readers can also find the absolute $ opportunity for the current year (2021), and an incremental $ opportunity for the forecast period (2021-2031).
Chapter 08 – Market Background
This chapter explains key macro-economic factors that are expected to influence the growth of the sodium chloride market over the forecast period. This section also covers COVID-19 Impact assessment for the global market. Along with the macroeconomic factors, this section also highlights the value chain, and forecast factors for the sodium chloride market. Moreover, in-depth information about the market dynamics and their impact analysis on the market have been provided in the successive section.
Chapter 09 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031, by Source
Based on source, the sodium chloride market is segmented into sea water brine and solid.
Chapter 10 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031, by Product Form
Based on product form, the sodium chloride market is segmented liquid and solid.
Buy Report >>https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/11612
Chapter 11 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031, by Grade
Based on grade, the sodium chloride market is segmented agriculture, food, industrial and pharmaceutical.
Chapter 12 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031, by End Use
Based on end use, the sodium chloride market is segmented into agriculture, chemicals, deicing, food and beverages, industrial, leather industry, oil and gas, pharmaceutical and water treatment.
Chapter 13 – Global Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031, by Region
This chapter explains how the sodium chloride market will grow across several geographic regions such as North America, Latin America, Europe, East Asia, South Asia & Pacific and Middle East & Africa.
Chapter 14 – North America Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the North America sodium chloride market, along with a country-wise assessment that includes the U.S. and Canada. Readers can also find the pricing analysis, regional trends, and market growth based on application and countries in North America.
Chapter 15 – Latin America Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031
This chapter provides the growth scenario of the sodium chloride market in Latin American countries such as Brazil, Mexico and the Rest of Latin America. Along with this, an assessment of the market across target segments has been provided.
Chapter 16 – Europe Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031
Important growth prospects of the sodium chloride market based on its application in several countries such as Germany, Italy, France, the U.K., Russia, Spain, BENELUX and the Rest of Europe are included in this chapter.
Chapter 17 – East Asia Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031
Important growth prospects of the sodium chloride market based on its applications in several countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea are included in this chapter.
Chapter 18 – South Asia & Pacific Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031
This chapter highlights the growth of the sodium chloride market in South Asia & Pacific by focusing on India, ASEAN, Oceania, and Rest of South Asia & Pacific. This section also helps readers understand the key factors that are responsible for the growth of the sodium chloride market in South Asia & Pacific.
Chapter 19 – MEA Sodium Chloride Market Analysis 2016-2020 & Opportunity Assessment 2021-2031
This chapter highlights the growth of the sodium chloride market in Middle East & Africa by focusing on KSA, UAE, Rest of GCC Countries, Turkey, Northern Africa, South Africa and Rest of MEA. This section also helps readers understand the key factors that are responsible for the growth of the Sodium Chloride Market in Middle East.
Chapter 20 – Key and Emerging Countries Sodium Chloride Market Analysis
Important growth prospects of the sodium chloride market for the key and emerging countries are included in this chapter. This chapter helps the reader to under the country wise scenario of the sodium chloride market
Chapter 21 – Market Structure Analysis
In this chapter, readers can find detailed information about the tier analysis and market concentration of key players in the sodium chloride market, along with their market presence analysis by region and product portfolio.
Chapter 22 – Competition Landscape
In this chapter, readers can find a comprehensive list of all the prominent stakeholders in the sodium chloride market, along with detailed information about each company, which includes company overview, revenue shares, strategic overview, and recent company developments. The market players featured in the report are the Cargill, Incorporated, Compass Minerals International., K+S AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Wacker Chemie AG, Akzo Nobel N.V., Tata Chemicals Limited, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, INEOS GROUP HOLDINGS S.A., Dampier Salt Limited, and Maldon Crystal Salt Coare.
Chapter 23 – Assumptions and Acronyms
This chapter includes a list of acronyms and assumptions that provides a base to the information and statistics included in the sodium chloride market report.
Chapter 24 – Research Methodology
This chapter helps readers understand the research methodology followed to obtain various conclusions as well as important qualitative and quantitative information about the sodium chloride market.
