#clueless hexagon is clueless
curious to see what y'all consider your funniest or best ao3 custom tags
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home
Zondra's SECOND redesign
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Ever since I have posted a photo with hexagon Janice, Pyramid fozzie And hexagon sam with The sketch of second redesign for zondra, I have now Drew it =^_^=
I honestly now really like how I redesigned her =^///^= And please dont mind the drawn White starts on her shirt nipples, I just thought of drawing it like that, so dont attack me or think that this is NSFW.
And yet again, i'll draw the rest of the muppets gang on my characters list of TMS:LITBH, And i'll start drawing more whatnot Show gang, teppums Show gang characters and even start the parodies cousin Show gang characters =^///^= oh! And Andy And Randy, Polly lobster, Mad Monty And clueless Morgan are part of the Main supporting muppets on the list =^_^=
I hope y'all will like this 💕
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Ugh…. New plan going forward… post projects I’m working on NOW with details of yarn, pattern, and hook size. 🙄🙄🙄
I’m so sick of putting a project down and then when I pick it back up I’m clueless!
So, here’s my current WIP:
Floriss Shawl from Hobbii
4.5mm hook
Hobbii Horizon yarn—colorway 9/Waterfall
Let’s see how long this one can hold my interest. It’s composed of hexagons and squares, all stitched together. So far, the pattern is fun and easy to work on as I’m watching tv!
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allegedlyanandroid · 3 years
A kiss to say goodbye/farewell
So, maybe Sixty was an idiot. At least he can blame his lapse of judgement on being shot in the head that one time. He blames a lot of things on that, actually. It’s a convenient excuse since it still makes him glitch at irregular intervals, neurons firing into dead-ends and systems scarred from shrapnel. He had truly believed for a second that Allen might actually want him back when, honestly, he should have known better.
How clueless and desperate can you get? 
Sixty growls and takes another swig from the bottle in his hand in an effort to drown out the voice in his head. A suspicious amalgamation of his own, Connor's and Amanda's. The three people he's let down the most. Perhaps Allen's will join them, now that I’ve made a complete and utter fool of myself, he thinks humorlessly.
He giggles, ending the bubble of frantic laughter with a snort. 
Well… that was quick.
A hand grabs his arm and draws him to a standstill, warm even through the layers of his clothing. A second one joins it soon after, turning him around before his impaired brain can catch up with what's happening, forcing him to face the consequences of his own actions head on.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, simultaneously shying away from Allen's touch and the conversation to come. And fuck the blasted human for having the audacity to look hurt by Sixty's words.
"You didn't let me– I needed to explain myself."
"Why? You made yourself perfectly clear even without them.”
"So now, if you'll excuse me," Sixty says, waggling the near-empty bottle, "I have other matters to attend to. Like drinking some more and possibly searching for another job now that I've managed to fuck myself over by making moves on my superior."
"I never understood that nickname, like how the hell do you get Hex from Sixty?"
"Hex, hexagon, six, Sixty," Allen says as if that's a normal connection to make. "Stop deflecting."
"I'm trying to tell you that I'm in love with you, you insufferable android. Please shut up and let me," Allen's sighs, exasperated. Then he blinks. "Wait, fuck," he stutters, cheeks colouring a burning shade of pink, gaze flickering away as he eyes the street behind him. “I- I didn’t mean–”
"No take backs!" Sixty rushes to say, gripping the front of Allen’s shirt to keep him from escaping. Sure, his head is swimming with alcohol and emotions both, but it seems like a good idea reaching for Allen right now. He knocks his forehead against Allen's and then buries his face in his neck, the emotional whiplash alone enough to make him unsteady on his feet. "Y'know, because I'm drunk and I’ll start crying if you do. I still might, regardless."
Allen huffs out a laugh. "Perhaps we should sober up, save the conversation for tomorrow?"
He seems to take Sixty's muffled noise of whatever as confirmation though neither of them move from their embrace until the autonomous taxi Allen orders rolls to a slow stop next to them, chirping at Sixty to get a move on. It's with great reluctance that they let each other go. 
"Kiss me goodbye?" Sixty murmurs hopefully and the imprint of Allen's lips pressing chastely against his lingers far longer than the ride home.
Sixth prompt for the DBH Seven Kisses prompt challenge by @connor-sent-by-cyberlife. For @pippuripop and @veilder especially ;3
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - percy meets a real life pirate
Hi! I'm just gonna let you guys know now that I don't really have an updating schedule thus far. The only thing I'm doing it making sure that I get a chapter out at least every 2 days.
I hope you guys are enjoying this so far, and please don't hesitate to correct me if I make any technical mistakes. Sometimes my beta and I will both miss something.
This would not have been possible without my amazing beta reader, nightskywithrainbows, so tysm you are a lifesaver. You keep this story from being absolute shit.
As a reminder, this story is also on FF, Ao3, Inkitt, Webnovel, and Wattpad. If you prefer those places, just go check out the story on there. Now, on with the good stuff! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
The first thing Percy felt was aching and stinging pain coming from his side. He groaned and tried to sit up, but found that he was tied down to a gurney with leather straps. So they think I'm a psycho. Nice to know, Percy's ADHD brain thought.
The bright lights caused his vision to swim for a second before they could focus and perform a quick surveillance of the room that revealed to Percy that he was in some sort of metal box. The walls had hexagons on them and there was a metal table with two metal chairs in the middle of the room. Basically, everything was metal.
In the corner, there was a camera with a blinking red light, so Percy knew that he was being watched. That meant he couldn't try an Iris Message unless he wanted some interesting questions from his captors that he didn't have answers to. He wasn't an idiot.
Speaking of his captors, nobody had come in yet, but they clearly knew he was awake. That meant that they were trying to scare him. Little did they know, it would take a lot more than isolation to scare him. Specifically, something less mortal.
Deciding that it would be best to try to calm himself, Percy willed his muscles to relax and closed his eyes. On the outside, it seemed like he was sleeping, but on the inside, his mind was flitting from topic to topic faster than light. It went from freaking out, to figuring out how to escape, to Annabeth, to his mom, to sleep, and back to freaking out. It was an endless cycle.
"You aren't that good of an actor, you know," a voice shocked him out of his thoughts, causing him to attempt to jump up again.
The attempt resulted in his wrists undoubtedly getting bruised, and his side to feel like he just got kicked in the ribs. Remembering that, apparently, Hill shot him, he started to freak out again. When he looked down, he could barely see the blue liquid dried on his side. So they had poisoned him then?
"You poisoned me?!" he exclaimed, finally meeting the eyes of the voice.
It was a middle-aged man with a starting of a receding hairline, with smile lines around his eyes. He was wearing a simple suit with an outline of a gun sticking out on the side, so he was another agent, but he kind of reminded Percy of Paul with how he presented himself.
The man gave him a small smile, "Agent Hill only used a tranquilizer. My name is Agent Phil Coulson of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcements and Logistics Division, or SHIELD."
Percy raised his eyebrows, "That's quite the name, and I thought you were the FBI. Also, would you mind telling me why I'm strapped down? I haven't done anything."
Percy thought that the best course of action was to stick with the innocent story, considering that it was partially true anyway.
"Well, I don't think that's completely true, Mr. Jackson. You assaulted our agent. We have every right to prepare for any other outbursts from you," Coulson said.
"She wanted to arrest me for no reason. I don't know what you guys want from me, but I can't help you. I'm a completely normal guy," Percy insisted, hand slowly sliding down until it rested against his pocket. He let out an involuntary sigh when he felt Riptide.
Coulson kept a cool face as he responded smoothly, "A completely normal guy wouldn't say he was completely normal."
Schist, Percy swore in his head. If Annabeth was there, they would've been free already. But with his luck, he would end up in some world-ending crisis again.
But then he heard a voice in his head. Not the kind of voice crazy people hear, but it was his father's voice, speaking to him like it used to during times of trouble. If this was serious enough to gain Poseidon's attention, then it was an issue Percy should be worrying about more. A demigod's life is never at peace...
"Stay silent, Percy. These are the ones working with the Avengers and the Norse god, Thor. They have not proven their trustworthiness yet. You were sent here to learn more about them. I'm sorry, Percy," his father said, voice somber and apologetic.
Percy gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to call the Fates a lot of colorful names. But that would just provoke them, so he stayed silent. He moved his gaze from Agent Coulson to the ceiling, trying to ignore the world around him. Unfortunately, that's impossible for someone whose mind is constantly alert to his surroundings.
Coulson sighed and tapped something on a tablet that Percy hadn't noticed, "Would you mind explaining this video?"
Percy tried to not look, but it was so tempting! So, he glanced over and saw himself, in his swim trunks, holding his hands out while thousands of gallons of water rose up out of the East River. Percy's eyes widened unconsciously in panic. He hadn't known there were cameras there, let alone that the Mist hadn't covered it up. Wait! The Mist.
"What do you see?" He asked, letting his head face Coulson again in question.
Coulon made a face that said he had just had a question answered for him. What that question was, worried Percy.
"I see a man, who looks a lot like you by the way, with extraordinary powers saving a lot of people. I just want to know if that man was you, and why we at SHIELD didn't know about your abilities," Coulson answered, staring Percy down.
The stare was like one you'd get from a teacher who had just asked you why you never turned in an assignment. It made Percy feel like he couldn't look away, but it almost hurt to keep looking.
But his father's voice rang in his head, reminding him to not reveal anything important, so he stayed silent.
Coulson sighed and stood up, "Very well, then. Let us know when you want to talk."
