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5e Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty build (My Little Pony: FIM)
(Artwork by 14-bis on DeviantArt. It’s remarkably hard to find “regular” artwork of Rainbow Dash, but it probably helps that I’m looking on DeviantArt.)
From DOTA to garbage brony shit! Anyone who’s been around either my YouTube or DeviantArt (no I’m not linking them) would know I’m a brony. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched the show but I do still genuinely love the community. Say what you will but the brony community is dedicated, artistic, and genuinely friendly.
I came up with this concept awhile ago on r/whatwouldyoubuild and once again in an attempt to branch out from League of Legends I figured I’d take a crack at probably the most iconic pony of the show. Yeah suck it Twilight you may be the main character but do you have spectrum hair?
10 seconds flat - Rainbow needs to fly fast; fast enough to make a sonic boom of color.
Time to take out the adorable trash - SUPER ACTION HORSE; SHE REALLY KICKS!
Egghead - Rainbow’s got a colorful personality, with plenty of quips in the heat of the moment.
Pegasi fly. You know what D&D race is known for flight? Aarakocra! Flight is basically all you get as an Aarakocra, but you get to fly a whopping 50 feet as early as level 1! Other than that you get some Ability Score increases: a +2 to Dexterity but I’d suggest moving that Wisdom increase to your Charisma instead thanks to Tasha’s. The only other important thing of note is that you get Talons that do a d4 slashing damage; perhaps more of a gryphon thing but if you DM lets you deal bludgeoning damage instead you could consider these to be hooves.
If Aarakocra isn’t allowed: Flight is kinda a requirement to play Rainbow Dash, but it’s not a requirement for the build. Feel free to use whatever race you want and adapt this build to it.
Chances are if your DM isn’t allowing Aarakocra then they won’t allow other flying races like Winged Tieflings. Though I would perhaps suggest asking your DM if you can nerf the Aarakocra’s fly speed down to 30. Because yeah: 50 foot flying speed at level 1 is kinda crazy.
15; STRENGTH - Applejack may be the workerpony but it takes a lot of body strength to kick the clouds into shape!
14; CONSTIUTION - Dexterity would be more in-character but Constitution is far more useful. Feel free to swap CON and DEX for better roleplay but worse health.
13; CHARISMA - I’m pretty sure RD has a solid 70% of the fan content made about her specifically.
12; DEXTERITY - Who would’ve ever guessed that flying fast takes dexterity?
10; WISDOM - Rainbow Dash can be a bit of a hot head at times, acting without thinking when her ambition gets the better of her.
8; INTELLIGENCE - Finish studying for that exam yet?
For someone who uses the Athlete feat in far too many builds it’s rather surprising that I don’t use the Athlete background from Theros more! As an Athlete you get proficiency in Athletics and Acrobatics for all sorts of aerial sports, along with a language of your choice (pick your fancy) and while you’d normally get Land Vehicles see if your DM will perhaps allow Air Vehicles?
Your main feature Echoes of Victory makes it more likely that ponies all around Equestria have heard of the great Rainbow Dash! It also allows you to participate in some sporting events to earn a living when you’re not at work clearing the clouds.
(Artwork by nightcreepmax on DeviantArt.)
Starting off with Rogue levels because skill proficiencies are always nice! Take Perception, Persuasion, Insight, and of course Performance with a backing track by Daniel Ingram! You also get Expertise in two skills: Athletics and Acrobatics will help with Wonderbolts-tier stunts!
You learn Thieves’ Cant as a Rogue, which is like a language... but awesome, and only shared by other awesome Rogues. But of course the main appeal of a Rogue is their Sneak Attack, allowing you do an extra d6 of damage through the power of friendship! (Or having advantage on your attacks.)
You can only sneak attack with a finesse weapon but I’d suggest wielding something like a rapier and flavoring it as a really sharp horseshoe. See if your DM will allow you a bludgeoning finesse weapon.
You’ve heard of Rainbow Dash, now get ready for Rainbow Disengage! Cunning Action lets you Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action.
I hope you didn’t expect Rainbow Dash to be the sneaky type! Barbarians get Unarmored Defense at level 1, so you can ditch the leather jacket and instead get AC equal to your Constitution plus your Dexterity!
But of course the main appeal of playing a Barbarian is the ability to Rage with the power of friendship! You can enter a Rage as a Bonus Action for advantage on strength checks and saves, extra damage on melee attacks using strength, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Your Rage lasts 1 minute but ends early if you are knocked down or go a full round without attacking or being attacked.
You may note that you can only use strength for Rage’s damage bonus damage, which of course conflicts with the Rogue’s requirement for Finesse weapons... Guess what! You can use strength with Finesse weapons, meaning you can Sneak Attack with your strength!
Second level Rogues get to play with danger! Reckless Attack lets you give yourself Advantage on your attack rolls at risk of enemies having Advantage against you. Now here’s where you cheat the system: if you have advantage on an attack... you can sneak attack! “Oh yeah; that is awesome.”
Additionally: do you know what helps with death-defying stunts? Looking forward. Danger Sense gives you advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects you can see coming. So if someone throws a ball of fire at you just dodge out of the way!
Third level Barbarians get to choose their Primal Path, and to smite your foes with the power of awesomeness the Path of the Zealot will let you channel a Rainboom into every hit! While raging, you can channel Divine Fury into the first target you hit to do additional damage equal to a d6 plus half your Barbarian level. The damage can be either Radiant or Necrotic; Radiant makes more sense but if you think Necrotic damage would be more useful it’s nice to have that option.
You also have the power of plot armor thanks to Warrior of the Gods. If you die you can be revived without the use of expensive diamonds, because My Little Pony is a kids’ show. Man can you imagine if they killed off one of the main characters in a kids’ show? That would be wild.