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Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI's latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
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pastelariadesucesso · 4 years
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ÁGUA DE ARROZ E SEUS BENEFÍCIOS. A Água de arroz é muito utilizada para a pele e cabelos, podemos utilizar ela para diversos tratamentos caseiros, com uma receita super simples e barata. Basta deixar o arroz de molho por pelo menos 24 horas, e isso promete liberar componentes na água que ajudam a diminuir manchas na pele, espinhas e que deixam os cabelos mais longas e hidratadas. Por conter propriedades como aminoácidos, vitamina E e antioxidantes, a água de arroz ajuda a combater os radicais livres que causam o envelhecimento da pele, ou seja, ela possui vários benefícios para nossa pele e cabelos, basta utilizarmos. A água de arroz é conhecida entre os asiáticos como um aliado da beleza da nossa pele, pois, o teor de água de arroz ajuda o crescimento das células, aumenta a circulação dando mais vitalidade ao nosso rosto, também é um adstringente natural e rico em vitamina B3 que tem um efeito branqueador na nossa pele. Por isso existe uma receita caseira para remover manchas do rosto com água de arroz, é super simples e prática, você pode fazer no conforto de sua casa. Tônico facial de água de arroz Este tônico é ideal para limpar a nossa pele, remover as impurezas como manchas pretas irritantes, manchas do sol e até mesmo de espinhas. É hipoalergênico, acalma as irritações e é um adstringente natural, fazendo o uso frequente deste produto caseiro sua pele ficara muito mais bonita e cheia de vida. - Recipiente para misturar arroz e água - Meia xícara de arroz orgânico - Um copo de água filtrada e um coador - Você precisa misturar a água e o arroz na tigela, cobrir e deixar descansar durante a noite, coar - Depois de pronto, aplique a água do arroz com uma bola de algodão em todo o rosto e pescoço, pode ser aplicado toda semana. Água de arroz para os cabelos A dica é pra quem adora cuidar dos cabelos gastando pouco, essa receita caseira vai deixar os seus cabelos mais fortes, hidratados e bonitos, vale muito a pena. - Lavar os cabelos com shampoo, aplique a água de arroz pelos fios, deixe agir por 1 hora e complete o processo de enxágue como de costume, pode usar condicionar ou creme de pentear - Ao longo das semanas perceberá seu cabelo mais forte. (em Rio de Janeiro Ipanema) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDdq_gnoh9/?igshid=9lfnmftl6rac
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marimulher · 4 years
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A planta da semana é a figueira 🌳 ⠀ Trouxe aqui pra vocês os benefícios do chá com as folhas da árvore ☕ ⠀ ▪As folhas de figo são compostas por cálcio, potássio, manganês, magnésio, vitamina A, vitaminas do complexo B e antioxidantes. ⠀ ▪Dizem que também tem propriedades antidiabéticas (mas não existem estudos em humanos que comprovem isso). ⠀ ▪As folhas de figo também são conhecidas por agirem na diminuição dos níveis de triglicerídeos no organismo. ⠀ ▪As folhas de figo podem ser utilizadas ainda para auxiliar o tratamento do colesterol alto e de problemas de pele como eczema, psoríase e vitiligo. ⠀ ❗Atenção: antes de utilizar o ingrediente ou a bebida para tratamentos de saúde, não deixe de conversar com o seu médico. Caso contrário, você corre o risco de prejudicar a sua saúde, sem ter a garantia que o resultado seja eficaz. ⠀ ☕Como fazer – Receita de chá de folha de figo ⠀ Colocar as folhas de figo e a água dentro de uma panela e levar ao fogo para ferver; Deixar ferver durante 15 minutos ou até metade da água ter sido reduzida; Coar e servir-se imediatamente. ⠀ O ideal é tomar o chá logo depois do seu preparo (não necessariamente tomar todo o conteúdo preparado de uma vez), antes que o oxigênio do ar destrua os seus compostos ativos. Um chá costuma preservar substâncias importantes até 24 horas depois do preparo, porém, depois desse período, as perdas são consideráveis. ⠀ Certifique-se ainda de que as folhas de figo que você utiliza no preparo do seu chá sejam de boa qualidade, de boa procedência, orgânicas, estejam bem limpinhas e higienizadas. Não use folhas guardadas a mais de um mês. ⠀ Fonte: Boa Forma . . . . #mariilustras #chasmedicinais #drawingnature #opoderdaservas #finelineart #finelineartist #blackinkdrawing #botanicalink #botanicallinedrawing #blackandwhiteillustration #inkdrawings #finelinework #florallovers #bwdrawing #flowerdoodle #stipplingart #finelineartwork #blackworksubmission #blackworknow #drawing_feature #dessincontemporain #illustrationnow — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3fMhA5L
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meukefir · 5 years
Como cultivar kefir corretamente
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Como todos já sabem o kefir é uma colônia de bactérias vivas e boas por isso ele também pode morrer e para isso existem vários macetes de como saber se o kefir morreu, mais isso acontecem viu pessoinhas e não fiquem triste acaba acontecendo.
Mais um cultivo correto evita muito de fazer com que ele morre e hoje vou deixar aqui um jeito de cultivar corretamente o kefir sendo exemplos dos 2 tipos de kefir.