And then he left through a door in the wall that disappeared as soon as he was gone. Percy was seriously considering just using Riptide to slice his way out of there, but then he felt an unwanted feeling in his chest: Fear. They were in the air. How he had not realized earlier, Percy didn't know, but that wasn't his first priority in that moment. He was focused on getting OUT of the air and ON the ground, where he had no chance of getting electrocuted by his diva uncle.
The sky rumbled in the distance, but Percy ignored it. He had grown used to that happening whenever he thought ill of the gods, and it had stopped having an effect on him long ago.
He sent a silent prayer to his dad asking what to do. Annabeth's plans had never covered what to do when taken by a secret spy organization! He was clueless in this situation, as per usual.
All the answer he got was a gentle sea breeze blowing through the room. That's it. It was comforting, but not exactly clear on what the answer was. But that's how the gods do everything, anyway.
"Tell them you were born with the powers. You don't know where they came from, and you only wanted to help. You don't know anyone else who has them. Earn their trust, and figure it out from there. I trust you, son. Be careful," His father's voice flew through his mind.
Well, guess that answers that, Percy thought.
With yet another sigh, Percy called out to nobody, assuming they would hear him through some hidden microphone, "I'm ready to talk!"
Not a minute later, there was a click as the hidden door opened once again, letting in an asian woman in a skintight suit. She looked like the stereotypical spy, that's for sure.
She came over to him without a word and released his hands first, cuffing them with the same glowing handcuffs, before letting his legs free, too. She was clearly waiting for him to bolt, so Percy tried his best to make his body relax. If they were to trust him, he needed to cooperate fully.
The woman kept a permanent scowl on her face the entire time they were together. She was a little violent, too. She was practically shoving him the entire short walk. When they reached their destination, they were in a room with a huge screen table and three tvs on the wall. It was a whole lot of technology, and it made Percy on edge. Demigods and tech within two feet of each other are a big no-no.
The woman took his hesitation as a sign of escape and jabbed him in the small of his back, making his chest push forward immediately. Even though he had lost the Curse of Achilles, that one point on his body was still really sensitive. He turned his head around and shot a glare at the small lady on instinct. He tried to hold it back, but she had just poked his weakest point, what else could he have done?
"Move it," she growled out, meeting his glare with one of her own.
It didn't faze him, though. Lupa's was much scarier.
He sighed (he seriously needed to get a handle on the sighing), and sluggishly moved forward into the room. He just kept telling himself that the faster he got through this, the faster he got to see Annabeth again.
When he looked around the small glass room, he saw Agent Coulson, along with four others. Another, younger asian-looking woman (but she was in normal clothes), a tall brooding man in the corner dressed like an agent, a ginger-haired woman, and a nervous, curly-haired man. His eyes immediately drew to all the possible escape routes and any of the weapons, or things that could be used as weapons, in the room. The brooding man seemed to notice because he stood up tall and took a threatening step forward.
Percy ignored him, though, and looked straight at Coulson when he asked, "Why are they here? Tell them to leave."
"You don't give the orders here," Brooding man said before Coulson could speak.
Percy finally turned to the other Agent with a smirk, "And you don't either. And I don't remember asking you."
It's not like he TRIED to get in trouble with authority! It's more like authority seeks out trouble from him. This moment was an example (not that Percy would call the brooding man authority).
The brooding man took a couple more steps towards Percy, until he was right in front of him. He looked like he was used to towering over others, but Percy wasn't short or weak. He could confidently say that he could beat the man in front of him, so he kept his troublemaker smirk and stared the agent down.
"Watch it, Jackson. I'm not the one in handcuffs here," brooding man said before going back to his corner after a pointed look from Coulson.
"Are you sure about that?" Percy rebutted, holding his very uncuffed hands up in the air.
He couldn't help it, truly. It just slipped out! He had been unconsciously working on getting his cuffs off the entire time, and he had just broken free when the perfect opportunity came up.
Everyone in the room immediately either jumped forward to push him down or pulled out some sort of weapon. Except Coulson, that is.
"Stand down, guys. He's not gonna do anything. Isn't that right, Mr. Jackson?" he said.
Percy rolled his eyes, "Yeah. Of course not. If I wanted to get out of here, I would've a long time ago."
Turns out that wasn't the right answer because the first asian woman shoved him into the screen table, making him almost fall over. He held onto it for support, apparently touching something because a file with his face on it popped up. Percy immediately jumped back on instinct, fearing a monster would pop up out of the shadows. Except, the picture was from his junior yearbook photo...
"Why'd you guys have to use that picture? I look constipated!" he whined, scrunching up his nose in uncomfort.
The younger asian woman snorted, but tried to cover it up after her team glared at her. Clearly, she was the only one on the aircraft capable of feeling, Percy decided.
"We aren't here to discuss embarrassing yearbook photos, Perseus. We are here to talk about your abilities," The first asian woman stated.
"It's Percy," he corrected on instinct, and the woman glared at him even harder.
Before the situation could escalate any further, Coulson cut in again, "Could you please tell us what you wanted to tell us from before?"
"Yes. What do you want to know?" Percy said, putting his hands into his pockets and playing around with Riptide.
"Where do your abilities come from? How long have you had them?" The ginger asked.
Good, Percy thought with a smile, I know how to answer these ones.
"I was born with them, so I don't know where they come from." he stated simply, shrugging.
The ginger looked a little bit disappointed by that answer, but it didn't stop her from interrogating him more, "What are your limits? How have you kept your powers hidden for so long? Can I have a urine sample?"
Percy had decided that she was a scientist. With the way that everyone else was letting her ask all the questions, they probably thought she was the most capable. And plus, she was getting WAY too excited about pee.
"I don't know, I haven't really been hiding, and NO!!" he answered, giving the woman a look of disgust.
Now that he thought about it, it probably wouldn't be good if they got ANY DNA from him. He had never been told what it looks like with half of him made from the gods.
The ginger looked like she was going to ask more questions, but the curly-haired man rested a hand on her shoulder, seemingly calming her. Percy noted that the two were close.
"Any other questions?" he asked calmly, looking around.
Just as the brooding man looked like he was going to speak, the younger asian woman broke in, "Your powers are awesome! How much practice have you had with them? I would really love to see what else you could do with them!"
Ok, so the girl was probably a hero groupie. She didn't look like an agent, so that left the question of why she was on the plane with the rest of them.
Speaking of the plane, "Why are we flying? Can we finish this up on the ground PLEASE?"
Percy was already pushing his luck by being there for that long, let alone staying on here willingly.
The brooding man spoke, "How do you know we were flying? And unless you want to jump, no."
The brooding man was getting way too much joy out of Percy's fear. Like, phobias are real people!
"Ward, if you don't stop talking, I'm going to let Mr. Jackson have a go at you," Coulson said calmly, "Now, I have a proposition for you, Mr. Jackson, if you're willing to listen."
Percy figured that it couldn't hurt, so he gave the man a small nod. He was really trying to think before acting because he had a bad feeling that the conversation would change the course of his life for the better, or for the worse.
The other people in the room didn't seem to have prior knowledge of what Coulson was talking about, and that just made Percy more worried. What could possibly be important enough that Coulson hid it from his team (or that's what Percy thinks they are). His ADHD brain started to wonder where Hill went, but he quickly pushed that thought away. He needed to focus on the present!
"The Director would like you to join SHIELD. Officially, you would be a consultant. But unofficially, you would help us when we need your gifts." Coulson said, shocking literally everyone in the room.
Two beats of silence went before the team started into chaos:
"What are you talking about?!"
"Why weren't we told about this?"
"Am I even considered a consultant?"
"I'm sorry?"
Before it could get too out of hand, Percy spoke up, which seemed to silence everyone else, "Are you out of your mind? I thought I was a criminal!"
He wasn't admitting to being a criminal, but that's how they had been treating him. He might as well address their behavior.
"We need the full story from you before we can move forward, but the Director was clear in his orders," Coulson said.
Percy considered what the best option was. There really wasn't one, but what else was he gonna do?
"I want to speak to the Director in person before I give my answer," Percy came to his conclusion.
If anyone was going to learn whatever story he came up with, it would be the top dog in SHIELD. Nobody else, even if he's not allowed to reveal the gods.
Coulson thought about it for a second before answering, "Ok. He's in the interrogation room right now."
Before he could hold it in, Percy full-out laughed. Of course a spy organization would anticipate what he would want. Why not?
The rest of the team didn't seem to know about their guest either, though. Wow, Percy thought, Somebody needs to work on keeping everyone in the loop.
Then, Percy just walked out. Nobody tried to stop him, which meant that everyone was waiting until he was gone to truly let it show their lack of trust in the team. It took awhile to get there, but when he reached his cell again, he noticed that the door was very obvious from the outside and that it really wasn't that big of a room. He was surprised that they would put the boss inside a place they kept criminals.
Before he had even finished closing the door, Percy heard a deep voice speak, "Welcome, Mr. Jackson. I thought you would want to speak with me directly. I'm Director Nick Fury of SHIELD."
Turning around, Percy came face to face with a spy pirate. No seriously, the guy was wearing a long, black coat with an eyepatch over his left eye. The guy also had dark skin with a bald head. It took all of Percy's willpower to not burst out laughing at the sight. Plus, the guy was called Fury!
"Yeah. I'm only willing to tell you some things," Percy said.
"Understandable. What is it you would like to tell me? And does this mean you are agreeing to my proposition?" Fury asked.
Just as Percy was about to deny everything, his father spoke to him again (that was happening a lot that day), "It's okay, Percy. You can trust him. He doesn't know it, but he is a legacy of Nike. Zeus agreed to it."
Percy gave the Director a once-over before deciding it was safe, "Yeah, I'm in. And I need you to swear on the Styx that what is said in this conversation doesn't leave this room. Ever."
