#clover coffee nyc
meloyellow236 · 6 days
How would the TWST boys act when they had a crush on the Reader/Yuu?
All are meant to be interpreted as romantic except for Ortho, who is a wingman for his brother in his part. Some characters might be a bit OOC. Reader is GN but will be referred to as pretty/beautiful. Minor TW for Rollo having yandere tendencies.
If anyone has anything to add or any questions, please leave an ask or comment! Requests are open if anyone wants :) Everything is under the cut
Riddle Rosehearts - 
Not the best person to have liking you. 
He’s not mean or anything he just... Has no idea what to do with himself at any time. 
And it’s very obvious. 
He thinks that if he’s very, very specific about you following the rules, you’ll praise him and thus that’ll mean you’ll like him. 
He’s… Trying his best. 
“Off With Your Head!” You felt the metal clamp around your neck as you heard the echo of the words. Turning around, you saw the small redhead with his hands on his hips, face already flushing. He grabbed the drink you were holding, the surface of the coffee moving as he pulled away. “On a Tuesday, one can only drink lemon tea past 3:14 in the afternoon!” He huffed, before using his free hand to pull you away. “If you don’t know the rules, I’ll just have to teach them to you. Come on, there’s some tea in the garden. I have a book of rules I could read to you.” 
Trey Clover - 
He’s housewife material, he’ll bake for you 
“Any boy can be babygirl but it takes a man to be a single  mother” vibes 
I never know what to say to him he’s just a normal person who likes cooking 
On a complete side note if you ever go to NYC, go to Alice’s Tea Cup. It’s this tea house that’s kind of close to Broadway, at least last time I went pre-COVID, and it’s so good. I have the recipe book from there and the pumpkin scones are the best. 
You walked into the Hearslabyul kitchen, smiling at the smell of apple pie. Trey was baking, and the dish had just come out of the oven. He smiled, but then slapped your hand away when you tried to grab it. “Not yet, it needs to cool first. If you really want something to eat, we have leftover blueberry scones in the fridge.” He said, looking away to get the serving plate. You touched it anyway, pulling back as you burned yourself. He looked at you and sighed, taking you by the arm to get an ice cube on it. “Burnt hand teaches best, I suppose... It shouldn’t be that bad of a burn. If it gets any worse, I’ll  put some cream on it...” He said, before kissing the burn. “And a get-well-soon kiss, of course.” 
Cater Diamond - 
He’s a silly boy, but also an angsty one 
If he genuinely likes you, he’d probably try really, really hard to be the “perfect guy” 
And also to try to hide how into you he is because he’s scared you’ll leave him 
Those moments when his guard drops are probably the sweetest, though 
“Ah, that was fun! Well, Cay-cay’s all yours for the rest of the day. What do you wanna do now?” Cater said, having just turned off his livestream. You were behind his phone smiling at him. You were going to recommend getting a drink at the Monstro lounge, but saw how tired he was. He smiled at you when you asked to just hang out with him at home. “You do, huh? Well, there’s a new movie we could watch.” When you raised an eyebrow, asking if it was for Magicam, he just chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. A remake of an old classic. I want to watch it with you. I’m sure that you’d be able to make anything good, just by being there.” 
Ace Trapolla & Deuce Spade- 
They’re together because I feel like you can’t make one fall for you without the other. It’s a ‘buy one get one free’ deal. 
Ace would be a nightmare to have in love with you. 
He’d try his best to flirt, but mainly through really bad dirty jokes and pickup lines. 
Or, by inserting himself into your life as much as possible in an attempt to force himself into a place of importance for you 
Duece, on the other hand, would be an angel. 
He attempts to be an old-fashioned gentleman, like holding open doors and getting you flowers. 
Are those roses from Heartslabyul’s garden? Maybe. Just don’t snitch on him to Riddle. 
You weren't entirely sure how you got yourself into hiding in a cabinet with Ace and Duece, but here you were, avoiding the Riddle currently screaming his head off about how someone had stolen the roses currently in your arms. You had a hand over Duece’s mouth as he muttered apologies, trying to get him to shut up, before Ace leaned in and whispered “Hey, Prefect?” You gave him a look, to which he said, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see!” He asked, voice rising in volume as he tried not to laugh, to which Duece slapped him on the arm and cried, “Don’t be so loud! You’re going to get us caught!” Ace only laughed harder, until the door to the cabinet opened. You took a dash out of there with your roses, the two bumbling baffoons behind you, the yelling housewarden already collaring them. 
Leona Kingscholar - 
He’s a fun man 
Well, not really, but his attempts are very fun for Ruggie. 
He’ll just drag you away and force you to cuddle with him. 
You’ll probably end up cutting class, but do you really care when it’s with the clingy lion man? 
Throwing money at you with no regard to the amount he gives or the reason he does it is the other attempt. 
If he can prove that he’s better at taking care of you than the lizard, he can win this round. 
And get a better lover than his brother, but that’s the secondary goal. 
You were just walking in the garden when you felt someone trip you, causing you to land half in a bush. Before you could turn around to tell off the person responsible, they grabbed your waist and pulled you to them on the floor. “It’s nap time, Herbivore. Shut up and let me sleep.” When you told him that he was the one who invited you here and you’d have to skip your next class to stay, he just huffed and rolled his eyes at you, pushing a pouch in your hand. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. If you’ll be like that, take this and you can get whatever you want in your lunch period. Fair deal if you’ll stay.” 
Ruggie Bucchi - 
Would never ask you out on a date, he’s scared. 
The best treatment that you get before he’s sure you’re not going to be mean to him is that he doesn’t pawn your gifts off for cash. 
Afterward, he’ll be a bit more affectionate 
Maybe even give you some of his food... 
Also, hyena courting stuff; Shadowing a potential partner, taking a step forward and then taking a step back, and other stuff like that. 
You heard the laughing of the beastman before you were able to see his face. He had been following you around for most of the day, but every time he’d take a few steps forward, he’d taken a few back after a second. Now, though, he had his head on your shoulder. “Hello, Prefect. Look what I got!” He said, showing you a donut he had probably gotten from Sam’s. “You want a bite?” He asked, when you nodded and took a bite he bit onto the other end, giggling away. “What, was that really enough to fluster you, Prefect? Shishishi, I should try doing this to you again.”
Jack Howl - 
Jack asks you outright if you feel the same way he does, especially if you two are friends. 
Finally! A confession! 
He doesn’t want to make your friendship weird, so he wants to tell you that it’s happened and either find a way to get over you or have a happy relationship. 
Very much “Worst they can say is no, best they can say is yes” kind of man 
Aside from that, very loyal and sweet to you before he realizes that he likes you 
Also, a pinch of an old-fashioned gentleman in him 
Jack had called you out earlier that day to go on an evening walk with him, and so here you were. You were in the mountains, walking at a fairly slow pace. You neared a big tree as the sun set, and Jack took a deep breath. He took your hand, ears on high alert and tail looking undecided between if it wanted to cower beneath his legs or wag excitedly, and said, “Prefect, I like you very much. Please go on a date with me.”
Azul Ashengrotto - 
Oh no 
He has two moods when it comes to the person he likes; Annoyingly showoffish and annoyingly terrified of you. 
Somehow, it’s sometimes both. 
He would talk very loudly about how well he was doing as a businessman his contracts and how much money he’d made. 
And then you touch him and he just stops functioning.
“Oh, look, Jade! Another new high this month! We might even be able to expand!” He cried, glancing at you again and again. This had been happening every time you visited Monstro Lounge; A song and dance of Azul fishing for compliments that he seemed to hate, if him leaving the room every time you complimented him had anything to say about it. This time, you grabbed his wrist as you spoke, telling him how he was doing a very good job. You watched him turn a shade of red and blue, stiffening up as he muttered out a response. “Thank you... I will keep your response in mind.” The moment you let him go, Jade stepped in to talk to you as the octopus-mer ran away once more. 
Jade Leech - 
As the more put together of the two moray eels here, he gets the ‘classier’ side of the coin. 
Moray courting rituals of wrapping together is often described as a dance, so he’ll try to dance with you. 
Aside from that, I can see him subtly teasing you about yawning in front of him, even if you don’t understand why. 
And feeding you plenty of mushroom dishes. 
You were stuffed, that was for sure. Jade had invited you to Octavinelle a while ago, and now you were here, eating various mushroom dishes like your life depended on it. He was smiling, another one placed in front of you. “A shiitake and crab stir fry is next. Surely, you have room for more?” He asked, a small smile on his lips. He chuckled when you yawned, “Isn’t it a bit late in the season for that?” When you asked what he meant, he only shook his head and brought a filled fork to your lips. “Fufu. Just focus on eating for now, Prefect.” 
Floyd Leech - 
Hehe funny unhinged eel man  
Moray eels like to cuddle, so prepare to be squeezed by him 
Also, yawning or ‘gaping’ (Opening his mouth really wide) at you. 
Honestly, I don’t have a lot of thoughts on him, he’s just a silly little guy. 
“Shrimpy!” You heard cried behind you, Floyd flopping himself over you from behind. He yawned and pushed his head over your shoulder as he spread himself over you so his weight was all on you to hold up. “Whatcha doing?” He asked, smiling at you. Once you answered that you were on your way to class, he frowned, wrapping his arms around you before lifting you like a cat. “That’s boring! Common, Shrimpy, we’re going to find something fun to do!” 
Kalim Al-Asim - 
For Kalim, I feel as if the second he knows he likes you, you will know he likes you because he’ll tell you outright. 
Before he knows he likes you, everyone else will know he likes you. 
Running up to you at every opportunity, constantly complimenting you, talking about you to everyone who will listen, etc. 
Much like the other rich kids who aren’t used to being genuinely wanted for themselves and not their money in this school, Kalim will throw expensive gifts at you in an attempt to gain your favor. 
“Prefect!!” You heard someone shout, running at you from across the field of the flying lesson you were in. “There you are! I’ve got something for you!” He said, smiling all the while. He kissed you on the cheek, and then reached into his bag, pulling out a golden bracelet. Before you had time to refuse, because it was the middle of a class where it could easily be lost or because of the outrageous price tag, he spoke up. “And now we match! Just like twins, see?” He had kept his ones on this time, and you couldn’t help but smile as he was beaming up at you. 
Jamil Viper - 
Jamil might not be able to show off often, but he does try to do so for you. 
You’re busy and can’t cook? He’ll get you some food! 
You’ve torn a hole in your gym clothes? He’s got a sewing kit on him!
Your homework is about to kill your GPA because Crewel seems to hate having breaks? He’s your guy!
All in all, he attempts to woo you like a mixture of a 1950s housewife and the stereotype of tutor love interests in media. 
“-And that’s how to make a basic healing tonic. Any questions?” He asked. When you shook your head, he gave a small smile. “That’s good. I’ll help you clean up in here, and then I’ve got something for you back at Scarabia.” His hand brushed yours as he helped you clear up the papers that had been scattered around as you studied. “You mentioned wanting to try foods from the scalding sands, so I got a bunch of ingredients. I’ll make you a wonderful meal if you’d like.”
Vil Schoenheit - 
Much like Riddle, you must deal with him being much more annoying as soon as he likes you. 
Just this time, he’s annoying you about your self-care. 
You don’t take multi-hour spa baths in the crummy bath at Ramshackle? Well, now you do at the much better baths in Pomefiore every week. 
You don’t have a skincare routine that takes up half your morning? Yes, you do. 
You will never be in better condition physically but he will continue finding new ways to push you. 
He does it out of love because he wants you to always look and feel your best. 
You opened the door to Ramshackle, looking at a mildly annoyed Vil. He grabbed you before you could protest, leading you away from your dorm. “Come on, Potato. I’m taking you to Pomefiore, and you’re going to get a makeover.” When you asked why, the third year just rolled his eyes. “You have bags under your eyes, and they seem to be from lack of sleep or stress, if your appearance when you came here was anything to say about it. So, I’m getting you a spa day and will teach you how to take care of yourself better. If you still can’t, I’ll just have to take you for spa time more often.” 
Rook Hunt - 
Rook is a walking love letter. 
Constantly waxing poetics, and talking about how beautiful you are. 
You forget something at home and the next thing you know you’ve got an arrow shot next to you and whatever you need as well as a heartfelt note is in a pouch tied to it. 
And he’s just... There. 
All the time. 
He’s in your walls. 
You sighed, having forgotten your potions textbook for the third time this week. Truly, your memory was your own worst- What was that? A thud had come from right next to you; An arrow with a paper gift bag tied onto it through a deep purple ribbon had been shot into a tree, going right past your head. When you looked into it, there was your missing textbook, as well as a note from the giver. ‘Dearest Trickster, it is a wonder to be in your presence. I do ask, please grace me with those eyes to my face. If only I had those, I would be happy to deliver you your books for the rest of my life.’ When you looked around, you saw him; The third year excitedly waving at you from the rooftop of the school. 
Epel Felmeir - 
He tries so hard to show you how awesome cool and manly he is. 
Has the same vibes as a child showing their parents how good they are at sports. 
“Hey Mom, look!” *Kicks a soccer ball and falls flat on his face* 
He’s doing the best he can with the skills he has, give the little guy some credit 
“Hey, Prefect! Did ya see that goal I made at the end?” Epel said, having just finished a Spelldrive game. He had come up to you as soon as he was done, and you smiled at him, nodding and telling him that he had done well. He puffed his chest out at that, looking like the cat who got the cream. “Of course I did! I’ll even give ya a ride on my broom after our next practice, so you can see what it looks like when ya playing. That’s be fun, right?” He said, smiling at you widely. 
Idia Shroud - 
Scared boy 
Very, very scared boy 
He will try to run from you any time he’s nearby.
If you manage to corner him, expect him to be very flustered. 
Maybe you’ll get a sentence or two out of him if you keep trying... 
Idia had been avoiding you for the past few days, and you had no idea why. So here you were, using the key card ortho gave you to work your way into the room of the hermit. He was hunched over his desk, eyes closed and breathing steady. His monitor was on, so when you walked over, you took the mouse out from him and went to save in his game before you closed it out. He stirred, muttering as he opened his eyes, “One more round, Orthohmysevenitsyouohimsorryicangonow!” He bolted straight up, hair flaming pink as he pushed the swirly chair back and ran out of his own room.
