#cleaned my room let funk out for a little put him to bed then laid down and all of a sudden I was like oh shit my brain is asleep already
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year ago
So sleepy. Body hurts. Painted for five hours straight. Brain melty
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morganclaire4 · 5 years ago
“More Than Friends”
Part 2 of “Friends.....Maybe?”
Summary: Bucky finally mans up and confesses everything and has to ask for forgiveness.  
Warning: None
A/N: I finally decided to write the second part of this. And now I’m going to write another chapter of “Unexpected Gifts” 
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“I messed up big time.”
After putting you to bed and texting Steve, Bucky goes to the kitchen and cleans up everything. He puts all the food away. Of course, he can’t help but taste it while he does. Once he taste it, it only causes him to hate himself more.
“God, I’m such an idiot.” He says to himself as he puts a lid on the container.
He puts the dishes in the dishwasher then heads to his room. He gets to his room and his phone chimes with a notification. It was a message from Steve.
Steve honestly doesn’t want to know what Bucky means by his text, but he has a gut feeling it has something to do with Y/N. He shakes his head and types a response. He presses send then puts his phone away.
-What did you do?
Bucky goes on to explain what happened tonight and waits for Steve to answer. Steve never answers.
Over the next two days, Bucky doesn’t see you and he doesn’t try to look for you because he knows you don’t want to see him. What he doesn’t know is that you haven’t moved from the bed since he put you there.
The team gets back in the evening of the second day. Bucky is in the hanger to see everyone. Steve steps off the quinjet with an unreadable expression. Nat and Wanda are next. They both step off and glare at Bucky.
“Barnes, I swear if what you did is not undoable then so help me god.” Natasha’s words aren’t laced with venom.
Bucky can’t help but duck his head because he knows it’s the truth.
Nat and Wanda go inside the compound to find you. They find you exactly where Bucky left you two days ago.
You’re curled up in the bed with your back to the door. You hear the door open, thinking it’s Bucky trying to check on you, you throw a pillow towards the doorway.
“Hey, we haven’t done anything.” Wanda says as she walks into the room and joins you on the bed.
Under your eyes there is old mascara, where Bucky didn’t quite wipe it off enough. Your skin is pale and your eyes are bloodshot and puffy.
“Oh, love.” Wanda reaches over and pulls you into her.
You start to break down again. All the feelings of hurt, rejection, and so much more, all come crashing down on you.
The last two days, you just laid in your bed staring at the ceiling. You couldn’t cry or make yourself get up, you were numb.
Now, you were feeling everything. Nat joins you both in the bed.
“How about you go take a shower and get cleaned up then we will have a girl’s night? We can watch movies or do whatever you want.” Nat says looking over at you.
You turn your head towards her and nod.
“Ok then, go shower. Because not to hurt your feelings but you have a funk going on.” Nat and Wanda laugh
You can’t help but laugh with them. Nat and Wanda get up so you can get out of the bed. You slowly get up, your muscles protesting from a lack of use.
“Take as long as you need.” They smile.
You walk into the bathroom and shut the door. You look at yourself in the mirror for the first time since that night. You’re still in the dress you bought, but your earrings and necklace are missing and your makeup is half wiped off.
You know you didn’t do any of it, so you knew it had to have been Bucky. Your heart flutters just slightly at the thought of him being so kind to do those things, but it’s quickly fades and is replaced with heartbreak.
You aren’t too sure why you are heartbroken, it’s not like he knew your feelings or reciprocated them. You just wanted to be a friend to him, even if that’s all it was. Deep down, you knew you loved him, so if just being his friend was all you had, then that would be enough. You just never got the chance to even be his friend.
You turn away from the mirror and begin to strip. You through the dress into the small trash can in your bathroom. You don’t want it as a reminder of what happened.
You turn the shower on and let it warm up. In no time, the bathroom is covered with steam. You step into the steaming water and sigh in relief. Your body relaxes and relishes in the heat from the water.
Once Wanda and Natasha hear the water cut on, they get to work. They strip your bed of the covers and sheets you’ve been laying in for the past two days. Wanda puts on the fresh sheets and lights a few candles.
Natasha sends the old sheets to the laundry and starts to gather food. She orders your favorite sushi, she grabs ice cream, chocolate, and a bottle of wine or two. Natasha comes back to your room in a much better state than when she first arrived.
She puts all the food on your desk, and they wait for you to finish in the shower.
After what feels like hours in the shower, you turn the water off. You feel more human now that you’ve showered. You dry off and put on a big tshirt and pajama shorts. You towel dry your hair then exit the bathroom.
Your eyes land on the desk full of food and your stomach audibly growls. You all three laugh at the noise.
Wanda uses her power to bring the sushi over to you. You laugh a little more then climb into the bed. Wanda and Natasha sit on both sides of you. Nat turns on your favorite Disney movie, and you all dig in to the sushi.
Wanda brings over the bottle of wine. All three of you pass it around, but you seem to drink the most of it. By the end of the movie, you were more tipsy than Wanda and Natasha.
“Feel better?” Wanda asks.
You sigh and lay back. Tears start to well up in your eyes.
“To be honest.” You start. “Not really. I love you two, but I still feel like my heart has been ripped out.” Tears slip down your cheeks.
“It’s gonna be ok.” Nat says softly.
“Just give it some time.” Wanda rubs your arm.
“How am I supposed to get over him if he’s always around? I see him everyday.” You cry more. “Him and his beautiful blue eyes, his hair, and his hot body.” You sigh and cover your face with a pillow.
“I hate myself!” You groan into the pillow. “I didn’t want to fall in love with, but I did. I let him and his stupid metal arm worm his way into my heart.”
Natasha and Wanda share a look and have to keep from laughing at your alcohol filled words.
“And the thing is, I love him so much, if he apologized I would forgive him.” You move the pillow and look up at the pair of redheads. “You two probably think I’m crazy.”
“No, Y/N, you’re not crazy.” Wanda says. “I truly believe you can’t choose who you fall in love with. It just happens.”
“Is there any more wine or maybe something stronger?” You ask.
“I think I can finds us something.” Natasha gets up and goes to the kitchen.
Sam, Steve, and Bucky are all in the common room. Steve and Sam letting Bucky have it. Even if Bucky couldn’t see how you felt about him, everyone else could. That’s why everyone always told her to keep trying with him, hoping maybe one day he would finally give in.
“Guys, I get it! I know I was a terrible person to her.” Bucky sighs and lays his head back against the couch.
“Do you Barnes?” Natasha asks as she walks out of the kitchen with a bottle of vodka. “Because if you do, you better start finding a way to make it up to her. She is so in love with you that she would settle for just being your friend if you didn’t feel the same, but she would never tell you that.”
Bucky just stares at Natasha in complete shock. You were in love with him? Why? All the things he’d done in his past and the ways he treated you, how could you love him?
Nat just shakes her head before turning and going back to your room.
Bucky looks back at Steve and Sam. “What should I do?”
The guys start to come up with a plan to help Bucky make it up to you.
When Natasha walks back into your room, she finds you asleep on Wanda’s shoulder.
“What took you so long?” Wanda questions the Russian.
“I had to talk some sense into Barnes’ thick skull.” She says.
Wanda gets up from the bed, careful not to wake you. They gather up the trash from your girl’s night and quietly leave you to sleep.
They join the guys in the common room. The guys are still trying to come up with a plan.
“Maybe, I should just go talk to her.” Bucky says. “If I just tell her everything, maybe I cam fix this. Then if that doesn’t work, I don’t know.” Bucky stands up from the couch.
“She’s asleep.” Wanda stops him.
“Then I will talk to her first thing in the morning.” He sighs. Bucky decided to turn in for the night. 
He walks to his room, feeling like total crap. Bucky doesn’t even want to imagine what you feel like. 
Bucky has never had love. He was a ladies man in the 40s and there was definitely no love with Hydra. It was all foreign to him. The feeling he gets in his stomach when you do something for him, the affect your smile has on him, and so many other things, yet, he is a total jerk to you about everything. 
Bucky didn’t want to love you because he thought he was too broken. That he was beyond repair, but he couldn’t stop himself, so he thought if he made you hate him then it would be easier on himself. 
Bucky gets into his room and falls face first onto the bed. He groans into the mattress then rolls over. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you let me know when Agent Y/L/N is awake?” 
“Of course, Sargent Barnes.” The AI responds. 
Bucky gets up and gets ready for bed. He takes a shower then puts on only his boxers for bed. He settles in and forces himself to fall asleep. 
It’s well after midnight when F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice is heard in Bucky’s room. He is startled awake by her voice. 
“Sargent Barnes, Agent Y/L/N is awake and in the kitchen.” She says. 
“What time is it?” Bucky asks the AI. 
“2:36 a.m.” She answers. 
He groans as he rolls out of bed. He knows you probably don’t want to talk, but he has to. He has to get everything off his chest, and hopes you forgive him. 
He is about to leave his room when he remembers he is only wearing his boxers. He quickly rushes to slip on some sweat pants and a tshirt. 
He leaves his room and heads for the kitchen. He finds you searching through the medicine cabinet in the dark. 
“Crap!” You whisper yell as you knock over a few pill bottles. The team kept a cabinet filled with over the counter meds for normal everyday problems.
“Maybe if you turn on the lights, you can find what you’re looking for.” Bucky reaches to turn on the lights. 
“Do not turn on the lights!” You pear around the cabinet door. You knew it was Bucky by his voice. 
“Why? Because you don’t want to look at me or another problem?” Bucky questions as he walks over to you. 
“Both if you really want an answer, not that you deserve one.” You words are dripping with venom. 
“You are totally right, I don’t.” He says softly. 
You continue you search for the Advil not giving him any attention. He reaches over you and pull the bottle from one shelf above where you looking. Bucky hands you the bottle then turns to grab a water from the fridge. He hands you the bottle and watches as you take the pills. 
“Can we talk?” Bucky asks. 
You don’t want to say yes, but you also want to ask him why. “Sure.”
“Can I turn the lights on so we can talk?” He looks at you. 
“Why do we need the lights?” You groan. 
“Because I want to be able to see you clearly while we talk.” He flips the light switch. Bucky watches as you squeeze your eyes shut and grimace. After a few seconds, you open you eyes and let them adjust. 
You look at him and your expression softens involuntarily. You haven’t seen him in almost four days. 
“Y/N, let me just start with I’m sorry.” Bucky says. You scoff. “I don’t think I will ever be able to say that enough to make up for what all I’ve put you through.” He looks down at the ground. “I was a jerk to you because I was scared of my feelings.” He looks up at you and steps a little closer. “The first day I walked in here, I was drawn to you. But, I thought I was too broken to love anyone, so I pushed you away. I tried to make you hate me.” Bucky explains. You listen to him intently, not wanting to miss a word. 
“And I will never forgive myself for the other night. I went out to meet with my therapist and to come with a plan to tell you how I really feel.” Bucky reaches out to take your hand. 
You want to pull away, but his hand wraps around yours, and it feels right. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Your mouth falls open at his words, utterly shocked. “I didn’t realize it until the other night when I carried you out of the dining room, that all the feelings I have when you are around are because I love you.” 
He said it again, and you feel like you want to cry. “Bucky-” You try to find the words but you can’t. 
“I know you right now you probably can’t forgive me for everything that I did, but maybe one day you can? Can we start over? Maybe this time we can be friends?” He looks at you with eyes filled with hope. 
“Bucky, I think I’ve loved you since you got here, and even after everything you did I still love you. I don’t think I will ever stop.” You admit to him. “I can forgive you because I love you, but if you really mean it, that you love me. You have to promise me that you will never hurt me like that again.” You look up at him as tears slip down your cheeks. 
He pulls you into him and places his hands on your cheeks to wipe away the tears. “I promise, doll, I will never hurt you again.” 
Bucky leans down, his lips just inches away from yours. You lean up and close the small gap. Your lips meet and if sparks could fly they would be flying. The kiss is slow and gentle. 
Bucky pulls away smiling. He looks down at you as a smile crosses your lips.
“I love you, Y/N.” Bucky whisper before pecking your lips again. 
“I love you too, Bucky.”  
Story tags: 
@sassybouquetrunaway-universe​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ @angstysebfan​ @fab-notfat​ @just-dreaming-marvel-2​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @
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fckinwild-kiwi · 4 years ago
Time to Realize Pt. 4
Warnings: Swearing; Smut Word Count: 5.2k+ Author’s Note: This is the long awaited fourth installment of this series. I’ve clearly been in a little it of funk creatively but I’m hoping you enjoy this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it even though it took me like fifteen years. *Sigh* Thank you for your patience though! <3  This is now *Edited* and longer!
Important Note: The Greek mythology throughout this piece does not accurately represent Greek mythology to its fullest extent. Some things are changed for the sake of the story. One major point is the relationship between Hades and the rest of Mt. Olympus. With that being said, their relationship isn’t family-oriented, but Hades is welcome throughout Mt. Olympus and everyone gets along enough to be considered tolerated.
Y/n didn’t sleep a wink. Even though she was wrapped in Harry’s arms her mind wouldn’t stop racing. She didn’t have a doubt in her mind that the lunch with her mom would go smoothly, but what happened afterwards? Would they build a relationship? That’s something that y/n had always dreamed of and fantasized about with the thought that it would never be attainable. She reached over grabbing her phone to check the time it read: 3:52 A.M. 
‘Ugh,’ she thought, putting the phone back down and cuddling back into Harry’s side.
“You’re still awake,” Harry noted as he tightened his grip on her body. “Baby, it’s almost morning, close your eyes.”
“I can’t.”
“You haven’t tried.”
“What the fuck, of course I have,” She said feigning hurt before unwrapping herself from his grasp and kissing his cheek. “I’m going to go watch some tv, you go back to sleep.”
“I’ll come out there with you, we can cuddle while we watch.”
“You’re so annoying,” she grumbled, letting her lips quirk into a smile. She waited a minute in order for him to catch up to her so they could walk into the living room together. As Harry sat down on the couch, y/n quickly grabbed the throw off the back of the couch in order to cuddle up to Harry in a warm burrito-like embrace. 
Y/n sighed as she rested her head in the crook of Harry’s neck. The slight stubble of beard rubbing against her forehead brought a calming sense of familiarity. She reached up, pressing a gentle kiss to the base of his throat causing him to tense up. 
“What are you doing, love?”
“I’m just loving up on you,” Y/n said, shrugging before tightening her hold on him and placing another lingering kiss against his throat. 
“Fuck,” he moaned out before flipping her over. “You have a big day tomorrow darling. I don’t want to wear you out before then.”
“I’d like to see you try and wear me out,” she scoffed.
“Baby,” Harry said as he flipped the two over, pinning Y/n underneath him. “Challenge accepted.”
Harry started kissing down her neck, nibbling on her pressure points with enough force to cause her to moan but not hard enough to leave a mark. He reached down to her panties before slipping his hand inside and feeling her slit. “You’re dripping baby, is all this for me?”
“You don’t even know how ready I am for you at all times,” She moaned out as he inserted a finger. “I’m ready for you baby, please fuck me.”
“As you wish, lovie.” Harry said as he withdrew his fingers from her pussy before pulling his pants off and slipping a condom on. Slowly he rubbed his cock along her folds to get himself all slicked up. “Fuck baby.”
