#clutches online
pradnesh2023 · 1 year
 Express Your Unique Style And Get Clutches Online at Affordable Prices
From modern and edgy designs to classic and timeless styles, our collection caters to diverse tastes and preferences. Crafted with attention to detail and quality materials, Clutches Online at Ullu 99 are as functional as they are fashionable. Shop now and let your accessories reflect your personality. 
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telesilla · 8 months
Not gonna go out on this limb on a 25k post, but maybe it’s okay that kids today don’t know as much about using an actual computer as we do/did? Is it useful knowledge? Of course it is. So is using a sewing machine or being able to rebuild your VW with a copy of that one book every VW driver used to have. That’s not the right question—most practical knowledge is useful after all. The question should be “is it relevant to the way people live right now.” “How to Keep Your VW Alive” is a timeless fucking classic; my ex and I kept our copy long after he sold his VW. But I’m not buying a copy now because it won’t exactly help me keep my VW ID4 on the road.
And it’s funny, because I tend to read along with those posts and nod my head, because back in my day we HAD to know all that computer stuff. And then for some reason today, I remembered a conversation my mom and I had with my grandma in the mid 70s when I was a teenager. Grandma made my mom’s wedding dress. She worked at a department store doing alterations on foundation wear, which if you look at 1950s foundation wear, you’ll realize was both necessary and difficult. So she was shocked when I said most of my friends didn’t know their way around a sewing machine. “But how do you make sure your clothes fit?!” Well, Grandma, people don’t wear heavy foundation wear any more and clothes don’t need to be as tailored as they did back in the day—it’s 1975 and the only alterations I need to do is hemming my flares so they just touch the floor when I’m wearing platforms.
Now you can back up and look at the broader picture, the one that says, but your car should be repairable by you as long as you have clear instructions, and you should be able to alter your clothes or make your own, and yes, you should know how to organize the files on the desktop of your laptop. But the fact that for the most part it’s become easier and easier to just not do those things (if they can be done at all) isn’t exactly the fault of Kids Today. And it’s certainly not meeting them where they are or even trying to understand why they feel they don’t need that knowledge if, instead of looking at why they don’t have it and maybe even don’t need it, you just decry their lack of the Deep Wisdom.
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idolomantises · 2 years
Anyways speaking of being gay apparently teenagers on tiktok are mad at me because they found out I’m a lesbian who uses he/they pronouns
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vimbry · 2 days
I've used tumblr since 2011. I deactivated my first account a few months after joining, because I reblogged one of those fearmongering "omg staff are deleting inactive blogs share this so you don't get deleted!!!1" posts and a mutual reblogged it from me laughing about what an obvious bait it was. so I got embarrassed and deleted, immediately remade as keatulie, and pretended like nothing happened lol. then I used that from 2012-2019, had a couple other handles, before settling on this one.
for some reason, I totally ended up memoryholeing what that first account's name was. I was so used to being keatulie I could absolutely not think of what I'd first signed up with.
scrolling through one of the blogs that got me to join in the first place for old time's sake tonight, I happen to come across this ask, and get a very familiar memory of sending it.
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vimeny. my damn name all this time was vimeny. it's literally the root of the url I have now.
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larsnicklas · 8 months
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THATCHER DEMKO ✧ 240117 [Have you started to map out your fashion in the off-ice component of the All-Star Game?] I haven't been to a store in..... I don't know. My wife does all my shopping for me, if you guys ever think I'm looking half decent it's because of her.
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campbyler · 7 months
hi! i just read your post about struggling with the manual car (which is completely reasonable lol)
i happen to be a person who can indeed drive a manual! (my dad is still teaching me so i am no expert but i have driven our car many times and watched my dad drive it since i was wayyy younger)
and you can completely ignore this ask but here's what i have learnt in my time driving!
a manual has three pedals: clutch, break, accelerate, in that order from left to right (where i am from, atleast)
there are six gears, 1 through 5 and reverse.
clutch breaks the engine from the wheelers so you can shift gears and stop the car without damaging the system and the other two are obviously, to stop the car and accelerate the car
to start, you need to turn the key while PRESSING CLUTCH and NEUTRAL GEAR so the car doesn't run off lmao
then you shift the gear to 1 and VERY SLOWLY release the clutch. if you do it too fast, the engine will turn off and you gotta start over (i struggled with this a lot lol)
the car will start out at a very slow speed and you can try driving and stopping the car
to stop, start pressing the clutch and SLOWLY pressing on the breaks. make sure that by the time the car has stopped, the clutch is floored. you can also floor the clutch then slowly apply breaks
when you have the hang of it, you can try gearing up and down
to gear up, maintain a speed of (gear number + 1) times 10 kmh. so to gear up from first to second you need a speed of 20 kmh
to shift gear, floor the clutch and use the stick to change gear and IMMEDIATELY release clutch, no need to release slowly here like you had to while starting up. same to gear down
and voíla! you now know how to, in theory, drive a manual! tada!
also, for the fic, just keep in mind that the speed of the car when someone else is driving and when you are driving is COMPLETELY different
my dad could easily drive in 4th gear where he takes me to train and i would feel nothing, but for me, 2nd gear is still pretty fast when i'm driving!
