#coaching for performance audiobook
lilacsolanum · 7 months
I'm really feeling grateful for the unspoken rule in fandom that if you don't like a fic, just click off. It's free and it's a hobby, so there's no need to leave a critical review. Every now and then I'll see people whine about that, which. Wild. But like. Hey, don't.
In 2020, I lost more than just my job. I lost my entire life path. I lost the future I had planned for myself. I worked in the service industry, and that industry will never, ever be the same. It might look like it's snapped back from the outside, but it hasn't. Obviously, everyone life changed permanently, a literal global level of shift, and I'm not exactly special. Myself and my family and friends all came out of it healthy and I'm so grateful. Still, man, for me more than most people I know, shit was like the Thanos snap. One day, half my life was gone.
I had two choices: despair, or make the best of it. I've been called to performing my entire life, but never pursued it due to self-doubt. Well, when I was unemployeed and desperate, I suddenly decided to jump into audiobook narration with no plan and no training. And somehow, I got gigs. I started working with an author who was on the verge of blowing up, who didn't have the budget to find a trained professional at the time so used someone with potential who would work for an appropriate payrate. I recorded my first series giving 200%, which is 100% more than anyone wants to listen to in an audiobook narrator. I'm incredibly proud of my first efforts and invested the money I made in coaching and equipment upgrades, but as the author's fanbase grew, so do people's expectations of the narration.
It's been uhhhhhhhhh a wild ride. I'm so grateful that I got lucky, but also, do not recommend this situation to anyone. While I am improving and growing, most of my books are a little rough, and the one star reviewers are fucking LETTING. ME. KNOW. All caps, rage filled, terrible spelling and b'grammar'd passionate reviews on every audiobook retailer imaginable are out there for me to obsess over in at my low points. Which is often. Remember when I said I suffer from crippling self-doubt? Mama I am dragging my stubborn ass through this accidental career pivot of mine out of spite rather than pride. It's not fun.
They have a right to speak their mind, as most of them paid for the book! So if you hate it, go off! But still! Sometimes I combat that by reading comments on my fanfiction. The majority of comments I receive on AO3 are positive with a few mild exceptions, and those are easy for me to shake off because of the support I've received. The positive comments motivate me to improve my writing just as much as the negative comments on my acting do, except being positively motivated makes that improvement go faster and a more pleasant journey. It's a nice, safe place for me. I don't appreciate the culture of no negative comments because I don't accept that negative criticism is a part of putting yourself out there creatively. I accept it very much. I appreciate them because I AM a professional creative and people pay for products I've produced and have every right to express their opinions on it and it's so important I have a space where I don't have to deal with that.
So thank you, those who suppress the urge to leave negative comments on fanfic. And thank you to people who leave kind reviews. You never know what someone is going through, and my god, kind comments on my fic inspire me to work even harder as a performer, because one day, I want to receive equal positivity for both ventures. Thank you for fueling my ambitions with kindness.
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monsterkong · 25 days
Joyful Fix: A New Paradigm of Success and Happiness
🌟 In a world where success is often equated with relentless hustle, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters—joy. This week on "Business Story of the Week," host Joshua Lori introduces us to Farzin Mazinani, a high-performance coach and author who is redefining what it means to be successful. Through his program, "Joyful Fix," Farzin teaches us that success doesn’t have to come at the cost of our well-being.
The Journey to Joy
Farzin’s journey began with a deep dissatisfaction with life. As a child, he was on a quest to find joy, but no matter where he looked, it remained out of reach. By the age of 12, Farzin had built a library of books, hoping to find the answers within their pages. But the joy he sought was not in the books. It wasn’t until he made a radical decision to turn inward that his life began to change.
At the age of 24, Farzin isolated himself in a windowless room, determined not to emerge until he found the joy that had eluded him for so long. For five days, he sat in darkness, searching within himself. Then, on the fifth day, everything changed. Farzin experienced a moment of clarity, where he realized that the joy he had been searching for was within him all along. This realization was the catalyst for the rest of his life’s work.
From Pain to Purpose
After immigrating to Canada, Farzin faced significant challenges, including a debilitating back injury that left him in chronic pain for 15 years. Despite the pain, Farzin knew there was a lesson to be learned. The turning point came when a friend introduced him to the Emotion Code, a technique that releases trapped emotions. After just a few sessions, Farzin’s pain disappeared, never to return. This experience sparked his passion for helping others overcome their own obstacles and led him to create "Joyful Fix."
The Joyful Fix Method
Farzin’s method is rooted in the belief that success should be achieved with joy and ease, not through struggle and sacrifice. He teaches that by aligning our conscious goals with our subconscious mind, we can move through life with ease, rather than battling against resistance.
One of the key components of Farzin’s program is the removal of blockages—those subconscious barriers that prevent us from achieving our full potential. By addressing these blockages, we can move forward in life with a sense of joy and purpose, rather than feeling weighed down by the pressures of success.
Take the Quiz and Start Your Journey
Farzin offers a free quiz on his website, JoyfulFix.com, designed to help you identify where you may be facing blockages in your life. This quiz assesses the four key areas of life—health, wealth, relationships, and happiness—so you can begin to address the root causes of any issues and start your journey toward a more joyful and successful life.
Join the Joyful Fix Community
If you’re ready to redefine success and embrace a life of joy, Farzin’s program, "Joyful Fix," is here to help. Through techniques like Quantum Healing and the Emotion Code, Farzin guides his clients on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Whether you’re facing challenges in your health, relationships, or career, Farzin’s approach can help you align your conscious and subconscious mind, so you can move forward with confidence and joy.