He may have had permission, but Percy wasn't just going to expose his entire family without some security first! He wasn't a total Seaweed Brain, despite what some people thought.
"Yeah, sure whatever. I swear on the Styx that this conversation won't leave this room," the Director sighed, clearly not liking Percy's stalling.
Thunder rumbled in the distance.
Taking a deep breath and pushing past any natural instincts he had, Percy spoke something he never likes to say to a mortal, "I'm a demigod."
Ω ♆ Ω
My boyfriend is out of his mind! Annabeth screamed in her head.
She was currently walking up to the Big House after gathering all of the cabin counselors, praetors through IM, and the rest of the Seven. After Percy was taken, she had immediately left for camp. She had understood what Percy was trying to tell her before, and she was happy that he had actually thought a little about his actions before doing them. Given, they were stupid actions, but it was improvement.
Annabeth hadn't told anyone what was happening, just said that it was an emergency and that it involved Percy. That was all they needed to know it was important. Honestly, everyone had been anticipating Percy to mess up sooner than he had. They had made it an entire year before something big happened! Once again, improvement for the son of Poseidon.
As she walked into the rec room, she watched as everyone's eyes turned to her. At first, it was a little unsettling, but she steeled herself over before any signs of weakness shown through. She had to keep a strong front for her friends, especially since Percy was mis- no, taken, again. She refused to say Percy was missing. He promised he wouldn't leave her again, and she was holding him to that.
After she had taken a seat, Chiron spoke, "What happened, child?"
"Yeah! What's Prissy gotten himself into this time?" Clarisse grunted.
Annabeth ran a hand through her hair once, a habit she had picked up from Percy, before answering, "He's been taken by the FBI, or someone impersonating them. They seemed too skilled to be the FBI. He told me to get you guys for help."
"Of course he has," Nico muttered from his spot next to Will Solace, "Cuz why not?"
Annabeth gave him a small smile, "I have a plan. We're going to break him out from wherever he is. We'll figure out where he is by IMing him, and then we'll storm the place. I want our heaviest hitters making a distraction while Nico and I break him out. Got it everyone?"
She had said that all in one breath. She really didn't have time to go over it again, and her face must have betrayed that, so everyone just nodded along.
"We'll IM him and then see who we need to bring," she said, already pulling out a drachma and a rainbow maker, courtesy of Iris.
Making the rainbow, she said, "O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Percy Jackson, location unknown."
The mist shimmered before showing Percy in a metal box, talking to a dark-skinned man with an eyepatch. From the sound of it, they hadn't noticed her yet, so she cleared her throat. She didn't care if the eyepatch man saw her, she needed to see if Percy was okay.
Both men looked over at her and her relieved smile grew into a scowl when she saw that Percy looked completely at ease, "Perseus Jackson! Where are you, and why haven't you contacted me?!"
She distantly heard Leo mutter 'whipped' before Percy stammered over a response, "A-Annabeth! I-I'm fine! I was just going to call you, too!"
Her face was probably a tomato of fury, "Like Hades you were!"
"Can we please stop using my father's name as a curse?" Nico asked, but nobody paid any attention.
"I swear I was! I just finished making a deal!" Percy exclaimed.
"He was, whoever you are. I assume you are his girlfriend?" the eyepatch man said.
She rounded on him, but before she could start her yelling, Percy spoke up, "Wise Girl! I. AM. FINE. I just made a deal that will let me go. I will tell you about it when I see you again, but I can't do that if you're yelling at Fury!"
Percy's eyes widened at his ambitiousness, and he seemed to be about to take it all back, but Annabeth spoke first, "If you aren't at camp in an hour, I'm coming to find you."
And then she swiped a hand through the message before Percy could try to apologize. Gods, that boy is in a world trouble, Annabeth thought before storming out of the room and towards the Poseidon cabin without another word.
Ω ♆ Ω
Remember to like, comment, reblog, and follow me! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
other chapters :)
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meteor-writes · 4 years
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It’s my favourite time of the week! Thanks @flashfictionfridayofficial for running this! I was brainstorming ideas all day whilst working :)
Key To The Cold - 893 Words
“Crap I can see them!”
“Language!” Shelly cried, hitting her older brother in the chest. The boy immediately lost interest in their pursuers to loom over his sister.
“Why the f-“
“-KIDS PLEASE.”  Mary yelled, swiping a hand between the teens. Why did her sister have to have such rotten kids? “We gotta book it like yesterday!”
“You’re right Auntie.” Abe said overcome with a soldier’s conviction. “We must-“
“She meant run you idiot.”
Seriously, Ada, why did you have to leave behind such clueless children?
Mary sprinted down the barren hillside, hitching up her skirt when she noticed the sheer amount of dirt decorating the bottom. The kids weren’t too far behind. At least she hoped. Shelly had abandoned Abe after her insult but the scrambling of feet followed soon after. It didn’t matter, Mary knew they’d catch up, she found it hard running over the rough with the tablet hooked under her arm. She almost regretted not handing it to one of them, but then Shelly was only fifteen and Abe… well Abe had a heart of gold. And the fingers of an incompetent butter churner.
“Aunt Mary they’re on the peak!”
“Drat.” Mary took a chance and span around. A group of six men were lined up at the top of the rock, another three climbing out a car as a last black Rolls-Royce skidded to a stop. “Double drat.”
“Just say shit!” Abe called, running like the clappers, “feels way better!”
Shelly let out a screech. “SHUT UP!”
Mary squeezed the tablet tighter to her chest. Sooner the thing was in place, the sooner she could leave them with their father.
“I think I see the plug,” she shouted, more out of hope than real observation. Mary had never seen the south pole before. Her only hints were from the sketches her mother had drawn as a kid and the description left in her sister’s last words. That and the intricate pattern inscribed on the stone itself. A meeting of two keys. That’s what would return winter to this dirt-stricken land. And a distant hexagonal hole in the ground seemed about as likely suspect as any for fitting the cold hexagonal stone currently clutched in her hands.
“I’ll bet it is!” Abe whooped, leaping in the air. Then there was the sound of gunshot and he threw himself down into a crouch.
“What the f-AH!” Another shot and Abe’s hat flew into the air.
“GET DOWN!” Mary screamed.
The kids did as they were told.
Fighting on through a storm of bullets, Mary manoeuvred the tablet into an umbrella-like shield. The men in suits were starting to pursue further down the hill. How important was land? More important than the lives of innocent children!? Mary felt hot with anger. How dare they!? It was a curse to turn this landscape from snow to waste. And a sin to prevent them from changing it back. With a mighty roar, Mary bolted for the hole, and threw the tablet down.
The pattern’s fitted snugly together.
She let out a laugh. It was done. A whole years worth of running. Of researching, of travelling. Of mothering two annoying little brats.
“You did it!”
The two children were grinning at her, red faced and sweaty. And despite everything, Mary grinned back.
Then the ground started to rise. Mary fell onto her backside and shrieked at the cold. The brown mud had disappeared, ice forming in its place and shaping like a dome.
“Kids!” She cried. The two were already scrambling up to her, grabbing her hands as the glacier formed below, pushing them far above their pursuers.
“Whoa…” Shelly breathed. Scraping her hair back, she gazed slack jawed at the hillside. Around them, the entire land was turning white, like milk spilling over a wooden table. A chill caught in the air. The ground became soft. And the land was snow, rising and falling in smooth hills, cracking into cliffs. It was just like in mother’s book. A polar landscape. Antarctica.
“Wow.” Abe agreed. Then he fell onto his back and shuddered. “Just like January back home.”
He started moving his arms, making an angel in the snow. Then there was a flump, and Mary found Shelly doing the same.
“Remember in ’22,” the girl said, “when I was 8 and you were 12, and we made snow angels just like this with mother?”
“And father lost his wits!” Abe exclaimed, “Said we’d catch our deaths!”
Shelly laughed. It was such a natural sound now. Not like when Mary had first returned. When they were hiding in the kitchen at their mother’s wake.
“And then Aunt Mary came around for hot tea!” Shelly cried, jabbing her side, “And we stayed up ‘til ten hearing about their childhoods in Devon.”
“Yeah.” Abe sighed. “Those were good times.
Well Ada, maybe your kids weren’t so bad. Mary flopped onto her back.
“Hey!” Shelly shrieked, a tidal wave of snow hitting her side.
“Oh, did I get you?”
Shelly let out a growl. Mary simply fluttered innocent brown eyes at her niece.
“You got me an’ all.” Abe huffed, sitting up to brush snow off his coat. “You know, they’re gonna get up here eventually.”
“I know.” Mary sighed, staring up at the blue sky. “But let’s just take a minute, yeah. And enjoy.”
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 07
Warning: swearing.
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- Okay, I wanna go to that bakery. We NEED to travel there. - proclaimed Beetlejuice with a self-summoned 3D glass on his nose and popcorn on his lap. Rei was out, shopping for a new screen since one of hers got broken during moving, and Sof had a job interview for a position of visual leader for an artistic magazine and a business dinner that day, so Ari and Beetlejuice had the house all to themselves. They've been watching Sweeney Todd in the living room, with Sirius laying between them. - Seriously, don't tell me you don't want to taste those pies. - Ari scoffed.
- I mean, duh, they look delicious, but they're made out of human flesh. - Beetlejuice blinked, with a puzzled look on his face.
- I don't get the problem with that. - Ari tried to conceal a giggle with clearing her throat. He sounded so clueless.
- I meant I wouldn't eat human meat, Bug. - Beetlejuice let out a sigh of understanding. - But give me one of those pies with chicken filling and I'm SO down. - Sirius lifted his scruffy head up and jumped down from the sofa. He headed to the front door. Ari heard it opening up and someone stepping inside.