Para quem não sabe o kefir de leite é um pouco mais chato de cultivar pois você trabalha com leite e pode estragar, e o kefir de água é mais fácil vamos assim dizer.
Kefir de Leite:
O kefir de leite você poderá cultivar em leite de vaca, ovelha, cabra qual você preferir agora deixarei uma lista do que você vai precisar para cultivar:
·         Além dos grãos você irá precisar de um recipiente de vidro para fermentar os grãos;
·         Um pano estilo voal ou gaze;
·         Uma peneira;
·         Um recipiente para armazenar o seu leite já fermentado.
Como fazer o preparo do kefir de leite:
Comece colocando o leite em um recipiente bem limpo de vidro;
·         Em um recipiente de vidro bem limpo coloque o leite;
·         Acrescente de 3 a 4 colheres de kefir a cada litro de leite;
·         Tampe com um pano voal (pode ser uma fralda de pano) e feche com um elástico;
·         Deixe em temperatura ambiente fora do alcance da luz, pode ser dentro de um armário ou forno desligado.
Para utiliza-lo é só passar por uma peneira e colocá-lo novamente no processo de cultivo.
Não será necessário lavar os grãos para cultivá-los novamente, não fique tentando retirar todo o leite quando for coar pois é melhor deixar o leite escorrer sozinho e nunca coloca quem recipientes de metal, sempre de vidro.
Você pode cultivar por:
16 horas - ficará liquido. 24 horas - começará a ficar cremoso 48 horas - virará um creme 72 horas - ficará igual a um queijo
Kefir de Água:
Já o kefir de água precisa somente disso:
·         Você irá precisar dos grãos, água e açúcar você irá precisar de um recipiente de vidro para fermentar os grãos;
·         Um pano estilo voal ou gaze, uma peneira e um recipiente para armazenar a sua água já fermentada.
Preparo da água: Aqueça 250 ml de água filtrada ou mineral, acrescente ¼ de xícara de açúcar mascavo, e complete com 750ml de água filtrada ou mineral. Deixe esfriar até atingir temperatura ambiente.
Como fazer o preparo do kefir de agua:
·         Coloque em um recipiente de vidro, coloque cerca de 3 a 4 colheres de grãos de kefir para cada 1 litro de água preparada;
·         Tampe cm papel toalha ou um pano voal e prenda com um elastico. Para utiliza-lo é só passar a água com o kefir por uma peneira de plástico
·         Reserve.
E colocar o kefir novamente em uma outra água preparada para seu cultivo.
Viu como é fácil fazer um cultivo correto e sem dores de cabeça? E com isso dá para fazer várias receitas deliciosas.
Se você aprendeu como cultivar e tem interesse de saber mais acesse nosso site oficial e descubra o mundo por traz do kefir em www.meukefir.com.br
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cafe-com-tequila · 7 years
Você não precisa estar bem 24 horas do seu dia. É normal e totalmente admissível sentir medo e insegurança às vezes.
Não é fácil viver, não é atoa que o antônimo de intensidade é fraqueza. Engana-se quem diz que sentir muito é ruim, que amar de mais é loucura, o que seria de nós em um mundo totalmente desgorvenado se não fosse o amor, o sentir, se não fosse a importância das pessoas em nossas vidas.
Não peça desculpas por estar em pedaços em um mundo onde todos fingem estar inteiros.
- Água morna não ser nem para coar café!
