#clexa christmas
dontcha-wanheda · 2 years
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Merry Clexmas Everyone! And Happy Holidays!
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daniikomtrikru · 10 months
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🥰🥹 and you? Have you already put up your Christmas Tree? 😌🎄
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owl127 · 9 months
Are you working on any clexa fics? I’m Clexa deprived😭
Happy holidays!
The house was clean, white, and large. Lexa had to crane her neck to see the Christmas decorations hanging from the parapet. Over immaculate paint, silly little Santas danced now and then to music no one else could hear. Around them, a forest of leaves, an innumerable amount of wraths in the tri-color Christmas scheme, and lights as bright as the snow covering a tamed yard.
Lexa was the ugly duckling in that perfect home. Regret warmed her cold cheeks just as the door opened, and warm gold smiled at her.
“Lexa!” Clarke was not good at hiding what she felt, and in that lightly freckled face, Lexa saw exhilaration. It would be good to be as happy as Clarke could be with anything. “Merry Christmas!” Clarke was warm and smelled like cookies. There was a hint of fresh pine under her ear and Lexa allowed herself the small pleasure of Clarke’s skin. “Come on in!”
Lexa’s protest died in her throat, and she nodded. That was Clarke Griffin: no questions asked, and always so, so warm.
The house greeted Lexa with waves of cinnamon, coffee, and Mariah Carey. But besides Clarke’s blabbering of her batch of cookies, the house was empty. The large tree in the living room reigned supreme, but the gifts at its feet were unopened.
“Are you by yourself?”
Lexa regretted the question immediately at the way the excitement drained from Clarke’s face. Clarke took off her santa hat, messing with her curls. “Mom was called in for an emergency, and Dad is out of the country. Somewhere they don’t celebrate, I think.” She shrugged, and her new smile had a sheen of defeat. “Do you want to try my cookies?”
The house and smells could be different, but families were complicated for the both of them. Lexa nodded.
They ate cookies, carved through a flawless turkey (“Mom ordered it,” Clarke explained), and watched new and old Christmas movies on the largest TV Lexa had ever seen. There were no further questions , and Clarke gave Lexa clothes for a hot shower.
Clarke’s room was as immaculate as her house, with multiple closets and shelves lined with trinkets and trophies. Her bed was pristine, and everything smelled like fresh pine. Clarke wasn’t by her desk when Lexa exited the in suite bathroom, the vapors from her long shower following her into the room. 
The closet door opened and Clarke stepped inside, cheeks flushed and hands full of partially folded underwear.
“I forgot to give you one of these.” She showed her offering of Christmas-themed boxers.
Lexa chuckled and lay on Clarke’s enormous bed. “I’ll wash your joggers before returning them to you.” Clarke’s eyes did that dance when she tried to check Lexa out discreetly, and it only made it more obvious. It was cute, and Lexa swallowed at the rush of blood through her body. 
“Don’t worry about that,” Clarke said, and joined her on the bed. They didn’t touch. Whatever they were, they hadn’t talked about it yet. Friends? Teammates? Fuck buddies?
Another rush of blood.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Clarke asked, breaking the silence.
“Us?” The word tickled the back of Lexa’s throat.
“I meant why you showed up at my place on Christmas morning, but if you’d rather talk about us…”
“My parents fight a lot,” Lexa said. “Anya isn’t home, and I needed a break.”
“I’m sorry.” Clarke touched her hand. Her palm was warm, and Lexa held it against her chest.
“I’m sorry your parents aren’t here,” Lexa said.
“They do that sometimes.” Clarke snuggled closer, their bodies touching. There was no hiding Lexa’s arousal, not without a boxer. Clarke touched her thigh, and the tent in Lexa’s pants twitched in encouragement. “Is this why you came?”
Lexa breathed hard through her nose, grasping at Clarke’s forearm. “Not really,” she said. “I was alone, and I wanted to see you.”
“I think that’s the sweetest thing you ever said to me.”
Lexa kissed the spot under Clarke’s ear that smelled like an inviting forest. “I’m not good with words,” Lexa confessed to soft skin. “Can I show you instead?”
Their kiss tasted like hot cocoa.
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clexmas23 · 9 months
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Day 1: Basically a Hallmark Movie
Hallmark movie vibes. Holiday feel-good movie feel. Romance, Christmas, fake dating, old flings, new flings, enemies to lovers.