Additionally Tasha’s provided Barbarians with Primal Knowledge for some more skill proficiencies. I’m sure you picked up on some Survival skills at Wonderbolts camp; it’s good to be able to survive if you break your wings and get stranded in the wilderness.
(Artwork by radiostarkiller on DeviantArt.)
4th level Barbarians get our first Ability Score Improvement: as much of a meme as taking Athlete is Resilient (Strength) is far more useful for keeping alive and avoiding danger.
5th level Rogues get an Extra Attack, so you can attack twice in a round! So awesome! Additionally your movement speed increases by 10 feet thanks to Fast Movement, so you’re a little closer to reaching Sonic Rainboom speeds!
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype. Man I wish there was a Rogue that was based on moving fast and taunting their foes... oh hello Swashbuckler! Swashbuckler gets two features at third level but it’s basically 3 features in total: Fancy Footwork lets you dash move normally away from a target you attempted to stab, making them unable to attack you with a reaction.
Rakish Audacity meanwhile lets you add your Charisma to your initiative rolls, and it lets you Sneak Attack an enemy in melee if they don’t have friends nearby, even if you don’t meet the requirements to Sneak Attack! Of course you could just use Reckless Attack for Advantage to Sneak Attack, but at least your Sneak Attack increases to 2d6!
4th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement: more Strength will let you “kick” (read: stab) harder.
(Artwork by Skitsroom on DeviantArt.)
5th level Rogues get Uncanny Dodge to be as potent as a pony. If you get hit on your turn by an attack you can see you can use your reaction to take half damage instead! Additionally your Sneak Attack damage increases to 3d6.
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills: Persuasion will be useful in the future, and Perception will help you mind your head.
7th level Rogues get Evasion for some truly death-defying stunts! If you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw you’ll take no damage instead of half damage, and even if you fail your save you’ll only take half damage instead of full damage! “Danger is my middle name!” Additionally your Sneak Attack damage is now 4d6.
8th level means another Ability Score Improvement: cap off that Strength so that you can succeed at any athletics contest. “Look ma; no wings!”
9th level Rogues can make quips that bronies will buy tee-shirts of. Panache lets you taunt, or lets you charm! As an action, you can make a Persuasion check contested by a creature’s Insight. The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you must share a language.
If it’s an enemy it’ll have disadvantage to hit anyone who isn’t you, which is good because you’re a bulky Barbarian girl. The effect lasts for 1 minute but ends early if one of your friends hits them.
Alternatively if that person was just some average everypony, you can charm them! Everyone’s friends with Rainbow Dash, after all! Unless you’re not, obviously. Then you can have a 5d6 Sneak Attack!
(Artwork by Dawnf1re on DeviantArt.)
6th level Zealot Barbarians gain a Fanatical Focus. Once per Rage if you fail a saving throw you can reroll it, because you’re a main character and you’re just that awesome.
7th level Barbarians get Feral Instinct: so you know how you’re adding your Charisma to your initiative? Well now you have advantage on initiative checks too! Additionally, being around Pinkie Pie means that you know how to react to surprises: and that reaction is to RAGE!
Additionally Tasha’s gives you Instinctive Pounce, letting you move half your movement speed when you Rage. So it’s like half a dash!
8th level Barbarians get another Ability Score Improvement and I’ll leave this up to you: more Charisma will give you better initiative and an easier time taunting your foes, but more Constitution means more health and armor.
Just decide if you want to be an awesome fighter or have awesome one-liners. Either way you’ll be awesome!
(Artwork by Underpable on DeviantArt.)
You know how you’re probably rolling most things with Advantage? Well Brutal Critical allows you to add an extra weapon damage die to any crit you might make. So instead of 2d8 + 12d6 + 4, it’ll be 3d8 + 12d6 + 4. “Another great feat of heroism!”
10th level Zealot Barbarians are so awesome everyone else can benefit from their awesomeness. Zealous Presence will let you use your Bonus Action to give all allies within 60 feet advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the start of your next turn. You can only use this ability once per Long Rest, so save that Rainboom to truly turn the tide!
Additionally Tasha’s Primal Knowledge gives you another skill proficiency, so take Animal Handling to take the Tank as the tank.
11th level Barbarians get plot armor, because they’re in a kids’ show. If you’re knocked down to 0 HP Relentless Rage allows you to make a DC 10 CON save while raging to instead drop to 1. You can make this save multiple times but the DC increases by 5 every time and well... your Constitution isn’t exactly earth-shattering, so you’ll probably get two uses out of this at best. Still: defying death twice is more than enough to beat the bad guys! I mean probably.
I liked it... A LOT - So. Your weapon does a d8 + 5 of damage, your Sneak Attack does 5d6, your Rage does a d6 + 8, and if you crit all your dice get multiplied and you get to add an extra d8 on top of that. In short: you can do a total of 1d8 + 6d6 + 13 damage with one hit (average of 42 damage), or 3d8 + 12d6 + 13 damage on a crit! (Average of 76 damage!)
Seriously; I’d do it for anypony - You work fine alone but the Elements of Harmony work best with friends. Panache helps you keep your friends safe and Zealous Presence lets you make them awesome!
I hate losing - You’re certainly tanky with nearly 200 health, but you know what’s exceptionally fun? Cheating death near constantly. You’ve got two chances to go down to 1 HP instead of 0 while raging, and if they do happen to knock you down Rarity won’t have to sacrifice any diamonds to bring you back! No need for a robotic Rainbow Dash today!
If I go down, I’m going down flying! - Your AC isn’t great, as you had to invest everything into Strength to be able to smash people big time. Well at least you can wear Medium Armor right? Oh wait you can’t because armor will stop you from using your wings.