Ortho Shroud - 
His big brother’s best wingman 
Will come up to you and talk about how great his brother is 
If needed, pulls up diagrams and chats like he’s giving a PowerPoint presentation on his brother’s ability to date you 
“Prefect!” You heard a shout, the younger Shroud brother coming up to you. “I have something that you must see! You are aware of my brother’s affection for you, correct?” When you shook your head, he smiled, pulling up a presentation on his iPad. “That makes this much more difficult, but very well! As you can see here, one’s heartbeat increases when one meets with the object of one’s affections. This can be caused by a flight or fight response, which my brother does not usually suffer from when over a call with another. However, when your voice is there, his heart rate spikes dramatically! This means that I have reason to believe that he is in love with you. In this presentation, I will-”
Malleus Dracona - 
He is going to try to woo you with gems 
And probably other dragon-courting rituals 
I think that out of the beastmen and fae, he understands the least that you don’t get their courting rituals. 
By the name he realizes that you don’t think you’re dating he’s already picked out the names of your kids. 
“Child of Man?” You heard the familiar voice of Hornton call out to you in your garden. You smiled, turning around to face him. “It’s nice to see you again. I have a gift for you.” He said, holding out a golden necklace with emeralds sprinkled in. When you tried to refuse the gift, saying it was too expensive to get ‘just because’ he only shook his head and put it around your neck. “All the stars in the sky would be too little to give you, and every jewel in my horde pales in comparison to your beauty. If only you wear this, then you will surely compare to my father when you take your place at my side. Although, I believe you already do in both appearance and wit.”
Lilia Vanrouge - 
Old fae bat man 
He flirts with you, but it ends up being either too old-timey or too fae for you to understand 
For the old-timey side; According to Wikipedia, “Gifts accompanied courtship in the form of a man proving coins, trinkets or clothing to the woman he is trying to woo.” So, he gets you various gifts, like coins, jewelry that he has, and whatever else you’re interested in. 
I assume that because he’s such a long-lived fae, they range from ‘I found this stone in the garden’ to ‘Here’s a 1000-year-old artifact capable of destroying the world if you hold onto it wrong’
For the fae side; Male bats court by making various noises (screaming, honking, singing), flicking their wings/showing off how good they are at flying, and grooming the other party. I’m interpreting this as singing to you, playing with your hair, and trying to impress you in flight class. 
Also, him humming old love songs to you and playing with your hair I can’t-
Lilia was sitting next to you on the couch, as you flipped through various movies on the television he had in his room. You were in his arms, with his hands in your hair, braiding wherever he could get enough hair to do so. “Hey, Beastie?” He chuckled as you sighed at the lack of familiar movies. “I really do care for you quite a bit. Also, there’s this one Halloween movie that came out a year or two ago. Terror is Trending, or something. We could watch that.” He laughed again and started humming. It seemed to be a classical piece. When you asked what he was singing, he said “Dichterliebe, Robert Schumann’s Op. 48., movement 11.” He smiled at you, and then laughed at your confusion. “Just put the movie on already, Beastie.” 
Silver “Vanrouge” - 
The meeting scene from Sleeping Beauty 
That’s it, that’s my idea 
Due to the lack of inspiration, he gets a slightly longer drabble, though? 
You were walking in the woods, pausing at a shallow river, singing to yourself. It wasn’t long until you heard a horse trotting towards you. You turned to face it, and Silver smiled as you did. “It’s nice to see you again, Prefect.” He said, getting off his horse to stand next to the river with you. He looked at you, gently humming the same tune as you were. He reached a hand out to pull you in, one hand in yours and the other on your waist. “Do you know how to dance?” He asked, already starting the movements. When you shook, your head, he laughed, spinning you around. “I’ll teach you. Copy my movements, but backward... 1 2 3, 1 2 3...” He started to dance with you, slowly going from repeating the pattern to singing lightly. He was softly smiling, staring at you even as your eyes were focused on your feet. However, it didn’t take long before his horse seemed to tire of this, pushing the two of you in. “Samson!” Silver cried out, now soaking wet and a bit banged up from shielding you from the fall. “And after I promised you an extra bucket of oats to come out here... No carrots for you tonight.” He spoke, looking at you as you asked him why he had done so. Silver only smiled and responded, “There was something strange about you, and I heard your voice earlier. You’re almost too beautiful to be real. I thought it was some mysterious being, a wood sprite or a fae. Truly lovely either way.”
Sebek Zigvolt - 
He tries to protect you like the knight that he aspires to be 
He will infodump to you about Malleous or Brair Valley or something else of the sort if you let him 
Also, he’s half fae, which means fae/crocodile courting rituals. 
Crocodiles mainly bump snouts as far as I can tell, so expect many boops from him. 
Also, piggyback rides and playful nips if you get close enough to him 
“And that is why Wakasama is the greatest mage in our time!” Sebek finished, still carrying you around the school. When you tried again to tell him it wasn’t needed, Sebek scoffed. “Foolish Human! You said that your leg was tired after running in flight class, and so you must rest your legs lest you injure yourself!” He said, bopping his nose against yours. “Besides, you must know by now that as a friend of Wakasama, it is my job to defend you as I would him! In not doing so, I would be committing a sin worse than just letting you walk by yourself! As such, I will accompany you to and from class from now on. Be grateful, Human!” 
Che’nya - 
Che’nya will try to pull as many pranks on you as he can  
Appearing in random places, taking little things from you, and other things showing up in random places you never put them.  
All around being a little menace and trying to make your daily life as annoying as possible 
You sighed, looking towards the floating smile next to you. It laughed, as you held up the empty pencil case, asking it how he expected you to be able to do your homework now. He only chuckled, the rest of his head and shoulders appearing. “Stay pawsitive, Prefect! No need to be so catty!” You rolled your eyes, to which the boy simply snickered and rubbed his head against your cheek. “Come on, my puns are purrfect!” He pulled a pencil out of seemingly thin air, letting you take it from him. “And I’ve got plenty of pens back at RSA if you’d like to take a weekend trip to see me.” 
Neige Leblanche - Kinda angsty, but not much
He’s a sweet guy first and foremost, and his having a crush on you reflects that. 
He buys you flowers, takes you on walks in nature, romantic stuff like that. 
Maybe watching cheesy old movies with you and cuddling 
He wants to be your friend before he dates you, though, and won’t make a move until after you can see what life would be like if you were dating him considering how famous he is. 
He needs to make sure that you’re comfortable with the fame you’ll gain, and that you love him for more than just his popularity. 
Neige sighed, biting his lower lips. He was situated in your arms on the floor of his dorm room, what you’d define as a cheesy romcom on the TV. The most interesting part was the man going through his DM’s next to you. He snuggled into you a bit more as you asked him what was wrong, to which he said “Just... Hate comments and stuff. They’re really mean sometimes. Saying stuff...” He took a deep breath again, and melted against you. “Thank you for treating me like I’m a normal person. It means... So much to me. I... Care for you so much.” 
Rollo Flamme - Rollo's got yandere tendency's
Unfortunately, I can in no way see Rollo having a light crush on anyone 
For him, I imagine it’s an ‘all or nothing’ situation 
So, you’ll end up with a very obsessive and objectively evil wizard trying to win your heart by any means necessary 
But this is not the post for that, so he’s getting toned down to fit into a little drabble  
“Mon amour, how are you feeling?” Rollo asked you, coming into the area that you were lying in. You had been resting in the infirmary since coming back from the destruction he caused, and he sat on the edge of the bed. You turned away from him, closing your eyes and saying that you had no desire to speak to him. Rollo sighed, “Please, my dear? I am begging you, just talk to me.” You shook your head, but he took your hand and kissed your knuckles anyway. “Then I will wait for you to want to speak to me again. However, I do ask that it be soon. I cannot imagine my life without you, my dear angel, and I do not intend to live without you forever.” 
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acidheaddd · 6 months
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Name: Sebastian Elias Butcher Nickname: Seb Gender: Male Star Sign: Pisces (♓︎) Height: 6'3’’ (~190cm) Orientation: Straight Nationality/Ethnicity: American mutt, half Italian Favorite Fruit: Lemon Favorite Season: He doesn't really have one, though he prefers winter. Favorite Flower: Probably roses and orchids Favorite Scent: Leather, black pepper, and spiced rum... also Clover's perfume. Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Iced tea and hot coffee. Average Hours of Sleep: Hahahaha, what's sleep? He sleeps when he can, but being both a medical student and later surgeon and a serial killer eats up a lot of time. Dogs or Cats: Both, but he prefers cats. Dogs are fine, provided they aren't yappy or annoying. Dream Trip: He doesn't really care to travel much, really. When he does, it's out of necessity. Or at least what he deems necessary. Italy would be nice, but he just doesn't have the time. Number of Blankets: Two. Random Fact: Seb is actually the one that discovered Carmine was his cousin. He needed to lay low in NYC for a bit and also needed to pick a med school after his bachelor's, so he picked the university of California, despite it not being his first choice (he would have preferred Harvard, but it was too close). He decided to see if him and his siblings still had any family out that way as he remembered his parents mentioning it a few times. And so he found Carmine. ......... Also, him and his little brother Wes, killed their parents when he was 18, so. That explains why he planned on the three of them moving out to California together.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
Decoherence, Ch. 6: I Howl
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Prev - I Howl - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ] - Playlist
“in my dreams you walk dripping from a sea-journey on the highway across America in tears to the door of my cottage in the Western night” -Howl by Alan Ginsberg
WC: 3318 - Rating: T - CW: swearing -
1980, August 16, Astoria, NYC, US
An express train barrelled down the elevated track outside Remus’ apartment, rattling the windows and the bookcases’ glass doors. It was an effective alarm.
Remus stretched before he opened his eyes, moving carefully so he didn’t jostle… who the fuck was he being careful about? His empty bed? His eyes snapped open and he squinted against the sun that shot right through the big window in his fifth-floor walkup. He’d forgotten to close the blinds again. 
Didn’t matter much. Facing the train tracks, the only view into his apartment would require flying twenty feet above them, and the developer of his building was the only one dumb enough to build so close to the elevated tracks. On the other side was the East River and if some horny ass tourist on the cruise lines wanted to waste their time trying to catch a glimpse of him in the buff as he got out of bed in the morning, more power to them.
Now that he was up, the sun was kinda nice. It was gonna be a scorcher, sure, but the morning was still cool, and he could enjoy the gentle heat coming up over the water.
Entire days can be cool and fresh like this. Golden morning light spreads over a grassy field, brightening the plains and painting color over the mass of dark brown brush and scraggly trees. Rich yellows and greens fill the landscape. And spots of bright white and silver dot the clover patch next to the creek, meandering sheep munching the fresh growth as Virgil keeps watch.
“He’s so proud to have his task,” the raven-haired man next to me murmurs, taking my hand. His skin is soft in my callused hand, but still strong. Lithe with a steady grip.
“Mm-hm,” I nod and raise his hand to my lips for a kiss. He laughs when I tickle his knuckles with my mustache, big baritone bells ringing out. I look up, but before I can meet his eyes, he disappears and I’m left standing alone on a big, wooden porch.
Virgil waves from the clover field and calls out to me, but his words are lost to the wind.      
Shaking his head, Remus’ eyes snapped open. Fucking dream. He watched the shadows from the train tracks shrink for a little while, then his clock radio crackled to life, the DJ announcing the greatest hits of the 60s, 70s, and today and blaring out that new Queen song.
Before he’d even registered what he was doing, Remus had made the bed, diligently fluffing up the pillows and arranging them artfully against the headboard. Frowning, he kicked aside the jeans he’d thrown on the floor last night and shuffled into the bathroom to start a shower. Once the water was hot, he stepped inside and let the spray and the steam melt away the fuzzy remnants of a ranch he’d never seen and a husband he sure as fuck didn’t have.
No more late night t.v. for him.
The phone in the lab was already on the fourth ring by the time he got the triple-locked door open. “Hello?” he said, fumbling with the receiver, hoping to catch it before they gave up.
“Good morning, Re!” Ro’s husband cheered over the line. There was a muffled sound, doing little to hide his little sing-song away from the receiver. “Kiddo, finish up your milk, okay? Then Papa will walk you to school.”
“So that’s how you’ve got him growing like a weed,” Remus laughed and took a sip of his coffee. The lab assistant had left a stack of files on his chair, an annoyingly effective habit to get him to approve them when he first got in. He cleared the chair then sat down, opening the top in the stack. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Pattycake?”
“Janus was wondering if you have a preference for dinner tonight. He was thinking manicotti.” The sound of dishes and running water punctuated his words, as did a little kiss. “Have a good day, Kiddo!”
“Uh-huh, Janus wanted to know what I felt like eating?” Remus shook his head, a smile still pulling up his cheeks. He signed the requisition form on the first file then moved to the next. “And this isn’t Ro trying to make sure I show up tonight?”
Patton giggled and spoke away from the phone. “I told you he’d see right through it,” he said. There was another muffled staticy sound and the telltale crick of a phone cord being untangled before his brother’s voice poured over the line.
“Can you blame me for wanting to see my little brother?” Ro muttered in mock offense. “Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time you stood us up.”
“That was one time sixteen years ago!” Remus protested. “You weren’t even married yet!” The silence on the other end told him just how much Ro cared about that technicality. “I’ll be there, I swear…” His voice trailed off as the words single photon wave interference pattern popped out in the third proposal’s abstract. A team wanted to test their theory on wave field probabilities. They just needed to find some funding for a trip to CERN.
“Hel-lo-o? Re?” A tinny version of Ro’s voice came from his lap and he realized he’d dropped the phone receiver as he was reading.
“Yeah, yeah… Ro,” he fumbled to retrieve the receiver and pressed it to his ear, still reading the research proposal. “I���m here, just dropped the phone. Listen, uh, Lo and I have something to check out and then we’ll be by at six.”
“What?” Remus’ head jerked up, the proposal had snagged his attention and didn’t want to let go. “I said I’ll be at your house by six o’clock, wouldn’t miss it.”
“O—okay, great,” Ro said slowly. “See you tonight.”
“Mm-hm, see ya, Ro Bro,” Remus managed to get out before blindly hanging up the phone. It took a few tries but he finally got the receiver set back on the plunger and the blap-blap-blap-blap stopped. Mouth agape, he read the entire proposal, nodding and making little notes in the margins as he went. He moved it to the top of the stack of files he planned to bring before the board that afternoon.
He’d get them their trip to Geneva.
