puddii-ng · 4 months
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20s inspired femstars sketches.. 😊
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tanema123 · 3 months
Vaggie color change, to fluffy tits moth
Emily trying to escape Sera's clouches
Jayfeather from warrior cats
Adam's apple child
Paloma Carmine
Odesika kids
Chaggie kids
Adams apple fatherly moments that was forced upon me
Carkoal redesign
Vox has a type
Emo Emily, seramilla au
KikixVelvettexClara kids, seramilla au
Bionical Matoro
Baby Carmilla, with a knife
...Smexy times zestmilla hidden image...
Abbys watcher
Zestmilla pokemon design, not my own
Friend videogame character request
Exorcist Carmilla
Carmilla Carmine Sandwich
oc 1
oc 2
oc 3
oc 4
oc 5
oc 6.... glorious unknown multiple cats
oc 7 ... was added to cat au
oc 8
oc 9
Bumblebee with Any Forger on his head, friend request
Glorious unknown hundred requests 😊
1 playing with Odette and Clara
2 hunting moment
3 Carmilla cuddles
4 Dorana playing with Clara's tail
Xellas-the-wanderer with Blackfyre
Seramilla as a pokemon
Stealing cookies from seramilla
seramilla I made you dinner
We are planning nothing Part 1
Dragonoid Carmilla Carmine
Dragon design for Carmilla and her daughters
Emily, fallen form
DIVORCED AU (seramilla)
BUFF Carmilla Carmine
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luesmainblog · 1 year
Y'know.... I love fat positivity, I do, but there's one thing that really, really bothers me about it. Y'all need to stop acting like the ONLY reasons to not want to gain weight are social, and that if it weren't for people treating fat folks worse, nobody would ever worry about their weight. That simply isn't true. I've been slowly gaining weight over the last few years, with depression and a lack of nutritional control making it very difficult to get up and work it off. I don't especially care what other people think about it, because I rarely see other people to begin with, and people have never been especially kind to me unless I put in a week's worth of effort to my appearance. You wanna know why i don't want to be fat? Why i wanna lose the weight? 1. Buying new clothes is fucking expensive. Let's imagine, for the sake of argument, that all the cute stuff I like WASN'T religated to skinny people. That still wouldn't change the fact that I have clothes RIGHT NOW, that I love, that I'm not going to find a replacement for, that I cannot fit into anymore. Which means I have less options on what I can wear, especially if I wanna wear it outside. But even cheap clothes cost money. Buying an entire new wardrobe because my body just randomly decided it's gonna get bigger now SUCKS. there is no getting around that; i didn't like doing it when i was a growing lass in school, and i don't like doing it now as an adult who is supposed to be done growing. 2. My Spine. I am pretty much destined to have back problems, something i've already begun to develop at the ripe old age of 25. My natural resting position is a clouch, I curl up like an unborn baby when I sleep, and my tits have the combined weight of a frozen turkey. I do not need even MORE extra weight on my spine. And no, having an unhealthy spine wouldn't make me Less Valuable as a person, it's not some terrible fate that removes my life of happiness, you don't HAVE to be healthy, but it's still an uncomfortable thing i would very much like to AVOID. 3. It's making it harder to sleep. Listen. I have insomnia already as it is. I don't need my slowly developing double-chin to swoop in and make certain positions unbreathable and make it even fucking HARDER to sleep. I can no longer sleep in some of my comfiest poses because fat is getting in the way and making them unworkable. and yes, these are all, ultimately, minor inconveniences. But they're inconveniences that FUCKING matter to me. I'm so tired of "I wanna lose weight" being treated as some slight against all fat people and something that no normal person would ever want all on their own without magazines telling them blah blah FUCKING blah. It is a decision you can come to because becoming fat has an effect on your life. not just a social effect, not just a mental health effect, a Tangible, PHYSICAL change to how you interact with your body and with the world. I don't hate my body, aside from maybe a couple reproductive organs. but i would like it more if it would stop growing out and cooperate with me. i miss the way that it was just a few years back. i am allowed to be upset about these changes.
yes, i could choose to love my body as it is and accept the changes that come with it. but i can ALSO choose to acknowledge the reasons i'm gaining weight and try to make some changes in my life. that is not a slight against you, and it is not a slight against myself. and frankly, i'm not very comfortable with the idea that i shouldn't be making decisions on what my body looks like beyond the decorations. strikes me as a bit transphobic in nature if i'm gonna be fully honest.
