#clingy boyfriend Claude
yeahimcal · 9 months
Modern!Claude von Riegan who is so very clingy. He is always holding you somehow. Holding pinkies. His warm hands up your shirt and resting on your stomach. His chin on your shoulder. Lips on yours. He is so clingy. He has a million billion pictures of you on his phone. You’re his phone background. You cannot sleep without waking up to a text from him like ‘I miss you wake up :(’. He adores you. He’s just so clingy he can’t help it
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Okay okay so, Claude repeatedly keeps on failing to obey orders no matter how hard he tries while Sebastian is able to pull everything off flawlessly every time. Claude gets angry and jealous and becomes really gung ho about pleasing you. Sebastian is getting groceries? Claude is making a full feast for 100 that you absolutely do not need and is absolutely a waste of food. Sebastian did the dishes? Claude rewaxed all of the floors by hand just to say he did it by hand. Claude is sending you 100 I love you texts because he worried you didn't get the other 50. Reader naturally gets kind of pissed and weirded out by Claude's pushyness and scolds Claude. Claude breaks down sobbing.
I hope you enjoyed Claude torment hour.
Oof hghgv I LOVE THIS!! It’s so in character!!!
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Sebastian + Claude (polycule, unhealthy relationship elements (not intentionally), fluff, validation/comfort, slight trust issues,)
Sebastian was always perfect, you never needed to worry with him, he’d always figure things out on his own and did everything you want him to without you asking. He was a perfect butler and an amazing boyfriend.
Claude on the other hand, he was completely different, and you love him for that, its just…agitating how clingy he’s gotten recent, especially when Sebastian is around. You had figured that he was past the jealous faze, but apparently he’s not…
You appreciated the gestures, he had good intentions, it just got out of hand. Claude has been especially erratic and quick to panic anytime you give Sebastian even a second of attention.
You give Sebastian a kiss? Claude practically shoved him out of the way to give you a more passionate kiss, too bad for him you had to shove him away since you needed to breathe. He’d looked like a kicked puppy the second you denied him ANY attention, you’d think he’s taking it personally…
You decided to confront him one on one, he’s more open about his feelings when it’s just you two. Sebastian had been polite enough to leave the room and give you two some privacy talk, in the bedroom, since it’s one of the few rooms that has a lock. You sat at the edge of your bed, Claude standing motionless in front of you. You sat in awkward silence with Claude for a bit, you knew why he was here, he knew why why he was here.
You weren’t sure how to delicately answer so you go with your first instinct. “Claude, why have you been acting so weird? You know there’s no need for this. So, what is wrong? This is just so childish for you to be competing for my attention.” Claude remained silent, just staring at you.
He sighed and remained motionless while speaking. “I am just making myself useful, I don’t see the issue with it.” You glared at him, he’s still giving you a blank look, though you can see the corners of his lips quivering.
“‘I don’t see the issue with it’? Are you kidding me?” You groan, looking away from Claude. “Claude. You practically hound me, I am barely getting time enough space to breathe, but YOU DON’T SEE AN ISSUE?”
Claude visibly winced at your tone, you regret it, but he is ignoring your words unless you put venom behind them…
Before you can apologize Claude collapses to his knees in front of you, taking you by surprise. His head is in your lap in an instant, he’s hiding his face against your thigh and trembling. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he’s crying.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Master, I just want to prove myself to you! Sebastian always knows what to do but I…don’t…” He trails off, voice muffled against your leg. “I’m not as good as him…I’m sorry-I just want you to love me the way you love him…”
To say you’re surprised by this outcome was an understatement. You can feel dampness against your leg, you know he’s crying now, his breathing is so shaky….
You slip down off the bed, sitting next to him and wrapping your arms around him. “Hey, come on, please listen, I love you, ok?” You waited till he nodded to continue. “Everything is fine, you’re not in trouble, I’m just agitated, ok? I’m not upset, I don’t love you any less than Sebastian, if you feel less loved, just tell me, ok?”
Claude didn’t respond. “Claude, you can ask for my attention, that’s what Sebastian does.” You give Claude a soft kiss, holding him there until he calmed done a bit. “It’s completely fine to ask for attention, ok?”
You let Claude rest his head against your chest, one of your hands moving from his back to gently stroke his hair. “But-I don’t want to be needy…” With a kiss to the top of his head, you pull him into your bed.
“You’re not being needy, there’s nothing wrong with asking. So please, just tell me if you want attention, ok?” You gently squeeze him to reassure him. “I love you, I don’t want you to feel like i don’t love you as much as Sebastian. I just figured you didn’t like the affection, you always seem so indifferent over it.”
Claude makes a sound of acknowledgment, calming down enough to speak to you. “I…I will ask next time.” You reward him with a soft kiss, letting him rest against you for a little while longer.
After a few minutes, or maybe hours you couldn’t tell, you heard a creak from the window to your right. You look over to see Sebastian crouched in the windowsill, eyeing you and Claude. You huff in fein annoyance with him.
“Sebastian, how long have you been listening?” You watch him step out of the window, quietly walking towards you. He gestured to Claude, waiting a moment. “He’s sleeping. Don’t wake him.”
Sebastian nods. “Alright.” He steps close to you sitting down beside you. “I’m going to be…less ‘clingy’ around him for a bit.” He whispered to you. “I’ll apologize to him when he wakes up.”
You hum in response. “I can cuddle you both,” You pull Sebastian towards you, he shows no resistance. Sebastian rested his head on your shoulder. “You two are more like big puppies than demons.” Sebastian gives a offended look before quietly chuckling.
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kanekoii · 11 months
Hey!! I’m the anon who sent the krisis being senpais ask (could I be 🎀 anon?) and I saw this clip on twitter
And I’m thinking about zali being jealous that his crush sometimes goes to Claude for healing 😵‍💫
There’s this clip too of him pouting and I think he’s so cute I love him
lyra's notes -> welcome to the dumpster family hon!! and my god ur mind...oughghh
pairing -> vezalius bandage x gn! reader x claude clawmark (im sorry i made him be in love with reader and get like quietly rejected)
genre -> a little angst but fluffy ending
song -> 病名は愛だった - mafumafu
warnings -> reader just like me fr (gets hurt and sick really easily)
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zali really wouldn't mind at first, you get hurt and sick a lot and he's not always around to take care of you, and he'll always check in with claude to monitor your general state. you had gotten particularly sick at one point, barely even able to get out of bed. claude had been delivering medication and various at-home remedies to you personally, staying by your side for a few hours. zali had ran into him at the store while the former was buying you a plushie as a sort of get-well-soon gift. claude happened to be buying you some ingredients for a medicinal soup. they kind of just met eyes awkwardly before all hell broke loose and they continued to try to one-up each other. eventually zali would end up getting really sad cuz…there’s another healer now so there’s no use for him even if he is your boyfriend. he’d stay by your bedside the whole time as you slept, ever so quietly whispering confessions of love in french so quietly that, even if you did understand the language, you wouldn’t hear or understand them. his words of affection to your sleeping figure didn't fall on deaf ears, it seems, as you slowly reached out from under the fluffy blanket he had wrapped around you and held his hand with a drowsy, half-open eye.
zali knew you loved him, but he gets very jealous of the other healers taking care of you. he knows it's kind of dumb to get so jealous because at least you're being taken care of, but he wants to be the one who keeps you safe and healthy as your medic boyfriend. claude would inevitably take the hint and watch from a distance as you slowly healed from your sickness, with zali by your side the whole time. you still remained friends with the former, and he smiled so subtly to himself when you came to see him, a smile on your face. vezalius was very protective and clingy, considering you're sick and hurt so easily. he'll always have an arm around you and pouts when you occasionally get annoyed with his affections.
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owlteacupz · 2 years
Hey dawg it’s ur super cool bestie westie here 😁👍 ya know who, anyway this is a stupid little request but Alois? could we bb lovers get sum Alois x reader hc pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I’ll give you my 65 primos as a payment
Omg hey bestie!!!!! And ofc <33 anything for u doofus.
Alois x reader headcannons
(Reader is GN!)
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-Alois is…. An interesting partner.
-He definitely cries and fake sobs to you if you don’t give him enough attention.
-He LOVES. to make you dance around with him.
-Feeling sad?? Dance party!!!!