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ladyflowerm · 2 years
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kpforpresident · 2 years
I'll take NY au Clarke wearing that Florence Pugh dress and Lexa short circuiting over it in whatever context you want, please 😌
Lexa ran her fingers mindlessly around the rim of the rapidly emptying champagne glass, staring blankly ahead as she leaned on the nearby polished wooden banister, fresh pine from the beautiful live garland scenting the air around her. She tugged her fitted jacket sleeve back slightly to check the time once more on the beautiful timepiece that Clarke had insisted on giving her as an early present, eyebrows drawing together slightly when she realized it was only five minutes later than the last time that she had checked. Clarke had overrode Lexa's protests that she didn't have an early gift for Clarke, promising it would look perfect with her dark green suit and the silver cuff-links that Lexa had received as a present when she became partner at the law firm last year. Clarke, as usual, was right.
Lexa bit back one more long suffering sigh- the seasonal party was in full swing at this point, the beautiful countryside castle that Lexa’s firm had rented out for the weekend absolutely brimming with excited guests. Slightly harried, tuxedo-clad staff swiftly moved through the ballroom Lexa could just catch glimpses of through the semi-opened double doors, fluidly topping off drinks glasses as everyone wholeheartedly enjoyed the pre-dinner open bar and limitless champagne. The polished marble floors glinted in the muted light that the large glass chandeliers emitted, high heels from the chattering groups of well-dressed women clicking softly on the hard surface.
Christmas music drifted softly through the air through the nearby doors, cracked open slightly so that the chatter and gentle clamoring of the party goers floated over to Lexa. Lexa fidgeted slightly but kept her eyes glued on the top of the staircase, trying to muster some long-forgotten well of patience as she waited for Clarke. A large Christmas tree decorated the area to the left of the staircase that took up the majority of the main room, silver and gold baubles of all shapes and sizes decorating the fluffy emerald pine boughs. A cut-glass star sparkled at the top, glittering lights cascading down the tree to cast a dazzling glow on everyone in its immediate vicinity. 
When Clarke had ushered a surprised, already dressed Lexa out of their suite earlier with a teasing kiss and a promise to make her jaw drop, Lexa had no idea what awaited her. Clarke had kept whatever was in her garment bag a secret since she had picked it up two weeks ago, just softly smiling whenever Lexa mentioned it in a forced casual tone, a slightly evil glimmer shimmering in her eyes. 
When she had been banished from the room Clarke had already had a full face of makeup on, perfectly winged eyeliner complemented by a blood red lip. That had been nearly an hour ago, and while no stranger to high fashion and casually arranged couture looks, Lexa was struggling to imagine what on earth Clarke had possibly packed that would take an entire hour to put on. 
Lexa drained her champagne flute, passing it to a waiter with a quiet thanks as she laced her hands behind her, shifting her weight as she prepared to wait for her girlfriend for a now undetermined amount of time. She happened to glance up as she did- her jaw dropping immediately as she beheld the vision that had started a careful walk down the massive twisting staircase. 
Clarke looked like she had been bathed in starlight as she swept her way down the stairs, a delicate hand balanced on the railing as she grinned brighter than the sun, eyes fixed firmly on Lexa. Porcelain shoulders and delicate collar bones were exposed, the dress ruching right above Clarke’s breasts with large amounts of pleated fabric gathering carefully at her elbows, billowing around her lower arms to create the illusion of larger sleeves. The gauzy, black material revealed an intricate black corset bodysuit. The shape of her body through the see-through was cleverly hidden by the presence of what looked like thousands of stars that had been carefully embedded into the fabric, gathering in a blinding culmination at the very end of the fabric. A gauzy train of sorts swept behind her, parting right above her knees to reveal perfect legs that ended in bow-topped black stilettos. 
With what felt like herculean effort, Lexa snapped back to attention as Clarke reached her, Lexa’s favorite honeysuckle scent drifting in a pleasant cloud around her as Clarke reached for one of Lexa’s slackened hands. Clarke squeezed it questioningly as Lexa failed to properly greet her, electing to give Clarke one more thorough look over as she tried to drink in every detail at once, mind buzzing in what Lexa could only call sheer gay panic. 
“I- you- holy shit, Clarke,” Lexa managed to croak with a burst of concentrated effort, fighting to enunciate properly around her tongue, which suddenly felt absolutely useless in now-dry mouth. “Are you trying to kill me at my own work Christmas party? Because it’s working, I think I have heart palpitations.” Lexa pressed an adoring kiss to Clarke’s cheekbone, mindful not to smear her lipstick as a slight blush touched Clarke’s cheeks. 
