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dasnabs · 10 months ago
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Clone high: metallica load era , 1996
Re design of an old fan art that I drew a long time ago 🤢
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howlingdemon13 · 11 months ago
That only took like a week skjgdfndkzfjgn
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Would not recommend handling without gloves. She eats garbage and has a septic bite. This is the closest I will ever come to selfshipping because I'm a massive coward. </3
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vamp1r1cjuggalo · 2 years ago
Peppino Clone ocs!!
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Extra info oooo
It is slightly taller than the average clone coming to around 5’10 (normal clones being around 5’8)
They tend to raid trash cans
It has eaten rocks before
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Ragno! My clone sona!
Extra info
The tongue design is inspired by @/sawmoose’s fake peppino design
He somehow has asthma despite not having lungs (I needed to project this)
His name is spider in italian
It’s just me irl/j
Pronouns are he/it
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clone-bunni · 1 year ago
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Clones of tumblr @leonaacorn @cyancatart @raggysimp
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tucaneggs · 3 months ago
hokay so
This has been kicking around in my brain for a few days now but i have some headcannons for which characters are clones and which are their primes, and which dont know.
so the reason why characters respawn is because of yoglabs cloning howeeever im going to take some liberties and say that not every death in minecraft = a clone, but basically if its lore relevant it is.
Xephos: is prime xephos, has some clones but theyre used *very* rarely. Any xephos clones do think theyre the original.
Honeydew, Lalna: Both cloned to hell and back. All honeydews think theyre the prime. Lalna however knows hes cloned and doesnt care much anymore, each lalna sees himself as "the real lalna" regardless of how many times theyre cloned
Rythian, Zoey, Fiona, Kirsty and the kirby craft crew: Primes just out in the wild. Xephos has DNA samples for all of them should the need arise. Are unaware/would be unaware theyre cloned anyway.
Barry: Prime...for now! not quite sure how to feel about the whole clone thing, still thinks its a joke but is starting to realise that its probably not a joke. Will have an existential crisis about it.
Ben and ped: Second or third generation clones. unaware they are clones but would take it well if informed. Would probably die a LOT just for the fun of it and cause a lot of problems for yoglabs.
Ravs, nilesy: second/third generation clones, the primes are long gone. theyre unaware theyre clones or that cloning exists, living pretty comfortably under that rock
Inthelittlewood: I sooooo want to say hes a second generation clone that xephos has no DNA for and just thinks hes dead since its been a few years since he saw him. Littlewood is unaware hes a clone and wouldnt like it.
Also, canonically theres a fuckton of honeydew and lalna clones just in the wild. i could imagine that yoglabs clones people who arent actually dead but are just... missing, and so thinking theyre dead they get cloned again.
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tophthedaydreamer · 10 months ago
started watching bad batch
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clonehighdoublehelix · 5 days ago
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I've set up an official Ko-Fi page so you can easily fork over your money! Aren't you lucky!! If you dig the Clone High: Double Helix comic, you can show it by donating a dollar a month as a DOUBLE HELIX BOOSTER and receive a symbolic thumbs-up from me.
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For just $5 a month get all Double Helix updates early; comics and art shared with members of this tier as soon as they're completed!
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At the time I'm posting this, there are three updates you can read right now!
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And for you big spenders; Be immortalised in the form of an original Clonesona to be displayed on the blog as a premium supporter, plus early access to all comics, WIP art and exclusive updates.
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And if you need another monthly subscription like you need a full frontal lobotomy (which is to say; it's something to consider in the future maybe) you can always tip me the price of a cup of coffee, dealers choice! And finally, do you like those fun little icons I created for the membership tiers? Well, I made them available along with other designs I thought some of you die-hards may enjoy on stickers, shirts or other print-on-demand products via my official TeePublic page!
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Baffle your friends by explaining that you're wearing merch of a fan-made comic based on a reboot of a cancelled show from the early '00s.
Boring Disclaimer Stuff after the break:
I wasn't planning to have any kind of money involved with this project but since I began this project my main extra-curricular focus, the animation studio I worked at for the past 6 years has downsized.
Thankfully, I'm not in a position where I'm financially struggling to support myself, so any donations should be made only as a way of showing your support for the project.
And it should go without saying that you, dear reader, have zero obligation to contribute. Everyone is totally at liberty to continue enjoying the comic with or without a donation, it exists solely for those willing and able. And to the kind folks who do wish to contribute, don't give anything you can't afford. I cannot stress that enough! I donate to several creators through Patreon, Substack etc. and have had to pause or cancel donations when my finances were strained, so I expect any subscribers of mine will exercise the same financial prudence.
I've done my best to think of perks that don't create a ton of extra work on my end but still make a regular donation worthwhile. As for me, I'm going to keep working on the comic regardless and hope to be pleasantly surprised the day someone throws a few spare bucks my way. Okay, shameless self-promotion over. Back to our regularly scheduled clone-based entertainment.
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h1stoa · 1 year ago
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ramuda clonesona I did for twitter…!!!
there’s a reason as to why ramuda clones aren’t allowed to watch movies so freshly out of the tube..
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jessepinwheel · 4 months ago
wait a minute
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is this where Tracer comes from asghoapusjzvhislvpiquenqe;griwhrnbq9defbida
no, but tracer does probably come from the same source that tracer bullet comes from, in that 'tracer' is a synonym for 'detective'. I didn't want to name his clonesona 'shadow' and a lot of other synonyms for detective like hawkshaw or shamus are very American-specific.
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megabuild · 10 months ago
btw once i finish the etho lore doc if people like it and get really into 404 i fully expect ocs. watchersonas are out lets get the writersonas in the failed clonesonas the producersonas the internsonas
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smalltimidbean · 1 year ago
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Pizzatober Day 4 - Pizzasona! Or sonas, I guess, bc I have many...
Although technically speaking Bean was made way way before PT was even a thing, but they are here bc I have been using them in the PT world and everyone knows them!
And then Fiend (Fake Bean) is also here bc they and Bean are (almost) always together now
Reuben is my clonesona, created alongside Pep and all the other clones
And then there's The Squeak! Who is definitely not just a Bean in bat-themed pyjamas putting on a 'The Noise'-esque persona, so idk why they're here!!!
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howlingdemon13 · 1 year ago
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Long time no doodle. While preping to get my cosplay done (minus a few props), I figured I'd also do a very rough sketch of my clonesona. Does she have a name? No. Does she cause problems? You bet.
I officially see the show again in two months and it'll probably be the last time I go, so I'm riding this hype train for as long as I can.
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aroundclown2 · 1 year ago
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Since the Clone high reanimated project should be done soon, I'd like to finally show off what I've done + my clonesona (basically a simplified version of my regular sona)
I can't wait to see the finished project so you can all see the wonderful parts everyone else has made ;⁠)
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ch3rr13zk1n · 7 months ago
My clonesonas are now locked in the basement
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lesbianwyllravengard · 5 months ago
Guys I found the origin of my name.
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Made 29th of June, 2020. My clonesona
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shorts-wars-confessions · 5 months ago
this is the second day of me doing the clonevpn social experiment with my friends
i have "accidentally" called doppels from thats not my neighbor "clones" and NO ONE has caught on. this is becoming kind of sad /j
anyway making my clonesona rn /hj
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