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soylent-crocodile · 10 months ago
Myr (Monsters)
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(Silver Myr by Kev Walker)
(I FUCKING LOVE MYR! They're cute, they're iconic, they're interesting bits of worldbuilding... I HAD to make 'em! Mercifully, I've separated Mirrodin from New Phyrexia, and created the Plane of Steel, a fun little plot hook roughly referencing Mirrodin's creation. If you want to make these native to the Plane of Metal- new to PF2- or simply old machines of a dead culture, feel free.
Also, this will contain rules for Mana Myr, which I spiraled off the five colors of Magic, but expect more myr in the future!)
Myr are mysterious creatures native to the Plane of Steel, an artificial plane ripped from the Plane of Earth and turned into a vast network of self-sustaining machines. Myr themselves are the most common denizens of the plane, servitors to an unknown master and performing upkeep on their more complicated cohabitants.
Myr have been imported from the Plane of Steel in rare quantities, and serve as a rare treasure on the Material Plane, loyal servants infused with magical energy. Some, however, fear inviting such mysterious creatures into their homes, especially paranoid wizards and watchful politicians, as it's a known fact that myr are vulnerable to scrying- and it's a distinct possibility that their master is still watching.
Myr are unique among constructs in being easily repairable once slain. Upon reaching 0 health, a construct with the Myr subtype is not destroyed; rather, it turns inactive, and will reactivate upon being returned to positive hit points. However, a myr that reaches -20hp is destroyed as usual. Additionally, the knowledge of how to create myr has been lost or well-hidden, and they lack rules for construction. Fortunately for myr, they are capable of reproducing themselves, although attempts to study how they do so have not succeeded in creating animate constructs.
There are thousands of different kinds of myr, most being only slight modifications on a basic design; what is presented are some common archetypes and a few notable variations.
Mana Myr
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(Myr Moonvessel by Danny Orizio)
Among the most common servitor myr, mana myr work on the machinery that makes up the bulk of the Plane of Metal, and these servitors are attuned to one of the eight schools of magic. Of the myr of the plane, it is the mana myr who are most desired, and those who find themselves in possession of multiple, or let them reproduce, sell them for exorbitant prices.
Each school of magic produces a myr of a different color. Even though they are all made of the same substance, the magic forged into their bodies makes them appear as one of a variety of colors; the mana myr of each school of magic is named after a metal or mineral it resembles.
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This small humanoid construct has a strange head shaped like a heavy beak. It resonates with magical energy.
Misc- CR1 LN Small Construct (Myr) HD2 Init:+2 Senses: Perception:+3 Stats- Str:8(-1) Dex:15(+2) Con:- Int:4(-3) Wis:14(+2) Cha:14(+2) BAB:+2 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft Defense- HP:21(2d10+10) AC:13(+1 Size, +2 Dexterity) Fort:- Ref:+4 Will:+2 CMD:13 Special Defenses: Construct traits Offense- Slam +2(1d3-1) CMB:+0 Speed:25ft Special Attacks:  Feats- Lightning Reflexes Skills- Perception +3, Spellcraft +0 Spell-like Abilities-  Share Memory /at-will Make Whole 1/day Special Qualities- Mana Servant, Scrying Focus Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Common (Can’t speak) Organization- Solitary Treasure- None Special Abilities- Mana Servant- A mana myr is designed as a vessel for magic. When created, it is infused with magic from one of the eight schools of magic. When used as a focus to cast a spell of that school, the spell is cast at a +1 caster level and with a +1 DC. A mana myr registers as strong magic of its school when viewed through Detect Magic or similar spells. Scrying Focus- Myr are perfect vessels for scrying on. They get a -5 penalty to saves against spells with the Scrying descriptor, and magical sensors made to scry on a myr and its surroundings get a +5 bonus against rolls to perceive it. Additionally, myr- and any object or creature they are in contact with- are not protected by spells such as Nondetection and Screen.
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eclipsellium · 1 month ago
Zoe // 16 // she/her/hers // INTJ
Currently studying physics, chemistry, computer science, calculus, photography. Topics in physics I’m learning about are E&M, thermodynamics, relativity, standard model, cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and fluids.
I’m interested in dark matter and CMB research. My academic goals right now are mostly focused on getting into university with a major in physics. I want to get a PhD in either physics or astrophysics and work in academia doing cosmology research.
Other fun facts: I play golf and am training in calisthenics. I really like listening to music and I have a really cute cat (he’s a little chunky tho). My favorite show is Voltron Legendary Defender, and my favorite movie is a tie between Oppenheimer and The Social Network.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months ago
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I have previously pointed out that the on-the-ground efforts in Rojava and Cooperation Jackson in Mississippi can be seen as…
attempting, as Wesley Morgan describes, “to create ‘dual power’ through the creation of cooperatives.” Morgan disapprovingly terms this “market syndicalism” and critiques it for simply creating “units in a market economy” and still relying “upon access to the market.” However, this opinion does not take into account the unification of this praxis within broader pushes for anti-statist autonomy such as large-scale community self-defense that, like in Rojava, are creating space for non-capitalist markets. Such a method would not be dissimilar to the call by Samuel Edward Konkin III for “agorist protection and arbitration agencies” and “protection company syndicates” to defend market growing outside of the state capitalist economy and contain “the State by defending those who have signed up for protection-insurance.”
Konkin’s vision is a somewhat cynical speculation in comparison to the lived struggle of the Kurdish fighters, but the comparison lends validity to the case that building a producer-centric cooperative economy is inseparable from direct action like self-defense or setting up networks of counter-economic exchange. For myself, these observations represent a more revolutionary and non-utopian development in the tradition of early North American anarchist Josiah Warren’s non-capitalist market community projects like Utopia, Modern Times, and the Cincinnati Time Store. But these ideas also fall under the umbrella of “liberated zones theory” as theorized (and struggled for) by comrades at Community Movement Builders. I therefore want to ‘advertise’ for their theory and praxis because I really do think it’s just that compelling. And though I will add my own thoughts (if only for the sake of thinking through some things), the real purpose of this piece is to emphasize the work already being done by BIPOC folks. In fact this article is, if anything, demonstrative of the fact that almost anything white settler anarchists like myself propose is already being done by Black and Indigenous communities.
Community Movement Builders is an incredible organization that describe themselves as “a Black member-based collective of community residents and activists serving Black working-class and poor Black communities” that “organizes to bring power to Black communities by challenging existing institutions and creating new ones that our people control.” They have chapters in Atlanta, Dallas, and Detroit, with each one adapting to their own local conditions. Some of the projects that these chapters are undertaking include land trust development, cooperative development, cop-watch programs, community gardens, mutual aid programs, and international alliances with socialist groups like Pati Kan Pèp in Haiti. All of this sits within the framework of “liberated zones theory,” the outline of which—provided by CMB—feels important enough to reproduce in whole here:
Liberated Zones are territories where the masses (the community of people who live in and around a specific area) are in near-complete control over their political and socio-economic destinies because they control the institutions in a specific region, city, town or state. Because liberated zones/territory will exist within larger capitalist economies and hostile state institutions, complete control can’t happen until another later stage of transformation. The control gained exists within a larger strategy of challenging state institutions and capitalism. Economically, the community will run the market system through various worker-controlled enterprises and cooperatives. This is to ensure that the surplus-value of local communities’ labor is controlled within the liberated zones and not exploited by the outside capitalists. For this reason, that surplus can be distributed to developing the community and addressing human needs instead of capitalist wealth. Thus, the communities will be in charge of generating and sustaining economic wealth from within. At a further stage in liberated activity, the state governing apparatus will also be under the control of the people (current institutions or new ones). That can be done through either revolutionary political parties that truly represent the people’s interest, or through the consistent political struggle of the masses. In any case, the state can be used to support cooperative economic activities and the creation of new economies to deter reactionary forces from reentering the liberated zone. The people within the zones will control their local resources such as land, housing, and labor and will be the decision-makers on how these social elements will be maneuvered. Ideologically from our perspective as a Black self-determining organization, the masses will see themselves as a part of a larger pan-African struggle and therefore, embrace the unity and resistance struggles of African people at home and abroad.
When I read this overview, it blew my mind. Here are folks who are doing incredible praxis in the framework of very excellent theory to establish autonomous networks of cooperative—and commons-based—market economies that resist capitalist extraction and legibility. The added (and necessary) elements of anti-racism and anti-colonialism—often somewhat lacking in my own thinking—make it an even more powerful and contextual model for social change.
