#clone trooper echo x reader
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cc--2224 · 1 year ago
Working Parts
Pairing: Echo x F!Reader
Summary: There was always something about Echo that drew you to him, you had no idea that he'd feel the same way. But when he shares his past with you, you know you want to be there to comfort him in the future.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, pregnancy mention, lots of angst, but it's also so soft
Notes: This was written for the @cloneficgiftexchange run by @ghostofskywalker and this fic was written for @jedipoodoo , I hope you enjoy!!
Prompts: "You're okay, I'm right here." ||"I won't leave you." - and you also included that you love stories about parenthood and pregnancy, so I did my best!
Word Count: 3.4k
Read on AO3 Here
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
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The first time you saw Echo, he had just disembarked from his ship, visiting his brothers and his sister. You happened to be near the landing port, and you looked over just as he descended the ramp, and from there you knew that you wanted to meet him, to get to know him. 
But you also knew that you weren't really the type to walk up to someone new, especially here. You were new enough to Pabu, the idea of putting yourself out there when you had just come here to hide from the Empire just seemed counter intuitive. It wasn't as if you were in any kind of trouble, after all, you were a mechanic and if anything would be an asset to them, but it seemed safer to stay out of sight, you could think of only a few things worse than being forced into the Empire.
“His name is Echo.” You heard a voice ring out from beside you, making you jump. You turned to your right, the voice had come from another one of the new arrivals, you had only learned that his name was Tech a few weeks prior when he walked into your shop looking for parts for his ship.
“W-What?” Your voice was still flustered from the sudden scare.
“I assumed you would want the name of the person you were so obviously staring at.”
“No, I–” You began to protest before sighing, knowing it was pointless to argue.
Tech waited for you to continue your sentence, but when you didn't, he adjusted his goggles and walked over to greet his brother.
“Like he'd want to meet me..” You muttered to yourself, but almost as soon as Tech made it over to Echo, the latter had turned his head to face you. That was your cue to turn and leave, not wanting to make him uncomfortable with your apparent staring.
~ ~ ~
The second time you saw Echo was a few months following the initial visit. He and his brothers had all come by your shop. Tech had placed another order for his seemingly never-ending tinkering, and the others - whose names you had finally learned - decided to accompany him.
You were surprised to see them all there in your little shop, but especially surprised to see Echo. It seemed that his visits to Pabu were few and far between. 
You did absolutely everything you could to avoid staring. 
When you were busying yourself with re-organizing drawers of miscellaneous parts, you heard your name being called out from behind you. It caused you to jump and knock over a pile of bolts onto the ground.
“Oh kriff, sorry about that.” 
You turned around slowly, trying not to let the embarrassment show in your face, only to be faced with the one you were internally trying to avoid.
“Don’t worry about it.” You said, a bit too shakily..
“That is your name though, right?” He asked, and when you nodded, he smiled. “Good to know, I��m Echo.”
“Nice to meet you.” You forced a smile back.
The tallest of them, Wrecker, wandered up to the front counter to join the two of you, and slapped a hand across Echo’s shoulder.
“Weird you two have never met!” He laughed, “I mean, Echo always just stares at you whenever he sees you, so it’s nice you finally have a chance to talk!” 
“...Thanks, Wreck.” Echo sighed, and looked at you with a slightly guilty expression.
You smiled and shook your head in reassurance to his unspoken apology, knowing you were guilty of the same thing. This almost gave you hope that your desire to get to know him was mutual. Almost.
Before long, the others approached the counter to collect their order and purchase the additional parts they had gathered in your shop. 
As they left, Echo took one last look toward you before ducking out of the building, and you got to work cleaning up the bolts you had knocked over.
Kriff. You sighed to yourself.
~ ~ ~
The time between Echo’s visits seemed longer and longer the more you eventually started getting to know him. You would never admit it out loud, but you even began to miss him when he wasn’t around.
He was kind, and he was quick-witted; he definitely matched his brothers' sarcasm and humour. And when the evening sun shone on him, his eyes almost appeared to glow gold.
It didn't take long for you to completely fall for him, he had a way of speaking that invited you in, he was charming and confident, certainly the type who could have any girl he wanted. 
For that reason, in addition to his frequent trips off-world, you decided not to say anything to him about your feelings. At least you wouldn't pine after him when you didn't have to see him every day, you had figured.
You had put the kettle on one evening and began sorting through your to-do list for the next day, getting lost in your thoughts when a loud knock on the door startled you out of them. 
Cautiously, you walked to the front window, peering out to see who could possibly be visiting, when you saw Echo standing on your front steps, looking around nervously, with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
You unlocked the door and opened it. 
"Echo? What are you doing here?" You didn’t even realize he was on-world.
"I uh.. was just nearby and wanted to say hi." He was shuffling his feet a little, and his tone was hesitant.
Everything you had thought of his confidence seemed to fizzle away with his words, but still you smiled. 
"Hi," you repeated in greeting.
"Right well.. I should just.." He sighed, "I had a whole idea of what I was going to say but..."
You shook your head, still smiling. "I just put the kettle on, would you like to come in for some tea?" 
He breathed a sigh of relief, "I'd love to."
Echo entered your house slowly, as if he wasn't fully sure if he was actually welcome.
"Make yourself at home," you told him, reassuringly. "Tea should be ready soon."
"Thank you." He sat down on the sofa, taking in his surroundings. 
Your living room was warm and inviting, it certainly felt like you. He smiled, eying some of the photos on the wall.
He knew fairly early on how he felt about you, the fact that you seemed just as nervous as he was when you had first met gave him courage that you might even feel the same way. You were smart, you knew your way around all the working parts of any droid or ship on the planet. Something that he almost felt was humourous, given the fact that it made up most of him too. But more than that, his own darker thoughts figured that meant you’d want nothing to do with him. For that reason, he could never be open about his feelings toward you, but he had enough of hiding it. This revelation was what brought him to your door.
You returned to the living room holding two tea cups, and you set his down in front of him before sitting down on a nearby armchair.
"So what did you have to say?" You asked when you were settled.
"I'm sorry?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"You said you had an idea of something you wanted to say."
"Oh, right I-..." 
He looked down at the teacup.
"I guess I just wanted to talk to you. We’ve been getting to know each other, but I feel like I still don’t know much about you."
You smiled, "Well there's not much to know. I came to Pabu after the Empire began occupying Lothal, opened up my shop, and have been here ever since."
"I see. Not the worst place to escape to," He noted. "Do you er... Anyone special?" 
You could feel blood rise to your cheeks at his question. 
"N-No, not really. Do.. you?" 
"Nah, me neither." His admission brought a feeling of relief to you. He had a sad look as he continued. “Not really sure it’s in my cards. Part of me always kinda wanted a family, especially after meeting Cut and Suu, knowing that some clones out there are living comfortably, but..” He trailed off.
You wanted so badly to comfort him in some way, but you didn’t know how. Anything you thought of saying would only reveal your feelings toward him, and you weren’t really ready to do that.
It grew silent with neither of you knowing what to say.
Eventually, you spoke up, figuring the best thing to do was to change the subject.
"What do you think of Pabu?" You asked him.
He thought about his answer, then he looked at you earnestly, with a spark in his eye that you couldn't quite place. 
"Honestly? I know I’m gone for long periods of time, but… It's getting harder and harder to leave." 
"You could stay." You blurted out without thinking, and you quickly tried to recover, "I mean, since the others live here and all.." 
You mentally facepalmed at your outburst.
But instead of poking fun at you, you heard a quiet chuckle.
"Maybe I will, after my job out there is done."
Your curiosity got the better of you. “What is it that you do when you’re away?”
“We help lost clones find places where they can be safe and comfortable, and above all, free.” 
You smiled, “That’s really noble.”
“It’s the least we can do. Rex and I both feel like we’re only alive today because of the blood our brothers spilled for us, so it’s only fair that we use that to help the ones still out there.”
“What was the war like for you?”
He paused and looked down at his cup. “It’s kind of hard to say.”
You waited to see if he would continue.
“It took me and my squad a long time to even pass the training drill to leave Kamino. They used to call us the Domino squad because we always seemed to fall one after the other. When we did finally get deployed, we were sent to an outpost on the Rishi moon and in our first real battle, we lost three of our men.”
“I see…”
“After that though, Fives and I were taken into the 501st under Captain Rex, where we eventually were made ARC Troopers, but after that was the Citadel.”
“What happened?”
“I got blown up.” He stated, his tone was laced with almost dry humour but he wasn’t laughing. “Seps got me and turned me into, well, this. And now I’m here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful that Rex and the boys found me on Skako Minor, but I still get nightmares about it sometimes.”
He looked over at you, and his expression turned sympathetic after he saw how upset you looked.
“I guess I unloaded there, sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’m glad you told me. I just wish I knew what to say.”
He smiled a half smile at you, “I appreciate you listening.”
Without really thinking, you moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. You stayed there for a moment, and soon you felt his arm reach around you, holding you there.
~ ~ ~
After that night, your relationship with Echo changed. He trusted you, you knew that just from the fact that he was willing to tell you everything about his past. 
When he’d arrive on Pabu, he always met you with an embrace, and more times than not, he’d show up at your house to discuss his missions and any news you had over a cup of tea.
And one of those nights, he had finally confessed his feelings for you. 
He didn’t work up to it in any sense. Instead, when you opened the door to let him inside, he stood on the doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers out to you.
“What’s this?” You said smiling at the gift.
“I love you.” He announced, a faint blush growing across his cheeks, he was slightly shaking, but his eyes were serious.
“You- What?” Was all you could manage to say in reply. You heard him, but you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“I have for a while now. I knew from the start that I had feelings for you, but.. Ever since the night where I told you about, well, everything, I knew how deep those feelings were. If you don’t… Feel the same way, that’s okay, but I needed you to know.”
“Echo…” You managed to say, quietly. “I do feel the same.”
“What?” Echo was surprised, and he immediately believed he misheard you.
“Come in, please.” You said, and all but pulled him into your house. “I love you too.”
“But why? I.. Since when?”
“The same time as you.” You sighed and stood closer to him. “I’ve always had feelings for you, since we met. And when you opened up to me, when you trusted me with your past, I couldn’t ignore it anymore, but I always thought I was alone in it, so I couldn’t bring myself to tell you.”
He smiled softly and placed his hand on your cheek, drawing your face closer to his. 
“You’re not alone. I’m right here with you.” He told you before he closed the distance, pressing his lips to yours, and you wrapped your arms around him, smiling into the kiss.
Echo broke the kiss before you both ran out of air, but still he held you close to him, pressing his forehead against yours.
“I’m relieved that you feel the same way, but I would understand if you didn’t, with me being this.”
“Oh shush,” you told him. “You’ll need a mechanic to keep everything in order.”
He smiled at you before placing a kiss against your lips once again.
~ ~ ~
You felt him tossing in the bed next to you. Another nightmare, you thought to yourself. 
He was getting them more frequently, and it worried you. It had been some time since he was rescued from Skako Minor, but the memories he had of his life before that had never quite faded. Memories of a life he could never quite return to. And you knew that something else was causing him stress. His nightmares grew more frequent ever since you had told him that you were pregnant. 
He was happy to be on Pabu with you, to start a family with you. But you knew it was still a hard adjustment for him. Not just living on Pabu, but everything since waking up from the stasis chamber he was put in. Everything that he had told you about all those years ago still haunted him to this day, and you wished that there was some way that you could help, but he had always told you that just being there with him was enough.
All you could really do in these moments was to try and calm him down, gently ease him out of his nightmares, try to get him to talk to you about them when he woke up, but sometimes it was easier said than done. 
You lay next to him, rubbing his back gently guiding your hand up and down next to the cybernetics, attempting to soothe him from his nightmare without waking him. He stirred gently under your touch before his eyes fluttered open.
"Fives!" He yelled as he lifted himself up off the bed. 
He took a moment to look around, eyes adjusting to the dark room.
"Shh.. You're okay." You whispered to him. 
He fell back onto the bed, turning to look at the ceiling before turning to face you.
"You should be sleeping." He said quietly, "I didn't wake you, did I?"
You shook your head, "No, I was already awake." 
He sighed and pulled you close to him, you adjusted yourself so you could rest your back against his chest, and he held you there, with a hand rubbing your belly gently. 
"I dreamt about the Citadel." He began. "Only instead of me getting hurt, it was Fives." 
You could feel his breath get shakier, and you intertwined your fingers with his. 
"I couldn't protect him. I couldn't protect any of them. Fives, Cutup, Droidbait, Hevy... I'm the only one left." 
You could tell from his voice that this wasn't entirely about his nightmare, and you turned back around to face him.
"Echo.." You gently reached your hand up to rest it on the side of his face.
He wouldn't meet your gaze, his eyes became fixed on your belly.
"What if I can't protect our child?" He asked quietly. 
"You can't think like that, I know you'll do anything for them." 
"But what if I can't?" He sighed, "You deserve someone you can rely on, someone strong to stand beside you. A good father for your children."
"And I have him." You reassured him. "Echo, everything you've described is you. I know you're afraid, and it's okay to be. In a couple months, we'll have someone else to look out for, but I know we'll be able to do this together. I didn't know them, but I know that Fives, Hevy, everyone would be so proud of you, for everything you've made it through, and everything that is coming our way." 
He sighed in frustration, clearly not hearing your words. “I won’t even be able to hold them properly without hurting them. How am I supposed to take care of a child?”
“Because you’re not doing it alone. Echo, I’m still here. I’ll always be here, we’ll be in this together, just like we always have.”
You pressed your forehead against his. "I'm right here with you." 
Echo nudged his forehead into yours gently, and pressed a kiss against your lips. 
"Thank you, mesh'la. You always know what I need to hear. I'm.. sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry. Anytime you need to hear it, I'll be here. I won't leave you."
~ ~ ~
If there was one thing Echo didn’t need to worry about, it was whether or not he would be a good father. 
He was nervous about it, of course. His nerves couldn’t be calmed until the moment he looked into the big brown eyes, his eyes, on this tiny person. His insecurities and worries all melted away from that moment onward.
He had a bit of practice with Omega, but fatherhood really came naturally to him. You remembered hearing a joke once that it was the Mandalorian genes, but to you, it was just how Echo was. He was always kind, gentle, and caring, and these traits became even stronger once your child was born. 
He was a perfect father, perhaps a little overly cautious at times, but caring all the same. You remembered laughing at his idea to wrap a soft blanket around his scomp link so that it didn’t dig into your child’s skin, but he did it anyway.
And he was proud that his child had such a loving family, the other batchers became the best uncles overnight. Hunter and Wrecker immediately took to doting on and fawning over your child, Tech took to adding all kinds of child safety measures to the Marauder, and Omega was ecstatic to finally be an aunt. 
You knew that there was still a part of Echo that he tried his best to keep hidden that longed to see the other members of the Domino squad be part of your little loving family, to watch your child grow up, to play games with them, to teach them to fly, to tell them stories about their dad that even you haven’t heard, to just be there, to be alive, but all you could do was reassure him that, wherever they are, they were looking out for him, and the new addition. 
From there, everything seemed to fall into place. Everything made sense. 
Echo had told you once, all that time ago that he had wanted a family of his own, a dream of his and yours that became reality with you by his side. 
The two of you were working parts, you helped each other move and grow, and you would continue to do so for as long as you could.
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mandos-mind-trick · 2 years ago
Dream of You
Summary: You know things. Things you shouldn’t. You knew about the clones, about the Republic’s army long before the war started. You knew about their training, you knew about attacks and battles even before they happened, long before the rest of the galaxy knew about them. Your only regret is not saying something sooner. 
Pairing: Echo x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, unprotected sex, slight aftercare, angst, war, Echo's "death", slight description of medical stuff, paranoia, depression, very brief implied mention of suicidal thoughts, fluffy, happy ending, Soulmate AU
A/N: Did I intend the last two soulmate fics to have similar links...not really. It just happened this way. Also, this is the NSFW Echo soulmate fic, the one with ace!reader is coming shortly. I'll be making a post when I'm close to finishing that one. I really struggled with this so sorry if it's garbage. Echo was not musing for me this time around.
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Blaster fire. 
It’s all around you, though that was fairly common for your dreams. You’re not sure where you are. You can’t see anything defining, nothing that would point out where you are or what you’re doing. 
“This is our only chance. We’ve got to stop him.” The voice echoes in your head. It’s coming from you. It’s your voice. 
You rush forward, grabbing a shield from the ground despite the bolts being fired at you. You rush towards the shuttle, firing at the droids in an attempt to secure it. 
“Echo look out!” 
Before the words register in your mind, before you can react you’re flying, being thrown forward by a wave of heat and energy. 
An explosion. 
The sound registers in your ears as you hit the ground. It’s dark, wherever you’ve landed. The pain begins to register as the shock wears off. Your whole body feels as if it's on fire. You can feel your pulse in your legs and arms, blood on your tongue. You can’t move. Even if you wanted to, even if you tried to call out, you can’t. 
You’re dying. 
You wake with a scream. Tears are gliding down your cheeks, and have been judging on the dampness of your face. You’re shaking uncontrollably, breaths coming in hyperventilating gasps. 
Your soulmate’s going to die. 
A hand lands on your shoulder, shaking you gently. “You alright?” 
You’re still hyperventilating, your brain refusing to respond. You’re soulmate’s going to die. Your soulmate’s going to die. It’s the only thing you can think of. 
“Look at me.” One of your fellow medics, Zena, kneels down on the other side of you. You like Zena. You’d consider her a friend. “I need you to breathe, otherwise you’re going to pass out.” 
She’s right. You can feel the tingling in your hands and feet and face as the carbon dioxide in your blood rapidly decreases. Zena takes a deep breath, holding it before letting it out. You try to mimic her, slowing your hyperventilating until your breathing is semi-even, broken only by the occasional sobs as you continue to cry. 
“What is it?” Zena asks, sitting on the edge of your bunk. “What’s going on?” 
“E-Echo.” You stutter out. “He’s...he’s go-gonna die!” 
A sympathetic look crosses her face. She’s one of the few that know about your soulmate, an ARC Trooper stationed with the 501st named Echo. You’ve never met, at least in person. You share a unique connection with him. Every time you sleep, you dream of what your soulmate will experience the next day. It started about eight years ago. You knew things about the GAR, about the war, long before it started. You’ve dreamed of battles that have happened since, things you shouldn’t know. Things that would get you arrested and sent to interrogation. 
It was what led you to sign up to be a medic, the hope that you might by chance run into your soulmate. Of course, you hadn’t known back then about the rules, the Kaminoans and the GAR forbidding the clones from forming links with their soulmates. The more you learned about the clones, the more angry it made you at the GAR. 
Zena squeezes your arm. “Maybe...maybe Commander Bly could help. He could alert the 501st command or something.” 
You scrub a hand over your face, smearing tears all over your skin. She’s right. Maybe...maybe things aren’t hopeless. You’re risking a lot. You’ll have to reveal your connection to Echo. If anyone finds out, he’ll be forced to reject you. By saving him, you might force yourselves apart for good. 
It would be better than losing him permanently. 
You throw the covers back, sliding your feet into your boots. “I need to find the Commander.” 
You’ve only spoken to Commander Bly once, while you patched his wound after a battle. You didn’t interact with command much outside the med bay. You were so far below their ranks. Your job was to patch wounds and keep injured troopers alive long enough to receive care. You were about to step so far out of your zone, but if it might save your soulmate’s life, then it will be worth it. 
You’re out the door of the bunks in a flash, before anyone can bring into question your course of action, before you can really question your decision. You head to the bridge, the first place you can think of as to where Commander Bly might be. 
You’re stopped at the doors before you can even get inside. “Authorized personnel only.” The trooper says. 
“I need to see Commander Bly.” You say, putting as much authority in your voice as you can. 
“He’s busy.” The trooper says. 
“It’s an emergency.” You say. “Lives are at stake.” 
The troopers at the door share a glance before one steps inside. You only get a quick glance through the doors before they’re closing again. You stand there and wait for what feels like too long, before the doors open, the trooper returning with Commander Bly in tow. 
He seems far more imposing now than he had when you’d patched his wound. You had been running high on adrenaline, patching trooper after trooper for hours after the battle ended. The adrenaline made you more brave. You could use some of that now. Right now all you have is desperation. 
Commander Bly leads you to a private room, your heart pounding in your chest. How were you going to tell him? How were you going to make him believe you? You’d have to spill, you’d have to tell him the truth and hope he believed the same as the other clones about soulmates. You’re risking so much, but if it saves even one life, perhaps it will be worth it. 
“You think someone’s in trouble?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You nod, taking a deep breath. Your hands are still shaking, still rattled by your dream. “It’s the 501st, sir.” You push the tears away, not wanting to cry in front of your Commander. “Something’s wrong, something’s going to happen.” 
“And how do you know this?” He asks skeptically, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“My...my soulmate is with the 501st.” You say. “We share a dream connection. I-I had a dream last night. He’s going to die.” 
Commander Bly stares at you for a moment before he sighs, his shoulders drooping. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you want me to do.” 
“Warn them. Contact them. Something!” You say, raising your voice a bit. “There has to be something that can be done.” 
He shakes his head. “The 501st is on a campaign right now. No warning I could send is going to change what happens. We have to do our duty first.” 
Tears blur your eyes at his words. Of course it was foolish to think you could stop one clone from dying. You shouldn’t have bothered. Now you could be reported to GAR officials. 
“I’m sorry.” The Commander at least has the decency to sound sympathetic. He puts a hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently. “There’s a shuttle leaving for Coruscant in less than an hour. I’ll put in the leave request paperwork.” 