Tasha rapped on the open door. “Dr. Prince ? I’m headed out,” she said. “Are you still visiting your brother this evening?”
“Hm?” Remus stopped writing long enough to turn and face her. She tapped her watch. “It’s a quarter to six,” she smiled.
Remus dropped his chalk and dusted off his hands. “Oh fuck, we’re late!” He snagged the chalk before it rolled under his desk and scrawled three more symbols on the board, circling them, then absently stuck the chalk in his pocket and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. “You ready, Lo?” he asked, fishing through the bag slung over his shoulder. His hand came up with the keys to his office and a polished gold ring. Remus froze, staring down at his palm.
“Dr. Prince ?” Tasha stepped closer. “Are you…” She looked around the small office. With the rolling chalkboard pulled away from its usual spot against the wall, there was scarcely enough room to move between his desk and his files, nor the stacks of treatises and books on the floor. “Were you meeting with someone?”
He closed his hand around his keys and the ring and pushed in the desk chair, his one concession to the judgement in her gaze. The office was… well, it wasn’t neat by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a known chaos, and Remus could tell you what every stack of books, every collection of journals, every half-smudged calculation that had run off the edge of a page meant. Tasha had long ago stopped nudging him to make it look organized.
He looked around the office now and everything was in the right place, but… his eyes lingered over his big desk set in the corner with the two chairs. Hey, extra place for Tasha to leave files for him.  He’d even remembered to draw the shade on the big window, but that had mostly been to protect his eyes against the glare of the setting sun. 
Everything was in its place. But everything was wrong.
“No,” he said at last, shoving his keys and the ring into his pocket. “Long day, I guess,” he mumbled, fighting to shake off the sense that something was… off. “Would you mind locking up?” He flashed her a crooked grin. “I know you have a key.”
“You don’t actually expect me to let you leave your half-drunk coffees to molder all over your desk, do you?” she laughed, pulling the door closed behind them and locking all three locks. 
“Thank you,” Remus nodded and pushed the stairwell door open. “I’m gonna walk down. Work some muscles besides the one up here,” he tapped his temple and jogged down the steps, his fast shuffle echoing against the cement and cinderblock stairwell.
“Goodnight!” Tasha called after him, her voice abruptly cut off by the closing door. He stopped on the landing between floors and pulled the ring from his pocket to hold up to the caged bulb that cast a harsh glare up and down the stairs. The ring was smooth and warm from his pocket. Too small for his own finger but… He tapped his sternum, thinking. After a moment, he shook away the imagined sense of another ring under his shirt, round and smooth like this one, the metal warm against his skin. 
What the fuck was he doing with this ring? It didn’t look anything like Ro’s and his partners’ rings. Their rings all matched each other, some cutesy little three-strand braid things. This one, though… He knew this ring but…
Shaking his head, he shoved it back in his pocket and dashed down the remaining three flights. Luckily, Ro’s place wasn’t far from the University.
“Uncka Re!” Virgil’s little shout was audible through Ro’s apartment door. “I’w get it, I’w get it!” Remus threw his head back and laughed, the cold knot in his stomach unfurling at the sound of the little boy’s exuberance.
“Kiddo, we don’t even know—”
“Yeah, Pattycake, it’s me,” he called from the hall and repeated his knock, three quick and two slow. “Vee knows.” At the sound of the locks disengaging, Remus set down the bag from La Guli’s, crouched and opened his arms wide.
As soon as the door opened, Virgil barreled out from the doorway and flung himself into Remus’ arms. “Uncka Re!” he squeezed his little arms around his neck and Remus stood, lifting Virgil with him. “I was scared I wouldn’t see you tonight.”
“Nothing could keep me away from my favorite nephew!” he promised, raising him up over his head and laughing along with his delighted giggle. “Besides,” he winked at Patton, grinning from the doorway. Remus picked up the brown paper bag he’d set by the door. “Somebody had to bring the cannolis!”
Virgil’s eyes widened and he grinned hopefully at Patton. “Can we, Poppy? Can we have them with dinner?”
“Yeah, Poppy,” Remus joined in, mimicking Virgil’s pleading eyes. “Can we?”
“Just like your brother,” Patton laughed, ushering both Remus and Virgil into the house. “Yes, we’ll have the cannolis tonight—” 
“Yes!” Virgil erupted in a cheer and wiggled out of Remus’ arms and dragged him toward his room. “C’mon, Uncka Re, wet’s p’ay.”
“For dessert!” Patton called after them, shaking his head with another little laugh when Remus’ only response was a grin and a shrug. ~
After dinner, Remus helped Roman clean up while Patton and Janus tag teamed getting the four-year-old bundle of energy ready for bed. He dried while his brother washed, fiddling with the small gold ring in his pocket while he waited for Ro to rinse each dish.
A particularly sudsy one slipped from Ro’s hands and Remus leapt to help catch it. He caught the baking dish before it hit the floor and shattered but the ring fell from his pocket. It rolled across the floor and spun like a top under an empty chair before settling onto the linoleum with a final jingle.
Remus rushed to pick it up. Sitting on the floor, he rubbed the ring between his thumb and forefinger and his eyes suddenly widened. “It’s Lo’s,” he whispered, more to himself than to his brother. 
Leaning against the table leg, he sat on the floor, legs criss-crossed, and fumbled under his shirt before pulling out a thin gold chain that carried a matching band. “I don’t wear mine because I’d always drop it down the sink when I washed the dishes.”
He looked up when Roman joined him, brow furrowed in confusion. And worry. 
“Lo and I had to buy our own pipe wrench because Mr. Singh threatened to make us pay to borrow his every time we had to take apart the sink to get it out.”
“Re, what are you talking about?” He reached for his brother’s hand and there was nothing around his neck. “Hey listen,” Ro began in his reasonable voice. “Why don’t you spend the night?” He pulled Remus to his feet then steered him out of the kitchen and down the hall to the living room. “We’ll have some tea or hot chocolate or whatever you want. I’ll make up the sofa bed and you can have an early night.”
He let himself be led, patting his chest. There wasn’t anything under his shirt. “Maybe… yeah,” he said, sinking down into a chair.
“Jus’ wanna say goodnight!” Virgil’s laugh dopplered down the hall and the rubber-bottomed soles of his fuzzy Spider-Man onesie squeaked as he scampered back to the living room. He climbed onto Remus’ lap and smiled up at him. “Are you staying?” he asked, patting the collar of Remus’ shirt the way his uncle had just a moment ago. He frowned, just a flash, then he looked up again with a sleepy little smile.
“I’m staying,” he said and the little boy’s grin grew. 
He flung both arms around Remus’ neck, little fingers twisted in his shirt, and whispered, “Good.”
Janus’ quiet murmur from the other hall loosened Virgil’s grip on Remus’ shirt. “If you go to sleep early enough you two can even have breakfast together,” he promised. Remus didn’t miss the way Janus caught Ro’s eye as he scooped up the little boy. Ro nodded and moved closer. 
“Poppy’s making french toast tomorrow, too.” Roman ruffled Virgil’s hair and grinned at his little giggle. “See you in the morning, little knight.”
“G’night, Daddy,” Virgil said and rested his head on Janus’ shoulder. The little boy’s race down the hall seemed to have been his last hurrah for the night and he blinked sleepily at Remus. “G’night, Uncka Re.” His sleepy gaze drifted to the spot next to Remus and he frowned again, a soft, worried pout, before curling into Janus’ arms.
“I’ll see you two once this little spider is asleep,” Janus murmured, stroking his head. “I don’t think you’ll have long to wait.” He waggled his fingers and murmured as they moved down the hall. “What story would you like to hear tonight, my little spiderling?”
“The chameyeon, Papa,” his soft voice traveled down the hall.
“Hmm… that’s a good one,” Janus’ low voice purred just before the door clicked shut.
Roman snapped the sheet open and over the pullout mattress. It caught on the side table’s edge and Remus got up to help. They worked in silence for a few minutes before Roman spoke again. “You haven’t sounded like this in a long time, little brother.”
“Yeah.” Remus lifted the mattress to tuck the blanket underneath it.
Roman watched him for another long moment. “What brought this on? You…” He folded the sheet over the top edge of the blanket and glanced up. “You haven’t been drinking, have you?”
“Fuck no!” he hissed. “Of course not.”
“Okay,” Roman reached over the bed and clasped his shoulder. “Okay, I didn’t mean anything by it, just… you know… The last time…”
Ro didn’t need to remind him the first time he drank he’d woken him up screaming the world was wrong and had gone off on a week-long bender. He still didn’t remember most of it. “I don’t fucking drink anymore.”
“I—I know that, Re, I just…” Ro went quiet again, stuffing a pillow into a fresh case. “That was the last time you sounded like this, man.”
“I…” He couldn’t meet his brother’s eyes. “I had a ring, Ro. Not… not just this one.” He closed his fingers around the bit of gold, the hard metal proof he hadn’t imagined it all. Or at least hadn’t imagined the fucking ring. “This other one, though… I—I can’t remember where it came from, it just…”
He closed his eyes and blew out a sharp breath. Probably some one night stand. You really that bad, Re, that you can’t remember who you slept with the night before?
A flash of indignant anger shot through his chest at his own imagined voice and he shook his head. “Re?” Ro’d been watching him. 
He sank down on the side of the pull-out bed, metal frame squeaking with his movement. Ro came over to his side and sat next to him. “What can you remember?” When Remus didn’t answer, Ro squeezed his hand. “I’m your brother, Re, you can talk to me.”
Remus looked up into his brother’s eyes. He wanted to tell him everything. Tell him about the flashes of dreams that didn’t feel like dreams anymore. That fucked up not-quite deja vous when he got to work or took a shower or…. 
The empty arms and the gnawing, gaping hole he woke up to every morning.
Janus walked down the hall and joined them, sitting quietly at his other side. He took his other hand and patted it, eyes full of sympathy.
“I think maybe I’m just overdoing it at work,” he finally said, giving first his brother, then Janus a weak smile. “You know how I get.”
Ro looked at him for a long moment then finally nodded. “Okay, Re.” He squeezed Janus’ hand and they exchanged a little look. “Get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning.” Ro and Janus stood as one and he gave Remus’ hand one more squeeze before slowly releasing his grip.
“Thanks,” he muttered and managed to give them both a smile before peeling back the covers. Patton appeared with a cup of tea and a pair of Ro’s pajama pants and an old Brooklyn College tee shirt. “Can’t believe you still have this, Ro Bro!”
“What can I say?” he winked, a touch of actual humor in his smile. “It’s my color.” Remus held up the shirt and the faded logo morphed into a frosted glass door, Brooklyn College Physics Department. He blinked away the vision. He hadn’t gone to Brooklyn. He’d gone to UAF.
Patton set the cup down on the side table and gave him a half hug. “Go on and get changed so you’re comfortable.” He exchanged another little look with Janus and Ro. “We’ll leave the lamp on so you don’t have to make your way through the dark.”
“Thanks Pattycake.” He stood and smiled at the worry they tried to hide in their eyes. “I’ll be fine, just need a little sleep.” He nodded toward the kitchen. “And I heard the morning might bring French toast?”
“You betcha,” Patton grinned, smile bright. He still didn’t lose the little pinch between his eyebrows, though. “Good night then,” he nodded and walked with Janus down the hall.
Ro lingered and pulled Remus into a hug. “Tomorrow we talk, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he promised. “Tomorrow.”
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mariacallous · 4 months
Brooklyn-based Jewish chef Jeremy Salamon cites three major influences in his life and in the kitchen: his mother, Robin; his maternal grandmother, Arlene; and his paternal grandmother, Agi. 
While all three women were excellent chefs, only one is the namesake of his Hungarian-Jewish Crown Heights restaurant, Agi’s Counter.
Arlene was the grandma who showed Salamon how to truss and roast a chicken; mom Robin loved to gather loved ones and host elaborate Rosh Hashanah and Thanksgiving dinners. But it was Grandma Agi — a Hungarian Holocaust survivor who never spoke much about her past — who shared her love and her heritage through comfort foods like palacsinta, crepe-like pancakes that she stuffed with sugar and nuts.
Growing up, Salamon said that whenever he approached Agi to talk about the family or her past, “Her answer would be, ‘I’ll get the babka and coffee,’” Salamon recalled. “We’d eat our feelings.”
Salamon held onto these memories of Agi’s comfort food as he entered the stressful culinary industry and honored her memory when he opened Agi’s Counter in late 2021. 
And while he always viewed her Hungarian Jewish cooking as a source of comfort — and inspiration — the chef admits that he worried how his concept would be received. 
“Most people, when they hear Hungarian, if they have any idea the first thing that comes to mind is probably paprika or goulash — maybe chicken paprikás,” he told the New York Jewish Week. “The concept is so limited.”
As it turns out, his concerns were unwarranted. During its less than three years in existence, Agi’s Counter has emerged as an essential Brooklyn dining destination. In 2023, the restaurant garnered a Michelin “Bib Gourmand” award, as well as a spot on Bon Appetit’s Best Restaurants of 2022 list, where, they said, you’ll “feel like you’re being cared for by your very culinarily talented Jewish grandmother.”
Last summer, the New York Jewish Week also put Agi’s schmaltz potatoes, which are prepared confit-style in chicken fat, on our 25 Jewish Dishes to Eat in NYC list, and most recently, Salamon was a finalist for the James Beard Award for Best Chef in New York State (which ultimately went to Charlie Mitchell of Brooklyn Heights’ Clover Room). 
“It’s wild, pretty crazy,” Salamon, 30, said of the accolades, talking with the New York Jewish Week on a rainy Monday afternoon between lunch and dinner service. “It is a complete shock in a really great way. Any attention really helps the restaurant and drives business and so we were thrilled to learn that.”
The success of Agi’s Counter is particularly notable given that New York has historically had very little appetite for Hungarian food, said András Koerner, a historian of Hungarian Jewish food and the author of “Jewish Cuisine in Hungary: A Cultural History.” Koerner, who has lived in New York since the late 1960s, noted the city’s most famous restaurant serving Hungarian dishes, Cafe des Artistes, owned by Holocaust survivor George Lang, closed in 2009.
It is a “function of economics,” Koerner said. In the past, people were not willing to pay high prices to eat ethnic food that wasn’t Italian or French, he said.