Admittedly, one element of liberated zones theory that might rub anarchists (and particularly market anarchists) the wrong way is the goal that “the state governing apparatus will also be under the control of the people (current institutions or new ones).” However, I think this is much less of an issue than it might first appear. Even as CMB names “revolutionary political parties that truly represent the people’s interest,” they equally emphasize “consistent political struggle of the masses” and center the “challenging [of] state institutions.” And because of the decentralized approach of liberated zones theory, it becomes less a question of arguing over a single unified tactic and more about what is most appropriate to local conditions. For example, while my work often focuses on building non-state institutions like land trusts, cooperatives, and mutual aid programs, I am also on very good terms with my local branches of the Communist Party of the United States and Democratic Socialists of America and have supported plenty of local socialist candidates. I have no issue with coalitions of leftist parties and candidates winning control over the existing governments of larger urban areas to “support cooperative economic activities and the creation of new economies to deter reactionary forces from reentering the liberated zone.” In fact, this would seem to me to be one of the only ways certain policies like participatory budgeting and effective anti-trust action could be enacted.[1] Control of local government in particular zones also fits very well with Kevin Carson’s model of libertarian municipalism. He argues that cooperative governance structures like Michel Bauwen’s and Cosma Orsi’s “Partner State” do not need to be…
so much a ‘government’ as a system of governance. It need not be a state at all, in the sense of an institution which claims the sole right to initiate force in a given territory. It is, essentially, a nonstate social association—or support platform—for managing the commons, extended to an entire geographical region. . . . In fact, it is arguably quite possible to sever the Partner State altogether from even residual forms of sovereign police power over all the individuals in a contiguous geographical area. It is possible to have an entire polycentric ecosystem of commons-based institutions with self-selected memberships or users of a particular common resource, with substantially overlapping memberships, and large minorities or even majorities of those in the same area being members of most of them. In that case adjudication or negotiation of the relationships between them will cause a body of “common law” to emerge for the system as a whole, with a substantial degree of de facto coordination over a common geographical area.
Carson sees this project as a “municipal level” version of “[t]he Saint-Simonian idea of replacing legislation over human beings with the ‘administration of things;'” an interpretation that is directly (and potentially strategically) related to Friedrich Engels’ withering away of “political rule over men” into “an administration of things and a direction of processes of production,” on the foundation of, he continues elsewhere, “a free and equal association of the producers.” But with the added emphasis on community-specific institutions and the pluralistic overlap of many different governmental and non-governmental cooperative efforts, this and other programs gathered under the umbrella of liberated zones theory allow for common goals and, consequently, immediate collaboration between anarchists, democratic socialists, communists, and even radical libertarians to use local governance to facilitate community-owned and (particularly producer) cooperative networks.
Then there is the fascinating connection between liberated zones theory and Black Panther Huey P. Newton’s theory of “intercommunalism;” an attempt to adapt dialectical materialism to a modern colonial context.[2] Newton writes:
[T]he world today is a dispersed collection of communities. A community is different from a nation. A community is a small unit with a comprehensive collection of institutions that serve to exist a small group of people. And we say further that the struggle in the world today is between the small circle that administers and profits from the empire of the United States, and the peoples of the world who want to determine their own destinies.
Currently we live in an era of “reactionary intercommunalism, in which a ruling circle, a small group of people, control all other people by using their technology.” But…
[a]t the same time, we say that this technology can solve most of the material contradictions people face, that the material conditions exist that would allow the people of the world to develop a culture that is essentially human and would nurture those things that would allow people to resolve contradictions in a way that would not cause the mutual slaughter of all of us. The development of such a culture would be revolutionary intercommunalism.
This logic of community control over the means of production is extremely similar to that expressed in liberated zones theory. Newton even refers to “the people in the liberated zones of South Vietnam” [emphasis added] in his analysis. And in an interview with Millennials are Killing Capitalism, CMB’s Kamau Franklin explicitly outlines how their work is in the lineage of the Black Panther Party as well as identifying a solidarity between struggles of different peoples suffering under colonialism. This international collaboration between not just the working class but all oppressed peoples lends itself, with very little modification, to liberated zones theory being a development on intercommunalism and, consequently, a more contextual and decentralist relative of dialectical materialism as a whole.
Interesting to me as well is that Rukiya Colvin and Richard Feldman, in their outline of various institutions in Detroit pushing for liberated zones, identify certain religious institutions as centers of community development. For example, they write that the Episcopal Church of the Messiah is…
more than a place of worship as they host annual anti-violence rallies, cultivate creativity through makerspaces, promote wellbeing through community gardens, support the need for digital equity through the Equitable Internet Initiative, and hold monthly coalition meetings, while also working to rebuild the neighborhood through the low income housing options they provide. Their space also serves as a small business incubator.
This resonates with me greatly as I have, in the last year or so, brought my views on religious community and collective liberation to the forefront of my mind. But again this sort of thinking has already been covered extensively by Black and Latin American theologians and clergy from Martin Luther King Jr. to James H. Cone to José Míguez Bonino and beyond. So we once again return to the main point: BIPOC folks are already doing the work and thinking outlined in this article. We as leftists need to stop bickering and particularly stop telling BIPOC communities what they should or shouldn’t be doing. Instead, we join in on the effort to establish liberated zones in combination with other strategies like mass labor actions and revolutionary unionism. I would add too that market anarchists have a lot to offer to this struggle, whether it’s perspectives rooted in Hayekian knowledge problems and collective action problems, agorist tactics (as mentioned above), a state-monopolist model of capitalism (à la Benjamin Tucker), or just our bodies and hands. So cooperate! Get to know your neighbor! Learn to defend yourself or strategize to be defended! Bypass state-capitalist legibility! Oh, and if you’re interested in supporting Community Movement Builders check out their donation page!
[1] See my articles “An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting” and “An Anarchist Take on Antitrust Laws: Dangers and Possibilities.”
[2] Encyclopedia Britannica is correct to end their entry on dialectical materialism with the caveat: “There exists no systematic exposition of dialectical materialism by Marx and Engels, who stated their philosophical views mainly in the course of polemics.” I do however highly recommend Bertell Ollman’s Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s Method.
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neiljohnsblog · 7 months ago
Exploring the Future of Efficiency and Comfort: Honda Jazz Hybrid
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In the world of compact cars, where efficiency meets innovation, the Honda Jazz Hybrid stands out as a beacon of modern automotive engineering. Combining Honda's renowned reliability with hybrid technology, the Jazz Hybrid offers a compelling package for eco-conscious drivers who refuse to compromise on comfort and versatility.
Honda Jazz Hybrid Specifications
The heart of the Honda Jazz Hybrid lies in its advanced hybrid powertrain. Under the hood, you'll find a responsive 1.5-litre i-VTEC engine paired seamlessly with an electric motor, delivering a harmonious blend of power and efficiency. This setup not only enhances fuel economy but also reduces emissions, making the Jazz Hybrid a responsible choice for environmentally aware consumers.
Engine Specifications:
- Engine: 1.5-litre i-VTEC 4-cylinder
- Electric Motor: Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) system
- Combined Output: Approximately 110 horsepower
The hybrid powertrain is complemented by Honda's innovative e: HEV technology, which intelligently manages the engine and electric motor for optimal efficiency in various driving conditions. This synergy ensures that whether you're navigating city streets or cruising on the highway, the Jazz Hybrid delivers a smooth and responsive performance.
User Experience: Driving the Honda Jazz Hybrid
Driving the Honda Jazz Hybrid is an experience that blends practicality with a touch of sophistication. The cabin welcomes you with a thoughtfully designed interior that maximizes space and comfort. Despite its compact exterior dimensions, the Jazz Hybrid surprises with its roomy interior, offering ample headroom and legroom for both front and rear passengers.
Interior Features:
- Magic Seats: Honda's versatile Magic Seats system allows for multiple configurations, enabling easy adaptation to accommodate various cargo shapes and sizes.
- Infotainment: The Jazz Hybrid boasts a modern infotainment system with a touchscreen display, offering connectivity options such as Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™ integration.
The driving dynamics of the Jazz Hybrid are tuned to provide a balanced blend of agility and stability. Whether you're manoeuvring through narrow city streets or tackling curvy roads, accurate steering and quick handling provide a sense of assurance while driving. The regenerative braking system not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to a smooth braking experience, seamlessly transitioning between electric and friction braking.
Design and Technology
The Honda Jazz Hybrid's design ethos revolves around functionality and aerodynamic efficiency. Its sleek exterior lines not only enhance its visual appeal but also contribute to its fuel-saving capabilities. LED headlights and daytime running lights provide enhanced visibility, while the aerodynamically optimized body minimizes drag for improved efficiency.
Safety Features:
- Honda Sensing® Suite: Standard on most trims, Honda Sensing® includes features like Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™), Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS), Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), and Road Departure Mitigation System (RDM).
- Multi-Angle Rearview Camera: Assists in parking and reversing manoeuvres, providing multiple viewing angles for enhanced awareness.