-He’s probably really clingy. Like he’ll just randomly give you hugs CONSTANTLY.
-He’ll literally make Claude do things for you if everything isn’t to your liking.
Quick Scenario:
“[YYYYYYYY/NNNNNN]!!” Alois called, his voice ringing through the halls of the manor.
“Yes, Alois??” You call back. You were having kind of a rough day and really needed a break. You had stopped once you heard the noise of your boyfriend’s heeled boots ringing throughout the hallways, hitting against the floor.
Next thing you know, you’re being spun around quickly while the blond in front of you giggles like a maniac.
“Alois! Careful!” You shout and stop him from causing the both of you to fall over.
“Awwww c’mon! I was just trying to give you a hug.” Alois crossed his arms and pouted. In response you face palm.
“Geezzzz, [Y/N]. You need to lighten up! C’mon, come dance with me!!” Alois grabs your wrists and lightly starts to pull you to the ballroom. You sigh and start to run with him to wherever it was. The rest of your guys night was filled with laughter and dancing, which definitely made you feel better.
Hiii!!! Ty for reading! I know it’s probably shorter than usual but i’m not very good at writing for Alois :((. Per usual, let me know if anything is messed up! I didn’t proof read.
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allbrainrot · 4 years
Aaaa could you do ❤️ for pre and post time skip Dimitri? 👉🏻🥺👈🏻 ty!! I love your writing style and I’m so excited to see what else you come up with!!
YES I LOVE DIMI SO MUCH!! I’m so glad that people like my prompts and writing 😭🖤 Thank you anon for allowing me to write about post timeskip Dimi’s massive cape that shit is the best lmao ✨
Pre Timeskip:
- Pre timeskip Dimitri is very special at displays of affection..*cough* dagger *cough*..so he’d be so easily flustered, but he’d appreciate any form of love you’re willing to give him nonetheless.
- For this particular instance, I’m thinking reader is a Golden Deer, so they have to be separated during each classes’ missions a lot. As a traumatized individual with few loved ones left, I can imagine that Dimitri would become somewhat clingy with anxiety once you grow close to him. As his partner, you’re very used to always being beside him to comfort and reassure him, so it’d be a pretty drastic and..dull.. change when the Blue Lions are out on the month’s mission.
- You’re probably also close to several Blue Lions if you’re dating Dimitri, which makes it seem even more lonely. Of course, you have friends in Golden Deer that you hang out with, but it always feels like a part of you is missing when you don’t have a yearning little Dimitri following you like a lost puppy.
- If you’ve made this much progress in getting Dimitri to open up, he trusts you more than anyone in the world alongside Dedue. So, you’re always welcome to spend time in his room and you often find yourself doing so when the days wind down and you miss him the most. You probably absentmindedly sharpen any weapons he hasn’t taken with him or organize all his schoolwork for him so he isn’t stressed when he returns.
- Even though he insists that you drop any formality whatsoever, Dimitri is still a prince, so he probably has a pretty full closet...full of capes for you to steal!! >:3
- Around the last night before he gets back to the monastery, longing really hits you when you think about how long it’s been without your cuddly boyfriend around. So when curfew comes around that night and you have to leave the comfort of his room, you say ‘ah screw it’ and just snatch one of his pretty blue capes before heading off to your bed.
- Even at 17-18, Dimitri is still tall as hell. Idk how tall reader is, but I’m a whopping 5’2 so I’m gonna say that his cape would be pretty big on you 😭 You wrap yourself in that thing like a burrito, period. I can imagine it’s made from very nice material, so it’s probably silky and soft. Then, you conk tf out!
- The next day is a Sunday, so you’re half awake snuggling into this boy’s cape later in the morning when his class gets back. The first thing Dimitri does after reporting everything to Rhea and Seteth with the professor is bolt up to your dorm room. He’s that overjoyed kinda shaky like little kids heading to open up their presents on their birthday. He might even forget to knock, honestly. He’s got chivalry built into him as a prince but right now his head is whirring too much to think about anything else.
- Sunlight pouring into your room makes you bunch up the fabric close to your face and you let out a very sedated, groggy greeting in your sleepy state.
- Dimitri.exe has stopped working. HOLY SHIT IS THAT HIS CAPE??? His face is every shade of red imaginable. Probably lets out incoherent stutters for a couple minutes until you’re fully awake and call him over happily. Dimitri’s a big boy and he finally says a sentence, albeit a very squeaky one! ‘Is-is that my cape, beloved..??’ You’re 100x more composed and just laugh and hand it back to him before explaining you missed him and kissing him on the cheek. Dimitri machine broke. You’re wearing his cape like a blanket! And you said it’s because you missed him! You really love him and you’re adorable! Yeah, it’s just gonna be hugs for a bit, it’s gonna take a minute to reboot your Dimitri.
Post Timeskip:
- Shortly after pre timeskip scenario, Dimi convinced you to transfer to his house. I’m gonna say this is Dimi after he gets his shit together a little bit because acquiring clothing from a feral Dimitri would be like a militaristic game of capture the flag. He’s still an awkward goof but you’re gonna need to get him to allow himself to show emotion again before he eventually breaks and confides in you.
- I can imagine that some nights, camping out at the monastery or various locations of battles could get pretty damn cold when the temperature drops at night and you don’t have any heating system. So, strategy or information update meetings called at night are probably going to be one of your least favorite times, after actual fighting of course.
- Your former classmates from Faerghus thrive in the cold, and this was nothing compared to winters where they’re from. (You might be well adjusted to cold too but I’m from god damn Texas so I’m saying reader lived in a much warmer climate, closer to Claude’s lmao🖤) You, on the other hand, are FREEZING and your friends think it’s quite amusing.
- So here you are, sitting between your boyfriend and Sylvain while Byleth makes a report and you’re freezing your ass off!! Like how is no one else cold you are covered in goosebumps and you’re pretty sure you just started shaking a little bit. Everyone has noticed and is trying to pay attention to Byleth but Sylvain is the first to give in and antagonize you. In the most condescending fake surprised tone possible ‘Oh man, are you getting cold? I was actually just thinking it’s such nice weather that I don’t even need a jacket!’
- Dimitri is straight wheezing into his hand he is trying so hard not to laugh but it’s too funny he can’t help it man 😭 Initiating ball mode you are holding your knees tucked into your chest for warmth and pouting because you’re salty. Plan backfired your boyfriend is full on snickering at you now because you’re adorable.
- Just when you’ve reached the maximum level of pouting possible something very soft and warm is draped over you and encompasses you in all your balled up glory. Although it’s a little heavier now, and you can feel the fluff of fur around your shoulders, you still recognize the luxurious fabric from Dimitri’s old cape 5 years ago.
- Too stubborn to say thank you right now so you just lean into Dimi lmao. His gauntlets are always freezing but you’re in a cozy burrito right now so he’ll wrap an arm around you. Sylvain is currently celebrating his status as the greatest wingman of all time.
- Bonus points if you put your cheek up to his chest he lives for being as close to you as physically possible. Will pet your hair if you don’t mind the armor.
- Felix is having an internal hissy fit and glaring daggers at Dimitri because BOAR HAS FEELINGS? EWWWWWWW. If Dimitri gives you a kiss he absolutely yells at you both to get a room you cannot convince me otherwise. Byleth is so sick of everyone’s shit.
Thank you for enabling my Dimitri lovemail anon, I hope you like it :3 Hope you don’t mind post timeskip being a lil changed from original prompt I just thought it was a nice progression 🥺🍄
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dweetwise · 4 years
day 11: crying
prompt from: whumptober pairing: felix x ace notes: all this angst is getting to me, i’m so glad tomorrow is a fluff day ;w; warnings: amnesia, implied suicide word count: 1960
If there was anything Ace had always been good at, it was dealing with all the various shit life threw his way. He'd smile and roll with the punches, not wasting time on pointless concepts like regret and what if:s.
The Entity's world had been no exception. Sure, it was objectively worse than just another poker losing streak or scam gone wrong, but since there wasn't anything he could do to change it, he just tried to make the most of it. And no, he didn’t particularly like getting chased or stabbed or brutally murdered, but in the end he was still alive and free to hang out with his newfound friends and make shitty jokes. It was the new normal, and like always, Ace adapted with surprising ease.
Until he didn't.