“I found it with Rae when we were shopping a few weeks ago and I had to get it, if only to see your face when I put it on- you don’t think it’s too inappropriate for this party, do you?”
A clump of couples passed by, everyone in very standard black and white tie dress. One man stared open mouthed at Clarke as he passed, a tug from his fiercely glaring wife ripping his attention away as they disappeared into the ballroom. Lexa bit back a growing smile as Clarke’s eyes slowly widened in panic. 
She's mine, you soggy white man, Lexa thought smugly as the plain black tuxedo vanished from view into the throng of bodies.
“Oh my god, it is, it's too much, I’m going to give your boss a heart attack, what’s his name- Ryder-I brought another dress, I can go change-”
Clarke made to turn back up the stairs, presumably to put on her second, presumably more chaste option as Lexa grabbed her elbow, pulling her in for a scorching kiss, lipstick be damned. Clarke leaned back after a long moment, dark gaze slightly unfocused as she stared intently at Lexa’s lips. 
Lexa took advantage of her momentary distraction to grab two fresh flutes of champagne from a passing waiter as she pressed a slightly more chaste kiss to Clarke’s still-parted lips. She held a glass out to Clarke who took it wordlessly, wetting her thumb to swipe a smear of red off of the corner of Lexa’s lips. Lexa kissed her palm in thanks as she took one more adoring look at her girlfriend. 
“Clarke, I do not give a singular shit what anyone else thinks, you're the most stunning creature here. Secondly, Ryder is incredibly gay, he's been with his partner Gustus for pretty much longer than we've been alive. Thirdly, and most selfishly, I want to take you back upstairs and peel off that entire outfit with my teeth, beloved,” Lexa whispered into Clarke’s ear, mindful of the passerby that swept through the main hall- mingling in front of the large fireplace that was opposite the ballroom doors as they chattered merrily. 
Clarke’s mouth snapped shut as she stared intently at Lexa, cheeks flushing for an entirely different reason as she laced their fingers together. She tugged them towards the room full of holiday revelers as she took a sip of the fizzy alcohol, matching red nails curled delicately around the slender flute stem. Clarke stopped right outside the doors, using her free hand to run her hand over Lexa’s chest under the guise of straightening her suit jacket as she brushed the underside of Lexa's breast with a taunting touch. Satisfied that Lexa’s heart-rate was once again sky high, she brushed her lips softly against Lexa’s ear, smiling at the immediate goosebumps that formed on Lexa’s neck. 
“Just wait until you see what I have planned for you later, Lex. If you play your cards right, you’ll unwrap more than Christmas presents on this trip.” 
She winked saucily at Lexa’s suddenly glassy stare, pulling her into the crowded room as she tipped back her champagne glass, bright red lip mark stamped on the rim. She swapped it for a full one as she swayed to the music that filled the ornate room, beckoning a stunned Lexa closer as she moved farther towards the dance floor. 
“Keep up, darling- I plan on being a very demanding date tonight.” 
this is the main inspo, but also this, and this. Part two most likely coming whenever inspo hits, hopefully within a week or two. feel free to bug me if I don't deliver within that timeframe x.
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@clexmas22  - Day 25 Dinner Disaster
It smells like Christmas!
It’s Christmas Eve and it’s time for the Griffins annual dinner celebration. This year Clarke will be welcoming a special guest, her co-worker who she really really likes, Lexa Woods.
Lexa arrives to Clarke’s Christmas Eve dinner with a person from her past, who knows a thing or two about Clarke Griffin.
As dinner preparations begin and champagne starts to flow freely, some secrets will be spilled and others exposed, while dinner burns in the oven; turning a magical night into a massive disaster.
No worries though, because it smells like Christmas!
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mylesficfavs · 2 years
Spectacularly funny Clexa fic with the wittiest banter ever. Really romantic as well 🫠. Priceless this one, priceless!
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blu3haw4 · 2 years
A Summary of all of my Stories
Hi! You can find all the works bellow here:
Now, since i've only shared my works for Clexa events (Clextober, Clexmas & Clexaweek) i'll section them as they were chronologically posted, first the link to the series and then a summary of each per event. Also the works that are from the same universe (but aren't part of an independent series) will be marked with colors, while the ones that have their own series will be marked with numbers linked to the series, so...