Ownership and Sustainability
Owning a Honda Jazz Hybrid extends beyond the joy of driving. It demonstrates a dedication to promoting sustainability and ethical living practices. With its hybrid powertrain, the Jazz Hybrid helps reduce your carbon footprint without compromising on performance or convenience. Honda's reputation for reliability ensures peace of mind, backed by a strong warranty and comprehensive service network.
Fuel Efficiency: The Honda Jazz Hybrid boasts impressive fuel efficiency figures, making it an ideal choice for daily commuting and long-distance journeys alike. With its hybrid powertrain, expect to achieve excellent mileage and fewer stops at the pump.
In conclusion, the Honda Jazz Hybrid stands as a testament to Honda's dedication to innovation and sustainability. It combines the practicality of a compact car with the efficiency of hybrid technology, offering a compelling choice for discerning drivers who prioritize both performance and environmental consciousness. Whether you're drawn to its fuel-saving capabilities, spacious interior, or advanced safety features, the Jazz Hybrid promises a driving experience that is as rewarding as it is responsible.
As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the Honda Jazz Hybrid remains a frontrunner in the realm of efficient and comfortable urban mobility. With its blend of cutting-edge technology and timeless Honda reliability, the Jazz Hybrid is poised to lead the charge towards a more sustainable future on the roads.
For those seeking a vehicle that not only meets but exceeds expectations, the Honda Jazz Hybrid emerges as a clear winner in the competitive landscape of hybrid compact cars. Embrace the future of efficient and comfortable driving with the Honda Jazz Hybrid — where innovation meets inspiration on every journey.
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justicegundam82 · 10 months ago
Pathfinder 2E to 1E conversion: Raw Nerve
Here's a new conversion from me! The Book of the Dead contains some pretty interesting critters, but this one was particularly fun and appealing to me. I tried to convert it as faithfully as possible, while at the same time trying to inject some of my own ideas into it. Not sure how well that turned out... but I still hope you will like it! Enjoy!
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Image (c) Paizo Publishing. Accessed at theARchives of Nethys here
A disembodied brain floats eerily towards you, with a network of nerves trailing behind it, crackling with electricity and morbidly parodying a humanoid form.
XP 4’800
NE Medium Undead
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., thoughtsense; Perception +18
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural)
hp 90 (12d8+36)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +11
Damage Reduction 10 / slashing; Immune electricity, undead traits
Weakness vulnerable to sonic
Speed 30 ft., float
Melee 2 nerve lashes +12 (1d8+1 plus 1d6 electricity and involuntary reaction) or 2 nerve strokes +12 contact (2d6 electricity and involuntary reaction)
Special Attacks accelerating inquest, involuntary reaction, synaptic overload
Str 12, Dex 19, Con -, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 23
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Lunge, Piranha Strike, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +16, Heal +15, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (any one) +20, Knowledge (religion) +20, Perception +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +19
Languages Common, Necril (cannot speak); telepathy 100 ft.
Special Qualities float
Environment any underground
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard
Accelerating Inquest (Su) As a swift action once per round, a raw nerve can mentally probe a single creature within 100 feet. The creature must make a Will saving throw (DC 21). On a failure, its superficial thoughts are revealed to the raw nerve, which gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC and its attack rolls against that particular creature for the duration of 1 round. A creature immune to or warded against mind-reading (for example, with spells such as enshroud thoughts or thought shield) is immune to this ability. The save DC is Intelligence-based.
Float (Ex) A raw nerve floats a few inches off the ground. It ignores difficult terrain.
Involuntary Reaction (Su) A creature that takes electricity damage from a raw nerve must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or become staggered with muscle spasms and unable to make attacks of opportunity for 1d4 rounds. Multiple failed saving throws prolong the duration of this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Synaptic Overload (Su) Once every 1d4+1 rounds, a raw nerve may release a burst of mental energy in a 30-foot cone, dealing 4d8 damage to each creature in the cone. Each target may halve the damage taken with a successful Will saving throw (DC 18), but if the saving throw is failed by 5 or more, the creature is also stunned for 1 round in addition to taking damage. A creature immune to or warded against mind-reading gains a +4 circumstance bonus on this saving throw and cannot be stunned by this ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Thoughtsense (Su) A raw nerve is constantly under the effects of athoughtsense spell. This ability cannot be dispelled.
A raw nerve is a peculiar kind of undead that is sometimes birthed when a humanoid creature is killed by electricity and subsequently exposed to a large amount of negative energy. Usually, this means that the victim is killed by a powerful electricity-based spell or by a freak lightning, but in some technologically advanced regions, a raw nerve may also result out of an electrocuting accident – though such cases are exceedingly rare. In any event, a combination of electricity and negative energy takes possession of the victim’s nerve system and cause sit to wrench free of the body, creating a furious, tormented undead horror.
A raw nerve is irretrievably insane. Although these creatures possess superhuman intelligence, their psychic senses are overstimulated by the mere presence of sapient creatures. While a raw nerve does not go out of its way to hunt and kill the living, it perceives other living creatures’ thoughts as a chaotic jumble that causes it pain and discomfort, and it seeks to regain its peace and quiet by destroying the source of its torment. Once a raw nerve has destroyed all living beings in its proximities, it resumes its quiescence, sitting in midair in a meditating pose, but any similar disturbance will rile it up and turn it murderous once again. Constructs and other undead do not irritate a raw nerve in the same way – only living creatures trigger a raw nerve’s rage.
A raw nerve stands between 5 and 6 feet tall, but weighs very little compared to similarly sized creatures. Though it can communicate via telepathy, it rarely chooses to do so, making most attempts at diplomacy pointless.
A more powerful version of a raw nerve can be created when a creature is struck multiple times by lightning in a short period of time before dying. Raw nerves “born” in this way seem to appear and disappear at random intervals, like a flash of lightning during a storm. An enhanced raw nerve has the advanced simple template and the following special ability in addition to the ones standard to a raw nerve.
Shock to the System (Ex) At the end of an enhanced raw nerve’s turn, roll 1d6: on a 1, 2 or 3, the raw nerve is visible, glowing with bright light that makes sighted creatures dazzled while within 10 ft. of it. On a 4, 5 or 6, the raw nerve is invisible (as with an invisibility spell)
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brookemedbil · 1 hour ago
Mastering the Certified Medical Billing Specialist Exam: Essential Tips and Resources for Success
Mastering the Certified⁣ Medical Billing Specialist Exam: Essential Tips and resources for Success
Mastering the certified Medical Billing Specialist ⁢Exam: Essential Tips and⁢ Resources for Success
Becoming a Certified Medical Billing Specialist (CMBS) is a notable career milestone for anyone looking⁣ to ​thrive in the healthcare⁤ billing and‍ coding ​sector. ​The CMBS ‍exam can​ be challenging,but with the right preparation​ strategies,resources,and mindset,you can increase your⁤ chances of success. In this‍ comprehensive guide, we’ll‌ provide valuable information, practical tips, and essential resources to help you master the Certified Medical Billing Specialist exam.
Understanding‌ the ⁤Certified Medical Billing ⁢Specialist Exam
Before diving into preparation,it’s crucial ‍to understand ​what the CMBS exam entails. This certification evaluates a‌ candidate’s knowledge of​ medical billing principles, coding⁣ processes, and understanding of various medical and ⁢insurance terminologies.
Exam ⁤Structure and Topics Covered
the CMBS exam generally covers the following core areas:
Medical‌ billing⁣ processes
Insurance verification
Claims management
Compliance and regulations
Health information management
Exam‌ Format
The Certified medical Billing Specialist exam⁤ typically consists of multiple-choice ⁤questions, with⁢ a duration of⁣ around 2 ⁤to ‌3 hours​ to​ complete, depending on the certifying body. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the ⁤exam format before sitting for‌ the test.
Key Benefits ​of Becoming a Certified Medical Billing Specialist
Obtaining a CMBS certification can ⁤lead to​ numerous benefits, including:
Career ⁣Advancement: ​ Certification can lead to higher pay and⁢ promotional opportunities.
Professional Credibility: Being⁤ certified demonstrates your commitment and expertise in the field.
Networking Opportunities: Joining professional organizations may open doors to ​valuable connections.
Essential Tips for Exam Preparation
Preparing for the Certified‍ Medical Billing specialist exam requires a strategic ​approach. Here are some‍ proven tips:
1. Create a Study schedule
Outline your study plan. Allocate specific times each week dedicated ‍to different topics and⁢ stick to ​your schedule. A consistent ‌routine helps reinforce your knowledge.
