#cloud infrastructure entitlement management
gouravsapra · 4 months
Enhance your business operations with Cloud Management Outsourcing! Drive efficiency and scalability effortlessly. #CloudManagement #Efficiency #Scalability
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christophermreerdon · 16 days
Understanding CIEM, CIAM, and Their Place in the IAM Ecosystem
Managing identities and access rights is crucial for organizations of all sizes. This article delves into the key differences between Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) and Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM), their relationship with the broader Identity and Access Management (IAM) industry, and how they connect with Privileged Access Management (PAM) and Identity…
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guptadeepakcom · 16 days
Understanding CIEM, CIAM, and Their Place in the IAM Ecosystem
Managing identities and access rights is crucial for organizations of all sizes. This article delves into the key differences between Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) and Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM), their relationship with the broader Identity and Access Management (IAM) industry, and how they connect with Privileged Access Management (PAM) and Identity…
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mahloeletshepo · 1 month
The truth prevails as Mpati Commission-ordered forensic probe vindicates Harith
Harith General Partners is satisfied that the truth has finally prevailed in the years-long, sustained and malicious campaign to taint it with allegations of malfeasance. This comes after the forensic investigation commissioned by the PIC concluded in its final report that there was no evidence to support the damaging allegations made more than 5 years ago by a Senior Member of Parliament. The report vindicates Harith which has had to operate under a human-made cloud of suspicion, peppered with sporadic, gratuitous, false and unfair political attacks on its brand and reputation. Harith welcomes the fact that the Public Investment Corporation and Government Employees Pension Fund commissioned investigation has made findings that align precisely with every aspect of what we have consistently told South Africans all along; that Harith has been scrupulous in all its dealings with the PIC and the GEPF.
The forensic probe was commissioned jointly by the PIC and the GEPF, in fulfilment of recommendations by the Mpati Commission into the affairs of the PIC. It has now returned with findings that respond directly, adequately and finally to each of the questions the Mpati Commission felt needed further investigation, namely;
“To examine the entire PAIDF [Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund] initiative to determine that all monies due to both parties [PIC and GEPF] have been paid and properly accounted for” [Page 435. Para 66 of the Commission report]
“To determine whether any monies due to overcharging or any other malpractice should be recovered” [Page 435. Para 66 of the Commission report]
“The board of the PIC should examine whether the role played by either Mr Moleketi and Mr Mahloele breached their fiduciary duties or the fit and proper test required of a director in terms of the Companies Act” [Page 435. Para 67 of the Commission report]
In a letter summing up the report’s findings on all these questions, the PIC and GEPF have informed Harith that: “The investigation found that there was no evidence to support the allegations that were made with regard to Harith General Partners and Harith Fund Managers”.
Harith welcomes the forensic investigation findings, and now considers the allegations of impropriety against it, in their various iterations, to be now well and truly ventilated. This latest probe is the fifth process that has looked into these matters, with Harith’s full cooperation, and with none of them making any findings of wrong-doing against the company. The full gambit of processes that have looked into and disposed of these allegations is;
The Mpati Commission; whose outcomes raised a number of unwarranted questions without making any firm findings against Harith, Mr Tshepo Mahloele, and Mr Jabulani Moleketi. Instead of making firm findings, the commission recommended a joint-forensic probe by the PIC and the GEPF.
The Constitutional Court case of UDM v Lebashe and others; which among others found that the UDM and Mr Bantu Holomisa “…did not provide any shred of evidence of actual misconduct, corruption and self-dealing” [UDM v Lebashe judgment, para 59], and “The applicants were not entitled to wantonly defame the respondents under the pretext that they were executing a constitutional duty…it was not for the public benefit to publish the unverified defamatory information” [UDM v Lebashe judgment, para 62]
The South African Venture and Private Capital Association (SAVCA); concluded; “ The committee is of the view that the legal and fee structures set out in the fund terms are in line with industry standards.” And “The committee found no contravention of the SAVCA Code of Conduct based on the information contained in the PIC report and the evidence received from Harith.”
Harith’s own forensic investigation conducted by Crowe Forensics SA and Advocate Terry Motau SC; It investigated the Harith fees structure for the PAIDF PAIDF 1 and PAIDF 2 and found it to be “Comparable at the relevant time period with other Private Equity funds in the industry”. It concluded: “Harith [has] not yet earned any incentive fees – any allegation that the Fund Managers have earned “rich rewards” in regard to incentive fees (carried interest) is therefore without substance. Based thereon, it is therefore apparent that the allegations set out in the PIC Report in regard to the Harith fee structures (for PAIDF 1 and PAIDF 2) are unfounded”
PIC and GEPF joint forensic report; which was ordered by the Mpati Commission and whose outcomes are contained in the latest report.
“Harith operates in the highly-regulated financial services sector, so we are no strangers to, and are quite comfortable with heightened scrutiny. Our line of business requires the utmost fidelity to those who entrust us with their funds and investments. That’s why throughout these processes that have ensued since these allegations were first raised, we have been fully cooperative and played open-cards at every stage”, said Harith CEO Sipho Makhubela. “This is therefore not a case of Harith being “cleared” by the forensic probe. It is a case of the forensic probe arriving at the only logical destination of the truth-seeking exercise that any conscientious investigation was inevitably destined to reach; a finding that the truth has been on our side all along” – added Makhubela
Throughout all these processes, Harith’s detractors have been able to wantonly, and with no consequence, continue to cast aspersions on a lawfully established and legitimately operating corporate entity, exacting an incalculable toll on the company, its brand, credibility in the market, employees, shareholders, investors, as well as business and financial relationships. Throughout this saga, the callous campaign to destroy Harith and the reputations of Messrs Mahloele and Moleketi was thinly-masked as an exercise of political or parliamentary “oversight”, and insults hurled at them became the trading stock of a politician and his entity who were seeking to shore-up their dimming prospects. Those politicians and their fellow-travellers who gave their lies currency and buoyancy now crawl back into the woodwork, while the victims of their sustained slander are left to repair the extensive damage they wrought on their reputations and brands. The kind of brand and character assassination Mr Holomisa and his ilk embarked upon in the past five years is a sinister perversion of political and constitutional oversight and checks and balances!
Yet, even through this period, Harith was not cowered, and continued to focus on its vision of harnessing Africa’s capital muscle towards the development of socio-economically impactful infrastructure across the continent, an undertaking that was made infinitely harder by this economic sniping campaign. Harith considers this sordid chapter closed, and places its trust in the discerning people of South Africa and the continent, who know too well that “lies have short legs”.
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govindhtech · 3 months
GCP GCVE Is Generally Available In VMware Cloud Foundation
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GCVE Documentation
VMware Cloud Foundation on Google Cloud VMware Engine(GCVE or GCP GCVE) is generally accessible, there is no better moment to migrate your VMware workloads to Google Cloud in order to save money and take advantage of a cutting-edge  cloud computing environment. Today, Google Cloud we are happy to announce the following in collaboration with Broadcom:
VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) support is now offered at a commitment price that is approximately 20% less.
You may maintain your VMware investments by transferring your on-premises VCF licences to GCVE in a flexible manner thanks to licence portability entitlement support for VCF. With a three-year prepayment commitment, you will be able to purchase a VE1 node that enables mobility for up to 35% less1 than the prior rate, which included VMware licences.
Several new GCVE node kinds to suit your workload requirements at a reasonable price; in fact, GCVE (with VCF) can save you up to 30% compared to Azure VMware Solution.
Together with no-cost proof of concept and trial costs, commercial incentives up to 40% of GCVE first-year expenditure can be used as further migration and consumption incentives.
Convertible commitments enabling mid-term switching between various GCVE node types and alternative compute platforms such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Compute Engine.
Assistance with VMware Cloud Foundation
VMware  Cloud Foundation is now fully supported by GCP GCVE thanks to a cooperation with Broadcom. VCF is an all-inclusive platform that combines VMware’s management and application infrastructure capabilities with its compute, storage, and network virtualization capabilities. Apart from the pre-existing cloud infrastructure elements in GCVE, such vSphere, vSAN, NSX, and HCX, VCF encompasses other novel functionalities like Aria Suite Enterprise and Aria Operations for Networks Enterprise.
With the use of these Aria features, application performance and resource utilisation can be optimised for better application health, higher performance, and effective capacity management. Comprehensive monitoring, analytics, and insights are also provided.
Portability of VMware Cloud Foundation licence
Customers wishing to transfer the value of their current or prospective VMware Cloud Foundation licence investments to Google Cloud frequently contact us. They are happy to announce support for VCF licence portability entitlement in GCP GCVE, working with Broadcom. Put simply, you can apply already purchased VCF licences and just pay Google for the VMware Engine service and infrastructure when you choose GCVE commitment types that support portability.
You can potentially save money by bringing your own VCF subscriptions to GCP GCVE instead of having to pay for new licences, which is an advantage over earlier pricing structures. For instance, on a three-year prepayment commitment, you may buy a VE1 node that enables mobility for up to 35% less than the prior rate, which included VMware licences.