You feel defeated. That’s it, then. There’s no swooping in and saving him, no way of preventing his death. Maybe this was the way it was always supposed to be. Fate wouldn’t give you a soulmate you weren’t going to meet. 
So what does that say about you? 
You drag your feet back to the barracks, packing your things silently as the tears slide down your cheeks. You feel numb, like your body is already preparing for the inevitable pain. It was going to happen today. You don’t know exactly when. It’s almost worse. 
You find the shuttle, boarding it without a word. You squish yourself in between two crates, pulling your knees to your chest as you wait for the soul-crushing pain of your soulmate’s death to hit you. 
You’ve been on Coruscant for two days. You’ve fluttered in and out of sleep, tears, and a deep numbness that prevented you from doing much else besides sitting and staring out the window of your hotel. You haven’t dreamed once in the many hours you’ve spent asleep. It’s all been dark, black, a void of nothingness. 
Was this what it felt like losing a soulmate? 
No one could ever fully describe it. They said it was horribly painful, like a piece of them was dying and decaying and it left a gaping hole in its place that never fully healed. 
You certainly feel like one big gaping hole. 
There’s been no pain, no soul-shredding feeling. Just numbness and emptiness. Perhaps it’s different for everyone. Perhaps your brain had blocked it out to save you from the pain of having to feel part of your soul dying. 
On the third day they arrive. 
You had managed to drag yourself into the shower, and you answer the door with dripping hair. Two members of the Coruscant Guard stand at your door. They ask your name and you confirm it. You’ve been summoned to the GAR headquarters. 
You already know what this is about. 
They let you at least make yourself decent and put shoes on before they escort you to the speeder. You’re not under arrest, which is a good sign, but you can imagine you’re headed into an interrogation. Someone had spilled on your link, on your knowledge of things you shouldn’t have known. Was it Commander Bly? One of your fellow civilians? 
You’re not mad. 
You’re far too numb to feel anything that strong. 
You’re escorted into the building and led through the labyrinth of lifts and halls. You’re left in a room with hardly more than a table and chairs and an overhead light. You lower yourself into one of the chairs, trying to prepare yourself for your impending interrogation. You can only imagine the things you’re going to get asked about. 
You’re not sure how long you wait there in the plain, windowless room. It feels like an external representation of how you feel inside. You can’t even bring yourself to feel nervous when an Admiral joins you in the room. 
He asks your name and your station, questions you can easily answer. You know you can’t lie. Getting caught in a lie isn’t going to help you any, and besides, why would you lie now? Your soulmate’s dead. They can’t do anything about it. 
“Having highly confidential information about the GAR and its battles puts you in a precarious situation.” The Admiral says. 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore.” You say. “After all, my soulmate is dead.” 
“Yes, what a pity. The loss of clones is an unfortunate aspect of the war that the Republic has no choice but to accept.” The Admiral says, no sympathy in his tone whatsoever. “You could have been a useful asset. Perhaps if we had known, things could have gone differently.” 
Your hands ball into fists, sudden rage boiling under the surface. It’s the first thing you’ve felt in days. You know it’s not true. They wouldn’t have risked anything to save Echo. He’s just another clone to them. Another faceless body to throw in front of a blaster. 
You’re shuttled back to your hotel and left at the door like nothing had happened. You’re still burning with rage, your body clinging to the first emotion it’s been able to conjure in days. You want to flip the table in your room, destroy the bed, break a window, something. You don’t have that kind of money, though, to pay for those damages. Nor do you want to put some poor housekeeper through that. 
Instead you drop on the bed and let out a scream into the pillow. The rage begins to boil down to tears, your sobs muffled by the dampening pillow. You cry yourself to sleep, drifting back into a state of numbness. 
It’s cold. You can’t see anything, you can’t hear anything. All around you is cold and dark. You can’t move, you can’t feel. You’re numb. The pain is gone, replaced by nothing. Nothing but numbing blackness in the cold around you. 
No, wait. You can hear something. Something off in the distance. It’s getting louder, echoing in your mind. 
You can still hear it when you wake. 
You blink the tears from your lashes, sitting up on the bed. It’s night, the city illuminated outside the window. You haven’t been asleep long. You’d been in the GAR headquarters longer than you thought. 
You rise from the bed, moving towards the window, looking down at the city as far as you can, until it disappears into the cloud of haze that separates the upper and lower levels. You suddenly back away from the window, all but punching the button to close the shutters. It cuts off the only light, bathing the room in complete darkness. For half a moment you expect the cold to come seeping back in. 
You need to get off Coruscant. You need to get out from under the eyes of the Republic. You need to hide. You need to disappear before they make you.  
You use your savings to purchase a ship. It’s a piece of junk, but it has hyperspace capabilities. That’s all you need. You need to find somewhere remote. After that, you’ll figure it out from there. You have little money left, but being a medic means you’ll be able to find jobs easily. You can work anywhere. Someone’s always looking to hire medics. 
You just need to disappear from the Republic. 
*** 2 Years Later ***
You’re still dreaming. 
You had dreamed of the frozen darkness most out of everything. Occasionally you’d get more. Strange noises, things spoken in a language you couldn’t understand. Occasionally you’ll see flashes, images. You can never quite make them out. 
You think it might be your brain trying to get used to dreaming its own dreams again. Or perhaps it's your brain's way of trying to make up for the loss of your soulmate. The numbness has slowly faded into the background, though it hasn’t really left. You found a remote planet to live on, one far from war. You got a job at the medical center in a small town, the job almost boring compared to the heart racing adrenaline inducing insanity of the war. 
You don’t mind. It keeps you off the radar. 
You’ve built a decent life here in two years. As decent a life as you could, at least. You still feel empty and lonely. That longing feeling for your other half hasn’t left. The fact you know you’ll never get to have him only makes it worse. 
You cry more than you’d like to admit. You understand now why people don’t last long when their soulmate dies. You’d hardly call this living. More just simply existing. 
You have considered it. You can never quite bring yourself to. There’s always something in the back of your mind holding you back. Sometimes you wish you were brave enough. 
It’s one of those nights when it happens. 
It’s dark and cold again. It feels different this time. Something’s happening, but you’re confused. 
Suddenly the darkness is gone, and you’re staring at what seems to be a control room. 
“We-We have to get to the shuttle to escape the Citadel.” The voice echoes in your head. “No! I’ll go first!” 
“Echo.” Another voice says. “Echo, it’s Rex. I’m here.” 
A face enters your vision. You know that face. You’ve seen it many times. “Rex? You, you came back for me?” 
“Yes.” He looks guilty. “Yes I did.” 
“What, what happened? Where am I?” Your gaze swings to look around the room.
“It’s okay, Echo.” Your gaze is drawn back to Rex. “You’re safe now. Just sit tight trooper. You’re going home.” 
You startle awake, tears sliding down your cheeks. You stare at the wall across from your bed in disbelief. It can’t be...but it had felt like the other dreams. 
Has he been alive this whole time? 
Had he somehow survived the explosion? It would explain the other dreams, the lack of pain at his passing. Had your suffering been simply your own creation because you thought he was dead? 
Has he been alive this whole time? 
Your dream means he’ll be getting rescued today. Hope blooms inside you that it is true, that it is really a dream of what’s going to happen. Many feelings flood you for the first time in a long time. The numbness is pushed away as emotions bubble within you. You don’t know whether to be happy or worried or sad or relieved. All you can do is cry. Again. 
Of course, you’ll have no way of knowing if it really does come true. You have no connections in the GAR anymore, and you can’t risk them finding you. You did sort of desert the army and break your contract. You know a prison cell is waiting for you if you go back. 
Fate won’t give you a soulmate you’ll never meet. 
You’re not entirely sure you trust fate. It’s put you through the wringer, but with this new development, that could change. Maybe you will find your way together after all. 
You call out of work, knowing you won’t be able to focus. You hardly leave your bed, thinking over the dream, over the fact your soulmate is alive. The longer you lay there, the faster the regrets start seeping in. What if you hadn’t left the Republic? You could have found a way to finally get to him, to finally meet him for the first time. 
There was no guarantee. 
Fate won’t give you a soulmate you’ll never meet. Perhaps it was always meant to happen this way. Perhaps it was better if it happened this way. 
Your dreams return to normal as the months pass. Dreams of battles continue to be the most common. You see new faces now, faces you don’t recognize in your dreams through Echo’s eyes. Things have changed for him too. 
You’ve always wondered what he saw in his dreams. Battles too, you imagined, though different ones than the ones he partook in. You wonder if he ever saw the clones you couldn’t save, his brothers suffering, you attempting to save their lives. 
Your dreams must seem very boring now. 
You wonder if he had still dreamed of you during the period of...whatever had happened to him. You wonder if he feels relief seeing how different your life is now. You wonder what he thinks of you. 
You wonder if he even wants to meet you. 
You shake those thoughts away, burying yourself in your work at the medical center. You don’t want to think about it. Rejection was still a strong possibility. Between the war and the GAR and the fact that not everyone wanted a soulmate, he could still reject you. 
You force the thoughts away, focusing on your dreams instead. Watching what he’s doing, making sure he’s not going to die again. 
Then the war ends. 
Despite the war being over, chaos still ensues in the galaxy. You don’t trust the Empire, and that distrust only continues as your dreams continue. You watch the things that happen to Echo, and his eventual desertion. You’re helpless to do much but watch the events that transpire. 
You wait patiently, biding your time as Echo and his squad try to find their place in the galaxy. It feels almost wrong to have such a front row seat to the goings on in his life despite never having met him in person before. Then again, he has a front row seat to your life as well, though your life is much more boring than his, even now. 
As the weeks pass and the disruption continues in the galaxy, your new home planet remains entirely untouched. There wasn't much special about it. No major exports, no convenient hyperspace lanes nearby, no major cities. It's a perfect place to hide. 
Echo has also found a place to hide. You begin to see a place popping up in your dreams regularly. An idea begins to form in your head as you learn about the place in your dreams. 
Ord Mantell. 
Cid's Parlor. 
You could easily find that place. Ord Mantell's not far from your current home. You could reach it in a matter of hours. All you have to do is take time off work and jump in your scrap pile of a ship. 
The idea makes you nervous. What if he doesn't want to meet you? What if he rejects you? Years. Years you've been waiting for this. You spent years thinking he was dead. Now he's within reach and...you're scared. 
You dream of yourself that night. 
You've already made up your mind, or fate has made it for you. 
You're halfway to Ord Mantell before the sun rises on your home planet. 
Cid's Parlor is a rather seedy place. You've been in worse, but you suppose for a front it's perfect. You take the stairs slowly, trying to remember to breathe. This is the moment. Two years ago you would have been running in and throwing your arms around him. 
It's been a long two years. 
You enter the bar, the inside not any better than the outside. There's a weequay and an ithorian at a dejarik table, and then the five at the bar. You recognize them from your dreams. Well, you recognize four of them. 
You've never actually seen Echo. You were always seeing from his perspective. You always assumed he'd look like the other clones, but then you'd seen the new group he was with and realized maybe they don't all look alike. 
You can pick him out in the group by process of elimination. You recognize the other three, having seen them at various points, and then of course there's the girl. You take a long look at Echo, tears gathering in your eyes. 
You're so close. So close. 
"Echo?" You ask, the bar seeming to go quiet as soon as you say it. 
Everyone turns to look at you, brows furrowed in confusion. Echo steps back from the bar, staring at you. He's paler than the others, his face sunken and gaunt. There's a headset wrapped around his head, and you notice the cybernetic right arm. 
The furrow of his brows lift into shock, his eyes widening as he stares at you. He whispers your name, almost too quiet for you to hear. 
You're moving before you realize it, your arms wrapping around him. He's solid and warm and his plastoid chest plate digs into your skin, but you don't care. He's real. 
His arms wrap around your shoulders, holding you against him. 
"I-I didn't think..." You sniffle, a tear sliding down your cheek. "Two years! I thought you were dead."
He lets out a chuckle, his hand sliding down your back. "Yeah. Everyone thought I was." 
You pull away as a throat clears beside you. Your cheeks warm a bit. You'd completely forgotten the others. 
"Echo...care to explain?" The one with the bandana, Hunter you think, asks. 
Echo slips his arm back around you, holding you against his side. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet my soulmate."
The guarded look on Hunter's face lessens just a bit. You hadn't expected to be welcomed with open arms and trusted immediately. Not after the things you've seen. 
You get introduced to everyone, and you find yourself sitting at the bar, telling Echo all about yourself. Where you came from, how you joined the GAR, why you left, where you wound up. He knew a lot already. He'd dreamed of you occasionally during the two years you'd thought he was dead. He hadn't really understood what was happening during that time though. To be fair, you hadn't either. 
You talk a bit about them, filling in some gaps in your understanding of what was happening to them. 
"We need somewhere to lay low for a while." Hunter says. 
"Well, I just happen to know the perfect place." You say. "It kept me hidden from the Republic and there hasn't been even a glance from the Empire so far."
"It's out of the way of most hyperspace lanes." Tech says, typing away at his datapad. "No major cities or ports. Mostly self-sufficient. Nothing anyone would be interested in." 
You shrug. "It's not much, but it is safe." 
"We're going in that?" Echo asks as you stand next to your ship docked at the port. 
"Hey, don't hate on Bertha." You pat the side of the ship, something clanging inside. "She helped me escape the Republic."
You lower the ramp, having to fiddle with it as it sticks for a moment. Echo gives you an incredulous look but you wave him in. She may be a bit temperamental, but your ship has a special place in your heart. 
"Tech will have a heyday with this one if you let him get his hands on it." Echo says, taking the copilot's seat. 
"Well, he's more than welcome if he gets bored." You say, firing up the engine. "Can't make her any worse." You grin at him, giving the control panel a solid smack to stop it from rattling. 
Echo doesn't relax until you're in hyperspace. You don't take it personally. You had been a little nervous flying the first time but though she was prone to rattling, Bertha flew perfectly fine. 
You turn to look at Echo as the blue of hyperspace surrounds you. You reach out, pressing your hand to his cheek. His skin isn't as warm as you'd expect, your brow furrowing a little. 
His hand lifts, resting against yours. Your thumb strokes his cheek, reminding yourself that he's real. He's right here with you finally. 
"Echo...what happened to you?" You ask. 
And he tells you. You spend the entire trip listening to his story. He starts at the beginning, explaining things you knew and many you didn't. You listen to it all. The good, the bad, the heartbreaking. 
You cry for him a few times. Cry for the pain and the misery and the torture he's faced. He wipes your tears, dampening his glove but he doesn't seem to care. 
You talk almost the entire flight, catching up on years of missed time. Echo only slightly clings to the seat as Bertha drops from hyperspace and you begin the hour flight to your home planet. It's slow going, Bertha not exactly made for speed. 
The others are already there when you land, by no surprise. Though your home was small, you could offer them a roof over their head until they found something more permanent. 
If they decided to stay here. 
You try not to think about that too much. 
"Glad you made it." Hunter says, eyeing Bertha as you and Echo step off the ramp. 
"Not you too." You make a face. "She flies just fine, she's just got creaky joints."
You can already see the wheels turning in Tech's head as he eyes Bertha. You lead them inside, showing them your small house. You only have one spare room and a couch but they assure you they can just sleep on the ship. You feel bad, but then again you hadn't really been expecting this when you ran from the Republic. 
You hadn't expected a lot to happen. 
You make dinner, probably the first home cooked meal they've had in a long time, or possibly ever. Echo hovers in the kitchen but you don't mind. You like having him close after all this time. You're still a little afraid you'll turn around and find he's gone. Like he's been a figment of your imagination this whole time. 
They leave you and Echo the house for the night, and you can tell by the look on Hunter's face it's deliberate. You hadn't really considered that but you knew anything could happen after you meet your soulmate.
You find Echo in your room after you finish cleaning up. He's standing next to the bed, tracing the carving on the wall. 
You'd carved it after hearing it again in your dream. You'd been half dazed, repeating the number over and over in your head. 
He turns to look at you, fingers resting in the center of the 9. Your cheeks warm a bit, not having thought about that. You just have his designation number carved in your wall. You might as well have his name there. 
"I did that after I heard it in a dream." You say, approaching the bed. "I couldn't get it out of my head." You crawl onto the bed, kneeling next to him. "I put it there because it felt like in a way you were still with me, though I know now you never left." 
He drops his hand, turning to face you. He looks a little guilty. "I'm sorry for putting you through that."
"Don't apologize for something you couldn't control." You say, putting your hand on his scomp arm. "You're here now. That's what matters." 
He glances down at your hand before looking back up at your face, those big brown eyes shining in the orange light of sunset shining in through your window. 
"I made a promise once." He says, staring at you. "To someone very close to me. We promised each other that after the war ended, we'd find our soulmates and settle down somewhere. Get married and have families. Grow old together far away from everything else."
You smile softly at him, gently guiding him to sit on your bed with you. "Well, I'd be more than happy to help you keep your part of the promise."
You sit with him, talking late into the night. There's no rush now. You have all the time in the world. 
***1 Year Later***
"Just a pinch of this." You say, blindly holding out the jar of spice. 
It's taken from your hand and set on the counter, your ears picking up the small clink of metal on tile. Hands grip your waist from behind as you stand on your toes to reach the second shelf of the cupboard. 
"You know I can reach those easily." Echo murmurs in your ear. 
You grin at him over your shoulder. "I know. I also know you love looking at my ass."
He practically purrs, hands sliding lower. "I do love your ass."
You press back into his hands, one flesh, the other cybernetic. He'd ditched the scomp a few months ago now that he's retired to a boring civilian life. 
"We don't have a lot of time before they get here." You say, straightening up to try and slip out from where he has you pinned to the counter.
He presses against you harder, hands moving to trap you between him and the counter. "They can wait for dinner." He breathes into your ear, pressing his half-hard cock against your ass. "I want dessert first."
You bite your lip, letting out a strangled moan as he grinds against you. "At least turn the burner off." You breathe. 
Echo presses a kiss to your neck before he pulls away, reaching back to shut off the stove. You turn in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as he turns back to you. 
He pins you against the counter once more, molding his lips against yours as his hands trail back down your sides. You deepen the kiss, pulling him even closer. You can feel him, fully hard against your stomach now. 
His hands grip your waist, easily lifting you onto the counter. One of your hands slides up to tangle in the curls that have regrown over the last few months. He groans quietly against your lips, hands parting your thighs for him. 
He steps between your legs, your skirt riding up around your waist, revealing your panties underneath. His fingers rub the damp fabric, teasing you before he tugs them aside, meeting your flesh. 
You moan into his mouth, pressing your hips into his hand as he circles your clit. You're already worked up just from kissing him, the familiar heat igniting under your skin from his touch. 
"Kriff." You breathe against his lips, grinding against his hand. "Make me feel so good."
He hums contently against your lips. "Good. You deserve to feel good." 
You slip a hand down his front, palming him through his pants. "I'd feel better with you inside me, though.".
He grins, pressing one more steamy kiss against your lips. "Yes, ma'am."
You shriek as he tugs you right to the edge of the counter, holding you steady with one hand while the other pulls his cock from his pants. 
You wrap your arms back around his neck as he presses close between your legs, teasing your slit with the head of his cock. You moan quietly, playing with the ends of his hair as he slowly presses into you. 
He groans, pressing his face into your neck as he slides into your warm passage, your body wet and ready for him. 
It never gets old, the feeling being so connected to him invokes. Your very soul seems to hum with pleasure from being so close, so connected. You wrap your legs around him, holding him as close as you can as he settles inside you. 
He presses a soft kiss to your lips as you sit in the moment for just a second, savoring the feeling before he begins moving. His thrusts are slow yet deliberate. They reach deep into you, the tip of his cock brushing that spot inside you over and over. 
You won't last long, you know it as your legs begin to tremble around him. You moan against his lips, hands fisting his shirt as he picks up the pace just a little. 
You whine as you cum around him, milking his own orgasm from his body. He moans into your neck, holding you tightly as he spills into you. 
You stay still, just breathing and feeling each other for a few moments. Your hands gently massage his neck and his shoulders, easing the ache you know he feels from his cybernetics sometimes. 
He presses gentle kisses to your neck, not enough to leave marks but still enough to pull quiet sounds from your lips.  
He kisses a trail up your jaw to your lips, both of you pausing at the knock on the door. 
"Hunter's gonna know." You murmur against his lips. 
"He probably already does." Echo says, kissing you once more. "Probably heard us halfway down the street."
Your cheeks warm as he pulls away from you, fixing his clothes before helping you look presentable as well. You turn on the stove once more before pulling out the disinfectant spray. 
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starrylothcat · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Echo x Reader
Summary: Echo knows you are alone on Life Day Eve and wants to spend the holiday with you.
Warnings: Light angst/meloncholy related to the holidays, kissing/making out, slight allusion to sexy times but not described and nothing explicit. Fluffy and happy ending. 🎄
WC: 2676
A/N: This is a gift for @cc--2224 as part of the Life Day Fic Exchange hosted by @cloneficgiftexchange !
I played with ideas from the prompt: Having no one to spend the holidays with and being invited out/over to spend it with [x clone].
❄️ Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy @cc--2224 ! ❄️
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The sun was setting, and delicate rays of light poured into the streets from residences up and down every street on Pabu.
Life Day lights began twinkling on above doors and around windows as the sun sunk beyond the horizon.
Laughter and melodic tunes floated in the air, along with mouth-watering aromas from holiday feasts being set out on tables for friends and family to enjoy.
Echo stood outside your small Pabu cafe, trying to steady his nerves. He was clutching a bottle of rare Tevraki whiskey in his hand, something he had been saving for some time.