2. Utilize Quality⁢ study Materials
Invest in high-quality textbooks, online courses, and ​study guides tailored‍ to the CMBS exam. Here are some recommended resources:
Resource Type
Resource ⁣Name
The Complete Guide to medical Billing
View on Amazon
Online Course
Medical Billing and Coding Certification Course
Enroll ⁣Now
Study Guide
CMBS ‌Study Guide 2023
Get It Here
3. Take Practice Exams
Simulate the test⁣ environment by ⁤taking⁢ practice exams. This not​ only ⁣helps you gauge your knowledge but also builds your test-taking stamina.
4. Join Study Groups
Collaborate with peers who ⁢are also preparing for the exam. Discussing topics in ⁢a ⁢group‌ setting ⁤can enhance your understanding and retention ⁢of material.
5.Focus on Weak Areas
After taking practice tests, identify ⁢your weak areas and devote extra‌ study time to those subjects.
Real-Life Success Stories
Hearing about others’ ⁣journeys can inspire and ⁤motivate you. Here are a couple of success stories from professionals who mastered the CMBS exam:
Case Study 1: Jenna’s Journey
Jenna, a medical receptionist, decided to launch her career in medical‍ billing. She developed a study plan that included reading ⁣textbooks, attending a local‍ workshop, and joining an online study group. This strategy helped⁤ her pass​ the ⁤CMBS exam on her ‌first attempt, and she now​ works⁢ as a lead biller at a reputable hospital.
Case Study 2: Mark’s ​Mistake​ and redemption
Mark initially ⁣failed ⁤the exam due to inadequate preparation. After reflecting on his experience, he re-evaluated his study methods.He started using practice exams and‍ participating in study groups,which ultimately ⁢led him ‌to pass the exam on his second attempt. Today, Mark is​ a senior billing specialist.
Additional Practical Tips
Here are a few practical tips to keep in ‌mind as you prepare for your CMBS exam:
Stay Healthy: Maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise,‍ and sufficient sleep to enhance ‌cognitive function.
Stay calm: Develop relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, ‌to alleviate exam anxiety.
Read Instructions ​Carefully: Ensure you understand all exam instructions ⁢before beginning.
Mastering the Certified Medical ​Billing Specialist exam‍ is an achievable ⁢goal ⁢when approached ⁣with the ‌right mindset, preparation strategies, and resources. By creating a ⁢structured study ‍plan, utilizing valuable ‍materials, and learning from real-life experiences, you can increase your ​confidence and chances of passing the exam. Remember, persistence and dedication are key elements in your journey toward becoming​ a‍ successful Certified Medical‌ Billing Specialist. Best ⁢of luck!
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amymedbiller · 1 day ago
Open Your Career: The Ultimate Guide to Medical Billing Specialist Certification
Unlock Your Career: Teh Ultimate Guide to Medical Billing Specialist Certification
Are you looking to start or advance your ‍career in the healthcare field? The role of a Medical Billing Specialist is both rewarding and essential ⁤within the industry.With ⁢the right certification, you can unlock ‌numerous career opportunities and ensure a lucrative future. This comprehensive guide will walk ⁤you through everything you need to know about obtaining your Medical Billing Specialist certification.
What‍ is a Medical Billing Specialist?
A medical billing specialist is responsible ⁣for processing and submitting claims to insurance companies, ensuring healthcare providers are reimbursed⁤ for their services. This ⁣role involves understanding medical terminology,coding,billing procedures,and healthcare regulations.
Why Certification Matters
Certification is ⁤crucial for several reasons:
Credibility: Obtaining a certification shows employers that you have the necessary skills and knowledge.
Increased Opportunities: ​ Certified professionals often have better job prospects and earning potential.
Professional Growth: Certification can lead​ to further career ⁤advancement and specialization.
Types of Medical Billing Specialist Certifications
Several organizations offer certification programs for medical billing specialists.The most recognized ​certifications include:
Issuing Association
Certified ‍Professional Coder⁢ (CPC)
American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
75‍ question⁣ exam, 2 years of ‍coding experience preferred
Certified ‌Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS)
National Healthcareer ⁤Association (NHA)
50 question exam, no experience needed
Certified​ Medical Billing Specialist (CMBS)
National center for ⁣Competency Testing (NCCT)
150 question exam, high​ school diploma or equivalent
Steps ‍to Obtain Your Medical Billing Specialist Certification
Here’s a streamlined process for securing your ‍certification:
Research Certification Options: Choose the certification ‍that best aligns with ⁤your​ career goals.
Meet Prerequisites: check if you need any specific training, education, or ‍experience.
Prepare for the Exam: Utilize study materials, courses, and practice exams to‌ hone your skills.
Register ⁣and Take​ the Exam: ⁤ Follow the organization’s guidelines​ to sign up for ⁤the exam.
Stay ⁤Certified: Maintain⁤ your certification through continuing education and renewal fees.
Benefits of Becoming a ⁤Certified Medical Billing Specialist
Your certification ⁣will provide numerous advantages:
Higher Salary: Certified professionals can earn significantly more than non-certified counterparts.
Career Advancement: Certification can open ​doors to higher-level positions and specialized roles.
Networking Opportunities: ​Joining professional organizations ⁤allows for ​networking ​with industry peers.
Tips for Success in Medical⁢ Billing
Here are​ practical tips to excel in your role:
Stay Updated: Keep up ‍with changes in healthcare⁢ regulations and coding practices.
Enhance Skills: Learn software and technology used‍ in medical billing.
Build Relationships: ‍ Networking can lead to job opportunities and mentorship.
First-Hand Experience
Sarah,‍ a newly certified Medical Billing Specialist, shared her journey:
“Becoming certified was a transformative​ experience. I ⁤invested time in study materials and practiced coding thoroughly, which helped ⁤me feel⁣ confident going into the exam. The moment‍ I received my certification, I felt a wave of reassurance as I realized the door to‌ my dream job had ⁢opened!”
Case Studies ‌of Successful Medical Billing Specialists
Let’s look at some success stories:
John: ‍After ‌obtaining his CPC, John advanced from a billing assistant to a medical ⁣billing ​manager within two years, supervising a team of ⁣ten.
Alice: Alice‍ transitioned from administrative work to a specialized ​role‌ in coding, leveraging her CBCS​ certification to secure a position with a leading healthcare‌ provider.
Becoming a certified Medical Billing Specialist can truly unlock numerous opportunities ⁣within the healthcare field. This credential not‍ only enhances your skill set but also ⁤boosts your professional credibility and earning potential. by understanding the certification process,⁢ staying informed, and continuously seeking to improve your⁣ skills, you can‍ build a successful career in⁢ medical billing.Start your journey today and take the first step toward unlocking your career!
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sahraeyll · 3 days ago
Open Your Career: Top Online Medical Billing Programs for 2023
Unlock Your Career: Top Online Medical​ Billing Programs for 2023
In today’s ‌fast-evolving healthcare landscape,medical billing and coding professionals play a‍ crucial role​ in ensuring that ‌healthcare providers are properly compensated for their ⁣services. With a growing demand for these⁤ services, many are‍ exploring how to⁢ enhance⁤ their careers through online medical billing programs.In this article, we’ll explore⁤ the top medical billing programs available⁤ in‌ 2023, the benefits they ⁢offer, and practical tips for success in the⁣ healthcare sector.
Understanding⁤ Medical Billing
Medical billing is a critical part of the healthcare system, involving⁤ the process​ of submitting and ​following​ up on claims with ​health insurance companies to‌ receive payment for ‌services rendered. Here ‍are some⁣ key aspects:
Health Codes: Medical billers use specific codes to represent⁣ diagnoses and procedures.
Insurance ⁤Claims: They handle the ‌claims‍ process to ‍ensure ‍proper reimbursement⁢ from ‌insurance providers.
Patient​ Billing: ​They manage patient invoices and payments.
Why Enroll⁢ in an Online Medical Billing Program?
Flexible​ Learning: Online programs allow you to study at your own pace.
Industry Demand: The Bureau of Labor​ Statistics predicts growth in the billing​ sector, ⁤making this a stable career choice.
Cost-Effective: ‍ Online courses are⁢ often more affordable than customary ​classroom settings.
Top ‌Online ⁢Medical Billing ‍Programs for 2023
Here’s ⁢a look⁤ at​ some of the top-rated online medical billing programs available in 2023:
Program Name
Allegiance ‌Training
4 Months
Certified Medical Billing⁣ Specialist (CMBS)
Ashworth College
6 Months
Medical Billing and Coding‌ Certificate
Penn Foster
9 Months
Medical Billing and Coding Diploma
Southern Careers Institute
3 Months
Medical Billing Certification
Goodwin university
5 Months
Medical Billing Certificate
Benefits of Medical Billing Courses
Investing in an⁣ online medical‍ billing⁣ program offers numerous advantages:
Skill‌ Development: Gain essential skills in healthcare ‍governance and ‍coding.