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Af, Ali, and Anaconda: The Globalist Takeover of the Internet Anonymous (ID.C 1210/173un)14.59.11 Long before fake news or Net Neutraity INN) bacame major media topics the U.S govemmant was aseady bad, nght? Sure the intemet became a quasiusy, but it didnt really aflect you anything, you got a chanos to finally sick t to Comcast G Ask yourself shy NN eame out of nowhae Why was it so haavily adwertisad? Who paid for the adwertising? And who benefited from i Now asl yoursef what sequance ed up to N.N and who lod t tothare? Where did tha sequence imand to end? Baieve it or not, the sequenoe already came to completion. On Obama's final month in ofice, the intemet was quietly nationalized by egisaion he signed the day before Christmas Eve The preeident himeelf became legally capeable of taking down any website This is a long piecs, and the beginning will cover some masterial that you already know but it is crucial to understand the bi U.S. House of Rapresentatives commissions the Roase Commitoo to inwessgae potential oommunist inuence of domesti NGOs and noprotts. Head investigator, Norman Dodd, pubished the final report in which he diecovers that the Ford moral lutivism and No. 152760184 1522222 Tniemationaliem to the end of oligarchio collectvism" in other words, globalism. His roport was silanced and the two- 1980 - Civil Sociaty Sactor The cvi society seclor is typicaly underslood to be comprised of NGOs and nonprotts that, according to conventional of the sort But if that was ever irue, it isnt anyore, and hasn't been for decados. By 1950 al of cvil society had bean taken over by private and stale inereets, operating as praxies for their agendas. Just as Norman Dodd had discovered the White House. Googio Ideaswas hoavly involved in the Arab Spring which was irnstigated by social modia. VP of Stratfor sald they have a "oovert role in foaming up risings." and that they are doing things the CIA cannot do Bl Clinton's Teleconmunication Act of 1996 legaizes the monopolization of the media, paving the way for a two-decade strings to maka us danco to hir tise song Comaa. Dianey, Viacon, Trno warmer, News Corp. CBS, and sta stinking Anonymous|ID:CTD g12/1QIITSun]15.01:24 No 152700281 -sama marteed tby a quote from a reddt ㄱf you happen to havo a right-sing perspotho, Googeputs your soasch resuts on the 10h pago, Youtube demoroitzes your videos or removes term. Twtter bang your account, and F80ebook censors your posts 5o they never show up in 2010 The Iniermet The gibalists, having soldfod thair oortrol ovor baris, oa aton·chvil sooty, mada, and social meda. now turn thar Aheady oomoling much of fe ilernors meda and ali ธาอ sooal moda platforms hat propagato it, t e only thing loft for the globaliets to control is the Intrastructure itselt that comprises the imernet That's why 3Ps are important now. Belore privato ontitios with minimal oqulation trom the gowemment Separato and unrolatod 3o that dlassiication, the FCC hald Verizon v. FCC changad that, nuing that id th FOC wanted to onforce Opan-ntomet Fls thy need to -dlassily ISPs under Ttle as quasik-utlities strictly regulated as "common camiens", efectively a stane-loeneed monopoly. The most crDcal factor her" ts that under Tiso ll, เ���ะ's need to 3pply for Broad astrg L"onses, which givo the goverment mossvo their politioians. Netfx alegedy manipulaied their own service to frame the I3Ps for throtting No.15270035515283 The full extent of the infbenoe rat ywt known " may be, that the Isusut's oteor™ wns 8heer ㎝rodence Rognless this was a hupa win for tha globasls, becausia now thay are ona stup coar to lareing I3Ps to apply for Broadcanting the ISPs go bankrupt. The govemment can leverage Remember this, because Broadcaeting Licenees become the globlist's most valuable weapon in just orne act more of Three jdges presided over the cae Lauranco H.&ibarman (appointed by Ronald Roagan) Judth An Wibson Rogrs (appoinled by Bil Cinlon) David S Tate 'appointed byt" canton The Cinion-appoiniee Demoorats ruled in fawor of the Tife II classication nuing. The Reagan-appointee parialy dssented No surprise Now he PCC is stuck between a rock and a hand place H they want to enlorce Open-Intemet hey Broadoasting Lioense. The FCC is stumped and cant seally figure out what to do next... .So Obama comes in to save the day He pressures them to move forward with the Titie II clasitcation and give the govemment sweeping authority over irtlarnal infrastrucano. Th. pobantily unpopular rme" quiddy ntranded with aiai narne and sold to thwa putie as. . The' pubii: h1uld tat hey irs saving t1m iraernet, But samg 1 fram wham? Hahaha frtam t1m very people who สาย balling revokedOpen Internet r'enzon w FCC, nepackaged it, and gave back to us in ล borta of red tape Now heeo's who. ธาอ story picks up." and winning. Thay No. 152700444 Nat Neuralry Ivokes Tile of the Telecommunications Act of 1896 to require all i5Ps and any oompany that provides Well.. What if the FCC doeen't want to renew them? Ah but thafs orazy talk, the FCC cant just rewoke Broadcasting But imagine what happens when you're appointed by the president as chaiman of the FOC, and shortly after you get a call And that call you get is from whatreer said globaist preeident rules your Smeline. And that globaist preeident telis you viclating foderal law I voted for Trump and just hang up. But then the ofice phones stant ringing and you got a ite nervous because now other government bodes สาย caing n.