It had been like any typical not-day at the campfire, where a trial was taking place but Ace wasn't chosen for it. The only thing different from usual was that Ace was a little on edge, though from worry or anticipation, he wasn't sure.
Felix was the newest addition to their group, and despite only being there for what couldn't be more than a couple of months, he'd made a huge impact on Ace's life. Ace had never been any kind of clingy in his old life, but even he had to admit that he'd much rather have Felix by his side at the campfire than in a trial at the mercy of the Entity's Monster of the Day.
And maybe his heart broke a little when Adam, Cheryl and Quentin returned from the trial and Adam met his eyes and offered a pained “I'm sorry, we tried”. Ace gave a half-assed reassurance in return, and despite knowing that they always came back after a sacrifice and weren't any worse for wear, it wasn't a pleasant thing to go through.
But if he'd thought that information broke his heart, the next one shattered it into pieces.
Felix finally returned to the campfire, his look just as impeccable as ever, like he'd been preparing for an important business meeting instead of taking a chainsaw through the gut. Ace felt his fake smile give way to a genuine one, unexplainable relief flooding through him upon the confirmation that yes, even after a hundred sacrifices Felix was still alive. For some reason, Felix was frowning, so Ace made his way over to cheer him up, a witty comment already on the tip of his tongue—
“Wo zum Teufel bin ich?" Felix said, looking at him with a very confused expression that made him stop dead in his tracks.
It wasn't uncommon for Felix to revert back to his native tongue in certain situations, but it was usually only a word or two. And it wasn't like him to keep his distance from the others like this, not since befriending the group and especially not after they’d started dating.
“Come again?" Nea snorted from somewhere behind Ace, probably thinking it some kind of joke.
When Felix looked at her with clear wariness, Ace already knew what he was going to say, having seen that same exact look only months before.
“Where am I?” Felix asked, and then further twisted the knife in Ace's heart by looking back at him and adding “Who are you?”.
Ace didn't pay much attention after that. He sat by the fire while the others hovered around Felix in worry, staring at the ground and asking himself why.
Claudette came by to offer him some empty words of comfort and a gentle hand on his shoulder. He heard Bill raising his voice in the group and urging them to “calm the fuck down and let the guy breathe”. And eventually, Yui was there, kneeling before him and commanding Ace to look at her.
“He got hit with Leatherface's mallet really hard during the mori,” the biker told him, her stern expression being enough to convince Ace. “Adam and Claud said it's post-traumatic amnesia from the concussion. It's temporary.”
“Yeah. Okay,” Ace said, realizing how shaky his voice sounded, dragging a hand through his hair to try to quell his doubts.
Hours passed and Felix didn't get any better. Meg and Steve were by his side the entire time, reminiscing stories from the campfire and some of his best moments of outsmarting the killers to try to jog his memory, but nothing seemed to work.
Claudette suggested maybe Ace should talk to him, as he'd been the closest to him since he got here. So he swallowed his own grief and put on a shitty smile and shooed Meg and Steve away to sit down with Felix alone.
But when Felix started talking about how he had to get back because of his girlfriend and the baby he was so excited for, Ace had to nope the fuck out before he started bawling or cussing him out.
He avoided Felix for the entire day, playing some dumb card game with Ash he was pretty sure the other just made up, and despite his mind not being anywhere near the cards the bastard let him win. Nea was being even more obnoxious than usual, shit-talking the killers and trying to get Ace to join in, and it was really obvious that they were trying to keep him distracted, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
Then the next trial came and Dwight, Tapp, Kate and Zarina were off, and Ace was left to stare at the futile sight of Jane asking Felix about trials he had no recollection of.
“What if he never remembers?” Ace heard Cheryl whisper.
“It's temporary,” Yui immediately snapped.
“Maybe it takes another resurrection to fix,” Adam said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
Ace felt empty. The worry and fear and absolute loneliness had created a hole in his chest he didn't know how to fix, and wouldn't until Felix was back to his old self, because he would be, because that's how it always worked—
And then Dwight stumbled into camp and looked around with pure terror in his eyes and asked if they knew a way back into the city and Ace's world stopped turning.
The hole in his chest was instantly filled with grief and anguish and he was helpless to stop the sob from wracking his entire body, burying his face into his shaking hands and mourning what he now knew he'd never get back.
There was a commotion again, and he wasn't the only one who was crying, the entire group shaken to the core at their leader losing his memory and now realizing it wasn't an accident.
There were arms around Ace’s shoulders and who he thought was Laurie whispering that she's “so, so sorry, but we’ll get through this”, and if he could do something other than cry he'd have told her that no, he doesn't think they will.
The Entity had a lot of creative ways to torture them, but none of them had been enough to break him until now.
It was hours or maybe even days before Ace came to and could try to think somewhat clearly. Nancy and Adam were standing in the middle of camp, evenly explaining that they needed to start documenting everything, that the Entity had changed its rules and a death now meant forgetting everything after coming to the realm.
Some of the others were sobbing and the rest looked grimly serious, the usual laughter and outrageous stories around the fire long forgotten. Yui was hugging Kate in a death grip and Nea and Meg held each other and carried a hurried conversation with worried expressions, the couples no doubt terrified of forgetting each other.
He looked over to Dwight, and saw Jake being much more calm and collected than Ace could ever be, patiently explaining everything to his boyfriend and gently holding his hand. Dwight already looked almost as smitten as before he lost his memory, and Ace couldn't help the sharp pang of jealousy at how easy it was for them.
“So you, uh… said you left your family? Can I ask why?” Dwight asked, just as eager as ever to get to know Jake, and blushing when Jake gave a lovestruck smile and shared his life story without complaint.
How Jake wasn't a broken shell of a man like him, he'd never know.
Ace considered telling Felix everything, but what would be the point? Even if he did somehow manage to worm his way into Felix's heart again, the memories were lost forever, not to mention he’d be back to square one after Felix got sacrificed the next time.
There was a map and a piece of charcoal shoved into his hands, and Ace looked up at Zarina's usually carefully schooled features twisted into uncertainty.
“We're writing letters to yourselves,” Zarina explained. “For when—if we die, we have some guidance and know about the important stuff.”
She left him to it and he idly wondered if it would have even made a difference for Felix.
Suddenly, a new determination hit him and he started jotting down what he knew he needed to hear. His codeword for safety, so he’d know it was real. How he got to the realm and how long he'd been there. The names of his friends and the insistence that he trusted them all with his life. The few killers who were somewhat reasonable. The names of the couples and some random gossip he could use to lighten the mood.
‘Felix’ he started a sentence automatically, but then paused. A dark thought was creeping up in the back of his mind, and he knew exactly what needed to happen next. He finished the sentence with ‘has a girlfriend and kid in the real world’, before folding the piece of paper and placing it in his jacket pocket and waiting for a trial to start.
It was two days before Ace got called into a trial, and while the others were panicking and hugging each other and trying not to cry, he felt calmer than he had since this whole thing started.
“Keep an eye on Ace, okay?” he even heard Kate murmur to Bill, and it was almost enough to make him change his mind.
But then the trial started and Ace ran right into the center of the map to get chased first by the Wraith.
He was on his second hook, struggling against the Entity’s claws, with only one generator left and only one other person having been hooked. His chances were looking good, a weak killer on a strong map, his teammates pumping out generator after generator. With a much worse threat than sacrifice and resurrection looming in the distance, their determination had improved tenfold.
The Wraith was nowhere to be seen when Bill made his way over to the hook.
“Hold on, bud,” Bill grunted, slowly vaulting the window in front of him as not to alert the killer of the rescue in advance.
The last generator popped and Ace smiled for the first time in days, a toothy grin that probably came off as maniacal, realizing he could finally fulfill his plan while knowing the others would make it out.
“Ace, what are you—” there was alarm on Bill's features and he picked up his pace to a sprint, but it was too late.
“Sorry, old friend,” Ace offered before he let go.
Bill's panicked scream was the last thing he heard before the claw pierced straight through his gut, and he had a few seconds of time to feel a bad for putting Bill through that, before his consciousness faded to black.
At least he wouldn’t remember any of it.
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agent-cupcake · 5 years
Hi, I saw that you're taking FE3H requests. Since I really loved your previous headcanons for yandere Claude, I was wondering if you could also do some headcanons for yandere Dimitri? Thank you!!