- I'M HOOOME! - shouted Rei from the hall. She came into the living room, carrying a huge box and a bag, while Sirius was barking at her and was jumping around. - Supp bitch? - she said to Ari. - Got ya chinese for dinner. - and with that, she put the stuff she was carrying on the dinner table and then handed Ari a takeout box from the bag.
- Thank yooouuuu! - said Ari in a sing-songy voice. - You are my favourite sister. - Rei winked and fingergunned at Ari, then bended down to Sirius and started to babytalk for him.
- And how was my little budbud's day? Was it good? Did ya get enough ear scratchies from Ari? - she leaned closer to Sirius, like she was listening to him. - NO?!? - she gasped at Ari who put her tongue out at her. - Ohmygod I gotta do my part then! - she started giving belly rubs to Sirius while looking up at Ari, who was already stuffing herself with noodles. - Gee, this place really is good for you. You look so much happier. - she stood up, got herself the other box and sat upon the dinner table. Ari smiled lightly.
- Yeah, I feel a lot calmer. - Rei started stuffing noodles into her mouth as well.
- If I wouldn't know you better... - she said with a full mouth, then slurped the noodles. - ...I would say there's a certain someone who's making you feel better. - Ari cleared her throat and shoved a handful of noodles into her mouth. She pulled her chocolate hair behind her ear. Beetlejuice looked at her with a huge grin and questioning eyes. He rolled over to his belly, legs playfully dangling in the air.
- Yes, babes, tell her how much you adore yours truly!
- Don't be ridiculous, Rei. - she said with a full mouth and a light smile. She wrinkled her nose a bit as she smiled. Rei swallowed her noodles too, got off of the table and grabbed the big box she was carrying before.
- Mmmhmmm, you do you, ya hoe, but I know that look too well. - she went to the sofa and blew a kiss on her sister's cheek. - Imma head back to my room, get this shit going and stream a bit. What are ya up to? - Ari shrugged.
- I don't know, maybe listen to a podcast and sew some shit.
- Great, have fun babe. Later skater! - and with that, Rei headed upstairs. Beetlejuice floated next to Ari.
- Soooo, you like my companyyy~~~ - he said in a sing-songy voice. Ari laughed quietly while playing with her food.
- Like you didn't know, stupid. - Beetlejuice looked at her with a huge grin and light pink tips in his hair. - How many times do I have to tell you how funny and awesome you are?
- The more the better! - Ari rolled her eyes. - Besides, how ya doin' with the whole "looking for my name" thing? Will you be able to summon me soon? I'd be way more fun if you'd see me. - Ari shut the TV off.
- Since you said you are not some kind of biblical idiot, the whole searching is not going that well. - they both sighed. A tiny strike of purple appeared in BJ's hair. - But look, I found a paranormal podcast where the members talk about not-so-mainstream demons, so we might have some luck with that. - Beetlejuice's hair lit up in green again.
- Great! That's awesome! Good luck, while you're listening to that, I'll just scare Rei out of her skin. - Ari rolled her eyes again. One of her sisters will die of anger issues caused by this idiot one day.
Beetlejuice went through Rei's door. The girl was setting up her new screen, cussing at the cables. He grinned, showing his sharp canines. Oh how much fun he'll have this night...
Rei's room was between Ari's and Sofía's. The walls (which were almost fully covered in posters of TBBT, Marvel and SW) were turquoise, and the ceiling was pale turquoise. In the middle of the ceiling, there was an industrial lamp. The floor was covered in fluffy brown carpet. On the right side of the door, Rei had a shelf full of videogames. The wall on the right side of it was fully covered with a closet. Opposing the door, there was a window, framed by dark blue curtains, glowing stars, moons and planets hanging from it. On the left side of the door, there was a mattress on the floor, covered with pretty starry covers, surrounded by a canopy, like it came straight out of "One thousand and one nights". There were thousands of pillows on the mattress, mostly with pop-culture references on them. On the wall, above the "bed", there were lightsabers, gently placed on holders. Next to the bed, in the corner, there was a detached little room, which Rei furnished as her studio. On the walls, there were a shitton of cute light pink shelves with anime figurines on them, and a hexagon-shaped lamp, glowing in green, blue and red. In the corner, there was her PC and next to it, a greenscreen.
When Rei finally started streaming, Beetlejuice took his place.
- How's it going slurpies? Welcome back to The Wonderful World of Rei-Chann, here's another Rei Plays! Tonight we're gonna play...
- Yaddi yaddi yadda, boooooring, get started with the game, sweetie. - proclaimed Beetlejuice with a smug grin and gestured with his hand. The screen turned a bit grainy for a second.
- ...okay, let's jump right into it! - she loaded a creepy-looking game and squeaked in excitement. - In advance, I'd like to say thank you for the creators for sending me their game to test out, I'm very thankful, you guys are awesome! - she smiled and did that japanese heart thing with her thumb and pointing finger that made Beetlejuice gag.
After like one and a half hours, when Rei was deep in the game, Beetlejuice started having fun. He made the camera grainy a couple of times, which made Rei groan with anger and bewilderment. The screens were next. He made some black and white stripes appear on them, and then giggled when Rei almost hit them once with her fist, she got so startled. He made the lamps glimmer as well.
- Guys, I don't know what's going on with my tech today... To be honest, at this point I'm pretty sure that this really is a haunted house.
Beetlejuice was grinning, his sharp canines flashing. This was the moment he's been waiting for. With a hand gesture from the demon, Rei's headset started creaking and her microphone started to make an unbearably high pitched noise. She quickly got it off her head, and held her ears in pain, but she didn't expect something to happen on her screen as well. Without any transition, a monster from the game jumped at the screen. Rei screamed, and in terror, she fell backwards with her chair.
- Oh how I missed that sound... - said Beetlejuice proudly, with a loud sigh and horniness in his voice. He hovered out of the room, leaving Rei on the floor, gasping for air. That was enough for the day. He had to leave something for the next day too, didn't he?
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goneontherun · 4 years
I’m done burying myself. It’s raining again, as it does in these months.
Nobody knows what I did. It’s best that all they see is another woman behind a government-issued mask, head bowed towards the ground and hurrying somewhere. I scratch dried blood of my fingers at the traffic stop and grope for the places where I was once whole. There’s a truth there — whatever someone said about phantom legs and all. Something that lingers out of sight is always making itself known.
Women do whatever they can to cope. I’ve always lived by this but it seems to be saddled with new importance, now that the shop windows refuse my reflection and the puddles are indifferent. One good thing that has come out of this is people no longer stop me to ask for directions. I don’t know, I used to say, I’m just as clueless as you. Absence is a good look. To disappear before someone asks you to — it’s one way to do it on your own terms.
I watched a show last week, where one character’s rage climaxes in the final episode. She takes to her hair and cheeks with pruning shears. Filling a sink with blood and clumps of brown, then with one primal scream she runs out of the scene of erasure and the film. A departure from self. Some sort of exit strategy. I think about women like her while walking on the road back home. Women who kill, who maim, who resort to violence. who are loud with anger and who never smile when asked.
The road is wet with leaves. There are no trees that I remember. Have I unhinged myself as she did? There should be a home to go back to, but I don’t blame myself. Between my future and my family, what I didn’t choose never stood a chance. It would always be me, first, though she doesn’t exist anymore. I suppose things could’ve been done differently. With words, maybe, or a lexicon I used to believe in. And there are women, too, who cut themselves from all lives and stitch a self together like hexagons for a patchwork quilt. But a metaphor so comfortably sat in the realm of domesticity disgusts me. Home is long gone. Someone must have noticed by now. What I did is who I was — that much I’ve always known.
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A Rokkaku focused fic!
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Ladybug and Reine Nuit: Chapter 1
Origins I
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Okay. Yes. I caved. But I have 53 chapters so far (including the final battle so I know where I’m going) and a plan to upload every Sunday AEST, so I figure I’m not going to crash and burn.
If you want a full list of tags that’ll be updated as they go, you can click on the AO3 link and take a peek at the tags there.
Part 2 | AO3 link
First days at a new school are never particularly noteworthy. Even the horror of having to stand up and introduce yourself while the teacher smiles like they’re some messiah – a common trope in American teenage movies – is nothing more than a mild anxiety. And for someone like Alya Césaire, who can make herself at home in an unfamiliar environment in just seconds, this anxiety is pretty much non-existent.
As for making friends? She’ll find someone who can balance out her loud proudness. She did in Martinique, so why should France be any different?
“Stay out of trouble,” Marlena Césaire had said. “Behave yourself. Make some good friends. And do well at school!”
Okay, so Alya loves her mum and all, but if Marlena could have predicted the future then she would have totally understood why Alya had managed to disobey her first instruction before even reaching the school.
“Go away!” cries a voice from across the road. Alya whips around and catches sight of a small boy shoved up against the wall by a larger one, who’s shaking a fist in his face. An old man in a bright red Hawaiian shirt shuffles past with his walking stick, in the same direction that Alya is going. Or at least, the same direction she was going.
“Hey!” Alya storms across the road and over to the boys. When it comes down to obeying her mother or standing up for someone, well, sorry Marlena but the latter wins out. “Leave him alone!”
“Back off,” the larger boy sneers at Alya. She just rolls her eyes and yanks the smaller boy away from the wall.
“If you have to pick on people smaller than you than you’re clearly compensating for something,” Alya says. “Come on, kid.” She grabs the smaller boy’s hand and takes off running down the street past the old man before the larger boy can get over himself and start chasing them to flatten them.
If Alya had been paying more attention to her surroundings, she might have noticed the old man stop and frown after her. She might have also noticed him glance down at a hexagonal box in his hand, then stroke his grey beard. But saving kids from bullies isn’t very conducive to paying close attention to surrounding details, so the old man is the furthest thing from her mind by the time she rounds the corner.