🎧 Bonus: Free Audiobook
For those who prefer to listen on the go, Farzin offers a free audiobook version of his book, "Joyful Fix," when you purchase the physical copy on Amazon. This is a great way to dive deeper into Farzin’s teachings and start applying his techniques in your own life.
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orenforgette · 2 months
Balancing Academics and Oars: Time Management Tips for Student Rowers
Rowing is a demanding sport that requires physical strength, mental toughness, and a significant time commitment. For student rowers, balancing academics and rowing can be challenging. Effective time management is crucial to ensure success on the water and in the classroom. This article offers practical tips to help student rowers master balancing their dual responsibilities.
Prioritize and Plan
Effective time management starts with prioritization and planning. Student rowers must recognize that academics and rowing are significant commitments that demand attention and effort.
Creating a weekly schedule can be a game-changer. By blocking out specific times for classes, practice sessions, study periods, and rest, student rowers can ensure sufficient time for each activity. This visual representation of their responsibilities helps identify potential conflicts and find ways to address them.
Moreover, setting clear priorities is essential. During peak academic periods, such as midterms and finals, it might be necessary to temporarily adjust rowing commitments. Conversely, academics must be carefully planned during the growing season to accommodate increased training and competition schedules.
Effective Study Techniques
Maximizing study efficiency is key for student rowers with limited academic time. Adopting effective study techniques can help make the most out of study sessions.
One valuable technique is active learning, which involves engaging with the material through summarization, questioning, and teaching concepts to others. This method not only enhances understanding but also improves retention. Additionally, breaking study sessions into smaller, focused intervals, known as the Pomodoro Technique, can enhance concentration and productivity.
Another crucial aspect is creating a conducive study environment. Minimizing distractions, organizing study materials, and having a dedicated study space can significantly improve focus and efficiency.
Utilize Downtime
Student rowers can maximize their limited free time by utilizing downtime effectively. Small pockets of time, such as during commuting, waiting for classes, or between practice sessions, can be used for academic tasks.
Listening to audiobooks or recorded lectures, reviewing flashcards, or reading class notes are productive ways to utilize downtime. These activities can help reinforce learning and keep students on top of academic responsibilities without requiring dedicated study time.
Communication and Support
Open communication with coaches, teachers, and teammates is vital for managing the dual demands of academics and rowing. Student rowers should feel comfortable discussing their academic commitments with their coaches to find a balance that works for both parties.
Similarly, keeping teachers informed about rowing commitments can lead to understanding and flexibility with deadlines or assignments. Building a support network that includes understanding coaches, supportive teachers, and empathetic teammates can alleviate some stress associated with balancing academics and rowing.
Prioritize Self-Care
Balancing academics and rowing requires effective time management and self-care. Physical health, mental well-being, and adequate rest are essential for peak performance.
Student rowers should prioritize sleep, nutrition, and relaxation. Ensuring adequate rest helps maintain focus and energy levels. Yoga, meditation, or hobbies can also contribute to mental well-being, reducing stress and preventing burnout.
Goal Setting
Setting realistic and achievable goals is another important aspect of balancing academics and rowing. Short-term and long-term goals provide direction and motivation, helping student rowers stay focused and organized.
Academic goals can include targets for grades, study hours, or completing assignments. Rowing goals might involve improving specific techniques, achieving certain times, or contributing to team success. By regularly reviewing and adjusting these goals, student rowers can maintain a balanced approach to their dual commitments.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Despite the best plans and intentions, unexpected events and challenges can arise. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial traits for student rowers to develop.
It is key to adjust plans, reprioritize tasks, and adapt to changing circumstances without becoming overwhelmed. Rescheduling study sessions, seeking help from classmates, or communicating with coaches about unexpected academic demands.
Utilize Resources
Student rowers have access to various resources that can help them balance their responsibilities. Academic resources such as tutoring services, study groups, and online learning platforms can provide additional support.
Rowing teams often have academic advisors or mentors who can offer guidance on managing time and responsibilities. Utilizing these resources can enhance academic and athletic performance, contributing to overall success.
Reflection and Adjustment
Regular reflection on time management strategies and their effectiveness is essential for continuous improvement. Student rowers should evaluate what is working well and what needs adjustment.
This reflection can be done weekly or monthly, allowing for timely changes to plans and strategies. By being proactive and reflective, student rowers can fine-tune their approach to balancing academics and rowing, ensuring long-term success and fulfillment.
Balancing academics and rowing is a demanding but achievable task for student rowers. Student rowers can excel in both areas through effective time management, prioritization, and the utilization of available resources. By prioritizing self-care, maintaining open communication, and being adaptable, they can navigate the challenges and enjoy the rewards of their dual commitments. Student rowers can achieve their academic and athletic goals with dedication and the right strategies, leading to a fulfilling and successful journey.
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adityaguptablogs · 3 months
How to Do a Voice Over Like an Expert
Voice Over work is an art that blends creativity with technical skills, requiring a deep understanding of voice modulation, timing, and clarity. Whether you are recording for commercials, audiobooks, animations, or any other medium, mastering the art of Voice Over can significantly enhance your career in the audio and entertainment industry. For those in the bustling city of Bangalore, leveraging the expertise available at a professional dubbing studio in Bangalore can be a game-changer. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to do a Voice Over like an expert.