Want to know the opposite of agility? That! - So I like level 1 in Rogue for skill proficiencies (by the way you have a surprising amount of them thanks to Tasha’s), but while DEX saves are really nice with both Evasion and Danger Sense you’re lacking Constitution saves. And I mean, let’s not address the elephant in the room of your pitiful Wisdom and Charisma saves.
This competition isn’t for the weak - This build is rather MAD, requiring high Strength, Constitution, Charisma, and at least 13 in DEX. I’m just saying that this might be a build you want to point buy for: put 12 into DEX (+2 from race makes it 14) and 14 in Strength, Constitution, and Charisma. Heck, you can even get one of them up to a 15 with Point Buy!
But ponies aren’t just born awesome. (I mean, they are. Have you seen that mane?) You’ve gotta work to be awesome! Fight the good fight for your friends and save Equestria from both basic friendship troubles and world-ending villains! Participate in a few races while you’re at it and maybe try to find a pet too. Heck, maybe read a book too while you’re at it. You egghead.
(Artwork by JaDeDJynX on DeviantArt.)
#dnd#dnd build#dnd guide#dnd Rogue#dnd Barbarian#My Little Pony#Friendship is Magic#rainbow dash#brony#my little brony
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Nike's new 'League of Legends' range includes particular Jordans
Nike is back with a new line of garments celebrating skilled League of Legends. The latitude includes 4 brand-new jackets that might be put on with the help of the groups representing China on the Globe Championship later on this month: preferable Esports, JD Pc Gaming, Suning and LGD. Nike took a comparable strategy last 12 months, providing eventual Globe Champion FunPlus Phoenix Metro, Royal not ever before give up and also Invictus Gaming brand-new attires to complete know the 2019 match. All 16 teams in China's residential LPL (League of Legends pro Organization) have been then offered similar t-shirts to play in all through the 2020 springtime and summer season time divides. It's likely, thus, that Nike will do the equal and break down brand-new jerseys to the different LPL teams earlier than the 2021 period begins.
The redesigned shirts look drastically varied to those introduced remaining year, with centrally-aligned team symbols and also a gold edition of the LPL logo design within the behind right-hand corner. in action to an announcement, they all make use of Nike's Dri-healthy experience as well as have a relaxed waist layout so gamers do not think confined throughout crucial video clip games. The 4 groups will furthermore participate in the realm Champion putting on particular 'Conquest' jackets impressed through the color pattern of the LPL as well as every team's certain individual jackets and branding. The inner also has the motto "All We fight For," which has actually featured prominently in LPL marketing videos this one year.
Nike is matching its team attires with a League of Legends edition of the Jordan 1 excessive Zoom Air CMFT tennis shoe. It's supposedly inspired using the location Championship prize, with a reflective material that shows up diverse at midnight and also beneath vibrant lights. fans of the established MOBA video online video game will additionally observe a reference to the Summoner's Break map on the proper shoe's tongue. If Jordans aren't your design, the enterprise has created a wider 'great online video game' latitude that covers multiple Nike sneakers (Air Max ninety, Sports jacket Mid 77, Air drive 1 Low, Air drive 1 hey there, Air Max 270 React, Air Max 2X and Joyride twin Run 2), hoodies, coats as well as tees.
Nike The business's task goes beyond LPL teams and enthusiasts. Nike partnered with SKT T1, the Korean Organization of Legends group with superstar midland Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok, previously this yr. It likewise teamed up with Fnatic, which possesses absolutely among Europe's largest Organization of Legends teams, on a little selection understood as Fnatic manage utmost month. Puma, meanwhile, has actually teamed up with North American team Cloud 9, as well as Umbro has historically made jerseys for Schalke's Organization of Legends team. On the other hand, esports companies comparable to 100 Thieves, which competes in distinctive games consisting of Organization of Legends, are making their very own jackets in a proposal to establish themselves as the gaming matching of Nike or Supreme.
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Why a former Air Jordan design director left his job to guide the charge for Black representation throughout the sneaker trade
D'Wayne Edwards is one among a handful of Black designers that created a hit occupation in the tennis shoe industry.
He functioned as Nike's footwear layout director in between 2001 and also 2011, the place he made sneakers for the Air Jordan maker.
Now, Edwards is main the price for extra Black image in the tennis shoe sector, using his job since the founding daddy of style academy Pensole and as a frontrunner for The African American tennis shoes online forum (AAFF), which addresses as well as solves variety problems in the container.
" it's our work to tear the rattling door down," Edwards observed of the organisation's boundaries to entrance for Black americans. "and ensure it never shuts again."
inquire from organisation Insider's homepage for better records.
D'Wayne Edwards is called one of one of the most a lot more significant tennis shoe developers round. he is in addition definitely one of just a handful of Black individuals that managed to find primary success as an artistic in the trade.
In an occupation extending 3 years, Edwards launched his individual business, SITY, as well as accomplished a 10-12 months stint as Nike's footwear style supervisor, the area he created for the Air Jordan producer. hence much, Edwards has developed over 500 patterns for athletes like Derek Jeter, Carmelo Anthony, as well as Michael Jordan.
but despite every one of his success, Edwards described he really felt love it wasn't enough.
" i recognized there came to be just an extra beneficial purpose for my existence during this market than merely to style shoes for professional athletes," he kept in mind, explaining his resolution to stop working as a full-time developer in 2010 as well as begin Pensole, a style academy that encourages the next wave of young tennis shoes designers on their direction into the profession.
because its starting, Pensole has actually placed above 475 previous graduates at brands equivalent to Nike, below Armour, and Adidas.