Yan! Dimitri pre-timeskip - White Clouds 
~So, if Claude’s infatuation would start because you were a useful tool to help him achieve his goals, and the emotional stuff would only be given strength by that, then you could say that Dimitri would be the complete opposite. Your emotional value to him would be the most important aspect of the relationship, your abilities in a more utilitarian sense being necessary to a certain degree (especially when he’s unhinged), but not the primary focus.
~In this scenario, I think he’d be most likely to go yandere for someone who was really friendly and positive and good at handling emotions and being compassionately empathetic. Someone who could take the world and feel things without being like him and succumbing to it. Dimitri would see that strength and cling to it in, in this case, a very unhealthy way.
~I like to think of it being a slow thing; the two of you meeting at the beginning of the year at the Academy and hitting it off well, but Dimitri being so emotionally inept and utterly focused on his mission that he’d send mixed signals enough to convince you he wasn’t interested in you. 
~Dimitri’s ineptness would make excusing his behavior more effective, too. If he was uncomfortably protective of you to the point of his darker personality coming through, or was making it difficult for you to become close to people he ~worried might harm you~, it wouldn’t come off like a jealous boyfriend or possessive lover, it would just be your dear friend Dimitri looking out for you. He’d be so earnest about it, care so much. His concern would be so sweet, really, how could you doubt him?
~With him, it’d always be a push and pull, he’d never let you in enough for you to actually help him, but he’d pull you in enough for him to create the unhealthy infatuation with you and keep you from having too much outside of him. The worst part is that he’d use honesty in keeping you close, leveraging his emotions and affection against you in the most unintentionally manipulative way possible.
~There’d be a more situational push and pull, too, with Dimitri trying to manage his feelings and desires with his emotions. He wouldn’t be consistent at all. So you’d get uncomfortable situations of having Dedue being sent to help and ‘protect’ you in Dimitri’s stead (also buying him time without a bodyguard) or Dimitri being very concerned and questioning you relentlessly and without much tact, mixed in with his seemingly ignoring you, or simply being too distracted to focus on anything or anyone else.
~Then there’d be episodes of such intense emotional vulnerability with Dimitri, moments where the danger would truly lie. As important as reaching out and having the support of others is important to recovery, Dimitri is a person of extremes. He wouldn’t just allow you be a healthy and positive support in his life, but take the feelings he’d have for you and twist them into a rather codependent bond. He wouldn’t allow you to actually help him, but you’d give him enough relief for him to get hooked and build an image of what he needed you to be in his mind. That objectification part of yandereism, in his case.
~I definitely think other people would see his behavior and recognize it as strange. Like, his fixation might seem almost normal to you, but the people who have known him would know better. Dedue would care only about Dimitri, and have an attitude of being protective and urging you to remain near if only because you seemed to occasionally make Dimitri seem happier. Sylvain would probably want to warn you away, seeing Dimitri’s behavior as unhealthy, but I don’t think Dimitri would want him to be around you much. He likes Sylvain, but a ~skirt chaser~ like him obviously would pose a threat to you. Obviously. Felix would straight up be disgusted by it, but mostly out of fear for both you and Dimitri. 
~On some level, I think Dimitri could be self aware. At least enough to feel guilty. He always has room for guilt. To compensate for that feeling, he’d be even more protective. He’d apologize over and over for times he went too far, and do his best to be sweet to you when it occurred to him. Self awareness about what he was doing and the fact that it wasn’t really right would only lead to pain, however, and Dimitri’s nothing if not an absolute glutton for self inflicted torture. 
~The truly defining moment in his yandere feelings would be when one of you made a move towards the romantic. A kiss, a confession - if you instigated or returned the affection, that’d be the best worst kind of validation for him.
~Of course, soon after would come the final chapters of White Clouds and put a big halt on the wonders of young love. The uncomfortable flip flopping, the push and pull of Dimitri being invested, then distant, then invested, would come to a fever heat towards the end of the first part of the story. His darker personality would come through more often and he wouldn’t really want to open up to you at all, but he’d also want you near him because that’s one less thing to worry about and some part of him would crave your ability to console him. He’d be prickly while also being clingy, without much temper in the way of self awareness.
~Then there’d be momentary lapses where he’d actually cling to you, searching for something to hold on to without giving himself the chance to reach out in the first place. Vulnerable, scared, full of rage and pain - in the moments where he wasn’t entirely isolated in his own thoughts, you’d get a very… uncomfortable side of Dimitri. I wouldn’t say he’d force anything on you, but he would be very forceful.
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senpai-no-lie · 4 years
Golden Deer Route
So I finished the Golden Deer Route!
Why I chose Golden Deer: I have already played through Blue Lions, and from what I’ve heard about Edelgard, I figured I’d be more fond of Claude than her. And, well, that’s true, and I can see the appeal of the Golden Deer kids, this route is a bit of a mixed bag.
Who Was My Dancer: Ingrid. I really like Ingrid as a character, and I was torn between her, Marianne, or one of the boys as my dancer. Ultimately chose Ingrid because I remembered her having a pretty good magic stat in my BL playthrough, and I wanted to capitalize on that. She rocked as a dancer and was a fantastic asset to the team. 
What Paired Endings Did I Get:  
Claude & Ingrid (I was trying to get Ingrid with Yuri, but I think I just had Ingrid dance for Claude too much on the final chapter)
Ralpheal & Ignatz (again)
Lysithea & Balthus
Leonie & Seteth (I wanted this last time, so here we go)
Lorenz & Catherine (Whatever to this one)
Yuri & Constance
Ashe & Hapi 
Who Did Byleth Marry: Marianne. I’m fond of her as a character, her Goddess Tower scene was fun, and I think she’d be a great wife. But I’ll be honest, was really torn between her or Yuri.
Which Claude Do I prefer?: Pre-timeskip! I think both character designs are comparable, but I felt that pre-timeskip Claude was a bit less clingy to Byleth. Though, that white wyvern was boss af.
General Thoughts: I liked the route, but I don’t think it was as well-rounded as Blue Lions. This route was a mash of church stuff and Claude stuff, and the back and forth just made everything a bit stranger. Also, the last minute “Edelgard wasn’t that bad; she was a pawn and thanks Hubie for telling us. They’re pretty swell after all” was generally laughable. The only BE character I recruited was Petra, for supports, so it was at least novel to have them all as enemies. 
The Golden Deer Characters:
Before I started this route, in my head I had “Marianne White and the 7 Peers” as the characterization motif for the Golden Deer, and I wasn’t really wrong about their one-note personalities, since the only supports I really needed this round were Claude’s and some of the non-other-route exclusive DLC characters’.
Claude: Sneaky. I can see the appeal of Claude, I really can, but there’s a lot about his that vaguely irritated me. The back-and-forth of him being a shining idealist who wants everyone to get along and then being a sneaky sneakster who the player often is told uses poisons to get his way make it hard to believe either side of him is genuine. I also found Claude to be pushy (about interrogating Rhea and the whole journal incident) and his clinginess to Byleth makes comparatively the least amount of sense, assuming we all accept Edelgard’s position as Boss Babe Waifu Bait legitimizes her behavior around Byleth. Enjoy his supports and Claude as a unit, but Claude screams “I’m not like the other lords, really” a little too hard for my tastes.
Hilda: Lazy (or Whiny works too) I like Hilda, and she’s a heavy hitter! At first I thought she was going to be like Charlotte, who I love, but she’s not lol. I could make petty complaints about Hilda’s mostly unaddressed racism (bigotry, if you want to be generous to her) or her lazy ways, but she never really bothered or stood out to me either way.
Marianne: Snow White. Marianne would probably make my top 10 3H characters. Great unit, great person, and I really like her voice actor.
Lysithea: Angry (or Tsundere-y, if you want to make up words). Let it be known that I am partial to tsunderes of any gender, and as a consequence, me and Lysithea were vibing. In Azure Moon I made her a gremory, but now that I’ve completed the DLC, let me just say Valkyrie is the way to go with her. With that one staff she can get up to 6 range, perfecting her role as a glass cannon.
Leonie:  Sweaty. Leonie, in her supports, at least is somewhat fleshed out and likeable, but damn is she so freaking annoying in the storyline, slamming how much she loves Jeralt down your throat, despite how mostly apathetic he seemed about her existence while he was still kicking. A great unit, but if I took a shot every time she mentions Jeralt, I’d be dead.