The first cloud service provider to deliver a unique VCF-integrated solution that allows licence mobility for VCF is Google  Cloud. By using Google Cloud, you can take advantage of Google’s infrastructure’s scalability, security, and innovation while getting the most out of your VMware investments.
GCVE Google Cloud
Customers have often expressed a need to support a variety of VMware workloads with improved capacity shaping in order to save expenses over time. Google Cloud unveiled the ve2-standard-128, Google’s initial node type on the VE2 node platform, earlier this year.
Google  Cloud is thrilled to present ve2-mega form family today. The 51.2 TB raw data storage and 3.2 TB cache capacity of the ve2-mega shapes are approximately 2.7 times more than those of the ve1. Two additional hyperconverged node types in the family are now available:
96 hyperthreads in ve2-mega-96 (about 1.3 times more than ve1-standard-72).
ve2-mega-128 boasts 128 hyperthreads, almost 1.7 times more than ve1-standard-72.
Additionally, ve2-standard-96, which has 48 cores and 96 hyperthreaded cores, is now available. 25.6 TB of raw data storage is included with ve2-standard forms.
Google Cloud are currently introducing two additional storage-only node types, ve2-standard-so with 25.6 TB raw data storage and ve2-mega-so with 51.2 TB raw data storage, for workloads with high storage requirements. The NVMe storage available in Google’s hyperconverged node types is also available in GCP GCVE storage-only node types, which are priced less.
You can add storage-only node types to your current GCVE clusters to easily and affordably increase your storage capacity. You don’t need to manage any external connectors or mounts to enjoy the same lightning-fast speed and simplicity of use.
Fresh financial savings coupled with obligations
With new one- and three-year term commitments, GCP GCVE now provides increased discounting for its VE1 and VE2 license-included node platforms:
VE1 nodes: rates are 22% less than they were previously.
VE2 nodes:
Discount of 37% for commitments made in advance for a year (formerly 30% for VE1)
For three-year prepayment contracts, there is a 55% discount (formerly 50% for VE1).
GCVE Pricing
These adjustments save a significant amount of money. For instance, a three-year prepaid commitment for ve1-standard-72 in us-central1 (Iowa) costs $3.60 per hour, while Azure’s AV36P three-year reserved instance in the “Central US” location costs $5.17 per hour (a reduction of around 30%)*.
Substantial rewards for lowering TCO
Clients seeking to relocate their VMware workloads to GCP GCVE seek a notable decrease in both budgetary and technical obstacles. In order to meet this need, Google Cloud collaborated closely with a number of Google cloud important service providers, and we are happy to announce:
Free consultations and proof of concept for clients, provided by Google cloud associates and financed by Google Cloud
For new clients signing a Flex or Enterprise Agreement with Google  Cloud:
Incentives for migration services: up to 25% of the additional net expenditure for the first year allocated to migration services. Several partners hold certifications for providing migration services.
Incremental consumption incentives lower customers’ total cost of ownership (TCO) as they transition their VMware workloads. Up to 15% in extra credits are awarded for incremental net usage of GCVE in the first year. Convertible obligations
What is gcve in google cloud
GCP GCVE is Google  Cloud VMware Engine. Google Cloud allows you execute VMware workloads on its infrastructure. You may relocate on-premise VMs to the cloud without changing your apps.
Simplified migration: Migrating VMs to the cloud without reworking saves time and money.
Scalability and agility: Google  Cloud’s infrastructure lets you scale resources up or down.
GCVE Architecture
When clients migrate their workloads to GCP GCVE, they frequently modify the architecture of those workloads to utilise different Google Cloud features. They haven’t been able to exploit their current GCVE obligations for these use cases, though. Google Cloud are thrilled to introduce new convertible three-year GCP GCVE commitments to support this flexibility.
For an extra fee, you can convert a portion of your commitments to other GCVE alternatives or services like Compute Engine or GKE. As an illustration:
Using dynamically scaled web-facing servers on Compute Engine or GKE, you can expand VMware setups.
You can switch between multiple GCVE node types with the flexible VE2 node platform in GCVE, which optimises resource utilisation by matching workloads to the most appropriate infrastructure as your architecture changes.
For information on costs and local availability, get in touch with a Google  Cloud sales representative.
Keep checking back for more, and save the GCP GCVE release notes to your bookmarks for updates. More information is available on thier Google  Cloud VMware Engine website. If you’d like to see what a migration would entail for you, register for Google’s complimentary exploration & assessment offer.
What isGCVE?
GCP GCVE is Google Cloud VMware Engine. It lets you execute VMware workloads on Google Cloud infrastructure as a managed service. This allows you to transfer on-premises VMs to Google Cloud without changing your apps.
GCVE is a viable alternative for enterprises who need VMware for their workloads yet desire the cloud’s scalability, agility, and cost reductions. It can also construct a hybrid cloud architecture with on-premises and cloud workloads.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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thenow-times · 2 years
The truth prevails as Mpati Commission-ordered forensic probe vindicates Harith
Harith General Partners is satisfied that the truth has finally prevailed in the years-long, sustained and malicious campaign to taint it with allegations of malfeasance. This comes after the forensic investigation commissioned by the PIC concluded in its final report that there was no evidence to support the damaging allegations made more than 5 years ago by a Senior Member of Parliament. The report vindicates Harith which has had to operate under a human-made cloud of suspicion, peppered with sporadic, gratuitous, false and unfair political attacks on its brand and reputation. Harith welcomes the fact that the Public Investment Corporation and Government Employees Pension Fund commissioned investigation has made findings that align precisely with every aspect of what we have consistently told South Africans all along; that Harith has been scrupulous in all its dealings with the PIC and the GEPF.
The forensic probe was commissioned jointly by the PIC and the GEPF, in fulfilment of recommendations by the Mpati Commission into the affairs of the PIC. It has now returned with findings that respond directly, adequately and finally to each of the questions the Mpati Commission felt needed further investigation, namely;
“To examine the entire PAIDF [Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund] initiative to determine that all monies due to both parties [PIC and GEPF] have been paid and properly accounted for”
“To determine whether any monies due to overcharging or any other malpractice should be recovered”
“The board of the PIC should examine whether the role played by either Mr Moleketi and Mr Mahloele breached their fiduciary duties or the fit and proper test required of a director in terms of the Companies Act”
In a letter summing up the report’s findings on all these questions, the PIC and GEPF have informed Harith that: “The investigation found that there was no evidence to support the allegations that were made with regard to Harith General Partners and Harith Fund Managers”.
Harith welcomes the forensic investigation findings, and now considers the allegations of impropriety against it, in their various iterations, to be now well and truly ventilated. This latest probe is the fifth process that has looked into these matters, with Harith’s full cooperation, and with none of them making any findings of wrong-doing against the company. The full gambit of processes that have looked into and disposed of these allegations is;
The Mpati Commission; whose outcomes raised a number of unwarranted questions without making any firm findings against Harith, Mr Tshepo Mahloele, and Mr Jabulani Moleketi. Instead of making firm findings, the commission recommended a joint-forensic probe by the PIC and the GEPF.
The Constitutional Court case of UDM v Lebashe and others; which among others found that the UDM and Mr Bantu Holomisa “…did not provide any shred of evidence of actual misconduct, corruption and self-dealing” [UDM v Lebashe judgment, para 59], and “The applicants were not entitled to wantonly defame the respondents under the pretext that they were executing a constitutional duty…it was not for the public benefit to publish the unverified defamatory information” [UDM v Lebashe judgment, para 62]
The South African Venture and Private Capital Association (SAVCA); concluded; “ The committee is of the view that the legal and fee structures set out in the fund terms are in line with industry standards.” And “The committee found no contravention of the SAVCA Code of Conduct based on the information contained in the PIC report and the evidence received from Harith.”
Harith’s own forensic investigation conducted by Crowe Forensics SA and Advocate Terry Motau SC; It investigated the Harith fees structure for the PAIDF PAIDF 1 and PAIDF 2 and found it to be “Comparable at the relevant time period with other Private Equity funds in the industry”. It concluded: “Harith [has] not yet earned any incentive fees – any allegation that the Fund Managers have earned “rich rewards” in regard to incentive fees (carried interest) is therefore without substance. Based thereon, it is therefore apparent that the allegations set out in the PIC Report in regard to the Harith fee structures (for PAIDF 1 and PAIDF 2) are unfounded”
PIC and GEPF joint forensic report; which was ordered by the Mpati Commission and whose outcomes are contained in the latest report.
“Harith operates in the highly-regulated financial services sector, so we are no strangers to, and are quite comfortable with heightened scrutiny. Our line of business requires the utmost fidelity to those who entrust us with their funds and investments. That’s why throughout these processes that have ensued since these allegations were first raised, we have been fully cooperative and played open-cards at every stage”, said Harith CEO Sipho Makhubela.