Shoe developer D'Wayne Edwards shows up to the celebration for Jordan producer's launch of the Air Jordan XX2 footwear at the MGM Grand Pavillion Outdoor Tents inside the MGM Grand inn/on line casino site on February sixteen, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty pictures
nevertheless past nurturing budding designers, Edwards has additionally introduced right into yet another objective to fix what he sees as an overarching concern within the market.
As nationwide attention changes to discussions round variety as well as addition, Edwards is teaming up with sportswear and also tennis shoe profession employees and also graduates in actively dealing with for profession during the African American tennis shoes discussion board (AAFF). This business functions to deal with as well as resolve variety factors to consider within the footwear sector. The discussion board held its second assembly on June 19, or Juneteenth, where Black masters and also service employee's almost stated and took inventory of the state of variety and possibility for Black people within the box.
In explaining his motivation to circulate right into a greater protestor trajectory, Edwards defined feeling satisfied as a clothier, notwithstanding "insufficient as a Black guy and also as somebody."
As such, Edwards has actually discovered the means to utilize his journey to produce additional chances for various unique prospects. he is doing so in his function at Pensole as wisely, with campaigns like the Leaders Emerge After course (LEAD) by means of Design software program, which helps nurture students of colour on their training course in resistance t a profession within the profession by way of a collaboration with generally black faculties and also universities (HBCUs).
"today, most of us be mindful of there is no more that a number of us within the sector," Edwards observed, keeping in mind that possibly the many discussion board's dreams is to get an appropriate census of Black individuals within each major organisation to entirely remember the inconsistency within the trade. The Nike alumnus estimated that there are feasible below 200 black designers amongst loads in the shoes sector right now.
The tennis shoe area is basically regarded intrinsically certain to Black subculture. but also for some industry americans, this social affect is never ever watched past outside messaging or campaigns. as a circumstances, ad campaign and star collaborations from Adidas and Nike are normal to plainly particular artists as well as athletes of shade, equal to Beyonce, Kanye West, and LeBron James.
"We go to all times capacity, we're by no means the brains in the back of companies, we're never a component of the business structure and also the preparation, the production," Edwards noted. "currently we have been completely shut out of these areas."
After recruitment and also retention, occupation growth is just one of the best issues for Black staff members within the shoes as well as athletic-put on business, described Darla Pires DeGrace, a diversity, fairness, and inclusion planner. Pires DeGrace is furthermore a previous employer for Reebok and also a participant of AAFF. past the office, lobbyists claim there is still function to be completed in various other sectors of the shoes profession, like at retail stores, to assist different Black individuals within the field.
Some changes are currently in position. producers like Adidas, Nike, as well as listed below Armour have actually all recounted enterprise-huge difficulties with inclusion and variety. When it comes to Edwards, his position as an online forum leader enables him to fire up crucial conversations with significant tennis shoes producers concerning variety and incorporation. In Foot Storage locker's most fresh wage name, Chief Executive Officer and chairman Richard Johnson introduced the organisation's proceeded partnership with Edwards, which includes funding training as well as mentorship classes for Black creatives.
"When it becomes component of the manner they do company, then it genuinely is if you take place to'll have sustainable lengthy-term have an effect on," Edwards said. "If or not it's just slicing a take a look at, that simply offers the instant objective."
Air Jordan 5 "Raging Bull" Returns subsequent year: particulars
if you've been round tennis shoes for a really lengthy time, you then most likely remember the Air Jordan 5 "Raging Bull" that was introduced over one decade earlier currently. It changed right into a type of colorways that instantaneously thrilled americans upon its unlock many thanks to the vibrant purple suede that graced the top. just viewing on the colorway, you may notify that it absolutely accepted the aesthetics of the Chicago Bulls and also the spirit of the staff.
For 10 years now, fans were asking for a second possibility at copping the shoe and also according to @zsneakerheadz, it really feels like that day is coming sooner in preference to later on. of course, it really is appropriate, the "Flaming Bull" colorway mosts likely to be making a big comeback in 2021 as well as it looks like a Springtime or summer season time liberate is likely. this is significant info for followers of the colorway that overlooked out the primary time around. Jordan brand has been commemorating the thirtieth wedding anniversary of the footwear in 2020 and heading right into following yr, it be clear Jumpman has no strategies to reduce.
Of direction, none of this has been verified by utilizing Jordan brand so stay tuned for updates as we can see to it to deliver you all the most recent advise.
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Top 10 Coolest Game Protagonists
There’s a lot of games out there, and with them, a lot of people you gotta play as. And I know the word ‘cool’ is kind of relative, but here’s the 10 I reckon get the T-shirts for the kickarse club. Oh, and one character per franchise. Hope u agree with my picks!
Spoilers ahead!
10. Ren Amamiya (Persona 5)
The general rule of life that I’ve learned is, no one is as cool as this guy is when they’re like 17. Joker, or Ren Amamiya as he’s known in the P5 anime, gets himself arrested and put on probation for basically nothing at the beginning of the game and spends the rest of it slowly building a lovable group of friends, dating someone way out of his league (or, you know, age range if you went with the teacher) and becoming the leader of an internationally recognised group of thieves who change the hearts of the wicked. Ren pretty much has his shit together from day 1, and I think we were all a bit jealous. Plus, look how cool he looks in that persona costume.
9. Asher Forrester (Game of Thrones)
This may seem like an extremely odd choice, but those who’ve played the Telltale Game of Thrones will know exactly what I’m talking about. In a game that revolves entirely around the disgraced Forrester family, Asher is arguably the most disgraced of the lot. Asher is exiled from his hometown of Ironrath after his dad catches him trying to have a cheeky affair with Gwyn Whitehill, the daughter of a rival house, and instead now spends his days wandering about Westeros being a mercenary with his equally awesome also mercenary friend Beskha at his side. During his stint in Game of Thrones, Asher kicks the arses of a group of bandits, negotiates with Daenerys and rides back to his besieged hometown with a bloodthirsty band of freed slaves in tow. He’s funny, he’s a bit reckless, but he definitely stands out as the coolest member of the Forrester family.