Your neon “Open” sign was switched off and the cafe was dark, though a string of Life Day lights flickered above your storefront sign.
You lived in a small apartment in the back of the cafe, and Echo could see a dim light illuminating your living room window.
It was Life Day Eve, and Echo knew you were alone.
Echo had been frequenting your cafe for a while now, making a point to come in the early mornings when your delectable baked goods were fresh out of the nanowave oven.
The more he got to know you, sipping caf and sharing stories and smiles, the more he realized he was catching feelings.
It started small, at first. Little fleeting flutters of his heart when he entered your cafe, knowing you’d be behind the counter. His face warming when you’d laugh, a wonderful medolic laugh that made those flutters in his chest beat like a porg’s wings trying its damdest to fly.
When he was away on missions with Rex, he thought more and more of you, truly missing you and how he felt when he was in your presence.
He felt…safe. Comfortable. At ease. Emotions he hasn’t felt in a long, long time.
You were kind and generous to everyone who entered your cafe and went out of your way to help the people of Pabu. You often hand-delivered bespoke baked goods to new arrivals to make them feel at home.
Echo admired your kind heart, quiet strength, and warm demeanor. It took him time to fully realize what he was feeling, but let it happen. Echo had been thinking more and more of his future, especially now that he was in control of his destiny for the first time in his life.
He had much taken from him, his very soul used against his will. He was given a second chance, and he was not going to waste it.
So when Echo discovered you were spending the holiday by yourself, he knew he couldn’t let you be alone, not tonight.
You cared so much about Life Day, just the day before describing your fond memories of celebrating with your family as a child. You were a refugee like most Pabu residents, and you’ve been unable to see your family for many years due to the war.
Echo picked up the melancholy in your voice and how your body language changed when you spoke of your memories, a heavy weight anchoring you down knowing it was another Life Day without them.
Echo had his brothers and Omega. He was incredibly lucky to have a support structure, even after all he had been through.
The thought of you having no one to celebrate with didn’t sit right with him, so he decided to surprise you with a bottle of whiskey he purchased some time ago, a drink he used to share with Fives on this very holiday.
Echo found himself with a similar weight in his chest this cycle, thinking of Fives. Life Day was Five’s favorite holiday, and Echo had many memories of him and Fives savoring this drink on this nat-born holiday, cheering their brothers, and speaking of their hopes for the future.
Echo couldn’t think of anyone else he’d want to share this drink with tonight. Not even his own brothers. But you.
Now Echo stood in front of your door, hesitating for a moment, hoping he wasn’t coming on too strongly.
Echo never had time for relationships and was currently flying by the seat of his pants, but wasn’t dumb.
Echo has noticed how your expression softens when you look at him, or how your hand always brushes against his every time he hands you credits for his caf, touching his hand just long enough to be noticeable.
He was here as a friend, as much as he wanted to be more than friends. He wanted to kiss you, hold you, and let you know just how much you meant to him.
Echo wanted to respect your boundaries, though, and if you just wanted to be friends, he would continue to stand by your side as that and nothing more.
Echo took a breath and walked to the back of your cafe, up to your front door that was adorned with a Life Day wreath.
He tapped on your front door with his scomp.
It was now or never.
He waited a moment, hearing quiet music playing and some shuffling.
“Hello?” Your voice called from behind your door.
“It’s Echo.”
Your door clicked open, revealing your face, warm light spilling out, illuminating Echo who stood before you.
You were wearing your apron, the one you always adorned in the storefront, and Echo could immediately smell something sweet drifting from your kitchen.
“Echo!” Your face lit up. “What are you doing here?” You looked surprised, glancing at the whiskey in his hand.
“Thought you could use some company tonight.” Echo held it up, trying his best to act casual.
Your lips parted in a delicate oh, a blush warming your cheeks as you took in the man you are seriously crushing on standing in your doorway.
“Echo…you didn’t have to…I’m sure you have plans with your brothers…?”
Echo shook his head. “I want to be here, with you. You shouldn't have to spend the holiday alone.”
A genuine smile graced your features and Echo felt the tension in his shoulders dissipate.
You stepped to the side, gesturing inside. “Please, come in!
Echo stepped inside your small home. It was cozy, with a few dim lamps casting a pleasing glow throughout your living space. A Life Day tree was tucked in the corner of your living room and sparkling lights lined the ceiling, adding a magical feel to the space.
Your dining room table had racks of tooka-shaped cookies cooling, the culprit of the delicious smell.
“Sorry for the mess.” You walked to your kitchen, opening a cabinet to grab glasses. “I wasn’t expecting company…” You laughed, reaching with your tiptoes into the cupboard.
“No need to apologize. I’m the one intruding.” Echo stood near the table, placing the whiskey bottle down where there was space.
You walked back over to him, holding the glasses.
“No, not at all, Echo. I’m…really glad you’re here.”
You smiled your beautiful smile that Echo replayed endlessly in his head, making his heart do flips in his chest.
“Hope you like whiskey.” Echo said, “I used to drink this with my brother on Life Day. We’d save up credits for months to get a bottle.”
You scooted a rack of cookies out of the way, placing the glasses on the table.
“I’m honored you’re sharing it with me.” You untied your apron, draping it over a nearby chair.
“And yes, I do like whiskey, so you will have to share.” Your eyes held a mirthful glow, the Life Day lights hanging above mirrored in your irises.
Echo’s heart was thumping as he poured you each a glass of the amber liquid.
You gestured toward your couch. “Shall we?”
Echo sat next to you on your couch, sinking into the comfortable cushions as you settled near him. The couch was small, leaving little room between you.
You cradled your glass of whiskey, the lights from your tree reflecting off the crystaline glasses. A comfortable silence spreading between the two of you, only interrupted by the music playing from your radio.
Echo looked so handsome in the glow of your lights. His jaw was set, strong, and stubbled. His skin had gained some color back from the Pabu sun, and you could see his muscular shoulders tight against the civilian clothes he was wearing.
You have known Echo for some time now, ever since he and his brothers first came to the tropical planet. He stopped by your cafe every morning he could for caf and a spice cake. You learned some of his story before Pabu, but not all. You knew how he got his cybernetics, a story he told you early one morning in your shop.
Your heart broke for him but admired his resilience and ever-present strength. It’s one of the many reasons why you have fallen for him.
“Thank you, Echo.” Your eyes met his brown ones, butterflies coming to life in your stomach.
“I didn’t mean to give you my whole sob story yesterday…I usually keep myself busy on Life Day, as you can see.” You motioned behind you to all the cookies.
Echo shook his head. “Don’t apologize. The holiday can be hard on everyone, especially now. I’ve been thinking more of my brother, and it hurts knowing he can’t be here. You’re not alone in this.”
He lifted his glass of whiskey toward you.
“Cheers.” He said, clinking his glass against yours. “To friends and family.”
“Cheers.” You replied, “To friends and family.”
You both sipped the sweet alcohol, enjoying the warmth in your chest it provided as you swallowed.
“You and your brother had good taste.” You smiled behind your glass, taking another small sip, savoring the drink.
Echo chuckled.
“Glad you think so.”
You watched something flash across Echo’s eyes.
Echo had told you a little about Fives in passing, but not much.
“I’m sure he’d be happy that you are continuing your tradition.”
Echo nodded, a small, sentimental smile pulling at his lips.
“Yeah…he was a good man. One of the best I’ve ever known.”
“Tell me about him,” you started. “Only if you want, though.”
Echo knew Fives would be happy for him, and while he desperately wished he could be here, talking about him lifted the stone off his chest that had settled ever since he saw this whiskey.
He told you of the first time they bought this drink, and almost getting caught with it in their bunk when they were cadets.
The night went on, trading stories of the past, you talking of your family and Life Day traditions, and Echo speaking of his brothers, reminiscing on the trouble he and Fives used to get up to.
There was a newfound intimacy between the two of you, for once not just talking in your cafe. Echo had never felt closer to you than now, watching how your features glowed under the lights, talking of fond memories and the current goings on in Pabu.
You weren’t sure when it happened, but you ended up sitting close enough to Echo that your legs were almost touching.
Your conversation lulled, and Echo glanced at your chrono, seeing how late it was, well past midnight.
Time always went by so quickly with you. That peaceful serenity that he only felt with you had overtaken him, not wanting it to end.
“I didn’t mean to keep you this late.” He spoke softly. “I should go.”
Without thinking, your hand shot to his knee, feeling the hard metal underneath his clothing.
“You don’t have to go, not yet.” You said quickly.
You didn’t want him to leave. Your gaze met his, your hand still on his cybernetic knee.
Echo’s honeyed eyes swam with emotion, feeling your hand on his knee slide up toward his thigh, where his skin began.
Echo, spurred on by your touch and maybe a little bit of the whiskey, laid his hand atop yours. The gentleness of your hand contrasted with his larger, calloused palm.
Your eyes darted to where your hands met, and back to his.
Echo whispered your name so quietly you almost missed it over the thrumming of your own heart.
“Thank you for being here tonight.” You took a breath.
“I know we both have people we are missing right now…it’s usually a difficult time for me, but this is the happiest I’ve felt in a long time.”
Your voice was quiet too, enjoying the weight of his hand atop yours.
“You…mean a lot to me, Echo.”
Echo’s eyes widened slightly, heat rushing up his neck, hoping he was hearing you correctly.
“You mean a lot to me, too.” Echo’s hand lightly squeezed yours, your confessions hanging around you as excitement flooded your systems, realizing you both felt the same.
The air was suddenly thick, a magnetic pull tugging at both of you toward one another.
You were so close now, his nose brushing against yours as you both tentatively leaned in, your lips just centimeters away as you slowly closed the distance.
Finally, your lips touched, soft and chaste, his scomp lifting to gently trace down your arm as his lips captured yours.
Echo felt as if sparks were going off in his entire body, your lips sweeter than he imagined. He never wanted to let go of this moment.
It was pure bliss to kiss you, Echo’s mind solely focusing on you, how you felt, the way your breath hitched when he brought his hand to cup your face, gently caressing his thumb under your eye.
You pulled away, already missing his spicy musk and surprisingly plush lips.
“This is the happiest I’ve felt in a long time, too.” Echo traced his knuckle down your cheek. “And it’s because of you. It’s always because of you.”
You leaned in again, overwhelmed by emotion, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him into a more passionate and fervent kiss.
Everything that had been building between the two of you didn’t need to be spoken, the way your mouths danced and hands roamed one another’s bodies spoke for itself.
You sighed into his mouth as he shyly slid his tongue across your lower lip, politely asking for more.
His hand cradled the back of your head, entangling in your hair as your kiss deepened.
Emboldened, Echo broke the steamy kiss and traced his mouth down your jawline, placing hot kisses slowly down your neck.
The quiet whimpers that left your swollen lips ignited his body with passion, hoping he hadn’t fallen asleep on your couch and this was just a dream.
Echo lavished your skin, making his way back up to your lips for another profoundly devoted kiss.
When you both finally pulled away to catch your breaths, your lips were shiny with saliva, and your bodies flushed.
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as Echo held you against his strong body.
“Do you still want to go?” You asked.
Echo shook his head.
“I think you convinced me to stay.”
He brushed his lips against yours, slowly leaning you back on the couch, until you were laying down and he was above you.
You looked up at him through hooded eyelids as he took in your form beneath him, your soft body pliable against his.
“Can’t let you wake up alone on Life Day, either.” Echo’s voice was deliciously deeper than usual as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss right under your ear, causing you to shudder in delight.
Echo waited for your answer, not wanting to take things further than you wanted.
“No, you can’t.” You replied, pulling him down flush against you, your lips meeting again, your bodies entwining.
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When you awoke the next morning in one another’s arms, for the first Life Day in a long time, you both felt indescribable happiness.
As you drifted off the night before, speaking softly to one another in the afterglow of your ignited feelings for one another, Echo was afraid when he woke up, that peace he felt only with you would be gone. Or that maybe you’d only wanted that one night with him, and nothing more.
The feeling was still there, even stronger than before. His fears dissipated when you left feather-light kisses across his chest, asking if he’d like to stay for breakfast and help decorate some of the cookies you had made last night.
Echo wholeheartedly agreed, inviting you to the dinner Hunter was hosting that evening with Omega and the rest of his brothers.
The heaviness that had settled over both of you leading up to the holiday had lifted away, replaced with glimmering elation and harmony that only you could give one another, knowing you would never have to be alone on Life Day ever again.
⋆。˚❆˚ ⋆ Comments & Reblogs Appreciated! ⋆。˚❆˚ 。
Dividers by @saradika
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echoisbabe · 11 months ago
Breaks are okay
Echo x reader
Felt like writing a little something for Echo, it’s short but I like it :) hope everyone that reads enjoys it :)
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Echo knelt down beside you, his words lost as your mind spirals.
He hears the soft hum and glances back up at you. He frowns slightly. Your eyes far away, as worry creases your brows.
“You know…” he starts, head tilting to the side to catch your attention “… you can talk to me about anything” you glance at him, a small smile forced.
“I’m sorry, Echo” you shake your head, trying to rid the thousand of thoughts away “Besides I wouldn’t even know where to start, everything is just confusing lately”
He wants to be more helpful, his task forgotten as he pushes himself up. He holds his hand out for you, which you take hesitantly.
“We haven’t finished-“ you start, more worry knitting your brows together “Hunter will be upset if we don’t finish”
“We need a break” his hands fall on your shoulders, he rubs them trying to calm you “it’s okay to take breaks”
You open your mouth to protest more, to find away to get his mind back on the task and not you. His hand now cupping your cheek, his touch soothing the worry from your face. You lean into it, eyes fluttering shut as you let out a shaky breath.
“You need a break” he whispers and you nod and finally let him lead you to where ever he wants.
. . .
His arms are wrapped around you, your face is buried in his chest. Soft snores slipping past your lips. He didn’t think you would fall asleep, but the sound of the water crashing against the rocks is quite soothing.
He’s not sure what’s been bothering you so much, but he promised to be here for you. He had listened to you struggle for the words before eventually you just couldn’t even formulate a sentence anymore. He wasn’t sure what to do so he just pulled you into his arms. He hasn’t heard you cry like that in a long time so the only thing he could do was hold you and whisper soothingly sweet words to you.
You’ve been so brave through it all, he sometimes forgets that you weren’t made for this the way he is.
“Echo?” Your sleepily whisper, he hums in response “Thank you” you snuggle closer
“I’m here for you, always” he smiles as he tightens his arms around you
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stardusthuntress · 27 days ago
Pinup From the Past
Echo x afab!reader 
Word Count: ~3k 
This was entirely inspired by this fanart of Echo doing a pinup pose by @el-niphrendil… hope that’s okay with you, friend! It’s one of my favorites on here! 
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Summary: Echo’s mischievous, younger self may or may not have done some flirtatious things… some remnants of which may or may not be discovered by his parter, and one thing leads to another… 
TWs: this is basically pure smut with a touch of plot as a lead in; reader admits to have too small of a mouth to truly eat him out, but it’s just a short mention at the end; echo is a bit self conscious about his post-Skako body, but once he gets going he’s insatiable! Very NSFW! Smut with plot, basically… also reader is self conscious because she can’t fit him into her mouth, but Echo is always encouraging and they find a way to make it work! And remember, irl, wrap it before you tap it, folks! 
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Somehow you found it, hidden on his datapad when he gave it to you so you could look for something for the upcoming mission. You didn’t even know he had it, let alone that he once did something like that. 
You’ve been staring at the photo, jaw on the floor for some time now. Still amazed that this is your boyfriend, and damn does he look hot! 
he enters the room before you’ve noticed and asks what you’re looking at, having only seen your back. 
You quickly lock the datapad, tucking it into your chest for good measure. “Nothing!” You quickly cover, effectively doing the exact opposite of what you hope. As the failure to hide the fact that he caught you dawns on your slow-to-catch-up mind, heat rushing to your face. 
Echo sighs, his expression growing weary. “Wish I could inspire a look like that from you, Love. I just don’t have that part of me left.” He sighs. 
You stare at his aghast. So He doesn’t know what one look at him does to you every single day you’ve been togther! 
He turns to leave the room, a defeated slump in his shoulders. 
And it kicks you back into gear. You grab his shoulder and hold out the datapad, showing him the picture of him that you were staring at. 
His complexion suddenly goes through a variety of colors. First pale, at his shock that you found that. He didn’t even know he still had it. Then pink, realizing you were staring at him, and then a slight green tinge colors his face, afraid that you’d realize what he lost. 
“Actually, you can. And you do. Everyday!” You tell him. “But I had no idea that you had a wild side to you! Where’s that been hiding?” 
He chuckles nervously, “That might have died at the citadel, Love. Lost it when I lost the rest of me.” He’s looking at the floor, unable to look at you. 
“Well, if the mischief maker that dares Omega to race is still in there, I bet the wild side is too. Perhaps we can find a way to bring it back out, huh?” 
“But I don’t look like that anymore, Ill just disappoint you. I can’t even get it up anymore…” 
You lean in and nibble on the spot just below his ear, “Maybe… I could…” you suggest, suggestively, lips teasing his hunger for you. 
Echo’s arms tightened around you when your lips close on his neck, and he groans. 
You back him into a wall, and lean on him, pinning him in place. Though, pinned is more figurative than anything. He could easily push you off or simply pick you up and put you somewhere you weren’t crowding him if he wanted to. 
“Tell me about this day,” you gesture with the datapad, “Tell me about what inspired you to do it, what was on your mind to make your smirk like that, and let me help you take off those clothes. You look more muscular now than you did in that picture, I’ll give you that.” You trace a finger over the bulge of his arm, of pure muscle. “And tell me what you wanted to come from posing for something like this, and if you still want that. We can find that spark again, Love. Even if it’s a little different now. I bet it’s still there. I bet it still teases you with lust-filled dreams at night.” 
“Mmmmm, they’re better now. The dreams. Now they feature the woman of my dreams.” He smirks, trying to let go and love you the way he wants to. 
You giggle and nuzzle into his neck and chest. 
He wraps his arms around you with a pleasant hum. 
“What do you like so much about this?” He gestures to the datapad. 
“Hmm”, you take a moment to look at it, biting your lip as your eyes trail hungrily over the photo. “Well, aside from the fact that you’re barely wearing anything,” you smirk, “I like the tattoo… I like the look in your eye… I like the pose… and I must say what you’re doing with the belt is especially enticing…” you trail off, eyes glazing over slightly as you continue to ponder the photo and what it makes you want to do. 
Echo just stares at you, jaw on the floor. Takes him a moment for his thoughts to catch up to the real world. “Well… I can’t say the belt was particularly comfortable there. It did sorta chafe and pinch a bit.” 
“Ouch,” you acknowledge, shifting in his arms. 
but he doesn’t realize what you are up to until he feels your soft hand cup his groin through his blacks. 
Echo inhales sharply, looking down at you with awe and swallowing hard. 
“Seems like it still aches, just thinking about it?” You ask playfully, looking up at him to make sure he’s okay with your touch. 
Echo has lost his voice. He tries to use it, but nothing comes out, and he finds himself needing to pick his jaw up off the floor yet again. So instead he grips you tighter, eyes wide with hope, and he nods, not sure what you’re going to do next, but knowing he will very likely enjoy it. 
“Maybe I can help with that too, my brave and handsome trooper,” you whisper against his cheek. 
Echo’s eyes drift closed and he shivers at your boldness. 
Your free hand drifts up to the back of his neck, encouraging him to lean his head against yours in a keldable kiss as you rub the back of his neck. 
Your other hand remains between his legs, gently massaging up and down his length through his blacks. And then sliding down to caress his balls. 
Echo’s arms tighten around your waist and he groans, turning to press a long kiss into your cheek. 
You hum contentedly, gripping just a bit tighter and rubbing just a bit firmer. 
He tries to keep from bucking into your palm, but he’s not entirely successful. Especially with you so willingly touching him like this. 
“I could kiss it better?” You offer. 
Echo’s head shoots up, his eyes wide and excited, “You — uh, you don’t have to,” his cheeks flush with heat at the notion of your lips on his most sensitive parts. 
“But what if I want to?” You whisper back, lips achingly close to his. 
Echo can barely process your proximity, let alone what you just said. And he can only think of one answer… his lips crash into yours as his hand cups the back of your neck. 
You immediately return the kiss, opening willingly as he licks your lips, and groaning into his mouth. 
“Need you,” he mumbles against your lips. “Bedroom?” 
You beam up at him, sneak one more kiss onto the corner of his lips, and turn to lead the way, his hand gripped tightly in yours. 
But before you can even take a step, you’re swept off your feet as Echo scoops you into his arms. 
“Please, allow me,” his chivalrous, flirtatious side surfaces, eager to do something sweet for you after your all too sensual handjob. 
He carries you away, and you wrap your arms around his neck. When he hastily swats the controls to close the door, you let your lips find his neck. 
He groans, trying to focus long enough to actually reach the bed to settle you both into it. Though the temptation to take you on the floor is strong, but he knows his back needs a soft bed, and you deserve the comforts of one. 
Finally he finds the bed with his knees and scrambles onto it, still cradling you in his arms as you suck passionately at a spot on his neck that’s driving him wild. 
He settles on top of you, pressing you hungrily into the bed with a deep kiss as he finds his place between your legs. 
He starts tugging at the hems of your clothes but you stop him. 
“Na, uh. This is about you, handsome,” you whisper, trailing kisses down his neck to distract him. 
Echo’s groan turns to a grunt of surprise as you flip him onto his back. 
“But—“ he starts to protest. 