“I feel like the dining scene in New York has drastically changed in the last eight or nine years,” Salamon said. “Obviously COVID reshaped everything. But there’s a different approach to dining these days, more of an open mentality — if I was doing this eight or nine years ago, it wouldn’t have resonated as much.”
Salamon grew up in Boca Raton, Florida, where he celebrated Jewish holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah by gathering around the dining table with his family. “Food was always at the center of everything,” he said. “Growing up, I was lucky to have very big celebrations and holidays — eating and food and celebrating a holiday just felt like a really big deal.”
Salamon, who wanted to be a chef from the time he was 9, came to New York at age 18 to attend the Culinary Institute of America. A few years after graduating, Salamon became the head chef at The Eddy in the East Village and its sister restaurant Wallflower.Around this time Salamon picked up a copy of George Lang’s “The Cuisine of Hungary,” and connected with the recipes, remembering some from his childhood. 
While working at The Eddy, Salamon said that he’d occasionally slip a Hungarian recipe onto the menu. Reactions were mixed, he said, but he believed in his vision — namely, to create a restaurant that was simultaneously homáge to his heritage and a way to provide his own take on Hungarian classics, reimagined for a 21st-century Brooklyn-based palate. In 2020 and 2021, he raised $65,000 to open Agi’s Counter through a grassroots Kickstarter campaign.
On the menu at Agi’s — a charming all-day cafe with a coffee-slash-wine bar and bakery case  — there are plenty of dishes with paprika, as well as nokedli (a type of dumpling), borscht and an extensive list of Hungarian wines. But there are also offerings that Salamon has reinterpreted, like his pogacsa, a cheese biscuit that he serves with an egg and bacon, and his rotating versions of palacsinta, the crepe-like pancake, which he is currently serving with strawberry jam and caramelized chamomile honey. 
Salamon readily admits that his food is not necessarily traditional. “Since we opened, there have definitely been many people that have come in here expecting it to be something from their fantasy, or thinking they’re going relive their childhood here, and they don’t — it’s not the experience they had hoped for,” Salamon said. “We’ve also had younger folks who are more open to it and say, ‘I get that it’s not authentic, it’s not traditional, but, at the core, I see what’s happening here.’”
Both responses, Salamon said, mean a lot to him — it shows that people in New York care about Hungarian food, and want to at least try his restaurant. 
“People have different ideas of what constitutes Hungarian food and what constitutes Jewish food, but [Agi’s Counter] is certainly not, in a scholarly sense, traditional Hungarian food or traditional Jewish food,” said Koerner, who had not been to Agi’s but was familiar with the menu. “I don’t mean it as a criticism. It sounds very good and looks very appealing.”
Many of the dishes available at Agi’s Counter will be spotlighted in Salamon’s forthcoming cookbook, “Second Generation: Hungarian Jewish Classics Reimagined for the Modern Table,” which will be released in September from HarperCollins. In the cookbook, just like at his restaurant, Salamon takes inspiration from ancestral recipes and updates them as he sees fit. 
“‘Second Generation’ is not my grandmothers’ cookbook, but it is my way of sharing a bit of their magic with you,” he writes in the introduction of the book, which he started working on before Agi’s opened. “Hungarian food is extraordinary, unique and full of old wisdom. I’m reimagining those traditions with an eye toward seasonality, market-driven ingredients, and a touch of millennial flair … because I want to help bring Hungarian cooking out of the shadows and into the twenty-first century.”
This summer, as Salamon focuses on launching the cookbook, he’s excited to bring seasonal menu items to Agi’s like stuffed squash blossoms, chilled borscht and sorrel soup, and to continue to develop it as a neighborhood comfort food and upscale dining restaurant all in one.
“In some ways, it just feels like the little restaurant that could,” Salamon said. “I’m very, very proud of everybody here.”
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ryanreporting · 2 years
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#GothicPhotography #FullMoon over the Atlantic Ocean Aries Corn Hunter’s Waxing Gibbous
Ryan Janek Wolowski and Lady Clover Honey
Atlantic Ocean Beach Ocean Grove NJ USA
Asbury Park #ZombieWalk 🧌🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧌
Saturday October 8th 2022
#Goth #Gothic
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#LadyCloverHoney @LadyCloverHoney #CloverHoney @CloverHoney #CloverWelsh @CloverWelsh #RyanJanekWolowski @RyanJanekWolowski
#AtlanticOcean #Aries #CornMoon #HuntersMoon #WaxingGibbous #Spooky #Lunar #Moon #Moonlight #MoonEnergy #MoonPower #MoonWater
#Halloween #HappyHalloween #Samhain #BlessedSamhain #HalloweenTown #HalloweenCity #Cosplay #HalloweenCostume
#WitchHunt #HocusPocus #Witch #Witchs #Witches #Pagan #Pagans
#Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorFilms #HorrorCon #HorrorConvention
#APZW #AsburyParkZombieWalk #Zombie #Zombies #Zomby #Zombys #ZombieWalk #ZombieMarch #ZombieParade #ZombieRun #ZombieMovie #ZombieMovies #ZombieFilm #ZombieFilms
#walk #march #parade #parades
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#AsburyPark #NewJersey #NJ #TheGardenState #GardenState
Celebrations of the autumn season
Happy Halloween - Blessed Samhain Festival - Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead - All Souls Day - All Saints Day - Hallowmas - Thinning of the Veil Between the Worlds - Blessed Mabon - Autumnal Equinox - Autumn Fall Foliage - Peak Fall Leaf Colors - Trick-or-treating - Apple Picking - Fresh Apple Cider - Apple Cider doughnuts - Hot apple pie - Pumpkin Spice Latte coffee - Pumpkin Picking - Roasted Pumpkin seeds - Pumpkin Pie - Pumpkin Ice Cream - Corn Maze - Corn stalks - roasted corn - candy corn - Hay Rides - tractor rides - farm visits - Harvest Celebration - Pumpkin Spice brown sugar nutmeg cinnamon - Jack-o'-lantern pumpkins and turnip carving - Gaelic traditions - Ireland holiday customs - October 31st - Halloween decorations skeletons Witch's cats bats Dracula Vampire - Halloween costumes masks cosplay and Gothic fashion - Scarecrow building - Chrysanthemum flowers - Full Moon - Season of the Witch - flying broomsticks - Spell Casting - Mexico traditions honoring holiday - Sugar Skulls - La Calavera Catrina by José Posada - Marigold flowers - Oktoberfest Germany - Greenwich Village Halloween Parade NYC - Autumn colors orange black brown neon green purple - The Nightmare Before Christmas Tim Burton 1993 movie - Jack Skellington - This is Halloween song - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown 1966 TV special by Charles Schulz - Salem Witch Trials of 1692 Witch City Naumkeag fishing place New England Massachusetts - The Crucible
1953 play by Arthur Miller - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Headless Horseman 1820 book by Washington Irving - Sleepy Hollow Witch Hulda of Bohemia grave site - Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow Jonathan Kruk Master Storyteller performances in Tarrytown village town of Mount Pleasant Westchester County NY - Mid Autumn celebration - Election Day - Veterans Day - Armistice Day - Happy Thanksgiving - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - Lots to celebrate and observe - Holiday Season
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max smartphone photo
Asbury Park New Jersey NJ , USA The United States of America country, North America continent
October 8th 2022
The most metal Zombie Walk EVER!
Get ready to bang your heads and shake your severed limbs in the air… the Asbury Park Zombie Walk returns on Saturday, October 8th! This year we want to turn Asbury Park upside down with the return of the living dead in an 80’s and 90’s punk rock and heavy metal themed event! The city by the sea has an incredible history as an epicenter for emerging music and creativity. Join us on the Asbury Park Boardwalk for a day of fun, music and of course… brains!
You do not have to have a costume that matches the theme, we're just trying something different! Come as whatever type of zombie you like!
About The APZW
The Asbury Park Zombie Walk was founded in 2008 and has become one of the most iconic events on the AP Boardwalk. It is recognized as one of the largest events of its kind in the USA.
A Record Breaking Crowd
The New Jersey Zombie Walk broke the Guinness World Record™ for 'WORLD'S LARGEST GATHERING OF ZOMBIES' in 2010 AND THEN AGAIN IN 2013!
What Is A Zombie Walk?
A Zombie Walk is an organized gathering of people who dress up in zombie costumes and then converge quickly in a public area for surprise and fun. Walks usually in urban areas such as shopping malls or town squares. Participants arrive at a pre-determined time (often at a hidden location) and then emerge as a group to creep in a somewhat orderly fashion through shocked and amused crowds, towards a final destination (usually a cemetery, club, bar or after party).
During the Walk, all participants are encouraged to remain in character as zombies, lurching, shambling, dragging limbs and communicating only in a zombie-like manner (such as grunting, groaning, moaning and slurred calls for “brains”.) Zombie Walks are always free events. With the exception of Zombie Pub Crawls, most walks are
0 notes
spenciegoob · 3 years
Who Needs Luck?
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A/N: hi! I solely wrote this because of my 3 recent visits to NY (no, I sadly did not meet mgg)... plus i’ve been going there my whole life.. this is becoming the longest authors note, but as i’m writing I just want to say the people who work at food trucks in nyc are the nicest people ever, ask them about their day (AND TIP OMG PLS)
Summary: Reader invites Spencer to go to New York City with her where he finally sees the beauty right in front of him.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff!
Content Warnings: reader can’t drive very well (I apologize if this is a callout post), slight road rage, language
Word Count: 2.4K
I never considered myself a lucky man. Life had proven time and time again that no matter how many four leaf clovers I set out to search for, how many pennies on the ground faced heads up I stumbled across, luck was never on my side. I’ve learned to live with it, accepted my fate as the world’s smartest punching bag long before I was even in college.
But then I met her, and as cheesy as it sounds, I didn’t need luck that morning.
The second I woke up, the universe seemed to have it out for me specifically. I swung my legs over my bed, and in my half asleep daze stepped on my glasses, successfully breaking them. Unable to see on my short trip to the bathroom, I stubbed my toe… twice. Once I finally finished my morning routine more methodically, I walked out of my apartment only to bump into a stranger, sending the coffee she was holding all the both of us.
I had tried to apologize so many times, cutting my words short when they didn’t feel right. I had gotten through a series of “I’m, uh, oh, I, you,” before her smile interrupted my thought process, leaving me awestruck instead.
“That’s okay, but you owe me a coffee now.” She giggled, actually giggled, even with the scorching liquid causing her shirt to stick to her body. “Maybe… together?”
I didn’t hesitate to agree, taking her up on the offer that weekend and never looking back. Even when a loud crash, followed by a quiet, harsh ‘shit’ woke me up in a startle, there was no regret. Maybe just a little concern for my girlfriend who now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness, can be seen holding her knee on the floor of our bedroom.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered out, grabbing onto the dresser to stand straight again. Once she was on her feet, she came over to sit on the edge of our bed, immediately running her fingers through my hair. If I wasn’t so worried about her knee, I probably would’ve fell asleep again.
“Are you okay?” She giggled at my scratchy morning voice before nodding her head. It’s then I realized how the sun hasn’t even begun to rise, the room still pitchblack. “What are you doing up?”
“Getting ready to go to the city, sleepyhead,” she said as if it was the most obvious answer, but truthfully, it left me with more questions.
“At... 5 am?” I sat up, glancing at the alarm clock three times just to make sure I was reading it right. She may have always been a little strange, but usually at a reasonable hour.
At this, she stood up to continue getting ready for the very early morning. Now I notice why she fell, the piles of clothes leading to the closet had to have at least half of her outfits compiled together.
“Well, yeah. I want to get there before noon.” Even in my perplexed state, I rose from the bed and carefully tiptoed around haphazardly thrown clothes to reach her.
While wrapping my arms around her waist still hidden under my t-shirt, I questioned. “It’s right outside? You have 7 hours.”
She turned to look at me funny as if I wasn’t the one digging through clothes and waking up before dawn to walk literally 5 minutes to my desired location. My eyebrows must have subconsciously furrowed at one point, because she brought her hand up to stroke her thumb on my forehead. Immediately, I felt the tension melt, no longer caring to correct my confusion. She still did it anyway.
“Not DC, silly. New York!” I wish it were untrue, but my heart dropped at her words. She was leaving, going to a city I wasn’t familiar with beyond reading about, solving cases, and memorizing subway maps. Is this how she feels every time I board that jet?
“W-what? You’re just going to New York City?” I inwardly cringed at how desperate and sad I sounded, but I really didn’t want her to leave.
“Mhm,” she mumbled, turning back around to return digging in her closet.
“For how long?” Please change your mind. Please change your mind. Please change you-
Realizing that I was fully awake, she let out a boisterous laugh, allowing the way it bounced off our four little walls to return back to us. It was a sound most treasured. “I was hoping to get back around 9.”
“What?” I leaned back to look at her like she was absolutely preposterous. I mean, she was!
That’s how I found myself in the passenger seat of her car, no coffee in my hand because I wasn’t allowed until I have “a real cup of coffee.” Whatever the hell that means better happen soon, because as much as I loved watching the way she concentrates on the road in front of her, my eyes were starting to droop.
“It’s going to be another 4 hours. You can sleep, my love.” How she knew me so well, I will never be able to figure out, but I was out before we even made it across state borders.
That however, didn’t last very long. My girlfriend may be short and sweet, but behind the wheel? That’s a different story. The horn to her car is a very familiar sound when I’m jolted awake by a sudden stop.
“Really, asshole? Go!” She yelled, slamming her hand against the top of the steering wheel before looking over at me. “Hey, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to wake you yet. I forgot how awful drivers are here.”
“Where is here exactly?” I questioned, sitting up from my slouched position to find cars practically on top of each other on a road not wide enough for two lanes.
“New Jersey. We’re 10 minutes away.” Wow, I didn’t realize I slept for that long, and I have to admit I’m a little surprised I wasn’t woken up sooner.
“How are we 10 minutes away? It’s at least another 30 to get to the tunnel.” Looking at our surroundings didn’t help me determine our exact location. To the left of us, there were dozens of graffiti murals on the side of what I assumed was another elevated highway. To the right, sidestreets with local businesses ranging from auto repair shops to fast food joints to gyms.
“Nuh uh, stop analyzing mister. You’ll know when we get there.” She waved a finger in my directions, putting a pin in my scrutinization. I pouted right back, successfully playing along to the theme of her scolding me like a 5 year old.