8. Kratos (God of War series)
Kratos is pretty much iconic at this point. He’s stoic, strong, has a much more in depth character since the reboot came out and then managed to run away with Game of the Year against the likes of Red Dead 2. Kratos, the bald angry axe guy turned quiet, collected father figure (but he still has an axe), Kratos doesn’t tend to be too subtle about how cool he is, but that’s because he doesn’t need to be.
7. Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored series)
I debated giving this spot to Corvo, but I think Emily just about beats him out mostly because of the huge development you see in her throughout the games. After witnessing her mother’s death and being kidnapped by aristocrats for their own personal gain in the first game, she’s rescued by Corvo (oh, and then she’s kidnapped again. And rescued again) and eventually becomes empress. Then she gets dethroned anyway, and immediately jumps into kicking the behinds of everyone involved with the coup in excellent fashion, with the aid of her flashy new Outsider powers. So yeah, Corvo is undeniably brilliant, but I thought Emily wielded that folding sword just a little better.
6. Leon Kennedy / Claire Redfield (Resident Evil 2)
And here they are, the first day cop and the college student who really aren’t having a good day, but still tackle the apocalypse head on with the aid of lots of guns and a motorbike. I couldn’t decide which of these guys to give the spot tom, so they get to share. Considering the sheer amount of zombies, horrible mutants and crazed scientists they have to sift through during their unwanted journey, I’d say it would be a little insulting to leave them out after everything they go through. Plus, I think it’s pretty much bi culture at this point to want both of them to step on you, so Leon and Claire were mandatory picks.
5. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)
The mother of all adventure game protagonists has come a long way since polygonal temples and triangular boobs, and nowhere is this more clear than in the reboot trilogy, which has given as a brilliantly gritty rendition of Lara Croft that makes her much more badass than she ever was beforehand. Now that her character has been much more fleshed out, the iconic status really feels like it has some important character depth to back it up, and no list like this would be the same without her.
4. Joel / Ellie (The Last of Us)
Oh, look I’ve broken the rules again! But I really couldn’t pick one or the other, so both of the trauma bonded duo that made us all cry back in 2013 get a spot on my list. They both went through pure, bleak hell and maintained most of themselves throughout it all. Joel, who lost his daughter within the first hour of the spore outbreak, has been living in Understandable Man Pain mode ever since, but then Ellie comes along, and the two basically becoming an unstoppable, bandit killing team. And nowhere does both of their pure cool factor come out better than during the stint of the game’s only proper antagonist, David, where both Joel and Ellie get some shining character moments that make you truly see how awesome they are for making it through. Looking forward to seeing them both again in the sequel!
3. Samus Aran (Metroid series)
More than anything, I feel just a bit sorry for Samus. I can’t imagine fighting the same purple dragon pirate who killed your parents for over 30 years is doing much good for her mental health at this point. But it’s fairly clear that she can handle it. Samus has been shooting the hell out of anything that opposes her since 1984, whether that be a huge brain in a tank or literally the Wii Fit Trainer, she’ll gun it down without a thought. And as one of the very first female protagonists in gaming, along with having a sick ass power suit, she has to be here.
2. Bayonetta (Bayonetta series)
She can summon demon limbs basically at will. She has guns on her feet. She can slow time and kick your arse, and then speed it up again and continue to kick your arse. She’s one of the last surviving umbra witches and still somehow pulls off librarian glasses with the witch motif. When Bayonetta graced our screens, I think Morrigan from Dragon Age knew when to relinquish her Best Witch crown.
Before I unveil my pick for objectively the coolest game protagonist since Pac Man, here’s a few that didn’t quite make the cut:
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid series)
Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Link (The Legend of Zelda series)
Clementine (Telltale’s The Walking Dead series)
Sam (Until Dawn)
Commander Shepard (Mass Effect series)
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II)
1. Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher series)
My number one pick is the only game character I’ve seen who pulls off the ‘gruff, stoic dude’ so extremely well that he doesn’t lose any of his complex, interesting character in the process. Geralt earns most of his kickarse points from being a no-nonsense monster hunter, who always keeps his head and know he has the upper hand in pretty much every encounter without flaunting it. But on top of that, he’s light, funny, sarcastic and has a great level of emotional depth. Oh, and he’s pretty much immortal. This guy defines cool.
So there’s my picks! Drop in at some point in the near future for a countdown of my personal top 10 LAMEST game protagonists, so we can see the flipside and take a look at the considerably less badass side of playable characters. See you then!
#persona 5#gaming#persona#game of thrones#god of war#resident evil#dishonored#the last of us#tomb raider#metroid#bayonetta#the witcher#metal gear solid#Final Fantasy#bioshock#horizon zero dawn#loz#Telltale The Walking Dead#until dawn#mass effect#red dead
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Manchester City Player Ratings 2018/19
I got bored and decided to write a lil review of Manchester City players this season. Hope you enjoy and feel free to discuss.
Warning: may be biased
Ederson: 9/10 Keeping this one short and simple, just like Eddie’s passes from the back. What more do you want from a keeper? He can give you assists, great saves, and is willing to run half way up the pitch to defend his teammates. Took one point off him because he didn’t score. Maybe next season.
Kyle Walker: 7.5/10 The English idiot definitely got tired around christmas time with a few dodgy games which I guess is understandable given the fact the he hadn’t really stopped playing for over a year with the World Cup and so on and he might have been the England crackhead but overall I think Kyle did well. Especially during the last few games, I thought that he played really well. I think it was Crystal Palace away that he probably had one of his best games. I hope he rests well over summer and can continue that form next season.