Understanding the Basics of Voice Over
Voice Over involves providing a voice for a character or narration in various media. It's essential to understand that Voice Over is more than just reading from a script; it’s about conveying the right emotions and tone to engage the audience effectively. For anyone looking to hone their skills, starting with the basics is crucial. This includes learning about proper breathing techniques, articulation, and vocal warm-ups, all of which are foundational skills for any successful Voice Over artist.
Mastering Your Vocal Technique
The quality of your Voice Over work heavily depends on your vocal technique. This encompasses your ability to control your pitch, tone, volume, and pace. Practicing regularly with tongue twisters, reading aloud, and recording your voice to critique your performance can significantly improve your vocal abilities. Working with a dubbing studio in Bangalore can provide you with access to professional coaches who can offer personalized feedback and guidance.
Breathing Techniques
Breathing is the powerhouse behind your voice. Proper breathing techniques ensure that your voice remains strong and clear throughout your recording. Diaphragmatic breathing, which involves breathing deeply into your diaphragm rather than shallow breaths into your chest, is essential for sustained vocal performance. Incorporating breathing exercises into your daily routine will help you maintain control over your breath and voice during Voice Over sessions.
Articulation and Pronunciation
Clear articulation and pronunciation are critical for ensuring your audience understands you. Practicing with exercises that focus on enunciating each word distinctly can help. For example, overemphasizing each syllable during practice can train your mouth to move correctly. Recording these practice sessions and reviewing them can highlight areas for improvement. A professional dubbing studio in Bangalore can offer specialized training to help you refine these skills further.
Finding Your Unique Voice
Every successful Voice Over artist has a unique voice that sets them apart. Finding your unique voice involves experimenting with different styles and tones to discover what works best for you. This might mean mimicking different voices and characters to find a range that feels natural and distinctive. Your unique voice is your brand, and it’s what will make you memorable to casting directors and audiences alike.
Voice Modulation
Voice modulation is the ability to vary your pitch and tone to convey different emotions and characters. This skill is particularly important in Voice Over work as it allows you to bring scripts to life. Practicing voice modulation involves playing with your voice in different scenarios, such as pretending to be a different character or conveying different emotions. Recording and listening back to these practices can help you understand how to use your voice effectively.
Developing a Signature Style
Your signature style is what makes you stand out in the crowded field of Voice Over artists. This could be a specific way you deliver lines, a unique vocal quality, or a particular niche you specialize in, such as animation or audiobooks. Developing a signature style takes time and experimentation, but it’s a crucial part of building a successful Voice Over career. Working with a dubbing studio in Bangalore can provide you with opportunities to explore and refine your style under professional guidance.
The Importance of a Good Recording Environment
The environment in which you record your Voice Over is just as important as your vocal skills. A good recording environment should be free from background noise and have good acoustics. This ensures that your recordings are clear and professional-sounding. Investing in a quality microphone, pop filter, and soundproofing materials can make a significant difference in the quality of your recordings. Additionally, a professional dubbing studio in Bangalore can offer top-notch recording facilities equipped with the latest technology.
Setting Up Your Home Studio
If you plan to record Voice Overs from home, setting up a dedicated home studio is essential. Choose a quiet room away from external noise sources, and invest in soundproofing materials such as foam panels or blankets to minimize echo and background noise. A quality microphone and headphones are also crucial for ensuring your recordings are clear and professional. Creating a comfortable and efficient workspace will allow you to focus on delivering your best performance.
Using Professional Equipment
Professional equipment can elevate the quality of yourVoice Over recordings. This includes a high-quality microphone, headphones, and recording software. A good microphone will capture the nuances of your voice, while quality headphones will help you hear the details of your recordings. Recording software with editing capabilities will allow you to fine-tune your recordings and produce polished final products. Working with a dubbing studio in Bangalore can give you access to professional-grade equipment and facilities.
Script Interpretation and Delivery
Interpreting a script correctly is vital for a successful Voice Over. This involves understanding the context of the script, the emotions behind the words, and the intended audience. Taking the time to analyze and practice your script will enable you to deliver a performance that is both authentic and engaging.
Analyzing the Script
Before you begin recording, spend time analyzing your script. Understand the character or narrative you are portraying and the emotions you need to convey. Look for keywords and phrases that require emphasis and practice delivering them with different intonations. Understanding the script thoroughly will help you deliver a more convincing and compelling Voice Over.
Practicing Delivery
Practice makes perfect, and this is especially true for Voice Over work. Practicing your delivery involves reading your script aloud multiple times, experimenting with different tones and emotions until you find the right fit. Record these practice sessions and listen back to them to identify areas for improvement. Working with a dubbing studio in Bangalore can provide you with professional feedback and guidance to enhance your delivery skills.
Building a Professional Portfolio
A professional portfolio is essential for showcasing your Voice Over skills to potential clients and casting directors. Your portfolio should include a demo reel that highlights your range and versatility, as well as samples of your previous work. A well-crafted portfolio can open doors to new opportunities and help you establish a successful Voice Over career.
Creating a Demo Reel
Your demo reel is a crucial part of your portfolio. It should be a compilation of short clips that showcase your best work and highlight your range as a Voice Over artist. Include a variety of styles and tones to demonstrate your versatility. Keep your demo reel concise, ideally no longer than two minutes, and ensure the audio quality is professional. A dubbing studio in Bangalore can assist you in creating a high-quality demo reel that effectively showcases your talents.
Showcasing Your Work
In addition to your demo reel, include samples of your previous work in your portfolio. This could be clips from commercials, audiobooks, animations, or any other Voice Over projects you have worked on. Providing a variety of samples will demonstrate your experience and versatility to potential clients. A professional website or online portfolio can help you showcase your work and reach a wider audience.