“I don’t like surprises you know.” It was the truth, but her contagious laughter that filled the car made me slightly less disinclined to stop asking questions.
“Oh I know, but trust me, you’ll like this one.” She went to go reach over to grab my hand from where it was resting in my lap, but stopped short and retracted in favor of slamming the horn. “Oh, come on!”
“So you drove to a train station... in New Jersey?” I asked while she was… attempting to park the car.
“Well, yeah. I’ve been taking this route since I was a little girl.” Once she finally figured out how to evenly space a two door convertible in a very spacious parking spot, she unbuckled her seatbelt, and was quick to grab her bag from the backseat. “Well, come on mister, we’re going to miss the train.”
To be quite honest, I have never been so lost in my life. I could probably pinpoint our exact location on a map if I wanted to, granted I was given any sort of information, but part of me didn’t want to. Scratch that, all of me didn’t want to, because my entire life has been planned out in front of me before, but right now, I get to be spontaneous with the most beautiful girl on the planet.
“Don’t let go of my hand,” she told me, lacing our fingers together and pulling me forward. “Don’t stop to look around, you will get pushed.”
We made it inside, and if I thought the DC transit system was bustling with people constantly, this place was so much worse. There were hallways left and right, all packed with people in a rush. It seems everybody had some place to be and zero time to get there.
“Upstairs.” We walked up two flights before reaching a platform, buying our tickets and making it just in time for a train to arrive. “I know they come every 8 minutes, but thank god we made this one,” she said as she sat down.
The cart we were in wasn’t too crowded, and once I finally found a map on the wall across from us, I saw that it was a direct ride to the World Trade Center.
“You said you took this train when you were little?”
“Yeah, I went to the city a lot as a kid. This was the easiest, and the cheapest way there.” A small smile played at her lips, obviously the product of some childhood memory. “I used to hop it.”
“Of course you did,” I laughed back with her, thinking about how an innocent looking child would be the first person to get away with sneaking onto the train.
“I said it before, I will say it again. Do not let go of my hand.” This time it was more stern, and if I were being honest, I would say that it got me the slightest bit nervous. She must have noticed, she always does, because she continued. “Don’t worry, it just gets congested and I don’t want to lose you.”
She was right about that, it indeed was very congested, but that was okay because she was holding my hand, and I would follow her just about anywhere if it meant she kept looking over her shoulder and smiling when she saw me. Once we made it across the way, and in front of heavy looking glass doors, she turned to me and started walking backwards.
“You okay? This is definitely not off to a great start.” She was wrong, it was off to a perfect start.
“Yeah, I’m okay, but you might want to watch where you’re going,” I said before her back hit the door.
“Please I can get here with my eyes closed.” And then we were outside, and all 5 of my senses were hit immediately. The sun was shining down on us, and before I could complain about not bringing my sunglasses, she handed them to me. My heart fluttered at the innocent act, taking the sunglasses with such gratitude even though she had already moved on to retrieve hers. “Do you smell that?” She asked.
“There are a lot of answers to that question,” I told her, not knowing if she was talking about the smell of the construction happening at the corner, the permanent garbage smell or something entirely different.
“The hotdogs, silly. Come on, there’s nothing like ‘em.” This time, I laced our fingers together, not because I was scared of losing her, I was, but I just really wanted to be closer to her. She didn’t mind, in fact, she let out a content hum and leaned her head on my arm as we walked to the stand.
“Can I get four hotdogs with sauerkraut and two grape sodas,” she asked the vendor, who politely nodded before moving on to prepare our food.
“You’re going to have a heart attack by 35,” I said as I nudged her with my shoulder. She gave me a small push back before answering.
“Is that a doctor’s diagnosis?” She asked as she took our now ready food into her hands, after paying the man before I even had time to blink. I just grabbed the two cans of soda and followed her where she was making a beeline for a park bench. “Watch out for skaters.”
“Yes, it is indeed a doctor's diagnosis.” I unwrapped one of the hotdogs before taking a bite. I closed my eyes and let out a content hum. “It may be a little worth it.”
“Exactly.” We sat there quietly, enjoying the warm weather and sounds of wheels against pavement. At one point, she rested her head against my shoulder, and I am convinced wherever she went would be Heaven.
“Are your eyes closed?” We found ourselves with both our hands interlocked, my eyes closed while she walked backwards. I gave an ‘mhm’ before she continued. “We’re here, just keep them closed, and…” her words trailed off. “Okay open.”
I opened my eyes to her holding her arms out in the middle of the largest bookstore I’ve ever seen. “Surprise!” My eyes were bouncing everywhere. It wasn’t too crowded, the large stairwell across the store catching my eye first. There were bookshelves tens of feet high, all loaded with different genres and authors. To the right of us, tiny knick knacks and pins and socks. It was beautiful.
“Wow,” I whispered out, still stuck in my place admiring our surroundings. She was beaming up at me, a hint of pride at her successfulness to drag me 6 hours away to the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.
“The Strand has always been my favorite place in the city. Come on, let’s go explore.” She grabbed my hands again, pulling me deeper into the store towards a shelf labeled adult fiction.
Six books, three pairs of socks and a postcard later, we were back on the busy streets of New York, aimlessly walking and admiring the tall buildings and different attractions. Well she was, I was admiring the way she was looking around like it was her first time here. Maybe I should have been paying more attention to our surroundings, but no amount of skyscrapers or fountains could possibly ever match up to her level of beauty. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” I asked randomly, startling her into jumping a tiny bit before giggling. She stopped us, turning to face me fully before reaching up to grab my face in her hands.
“Once or twice.” The kiss we shared on the New York streets were no different than the ones before, but this time, it felt like a silent promise. A passing between two lovers that no matter where we are, our love is the most beautiful thing there is. “I love you too, dork.”
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tamiettitami · 4 years
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for this month's recommendations, i decided to go with the theme KISSES GALORE in honour of valentine's day. all of the below works have been posted in the month of february 2021 and hand selected by me <3
Sowing Discord by @chronologicalimplosion
A group of hyper-religious, homophobic protesters on campus ruins David's post-lunch good mood and he sends a half-joking message to the LGBTQ+ Discord server about staging a counterprotest. Constant lurker Patrick comes running.
Rated T for TEEN & UP AUDIENCES; 4,089 words; M/M; TAGGED for Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Original Characters, Alternative Universe, Alternative Universe - College/University, Homophobia, First Kiss, Epistolary, kind of
"This work features the inclusion of messages sent in Discord channels, a social media app I've never seen interrogated into a fanfiction piece before. The perfect balance of humour as well as tenderness makes this the ideal read to round out the month of love."
falling into place like dominos by @davidbrewer
Alexis spins the bottle and Stevie doesn’t know if she wants it to stop in front of her, or if she’s hoping it points literally anywhere else. She thinks she’ll figure it out when it stops moving, but… even with the neck of the bottle unmistakably pointing at her foot, she still can’t identify what the feeling is. Is that happiness or dread settling in the pit of her stomach? Since when do those completely different things feel exactly the same? If she’s being honest, though, it feels like a combination of things. It’s that feeling you get right before you do something you know you might regret later… like throwing back a jello shot (which she wishes she had done), calling an ex at 3am, or maybe jumping out of a plane.
David and Patrick hold a second housewarming party, this time at their newly-renovated cottage. For old times' sake, they decide to play spin the bottle. Meanwhile, Stevie has been wrestling with her feelings for Alexis since she left for New York... and it never occurred to her that those feelings could flow both ways.
Rated M for MATURE AUDIENCES; 4,897 words; F/F; TAGGED for Stevie Budd & Alexis Rose, Stevie Budd/Alexis Rose, Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Post-Canon, Lesbian Stevie Budd, First (Real) Kiss, Alcohol, Spin the Bottle, Queer Themes, Sexuality Crisis, (Although it's more of a frustrated confusing than a crisis tbh)
"The author's ability to voice every character (but specifically Alexis) will never fail to astound me; their inner voice for Stevie is the most notable in this work, however. Even the friendship/sibling dynamics between David and Alexis and as well as Stevie and Patrick are absolute perfection. One of the best 'Housewarming' codas I've ever endulged in and I can confidently says so."
Until I Lose My Breath by @the-kellephant
How could she have missed the fact that she was in love with Twyla?
Rated T for TEEN & UP AUDIENCES; 814 words; F/F; TAGGED for Stevie Budd/Twyla Sands, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Femslash February, Bisexual Stevie Budd, Lesbian Twyla Sands
"A lovely introspective piece about sapphic feelings and how they can often be blindsided by denial if not provided with the proper care or attention."
You can Stand Under my Umbrella by @agoodpersonrose
David thought the day couldn't possibly get any worse. But then it started to rain.
43. You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day.
Rated T for TEEN & UP AUDIENCES; 2,721 words; M/M; TAGGED for Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, Tumblr Prompt, Meet-Cute, First Kiss, First Meetings, Awkward Flirting, Kissing in the Rain, Umbrellas, Fluff and Humour, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Prompt Fill, One Shot
"I have nothing to say besides this is hands down the most cute way this prompt could've been filled and I applaud Becca for her ability to write such tender moments in a way underlined with laughs."
Ten Tender Kisses by @cheesecurdsgravyandfries
Ten drabbles featuring ten tender kisses.
Rated G for GENERAL AUDIENCES; 1,110 words; M/M; TAGGED for Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Fluff, tender kisses, Canon Compliant
"Reading this was pure joy. The happiness I felt from the first drabble continued to grow the longer I scrolled which is truly a beautiful feeling. Their banter is so perfectly in character and the dynamic the author has created between David and Patrick is a skill I envy."
I Didn't Know it was a Crush, David by squigmistress
David and Patrick arrive home after The Premiere and David wants to talk more about some of the wild stuff Patrick said when he was high on pain meds. What he doesn't expect is Patrick's big, gay feelings. But damn, does he love him for it. OR Patrick needs emotional safety to process some feelings and, of course, David is more than happy to hold him through it.
Rated T for TEEN & UP AUDIENCES; 1,548 words; M/M; TAGGED for Patrick Brewer/David Rose, david rose - Relationship, Queer Themes, Coming Out, Episode: s06e05 The Premiere, Coda, Feelings, Feelings Realisation, Gay, Canon Gay Character, Family Issues, Intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Anger
"Now, I've always been a sucker for introspective works, but this took it to a brand new level. It's such a fine needle to thread; however, the author does an astounding job at cataloguing the growth/development of Patrick's emotions."
Be your remedy by @jessx2231
Patrick closes his eyes and brings to mind all the times David has put on music while Patrick is engrossed in a book or his phone or even the occasional weekend work task. Eventually, David will slink into his space, just enough to rest his head in Patrick’s lap. He doesn’t always do so with the intent to fall asleep, but it’s usually not long before Patrick’s fingers involuntarily find their way into David’s hair — much like they are now — and David’s breath will even out for a while.
He can definitely make an abridged version of that happen.
Or, David can't sleep and Patrick helps.
Rated G for GENERAL AUDIENCES; Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings; 2,048 words; M/M; TAGGED for Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Fluff, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Married Life, very mild descriptions of depressive symptoms, but really just some very soft sleepy boys
"A warm hug is the best way I can describe this. Also, I already knew I need a Patrick Brewer in my life, but this solidified that."
the paths that your eyes wander down by @anniemurphys apart of falling in love at a coffee shop by them, @thankstwy, and @landofsonlali
Written for the prompt: "Twyla and Alexis reunite in NYC."
Alexis finds Twyla at a tiny corner table.
Rated G for GENERAL AUDIENCES; 568 words; F/F; TAGGED for Alexis Rose/Twyla Sands, Post-Canon
"The absolute perfect romantic comedy moment paired with some of the most in-character Alexis dialogue I've seen in awhile, not to mention how beautifully the mutual pining is broken."
a sense of expectation hanging in the air by Anonymous (i'll add the author once reveals are out for the Season 7 collection !)
Stevie starts to realize she has feelings for Ruth. How long though, will it take for her to tell Ruth that?
Rated M for MATURE AUDIENCES; 6,548 words; F/F; TAGGED for Stevie Budd/Ruth Clancy, Stevie Budd & Alexis Rose & Twyla Sands, Stevie Budd & David Rose, Stevie Budd & Patrick Brewer, Alexis Rose/Twyla Sands, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Sharing a Bed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Making Out, Fluff, Texting, Female Friendship, Episode: s07e08 RMG, Workplace Relationship
"The support from Stevie's friends—Alexis, Twyla, David, and Patrick—is so incredibly lovely. Despite the secret crushes, Stevie and Ruth refuse to let anything get in the way of them getting together and it's such a wonderful thing to see them immediately all-in the relationship."
got a fistful of four leaf clovers by iphigenias
Two weeks before Christmas Alexis calls David.
“So I think I like someone,” she says.
Rated T for TEEN & UP AUDIENCES; 1,754 words; F/F; TAGGED for Post-Canon, Getting Together, Femslash February, home is a place AND a person!
"Alexis's slow burn of building feelings for Twyla melts my heart. That being said, the realistic depiction of the difficulties that come with change provides a certain depth to this story it needs."
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
Coffee and a Wedding (Chapter 12- The End)
Here we are Loves, we've reached the end. I'd like to just take a moment to say Thank You to everyone. Thank You to the long time readers who have jumped with be between characters. Thank You to the new readers who I've watched discover my older works while waiting on updates. Thank You to the new readers whom I may never see again.
This series has been a adventure and I want to thank everyone for going on it with me. It was a adventure in playing with a new writing style, playing with a new type of story. And to think, it all started with the idea of a trope filled on shot for two friends’ birthdays.
There is always something bitter sweet to me about a series ending and with the end of the year near, I find myself looking back at how far I've come. I've finished Silent Song this year. I started and finished Clover and Lace. I finished The Things You Find (In The Rain). And now, I've finished Coffee and a Wedding as well.
I want to thank everyone who donated to the Kofi or cheered me on while I raised funds to go to NYC for my birthday. I want to thank @winterisakiller and @tnystrk-exe who supplied so very many tropes to this tropefest.
Here it is- a special Monday night treat. Chapter 12, about nine hours early. 
Chapter 12:
Morning came with a pounding headache and too bright sun. I couldn’t think and I wanted to drink the whole of the ocean, salt be damned. But that would mean moving and moving was something I didn’t want to do. Moving was going to hurt in so many different ways. I swear to God, I am never going to drink again. Not a drop. But that’s what everyone says when confronted with a hangover, right?