Lorenz: Snobby (or M’lady). Hot take but I don’t like Lorenz. Post-timeskip he looks like an angry purple lizardman and he is a white knight fedora tipper. His voice irritates me, his supports irritates me, and his face irritates me. Going through the mage path at least fixed up his speed some and he ended up being a serviceable Dark Knight, at least. 
Ignatz: Sorry (or Artsy, if you’re less mean). Ignatz, much like Claude and Bernadetta, seems to be modeled after some flavor of Tumblr user, which would be socially stunted artsy type. He’s just okay, but I’m kind of allergic to people who apologize for existing. I know people like to say “oh, he gets more confident over the timeskip” but can you really argue that when you can view most of his C-supports post-timeskip? in BL I made him an assassin, but this time I had Ignatz as a Mortal Savant (because I love magic), and it rocked. 
Raphael: Hungry. Not really much to say about him besides that. Not my type and not my character personality template either.
Judith: Take a shot every time she calls Claude “boy” in a way that wouldn’t sit right in modern purity politics lmao. She was okay as the like Rodrigue that doesn’t die character, but I am not so easily smithen for your run-of-the-mill Boss Babe. In a similar vein, Nadar left little to no impression on me, and his presence on that one map irked me because he sniped my Linhardt kill. 
Assorted Bulleted Thoughts:
I really liked the last few maps of this route. They were visually interesting, offered a bit of a challenge while also being fun. 
I’m glad we actually got to interact with Rhea after rescuing her, because that was a let down in BL. (But yeah, settle the fuck down, Claude, on harassing Rhea the second she’s free because your boyfriend Hubie left you a letter)
 I can’t confirm for Petra, but it’ s interesting to note that the only death Edelgard remarks on is Bernetta’s, probably because she sets the bridge on fire. Not a word for anyone else lol
In a similar vein, because my Lysithea had 6 range, stupidly high magic stats, and most of BL are weak to magic attacks, I was able to one-shot everyone but Sylvain (he was too far away) with her on the Grounder map. I rewound time to un-kill them all, because I just wanted to see what they said and how Dimitri reacted. Dimitri shouts Felix’s name, which I thought was real gay.
Speaking of that Gonder fight, lame lame lame lame that there was no animated scene or even a still of Dimitri’s death. Felt cheap, and having Gilbert take Dimitri’s body when he wasn’t even on the battlefield, also lame. 
Last animated scene with Nemesis was real dope, but Claude’s speech was top tier cringe and kind of taking me out of the moment. I would expect Naruto to say shit like that.  
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l0vey-d0vey-moved · 5 years
fe3h v1
im going thro my drafts and finally posting my fe3h s/i! no reference though :( i’ll get to it later :0
warning - there are spoilers 4 the golden deer route in this !!
(tw; minor mentions of abuse)
Real Name: circe von magnolia
Given Name: shiloh ???
Nickname(s): lilo, lio
Pronouns: they/them or she/her
Zodiac: sagittarius
Orientation: demi-biromantic asexual
gauntlets; they allow circe to release bursts of their own magic while still being effective enough on their own to pack a punch. 
sword/dagger; just in case they need to stab someone. the dagger can extend into a sword, and vice versa! 
House: golden deer (student)
Theme Song(s): best friend by rex orange county, i won’t say (i’m in love) from hercules, falling for u ft. mxmtoon by peachy!, booty swing by parov stelar, fake! fake! by a crow is white, bruno is orange by hop along, the only exception by paramore, 
Voice Claim: felicia from fe:h/connor kelley
curly yet messy light brown hair that goes down to their mid-back. it later gets cut to just above their shoulders. baby blue eyes. pale skin with freckles scattered across skin. some burn scars on hands. a scar on their lip, some of their fingers. they later get more all over their body. sharp canines. 5′3″.
black circular glasses on face or hooked onto collar. black choker w/ white string around neck. bandages covering hands up to wrists, for fist-fighting purposes. that, or fingerless gloves with their palms showing. a small black hoop earring on both ears, and during battle they have two blue cat-marking-like streaks on both sides of their face.
standard golden deer clothing. 
shiloh is an extremely shy and soft-spoken individual. they’re fidgety and easy to scare (they sometimes turn into an animal when spooked by someone!). they hide in the their room and are often seen staring off into space, stuck in their daydreams of how to get back to their room so they don’t have to socialize. as seen, they’re extremely anti-social and they don’t open up easily.
when they do open up however, they are the kindest and sweetest person ever. next to mercedes, ofc. they’re unintentionally pretty clingy due to personal phobias + fears, and constantly need reassurance that someone is here with them. they are very protective over their loved ones, as well as affectionate; though, they’re ready to die for one of their loved ones if that means they’ll live.
though, if they’re in love with someone, they tend to push down the feeling in fear of being rejected and abandoned. they’d rather be friends with someone and be secretly in love with them rather than to confess their feelings and be rejected. not only that, but they’re terrified of hurting their friends with their own magic, because they often can’t handle/control it. this is also another reason they stay in their room so much; to practice their magic and to learn how to control it. (their magic tends to be in sync with their emotions)
shiloh in private is loud, boisterous and passionate about their interests. they’re cheerful and optimistic, and will talk so much that they’ll talk your ear off. they’re also an avid animal-lover, and somehow an animal-whisperer. 
shiloh now goes by their full name, “circe von magnolia” and only goes by shiloh by their friends and sister, byleth. they are a quiet and serious individual who only wishes for peace in Fodlan. 
shiloh was kidnapped from their blood family at a young age, brought from an entirely different island to the leicester alliance area. they were neglected and abused until they were in their early teens, to which they escaped their kidnapper. their kidnapped attempted to hunt them down and almost caught them, but were killed at the hands of jeralt who brought them in as his own child and gave them the name “shiloh”. 
they aspired to be apart of the officer’s academy, but jeralt’s traveling mercenary group held them back. though, once byleth starts teaching at the academy, they are able to attend (finally). they at first don’t trust rhea at all, but learn to as the story progresses.
before shit goes down in the five-year timeskip, though, they are forced to return home to their blood family to take over the kingdom from their dying parents. during that entire period, they learn to rule over their kingdom and become the ruling royalty while their sickly parents step down for their health.
when shiloh learns of byleth’s and rhea’s supposed deaths and the betrayal of edelgard, they pledge their support against the empire [secretly] through letters to claude. they explain that they are unable to leave their own kingdom, as their own kingdom is in a state of unrest + uneasiness and them leaving would only tear their kingdom apart.
once the day of the millennium festival comes, they immediately traveled to the monastery and reunited with their classmates, their [unofficial] boyfriend claude and their sister byleth. 
[ bio will be updated as i play the game ]
their blood family rules over the island of “Ogygia” (oh-g-g-ah).
ogygia is calypsos’ island in greek mythology, known for being supposedly “unfindable”.
they have the same crest as byleth, which is the crest of flames (?).
shiloh’s crest allows their body to handle their extremely powerful magic that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to handle by themselves.
they’re terrible at handling axes, bows and lances. the only “classic” weapon they can really stand w/o falling over or stabbing someone is a sword
they’ve tried to get training from each of the respective house leaders, but p much fails each time.
their proficiency in magic allows them to change their appearance, though in very small amounts so far. as of now, they’re only able to change their hair/eye color
also with their magic, they can shift into different animals as long as they’ve seen them in real life. 
they’ve burnt their hands numerous times from their magic, and often cover it up with bandages in hopes that no one will notice. if anyone asks, they use the excuse that it’s for fist-fighting, which isn’t exactly a lie
they don’t practice the religion of “seiros” and often blatantly avoid the church aspect of their school, despite being at a monastery-esque school. 
due to this, they have an extreme disliking for rhea and the knights of seiros, but of course they would never say this out loud.
they’re mysteriously drawn to the sea, though they’re actively terrified of it. they’ve never really known why, though.
it’s revealed later that they were drawn to the sea by a “need” to be with their original family and kingdom.
they also enjoy bird-watching and taking care of wyverns/dragons.