Marketing Yourself as a Voice Over Artist
Marketing yourself effectively is essential for building a successful Voice Over career. This involves networking, building a strong online presence, and continuously promoting your services. Utilizing social media, creating a professional website, and joining industry organizations can help you connect with potential clients and stay informed about opportunities in the Voice Over industry.
Networking and Building Relationships
Networking is a powerful tool for any Voice Over artist. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with other professionals in the field. Building relationships with casting directors, producers, and fellow Voice Over artists can lead to new opportunities and collaborations. A dubbing studio in Bangalore can also provide valuable networking opportunities and connections within the industry.
Online Presence and Social Media
A strong online presence is crucial for reaching a wider audience and promoting your Voice Over services. Create a professional website that includes your portfolio, demo reel, and contact information. Utilize social media platforms to share your work, engage with your audience, and connect with industry professionals. Regularly updating your website and social media profiles with new content will help you stay relevant and attract potential clients.
Continuous Learning and Improvement
The Voice Over industry is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends and techniques is essential for success. Continuous learning and improvement will help you stay competitive and enhance your skills. Taking courses, attending workshops, and working with coaches can provide you with valuable knowledge and insights.
Taking Courses and Workshops
Enrolling in Voice Over courses and workshops can provide you with professional training and help you refine your skills. Look for courses that cover various aspects of Voice Over work, including vocal techniques, script interpretation, and recording techniques. Workshops can also provide hands-on experience and opportunities to practice under the guidance of experienced professionals. A dubbing studio in Bangalore often offers courses and workshops tailored to Voice Over artists.
Working with Coaches
Working with a Voice Over coach can provide you with personalized feedback and guidance. A coach can help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, and provide you with techniques to enhance your performance. Regular sessions with a coach can help you stay motivated and continuously improve your skills. A dubbing studio in Bangalore can connect you with experienced coaches who specialize in Voice Over work.
Becoming an expert in Voice Over requires dedication, practice, and a continuous commitment to learning and improvement. By mastering your vocal technique, finding your unique voice, creating a professional recording environment, and continuously refining your skills, you can achieve success in the Voice Over industry. Leveraging the expertise and resources available at a professional dubbing studio in Bangalore can further enhance your journey towards becoming a successful Voice Over artist. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, these tips and strategies will help you deliver Voice Over performances that captivate and engage your audience.
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The Ultimate Guide to IELTS Listening Test Practice in Faridabad: Mastering Aural Comprehension
The IELTS listening test can feel like a high-stakes audio marathon. For aspiring test-takers in Faridabad, acing this part requires effective practice. But with so many resources available, where do you begin? Fear not, future IELTS champions! This guide unveils the best resources for IELTS listening test practice in Faridabad, empowering you to conquer this crucial section.
Harness the Power of Coaching Institutes:
While self-study can be valuable, reputable IELTS coaching institutes in Faridabad offer a structured approach with numerous benefits. Experienced trainers provide a roadmap for success, demystifying the test format, question types, and effective listening strategies. They can also guide you through various listening tasks, from map labeling to summarizing lectures.
Coaching Institute Benefits:
Targeted Practice: Coaches provide practice materials and exercises tailored to specific question types. This targeted approach allows you to focus on areas needing improvement and maximizes your score potential.
Mock Tests and Exam Simulation: Coaching institutes conduct mock listening tests under timed conditions, replicating the actual exam environment. This helps you manage test anxiety, practice active listening skills, and develop effective note-taking techniques.
Expert Feedback: Trainers analyze your performance on practice tests, pinpointing areas for improvement and offering valuable feedback on your listening comprehension.
Finding the Right Coaching Match:
Not all coaching institutes are created equal. When searching for the perfect fit in Faridabad, consider:
Trainer Expertise: Look for trainers with experience in IELTS listening test preparation and a proven track record of student success.
Class Size: Smaller class sizes allow for more personalized attention and opportunities to ask questions and refine your listening skills.
Course Schedule: Choose a course that aligns with your learning style and schedule, offering evening or weekend options for working professionals.
Beyond Coaching: Unleashing Your Inner Active Listener:
Coaching isn't the only path to success. Here are some effective self-practice resources readily available in Faridabad:
Online Resources: The internet is a treasure trove of free and paid IELTS listening test practice materials. Explore websites like the British Council's Road to IELTS and platforms offering practice tests, audio recordings with transcripts, and vocabulary building exercises.
IELTS Listening Test Apps: Download mobile apps specifically designed for IELTS listening practice. These apps often offer a variety of exercises, timed practice tests, and customizable difficulty levels to cater to your learning pace.
English Podcasts and Audiobooks: Immerse yourself in English by listening to podcasts and audiobooks on topics that interest you. This exposure to authentic English accents and natural conversations will enhance your listening comprehension and vocabulary.
Remember: Consistency is key! Regular practice, whether through coaching or self-directed methods, is paramount for success.
Sharpening Your Listening Skills:
Develop Active Listening Skills: Don't just passively listen – actively engage with the audio. Anticipate upcoming information, identify keywords, and take clear notes to capture key details.
Build Your Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary is crucial for understanding the listening passages. Focus on learning new words related to commonly tested topics in the IELTS exam.
Practice with Diverse Accents: The IELTS listening test features speakers with various accents. Expose yourself to different accents by listening to English news from around the world or watching English movies and TV shows with subtitles.