Networking Opportunities: Connect ‍with ​professionals in the field for potential ⁢job leads.
Career Advancement: Improved⁣ credentials‍ can lead to promotions and higher salary potential.
Practical‌ Tips for Success in Medical Billing
To ensure your success in a medical ⁤billing program and ⁣your subsequent ‍career,⁤ consider the following tips:
Stay Organized: Develop a system to keep track of assignments ‌and deadlines.
Engage in Networking: Join forums and attend webinars related to medical billing.
Practise Billing Software: Familiarize yourself with ⁣industry-standard ‍medical billing software.
Real-life Success Stories
Many professionals have transformed their careers through online medical billing⁤ programs:
Case ‌Study: ‌Sarah, Age 32
After enrolling in a medical billing course at Penn Foster, ⁢sarah transitioned from a⁣ position in ⁤retail to ⁢medical ‌billing. Within six‌ months, she landed​ an entry-level job⁤ and now enjoys​ a salary increase of 30% compared ​to her previous job.
Case ⁤Study: Mark, Age 28
Mark was seeking a change in his career ‌path and decided to pursue a diploma in medical billing⁢ through Ashworth College. He found the course ⁢flexible and manageable with his full-time job. He now works as a billing ​analyst, a role he loves, and has plans for further certification.
Conclusion: A Luminous Future in Medical Billing
The demand for medical ​billing professionals is on the rise, making it ‌an excellent ⁣time to‌ invest in ⁣your education through one of ‌the top⁢ online medical billing programs available in 2023. Not‌ only do these programs provide ‌the ⁢skills and knowledge⁢ required to succeed in healthcare administration,but they also offer ⁤the flexibility needed ⁤to balance with your current ​commitments. Whether ⁢you’re starting a new career or looking⁤ to ‌advance in your current path,an ‍online medical billing program can⁢ unlock your career potential and pave ​the ‍way for future⁢ success.
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hayleymedbil · 8 days ago
Open Your Career Potential: A Complete Guide to the Certified Medical Billing Specialist Exam
Unlock ‌Your Career potential: A Complete guide to the Certified Medical Billing Specialist exam
are you ‌looking to elevate your career​ in the healthcare industry? Obtaining the Certified Medical Billing Specialist⁤ (CMBS) certification can be your‌ gateway to new opportunities and⁣ professional growth. This complete guide will walk you through everything you need to know about⁤ the CMBS‌ exam, from⁣ preparation to ⁢practical tips that can help you succeed.
What⁢ is the Certified Medical Billing⁢ Specialist ‍Exam?
The Certified Medical Billing Specialist (CMBS) exam ​is a professional certification that validates your⁤ skills and knowledge in medical billing. This exam is typically recognized by healthcare providers and insurance ⁣companies, showcasing your expertise‌ in processing claims⁢ and managing billing information.
Why Pursue CMBS Certification?
Obtaining the⁢ CMBS certification can​ unlock various career opportunities by enhancing your qualifications. Here ‍are‍ a few reasons to consider:
Increased Earning Potential: Certified professionals often earn higher salaries compared to⁣ their ‍non-certified counterparts.
Job ​Security: The healthcare field is continuously growing, and certified professionals are more sought⁢ after.
Career Advancement: Certification opens ⁣doors to advanced ⁤roles within medical billing and coding.
Professional Credibility: Achieving certification enhances your⁣ professional ‌reputation and marketability.
Exam Overview
The CMBS exam⁣ tests‍ your knowledge in various areas,including:
Medical ​terminology
Billing ⁤processes
Health insurance plans
Regulations and compliance
The exam generally consists of ​multiple-choice questions and must be ⁤completed within a specified time frame.
CMBS Exam ‌Eligibility Requirements
Before you begin your journey to ​certification, ensure you ‌meet the following ​eligibility⁣ criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent.
A minimum of one⁤ year of experience in a medical billing role (or equivalent training).
Completion of a medical billing course from an accredited institution (optional but recommended).
How‍ to Prepare for the CMBS Exam
Preparation is key to passing the CMBS exam. Here are some effective strategies:
1. Study Materials
Invest in ⁤quality study materials,including textbooks,online courses,and​ practice exams. Some reputable resources include:
American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
American Health Information ⁢Management‍ Association ‌(AHIMA)
Online platforms⁣ like⁣ Coursera or Udemy
2. Join a Study Group
Collaborating with peers can enhance your​ understanding of complex concepts.Consider‍ joining ⁢a study group where members can share ‌resources‌ and ⁤quiz ⁢each other.
3.Take Practice Exams
Practice exams are instrumental in ⁣familiarizing yourself with⁣ the‍ test format and time constraints. They allow you to identify areas for improvement ⁤and increase your confidence.
Understanding the ‍Exam Format
The⁤ CMBS exam typically consists ‍of:
Number of Questions
Time Allotted
Medical Terminology
30 ⁤minutes
Billing Processes
30 minutes
Health Insurance
30 minutes
Regulations ⁣& Compliance
30 minutes
Benefits of Certification
Holding a CMBS ⁣certification can​ substantially ‍impact your career.‍ Here are the key benefits:
professional Growth: Certification provides a competitive edge in the job market.
Networking Opportunities: Join professional⁣ organizations to network with industry ​experts and‍ peers.
Continuous Learning: ‍Many certification bodies require continuing education, promoting lifelong ⁢learning.
Real-Life Success Stories
Many professionals have transformed their careers through CMBS certification. here are a couple of notable‍ examples:
Case Study 1: Sarah’s Journey
After struggling to ⁤secure a consistent job in medical billing for years, Sarah decided to pursue⁢ CMBS certification.‍ With focused preparation and the support of a study ⁣group, she passed the exam on her ⁢first ⁣try. Today, sarah works as a lead ⁣medical billing specialist at a respected hospital and earns ​more than she ever thought ⁤possible.
Case Study 2:⁤ John’s Career Transition
John worked in customer service for⁣ a healthcare company.⁢ After realizing his passion for the field, ⁤he enrolled in a medical​ billing course and prepared ⁢for the CMBS ⁣exam while still ⁤working. His dedication paid ‌off, and he quickly found⁤ a job as a billing specialist after ​obtaining his certification.
Final Tips for Success
As you prepare for the CMBS exam, keep these final tips in mind:
Stay Organized: Create a study schedule and set achievable deadlines.
Prioritize Self-Care: ​Ensure‍ you are getting enough⁢ rest⁤ and managing stress effectively.
Seek Help When Needed: Don’t hesitate to reach out to mentors or educators if you’re struggling with⁢ specific topics.
The journey to becoming ⁣a Certified medical Billing ⁤Specialist​ is both challenging and rewarding. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enhance your chances‍ of passing the CMBS exam and unlocking your career potential in the medical billing field. Remember,⁣ preparation, ⁣perseverance, and continuous learning are the keys to achieving your⁣ professional goals.
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ramishan · 2 months ago
How to Invest in Commercial Real Estate: A Comprehensive Guide
Investing in commercial real estate can be a lucrative way to build wealth, generate passive income, and diversify your portfolio. However, success in this field requires thorough research, strategic planning, and an understanding of market trends. Whether you’re a first-time investor or looking to expand your real estate ventures, this guide will walk you through the essentials of commercial real estate investment.
What is Commercial Real Estate? Commercial real estate (CRE) refers to properties used for business purposes. This includes office buildings, retail spaces, warehouses, industrial facilities, hotels, and multi-family apartment complexes. Unlike residential properties, commercial real estate often offers higher income potential and longer lease terms, making it an attractive investment option.
Why Invest in Commercial Real Estate? Higher Income Potential: Commercial properties typically yield better returns compared to residential properties. Tenants in commercial spaces often sign longer leases, ensuring a steady income stream.
Portfolio Diversification: Investing in CRE provides an opportunity to diversify your portfolio, reducing overall risk. Different types of properties can perform well under varying economic conditions.
Value Appreciation: Over time, commercial properties tend to appreciate in value, particularly in high-demand locations. Strategic improvements can further boost property value.
Tax Benefits: CRE investors can benefit from tax deductions on mortgage interest, depreciation, and operational costs.
Economic Stability: Commercial real estate investment often aligns with economic growth. As businesses expand, demand for commercial spaces increases.
Types of Commercial Real Estate Investments Before diving into the investment process, it’s essential to understand the various types of commercial real estate. Each type comes with its own risks, rewards, and tenant dynamics:
Office Spaces: Suitable for companies and professionals; typically located in urban and suburban areas. Retail Properties: Includes shopping malls, standalone stores, and strip centers. Success depends on foot traffic and retail trends. Industrial Properties: Warehouses, manufacturing units, and distribution centers catering to logistics and production needs. Multi-family Housing: Apartment complexes with five or more units; combines commercial and residential benefits. Hotels and Hospitality: Properties catering to travelers; influenced by tourism and economic conditions. Mixed-Use Developments: Combine residential, retail, and office spaces in one property. Steps to Invest in Commercial Real Estate 1. Set Clear Investment Goals Before investing, identify your financial goals. Are you looking for steady income, long-term appreciation, or a combination of both? Your objectives will determine the type of property and investment strategy you pursue.