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michaeliism · 6 years
sebastian & claude have such a tender and true love i love them so much. claude is such a good partner to his terrible and clingy and annoying boyfriend and hes so brave for dealing with sebastian and still loving him. thank god claude also is the most dom person ever and he can put his brat in his place very quickly
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue
Ok guys so I have started writing again! Until I get back into the swing of things, I’ve made the queue so I post two a day. Puts us way farther into the year than I thought! XD I’ll probably go back to three a day soon though so don’t worry! Thanks for being so patient with me during the past couple of weeks! I love you all so much! Also if you’ve requested with a player who’s been traded... do you want the imagine with the old team or new? Let me know! So without further ado... your queue!
Monday 7/3- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
Tuesday 7/4- Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
Wednesday 7/5- Matt Martin- jealous
                 Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Thursday 7/6- Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
                 Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
Friday 7/7- Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
                 Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
Saturday 7/8- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
                 Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Sunday 7/9- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
               Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
Monday 7/10- Morgan Rielly- large age gap
              AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
Tuesday 7/11- Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Wednesday 7/12- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
                 Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
Thursday 7/13- Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
Friday 7/14- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
             Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Saturday 7/15- Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
               Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
Sunday 7/16- Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
Monday 7/17- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Tuesday 7/18- William Nylander- car smut
             Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
Wednesday 7/19- Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
Thursday 7/20- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
             Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 7/21- Morgan Rielly- smutty
             Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
Saturday 7/22- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
             Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Sunday 7/23- Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
            Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
Monday 7/24- Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Tuesday 7/25- Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
            Artemi Panarin- love the sounds you make smut
Wednesday 7/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy
             Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
Thursday 7/27- William Nylander- first time smut
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
Friday 7/28- Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
             Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
Saturday 7/29- Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
               Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Sunday 7/30- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
            Auston Matthews- bad day brings food
Tuesday 8/1- William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
             Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Wednesday 8/2- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
Thursday 8/3- Filip Forsberg- free reign
            Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
Friday 8/4- Steven Stamkos- free reign
            Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Saturday 8/5- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
Sunday 8/6- Filip Forsberg- free reign
             Brent Burns- free reign
Monday 8/7- Roman Josi- free reign
             Martin Jones- free reign
Tuesday 8/8- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
Wednesday 8/9- Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
              Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
Thursday 8/10- Nino Niederreiter- free reign
             Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 8/11- Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
            Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
Saturday 8/12- Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
Sunday 8/13- Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
                Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
Monday 8/14- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
Tuesday 8/15- Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
             Artemi Panarin- free reign
Wednesday 8/16- Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
             Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Thursday 8/17- Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
            William Nylander- same height insecurities
Friday 8/18- Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
             Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
Saturday 8/19- Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
             Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Sunday 8/20- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
Monday 8/21- Mats Zuccarello- free reign
              Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
Tuesday 8/22- Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
            Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Wednesday 8/23- Alex Galchenyuk- smut
            Charlie McAvoy- free reign
Thursday 8/24- Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
Friday 8/25- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Saturday 8/26- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
Sunday 8/27- Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
Monday 8/28- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
             William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Tuesday 8/29- Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
             Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
Thursday 8/31- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
            Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 9/1- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
Saturday 9/2- Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
Sunday 9/3- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
             Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Monday 9/4- Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
Tuesday 9/5- Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
Wednesday 9/6- Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
              Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
Thursday 9/7- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
Friday 9/8- William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw smut
Saturday 9/9- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
             Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Sunday 9/10- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
Monday 9/11- Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
              Alex Nylander- smut
Tuesday 9/12- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Wednesday 9/13- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
Thursday 9/14- Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
               Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
Friday 9/15- Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
                Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Saturday 9/16- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
Sunday 9/17- Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
               Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
Monday 9/18- Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
         Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
Tuesday 9/19- Colton Parayko- smut comforting
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
Wednesday 9/20- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
           Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 9/21- David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
            Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 9/22- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
Saturday 9/23- Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
           Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
Sunday 9/24- Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
             Sidney Crosby- have twins
Monday 9/25- Alex Nylander- morning smut
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
Tuesday 9/26- Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
Wednesday 9/27- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Thursday 9/28- Charlie McAvoy- smut
             Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
Friday 9/29- Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
              Ben Hutton- smut
Saturday 9/30- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Sunday 10/1- Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
                Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
Monday 10/2- Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
              Nico Hischier- smut
Tuesday 10/3- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
              Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Wednesday 10/4- Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
             Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
Thursday 10/5- Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
Friday 10/6- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Saturday 10/7-Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
           Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
Sunday 10/8- Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
                Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
Monday 10/9- Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Tuesday 10/10- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
Wednesday 10/11- David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Thursday 10/12- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
             Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
Friday 10/13- Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 10/14- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
Sunday 10/15- Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
               Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
Monday 10/16- Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
Tuesday 10/17- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
Wednesday 10/18- Timo Meier- free reign
             Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
Thursday 10/19- Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Friday 10/20- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
Saturday 10/21- Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
            Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
Sunday 10/22-Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 10/23- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
               Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
Tuesday 10/24- Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
              Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
Wednesday 10/25- Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Thursday 10/26- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
Friday 10/27- Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
                 Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
Saturday 10/28- Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Sunday 10/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
Monday 10/30- Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
               Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
Tuesday 10/31- Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
                 Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Wednesday 11/1- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
Thursday 11/2- Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
               Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
Friday 11/3- Leon Draisaitl- smut
                Brayden Schenn- free reign
Saturday 11/4- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
Sunday 11/5- Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
            Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
Monday 11/6- Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Tuesday 11/7- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
Wednesday 11/8- Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
             Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
Thursday 11/9- Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Friday 11/10- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
Saturday 11/11- Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
               Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
Sunday 11/12- Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
              Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Monday 11/13- William Nylander- celebrating making semi-finals
              Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
Tuesday 11/14- William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
             Anders Lee- free reign
Wednesday 11/15- Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
              William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Thursday 11/16- Sebastian Aho- proposing
              Nick Schmaltz- smut
Friday 11/17- William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
               Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
Saturday 11/18- Connor Brown- smut
              Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Sunday 11/19- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
              Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
Monday 11/20- Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
                 Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
Tuesday 11/21- Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
              William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Wednesday 11/22- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
              Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
41 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Omg guys! I am SO SORRY! I am so sick but I’m trying! Hopefully I’ll be able to get one out tonight! But I figured I might as well get the queue out! It’s updated! For the next couple of weeks things got shifted around, but for the most part everything stayed the same. I’m really sorry guys! 
Also please get me your Oilers facts! I’m starting the powerpoint tomorrow as well! It will be out Friday!
Tomorrow- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
                Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
               Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
Friday 6/9- William Nylander- playoff beard
                Freddie Andersen- smut
                Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
               Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
Saturday 6/10-Jordie Benn- expecting first child
                Morgan Rielly- smut
               Charlie McAvoy- free reign
Sunday 6/11- Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
              Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
Monday 6/12- Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
              Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
Tuesday 6/13- Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
              Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Wednesday 6/14- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
              Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
Thursday 6/15- Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
               Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
Friday 6/16- Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
              AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
Saturday 6/17- Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
               Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
               Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
Sunday 6/18- Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
               Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Problematic Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
               Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
                 Nico Hischier- smut
                 Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Tuesday 8/22- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Wednesday 8/23- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Thursday 8/24- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Friday 8/25- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
                Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
                Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Saturday 8/26- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Sunday 8/27- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Monday 8/28- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Tuesday 8/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
                 Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
                Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Thursday 8/31- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Friday 9/1- Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
                 Leon Draisaitl- smut
                 Brayden Schenn- free reign
Saturday 9/2- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
              Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
Sunday 9/3- Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
              Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Monday 9/4- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
              Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Tuesday 9/5- Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Wednesday 9/6- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
              Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
Thursday 9/7- Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
              Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
              Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Friday 9/8- William Nylander- celebrating making semi-finals
              Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
              William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
Saturday 9/9- Anders Lee- free reign
              Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
              William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Sunday 9/10- Sebastian Aho- proposing
              Nick Schmaltz- smut
              William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
Monday 9/11- Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Tuesday 9/12- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
              Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
              Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
Wednesday 9/13- Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
              Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
              William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Thursday 9/14- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
              Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
52 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Ok I know I fell so far behind earlier this week, but I’m trying to stay on track I promise! My smuts might take longer to get out because I’m struggling with them so if you requested a smut... bear with me please! That being said... here’s the updated queue!