When Marinette Dupain-Cheng barrels into class to find one Chloé Bourgeois claiming her seat, she’s about ready to walk straight back out. Of course she’d end up in Chloé’s class for the fourth time in a row. The universe clearly hates her at this point.
“So, why don’t you just go and sit beside that new girl over there?” Chloé sneers, pointing at an unfamiliar girl at the front desk on the right side of the room. “Listen, Adrien’s arriving today, and since that’s going to be his seat, this is going to be my seat. Get it?”
Clearly, Marinette’s missed the memo. “Who’s Adrien?”
Chloé and her best friend Sabrina burst into loud laughter. “Can you believe she doesn’t know who Adrien is?” Chloé says. “What rock have you been living under?”
“He’s only a famous model,” Sabrina chimes in.
“And I am his best friend! He adores me!” Chloé says. Marinette immediately hates this Adrien person. Great. A male Chloé. “Go on, move!”
“Hey!” The new girl stands next to Chloé, crossing her arms. “Who elected you queen of seats?”
But even the new girl can’t withstand the might of Chloé’s Royal Entitlement. Honestly, if Chloé would channel that determination and stubbornness into something good and productive, she might actually be a prodigy at something other than being a brat. Rolling her eyes, the new girl grabs Marinette by the arm and leads her down to Chloé and Sabrina’s old desk, and although this is probably the smartest move to avoid detention before the school year has even officially begun, Marinette can’t help but feel like she’s letting Chloé win.
“I so wish I could handle Chloé the way you do,” Marinette says glumly.
“You mean the way Majestia does it!” The new girl shows Marinette a picture of a blonde superhero with a red and blue suit that’s saved on her phone. “She says, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing”.” The girl points at Chloé. “Well, that girl over there is evil, and we are the good people. We can’t let her get away with it.”
Marinette attempts a weak smile. “Well, that’s easier said than done. She likes to make my life miserable.”
“That’s ‘cause you let her, girl!” the new girl says. “You just need more confidence!”
Marinette hums, although being more confident is way easier said than done. Making a snap decision, she grabs the last macaron from her box and splits it in half, offering one piece to the new girl. “Marinette,” she says.
The new girl smiles and takes the piece, unknowingly cementing what would soon be not only a close friendship but also a legendary partnership. “Alya,” she replies.
Before Ms Bustier can start class, the classroom door slams open and a cute boy with messy blond hair comes skidding inside, panting with his hands on his knees. Marinette’s about two seconds from introducing herself to the second new student, who looks oddly familiar, when Chloé squeals, “Adrikins!” and darts from her seat to latch on to his arm.
Ah. That must be the Adrien that Chloé had mentioned. Marinette’s interest immediately shrivels and dies.
“Come on, Adrikins!” Chloé tugs Adrien over to the seat next to Nino, who resolutely ignores the blond. “This is your seat! Aren’t I just the best friend ever?”
“Um…thanks, Chloé,” Adrien says. Despite herself, Marinette peeks over her shoulder, but when Adrien meets her gaze and smiles, she just rolls her eyes and turns back to face the front.
“Great,” Alix says loud enough for everyone to hear. “Now there’s two of them.”
“Huh?” Adrien says. “I don’t understand –”
“Sure you don’t,” Marinette mutters. Although she doesn’t look around again, she can feel Adrien’s eyes scorching the back of her neck, but she refuses to believe that he’s genuinely confused about what’s going on. No one who’s friends with Chloé is clueless about what a rotten person she is.
“Um, could I have a word?”
Marinette stiffens when Adrien pauses next to her table in the library, where she and Alya are studying while the other half of their class is at P.E.
“Why?” she snaps. “You’re Chloé’s friend. I think that says it all. Any friend of Chloé’s isn’t a friend of mine.”
“Wait, what? Chloé’s –”
“Oh, don’t play dumb!” Marinette winces when the librarian shushes her, so she lowers her voice to a hiss. “How stupid do you think I am?”
Adrien’s green eyes crinkle. His confusion looks genuine…but it could just be a ploy to gain Marinette’s trust before he screws her over. “Just one minute,” he pleads. “Give me one minute of your time. Then I’ll leave you alone.”
Marinette’s knee-jerk reaction is to tell him to clear off. But she pauses. He seems to be genuinely puzzled…and he is new…and it’s not like Marinette can’t tell when someone’s lying…
“Fine.” She stands up, leaving her open book and smiling reassuringly at Alya, who’s utterly failing at looking like she’s not listening in. “One minute. No more, no less.” She follows Adrien out into the corridor, where he laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head.
“So, uh…I think we got off on the total wrong foot,” he says. “I’m…well, I’m home-schooled, you see. My father didn’t even want me to come to school today, so he’ll be furious tonight. And I was so excited to meet other kids my age and make friends, but now everyone hates me, and I don’t know why!”
“Hmm.” Marinette rests her hands on her hips. Adrien seems genuine…but he could also just be a good actor.
“Why exactly does everyone hate Chloé?” Adrien says. “All she’s told me is that everyone’s super jealous of her and gangs up on her.”
Marinette snorts loudly. “Uh, no. She’s an awful bully and she’s made my life hell for years. That’s why everyone hates you – they think you’re just like her, and we don’t have time for another Chloé.”
“Wait, what?” Adrien’s eyes widen. “But she’s – she’s really cool – she’s never been mean to me –”
“You’re a famous model, right?” Marinette says. “That’s what Chloé said.”
“Um…yeah. My father’s Gabriel Agreste. I model his clothes for him.”
It’s Marinette’s turn for her eyes to widen. Agreste! Now she knows why this boy looks so familiar! His pictures are in her magazines! “Ah,” she says. “That would explain it. No way is she gonna be mean to someone who’s rich and famous and “worthy” of her attention like you.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry about her,” Adrien says with a grimace. “I never knew she was mean to you…and I know you’re not lying because the whole class backed you up.”
“The seat she’s in used to be mine,” Marinette says. “She forced me out of it to sit near you. And that’s, like, not even close to the worst thing she’s done. That’s tame for her.”
Adrien just looks even gloomier at that. “Well, I get why everyone would hate me. I just wish I could prove to the class that I’m not mean.”
“Hmm.” Marinette deliberates for a moment, then holds out her hand before she can change her mind. “Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Welcome to Ms Bustier’s class! Maybe we can be friends.”
The way Adrien’s face lights up as he grabs her hand could rival the sun. “Hi, Marinette! I’m Adrien Agreste and I’d love to be friends with you!”
Before Marinette can say anything, there’s a loud crash and a shockwave that sends them both tumbling to the floor.
“What the –?” Marinette cries, clambering to her feet with Adrien. They rush back into the library to investigate on the security cameras, and Marinette’s heart leaps into her throat when she sees that the source of the disturbance is a gigantic stone creature outside the school gates!
Is this all just a nervous-for-the-new-school-year fever dream?
“Hey!” Marinette says when Alya sprints past her for the library doors. “Where are you going?”
“Where there’s a supervillain, there’s always a superhero close behind!” Alya’s eyes gleam with feverish glee. “No way am I missing this!”
She vanishes before Marinette can protest. Marinette looks back at the camera screen, only to be met with a Rainbow Screen of Death when the giant throws a car at the camera.
What the heck is going on?
“What? No fair!” Alya exclaims. She tries to duck under the police officer’s arms, but to no avail.
“Go home, little lady,” the officer orders. “No way are civilians getting anywhere near this thing!”
“But –!”
“That’s an order!”
Scowling, Alya turns and storms off back in the direction of her apartment. This is an outrage! Censorship! What happened to freedom and liberty? She fumes all the way into her apartment and up to her room, her muttering only cut short when she catches sight of a strange little hexagonal box on her grey desk.
“Huh? What’s this doing here?” Torn between wanting to touch it and wondering if it’s dangerous, Alya’s curiosity wins out and she slowly approaches her desk. Now that she’s closer, she can see that the dark brown box has strange red carvings on the top; Chinese carvings, possibly? What even is it? Is Nora playing a prank on her? Nah, Nora’s much more of the brute force type than the sneaky, tricky type.
If Alya could have predicted how opening the box would have changed her life, she would have gleefully snatched it up immediately. But since she’s not blessed with precognitive powers, she’s much more cautious as she picks it up and looks it all over. Shrugging, she opens the box, and she gets just enough of a glimpse inside to make out a silver ring before there’s a bright green flash of light and a tiny black cat materialises in thin air in front of her.
What. The. Hell.
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9and9only · 6 years
The Question
Rose/Nine, romance, fluff
By: me, co-authored with Myself & feat. editing by I.
***Please let me know what you think! 🙃***
Rose entered the console room just as she finished tying the rubber band around the bottom of her still-damp braid. She wiped the remaining moisture off her denim skirt and went to sit down—
And found a smallish cardboard box on the seat, unassuming except for the flower taped atop the hinges.
A rose.
She couldn’t help grinning as she gently released it from its bondage, setting it down carefully on the worn seat. She was about to open the flaps when the Doctor entered the chamber, rubbing his neck and bringing a waft of aftershave with him. Smiling coyly, Rose held the namesake flower up to her lips and caught his eye. “What’s this?”
The Doctor was all nonchalance and feigned disinterest as he gave the box a casual glance, then immediately started to fiddle with the control panel nearest him. “Dunno. Where’d you find it?”
Rose frowned, but still held onto some hope that it really was from him. “Here on my seat, when I walked in.” Though the Doctor smiled briefly at the mention of “my” seat, he gave no indication of further interest, working his way around the familiar dials and knobs. “Not a clue. Maybe a secret admirer left it there for you.” He paused and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “However, if I’ve learned anything over the centuries, it’s that the fastest way to look at the contents of a box is to…” He scratched his head in sarcasm. “Ah, yes. Open it up.”