“This is therefore not a case of Harith being “cleared” by the forensic probe. It is a case of the forensic probe arriving at the only logical destination of the truth-seeking exercise that any conscientious investigation was inevitably destined to reach; a finding that the truth has been on our side all along” – added Makhubela
Throughout all these processes, Harith’s detractors have been able to wantonly, and with no consequence, continue to cast aspersions on a lawfully established and legitimately operating corporate entity, exacting an incalculable toll on the company, its brand, credibility in the market, employees, shareholders, investors, as well as business and financial relationships. Throughout this saga, the callous campaign to destroy Harith and the reputations of Messrs Mahloele and Moleketi was thinly-masked as an exercise of political or parliamentary “oversight”, and insults hurled at them became the trading stock of a politician and his entity who were seeking to shore-up their dimming prospects. Those politicians and their fellow-travellers who gave their lies currency and buoyancy now crawl back into the woodwork, while the victims of their sustained slander are left to repair the extensive damage they wrought on their reputations and brands. The kind of brand and character assassination Mr Holomisa and his ilk embarked upon in the past five years is a sinister perversion of political and constitutional oversight and checks and balances!
Yet, even through this period, Harith was not cowered, and continued to focus on its vision of harnessing Africa’s capital muscle towards the development of socio-economically impactful infrastructure across the continent, an undertaking that was made infinitely harder by this economic sniping campaign. Harith considers this sordid chapter closed, and places its trust in the discerning people of South Africa and the continent, who know too well that “lies have short legs”.
Robert Bailey
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thetimesnow · 2 years
The truth prevails as Mpati Commission-ordered forensic probe vindicates Harith
Harith General Partners is satisfied that the truth has finally prevailed in the years-long, sustained and malicious campaign to taint it with allegations of malfeasance. This comes after the forensic investigation commissioned by the PIC concluded in its final report that there was no evidence to support the damaging allegations made more than 5 years ago by a Senior Member of Parliament. The report vindicates Harith which has had to operate under a human-made cloud of suspicion, peppered with sporadic, gratuitous, false and unfair political attacks on its brand and reputation. Harith welcomes the fact that the Public Investment Corporation and Government Employees Pension Fund commissioned investigation has made findings that align precisely with every aspect of what we have consistently told South Africans all along; that Harith has been scrupulous in all its dealings with the PIC and the GEPF.
The forensic probe was commissioned jointly by the PIC and the GEPF, in fulfilment of recommendations by the Mpati Commission into the affairs of the PIC. It has now returned with findings that respond directly, adequately and finally to each of the questions the Mpati Commission felt needed further investigation, namely;
“To examine the entire PAIDF [Pan African Infrastructure Development Fund] initiative to determine that all monies due to both parties [PIC and GEPF] have been paid and properly accounted for”
“To determine whether any monies due to overcharging or any other malpractice should be recovered”
“The board of the PIC should examine whether the role played by either Mr Moleketi and Mr Mahloele breached their fiduciary duties or the fit and proper test required of a director in terms of the Companies Act”
In a letter summing up the report’s findings on all these questions, the PIC and GEPF have informed Harith that: “The investigation found that there was no evidence to support the allegations that were made with regard to Harith General Partners and Harith Fund Managers”.
Harith welcomes the forensic investigation findings, and now considers the allegations of impropriety against it, in their various iterations, to be now well and truly ventilated. This latest probe is the fifth process that has looked into these matters, with Harith’s full cooperation, and with none of them making any findings of wrong-doing against the company. The full gambit of processes that have looked into and disposed of these allegations is;
The Mpati Commission; whose outcomes raised a number of unwarranted questions without making any firm findings against Harith, Mr Tshepo Mahloele, and Mr Jabulani Moleketi. Instead of making firm findings, the commission recommended a joint-forensic probe by the PIC and the GEPF.
The Constitutional Court case of UDM v Lebashe and others; which among others found that the UDM and Mr Bantu Holomisa “…did not provide any shred of evidence of actual misconduct, corruption and self-dealing” [UDM v Lebashe judgment, para 59], and “The applicants were not entitled to wantonly defame the respondents under the pretext that they were executing a constitutional duty…it was not for the public benefit to publish the unverified defamatory information” [UDM v Lebashe judgment, para 62]
The South African Venture and Private Capital Association (SAVCA); concluded; “ The committee is of the view that the legal and fee structures set out in the fund terms are in line with industry standards.” And “The committee found no contravention of the SAVCA Code of Conduct based on the information contained in the PIC report and the evidence received from Harith.”
Harith’s own forensic investigation conducted by Crowe Forensics SA and Advocate Terry Motau SC; It investigated the Harith fees structure for the PAIDF PAIDF 1 and PAIDF 2 and found it to be “Comparable at the relevant time period with other Private Equity funds in the industry”. It concluded: “Harith [has] not yet earned any incentive fees – any allegation that the Fund Managers have earned “rich rewards” in regard to incentive fees (carried interest) is therefore without substance. Based thereon, it is therefore apparent that the allegations set out in the PIC Report in regard to the Harith fee structures (for PAIDF 1 and PAIDF 2) are unfounded”
PIC and GEPF joint forensic report; which was ordered by the Mpati Commission and whose outcomes are contained in the latest report.
“Harith operates in the highly-regulated financial services sector, so we are no strangers to, and are quite comfortable with heightened scrutiny. Our line of business requires the utmost fidelity to those who entrust us with their funds and investments. That’s why throughout these processes that have ensued since these allegations were first raised, we have been fully cooperative and played open-cards at every stage”, said Harith CEO Sipho Makhubela.
“This is therefore not a case of Harith being “cleared” by the forensic probe. It is a case of the forensic probe arriving at the only logical destination of the truth-seeking exercise that any conscientious investigation was inevitably destined to reach; a finding that the truth has been on our side all along” – added Makhubela
Throughout all these processes, Harith’s detractors have been able to wantonly, and with no consequence, continue to cast aspersions on a lawfully established and legitimately operating corporate entity, exacting an incalculable toll on the company, its brand, credibility in the market, employees, shareholders, investors, as well as business and financial relationships. Throughout this saga, the callous campaign to destroy Harith and the reputations of Messrs Mahloele and Moleketi was thinly-masked as an exercise of political or parliamentary “oversight”, and insults hurled at them became the trading stock of a politician and his entity who were seeking to shore-up their dimming prospects. Those politicians and their fellow-travellers who gave their lies currency and buoyancy now crawl back into the woodwork, while the victims of their sustained slander are left to repair the extensive damage they wrought on their reputations and brands. The kind of brand and character assassination Mr Holomisa and his ilk embarked upon in the past five years is a sinister perversion of political and constitutional oversight and checks and balances!
Yet, even through this period, Harith was not cowered, and continued to focus on its vision of harnessing Africa’s capital muscle towards the development of socio-economically impactful infrastructure across the continent, an undertaking that was made infinitely harder by this economic sniping campaign. Harith considers this sordid chapter closed, and places its trust in the discerning people of South Africa and the continent, who know too well that “lies have short legs”.