You seal his lips with your own, licking into his mouth and stealing all his coherent thoughts away. 
You smirk down at him when you break away, panting. “Let’s get those clothes off you, Babe,” you instruct, but Echo is putty in your hands as you unfasten the last vestiges of armor he’s still wearing today, quickly tugging the tops of his blacks open and running your hands all over his chest. 
Echo watches, enraptured, as his armor is discarded and his upper half laid bare for you as you lean down to trail kisses from his earlobe - where you whisper about kissing his manhood, and anything else that hurt - down his neck and across his chest to the remnants of the blue handprint tattoo over his right pec. There you kiss around the periphery of it, and then follow the scar that emanates from his missing arm through the middle of the tattoo, and lick his nipple. 
Echo tries to resist curling around you but is unsuccessful, and you hum affectionately into his chest as you continue to suck on his nipple. 
Then your lips trail down towards his abs as your hands once again cup his length and balls. 
Echo’s mouth falls open as he groans again, knowing he is fully yours now. His hand finds your neck and rubs it sweetly. 
As your lips trail over his abdomen, your lips brush the cool metal of the rivets adorning his middle and you pause to look at them. 
Echo looks down and turns away, embarrassed, “I know. They can’t get rid of them. I asked if they could, but—“ but again he is cut short by your lips as you make eye contact and kiss every single rivet on his abs and chest. 
And then you smirk up at him and lick around one, Echo throws his head back, his hand on the back of your neck twitching. 
So you lick and suck lightly on each and every one… and then trace the groves of his abdomen with your tongue. 
And by the time he has forgotten your original goal, your hand that continues to caress his length and balls slips up to fiddle with the fastener on his pants. 
He is reminded of where you are heading with this when you break away from his abs to eagerly and hastily pull open his pants and begin tugging both his pants and undergarments off his hips. 
Panting hard, Echo can only comply with your eagerness, lifting his hips for you to take his pants off far faster than he expected. 
As you turn back, you press a gentle kiss to the head of his cock, where it is starting to stand proudly at your ministrations. 
You look up at him and smile brightly, surging forward to press him back into the pillows with a fervent kiss as you shift to lay so that you have direct access to his hips and groin. 
And then you break away from his kiss with a mischevious smile and settle yourself at his hips looking at his cock like it’s a priceless statue in a museum you’ve been dying to visit. 
“Couldn’t get it up, huh?” You tease, “I think we’ve found a solution to that problem, Love.” You tell him with a smile, catching his eye before you lean forward and place a soft, quick kiss on the side of his cock. 
Echo moans, your lips felt so soft! 
You softly trace a finger up and down the underside of his cock, and feel his hand grip the inside of your upper thigh. Encouraged, you cup his length in your hand as you place chaste kisses from the tip slowly all the way down his length. Then it’s your turn to grasp his inner thigh and prop his legs open for you. 
Echo is in heaven and his noises are music to your ears. You can’t help but lick your lips at the excitement of it all. 
You scooch forward to position your head between his legs and press a wet kiss to the spave just between his length and balls. 
Echo props himself up on his elbows, gasping loudly, an excited look in his eyes. 
So you look him in the eye, quirk your brow, and lick a long stripe from that spot up his length, and around the tip to collect the precum leaking from him on your tongue. 
Echo can’t believe it as you swallow and bite your lip, hungrily. 
Out of view, he feels the hand he ccan’t see fondling his balls again, and he can’t help but grind into you just a bit. 
You smile and chuckle playfully, peppering kisses all over his cock, especially the head… quickly followed by kitten licks leading down, down, slowly, until you reach his testicles, and licking and kissing every inch of them too. 
Echo’s strong arms tremble, struggling to keep him propped up at your ministrations. 
And then you’re licking around the rim at the tip, letting one hand return to his testicles and the other stroke slowly up and down his length. It’s once you lick back over the tip, letting your eyes close at the taste of him that he finds he needs to let go. 
“Babe, I — nnnnnngh — I’m gonn— aaahhhh!” Echo can barely get the words out. 
“Where do you want—?” You ask, gently. 
“Let it paint me, not your pretty face,” his voice is strained and fast as he tries to give you time to pull back. He beckons you towards his chest with his scomp. 
You smile, and position yourself over his chest hungrily meeting his kiss with fire and all the enthusiasm you can muster. With one hand you gently run up and down his length, and over the tip, pausing to massage the wetness there. 
Echo’s hand tangles into your hair as he cums loudly, never breaking the kiss as you coax him back to his senses. 
His head falls bck onto the pillows as he pants, looking at you like he’s never been so in love before. 
You take the time to lick the warm ropes of his seed from your hand, as you watchi him. 
“Stars, Mesh’la,” he gasps. “Fuck! That was hot!” 
He peppers kisses across your cheeks and nose as you finish sucking his release from your fingers. 
He chuckles fondly, “You didn’t even put me in your mouth, and you didn’t need to. Kriff that — I —- Wow!” He lays back, just looking at you for a moment. 
You smile back, “I’m glad I didn’t need to, I’m a bit too small to do that comfortably to anyone,” 
Echo chuckles again, “Well, you don’t need to anyways!” 
You hide in his shoulder, grinning. 
“I’m still curious what convinced you to take that photo, and what was on your mind when you were posing for it.” 
Echo grinned smugly, “honestly my Brother’s and I did that when we were a little too wild one shoreleave. It was Fives idea… he even got Rex to do one! At the time I was just hoping I’d get a chance to find a sweet, but wild woman who wanted to be at my side if I survived the war…” 
You hummed, and kissed his cheek. “The look on your face suggests there may have been a few more wild ideas you had in mind at the time?” You prompt. 
he sighs, “I can’t hide anything from you,” he chuckles, surprisingly grateful to be called out. “I, uh… always wanted to use my strength to… uh, take a woman standing up,” he admits, sheepishly. 
“OoooOOOOOooh!” The gleam in your eye encouraging him to want to try it with you, tonight. 
He rests a hand on your hair, applying just enough pressure to encourage you to lean forward and kiss him once more. He rewards you with a deep kiss, tongues tangling to learn each other’s taste by heart. 
“I thought I’d gotten rid of every copy of that holo after Skako… I’m guessing Rex snuck it onto my datapad in the hope that you’d find it after I told him about you… guess I owe him thanks now.” He smiled, brushing your hair from your face. A wild look takes over his features as he smirks at you. “Your turn.” He whispers, flipping himself on top of you. 
Your surprised gasp, breaks into a grin as you throw your head back and laugh with joy. “You don’t have to, Babe,” you tell him. 
“Nonsense,” he’s already trailing kisses across every inch of skin he can find. “I really want to ask you to ride me, but after your magic touch brought back something I thought was gone forever, I think you need some attention first. Let’s get your clothes off,” his hand and scomp are readily stripping you of your clothes as quickly and eagerly as you did for him. And he’s thrilled at the way you giggle happily beneath him as your body is revealed to his soft touches and wanting lips. 
…and yet he still won’t let you ride him until you’ve cum on his tongue and he’s gotten a chance to take you standing up, thrusting up into you with your legs wrapped tightly around his hips as he stares deep into your eyes… 
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it! And NO dropping it into an AI to finish it for me! That’s stealing my work and feeding it to an AI without my consent. It is not okay to give an AI something you didn’t write yourself! 
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defnaddadoctor · 7 months ago
Welcome to the masterlist! Please note that any works that are for more of a mature audience with be marked and noted accordingly. Enjoy!!
Juno x Tech
There is More Than One Way to Say ' I Love You'
The Afterlife (WIP)
Arya x Echo
The Hike (Multipart)
A Familiar Melody (Pirate/Mermaid AU)
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lorilane33 · 11 months ago
🥰😂 oh this was fantastic!
A Bun In The Oven (Echo x Reader)
Notes: No warnings, pregnancy reveal, food mention, Fives is a goofball, Echo loves you v v much, based on this pregnancy reveal.
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You should have known that he wouldn't understand the turn of phrase. Clones had very minimal sex education, you knew, but now that he had discovered the burnt bun, it was too funny to back out.
"Honey, why would you leave a single roll in the oven?" Echo sighed and used some tongs to take the offending pastry out of the oven. Echo had insisted on cooking dinner for you, and you honestly thought that he would check the oven before preheating it.
"It's not a roll, it's a bun." You corrected him, running your hands over your decidedly flat stomach (for now, at least)
"What's the difference?" Fives asked. He was never one to pass up free food. Echo smacked his hands away with the tongs.
"Okay, why would you leave a single bun in the oven?"
"You know, I'm starting to see where you got your name from, babe."
Fives cackled, and Echo smacked him again with the tongs.
"Echo, what did you pull out of the oven?"
"A burnt roll."
"Not a roll!" Fives crowed.
"Okay a burnt bun!" Echo sighed, "Honey, are you feeling okay?" he patted your forehead to see if you had a fever. "
"I'm fine, Echo," You giggled, "We have a bun in the oven."
Echo blinked slowly. "I just pulled it out."
Your head fell forward against his chest as you shook with laughter.
"Okay, what have you done to my riduur?" Echo accused Fives, wrapping his arms around you to hold you upright.
"Nothing, I swear!" Fives waved his arms insistently.
"Echo," You placed your hands on his shoulders to balance yourself. "A bun in the oven is a way of saying that someone's pregnant."
His eyes went wide, and in his sudden silence you could hear Fives trying to muffle his squeals.
"Echo, we're having a baby."
Echo's hands rested on your hips, "Really?" he whispered.
You nodded.
"You're pregnant?"
You nodded again.
With this confirmation Echo wrapped his arms around you and swept you off your feet. You threw your arms around his neck as you both laughed for joy.
"I'm gonna be a buir!" He boasted to Fives.
"I'm gonna be an uncle!" Fives whooped for joy and tried to hug you both, but Echo shoved him away so that he could hold you for a moment longer.
He took your face in his hands and kissed you, surprisingly gentle for the excitement he'd just displayed.
"How far along are you, cyare?"
"Just a few weeks. I went the medicenter yesterday to get confirmation."
You glared over at Fives, "Usually couple wait a little longer before they tell other people."
Fives shrugged, "You know it's physically impossible for me to be more than 100 meters away from Echo at any given time."
He gave you a gentle hug, "I promise I won't tell anyone unless you guys say so."
"Thank you, Fives," You kissed his cheek.
Fives grinned, and then lunged at Echo, wrestling him to the floor.
"You sly mir'sheb! My vod, a buir!" He caught Echo in a headlock, ruffling Echo's perfectly gelled, regulation hair.
"You know tubies don't care about a sleep schedule, right? How're you supposed to get the regulation eight?"
"I...hadn't figured that out yet," Echo gasped for breath.
You laughed, wondering if this would be the life of your future child. Would you and Echo be able to give them a sibling or two? Would you be able to provide them a shelter safe from the war?
Any worries you had were promptly squashed by the laughter of Echo and his brother as they wrestled on the floor of your apartment. How could you doubt how wonderful your life with Echo could be when this was the glimpse of your future?
"Fives, I would appreciate it if you refrained from taking out the father of my child before they're born." You said, reaching for the plates and cups to set the table. Echo did say he wanted to cook for you tonight.
"Do you know if it'll be a boy or a girl?" Fives dropped Echo like a hot blaster, and Echo leaped to his feet, running over to the kitchen to shield himself behind you while he finally got back to the meal prep.
"We won't know for a few more months," You said, absently running a hand over your stomach. Echo watched the movement for a moment, and held out his hand, silently asking permission.
You nodded, and Echo placed his hand on your belly, holding it there for a moment as if he could feel the baby that could hardly be bigger than your eyeball.
"If it's a boy, we could name them after one of the Dominoes," He said with reverence.
You resisted the urge to make a face, "I know you love your brothers, babe, but I refuse to name my newborn child "Droidbait"."
"What about DB for short?"
"I call dibs on Hevy!" Fives said.
"You've never even met a girl!" Echo sighed.
"Too late. I got dibs. No take backs."
You laughed as Echo rolled his eyes. He turned back to chopping the vegetables, and you helped mix them in the pot.
A few minutes later, he leaned over and whispered in your ear, "What about Fives?"
"Are you making enough for him?"
"No, for a baby name. Naming our kid after him."
You gave him a deadpan stare. "You really want to stoke your brother's ego that much?" you nodded over to Fives, sprawled out on your couch and flipping through holochannels.
Echo suppressed a snort. "I guess not."
You kissed his cheek, "Don't worry babe, we've got eight months to figure it all out."
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meshla-cyarika · 1 year ago
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Instantly thought this during this scene 💀
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coffeeandbatboys · 11 months ago
The Clones reacting to you smushing their cheeks
Idk I had this idea and thought it’d be cute. Since the clones are supposed to have round cheeks, visualize live action and not animated 😂
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Fives, Wrecker, Hardcase, & Tup: Loving it so much, will lean into your hands and give you heart eyes. Maybe even press a few kisses to your hand.
Cody, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Vaughn & Mayday: Will blush profusely and look side to side for a second, before giving in and flashing you a tiny smile.
Rex, Hunter, Tech, & Fox: Not sure what to do, just give an awkward smile and internally scream because they secretly find it super cute.
Crosshair, Wolffe & Dogma: Not understanding any of it. Don’t know what you’re doing, not sure that they like it, 3/10 do not recommend.
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mori-does-sw · 8 months ago
PAIRING \ Torrent Company x GN!Reader (Rex, Fives, Echo, Kix, Hardcase, Jesse, Tup) SYNOPSIS \ How the troopers of Torrent Company act when they have a crush on you. WARNING(S) \ None AUTHOR'S NOTE \ This took me an insanely long time to finish, but here we are! Yes, the Mon Gala is a reference to the Met Gala. I am inordinately proud of it.
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Rex is awkward—awkward around you when he realizes how strong his feelings are and awkward doing anything about it. He does more fumbling than flirting in the beginning, stuck in his head and panicking about it, but he gets more comfortable over time.
Give him a break, he’s doing his best.
Despite being standoffish in his affections, Rex is a gentleman and he’ll prove it to you in a million little actions. When you’re commuting through Coruscant, he’ll always walk on the side of you closest to traffic. If there aren’t enough seats of everyone at a group gathering, he would immediately get up and give you his. The second that you admit to being cold, he’s giving you some of his spare blacks.
Speaking of letting you borrow his clothes… seeing you wearing them for the first time almost breaks his brain. He just stands there and stares at you, eyes wide and head buzzing. All he can think about is how karking gorgeous you are, and how he can get you to replace your entire wardrobe with his stuff.
Later, he tells you that you can “just keep it”, and that he has plenty of replacements. He is not subtle at all, and thus deserves all the shit he’s going to get for it.
Rex doesn’t often show up to plans that aren’t mission-critical, not unless a few members of Torrent Company drag him along. Or, if he knows that you’re going to be there.
He could be at the Mon Gala, with all the most famous and wealthy beings on Coruscant, and he’ll literally just show up and talk to you the entire time. If he can’t, if he’s trapped in a conversation that’s actually important or you’re pulled away, he’ll watch from a distance until he can make his way back.
Rex knows his priorities. With a little luck, he might just become as important to you as you are to him.
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Echo’s feelings are pretty contained, much like the trooper himself, but the way he looks at you gives it all away.
You can be doing anything and he’ll be staring at you with literal heart eyes, but he can’t help it. You’re cute. He’ll watch you go about your life, perfectly intent until the warmth in his chest spills over and forces his gaze away to sort through his thoughts.
He’s on the other side of the damn room and you’ve somehow made him go all shy.
Echo’s observant—kind of has to be, as an ARC trooper—and he’ll catalog every habit of yours down to the littlest detail. A part of him craves the intimacy of knowing everything about you, something that fuels his quiet delight at being able to suss out what you’re thinking when others can’t. 
More often than not, his insight into you catches you off guard. Convincing others that you aren’t scared out of your mind is practically a job requirement, but somehow, you can never fool Echo. Not even your bravest face can convince him that you don’t need to lean on him, tell him your frustrations, or hold hands under the table.
Usually, Echo keeps to himself, a little closed off to anyone but his closest vode. But the minute you walk into the room, his mood immediately brightens. He’s quicker to smile and laugh; it’s like all his stress melts away, and that doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of Torrent Company.
Hardcase has sneakily captured more than a few clips of you two, edited over with so many pink filters and glitter hearts that you’re barely recognizable, and circulated them among the vode.
It doesn’t matter if Echo tries to scour them from the holonet, they become so well-known that clones from entirely different battalions will ask him about his cyare.
He's eternally grateful for the Prime’s dark complexion—you don’t even have to lift a finger to get under his skin. You fluster him too easily. He’s helpless but to forgive you, though, when you smile at him the way you do.
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Fives could care less whether other people are laughing at him or with him—he knows he’s hilarious, and that’s enough to satisfy his ego. The only person who makes him uncharacteristically self-conscious is, well, you.
Yes, Echo has (and will) tease him endlessly for this.
Whenever he’s around you, he’d feel an undeniable urge to do one thing: make you laugh. He cracks a joke and immediately peeks over to gauge your reaction. If he succeeds in making you chuckle, snort, or even just breathe a little harder out of your nose, he lights up. You’re gorgeous when you laugh, even more so when it’s because of him. He can’t help but double down on the bit until you’re too weak to breathe.
Complaining about your sides hurting only prompts him to apologize for “being too funny for you to handle”.
Fives is an incorrigible flirt on a good day, but when he’s around you it becomes 1000% worse. He’s guilty of every cheesy move in the playbook—pretending to yawn and stretch so that he can put his arm around your shoulders, asking you to “hold something” and taking your offered hand in his, or even faux-demanding that you kiss his injuries better. 
He means everything he says, but he’s very careful to make his overtures playful. Fives doesn’t want to scare you away if you don’t feel the same.
Being near to you puts him at ease, soothes an itch he didn’t even realize he had before you both met. He unconsciously seeks out contact with you all the time, pressing his knee to your under the table, bumping shoulders, playing with the fabric of your sleeves. Small things.
So, he’s touchy, and about half of the time he doesn’t even realize it. Why should he, when he’s always shared contact freely with his vode? 
Maybe he makes just one too many comments, gets a little too comfortable in your personal space, gives in to his desire to see you flustered—but when you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine, he’s toast. Smile a bit, touch him, and Fives goes from a cocky, formidable ARC trooper to a stammering cadet.
He’s kind of okay with his brain melting, though, because you’re so pleased with yourself. And although he’s hot-faced and grinning like an idiot, he’s your idiot.
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Much like Fives, Jesse is a joker—one of his favorite activities is making fun of you, and in a way that implies you’re the one who’s crushing instead of him. It’s merciless, especially when the rest of Torrent company catch on to the bit. Getting flustered only makes it worse, easier for him to tease you about “getting nervous around him”.
Watch what you say when he’s around, because anything that could be construed as innuendo will be. Ask an innocent question about if clone armor is hot to wear, and watch Jesse’s smirk grow as he says: “I think I should be asking you that, sugar.”
It’s kind of a way for him to test you, figure out how the idea of liking him affects you.
His vode discover his true feelings when he actually shares his food with you, sometimes without you even having to ask. It’s kind of mindboggling to see the same guy who threatened Kix for stealing his rations readily let you eat from his plate.
He’d be so happy if you shared your food with him, too. Even more so if you bring him things that aren’t rations. The closest he’s ever come to straight-up confessing his love for you is when you got a box of Mandalorian uj cake for him because he’d never tried it.
However, playful, joking Jesse can become a no-nonsense bodyguard at the drop of a hat. He has a protective streak a mile long, something that drives him to shield his brothers from allies and enemies alike, and more recently, you. 
Jesse is intimidating as haran, built like a tank and covered with tattoos, and it’s made so much worse when someone’s targeting you. He’s not afraid to get in people’s faces about it, either, over two hundred pounds of ARC fueled by rage and spite. A little “chat” is all they need to get them to apologize to you—though, in Jesse’s expert opinion, they don’t deserve your forgiveness.
All of his bravado melts when you quietly thank him for defending you. That’s his job, sugar, and don’t you forget it.
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Between carrying out his duty to the Republic and ensuring his idiot vode don’t keel over and die, Kix neither has the time nor the energy to be throwing himself at his crush. Even without his job running him ragged, he wouldn’t be the type—no matter how intense his feelings are.
Rather, Kix courts you. From a distance.
While Kix may not have much in terms of credits, he’ll do everything in his power to make your life a little easier; By virtue of his authority and near-legendary status amongst the troops, he has a lot of influence on his side. And if that doesn’t work, well… there’s many reasons why you don’t piss off a medic.
Little acts of service are it for him. Before you even get to the refractory, he’s set aside your favorite “flavor” of ration bar to ensure they don’t run out. If you complain about being tired, you’ll find an extra cup of caff—or a sedative—sitting innocently on your desk. 
Struggling with the mountain of stuff you’re carrying? Kix is hauling whatever items are in reach into his arms before you even ask for help. About to miss the turbolift? He’ll hold the door for you and glare at his vode if they complain too much.
Need a hand to hold during a procedure? Don’t worry honey, he’s got you.
Kix loves that you treat his time with respect, but sometimes getting you all to himself is a high-stakes negotiation. You’ll bicker back and forth, him insisting that no, you’re not intruding on him or his brothers, and you trying to reassure him that he isn’t obligated to hang out with you if he’s too tired or doesn’t want to be around natborns. He knows he isn’t, but you’re oblivious to how much he wants to.
Kix would get so slick about stealing you away. When he has the opportunity, he’ll casually strike up a conversation about field medicine and- oh, you don’t remember that training session? Well, he has a blank space on his schedule today and he’s more than happy to slot you in for a little extra help.