Though she had been with him for who knew how long now, Rose’s stomach still thrilled whenever he said words that made his northern accent stand out. The frown was replaced with a smile. “All right, Mr Sarcasm, I’ll ‘open it up.’” But of course she wasn’t as good at the northern accent as he was, and the Doctor pretended to grimace at its butchering. He moved on to the next panel as Rose turned her attention back to the box.
He had ducked down underneath the panels and begun to sneak around to her opposite side when Rose said in a puzzled voice, “It's another box.” From somewhere under the console, the Doctor's voice said offhandedly, “So your secret admirer likes Russian dolls. Duly noted.”
But this box is different, Rose thought, pulse quickening. It was tiny and black and… She brushed her fingers over its top.
Hardly breathing now, she picked it up delicately as if it were spun glass. “There’s a note underneath it.” She set the box, which fit perfectly in her palm, next to the rose, and unfolded the note. Neatly typed inside were the words: I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU FASTER THAN I THOUGHT POSSIBLE. YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU MEAN TO ME.
Rose’s hand flew to her mouth. This couldn’t be real. But he wouldn’t play with my feelings like that, she told herself. Sometimes he was clueless, sometimes he was seemingly harsh, but surely he respected her more than that. He had never hurt her on purpose.
Still hidden by the overhang of the control hexagon, the Doctor waited to hear the quiet creaking of the velvet box lid before he peered around the side of the pillar. As he knew it would be, her attention was completely transfixed on the contents of the box. She had gone quite pale, which made her beautiful lips stand out even more than usual. He bit back a smile as he sensed endorphins flushing through her body; he could feel her giddiness, her increased heart rate, knew her pupils were slightly dilated. She, like every other human being, was an open book to him.
And he loved everything written on her pages.
Rose couldn’t believe it. Sure, it was a little unusual, but there it was, secured firmly in the sewn indentation of a plump satin pillow. Its color was rose gold—her favorite metallic color—with a swirling line of white gold curved throughout its surface. It reminded her of the elegant decorations of Lènara, the entirely elven planet they had spent a week on a few years ago. Rose had fallen in love with the architecture almost immediately.
Its construction, however, seemed to be of something akin to carbon fiber, but more feminine. And there was definitely a sparkling diamond, but instead of poking up from the band, it was completely inset so that it did not protrude in any way or angle. It was absolutely unique.
And absolutely beautiful.
Tears welled up in her eyes. Her heart swelled up til she thought it would simply burst. Something nudged her gaze past the ring and the box—
And she jumped, almost dropping the box in her surprise. Her hands, still holding the velvet treasure, covered her face as her shoulders hunched against a rising sob.
The Doctor had snuck around to her other side and was on one knee on the grated floor. His expression—
Rose gulped and lowered her hands to her cheeks. His expression said so much, all at once as serious as a royal guard, and at the same time full of love and respect, honesty and vulnerability. She had never seen so much raw emotion in his face before, not even when he would talk about his home planet.
He extended a hand. She locked eyes with him and slowly lowered her own hands, still clutching the now-closed box, to her neckline. Her heart hammered in her chest, every finger and toe tingling. By some miracle she remembered to breathe, despite the fullness of her heart. Ever so gently, she placed her right fingers on his upturned palm, as softly as she could, afraid to shatter the dream. With some amusement, the Doctor noted she was unaware that she was still holding the actual ring.
“Rose Tyler,” the Doctor said solemnly, leaning in ever so slightly, “will you marry me?”
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threewaysdivided · 6 years
Defining Moment - Danny Phantom (Origin Story)
Available on Fanfiction.net || Archive of Our Own
In each life there are defining moments. They can happen to anyone, at any age and any time. A person can, of course, have more than one, but they are always the things we remember. They can be anything, from something as heroic as saving a life to something as small as a drawing we did when we were a child. From winning a medal to scoring a touchdown, from starting a first job to taking our first step. From forming a fear to facing it.
And for a rare few, a person's life will be defined by the way they died. Or in this case, the way they didn't do it fully...
He stepped into the hexagonal tunnel, squinting through the gloom. He ran a hand hesitantly over a steel ridge, breathing in the cool tang of metal and the aseptic, detergent-y smell that filled the hole.
'I wonder what went wrong…' Mom's theories were usually right and Dad was pretty good with blueprints. 'Dad can be clueless though.' It was pretty common for an invention to fail because Dad made a small mistake – crossing a wire, inverting a capacitor – when he put the thing together. He'd gotten fairly good at troubleshooting for that when Dad pulled him into the lab to help. The portal was huge… and fiddly. Lots of places for error.
Some brightly-coloured wire on the roof ahead caught his eye. 'Might as well check those…' He stepped towards the mass of thin cylinders.
Suddenly he was stumbling. He glanced down for split second – glimpsing the toe of his black boot caught under a metal panel – before pitching forward, trying desperately to regain his balance. He reached out to the wall, feeling a smooth, hard square. It gave way, plastic clattering to the floor. He leaned against the now-irregular surface to steady himself. Something under his hand pressed inwards, a gentle click echoing through the tunnel. He looked down to the plastic square. 'The safety cover must have come off the internal activation switch' he registered numbly.
A soft whirring began at the back wall.
Safety cover. Internal activator. Realisation was like a blast of icy water. 'Oh cra-' he turned on his heels, sprinting for the open mouth as the whir built to a throbbing hum around him, wires sparking into life. He moved faster, but the entrance seemed a long way off – he hadn't realised how deep he'd gone. A shout echoed from the lab as light flared behind him.
It consumed him, burying his body, his mind, his self in iridescent green. His nerves were on fire, muscles tearing, bones charring. He was burned and shocked and frozen all at once, lightning pouring through his veins – but somehow he was numb. His breath was harsh in his throat, the machine roared around him, and yet everything was oddly silent. He couldn't see, couldn't feel his face, his hands, his legs…
And then he was clear, staggering into the clean white, gasping at the warm air as his vision flickered. His body collapsed under him, pitching him forward onto the non-slip tiles of the lab floor. Everything blurred, footsteps pounded towards him.
Then it went black.
Sound returned first.
Voices. He knew those voices.
They were familiar. Where did he know them from?
Sam? Tucker? Were they here? Why were they here? Where was here anyway?
He sucked in a gasp as his senses snapped back into place. It was all bright, too bright, fading in and out of focus. He winced, the voices unnaturally sharp and loud, but garbled – as though they were talking down a cardboard tube. The world was spinning madly, his head was throbbing and his tongue felt like lead. A prickling sensation crawled over every inch of his skin. He felt too light and too heavy for his own body at the same time. Dizzy. Sick.
"Danny! Oh my god you're..."
His face wasn't pressed against the lab tiles anymore. He was lying across someone's knees, a pair of hot hands on his arm, while another pair clutched at his hair and shoulders. They were shaking him, rocking back and forward. He coughed, whipping his head violently from side to side to clear it.
"Dude? Dude! Are you okay? Can you get up?"
"Tucker! Look at him! Do you think he's okay?"
Hands pulled him roughly into a sitting position.
"Danny? Danny, look at me. Look at me dammit!"
He blinked, eyes watering in the overly bright light as his friends' faces came into focus. Sam was stricken, fair skin grey with fear, violet eyes huge. Tucker was terrified, teal eyes wide and glazed behind his glasses, ashen despite his dark colouring. He looked like he was about to be sick.
"Oh my god we... dude, look at you... we..."
"Danny, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..."
"Sam what if he's... I think we... Danny we..."
"You're a..."
"Dude... I think we killed you."
His stomach churned – he was going to throw up. He gagged, tearing away from his friends arms as he staggered upright, stumbling for the toilet attached to the lab. The world was still spinning. He lost his balance again, grabbing the basin with white-gloved hands to steady himself. Wait… White? His gloves were black. He held his hands out in panic, clenching and unclenching his fists, studying them frantically. White. White gloves. And they were glowing and 'oh my god they just went transparent' and what was happening? The portal. The ghost portal. Glowing. White. Transparent.  Was he...?
He jerked his head up, staring straight into the small mirror over the sink. A scream built and died in his throat, escaping as a strangled croak. It wasn't his face. It wasn't him. It was a stranger. The suit colours were wrong, white where the black should be, black in the white parts. His skin was too dark, almost tanned. Danny had black hair. 'Like Dad's.' The stranger's hair was white, unnaturally white. And those eyes. They were green – vivid, toxic green. And they were glowing, shining like the sign that hung outside their house. Like the energy that had swirled inside the… He raised his hand to his face. The stranger copied. He reached a hand out to the mirror, the stranger mimicking him, twin hands meeting cold glass. But it wasn't cold. It was barely even cool. He looked at his hands. At the mirror. Back to his hands. Mirror. Hands. Mirror. Hands. Mirror. He grabbed a tuft of hair, yanked it down into his eyes. White. Mirror. His breathing came faster, hitching and choking. The stranger's, no, his eyes – his toxic, neon eyes – looked back, wide with fear. He was glowing and white and he wasn't himself anymore and-
He couldn't hear his heartbeat. It should be pounding, racing. 'Why isn't it pounding?' He scrabbled at his neck, tearing at his collar as he fumbled for the carotid, fingers searching desperately for a pulse. A small voice in the back of his mind – it sounded like Jazz – told him he was panicking, going into shock. He continued to press, to prod and feel, searching, searching.
The world stopped turning. Time froze and accelerated at the same time. Everything was spinning again, breathing faster and faster as the truth poured into his mind, that one simple fact consuming all others.