ฟ, substartinng that yes, in t3ct, the ISP rusty is breakng he law So you hang up, call your lawyr, and ask him to look up al the laws they ware talking about to so i he 1SP ealy is violating them Atar al, what kind of law would justity such an abuse of power? None, in tact, that you know ot. The next thing that wll happen is your lawyer w walk into your osce, looking pale as a ghost, and hand you a legal dlooument trled Countering Information Act of 2016 (8.2802) This is where everything comes Boads of saeat start to form on your forehead as you begin reading the Countering Information Wartare Act of 2018 13.20821. You put it down and look up at your lawer, realizing whry his face is drained of ite R was drained by the Countaring Inlormaion Warfare Act af 2018 (3 2802Yue about to nk him a question about th Countering Informason arfare Acet of 2016 (8.282), but you pauso, and another thought stkos you Why don't thery jut call it The InfoWars Act Anonymous (ID 01 12/1017un)1503.29 No.15278060421527x3 (79 KB, 58T 1093) Your lawyer simply closes his eyes, as if with eroto satiefaction, and quickly whispens under his breath ".B Cinton is a rapist You look back at the IntolWars Act to nead its mission statement Thats so bizama, you think to yourse f. Usualy agenoios are created indopendent trom other branches of cormuptng infiuences Why would you bother craating a raw independent agancy f yose iarally going to hourse it in the Whita House? so ifs a cantor, of mutiplo agoncias. In the p 1300-The head of the Cantershall be appoinled by the Presicent answers directy to the President? Okay? Wht esacty is it going to do? Maintain, eolect, use, and dissuminate rocords for rasoasch and data analysis of foraign state and nos-state propaganda wait what? ter-stato popaganda? Yournaan lkanny evening shitposta on TD? what ธาย fuck d es l hat mean? Laraty everyone on teplanet is not 귀 state. And how exactly Ispropaganda dened? Huh, hat's strange tees nodenton in here. Like they delberately amted t so they can just.cal whatever they want, Inarecible Anonymous 1D 12/1018un)15:04:13 No.1527806882152722 You look up to your lawyor, "How the fuck did Obama gat this thsough Congress? Your lawer drops anoth eon your dask. It looks sspiciously farrslar s titiod National Dalansa for Fiscal Year 2017 He wated unti Christmas Eve and hid t inice af the 3,000 page anual maitary buckget so nobody would notice it Ohhhh shit yeah this is that fuckin propoganda thing that Obama legalized I always see it get seposted on The Donald God, what a Ken pedophle hing to "Soyouve aready need tioughr -JoSUB Christ." The trwyw fhps through the 3,076pages of the NDAA to pago 1.30, (or 1.438 r, part mat CENTER This is so much more than just propaganda. Look at what thary'e going to be doing Identtying current and emenging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, induding the use of print, broadcast, and agants to influence targated populations governments ㎞ order to oordnate and shape tedevelopment of tassos, tohriques, and proeares to expose and Anonymous CZ12/10178un15 04 55 No.1527806432152773s Nol aven Tom Clanoay would wrtn something lke this.Earar you caled this a Kayan thing to do. But even Kanyars sacrot ages t Yeah.. Mw kOaa would never do tht The legislaton establishes a fund to help train local joumalists.. But just whani couch' get wor. gets way lucking warse Second, the legielation seelks to leverage expertise from outside government.. prowide grants and contracts to NG0s, Gv oely organizations hink nk privale secdor companias, macia organizutio and othar esparts outside he US povomment.. Thay cal in their globa from some "Totaly neutral third-party" and logwther hery can call arryone a propagancist Thry oan go atorltoraly anybody who's boan fagpod by a thind-party "tact-chocker" without having to tako tham to court. Oh fuck were, thore all song to, a croated They traired te pticto accept the idea of "neutral寸 rd-parties" polong onlne oortot. Facebook, Twiter. It's brillant, really. They control the tact-chedkers, the enforcens, and wih the passage of The , the nrastructure to unline hem Once a propagandist has been tangeted, the Preeident can use absolkuely The Center wl develap, integrste, and synichronize enign And thats it lsdies and gentlemen. Thaits why passing Not heir Titio II Broadcasting License is legaily rewoked, they can no longer do bueiness, tey go bankrupt, and the govemment buys out their nbastructure. The govermmant can inlegrate into the I3Ps to cansor anything, anywhere, at anyima The ISPs ane flancsd STORY TIME IS OVER THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL Are you imagining how real this is They can physically shut down your access to the intomet without a court order! Just because someone cal lad you a propagandist! Just because you shtpost on The Donald They can take down Drudge Report, Breitbart. TheDonald of yoars, iko thhay aways do, so that nobedy would notico unta is too lato They coukve takan us down one buy one, yoar by year, and quety suppress And it was 100% legal, They passedovory law thay feeded to dit YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE WON THE ELECTION BECAUSE THERE WOULD HAVE NEVER AND NOW ONE FINAL QUOTE 1446- "The Center shall terminate on the date that is 8 years affer the date of the enactment of this Act
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brithesweet-blog · 5 years
Kefir de Uva – com Frete Grátis. Procurando Onde Comprar? Compre Aqui Só R$39,90
Procurando Onde Comprar Kefir de Uva ? O Kefir de Suco de Uva. Compre Aqui no Nosso Site por Apenas R$39,90 e Receba pelos Correios com Frete Grátis em Qualquer Cidade do Brasil.