Scary stories - 1/2 Some not so scary stories in the cave (1/1)
Canonverse Clexa hanging out with some Skykru's for Halloween
Vampires & Werewolves - A hard decision to make (Head or Heart) (5/?) haven't updated in a very long time
Forbidden love with Vampire!Clarke & Werewolf!Lexa, both sort-of leaders of their own people (ancient rivals) fall in love.
BYOB; Bring Your Own Boo's - Hot costumes for an even hotter Halloween (2/2) Mature
Modern Setting, Marvel vs DC custom party with a Ranya centric first chapter and Clexa centric second chapter
Fall Festivities - 1/3 Ho(rny)my (3/3) Explicit
Modern setting Clexa enjoying autumn
Haunted Houses - Little House of Terror (1/1)
High School AU, Clexa & kru organizing and working on the creation of this haunted house for a school event.
SCREAM & Monster Mash - 2/2 Pauna's Nightmare (1/1)
Canonverse Clarke has a nightmare, but Lexa's there to protect her
Trick or Treat - Hot customs but Soft feelings (1/1)
Modern Setting, Clarke and Lexa going to trick or treat as they have been for ten years, but this time they don't ask for the candies (They ask each other out)
Winter Wonderland - 1/2 The Snows Magic (From Fighting to Cuddling) (1/1)
Canonverse. Clarke and Lexa have been "secretly" together for a year now. This is Clarke second winter (Christmas) in the ground and there's nothing she loves more than snow... well and maybe cuddling with Lexa.
Candy Canes - Candies are de-stressing (and so is Sex) (1/1) Explicit
Clarke Griffin is the owner of one of the biggest design company in the US, and Lexa Woods is her loyal lawyer. After a emergency call from her boss, Lexa thought it would be nice to bring some Christmas Candies... did I mention this was rated Explicit? Just checking
Christmas Carol - Christmas Inheritance (Clexa version) (1/3)
Before ambitious heiress Clarke Griffin can inherit her father's gift business, she must deliver a special Christmas card to her dad's former partner in Snow Falls, the hometown she never knew, in the process she'll discovers the true gift of Christmas. (Y'know... Lexa)
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! - 2/3 What a Warm Christmas (1/1) Explicit
Modern Setting Clexa taking some time off for themself before Christmas.
Naughty or Nice - Who's the Naughty (1/1) Explicit
Modern Setting. Clarke dresses up as Santa and surprise Lexa after a long day of work... 😈
Under the Mistletoe - The Mistletoe Plan (1/1)
Modern Setting, Clarktaven plan to use the tradicion to make Ranya happen, little does Clarke know her best friends have a plan of their own too.
Christmas Morning - 3/3 What a Good Christmas (1/1) Mature
Modern Setting. Family Christmas morning-and day.
Forbidden Love - The Horizon Rivalry, When the Sky faces the Ground (3/?) also haven't updated in a while Explicit... very Explicit
Modern Setting rival-college's soccer-team captains Clexa start off as secret-fuck-buddies, what will happen when that changes? When they start to care more than they should about each other? Can they keep it a secret? Can love wins?
Survival - Life is About More Than Just Surviving... But please don't die (2/?) haven't updated in a veeeeeery long time Mature
Canon fix it, taking over 307 while Clarke is cleaning the wound (and avoiding many deads)
Time Travel - I can't face my Demons without you (1/1)
Canonverse, taking over in the end of 613, Clarketaven use the anomaly to save Lexa, Lincoln and Shaw. Will it work to save them all without jeopardize the time and space? Will we have our heroes back, safe and happy?
Roomates - Fuck me... I mean you! Fuck you! (1/1) Explicit
High School-Enemies to Lovers AU, On a scholar trip the class is stuck in the middle of nowhere and professor Kane had to rent some rooms in a nearby motel, Raven and Anya wants to share room, leaving Clarke and Lexa to do the same.
AU - What happens in Neverland stays in Neverland (1/1)
Lexa had it hard for Clarke and the blonde can't stop herself for proving those smooth pillowed lips of the hottest girl on earth... even if she (pretend to) hates her.
CaptainSwan first kiss from Once upon a Time (Clexa version)
Historical/Drama Period - Don't want to be the Queen (2/2) 2024 update Mature
Lexa, the future Queen of the Kongeda and Clarke, daughter of one of the biggest noble families of Polis, have been best friends since they were kids. As they grow up they start considering their feeling for each other, but the world and time where they live in is not on their favor.