Today- (maybe) Freddie Andersen- smut
           Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Thursday 6/15- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
             Morgan Rielly- smut
              Martin Jones- free rein
Friday6/16- Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
             Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
Saturday 6/17- Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
             Matt Martin- jealous
Sunday 6/18-Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
Monday 6/19- Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
           Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
             Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
Tuesday 6/20- Any Rangers player- John Green quote
                 Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
                Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
Wednesday 6/21- Morgan Rielly- large age gap
                   AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
                Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
Thursday 6/22- Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
               Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
                Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
Friday 6/23- Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
             Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
Saturday 6/24- Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
                Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
Sunday 6/25- Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Zach Hyman- proposes through book
Monday 6/26- Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
              William Nylander- car smut
                Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
Tuesday 6/27- Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
             Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
Wednesday 6/28- Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
              Morgan Rielly- smutty
               Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
Thursday 6/29- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
                Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Friday 6/30- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Saturday 7/1- Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
               Artemi Panarin- love the sounds you make smut
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy
Sunday 7/2 Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
               William Nylander- first time smut
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
Monday 7/3- Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
              Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
Tuesday 7/4- Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
              Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
Wednesday 7/5- Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
               Auston Matthews- bad day brings food
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
Thursday 7/6- Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
            Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
Friday 7/7- Filip Forsberg- free reign
              Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
Saturday 7/8- Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
            Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
Sunday 7/9- Filip Forsberg- free reign
             Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
Monday 7/10- Martin Jones- free reign
              Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
Tuesday 7/11- Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
             Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
Wednesday 7/12- Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
Thursday 7/13- Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
               Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
               William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
Saturday 7/15- Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
             Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
Sunday 7/16- Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
                 William Nylander- same height insecurities
Monday 7/17- Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
                 Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
Tuesday 7/18- Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
                 Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
Wednesday 7/19- Mats Zuccarello- free reign
             Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
Thursday 7/20- Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
                  Charlie McAvoy- free reign
Friday 7/21- Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
             Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
Saturday 7/22- Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
             Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
Sunday 7/23- Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
               Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
Monday 7/24- William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
               Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
Tuesday 7/25- Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
Wednesday 7/26- Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
               Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
Thursday 7/27- Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
            William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
Friday 7/28- Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
               Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
Saturday 7/29- Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
               Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Sunday 7/30- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
               Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
Monday 7/31- William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw smut
              Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
Tuesday 8/1- Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
                  Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
Wednesday 8/2- Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
              Alex Nylander- smut
                 Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
Thursday 8/3- Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
                 Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
Friday 8/4- Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
              Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
Saturday 8/5- Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
              Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
Sunday 8/6- Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
                  Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
Monday 8/7- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
                 Colton Parayko- smut comforting
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
Tuesday 8/8- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
               Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
Wednesday 8/9- Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
              Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
Thursday 8/10- Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
            Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
Friday 8/11- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
Saturday 8/12- Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
               Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
Sunday 8/13- Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
               Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
Monday 8/14- Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
              Ben Hutton- smut
            Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
Tuesday 8/15- David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
Wednesday 8/16- Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
                  Nico Hischier- smut
                 Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
Thursday 8/17- Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
Friday 8/18- Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
Saturday 8/19- Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
                Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
Sunday 8/20- Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
               Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
Monday 8/21- Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
             Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
Tuesday 8/22- David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
              Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
Wednesday 8/23- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Thursday 8/24- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Friday 8/25- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
Saturday 8/26- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Sunday 8/27- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Monday 8/28- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Tuesday 8/29- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Wednesday 8/30- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
             Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
            Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Thursday 8/31- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Friday 9/1- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Saturday 9/2- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Sunday 9/3- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Monday 9/4- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
             Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
              Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Tuesday 9/5- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Wednesday 9/6- Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
                   Leon Draisaitl- smut
                   Brayden Schenn- free reign
Thursday 9/7- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
              Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
Friday 9/8- Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
              Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Saturday 9/9- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
              Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Sunday 9/10- Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
                Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Monday 9/11- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
              Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
Tuesday 9/12- Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
              Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
              Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Wednesday 9/13- William Nylander- celebrating making semi-finals
              Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
              William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
Thursday 9/14- Anders Lee- free reign
              Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
              William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Friday 9/15- Sebastian Aho- proposing
              Nick Schmaltz- smut
               William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
Saturday 9/16- Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Sunday 9/17- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
              Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
              Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
Monday 9/18- Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
              Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
              William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Tuesday 9/19- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
              Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
25 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Ok you guys are the best! I’m so sorry that I’ve like screwed up the queue so much lately! I’m trying guys seriously! I’m not promising you more today than I know I’ll get out (but I’m seriously hoping to get a 4th one up tonight)! So hold on... all of you! Because I love you and I’m getting back into things I promise!
Also: I have a dilemma! For next week’s powerpoint, I have votes between the Caps and the Oilers! So let me know which you’d like to see first! (The “loser” will be the week after!)
Today- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
Sunday 6/4- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
               Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
               Connor Murphy- talking about the future
               Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
Monday 6/5-Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
              Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
Tuesday 6/6- William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
              Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
Wednesday 6/7- Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
              Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
Thursday 6/8- Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
             Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
Friday 6/9- Jordie Benn- expecting first child
              Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Problematic Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
             Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
            �� Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
              Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
              Nico Hischier- smut
              Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Tuesday 8/22- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Wednesday 8/23- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Thursday 8/24- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Friday 8/25- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
               Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
               Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Saturday 8/26- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Sunday 8/27- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Monday 8/28- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Tuesday 8/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
                 Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
               Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Thursday 8/31- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Friday 9/1- Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
             Leon Draisaitl- smut
              Brayden Schenn- free reign
Saturday 9/2- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
              Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
Sunday 9/3- Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
              Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Monday 9/4- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
              Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Tuesday 9/5- Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
               Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Wednesday 9/6- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
              Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
Thursday 9/7- Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
              Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
              Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Friday 9/8- William Nylander- celebrating making semi-finals
              Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
              William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
Saturday 9/9- Anders Lee- free reign
              Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
              William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Sunday 9/10- Sebastian Aho- proposing
              Nick Schmaltz- smut
            William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
Monday 9/11- Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Tuesday 9/12- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
              Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
              Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
Wednesday 9/13- Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
              Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
              William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Thursday 9/14- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
              Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
20 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Happy Wednesday! I hope your day is good loves!!! Here’s this weeks updated queue!!! Got a couple of notes to make!
One: Check out @backstrombabe65​ for more imagines!!! I hear they’ve got an Andre one coming out soon!!! ;)
Two: For my anon who wants So Wrong’s sequel sooner... unfortunately I can’t. So many people have requested and it’s not fair to skip the line on them who’ve been waiting so patiently. I’m so sorry boo :(
Three: YO! I need help... I have someone trying to find an imagine and I can’t find it so here  you guys go-  Help me find a lost imagine please! It's was an Austin one where he is trying to hide from his teammates in a coffee shop. So he sits with this girl and she starts reading her book to him and it gets super hot. Thanks a million!- HELP SOME BOOS OUT!!!
Ok I think that’s all! So here’s your queue!
 Today-    Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
           Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
           Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
            Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
             Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
                Nico Hischier- smut
              Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Tuesday 8/22- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Wednesday 8/23- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Thursday 8/24- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Friday 8/25- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
              Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
           Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Saturday 8/26- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Sunday 8/27- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Monday 8/28- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Tuesday 8/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
                  Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
               Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Thursday 8/31- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Friday 9/1- Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
             Leon Draisaitl- smut
               Brayden Schenn- free reign
Saturday 9/2- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
              Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
Sunday 9/3- Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
              Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Monday 9/4- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
              Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Tuesday 9/5- Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
               Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Wednesday 9/6- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
              Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
Thursday 9/7- Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
           Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
           Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Friday 9/8- William Nylander- celebrating making semi-finals
           Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
           William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
Saturday 9/9- Anders Lee- free reign
           Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
           William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Sunday 9/10- Sebastian Aho- proposing
           Nick Schmaltz- smut
             William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
Monday 9/11- Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
           Connor Brown- smut
           Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Tuesday 9/12- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
           Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
           Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
Wednesday 9/13- Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
           Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
           William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Thursday 9/14- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
           Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
23 notes · View notes
carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Yup I’m still letting you all know so you can still see if anything’s changed with your dates (it hasn’t this time I promise)! Here you guys go!