2. Understand the Market Research is crucial in commercial real estate investment. Study market trends, demand-supply dynamics, and economic indicators. Look for growing cities, business hubs, and areas with strong infrastructure development.
Key factors to analyze include:
Vacancy rates Rental income potential Local business climate Future development plans 3. Secure Financing Commercial real estate investment often requires significant capital. Explore various financing options, such as:
Traditional bank loans Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) Real estate investment trusts (REITs) Private equity Ensure you have a clear understanding of interest rates, repayment terms, and additional costs like property taxes and maintenance.
4. Build a Strong Network Networking is vital in the CRE industry. Collaborate with real estate agents, property managers, financial advisors, and legal experts. A strong network can help you identify lucrative opportunities and navigate complex transactions.
5. Conduct Due Diligence Thorough due diligence is essential before finalizing a deal. This includes:
Inspecting the property for structural and legal issues Reviewing lease agreements and tenant history Evaluating cash flow and profitability projections Assessing zoning laws and regulatory compliance 6. Choose the Right Investment Model There are multiple ways to enter commercial real estate investment:
Direct Ownership: Buying a property outright. Requires significant capital and hands-on management. Real Estate Syndication: Pooling funds with other investors to acquire larger properties. REITs: Investing in a portfolio of commercial properties managed by a professional company. Crowdfunding: Online platforms that allow small-scale investors to participate in CRE projects. 7. Hire a Professional Property Manager If you’re investing in a larger property, consider hiring a property management company. They can handle tenant relations, maintenance, and rent collection, ensuring smooth operations.
8. Monitor and Optimize Your Investment Regularly review the performance of your investment. Monitor cash flow, occupancy rates, and maintenance costs. Adjust your strategy based on market trends and emerging opportunities.
Risks Associated with Commercial Real Estate Investment While commercial real estate investment offers numerous benefits, it’s not without risks:
Market Volatility: Economic downturns can reduce demand for commercial spaces. High Initial Costs: CRE requires significant upfront capital, making it less accessible for small-scale investors. Tenant Turnover: Vacancies can result in income loss and additional marketing expenses. Legal and Regulatory Challenges: Compliance with zoning laws, building codes, and environmental regulations is essential. Property Maintenance: Larger properties often involve higher maintenance and repair costs. Commercial Real Estate Investment Strategies 1. Buy-and-Hold Strategy This long-term approach involves purchasing a property and holding it for several years to benefit from rental income and value appreciation. Ideal for investors seeking steady cash flow.
2. Value-Add Strategy Investors acquire underperforming properties, make improvements, and increase rental income. This strategy requires a hands-on approach and additional capital for renovations.
3. Development Projects Building a commercial property from scratch offers high returns but involves greater risks, including construction delays and cost overruns.
4. Opportunistic Investments High-risk, high-reward projects often include distressed properties or emerging markets. Requires deep market knowledge and financial resilience.
5. REIT Investments For those seeking a hands-off approach, REITs allow you to invest in a diversified portfolio of commercial properties without owning them directly.
Future Trends in Commercial Real Estate Investment The commercial real estate landscape is constantly evolving. Here are some trends shaping the industry:
Technology Integration: Smart buildings and proptech solutions are enhancing tenant experiences and operational efficiency. Sustainability: Green building practices and energy-efficient designs are becoming key considerations for investors. Co-Working Spaces: Flexible office solutions are gaining popularity, driven by remote work trends. Urbanization: As cities expand, demand for mixed-use developments and transit-oriented properties is rising. Conclusion Commercial real estate investment offers a pathway to significant financial rewards, but it requires careful planning and a deep understanding of the market. By setting clear goals, conducting thorough research, and leveraging professional expertise, you can navigate the complexities of this industry and build a profitable portfolio.
Remember, every investment carries risks. Stay informed, adapt to market trends, and continuously refine your strategies to maximize returns. With the right approach, commercial real estate investment can be a cornerstone of your financial success.
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ultrimio · 8 months ago
Cosmic Interface: Technologies to Tap into the Reservoir Universe's Computational Fabric
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Developing technologies to interact with the computational subsystems of the "Reservoir Universe" would be profoundly transformative, potentially providing unprecedented insights into the universe's inner workings. Here are some speculative technologies and methodologies that could be envisioned to interface with these computational nodes:
1. Quantum Information Decoders
Purpose: Decode the information processed by the computational subsystems of the universe.
Quantum Entanglement: Leverage quantum entanglement to link with the subsystems.
Quantum Sensors: Use highly sensitive quantum sensors to detect subtle changes in quantum field amplitudes.
Decoding Algorithms: Develop algorithms that can interpret the encoded data streams into meaningful information.
2. Gravitational Wave Analyzers
Purpose: Detect and interpret data embedded in gravitational waves.
Network of Detectors: Deploy a global network of gravitational wave detectors, like LIGO, VIRGO, and KAGRA, but more sensitive.
Waveform Analysis Algorithms: Utilize machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and extract computational data.
Feedback Mapping: Map the gravitational wave feedback loops to understand the computational processes of spacetime curvature.
3. Cosmic Neutrino Networks
Purpose: Use neutrinos as messengers to probe computational nodes.
Neutrino Emitters and Receivers: Create devices capable of emitting and detecting neutrinos at extremely high precision.
Neutrino Field Analysis: Analyze how neutrinos interact with different subsystems, revealing computational processes.
Interference Patterns: Study interference patterns to map the structure of computational networks.
4. Spacetime Curvature Probes
Purpose: Measure and manipulate the local curvature of spacetime to interact with computational nodes.
Micro-Gravity Sensors: Develop ultra-sensitive sensors to detect minute changes in spacetime curvature.
Localized Curvature Manipulation: Use high-energy particle colliders or gravitational lensing to alter local spacetime curvature.
Curvature Mapping Algorithms: Create algorithms that translate curvature changes into computational data.
5. Quantum Field Manipulators
Purpose: Directly manipulate quantum fields to interact with computational subsystems.
Field Generators: Design devices that can generate controlled quantum fields.
Field Interaction Analysis: Analyze how the generated fields interact with cosmic quantum fields.
Quantum State Alteration: Modify the quantum probabilities to influence computational outputs.
6. Cosmic Neural Networks
Purpose: Create AI systems that model and interface with the computational fabric.
Neural Network Architecture: Develop neural network architectures that mimic the hypothesized cosmic computational nodes.
Training on Cosmic Data: Train these networks using real cosmic data from telescopes, particle detectors, and gravitational wave observatories.
Pattern Recognition: Recognize patterns in cosmic data that might reveal computational structures.
7. Information Entropy Analyzers
Purpose: Measure the entropy changes in cosmic information processing.
Entropy Sensors: Build sensors that detect changes in cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation or cosmic rays.
Entropy Mapping Algorithms: Use machine learning to map entropy variations across different cosmic regions.
Subsystem Identification: Identify computational subsystems based on entropy changes.
8. Multidimensional Signal Processors
Purpose: Detect and analyze signals from higher-dimensional spaces.
Dimensional Probes: Construct probes capable of detecting multidimensional signals based on string theory or M-theory frameworks.
Signal Interpretation Algorithms: Develop algorithms to interpret these signals into meaningful computational data.
Higher-Dimensional Mapping: Map out the structure of higher-dimensional computational networks.
9. Virtual Reality Interfaces
Purpose: Create immersive environments to visualize and interact with the computational fabric.
Cosmic Data Visualization: Use virtual reality (VR) to visualize cosmic data from computational nodes.
Interactive Simulations: Build simulations that allow users to explore and manipulate the computational subsystems.
Feedback Mechanisms: Provide real-time feedback based on changes in the cosmic computational network.
Interfacing with the computational fabric of the universe would require a multidisciplinary approach, combining quantum mechanics, information theory, cosmology, and advanced computing. Although speculative, these technologies offer a glimpse into how humanity might one day unlock the secrets of the Reservoir Universe and gain a deeper understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.
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charterunionfinance · 11 months ago
Understanding the Ins and Outs of Commercial Real Estate Financing
The bringing and molding of business land, like places of business, retail outlets, inns, and structures overseen by condos, requires significant capital speculation. Without sizable cash reserves, commercial real estate borrowings are what we need to use to buy estates and improvements.
Numerous common funding methods include bank loans, private lenders, Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, crowdfunding, and partnership models. In the present blog, these key terms in strategy commonly used in Commercial real estate finance will be fully analyzed to realize that this is as close as ever to the actual world scenario.