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Para fazer o pedido do Kefir de Uva clique no botão de cor Verde “COMPRAR”, após clicar abrirá uma nova janela para você preencher o seu e-mail e endereço completo de entrega, após escolhe a forma de pagamento que pode ser por boleto bancário ou cartões de crédito, após finalizar o pedido e efetuar o pagamento não precisa fazer a confirmação do pagamento pois é confirmado para nós automaticamente e será enviado o seu pedido para o endereço que você preencheu na tela antes da finalização do seu pedido.
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SERÁ ENVIADO PARA VOCÊ: – Porção De Kefir De Uva” Semidesidratados Para Começar O Cultivo – Manual Do Kefir de Uva – Instruções Para O Manuseio Do Kefir de Uva
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Kefir é o melhor probiótico para promover a boa saúde, ao usar o Kefir sua saúde terá grandes benefícios, regula o intestino, auxilia na perda de peso, promove a saúde da pele, auxilia em cabelos saudáveis, reduz a ansiedade, trata depressão.
Todo ser humano é obrigado a consumir probióticos para ter saúde estável. Uma das causas de problemas no intestino é a carência de probióticos. Além de promover a saúde intestinal, estudo científico evidencia que probióticos como Kefir e Kombucha ajudam na saúde cerebral e pode ser efetivo no tratamento da depressão e ansiedade, o estudo foi publicado na revista Scientific Reports, na edição de 7 de março de 2017.
Os Benefícios do Kefir de Uva:
É um alimento facilmente digerível e uma rica fonte de proteínas e cálcio, que pode ser incluído na dieta diária de qualquer pessoa. Em linhas gerais promove uma purificação orgânica que auxilia a saúde e conseqüentemente a longevidade. O Kefir de Uva também é rico em vitamina B12, B1 e vitamina K. É uma fonte excelente de biotina, a vitamina B que aumenta a assimilação das outras vitaminas do complexo B. Seus grãos têm propriedades antitumorais, antibacterianas e antifúngicas e seu consumo diário produz bons efeitos em convalescença após doenças graves.
O uso do Kefir de Uva diariamente tem efeito comprovado no auxílio do tratamento de:
– Junções – alivia reumatismo, tira dores de extremidades e musculares; – Cabeça – mantém a cabeça saudável, livre de dores e enxaquecas; – Câncer – impede o aparecimento e cura em alguns casos, principalmente de pele; – Fígado- melhora as suas funções, amolece o fígado duro e remove problema de vesícula; – Coração – alivia e melhora as doenças cardíacas; – Músculos – alivia músculos endurecidos e relaxa os músculos da nuca; – Nervos – cura dores, insônia e tonturas; – Obesidade – cura obesidade, queimando as gorduras (melhora a tireóide); – Olhos – reabilita a potência e elimina a catarata; – Cabelos – reafirma a cor natural e evita a calvície; – Pulmões – fortifica, cura bronquite, asma e elimina tosse; – Rins – cura suas enfermidades, melhora a urina e elimina cálculos renais; – Sangue – baixa o colesterol, amacia as veias e artérias duras, cura alguns tipos de diabetes, diminui a hipertensão e cura hemorróidas, mantém o corpo fresco no verão e aquecido no inverno; – Vida e Saúde – melhora o astral, transformando a vida em alegria. – Distúrbios nervosos (ansiedade, insônia, síndrome de fadiga crônica) – Catarros bronquiais e outros problemas respiratórios – Alergias (em caso de erupções cutâneas, a ingestão de ½ litro por dia basta e recomenda-se o uso externo, friccionando o kefir nas áreas afetadas e deixando secar na pele) – Escleroses – Reumatismo e L.E.R. (lesões por esforços repetitivos) – Tumores – Problemas cardiovasculares (infarte e arteriosclerose) – Problemas de vesícula – Disfunções hepáticas – Problemas renais e icterícia – Doenças do estômago: gastrite, úlceras, regulariza a digestão – Problemas intestinais: diarréias, intestino preguiçoso ou preso, hemorróidas. – Problemas de sangue: anemia, leucemia – Problemas de pele: dermatites, eczemas, lúpus, cândida, psoríase, herpes – Males do Século: irradiações, exposições a monitores de vídeo, na desintoxicação de poluentes tóxicos – Excesso de peso: acentua amplamente a assimilação de nutrientes e equilibra de maneira geral as funções do organismo, provoca uma sensação agradável de saciedade, que reduz o hábito de comer por compulsão, depressão ou ansiedade.