“Fuck me, H”
Harry let out a guttural moan at her words. He took his cock and slowly started to sink into her, inch by inch before he finally bottomed out, waiting a second so she could adjust.
“You’re so big,” Y/n whined. “Please move, Harry.”
Harry quickly understood as he set a rapid pace. Pounding into y/n as his life depended on it.
“Yes, Harry, right there,” Y/n whined. “You’re fucking me so good.” 
“Right there?”
“Mph, yes,” She all but screamed as Harry hit the spot that made her curl her toes and pull his hair, clenching around him as she felt the burning sensation fill her lower belly. “I’m going to come!”
“Wait for me,” Harry urged, as he continued his rapid assault on her pussy. “Come now baby!”
“Oh my, fuck!” Y/n groaned, her moans coming out almost pornographic. 
“Let me grab a towel, I’ll be right back baby,” Harry said, before kissing her sweaty forehead and walking into the bathroom. 
“Thank you for tiring me out,” Y/n said as she smiled down at the man cleaning the mess between her thighs. “I’m going to sleep like a baby now.”
“I’m happy I could help,” Harry chuckled as he laid back down and wrapped his arms around Y/n, pulling the blanket over both of their clammy bodies. 
As Y/n snuggled into Harry’s body, she wrapped her legs around his and closed her eyes. “I love you so much, Persephone,” she heard Harry whisper as she fell asleep.
The next morning, her alarm jolted her awake causing both Harry and she to fall off the couch. “Ow,” Harry grumbled, rubbing his face with his hand not wrapped around her waist. 
“I’m so sorry, bub,” y/n said, before sitting up and kissing his cheek. “Thank you for staying out here with me, you should go lay down on the bed though. I’m going to start getting ready to see Demeter.”
Y/n got up and walked to the bathroom attached to her bedroom. After turning on the water to a warm temperature, she undressed before stepping into the steaming water. A few minutes later once she was finished shampooing her hair, she heard the bathroom door open. 
“Just me, love.”
Y/n sighed before conditioning her hair and finishing her shower routine. “Would you mind handing me my towel?” 
“‘Course love,” Harry said as he pushed the towel past the shower curtain into y/n’s grasp. 
“Now it’s go time,” y/n said as she wrapped the towel around her body and stepped out of the tub. Y/n took her time getting ready, putting the time and effort into her appearance to look and feel presentable for her big lunch. Two hours later, she felt confident and at ease, ready to meet with Demeter. She walked out of the bathroom into her connected bedroom to face Harry, hands on her hips. 
“How do I look?”
“You look stunning, love,” Harry said as he smiled widely before whispering, “C’mere.”
“I have to get going,” Y/n whispered back as she climbed onto his lap, kissing his cheek and leaving a lip gloss stain on it. Once she noticed the mark, she smiled before beginning to clean it off. 
“I know, but give me a proper kiss first, yeah?” He said, grabbing the wrist that was rubbing his cheek.
“Of course, bub,” y/n said, rolling her eyes before slotting her lips against his. Quickly the kiss turned more passionate as Harry dragged his tongue across her bottom lip.
“I really need to go now,” y/n said as she pulled away breathlessly.
“Yes, go go. Have a good time with Demeter. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Can I call you tomorrow? Classes start then and I should probably try to get organized…”
“Of course, now get going,” He said before kissing her forehead and ushering her out the door. 
Y/n got in her car and pulled out her phone, plugging the address for the restaurant into the GPS. The drive to the restaurant was quick, perfect for eliminating the overthinking that Y/n was bound to do. As she pulled into a parking spot and put the car in park, Y/n slowly let out the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding.
After getting out of the car, she walked into the fancy restaurant before spotting Demeter. “Over here, dear,” said the voice she recognized previously as Demi but now, her mother. Y/n smiled before walking across the room. 
“Hi,” Y/n breathed out, before being engulfed in a hug. 
“Hello sweetheart,” Demeter whispered before releasing her grip. “I hope the drive here wasn’t too long…”
“No, no, it was actually rather close to my apartment so it didn’t take long at all.”
“That’s so good to hear, now, tell me all about yourself.”
“Oh, well,” Y/n began, eyes widening as she tried to think about all the memorable moments of her life. “I’m now a junior in college… I have this really great group of friends surrounding me which has been a blessing, I’m studying botany but you already knew that.”
Demeter gave a knowing smile before saying, “I’m sorry that I wasn’t a part of your life sooner.”
“I don’t want you to beat yourself up over anything,” Y/n said. “Harry explained what happened when I was younger. I can imagine we both felt similarly about things. It’s just nice to know that I wasn’t alone because you didn’t want me.”
“I was devastated when you were taken from us,” Demeter said, her eyes beginning to glow brighter. “I spent years trying to track down the person who was guilty. I felt your presence when you began school, though. I saw that you were doing okay and I was relieved.”
“Growing up how I did was hard,” Y/n began, trying to choose her words carefully. “I had to deal with some difficult things on my own but as much as I felt like I struggled, I like to believe it made me a better person…I don’t really take shit from anyone now. I know how to handle myself on my own…The hardships are what made me, me.
“Don’t feel guilty for anything. We’re in each other's lives’ now and that’s what’s important. I don’t think I would be as independent or resilient if I had not lived such a human life.”
“Oh, Persephone,” Demeter said, her eyes glassy. “I’m so proud of you, really.”
Y/n smiled before grabbing the cup of water in front of her and taking a drink. She finally felt at ease, almost completely comfortable. Before she could respond to Demeter, they were interrupted by the waiter.
“Hi, are you two ready to order?”
“Uh yes, I’ll have the Cobb salad with dressing on the side, please,” Demeter ordered before closing the menu and holding it up towards the waiter. 
“I think I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries,” Y/n said, before handing her menu to the waiter as well.
Lunch couldn’t have been going any better. Y/n hadn’t felt this comfortable and at home since she started seeing Harry. In such an odd and unexpecting way, for the first time things were starting to click into place for her. 
“So, sweetheart,” Demeter started, “I know this is all very new to you, but I’m sure that Hades has explained to you the gist of everything?”
“Oh yeah, Harry has been an absolute blessing in this chaos… I’ve visited the Underworld with him and he spent the whole day breaking things down for me. It’s a lot but I think I’m getting more comfortable with everything.”
“You went to the Underworld with Hades, alone?” Demeter questioned as she narrowed her eyes on her daughter.
“Well yeah, he claimed it was to explain things a little easier, which is probably partially true, but I also think he’s calmer and less anxious in a spot that’s familiar to him.”
“Mhm,” Demeter mumbled, her face being set in stone quickly turning the atmosphere into something less comfortable. Much to y/n’s relief, a few moments later, their waiter returned with their orders.
“This is so good,” Y/n moaned out with a mouthful of her cheeseburger. 
“It’s so wonderful to see you enjoying yourself like this,” Demeter said before allowing a small smile to settle on her features as she stared at her daughter.
“I’ve never been here before but I’m definitely going to need to bring Harry here, he’d love this place.”
“He’s making you happy, then?”
“Endlessly happy,” Y/n said. “He might just be the most incredible person on this planet.”
“Ah, young love,” Demeter said, as she put on a smile. “Be careful though darling, he is the King of the Underworld.”
“I know he is,” Y/n said before narrowing her eyes at her Mother. “What are you insinuating?”
“I’m just saying sweetheart,” Demeter said as she sighed before continuing, “His soul has been hardened over the years and it would pain me immensely if he hurt you. I want you to have everything in this world but I guess if he’s who makes you happy then who am I to stand in the way of that?”
“With all due respect, I’ve known Harry for a few years now and he’s always treated me with the most respect and kindness, even more than some people I’ve been friends with for longer,” Y/n said. “He’s the most special soul I’ve ever encountered and even if he does eventually hurt me, that’s something that I need to go through on my own. You’re my mom, and I’m so excited to get to know you but unfortunately you haven’t been involved in my life for long enough to have a say or to dictate who I’m going to love.”
“You love him?”
“I’m getting there.”
“You’re right honey, I’m sorry that I just threw in my opinion like it was wanted. I want our relationship to grow; I want to know my daughter.”
“I want to get to know my Mom, too,” Y/n said as she smiled before grabbing Demeter’s hands across the table. “Thank you for lunch but I really should be going, I have to get ready for classes because they start tomorrow!”
“Of course!” Demeter said. “I’ll call you later this week and maybe you could come to Mt. Olympus for dinner soon?”
“I would absolutely love that.”
Y/n walked through the front door of her apartment before releasing a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. Everything went smoothly, of course her fears were for nothing. Her mom loved her; she loved her mom. She was a goddess? And had a whole ass family? And the best boyfriend. She felt proud of herself. Proud for standing up to her mom about her feelings with Harry. But also proud of doing something that she knew was scary and intimidating which was meeting her mom. 
Tomorrow though, school would start and instead of things being as beautiful and flowing as it has been, she was going to have to buckle down and study. Just because she was a goddess, that didn’t mean that she still didn’t have to work hard. Y/n walked into the kitchen and filled up her bottle with water before going into her room and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow would be the start of her senior year of college.
The next morning, y/n got up and made her way around the apartment, gathering everything she would need for her first few classes of the year. By 8:30 she was out of the apartment and walking into the campus coffee shop.
As she walked along the sidewalk to her first class, she shot Harry a text, letting him know that she would be done with class around 11 and asking him if he wanted to meet for lunch after. He responded with an ‘of course, xx’. 
After walking into the cafeteria area of her school, looking for an empty table for her and Harry to sit at, she noticed Christine reading a book at a corner table. “Hey Chris,” she said as she sat down.
“Hey babe, where’s the dreamboat?”
“On his way, I think-“
“Hello, ladies,” Harry said as he sat down beside you pressing a kiss to her forehead before sitting down beside her. “What are we talking about?”
“Oh you know,” Christine said before smirking. “Just about how great of a boyfriend you are.”
“Shut up Chris,” Y/n said before nudging her friend. “We were actually just talking about where you were. You are a great boyfriend though. Chris is just trying to pry details about our relationship out of me.”
“Damn Chris, the look on your face had me worried for a second. It looked…deadly,” Harry said as he put his arm around y/n before leaning down and whispering, ”By the way, in case I haven’t told you, you’re a great girlfriend too. The best actually.”
“You two are ridiculous, I regret trying to make a cute moment between you two. It actually makes me want to puke up my lunch once I actually eat it,” Chris mumbled as she brought a fry to her mouth. “Actually, there is something I wanted to run past you two.”
“What’s that?” Harry asked as he grabbed a carrot stick of Y/n’s plate.
“Well there’s a costume party this weekend at a frat and I was thinking we could all go,” Christine said before quickly looking down at her plate of French fries.
“I know, Harry and I talked about the party the other day, so why are you being weird about this?” Y/n asked as she narrowed her eyes.
“Well, the party is at Rowan’s frat. I know you’re not talking, and rightfully so, but I just needed you to know that beforehand.”
“Dammit Chris,” Y/n said.
“It’s fine Christine, we will still be there,” Harry said as he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “If you’re comfortable going of course, babe.”
“If you’re okay with it, I am too,” Y/n said before leaning up to kiss Harry’s cheek. “I just haven’t talked to Rowan since our fight and I just don’t want it to be awkward.”
“Ignore him,” Christine scoffed. “He was being a shit head and I don’t think you need to talk to him. When he finally comes to his senses and apologizes then, a reconciliation might be in order.”
“She’s right, Y/n,” Harry said. “I’m pissed off that he disrespected both you and us in that way but you shouldn’t have to limit your fun and your experiences because you’re afraid he might be there.”
“Okay, well I have to go, my next class is in twenty minutes,” Christine said as she scarfed the rest of her fries down before grabbing her bag. “I love you both and I’ll see you two later.”
Y/n sighed as she watched Christine walk away. “These last two weeks have been a lot,” she mumbled before leaning her head on Harry’s shoulder. 
“I know baby,” Harry whispered as he kissed her temple. “How was lunch with Demeter yesterday? Did everything go well?”
“For the most part everything went really well. We had a heart to heart about the kidnapping issue, she felt terrible but of course I assured her it wasn’t her fault. I’m content with how everything turned out and proud of myself for my growth because of it. We also talked a little bit about you,” Y/n whispered before kissing his cheek. Harry’s grip around her shoulder tightened a little bit. 
“What did she say?” Harry questioned, his whole body going stiff. “Tell you how awful I am being the King of Darkness and all?”
“She tried to make a comment about how you might not be the right decision for me-“
“I fucking knew she was going to pull a stunt like that,” Harry said, his tone of voice rising a bit due to his newfound anger.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it though Bub,” Y/n said as she kissed his lips, pulling away too quick for his liking as he chased her lips. “I definitely put her in her place. You’re the one for me. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else, she doesn't know me well enough to make those kinds of decisions for me.”
Harry relaxed at her words before letting a smirk take over his lips. “My knight in shining armor,” He joked as he nuzzled his face onto her cheek.
“Stop it,” She said as she was giggling before looking up at him with a serious glint in her eye. “I’ll defend you forever, I hope you know that.”
“I do, baby, and I would do the same.”
The rest of the week flew by, Y/n was busy with her classes, Botany 507 being her favorite course. A free weekend seemed to be exactly what she needed to unwind from the overwhelming classwork. That and spending quality time with her boyfriend, of course. Y/n picked out the costumes that the two were going to wear to the frat party on Friday.
By the time Harry showed up at her house to get ready for the party, Christine had already left to go get ready with a new girl she was talking to. When she heard the light tapping on the door she walked over to reveal a dissolved looking Harry. 
“Bub,” Y/n whispered as she pulled him into her apartment. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Harry mumbled as he reached out to grab her cheeks bringing her lips to his, harshly. Y/n quickly got the memo that he wasn’t in the mood for talking and surprisingly, she was okay with that. She felt his tongue slide across her lower lip to which she quickly allowed him control. 
“I just need to love on you for a minute, is that okay?” Harry asked as he walked them backwards towards the couch.
“That’s more than okay,” Y/n mumbled against his lips before sitting down in front of him, getting comfortable on her couch. 
“Thank you baby,” Harry said as he started working her pants down her legs. “You’re sure this is okay?”
“Yes,” She said, spreading her legs out for him. 
“So beautiful baby,” Harry whispered as he admired her pink lacy underwear on display for him. He got down on his knees before leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss to her clothed clit. 
“Fuck, Harry,” Y/n moaned out at the sudden contact. “I’m going to make you feel so good, lovie,” Harry whispered, looking up at her with a devilish glint in his eyes. He grabbed the elastic of her panties as he slowly started to drag them down her legs. Y/n raised her hips in order to help him get them off.
“You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” Harry whispered looking at her like his last meal.
“If you don’t do something right now Harry, I’ll take care of it myself,” Y/n said, frustration radiating through her body. 
“Patience, petal,” Harry said before licking a long stripe up her slit. The sudden contact making Y/n jump and harshly grab onto Harry’s hair. Slowly, Harry pushed a finger inside of y/n all while continuing his assault on her clit.
“So good Harry,” Y/n moaned out as she felt the fire in her lower belly start to burn. Harry noticed her clenching and inserted another finger slowly so as to not hurt her.
“Oh my god,” Y/n moaned as she pressed Harry’s face deeper into her core. Harry quickly got the memo and replaced his fingers with his tongue. Quickly fucking his tongue in and out of her core, relishing in way he was making her feel.