Danilo: 7/10 When Kyle was too busy snorting coke (just kidding, don’t kill me), Danilo played really well in his place. Although he isn’t as quick or as direct as Kyle, he provided a composure and control that sometimes Kyle lacks. He didn’t really make any big mistakes when playing, and I would have given him a higher score if he played a little more. There has been rumours of him leaving and I hope these are not true because he is a pretty solid back up at right back and is Bernardo’s favourite person to annoy.
Oleksandr Zinchenko: 8/10 Am I crazy giving him a higher rating than Kyle? Probably. But I love to spread appreciation for my unproblematic little blonde ukrainian! Last summer he was linked heavily to Wolves- it looked highly probable that that was were he was going to end up this season. However, he decided to stay and fight for his place at Manchester City and I am so bloody glad that he did! When Ben got injured and Delph was...you know... being Delph, Zinnie stepped up and performed at left back (not his natural position!!) and played at a higher standard than any of us would have thought! I really admire his determination and confidence in himself to stay and fight to get into the first team. You can tell he works hard always and really loves and appreciates all his teammates. I have loved watching the little shy KDB lookalike grow and blossom into a more confident young man. Hopefully there is much more to come from this bundle of joy. We could all learn from Oleksandr Zinchenko!
Fabian Delph: 3/10 I might be a bit harsh here but literally, when did he forget the basics of football? Man preached it in All or Nothing but couldn’t practice it irl. Deplhy was a breakthrough last season and played well when Mendy got injured (yes, again). But this season... I don’t know what he was up to. Most games he played, we lost. I honestly have no clue what made him snap like that vs Leicester but bitch... calm down!! Is it harsh to say I don’t think he played well once this season? Well, I am saying it. Don’t get me wrong, I will be sad if he leaves this summer. He most definitely has passion, and whilst sometimes that leads to him perhaps being too emotional on the pitch, I appreciate it and is a popular character in the dressing room that will be missed. He has given a lot for the club in recent years but I’m afraid I see no future for him here. No more Delph every weekend :(
Benjamin Mendy: 5/10 I have a soft spot for Mendy, can you tell? You’re probably thinking 5 is too high but I will tell you why. He played 10 games this season and got 5 assists during that time. That’s an assist every second game (if I have done my maths right). In the early stages of the season, there was no doubt that he was one of our most effective players. I was at the home game vs Huddersfield in August and I thought he played so well that game, bombing up the wing every time. He got an assist too, if I remember correctly? His crosses are insane and watching him live was a (rare) blessing! This makes it hurt even more knowing he got injured. It is obvious that Ben has so much potential and has bags of talent however, injuries seem to haunt him. Along with his occasion lax judgement and lack of concentration, he finds himself in difficult situations. It breaks my heart of the stories leaking from the training ground of him breaking down in tears. I cannot be easy for a young footballer to go through so many injuries when they are at a club that is constantly winning and breaking records, where you can watch your teammates win things and have fun with each other whilst you are stuck inside with your leg in a cast. My heart breaks for him and I hope that next season, these injuries no longer take over him and he can have a season to finally show why he is one of the best left backs in the world.
Aymeric Laporte: 9/10 There has been a lot of hype around Van Dijk this season (and rightly so) however, Aymeric hasn’t received as much attention and I think that is slightly unfair. Laporte, in my opinion, is not that far behind Van Dijk and is nowhere near his peak quite yet. I think that Aymeric has been one of our best and most important players this season. He is always reliable in defence and has probably been our first choice CB this season. Not to mention, he scored that header against Brighton that put us back in front and on the way to the title. I believe that Aymeric is an amazingly talented CB that will only improve over these next few seasons, and who knows, he might one day become the best CB in the league.
Nicolas Otamendi: 6.5/10 Nico was so so good for us last year and offers us more physicality at CB in comparison to Stones and Laporte, however he hasn’t really stood out this season. Despite this, I don’t think he has done much wrong? He has been largely reliable when called upon to help out the team and I really can’t fault him for that. Like Danilo, he was been linked with a move elsewhere but I hope that he doesn’t move. Like I said, he is more physical than Stones and Laporte and sometimes I feel like we need that, and with Vinnie leaving I don’t think it is wise to let another CB go when I don’t feel academy players like Garcia are ready for that jump up yet. Oh and he has a good beard so I bumped him up from an initial 6.
John Stones: 7.5/10 It has been a bit of a weird season for Stonsey, hasn’t it? At the beginning of the season, he was playing loads and was dead good. However, after THAT moment vs Liverpool he seemed to fade away a little and it looked like Pep prefered to play Vinnie and Laporte over him nearing the end of the season when it was tense. He still played a little though. sometimes coming on to play as a defensive midfielder kind of position and didn’t really make any mistakes there which I guess shows him maturing as an all round player and reveals just how much Pep trusts him and sees potential in him. I expect him to play a lot more next season and continue to grow as a central... sorry centre back.
Vincent Kompany: 8/10 I was considering giving him a 10/10 just for that goal vs Leicester but I am keeping that score for someone else ;) What can I say about this man that hasn’t already been said? He is a Manchester City and Premier League legend. He captained this team to a domestic treble, an achievement never done in Men’s English football. Pep trusted him at the most important part of the season and it turned out to be the correct decision with that thunderbolt against Leicester (honestly, I cried). His season was kinda the opposite to Stonsey’s, he didn’t play much in the beginning of the season but played a lot in the second half. I’m so glad he got a run of games without injuries and got to play a pivotal role in the season’s outcome. He went out on a high and I wish him all the best in his new role at Anderlecht, as long as he comes back sometime soon. Captain. Leader. Legend.