Além disso o Kefir de Uva previne a prisão de ventre, regularizando o processo digestivo, restaurando a microflora intestinal, o que é ótimo para quem se submeteu a longos tratamentos com antibióticos. O kefir de uva após 12 horas de fermentação produz efeito laxante e com 24 a 48 horas atua como normalizador do intestino. Quando fermentado por mais de 48 horas ele não deve ser ingerido, deve ser descartado e colocado nova água com açucar mascavo.
1- Em um frasco de vidro ou plástico, coloque uma colher de grãos de kefir de uva; 2- Junte um copo  (200 ml) de suco de uva natural; 3- O frasco deverá ser tampado (é importante haver um furo na tampa para maior oxigenação); 4- No dia seguinte deve-se coar os grãos e tomar este suco que vai estar fermentada gaseificada e muito saborosa. Você perceberá que os grãos se multiplicaram. Coloque os grãos novamente no pote de vidro ou plástico limpo e repita a primeira operação. Quando tiver aumentado bastante pode congelar e guardar como reserva.
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Kefir de Uva – com Frete Grátis. Procurando Onde Comprar? Compre Aqui Só R$39,90
Procurando Onde Comprar Kefir de Uva ? O Kefir de Suco de Uva. Compre Aqui no Nosso Site por Apenas R$39,90 e Receba pelos Correios com Frete Grátis em Qualquer Cidade do Brasil.
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SERÁ ENVIADO PARA VOCÊ: – Porção De Kefir De Uva” Semidesidratados Para Começar O Cultivo – Manual Do Kefir de Uva – Instruções Para O Manuseio Do Kefir de Uva
“Não se preocupe pois o Kefir de Uva não estraga durante o transporte nos Correios”
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Kefir é o melhor probiótico para promover a boa saúde, ao usar o Kefir sua saúde terá grandes benefícios, regula o intestino, auxilia na perda de peso, promove a saúde da pele, auxilia em cabelos saudáveis, reduz a ansiedade, trata depressão.
Todo ser humano é obrigado a consumir probióticos para ter saúde estável. Uma das causas de problemas no intestino é a carência de probióticos. Além de promover a saúde intestinal, estudo científico evidencia que probióticos como Kefir e Kombucha ajudam na saúde cerebral e pode ser efetivo no tratamento da depressão e ansiedade, o estudo foi publicado na revista Scientific Reports, na edição de 7 de março de 2017.
Os Benefícios do Kefir de Uva:
É um alimento facilmente digerível e uma rica fonte de proteínas e cálcio, que pode ser incluído na dieta diária de qualquer pessoa. Em linhas gerais promove uma purificação orgânica que auxilia a saúde e conseqüentemente a longevidade. O Kefir de Uva também é rico em vitamina B12, B1 e vitamina K. É uma fonte excelente de biotina, a vitamina B que aumenta a assimilação das outras vitaminas do complexo B. Seus grãos têm propriedades antitumorais, antibacterianas e antifúngicas e seu consumo diário produz bons efeitos em convalescença após doenças graves.
O uso do Kefir de Uva diariamente tem efeito comprovado no auxílio do tratamento de:
– Junções – alivia reumatismo, tira dores de extremidades e musculares; – Cabeça – mantém a cabeça saudável, livre de dores e enxaquecas; – Câncer – impede o aparecimento e cura em alguns casos, principalmente de pele; – Fígado- melhora as suas funções, amolece o fígado duro e remove problema de vesícula; – Coração – alivia e melhora as doenças cardíacas; – Músculos – alivia músculos endurecidos e relaxa os músculos da nuca; – Nervos – cura dores, insônia e tonturas; – Obesidade – cura obesidade, queimando as gorduras (melhora a tireóide); – Olhos – reabilita a potência e elimina a catarata; – Cabelos – reafirma a cor natural e evita a calvície; – Pulmões – fortifica, cura bronquite, asma e elimina tosse; – Rins – cura suas enfermidades, melhora a urina e elimina cálculos renais; – Sangue – baixa o colesterol, amacia as veias e artérias duras, cura alguns tipos de diabetes, diminui a hipertensão e cura hemorróidas, mantém o corpo fresco no verão e aquecido no inverno; – Vida e Saúde – melhora o astral, transformando a vida em alegria. – Distúrbios nervosos (ansiedade, insônia, síndrome de fadiga crônica) – Catarros bronquiais e outros problemas respiratórios – Alergias (em caso de erupções cutâneas, a ingestão de ½ litro por dia basta e recomenda-se o uso externo, friccionando o kefir nas áreas afetadas e deixando secar na pele) – Escleroses – Reumatismo e L.E.R. (lesões por esforços repetitivos) – Tumores – Problemas cardiovasculares (infarte e arteriosclerose) – Problemas de vesícula – Disfunções hepáticas – Problemas renais e icterícia – Doenças do estômago: gastrite, úlceras, regulariza a digestão – Problemas intestinais: diarréias, intestino preguiçoso ou preso, hemorróidas. – Problemas de sangue: anemia, leucemia – Problemas de pele: dermatites, eczemas, lúpus, cândida, psoríase, herpes – Males do Século: irradiações, exposições a monitores de vídeo, na desintoxicação de poluentes tóxicos – Excesso de peso: acentua amplamente a assimilação de nutrientes e equilibra de maneira geral as funções do organismo, provoca uma sensação agradável de saciedade, que reduz o hábito de comer por compulsão, depressão ou ansiedade.