“Feel so good, H,” Y/n moaned. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, I’m going to come.”
“Let go for me baby, come all over my face,” Harry moaned back, her pleasure going straight to his dick. Y/n quickly reached the point of no return as she screamed his name loudly.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m coming,” Y/n yelled while clenching her legs around Harry’s face before leaning back onto the couch and looking down at her boyfriend with her juices still covering his face. “Please kiss me.”
“Oh baby,” He whispered before leaning up and kissing her softly, relishing in how she molded against him. 
Y/n quickly took charge, reaching her hands into Harry’s boxers and slowly stroking his cock. “You know, I haven’t had a chance to give you a blowie yet, and it’s literally all I can think about.”
“Yeah, you want my cock in your pretty little mouth?” Harry asks, his chest rising and falling at a quicker pace.
“It’s all I want, H,” Y/n said before pulling his pants down his legs just far enough to let his member spring free and then pushing him on the couch. Slowly falling to her knees, y/n pressed a small kiss to his leaking tip, causing Harry to let out a small moan.
“Seeing you on your knees for me, is doing more for me than I can even begin to describe,” Harry moans out, watching her take him into her mouth.
Y/n just smirks as she looks up at him through her eyelashes and fully taking him into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. “I want you to fuck my throat, Harry.”
“What?” Harry says, eyes wide.
“You heard me, fuck my throat, use me.” 
Harry let out a guttural groan before saying, “Please tell me if it gets to be too much.” Y/n nodded, giving Harry the okay to take the reins. He grabbed the back of her head, pushing himself fully into her mouth before lightly thrusting his hips, causing y/n to gag.
“You’re doing so good for me baby, being daddy’s bad girl and letting him use her,” the dirty words causing y/n to moan out and send vibrations onto Harry’s dick, making it twitch. Soon, Harry was thrusting into her mouth relentlessly, y/n was gagging but trying to breath through her nose, with saliva running down her chin. The whole thing was quick, dirty, and hot. Y/n reached up beginning to play with his balls to try to get him to reach his high. 
“Oh my god,” Harry groaned, his pace picking up speed. “I’m
going to come.” 
“Come for me, baby,” Y/n moaned out before taking him back in her mouth, working him with everything she had. Moments later she felt his cock twitch followed by strings of cum hitting the back of her throat. After swallowing every last drop, y/n wiped off her lips, looking Harry in the eyes.
“What the fuck, y/n,” Harry said, trying to catch his breath
before kissing her on the forehead.
“That was fun,” She said giggling to herself before adding,
“Oh my gods,” Harry mumbled, his face turning a bright shade of
pink. “I didn’t know that was something I would be into, but in the heat of the moment, it slipped out.”
“It’s okay, I thought it was hot,” Y/n said, winking at Harry
before getting serious. “Do you want to talk about it yet?”
“Talk about what?”
“We both gave each other great head, and it was a lot of fun 
but I can tell something was bothering you. So,” Y/n said, moving to sit on his lap before crossing her arms. “What happened today.” 
“I just had to deal with some awful souls today. A few of the things that the freshly dead souls did were terrible. Some even tried threatening you,” Harry mumbled, his hard exterior breaking down in her presence. “I was so mad; I came here right after. I needed to see you and remind you how much you mean to me. No one is going to do anything to take you away from me.”
“Bub,” Y/n sighed as she brought him towards her in an attempt to comfort him. “No one could do anything to me. To us. I’m with you for the long term. I’ll fuck anybody up who thinks otherwise, we’re like the strongest duo out there.”
“Thank you,” Harry said before smiling up at his love.
“I should be thanking you,” Y/n said as she nudged him. “You just gave me mind blowing head. ”
“And you just gave me mind blowing head,” Harry said, chuckling. “That was literally the kind of head that will kill a man. I didn’t know you were such a minx.”
“There’s a lot you still have to learn about me, baby,” Y/n said before smirking at Harry, devilishly. “Now I need to go take a shower so we can get ready for this frat party. You, handsome, have a costume to put on, it’s on my bed.”
Y/n got up off the couch, slowly. Her legs were very tired and a little wobbly. She got into the shower, quickly washing her hair and shaving her body. The costumes she picked out for her and Harry were perfect but they also required her to have her entire body hairless, if only for the aesthetic of it all. 
“Are you sure this outfit is okay?” Harry asked, looking at her with an unsure glint in his eye as she finished blow drying her hair. Y/n had picked out a Hades and Persephone-esque ensemble that required both of them to wear togas. Harry had a black toga with a black crown that had intimidating small black spears atop of it. Y/n’s outfit consisted of a white toga with a beautiful flower crown that complimented her freshly blown out hair. To complete her look she accessorized with gold chains and bracelets. They looked like the God and Goddess that they were.
“Bub,” y/n said, her eyes crinkling with amusement as she looked at her boyfriend. “I can assure you, everyone at this party is going to be dressed up. You’re not going to be the only person in a toga-like ensemble.”
“I feel ridiculous. Why do you get to look so beautiful and I have to wear this uncomfy dress? We didn’t even wear things like this back then!”
“Harry, oh my god! It doesn’t have to be historically accurate,” Y/n said, smiling at his discomfort before looking up at him innocently. “And for the record, I think you look insanely fucking hot.” 
“Y/n,” Harry warned, “Don’t start because we won’t leave this house otherwise.”
Y/n just smiled up at him before kissing his cheek and walking back to her vanity to put the finishing touches on her outfit. “I’m going to finish my makeup and afterwards, I think it’s time to do yours as well.”
“I am not putting makeup on,” Harry said to Y/n. 
“You are though,” Y/n assured him. “It completes the look and it’s how my modern-day Hades looks in my mind.”
“Ugh,” Harry groaned as he wrapped his arms around his girl. “I don’t know if it’s bad for me or not, but you definitely have me wrapped around your finger.”
After they finished getting ready, and Y/n got Harry to put on the eyeliner, even though it was begrudgingly, they were walking out the door of the apartment and towards Harry’s car. 
“What’s going to happen if you see Rowan tonight,” Y/n whispered as she grabbed Harry’s hand across the console.
“I’ll beat his ass,” Harry joked as he looked across to a frowning Y/n. “I’m kidding baby, if need be, I’ll probably talk to him and clear the air. But I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. I’ll respect your wishes on this one.”
“Thank you, H,” Y/n said as she leaned across the console to kiss his cheek. “Handle it however you want, but please, no violence from you. If it comes to that, I’d prefer to handle it.”
“Whatever you say,” Harry said as he smiled before putting the car in park in the crowded driveway of the Fraternity. “You are the Queen of Darkness after all, it’s game time baby.”
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lunnanunna · 5 years ago
That’s What I’m Here For
DAY6 Extra Member AU
Summary: Parker feels a bit homesick, and Sungjin steps in to help.
Warnings: slight swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @changbinnieslaugh​ @galacticstxrdust​ @kimonmars
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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Parker followed her members as they entered the dorm. She kicked her shoes off then trudged to the kitchen. Silently, she grabbed a glass then grabbed some water. Reaching for a bag of chips that were in one of the cabinets, she took her little meal and disappeared into her room.
The rest of Day6 stood spread out through the living room and kitchen, as they watched their maknae retreat into her room. They looked at each other confused by the unusually quiet Aussie.
“Am I the only one that finds it weird that Parker’s literally been the quietest ever today?” Jae asked, looking at his members.
Sungjin nodded his head. “I was just thinking that.”
“Is she sick or something?” Wonpil asked quietly, staring at the closed door to Parker’s room.
“She hadn’t said anything,” Dowoon shrugged, as he made to take a step towards her room, but stopped, thinking twice about it.
“What is it, Dowoon?” Younghyun asked, looking at the drummer.
Dowoon stood staring down the hall as he thought about today's events. They had spent the day at the company rehearsing. For lunch they had gone out to eat at a restaurant a couple of blocks down from the company. The rest of the afternoon was spent practicing and fooling around.
Parker had taken a nap a couple of times when she got the chance, though they never lasted more than fifteen minutes. Dowoon didn’t think that was weird. The youngest was known for taking many short naps throughout the day, so that definitely wasn’t enough to worry him. Then he remembered.
“She got a phone call earlier, right?” Dowoon asked the others. They looked at each other and nodded.
“Yeah. I think it was her mom,” Younghyun said, remembering Parker answering her phone during practice and excusing herself as she stepped out.
“She did come back looking a bit bummed, but maybe I was just seeing things,” Jae said, going over to the fridge to grab a water bottle.
“No, I think you’re right,” Sungjin said, crossing his arms over his chest, then pointing at Jae, before bringing his finger to his chin, “She did look kind of down. I was going to ask, but then she smiled at me, shaking her head.”
“Which in Parker language is ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’” Younghyun added on to what the leader had said, nodding his head.
“Do you think she got into an argument with her mom?” Wonpil asked as he sat on the couch, folding his arms over the armrest to face the others.
“I don’t think so. Parker’s got a good relationship with her parents. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her argue with them,” Dowoon said, turning to look at Wonpil.
“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen,” Jae said, taking a sip from his water.
“True, but I don’t think this is the case,” Dowoon said, shaking his head. He knew Parker the best out of all of them, and he knew that any argument that happened between her and her family was easily resolved. So that can’t be the reason why she was so quiet.
“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Younghyun said, back leaning up against the counter. The others gave him a question look. “We go and ask her?” Younghyun said as if it were obvious.
“Okay, well who’s gonna talk to her?” Jae asked, raising a brow at the younger.
“Leader or best friend. Choose your fighter,” Younghyun shrugged. Jae snorted, as both boys mentioned looked at each other.
“Either would be a good choice. Soojin trusts both of you,” Wonpil said, folding himself up on the couch like a cat.
“She trusts all of us,” Sungjin said, then looked at Jae, “Even Jae.”
“I know. I’m surprised too,” Jae said as he walked by the leader. He patted his shoulder then said before moving past him, “But I think you should go, Sung.” The leader nodded his head and looked at Dowoon as if looking for an approval.
“Go for it Hyung. I’ll try if you can’t get anything out of her,” Dowoon said smiling. Sungjin smiled back and wasted no time in starting his mission.
He stood by Parker’s door and knocked. “Soo? Can I come in?” Sungjin asked, looking at the others as they inched over to hear.
A muffled voice came from the other side, and Sungjin was pretty sure that that was a yes. He nodded his head at the others and rolled his eyes at Jae who saluted him, then opened the door and entered.
Entering Parker’s room, Sungjin adjusted his eyes to the dark and took a look around. Her room was a mess, with clothes lying on the ground and sneakers thrown at either side of the room. Her walls were covered in photographs of friends and family, posters of her favorite anime, Haikyu!!, LED lights, and her gaming setup.
Sungjin snorted. The only way to differentiate her room from any of the boys’ room were her bras that were poorly hidden under piles of clothes.
“You know that you do have drawers to put your clothes in, right?” the leader asked as he closed the door behind him and walked in. A groan came from somewhere under a mountain of blankets on her bed.
“What was that?” Sungjin smirked. The pile on the bed moved and Parker poked her head out. Her curls fell into her eyes and she blew air up to move them out of the way.
Laughing, Sungjin squatted down by her head and pushed her hair back. She looked at him cross-eyed due to how close he was to her. Leaning back he saw her two toned eyes straighten again.
“I said, you better not have come in here to just lecture me about cleanliness,” she said, glaring at the older.
Sungjin shook his head. “Not today,” he smiled, then nudged her over. Parker rolled her eyes, but scooted towards the wall, making room for him.
“What’s up?” Parker asked, laying on her back and looking at the glow in the dark stars on her ceiling, that she actually took the time to set up in actual constellations (She missed being able to see the stars every night since moving to Seoul, so she made her own night sky.)
“Actually, that’s my line,” Sungjin said as he too, laid on his back. He looked at the stickers, trying to connect the stars that made up Parker’s favorite constellation, Ursa Major.
Parker turned to look at him, and smiled at the look of concentration on his face. She took his arm, moving his fingers around so he was pointing, then guided it to each point in Ursa Major.
Once he saw it he smiled. “Thanks,” he laughed, turning to face her. Parker turned towards him as well. “So,” he started off quietly, “You wanna tell me what’s got you in this weird funk?”
Parker scrunched up her nose, then laughed. “I’m not in a weird funk,” she shook her head.
“Well ever since your phone call with Mama Lee,” Sungjin said as Parker smiled (That’s what the boys called Parker’s mom. She thought it was cute.) “You’ve been quiet. And I know that maybe we should take advantage of this moment, but the boys and I miss our noise machine,” Sungjin smiled as Parker started to giggle.
“Yeah?” Parker asked, biting her bottom lip as she smiled.
“For sure,” Sungjin nodded with a serious face. He turned on his side to face Parker, hand propped up to support his head. Parker mimicked his position. “So what’s up?”
Parker shrugged. She knew she could tell Sungjin, hell she could tell any of the boys, including Jae, and she knew they wouldn’t laugh. But she still felt kind of silly.
“I don’t know. I guess just hearing my mom’s voice made me realize just how much I miss home,” Parker started off then added quickly as she looked at her leader, “I’m not at all saying that I don’t see this as home. I do. I promise.”
“Don’t worry, Soo. I get it. You miss your parents and your home back in Australia. It’s understandable. You and Jae are the ones who see your families the least. Of course you’re gonna miss them,” the guitarist said lying on his back again. He motioned for Parker, and she smiled as she moved to rest her head on his chest.
“I know. And normally I can deal with the feels, ya know, but sometimes it’s just too much. Like Mom didn’t even say anything special. It was the typical check up and ‘We miss you’, but I felt more sad this time,” Parker spoke into his chest, closing her eyes.
“I totally get that. And I’m sorry that it’s harder for you to see them. I know how close you are with them.” He gave her a squeeze. “But remember that we’re here for you. You can come to us,” Sungjin said. Parker looked up at him and smiled, and he did too.
“Thanks, Oppa. Believe it or not, I’m already feeling better,” Parker sighed as she rested her head back on his chest. She didn’t know how he did it, but Parker always felt better after a talk with Sungjin. It was weird, because she never pegged him as the emotional type, and while he never showed much of his, he was somehow always good at helping her with her emotions.
“That’s what I’m here for, Soo,” he smiled, running his hand through her hair. After a beat of silence, he spoke up again.
“You should really clean up your room.” He laughed as Parker groaned.
Parker’s Masterlist
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sporadic-writer · 5 years ago
Welcome to the Neighborhood pt. 2
Note: ok so I know that not all of the boys, meaning both twins, live with the others. And I know my update schedule sucks but I go in a block and funk. Sorry guys. I just want you to read something I would read and truly enjoy. Also, I think I may make this a Haz fic bc ones about hin deserves more love and notes.
No one really reads these but I also think I'll write this for Harrison bc when Tom posted the pic of Nadia, it shattered the illusion in my head lol and it feels weird to a certain extent to write when he is most likely dating her. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for him and he doesn't know I exist, but it feels odd idk. So im pausing on Tom stuff atm lol. Harrison is single as far as publicly that ik so thats that 😅
Pairing: Harrison x Reader (most likely)
Warnings: mentions of weed, alcohol, and swearing. I enjoy all these things responsibly and ik im not the only one. As always stop reading if you dont like something.