His heart wasn't beating. He had no pulse.
'I'm dead.'
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dannyphantomisameme · 6 years
Not What I Want
~ Chapter 2 ~ 
(Click for prologue and chapter 1)
Soaring through the green void, he kept an iron grip on his thermos. His hair flew behind him as if a gust of wind was blowing through it. Earlier, after laying on the couch for a couple of minutes, he decided to leave before Skulker resolved to come home. Getting up and trudging over to the corner, he shakily grabbed the thermos off the floor. In the corner of his eye he noticed Ember’s purple guitar smashed to pieces. He ran a finger along the guitar, tracing the outline of the flaming blue details.
‘Do you wanna hear a song?’ the young girl asked. Her bright green eyes shimmered under the swirling sky. ‘I love to sing! It’s my favorite thing in the world!’ she exclaimed as her flaming blue pigtails bounced up and down.
‘Sure.’ Danny replied. He sat down right next to her and listened to her voice. He was amazed at the talent this girl had. Ember, wasn’t it? He sat there, eyes closed and swaying along to the beat. It was as if god had sent an angel to him; her notes flowed together in beautiful harmony. The two sat there for some time, underneath the unusually vibrant tree. Her soothing tone was enough to make him almost forget about his job.
He hadn’t realized he had stopped flying. Now consciously aware of his surroundings, he sped through the atmosphere, overpassing the millions of purple doors. He was always curious to see where some of the doors led to, but he had his fair share of mishaps. Like the time he opened a door only to intrude on Technus taking a shower. Yikes. His mind progressed to wander through many thoughts, until he landed on the elephant in the room.
Although he had accomplished what his father had asked of him, he wasn’t quite finished. Why did his father need Ember? What did she ever do to him? Daniel never understood the people his father chose; there was never a clear cut pattern between them.
With these questions in mind, he flew through the dimension at top speed. The quicker he finished, the less to remember. Finally he arrived at the closed portal. Hovering in front of the hexagonal entrance, he slipped off his backpack and opened the front pocket. He took out a small keychain with a red button on it, similar to a car-key. He pressed the button and returned the object back to his backpack, zipped it up, and waited for the doors to open.
Gradually, the trapezoidal doors tore apart from each other, revealing another swirling green vortex. Daniel flew right in, landing on gray marbled floor. The recurring panic swelled within him as he shuffled through the laboratory. Instead of exiting through the hall, he turned right and headed for an iron vault door. Once again he placed his trembling palm on a black scanner to his right. Once a beep resonated in the dismal lab, the circular door handle spun and opened on its own.
He trudged through the entrance and met with a desolate, square room. The walls and the floor were made of a dark grey stone. A lone chair similar to one in the laboratory sat in the center. The walls were completely empty, except for the sole shelf in the left corner. The air had a prison-like feel to it, cold and gloomy.
Closing the door behind him, he let his backpack fall to the floor and walked over to the chair. He unlatched the thermos from his belt with a grimace on his face. Sighing, he uncapped the thermos, unleashing a bright blue beam. Once the beam retreated back into the thermos, Ember sat in the chair, still tied up.
Her presence clenched his heart. The voices in his head began to gradually increase in amplitude. He felt like dropping onto the floor and curling up into a ball. But he couldn’t.
She squirmed in her seat, staring at Daniel with wide eyes. She was clueless as to what was happening and where she was.
Mustering up some courage to move, he began to untie the rope around her arms, holding her down with no chance of escape all the while. He knew the quickest way to get what he needed as a result of his previous experiences. He made mistakes along the way, but over the decade he got better.
Finally he reached under the chair and pressed a green button. Thick black straps began to move and wrap themselves around the unsuspecting ghost. Her scream was muffled as she writhed under the shackles grasp, yet she was too weak to fend it off. The straps automatically buckled her in and held her in place.
Daniel dropped his arms and shuffled over to the shelf in the left corner. He stopped mid-reach to the handle. Was he really going to do this? Turning back he looked at the girl. She continued to squirm in her chair. She was innocent; she didn’t deserve this shit. Her muffled cries echoed in his mind, prompting an oncoming migraine.
He continued to twist the handle of the shelf and swing the door open. Inside resided a myriad of weapons: guns, swords, rays, blasters, whips, building tools, vials of various potions, etc. He reached in and brought out a grappling hook. Its silver claws were sharp enough to kill one instantly. The body of the object was black with green accents and an assortment of buttons.
Shutting the shelf, the predator returned to his prey. Holding the grappling hook in his left hand, he slowly removed the green ectoplasmic gauze from her mouth which dissolved in his hand immediately.
Gasping, Ember screamed. Daniel shoved his hand in front of her mouth to silence her. He nodded his head in her direction and she nodded back, suggesting she keep quiet and he remove his hand. She stared at his eyes, but his gaze was focused behind her. He couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye. He felt terrible standing there with his only acquaintance shackled to a dentist chair.
“What the fuck is going on?! Let me go!” She screeched trying to move her arms to no avail. Tears pricked her eyes as they streamed across downward.  
Instead of replying, a bright flash emitted from Daniels waist, producing 2 blue rings that traveled over his body. When he opened his eyes, crystal blue gazed back at neon green. Embers mouth hung open, eyes still wide.
“Y-your… human!” she clamored as her eyes traveled up and down his figure. “B-but, I thought you were a ghost…” Terror was evident in her facial expression. That face would be imprinted in his memory forever.
“I’m both.” he said straight-faced, still avoiding eye-contact.
“What are you gonna do to me?...” she uttered quickly.
“It won’t hurt. I promise.” he whispered, eyes glazed over.
Daniel slowly raised his arm, grappling hook ready to shoot. His cocked the weapon, claws sharpened to inflict pain. Ember kept shaking her head in disbelief, not fully comprehending the intensity of the situation. Suddenly he went invisible and the shot went off. Ember shrieked at the startling boom, squeezing her eyes shut, awaiting the pain.
Yet, nothing came.
Slowly she opened one eye, and noticed Daniel in the top corner of the wall, ripping a camera off the wall. She hadn’t even noticed the devices. She was still focused on the fact that this boy was half-human.
Daniel jumped from his position and onto the floor, sparking camera in hand. He threw it to the corner and ran up to Ember. Crouching down, he pressed a red button on the bottom of the chair. The straps around Embers limbs began to recede back into the chair. Ember sat up, confused, rubbing her wrists that ached from the shackles taut grip.
“We don’t have much time. Come on.” Daniel hastily said, eyebrows furrowed nervously. His facial expressions illustrated true concern. He glanced behind him and simultaneously grabbed Embers hand. Ember held on tight as he pulled her off the chair and the two scurried towards the door.
“The walls are ghost proof, but once we’re out, fly. Okay?” he said as he twisted the handle to the door, swinging it open. Before she could reply, the two were blasted back into the shelf. Ember yelped at the impact from her back hitting the wall. They were still holding hands.
Vlad Masters stood in front of the door, hands manifesting pink ecto energy. His face displayed pure outrage. His teeth were barred shut with a hint of fangs peeking out.
“Don’t hurt her! She did nothing wrong.” Daniel said standing up into a protective position. His fists were balled up and ready to fight. A trickle of blood began to run down his face. His head hurt after striking the wall vigorously. Vlad erupted into maniacal laughter.
“You think this bitch did nothing wrong? You’re so gullible.” he bellowed taking a step forward. Ember shivered behind Daniel at the sheer chaotic aura.  
“You just enjoy hurting the innocent!” Daniel screamed at his father. His hands were now radiating ecto-energy, ready to shoot at any moment. Swiftly, Vlad let go of his powers, blasting his son and Ember. Their skin writhed under the fiery heat of his brute force.
Vlad simultaneously formed a pink ectoplasm hand that wrapped around Daniel and placed Ember back into the chair, restraining both of them from moving. Daniel grunted and squirmed to be free, using all his strength and only exhausting himself further. Ember on the other hand was screaming her lungs out. Now she understood that she was in the human realm. She understood that she was in grave danger.
“Please stop! I-I didn’t do anything Vlad!” Ember screeched wide eyed. Although she recognized the elder man, she didn’t know he was half-human. Or that his son was Babypop.
“On the contrary. You helped my son.” he smiled broadly and whipped to look at Daniel. The outright desperateness on Daniel’s face should have been enough to convince any man of the error in his actions. But Vlad was no man. “You think I didn’t know she was assisting you?! I have eyes EVERYWHERE Daniel. I’m always watching.”
Daniel couldn’t believe it. He was played, just like a chess piece. That’s all he was in his father’s eyes. A pawn. “... I’m sorry…” he whispered.
“What was that?!” Vlad said while telekinetically bringing the pink restraint Daniel was caught in closer to him.
“I’m sorry father.” Daniel said a little louder. Vlad chuckled and released his son from the ectoplasmic hand. He fell on his knees, lungs gasping for a breath after being severely compressed.
“Now, finish the job.” Vlad smoothly said as he retrieved a long hammer from the weapon shelf. Placing it into his sons hand, he smiled psychotically and returned his hands to his sides.
Daniel glared at the hammer. Too much was going on his mind, disorganization among the biggest of them. He felt the world spin, round, and round, and round. He considered rejecting his father’s demand and swinging the hammer at his moronic smirk instead.
Walking towards Ember, his entire body trembled. Vlad stood behind and smirked at the scene. Daniel squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to rid himself of the excess noise. He had done this several times. Only, this time he was forced to.
Reopening his eyes, he halted in front of the chair where Ember sat. She again made an effort to flee, but the shackles were too tight to allow much movement.
You can’t do this.
Daniel held the bottom of the hammer with two hands, gripping it firmly.