Today- Patrik Laine- Part 6 of Convince Me (Finale)
            Sam Reinhart- smut
            Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- sons goal drought
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
             Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
              Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
             Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
             Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
Saturday 7/29- Jakob Chychrun- teaching kids to skate
              Auston Matthews- smut based off of Fire and Desire by Drake
              Connor McDavid- AHL ex who won’t stop bothering you
Sunday 7/30- Brendan Gallagher- meeting family for the first time
              Dylan McIlrath- free reign fluff/steam
              Auston Matthews- muscular and self conscious about it
Monday 7/31- Auston Matthews- field hockey player stages of relationship
              Dylan Strome- congratulate him after winning Western Conference
              Sam Reinhart- You’re Here part two
Tuesday 8/1- Auston Matthews- act like they hate each other, but really in love
              Auston Matthews/Morgan Rielly (probably Mo)- scavenger hunt fluff/steam
              Colton Parayko- smut comforting
Wednesday 8/2- Morgan Rielly- trying to get him to unwind after game by being a distraction
              William Nylander- long lost buddies and run into each other while out with team
              Mitch Marner- dark; abuse, cutting, mental health problems
Thursday 8/3- Auston Matthews- convinces him to go to country music festival
              David Pastrnak- cute and fluffy
              Alex Nylander- cute/fluffy about hair/haircut
Friday 8/4- Auston Matthews- taking care of sick girlfriend
              Charlie McAvoy- cute/fluffy
              Jeff Skinner- comforting about self harm scars
Saturday 8/5- Mitch Marner/Willy Nylander- fight and admit they like each other cute or smut
              Morgan Rielly- Leafs event with Mo and meet team for the first time
              Alex Nylander- morning smut
Sunday 8/6- Sidney Crosby- have twins
              Alex Nylander- about being a bad cook
              Auston Matthews- in his POV; reader stressed and cuddles
Monday 8/7- Noah Hanifin- Just a Friend part two
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Auston Matthews- stressing over testing
Tuesday 8/8- Mitch Marner- reader speaks German
              Charlie McAvoy- smut
              Morgan Rielly/JVR/Gabe Landeskog- Say you won’t let go by James Arthur
Wednesday 8/9- Casey Cizikas- making fun of each other over concussions
              Ben Hutton- smut
              David Pastrnak- Disneyland tickets/fluff
Thursday 8/10- Sebastian Aho- Teaches the reader Finnish
              Auston Matthews- smut after surgery he worries he’s going to hurt her
              Michael Latta- babysitting his niece and calls you to come help/Latts insta with the baby
Friday 8/11- Lawson Crouse- fluffy free reign
                 Nico Hischier- smut
                Jesse Puljujarvi- cute/fluffy free reign
Saturday 8/12- Elias Lindholm- childhood friends meet each other when older
              Mikael Granlund- teasing him with team smut
              Nico Hischier- meet at draft and show him around the city
Sunday 8/13- Andre Burakovsky- She’s Not Me by Zara Larsson
              Roope Hint- FWB smut
              Connor McDavid- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Monday 8/14- Leon Draisaitl- tries to give you a perfect birthday, but messes it up
              Sebastian Aho- sweet first time smut
              Matt Martin- come home wanting quiet and he’s playing COD with boys
Tuesday- 8/15- Auston Matthews- friends since childhood start dating
              Nico Hischier- depression, but he comforts her
              Carter Hart- concussion and taking pain killers, makes him loopy
Wednesday- 8/16- Tyler Seguin- calls mom to ask for ring, but mom thinks its another prank
              Morgan Rielly- surprising you at your graduation
              David Pastrnak- reader gets wisdom teeth out and recovery
Thursday 8/17- Auston Matthews- Fire and Desire by Drake
              Tom Wilson- Trainer for Caps smut
Friday 8/18- Alex Nylander- baby and baby names
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Auston Matthews- reader is ace
Saturday 8/19- Alex Nylander- introduced to parents but mom doesn’t like her
              Artemi Panarin- fight and makeup smut
              Auston Matthews- coming home giggly drunk
Sunday 8/20- Mitch Marner- parents are getting married and siblings
              Nico Hischier- high school AU
              Beau Bennett- drunk hook up, bond next morning
Monday 8/21- Sidney Crosby- son from other relationship and first Mother’s Day
              Morgan Rielly- clubbing and see him after breaking up
              Timo Meier- free reign
Tuesday 8/22- Tyler Seguin- Ben Bishop’s best friend meet through him
              Willy/Alex Nylander- problems with self harming
              Dmytro Timashov- cooking/cleaning when stressed Dmytro doesn’t know why
Wednesday 8/23- Colton Parayko- honored for military service at game
              Sebastian Aho- friends teasing about you and Aho in bed
              Auston Matthews- they surprise you for Mother’s day
Thursday 8/24- Morgan Rielly- wear black and boys tease about being too badass for Mo
              Jesse Puljujarvi- soft smut
              Alexander Wennberg- Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Friday 8/25- Leon Draisaitl- can’t sleep, helps you fall asleep
               Andre Burakovsky- shower smut
               Dylan Strome- has crush on you but you aren’t interested
Saturday 8/26- Andre Burakovsky- Finnish rap music and chirping
              Kasperi Kapanen- girlfriend is a soccer player
              Alex Nylander- first sleepover and seeing her dressed down and no makeup
Sunday 8/27- Colton Parayko- work for the Blues and Hutton catches you kissing
              Sidney Crosby- Small Bump by Ed Sheeran
              Alex Nylander- comes to your dance competition
Monday 8/28- Geno Malkin- go on a cruise and he takes care of you after you get sun poisoning
              Connor McDavid- takes care of you while you’re drunk/hungover
              Tom Wilson- someone insults her and he defends you
Tuesday 8/29- William Nylander- makes banana pancakes
              Mitch Marner- Canada playing home country and Canada wins and y/n is mad
              Carter Hart- snuggling and listening to the rain
Wednesday 8/30- Auston Matthews- bring child to family skate/practice
              Jake Virtanen- vacation in a cabin first time smut
              Zach Werenski- takes puck to face and bummed but he gets to spend more time with you
Thursday 8/31- William Nylander- cute ringtone for gf and boys tease and possible proposal
              TJ Oshie- takes you home from club smut
              Auston Matthews- you have a bf and he seduces you to cheat
Friday 9/1- Mitch Marner- chipped tooth vs Finland
               Leon Draisaitl- smut
               Brayden Schenn- free reign
Saturday 9/2- Willy Nylander- active about Bell Let’s Talk cause you struggle with mental illness
              Auston Matthews- before game smut
              Willy/Auston/Freddie/Mitch- short and nerdy
Sunday 9/3- Brady Skjei- BFFs and secretly in love with one another and you confess
              Auston Matthews smut- friend of WAG and  hookup after game then he asks you out
              Auston Matthews- buy a puppy together
Monday 9/4- Jordie Benn- dating but kept quiet cause shes shy, but he lets it out
              Brayden Point- dirty smut
              Carey Price- Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Tuesday 9/5- Auston Matthews- bff and comforts you after a guy wants to use you as rebound
              Sidney Crosby- smut
              Morgan Rielly- son’s draft day
Wednesday 9/6- Jesse Puljujarvi- Eyes Closed- Halsey
              Cliff Pu- meet on vacation and lose touch but moves to Canada for school
              Teuvo Teravainen- Supersankari by Laura Närhi
Thursday 9/7- Sebastian Aho- nopsajalka by lupaan olla
           Tom Kuhnhackl- takes her to Germany to meet family
           Marco Scandella- getting divorced, but Marco convinces her to give him second chance
Friday 9/8- William Nylander- celebrating winning gold at Worlds
           Auston Matthews- listening to music and dancing surprise smut
           William Karlsson- fluffy free reign
Saturday 9/9- Anders Lee- free reign
           Auston Matthews- mom doesn’t like you and speaks to him in Spanish, but you are fluent in it
           William Nylander- So Wrong part two
Sunday 9/10- Sebastian Aho- proposing
           Nick Schmaltz- smut
           William Nylander- high school AU king and queen at dance
Monday 9/11- Sidney Crosby- wedding day fluff
           Connor Brown- smut
           Alex Nylander- watching Willy play in the Worlds and spending time with his fam
Tuesday 9/12- Auston Matthews- Worried his teammates don’t take you serious because you’re younger than him and in college
           Trevor van Riemsdyk- gets jealous over teammate talking to you at club smut
           Leon Draisaitl- with kids or pregnant gf/wife
Wednesday 9/13- Phil Kessel- pregnancy or children fluff
           Auston Matthews- Because You’re Mine by Kitty Kallen
           William Nylander- y/n leaf interviewer and Willy flirts with you
Thursday 9/14- Mitch Marner- gf plays hockey and gets in a fight and he’s worried/thinks its badass
           Pekka Rinne- work with charity but first time meeting team as his GF at a game
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