themadvigilantist · 8 years
@waterandiceandeverythingnice | @girl-in-the-tardis (?) | @youwillbemywiings | @iinvincible | @cleanlycursed | @invaluableassistant | @soldier306 | @britishnation | @whiskeystained | @ravenharkness | 
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“I’m pretty sure pictures aren’t supposed to move.”
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daedaluscried · 8 years
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“ I really don’t mean to be rude, “ Except maybe a little, “ But I think I know my way a little bit better than you. “
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qceensofkings-a · 8 years
The brunette brushed her bangs out of her face as she sat at the bar. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that a certain gentleman looked rather lonely. Isabelle motioned for the bartender to pour another drink and give it to the stranger. 
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Starters I owe;
@idsurvive (once we’ve plotted anyway)
Replies I owe;
@cleanlycursed x2
@youbunchofpussies x1
@ncttcblame x1
@theprixrity x2
@riskxyourlife xamillion?
@theresalwaysmcre x1
@thingswevelostmakeusstronger x2
@icruina x1
@gcddamntragedy x1
@astormofsurvivors x3
@standcpguy x1
@aintmadeforthisworld x3
@barbedwirebabe x2
@wearesurvivxrs x1
@negans-daughter x2
@cxldlightxfday x1
@musefreely x1
@beer-to-shotgun x1
@endlessdrifter x1
@idontkillorphans x1
@livewxthit x1
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I need your help.
So, I've been seriously considering shutting down this blog completely and just making it an archive... Honestly, I have no muse for it and I feel like at this point I'm trying so hard to keep it going when there's nothing here for me anyway...
Trouble is I'm not sure if I'm ready to let it go yet because there's sometimes those rare occasions where I think I can come back, but I can only ever seem to answer short things like inbox messages/memes/etc.
ANY THOUGHTS ON IF I DECIDED TO MAKE THIS AN ASK ONLY BLOG? I think I can handle answering memes and inbox messages with this muse, but actually threading deeply is difficult for me anymore, um, with this muse in particular because we've grown so far apart.
I apologise for this sort of rambly post, but I needed to get these ideas/plans/thoughts off my chest and try to get some of your guys' opinions, um, because I'm really sticking around for you guys! And If it's just a pointless effort, then I'd like to know. Honestly. I won't be offended.
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So, please inbox me/DM me or even just comment on this post if you have any thoughts, PLEASE. The assistance is much appreciated. Additionally, so I can read your messages faster and, uh, for those of you who would just like to keep up with me in general, I can still be found on the following Indie RP blogs:
@promisingposture *
My PERSONAL blog, which I spend a lot more time on and actually have the app connected to, um... Honestly, it's probably the BEST way to get a hold of me, so if you wanna just chat or would like to discuss some RP plots for anything or GIVE ME TIPS ON WHAT TO DO WITH THIS BLOG, you can always, ALWAYS contact me here:
Additionally, I have a SIDE BLOG for roleplaying Ben's* brother that I small amount of time on:
So, if any of that interests you that is where I am while trying to figure out what I'd like to do with this blog. Again, any opinions/suggestions are much appreciated! I love you all so much and hate how distant I've grown from the lot of you, really. You're all amazing, beautiful people who deserve so much more than I've been giving lately.
For extra clarification purposes, I spend the most time on promisingposture and lovebeatswar and can be contacted most easily via lovebeatswar.
All right, that's enough bullshitting around now, thank you all so much for supporting me and following me and being around even as this blog has sort of reached its shutdown phase. You're all so great and I hope you guys choose to keep in touch!
Much love,
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