He’d be (quietly) over the moon if you decided to slip into his office and chat with him while he tears through paperwork or runs labs. While he fantasizes about hopes to take you out on a proper date someday, he’s content to bottle up your laughter as he complains about di’kute vode, hoarding the memory for the darkest moments of the war.
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Congratulations! With Hardcase crushing on you, you’ve snagged a two-in-one deal: A personal hype man and an overexcited puppy.
In Hardcase’s eyes you’re superior at everything you do, period. He insists that you’re the best at your job any chance he gets, even going so far as to volunteer your name whenever some mission needs your kind of expertise—annoying, but it’s hard to stay mad at him for long.
Your competence is really attractive to him, and sometimes he forgets you’re not together and lets a few comments slip. Hardcase doesn’t even realize what he’s said after the fact, oblivious to the fact that your face feels like it’s been dipped in lava when he admires “how kriffing good you are at that” and how “hot” it is.
He praises you so much for doing the most mundane things, it’s like a compulsion for him. You could be helping tape him up after a battle and he’s making little observations about how perfect your wrapping is and how gentle you are with him.
Kix overhears this and tells him that he’d better go to you for wound dressing than the medbay, if you’re so much better at it. He just might, if that means he could get you to touch him again.
Hardcase loves your attention, and occasionally that translates into him being intentionally annoying. He’ll pop up all the time when he’s off duty, making himself at home in your office or at your side and bothering you to your wit’s end. He’ll hide your stylus and make you chase him around to get it, or he’ll call you acting as if he has something important to tell you and then manage to keep you on the line for an hour.
The second it seems like you’re getting upset at him, however, he cuts the crap immediately. If you’re not having fun, he’s not having fun, and he wants to make that abundantly clear to you in case… just in case it turns out you’re interested in him the same way he’s interested in you.
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Tup might not be as confident as Kix, or as widely renowned as Rex, or as charismatic as Fives and Echo… and that knowledge can weigh heavily on him. Thinking that, compared to his brothers, he doesn’t have much to offer you is part of why he hesitates to act on his feelings.
Take these thoughts with a mountain of salt—Tup excels at something else, and that’s being an absolute sweetheart. His patience is near-infinite when it comes to you. He’s always happy to explain something (however many times you need) and is the first to lend you a hand if you’re struggling.
Just don’t read too much into his full-body flinches whenever your fingers brush his, the way his words stumble when you get too close.
Being a standard, rank-and-file trooper makes it all the more difficult for him to even imagine catching your eye, but ironically, his status gives him unique opportunities. Doing grunt work around the ship means that you often cross paths, affording him the chance to say hello or strike up a passing conversation. If he’s lucky, he gets the chance to be beside you throughout his shift.
It’s useless to try and thank him for any of his help, he’ll just duck his head and insist that he’s more than happy to give you a hand. Your praise, however, has him sporting a smug little grin for the rest of the day,
The man melts under your hands like butter. You can convince him to do anything if you ask nicely enough, and on more than one occasion he’s left. He regrets it only when you’re half in his lap and doodling on his bare arm, too focused to notice his increasingly flustered demeanor even as you scold him for fidgeting. 
Privately, you worry that people are going to use Tup as a doormat—but if you mention it to the rest of Torrent, their hysterical laughter will shut you up fast. 
Don’t blame them too much, though. The last time Fives mimicked a whip cracking sound within Tup’s hearing range, he was applying bacta for weeks.
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samspenandsword · 1 year ago
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@sleepingsun501 @baba-fett @redheadgirl @nekotaetae @liadamerondjarin @urmomsmattress @acatalystrising @starstofillmydream @cdblake1565 @sev-on-kamino @sinfulsalutations @lucyysthings @kimiheartblade @daimyosprincess @starrylothcat @twistedstitcher27 @rexxdjarin @theroguesully @misogirl828 @thefact0rygirl @rain-on-kamino @frietiemeloen @outerrimhours @virginoliveoil @sunshinesdaydream @adikas-world @dangerousstrawberrypie @kraytclaw @mxkyrie @coffeyorky @iguess-vall @ringo-bingo1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite
Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2023 Taglist Form
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Kinktober 2022/23 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: Kinktober Day 1 — Dirty Talk with TBB!Echo Pairing: TBB!Echo/Reader; fem!reader with no mentions of her appearance. Rating: Explicit, 18+ (Younglings, foundlings, and cadets BEGONE!) Warnings: Explicit sexual content, smut; Dirty talk, fingering (f!receiving), oral sex (f!receiving), unprotected PIV (PRACTICE SAFE SEX), mention of creampie, overstimulation, Echo is a romantic tease, Echo's prostheses start at his thigh, Echo has a real prosthetic arm because he DESERVES ONE! Word Count: 1.0k
Sam’s Pen and Sword Kinktober 2023 Taglist Form
Thank you to the anonymous requester for getting our Kinktober started with this amazing prompt! I hope everyone enjoys!
“Just listen to yourself, cyare.”
You whined, tears pricking at your closed eyes, and squirmed. 
You could feel his lips turning up in a smirk against your temple before he placed a soft kiss there. An encouraging kiss.
“Go on, cyare.”
Your orgasm gently washed over you, coaxed out of you by the talented massaging of Echo’s fingers. Your walls clamped down, contracting and fluttering wildly around the two buried inside you, and you hiccoughed with pleasure as he worked you through it.
But you had barely caught your breath before he began his steady massage all over again. 
“Echo...” you softly cried, “I can’t... I can’t —”
“You can,” he said back, a whisper against your sweaty skin. He buried his face near your neck, inhaling deeply. “You smell so good, cyare.”
You whined again, writhing against him. Echo was plastered to your side, fully dressed in his black body glove, while you were sprawled, naked and whimpering, on your back. The sheets beneath you were completely soaked from both your sweat and your three orgasms. And you could feel even more slick leaking out of you as Echo slowly pumped his two fingers in and out of your sensitive channel.
“Wanna make you cum all night,” Echo said, his voice a deep rumble. “Want your juice to wrinkle my fingers, want them to still smell like you tomorrow. Want to still taste you tomorrow.”
You gasped for breath, your entire body feeling both numb and like it was on fire. You bucked into his hand, despite your muscles feeling like jelly. 
“Is that what you want, cyare?” Echo tenderly kissed your cheek. “Want me to taste you?”
You could barely speak, reduced to a mewling mess at both his words and his glorious fingers. “Echo, please...”
He pressed another tender, reassuring kiss to your cheek. And began to kiss down your body. “Can’t wait to taste you, cyare. Gonna taste divine. Could live off your taste, so sweet...”
Echo lowered himself down the bed, gently parting your thighs to make room for himself. He stroked them soothingly as they shook slightly.
“Keep your legs open for me, cyare, there you go... Gonna take care of you, gonna make you feel so good, gonna me you cum so hard...”
Echo’s mouth was as talented as his fingers, and you cried out lightly as he began to lick your pussy lips, sucking your arousal onto his tongue. He groaned deep in his chest at the taste.
“Oh, cyare...”
Retracting his fingers from your passage, he sucked them clean, and spread your pussy lips. His tongue laved into them eagerly, but steadily, and you gasped at the warmth of his mouth.
Echo alternated between licking in and out of your pussy, stoking that fire inside you, and backing off to press gentle kisses to your thighs, letting the fire calm to embers. The third time this happened, you couldn’t help your frustrated whine. 
“Echo, baby, please...”
He emerged from where he’d been kissing your thighs, replacing his lips with his hand. He stroked the skin there affectionately. He smiled up at you, looking at you like you were the prettiest, most adorable thing he’d ever seen.
“Okay, cyare.”
He pressed his lips back to your pussy, just as tenderly and steadily as before. You were ready to grind your core into him, desperate to fall over the edge again, but Echo calmly reached up and pressed his prosthetic forearm across your hips. 
You threw your head back in time for Echo to close his lips around your clit.
Gasping and whimpering under him, Echo sucked at your clit with an easy pressure, his other hand still stroking across the skin of your leg.
At least, until, he brought his digits up again to press a finger back into you.
Your hips tensed as you tried to buck under his pinning forearm, but Echo merely shot you an amused, little raise of his eyebrows before diving back into your pussy.
He could live in your pussy.
It wasn’t long until you felt yourself cresting for the fourth time, harder than before. You clamped your legs shut, making Echo groan, as he used his fingers to crook against that spongy patch of nerves, helping prolong your high. His mouth pressed open kisses to your swollen clit, but you could barely feel it with the fire in your veins. And the roaring in your ears drowned whatever he was rumbling into your skin.
A good thing, probably. Echo’s mouth had gotten you into this mess in the first place.
As your muscles finally relaxed, allowing you to collapse into the soaked bed sheets, Echo began to kiss his way up your body. You could feel his fingers still inside you, pumping gently. Your chest heaved lightly for breath as he buried his face into your neck and sucked a little mark there, low enough that it would never be seen by anyone other than him.
You felt his bare hips hover over your own. You weren’t sure when he’d removed his body glove. 
“So sweet, cyare... And still so wet.”
You flushed as he drew your attention to the wet, slopping, squelching sound of his fingers still working in and out of you. It was so loud. So vulgar. So dirty.
“Want to feel you around me,” Echo murmured, trailing his kisses to your face. He pressed one to your jaw. “Want to feel you squeeze me.” To your cheek. “Want to feel you soak me.” To your forehead. “Want to cum inside you, want to see it drip out of you.” To your nose.
His lips hovered above your own, just out of reach no matter how hard you craned towards him. “Will you let me, cyare? Please?”
Your body was tired, sweaty and spent. Your pussy was swollen from four orgasms and your lips were bitten into submission from you stifling your cries. And yet with Echo, you could never get enough. It was never enough.
“Yes, Echo. Please.”
He smiled, that sweet Echo smile, and pressed his lips to yours. 
Just in time for his cock to slide home inside you. 
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Taglist: @twistedstitcher27​ @rexxdjarin @frietiemeloen​ @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @jedimastersovi​ @hnnybee @sleepingsun501 @virginoliveoil
Sam’s Pen and Sword Kinktober 2022 Taglist Form
To folks who wished to be tagged in my works, make sure to double check your visibility settings. I can’t tag you unless you have made your blog visible. 
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jetii · 2 months ago
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Pairing: Echo x fem!Reader
Words: 10,262
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! friends with benefits to lovers, fluff, slight hurt/comfort, first date cuteness, accidental love confessions, smut, unprotected sex, shower sex, pinv, oral (m recieving), fingering, dirty talk, creampie, inappropriate use of scomp, very loving soft smut actually
Summary: For the first time since the Republic fell, you and Echo find yourself on Pabu with nothing to do but relax, and you're determined to make the most of it. You just have to convince Echo.
A/N: I said this was pwp but I lied, the plot got me girl. This is some of the sweetest smut I have ever written. Echo deserves nothing less.
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"What are you doing?"
You barely pause to look up as you shove another bottle of sunscreen in your bag, casting Echo a wry smile. 
"We're going to the beach, so I'm making sure we're stocked up on sunscreen." You give the bottle in your hand a little shake, as if to illustrate your point. Echo's eyes flick down to it, then back to you, and he crosses his arms over his chest, shifting his weight and making the muscles there ripple distractingly. But you're not going to let him derail you.
"And... why are we going to the beach?" he asks, his tone bemused. You frown at him.
"We're supposed to be taking a break, right?" you ask. "And it's a beautiful day. I figured that we could enjoy it."
The two of you had arrived on Pabu last night, after what had seemed like the longest journey of your life. The moment you'd finally docked, you'd immediately felt the tension in your body start to bleed away, and it only took a few more minutes for Echo to follow suit, his shoulders relaxing and his expression going soft as the two of you walked down the streets toward where the rest of the Batch had made their home.
Now, the two of you are in the kitchen, with its cramped counters and low ceiling and ancient appliances, and for the first time in weeks, neither of you have anything to do. It's a strange feeling. You've been here for less than a day, but already you can feel the weight of all the work and stress and anxiety slowly lifting off your shoulders, leaving you feeling lighter than you have in weeks.
Echo, however, does not look particularly pleased at the prospect of having some time to himself. You know he'd rather be working, or training, or just about anything else, really. It's the exact opposite of what you're hoping for.
"Come on," you coax him, "don't you want to have a little fun? You deserve it."
He shifts uncomfortably, and you see him glance out the window toward the beach.
"I don't... think that's a good idea," he says, his voice hesitant. "It's— we're here because—"
"I know why we're here," you cut in. You set down the sunscreen, crossing your arms and leveling him with a look. "And I'm not asking you to swim, or even go near the water. Just sit in the sand, maybe enjoy the sun for a few minutes. I'm sure there's a place to get a decent cup of caf nearby, or maybe one of those little pastry things you like."
He's still looking skeptical, and you know you need to change tactics, so you step closer to him and slide your arms around his neck, tilting your head back and smiling at him coyly. His gaze drops down to your mouth, then flickers back up, and the corner of his lips tugs upward.
"I mean, if you're too scared to come outside with me..."
Echo scoffs, the sound almost offended. He pulls you close, his arms wrapping around your waist, and his voice is a low rumble in your ear.
"You really think that'll work on me?"
"No, not at all," you say with a smirk. You press a kiss to the spot just below his jaw, and he shivers, his fingers flexing against your back. "But I did just get a new swimsuit, and I thought maybe you'd want to see me in it."
The reaction is immediate. You feel Echo's whole body go rigid, his grip tightening around you, and you bite back a smile, trying not to laugh. You look up to see his ears are tinged red, and his eyes are fixed firmly on a point over your shoulder.
"Really?" he says, his voice strained, and you nod.
You can see him considering it, and when you tilt your head a little more, leaning closer and making sure his attention stays fixed on you, you spot the exact moment his resistance breaks.
"I think you'll like it,” you continue. You're grinning now, knowing that you've already won. "But I guess if you're not interested, I can go to the beach by myself. I'm sure plenty of people will appreciate it."
You step away from him, already starting toward the bedroom the two of you had shared the night before. Before you can get more than a couple steps, though, Echo's arm shoots out, wrapping around your waist and hauling you back against him. You turn to find him smiling down at you, his eyes dancing with amusement, and he leans in, brushing his nose against yours.
"That's not going to happen," he murmurs. He leans in and kisses you, and for a moment, all the stress and tension seems to melt out of his body. He pulls away, pressing his forehead to yours and letting out a little sigh. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to get a little fresh air. But if I get sand in my joints, I'm not going to be happy."
You smile triumphantly and lean forward to peck him on the cheek.
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," you murmur, and his ears turn bright red. You grin and duck out of his grasp before he can reply, and Echo lets out a little huff as you head for the stairs, tossing a "don't forget your swimsuit!" over your shoulder.
When you return a few minutes later, your new swimsuit snugly in place under your clothes, Echo is standing in the doorway, and you stop, staring at him. He's wearing a pair of board shorts, a navy-blue color with a white stripe along each side. They fall a couple inches above his knees, and his broad chest is bare, his skin glowing in the sunlight. You've seen him shirtless plenty of times, but there's something about him wearing these casual clothes, something about the way he looks, relaxed and at ease and not quite as tense, that makes your heart do a funny little flip in your chest.
"Is this okay?" he asks, and you realize you've been staring at him. He has a button down shirt in his hand in an obnoxious floral pattern, one you know he got from one of the boys as a joke. You hadn't expected him to actually wear it, but it makes you smile to think that he's actually embracing the beach-vacation vibe.
"You look good," you say, and your voice comes out a little bit breathy. You clear your throat and try again. "I mean, it's fine. You look fine. Great. I'm—we should go."
You can't read the expression on his face, but his lips are twitching as he tugs the shirt on over his shoulders, and you grab the bag of supplies before turning toward the door.
"Come on," you say, jerking your head for him to follow. "Let's get out of here."
He follows you out, and you can feel his eyes on you the entire time, his gaze lingering on the skin that's visible between the bottom of your cropped shirt and the top of your shorts. When you catch his eye, he grins, not even trying to hide the fact that he's ogling you.
"Shut up," you mutter, but he only grins wider.
The two of you have never done anything like this before. There'd been a couple nights, during the brief respites the two of you had gotten on different missions, where you'd both gone out and had a little fun, but that had always ended the same way, with you heading back to one of your rooms or to a secluded corner and spending the rest of the night wrapped up in each other.
But this, the two of you wandering down the streets together, stopping at a café to get something to eat, laughing and joking together like a real couple... it's nice. Really nice.
You can feel Echo relaxing the longer the two of you walk, and he doesn't hesitate before ordering a caff for the two of you, getting yours the way you like it without having to ask. He holds the door open for you and pays for both of your meals, and by the time the two of you are walking down the beach toward the spot you'd had in mind, his arm slung over your shoulders, you're practically beaming.
The spot is far enough away from the main strip of shops and restaurants to avoid most of the foot traffic, but not so far away that the two of you will have to walk for miles to get back. It's quiet, with most people including the rest of the Batch at work or school or who knows where, and the sound of the waves is soothing.
Still, Echo stays close, his arm hovering near you as if he expects you to suddenly collapse, and he tenses a little whenever someone passes. When the two of you finally reach your spot, he pulls away, turning his back to you while you lay out the blanket.
"Checking for traps?" you ask dryly, and he shrugs, not looking at you.
"Or enemies," he says, and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, right."
"Just because we haven't seen any doesn't mean they're not out there," he argues, and you can tell he's about to launch into a full-blown speech, so you reach out and wrap your hand around his wrist, tugging him down to the blanket.
"We're fine," you say. "Really. It's the middle of the day, and I don't think any undercover Imperials are going to try and jump us in the middle of a public beach."
"You never know," he says, and the look on his face tells you he's completely serious. "It wouldn't be the first time."
You roll your eyes and settle down on the blanket, propping yourself up on your elbows.
"Well, I'm sure I'll be safe with a big, strong ARC trooper protecting me," you tease, and his expression turns sour. You wink, and his scowl deepens.
"Ha ha," he says, not looking amused.
"I'm kidding," you say, nudging him with your shoulder. You tilt your head, and Echo's eyes are drawn to the long line of your neck. "Let's just... try and forget about that, okay? Let's pretend, for just a little while, that we're normal. We're just a normal couple, and we're having a normal date. Okay?"
He's still frowning, his brow furrowed, but after a moment, he sighs, his shoulders slumping a little.
"Okay," he mutters. "I can do that."
You smile, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek, and Echo turns, his mouth finding yours. His hand comes up, his thumb brushing across your cheek, and he pulls you closer, kissing you softly.
You let yourself sink into it, the sound of the ocean and the feeling of the sun on your skin making everything feel a little bit like a dream.
When you break apart, he's smiling, and some of the tension has finally melted from his body.
"So," you say, grinning, "what do you think? About this normal-couple-on-a-date thing?"
"I think... I could get used to it."
"Yeah." He smiles at you, his eyes crinkling a little at the corners, and the sight of him, relaxed and smiling and looking happier than you've seen him in weeks, sends a flood of warmth through your chest. "It's kind of nice, actually."
"Good," you say. "Now take off your shirt. You're going to need a little sunscreen."
Echo's eyebrows lift. “What?”
"Come on," you wheedle, shaking the bottle at him. "Don't worry, I'll help."
"That's not—" he begins, but he doesn't seem to be able to find the words to finish. Finally, he sighs and shrugs out of his shirt, folding it and placing it on the blanket. Before he can say anything else, you move behind him, squeezing a generous amount of the lotion into your hands and rubbing them together.
"I'm going to start with your back," you tell him. You smooth your hands over his shoulders, feeling the soft skin beneath your palms, and his muscles flex beneath your touch. You move your hands over his broad back, covering every inch of exposed skin, and Echo groans as you hit a knot just below his shoulder blade.
"Right there?"
"Yeah," he says. He's practically melting under your touch, and you keep working, kneading your thumbs into the spot. "Force, that feels good."
You don't answer, focusing instead on getting the last bit of sunscreen in his skin. After a moment, he seems to gather himself, and you see him glance at the bottle, his brow furrowing.
"Why do I need sunscreen?" he asks.
"To keep you from burning."
He looks confused.
"You have sensitive skin, remember? And we've been traveling a lot lately, which means you haven't gotten much time in the sun. You don't want to burn."
Echo opens his mouth to respond, but you’re already climbing into his lap, your hands skimming over his shoulders.
"I should get your front, too," you murmur, and his eyes darken. His hand finds your hip, his scomp skimming up your back, and he's looking up at you, his expression open and vulnerable. You can feel the warmth of him through your clothes, and a familiar heat starts to coil in your stomach.
"You're distracting me," he mutters, his gaze flickering down to your lips.
"Is it working?"
You smirk and lean in, brushing a kiss against his mouth before smearing a line of sunscreen down the bridge of his nose. He yelps, and you pull back, laughing as his face scrunches up in distaste.
"That's what you get," you say, grinning. "Come on, let's get the rest of you covered."
Echo grumbles a little but settles back against the blanket. You're thorough, taking care to spread the lotion across his arms and legs, over his broad chest, and down the smooth planes of his stomach. He's warm and pliant under your touch, letting out little noises of contentment whenever you find a particularly tight spot. By the time you've covered the last inch of skin, he looks thoroughly relaxed.
"There," you say, smiling at him. You run your hand down his side, and Echo shudders. "All done."
"Thanks," he says. He opens his eyes, squinting against the sunlight, and frowns. You’re already standing up, dusting sand off your legs, and you see him tense.
"Wait, what are you doing?"
You pause, your hands on the hem of your shirt.
"What does it look like I’m doing?”
He pushes himself up onto his elbows.