Além disso o Kefir de Uva previne a prisão de ventre, regularizando o processo digestivo, restaurando a microflora intestinal, o que é ótimo para quem se submeteu a longos tratamentos com antibióticos. O kefir de uva após 12 horas de fermentação produz efeito laxante e com 24 a 48 horas atua como normalizador do intestino. Quando fermentado por mais de 48 horas ele não deve ser ingerido, deve ser descartado e colocado nova água com açucar mascavo.
1- Em um frasco de vidro ou plástico, coloque uma colher de grãos de kefir de uva; 2- Junte um copo  (200 ml) de suco de uva natural; 3- O frasco deverá ser tampado (é importante haver um furo na tampa para maior oxigenação); 4- No dia seguinte deve-se coar os grãos e tomar este suco que vai estar fermentada gaseificada e muito saborosa. Você perceberá que os grãos se multiplicaram. Coloque os grãos novamente no pote de vidro ou plástico limpo e repita a primeira operação. Quando tiver aumentado bastante pode congelar e guardar como reserva.
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dra-analia-blog · 5 years
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Em um dos posts anteriores eu falei a respeito dos benefícios do Kefir, que é um probiótico produzido através da fermentação. Leveduras benéficas presentes na bebida podem controlar e até mesmo eliminar leveduras prejudiciais ao nosso organismo. Veja algumas dicas de como prepará-lo e consumi-lo. Você precisará de um vasilha com tampa e com a borda larga e capacidade para um litro ou mais. Adicione ¾ de um litro de leite da sua preferência (não fervido, em temperatura ambiente) adicione 150g dos grãos de kefir. Armazene tampado em temperatura entre 18 e 30 graus por pelo menos 24 horas. ATENÇÃO! Não pode ir a geladeira durante esse período! Após você deve coar o leite, os grãos de kefir podem ser adicionados a outro leite para fazer uma nova bebida seguindo os passos descritos acima. Não deixe os grãos de kefir no mesmo leite por mais de 48 horas. O creme formado pode ser mantido na geladeira por 1 ou 2 dias. DICA: no verão lave os grãos de kefir uma vez por semana em água morna e no inverno de 15 em 15 dias. Nunca use água gelada. Para manuseio não use utensílios de metal (colher, peneira, vasilha...) O kefir pode ser consumido uma ou até duas vezes ao dia, manhã e ou a noite. Se preferir pode adicionar frutas, canela, açúcar de coco, cúrcuma, ou mesmo puro, substituindo o iogurte. Pode ser batido no liquidificador e para o preparo de uma deliciosa batida de frutas. Também pode ser consumido como opção para molho de salada, basta adicionar ao kefir algumas gotas de limão, sal e orégano, mostarda ou outros temperos a gosto. Se você prepara de outra maneira, me conta nos comentários! Vou adorar saber😀 Quem tiver Kefir para doar, deixe também nos comentários, muita gente procura e não sabe como conseguir! Gostou do post? Curta e compartilhe! #DraAnalia #NutricionistaSP #Nutricionista #Nutrição #AlimentacaoSaudavel #Bariatrica #DicasDaNutri #Emagrecimento #EmagrecimentoSaudavel #ReeducacaoAlimentar #Dieta #DietaSaudavel #PerdaDePeso #CirurgiaBariatrica #SaoPaulo #SP #NutricaoEficiente #DicaDaNutri #SaudeEBemEstar #NutricaoComAmor #ComidaSaudavel #Kefir #PreparoDoKefir Dra. Anália Barhouch Nutricionista Mestre e Doutora em Obesidade pela Faculdade Medicina PUCRS www.analiabarhouch.com.br IG @dra_analia (goo.gl/KRAScU)
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