Eva Henke
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b2bcybersecurity · 6 months
MDR: Erweiterter Managed Detection and Response-Dienst
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Cybersecurity-Spezialist Bitdefender hat sein weiterentwickeltes Angebot für Managed-Detection-and-Response-Dienste vorgestellt. Unternehmen und Organisationen können ab sofort zwei verschiedene Stufen des Dienstes beziehen: MDR und MDR PLUS sind auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse für die Kunden je nach Branche und Herkunftsort oder unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Risikofaktoren wie etwa der jeweiligen Supply Chain zugeschnitten. Bitdefender MDR überwacht sowie erkennt kontinuierlich Bedrohungen und reagiert auf sie. Darüber hinaus leistet das Dienstangebot aktives Threat Hunting. Sicherheitsanalysten leiten Kunden mit ihren Ratschlägen an und beraten sie zur Risikolage. Die zentrale Verwaltung der Dienste von einem einzigen Punkt aus erfolgt über die Bitdefender GravityZone-Plattform. Diese einheitliche Plattform zur Analyse des Sicherheitsstatus und der Risiken bietet fortschrittlichen Endpunktschutz einschließlich Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) sowie Cloud-Sicherheit: Dazu gehört das Cloud Security Posture Management durch GravityZone CSPM+. Gravity Zone CSPM+ bietet Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) und Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) in einer wirksamen und effizienten Kombination. SOCs: MDR-Experten mit Echtzeit-Informationen Die MDR-Dienste von Bitdefender leisten die Experten in den Security Operation Centers (SOCs) des Unternehmens in Nordamerika, Europa und Asien. Die SOCs sind miteinander verbunden und tauschen in Echtzeit Informationen zu Gefahren aus, welche das umfangreiche Bitdefender-Netzwerk sammelt: Hunderte von Millionen Sensoren sammeln kontinuierlich und global Daten zu Cyberrisiken weltweit. Darüber hinaus ziehen die Sicherheitsanalysten Informationen der Cybersicherheitspartner von Bitdefender sowie aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Strafverfolgungsbehörden in aller Welt heran. In jedem SOC unterstützen hochqualifizierte Sicherheitsanalysten, Threat-Hunting-Spezialisten und Ermittler die Kunden. Sie decken mit ihren Fähigkeiten die Support-Level 1 bis 3 ab, um Bedrohungen zu erkennen, zu verifizieren, einzudämmen und zu beseitigen, sobald sie auftreten. Bitdefender MDR bietet folgende Vorteile Rund-um-die-Uhr-Sicherheit Bitdefender MDR erkennt, überwacht und reagiert auf die Gefahren für die IT rund um die Uhr in jeder Region. Dafür nutzt der Dienst das Bitdefender-Netz an SOCs. Die Sicherheitsanalysten von Bitdefender wählen aus einem umfassenden Sortiment an vorab definierten Maßnahmen aus, um im Ereignisfall schnell und entschieden zu reagieren. So dämmen sie Bedrohungen ein, beseitigen die Gefahren und führen weitergehende Analysen durch. Jeweils ein dezidierter Security Account Manager (SAM) steht dem Kunden zu Diensten und kommuniziert mit dem Kunden so lange, bis der Sicherheitsvorfall gelöst ist. Effektives Threat Hunting Die Threat Hunter von Bitdefender können auch Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) aufspüren und entfernen, die sich bereits unbemerkt in Systemen befinden. Sie erkennen zudem Anomalien von Benutzern, von Applikationen oder von Dritten wie Partner oder Supply Chain. In teamübergreifender Zusammenarbeit mit den Bitdefender Labs nutzen die Threat Hunter Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten, um so einen aktuellen Schutz der Kundenumgebung sicherzustellen. Branchenführende Sicherheitsplattform / Robustes Reporting Bitdefender MDR-Dienste und Endpoint-Protection-Technologien werden über eine einzige Plattform ausgeführt, die von zahlreichen Branchenanalysten und unabhängigen Prüforganisationen als führend in mehreren Schlüsselkategorien, einschließlich Gefahrenabwehr, anerkannt ist. Intuitive Echtzeit-Dashboards bieten Analysen und Einblicke in die Sicherheitslage von IT-Umgebungen. Regelmäßige Berichte erschließen einen detaillierten Überblick über den Sicherheitsdienst, während Post-Mortem-Analysen ausführliche Informationen bieten, um Ereignisse zu verstehen, ihre Folgen für ein Unternehmen aufzuzeigen und Maßnahmen zum Vermeiden ähnlicher Ereignisse in der Zukunft vorschlagen. Bitdefender MDR PLUS bietet zusätzlich folgende Dienste Umfassendes Security Baselining und unternehmensspezifisches Threat Modeling Einzigartig im Vergleich zu den meisten MDR-Angeboten erstellt Bitdefender MDR PLUS eine Bedrohungsmodellierung, die auf zahlreichen Faktoren wie Größe, Branche, Marktsektor oder geographische Herkunft des Unternehmens basiert. Im Rahmen eines tiefgehenden Onboardings erstellen die Experten ein umfassendes Unternehmensprofil mit Rücksicht auf dessen spezifische Sicherheitsprobleme. Diese Baseline eines normalen Verhaltens dient dann als Grundlage, um Abweichungen zu erkennen und zu überwachen. Globale Threat-Intelligence-Feeds und -Analysen Bitdefender MDR PLUS nutzt einen umfassenden Threat Intelligence Lifecycle, um Cyber-Bedrohungen, geopolitische Aktivitäten und branchenspezifische Trends zu analysieren und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse auf die Sicherheit der Kunden anzuwenden. Bitdefender nutzt zusätzlich zu seinen eigenen Informationen mehrere Quellen, wie etwa Cybersecurity-Partner und globale Strafverfolgungsbehörden aus aller Welt, um alle Bereiche einschließlich des Dark Web abzudecken. Überwachen von Dark Web und priorisierten Zielen (Priority Targets) Bitdefender MDR PLUS erweitert die Überwachung und den Schutz vor Gefahren über die herkömmliche Kunden-IT hinaus auf das Dark Web. Die Spezialisten der Cyber Intelligence Fusion Cell (CIFC)-Gruppe überwachen aktiv Bereiche des Dark Web, in denen kriminelle Akteure – sowie solche mit nationalstaatlichem Hintergrund – gestohlene Unternehmensdaten und geistiges Eigentum verkaufen, sich über Schwachstellen austauschen und Angriffe auf Unternehmen planen. MDR PLUS bietet mit Priority Targets die Sicht auf priorisierte Ziele in Echtzeit und setzt auf das zu schützende Ziel zugeschnittene Erkennungstechniken ein, um Risiken zu identifizieren. Dies erfolgt unter Berücksichtigung der Branche, der Marktposition eines Unternehmens oder zum Schutz wertvoller Assets. MDR entlastet interne Sicherheitsteams „Die wachsende Angriffsfläche, die Netzwerke, Applikationen, die Cloud und die Supply Chain umfasst, stellt interne Sicherheitsteams vor extreme Herausforderungen. Ihnen fehlt es oft an der notwendigen Technologie und den personellen Ressourcen, um mit den Angreifern Schritt zu halten und die notwendigen mehrschichtigen Defensivstrategien effektiv zu implementieren“, sagt Andrei Florescu, President und General Manager der Bitdefender Business Solutions Group. „Bitdefender MDR Services beseitigt diese Komplexität durch einen Rund-um-die-Uhr-Dienst, der unsere branchenführenden nativen Technologien zum Schutz von Endpunkten sowie globale Threat Intelligence mit dem aktiven Monitoring von Logins und Dashboards durch Elite-Sicherheitsanalysten verbindet, um Angriffe schnell zu stoppen.“ Laut Gartner ist „die Cyberbedrohungslandschaft ständig in Bewegung und die Komplexität der Angriffe auf Unternehmen nimmt zu. Den meisten Unternehmen fehlen die Ressourcen, das Budget oder die Bereitschaft, eine eigene SOC-Funktion rund um die Uhr aufzubauen und zu betreiben, die erforderlich ist, um sie beim Schutz und bei der Abwehr von Angriffen zu unterstützen, die immer größere Folgen und Schäden für den Betrieb verursachen. MDR-Dienste ermöglichen es Unternehmen, Gefahren besser zu erkennen und abzuwehren.“¹     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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brigitapvtltd · 7 months
What Is Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)?
Managing identities and privileges in cloud environments is known as cloud infrastructure entitlement management, or CIEEM. Understanding which access entitlements are present in cloud and multi cloud systems is the first step in CIEM's mission. Next, it aims to detect and reduce risks associated with entitlements that give users more access than is appropriate.  Security teams can control cloud identities and entitlements and implement the least-privileged access principle to cloud infrastructure and resources by using CIEM solutions. Businesses can lower their cloud attack surface and minimize access risks caused by granting too many permissions with the use of CIEM solutions. 
Why Is CIEM Important to Your Cloud Security Strategy?
Static self-hosted or on-premises infrastructure is subject to access controls thanks to traditional identity and access management (IAM) solutions. The cloud infrastructure, services, and apps that businesses use are becoming more dynamic and transient than their on-premises counterparts as more businesses shift to the cloud. 
To assist enterprises in enforcing granular IAM policies, cloud service providers Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer distinctive, native, cloud-based controls. Companies using a multicloud strategy may find it difficult to manage entitlements for each cloud environment because different cloud environments don't naturally integrate. Cloud security teams can manage all entitlements across multicloud settings and comprehend access risk with the aid of a CIEM solution. 
Security and risk management experts can find information on implementing technologies that facilitate the efficient administration of cloud infrastructure entitlements in the Managing Privileged Access in Cloud Infrastructure publication. The publications illustrate how security teams should utilize CIEM to detect and prioritize issues related to access control across public clouds and other infrastructure resources. Together, they define the fundamental meaning of CIEM.
What Are the Components of CIEM?
The four primary pillars of CIEM are advanced analytics, entitlement visibility, rightsizing permissions, and compliance. Knowing whether entitlements are present in your environment is the first step towards managing entitlements and reducing entitlement risks. To do this, CIEM tools automatically examine configurations, rules, and policies related to access control in order to ascertain:
Which rights are in place.
What each user, human or machine, is entitled to do in light of those rights.
Depending on their rights, which machine and human users can access whatever cloud resource.
CIEM tools identify entitlements and then evaluate them to see if the access capabilities they grant are the least essential to accomplishing the goal of the workload. Administrators can manually remedy the issue if CIEM tools inform them when an entitlement grants excessive access. Additionally, the technologies have the ability to automatically modify entitlements, enabling teams to function effectively in expansive settings. 
