sealsdaily · 1 year
Today's Seals Are: The Popplio Line
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starlitskvaderart · 1 month
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Midori One Day One Page 236!
Finishing Water Week with my favorite Water Starter!
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infinitebrians · 2 years
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popplio time babbie
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rescuedrop · 2 years
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Daily drawing practice day 312 (2/5/23)
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pyromander · 2 years
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Daily Doodle 2: February 20
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leilani-and-kass · 2 years
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pkmncenterguy · 2 months
‘Help I just got my starter’ FAQ
1. My popplio is making weird sounds, is this normal?
Compared to most pokemon, some of the noises that popplio can make are very different. They make very loud noises that sound sort of like barking. Chances are your popplio is just making normal noises- try searching up a popplio noise compilation to see if the sounds are similar
2. My litten just coughed up ash, is it dying?
Most likely no. Litten hack up their furballs and use them as a base for fireballs, chances are your litten accidentally set the furball on fire too early, and they’re unlikely to do it again. If this keeps happening though, its worth taking them to the center for a checkup
3. My rowlet sleeps a lot, is it okay?
Almost certainly yes. Rowlet are naturally nocturnal, its common for them to sleep away an entire day. Rowlet owned by trainers can adjust to day schedules gradually, but its common for them to be drowsy while they’re adjusting, and even then short naps during the day is normal behavior
4. My brionne is mimicking my behavior, why?
Brionne love dancing, and see it as a way to bond with their loved ones. They also love learning new dances. Chances are, if your brionne is mimicking your normal behavior, it wants to dance with you but is settling for mimicking your daily routine instead
5. Ow, my torracat keeps scratching me when we’re being affectionate! What am I doing wrong?
Two common possibilities. Keep an eye out for your torracat’s body language, its possible it wants to be left alone and is giving you a painful reminder of that. But if it seems really affectionate and scratches you anyway, thats likely on accident. Torracat have extremely sharp claws, but theres a lot of methods to deal with this that I can’t get into here (just NOT declawing. NEVER declaw any of your pokemon, this actively hurts them.)
6. Why is my dartrix moody all of a sudden? Why isn’t it listening to me?
Most likely because it’s dirty. Dartrix are very concerned with preening their feathers and hate getting dirty, to the point that they’ll ignore their trainers if they allow their dartrix to get dirty. Invest in a bird pokemon care kit if you haven’t already and help them preen daily!
7. My primarina’s singing voice sounds different, is it okay?
The most likely culprit is throat strain. Primarina require a lot of extra care to ensure they don’t wear their voices out, double check to make sure you’re meeting its needs (theres plenty of pamphlets on this at your local center). Otherwise, its worth a center checkup asap
This is normal! They do that to burn away excess fur on their coats, usually twice a year. Incineroar might do it more often in battle though. Just provide your pokemon a safe place to do it beforehand and nothing should be scorched
9. I think I spooked my decidueye the other day and now its mad at me. What did I do?
Decidueye are extremely alert pokemon constantly aware of their surroundings, so very little surprises them. This does mean that anytime they are surprised though, they HATE it and freeze up or lash out. Additionally, the only reliable way to surprise them is if their guards are down, which they commonly are around their trainers. If you did something to spook your decidueye, it likely felt you betrayed its trust and is upset at you. Just try apologizing, if it was an accident its very easy to smooth over. It’ll be more difficult if you did it on purpose though, spooking decidueye is generally a bad idea
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Would Popplio be a good pet?
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Popplio! Popplio is my favorite starter (and my very first [or maybe because it was my very first]), but I promise there wasn't any funny business going on with the numbers: just like other water starters, popplios would make good pets!
Popplios are just the right size to be a pet, and have a well-established freidnly personality, given their role as first partner pokémon for some trainers in the Alola region. They also have a very dedicated personality: popplios are obsessed with practicing their bubble blowing skills (Moon). Popplios can inflate powerful bubble balloons with their noses, and are known to practice every day to make them bigger and bigger (Ultra Sun, Shield).
If you would own a popplio, it would be important to encourage them in their daily practice and to make sure they have a good place to do so. In fact, being water-type pokémon, popplios love to spend time in the water, so it would be a good idea to have a place in mind where your popplio can swim, like a pool, lake, etc.