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice - About Pumpkin, Video Games and Kisses (1/1) Mature
Modern Setting, Gamer-Clexa have their first kiss after a failed attempt at carving Pumpkins
Witches and Wishes - At this point I am seriously considering that you are a witch (1/1)
Clarke Lexa and Raven have a tradition of going partying like crazy for Halloween, but somehow Raven is never hungover... suspicious
Sweater Weather - Not her Sweater (1/1) 1
Clarke and Lexa are pop stars on a secret relationship, Clarke likes to wear Lexa's clothes and the first concert of their tour is no exception.
Home for the Holidays - How are you so Cute, if your Family is so Scary (1/?)
Clarke and Lexa meet on the week between Christmas and New year, and the following year before their anniversary Lexa wants Clarke to go spend Christmas with her family, but they're so scary!
Rockin' around the Christmas Tree - 1/3 Who would've thought you were actually nice (1/1)
High School Clexa are obligated to spend their Christmas together thanks to their parent's friendship. They don't really like each other, but this Christmas might change things a little.
Naughty List - 2/3 I can be your Christmas present (1/1) Mature
Clexa after college enjoying their first Christmas on their new apartment. 😈
Baby is cold outside & It's the most Wonderful time of the year - A trivial Storm and a few Thousand miles won't ruin our Christmas (1/1) 2
Famous pop star Lexa Woods "Heda" is stuck on Sweden thanks to a Snow Storm and canceled flights. Just when she thinks her Christmas might be over a knock on her hotel room changes everything.
All I want for Christmas is you - 3/3 Baby's Christmas (1/1)
Clexa some years later celebrating two different Christmas on their new house.
Accidental Love Confession - Don't know why I freaked out, it Feels so natural (1/1) 3
Pop stars Clarke Griffin from musical duo 'Sky G's' and Lexa Woods, solist 'Heda' have gone through hell and back to be together, yet, after three years now that they're finally together, they still freak out over the L-word
Wanna Bet? - 2/2 I Swear this are the Rules (1/1)
Canonverse Clarke teaches Lexa her arranged version of Strip-Poker
Reunited - Will this be our time? (1/?) Mature
Old long time neighbors who never told each other about their crushes for each other find each other again two years after they moved away and lost contact, both of them are looking for a new-shared apartment and head to the same place.
At work - I hate Stigma, I just wanna love you (1/?) Mature... for now
Modern Setting, fluffy CEO!Lexa & Striper!Clarke
Out of Bound - I've been akes not to (But I really want to) (1/?) Mature
Modern Setting, Clarke and Anya dated on high school. Lexa (from a privete school) only meets her best friend's ex six years later when she's supplanting Clarke's baby brother's Basketball Coach
Magic - LexaClarke (1/1)
Lexa has Wanda-like (Energy manipulation, telekinesis and telepathy) powers. She wants to tell her girlfriend but she's scared, so one morning she gets into her dreams to see how she might react.
Vintage AU - Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak (1/1) 1
Medieval-ish AU; Clexa arguing about war strategies.
Trapped AU - Don't give up (1/1)
The story in which you don't know how nor why biologists' Clexa who barely know each other end up trapped on a crack in the ice... how will they spent the night? ... Probably not how you think (a little bit angsty)
Six Years Later - Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak II (1/2) 2
Medieval-ish AU; Clexa spend some quality time together.
Arrange Marriage - Guess we'll have to work it out (1/?) Explicit
Clarke and Lexa live in a relatively small town and are forced to get married after Clarke's mother caught them hooking up. The problem? It was a one-night stand and they know nothing about each other.
Reality TV - BUILD Series NYU - Horizon Hukop Season One (1/1) 3
Actresses Clexa playing on medieval royalty drama getting interviewed about their character and the story of their show... and some personal questions of course.
Be gay do Crimes - Thieve's Crew (1/1)
Internationally wanted jewelry thief Lexa Woods, reclutes Clarke Griffin (RobinHood-ish thieve) to help her and what remains of her crew plan a key heist to safe the rest of the crew.
And the linked series:
Famous AU & Horizon Hukop
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sp8cewalker · 2 years
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2,445 days without lexa </3
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dontcha-wanheda · 2 years
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Holigay Magic 😉
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daniikomtrikru · 9 months
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
In farm clexa, how does Madi learn that Santa Claus isn't real? Does she catch her mommies in the act of putting her present in her stocking? Does someone inadvertently let the secret out?