The entitlement evaluations carried out by CIEM tools rely on sophisticated analytics driven by machine learning in addition to user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA), as opposed to generic rules and conditions. Although CIEM is not just focused on compliance, its tools may automatically determine whether entitlements meet compliance criteria, allowing entitlements to be aligned with compliance requirements. Additionally, they are able to identify cases of "drift," in which configuration changes cause entitlements that were previously compliant to no longer be compliant. Having a more secure platform to enforce least-privileged access credentials across cloud providers and resources is the ultimate goal. 
How Is CIEM Used?
With the use of cutting-edge methods like machine learning, CIEM enables enterprises to suggest the least privileges for a specific type of activity.  For instance, a user might ask to access a production computer via SSH in order to examine an environment variable or confirm a configuration setting. To complete the task, the user might ask for temporary access to an SSH key pair. The user's request is approved by the security team, who then advises them to obtain the keys through an SSO provider. The user's access to the resources is revoked when they complete the necessary tasks, and they are unable to use those keys to access the computer ever again. 
How Does CIEM Improves Cloud Security?
According to the least privilege concept, entitlements are made up of effective permissions that are assigned by the cloud provider (IAM policies) to users, workloads, and data so they can carry out essential operations. Permissions can be readily overallocated to users or workloads in the absence of adequate entitlement monitoring and security enforcement.
Security teams may control cloud identities and entitlements and apply the least-privileged access concept to cloud infrastructure and services by employing CIEM solutions. By employing CIEM solutions, Brigita Business Solutions could assist you.
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adityarana1687-blog · 8 months
Cloud Security Market Expected To Achieve Lucrative Growth By 2030
The global cloud security market size is projected to reach USD 75.26 billion by 2030, and is anticipated to register a CAGR of 13.1% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research Inc. Growth of the market can be attributed to the rising global interconnection of enterprises that need secure and scalable solutions. Cloud security, which deals with both localized and global cyber risks, emerges as a crucial driver, offering enterprises the ability to navigate interconnected digital ecosystems effectively. Organizations are rapidly moving operations to the cloud to improve adaptability, expansion, and cost efficiency.
As the volume of sensitive data in cloud environment grows, the need to secure these digital assets fuels demand for robust cloud security solutions. Cloud security solutions handle specific issues, protecting against cloud-native risks like configuration errors, data breaches, and unauthorized access to data. The increasing threat landscape needs specific security measures, driving the growth of the market. 
Moreover, the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework blends network security operations with wide-area networking (WAN) capabilities to address enterprises' dynamic and secure access needs. Cloud security solutions adapt to SASE principles by offering secure access from any place and at any time. The cloud's convergence of networking and security reflects the changing needs of modern businesses. Cloud security solutions have broad incident response capabilities, allowing enterprises to swiftly identify, investigate, and fix threats.
Future cloud security methods will depend significantly on continuous identification, monitoring, and behavioral analytics. Cloud security systems are widely adopting real-time monitoring of user behaviors, network activity, and system interactions. Enhanced threat intelligence platforms will be vital for cloud security over the forecast period. These systems collect information from various sources, such as global threat sources and industry-specific intelligence.
The growing and dynamic nature of data protection and cybersecurity rules presents uncertainties that limit the growth of the market. With a lack of awareness about evolution of regulations and the way they operate, organizations are hesitant to invest heavily in cloud security solutions. Specific knowledge of cloud structure, identity and access management, predictive maintenance, and threat detection is crucial due to complexity of cloud environments.
The scarcity of experienced personnel capable of installing and monitoring cloud security measures hinders the effective implementation of robust security policies. Addressing the skills gap is vital for achieving the complete potential of cloud security solutions. The design of future market for cloud security will prioritize user experience and its usability. Logical interfaces, user-friendly workflows, and efficient management devices will aid in the effective implementation and administration of cloud safety procedures.
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 Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Cloud Security Market Report
Cloud Security Market Report Highlights
Based on component, the services segment is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR of 14.5% over the forecast period. The global regulatory landscape's complexity will fuel demand for regulatory compliance and governance services. Service providers are expected to supply enterprises with customized options to meet compliance needs by navigating and complying with numerous privacy and data security standards
Based on solution, the Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) segment is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR of 13.9% over the forecast period. This growth is attributable to the advancement of cloud ecosystem. These solutions will connect effectively with various cloud environments, enabling multi-cloud and hybrid cloud structures while offering an integrated overview of credentials and access controls
Based on services, the managed services segment is expected to register the fastest CAGR of 18.2% over the forecast period. A preventive approach to threat detection and response will define the future of managed services. Managed service providers will use modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in real-time to evaluate patterns, detect abnormalities, and flag possible security incidents
Based on deployment, the hybrid segment is anticipated to register a significant CAGR of 13.5% over the forecast period. The focus on zero-trust security frameworks will grow in the future of hybrid cloud security. A standard perimeter-based security solution proves insufficient in a hybrid framework when data and applications are deployed across numerous sites
Based on enterprise size, the small & medium enterprises (SMEs) segment is expected to register the fastest CAGR of 15.5% over the forecast period. As SMEs adopt digitalization and cloud technology, the growing cloud security landscape presents difficulties and opportunities that will influence their approach to securing private information, ensuring company sustainability, and prompting the segment growth
Based on end-use, the healthcare segment is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR of 15.3% over the forecast period. The introduction of robust encryption techniques for data at rest and in transit, along with complex authentication processes ensures that only authorized employees have access to patient information and will be the future of cloud security in healthcare
The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR of 14.8% over the forecast period. The future of this region in the market will be defined by a deliberate alignment of cybersecurity measures with the region's technological targets
Cloud Security Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global cloud security market based on component, deployment, enterprise size, end-use, and region:
Cloud Security Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
Cloud Detection and Response (CDR)
Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)
Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP)
Professional Services
Managed Services
Cloud Security Deployment Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Cloud Security Enterprise Size Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Large Enterprises
Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Cloud Security End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Retail & E-commerce
IT & Telecom
Aerospace & Defense
Energy & Utilities
Transportation & Logistics
Cloud Security Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Cloud Security Market
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Broadcom, Inc.
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Extreme Networks, Inc.
Fortinet, Inc.
F5, Inc.
International Business Machines Corporation
Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Proofpoint, Inc.
Sophos Ltd.
Zscaler, Inc.
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delicatestudentanchor · 9 months
Demystifying HRMS Jargon: A Comprehensive Glossary for HR Professionals
HR professionals must comprehend the terminology used in the quickly evolving field of Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS) to effectively navigate it. As a client or a business owner, it is important for you to know these terminologies, as it leads to better communication. This blog is the ideal resource for HR professionals and business owners alike, deconstructing key HRMS glossary terminologies.
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Foundational HRMS Terminology
Human Resource Management System
A human resource management system is a software solution that unifies all HR tasks into a centralised system and is also the foundation of current HR operations. It simplifies complex procedures like online payroll, performance management, onboarding, and recruitment.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Maximising the value of an organisation's workforce is the main goal of HCM. It emphasises the strategic importance of human resources and covers personnel management from hiring to retirement.
Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service
Employees can handle HR-related tasks on their own. Employees can retrieve pay stubs or update personal information thanks to ESS. Manager self-service, or MSS, gives managers access to these features, enabling them to effectively manage team-related HR procedures.
Core HR
Core HR, the cornerstone of the HRMS, is responsible for managing important employee data, including contact details, job descriptions, and organisational structures. It serves as the cornerstone for numerousHR processes which is done byhrms payroll software.
Technology and Software
Cloud-Based HRMS
A cloud-hosted system is one that can be accessed from anywhere in the world if you have a good internet connection. With cloud-based HRMS, you may have seamless updates, scalability, and flexibility without requiring hardware on-site.
On-premises HRMS
 Businesses host on-premises HRMS locally on their servers, in contrast to cloud-based systems.  Although it offers more control over data, infrastructure maintenance becomes necessary.
The procedure for integrating HRMS with other corporate systems, such as finance or customer relations, in order to optimise procedures and synchronise data flow.
Mobile HRMS
Users can access HR tasks on smartphones or tablets with an HRMS that is mobile-friendly, which makes it easier to conduct HR operations while on the road and increases employee engagement like Attendance software.
Functional Components
Personnel Administration
It involves maintaining personnel data to guarantee correct and up-to-date records, including personal information, work titles, and organisational structures.
Time and Attendance
Monitors the work hours, attendance, and departure of employees. It guarantees compliance with labour rules and facilitates the processing of payroll.
Payroll Management
Oversees the calculation and distribution of tax withholdings, deductions, and employee salaries, making sure that payments are made on time and accurately.
Benefits Management
Oversees the administration of employee perks such as retirement programmes, health insurance, and other benefits. It ensures that the workers receive the benefits they are legally entitled to.
Performance Management
Include procedures for establishing objectives, carrying out assessments, and giving feedback in order to improve worker performance and growth.
Employee Lifecycle Terms
Onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into the organisation, including orientation, training, and socialisation.
Talent Acquisition
It involves all aspects of hiring and recruitment, from finding candidates to assisting with onboarding, with the goal of attracting and keeping top staff.