By combining coaching resources with self-directed practice, you can conquer the IELTS listening test in Faridabad. Remember, mastering active listening skills and building a strong foundation in English are essential for success. So, take the first step today! Explore coaching institutes, utilize online resources, and embark on your IELTS listening test practice journey. With dedication and the right approach, you'll be well on your way to achieving your target score and unlocking a world of opportunities.
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🎧Narrator Reveal 🎧
📝by Amy Knupp
🎤performed by Erin Mallon & Sebastian York
Follow the author on Audible to be notified when this audiobook goes live:
▶️ https://www.audible.com/author/Amy-Knupp/B001H6SV0C
Sometimes love singles you out when you least expect it—or want it…
Commitment was never my thing.
But I’ve been directionless for far too long. It’s time to take on some responsibilities and get my life together.
Bidding on my best friend’s brother at a bachelor auction didn’t help me with that. Neither did having a hot, secret fling with him.
Too bad that didn’t stop me.
Because now I’m in way over my head. And I’m afraid I might not be ready for the biggest commitment of all.
I’ve got more commitments than I can handle.
I became a single dad overnight. Between that and my coaching job, I don’t have time for romance.
Especially not with her.
Harper’s not only my little sister’s friend, she’s also my boss’s daughter. There are a million reasons why we shouldn’t be together.
And I can’t seem to remember any of them when she’s in my arms…
Singled Out, book 1 in the Single Dads of Dragonfly Lake series, is an emotional, sexy, opposites attract, small town contemporary romance. Download today and get ready to fall for Harper, Max, and Dragonfly Lake.
@AuthorAmyKnupp @ErinMuffyNarration @homecookedbookspromos
#amyknupp #narratorreveal #SingleDadsofDragonflyLake #ErinMallon #SebastianYork
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nextdimensionstory · 5 months
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Do you ever feel like you're alone in a crowd, even when surrounded by friends and family? It might be a sign of poor mental health. Stress, anxiety, indecisiveness, and negative thoughts can profoundly impact your life and relationships. These challenges can leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed, making it difficult to communicate effectively and manage relationships positively.
Are you eager to improve your mental well-being and unlock peak performance in your daily life while fostering stronger connections with others? Hi, I'm George Eapen(Mental Health First Aider®certified), a chief storytelling coach, specialising in guiding individuals toward better mental health using the proven 5-4-30 Mental Wellbeing framework.
Would you like to discover how the 5-4-30 Mental Wellbeing framework can revolutionise your life, fostering sustainable mental health and emotional well-being? Take the first step on your mental wellness journey with my FREE coaching webinars. Ready to accelerate your Mental Wellness benefits - Then sign up today to my 5-4-30 Mental Wellbeing audiobooks, video courses, and personalised 1-to-1 coaching sessions!The choice is yours - Sign up for the FREE Coaching Webinar or purchase the Audio/Video courses today and unleash peak mental wellbeing for yourself!
Visit our Website : https://www.nextdimensionstory.com/mental-wellness
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nicholasgroth1 · 9 months
I was the valedictorian at Racine Lutheran High School. I got full-ride scholarships to attend UW-Milwaukee then Carthage College to pursue an Education degree. While studying in college, I set up my own youth baseball training program and travel baseball organization, which I turned into a 501c3 non-profit. I trained kids of all ages during the winter, set up a spring baseball league for 7 to 12 YOs, and organized travel baseball teams from 9U to 17U, coaching at least two of the teams full-time each year while assisting with the practices and logistics for the other teams. I was a second grade teacher for a few years. I’ve been working at Amazon recently while listening to podcasts and audiobooks to pursue my next life path. I got certified as a life coach in October and set up the skeleton of my business, Ideal Life Oasis. I am presently getting certified as a personal trainer, nutritionist, and bodybuilder. I plan to get certified as a yoga instructor early 2024 as well. Last, I also work on writing books on the side, mostly children’s books. I plan to self-publish some picture books, chapter books, and possibly some personal development stories similar to The Alchemist.
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howget · 9 months
20 Ways to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online in India
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In today's digital age, the internet provides numerous opportunities for individuals to earn 1000 per day without investment. Whether you're a student, homemaker, or someone looking to supplement your income, there are various ways to earn 1000 per day online. Let's explore 20 unique ideas that can help you achieve this goal of how to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online.
