#cleo the brionne
ladybugboots · 2 years
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some 5 yrs somewhat redraws
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saw a bunch of other gijinkas so I decided to finally design Cleo’s!
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blueberryfoxcake · 7 years
An Incomplete List of all my Pokemon ~* Fantasies *~
Being able to walk around town at night in safety and comfort because Cypress, my Aegislash bodyguard, is with me
Wearing matching bowties with Arcana, my mismagius
Never having to worry about gross smells or air toxins again because Fauna, my leafeon, is riding on my shoulders purifying the air
Saving gas money by riding Zimmer, my noivern, to work
Carrying small pokemon in my backpack (especially Fizzy, my mareanie!)
Cooking with Parfae the Slurpuff and Cleo the Weavile. Making kasibcakes and chesto pesto noodles for dinner. Feeding scraps to my slowpoke, Beany.
Parfae sometimes wears an oversized T-shirt with “I can’t hold my licker” painted on the front
Parfae becomes a HUGE help because she can sniff out gluten and food allergens. I start taking her to restaurants with my friends so they can eat with peace of mind
Throwing birthday parties for my pokemon!
Arcana gets to hide in the mailbox while I’m at work so she can scare anybody who tries to steal my packages
Doing craft projects with the help of Thierry, my sewaddle, and my two deerlings, Vynci and Vivaldi
On summer weekends, I go to the beach with my brionne, Kazoo. We bring lots of sun cream, an inflatable pool ring, and a toy so we can play fetch
Teaching Kazoo how to play the kazoo
Keeping a large aquarium for Fizzy to live in, complete with her own pink princess castle and an edible coral collection. Kazoo sometimes dives in to visit her
Driving around town in a pickup truck so my pokemon can ride in the back (Arcana gets shotgun!)
Reading bedtime stories to my pokemon, adding extra sensory descriptions for my blind babies, Buttons the woobat and Beatlebub the zweilous
Going to amusement parks with my mienfoo, so we can try to ride all the rides in one day
Trick-or-treating with Arcana, dressed as each other
Dumping out our treat buckets and seeing how much chocolate and rare candy we got on Halloween
Gardening with my pokemon! My leafeon, Fauna, likes to dig holes. Grizwald, my trevenant, is really good at picking which seeds will grow and which seeds are duds. Vynci and Vivaldi help to determine ideal planting times. Kazoo helps me water the plants. We grow kasib, payapa, watmel, pinap, and chesto berries.
Jamming to music in my room with Kazoo the brionne and Timpani the maractus. We’re singing and dancing and having a great time!
Starting a band with Kazoo, Timpani, and my mienfoo, whose stage name is Dreamy Beatz
Going grocery shopping with my pokemon. Parfae the Slurpuff picks out the best ingredients, and Grizwald the Trevenant carries the bags in his arms and horns.
Going to flea markets and antique stores with Arcana and Grizwald, who help me avoid buying haunted or cursed items
Surprising my pokemon in the morning with occa omelettes and a big stack of pancakes! 
There’s a purple sign outside my house that says, “A very spoiled mismagius lives here”
There’s about 20 different bumper stickers on my car that say “I love my....” with all the different types of pokemon I have
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makochosena · 7 years
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Introducing, Cleo Sertori, a Pokemon Trainer from Ula’ula Island of Alola. Childhood best friends with Emma Gilbert, Cleo grew up in Malie City, afraid of water and wary of Pokemon, despite being surrounded by them. After an incident with Emma and Rikki, Cleo left home with only two Pokemon and an Egg and embarked on the Island Challenge with her friends. Together, she and her friends traveled across Alola to complete each trial and grow stronger with their Pokemon. Unlike, Rikki and Emma, Cleo has less interest in challenging the Pokemon League. 
Cleo IS a mermaid in this verse and everything pertaining to such is virtually the same.
She, Emma, and Rikki were stranded on a deserted island off the coast of Ula’ula Island where they fell into a moon pool and became mermaids.
Cleo uses her powers significantly less because she has her Pokemon.
such powers include hydrokinesis and aerokinesis.
Cleo’s anime faceclaim is Touko Fukami from Glasslip. 
Team details are under the cut!
Rikki and Emma also each have a Vaporeon
Cleo was the last one to obtain her Eevee. 
It is the second Pokemon she caught. 
Ironically, she was, technically, the first one to evolve her Eevee to a Vaporeon.