Part 1 here initial teaser here (got around 100 notes soo 😎 check that out)
“Alrighty boys. That’s enough about me, tell me about yourselves. I only know this one from the big screen and that 2 of you are brothers.” You gestured to Tom as you spoke about him. “And from basic eavesdropping I gather you are all very close.” 
Tom smiled, “Actually I’m a brother to the twins, older obviously.” It was fun having a celeb lounging in your hot tub, drinking a beer with you. “But yeah I am an actor, Spider-Man as you probably know. Harrison’s an actor too!”
“Oh my god you are! I watched Catch-22 on Hulu! Comedy my ass..! I balled my eyes out several times.” He had the nerve to laugh in response. “Don’t laugh! That shit got intense quick. Then the shot where you all are swimming? Killed me. I don't know how I didn't notice you. Sorry!”
“Did you at least like it?” He smiled and asked hopefully. When you nodded yes he beamed! “Well then that’s all that matters. I will say an American accent is hard.”
You brought your beer up to your lips. “Yeah because your guys’ accent is so easy. You make fun of how different areas in America have different accents but it’s the same here!” They nodded in agreement at your words. You leaned your head back a tad and enjoyed the warm water. “Southern accents have different twangs bepending on the area, I have family that lives closer to New England, that's something all in its own. Just like here. You got London, Wales, some place called Essex and other places more north of here. It's not just the US." You reached over for your joint to finish it amongst the bubbles. "Now for real. Tell me about yourselves. Harrison you start I guess."
"Why me?"
"Shorter wikipedia page." You smirk as you re-lit your herb. The guys laughed and made 'ooh' noises to tease. "I'm kidding! Relax a touch. I just picked your name because you are right in front of me."
"Well I've known this lot since we were all kids. Tom and I went to school together and we have been stuck with each other since. I was his personal assistant for a while too." You listened as he spoke. Sweat was building up on his face from the hot tub. It added a nice shine to his, and everyone's faces. In order to avoid makeup running everywhere you sat up as you listened to him. You watched his eyes watch your movements as you took a hit and slowly exhaled. Almost like he was relaxing from watching someone relax from getting high without actually doing so. He kept going and you realized you zoned out a tad. "And then I wanted to do more than just model so I did more auditions and Catch-22 became my biggest so far."
You nodded, noting you heard and were listening. "That's cool and all but tell me like favorite song, movie, animal! Hahaha it isn't everyday famous people are in my hot tub. I'm going to savor this first encounter!" He smiled and answered your sort of questions. You offered the joint around before it finished. Tom passed, Tuwaine and Harrison took quick hits though. "But yeah that is me. Now someone else go so I don't have the spot light on me anymore." He looked at you as he said that and handed you the last bit. You winked in thanks, and to flirt lightly. (Shoot your shot right?) "Same questions to you love."
You responded your favorite song, movie, and color to him. "Yeah I like a bit of everything. But funny movies are my favorite. Obviously I like Marvel too Tom don't worry. Same goes for music but my preference ranges from new pop to older rock. I grew up on 80s alternative pop stuff." You smiled at him and he beamed in pride at the brand he represented. "Ok Sam you now."
Sam starts talking about his life and Harrison goes to grab more drinks. At this point the sun as almost finished setting and you tell the blonde how to turn the deck lights on. Soon the rows of edison bulbs flick on and a lovely mood is set. The glow isn't too bright and adds a nice light to your summer tanned skin. What you don't know is that the gentlemen appreciated the glow as well. However, they are too polite to say anything too bold after just meeting you.
If you could read minds or be sober enough to detect a certain lack of subtlety you would pick up on how the single men checked you out as you got out of the tub to get rid of the roach. Polite of course, 20 something men are going to appreciate a beautiful American girl right in front of them.
And if they could read your mind they would hear how you were taking in Tom and Harrison's jaw lines and toned muscles. How you appreciated Tuwaine's smile and height. Then add the twin's curls and freckles to the list and they'd think you were picking them like boys from a catalogue. Despite the slight oggling on your part, your eyes always wandered back to the blonde hair blue eyed boy the most. He seemed a little more laid back then Tom. Probably just because one was working more than the other, but that was just initial vibes you got. Regardless of vain appearance choices and vibe preference, all these boys were wonderful and you were just lucky enough your uncle's hot tub fit them all nicely.
Tuwaine smiled cheekily and spoke up. "Alright, we all have fresh drinks and proper buzzes. Let's make it fun and play a game. So Y/N, you went to college in the states, give us a classic drinking game and show us what you got."
"Ha! I don't know what you're looking for but I assume never have I ever is universal? You can't play kings or flip cup in a hit tub. Hold up 5 fingers, put them down if you've done said thing, drink as well."
"No fingers, just play till we are right pissed." Harry grinned and everyone else went along with it. "I will start. Never have I ever- wait this a normal game or sexy version?"
You said you didn't care and Tom said what the hell, so he continued. "Never have I ever gotten walked in on during a scandelous activity." Tom and Harrison both drank and groaned saying they have both walked in on each other at some point in life. Tuwaine continued.
"Never have I ever fooled around while someone else is in the room." There was a pause and no one drank. But then you rose your beer to your lips and they all looked at you in a manner of surprise and demand for explination.
Shrugging you said, "Old drunken hookup in school. We didn't know his roommate was in his top bunk asleep until it was too late. The mistake we made was keeping on going when we thought we heard him, because we did..."
"Wow Y/N. Learning a lot about the neighbor girl right away!"
"Shut up this game was your idea!" You laughed as you spoke in response to his teasing. "But whatever it's my turn now anyway. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person." That got all but Harrison and you felt proud for getting them. "Alright so you are either morons or were in a rush to send that sext."
Tom defended himself saying her name was Sam and it was instant regret the second he realized.
Sam glared at him and said, "Yeah no one enjoyed that bro. I'm still shaken up about it."
"Get over yourself it was like 5 years ago! And you accidentally sent your friend Jake one, so pot, kettle, hi both black."
"It was detailed!"
You just sat there amused taking this all in. "I am so glad this happened tonight." You said more to yourself than them.
"Darling if this ends up in the tabloids we will never speak again." They were teasing with the threat. "But come on this is good let's keep going. Never have I ever done it in a car." You, Sam, and Tuwaine all drank and giggled.
The game continued on and another round of drinks were had. You learned Tuwaine had said the wrong name in bed. Also, that both Harry and Harrison have fooled around during family functions. In return they learned that you've hooked up in a college classroom and in a restaurant bathroom. That ended up getting you and your former boyfriend kicked out of the establishment. Towards the final round all were getting sleepier but still in a good mood.
"Never have I ever had sex high." Harrison challenged the group. No one drank. "Wait really? Thought I'd get you with that. Finish your beer and all." He looked at you as he spoke.
"Nope. Just never happened now that I've thought about it. Huh. You'd think right? But nope. Not that I'm opposed." You ended your statement by glancing his way while finishing your beer anyway. Harrison just watched the way your neck moved as you tilted your head back. "Ok boys this was fun but I am gettin tired."
Tom nodded. "Same here. Thank you for having us darling, it was fun!" The others spoke in agreement and you smiled at them saying they were welcomed back anytime. They offered to help clean but you grabbed the remaining bottles and told them you were good. After final goodbyes, you told them to not he strangers, you were all in your respective homes.
You went to bed pretty quick. Next door, at their place Tom, Harrison, and Sam lingered to get some water before bed. "She was really cool." Sam said while sipping water.
Harrison hummed in agreement. "Yeah I think so too. Very chill and all that."
Sam smirked and playfully said, "You just think she's fit mate." There was a pause.
"Well she is." It was Tom who said that and the others looked at him in playful shock. "What I'm not blind! She is! She's isn't some shy girl freaking out over us. She's cheeky and just seems normal about us living next to her. More Harrison's type though I'd say."
Sam laughed. "Yeah he always liked the classic American 'girl next door' type. Just a bonus she is actually American this time." They paused for Harrison to negate their statements but he just sipped his water and looked at them with a glint in his eyes. "Told you." Sam said as he took a sip. "She is better than half the models either of you bring back. Nuerons fire and she can keep a conversation. Not that all models are like that! But come on you went out with some stereotypes." Neither could disagree. Sometimes you just want to have a date with the beautiful face. Long term needs substance though, and both Tom and Harrison thought you had it all.
"We need to invite her over tomorrow, and any time she's free." Groundwork was to be established and Harrison was determined to get to know you more.
As always, like and reblog! I hope you like it! Also if i forget to tag someone lmk, same if you wanna be tagged or not tagged. Feedback and notes are appreciated but be nice haha I edit as best I can. Thanks for reading and enjoying.
Tags: @jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts @sarah-m-limelight-2007 @astridcommings
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weathergirl8 · 4 years ago
Pranks and Tempers (2/3)
Thanks SO much for the kind feedback! I took a different approach to writing this story and honestly I didn’t expect it to turn into the story it is. It was a random plot bunny…..
Part 1 
On a day like today, everything seemed to set him off. Scott was having one of those days where nothing was right and happy in his world. Who could blame a guy when you had to dodge an annoying younger brother who saw it fit to act like a seven-year-old?
Sometimes he disliked having younger siblings. He occasionally – in a fleeting moment of weakness – wondered how different his life would’ve been if he had been an only child. Taking in another deep breath, Scott took in that thought but quickly let it disperse realizing how wrong it was and how much he disagreed with it. Scott paused, his heart nearly skipping a beat as he heard a distant shout.
He knew that cry all too well. After years of looking after his younger siblings, Scott Tracy knew something was wrong. All anger left his body as he ran back toward his baby brother’s cry for help.
Skidding to a halt, Scott shuddered as he saw his baby brother knelt over Gordon.
“C’mon Gordy, open those eyes for me!” Alan’s worried voice called the redhead tapping Gordon’s face.
Kneeling next to his brothers, Scott looked over Gordon. “What happened?”
If Scott would’ve seen Alan’s head snap up at him, he would’ve had whiplash. “What the hell do you mean - what happened?!? You’re the one that shoved us, remember?!” Alan shouted.
Scott paused all movement as he met his baby brother’s angry blue eyes. He was the one responsible for his little brother’s current condition? No, it’s not possible. He was angry, but never would he intentionally cause harm to one of his brothers.
Before either brother could comment further, a small groan escaped the redhead below them.
“Gordon, can you hear me?” Alan’s voice called.
Gordon’s eyes scrunched shut as pain immediately entered his brain. He could hear someone calling his name. Slowly, he fluttered his eyes open but immediately regretted the action as the light increased his pain ten-fold.
“C’mon, Gordy. Open your eyes,” Alan tried again, concerned over his brother’s obvious pain. Looking up at Scott, he frowned as his brother seemed almost frozen. Scott didn’t say a word, nor did he make any movement to help rouse their fallen sibling.
Hearing footsteps quickly approaching them, Alan looked for the owner. “Virgil!” he exclaimed, relieved to see the medic. “Help me with Gordon. We need to get him down to the infirmary.”
Confusion mixed with worry crossed Virgil’s features. “What happened?” he asked as he knelt over Gordon.
“Ask him,” were the few curt words Alan gave, nodding his head toward Scott.
To his left, Virgil noticed the broken vase on the floor, its pieces scattered across the hallway. Virgil looked from Alan to Scott, trying to understand the situation. What was going on? He didn’t get a chance to ask as his attention was pulled back to Gordon.
“Ahh,” Gordon moaned as he forced his eyelids open. Pain radiated from the left side of his head.
“Easy, Gordon,” Virgil coaxed. He noticed the cut along his brother’s left temple.
Slowly peeling his eyes open, Gordon tried to clear his blurry vision. “What happened?” he asked, confused.
Alan frowned further, worry building up inside him. “You mean you don’t remember?”
Virgil creased his brow. Once again, watching the interaction before him. What disconcerted him, even more, was the stillness of Scott. Helping Gordon sit up, he eyed the redhead carefully. “What do you remember?”
Raising his hand to his left temple, Gordon tried to clear his head. “I don’t know…” he breathed out, nausea suddenly hitting him. “I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”
Upon hearing Gordon’s admission, Alan quickly rushed into his room and grabbed his wastebasket. Kneeling in front of his brother once more, the blonde handed the object to the redhead just in time as the contents of Gordon’s stomach emptied. The action only causing further pain to his aching head.
Waiting for the vomiting spell to pass, Virgil rubbed his little brother’s back. “If you think you’re up to it, I want to get you down to the infirmary.”
Gordon slightly nodded but immediately winced at the action. Allowing Virgil and Alan to help him stand, Gordon swayed as his feet touched the ground. The pain seemed to tighten its grip as he stood.
“Whoa, easy Gordo,” Alan said as he and Virgil fought to keep the second youngest on his feet.
Virgil eyed his brother carefully. Gordon’s face creased with pain, and he was extremely pale. “Gordon?”
The redhead tried to push the menacing pain out of his mind, but it was just too much. The world began to spin, and his stomach was ready to betray him once more. Before he could answer the worried faces of his two closest brothers, darkness claimed his vision.
“Gordon!” Alan yelled as he and Virgil eased him to the ground.
That yell was all it took to snap Scott out of his funk. His brother needed help. Walking forward, he moved to grab Gordon from Alan. “We need to get him down to the infirmary. Alan, go get Dad.”
Alan saw red once more. “NO! We have him. YOU inform Dad about what happened! This isn’t my fault, it’s yours.”
“I don’t care whose fault it is right now! Your arguing isn’t helping Gordon! I can already see his head beginning to swell. Alan and I have him, Scott. Go get Dad and meet us,” Virgil shouted, meeting his older brother’s gaze.
Scott looked to argue but sighed in defeat. Turning, he made his way toward Jeff’s office.
“C’mon, let’s go,” Alan sullenly urged, as he moved to take Gordon’s legs.
Holding Gordon’s torso, Virgil lifted his brother. Looking at Alan as they carried their redheaded brother toward the sickroom, he tried to figure out what had happened. Whatever it was, Virgil knew something serious had happened. Something that never should’ve happened.
The two brothers gently placed Gordon on the closest bed. “Gordon, can you hear me?” Alan kept asking, as Virgil gathered the supplies he needed. The redhead had yet to regain consciousness.
“Anything?” Virgil asked his baby brother as he put pressure on the wound that resided along Gordon’s left temple.
Alan shook his head, worry etched across his features. “Nothing. Is he going to be okay?”
“The wound itself doesn’t look too bad. I’m more concerned with it’s proximity to the temple,” Virgil stated truthfully, placing a bandage over the cut. “I want a scan of his head to be sure. The swelling isn’t increasing as quickly as I initially thought, but his lack of consciousness has me worried.”
Alan helped his brother wheel the bed over toward the body scanner. “This never should’ve happened,” he muttered in frustration as he watched Virgil start the machine.
The middle Tracy turned to thoroughly look at his baby brother as Alan ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Allie, you’re bleeding,” he said, taking his hands.
Alan looked down to see small cuts marred his hands, a few deep. He winced slightly as his older brother pulled a small piece of glass out of one of the cuts. “Must’ve been from the vase. I didn’t even feel it.”
“Come sit over here, and I’ll take a look,” Virgil urged, nudging him.
Alan sighed. “Virg, it’s nothing. I’m fine. You should be taking care of Gordon.”