20 ideas for how to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online:
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1. **Freelancing Services:** Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer allow you to offer your skills, such as writing, graphic design, programming, or digital marketing, to a global audience. Set up a profile highlighting your expertise and start bidding on relevant projects. 2. **Online Tutoring:** Leverage your knowledge in a particular subject to offer online tutoring services. Platforms like Chegg Tutors, Vedantu, and Tutor.com connect you with students seeking assistance in various subjects. 3. **Content Creation on YouTube:** Create and upload engaging videos on YouTube. Monetize your channel through the YouTube Partner Program once you meet the eligibility criteria, including 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers. 4. **Affiliate Marketing:** Promote products or services through affiliate marketing programs. Earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate, and ShareASale are popular platforms. 5. **Online Surveys and Reviews:** Participate in online surveys and review products on platforms like Swagbucks, Toluna, and Vindale Research. Earn points or cash rewards for sharing your opinions. 6. **Virtual Assistance:** Offer virtual assistant services to businesses and entrepreneurs. Tasks may include email management, scheduling, data entry, and social media management. 7. **Sell Handmade Products on Etsy:** If you're skilled in crafting, consider selling handmade goods on Etsy. This platform is perfect for artists, jewelry makers, and creators of unique items. 8. **Online Data Entry:** Explore opportunities for online data entry on websites like Clickworker, Microworkers, and Amazon Mechanical Turk. Complete small tasks and earn money. 9. **Stock Photography:** If you're a photographer, sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images. Earn royalties for each download. 10. **Dropshipping:** Start an e-commerce store using drop shipping. You won't need to invest in inventory upfront, as products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer. 11. **Remote Customer Support:** Many companies outsource customer support roles. Apply for remote customer support positions on websites like Remote.co, Indeed, or SimplyHired. 12. **Online Fitness Coaching:** If you're a fitness enthusiast, offer online coaching services. Create personalized workout plans and guide clients through video calls and messaging. 13. **Podcasting:** Start a podcast on a topic you're passionate about. Monetize your podcast through sponsorships, listener donations, or premium content. 14. **Sell eBooks or Audiobooks:** Write and publish your eBooks or audiobooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Audible. Earn royalties for each sale. 15. **Online Gaming:** If you're skilled at gaming, consider streaming on platforms like Twitch. Monetize through ads, donations, and sponsorships from gaming-related companies. 16. **Remote Social Media Management:** Offer social media management services to businesses looking to enhance their online presence. Create and schedule content, engage with followers, and analyze performance. 17. **Stock Trading or Cryptocurrency:** Invest in stocks or cryptocurrencies after thorough research. While there's risk involved, with the right knowledge, you can potentially earn profits. 18. **Language Translation Services:** If you're fluent in multiple languages, offer translation services on platforms like Gengo or ProZ. Translate documents, articles, or even subtitles for videos. 19. **Remote Graphic Design:** Use your graphic design skills to offer services on platforms like 99designs or DesignCrowd. Participate in design contests or freelance projects. 20. **Web Development and Design:** If you're proficient in web development or design, create and sell website templates or offer custom website development services on platforms like ThemeForest or Upwork. Conclusion: the question of how to earn 1000 per day without investment is entirely possible with dedication, skills, and a strategic approach. Choose a method that aligns with your interests and skills, and don't be afraid to combine multiple strategies for maximum income potential. Remember, success may not come overnight, but with persistence, you can build a sustainable online income stream. Read the full article
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graceintldelhi · 10 months
Mastering the IELTS: You’re Ultimate Guide to Success for IELTS Preparation Course
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In the globalized world we live in, proficiency in English is a key asset, and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a gateway for many seeking opportunities abroad. Whether you’re aiming for higher education, professional certification, or immigration, excelling in the IELTS test is paramount. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the nuances of IELTS, helping you navigate the challenges and come out on top.
Understanding the IELTS Test Structure
The Four Sections
The IELTS test comprises four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each section evaluates different language skills. In the Listening and Reading sections, your ability to comprehend spoken and written English is tested, while the Writing and Speaking sections assess your ability to articulate thoughts in written and spoken form. Familiarizing yourself with the format of each section is crucial for effective preparation.
Effective Strategies for Each Section
Listening and Reading Strategies: To enhance your listening skills, engage in regular practice with English podcasts, movies, and audiobooks. For the Reading section, practice skimming and scanning techniques to quickly identify key information. Time management is critical in both sections, so develop a strategy that allows you to answer each question efficiently.
Writing Strategies: In the Writing section, you’ll face both Task 1 (report writing) and Task 2 (essay writing). Practice writing essays on diverse topics, paying attention to coherent argumentation and a well-structured response. Additionally, seek feedback on your writing to identify areas for improvement.
Speaking Strategies: Confidence is key in the Speaking section. Practice speaking English with native speakers or language exchange partners. Record yourself answering common interview questions and focus on clarity and fluency. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked and develop responses that showcase your language skills.
Choosing the Right IELTS Preparation Course :
Online vs. Classroom Coaching
Online Courses: Online IELTS preparation courses offer flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace. Look for courses that provide interactive content, practice tests, and feedback on your performance. Many reputable platforms offer comprehensive study materials and mock exams, enabling you to assess your progress regularly.
Classroom Coaching: If you prefer a structured learning environment and face-to-face interaction with instructors, traditional classroom coaching might be the right choice. Look for coaching centers with experienced instructors, small class sizes, and a proven track record of student success.
Combination Approach: Some students benefit from a combination of online and classroom coaching. This hybrid approach allows you to access resources online while still benefiting from personalized guidance in a classroom setting.
The Best IELTS Coaching Classes in Delhi, India
India has a plethora of IELTS coaching classes, each claiming to be the best. However, choosing the right one requires careful consideration. Look for classes that offer:
Experienced Instructors: Ensure the coaching center has experienced and qualified instructors with a proven track record of helping students achieve high scores.
Comprehensive Study Materials: The availability of comprehensive study materials, including practice tests, sample questions, and reference materials, is crucial for effective preparation.
Student Success Stories: Check for reviews and success stories from previous students. Positive testimonials indicate the effectiveness of the coaching class in preparing students for the IELTS test.
Further Study Suggestions
Advanced Vocabulary Building: Enhance your vocabulary with advanced English words and phrases. This will not only aid in the Reading and Listening sections but also add sophistication to your writing and speaking.
Grammar Refinement: Polish your grammar skills by practicing complex sentence structures and grammar rules. A strong command of grammar is essential for scoring well in all sections.
Cultural Understanding: Familiarize yourself with various English accents and cultural nuances. This will contribute to your success in the Listening and Speaking sections.
Related Topics
English Proficiency Exams: Explore other English proficiency exams such as TOEFL, Cambridge English Exams, and PTE Academic, understanding their formats and requirements.