Popplios aren't very dangerous. While the bubbles that they inflate are meant to smash into foes, they most likely don't pose that much of a threat except for being wet and perhaps gross. Their move pool isn't too dangerous either, but it would be a good idea to train your popplio to not use their water blasting moves inside the house.
Overall, popplios would make great pets for pet owners looking for a water-type pet to play in the water with.
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chibisnowfox · 5 months
(Over) Analyzing Pokemon Hints (28)
Quiet week. Some repeat events for Pokemon Masters EX (the timing of two being interesting), and the current SV Raid could be a ZA starter hint. In Pokemon Masters EX, the A Golden Future event has begun its repeat until the 20th, and along with this the Daily Region Rotation for Unova was announced. I'm wondering if both of these happening at once are hinting we will be getting remakes for Unova and Johto very close to each other. Most likely it's just the timing, it's Unova's turn in the Region Rotation and it just happens to be at the same time as the Golden Future event. And in SV we will be getting a 7 Star Tera Raid for Primarina for both this and next weekend. Maybe this could be hinting towards Popplio being the Water Starter? That should be it for this week. I'm hoping to be able to post some sort of writing update on the weekend, even though I haven't been able to work on my stories.
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cagemasterfantasy · 5 months
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Popplio the Sea Lion pokemon a water type
1ft 4inc
Ability: Torrent Hidden Ability: Liquid Voice
Egg Group: Water 1 and Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:66
Lowest Base Stat: Speed:40
Base Stat Total: 320
Favorite Spot: Top of Head
Least Favorite: Collar
This Pokemon snorts body fluids from its nose, blowing balloons to smash into its foes. It's famous for being a hard worker. This Pokemon can control water bubbles. It practices diligently so it can learn to make big bubbles.
The balloons it inflates with its nose grow larger and larger as it practices day by day. Popplio gets on top of its bouncy water balloons to jump higher. It's quite the acrobatic fighter!
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At level 17 it evolves into Brionne the Pop Star pokemon a water type
Ability: Torrent Hidden Ability: Liquid Voice
Egg Group: Water 1 and Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:91
Lowest Base Stat: Speed:50
Base Stat Total: 420
Favorite Spot: Pigtails
Least Favorite: Flippers
A skillful dancer, it creates a sequence of water balloons as it dances, and briskly bombards its enemies It cares deeply for its companions. When its Trainer is feeling down, it performs a cheery dance to try and help.
It gets excited when it sees a dance it doesn't know. This hard worker practices diligently until it can learn that dance. It attacks by smacking its enemies with the exploding water balloons that it creates.
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At level 34 it evolves into Primarina the Soloist pokemon a water and fairy type
5ft 11inc
Ability: Torrent Hidden Ability: Liquid Voice
Egg Group: Water 1 and Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:126
Lowest Base Stat: Speed:60
Base Stat Total: 530
Favorite Spot: Head decorations
Least Favorite: Right Flipper (for clarification I mean its right not your right)
It controls its water balloons with song. The melody is learned from others of its kind and is passed down from one generation to the next. Its singing voice is its chief weapon in battle. This Pokemon's Trainer must prioritize the daily maintenance of its throat at all costs.
To Primarina, every battle is a stage. It takes down its prey with beautiful singing and dancing. Also known as a songstress, it has a fantastical look on moonlit nights when it leads its colony in song.
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dailyhoppip · 7 years
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*give you a v e r y fancy hat*
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The Gastly happily takes the fancy hat and put it on. “Thank you for the gift! How do I look?” Sprite asked with a big smile.
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lugiadaily · 7 years
Will you go swimming with me?
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You’re quite strong for one so young! Where did you learn to swim with such skill? It’s going to be tough to keep up!
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ask-the-fiery-goose · 7 years
Yowch! You burned me!
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Coal: Sorry, I didn’t mean to burn you.
[Coal Apologize for Burning the Popplio]
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pyromander · 1 year
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Daily Doodle 2: July 14
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rockruff-dailys · 7 years
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I think of him as my little seal boi :) @popplio-dailys
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