Speaking of hurting, everything ached. I fought to right my brain through the fog of the hangover and sleep. I was beyond comfortable, at least I had that much going for me. I was naked, I realized, and pressed against Clint. He was also naked.  
His arms were draped around me. My head rested on his chest and shifted slightly with every deep breath he took. The room smelled of stale air and sex. I could feel the dried evidence of the night before on my thighs but my mind couldn’t wrap around what that meant at the moment. Though I knew it was something.
My leg was hooked over his, bent and riding up his thigh. I could feel him resting against it. My hand rested on his chest and even though I was still foggy at best, I couldn’t resist the urge to run my hand over the muscles. One of Clint’s hands rested low on my hip and the other wrapped around my rib cage. His thumb rested under the swell of my breast.  
I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay here forever and never face reality again. But that wasn’t an option. The game was coming to a close. Once we got on the plane today, it was all over. He would go back to only being my boss. I would go back to only being an employee. And I’d be okay with that, somehow. I had to be okay with that, somehow.  
This shouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t have let this happen. It was a mistake. I untangled myself from the sheets and Clint’s arms. He groaned and shifted, throwing his arm over his eyes.  
“It’s not morning yet.” He whined. “Come back.”  
“Need to shower.” I grumbled, “Go back to sleep.”
I looked passively around the room after slipping on Clint’s shirt. Something to cover myself was better than nothing. The bottle of wine was never even opened. The dress Clint had spent so much money on was in a crumpled heap on the floor along with his suit. His blazer was wet, having soaked up the ice from the bucket as it melted overnight.
After grabbing a change of clothes, I slipped into the bathroom. I’d not seen anything in the trashcan in the lobby and the trashcan in here was empty too. It dawned on me how stupid we were. That’s what I felt dried on my thighs.  
Did we talk about it? I couldn’t remember but that didn’t mean we didn’t. It also didn’t mean that we did. Would it be rude to ask now? Was it too late? I mean, let’s be real- Clint’s too responsible to have anything?
I cranked the shower on and used the hot water to wash away as much of my worries as I could. I wasn’t worried about a pregnancy- I had gotten a IUD a few years prior but still. By the time I was out of the shower, I had decided not to worry about things. I felt pretty sure that Clint wouldn’t have given me anything, he was generally responsible, right? I mean, sure this was his mistake as much as mine but still.  
By the time I finished washing and dried, Clint had pulled himself out of the bed. He was making coffee in nothing but a pair of shorts when I came out. I had all my things from the bathroom balanced on a towel.  
“Coffee’s hot.”  
“Thanks. Shower’s free.” I said as if it wasn’t obvious.  
“Thanks, Babe.” I ignored him and shoved my few toiletries into the clear travel bag. Of course, Clint noticed and asked, “You okay?”
“Fine. Just tired. Not looking forward to the flight.” I lied.  
“Yeah- I could sleep for a year.” Clint nodded only to groan and rub his head. “Here.” He handed me a cup of coffee, doctored to my liking and smiled at me with warmth in his eyes. “I’ll jump in the shower. Check out is in almost two hours.”
“Right. I’ll get packing.”  
With a hangover between us, there was a blessed silence while we rode in the taxi. He listened as I talked, worked my way through idea after idea as to how I would tell my family that our fake relationship ended.  
“I could just tell them that everyone put too much pressure on us.” I decided. “Too much judgment. Too many snide comments. Questions.” I decided. Sometimes simple was better and honestly, if we had a real relationship during this trip it would be a fair reason for it to end. It was hard to ignore all the wonderful things Clint had said when he defended me.
“Okay.” He said.  
After a few minutes of silently chewing at my lip, I gave up. “Thank you.” I said. “For putting up with it. For all the drama, trouble. For Matt. You’re almost off the hook and I promise I won’t put you in this position again.”
“I could,” He softly spoke. “put up with it. I mean, for longer.”
“But you don’t have to.” I laughed though I wanted to cry. “Lucky you.”
“And if I wanted too?” I wasn’t sure if I heard him right. I mean, what did that even mean?
“We need to go.” I said instead when the taxi came to a stop. I could see mom getting out of the taxi a few cars in front of us. I didn’t want to talk to her. I didn’t want to see her. I didn’t want to pretend anymore. I wanted to get home and cry.  
There was a crack of thunder as Clint opened the taxi door. As I put my foot on the asphalt, the sky opened up. Torrential rains fell from the sky. Yep, that was how my day was going to go.
Clint wrestled the bags out of the trunk and made quick work of checking them in at the curbside baggage drop. I hardly made it out of the cab before he was offering me his hand with a bright smile. In the distance behind him, I could see more and Kurt making their way inside the airport. They looked as tired as I felt. I didn’t think they were paying us any attention.  
Still, Clint wasn’t one to take a chance. He pulled me to him and we danced, spinning in the rain. My clothes and hair were quickly soaking up the water, as was his but he didn’t seem to care.  
It took a bit for me to give in. But after a few dips, twists and turns he had be smiling at him. I couldn’t help laughing as people watched him pull me into a kiss.  
“Get a room.” Someone shouted and I realized it was Kurt.  
I had no idea when he and Mom made their way back outside the airport but at some point they did. I rolled my eyes and stepped away from Clint. He didn’t let go of my hand though. I guess the act was back on.  
“I’ll call when we get back to the city.” I promised though I knew already that I was more likely going to text them and call it good enough.
“You better.” Mom demanded.
I was beyond glad to get off the airplane. The moment we took off, I focused on trying to sleep. Clint seemed to do the same and both of us dozed most of the long flight. Now that we had our bags and my legs were moving, I felt much better. My head was clearer and my heart heavier.
“About last night.” Clint blurted out as we walked by a Starbucks in the airport. I didn’t want to talk about this. I didn’t want to acknowledge this. I didn’t want to give voice to the demon for fear I’d make it real. But he had to go and bring it up.  
“It’s fine.” I said, putting on the bravest face I had. “I’m going to go grab a taxi and get home. I’ll see you Monday?”  
“Wait a second?” Clint looked between the cafe and me. I smiled and shook my head. “We should talk about it- I mean we-”
“No, it’s fine. We were drunk. It’s whatever. And… I think I want to be alone for a little bit. I haven’t been since we left for the trip, you know?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “I’ll see you Monday.” I smiled as bright as I could and walked away with a wave.  
When Clint didn’t follow me, I breathed a heavy breath. It took everything I had to hold myself together. I could close my eyes and still see the weight of everything as it settled on his shoulders. He didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve to carry with him knowing that he got drunk and had sex with his college age employee. He deserved better than that. He was a good man and a good boss.  
“Wait!” Clint’s voice had the amazing ability to carry over distances.  
I hadn’t thought anything of the sound of running feet- people run in airports. His voice was what made me turn and look. He skidded to a stop in front of me, no coffee in his hands.  
“What, Clint?”
“I like you.” He blurted out. “Maybe could even love you.”  
“Stop.” It was hard to keep from yelling. His mouth snapped shut. “I am tired. You’re tired. We just spent a whole trip pretending to be in love. We got drunk and had sex. It’s fine. Yeah, I’m young but I’m a big girl. I can handle it. Don’t worry. Just- go home and rest before you feel pressured into making promises or say things you don’t mean.”
“What?” He looked deflated. I told myself it was just that he was tired. He was wound up, thinking he had to do something- to be something for me because the night before.  
I said, “I’ll see you Monday.” and turned.  
The heels of my boots echoed against the tiles. It felt like the airport was empty and that I was alone yet people moved all around us as I walked away. I didn’t dare to look back, not directly. Instead I used a window as I walked by. It was just reflective enough to see Clint standing where I left him, rooted in place and my heart broke. That was the instant I decided that I wouldn’t see him on Monday. I couldn’t do this. I thought I could but I cant.  
Somehow, I managed to make it home before breaking down. Even as tears dripped from my chin, I texted mom that we made it home just fine. I told her we had a blast on the trip. She told me of how Sarah had made a scene at the wedding not long after we left. She was wine drunk and screamed at the groomsmen. Matt had to take her back to the hotel room early.  
It turned out, Sarah had changed her flight and left not long after we were in the air. She was on a single ticket, leaving Matt behind on the island. What that meant for them or their future was anyone’s guess. While Mom held onto hope that they would work things out. She had hope that Sarah could still accomplish her dreams of going back to school with financial security, I had other ideas. I hoped that it meant that Sarah would file for an annulment and move far away from Matt.  
I spent the weekend unpacking. The dress Clint purchased was hung with care in my closet, still needing a trip to the dry cleaners. I hardly left the apartment except for running to the corner store for more wine, more chips and most importantly- ice cream. By the time classes resumed, I planned to not even fit into the cursed dress from the wedding. It wasn’t exactly a healthy coping method but it tasted good at least.
Monday morning came with much dread. I hadn’t heard from Clint all weekend but I hadn’t expected to… But I wanted to. I wanted him to blow up my phone. I wanted him to prove to me he cared. I wanted him to show me I was wrong. I wanted my fairy tale.  
But I’m not a child anymore. I don’t get fairy tales. I don’t get fairy tale endings. I get to get wine drunk before four in the afternoon. I get to ignore my phone all morning. I get to block the cafe’s number. I get to block the other supervisors.
By Wednesday morning and my third missed shift, Mr. Barton started calling. Then he texts, wanting to know if everything was alright. Did he do anything wrong? Was I sick? Did I need anything? Finally, he asked for me to just talk to him. I had to answer, somehow. I had to tell him something.  
“Mr. Barton, I quit.”  
I sent the text with my breath held. I watched with baited breath as the read receipt changed from ‘unread’ to ‘read’. The screen changed to reflect an incoming call from the last person I wanted to talk to. After rejecting the call, I made quick work of blocking the last connecting to Arrowhead cafe.
Somehow, I managed to survive until Saturday. I busied myself during my last free week before classes with looking for a new job. Nothing seemed right but I applied with as many positions as I could. I needed something.  
Outside, rain poured down in sheets and thunder cracked. Wind whistled down the street and between the buildings. Part of me wondered if power would hold out for the rest of the night. It wouldn’t be the first time this shitty apartment lost power due to a storm and it wouldn’t be the last.  
When the pounding started at my door, I almost jumped out of my skin. At first, I wasn’t going to answer. I was riding a nice buzz from the wine and had worked myself a nice sized crater into the tub of Chocolate ice cream I had been nibbling. When the pounding didn’t stop, I had no choice but to slip off the windowsill I had curled up in.  
I didn’t think about it what I was wearing as I walked to the door but god, I wish I did. All I knew was the pounding wasn’t stopping and it was almost one in the morning. I didn’t want to open the door without looking through the peep hole but then the last voice I ever wanted to hear came bellowing through the door.  
“Alexis!” No. No, not home. Go away. Maybe if I pretended to be asleep? “I just want to talk. To make sure you’re alright.”  
“I’m fine, Mr. Barton.” I tried so hard to sound fine too.  
“So I’m ‘Mr. Barton’ now?” He sounded tired and I wondered if it was my fault. Maybe he was having to work extra to pick up my slack. Maybe no one could pick up my shifts. It didn’t matter, though. “Let me in. Let’s talk.”
“Go home. There’s nothing to talk about.” I yelled through the door.
“I’ll stay out here all damn night then! Yelling. You’re neighbors are sure to notice. Maybe someone will call the cops. Want to see what happens?” Oh man, that was a low move. I scrunched my eyes closed and swallowed the urge to scream.  
Instead I yanked open the door and reached out, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him inside. The door slammed shut behind him. “That’s not fucking fair.”
“Do you ever wear pants at home?” Clint asked, looking at me than running his hand through his hair and looking away. Right. Boyshorts and a large tee. Why can’t I just be allowed to die. “Doesn’t matter.” He decided as I crossed my arms over my chest.  
“What do you want?” I snapped.  
“To know why you just up and quit!” He snapped back. “Everything was great and then we got back and you’re just-” He flung his hands out when he couldn’t find the word he wanted.  
“Fuck you.” I snarled.
“You did. Or rather. I fucked you and you just-”
“Yes. You fucked me! How could I go back to the cafe after that? Pretending like none of this happened?!”
“I asked if you were sure!” He snapped back before taking a calming breath and running his hands down his too pale face. “Look. We were drunk. I was drunk. But if you didn’t want to- you could have said ‘no’ and I would have stopped in a heartbeat. I’m not- I don’t want to be that kind of man. I never wanted to take advantage of you.”
“You didn’t. I wanted it.” I grumbled the words. This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have but dammit I couldn’t let him think even for a moment that I hadn’t been on board with what was happening that night.  
“Then what’s the problem?!” Clint’s voice was climbing again.
“I didn’t plan on you going to the wedding. I didn’t plan on spending so much time with you. I didn’t plan to fall in love with you. I didn’t plan any of this, so leave. Just go so I can get over you in peace. Alright? I don’t need-”
“Look- I know you’re pissed off at me right now. I know I showed up unannounced and made a scene. But I think you just said ‘I didn’t plan to fall in love with you’ and I really need you to rewind.”
“I… wait- what?” I didn’t say that. I couldn’t have. Did I? Fucking wine and ice cream.
“Alexis- are you in love with me?” Clint stepped closer.  
“What? No. Why would I-?” I couldn’t find the words to properly dig myself out of this. “Look- I just didn’t want to make things hard for you, to put your reputation at risk or anything. It’s bad enough what you had to go through last week.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” At least he wasn’t yelling anymore.
“Because I didn’t- You don’t feel the same way, you couldn’t- I’m me and you’re you. So why get hurt?”
“I don’t feel the same way?” Clint’s face was blank and I nodded. “Jesus Christ- I told you, I tried to tell you- what do I have to do to make you see?!” He snapped. So much for the yelling being done.  
“See what?!” I stomped my foot. How very adult of me.  
Clint reached out and snagged a hand around my waist. There was nothing I could do to stop myself from crashing into him. A hand tangled in my hair as he pushed his lips against mine. I was tense at first, unsure of what was happening.  
Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the fact that this is what I’ve been wanting from the moment I got home but I eventually relaxed. The kiss turned soft and sweet as I ran my hands along his arms, up his chest and rested a hand against the side of his neck. Stubble scratched at my face and his breath fanned over me.  
“I love you too.” He whispered.