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Types of Commercial Real Estate Finance
In the commercial real estate lending scheme, the universe of arrangements imbues the type of acceptable properties, the investors' objectives, and the borrowers' qualities. Common types of Commercial Real Estate finance include:
Traditional Loans: Banks and financial institutions are the dominant players in this area and tend to provide traditional mortgages with more stringent requirements, such as deposits and collateral.
Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS): Commercial mortgage bonds help flood capital into the primary lenders and give secondary market investors the necessary liquidity.
Bridge Loans: A short-term finance solution provides a temporary source of funds for those who need to cover the time gap between buying a property and obtaining permanent financing, commonly employed for renovations or reconstruction works.
SBA Loans: In governmental aid, the majority are government-supported loans managed by the SBA, which showcase reasonable interest rates and other affordable terms for eligible endeavors.
Equity Financing: Capital investors or backers, in exchange, provide shares or interest in commercial real estate projects, which are recoupable.
Plans for Securing Commercial Real Estate Financing
Build Strong Relationships: Nurture an active network with lenders and brokers and venture to investigate investors' interests to benefit from the funding sources and be informed about market trends and dynamics.
Prepare a comprehensive proposal: Create a solid and catchy business plan and investment proposal specifying what your objectives include, the financial and investment projections, and the possibilities of the return on investment to acquire the favor of potential lenders and investors.
Demonstrate Financial Stability: Showcase a stellar financial history, including your creditworthiness, liquidity, and the record of your investment's profitability, to bring financial providers on board and attract investors.
Explore Alternative Financing Sources: Seek alternative sources of non-traditional funding as well, like private lenders, crowdfunding companies, and REITs; the variety of default finance repertoire and broadening the opportunity for capital are certainly achieved through the variety of different sources of funding.
For More Information Visit us Site- https://www.charterunionfin.com/financial-solutions/
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Sanguis Inversus (Reverse Vampire)
CR: 5 XP: 1,600 Race: Undead (ex-vampire) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Level Adjustment: +5
Type: Undead (crafted from a vampire) Init: +7 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits; Perception +10
AC: 19 (+3 Dexterity, +6 natural)
hp: 54 (7d8 + 21)
Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: Sunlight Vulnerability, Silver Resistance, Haunting Entry
Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee: Claw +10 (1d6+3 plus blood injection)
Special Attacks:
Blood Injection: Melee touch attack that deals 1d6 damage and grants 1d6 temporary hit points. The target loses an equal amount of HP (1 use per round).
Draining Aura (Ex): Creatures within 10 ft. must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be fatigued for 1d6 rounds.
Blood Bond (Ex): Telepathic communication with injected creatures for 24 hours.
Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: —
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 18 (+4)
Base Atk: +5; CMB: +8; CMD: 21
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +11, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Stealth +12
Sunlight Vulnerability: The Sanguis Inversus instantly dies if exposed to direct sunlight.
Garlic Empowerment: Gains +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for each clove of garlic within 10 feet.
Silver Resistance: Takes half damage from silvered weapons and is immune to damage from non-magical weapons.
Mist Form: Can transform into a cloud of red mist as a standard action, becoming incorporeal and able to slip through small openings. Cannot attack in this form but can return to humanoid form on the same turn.
The Sanguis Inversus has a striking appearance, marked by its crimson skin that glows softly with an inner light, reminiscent of a warm ember. Its eyes are brilliant, glowing red, and seem to flicker with an otherworldly intensity. Instead of fangs, it possesses elongated, retractable claws that drip with a viscous red substance that is its lifeblood, which it uses to inject rather than drain.
Once a proud and powerful vampire, the Sanguis Inversus has undergone a dark transformation that has twisted its nature. It craves connection, seeking to forge bonds with the living through its unsettling method of blood injection. Driven by a chaotic nature, it is as likely to befriend or trick its victims as it is to attempt consuming them.
Sanguis Inversus typically dwells in dark places that are rich in shadow and mystery, such as ancient crypts, abandoned ruins, or the depths of thick forests. They are often found in regions where darkness prevails, such as caves or sunless subterranean tunnels, as sunlight represents their greatest threat.
Sanguis Inversus are solitary creatures, preferring to avoid the company of others. Their nature compels them to forge fleeting connections, but they often find themselves betrayed by their own chaotic impulses. This creates a network of fractured relationships and alliances with other undead or night-dwelling creatures. They may also seek followers among those who wish to gain power from their blood injections, creating a small, cult-like following that reveres them.
The Sanguis Inversus thrives in environments shrouded in darkness and mystery. Areas with frequent rainfall, heavy fog, or dense shrubbery are particularly favored. They are also known to take refuge in areas rich in folklore, often hiding in places marked by tales of the undead, where they can manipulate local beliefs to keep intruders at bay.
Appearance: The Sanguis Inversus has flushed red skin, almost like a living canvas of bright crimson hues. Its eyes glow with an otherworldly intensity, and instead of fangs, it possesses elongated, retractable claws that drip with a reddish substance.
Defensive Abilities:
Sunlight Vulnerability: The Sanguis Inversus dies instantly if exposed to direct sunlight. Shade or darkness grants it full health, making it a creature of the night.
Garlic Empowerment: Garlic, instead of harming this creature, empowers it. For every clove of garlic within 10 feet, the Sanguis Inversus gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, as well as +2 to its AC for the duration of the encounter.
Silver Resistance: The creature takes half damage from silvered weapons but is immune to damage from non-magical weapons.
Offensive Abilities:
Blood Injection: Instead of draining blood, the Sanguis Inversus injects its own blood (which is a magical restorative fluid). It can make a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 damage plus 1d6 temporary hit points to the target. The target is healed but loses the same amount of HP (this ability can only be used once per round).
Draining Aura (Ex): Creatures within 10 feet of a Sanguis Inversus must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the Sanguis Inversus's HD + its Charisma modifier) or be fatigued for 1d6 rounds. A creature that is fatigued in this way cannot recover HP until it rests for at least 8 hours away from the creature.
Special Abilities:
Haunting Entry: The Sanguis Inversus can only enter a house if it is explicitly told not to do so. It possesses an uncanny ability to imitate the sounds and voices of those inside and can use that to try to manipulate its way in.
Blood Ties: The Sanguis Inversus can create a bond with a creature it has injected. For up to 24 hours, the Sanguis Inversus can communicate telepathically with that creature, regardless of distance, as long as they are both on the same plane.
Mist Form: As a standard action, the Sanguis Inversus can transform into a cloud of red mist. While in this form, it is incorporeal and can move through small openings. It cannot attack while in mist form but can return to its humanoid form in an adjacent space.
Legends say that the Sanguis Inversus was once a proud vampire who attempted to break free from the cycle of death and rebirth. In a desperate bid for power, they turned away from the shadows and into the light, only to have their plans backfire. Now, as a Sanguis Inversus, they seek other ways to sustain themselves.
Reverse vampire. Dies when deprived of sunlight, injects people with blood instead of sucking it from them, is empowered by garlic and silver, has the most flushed red skin color instead of being deathly pale and can only enter a house if specifically told NOT to do so.
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jorgemarquet · 1 year ago
Disrupted brain structural networks associated with depression and cognitive dysfunction in cerebral small vessel disease with microbleeds - ScienceDirect
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brookemedbil · 5 days ago
Open Your Career Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Medical Coding and Billing Jobs
Unlock ⁣Your Career Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Medical Coding and ‌Billing Jobs
In today’s healthcare landscape, medical coding and billing jobs offer lucrative opportunities for professionals looking to⁤ make a significant​ impact. Whether you’re transitioning into a ‍new career or‍ seeking⁢ advancement in⁤ your ⁣current role, understanding the ins and outs of this field can unlock your career ‍potential. This comprehensive guide will‍ delve into the essentials ​of⁤ medical coding and billing, benefits of pursuing‌ these roles,⁤ essential skills, tips for success, and more.
What ⁢is Medical Coding and ‌Billing?
Medical​ coding and billing are critical processes within⁢ the healthcare ⁤industry‍ that ensure healthcare providers ⁢are compensated for their services. ⁢Here’s a‍ quick breakdown:
Medical Coding: This involves⁢ translating healthcare services and diagnoses into ⁤standardized ⁣codes, which ⁢are used for billing and documentation purposes.
Medical Billing: This process involves⁣ submitting⁤ claims to insurance companies and following up to ensure payments are received.
Benefits of a​ career in Medical Coding and billing
Choosing a ⁣career‌ in medical coding and​ billing comes with numerous advantages, including:
Job Stability: The demand⁣ for healthcare services will continue to grow,‍ ensuring a steady need for qualified professionals.