Fernandinho: 8.5/10 I think it says a lot about the importance of Fernandinho to this Manchester City team that when we lost two games back to back in December, Fernandinho was missing. He is crucial to the way in which we play, and he plays his role so effectively and in a composed and sophisticated manner. He is like the unsung hero of the team. So why didn’t I give him a 9 or a 10? Whilst he has been reliable for large parts of the season, sometimes I feel like the game gets to him a little. The best example of that was vs Newcastle where he gave away the penalty that could have cost us the league. Luckily it didn’t but usually he does not make them mistakes but sometimes when we are under pressure, he can let out his frustrations. Regardless of that, I think he has done an immense job yet again this season. Despite getting a few injuries and frustration clouding his better judgement, he is still one of our best players.
Ilkay Gundogan: 8.5/10 I was soooo gutted when we signed him in 2016 and he then proceeded to have that season ended prematurely due to injuries because I was so excited to see him play for Manchester City. However, I feel like we got to see the best of Ilkay Gundogan this season. Whilst sometimes I scream at him for continuously passing backwards some games, his reading and intelligence of the game is probably one of the best in the squad. When Dinho picked up a few injuries near the end of the season, I thought that was our title dreams over, however Ilkay decided to prove me wrong and deliver amazing performances when we needed him most. Sometimes City fans on Twitter give him stick but I genuinely believe that he is a massive talent for us and is fully capable of playing that Dinho role if we need him to.
David Silva: 7/10 There is a case to be made that David Silva is best ever player to put on a City shirt however, this season wasn’t his best. He started off well, and that free kick against Huddersfield was amazing! But gradually, he became slower and less like the el mago that we all know and love to watch. He would give the ball away cheaply and occasionally pick the wrong pass or just slow down play altogether. Even I was getting a little bit tired of Pep playing him ahead of a faster and more direct Leroy Sane. But at the Manchester Derby at Old Trafford, he did what David Silva usually does, and made the game his own. He was so so good that night and helped to keep the calm and control that game, even when we were looking a little bit shaky. Despite this, he did look tired most of the season. I really hope that was just Pep overplaying him because of Kev’s injury and that he isn’t losing his legs because I’m not ready to let go of him yet.
Phil Foden: 7/10 Now, me saying that Phil and David were both 7′s this season, does not mean that I think that they were at the same level this season. Of course, David played at a higher level than Phil. It just means that Phil’s standards are understandably lower than David’s. However, Phil did amazingly this season despite his situation. He is in a team, competing for a place with players like David Silva, Ilkay Gundogan, Kevin De Bruyne and Bernardo Silva. So I think we were all surprised when the team news came out for the Spurs game and he was there. No, not on the bench but in the starting eleven. An eighteen year old boyhood fan starting a game for Manchester City! Against a top 4 team! In a tight title race! Not only that but he scored and played maturely for his age. I am incredibly proud of my lil baby Phil (even though he has a baby now). He started and played in more games than I would have anticipated. All of his time spent patiently waiting for his chance and training alongside his hero, has paid off! I hope he will get even more game time next season, showing us all why he has the nickname Stockport Iniesta!
Kevin De Bruyne: 7.5/10 This is a difficult one. Kevin has had a difficult season. It seemed that whenever he would finally hit form, he would get injured again. I cannot imagine how difficult that would have been for him. It was saddening as a fan who loves to watch him play that we never really got to see the best of Kevin De Bruyne, We saw glinces of it in the FA Cup final but it was a little too late. There is no doubt that Kevin is a world class player, but unfortunately we haven’t been able to witness that this season. Despite this, when he did play he definitely had an impact. We are a better team with Kevin De Bruyne in it. No arguments about that. I hope next season he is back to his normal self, assisting and scoring when we need him most.
Bernardo Silva: 10/10 Ah, here we go. Brace yourselves, this could be a long one. I LOVE BERNARDO SILVA. In my opinion, he has been the best player in the Premier League this season AND should be in top 3 for Ballon d’Or. Am I being incredibly biased and over reactionary? Probably, yes. But am I wrong? No. Bernardo Silva has everything. He runs 12-14km a game. He never stops. He can dribble like Messi. Yes, like Messi. He dribbles��like Messi. He can cross balls into the box. He can run halfway across the pitch just to tackle someone off the ball. He took on Virgil Van Dijk. 5′6 Bernardo Silva decided to get in a battle with 6′3 Virgil Van Dijk. Can we just take a moment to appreciate him in that game against Liverpool? He ran and ran and ran until he covered every single inch of the pitch that night. He wanted to win more than anyone and it showed. And let’s talk about his passion. He celebrates every Manchester City goal like a madman, running across to the goalscorer and pulling the craziest of faces. And his goal celebration at Old Trafford? ICONIC. He did a knee-slide at Old Trafford in front of the City fans. Twenty years ago, and he would be considered a City legend for that alone. But he is on his way to becoming one of Manchester City’s all time best. I mean, his chant is already one of the best! I cannot fault any part of his season. Maybe he could have scored and assisted more? Meh I don’t care, his work rate earns him something more than just goals: the fans hearts. He has the potential to become one of the best in the world and I am so glad he is at Manchester City and has committed his future to us.