It’s been a few years now, and I still work at Arrowhead Coffee for a few hours on the weekends. The mornings where we opened the cafe together were some of my favorite times, even if he still occasionally flirted with the espresso machine. A girl can’t win every fight.  
The sun wasn’t even up yet but in an hour, it would start coloring the sky a little at a time. I still wasn’t really a morning person but this- this was worth it. I was surprised to see the cafe windows still dark. Clint normally at least had some lights on by now.  
As I got closer, I realized it wasn’t as dark as I thought. Inside the windows I could see little candles perched on each table. Firelight flickered and danced. Flowers were everywhere.  
When I slipped inside, I called for Clint. Soft music played over the speakers. I couldn’t help but laugh when he stepped out of the back. He was far overdressed with his smart suit for working in a cafe.  
“May I have this dance?” He asked as he drew closer.  
I realized, as I let myself be pulled along the flower petal covered floor that he was wearing the same suit he had worn that night, so long ago. I also realized that the flower petals were getting crushed, squished into the wood floor and that it wasn’t going to be fun to clean this up. Romantic gestures tended to be messy- they don’t show you that in the Lifetime Romcoms.  
The song came to an end and for a moment, Clint held me. There wasn’t anywhere else I’d rather be. I couldn’t imagine being in the arms of anyone else. This was paradise. This was heaven.  
Clint stepped back and smiled, it was that soft smile that hinted at his lips but danced in his eyes- that smile he so rarely used for anyone or anything but me. I could imagine someday, Clint giving a baby that same smile as he rocked a tiny bundle in his arms.  
He sank down to one knee, completely ignoring how flower petals would be worked into his slacks. Reaching into his blazer pocket, he pulled out a box. It wasn’t black but it was velvet- a deep royal purple that matched the colors of the cafe. My breath stuck in my throat as I covered my mouth with my hand. It was a gesture I had made fun of countless times in movies and yet here I was, standing in the candle light doing that exact thing.  
“Alexis.” His voice was thick and heavy. It reminded me of how he sounded when he woke in the morning. “I can’t begin to say how much you mean to me. I thought it fitting, since everything started here that this should hopefully start here too. I first saw you here and I was captivated by your smile. This is where our fake relationship started. This is where I fell in love with you- far before you knew it. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
I couldn’t speak. Couldn’t think. I could only nod, before he even got the box open. I was nodding so much that I probably looked like a bobble head. It didn’t matter because I launched myself in his arms, knocking us both to the ground and the box sliding along the floor.  
I didn’t care about rings. He could marry me with a string. “Yes.” I finally choked out, “I’ll marry you.”
Please let me know if you wish to be tagged in future works
Tag list: @theheartofpenelope, @bradfordbantams, @ruebx (I posted early- friend!), @hufflepuff25, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @bambamwolf87, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @xoxabs88xox, @queenoftheunderdark, @wegingerangelica, @myoxisbroken, @coyotesongwriting
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thegoodhausfrau · 5 years
I’m killing time at work so I figured I'd post a list of some of the NYC food spots on my list. Of course this list is gigantic, not divided up by neighborhoods at all, and doesn't even include everything as I decided to cut it off at 100. But not even my top 100 because I feel I've already posted about a bunch of those spots and you can just search for them. Also I’m not going to give you any context or what I want off these menus. Just know that something here looked like something I need to have in my my mouth. Given the size of this incomplete and forever growing list you see what I mean when I say I can make grown men cry. What can I say except I'm hungry.
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Don Angie
An Choi
Scarr's Pizza
Katana Kitten
District Saigon
Mekelburg's Domino
Yungshang Rice Noodle House
GFG Bakery
Legend of Taste
Shanghai You Garden
Lao Bei Fang
Olio e Piu
Sticky's Finger Joint
Doughnut Plant
Russ & Daughters
Cheeky Sandwiches
La Caridad 78
Ganesh Temple Canteen
Blue Sky Deli Grocery Corp
Lilia Ristorante
Indo Java
BZ Grill
Main Street C&L Imperial Taiwanese Gourmet
El Nuevo Bohio Lechonera
Via Carota
Sake Bar Decibel
Myung San
Clover Club
Murray's Bagels
Lee Lee's Baked Goods
188 Bakery Cuchifrito's
Asian Jewels Seafood Restaurant
East Harbor Seafood Palace
Kai Feng Fu
Yun Nan Flavor Garden
Empanadas Cafe
Unidentified Flying Chickens
De Mayo Food Market
Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company
Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao
Golden Shopping Mall
New World Mall Food Court
Mamoun's Falafel
The Chipper Truck
Africa Kine Restaurant
Xin Taste Hand Pull Noodle
Nepali Bhanchha Ghar
Chengdu Heaven
Luna de Xelaju Restaurant & Pizzeria
Shanghai Zhen Gong Fu
Dumpling Galaxy
Arepa Lady
Gloria Pizza
Di Fara Pizza
Corner Slice
NY Pizza Suprema
Peppa's Jerk Chicken Restaurant
St. Anslem
Szechuan Mountain Horse
Utopia Bagels
Zucker's Bagels & Smoked Fish
Hwa Yuan
Peking Duck Sandwich Stall
The Little One
Joe's Pizza
Emilio's Ballato
New Park Pizza
Best Pizza
Eddie's Sweet Shop
Super Taste
Sammy's Roumanian Steakhouse
Peter Luger
Momo Sushi Shack
El Tina Fish Market
Dyckman Bakery
Mama Sushi
Malecon Restaurant
Mario's Restaurant
Cosenza's Fish Market
Teitel Brothers
Ralph's Italian Ices & Ice Cream
Denino's Pizzeria Tavern
The Original Goodfella's Brick Oven Pizza
Lee's Tavern
Mi Casa Bar & Restaurant
Alfie's Pizza
Dani's House of Pizza
Imperial Palace
Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao
Wonton Noodle Garden Restaurant
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foolishs-blog1 · 5 years
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☾     ▹     °     ⋅     aaron     tveit          /          thirty   -  five          /          cis     male          ;          have     you     had     the     chance     to     meet     gabriel     crowley          ?          he     has     lived     in     old     sprigg     for     thirty     years     ,     gaining     a     reputation     for     being     quite     intrepid     ,     romantic     ,     tragicomic          &          tenebrous     .     this     pansexual     gemini     can     be     found     around     the     clover     and     he     works     as     a     lawyer          &          playwright     .     most     people     tend     to     associate     them     with     expensive     shirts     undone     at     the     throat     and     rolled     up     to     the     forearms     ,     and     the     passenger     seat     of     a     well     -     loved     car     piled     with     reusable     coffee     cups     ,     half     -     scribbled     drafts     and     case     briefs     alike     .
this  was  meant  to  go  up  earlier  but  i  fell  asleep  and  then  my  laptop  decided  to  reboot  itself  and  i  lost  all  my  progress  and  i  kind  of  had  a  breakdown  over  it .  anyways   !   i’m  vanya ,  i’m  20 ,  i’m  writing  from  aest / hell ,  and  i  tend  to  use  she/they  pns .  i’m  the  world’s  worst  law  student ,  so  catch  me  whipping  up  lengthy  emotional  responses  when  i’m  meant  to  be  writing  letters  of  advice  n  whatnot   !   this  is  the  first  of  two  intros ,  so  bear  w  me   --- -   but  without  further  ado ,  here’s  the  loml ,  gabe   !
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛     𝚘𝚗𝚎     .          x          𝗱𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗲𝗿     .
full  name:  gabriel  arthur  crowley .  
nicknames:  goes  primarily  by  gabe .
age:  thirty - five .
date  of  birth:  june  sixteenth .
place  of  birth:  old  sprigg ,  missouri .
occupation:  local  lawyer ,  aspiring  playwright .
gender  identity  &  pronouns:  cisgender  male ,  he/him .
sexual  identity:  pansexual .
romantic  identity:  panromantic .
western  zodiac:  gemini .
hogwarts  house:  gryffindor .
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛     𝚝𝚠𝚘     .          x          𝗯𝗶𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝘆     .
so ,  gabriel  is  from  a  pretty  prominent  family  in  old  sprigg   --- -   they’ve  been  living  there  for  generations ,  and  lay  claim  to  a  mom  and  pop  convenience  store  in  the  centre  of  town .  the  crowleys  aren’t  wealthy  wealthy ,  but  they  are  comfortable  (  which  is  what  rich  people  say ,  but  whatever  ) .  he’s  the  oldest  of  his  five  siblings  (  wcs  that  i’ll  probs  pop  in  later ,  oops  )  and  the  responsibility  of  taking  care  of  the  shop  has  fallen  to his  younger  sister .
just  for  reference ,  the  family  structure  is  below   !   they  range  from  35,  obvs,  to  27 .  they  were  all  born  in  quite  quick  succession .  bold  indicates  twins   !
gabriel .
younger sister .
younger sister .
younger brother .
younger sister .
growing  up ,  he  was  quick  to  assume  responsibility  and  play  the  protective  older  brother   --- -   he  helped  get  lunches  ready  in  the  morning ,  helped  cook  dinner ,  helped  look  after  the  younger  four  ;   he  adapted  well  to  the  responsibility .  he’s  always  been  quite  mature  in  that  respect ,  always  choosing  to  go  home  and  help  with  the  younger  kids  than  to  go  out  and  party  and  whatnot .  
throughout  his  childhood ,  he  showed  incredible  promise  with  language .  he  was  a  keen  reader ,  and  developed  a  taste  for  classic  literature  early  on .  his  teachers  understood  that  and  responded  to  it  well ,  and  fostered  that  love .  by  the  time  he  was  in  fourth  grade ,  he  was  being  sent  off  to  do  much  more  advanced  work .  he’s  maintained  this  love  for  literature  and  language   --- -   an  entire  room  in  his  house  is  dedicated  to  all  of  his  books .  (  he’s  formed  his  own  little  library ,  and  he’s  not  mad  about  it .  )
somewhere  in  high  school ,  he  was  introduced  to  the  possibility  of  doing  law ,  and  fell  head  over  heels .  there  was  something  about  its  innate  intricacies ,  the  interweaving  of  theory  and  language  and  cleverness  that  spoke  to  his  soul .  he  started  discussing  the  idea  with  his  parents ,  who  jumped  at  the  idea  of  having  a  lawyer  in  the  family  again  (  bc  who  the  fuck  wouldn’t  )   --- -   they  eventually  decided  on  a   university  in  kansas  city ,  and  before  he  even  realised  it ,  he  was  applying .  
he  moved  out  of  the  family  home  at  eighteen ,  car  loaded  with  boxes  and  heart  full  of  sorrow  and  the  inexplicable  joy  of  what  was  to  come .  he  can’t  say  he’s  sorry  for  leaving ,  but  he  will  admit  that  it  was  hard  .  living  in  such  a  close - knit ,  beautiful  family ,  you  get  very  attached  to  the  people  around  you  and  having  to  leave  is  a  pain  like  no  other .  (  he  drove  home  every  chance  he  could ,  brought  books  and  records  for  his  younger  siblings  to  swap  around ,  told  stories  of  university  life  with  only  a  touch  of  embellishment ,  bc  no  one  wants  to  hear  another  story  abt  how  you  stayed  home  on  friday  night  rereading  the  iliad  again .  )
he  pretty  much  cruised  through  uni  on  high  marks ,  tbh .  in  his  latter  years  he  became  a  tutor  and  peer  mentor ,  but  he  pretty  much  stuck  to  himself  for  most  of  his  time  there .  he  dabbled  in  theatre  arts ,  stage  managed  and  starred  in  a  few  shows ,  but  for  the  most  part  he  stuck  to  his  own  guns  and  got  through  uni  the  way  he  wanted  to .  it’s  here  that  he  starts  drafting  ideas  for  his  own  plays ,  but  he  doesn’t  take  them  too  seriously .  he  tends  to  write  them  as  a  detox  from  writing  legal  essays ,  and  his  first  ones  aren’t  great  but  they  get  better  and  better  as  time  goes  on .
after  he  graduated  with  first  class  honours ,  gabe  started  looking  for  work  and  after  a  month  of  relative  unemployment  (  there  was  a  whole  lot  of  greasy  takeout  and  near - teary  breakdowns  experienced  that  month ) ,  he  got  the  job  of  an  absolute  lifetime   --- -   working  as  a  legal  assistant  in  a  firm  in  new  york  city .  he  didn’t  hesitate  about  taking  that  job .
new  york  wasn’t  quite  what  it  was  cracked  up  to  be .  the  rent  on  his  apartment  was  exorbitant ,  moments  of  peace  and  quiet  were  transitory ,  he  was  overworked  and  underpaid ,  but  there  was  still  something  about  it  that  appealed  to  him  like  nothing  else .  he’d  save  his  change  and  go  see  broadway  shows  when  he  could ,  fell  in  love  with  everything  about  the  theatre .  note  that  his  burgenoning  love  for  theatre  didn’t  replace  his  love  for  the  law   --- -   it  merely  grew  out  of  the  same  place ,  that  same  love  for language  and  literature  that  drove  him  into  law .  
he  ended  up  working  in  new  york  for  about  five  years  before  deciding  to  pack  it  in  and  move  back  to  old  sprigg .  there’d  been  a  job  opening  back  home  and  he  was  starting  to  feel  the  urge  to  return  home   ---   so  five  years  ago ,  he  packed  up  his  car  again  and  made  the  long  trip  back  home .  he  doesn’t  regret  leaving  new  york ,  not  at  all .  he’d  made  quite  the  success  story  of  himself  there ,  and  it’s  not  like  he  couldn’t  just  travel  back  and  forth  for  big  cases .  the  firm  was  reticent  to  let  their  ‘  hotshot  little  attorney   ’  go ,  but  it’s  been  the  best  thing  for  him .
he’s  been  back  for  five  years  now .  he  bought  a  house  relatively  close  to  his  parents  and  siblings ,  and  has  since  established  a  small  business  offering  legal  advice  and  taking  on  distance  cases .  he  travels  back  and  forth ,  but  he  loves  it  regardless .  he’s  adopted  three  dogs  and  a  cat ,  all  of  whom  insist  on  sleeping  in  the  bed   --- -   gabe  gets  the  smallest  sliver  of  bed ,  naturally .  he’s  written  two  plays  (  both  of  which  have  been  published  )  and  he’s  starting  work  on  the  third  one  now .
idk  he’s  just  happier  in  old  sprigg  than  he  ever  was  in  nyc  and  he  deserves  that
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛     𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎     .          x          𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸𝘀     .
style  inspirations:  spencer  reid ,  the  tenth  doctor .  it’s  a  lot  of  expensive  dress  shirts  and  scuffed - up  sneakers .  when  he’s  actually  in  court ,  he’ll  dress  quite  professionally  but  when  he’s  not ,  he’ll  keep  the  nice  shirts  and  swap  everything  else  out  for  worn  jeans  and  converse  in  varying  colours .  occasionally ,  we’ll  get  a  knitted  scarf .
exhales   ...   big  on  saving  the  environment .  turns  up  to  convenience  stores  with  canvas  bags  in  tow ,  has  a  reusable  coffee  cup  for  every  mood ,  tries  to  make  as  little  waste  as  humanly  possible .  he’s  slowly  weaning  himself  off  of  meat ,  and  he  won’t  go  fully  vegan ,  but  he’s  doing  his  best  to  avoid  meat  and  dairy .  (  yes ,  he  saw  greta  thunberg’s  tedtalk  and  promptly  felt  guilty  and  started  making  changes .  )
used  to  smoke ,  because  it  was  a  social  thing  in  the  firm  he  worked  at  in  nyc .  since  he’s  moved  back ,  he’s  quit .  he’ll  have  one  a  week  if  he  feels  the  need .  
he  did  a  few  shows  in  high  school  and  university .  he’s  got  a  fuckin  beautiful  voice ,  and  if  you  walk  by  at  the  right  time ,  you  can  catch  him  singing  to  himself  and  his  dogs  while  making  breakfast .  
he  jogs ,  bc  of  fucking  course  he  does .
talks  with  his  hands  a  lot .  doesn’t  know  where  he  gets  it  from .
holds  a  regular  saturday  night  movie  marathon  at  his  house  for  friends  and  family  ,  and  seeing  as  fall  is  approaching  it’s  gonna  be  halloween  movies  from  now  on .  he’s  a  sucker  for  a  good  horror  movie .
angelic  in  every  way ,  shape  n  form .  thank  u .