these are the basics of driving but the driving STYLE can vary vastly.
hope this helps ily!!
anon this was genuinely so helpful i am kissing you on the mouth
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autodiscipline · 1 year
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Shigeyuki Ueno
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i have to wonder what super hardcore militant vegans think should be done about obligate carnivore animals, because in all my painfully-rapidly-approaching-30-years i've literally never actually seen anyone give a clear consistent much less halfway feasible answer on that
#mostly i've just seen like “how dare you ask questions you just want an excuse to murder you're sealioning ect”#or worse some vague and wildly improbable nonsense about like. fake robot animals covered in beyond meat or something equally convoluted#which is a thing i did see someone suggest as a serious answer#i mean i already know they think i'm a genetically inferior hateful vampire that should starve to death for the greater good#because my exact combination of health conditions make meat basically the only semi-safe way i can get close to enough nutrients#i know this because they have repeatedly told me that i'm either evil or should be sacrificed or both#and yelled at me for asking questions by bringing up the whole disabled thing and then they're like#“a lot of vegans i know are advocates for disability!” as if that ever means jack shit in the society that results from anything#no matter what you do a vast majority of people in any given society will *not* be advocates for the disabled. i'm sorry they just won't.#and what do you think public perception of people who physically can't survive like that is going to skew towards#in a society founded on the belief that non-vegan diets are evil?#at absolute best we're looking at being a heavily marginalized class generally seen as something like vampires and our existences taboo.#(as if these type's own insistence that they should be allowed to harass and shame people doesn't disprove their assertion that we won't be#thinking it could possibly go any better than that is a fucking fairy tale. human nature doesn't work that way.#you simply cannot eliminate the human desire to designate and abuse a class of have-nots. the absolute best you can do is mitigate damage.#take it from someone who's been multiple kinds of disabled and chronically ill all my life. people will not “just”. ever.#i get this even from people who are otherwise very aware of and VERY GOOD at avoiding this sort of thinking#“i'm a disability advocate!” no you are not. you are a poster. my experience has taught me that what people advocate for in their free time#means precisely jack shit for how they will actually act when faced with the situations they make otherwise rational posts about#and the fact of the matter is even if you somehow really are the perfect disability advocate a majority of people WILL NOT BE YOU.#a majority of people in society will be margrat from accounting who clutches her pearls when she sees the gays and thinks autism isnt real#and who has never had a nuanced thought in her life and actively does not want to#a vast majority of people in your Vegan Utopia will not be you and your friends who march with wheelchair users and volunteer at the shelte#a vast majority of people in your Vegan Utopia will be jenny who starved 8 cats to death on broccoli because she can't be bothered#and who thinks that “carnivores” are actual nazis and don't deserve healthcare because she saw someone say that online.#ALWAYS assume your society will be made up mostly of the worst kind of person it can because it WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE and you can't change it#most people seek the low-effort option. and evil is most often banal and low-effort.#i'm just so fucking tired of every single even vaguely lefty-adjacent political movement simultaneously acting like i don't fucking exist#and at the same time that i need to be sacrificed to achieve Utopia. god. at least conservative whackjobs are upfront and honest about#how they think that i'm a burden on society that needs to be Eugenics'd . rather than trying to morally gaslight me about it.
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miraculouslumination · 2 months
If one of the first things - or even ANY of the things - you have to say about someone dying due to the horrible negligence of the US healthcare system is "yeah but they were sketchy/yucky/Bad(TM)/etc." maybe you should shut the fuck up and actually think about how fucked up that is. Your morals are fucked if you hear about someone dying in a way that could have been avoided if America actually cared about its sick citizens and immediately go "Yeah but I didn't like them/they were creepy/they were at the Devil's Sacrament that one time". Get help. Get off the internet. Get off your fucking high horse
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eleganet · 16 days
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glassedplanets · 1 month
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adventurous things this week
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dragonowlie · 6 months
honesty accidentally saying off tumblr (and social media in general) for a week has been so chill. it feels like my mental health has improved (even tho i know it has not, actually), so i've decided to under no circumstances at all update my app and force me to experience tumblr in a much healthier way - through designated Computer Time (tm) on my laptop, which in contrast to my pone i do not bring with me at every occasion, lol
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antonblastdeluxe · 7 months
We can't exactly rest easy as this has been a long and ongoing situation that's finally undoubtably reached the public eye but at least we all know that we've made a millionaire absolutely miserable on his apparent rich guy vacation
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asstalos · 8 months
are solo players just kinda fucked in this game or is it possible to do shit like kulve taroth solo
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cassandralexxx · 1 year
Ok why is it on tiktok I have just gotten several month old videos of people hating on She ra 2018 for being “abusive and incestuous” like ??? Girl if you don’t 🤨🤨🤨. Only valid thing that came out of it is that I got to see this interaction:
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greaseonmymouth · 9 months
In October or November I drafted a short ficlet and then left it alone because I was working on the advent fic and then today I thought, wait, didn’t I have a draft of something I could probably just polish up and post? but I couldn’t find it?? It wasn’t in my gdocs or evernotes or emails or even scrivener WHERE THE HELL was it? Did I DREAM writing it?? What the hell, self??
I found it in my notes app when looking for something else (a recipe).
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