Succession Planning
Identifying and preparing staff members for leadership positions in the future will facilitate a seamless transfer of important responsibilities.
The procedure for handling a worker's departure from the company, which includes knowledge transfer and exit interviews,.
To sum up, HR professionals must become proficient in the HRMS glossary in order to effectively navigate the ever-changing field of human resource management. HR professionals may optimise HR procedures, make well-informed decisions, and contribute to the overall success of their organisations by being familiar with these essential terminologies. There are many different terms aside from the ones mentioned in this blog. Keep checking back for more information on new developments and trends in the HRMS industry.
If you are a business owner looking for HRMS software, you must check out Opportune HR. They are an award-winning HRMS software company in India. They are renowned for tailoring software according to the company's requirements. Their services include HRMS software, payroll software, HR experience, and SME HRMS. Visit their website to learn more about their services.
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gouravsapra · 4 months
Explore the future of cloud infrastructure management! Key trends: Hybrid & Multi-Cloud, Automation, Kubernetes, Serverless Computing, Edge Computing, Security, AI, Cost Optimization, DevOps, and Sustainability. 🌐🔍🤖📦☁️🔒💡💰🔄🌱
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aelumconsulting · 11 months
ServiceNow ITAM: Enabling Asset Transparency 
ServiceNow ITAM (IT Asset Management) automates the lifespan of IT assets. It provides a central location for hardware, software, contracts, and licensing. It optimizes utilization, minimizes expenses, and assures compliance by tracking assets from acquisition to retirement. ITAM manages updates and vulnerabilities to automate procedures, match resources with business demands, and reduce security risks. Real-time data insights and integration capabilities promote effective IT operations, allowing firms to make educated decisions, boost productivity, and have a complete perspective of their computer systems. 
ServiceNow ITAM helps you manage and enhance all of your company's digital assets. You may effectively manage the end-to-end lifespan of software, hardware, non-IT resources, and cloud services on one platform with the aid of a robust configuration management database (CMDB). Another significant advantage of ITAM is that it gives you greater control over the security of your IT infrastructure. IT assets are inherently exposed to security risks, which should be minimized as much as feasible. ITAM improves your awareness of your IT assets by monitoring their health, position, and protection. 
ServiceNow SAM (Software Asset Management) 
ServiceNow SAM (Software Asset Management) is a powerful software licensing management solution. It provides a single platform for tracking, managing, and optimizing software licenses during their lifespan. licensing entitlement tracking, use monitoring, and automatic licensing reconciliation are all important aspects. It facilitates in the identification of unwanted or underused licenses, the optimization of software spend, and the avoidance of penalties due to non-compliance during auditing. 
ServiceNow HAM (Hardware Asset Management) 
ServiceNow HAM automates the management of hardware assets throughout their lifespan, from purchase to disposal. It assists companies in tracking the usage, location, and status of physical assets, enabling optimal resource allocation and eliminating wasteful spending. It also assists in maintaining regulatory compliance and planning maintenance plans to reduce downtime. 
Key Benefits of ServiceNow ITAM, Businesses can utilize: 
Asset Lifecycle Optimization tracks assets from acquisition to disposal, guaranteeing effective usage and eliminating wasteful spending. 
Streamlines operations and reduces manual labor by automating asset-related workflows such as procurement, provisioning, and retirement. 
Identifies underused assets, improving resource allocation and avoiding waste. 
Reduces security threats by monitoring hardware and software upgrades, ensuring systems are safe and up to date. 
Combines with other ITSM modules to provide a complete picture of the IT infrastructure and help in decision-making processes. 
Provides real-time access to asset data, allowing for informed choices and proactive management. 
Attention to compliance Supports compliance with license agreements and laws and regulations, reducing risks during audits. 
ServiceNow ITAM serves as a single platform for controlling every aspect of the lifespan of software and hardware assets utilizing the ServiceNow platform. With a robust CMDB, businesses may optimize asset management costs and decrease exposure. Through a successful ServiceNow ITAM platform installation, enterprises may effectively track their digital and tangible assets and improve the performance of their IT infrastructure.  
For More Details And Blogs : Aelum Consulting Blogs
For ServiceNow Implementations and ServiceNow Consulting Visit our website: https://aelumconsulting.com/servicenow/
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myengineerfest · 1 year
Securing Data Protection & Regulatory Adherence - Cloud Contact Centers | Ringflow
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In today's digital age, ensuring data protection and regulatory adherence in cloud contact centers is of utmost importance. With Ringflow, businesses can rest assured that their customer data is safeguarded and compliance standards are met. Cloud contact centers play a crucial role in safeguarding customer data and ensuring regulatory compliance. By utilizing cloud contact center capabilities, businesses can protect customer data, maintain compliance with regulations such as GDPR, TCPA, HIPAA, and more, and mitigate the risk of data breaches. Cloud platforms offer robust security features such as encryption, strong password policies, role-based permissions, and network intrusion detection systems. Additionally, cloud solutions provide better engagement, improved customer experience, and scalability. Companies like NICE and IBM offer secure and compliant cloud contact center solutions that prioritize data protection, business continuity, disaster recovery, and high uptime. The expansion of the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center provides modernized solutions to address evolving global regulations and reduce operational costs. The suite includes data security broker solutions that offer data encryption and anonymization, enhanced cloud security, workload protection, infrastructure entitlement management, and intelligent automation technology. The solution also provides visibility into third- and fourth-party risk and offers expanded compliance capabilities.
Key Takeaways:
Cloud contact centers are essential for maintaining data protection and regulatory adherence in today's digital landscape.
Ringflow provides a comprehensive solution for safeguarding customer data and ensuring compliance standards are met.
Cloud platforms offer robust security features, including encryption, strong password policies, and network intrusion detection systems.
Companies like NICE and IBM offer secure and compliant cloud contact center solutions.
The IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center provides modernized solutions to address evolving global regulations and reduce operational costs.
The Role of Cloud Contact Centers in Data Protection and Regulatory Adherence
Cloud contact centers have emerged as a key solution for businesses looking to safeguard customer data and adhere to regulatory requirements. In today's digital age, where cyber threats and data breaches are a constant concern, organizations need robust systems in place to protect sensitive information and maintain compliance. Cloud contact centers offer an array of security features and capabilities that make them an ideal choice for businesses seeking data privacy and regulatory adherence.
By utilizing cloud contact center capabilities, businesses can protect customer data, maintain compliance with regulations such as GDPR, TCPA, HIPAA, and more, and mitigate the risk of data breaches. Cloud platforms offer robust security features such as encryption, strong password policies, role-based permissions, and network intrusion detection systems. These features ensure that sensitive customer data is stored securely and accessed only by authorized personnel.
Moreover, cloud solutions provide better engagement, improved customer experience, and scalability. Companies like Ringflow offer cloud-based contact center solutions that not only prioritize data protection and regulatory compliance but also provide advanced features like real-time analytics, AI-powered chatbots, and omnichannel communication. These capabilities enhance customer interactions, streamline operations, and drive business growth.Benefits of Cloud Contact Centers for Data Protection and Regulatory AdherenceEnhanced data securityImproved compliance with regulationsReal-time analytics for better decision makingScalability and flexibility to meet changing business needs
The Importance of Data Privacy in Contact Centers
Data privacy is a critical concern for contact centers, as they handle vast amounts of personal and sensitive customer information on a daily basis. Failure to protect this data not only puts customers at risk but also exposes businesses to reputational damage, legal repercussions, and financial loss.
Data encryption: Cloud contact centers utilize encryption techniques to secure data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that customer information remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.
Regulatory compliance: Cloud contact centers adhere to industry-specific regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid penalties and maintain customer trust.
Disaster recovery: Cloud-based solutions offer robust disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring that customer data remains accessible and protected even in the event of a system failure or natural disaster.
By leveraging cloud contact centers like Ringflow, businesses can navigate the complex landscape of data protection and regulatory adherence. These solutions not only offer state-of-the-art security measures but also provide the agility and scalability necessary to meet the changing needs of today's businesses.
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Benefits of Cloud Contact Centers for Data Protection and Regulatory Adherence
By leveraging cloud-based contact center solutions like Ringflow, businesses can enjoy numerous benefits in terms of data protection and regulatory compliance. Cloud platforms offer robust security features that help safeguard customer data and ensure adherence to regulatory standards such as GDPR, TCPA, HIPAA, and more. These security features include encryption, strong password policies, role-based permissions, and network intrusion detection systems. With Ringflow, companies can trust that their customer data is secure and their operations are in compliance with industry regulations.
Cloud solutions not only provide enhanced data protection but also offer improved engagement and customer experience. Through cloud contact centers, businesses can seamlessly integrate various communication channels such as voice, email, chat, and social media, allowing customers to choose their preferred method of interaction. This omni-channel approach enhances customer satisfaction and increases loyalty.