“Sit,” the medic demanded, guiding his stubborn baby brother to the empty bed. Alan begrudgingly took a seat, allowing his legs to dangle from the bed as he watched the scan go over Gordon.
“So,” Virgil said with a drawn out-breath as he laid down the needed materials. “Care to fill me in on what exactly happened?”
Alan groaned. “Scott lost his mind. That’s what happened.”
“I need you to be a bit more specific, kiddo. It’ll also help with Gordon,” Virgil urged, as he pulled out a few more small pieces of glass from Alan’s cuts.
“If the banana glow Scott was sporting wasn’t an indicator, I’m sure the missing paint you’ll notice later will be. Gordon pulled a prank, and it didn’t go well.”
“I see,” Virgil smirked for a moment. “Go on.”
“Scott literally lost it, Virgil. Screaming, name-calling, and then shoved us as he was heading for Dad’s office to report his grievances. He even accused me of being a part of it. All I wanted was to see what was going on outside my door,” Alan retorted. “I didn’t have anything to do with the prank for the record.”
“Easy, Al. I have a feeling anger just got the best of Scott,” the middle Tracy said, putting a hand on his baby brother’s shoulder trying to get him to relax.
“Doesn’t make it okay,” Alan grumbled, as he let Virgil clean his cuts and wrap his hands.
“I know, and I’m sure he’s feeling pretty guilty about it. Dad’s probably giving him a few thoughts on it too as they head this way–“
“–that’s if he tells him the truth!” Alan admonished.
“Alan, he will,” Virgil tried to ease. “It’s not something Scott will be proud to admit, but he can’t exactly lie his way out of this one.” Alan only nodded his head, glancing toward Gordon once more. The medic eyed his youngest brother carefully but decided to continue checking him over. Glancing at Alan’s legs, he noticed similar scrapes. “Geez Sprout, you even got your knees.”
“I wasn’t exactly worried about where I was moving. I was worried about Gordon.”
“I know,” Virgil replied, looking over at the progress of the scan of Gordon’s head.
“Go take care of him,” Alan urged. “I’m fine.”
“I want to make sure you don’t have any more glass. Stay put,” Virgil ordered, putting the tweezers down. Walking to the machine, it beeped, signifying its completion.
“I think he might’ve hit his head on the corner of the armoire when he went down if that helps,” Alan commented thoughtfully.
“It does Al, thanks,” Virgil replied, looking at the images as they came up on his datapad. The swoosh of the infirmary doors momentarily taking his attention away as Jeff and Scott entered.
“How is he?” Jeff inquired, marching up to the bed.
Virgil put down the datapad and faced his family. “Scans just came in, and I don’t see any internal bleeding. It looks like we’re just dealing with a mild concussion. I’ll know for sure once he regains consciousness.”
“He hasn’t yet?” Scott blanched, watching his father and brother wheel Gordon’s bed back in place next to where Alan uncharacteristically sat quietly.
“Alan, were you hurt?” Jeff worried as he noticed the bandages on his youngest’s hands.
“It’s nothing, Dad,” Alan insisted, readjusting his spot on the bed as a spot on his lower back ached faintly. “Just a few cuts. I’m fine.”
Virgil moved back toward the twenty-two-year-old, watching him suspiciously. “Let’s look at those knees to make sure we got all that glass. Then I’ll take a look at your back.”
Alan looked up at his brother, dubiously. “How do you do that?”
Virgil grinned in satisfaction. “Did you land weird when you fell?”
“I think I caught the corner edge of the table on my lower back,” Alan admitted. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Scott slowly approached the group. “Alan, I’m so sorry.”
Alan refused to meet his brother’s gaze. He wanted to believe his apology was sincere, and deep down, he knew it was, but he couldn’t help but feel angry and betrayed.
Virgil placed a few small bandages along Alan’s knees. Finished, he looked at his kid brother as Alan remained silent. “Allie?”
“How’s Gordon?” Alan responded, glancing over at his redheaded brother.
As if on cue, a groan filled the infirmary. Alan shoved Virgil out of the way as he hopped down from the bed and rushed to his brother’s side. “Gordon? Can you hear me?”
Pain immediately assaulted his senses as he came to. Pulling a hand to his aching head, Gordon moaned. He could hear several voices calling his name. Opening his eyes marginally, he was greeted with his baby brother’s anxious gaze. “Allie?”
Alan smiled in relief. “Hey, Gordo. How do you feel?”
Gordon furrowed his brow in confusion. “What happened?” He looked around to see his father and brothers surrounding the bed.
“What do you remember?” Virgil asked, placing a comforting hand on the redhead’s arm.
“Umm…” Gordon searched his foggy mind, struggling to remember. He looked up as he noticed Scott edging closer to them, worry crossing the elder’s features. As Gordon’s blurry vision leveled out, he took in Scott’s appearance. Suddenly like a flood, his memory returned to him. “Oh,” the redhead mumbled.
“Son?” Jeff called troubled at Gordon’s pale appearance.
“I remember,” Gordon said, looking from Alan to Scott. Alan refused to look toward their older brother, his younger brother’s sole focus on him.
“That’s good,” Virgil remarked. “How are you feeling?”
“My head smarts pretty good and feeling nauseous,” Gordon replied honestly.
Virgil rubbed the ginger’s arm softly. “I’ll give you something for both. It looks like you’ve got a mild concussion. You’ll be on light duty for a few days. I want you to spend the next six hours here just to be safe.”
“C’mon Virgil. Do I have to?” Gordon frowned, not looking forward to being confined to the sterile room.
“Sorry, kid. I want to be sure,” Virgil said. “Besides, Allie will keep you company for a bit.”
“Why?” Gordon asked, concerned.
Alan rolled his eyes. “Smother-hen is making a fuss over nothing. I’m fine, Gordon.”
“You’re not running off until I check that ache in your back, Sprout,” Virgil said, eyeing his baby brother before glancing toward Scott. The eldest was unusually quiet, and it unnerved him. Virgil pushed his concern aside for a moment and moved to fetch the needed meds for Gordon.
“How’d you hurt your back, Alan?” Gordon asked.
Alan resisted the urge to roll his eyes again. “Hit it when we fell. Like I said before, I’m fine,” the blonde responded, giving Virgil a look.
“I’m sorry, guys,” Scott said, rubbing the back of his neck. He scowled as his hand came back covered in a muck of yellow that still remained in his hair. “This never should’ve happened.”
“Damn right, it shouldn’t have,” Alan angrily mumbled, as Scott was ready to come back at him.
“Alan,” Jeff warned, watching the exchange. “Why don’t we all just take a minute? Scott, get cleaned up. You can use my shower. Alan, have a seat so your brother can finish checking you over. Gordon, you rest.”
Virgil watched as Scott gave one last look at Alan and Gordon, before leaving the infirmary. The middle Tracy met his father’s gaze, but Jeff shook his head, dismissing the need to go after him. Scott needed time to work his feelings out.
“Okay,” Virgil said as he approached Gordon’s bed. “This will make you feel better.” The medic handed his brother the two tablets and a glass of water. He smirked at the swimmer’s annoyed look. “Pouting won’t change my mind, Gordy.”
Gordon sighed in defeat. “Fine.”
“Alright, Sprout,” Virgil said, pulling the younger blonde back onto the bed beside Gordon. “Where does it hurt?”
Jeff came to stand next to them as he watched Virgil raise Alan’s t-shirt. Alan remained quiet for a moment as he met Gordon’s worried eyes, each studying one another. “Alan?” Jeff asked.
Alan looked up at his father. “It’s my lower back. As I said, I think I caught the corner of the table as I tried to catch my balance,” he replied, shifting his gaze down at his hands. “It all happened really fast, so I can’t be sure.”
Virgil frowned as he noticed a small welt along the small of his baby brother’s back. “Is it here?” he asked, gently poking it.
Alan jumped slightly at the touch. “Yea.”
Virgil nodded behind his brother’s back. “Nothing serious. It’ll bruise over and smart for a few days, but you’ll be fine.”
“Told you,” Alan retorted.
“Better safe than sorry,” Jeff said, rubbing Alan’s back along his shoulders.
“Dad,” Gordon said, causing the occupants of the room to look at him. “This is all my fault.”
Alan immediately shook his head. “Gordon, don’t.”
Jeff stretched his arms between the two beds so he could touch both of his youngest children. “We’ll talk about this later. Right now, I want the two of you to get some rest.”
“But, Dad!” both argued.
“Boys,” Jeff barked. “Not now. Alan, go rest in your room. God forbid we get a call in, I need you ready. No more arguments.”
Alan took in a deep breath, knowing arguing with his father was one battle he never won. “You’ll be okay, Gordon?”
“I’ll be fine, Allie. Go,” Gordon urged, winking at his kid brother.
Alan nodded and slowly pushed himself off the bed, being mindful of the bandages on his hands. Reluctantly, he began to head toward the exit.
“Allie?” Virgil called after his brother. “If you end up needing something for your back, let me know.”
“I’ll probably just take some ibuprofen, but thanks,” the blonde said and exited the room.
“So,” Jeff exhaled. “I’m going to update John on our situation,” he said as he patted Gordon’s leg.
“I’m sorry, Dad,” Gordon groaned, knowing he was leaving the team shorthanded.
“Just get some rest, son. We’ll figure the rest out as we go, and we’ll talk about all this when you’re feeling up to it,” Jeff reassured. “Virgil, I’ll be in my office if you need me.”
“Okay,” Virgil said, watching his father’s retreating form.
Gordon groaned aloud and put his hands up to his aching head as soon as Jeff exited the room. “Ugh!”
Virgil smirked, gently running a hand through the ginger’s hair. “Easy, kiddo. Don’t want to make that headache worse.”
“Not like this could get any worse,” the redhead said in frustration.
“Look, Gordon,” Virgil said, pulling a stool up beside the bed. “Clearly, this could’ve gone better, but blaming yourself isn’t going to fix it.”
“I never expected Scott to react this way,” Gordon admitted, resting his head against the pillow.
“I can’t explain that one,” Virgil said, leaning against the bed. “Only he can explain himself. He’s feeling pretty guilty about it, though.”
“Have you spoken to him about it?” Gordon asked, looking at Virgil.
“No, not directly. There hasn’t been time,” Virgil said. “I can just tell.”
“How long was I unconscious?”
“Maybe fifteen minutes or so,” Virgil told him.
Gordon only shook his head in acknowledgment but winced at the action. For once, the second youngest Tracy was at a loss for words.
Virgil watched his brother with sympathy. Reaching up, he turned off the light that resided just above the bed. “Get some rest, Gordon. By the time you wake up, this will have all have blown over.”
“Not likely with Alan and Scott involved,” Gordon mumbled as he closed his eyes.
Virgil chuckled at the comment. “Well, then at least we can talk about that yellow paint you stole of mine.”
Gordon pretended to be asleep, ignoring the poke he received from his older brother. “You can’t ignore me forever, Fish-face,” he heard Virgil say before the medic headed toward the infirmary doors. “I’ll come check on you in a little while.”
Gordon opened his eyes once Virgil had exited, noticing the chestnut-haired Tracy had dimmed the lights. Looking to the ceiling, he took in a deep breath. “What a mess!” The redhead could only hope the situation he had found himself in would work itself out. Knowing the tempers of both his oldest and youngest siblings, Gordon knew better.
The redhead groaned in frustration once more as he realized he might’ve just started World War III in his own home.
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ericsonclan · 4 years ago
A Close Shave
Summary: Marlon freaks out on the day of his wedding and gets a little too close and personal with his electric razor.
Word Count: 2065
Read on A03:
Marlon paced back and forth in the guest bedroom of Sophie’s house, his mind reeling as he struggled to determine whether he had forgotten anything for the wedding back at his place. He had the dog bone cuff links for his suit that Sophie gave him on his last birthday, his suit was already on, his shoes were polished- the rings! Marlon’s hands rushed back to clasp his butt. Nope, the ring box was in his back pocket. Then what was it?
“Hey there, Groomeo,” Louis said, slipping into the room with a playful wink before his face fell as he saw his best friend’s distress. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I’m forgetting something, something big….”
“That’s the problem! I don’t know!” Marlon clasped the sides of his head in frustration, pulling at his hair. “Ugggh, I never should’ve agreed to this!”
“You mean the… wedding?” The hesitance was clear in Louis’ voice.
“No! I mean, yes, but not like that. When I proposed, somehow I thought I’d be able to have enough saved up by the wedding to give Sophie the dream wedding she deserves, but here we are getting married in her parents’ backyard eating homemade burgers and I’m wearing my dad’s suit that I wore to my senior prom,” Marlon collapsed on the bed in defeat, his face wrought with utter dejection.
Louis took a seat beside his friend, placing a hand upon his shoulder as he gave a sympathetic smile. “You know Sophie doesn’t care about any of that stuff. She loves homemade burgers,”
“I know… but she deserves so much better. If we’re gonna be married, I should be able to provide for her. Yet here I am running the same deliveries I did years ago when I met her,” Marlon let out a perturbed sigh which blew a piece of lint off of his suit. The fuzz ball floated through the air for a moment before nestling within the blonde locks of his mullet. “Look at me. I got so frazzled during the wedding that my dumb old mullet grew out,”
“Soph says she digs the mullet though!” Getting to his feet, Louis tried to drag Marlon off the bed and out of his funk.
“She just says that out of pity,” Marlon mumbled, his face half buried under a pillow. “She hates it. You know how we started dating,”
“She told you to cut it as a joke! She told you that when you did it!” Louis pulled on Marlon’s arms, getting him to sit upright only for Marlon to flop back over face first. “This is just wedding nerves talking, dude. You gotta ignore them!”
“No,” Marlon croaked, one eye gazing up at his friend. “It’s the truth. I’ve just been in denial all this time.”
Louis rolled his eyes, his hands coming to rest on his hips. “This is ridiculous. Do I have to bring Ruby in here to talk some sense into you?”
“She always thought the mullet was stupid. She’d probably volunteer to shave it off…” Marlon’s voice trailed off, his eyes wandering to his duffel bag.
Louis followed his friend’s gaze. “Marlon?”
“The razor…”
“What was that?”
Before Louis could stop him, Marlon had jumped to his feet and was rummaging through his bag. He’d packed the razor in case he missed a spot shaving at home, but it could also work for shaving other things. Namely this embarrassment of a mullet. In seconds he had located the razor; his heart raced as he heard its steady thrum. Without hesitation, Marlon lifted it to his head.
“Marlon, NOOOO!” Leaping forward, Louis tackled his best friend to the ground, doing his utmost to wrestle the still buzzing razor out of his hands. “This is a terrible idea, man! Just drop the razor!”
“No! I’m gonna look like a dork in all the wedding photos! I can’t ruin the wedding!” Marlon grunted as he rolled over on top of Louis, trying to angle the razor toward his head once more.
“Hey guys, Sophie was wondering- what the fuck!” Violet stood in the doorway in bewilderment as she watched the pair struggle for ownership of the still buzzing razor. “What sick sort of male bonding ritual is this?”
“Vi! Grab the razor!” Louis yelled, his arms wrapped around Marlon from behind as the two wrestled on the floor, the razor moving ever closer to Marlon’s locks. “He’s freaking out!”
“They need to go!” Marlon cried, rolling back and forth wildly. His hands were white knuckled with how tightly he was gripping the razor.