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dcyseekerr · 1 year
[ knuckle ] sender lifts receiver's hand to their lips and places a polite kiss there ( from Sherry for Jake 🫰 ) @knightfeared
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their reunions always seemed to be few and far between , with her job as a dso agent and his search to be a better person it was like life was good at keeping them apart . it meant when they did finally get to meet up , there was always lots to tell , lots to talk about . sherry was the only person he was willing to open up to , to tell his deep thoughts and his darkest memories . she was the only person he know would not judge him purely for who his father was .
he was a mencary still , just on the right side of things this time , which meant he had plenty of stories to tell . he's in the middle of another on , clouched against the couch as he looks over the graze and cuts all over his knuckles . she looks far from impressed , but he catches that worry underneath them . so when she take his hand , looking over the bruises with her brows furrowed , he half expects to be scolded for being so reckless . she's done it many times before .
so when she presses his hand to her lips , it feels like his breath gets caught in his throat . for the first time in his life , he's honestly not sure what to say . instead he just stares at her , the smirk that had been previously curling on the corners of his lips disappearing in an instant from the gentle touch .
for a moment , he's pretty sure this isn't real . there's a curl in his stomach , a feeling growing there that only she had made happened before and frankily it terrified the shit out of him . with anyone else it would have made him close back up , but with her , she deserved so much more . a huff escapes him , shifting his position as if to try and shake off the feeling and the way her eyes seem to look at him .
fuck .
" you should have seen the other guy , he's way worse than i am ." he finally speaks , although it's more of a way to distract him from the feeling that was being to flutter in his stomach . there's a smirk creeping on the corners of his lips once more , leaning on the couch towards her , hand slowly wrapping around her own , trying to take back some control over the situation that they are in . " what about you supergirl ? surely you've been up to more interesting things than i have ."
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pesterloglog · 7 months
John Egbert, Harry Anderson Egbert, Vriska Serket, Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Tavros Crocker
Page 226
JOHN: you made it!
JOHN: i knew you had it in you.
HARRY: aw, thanks d-
VRISKA: Of course we made it, John.
VRISKA: It was a walk in the park!
VRISKA: I had some of my 8est moves planned out, gave them the speech of a fucking lifetime, and then they all just ran away without even TRYING to fight 8ack properly!
VRISKA: Frankly, I'm a little insulted 8y just how easy it was.
VRISKA: 8ut you must have known it would 8e a piece of gru8cake.
VRISKA: After all, we had me there.
JOHN: haha, oh vriska.
JOHN: it's nice that you're basically the same exact person you always have been.
VRISKA: You're welcome.
JOHN: honestly i'm still a little bewildered by your being here?
JOHN: but guess i'm happy to see you anyway.
JOHN: especially in a context that doesn't involve any amount of kissing a clOUCH!
VRISKA: (Not right now, you fuckhead!!!!!!!!)
JOHN: (oh, crap.)
JOHN: (sorry.)
JOHN: um, anyway.
JOHN: thanks for helping out, i guess?
JOHN: i can take it from here though.
VRISKA: 8e my guest!
JOHN: okay.
VRISKA: ::::)
JOHN: ...
JOHN: um... if you don't mind, vriska?
JOHN: i'd like to talk to my son please.
VRISKA: Right.
VRISKA: Don't let me get in your way!
VRISKA: I'll just 8e over here, 8asking in the knowledge of a jo8 well done and plotting acts of violence.
JOHN: haha, thanks.
VRISKA: (Mutter) (mutter) limping to a respecta8le distance (mutter) (mutter) right this second (mutter) (mutter).
VRISKA: (Mum8le) (mum8le) h8 to 8leed all over your touching reunion (mum8le) (mum8le).
JOHN: sorry about that harry anderson.
JOHN: where were we.
JOHN: oh, right, your escape!
JOHN: i guess i already said, but i knew you had it in you.
HARRY: yeah, i guess so...
JOHN: i realize that it was a lot to handle though.
HARRY: you can say that again.
JOHN: it wasn't until after i hung up that i even remembered that i never gave you that strife specibus for your 16th birthday!