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nickyoussef · 6 years
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This goes against everything I stand for, but I’m trying out the massive new Starbucks Reserve in the Meatpacking District. They’re attempting to serve single origin coffees prepared with clover, Chemex and siphon methods. Everything is roasted in house- and the house is huge. 4 stories, full cocktail bar, coffee bar and retail area. But that shit won’t distract me from what really matters: can they pull off a decent cup of coffee for once. #coffee #starbucksreserve #coffeesnob #nyc (at Starbucks Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvSpqRvgCk-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uoh5elyfznjz
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acidheaddd · 10 months
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Since I made Ian, I kinda wanted to do this for him too. 😂 I might do it for Candy as well. MAYBE Carmine, once my presets are fixed, so I can take a new picture of him.
ANIMAL: An orange cat COLORS: Blues and black MONTH: June SONGS: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol NUMBER: 21 PLANTS: ...................... Apart from weed? SMELLS: Leather GEMSTONE: Green calcite and moonstone TIME OF DAY: 2am... Ian stays up late and his sleep schedule isn't the greatest... or existant. It's a bit better since he got a job, but. SEASON: Summer PLACES: The subway or a crowded small concert venue FOOD: Pizza DRINKS: Coffee, red bull ELEMENT: Air ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: Gemini SEASONINGS: Garlic powder SKY: Sunny with bright blue skies or a night sky lit up by the NYC skyline WEATHER: Sunny MAGICAL POWER: Healing WEAPONS: Anything within reach that won't be deadly. Then he'll run away. A bat, his fists, his skateboard... SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter MAKEUP PRODUCT: His girlfriend, Clover, takes care of his skincare for him. 😂 But he does like wearing eyeliner. Not on a regular basis or anything, but for special occasions. METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: Ian's a fan of road trips or train travel. ART STYLE: Hahahaha does anime count? FEAR: Losing loved ones and being helpless MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Faerie PIECE OF STATIONARY: Pens and markers THREE EMOJIS: 😎🍃😏 CELESTIAL BODY: Mercury
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hotshirtstoreonline · 3 years
St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt
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Last year, the Santa Fe Indian Market St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt . Was held virtually, and for many artists, that meant a considerable loss of income. Sales at the fair make up a significant portion of their yearly incomes, as a single piece can go for thousands of dollars. For all these reasons, the Indigenous artists were counting on the continuation of this year’s event. “There was a lot of trepidation leading up to it, with the delta variant looming overhead and the state of New Mexico’s mandates ever changing,” says Pat Pruitt, a Laguna, Chiricahua Apache, and Anglo metalsmith and jewelry designer. “But it was good to see friends, family, and collectors.” Though there were fewer visitors, many artists still did surprisingly well in sales; it seems shoppers were ready to spend. For instance, Naiomi Glasses—a Diné textile artist and first-time shower at the market—says she got many future rug orders from the event and looks forward to returning next year for its centennial year. “As a working artist, the market is important so that I could meet new and current customers in person. It gives them and me a personable connection,” says Glasses.St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  Following their Manhattan bike moment, the actors were spotted on yet another NYC stroll on August 19 St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt . This time, they were holding ice coffees and laughing together. Kravitz, wearing a minimal Araks blue slip dress, walked alongside Tatum in a white graphic tee and faded blue jeans, with another BMX bike in tow (seemingly a staple accessory of his new wardrobe). Something about them just says power couple, no? The dating speculations come eight months after Kravitz filed for divorce from actor Karl Glusmam, and as of now, neither Tatum or Kravitz have confirmed or denied the status of their relationship. However, a source told E! News that they have recently gotten closer and that their relationship has grown beyond a friendship. Interesting… Romantic involvement aside, the two make an *excellent* pair, and their street style inspo is the real gift here. Keep it coming, guys! You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt
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Last year, the Santa Fe Indian Market St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt . Was held virtually, and for many artists, that meant a considerable loss of income. Sales at the fair make up a significant portion of their yearly incomes, as a single piece can go for thousands of dollars. For all these reasons, the Indigenous artists were counting on the continuation of this year’s event. “There was a lot of trepidation leading up to it, with the delta variant looming overhead and the state of New Mexico’s mandates ever changing,” says Pat Pruitt, a Laguna, Chiricahua Apache, and Anglo metalsmith and jewelry designer. “But it was good to see friends, family, and collectors.” Though there were fewer visitors, many artists still did surprisingly well in sales; it seems shoppers were ready to spend. For instance, Naiomi Glasses—a Diné textile artist and first-time shower at the market—says she got many future rug orders from the event and looks forward to returning next year for its centennial year. “As a working artist, the market is important so that I could meet new and current customers in person. It gives them and me a personable connection,” says Glasses.St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  Following their Manhattan bike moment, the actors were spotted on yet another NYC stroll on August 19 St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt . This time, they were holding ice coffees and laughing together. Kravitz, wearing a minimal Araks blue slip dress, walked alongside Tatum in a white graphic tee and faded blue jeans, with another BMX bike in tow (seemingly a staple accessory of his new wardrobe). Something about them just says power couple, no? The dating speculations come eight months after Kravitz filed for divorce from actor Karl Glusmam, and as of now, neither Tatum or Kravitz have confirmed or denied the status of their relationship. However, a source told E! News that they have recently gotten closer and that their relationship has grown beyond a friendship. Interesting… Romantic involvement aside, the two make an *excellent* pair, and their street style inspo is the real gift here. Keep it coming, guys! You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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ryanreporting · 2 years
Asbury Park Zombie Walk Lady Clover Honey under the Full Hunter’s Moon over the Atlantic Ocean NJ
#AsburyParkZombieWalk 🧌🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️🧌
Saturday October 8th 2022
#AsburyPark #NewJersey #ZombieWalk #APZW
Celebrations of the autumn season
Happy Halloween - Blessed Samhain Festival - Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead - All Souls Day - All Saints Day - Hallowmas - Thinning of the Veil Between the Worlds - Blessed Mabon - Autumnal Equinox - Autumn Fall Foliage - Peak Fall Leaf Colors - Trick-or-treating - Apple Picking - Fresh Apple Cider - Apple Cider doughnuts - Hot apple pie - Pumpkin Spice Latte coffee - Pumpkin Picking - Roasted Pumpkin seeds - Pumpkin Pie - Pumpkin Ice Cream - Corn Maze - Corn stalks - roasted corn - candy corn - Hay Rides - tractor rides - farm visits - Harvest Celebration - Pumpkin Spice brown sugar nutmeg cinnamon - Jack-o'-lantern pumpkins and turnip carving - Gaelic traditions - Ireland holiday customs - October 31st - Halloween decorations skeletons Witch's cats bats Dracula Vampire - Halloween costumes masks cosplay and Gothic fashion - Scarecrow building - Chrysanthemum flowers - Full Moon - Season of the Witch - flying broomsticks - Spell Casting - Mexico traditions honoring holiday - Sugar Skulls - La Calavera Catrina by José Posada - Marigold flowers - Oktoberfest Germany - Greenwich Village Halloween Parade NYC - Autumn colors orange black brown neon green purple - The Nightmare Before Christmas Tim Burton 1993 movie - Jack Skellington - This is Halloween song - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown 1966 TV special by Charles Schulz - Salem Witch Trials of 1692 Witch City Naumkeag fishing place New England Massachusetts - The Crucible
1953 play by Arthur Miller - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Headless Horseman 1820 book by Washington Irving - Sleepy Hollow Witch Hulda of Bohemia grave site - Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow Jonathan Kruk Master Storyteller performances in Tarrytown village town of Mount Pleasant Westchester County NY - Mid Autumn celebration - Election Day - Veterans Day - Armistice Day - Happy Thanksgiving - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - Lots to celebrate and observe - Holiday Season
Hashtag metadata tag
#Zombie #Zombies #Zomby #Zombys #ZombieWalk #ZombieMarch #ZombieParade #ZombieRun #ZombieMovie #ZombieMovies #ZombieFilm #ZombieFilms #Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorFilms #HorrorCon #HorrorConvention #walk #march #parade #parades #WitchHunt #HocusPocus #Halloween #HappyHalloween #Samhain #BlessedSamhain #HalloweenTown #HalloweenCity #Cosplay #HalloweenCostume #TheGardenState #GardenState #GuinnessWorldRecords #GuinnessWorldRecord #TheGuinnessBookofRecords #TheGuinnessBookofRecord #GuinnessBookofRecords #GuinnessBookofRecords #GuinnessBookofWorldRecords #GuinnessBookofWorldRecords #WorldRecord #WorldRecords #FullMoon #AtlanticOcean #Aries #CornMoon #HuntersMoon #WaxingGibbous #Spooky #Lunar #Moon #Moonlight #MoonEnergy #MoonPower #Witch #Witchs #Witches #Pagan #Pagans #LadyCloverHoney #CloverHoney
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max smartphone 4K video
Asbury Park New Jersey NJ , USA The United States of America country, North America continent
October 8th 2022
The most metal Zombie Walk EVER!
Get ready to bang your heads and shake your severed limbs in the air… the Asbury Park Zombie Walk returns on Saturday, October 8th! This year we want to turn Asbury Park upside down with the return of the living dead in an 80’s and 90’s punk rock and heavy metal themed event! The city by the sea has an incredible history as an epicenter for emerging music and creativity. Join us on the Asbury Park Boardwalk for a day of fun, music and of course… brains!
You do not have to have a costume that matches the theme, we're just trying something different! Come as whatever type of zombie you like!
About The APZW
The Asbury Park Zombie Walk was founded in 2008 and has become one of the most iconic events on the AP Boardwalk. It is recognized as one of the largest events of its kind in the USA.
A Record Breaking Crowd
The New Jersey Zombie Walk broke the Guinness World Record™ for 'WORLD'S LARGEST GATHERING OF ZOMBIES' in 2010 AND THEN AGAIN IN 2013!
What Is A Zombie Walk?
A Zombie Walk is an organized gathering of people who dress up in zombie costumes and then converge quickly in a public area for surprise and fun. Walks usually in urban areas such as shopping malls or town squares. Participants arrive at a pre-determined time (often at a hidden location) and then emerge as a group to creep in a somewhat orderly fashion through shocked and amused crowds, towards a final destination (usually a cemetery, club, bar or after party).
During the Walk, all participants are encouraged to remain in character as zombies, lurching, shambling, dragging limbs and communicating only in a zombie-like manner (such as grunting, groaning, moaning and slurred calls for “brains”.) Zombie Walks are always free events. With the exception of Zombie Pub Crawls, most walks are
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usahotshirtonline · 3 years
St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt
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Last year, the Santa Fe Indian Market St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt . Was held virtually, and for many artists, that meant a considerable loss of income. Sales at the fair make up a significant portion of their yearly incomes, as a single piece can go for thousands of dollars. For all these reasons, the Indigenous artists were counting on the continuation of this year’s event. “There was a lot of trepidation leading up to it, with the delta variant looming overhead and the state of New Mexico’s mandates ever changing,” says Pat Pruitt, a Laguna, Chiricahua Apache, and Anglo metalsmith and jewelry designer. “But it was good to see friends, family, and collectors.” Though there were fewer visitors, many artists still did surprisingly well in sales; it seems shoppers were ready to spend. For instance, Naiomi Glasses—a Diné textile artist and first-time shower at the market—says she got many future rug orders from the event and looks forward to returning next year for its centennial year. “As a working artist, the market is important so that I could meet new and current customers in person. It gives them and me a personable connection,” says Glasses.St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  Following their Manhattan bike moment, the actors were spotted on yet another NYC stroll on August 19 St Patrick’s Day Irish Leprechaun Clover Shamrock Matching Shirt . This time, they were holding ice coffees and laughing together. Kravitz, wearing a minimal Araks blue slip dress, walked alongside Tatum in a white graphic tee and faded blue jeans, with another BMX bike in tow (seemingly a staple accessory of his new wardrobe). Something about them just says power couple, no? The dating speculations come eight months after Kravitz filed for divorce from actor Karl Glusmam, and as of now, neither Tatum or Kravitz have confirmed or denied the status of their relationship. However, a source told E! News that they have recently gotten closer and that their relationship has grown beyond a friendship. Interesting… Romantic involvement aside, the two make an *excellent* pair, and their street style inspo is the real gift here. Keep it coming, guys! You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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