“Just calm the fuck down, Marlon!” Violet snapped as she joined the fight, trying to yank the pair apart and stop this nonsense. “You’ll look like even more of a dumbass than you do now if you cut your hair during a panic attack so just give Louis the razor!”
“See?! Vi says the mullet’s dumb!!”
“I think every way you look is dumb! Now give it!”
Louis and Violet were trying their best to hold off Marlon’s mullet assault but making little progress. With Louis pinned underneath Marlon and Violet unable to get enough leverage from above to move Marlon’s hands, the razor loomed ever closer.
“Marlon, you’re gonna cut your face!” Louis warned, watching in horror as the razor hovered mere inches above them.
“Just… let me do this…” Marlon grunted, putting all his power into his arms. Violet got a hold of his wrists, pulling back as hard as she could, but it wasn’t going to be enough. With a forceful grunt, Marlon thrust the razor straight toward himself. Louis screamed and rolled them both out of the way. The razor hit the hardwood floor and skidded away, still buzzing steadily.
The trio looked round in shock. Marlon was the first to speak. “Shit, I didn’t mean to freak out like that. Thanks for pulling me out of the way, Lou. Are you…” He glanced back to see his friend sadly looking down at the floor. A mangled dreadlock lay there, cut clean through. “Fuck. Lou, I’m sorry,”
Sighing, Louis pulled his handkerchief out from the breast pocket of his suit. Opening it up, he laid the dread inside then refolded the handkerchief and tucked it back in place. “Rest in peace, little guy. I’ll miss you,”
“You can’t even tell the difference,” Violet lied.
Marlon groaned as he let his head fall into his hands. “I’m the worst,”
“No, you’re not,” Louis got to his feet and offered Marlon a hand up too. “You’re just freaking out. Everybody does on their wedding. We just need a way to calm you down before the ceremony,”
“Good luck with that. I’m a fucking mess,”
Violet looked thoughtful. “I think I have an idea on how to solve this. Lou, get Marlon to the end of the hallway in 5, the point right before you turn right toward the bathroom,” Without elaborating further, Violet left the room.
“Well ok then…” Louis quirked an eyebrow before turning back to Marlon. “You ready to head over there?”
“I guess,”
Marlon and Louis waited together at the corner of the hallway. Marlon wasn’t sure what sort of cure all Violet had in mind, but he desperately hoped it would work. The anxiety was driving him crazy.
Louis kept a close eye on his friend, making sure he wasn’t going to make a run for it or anything else crazy. “Vi should be here any second now. We just gotta wait and-”
Both men froze. It wasn’t Violet’s voice that had just said that. It was Sophie’s.
“Soph!” Marlon wanted to rush around the corner and hug her, but he knew it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. He glanced back at Louis to see his friend already backing away, giving a thumbs up and an encouraging smile.
“Hey…” Sophie let out a low giggle from the other corner of the wall. “It’s good to hear your voice,”
“Same,” Maron wondered if Violet had told Sophie about his freak out. If she hadn’t, he didn’t want to be the one to mention it. He didn’t want his own stupid panic attack to hurt Sophie.
“Vi could tell I was freaking out so she told me to meet up with you for a few minutes, even though we can’t be face to face,”
She was freaking out? Marlon hadn’t expected that. Sophie was always so chill and easygoing about everything. That’s how she’d been the whole way through the wedding planning up to this day. “You doing alright?”
“Eh, I’ve been better. I have napkins tucked under both my armpits right now so my sweaty pits don’t stain the dress,” There was a pause. “Crap, I probably shouldn’t have said that right before the wedding, huh? Not very romantic,”
Marlon chuckled. “No, you’re good. I… had my own little freak out while I was getting ready too,”
“Yeah. I was thinking of cutting off my mullet cuz, y’know, you didn’t like it,”
“Marlon, that was years ago. That was before I knew you. I love you in whatever hairstyle you want. The mullet looks good cause it’s on you,”
A soft smile crossed Marlon’s face at those words. He wished he could hug Sophie, hold her close and tell her how thankful he was to have her in his life. He couldn’t see her in the dress, but maybe… Marlon extended a hand, sneaking it round the corner. “Thanks. I needed to hear that,” A warmth surrounded his hand as Sophie took it in her own.
“It’s good to hear your voice too. Makes all of this less scary. Not that marrying you is scary! But, y’know, the future,”
“Yeah,” Marlon gulped, feeling a lump well up in his throat. “Soph?”
“I’m sorry. I figure I haven’t helped make the future any less scary,”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… I should’ve found a better job,” Marlon looked at the floor in dejection. “That way I could’ve been saving up for our future and then maybe things wouldn’t be so scary,”
“Marlon, it’s not that. We don’t have a lot of money sure, but I never expected that. I mean I choose a career as an artist for crying out loud! Money doesn’t scare me, it’s more like… kids and stuff. The big life changes,”
Oh. Marlon squeezed Sophie’s hand softly, wishing he could see her face. “You’re gonna be a great mom, Soph. But that doesn’t have to happen right now. It doesn’t have to happen anytime soon if you don’t want. We’ve got time. And shit… I don’t think I’m really ready myself to have kids and stuff,”
“I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I?” The wry smile she must have on her face right now was easy to picture. “Well, whatever comes our way with money and kids or whatever else is freaking us out, I know we can get through it. Cause we have each other. And that’s all I could ever want,”
Marlon felt tears pricking his eyes. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat that had switched from one of fear to emotion. “Yeah,” He paused, rubbing his thumb across his soon-to-be wife’s hand. “Hey, Soph?”
“I love you,”
Marlon heard a little sniffle from round the corner. “I love you too,”
A chuckle escaped Marlon’s lips. “Look at us, a bunch of saps,”
“Crying before we even reach the altar,”
“But they’re good tears,”
Marlon smiled. “Yeah,”
A beeping sound went off and Sophie pulled her hand out of Marlon’s. The sound stopped a moment later. “Shit, I gotta run. That was the alarm for painting nails,”
“Better not keep Ruby waiting,”
“For real. She’s intense about the wedding schedule. I’ll see you soon then. I guess… at the aisle?”
“I’ll be waiting at the end of it,”
Sophie ran off down the hall, the sound of her squeaking sneakers following in her wake. Marlon leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes as a smile covered his face. He was marrying the love of his life. He was one lucky man. Things might be scary, but knowing Sophie felt the same way made all the difference. Straightening his shoulders, Marlon went off to find Louis and figure out what was next before the ceremony. He was ready to get married.
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sevenringsblingbling · 5 years ago
Sienna and Colson part 6
Word Count: 2,372
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 <3
When I walked through the door I was so nervous. I had no idea what to expect. It was dimly lit and there were only a few people at the bar, a couple sitting down at one of the tables. I was greeted by one of the waiters. “Hello ma'am. He’s been waiting on you. Please come this way.” I followed behind him. My body was filled with so much excitement and I was just a hot mess on the inside. I still managed to hold it all together doing my catwalk not sure if he could see me or not but I wasn't going to fold in front of him. If he wanted me back he would have to prove himself. The further we walked back the dimmer the lights got. This was so romantic. Then I finally laid eyes on him. I could've passed out right there! He stood up and by this time I was sure my body was in a small puddle. 
“Hi.” Colson bit his lip not sure what to say to break the ice after all they had not spoken in weeks. There Sienna was looking like a goddess in an all black dress and the jewelry he bought for her. “Wow she's absolutely stunning.” He thought to himself. “Hello Colson.” She sat down and he pushed her chair in. Sienna had to play tough but on the inside she just wanted to push all this shit off the table and ride him into the sunset. “Damnn he’s fucking hot.” She thought. “Thanks for coming through. I've been missing you.” He explained pouring her some wine into a glass. He cleared his throat. “You look beautiful by the way. You like the necklace? I picked it out myself.” Sie looked down at it. “Thank you, it's beautiful. You're looking pretty handsome yourself.” Who was she kidding he was fucking beautiful like some type of European model all tall and handsome. Sie wanted him bad but had to hold it together. 
“So how’ve you been holding up?” I picked up the wine glass taking a sip. I wanted to down the whole thing but had to play it cool. “Just been stressing honestly. It’s been rough without you.” I let out a “mhm.” “So rough that you couldn't pick up the phone and call me or at least text?” His eyes got wide almost as if he wasn't expecting that. “I didn’t think you would want anything to do with me after I blew up on you and honestly I couldn't blame you.” Just then a waiter came with our food. “The chicken enchiladas for you ma'am and the steak fajitas for you sir.” The food smelled so good. Colson thanked the waiter. “So like I was saying I didn't blame you for checking out.” “So what changed? I mean why now all of a sudden?” I bite into my food waiting for his response. “Well I realized that I need you. I mean no matter what we go through I want you by my side. Things just haven't been the same without you.”
“I've been trying to get myself together ya know.” I looked over at him. Trying to find my words. “I've been clean since the day we had that fight. I knew I couldn't live that life much longer. It hasn't been easy but here I am clean and sober. Well except for this wine.” I downed the rest of it. “I’m so fucking proud of you and you look amazing by the way.” I nodded in agreement. “Look Sien I want to ask you something important and I hope your answer is yes because this means a lot to me and I want you with me.” He took a shot of what I think was vodka. “Well things have been so crazy and I think a fresh start would help me out of this funk. So I've been thinking and this has been on my mind for awhile now and seeing you here with me just confirmed that I need to do this for my sake and yours.” 
He took a deep breath. “Move to Phoenix with me.” There were a few seconds of awkward silence. I could’ve died right then and there. Phoenix was a big decision to make. So many thoughts ran through my head. “Wow, what? Phoenix? I..why Phoenix out of all the places?” I was stammered. “I need to get away from the bullshit and this way I'm still somewhat close to work but not that close and I can just get a fresh start. Look I’m not moving right away or anything there’s still a lot to take care of but by next year I just want to be the fuck out of L.A. Please say yes.” I shook my head in disbelief. He couldn't expect me to just uproot my whole life to a place I've never been. “I’m glad that you've made a decision to better yourself but Colson I don’t know anybody in Phoenix. I don’t know the first thing about Phoenix,,,well except for it’s hot but other than that.” I shrugged my shoulders. “You don’t know anybody here either. I took a trip to Phoenix just to have a look around and it's not bad at all. You wouldn’t miss this place trust me.” “Well.” I downed more wine until the glass was empty. “This is a big decision..I don't know.” 
“Okay I see you're going to need a little more convincing. Boom let's take a trip out there together after the new year. If you still don't like it then I won’t bring it up again. Will you at least do that?” I nodded. There's no harm in at least taking a trip. “Yeah we can go. Colson I don't mean to rain on your parade but are you sure this is what you want? What about your brothers?  What about work? This all just seems like so much to deal with.” He reassured me. “Yes this a big step but I need this. Everything will work itself out.” I honestly wasn't convinced of this whole Phoenix situation. I really wanted everything to work out but damn Phoenix seemed so far away. 
Other than the talk of moving dinner was good. Desert was a chocolate volcano cake with raspberries inside. “Wow Mr. Baker you sure picked out one hell of a menu for us.” I licked the rest of the chocolate off my spoon. He just licked his lips. “Well a little lady’s gotta eat but for real..” He got in closer whispering. “I want to eat you.” I blushed, having sex was really not in the plan for tonight but I did wax so perhaps subconsciously I did want to fuck him. I hadn't had sex with anyone other than him and my two fingers wernt cutting it. “Let’s go to that hotel down the street and see what happens. We could watch a movie order room service and relax.” “Wait who says I’m fucking you?” “Who said anything about sex? Just sit on my face and let me do all the work.” He brought up my hand and kissed it looking deep into my eyes. I couldn't turn down an offer like that.
There we were in a hotel suite. I took off that dress and put on a fluffy bathrobe. Even though the dress was beautiful it was cutting off my circulation. We laid on the bed my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He hadn’t tried anything so far, neither had I but I wanted to see where his mind was. I kept my bra and panties on as a lil peek a boo show so whenever I’d reach for something the robe would slip open ever so slightly. “Sie your so fucking perfect. I want you baby.” He kissed me and a makeout session ensued. I remember his breath tasting like chocolate, I just loved that. His hand reached down into the waistband of my undies and started playing with my clit. I was so turned on I didn't want him to stop. “Fuck, baby you’re so wet.” Then he started fingering me. His rings were cold inside of me. He had me like puddy in his hand literally. I closed my eyes just enjoying the feeling moaning and whimpering underneath him.
Then I felt him kissing down my stomach, removing my panties and getting to work. Within the first five or so minutes I was already cumming. I was just a hot mess all thanks to this tall ass daddy. I gripped the back of his head, massaging his scalp. “Oh baby now I see why you've got that long ass tongue.” He laughed. “Mm I’m glad you like it. You taste like strawberries too. I haven't tasted you in so long.” He licked my slit working his tongue up to my sensitive clit. “God damn I’m gonna cum again.” He put two fingers inside at the same time. “Yes baby cum all over my face.” Just then I exploded. I must've lost consciousness because when I came to he was tongue kissing me. “Mm little sleeping beauty is up now. That was sexy as a motherfucker baby. We need to try that again.” “What happened? How long have I been out?” “Well you squirted on my face, which I loved by the way and passed out for a good ten seconds.” Oh my, I was so embarrassed. I wanted to hide my face. “Hey don’t be embarrassed it was fucking sexy and I know you haven't had a good orgasm in a while so it was perfect.” 
“Now I need to give you a little something.” I kissed his stomach stopping a few times to kiss his tattoos. “Wait I want you on your hands and knees.” “Um okay baby whatever you want.” I dropped down to my knees waiting for further instructions. “Sien you look so fucking sexy like that I just want to shove my dick down your throat.” I put my hand on the waistband of his boxers. “Well do it then.” “Walk over to the couch and crawl over to me nice and slow like a sexy cat and put those heels back on.”
I crawled over to him doing my best impersonation of a sexy cat. “Purr like a kitten.” He wasn't asking this was more a demand. I wasn't exactly sure how to purr like a kitten so it just came out sounding like a motorboat. Hey, I tried my best. When I got near his feet and looked up at him all 6’4 inches I just wanted him in every hole pounding away at my mouth and cunt. He patted my head as I unbuckled his pants. “Stick your tongue out and close your eyes.” Then I felt his dickhead tap on the tip of my tongue a few times. He was so warm and that precum tasted amazing. Fuck, I want him now. “Meow like a kitten for me.” This was something new. Okay roleplay. “Meowww.” “This is so fucking hot, Say your a dirty little slut.” “I’m a dirty little slut daddy.” I looked up at him and licked his shaft. “Mm very good.” His eyes rolled around caressing my head. “Fuck I’m close already.” He let out a laugh. “I want some milk down my throat daddy.” I spit on the head and put his beautiful dick in my mouth. “Oh fuck. Sien...wait..geez god damn girl.” I stopped and smirked up at him. Yes, I am the blowjob queen. Pops collar. He was panting through his words. 