Madi is never taught Santa is real. Not that Clarke doesn't want to for the Christmas magic but Lexa feels like it's an unnecessary lie and not a tradition she wants to start in their family. This does cause a bit of tension but Clarke ends up agreeing. Truth is if they started with the Santa story, they'd also have to come up with an excuse as to why Madi's school friends get more presents than her or, because their daughter dreams big, didn't Santa stop people from being mean to animals like she asked.
Clarke also had a lot more growing up than Lexa did, so Lexa promised herself she would make Christmas about the experience and not about gifts and Santa, while to Clarke Christmas is about the childhood wonder of Santa and the presents.
So Madi never really believed in Santa. Clarke tells her stories about Santa but Madi doesn't believe in him any more than she believes in fairies or dragons - she just likes to pretend he's real because it's fun. She takes pictures with the Santa that visits the toy shop in town, she squeals when she sees him at the parade the town puts on but she doesn't really think he's coming to bring her presents. It also helps her appreciate the presents her mommas and her grandparents and aunts and uncles buy her.
And although Clarke hates to do so, she's gotta admit Lexa was right on the Santa issue 😌
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clexmas23 · 9 months
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Day 4: Snowed In
Uh oh, they're snowed in and can't leave.
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kpforpresident · 2 years
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Chapter 3 for the sunday scaries
Clarke comes to with a gasp as she is plunged into freezing, fast moving water. Strong arms are wrapped tightly around her biceps, the only thing keeping her from sinking like a stone. 
Disoriented, she flails aggressively as she instinctively pulls in a huge breath, choking as water shoots up her nose and down her airway. Clarke’s wayward fist collides with her captor, who lets out a muffled grunt and a short expletive as they shove her unceremoniously towards the dry shoreline. 
Heaving, retching, Clarke collapses in a heap on the rocky shore, eyes straining to make out the other person in the rapidly fading light. Trees swaying in the wind, shadows lurk everywhere. Her hand scrabbles for her gun and she struggles to pull it out of the holster, cold slowing her reflexes and stiffening her fingers. 
She grunts, surprised, as a heavy body smashes into her, flinging her arm skyward. Clarke squeezes the trigger out of instinct and muscle reaction and the gun goes off, the bullet flinging wide and vanishing into the night. Birds explode from a nearby tree as the crack echoes across the clearing, splitting the calm of the heavy dusk. The sound reverberates into the distance, the resounding echo fading gradually.
The gun is unceremoniously ripped from her hand and tossed aside as the large figure looms over her. She tilts her head back in an attempt to take in the details of her assailant, and sucks in a huge breath. Her attempt to scream is cut off by a hacking cough as she furiously fights for breath, lungs burning in protest as she retches up river water, trying to clear her airway. 
A large Trikru man stands nearby, watching her impassively. Clad in dark clothing, his outfit lacks much of the decoration of other grounder outfits Clarke had observed in her paltry months on the ground. A sword is strapped to his back along with a quiver of arrows, a bow sitting on top of the pack Clarke notices leaning against a nearby tree. Dark blue warpaint painted in swirls dance across his face, stretching from cheekbone to the sharp point of his jaw. Worn bracers frame his forearms and shins, as does a blackened leather breastplate. Small braids decorate wild dark hair that shifts and dances past his shoulders as he moves, the top half scraped back with a leather tie. Clarke counts 3 knives tucked into low profile sheaths that glint menacingly in the low light as he shifts, stepping back to give her some space. His face gives nothing away as intelligent dark eyes appraise her. A bruise rapidly darkens on his left jaw from where Clarke must have struck him in her struggle. She is secretly, savagely glad. She shoves sopping blonde hair out of her face and stands furiously, shivering as a particularly cool breeze whips through the trees. ///
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unchartedcloud · 10 months
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Chapter 1: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Lexa Woods - divorcée, parent, and owner and proprietor of the Polaris Inn - has her hands full trying to manage her small, ski-side inn as the winter holidays descend on her equally small town. Amidst the craziness, she certainly doesn't anticipate finding an unconscious blond out on the back trails, who later wakes with no memory of who she is. Unwilling to condemn her to a hospital bed for the holidays, Lexa offers the mystery woman a room at her inn until she recovers her memory - and recovers her sense of romance along the way. In other words: a Clexa AU loosely based on the Lindsay Lohan Netflix movie. Also known as the Hallmark AU.
Read on Ao3.
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