You won’t do this.
The now suspended tool glinted under the illumination of a single light bulb.
With a swift motion, the hammer plunged down and into the poor, unsuspecting ghost. Ectoplasm splattered everywhere, some falling onto Daniel’s face, some onto his clothes. Ember’s ear splitting scream echoed throughout the bleak, stone room.
He raised the hammer once more and swung down with all his strength. This time, silence was the only noise.
Daniel dropped the hammer onto the floor, an audible clunk rang throughout the room. He fell down onto his knees as his tears fell down his cheeks. He sat there sobbing into his green-stained clothes while his father cackled behind him.
Vlad exited the room as the core-shattered ghost that once sat in the chair decomposed into a pile of ectoplasm. The green substance oozed from the chair and onto the floor, dropping onto Daniel’s hands.
The sorrowful boy continued to sit there, encompassed by the darkness and the weight of his actions.
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klance-net · 7 years
💛 September Fics! 💛
Here it is guys; a masterlist of fics added during August and September. Fics are under the cut because it’s a really long post (50+ fics). Enjoy! ♡
+ previous ficrecs
+ library
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» a change of space by Crawlingthroughashes
"I don't want to kiss you," Lance announces quickly, color rising high on his cheeks. "Ok." "I don't."
» A Love Like Ours by KnifeBinaryPrince
A love like their's will last through any war.
Even those that last ten thousand years.
» And I Miss Space by codevassie
Keith can't sleep on Earth. Neither can Lance. When they run into each other at a diner they end up spending a lot more of their nights together than they ever thought they would.
» Aprovechar el Sol by speaks
When team Voltron finally pushes the Galra out of this sector of the galaxy, Allura surprises the paladins with a visit home for the first time since leaving Earth three years ago.
» A Quarter Past Midnight by Gigapoodle
When Keith found himself standing in front of a hulking blue metal lion, of all things, surrounded by a hexagonal shield like it was straight out of a straight-to-DVD sci-fi movie, he simply guffawed. If this was what the higher beings were trying to guide his hand towards, they could shove that hand up their asses.
» Artistic and Forgetful by salt_n_burn
Keith and Lance are soulmates. When Lance draws on his arm it shows up on Keith's arm as well, and vice versa.
» As If by surveycorpsjean
The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
» caught in orbit by justlikeswitchblades
Keith never thought he could be homesick, since he never had much of a home to begin with.
But Lance's laugh is loud and bright, skin tanned like he's been out in the sun all day, and Keith starts to wonder if he'll ever see that familiar star again.
» Core Relationship by agok
Every four years the Alteans host a giant party called the Core Alliance Celebration in honor of their alliance with the Galra.
» Dance in the Dark by Kaiisan
Lance struggles with sleeping on his own and the ever-present homesickness. Keith tries to help.
» Dancing On The Roof by BleuSarcelle
Thief/Spy Au where they are all spies in charge of stealing gems and Lance took it upon himself to steal every single gem Keith is in charge of. Neither of them notice when he steal his most valuable possession.
» darling, i fall to pieces (when i'm with you) by starglowed
Keith doesn't know how to feel about being leader. The universe is just too heavy for his already star-soaked shoulders.
Luckily, he's got his right hand man with him.
» Does it Bother Anyone Else (that someone else has your name) by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee
The first words your soulmate says to you are written on your skin - Keith was born with 'Hi my name is - ' written over his heart. Lance has 'Holy fuck, are you okay?' scrawled on his arm.
» don't wanna be free by VickyVicarious
In which Lance gives compliments (but not really), and Keith has lots of feelings but zero impulse control.
» dynamic by kagshina
Lance makes a quick list in his head of things he should never do:
1. Ask the boy he has a huge crush on to be his fake boyfriend for the sake of proving a point (even if Lance thinks he’s going to say no, because apparently he might actually say yes!)
» electromagnetic by seabear
Lance spends a lot of time wondering about his place in the universe. And his place with Keith. Oh, also there’s a heist and some fake dating.
» everything, everything by makasouls
Lance McClain will hit on anything with a pulse. Except for Keith, apparently.
Why no, Keith is not bitter.
» french toast by viscrael
“It’s your birthday.”
“Well—I mean, yeah, but that doesn’t mean you had to do all this…”
“Of course it does. I’m your husband. And besides, even if I wasn’t, I care about you. You only turn twenty-eight once.”
» house on fire by ilgaksu
When Lance McClain is eighteen, he qualifies for the Olympics.
When he's nineteen, he meets Keith.
» i fall, i fall, i falter by theshoutingslytherin
Lance’s eyes held the type of promise only seen in B-rated romance movies— and yet it didn’t look cheesy on him. If anything, Lance looked intense— like he was so focused on Keith that he wouldn’t even notice if the world burned down around them.
» I know your best was still your worst by perfchan
Keith feels alone and apart from the group as he adjusts to leading Voltron. He gets a little help along the way.
» inferno by yaoikawa
Waves of water crash in, accompanied by a blue hoodie, blue eyes, and a blue heart.
» it could be amazing by queenfrog
“So,” Lance says, and Keith can’t tell if he’s lowering his voice in an attempt to try and sound sexy, or if he’s just adhering to the rules of the library. Lance looks up at him from behind hooded eyelids and smirks. Keith decides it's probably a bit of both. “Do you come here often?”
» just my cup of tea by skyestiel
Keith and Lance settle the great “Tea vs. Coffee Debate” the only way they know how.
» Lost Time by americaswaitress
Allura held her brother close for the last time three quintants before her father shoved her into a cryopod.
» love, explained by freshia
A classic romance told in snippets, Feat. excessive crayon consumption, blood-thirsty swingsets, extreme dodgeball, rocks through windows, and hot chocolate snuggles. (Not necessarily in that order.)
» Make Me Your Home by Reader115
“Oh my god, Keeeith,” Lance wheezed. “Keith you’re the best drunk space cadet I’ve ever seen.”
» only fools fall for you by 221bdisneystreet
In his own eyes, Keith was stupid, messed up, and a fool. But in his eyes, Keith was someone he loved.
» overtone, undertone, or how keith messed up (but not really). by saudade
When Keith steals Lance's hoody as revenge for how god damn annoying he is, he certainly doesn't expect it to backfire like this.
» Photos and Storms by BambiPB
In which Lance just wanted to take photographs and the sky decided it wasn't going to happen so he runs into the broganes flower shop.
» raindrops on roses by viscrael
He wonders if the rest of the paladins think that way. If they struggle with everyday tasks, if they feel the call of adrenaline again sometimes, if they wake up some mornings antsy and trying to itch a scratch that they can’t touch any more.
» So Very Lucky by Reader115
After hitting it off with Keith at an end-of-summer party last year, Lance was left disappointed when Keith didn’t keep in touch with him. And his excitement over seeing Keith once again the following summer as a fellow camp counselor is dampened immediately by the fact that Keith doesn't seem to remember him at all.
» Soulmate Line by geewillikers
How can Lance explain who Keith's soulmate is when their lines connect, and yet they're total strangers to one another?
» Stories of the Rain by wholesomeklances
Keith might cry in a bathroom stall on the day he moves into his dorm, but little does he know, most endings are also new beginnings.
» The Gambler by yellowskies
"And then he saw it. The string. Tugging at his pinkie, it led directly from his finger to Lance's."
» The Northern Crown by Athenias
Even if his new talent made Allura groan whenever she had the pleasure of overhearing his pick-up lines and got him beat up by more than one of his own soldiers, it was enough to make a Galra general by the name of Keith fall in love with him.
» the meaning of donuts by Katranga
Keith realizes he may, potentially, possibly have some feelings for a certain blue paladin and he is Not Thrilled about it.
» Tidal by noero
Although Keith may not consider himself a theorist, he figures the impulse that fuels his own inertia is the only force that can stop Lance’s aimless velocity. They just fit. Far be it from him question the laws of nature.
» Tying Ties by ohmwork
Lance is a sad space boy and Keith is space boy in love
» ways to fall by padawin
There were many ways to be in love with someone.
» Wear Your Cactus on Your Sleeve by shaqfu
All Lance wanted to do was buy a new cactus for his shop.
» We Can Be Heroes, Just for One Day by spacegaykogane
In which Keith pines and Lance is oblivious. Angst ensues.
» We Keep Loving Anyways by BleuSarcelle
“Take care, sunshine.” Mrs. McClain says softly while smiling and her features turn soft when her son smiles back at her.
“Always, Mama!”
» What A Wonderful Space by VulpesVulpes713 
Once, when he was very young, space had simply meant night, when the stars would fade into view one by one, and he was able to count them, until suddenly he would blink and the entire sky would be a canvas of glowing specks that he would eagerly wish upon.
» What Life Throws at You by kaybee
Soulmate AU where the first thing your soulmate says to you appears in the first place they touch you. Featuring clueless idiots Keith and Lance
» when i'm without you (i'm something weak) by jojotxt
Keith wondered how much damage could be done to his dignity if he just threw himself into the oven to avoid the inevitable. Probably not much, really; he didn’t have much of a dignity to begin with. 
» Where The Lions Roam by Mytay
" ... tell me why Blue is making the moves on Keith.”
Pidge stared at him, a touch incredulous. “You really haven’t figured it out?”
» you anchor me back down by aknightley
Five missing moments, and a moment that hasn't happened yet.
» you and me are cosmic dust by Yuu_chi
Knowing that your team loves and trust you no matter what and believing it are two very different things 
» you'd fly with me by eugyne
It's a year in space before Lance admits aloud that he does not, in fact, hate Keith.
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deblala · 7 years
More NASA images confirm Saturn’s massive hexagonal cloud formation – NaturalNews.com
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