Flexible Work habitat: ⁤Many coding⁤ and ‍billing positions offer remote work options, providing adaptability and work-life balance.
Competitive ‍Salaries: Medical coders and billers can ​earn ​attractive salaries, with many opportunities for salary increase ⁢as‍ experiance grows.
Entry-Level⁢ Opportunities: Many ⁢positions in this field⁢ require only a certification,allowing⁢ you‌ to enter the workforce without a​ degree.
Essential Skills for Success in Medical Coding and Billing
To ‌thrive in ⁣medical coding and⁢ billing, ⁤certain skills and qualifications are crucial:
Attention‍ to Detail: Accuracy is paramount in ⁣coding and billing to avoid costly errors.
Proficiency‌ in Medical Terminology: understanding medical terms and procedures is essential for effective ⁤coding.
Analytical Skills: The ability​ to analyze detailed⁤ documentation and apply the appropriate codes is vital.
Interaction Skills: Effectively communicating with healthcare providers, patients, and insurance ⁤companies is key.
Educational Pathways and Certifications
While some⁣ positions ⁤may ⁢allow you to enter the field ⁤with ⁢a ‍high school diploma, obtaining a certification can significantly enhance your job ⁢prospects. ‍Here are some of the most recognized⁤ certifications:
Offered by
Focus ⁢Area
Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
General coding practices
Certified ‌Coding Specialist ‍(CCS)
Advanced coding and documentation
Certified Medical billing Specialist (CMBS)
Medical Association of Billers
billing processes and procedures
Certified in Electronic Health Records⁣ (CEHR)
national Association for ⁤Health Professionals
Health records ⁤management
How ⁤to Land ⁤Your First⁢ Job in Medical coding and Billing
Getting started in medical coding and billing ​requires a strategic approach. Here are practical⁢ tips to help you land​ your first job:
Networking: Connect with professionals in the field⁤ through networking ⁤events, online forums, and social media platforms like⁢ LinkedIn.
Internships: Seek internship‍ opportunities ⁢to gain hands-on ‌experience and enhance⁤ your resume.
Job Platforms: Utilize job search websites⁤ specializing in healthcare roles such as ⁤ AHIMA and AAPC.
Continuous Learning: Stay updated on new coding‍ guidelines and industry trends through continuing education programs.
Real-Life Success Stories
Many individuals have transformed their lives through careers in medical coding ‌and billing. Here are two noteworthy case studies:
Case Study 1: Sarah’s‌ Journey to‍ Success
After being a stay-at-home ⁢mom for several years, Sarah decided to pursue medical coding. ⁢She enrolled in a certification program offered by AAPC while managing family responsibilities.Within a year, she secured a remote position with a local hospital, ⁢allowing her flexibility⁣ in her schedule. Today, Sarah enjoys a⁢ rewarding career ⁢and has ​even taken on additional ‍responsibilities as a coding supervisor.
Case Study 2: James’s Career Transition
James was previously employed in retail but felt unfulfilled in his job. After researching, he found⁣ medical coding and decided to take a course that led to his certification. james landed a job⁣ at an insurance company within months. He now ​works⁤ in a dynamic environment where he feels his contribution makes a difference every day.
Medical coding and billing careers not ‌only offer stability but also a means to make a​ substantial⁢ impact in the‌ healthcare‌ system. by understanding the requirements, honing essential skills, and​ navigating the job​ market effectively, you can unlock your ⁢career potential in ⁣this growing ⁣field. With the right certification and dedication, you’ll be well ​on your way to a fulfilling and ⁣lucrative career in medical coding‌ and billing. Start ⁣your journey⁣ today, and turn your passion for healthcare‍ into a flourishing career!
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amymedbiller · 21 days ago
Open Exciting Opportunities: Top Medical Billing Jobs in Sacramento, CA
Unlock Exciting Opportunities: Top Medical ​Billing Jobs in Sacramento, CA
Are you exploring a career in medical billing? Sacramento, California,‍ offers a ​wealth of opportunities in ⁤this growing field, promising competitive salaries and ‌job security. In this article, we’ll delve into ⁢the best medical billing jobs in Sacramento, ⁢providing you with insights to kickstart ⁣your ⁤career and excel in this vital healthcare sector.
The Growing‌ Need for Medical Billing Professionals
The healthcare industry is rapidly evolving, leading to ‍an increased demand for qualified ⁣medical billing ‌and coding specialists.the Bureau of⁤ Labor Statistics projects employment for medical records and health⁢ details ⁣technicians, including billing professionals, to grow by 8% from 2019⁤ to 2029. This trend is driven by an aging population ​and ongoing‍ advancements in healthcare technologies.
Why Sacramento?
Sacramento, the ⁢capital of California, is a thriving ‍hub for‌ healthcare ‌services with numerous hospitals, clinics, and health technology firms. Hear are a​ few ⁢reasons why Sacramento is a fantastic⁣ place to begin your medical‍ billing​ career:
Diverse Healthcare Settings: From large hospitals to ⁤small clinics, the variety of work environments​ provides ⁣professionals with multiple career paths.
Competitive Salaries: Medical billing specialists in Sacramento earn competitive wages, often enhanced by benefits packages.
Growing Job ​Market: With numerous healthcare facilities expanding, job openings are plentiful.
Top Medical Billing⁢ Jobs ‍in Sacramento
Here, we outline some of the most sought-after medical billing positions ⁢available in ⁢Sacramento:
Job Title
Average Salary
Job Description
Medical Billing specialist
$47,000 – ‍$60,000
Responsible for billing⁣ insurance companies, processing ‍claims, and ensuring accuracy in patient billing.
Medical Coder
$50,000⁤ – $65,000
Utilizes coding‍ systems ⁤to accurately categorize patient diagnoses and services for billing.
Billing and Coding Manager
$65,000 ⁢- $80,000
Oversees billing operations, manages staff, and ensures compliance with regulations.
Revenue Cycle Analyst
$55,000 – $75,000
Analyzes revenue‌ cycle processes and identifies ⁣areas for enhancement in billing efficiency.
Healthcare Claims Adjuster
$45,000 -⁢ $60,000
Reviews and ‍resolves claims, ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.
Benefits of pursuing a Career in Medical⁣ Billing
Opting for a career​ in medical billing comes with numerous benefits:
Job ​Stability: With the consistent demand ⁢for billing professionals, you⁣ are likely ⁣to enjoy job security.
Flexible Work Options: Manny employers offer remote working opportunities, providing a better work-life balance.
Room‌ for Advancement: The medical billing field allows for ‍continuous learning and professional growth, often ⁣leading to positions of ⁤higher ​responsibility.
Practical Tips for​ Landing‍ a Medical Billing Job in Sacramento
Here are some practical tips to enhance your job search in Sacramento:
Obtain Relevant Certifications: Consider acquiring certifications such as the Certified ‌Professional coder (CPC) or Certified ‌Medical Billing Specialist (CMBS).
Network: Join local healthcare and billing associations ‌to expand your professional circle.
Tailor​ Your Resume: Highlight relevant skills and experiences that ​match the job ‍descriptions you are applying for.
Prepare for‌ Interviews: Familiarize yourself‌ with ⁢common billing practices and be ready⁤ to discuss your ⁣problem-solving skills.
Case Study: Success in Sacramento’s Medical Billing Scene
Let’s ⁢highlight⁤ the journey of a successful medical billing professional in Sacramento:
jane Doe, a graduate from a local community college, secured a position as a Medical Billing Specialist shortly ⁤after completing her certification. ⁤Thanks to her networking efforts, ⁣she connected with a healthcare⁤ recruiter at a⁣ local health fair. Initially starting​ at ⁢a mid-sized clinic,‍ Jane quickly learned the nuances ‌of billing practices and advanced to a role as a Billing Supervisor within ​three ⁤years. Today, she oversees a team‍ and is ‌working toward her⁤ coding certification.
First-hand experience: Insights from a Local Professional
We interviewed Michael Smith, a seasoned Medical ⁢Coder in Sacramento, to gain insights:
“Working in medical billing ‌has been incredibly rewarding. I appreciate the ​blend of ‌healthcare and financial management. The role has⁣ its challenges,but‌ with each solved claim,I ‍feel accomplished. It’s vital to stay updated with coding⁢ changes and healthcare policies to maintain accuracy in⁤ billing.”
Medical billing careers in Sacramento,CA,offer exciting opportunities for those‌ looking to enter the healthcare field. With a variety of roles, a supportive ​job market, and the prospect of growth, this career path can be both fulfilling and financially rewarding. ⁢By obtaining the necessary certifications, networking, ​and staying informed about industry trends, ⁣you can unlock exciting opportunities in ‌medical billing.⁣ Begin your journey today, and thrive in the dynamic world of healthcare billing!
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