HARRY: oh, it's ok... vriska had a spare.
HARRY: i put my sewing scissors on it.
HARRY: it was all i really had at the time.
JOHN: haha, that sounds familiar.
JOHN: i kind of stumbled ass backwards into getting stuck with my first hammer. but after a while, i couldn't imagine having picked anything else.
JOHN: i'm sure you'll do some amazing things with it. you already did, in fact!
JOHN: i'm sure jane is feeling really butt hurt about things this very minute.
JOHN: the prankster's gambit is tipped back in our favor, that's for sure.
HARRY: haha, yeah...
HARRY: if it's alright dad,
HARRY: i don't... really wanna talk about it all that much right now?
HARRY: you're right, it was kind of a lot to go through.
JOHN: that's okay!
JOHN: we don't have to talk about that if you don't want.
JOHN: honestly, who cares about strife specibi or the pranksters gambit or whatever.
JOHN: that's not what's important.
JOHN: i'm just glad to know that you're safe.
HARRY: ...
HARRY: dad?
JOHN: yes son.
HARRY: can i ask you a question?
JOHN: anything son.
HARRY: ok, cool.
HARRY: so...
HARRY: how come you're wearing that... thing?
JOHN: thing?
HARRY: you know.
HARRY: the windsock.
HARRY: i thought it was busy getting eaten by moths in a museum or something.
HARRY: please don't tell me you broke in there just to get it back.
JOHN: oh!
JOHN: oh haha, the god tier outfit.
JOHN: don't worry, i can just sort of manifest this whenever i want.
JOHN: although now that you mention it, the guys at the museum will probably be wondering where it went.
JOHN: or... maybe it's still there? to be honest, i have no idea whether this is the same outfit.
JOHN: i don't think it follows the same laws of physics and stuff that normal clothing does?
JOHN: they are just your basic magic pajamas at the end of the day.
HARRY: and it didn't occur to you to, y'know, magic them any bigger?
HARRY: you just look like, well, a grown adult wearing clothes for a kid.
HARRY: it's kind of embarrassing to look at...
JOHN: blargh, you're right.
JOHN: i admit, i didn't give it a whole lot of thought.
JOHN: it just felt like the right thing to put on at the time.
HARRY: i'm pretty sure no such time has ever existed.
JOHN: i don't BELIEVE this.
JOHN: what have i EVER done to deserve such cruelty from my own son.
HARRY: lmao.
JOHN: hehe.
JOHN: i guess you're right, though.
JOHN: this old thing is pretty uncomfortable in a lot of ways.
JOHN: hm...
JOHN: when we get a moment, maybe the two of us could brainstorm a redesign?
JOHN: no pressure though.
HARRY: !!!
JOHN: have a think about it, anyway.
JOHN: in the meantime, i need to go have a quick word with the other vriska.
VRISSY: Vrissy.
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: right.
JOHN: vrissy, sorry.
JOHN: hello there.
JOHN: i guess you were listening to all that?
VRISSY: Not really.
VRISSY: I just have a sense of hearing that's Particularly 8ttuned to the sound of Other People t8lking a8out me.
VRISSY: Or... well, I did until Recently.
JOHN: haha, i bet it's been a bit strange having the original vriska around.
JOHN: i will say that it is very confusing having both of you in the same place at once!
JOHN: oh man...
JOHN: now that i think about it...
HARRY: (dad...)
JOHN: this feels like the perfect conditions for some identical twin type shenanigans.
JOHN: like in the parent trap or something!
JOHN: i'm not sure how either of you would feel about being played by lindsay lohan though.
HARRY: (oh my goddddddd kill me now)
JOHN: but anyway, vrissy.
JOHN: your moms called me a while ago. they sounded very worried that you weren't answering your phone.
VRISSY: O8viously.
VRISSY: I was 8usy!
JOHN: well, anyway, they're on their way here. jade is coming too.
JOHN: they should arrive any minute.
VRISSY: Oh you're kidding.
TAVROS: (H, here they come now,,,)
TAVROS: (I can see them,,, over there,,,)
VRISSY: Uuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh.
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houseofgerrard · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bollman Green Wool Wide Brimmed Hat.