Raheem Sterling: 9/10 Raheem has matured so much this season. Not just on the pitch, but off the pitch too. He has become a great influence and inspiration for those who have to suffer through racial discrimination and horrid racist attitudes. Whilst he has always been this person, it has taken the media this long to recognise this and praise him for it. I am happy that finally he is getting the positive recognition that he deserves. And he has deserved it this season. Each season he seems to grow more and more confident in himself, scoring and assisting more often. I can only see him growing from here and becoming even better. Only thing that is missing is his goal at Anfield, winning our first game there since 2003 ;)
Riyad Mahrez: 6.5/10 I think that it was always going to be difficult for Riyad this season. Our wingers: Raz, Leroy and Bernardo are all well suited to Pep’s style and the players around them. He needed time to adapt and learn. Overall, I feel like he dealt with it quite well. Yes, he missed that penalty at Anfield but he won us points at games where we were struggling slightly like Bournemouth. He did end up missing a lot of game time due to just how good Raz and Bernardo have been this season, he couldn’t really get a look into the team. And how many other players would to be honest? Although, I do feel he could have done better for a first season in a team like this, he has coped well and integrated into the team nicely. Hopefully he can have a breakthrough like Bernardo next season!
Leroy Sane: 6.5/10 I feel like Leroy would get a far greater rating if Pep played him a little bit more but I guess Pep had his reasons and that is understandable. Leroy, for me, is one of the best young players in the world. He has so much talent and potential. He offers something different from the other wingers in the team and can cause defences to have nightmares. And on top of that, this season we discovered that he is dangerous from free kicks too. But as I said, Pep didn’t play him as much as he could have. I guess Pep and Sane have their own problems and I hope it can be solved because Leroy is one to keep here at City. He has a huge future ahead of him and I would be massively disappointed if we lost him.
Gabriel Jesus: 6/10 Gabi is the the same kind of situation as Riyad and Leroy. I think he has so much potential at this club however, his game time is limited due to the fact that he has to compete with Sergio Aguero, possibly one of the best strikers to play in the Premier League. It is a massive ask for Gabriel at his age. However, I think he has shown enough this season and seasons prior that he is a talented player who fits in this team perfectly. His workrate is perfect and I can see him becoming an important player for us in the future.
Sergio Aguero: 9.5/10 If you ever need a goal, Sergio is the player to go to. This man got back to back Premier League hat tricks against Arsenal and Chelsea IN THE SAME WEEK. Unfortunately, he just missed out on the Golden Boot, however he scored incredibly important goals for us this season. The goal vs Burnley, the one vs Liverpool and the one vs Brighton are just three examples. He is always there when we need him. And that is why I put him as the second highest rated. (sorry Raz I still love you xx)
#manchester city#premier league#2018/19#longpost#this has a higher word count than my history dissertation hahahaha
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Selangor FC’s first plan for Merdeka Stadium for the home shirt launch in 2021 has been announced
The 33-time Malaysia Cup champion Selangor was planning to return to his former residence quickly.
Selangor FC’s 2021 residence shirt was launched on Monday to rave concerning the response from its followers and Malaysian soccer followers basically. The package, impressed by the 1986 Malaysia Cup, was nearly bought out simply days after its launch.
Selangor FC new residence shirt 2021. pic.twitter.com/mq0Mzvno95
– Asian soccer (@AsianFootballs) February 1, 2021
READ: Selangor releases fourth collectible jersey this season
Because of the lockdown throughout Malaysia, the beginning may solely be achieved by way of social media in the mean time, in contrast to in earlier seasons, when there was additionally a workforce introductory cum fan assembly. Based on Johan Kamal Hamidon, CEO of the membership, their unique plan was to carry the package to market in a historic location that’s near their hearts. the Merdeka Stadium in Kuala Lumpur.
The ground, which is not used for video games on the highest degree, was the previous residence of Selangor till 1994 and was additionally the place the place the 1986 cup closing was held. Though the Pink Giants beat Johor 6-1 within the 1986 Malaysia Cup closing, the sport was maybe extra well-known than the ultimate recreation of Malaysia and Selangor legend Mokhtar Dahari in a Selangor shirt. His image can also be featured on the again of the 2021 strip.
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“The beginning ought to happen within the Merdeka Stadium,” mentioned Johan in a cellphone name aim On Wednesday. “Or at the very least that was the plan.”
“The [kit launch] The video was alleged to be shot there, we even completed the Stryline, however to be sincere we could not develop it (the final launch plan) any additional. Because of the pandemic restrictions, we did not understand how many individuals we may carry, what sort of gatherings we may have, and what questions we could not reply then and now. We did not need to spend assets on one thing unsure. “
Additionally pressured to be scrapped was a complementary launch plan for opening pop-up outlets in all 9 districts of Selangor state, the place followers may purchase the brand new shirt in particular person.
“We additionally needed to establish a spot in every district the place we may arrange one thing like a pop-up store. That approach we may have separated the distribution like a satellite tv for pc launch.
“It wasn’t something nice, however on the time we have been nonetheless hoping small gatherings could be allowed [by the government]”Added the membership official.
Whereas the lockdown made it troublesome for the membership to host occasions, it additionally made the beginning of the 2021 season in Malaysia practically unimaginable. A latest extension of the lockdown in a lot of the nation is prone to postpone the league’s begin to a later date.
Johan hopes the Malaysian Soccer League (MFL) and Malaysian FA (FAM) can persuade the powers that be the league is allowed to begin sooner somewhat than later, including that Selangor is able to assist push the organizations when prompted.
“I feel the MFL and FAM are doing an excellent job convincing the federal government that we (Malaysian skilled soccer) have an excellent observe document. They’ve been proactively consulting with the golf equipment on how one can maintain soccer going in the course of the pandemic is contained they usually additionally famous solutions from the golf equipment.
“On the request of the MFL and FAM, Selangor might be completely happy to help them and play our function in persuading the federal government,” he mentioned.
READ: “Do not Cloud Mokhtar Dahari’s Reminiscence” – Selangor followers will keep in mind the retro-inspired new package
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/selangor-fcs-first-plan-for-merdeka-stadium-for-the-home-shirt-launch-in-2021-has-been-announced/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=selangor-fcs-first-plan-for-merdeka-stadium-for-the-home-shirt-launch-in-2021-has-been-announced
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