randomwordzard · 2 months
is the "and a bunch of other stuff" in your bio meant to be sung to the tune of How Many Planets? by tmbg cause that's how I read it
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alucywarner · 7 years
another pov
[Yup, classy, creative titles with Parrish. You know how it is. Here we have it. The promised Maddox POV posts begin here. I’ve already said what this one would be, and here we have it. We’re gonna start off here~.
However, we begin towards the end of this journey. My little Maddox has already done all of his apologizing. Lucy deserves better than what he’s being trifling at. You know the story. WE BEGIN HERE. INITIATE MADDOX POV.]
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[Yes, Maddox is confused af, as mentioned in the base post. A kiss on the cheek? A cheek kiss is a confusing kiss, because WELL, IT COULD BE TAKEN IN SO MANY WAYS. It could be friendly, it could be romantic?? What was he supposed to take out of this? 
So, he’s staring, and yes, he’s got literal ‘????’s above his head, and then she smiles a real, genuine smile as she thanks him, and tbh, his heart literally skipped a beat. Full-on, he could’ve gone straight into cardiac arrest. Then, dang it all, she giggled. She actually laughed at him, and nothing had ever sounded so beautiful to him. He was, well, moonstruck is the only way to put it. 
And normally Maddox was really good at presenting some sort of front based on how he wanted to be seen, and what he wanted to keep from other people, but being as dazed as he is right now, looking at this girl in front of him that’s smiling and laughing and kissing his cheek and whatnot, his mouth seems to have a mind of it’s own. And we got what we got.]
Your smile is really pretty. 
[Which, BANG, CRASH, SCREEEEEEEECH. What the hell did we just say? Why has our mouth betrayed us so? His mind was backtracking so hard as soon as the words escaped him, because no, we cannot say things like that. That’s showing our hand far too much, and it doesn’t really matter if Lucy Warner is literally the most beautiful girl we’d ever laid our eyes on, we are just NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY IT OUT LOUD. Nothing of the sort.
So, it can’t just be our mind that backtracks, and we have to backtrack out loud, quickLY.] 
I mean, as far as smiles go... [Yeah, that’ll do. That totally works.]
[And, oh God, Lucy’s face. HER FACE. She looks so confused and shocked while she’s stuttering out her thanks. He can’t see his own face, but he’s pretty sure it looks dAMN similar to Lucy’s. Eyes bugged, jaw slack. Yup, he was mortified with himself.
So, what’s he do now? Well, we know that already.]
I’m gonna… let you do whatever it was you were doing… now. Bye.
[And he, as I put it, sprouted wings and flew out of the library. But that’s where it ended before. We just saw Lucy smile a cute little smile, and it was all over. But no, Maddox did not see that cute little smile. 
He was out of the library in about five seconds, and his heart was going about a THOUSAND MILES AN HOUR, and he was mentally beating his own face in, because what the HELL had he even just said? An apology, sure, that was fine. Apologies happened, and they didn’t mean anything more than just ‘I’m sorry’. ‘Your smile is really pretty’, though? That meant something on a while other level. And, again, while it was true-- he never, ever said stuff like that to anyone. It just wasn’t who he was. 
But, he’d never felt the need to tell any girl that anyway. Not even subconsciously. So, maybe it was who he was, but he’d just never found the girl to tell it to? But, SHIT, man, Lucy was just someone that he wanted in the pants of, right? That was all it was. 
But, okay,  maybe she was gorgeous... and smart... and fun to be around... and funny... and basically all-around borderline addictive to be around, and maybe he-- actually-- kinda... liked her, but thaT DIDN’T MEAN ANYTHING, RIGHT? He’d never lost his cool enough to say something like ~pretty~. He didn’t call anyone pretty
So, what changed? What made his dumb mouth say that stupid shit?
It wasn’t... because...
I’d say he was nigh upon this revelation when he gets back to his locker, and his ~girlfriend is there waiting for him.]
Where the hell have you been?
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I don’t know. Around?
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Around who?
Steve. [A shrug.]
Oh, Steve. Right.
You’re gonna get jealous of Steve now? Come on, woman.
Call me woman again, and I’ll break your nose.
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Yeah, sure, cool.
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Don’t give me a reason to be jealous, and I’ll stop being suspicious. How about that~? [A bitchy smile. Bet.]
What the hell have I done, even? 
Oh, please. 
I get it. Steve’s the hottest chick in school. You have all the reason in the world to be jealous. [THE SASS. An eye roll.]
You know this isn’t about Steve.
[YUP. HE KNOWS. And, honestly, the further he gets into this conversation and his revelations that he might be trying to come to still, the more he realizes that maybe you really do have a reason to be jealous and/or suspicious, Harley.] I thought you dropped that like, a week ago. Ya know, after you punched her.
I’ve dropped it if you’ve dropped it~.
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I never picked it up to begin with.
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Mhm. Better be true.
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[And yikes, that happened. And maybe just now he’s realizing just how different this feels. Because he used to think that a kiss was a kiss, and it didn’t matter who was doing the kissing, it was just going to be that-- a kiss. 
Because, yesterday, when he kissed Lucy, there was so much more to it than just a kiss. There was something in kissing her that kickstarted his heart into a dang gear he didn’t even know existed. And, GOD, he felt like he could kiss her once and never stop for the rest of time. 
Right now, with Harley’s lips on his... he didn’t feel a damn thing. In fact, he didn’t feel a damn thing when he was with Harley at all, or anyone else for that matter. 
So, his mind is called back to that smile from earlier-- that beautiful-ass smile. No, he could look at it forever, my dude. And, really? Honestly? That’s all he wanted. 
And shit. There went the revelation. It felt different because, fuCK, this was love, wasn’t it? This was what love felt llike. 
Damn it all, he was in love with Lucy Warner. DAMN HER, because he wanted to kiss her and only her for the rest of his whole fUCKING LIFE. He LOVED her. He was IN LOVE. 
Clearly, this newfound knowledge is gonna cause him to draw back from Harley’s crazy lips. She’s offended that he’d even do this.]
Excuse me?
I’ve... gotta... go.
Class is... class.
Class. Since when do you go to class, Maddox?
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Since I don’t want fucking detention, okay? That’s since when. Now-- I’ll talk to you later, I guess. Bye.
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[TBH, he’s sprouted wings again, and he’s flying off. No, this asshole isn’t going to class. He’s going to go sit his ass on Steve’s couch while Steve’s here, and he’s going to mull over the fact that he’s in LOVE, and how much that really, REALLY sucks for him. 
And here we see why Harley does the clinging. Maddox is just a shit hider of feelings to everyone but Lucy. Okay. The end.]
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randomwordzard · 1 month
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found my clone @whoareyoueventhough on tumblr dot com
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randomwordzard · 2 months
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sorgy about this @whoareyoueventhough but in my defense we're basically the same person
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