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Hermosas clouch de mano disponibles con huipil de Guatemala hermosa!!. Puedes cotizar sin compromiso.♥️ Hecho en nuestro taller, por nosotros los artesanos mayas, elaborado artesanalmente y con piel auténticas. Vendemos, al por mayor y menor. Envios internacionales. Precios especiales para: Mayoristas. -Ongs. -ngos. -Misioneros y voluntarios para caridad. -Tiendas, en línea o físicas en otros países. -Emprendedores. Para más información, puedes escribirnos al privado o a nuestro whatsap: +502 4965 9173 Estamos para servirle. Agradecemos a las personas y clientes que valoran el trabajo artesanal maya de nuestra querida Guatemala es un arte que cada día creamos junto a ti 🤲🤩🇬🇹💖 (Disponibles) Buen día o buena noche dependiendo del país en dónde te encuentres. 😊🤲🇬🇹💖🇺🇲 Que pasen un excelente semana 🤠🙌🇬🇹❤️🎉 Nosotros somos: ( Katampe Guatemala Bags.) "Del taller a tus manos ❤️" Envíos nacionales e internacionales a cualquier país o departamento, en dónde te encuentres. Estamos en antigua Guatemala o búscanos en Google Maps como: {Katampe Guatemala Bags} Que tenga un buen día y muchas gracias por su compra, y por apoyar a los artesanos de Guatemala.🤠🇬🇹🙌🌟 . #guate #soy502 #perhapsyouneedalittleguatemala #antiguaguatemala #guateatrae #usa #newyork #canada #losangeles #chicago #miami #guatemala #quepeladoguate #descubriendoguatemala #washington #guateimpresionante #guatetrending #guateextremo #guatemalacom #guatemalacity #huipilbags #huipilbag #katampe_leather_bags_gt #guatemalabags #guatemalanbags #fromguatemala #madeinguatemala #sanfrancisco #boston #bags (en Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepequez) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIugzkOXMi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charlottee2 · 2 years
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Hair in the 1920’s
The short hair in the 1920’s represented the liberation from the ‘beehive’ and big hair so now becoming short and easy to look after. At the time you would accessorise with feathered headbands, turbans, sequin caps and hats mostly a clouche hat.
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Makeup in the 1920’s
1920’s feathered very thin eyebrows with a red lip and pink cheeks, eyeshadow wasn’t very big in this time but there was always mascara and small eyeliner.
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midnightfunk · 4 years
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imagesarchive · 5 years
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Wlad Safronow. Sucession: Lady with Hat #1
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arosesstorm · 3 years
Maze - Newt (20)
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word count: 1.5k                          reader! x Newt
warnings: none I believe, maybe swearing
summary: you wake up in the Box, no memories, no explanations; the only thing that stands out is a certain name, written in bold on the palm of your hand
English is not my first language, enjoy-
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Dinner was joyful, we chatted and laughed.
For a good hour and a half we were just kids enjoying their youth.
"If Alby saw us eating at this time he would kill us" Fry muttered.
"What Alby doesn’t see, can’t kill him" Newt chuckled.
"Look at the good boy, all bold and rebel" I laughed.
Newt’s body was pressed to mine, as Minho kept throwing Frypan sassy lines about food; the boy, easily-offended, taking it by heart. 
"I’d love to see you shank preparing dinner, really" he backfired as Minho laughed it off.
"You ran the Maze all day, then we’ll talk about it" the boy chuckled.
Newt’s legs brushing against mines as he I kept staring at him.
His profile was pretty too and his eyes were fully brown now, something I found odd, since I always compared them to honey.
The boy looked down at me, his words as audible as a whisper.
"If you keep staring you’ll get too obvious" 
My heart on my knees.
"Just wondering when you’ll stop thouchin’ my leg" I whispered back.
The blond laughed, taking his cup from the table and drinking up some water. 
"What are you two com-" but Minho never finished his sentence.
Screaming, as loud as possible, filled our ears.
"Run!", "we’re dead!", "it’s over!".
Everybody quickly got to their feet, storming to the entrance.
"What’s going on?" Asked Thomas making his way in the front.
Getting a glimpse outside the hut, all we saw were boys running around, torches in their hands as they yelled and fell and yelled again.
"What’s going on?" Minho screamed again.
"The doors!" Someone in the distance spoke.
Another yelled: "Grievers! Hide!".