Study Abroad Resources: Delve into resources about studying abroad, covering topics like visa processes, application procedures, and cultural adaptation.
Language Learning Apps: Supplement your IELTS preparation with language learning apps that focus on enhancing vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills.
In conclusion, mastering the IELTS test is a journey that demands dedication, strategic preparation, and the right resources. Whether you opt for online courses, classroom coaching, or a combination of both, the key lies in consistent practice and a thorough understanding of the test structure. With the right approach and resources, you can confidently step into the examination hall, ready to conquer the IELTS and open doors to exciting opportunities worldwide.
For more inquiries and book a demo class call +91-8750040975 / +91-82996 85183 and send mail to [email protected] and visit Grace International
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thebaepatricia · 1 year
📚 June Wrap-Up: Books
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This month wasn’t the best for me in terms of reading. I didn’t have any strong urge to read + there was no book I hyper-fixated on and excited me enough.
The only reason I was able to finish one more book (Thank you for listening) at the last minute was because I had the flu and I spent 2 days reading on and off. Don’t try it at home though, no sickness is worth upping your wrap up for! 😅
I saw a template before of monthly favorites. I wasn’t able to do it in the past wrap ups obviously so I’ll start this month.
And for June, my book of the month is... *drumroll*
The Foundations of Peak Brain Performance
⭐️ The Foundations of Peak Brain Performance by Louisa Nicola
In The Foundations of Peak Brain Performance, neurophysiologist, brain coach, and Neuro Athletics newsletter author Louisa Nicola discusses your brain and mental state in relationship to peak performance. Going beyond physical training and preparation, Nicola provides evidence-based guidance on how to keep your brain operating at the highest level possible using the same methods as elite athletes. In the course, Nicola gives an overview of what’s going on in the brain, laying out the basic biology and functions of the brain; discusses the importance of hydration in ensuring a healthy and effective brain; how sunlight can give your brain a boost; and practical tips for enhancing brain performance. She also shares exercises along the way to help you put what you’ve learned into practice right away. As scientifically rigorous and fascinating as it is accessible and practical, The Foundations of Peak Brain Performance is perfect for anyone looking to improve their cognitive performance — and understand the how and why at the same time.
It was short and substantial. The narration was also excellent!
Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman
At any given moment in other people's houses, you can find...repressed hopes and dreams...moments of unexpected joy...someone making love on the floor to a man who is most definitely not her husband... *record scratch* As the longtime local carpool mom, Frances Bloom is sometimes an unwilling witness to her neighbors' private lives. She knows her cousin is hiding her desire for another baby from her spouse, Bill Horton's wife is mysteriously missing, and now this... After the shock of seeing Anne Porter in all her extramarital glory, Frances vows to stay in her own lane. But that's a notion easier said than done when Anne's husband throws her out a couple of days later. The repercussions of the affair reverberate through the four carpool families--and Frances finds herself navigating a moral minefield that could make or break a marriage.
First book done in June
It took me the entirety of May to read this slowly, but since I finished it just now, I didn’t count it for last month’s wrap up.
I went back and forth on how to review this book with justice but at the end of the day, I don’t really have much to say save for it being a “light, humorous read.” If you don’t have the same attention span I do, you can probably finish this in one afternoon.
It didn’t really stand out to me as I thought it would. And it definitely wasn’t as funny and memorable like Eleanor Oliphant, as some reviewers claimed. But then I’m biased, so it might be hard to beat that.
I will say though, every character felt like their own. There was clear distinction with their personalities, mannerisms, quirks, and reputation. In my head, I thought it would make a great series.
Thank You For Listening by Julia Whelan
For Sewanee Chester, being an audiobook narrator is a long way from her old dreams, but the days of being a star on film sets are long behind her. She’s found success and satisfaction from the inside of a sound booth and it allows her to care for her beloved, ailing grandmother. When she arrives in Las Vegas last-minute for a book convention, Sewanee unexpectedly spends a whirlwind night with a charming stranger. On her return home, Sewanee discovers one of the world’s most beloved romance novelists wanted her to perform her last book—with Brock McNight, the industry’s hottest, most secretive voice. Sewanee doesn’t buy what romance novels are selling—not after her own dreams were tragically cut short—and she stopped narrating them years ago. But her admiration of the late author, and the opportunity to get her grandmother more help, makes her decision for her. As Sewanee begins work on the book, resurrecting her old romance pseudonym, she and Brock forge a real connection, hidden behind the comfort of anonymity. Soon, she is dreaming again, but secrets are revealed, and the realities of life come crashing down around her once more. If she can learn to risk everything for desires she has long buried, she will discover a world of intimacy and acceptance she never believed would be hers.