"It looks like you're taking off your clothes."
"I am."
You strip off your shirt, and you toss it over his head, smiling as he pulls it away. He freezes, staring at the scrap of fabric in his hand, and his eyes drop to your chest.
"This is..."
"I told you I had a new swimsuit," you remind him as you drop your shorts and step out of them, "and now you get to see it."
He looks like his brain is short circuiting, and his gaze rakes across your body, taking in every inch of exposed skin and the tiny bits of fabric covering the parts that aren't. You grin and turn around, slowly bending over to pick up the discarded shorts. You look back over your shoulder and his eyes are wide, and he swallows hard, his mouth suddenly dry.
"See something you like?"
"Uh huh," he says faintly. He licks his lips and tries to drag his eyes up, but they're fixed firmly on the swell of your ass, the way the fabric hugs the curve of it and leaves the skin exposed. His mouth opens, and you know he's trying to find the words, but instead, all that comes out is a faint croak.
"Good," you say. "I'm glad."
You grab the bottle of sunscreen and settle down on the blanket.
"I'm going to need a little help, though," you say. "I can't get my back."
You tilt your head back and Echo nods, the motion slow and almost hypnotized. He stands, crossing the blanket and kneeling down behind you. He waits for you to dispense some into his hand, and his fingers trail across the nape of your neck as he smooths the lotion over your skin. His touch is warm, and gentle, and the feeling sends a pleasant shiver down your spine.
It’s rare for the two of you to have this much time alone together, and you can't help but let yourself enjoy it, leaning into his touch. You're not even trying to tease him, but his breath still catches every time his hands sweep lower, his fingers tracing along the waistband of your swimsuit. He takes his time, making sure that not a single inch of skin is left uncovered, and by the time he's done, the tension between the two of you is practically crackling.
He sits back, his hand still lingering on the small of your back, and the two of you are quiet. He's staring at you, and there's something different about the way he's looking at you, something almost... reverent.
You've always known he wants you, have been able to read it on his face and in his touch, but this, the way he's staring at you now, is more than that. It's desire, yes, but there's something deeper, something softer and sweeter, and it makes your heart flutter in your chest.
The two of you haven't done anything like this before. Even your previous trysts had been frantic and rushed, a matter of stolen moments in darkened rooms and shadowy corners. But here, the two of you are exposed, out in the open where anyone could see, and yet the thought doesn't fill you with dread or worry. It's thrilling, in a way, and the fact that Echo doesn't seem to care either way just adds to it.
But despite that, neither of you make a move. You sit there, both of you watching each other, and you know that if you gave the slightest indication, he'd pounce, and the two of you would be wrapped up in each other, just like all those times before. But for the first time, you don't want that. You want him to stay just like this, watching you, and for you to watch him in turn.
So, instead, you reach out and brush your thumb over his bottom lip, and he sighs, his eyelids fluttering closed. He's warm under your touch, his lips slightly chapped from the wind, and he leans into you, pressing a kiss to your palm. His scomp skims up your back, the metal warm from the sun, and he pulls you close.
You press yourself against his chest, tucking your head into the space between his neck and shoulder, and his arm comes around to wrap around your waist, holding you there.
It's peaceful, the two of you sitting together like that. It feels normal, and right, and the feeling that settles over you is warm and comfortable, like being wrapped up in a blanket. It's perfect, and you never want it to end.
But, like all good things, it eventually has to, and Echo's comm chirps. The noise seems to echo across the sand, shattering the fragile bubble of peace the two of you have found. He pulls away, digging through the pockets of his shorts, and he swears under his breath.
“Rex,” he says as he holds up the comm. You nod, and he activates it, and the captain's voice crackles through.
"Echo, I just sent over some new intel. Can you check it out? It might be a lead on the ship."
"Yeah, of course," Echo replies, though his tone is a little hesitant. He glances over at you, his brows drawing together, and you force a smile, ignoring the way your heart has plummeted into the pit of your stomach.
"Duty calls," you say, trying for levity.
Echo hesitates, glancing at the comm and back at you, and he lets out a sigh.
“Everything okay?” Rex asks.
Echo doesn't answer, not looking away from you. You give him a reassuring smile, and his expression clears, his mouth twitching a little as if he's thinking.
"Everything's fine," he says finally. “I'm a little busy right now, but I'll look over the intel and get back to you later."
There’s a moment of silence, and you hold your breath, wondering if Rex will call him out. But instead, he laughs.
"Busy, huh?"
Echo rolls his eyes.
"Yeah," he says. He shifts, pulling you closer, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head. "Something like that."
"All right, fine," Rex says, and he sounds amused. "Glad you’re enjoying your vacation."
"I'm— yeah. Thanks, Rex."
"Bye, Rex," you add, leaning closer and raising your voice a little. Echo smirks, and he cuts the transmission.
"So," you say, "you're just going to ignore the fact that we got called in for work, huh?"
"No," Echo replies, looking defensive. He sets the comm aside, reaching out to take your hand. "We're on a break. They can handle things without us for a day or two."
You smile at him, and he brushes his thumb over your knuckles, his eyes soft.
"Who are you and what have you done with Echo?" you tease. You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head, but when Echo's grip on your hand tightens, you freeze, a jolt running down your spine.
He scowls, his mouth twisting, and his eyes flicker away from you, looking out across the water. His hand falls away from yours, and his shoulders slump, the easy happiness that had surrounded him moments ago bleeding away.
"Don't say that," he mutters.
"What? Why not?"
"I just..."
He looks frustrated, and a little lost, and you wait, giving him time to find the words. His mouth is open, but he closes it, letting out a harsh sigh through his nose. His brow furrows, and he stares down at his lap, his jaw clenched tight.
"I'm sorry," you murmur, your hand finding his. "I didn't mean it like that."
"No, I—" he stops, closing his eyes. "I know."
He takes a deep breath, his hand turning to lace his fingers through yours.
"I'm tired," he says finally, his voice small. "I'm tired of... not getting to be with you, because we're always running, or on a mission, or just never in the same place. We never get a chance to be alone, and it's..."
His brow furrows, and his lips press together, as if he's frustrated.
"It's not enough," he says, and there's a note of finality to it, like the decision has been made. "And I'm done with it. So unless the galaxy is literally ending, I'm not leaving until we've had a chance to enjoy ourselves a little."
"And what if the galaxy is ending?"
"Then I'm sure Rex and the rest of the boys will take care of it," Echo says. He grins at you, looking proud of himself, and you laugh, shaking your head. "Until then, I'm staying here with you. And," he adds, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the side of your jaw, "you can distract me from thinking about work, if you want."
You lean into him, letting him press another kiss to your neck.
"Hmm," you murmur, pretending to think. "I guess I could do that. After all, we are supposed to be on a date."
"Exactly," he says. He smiles against your skin, and the feeling makes you shiver. "Come on, we can't let the day go to waste."
"I mean, there is one thing we can do," you say, grinning mischievously.
Echo's eyes darken, and his voice is a low rumble.
"What's that?"
You smile and stand, reaching down and tugging him up.
He groans, and you laugh, ducking out of his grasp and darting for the waves. He's faster, though, and he catches you easily, his arms wrapping around your waist as he lifts you off the ground.
"Echo!" you yelp. You can hear the waves lapping against the shore, and you struggle in his grip. "Don't you dare! Don't you—"
"Sorry," he says, not sounding the least bit apologetic, and you shriek as he tosses you into the surf. You land with a splash, the cool water enveloping you, and you break the surface, pushing the wet strands of hair out of your face.
Echo is watching you, looking smug, and you glare at him.
"What's the matter?" he asks, feigning innocence. "Not having fun?"
You splutter a little, wiping the water from your eyes, and you launch yourself at him. You can't actually pick him up, and he doesn't fall, but the move does throw him off balance, and he stumbles backward, almost falling into the water. You laugh and try to shove him again, but his arm comes around your waist, holding you steady.
"Is that how it's going to be?"
You grin, and the two of you wrestle, the sounds of your laughter carrying over the waves.
"Oh, no, please!" Echo yelps. He tries to fend you off, and you laugh, ducking around his arms and splashing water up at him. "Mercy!"
"Never," you declare. You grab his shoulders, and he lets you push him under the waves. He comes up sputtering, and his arm comes around your waist, dragging you down with him.
You both surface, and Echo is laughing, the sound loud and free and happier than you've ever heard him. It sends a surge of warmth through your chest, and before you can stop yourself, you're leaning in and kissing him.
Echo kisses you back, his hands finding your waist. He's warm against you, even with the cool water lapping around your bodies, and his lips are soft and gentle. It's the opposite of the way you usually kiss him, all tongue and teeth and bruising hands, and it makes your chest ache, makes the longing that's always present whenever he's around swell a little bigger.
He must feel it too, because his grip on you tightens, and he hauls you closer, the two of you clinging to each other like your life depends on it.
When you break apart, he doesn't let go, and neither do you. The two of you stand there for a long time, breathing in sync, and for a moment, everything seems to slow. There's no war, no missions, no responsibilities or tasks. There's just you and him and the feeling of the ocean around you, the two of you pressed so close together it's hard to tell where one of you ends and the other begins.
“So,” he starts, his forehead pressing against yours. “What else do normal couples do on dates, anyway?"
You grin and step back, taking his hand.
"Come on, I'll show you."
And you do. The two of you spend the afternoon walking along the beach, collecting shells and talking, and occasionally, the two of you find yourselves making out like a couple of teenagers, hands roaming over each other and mouths moving frantically together. It's not until the sun is beginning to set that the two of you finally wander back up the hill to the house, and by the time you're back in the kitchen, Echo has you pinned against the counter, his mouth hot and demanding against yours.
"We're supposed to be getting ready for dinner," you mumble, even as you tilt your head, giving him better access to your neck.
"Fuck dinner," Echo growls. He nips at the skin just below your ear, and you moan, your nails digging into his shoulders. "I need you."
You're both still wet from the water, and you can feel him, hot and hard and pressing insistently against your hip. Your own desire surges, and suddenly the thought of a crowded restaurant or a stuffy dining room is the last thing you want.
"I've got a better idea," you murmur, and he groans against your neck.
"Tell me," he breathes, and the feeling of his breath against your skin makes you shiver.
"Shower," you manage. The word has barely left your lips before he's pulling away, tugging you after him as he heads for the stairs.
The two of you don't make it far, and neither of you seems to care. As soon as the door to the bedroom is closed behind him, he's crowding you up against it, his hands sliding under your shirt and his mouth hot on yours. You can feel him, hard and insistent against you, and he groans, grinding his hips against you.
"Gods, I missed this," he pants. He nips at your ear, his teeth scraping across the skin. "Missed you. Missed touching you and kissing you and—"
"Shower," you repeat, gasping as he bites down on your shoulder. "Now.”
"Whatever you want," he mumbles.
He pulls back, and the two of you race down the hall, stripping out of your clothes as you go. He's in the fresher before you, the water already on, and by the time you step in behind him, he's got his back pressed to the tile, his cock hard and heavy between his legs.
You step inside, the water cascading down around the two of you, and Echo's gaze drops, raking over your body. You can see him, taking in the way the water streams over your skin, and the way his eyes darken sends a thrill through you.
You don't bother teasing him. Instead, you push him up against the wall, dropping to your knees and pressing a line of kisses down his stomach. His hand drops to your hair, tangling in the wet strands, and he lets out a choked moan.
"This is a date, right?" you ask, smiling innocently up at him. He nods, his gaze fixed firmly on you, and his grip on your hair tightens. "Good. I've always wanted to give someone a blowjob on a first date."
"Oh, fuck," he moans, and his head thumps back against the wall.
You take him into your mouth, and his fingers tighten in your hair. You look up at him, watching as his expression twists, his brow furrowing and his jaw clenching, and the sight sends a thrill through you.
Echo isn't big on talking during sex. Most of the time, it's just groans and whines, with the occasional curse or muttered endearment. But now, his words seem to be spilling from his lips, the filthiest things you've ever heard pouring out as you suck and lick and take him deeper into your mouth.
"Yes, just like that," he groans, his hips jerking a little. His scomp slides up the wall, searching for purchase, and the sound of the metal scraping against the tile sends a rush of heat through you. "Your mouth is so good, sweetheart. So perfect. Fuck, I can't wait to get inside you."
His fingers are tangled in your hair, not pulling or tugging, just holding you in place. You're practically dripping, and you can feel your cunt clench, the ache in your core growing with every filthy thing that falls from his lips.
"Look at you," he mutters, his voice ragged. His eyes are fixed on the spot where his cock disappears into your mouth, and you hum, the vibrations making him shiver. "Gorgeous. Look so good on your knees for me."
You keep going, working him over until his voice is cracking, his words dissolving into incoherent moans and gasps.
"Fuck," he hisses, his hips stuttering a little. He's close, you can tell, his muscles trembling and his breathing ragged. "Stop. Need— want to—"
He tugs at your hair, trying to pull you off, and you ignore him, keeping up the pace. His words dissolve into a string of curses, and you look up at him, blinking innocently and hollowing your cheeks.
That's all it takes.
"Shit," he manages. "I'm— I'm gonna—"
His cock twitches, and his eyes squeeze shut, his face twisting as he comes, his mouth falling open. He shudders, and you swallow, keeping your eyes on him as his chest heaves, his muscles quivering.
You keep going until he's trembling, his hand pushing weakly at your head, and you let him slide from your lips, sitting back on your heels and grinning up at him. He's slumped against the wall, looking absolutely wrecked, and you smirk, reaching for the bottle of shampoo and standing up.
"Feel good?" you ask, and he nods, his eyes glazed and his lips parted.
"So good," he mumbles. "Need a minute."
"Take your time," you say, stepping around him and putting a generous amount of shampoo in your hands. You work it into your hair, feeling him watching you, and you smile to yourself, humming as you wash the salt from your skin.
"You're evil," he murmurs. He presses up behind you, his mouth dropping to the side of your neck.
"I think the term you're looking for is generous," you tease.
"That, too."
He kisses the spot just below your ear, his teeth grazing against the skin. His hand finds your waist, and his scomp slides up your arm, tugging your hand away from your hair.
"Let me," he murmurs, and you nod. He gently works the suds out, his hand running through your hair and sending pleasant shivers down your spine. His scomp slides down, brushing over the side of your breast, and his other hand joins, the water raining down on the two of you.
"You're beautiful," he says, and you turn your head, looking back at him. He's watching you, his expression open and unguarded, and there's a look in his eyes that makes your breath catch in your throat. "I'm so lucky."
"Echo," you start, but the words die on your lips as his scomp skims lower, brushing against your hip and slipping between your legs. The tip finds your clit, and you gasp, arching back against him.
"So beautiful," he repeats. He rubs tight circles over your clit, his scomp moving slowly, almost lazily, and you lean back, resting your head on his shoulder. His arm comes around your waist, and his hand slides up to cup your breast, his thumb rubbing against the nipple. "You're amazing, sweetheart. I love watching you."
You moan and turn your head to press your mouth against his. He kisses you, his hand cupping your jaw, and you gasp as his scomp moves a little faster.
"I love the noises you make," he murmurs. He nips at the corner of your jaw, his tongue darting out to soothe the sting. "Love the way you taste, the way you feel."
He's everywhere, his lips pressing against the side of your neck, his hand sliding down your stomach and between your legs, his fingers brushing against where you're aching for him. He presses them into you, and his thumb replaces his scomp, the tip  tracing patterns over your thigh as his fingers curl, finding that spot inside of you that makes you shudder.
"Echo," you gasp, the sound practically a sob. You reach back, grabbing onto his neck, and he hums, his arm tightening around you.
"I love being inside you," he says, and his voice is ragged, the sound sending a pulse of heat through you. His cock is hard again, pressing insistently against your ass, and his hips grind forward, the feeling of his body against yours sending a rush of warmth through you.
"Want that," you gasp. "Want you."
"You have me," he murmurs. He adds a third finger, and you whine, your nails digging into his neck.
"Not enough."
He grins against your skin, and the motion makes something inside you snap. You're suddenly desperate for him, for the feeling of him filling you up and driving away the ache that's been building for weeks. You try and turn, but his arm keeps you in place, and he chuckles, his thumb moving a little faster.
"Wait," he says.
"Echo, please," you beg, and he groans, his teeth grazing over your skin.
"Patience," he murmurs. "You can wait a little longer."
He presses his lips to the side of your neck, and his fingers work, curling and thrusting and making your whole body go tight. His arm is solid around you, holding you in place, and the thought of him, surrounding you, pinning you to the spot and taking what he wants, sends a rush of heat through you.
"Please," you whisper, and his fingers twist, his thumb moving faster. "I'm gonna—"
"Yeah," he breathes. "That's it. Come for me, sweetheart. Let me see you."
The sound of his voice, the feeling of his fingers moving inside you and his cock pressed against you is too much. You break, coming with a loud cry, and he keeps going, working you through it. Your body goes limp, and Echo holds you, keeping his fingers buried inside you and his scomp drawing tight circles over your clit. You whimper and try to push him away, the sensations too much, but he doesn't stop, not until a second wave hits and you're writhing, clinging to him for dear life.
By the time he finally pulls away, your legs are trembling, and you're panting, slumped against him and unable to do anything but whimper as he turns the water off and steps out of the shower.
You don't register him drying you off or lifting you and carrying you down the hall, and it's not until the door to the bedroom closes behind him that your brain finally clears enough to form coherent thoughts.
"Echo," you say.
He looks down at you, smiling softly, and he kisses you, the press of his lips warm and gentle. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't need to. He lays you down on the bed, his eyes drinking in every inch of you, and it's so tender, so sweet that the emotion wells up, filling your chest until you're sure it will burst.
It's only been a few weeks, but it feels like a lifetime. The longing, the worry, the fear... it's been eating away at you, and being here with him, like this, makes the stress and anxiety from the past month melt away, leaving you feeling more at peace than you have in weeks.
He's always been the calm in the storm. You've lost track of the number of times you've lain awake at night, wondering if this was the last time, if this would be the one where something went wrong and neither of you came home. He's always been there, a solid presence, an unwavering support, and the thought of losing him is almost too much to bear.
But here, in this moment, there's nothing but the two of you. There's no war, or missions, or fighting or running. It's just the two of you, wrapped up in each other, safe and warm and together.
And in that moment, you're so happy, you think your heart might explode.
He lays down next to you, his hand finding your waist, and you kiss him, your hands cupping his jaw and stubble scraping across your palms. It's gentle and unhurried, the two of you taking the time to relearn each other. The feeling of his mouth against yours, his skin under your hands, his body pressed against you is almost overwhelming, and you find yourself clinging to him, holding him as close as you can and trying to commit the feeling to memory.
It's not until he rolls on top of you that the slow, lazy pace breaks.
You gasp, his mouth hot and demanding against yours, and his cock presses insistently against your thigh. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, and he groans, grinding his hips down.
"Want you," you manage. Your hands run over his back, sliding down and gripping his ass.
"You have me," he says, his voice rough. He kisses down your neck, nipping and biting at the soft skin.
"Inside," you gasp, and he moans, his mouth dropping lower, his lips moving over the swell of your breasts.
"Yeah," he breathes. "Yeah, I want that."
"Come on," you say, pushing at his shoulders. He sits up and kneels between your legs, and he reaches down, stroking his cock and giving it a firm squeeze. He looks massive from this angle, his broad chest and shoulders towering over you, and the sight makes something clench deep in your core.
"I don't want to rush," he murmurs, his gaze dropping to the apex of your thighs. "Want to take my time."
You sit up, and his hand finds your waist, pulling you forward and into his lap. Your arms wind around his neck, and his scomp slides up the length of your back, pressing you closer.
"We have time," you tell him, and his eyes are dark and soft and full of a tenderness that makes your heart flutter.
"Yeah," he says. "We do."
You press a kiss to his cheek, and his hand drops between the two of you, gripping his cock and lining it up with your entrance. His mouth finds yours as the thick head slides into you, and it's slow, so agonizingly slow, you're sure he's trying to drive you insane.
You don't remember him being this big.
You know that's ridiculous, that of course he's still the same size, but the thought has a whimper falling from your lips. You try and grind down, needing more, but his arm comes around, pinning you to his chest, and he shakes his head.
"You're killing me," you mutter, and his teeth flash in the fading sunlight, his eyes dancing.
"I can stop," he teases.
"Don't you dare," you say, and he chuckles, pressing another kiss to your lips.
He keeps going, the steady, agonizing pressure of his cock pushing inside making your whole body go tense. You can feel the way he's stretching you open, the way your body has to make room for him, and the thought makes your mind blank, the ache in your core growing.
By the time he's finally, finally all the way inside, the two of you are breathing heavily. He’s so deep, deeper than anyone else has ever been, and the stretch is just shy of painful. It makes your hips jerk a little, and Echo lets out a moan, his hand finding your hip and his fingers digging into the soft skin.
"You're perfect," he mumbles, and you laugh, the sound turning into a moan as he grinds his hips up, pushing a little deeper.
You cling to him, his arms coming around you and pulling you closer. His forehead drops to your shoulder, and you wrap your legs around his waist, letting him pull you closer, as close as possible. The two of you stay like that, holding each other and letting the sensation wash over you.
Eventually, the pressure becomes too much, and you start to squirm, shifting and rocking your hips. Echo takes the hint and starts to move, and the first slow, lazy thrust makes the both of you moan.
He starts a rhythm, and it's like the entire galaxy has narrowed down to just the two of you. Nothing else matters, just the feeling of his cock sliding into you, the warmth of his breath on your neck, the feeling of his heartbeat against your skin.