I tried to get my sight as good as I could, gazing the distance, but saw nothing.
Than the sounds came.
A cloch clouch of metal arms pushing towards the ground, a yelling high pitched, a zruum of arms swinging.
"They’re here" Minho muttered.
"Hide!" Yelled Thomas.
"We have to get to the Homestead, it’s the safest place" Newt ordered.
Just as he finished speaking another loud noice came right out the hut.
"Now!" He screamed taking my hand.
We stormed out the hut, running as fast as we could, in the dark night.
It was almost like playing hide and seek, you could not see them but you knew they were there, they were ready to find you.
Clouch cloche zruum zruum.
Heart beating impossibly quickly as we reached the Homestead.
"Is everybody in here?" Newt asked Winston who nodded his head.
"Stay as far away from the walls as possible" he spoke, before going upstairs.
We found Jeff on our way: "what about Alby?" I asked.
"He’s here" panted Jeff, obviously reduce of a fast sprint, "made it for a second" he confessed.
"Teresa!" Screamed Thomas, "where is she?"
"In the pit" answered Newt.
"I gotta get her!" I took his arm before he could leave the room.
"You step out, you’re dead" I spoke calmly, my adrenaline under control.
Minho barged in "if anything, she’s safer than us".
Thomas looked doubtful, nodding slowly, when he shut his eyes, hands gripping his head.
You alright? You hear me? You’re fine? 
I fell to the ground, terrified.
Again… a headache spreading through my heads, temples as hot as fire.
"Y/N!" I heard, but they were all faint noises, too distant for me to reach, to flexible to grasp. 
Someone entered my head, they spoke clearly.
Thomas knelt, looking at my face. 
"You heard it?" He asked, his hands caressing my cheeks.
I slowly nodded, trying to stand up.
"Never do that ever again" I mumbled, Newt’s hands holding me firmly, moving Thomas out of the way.
"Hey! Hey!" He breathed.
"I’m fine" I muttered, a smile on my lips, as I closed my eyes in an attempt to make the headache leave.
"I’m fine" I held his hands who were firmly holding my shoulders.
He sighed, moving the hair out my face; when he was done, he boldly turned around.
"Nobody leaves this hut. Take out things and arrange a sleeping place, we gotta stay here as long as they leave" his words firm, hard, not open for discussion, as the boys nodded, leaving the spot to go around and calm the Gladers down.
When we were left alone, Newt breathed heavily: "you gotta stop doing that Love".
His hands reaching for mines as he looked around, "come on, let’s find somewhere to stay".
The night looked horrible, maybe as much as the one Thomas ran into the maze.
Just like that night, I knew I would have never forgot the way the Gladers were breathing, nor the way Chuck looked outside the window every time we heard a cloch of heavy steps, the feeling of the light sheet in my hands as I tucked my body, lying on my side, the smell of fear, of pure fear.
Newt’s voice echoing in the silence, as he travelled the room, calling out loud everyone’s names, when we heard a sound.
Gasps were heard all over the building, as we heard a scream in the distance. 
Someone pushed the door open downstairs, someone shut it close again, more shouting, the loud noise of a Griever.
Nobody moved, not until in the night, something lightened on fire in the Glade, its light coloring the Glade with an orangish shade; now the Grievers bodies visible.
I hurried to the little window as I witnessed, horrified the Map Room lighting up the Glade like a candle in a dark room.
To my side, Minho and Newt got a glimpse, looking as stunned as I was as they rushed downstairs.
Panic erupted in the building and in the yelling of Gladers the door had been opened again and closed, again and again, his loud thund as loud as the grievers noises in my ears.
The room was drown in fear, as I could distinguish Newt’s screams to calm down over the crowd.
I didn’t move an inch though, my body frozen as I witnessed Chaos.
The map Room was on fire, who started it?
"Who opened the door, who left?"
I came to my senses again when we heard the loudest sound that night.
A Griever climbed up the Building, its metallic feet pushing onto the wood tetto.
The room fell silent again, you could have heard a fly passing by; than a loud thoud again, the door.
Steps were heard climbing up the stair, but nobody moved, than a scream behind my shoulders.
"They came to take us!" Gally came into sight "take us!" He screamed.
He jumped forward, aiming for the window. 
"One by one!" He took a chair close by, shattering against the wall, the window falling to pieces.