Scalability is another significant advantage of cloud contact centers. As businesses grow and evolve, they can easily scale their contact center operations to meet the changing demands of their customers. Cloud solutions, like Ringflow, provide the flexibility to add or reduce the number of agents and adjust capacity as needed, ensuring efficient and cost-effective operations.
Key Features of Ringflow:
Intuitive user interface for easy navigation and agent productivity
Real-time analytics and reporting capabilities for data-driven decision-making
Integration with CRM systems for a seamless customer experience
Automated call routing and queuing for efficient call handling
Secure and reliable cloud infrastructure with high uptime and disaster recovery capabilities
In summary, cloud contact centers, such as Ringflow, offer businesses a comprehensive solution for data protection and regulatory adherence. With features designed to enhance security, improve engagement, and allow for scalability, cloud-based contact center solutions empower organizations to deliver exceptional customer service while ensuring compliance with industry regulations. By embracing the benefits of cloud technology, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and build a strong foundation for success.
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Contact centers need to adhere to various regulatory standards to ensure the privacy and security of customer data. Compliance with these standards is crucial for building trust with customers and avoiding costly penalties for non-compliance.
One of the most well-known regulations is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to companies that process personal data of European Union (EU) citizens. It establishes strict requirements for data protection, consent, transparency, and the rights of individuals. Contact centers must obtain explicit consent from customers before collecting and using their personal data, as well as provide them with the ability to access, correct, and delete their information.
Another important regulation is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, which governs how contact centers engage with consumers through phone calls, text messages, and faxes. It requires businesses to obtain prior express written consent from consumers before initiating any marketing communication. Contact centers need to maintain a record of consent and provide opt-out mechanisms for customers who no longer wish to receive communications.RegulationCountry/RegionGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)European Union (EU)Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)United StatesHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)United StatesPayment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)Worldwide
Furthermore, healthcare organizations must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. HIPAA sets standards for protecting sensitive patient health information, including electronic medical records and communications. Contact centers that handle healthcare-related inquiries need to implement privacy and security measures such as access controls, audit trails, and encryption to safeguard patient data.
Additionally, businesses that process credit card payments must adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This global standard ensures the secure handling, storage, and transmission of credit card information. Contact centers that handle payment card data must implement strict security measures, including network firewalls, encryption, regular vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing.
Contact centers need to adhere to various regulatory standards to ensure the privacy and security of customer data.
Key regulations include the GDPR, TCPA, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.
Compliance with these standards is essential for building customer trust and avoiding penalties for non-compliance.
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Ensuring Data Security in Cloud Contact Centers
Data security is a top priority in cloud contact centers, and Ringflow offers robust features to protect sensitive information. With the increasing reliance on cloud-based solutions, businesses must ensure that customer data is safeguarded and regulatory requirements are met. Ringflow, a leading provider of secure cloud contact center solutions, understands these concerns and offers a comprehensive suite of data security measures.
One of the key features of Ringflow is its advanced encryption capabilities. All customer data is encrypted both in transit and at rest, ensuring that it remains secure throughout its lifecycle. This helps protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, providing peace of mind to businesses and their customers.
In addition to encryption, Ringflow also implements strong access controls and authentication protocols. Role-based permissions are enforced, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, making it even harder for unauthorized individuals to gain access to the system.
Furthermore, Ringflow leverages network intrusion detection systems to monitor and detect any potential threats or suspicious activities. This proactive approach allows for immediate response and mitigation of security incidents, reducing the risk of data compromise.
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To sum up, Ringflow prioritizes data security in cloud contact centers, offering robust features such as encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems. By choosing Ringflow as their cloud contact center solution provider, businesses can confidently protect sensitive information and ensure regulatory compliance.
Leading Providers of Secure Cloud Contact Center Solutions
Industry leaders like NICE and IBM offer reliable, secure, and compliant cloud contact center software. These providers understand the importance of data protection and regulatory adherence in the modern business landscape. By utilizing their cloud contact center solutions, companies can enhance their customer service capabilities while also prioritizing data security and compliance with industry regulations.
NICE, a recognized leader in contact center technology, offers a comprehensive suite of cloud-based solutions that enable businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Their cloud contact center software combines advanced analytics, AI-powered automation, and omnichannel capabilities to drive operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. With a focus on data protection and regulatory adherence, NICE ensures that customer information remains secure and confidential.
IBM, a trusted name in technology, provides a range of secure cloud contact center solutions through their Cloud Security and Compliance Center. Their suite of offerings includes advanced data security broker solutions, which offer features such as data encryption, enhanced cloud security, workload protection, and infrastructure entitlement management. IBM's solutions prioritize compliance with global regulations and help companies mitigate the risks associated with data breaches and non-compliance.
Benefits of NICE and IBM Cloud Contact Center Solutions
Both NICE and IBM offer numerous benefits to businesses looking to enhance their data protection and regulatory adherence in cloud contact centers. These benefits include:
Robust security features: NICE and IBM's cloud contact center solutions come equipped with advanced security measures such as encryption, strong password policies, and network intrusion detection systems. These features ensure that customer data remains protected from unauthorized access.
Scalability and flexibility: Cloud-based contact center solutions offer the ability to scale operations based on business needs. NICE and IBM provide scalable solutions that can accommodate the growth and changing requirements of businesses.
Improved customer experience: By leveraging the capabilities of cloud contact centers, businesses can deliver personalized and seamless customer experiences across multiple channels. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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In conclusion, NICE and IBM are leading providers of secure cloud contact center solutions that prioritize data protection and regulatory adherence. By leveraging their advanced features and robust security measures, businesses can enhance their customer service capabilities while ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Whether it's NICE's comprehensive suite of cloud-based solutions or IBM's Cloud Security and Compliance Center, these providers offer reliable and scalable options for businesses looking to optimize their contact center operations.
IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center
The IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center provides modernized solutions to address evolving global regulations and reduce operational costs. In today's digital landscape, businesses need robust security measures to protect customer data and maintain regulatory compliance. With the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center, organizations can have peace of mind knowing that their sensitive information is safeguarded.
One of the key features of the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center is its data security broker solutions. These solutions offer data encryption and anonymization, ensuring that customer data remains securely stored and protected. In addition, the center provides enhanced cloud security, protecting against potential threats and vulnerabilities.
Workload protection is another critical aspect of the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center. By managing and securing workloads, businesses can mitigate risks and ensure the integrity of their operations. Infrastructure entitlement management further strengthens security by controlling access to resources and ensuring that only authorized personnel can interact with sensitive data.
Intelligent Automation Technology
The IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center also leverages intelligent automation technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. By automating routine tasks and workflows, businesses can reduce the risk of human error and increase productivity. This technology enables organizations to effectively manage their compliance requirements while optimizing resource allocation.
Furthermore, the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center offers visibility into third- and fourth-party risk. This increased visibility allows businesses to proactively identify and address any potential vulnerabilities in their supply chain or partner network. With expanded compliance capabilities, organizations can stay ahead of regulatory changes and ensure ongoing adherence to industry standards.
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Enhanced Data Security with IBM's Solutions
IBM's data security broker solutions provide enhanced protection through data encryption, workload protection, and infrastructure entitlement management. These robust security measures ensure that sensitive customer data remains secure and compliant with regulatory standards. With data encryption, information is safeguarded through encryption algorithms, making it virtually impossible for unauthorized individuals to access or decipher the data. This not only protects customer privacy but also helps organizations maintain compliance with regulations such as GDPR, TCPA, and HIPAA.
Workload protection is another key aspect of IBM's solution, offering defense against potential threats and vulnerabilities. By implementing advanced security measures, organizations can prevent unauthorized access to their cloud contact center infrastructure and ensure the integrity and availability of critical business functions. Infrastructure entitlement management further enhances security by ensuring that access to data and systems is granted only to authorized individuals, reducing the risk of internal breaches or data leaks.
IBM's solution also incorporates intelligent automation technology, which allows for proactive monitoring and management of security incidents. By leveraging automation, organizations can quickly detect and respond to potential threats, minimizing the impact of security incidents and ensuring business continuity. This intelligent automation empowers businesses to stay one step ahead of cyber threats, providing an additional layer of protection for their cloud contact center operations.
By partnering with IBM and utilizing their advanced data security broker solutions, businesses can enhance their data security capabilities, protect customer information, and maintain compliance with regulatory standards. IBM's comprehensive suite of solutions addresses the evolving global regulations that businesses face today, reducing operational costs and ensuring peace of mind for both organizations and their customers.
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IBM's suite of solutions provides expanded compliance capabilities, including visibility into third- and fourth-party risk. With the increasing complexity of digital ecosystems, organizations must have comprehensive oversight of their extended supply chains and service providers to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and mitigate potential risks.
To address this challenge, IBM offers a range of tools and technologies that enable businesses to gain visibility into the data handling and security practices of their third- and fourth-party vendors. This enhanced visibility ensures that organizations can assess the compliance posture of their entire ecosystem and identify any potential vulnerabilities or non-compliant activities.