He practically threw me on the bed too impatient to do anything else and stuck all eight inches in at once. I let out a gasp. Not giving me time to adjust. Hello sir! I haven't had sex in weeks give my pussy time to get ready! “You feel so fucking good Sien. You’re fucking wet hmm.” His dick felt so good pounding me like a little whore. I was a whore, his whore. “Deeper daddy. Fuck me like one of your little sluts please.” I moaned lost in ecstasy not sure where the fuck that came from but I was so in the moment. “Alright baby lay down on your stomach.” It took a mere seconds for me to change positions. He ran his dick over my asshole which scared me. He must've felt me tense up because he laughed and moved it down over my slit and rammed himself inside of me and fucked me harder and faster. By this time I had already lost count of how many times I had cum. Perhaps four or five? “Ow oh fuck ow ow Col.” His dick was so deep it was starting to hit my cervix which was sweet pain. He ignored my pleas and kept pounding. 
“Fuck Sien you've got the sweetest pussy, god damn.” He moaned in my right ear. “You know what would make daddy happy? He grabbed my neck gently and whispered “I want another woman to taste your pussy while I fuck your throat.” I nodded. That does sound hot as fuck but actually doing something like that I couldn't be sober. He pulled out and nudged his dick on my asshole. I started to protest “No,,” “Shh shh all my sluts take it in the ass like a good girl.” Love drunk, I agreed. Once he got the head in it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. He kept it slow which helped tremendously. I didn't feel either way about it but I wanted to make him happy “You like that ass?” I looked back at him. He slapped my ass and yanked it. “Fuck yes. Baby I'm gonna cum soon. Can I cum in your ass?” I shook my head no. Now that's where I draw the line. He pulled out and came all over my asscheeks. “Fuck! Fuck! Yesss.” It was hot and sticky. Just how like like it. Damn I wanted to swallow all those yummy babies. Oh well next time. Here I was his lil toaster struddle.
A/N: Its a double feature!! omg im so excited to see what new adventures await Sien and Col (TWO FREAKS LOL). do yall think she’ll like Phoenix? Also shes sober now (thank goodness) i just hope she doesnt relaspe anywhooooo i truly hope that you all enjoy both chapters. love love love love love love love lol so much love
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fanofafan2ff · 5 years ago
52: Arrived
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I adjusted the blinds in the room so the sun wouldn’t come in as much. It didn’t matter though. Chloe was only going to sleep for an hour before she woke up because she either realized no one was holding her or she was hungry.
Is it possible that a baby could already be spoiled at six weeks? Because Chloe  Monét Brown was just that.
After Mijo and Mel’s wedding, it was like my pregnancy was moving in slow motion. The weeks were going by so slowly, I felt like I’d never hit 40 weeks. But when I did and sis still wasn’t here... I was completely over it! I was beyond uncomfortable, tired, sick, fed, and up- in that order.
Our doctor had given us a two week timeline and if she wasn’t out by then, I’d have to be induced. But, Little Miss Brown wasn’t having that. A day shy of being seven days overdue, my water broke in the middle of the night. I was surprisingly calm.. but all that flew out the window once my first contraction hit.
Thankfully, Chloe didn’t torture me for hours labor wise. I was already dialed to 4 by time we got to the hospital. It didn’t take me long to get to 10 before I was pushing. She was 5 pounds and 2 ounces, which surprised me because I thought she’d be a little bigger than that.
And as young as she was, she already had a personality of her own. She loved to be held and cuddled by everyone, especially Christian. He loved his sister and nobody could tell him anything about his Coco. That’s what he called her and he made sure nobody thought they could call her that too. He was already so over protective of her.
It was definitely and adjustment, having both him and Chloe. Having two kids was no joke. It was extremely difficult about three weeks ago when we got to take her home. He was having kind of a hard time realizing he wasn’t the only child anymore. He had a whole tantrum and even told Chris and I that we liked the baby more than him.
My poor pumpkin felt like we didn’t love him all because he wasn’t the center of attention anymore. In a way it was cute but also concerning. Dr. Lopez had informed me about stuff like this happening but to actually see it was crazy. So one night, after dinner, we made sure to sit down with him and just talk things through.
We let him know that even though Chloe was getting a lot of attention it didn’t mean we loved him any less. And once we incorporated him into her routines, he couldn’t get enough of her. He loved taking naps with her and whenever he’d wake up before her and she started fussing in her sleep, he’d rub her back just the way Chris and I taught him how to so she would doze right back off to sleep. He especially loved to give her his special big brother good night kisses.
Sometimes I swore this wasn’t my life.
It was around 10am, so Christian was in school today and wouldn’t be home until around 4:30. The house was clean and quiet and I was in heaven.. at lest for another hour. I made sure to readjust the baby monitor so I could see her clearly on my phone and pulled up the door before exiting and making my way to the bedroom.
Since giving birth six weeks ago, I’d already dropped 20 pounds which I was grateful for, since I’d gained damn near 50. I’d been eating better, trying to exercise, and breast feeding helped a lot too. All the extra weight on me just didn’t make me feel like myself and I hated it. This shit had to go.
I sheded my pajamas and pulled on some compression shorts and a T shirt. I slipped on the first pair of Nikes I saw and sauntered downstairs to the gym.I kept the baby monitor app up and watched Chloe’s chest fall and rise and she napped in the dimly lit room. I popped one of my Airpods in and started some music up while I started the treadmill up.
MoneyBagg Yo’s voice flowed through my ears as my fast walking turned into strides. Not before long I was in a groove and jogging at a nice pace. I wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be weight loss wise. I intended on losing the 50 pounds I’d gain during this pregnancy and well as an additional 20. All together, I needed 70 pounds gone.
Of course everyone around me though my weight loss goal was crazy, seeing as though I was only six weeks postpartum, but I needed this time in the gym for myself. I hadn’t been working as much while I was pregnant with there being so much going on so there was that. After giving birth, I was stuck in this routine of being a stay at home mom and I never saw this for myself so it was weird.
But breast feeding full time came with a lot, so I told myself I’d give it 6 months and then slowly ween Chloe off my boob. After that, I’d go back to working and getting my business back on track. My pockets weren’t hurting for cash at all, thank God. But, I never saw myself living doing the stay home mom thing for real.
And you know who was supportive the who every step on the way when I told them my plan.
Christopher Maurice Brown.
I’d told him my weight goal and before I could even get the reasons why out of my mouth he was already asking if I needed him to get me a trainer. He even vowed to get healthier with me. He wanted to know what he could do to help me out of the funk of the stay at home mom routine. He wanted to help me revive my business. He just.. was everything. I really loved that man to the moon and back.
It was having his support that made literally everything so easy.
Especially with the kids. Chris made sure to make his family a priority- even while having a million and one things to tackle. He was front row center for everything that had to do with Christian and Chloe. He was getting Christian to school and packing lunches, he was changing diapers and rocking her back to sleep when I was too tired to move.
I just really had to thank God for blessing me with this man, even with everything we had been through.
An hour later I had ran about 3 miles, did ab workouts and also worked on my glutes. I was feeling good. I made my way back upstairs and checked on Chloe. I was surprised she hadn’t woken up yet. I used to time to indulge in a super long shower. I even got to wash my hair. She’d not only help my gain a little more junk in the trunk but my hair had grown an extra five inches. I was so thankful. My hair needed a break from wigs and extensions.
After I got dressed and ran some product through my hair, I climbed back in the bed and got comfortable. As the weeks went by she was sleeping a bit more soundly and I was so thankful. I finally had a moment to myself and decided to indulge in social media.
I honestly hadn’t been on there in a while. Between being so busy and actually not caring about what people posted for real these days, I only found myself on here when I had a few minutes of down time.
Cute outfit.
New boutique.
Cute hair style.
“Oh, her nails are bomb.” I said out loud to myself. I continued to scroll through my feed making sure to like a few things. I could feel my eyes slowly getting heavier as I scrolled through my feed. I double checked that Chloe was okay and decided to take a nap. I made sure to set an alarm for 1pm, ensuring that I’d sleep for at least 45 minutes.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep when I felt wet lips on my face. “She sleep man.” Chris laughed. “But I missed her today.” Christian whispered. I guess he wasn’t trying to wake me up. He was the cutest, I swear.
“Hi pumpkin.” I giggled. He crawled back over and suffocated me with a mini bear hug. “I made Coco a picture today at school.” He boasted. “Oh, you did?” “Yeah, and daddy said I could show it to my grandmas cause they’re gonna come today.” He rambled. Today?
I look at over Chris who was shaking his head at Christian. “Yooo.. you can’t hold water.” He laughed. “Surprise.” Chris shrugged. “Aw, they’re coming?” I smiled tiredly. “Yeah they should be here tonight. I knew y’all was missing each other and they wanted to come see Christian and Chloe. So, I got em some flights and they’ll be staying here for a week or two. And you need the help when I leave.” He said.
He would be leaving for a promo run for his album next week. He’d only be gone for a week and a half, but that seemed like forever these days. We’d spent so much time together lately I honestly forgot what it was like to miss him. And I really didn’t want to remember.
“You’re the sweetest.” I said honestly. “Gimme kiss.” I puckered my lips for him. He leaned over and pecked me quickly. “Ew.” Christian gagged. He got himself off the bed and ran to his room which made Chris and I laugh. I swear he was so dramatic.
I grabbed my phone and checked the time to see I’d only been sleep for 30 minutes. I checked the baby monitor app and saw Chloe was still sleeping. “Why did you pick him up so early?” I asked. He still had a cool 3 hours left. “I missed my son.” He shrugged. He eased on the bed and laid himself right on top of me making me laugh.
“Whyyyyy?” I whined. “Cause I missed my wife too.” “Fiancé .” I corrected. He kissed his teeth. “Fiancé.” He mocked in a voice that was supposed to sound like mine that made me laugh. I placed both my hands on his face and gave him another kiss. “Did you check on Chloe when you got in?” I asked. “Yeah, was still knocked out. That titty milk be having my babygirl gone.” He laughed before rolling off of me.
He placed his arms behind his head and got comfortable. He done a white T shirt, grey Nike shorts, and some socks. His was growing out his facial hair and slowly but surely, his beard was connecting. The scruffy look worked for him. But then again, what doesn’t? He looked so comfortable.. yet so fine.
“Madison.” I heard before snapping back into reality. “Huh?” “Where yo ring at?” He asked. I looked down at my left hand immediately. Shit, where did I put it this time? “I think I took it off in the bathroom last night.” “You think?” He chuckled darkly. “Aight.” He nodded before rolling out the bed and heading to the closet.
My ring was just a little too big for my finger, so it was always sliding off my finger whenever I wore it. Chris and I meant to get it resized but, it’s just been too many things going on. I kept telling myself I needed to do it as soon as possible because I was truly sick of us having this petty argument.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the small jewelry box on my vanity and pulled my ring out before slipping it on my finger. I sauntered into the closet and watched as he pulled one of his million duffle bags from the shelf. He had been putting off packing for his trip for days but he was just ready to do it now.. all of a sudden. He was so aggravating I swear.
But, honestly, I was in no mood to argue today. I walked up behind him as he sorted through his Nike collection, trying to pick out some shoes. I pouted as I wrapped my arms around him. “Don’t be mad at me.” I whined. “I’m sorry. See, I put it back on.” I extended my hand so he could see.
“Cool.” He uttered, not even bothering to take a look at the ring. I walked around and stood in front of him. I put his face in my hands for the second time today. “Christopher. Stop being petty.” I rubbed over his ears to relax him a bit. “I keep telling you, it’s too big. I don’t want it to fall off and I don’t want to lose it so I take it off. You think I’m trying to look single out here or something?” I asked.
"I have two kids, nobody’s gonna want me.” I shrugged. The joke made him kiss his teeth. “Stop being mad at meeee.” I continued to whine. “I’m not mad.” He ensured. I let his face go and he continued to sort through his shoes. “I just want you to wear it, alright? I love seeing you have it on your finger.” He explained. “We getting it resized before I leave. Cool?” He asked. I nodded and puckered my lips for a kiss.
He bent down and got dangerously close to my lips before pulling back, “Ha, you thought!” I hated when he did that shit. “You’re not gonna kiss me?” I pouted. “I’m good love.” The side eye I was giving him was vicious. He thought that shit was so funny. I nodded and backed away from him. 
“Keep that same energy, Brown. Keep that same energy. Cause when I get clearance from my doctor next week, you’re gonna be sick. You’re going to live in the doghouse. Better get real acquainted with that left hand, play boy.” I stuck my middle finger at him and made myself comfortable on top of the island which was a few steps away from him. 
He looked back at me with a playful smile. 
“Cap.” He muttered. I lifted my eyebrow, daring him to continue. “I know your body like the back of my hand. You just went six weeks without this dick. And if you put me in the doghouse.. you gon be sick.” He chuckled. “Why does this sound like a bet?” I grinned.
“What you tryna put on it, baby mama?” He asked as he walked over. He knew what he was doing. His hands immediately came in contact with my thighs. He ran small circles over them while staring in my eyes. Ugh, I couldn’t stand him. 
“Let’s put a week of dirty diapers on it.” I said pushing his hands of me. He found it funny but nodded anyway. “Seal it with a kiss?” He asked puckering his lips up. I learned forward and just before we could kiss, I backed up and placed my hand in his face. “You thought!” 
“What she said sis? That pussy is clear for take off!” Kaya clapped. “Pchttt!” Ashley cosigned making the worst airplane sound I’d ever heard in my life. I laughed obnoxiously loud as we sat in the back of the Mexican restaurant. 
I had just left my 6 week check up and I was all good to have sex again. My health was in good shape as well, and I’d lost an additional five pounds. I was feeling good. I had been locked in the house for weeks and I needed to get away and just breathe. So, Mel decided we could all have lunch together. 
Both my babies were at home with both their grandmas. The love and support I’d been smothered this week was so needed. Chris left a few days ago and I was really missing him. Christian would get so sad when he wasn’t here to bring him to school everyday, but Chris promised they’d pick right back up where they left off. 
Both Mama J and Tasha were loving being here with them, but honestly, I think I loved it more. They wouldn’t let me do anything but breastfeed her Chloe. After I’d feed her they’d whisk her away from grandma time which gave me time to catch up on some sleep. My skin and body were so thankful for it. My dad was a bit too busy to take off work but he’d let me know he’d be out to visit soon. I felt like it had been so long since I seen him. 
“It’s just a shame that yo husband ain’t here to be the pilot.” Mel nudged me. I hadn’t told them about the bet and I wasn’t going to. They would root for Chris anyway. I only giggled i response to her words. “I do miss him.” I admitted. It had only been a week and I was ready for it to be over.
“So when are you gonna start planning the wedding?” Mel asked. I shrugged. “Any theme in mind?” Another shrug. “Who’s the maid of honor?” Kaya asked. Another shrug. I literally had no idea. And honestly, the wedding wasn’t on my priority list right now. 
Our waiter came over to the table and somehow Kaya convinced me to get a margarita. I was only having one to celebrate my health and I knew I had to pump and dump my breast milk for the next few hours. I was so glad I’d decided to pump before I decent amount before I had left this morning. 
After a few sips, I was already tipsy. I had never been a light weight, but being away from alcohol for so long had me feeling like I was a college freshman again. It wasn’t before long that I was officially drunk. Shit, it was barely 1pm and I was gone. 
The girls immersed themselves in girl talk as I quickly sent a message on my phone. 
I miss you. 
And your dick 😢
I was trying my hardest to not lose this bet Chris and I had going... but fuck. 
We had sex up until I was about 8 months but after that I literally just couldn’t bother. I was so uncomfortable those last couple weeks I didn’t want to be touched. But, in this moment Chris was making me eat my words. 