(Audiobook review) This book is a gem 😘🤌🏼 So many memorable characters, amazing narration, substantial storyline. I can't believe I officially have a crush on a fictional character - for the first time ever! And to top it off, Nick can do a strong Irish accent. 🥹
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mybookplacenet · 1 year
Featured Post: Maybe You Should Give Up - 7 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way and Take Control of Your Life by byron morrison
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About Maybe You Should Give Up - 7 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way and Take Control of Your Life: Maybe You Should Give Up is the counterintuitive guide that helps readers identify and break through seven mental barriers that are stopping them from living the life they want. Inside you’ll discover cycle-breaking techniques that have been broken down into easy-to-follow steps that will empower you to get out of your own way and stop sabotaging yourself. All of this stems from author Byron Morrison’s own journey of transformation, as well as nearly a decade’s worth of research and working with people in 15 different countries to help them take control of their lives. Maybe You Should Give Up is a book about empowerment. About helping you let go of everything that is stopping you from achieving the happiness and success you want. Exclusive Bonus: order today and get the audiobook, ‘Next Level You’ video series and “Next Level You Workbook” worth $57 free. Simply email a copy of your receipt to [email protected] Targeted Age Group: 18-55 Written by: byron morrison Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Buy the Book On Apple Books Buy the Book On Kobo Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Buy the Book On BooksAMillion Author Bio: Byron Morrison is the author of 'Maybe You Should Give Up - 7 ways to get out of your own way and take control of your life'. He's also a mindset and high performance coach who has helped CEOs, entrepreneurs and business leaders in 15 countries become who they need to be to break through to the next level of success. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Read the full article
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leeharrington · 2 years
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It’s been a while since I said hello, thank you @selfloverainbow for the reminder. I’m Lee Harrington (he/they), a spiritual, sexuality, and authenticity educator, eclectic artist, and award-winning author and editor on erotic and sacred experience. Based in Denver, Colorado, I am a tarot card reader/collector, coffee shop lover, and kinky queer gender adventuring trans man. A polyamorous pagan and spirit worker dedicated to Mother Bear, I love travel, reading, dear friends, and delicious food. I delight in bringing a combination of playful engagement and thoughtful academic dialogue to a broad audience, and believe we are each beautifully complex ecosystems who deserve to examine the human experience from that lens. I’ve been teaching and talking about self-love, sexuality, faith, and desire since 2001 (50 states, 7 countries, and counting). I’ve been a passion instigator, adult film performer, sexual adventurer, outspoken philosopher, kink/bondage coach, and have blogging and writing about sex and spirit since 1998. My books include “Traversing Gender: Understanding Transgender Realities,” “Playing Well With Others: Your Guide to Discovering, Exploring and Negotiating the Kink, Leather and BDSM Communities” (with Mollena Williams), “Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond,” “Shibari You Can Use: Japanese Rope Bondage and Erotic Macramé,” “More Shibari You Can Use: Passionate Rope Bondage and Intimate Connection,” the “Toybag Guide to Age Play,” and “On Starry Thighs: Sacred and Sensual Poetry.” His book “Become Your Own Beloved: A Guide to Delighting In Self Connection” comes out in 2023 from Twin Flame. I’ve edited the anthologies “Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries,” “Rope, Bondage, and Power” and “Spirit of Desire: Personal Explorations of Sacred Kink,” while contributing actively to other anthologies, magazines, blogs and collaborations. Check out the trouble I have been getting into, as well as my regular podcast, tour schedule, free essays, videos and more over at PassionAndSoul.com, with weekly resources, audiobooks, and free monthly classes shared with my patrons at Patreon.com/PassionAndSoul. Thank you for adventuring with me! https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyJNtZuYKw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dianewilkins · 2 years
(PDF Download) Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition - Wayne L. Winston
Download Or Read PDF Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition - Wayne L. Winston Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition
[*] Read PDF Here => Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition
 How to use math to improve performance and predict outcomes in professional sportsMathletics reveals the mathematical methods top coaches and managers use to evaluate players and improve team performance, and gives math enthusiasts the practical skills they need to enhance their understanding and enjoyment of their favorite sports--and maybe even gain the outside edge to winning bets. This second edition features new data, new players and teams, and new chapters on soccer, e-sports, golf, volleyball, gambling Calcuttas, analysis of camera data, Bayesian inference, ridge regression, and other statistical techniques. After reading Mathletics, you will understand why baseball teams should almost never bunt; why football overtime systems are unfair; why points, rebounds, and assists aren't enough to determine who's the NBA's best player; and more.
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pippapayne · 2 years
(Download Book) Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness - Tim S. Grover
Download Or Read PDF Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness - Tim S. Grover Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness
[*] Read PDF Here => Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness
 From the elite performance coach who authored the international bestseller Relentless and whose clients have included Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwyane Wade, comes this brutally honest formula for winning in business, sports, or any arena where the battle is fiercely unforgiving. In Winning, Tim Grover shows why he is one of the world?s most sought-after mindset experts. Drawing on three decades of work with elite competitors, Grover strips away the cliches and rah-rah mentality that create mediocrity and challenges you to embrace reality with single-minded intensity. The prize? Massive success. Whether you?re an athlete with championship dreams, an entrepreneur building a business, a CEO managing an empire, a salesperson closing a deal, or simply a competitor determined to stand in the winner?s circle, Winning offers thirteen crucial principles for achieving unbeatable performance. This book reveals the truth about the obstacles and challenges that stand between you and your
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bellavaughan · 2 years
[Download Book] Fanatical Prospecting Field Guide - Jeb Blount
Download Or Read PDF Fanatical Prospecting Field Guide - Jeb Blount Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Fanatical Prospecting Field Guide
[*] Read PDF Here => Fanatical Prospecting Field Guide
 Most salespeople and sales leaders who marvel at the consistent year in and year out performance of sales superstars are blind to the real reason for their success. Unwilling to accept that the foundational root of all success in sales is a fanatical focus on prospecting, they waste time tilting at windmills on their quixotic pursuit of fads, silver bullets, and secret formulas they believe will deliver them into arms of success with little effort. Fanatical Prospecting Field Guide will be an essential tool for leaders that aids and coaches sales people to become more effective prospectors. For salespeople, this book will explain the how and why behind the most important activity in sales and teach the skills and techniques required to become both effective and efficient at prospecting.
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