You know how much he loves being inside you. He's always told you, whispered it against the skin of your neck, moaned it in the dead of night, panted it while you rode him, the words falling from his lips like a prayer. He never seems to tire of it, always desperate to get as deep as possible, and sometimes, you've wondered if there's a part of him that's afraid this will be the last time.
But he's never done it like this.
He's never held you in his arms and pressed kisses to your skin, his hand and scomp running reverently over every inch of your body. He's never taken his time, his hips rocking forward in a steady, measured rhythm, his mouth finding yours again and again. He's never let himself drown in the feeling of it, his eyes half-closed and his face twisted in an expression of pure bliss.
He's never made love to you before.
You've never put a name to it, the way the two of you are together. You've always been careful not to call it anything, knowing that doing so would cross a line neither of you wanted to. It's dangerous, the sort of thing that can break hearts and destroy lives, and you'd both known it. So you'd never said it, never acknowledged it, and had kept it to yourselves, locked away where no one else could ever see.
But now, with his arms wrapped around you, his touch tender and his mouth soft against yours, there's no other word for it. It's the only explanation for the feeling, the one that's welling up inside of you and threatening to swallow you whole, and the realization sends a thrill through you, settling in the pit of your stomach and burning like a sun.
He's making love to you.
You hold him closer, your hand gripping the back of his neck, and his lips find yours, warm and soft. He doesn't say anything, his gaze fixed firmly on your face, and his brow is furrowed, his jaw clenched and his eyes burning.
"So beautiful," he mumbles. His hand runs over your waist, squeezing lightly, and he lets out a shaky breath. "I love this. Love you."
Your breath catches, and for a second, it feels like the world stops. The only sound is his breathing, the only feeling is his hand on your skin, and the only thing that exists is him.
"Echo," you whisper, and his name is a question, the only thing you can manage.
He doesn't seem to hear you, or maybe he doesn't understand.
"Love seeing you like this," he mumbles, his gaze flitting over your face. "Love touching you, love being with you. I don't—"
He breaks off, and his head drops, his nose brushing against your jaw. His breathing is ragged, and his grip on you tightens, and something tells you he didn't mean to say that, didn't mean for those words to fall from his lips.
His hips slow, and he holds you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck and taking a deep, shuddering breath. You can feel him, his entire body trembling, and you pull him closer, your fingers cradling the back of his head and holding him against you.
"It's okay," you say softly, pressing a kiss to his temple.
His scomp skims down your back, the metal still warm from the sun and the warm water. It's a tender gesture, and the fact that he's using it to hold you, instead of his hand, is a testament to how far the two of you have come.
"I love this," he murmurs, and you know what he means.
He doesn't want to leave, doesn't want to go back to the war and the fighting and the constant struggle. He wants to stay, with you, just like this, forever. And as much as you want that, the two of you both know it's not an option.
"Me too," you murmur.
"I wish..."
"Yeah," you breathe. "Me too."
"I love you," he says again.
You swallow, and there's a lump in your throat, a feeling that seems to settle over you, making your skin feel warm and your pulse thrum. You're not sure what it is, but you know that this, whatever it is, is important, that it means something, and the sudden urge to run from it, to shove it down and push it away, is strong. But Echo’s always been there for you, a steady, unwavering presence, and even though you're terrified, the knowledge that he's here, that he won't leave, settles something in you, and the feeling starts to shift.
Instead of the warmth, it's like a fire, burning away the anxiety and the fear, and the knowledge that comes with it makes you feel lighter than you have in months. You're not sure what it means, or what you'll do with it, but there's a sense of comfort in it, and the smile that stretches across your face is genuine.
"I love you, too," you say.
He makes a strangled noise, and his grip on you tightens, his fingers digging into the skin.
"I love you," he repeats, the words falling from his lips. "Force, I love you. So much. I love you."
He says it over and over, the words spilling out of him. He's still hard inside you, and the feeling sends a bolt of heat through you, your cunt clenching around him. He gasps, his hips grinding forward, and he moans, the sound muffled against your skin.
"Please," you whimper, your nails scraping against the back of his neck.
"Anything," he gasps, and his hips start to move, slow and steady.
It's not frenzied, or frantic, and it doesn't need to be. You have time, all the time in the world, and for once, neither of you are trying to race the clock. He's gentle, his movements languid and unhurried, every thrust like a wave, pulling you deeper and deeper.
He's murmuring the whole time, his voice low and rough, the words tumbling from his lips. He's talking about everything, about the way he feels about you, about the things he wants, the places he wants to take you. It's filthy, and sweet, and so perfect, and you let the words wash over you, reveling in the feeling of him inside you and the way his voice makes your stomach clench.
"Echo," you whine, your thighs tightening around his waist. "Close."
"I've got you," he murmurs. His hand slips between the two of you, his thumb finding the swollen, slippery bud of your clit, rubbing slow circles over it. "That's it, sweetheart. Come for me."
The pleasure builds, slowly and steadily, until you can't think, can't breathe, can't do anything but feel. It's intense and intimate, Echo's eyes fixed firmly on your face, his lips parted in awe. You feel open, exposed, vulnerable, and the only thing that makes it bearable is the fact that he's right there with you, his expression twisted and his muscles trembling, his control slipping more and more with each passing second.
"Please," you beg, and his hips speed up, his rhythm faltering as he starts to lose his grip.
"Come for me," he gasps. "Let go. I'll take care of you."
And you do, his words sending a flood of warmth through you, spreading out until you can feel it everywhere, in every part of your body. Your cunt pulses, clenching around him, and Echo groans, his eyes squeezing shut and his mouth dropping open.
"Fuck," he chokes out. He doesn't slow, doesn't stop, just keeps fucking you through it, and you're shaking, clinging to him and shuddering as the pleasure keeps building. "Shit, sweetheart. You feel so good."
"Love the way you feel," you manage, your voice hoarse and strained. "So full. Love your cock, love you."
He curses, his hips jerking, and his scomp digs into the skin of your back, holding you tighter. His hand leaves your clit, and he grabs your thigh, wrapping his arm around your leg and hiking it higher. The angle changes, and he hits something inside of you that makes you sob, his hips snapping forward.
"Again," he grunts.
You nod, the feeling so intense that you can't manage words. You're practically sobbing, the sounds falling from your lips without thought, and Echo's gaze is fixed on you, his expression hungry and awestruck.
"Fuck," he growls, his thrusts getting more and more erratic. "Come on, sweetheart. Want to feel you. Wanna watch you come. Gonna fill you up. Make you mine."
It's filthy, the things he's saying, and you're lost in him, his hand gripping your waist and his scomp pressed into the small of your back. His gaze is burning, and it feels like the room is spinning, like the world is coming apart at the seams and there's nothing left but the two of you, moving together.
"I can't—"
"That's it," he encourages, his voice rough. He's shaking, and you know he's close. "One more. Come on."
You can feel the tears sliding down your cheeks, and his eyes are wide, his expression stunned.
"Please," you gasp. "Echo, please."
"Fuck," he breathes.
It's like a switch has been flipped, and the slow, steady pace falls apart, his thrusts hard and fast. He surges forward, your back hitting the bed, and his scomp slides under your back, lifting you off the mattress.
It's too much, the new angle and the way he's staring at you, and a sob breaks from your throat, your fingers twisting in the sheets.
"Gorgeous," he breathes. "You're perfect. I love you."
There's a moment, a heartbeat where it seems like everything is suspended. His eyes are wide, and he looks almost... shocked, as if he can't believe what's happening, and something tells you that it's not just about this, about the two of you. It's bigger, somehow, deeper and more profound and the feeling that washes over you is pure, unadulterated joy.
And you can see it on his face, in the way his eyes widen and his mouth drops open. He looks like he's about to burst, and it's so raw, so perfect, and the realization hits you like a blaster bolt.
He's happy.
He's the happiest you've ever seen him, and the fact that it's because of you is overwhelming.
"Love you," he murmurs, and it's the last thing either of you say before the feeling crashes over the two of you.
You cry out, and the dam breaks. The pleasure rushes through you, hot and cold, and the waves break, sweeping over the both of you and carrying you away.
You come with a choked gasp, his name on your lips and his fingers digging into the skin of your thigh. His hips snap forward, and he grinds into you, his face twisting and a loud moan falling from his mouth at the way your body pulls him in, squeezing and pulsing around him.
"Oh, fuck," he breathes.
You cling to him, your eyes fixed on his face. He's beautiful like this, his lips parted and his cheeks flushed, his expression twisted into an expression of pure ecstasy. He holds himself there, buried to the hilt inside you as he starts to come, the first pulse of heat making you whimper.
You can feel his cock twitch, and his brow furrows, a broken sob falling from his lips. His grip on your thigh tightens, and his hips start to stutter, grinding into you and filling you up, his come dripping from you. He lets out another choked noise, and he falls forward, his weight settling on top of you and his mouth finding yours.
"So perfect," he pants, his hips rocking forward a few more times, his movements lazy and slow.
You can't respond, still gasping for air, and you can feel the way he's twitching, the way his body is shaking. It feels like forever before the feeling finally fades and Echo pulls back slightly, mindful of his weight. You can feel him dripping from where the two of you are connected, and you bite your lip, looking up at him through your lashes.
"Hi," you whisper, and he laughs, the sound breathless and a little giddy.
"Hi," he replies, grinning.
Echo's chest is heaving, his muscles quivering, and he looks absolutely wrecked. He's staring at you, his lips parted and his eyes wide, and he's looking at you the way people look at the sun after they've spent too long in the dark, like he's seeing something for the first time and never wants to look away.
"I love watching you," he says, his voice raw and hoarse. "Wish you could see yourself."
He nods and reaches up, brushing a strand of damp hair out of your face.
"So gorgeous," he murmurs. "Perfect. Wish I could stay inside you forever."
You hum, and his gaze drops, watching as he finally slides out, a trickle of his release following. He swallows, and he reaches down, his thumb slipping between your folds.
"Echo," you whine, your hips jerking a little.
"Gonna miss that," he mumbles, his tone almost dreamy.
"We've got a few days," you remind him. "And I'm not done with you yet."
He grins, and it's so boyish, so genuine and unguarded, that you find yourself reaching for him. Your hands slide up his chest, over the broad expanse of his shoulders and his neck, and your fingers brush over the spot just below his ear, tracing the edge of his jaw.
Echo leans into your touch, his eyes closing, and his head turns, his lips pressing against the inside of your wrist. You shiver and lean forward, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. He wrinkles it, his eyes still closed, and you can't help the laugh that falls from your lips.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing," you say, and he cracks one eye open, looking suspicious.
"You're laughing," he accuses.
"Because you're adorable."
His lips part, and his eyebrows rise. He doesn't say anything, but his face flushes, his cheeks going pink, and you grin.
"That's the last word I'd use to describe myself," he mutters. “Especially when I’m still inside you.”
"I think I'm the best judge of that," you point out, and he smirks, his eyes glinting.
"Well, if that's the case, I'd have to say the same about you," he teases, and he leans forward, nipping at the soft skin just below your ear. You yelp, and he chuckles, pressing another kiss to your shoulder before he pulls away, searching for his pants.
"Where are you going?" you whine.
"To order food," he says. He tugs his pants on, and the sight of him, completely naked except for the loose fitting black cargo pants, is enough to make your mouth water. "I'm starving, and if I'm going to keep this up, I'm gonna need my strength."
"You mean it?" you ask.
He raises an eyebrow.
"Did you really think I'd pass up the opportunity to have sex with the woman I love all day? In an actual bed? With an actual door that locks?"
Your heart flutters, and you grin.
"No, but I'm still glad to hear it."
"Good," he says. He walks back over, leaning down and kissing you, his lips warm and his stubble scraping against your skin.
"Order some food," you murmur, and he nods. "And maybe a bottle of wine."
"Whatever you want," he says. He steps away, and his gaze flits over you, taking in the way you're sprawled across the bed, still naked and covered in sweat and your combined release. He swallows and shakes his head, backing toward the door.
"I'll be back soon," he promises. He points a finger at you. "Don't move."
You give him a salute, and he grins, his eyes dancing.
"I love you," he says, and it's so easy, the words falling from his lips like they've always been there.
"I love you," you tell him, and the smile he gives you is enough to light up the entire room.
The door closes behind him, and you collapse back onto the pillows, closing your eyes and letting yourself revel in the feeling of the bed beneath you, the cool air drifting over your heated skin, and the lingering ache between your thighs.
This isn't how you imagined this week would go. You'd thought that it would be a brief respite, a chance to relax before heading back to the fight. You'd expected a week of stress and anxiety, of wondering if it would be the last one, and whether or not you'd get to spend any of it with the man we’re falling for despite your better judgement.
Instead, you're here, lying in a bed, in a place where there's no war and no missions and no responsibilities. For the first time in months, there's no one depending on you, no one waiting for you to save them, and no one demanding things from you that you're not sure you can give.
It's peaceful, and it's perfect, and the thought that Echo, the man who's seen and experienced more than anyone should ever have to, feels the same makes you smile.
For the first time since the war started, everything is good.
You let your eyes fall closed, and the sound of the waves is soothing, the faint noise carrying up the hill.
In the end, it's not the ocean or the house or the fact that for once, you have nothing to do.
It's him.
He's the reason this feels like home.
And in the end, you know that's the only thing that really matters.
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Taglist: @baddest-batchers @covert1ntrovert @stellarbit @bruh-myguy-what @champagnejaig
@spicy-clones @kindalonleystars @cw80831 @totallyunidentified @heidnspeak
@lovelytech9902 @frozenreptile @chocolatewastelandtriumph @etod @puppetscenario
@umekohiganbana @resistantecho @dindjarins1ut @tech-aficionado @aynavaano
@burningnerdchild @ihatesaaand @lolwey @hobbititties @mere-bear
@thegreatpipster @lordofthenerds97 @tentakelspektakel @notslaybabes @mali-777
@schrodingersraven @megmegalodondon @dangraccoon @dreamie411 @sukithebean
@bimboshaggy @anything-forourmoony @9902sgirl @jedi-dreea @salaminus
@ghostymarni @gottalovehistory @burningnerdchild @yoitsjay @callsign-denmark
@julli-bee @sonicrainbooms @captn-trex @feral-ferrule @webslinger-holland
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starrylothcat · 2 years ago
hello friend!
could i request something angsty with comfort with Echo during TCW? maybe it's a citadel fix it where he went dark with no warning, and the two of you finally meet again when you're just about to leave to start new again.
Promise Kept
Echo x Reader One-Shot
Summary: You’re about to move on, leaving Coruscant and memories of Echo behind. A knock on your door changes everything.
Warnings: Post-Skako Minor Echo. Angst, sadness, insecurities. Comfort. Kissing. Happy/Bittersweet ending. 2,000ish words.
Author’s Note: Ahhh Echo…my sweet Echo! Thank you for this prompt @toomanybandstocare I’ve been wanting to write something about Echo for awhile. He deserves the world. ❤️ I hope you like it and thanks for reading!
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Your apartment was almost empty. Moving containers were neatly stacked at the front door, with only a few personal items left to pack before your flight off-world two days from now.
It was time to move on.
Your apartment, this city, this planet, they all held too many ghosts.
Every morning when your eyes opened, there was hope he was still alive, that he was in bed next to you, ready to kiss your tears away.
Reality wasn’t far behind, always crashing over you when that split-second hope was ripped away, realizing you were alone and that he was gone. Dead.
You knew it was cowardly to run away, but your heart was heavy, your mind distracted by loss. You knew if you stayed on Coruscant any longer, you’d fade away, caught up in the past and what could have been.
A few weeks ago you requested a job transfer to a remote Republic outpost on a planet composed of small farming villages. The Separatists had recently razed the planet for natural resources, and they were desperate for help. You were assigned to a team dedicated to rebuilding and getting the community back on its feet.
Your job was how you met Echo, his squad assigned to you near the beginning of the war. You had supported The Republic with humanitarian aid, facilitating the setting up of refugee camps on the front lines. Your paths continued to cross, whether it was on the battlefield or on Coruscant, becoming closer each time. You were drawn to one another’s dedication to fighting for what was just, and helping those who couldn’t help themselves.
Eventually, you found yourself in his arms, his soft lips pressing to yours in an unsure first kiss, not knowing where this would lead the two of you. You continued to find one another though, your relationship and love growing stronger each time you could be together.
You lifted the last box of your belongings, setting it by the door as a lump grew in your throat. Tears clouded your vision as you remembered the last time you saw Echo, a memory that replayed in your mind every waking moment. It was what you thought of as you opened your eyes each morning, and the last thought you had before falling into a restless sleep, tears wetting your pillow.
Echo lay with you in your bed, holding you against him. The sun just coming up, light peeking through the curtains of your bedroom. Neither of you got much sleep the previous night, not wanting to waste one moment together.
Echo whispered sweet nothings in your ear as his warm hands roamed your body, his lips moving to leave featherlight kisses on your cheeks and forehead.
“I love you, mesh’la. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
You buried your face into his neck, hearing his gentle words, feeling his heartbeat against yours. You traced your hands over his taught muscle, having already memorized every dip and curve on his body.
“I love you, too.” You kissed him deeply, wishing you had more time. Echo had to leave soon, off to join General Kenobi and Skywalker to rescue a kidnapped Jedi.
“I’ll hold you to that promise, soldier.” You murmured, pulling your lips away from his always soft ones.
Echo nudged his nose against yours, closing his eyes. “I never break my promises.”
Echo let himself relax, getting lost in you. He wondered how he was so lucky to have you. Out of all the men in the Galaxy, out of all the men that shared his exact genetic makeup, you chose him.
At first, he didn’t know why.
You worked alongside ritzy Coruscant politicians and senators that could offer you stability and a real future. He was just another soldier, born to serve and fight, not knowing if his next mission will be his last. But he found you in his arms over and over again, and every time it was harder for him to let you go.
The regulations he had come to know by heart never prepared him for this.
You understood him, saw him for more than just a soldier, another face in millions. You made him think of a future where you could be together, where you could rest. It inspired him to fight harder.
“You’re pouting.” You chuckled, noticing Echo was lost in his thoughts.
He glanced at you, his pout turning into a small smile. “I never pout.”
You hummed as you brought him in for another long, loving kiss. “I’ll be waiting for you, always. You know that, right?” You whispered, staring into his honeyed as they tenderly gazed back at you.
“And I’ll come back to you, always.”
You took in a shaking breath, wiping tears from your face. You couldn’t wait to get off this planet to start anew, hoping with time, these memories would fade and you could heal, just a little bit.
You sat down on a small chair, one of the last remaining pieces of furniture in your apartment. You looked out the window, watching speeders and ships fly by, the sun beginning to set over the endless city.
A faint tap interrupted your thoughts, coming from your front door.
At first, you thought it was something outside, or someone knocking on a door down the hall. You turned your head toward the sound as a louder knock solidified the fact it was indeed coming from the other side.
You stood up, slowly striding over as another knock sounded.
“Hello?” You called. You weren’t expecting anyone.
There was a moment of silence.
“Hello?” You called again, wondering if it was just your imagination.
A voice, muffled and uncertain, uttered your name from behind the door.
The voice was familiar, a gentle cadence that could only belong to one person.
One person who was supposed to be dead.
Someone who shouldn’t be standing on the other side of your door.
You felt like the air was sucked right out of your lungs, immediately recognizing the voice.
You were trying to breathe, your voice barely a whisper, your chest feeling like it was about to collapse in on itself.
You felt nauseous, wondering if this was a sick joke. Was this a nightmare, did you fall asleep in the chair? Will you open the door, and no one will be there?
Your stomach churned as you heard your name again, faint and insecure.
Bile rose in your throat, and blood rushed in your ears.
“Open the door, mesh’la. It’s me.”
Your hand shook as it hovered over the button, not knowing if you wanted to open the door or not.
You bit down on the side of your cheek, tasting blood as you tried to discern what was reality, seeing if you were indeed trapped in a nightmare.
You leaned against the door to steady yourself, inhaling ragged breaths. A million thoughts raced through your head, a million emotions bubbling to the surface as your hand slammed the button to open the door. You gripped the side of the doorframe to stop yourself from falling to the ground.
Whoever stood there, whether it was a delusion, a trick, or a hallucination, was wearing his armor, his helmet.
You couldn’t speak, your throat feeling like it was closing up.
Echo was standing there in front of you. Your legs shook as you stumbled backward, still not believing what you were seeing.
“E-Echo?” His name was a choked sob as he gingerly stepped into your apartment. You continued to stumble backward, your head spinning as you backed into a wall.
“It’s me…” His voice was trembling through his helmet. “I…I wasn’t sure if I should message you or…I figured coming in person was best…I’m here, mesh’la. I’m sorry, I can try to explain…”
You couldn’t formulate words, your body was in shock. Echo didn’t approach you further, seeing your distress. “Echo…I don’t understand…you were dead…they told me and…I…” Your vision was going blurry with tears, trying to process what was happening.
“T-take off your helmet, I need to see you.”
Echo nodded, swallowing thickly.
This is what he feared most.
Not you being angry at him showing up at your door, saying he’s alive after all this time. Not you having moved on, maybe even with a different man.
It was the look of disgust you would have when you saw him, what they did to him. Nonetheless, he had to come to see you, you deserved to know that he was alive, and he had to know that you were okay.
Echo raised his arms toward his helmet, hesitating. This is when you noticed he was missing his arm, and the cybernetics in his legs. “I’m…different.” He uttered, seeing you staring. “I’m not the same.”
“Please…Echo…” You took a step closer to him, your legs still shaking, tears dripping down your cheeks. “I need to see you. I don’t care.”