"Gally!" Thomas screamed to my left.
"Stop!" He screamed again, but it was only the start, Gally kept on pushing the wall, as hard as he could, wood scattering to the floor.
Thomas stepped forward holding the Builders’ arm but Gally punched him sanding him to the ground, his nose bleeding.
"Gally!" I screamed, someone rushed up the stairs.
Newt appeared, than Frypan.
Winston was there too, as Jeff tried to catch glimpse.
The wall was almost completely ripped apart now and we heard the Grievers screaming again.
"Please stop!" I begged, the boy's eyes wide, fanatic, crazy.
"One by one" he said again "every night, till we’re all dead" he looked back, forward again, back into the silenced room, than he jumped for the hole, just as a metallic arm came down, clinching around his body like a little boy gripping candy.
I sprinted forward, holding his hand, as I tried to free him. 
I felt somebodies arms around my waist, holding me back, but I could’t leave the grip, I couldn’t let go of Gally’s hand.
"Please" I muttered under my breath, the map Room’s light lighting my face enough to make the tears falling down my eyes more visible. 
I’ll never forget the boy’s face, as I spotted tears in the corner of his eyes, his face still distorted, still unnatural, fanatic.
"One by one" he whispered, his eyes falling shut as he let go.
The Griever taking him away, the others following, leaving the Glade.
My body collapsing onto my knees, Gally was gone, the most annoying, rude shank face alive, was gone.
That didn’t explain the pain, nor the tears, nor the emptiness I felt as his hand left mine.
Hours prior I knocked him out in the woods, I dragged him to the med-jacks, I heard his voice muttering and now he was dead, he was gone, he had been taken. 
As tears streamed down my eyes, I heard a gasp, than a yelling.
"Minho!", "Come back!", Thomas sprinted out the Room, his feet heavily echoing in the building.
As I looked outside again, I could spot Thomas’ figure approaching the Maze doors, above him, the clear lights of morning. 
chapter 21
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 © 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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paakseongjin · 4 years
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Clouch “Fucked My Twentys”
2020 EP Album Cover
artwork by @supergranzort
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littlewritingrabbit · 5 years
During his stay among the Clatsop just south of the Columbia's mouth in December 1805, Captain William Clark brought down a duck with a firearm more accurately than the flintlocks that had been known before on the coast. As the story goes, the weapon duly impressed one Clatsop, who was said to exclaim, Clouch musket, wake com ma-tax musket: 'that is a good musket, I do not understand this musket' (tlush musket, wek cumtuks musket in the DBS [Demers/Blanchet/St. Onge] orthography...)
George Lang, Making Wawa
Lang goes on to explain that:
While Clark thought that what he was hearing was Clatsop, it was actually Chinook Jargon
Not only that but most of the words were from the Nootka (or Nuu-chah-nulth) language to begin with
That suggests that Nootka words, or perhaps a pidgin composed of them, were being used for communication far from Vancouver Island where they were spoken
It also suggests that Clark (or his editors) knew how to write down words in Chinook Jargon, as the spelling is really close to that of other records of the time
All of this is ridiculously cool and I had no idea that Lewis and Clark got to hear some Chinook Jargon! 
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kitty-cross · 5 years
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Oh, I remember the times when I had time to make little stuffs based on my characters... good old days. :,D The last time I made something like this was the character candle project with sis (Cara and Eidana), and even that was more than a year ago.
This little bracelet was inspired by this post on pinterest, and I planned to make this since 2017. This time I was working in a crative shop so it was easy to collect the pendants and pearls. It is based on my Harry Potter character Kendra and as it is green and silver you could guess she is Slytherin. Owl, for her owl Apollo; skull for the prejudice about being a pure-blood; pentagram being a witchy witch; green tesseract cause whynot; snake for slytherin; wolf for her patronus and a luminescent nailpoilish filled potion bottle for her favourite subject Potions. The twist in the story that the chain is “new” - at least for me. I was looking for something like this for years and last time I was in second hand shop I bought a clouch with this chain... I didn’t wanted to keep the chain when I realized it would be perfect for me for an other project. ;3
I hade more pendants for this but I have baby-sized wrist and even this is a little big for me. :,DDDD
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houseofgerrard · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bollman Green Wool Wide Brimmed Hat.
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