All three had Eevees that evolved at the same time. When Cleo, Emma, and Rikki received their silver lockets, they also received Water Stones from Louise to evolve their Eevees into Vaporeons.
Somehow ended up as the mediator between Emma’s Ninetales and Rikki’s Houndoom. 
Known Moves: Last Resort, Haze, Water Pulse, Dive
Cleo found the egg washed up on the beach when she was young. 
It hatched into a Togepi, which Cleo carried with at the start of the journey, rather than keep in a Pokeball.
It really wasn’t until it evolved into a Togekiss that it finally got in a Pokeball. 
The Shiny Stone was a gift from Ryan Tate, who assumed she was interested in stones and geology. 
Known Moves: After You, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Roost 
Don Sertori is good friends with Professor Kukui.
When he heard Cleo was embarking on the Island Challenge, Professor Kukui happily offered Cleo a Pokemon. 
She is the only one who obtained a Pokemon from a professor.
Popplio was desperate to evolve but struggled. It also struggled when evolving from Brionne to Primarina.  
Surprisingly, it’s Zane that manages to help Popplio evolve into Brionne. 
Known Moves: Sparkling Aria, Waterfall, Misty Terrain, Moonblast 
His name is Hector. 
Lewis caught the Feebas for a contest and won and gave the Feebas as a present to Cleo. 
Quite possibly Cleo’s most powerful Pokemon, but she doesn’t use him much. 
Known Moves: Hydro Pump, Coil, Safeguard, Dragon Tail 
When Cleo found out people were illegally fishing Mantykes, she had to intervene. 
This Mantyke was the one that she saved and it has never left her side since.
It is because of this Mantyke that Cleo got over her fear of water and learned to swim. 
Known Moves: Bounce, Supersonic, Whirpool, Bubble Beam 
The first Pokemon Cleo ever caught on her own. 
She was so proud of herself when she caught a Ducklett, much to Emma and Rikki’s amusement. 
Has a habit of following Cleo around. 
Known Moves: Hurricane, Tailwind, Protect, Aerial Ace 
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“What did you find, Pip?”
“Look at this cool shell I found!”
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(@Virtually-Daily-Porygon-Z) Alola! It's so cool that you can dance so nicely! Whenever I try it, I lose control and flail around. It can get a bit dangerous for bystanders... ;v; Anyway, you got any favourite dance moves or dance styles?
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“I’m learning the Pom Pom dance by the Oricorio on my island! I want to be able to cheer my friends on ⭗⸜(രᴗര)⸝⭗!”
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Looks like Cleo was able to find a couple more forget-me-nots just in time!
@daily-reuniclus @cutieflydaily
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“Wow! So pretty!”
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“I guess I’ll keep the flowers I receive in my collar! Here are some forget-me-nots!”
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Guest Brionne by the lovely @maybe-eevee! Thank you so much for the beautiful art!
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“glub glub”
Hey, so if you haven’t noticed already, I haven’t been posting much recently. So I’m officially announcing a semi-probablymorethansemi-hiatus for about a month
I’m part of the play company for my school, which means I have to stay after school late and spend the rest of the time on homework, which averages to at least 2 hours every night. 
But what about the weekends? Well, I have to spend at least 5 hours at school working on the play on both Saturday and Sundays, not including time for homework so I’m busy every single day.
What does this mean for the blog? Well, I probably won’t be posting much if at all until into the first week or two of April, because the play will open then. 
With that being said, I would love to see guest Brionnes ! ! They are always open, but it would be especially helpful now ;v;
Anyways, thank you all for understanding, and stay tuned, because there will be plenty for time for the blog soon! 
tl;dr: Cleo is going away for about a month, on a little adventure in the sea. She will have plenty of stories to share soon!
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!!!!! I hope you feel better omg! :,O
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Priscilla and Molly bounced over to Brionne happily. "Would you like to exchange flowers?", the two smiled.(dailyplusleminun)
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“Thank your for the morning glories! I tucked them under my necklace.”
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a gift of Gourdon Flowers for the lovely Brionne! i hope you have a grand time here at the ball!
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“Thank you, and same to you! I hope you like these forget-me-nots!”
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Lex: Oh, I love forget-me-nots! They're such cute little flowers. Here, I have some of mine! They're desert flowers, my personal favorite!
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“I love your mask! And these flowers are very nice!”
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