You watched as his shoulders fell, still hesitating to take off his bucket, preparing himself for the worst. He sighed, sliding it off his head, revealing his shaved head and ports in his skull. You were momentarily shocked at his sullen and pale appearance, not from disgust or fear, but from what he must have been through to come back to you.
These were all questions for later.
He looked different, yes. But it was undeniably him based on the look in his eyes. Maker, his eyes. Those eyes that used to look at you with so much fondness, loyalty, and love. Now they were swimming with sadness, fear, and uncertainty.
It was him, there was no doubt in your mind.
You launched yourself at him, Echo not knowing if you were coming at him for an attack or an embrace. Surprising him, it was the latter. You swung your arms around his neck, pulling him into you, sobbing his name over and over into his chest. His helmet clattered to the ground at the shock and impact of your embrace.
Too many emotions were threatening to explode out of you. Happiness, disbelief, shock, anger, everything. All you could do was cry. You spent so long thinking he was dead, your grief almost swallowing you alive every day. But he was here, breathing, real.
Your legs were weak again, desperately hanging on to him. Echo’s arm came around you, holding you in place, not knowing if he even deserved to touch you, keeping his scomp arm hanging at his side.
You stayed like that for a while, gripping him tightly, letting everything you’ve been keeping in for so long out, your body heaving with every sob of his name. He rested his chin on your head, wanting to say so much, tell you everything, but it was caught in his throat. He felt his tears swell at the corner of his eyes, hearing your cries knowing the torment you must have been carrying around with you since he was gone. He felt guilty.
Finally, you had no more tears left to cry. You steadied your breath, pulling away from his chest, looking up at him. He refused to meet your gaze, his expression grim.
“Echo, look at me.”
“I’m not who I used to be.” Echo’s voice was low. “I understand if you don’t-“
You didn't let him finish, crashing your lips against his, gripping the back of his head, putting everything you had into this kiss. All the sadness and loneliness lifting away from you, feeling his lips once again, hearing his voice. The same soft lips from your memories, what you dreamed about every single night.
Echo melted at your intense kiss, his insecurities forgotten momentarily as he felt your body against his, something real and whole. He hadn’t stopped thinking about you ever since he was torn from the machines, wondering if you’d still want him, if he could even find you.
You pulled away, gasping, your face still wet from the tears. You kissed him again, this time all over his cheeks, his eyes, his forehead, everywhere you could get your lips. You wanted to show him that you still loved him, you didn’t care if he was different. He was still Echo, the man you loved.
His body was shaking against yours, wanting to touch you, show you how much he missed you. He couldn’t for fear of hurting you, waiting for you to recoil once you realized what he had become.
Broken. Unworthy. More machine than man.
“Echo, you’re still you. You’re alive.” You whispered between kisses. “Whatever happened…I’m just glad you’re with me. I love you no matter what.”
Now it was his turn to hold on to you tightly, wrapping both his arms around you, careful not to rib you with his scomp. He was still getting used to his new body.
“I love you.” He whispered, his voice trembling. “I never stopped loving you.” He buried his face into your hair, inhaling your fragrance. “You kept your promise.” You muttered. “You came back to me.” You looked up at him, gently caressing the side of his face. A faint smile ghosted at his lips, his expression softening, realizing you might not run away from him, after all.
“I told you I’d come back to you.” He leaned down toward you, pressing his forehead against yours, not wanting to let you go. “I never stopped loving you either, Echo.” He squeezed you tighter as you both stood there, embracing one another, your broken hearts healing with every passing second.
“You’re leaving.” He spoke finally, your empty apartment hadn’t gone unnoticed by him.
“I am…yeah. I thought…I had nothing left here.”
“I’m sorry.” Was all he could muster. “That I put you through this…”
“Echo…you don’t need to apologize for anything.” You leaned back from him, nodding toward your bedroom. “Lay down with me?” Echo felt panic rise his chest. The thought of being intimate with you and exposing his body was too much, even though he desperately wanted you.
You saw the panic in his eyes. “No! Not like that. I just want to…be with you. Is that okay?” Echo nodded, feeling relieved. He followed you into the bedroom. A familiar feeling washed over him, remembering the nights he would stay over. Sharing kisses, whispering loving confessions under the sheets, always wishing you had more time. It seemed like a lifetime ago. It was almost surreal, being back here, with you.
The room was devoid of all your personal belongings now, just the bed in the middle of the room. Things were going to be different from here on out, but maybe it was for the best. It was time for both of you to move on, together.
You sat down at the edge of the bed, Echo sitting next to you. You took his hand, entwining it with yours. He leaned against you, feeling the warmth of your hand on his, his heart threatening to explode.
You were still the same kind, gentle person you always were. The way you gazed at him…it was like nothing had changed. He felt whole. The anxiety in his chest lessened, becoming aware that you didn’t care how he looked. Echo leaned in, giving you a chaste kiss. “You’re leaving too, aren’t you?” You whispered against his lips.
He nodded. “There’s a squad…I’m heading out with soon.” Echo replied. You knew he couldn’t quit the soldier lifestyle, just like he knew you couldn't quit helping those in need. It was who you were, and why you loved one another. You laid backward, bringing Echo with you. You cuddled up against his side, your hand still in his. You both had so much you wanted to say, but there was time for that later. For now, you just wanted to hold one another.
“I’ll still keep my promise.” Echo mumbled against you, squeezing your hand. “I’ll always come back to you, mesh’la. Always.”
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leenathegreengirl · 8 months ago
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You are cordially invited…. 🥰💚💕
(Happy ARC Trooper Thursday! This was totally inspired by @rainydaydream-gal18 ‘s https://www.tumblr.com/rainydaydream-gal18/750754157428916224/the-bad-batch-imagine-a-pabu-wedding post! Go check out her writing, it’s wonderful!)
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awkward-tension-art · 6 months ago
Order 66 (tbb x Jedi!reader)
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Ok, so i’ve had this idea in my head of the clones with a Jedi S/O during Order 66. I don’t mean they act on Order 66, I mean if everything sorta played out similar in canon (Chip doesn’t work)
Idk, I like me some protective boys.
CW: minimally proofread, jedi!S/O, Reader, Gender neutral pronouns, Order 66, violence, death, swearing, Hunter trying his best, Wrecker being a sweetie, Echo is ready to fight, Tech is the only one who is level headed, and Crosshair being somewhat emotional
You were following Caleb when the order came through. Your steps stumbled and your knees hit the cold ground. All around you, the Force was being ripped apart. Hands were on your shoulders. 
your lover. You barely realized through the haze.
With absolute horror, you watched helplessly as clones gunned down Depa Billaba. “Run Caleb!” You heard her scream through the overwhelming grief and death you felt. The padawan turned, lightsaber ready. 
“Get away from us!” he barked, calling your name, “Get up! Please!”
He was panicked, confused. So were you. 
You managed to look up, seeing the clone troopers across the field standing over Master Billaba’s smoking corpse. They were prepping to kill you and the padawan next.
Without another word you bolted, grabbing Caleb’s hand and sprinting to the trees. You didn’t look back. You had to make sure the kid was safe.
“Wait!” He’ll give chase before stopping at the tree line. He had never seen you look so devastated and afraid. 
He’s going to follow you. Of course he is. He’s just as confused as everyone else. 
Until Tech finally finds out what's going on
“The Jedi have been ordered to be executed.” “Which one?” “All of them.”
“What!? Why!?” Hunter is panicked at this point. The troopers behind him have orders to kill. They won’t show you mercy. 
“Apparently they’ve committed treason.”
By the time he finds you, Caleb had already jumped across the ravine and was waiting for you. You turned, tears in your eyes.
“I can feel it…everyone is being killed.” 
“We’re going to figure this out,” He’s going to try and calm you down, “I promise, we’re going to figure this out.” His arms are around you. 
It wasn’t safe for you. Not anywhere near him and the others. He knows this. You know this. 
The two of you come up with a hurried plan.
“Go to these coordinates. Once we know what's going on, I’ll come find you.” He’ll kiss you passionately, “Get the kid and hide.” 
Hunter won’t go with you. He’s the squad leader. He can’t just go missing. 
Despite the fear that you’ll be found out, he trusts you and your skills to stay alive.
Once you jump across, he’ll watch, make sure no one follows or tries to shoot at you. 
Once he’s questioned on your whereabouts, he’s going to lie, “I managed to stab the kid and shoot the Jedi. both of them fell into the water.”
I will say, his nerves are shot until he gets to you again. 
But in the meanwhile? He’s antsy. Anxious and a tad distracted.
Also a hairs trigger from snapping.
Crosshair badgers him at Kamino and Hunter barely holds back a punch.
Hunter loves you, so damn dearly. And right now he can’t protect you because he needs to figure out what the fuck is going on.
But, after finding the truth and getting Omega, he makes a damn beeline for the coordinates he gave you.
Plus side? Caleb and Omega become friends.
What the FUCK just happend!?
He sprints into the trees to keep up, ignoring how Hunter is calling his name. 
“Echo, get back here!” 
“No.” He will cut off his comms. 
He’s an ARC trooper, he can track you to a degree. He’s not like Hunter, but he gets to the general area where you are. 
He manages to get to a clearing where you and Caleb are hiding in the trees. 
“Cyare!” Echo is clearly confused, worried and he swears he feels the same amount of death that’s overwhelmed you. 
Once you reveal yourself, his helmet is off and his arms are around you so tightly.
“I don’t know what's going on, but I’ll keep you and Commander Dume safe.”
Hunter and Crosshair catch up to you, and once Crosshair aims his blaster at you and Caleb, Echo is ready to brawl. 
He stands protectively in front of you, gun aimed at the sniper, “If your skinny ass doesn’t put the fucking gun away I swear to-!”
“Both of you stand down!” Hunter will have to get between them, because Echo is 100% willing to shoot Crosshair if it means you stay safe. 
He’s not aware Crosshair doesn't exactly have a choice at the moment.
Really no one is aware.
But he’s lost domino squad, he’s lost Fives, he's lost legion, right now his former general is probably being killed…He’s lost so much already.
He refuses to lose you too.
So Echo pulls the trigger first, settling on stunning him and making a dash towards the ravine. Hunter has to keep up.
Once Caleb is across, he’ll get meetup coordinates from Hunter.
Echo goes with you. He doesn’t return to Kamino. The moment he's across the ravine with you and Caleb he’s a deserter. 
He doesn’t care. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
He’s a strong, determined guard, and one who didn’t let you or Caleb get hurt.
He casts a glance at Hunter before running off after you. 
He has no idea what Order 66 is. Nor does he care.
The guy saw you so…out of it. So scared and confused.
His protective instincts have geared up to 11. 
Hunter goes with him, while Crosshair is the one who remains behind to stall.
Once Tech informs everyone that the Jedi have been named traitors and should be executed on sight, Wrecker gets serious. Very serious. 
He becomes so unlike himself, even Crosshair is surprised.
Honestly? I see Wrecker as someone willing to gun down any ‘reg’ if they’re threatening his squad or s/o. 
Even this early into the Empire.
When he sees you, he’s immediately grabbing you into his arms which causes Caleb to attack.
Admittedly he’s gonna tackle Caleb, only adding to the poor kids terror. 
“Wrecker, you're scaring him!” 
But after a strong bear hug and an “Easy kid! I’m tryna help you!” The padawan calms down enough to listen. 
He puts Caleb down, rips off his helmet and gives you one hell of a kiss. 
He’s worried. He’s scared. And he wants to protect you. 
Hunter will have to talk him down from running off with you.
The sergeant has to keep his squad together. It sucks but they need to figure out what the heck is happening at the moment.
Wrecker desperately wants to go with you but he can’t abandon his squad.
However, he feels much better once Hunter gives some safe coordinates to lay low and hide.
He’ll get you to the ravine and stand guard until you and Caleb are across and out of sight.
You bet your ass when he meets up with you again he’s not letting you go. 
He isn’t as emotional as the others at the moment. He’s actually focused on gathering as much information in the least amount of time.
He waits, listening to the comm chatter. What is going on? why?
“Execute Order 66.”
After a second, he shares a look with Hunter.
“Tech, go after-”
No more words need to be said. Tech is gone and going after you.
He’s smart. He knows your patterns. He knows where you’d most likely hide. So he focuses on that.
Once he’s confident he’s in a broad area where you and Caleb are, he’s going to call out to you, “Cyare? There’s something called Order 66 on the comms.” 
Tech gives you information first. He won’t make you reveal yourself if you don’t feel safe enough. 
When Echo announces that the Jedi have been charged with treason, he’ll relay that to you. 
“The comms say the Jedi committed treason against the Republic,” He’s going to keep looking around for you, “I know you. You’d never do such a thing. I’m here, Cyare. I can help you.”
Once you reveal yourself, Caleb behind you, he feels the biggest amount of relief. 
He pulls off his helmet, giving you a small smile.
“Tech…The Jedi…” your voice cracks, “They’re being killed…I can feel it.” 
“I know, Cyare…I’m sorry.” He tries his best to comfort you, but he knows he can never understand. 
The amount of Jedi he’s worked with can be counted on one hand. 
But he knows this is your family. Your friends. Your very life.
Once Hunter meets up with you guys, a plan can be put in place. 
He gives you coordinates for a location to meet-up and hide. You’ll lay low with Caleb.
In the meantime, Tech will return to Kamino, figure out what's happening, and from there a better, more long term plan can be made.
Before you leave though, he’s going to give you the longest, most passionate kiss he's ever given you.
He’s well aware that there's a chance you can be found and killed. 
Tech is the only one who has accepted that you may not make it out of this.
But he’s going to keep his mind occupied, distract himself until he’s by your side again. 
As soon as the order goes out, Crosshair is under the influence of the inhibitor chip.
He just doesn’t know. No one does at this point.
He watches you run away with Caleb and the drive to hunt you down is hard to ignore.
He needs to find you to kill you, to protect you.
But, the sudden headache he has is damn near blinding.
Crosshair follows Hunter, keeping his comms on.
He freezes when Tech finds out the Jedi have been marked for execution.
The Inhibitor Chip in his skull is contending with his feelings for you.
He needs to execute save you.
When he spots you he pulls his rifle and aims but barely manages to stop himself.
He can’t hurt you. He needs to kill loves you.
Crosshair draws some sort of conclusion that Kaminoans had conditioned all clones to follow specific orders.
He doesn’t know of the chip. He just assumes it comes from the troopers' conditioning.
When his arms are around your body, for a brief moment he thinks of snapping your neck.
Good soldiers follow orders.
He hates orders.
This is the point where Crosshair knows something is seriously wrong with him.
But he’s not going to say anything yet. He can still fight if need be.
“You need to run…hide…get away from here.” it's a rare moment that he’s scared.
The sniper is desperate to shoot protect you.
The headache is persistent, and it’s somewhat distracting.
But he’ll power through.
Crosshair will wait for Hunter to come up with…something. 
His eyes are on the area around you, gun set to kill in case any reg tries anything.
The plan? Clone Force 99 returns to Kamino while you and Caleb go into hiding. 
You have coordinates. He can find you later. 
But…well Crosshair doesn’t like that. At all.
Hear me out. Like Echo, Crosshair goes with you. He knows somethings up with him, but he trusts himself more than he trusts anyone else.
“Tell Kamino they killed me.” He instructs Hunter, “That I died trying to stop the Jedi and you managed to get justice.”
He crosses the ravine with you, only looking back to nod back to Hunter. 
By the time Crosshair, you and Caleb safely get off the planet, his headache is a small annoyance that goes away with time.
Crosshair sticks with you until he reunites with his squad and notices Omega
Welp, you got Caleb, what's one more kid?
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arctrooper69 · 1 year ago
Here's my piece for the wonderful @isaidonyourknees for the @cloneficgiftexchange! So sorry it's a day and a half late! 😂😅
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Warnings: Suggestive spice (nothing explicit), unwanted advances, jealousy, angst
"Leave me alone, Crosshair." The order meant to be snappish slipped out instead with a tired sigh.
"No," came the reply.
You sighed again as you felt him shift and sit down a few feet away. No more words were exchanged - the silence felt both peaceful, yet suffocating.
"Why are you up here pouting?" He finally spoke.
You glanced at him sharply. "I'm not pouting!"
"Yes you are."
"No. I'm not!"
He huffed dryly. "Sure looks like it to me."
"Hunter benched me!"
Crosshair shifted and sighed, "It's for your own good."
You scoffed, "And how would you know what's good for me?"
"You're exhausted. You're off your game."
"I'm fine. I feel fine."
He sighed again and you could practically feel him rolling his eyes. "That constant tapping of your foot and the way you're shaking tells me you're trying to run on stims and caf."
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. "And how would you know?"
He was silent. "Because I've done the same thing."
"So that makes you think you're better than me?"
You crossed your arms, turning away from him. “I’m still not pouting.”
You glared at him out of the corner of your eye. “Just go away.” This time the words did deliver the sharp edge you’d wanted before, but now you weren’t sure it was exactly what you wanted.
You didn’t know what you wanted.
“Fine, came the equally snappish response. Crosshair stood and headed back down the wooded trail. A sudden disappointment threatened to overtake you and a heat burned in the back of your throat as you tried to swallow it back.
“Crosshair wait…” you called out, turning to face him as he paused and turned back.
“I…” You stopped. No. Crosshair had better things to do than to deal with emotions that you yourself couldn’t even decipher. “Nevermind.���
For a second he paused, almost as if waiting for you to once again change your mind. He shook his head and turned around once again, disappearing into the woods, leaving you on your own.
Fine. It’s fine. You’d asked for privacy and that’s exactly what he gave you. Yet, it felt lonely nonetheless.
Crosshair was confusing to say the least. One moment it felt like he was trying to make an emotional connection, and the next he acted like he wanted nothing to do with you.
The roar of engines echoed through the trees from the base of the hill as the Marauder soared into the sky and disappeared into the atmosphere.
It seemed like forever ago that you'd met the surly sniper on a job. It was forever ago. So much had changed since a heated exchange of angry words led to a moment of heedless passion. One night. A romance ignited by the very intensity that divided you. The same fingers that rested pompously on the trigger of a rifle soon pulled through tangled hair and moved with purpose against your warmth. Tongues once sharp and taunting, now slotted through parted lips with desperate pleas for more.
And then it was over. Back to the cold realities of war. No words were spoken, only awkward avoidances and inverted eyes.
Talk to me, you'd wanted to say. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need.
Perhaps that's all it was to him. Maybe you'd given him everything he wanted in that moment. Maybe that's all you were to him - a distraction - a soldier's relief from the stress of a never ending war.
You'd wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come. Then the galaxy changed and as the Republic fell, so did your hopes.
And now after so long, he was back.
It was nearing dusk before you finally pushed yourself from the ground and headed back down the path.
Fueled by a growing sense of hunger and the need to be around others, you found yourself walking towards the local cantina.
The music blared from somewhere above, pumping a bass that rattled your bones.
Despite the club-like atmosphere the lighting was dim, illuminating the same bar scene that haunted almost every planet in the galaxy.
The air was thick with the scent of spice and the sound of raucous laughter. You sat at the bar, nursing a drink. Despite the bustle, it still felt lonely.
“Hey there, sweetheart.”
Fingers ran across your back as you spun around to face the unfamiliar voice.
A large nikto smiled drunkenly over at you as he leaned against the bar.
“You look lonely. You here alone?”
His breath reeked of alcohol. “You're real pretty,” he slurred, reaching out to grab your arm.
You jerked away, shooting him a glare. "Back off," you growled, voice barely audible over the din of the crowd.
The nikto persisted, his grip tightening. "Come on, don't be like that.”
“Dude,” you rolled your eyes, “leave me alone.”
He sighed, seemingly annoyed at your refusal.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone in a place like this. Let me at least walk you home, baby.”
“Don't call me that,” You spat, wrenching your arm from his grip.
His jaw stiffened as he stood up straighter.
“You should be more grateful that I'm even giving you the time of day, bitch!”
Now it was your turn to stand. The nikto grabbed your arm again. Your fingers curling into a fist, ready to strike the stupid smirk from his drunken face.
"She's not yours to touch."
A familiar voice growled from behind as the nikto’s hand was wrenched from your arm with a cry of pain.
What was he doing back already? You turned to face him standing behind you, expression dark and dangerous. His hand rested on the blaster at his hip, ready to draw at a moment's notice.
The nikto's eyes narrowed. “And who do you think you are, asshole?”
Crosshair glowered, taking a menacing step forward. “I'm the guy who's going to put an extra hole in you if you don't leave immediately.”
The nikto paused, unsure if he was bluffing or not.
Crosshair clicked the safety off, loosening the blaster from its holster.
"I'm not gonna ask you again," he said, voice low and threatening.
The nikto had enough. “Geez, okay fine! I'm leaving!”
Without another word, he turned and fled, disappearing into the crowd.
You stood silently watching as Crosshair stepped forward, his practiced eyes scanning every inch of you.
“Are you alright?” He asked, “Did he hurt you?”
You let out a shaky breath, “No,” you murmured, “I'm fine.” A smile flitted across your face as you looked up.
Honey brown eyes stared sharp, pierced with concern and something else.
“Good.” He replied. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something more but couldn't find the courage to do so.
But this time something rose within your own chest, warm and encouraging.
“Crosshair?” The words came timidly despite their bold intent.
He looked sharply, “What?”
“What did you mean by that? ‘She's not yours to touch’?” You asked. His hand, still on your arm, gripped a bit tighter, pulling you close. Something flashed in his eyes. It wasn't the hardness you'd come to expect from him.
“It means you're mine. You've always been mine.”
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