By utilizing IBM's suite, businesses can effectively manage vendor risk, enhance regulatory compliance, and reinforce their data protection strategies. With comprehensive insights into third- and fourth-party risk, organizations can proactively address potential issues and make informed decisions to protect customer data and maintain regulatory adherence.
Table: Key Features of IBM's Expanded Compliance Capabilities
FeaturesDescriptionData Security Broker SolutionsOffers data encryption and anonymization to safeguard sensitive information and ensure compliance.Enhanced Cloud SecurityStrengthens cloud security measures to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.Workload ProtectionProvides layered security for workloads, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data.Infrastructure Entitlement ManagementEnables organizations to manage user access to critical infrastructure resources effectively.Intelligent Automation TechnologyLeverages automation to streamline compliance processes and reduce manual effort.
By leveraging these capabilities, organizations can strengthen their compliance efforts and ensure data protection across the entire ecosystem. IBM's suite empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of data privacy regulations and build robust compliance frameworks that safeguard customer trust and reduce operational risks.
In conclusion, data protection and regulatory adherence in cloud contact centers are crucial for businesses, and Ringflow stands out as a reliable and secure option for achieving these goals.
Cloud contact centers play a vital role in safeguarding customer data and ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR, TCPA, HIPAA, and more. By leveraging cloud contact center capabilities, businesses can mitigate the risk of data breaches and maintain regulatory compliance. Cloud platforms offer robust security features, including encryption, strong password policies, role-based permissions, and network intrusion detection systems.
Moreover, cloud solutions provide numerous benefits such as improved engagement, enhanced customer experience, and scalability. Recognizing the importance of data protection, leading providers like NICE and IBM offer secure and compliant cloud contact center solutions that prioritize business continuity, disaster recovery, and high uptime.
The IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center has expanded its suite of solutions to address evolving global regulations and reduce operational costs. With data security broker solutions, businesses can leverage features such as data encryption and anonymization, enhanced cloud security, workload protection, infrastructure entitlement management, and intelligent automation technology. Additionally, the suite provides visibility into third- and fourth-party risk, offering expanded compliance capabilities.
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blueweave · 1 year
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cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) market size at USD 0.85 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the global cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) market size to grow at a significant CAGR of 44.7% reaching a value of USD 11.22 billion by 2029. Major growth drivers for the global cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) market include the increasing cybersecurity threats underscore secure access management's importance, where entitlement management enforces stringent controls. Compliance with data protection rules requires controlling sensitive data access, facilitated by entitlement management. For multi-cloud setups, it simplifies access control, aligning with dynamic Identity and Access Management needs. Against insider threats, it acts as a robust deterrent. Thorough audit and reporting are ensured by comprehensive tracking features. Adapting to remote work trends, it securely enables remote cloud access. Optimizing cloud resource use and vendor competition fuel innovation, cementing its role in security, compliance, and cloud efficiency. However, adoption challenges and limited technical skills expertise are anticipated to restrain the overall market growth during the forecast period.
Global Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) Market – Overview
The global cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) market refers to the dynamic landscape of solutions and services focused on managing and regulating user access rights and permissions within cloud-based infrastructures. It encompasses tools and practices designed to ensure secure, controlled, and compliant access to various cloud resources, addressing the need for robust security measures in the face of rapid cloud adoption. This market caters to organizations seeking to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements by efficiently managing user privileges and permissions within complex multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments.
Sample @  https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/cloud-infrastructure-entitlement-management-market/report-sample
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govindhtech · 4 months
VMware Cloud Foundation Licenses on Azure VMware Solution
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What is VMware Cloud Foundation?
A multi-cloud platform called VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) offers everything needed to set up and maintain a private cloud environment.
VMware Cloud Foundation VCF
For many years, Microsoft and Broadcom have worked closely together to support their shared customer base. As customer needs evolve, they still develop and innovate together. They are happy to announce today that VMware Cloud Foundation subscriptions on Azure VMware Solution will now be supported as part of Microsoft and Broadcom’s collaboration expansion. Clients with VMware Cloud Foundation licences can utilise them on both their own datacenters and Azure VMware Solution, providing them with flexibility to adapt to changing business requirements.
Azure VMware Solution
This offers an extra way to buy Azure VMware Solution, which Microsoft has been selling and running since 2019. VMware licences are currently included in the solution that customers can buy, and this will remain an option for customers who would rather buy their VMware licences directly from Microsoft as part of their solution.
Microsoft operates and provides support for a fully managed VMware environment with Azure VMware Solution. Client workloads can be moved “as is” from VMware to Azure with little to no reworking. This simplifies the transfer process and enables users to pick up new Azure talents while maintaining their current skill set.
Through the migration to Azure VMware Solution, which is currently offered in 33 global locations, enterprises may capitalise on Azure’s high-performance and scalable cloud infrastructure. Business-critical features like backup, high availability, threat protection, and performance monitoring are available for customers to adopt. Workloads operating on Azure VMware Solution may also be connected with Azure’s array of over 200 cloud services to modernise corporate applications, boost innovation, and obtain deeper insights from data through powerful AI capabilities.
A private cloud platform that is universal, adaptable, and integrated across cloud endpoints is provided by VMware Cloud Foundation. Customers may take advantage of a highly optimised cloud operating model that combines the security and performance of a private cloud with the scale and agility of a public cloud by using VMware Cloud Foundation on Azure. By implementing VMware Cloud Foundation on Azure, businesses can improve cyber resilience and security, modernise IT infrastructure with a provable total cost of ownership, and give developers a self-service private cloud experience that boosts productivity.
Customers will be able to acquire subscriptions of the new VMware Cloud Foundation software and have total mobility to and from their on-premises environment to Azure VMware Solution with increased licence portability for customers with valid VMware Cloud Foundation entitlements. VMware customers can transfer the balance of an existing subscription to Azure VMware Solution if they have previously purchased and started deploying the new VMware Cloud Foundation. Furthermore, when customers’ needs and requirements change over time, they will be able to transfer their VMware Cloud Foundation subscription between on-premises and Azure VMware Solution. When customers transfer from VMware Cloud Foundation to Azure VMware Solution, they will still be able to use their software subscription rights.
VMware Rapid relocation Plan: Cut down on the time and expense of your relocation The VMware Rapid Migration Plan offers an extensive range of licencing benefits and programmes to shorten the time and expense required for organisations to transition to Azure VMware Solution, in addition to the recently introduced benefit of VMware licence portability.
The scheme consists of:
Price protection: Customers can lock in prices for one, three, or five years with reserved instances.
Savings for SQL Server and Windows Server: In VMware setups, SQL Server and Windows Server are frequently used workloads. Organisations can use their current Windows Server and SQL Server licences in the Azure VMware Solution at a discounted rate by using Software Assurance for on-premises Windows Server and SQL Server licences. Extended Security Updates for older versions that approach end of support are offered free of charge.
Support for migration: To access resources, professional assistance, and funding from Microsoft and its partner ecosystem, use Azure Migrate and Modernise.
Azure credits: Clients can receive extra Azure credits good for other Azure services or the Azure VMware Solution when they buy a new reserved instance.
Assisting you in your cloud journey with Broadcom and Microsoft
They pledge to keep working together and embracing innovation to help their shared clients adjust to their evolving business needs. Later this year, VMware Cloud Foundation licence portability to Azure VMware Solution will be available, so now is a great time to start organising your transfer by getting in touch with your account team or a Microsoft partner.
Azure VMware Solution Pricing
Azure VMware Solution has two pricing tiers:
Base Price: The Azure VMware Solution resource costs per hour. Cost depends on two factors:
Microsoft offers Azure VMware Solution Standard and Premium SKUs with different prices. Your solution can be deployed with several scale units for enhanced capacity. Number of deployed units affects hourly cost.
Outbound data transfer is free for the first 5 GB each month, but you’ll be charged for more. Tiered pricing reduces costs with consumption.
VMware Cloud Foundation Pricing
No price list is available for VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF), unlike Azure VMware Solution. The reason is:
Enterprise Solution: VCF targets larger companies with complicated IT demands. Custom quotes negotiate pricing based on specific needs. Number of cores, desired functionality, and support contracts affect cost.
Indirect Sales Model: VMware’s partners sell VCF and customise solutions and pricing for clients.
There are approaches to estimate VCF pricing:
VMware Partner Contacts: Contact a VMware partner to discuss your needs and get a customised price.
While official price isn’t available, some resources provide industry benchmark figures. These are estimates, not accurate.
Some third-party cloud providers offer managed VCF with pre-configured pricing. This may provide more predictable costs.
Consider these other points:
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): VCF’s initial licencing cost may seem high, but efficiency, automation, and resource consolidation often cut TCO over time.
Scalability: VCF scales to your needs, so you only pay for what you need.
VCF is best explored with a VMware partner to discuss your needs and get a customised estimate.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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