I was sick.
I stared into space quietly and I could see myself laid out in the middle of our king sized bed with my legs spread open while Chris sucked on me like his life depended on it. I blinked, and I could see him pushing my thighs back into the mattress and he pounded into me and whispered how good I felt in my ear. I had to take a breath because it’s was as if I could feel every bit of it. 
“Hello?” Ashley snapped. “Did you hear me?” She asked. “Sorry, what?” “I said, I’m single. I’ve decided to devote this year to myself and career.” She shrugged. “So, no more fucking Austin?” I asked. “Nope.” She made sure to pop the third letter. 
“Well, I’m gonna try not to.” She laughed. “Fuck, I just be having them stupid ass moments of weakness when I’m drunk. And Austin never tells me no. That’s he problem!” She reasoned. “Why toxic dick be so goooood?” She whined. “Preach, sister.” Kaya clapped. 
“I’m just gonna keep the focus on myself. Stay celibate- to the best of my ability. Build my brand and kill shit. Period.” She signaled with her hand. “Well, you got our support babes. Always, you know that.” Mel chimed in. “Plus, you know we gon call you the fuck out if you start fucking him again and don’t tell us. Yeah, bitch I’m still salty.” Kaya rolled her eyes. 
Once all the hoopla around Mel’s wedding went away, Ashley spilled her guts on her and Austin messing around again. Turns out they had been having sex wayyyy longer than anyone knew about. She thought he was trying to rekindle the relationship, but turns out he just really wanted to keep having sex. He was stringing her along and once she picked up on it she was out. She would slip up a few times though. 
Ashley rolled her eyes right back. “Well, like I said, toxic dick be good.” She said making us laugh. “I think I wanna move to Atlanta with Ant.” Kaya blurted out. My eyes bulged. That was a big ass step. Especially since Kaya was so strategic with her love life now. Ty really fucked her head up. It took a while for Ant to get through to her, so to hear that she was thinking about moving to another city for him was big.
“Yeah, I know.” She let out a nervous laugh before shrugging. “Wow, that’s big Kaya.” Mel weighed in. “Crazy thing about it is... I’m not even afraid to do. I think... I’m gonna do it.” She sighed. “Am I crazy?” She asked. 
“No!” We agreed in unison. “You love him, and if you think y’all are ready for that step, we’re behind you 100 percent of the way.” I stated. I’m sure Ashley and Mel felt the same way and my sentiments were correct when they chimed in with the nods and words of approval. She looked like she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
“Wait.. that means we’re not gonna be a foursome anymore.” Ashely stated. “Bitch, we gon always be a foursome! The fuck. I wish y’all would have a bitch try to take my spot.” Kaya ranted. I swear we could never have a moment. 
We continued girl talk and I had decided to have one more margarita and take another shot or two. I was officially down for the count. Mel wasn’t drinking really and opted to drive me home. On the way home, I couldn’t shake the feeling between my legs. I really missed my man. 
He still hadn’t texted me back so I decided to call him. No answer. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my Birkin. I was over it. We pulled up to the house maybe about five minutes later and I let Mel know she didn’t have to come inside. I walked up the driveway and slipped inside the house quickly. 
I immediately noticed how quiet it was so that could only mean no one was home or they were all asleep. I waltzed in the kitchen fumbling with my bag as I tried to pull my phone out. My eye cause the pink reminder slip hitched under the magnet in the kitchen. 
Took the kids to the zoo. We should be home around 4. Love you!
- Mama and Tasha 
They were so cute. I found it funny that they never opted to just text me, they always left notes. I sighed at the quietness throughout the house and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge. I downed the water quickly before shuffling up the steps and into the bed.
I needed nap.
I stripped myself of my jeans and bra and snuggled into the bed with just my shirt and panties on. The buzz I had was going to make for a excellent nap. I yawned and hummed for a few minutes before I felt myself drifting off. 
I stirred when I felt cold hands on my skin. They ran from the top of my thighs down to my knees and then back to my thighs again. A pair of lips connected to my neck next and I thought I was dreaming when I saw Chris staring back at me. 
“So what you missed more? Me or this dick?” He asked before planting his lips on mine. “Definitely the dick.” I giggled. I wasn’t even about to ask how he was here right now. All that mattered is that he was. I pulled him down for another kiss. “I missed you... so much.” I mumbled in between kisses. 
“I.. missed you...more.” He replied. His tongue instinctively found its way into my mouth and I let him take control. He used his knees to spread my thighs so he could lay in between them. He pressed himself against me and I could just feel how hard he was. I was still a little buzzed which made all of this feel even better.
He helped me out my clothes quickly before pulling off the shirt and Nike shorts he was wearing. With barely any foreplay, I was soaked and ready. He began running the head over my clit which sent shivers through me. He literally watched as I got wetter for him. I was sick of him playing with me. 
As if he knew how antsy I was getting he stopped the teasing and began pushing my thighs back so they were touching the mattress. It always amazed me how flexible I could be once it involved taking dick. He used one of his hands to guide himself to my entrance. He began teasing me again, and just before I could protest, he slowly slid inside me. 
I gasped and instinctively sent my hand to his lower torso. He pulled out some before sending a few more inches inside of me as I cried out. “Shitttt.” I sighed. He moved slowly as my body got reacquainted to his size. Once he sensed that I fully adjusted he picked up his speed. 
I could hear how wet I was over our skin slapping together. The beautiful harmonies our bodies created made me even wetter. His hand found its way around my neck and my eyes rolled at the pleasure the lack of oxygen sent me. I shut my eyes for a second before I moaned and forced them open to look him in the eyes. 
He was concentrated on watching collide. “Fuck.” I heard him groan before looking away and finally into my eyes. “You lost.” He grinned.
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aestheticsandwriting · 5 years ago
//Tuckington//Summary: Tucker freaks out during a blackout and Wash helps to calm him down with a little treat // Ao3 // Personal account //
Washington had just finished with his training for the day, like any other normal day. There wasn’t anything significant that happened yet. He ran through training with his lieutenant’s, sent them to do the rest of whatever was assigned to them for the day after that, and did a quick after-action review, and were sent home for what was left of the day. 
The blonde in charge had to stay behind and finish a little paperwork and clean up the mess they made in the training room after someone had the great idea to use the training equipment as a hiding spot for a game of tag started by Caboose. Wash wasn’t amused, but he found it nice that he was finally finding something to keep him busy that didn’t include putting stickers he acquired from who knows where on Wash’s extra helmet he kept in the locker room. Who knew lube could get stickers off so easily. 
 Wash had made his way back to his room, taken his armor off and put it away neatly while avoiding his boyfriend and letting him have his alone time, as he had been driven crazy with all tension going on between Grif and Simmons. They’ve been dancing around each other and for the past two weeks and Tucker had been assigned alongside them to try to get one of the units trained.
Wash had managed to avoid his stressed lover but still saw him in their room on the bed, reading some book that he had probably stolen out of Simmons's room without the redhead knowing. Tucker had taken a few books from the nerd and stacked the ones he had forgotten to return in their room on one of the small desks they were given. The room/small apartment wasn’t big, but it was enough. They had their own mini kitchen that was put to good use, a bedroom, bathroom, living/dining room, and that was all they needed. It was something to come home to after missions they didn’t think they’d live through. It was nice, for the first time in their lives. Wash had finally found a home. 
 Wash had skipped taking a shower, already had taken one that morning, and just put sweatpants and a t-shirt on, and just enough deodorant to cover any funk he may have on left from training.
 He decided to wait until Tucker was out of their room and was willing to talk to anyone -which quite frankly, wouldn’t take long if he was hungry- before he got dinner started. So in the meantime, He took out the new training schedule that he had been needing to look at and sat on the couch.
Wash had only gotten a few pages into the stack of papers, and the lights went out. Completely. No flickering before, kind of like someone had just shut all the light switches out at the same time. It wasn’t even a second after, and Washington heard a panicked squeal coming from the room he shared with his boyfriend. 
“Tuck?” He called out. Curiosity getting the best of him, He set aside the training schedule that was now too dark to see. He waited a few seconds, but after hearing no response, he stood up from where he was sitting on the sofa and timidly walked toward the room that the noise came from. Still not yet hearing a response a few seconds after he called Tucker’s name, he walked a little faster while trying his best to avoid running into any walls. 
“Tucker?” Wash calls his name out again, a nervous sweat breaking out on his forehead. As he rounded the corner to their bedroom, he was hoping not to see any of his recurring dreams come to life. Wash could see himself running over to him as the lights were still off, and not finding a pulse on the cold body he tripped over. He could see the image in his head of Tucker lying unconscious on the floor in a pool of his own blood and himself kneeling next to the lifeless body as the lights finally turned back on and he failed to keep his tears in his eyes. He shook his head, not wanting to bring back any more of those thoughts.
“Wash? Where are you? I can’t see anything,” A panicked voice answered him. Washington felt the relief wash over him, but it never fully settled considering he couldn’t see a fucking thing.  He wanted to run to the voice, to comfort the voice, and just sit there with him until the power cut back on, but he knew that he wanted to at least see his lovers face if he were so close to him. He couldn’t imagine a world without waking up to that face every morning and being in a safe haven every morning, knowing if here were to die in that moment, everything would be alright. There was nothing he would rather see before he left this world. 
"Tucker, babe, I'm right here by the door, I'm going to grab a candle from the kitchen and bring it here, I'll be right back," Wash told him, feeling relieved that Tucker had finally answered him, and he turned around, but Tucker stopped him before he could step one foot out of the dark room.
"No, no, no, please don't leave me," Tucker said, sounding more nervous than before. Wash started to realize that this may be the reason for the noise, he just wanted to mess with him before he did anything to help him. 
"Wait, are you scared?" Amusement was found in Wash's voice. Tucker was always one to make himself look bigger, especially when they were around the other reds and blues. He’d like to finally get his payback for all those times that Tucker made him blush like his face was on fire, but he didn’t think that this probably isn’t the best time to joke around.
"No..." He weakly answered after the question was asked, knowing he's gonna be messed with since Wash now knows one of the fears he tried so hard from the blond.
"Tucker..." Wash sounded a bit more firm, but it wasn't enough to cover the worry that was evident in his voice. Washington does feel sorry for him when he jokes around at the wrong times. Sometimes.
"Okay, listen up, nobody knows what could be hiding in the dark! Can we just please not talk about this right now?" Tucker almost shouted to his lover, softening up at the end. He knows Tucker isn’t one to yell, unless he was roasting someone, or if he would ever find Simmons in Grif’s room doing things he never wanted to see 
"Where are you?" Wash asked, remembering where he is, but trying to find the safest way to make it to Tucker, in the dark. Safely. Just adding ‘dark’ to it is one helluva way to break a few things the fun way. It's practically a surprise mystery box that has ‘BREAK ME’ written all over it.
"On my side of the bed," A timid voice replied, wanting to get this all over with. He was not fond that he couldn’t see his hand that was three inches away from his face.
"I'm walking towards you," Wash stated, following the wall. He stepped on something, knowing it was not a clothing item, especially with the verbal reaction that followed.
"Shit," Tucker pulled his hand up to his chest and rubbed it with his other hand. “Man, that hurt," He continued, shaking his hand out, trying to get the pain to stop. It didn’t hurt that much, but his nerves were on end before he got stepped on. 
"You didn't say you were on the floor," The blonde pointed out, reaching down to help him up, but Tucker clung himself to Wash’s arm, not wanting to leave the warmth the man gave. He realized it had gotten a bit cooler in the room, but not quite freezing. He didn’t understand why Tucker was still shaking around him. 
"I wasn't in the mood for saying anything else," Tucker spoke into the taller man's shoulder, with his hands wrapped around the warm body. Tucker was not kidding about being scared, but he also didn’t want to move away from the body heat and safety he felt around Wash.
"You've gotta let go, Tuck. I've gotta find the candles," Wash rubbed Tucker on the back, not wanting him to let go, but seeing his boyfriend like this was a bit adorable. Tucker tightened his grip a little after hearing the taller man's response.
"Okay, we'll do it this way. Drop your hands for a second, will you?" Tucker nodded, and let go, Wash turned around, bent down, and Tucker latched onto his back like a koala. Wash got back up off his knees and headed towards the kitchen, running into the door frame to their bedroom on the way out. Wash could feel Tucker's breath on his neck, and his hair started to stand up. He won't admit it, but he loves it when he's clingy.
After bumping into a few more walls, and kicking two tables and a floorboard, they made it into the kitchen. Tucker did not feel like being let down, so it made it harder for Wash to crouch down and get the candles out of the cabinet below the sink. He did it anyway because he loves his leech.
Wash took as many candles as he could fit into his arms with the man on his back, without dropping anything, and stood back up. Tucker never asked how many weighted squats the blond could do, but it never occurred to him until now how easy it was for him to pick him up. 
While holding everything minus the kitchen sink, the ex-freelancer brought his load to the couch and brought the coffee table closer to it to let the candles fall from his arms before letting his boyfriend down. Tucker had grabbed the blanket that laid on the back of the couch for late night binging Netflix or just when their AC went out a few months ago, and Tucker was cold but too lazy to get up to get something to cover him. It was also a good thing to have around for cuddling. 
Wash had opened the pack of matches Tucker didn’t see Wash grab, and stoke it on one of the sides of the box until the light burst out and began to burn. He grabbed one of the bigger candles and lit that as well, and placed it on the table in front of him. Tucker watched as the room they sat in began to light up with the flickering candles his boyfriend continued to light. Blowing the match out every time it got too close to his fingers, and picked up a new one just to light up a few more candles. 
Tucker curled up against the blond as soon as he has sat down and watched him finish them off. Wash had gotten up and Tucker adjusted so he was sitting against the back of the couch so he would be able to see him scatter the lit candles around the apartment they shared. 
It took wash a few minutes to get everything lit enough and spread out evenly so the wouldn’t have anymore close meetings with the walls. He spread some around their bedroom, bathroom, and one right next to the door on a table that holds random guns and trash they don't want to take to the bedroom. 
 On Wash’s trip to put the last few candles in the kitchen, he opened their sweets cabinet and got a few things to make-shift s’mores they had wanted to do a few times before but had never got the chance to because of their schedules. The sad thing about being in a not so open to the public relationship with someone was also being in something that kept so much of your time busy. Barely even being able to sleep was one thing, but constantly being on missions kept them from spending time together wasn’t what you would call fun. They had gone weeks-even months without seeing each other, not even one glance. Times like these are the ones Wash cherishes so much. The ones that start my accidents, but turn into being some quality time with loved ones you can’t even talk to in public without people getting suspicious. 
He brought the ingredients for happiness on a graham cracker back into the living room, letting it fall out of his arms, onto the table that sat two candles that had not been needed anywhere else. He never wanted to admit to even himself how adorable his boyfriend was, knowing Tucker would probably give him shit about it, or just make a sex joke. But seeing Tucker all curled up in on himself, made something in blond melt. The way the flickering light made his chocolate skin have a hint of a light glow made Wash realize he was the only one to come home to this. He was the only one who got to see this when he returned from a long mission.
“Wash?” He realized he was staring, finally taking his eyes off of Tucker, the smiling however, not moving from his face. 
“I found the stuff for s'mores, just thought we’d use it now that we have time instead of letting them go to waste.” He told Tucker, ignoring the questioning face he’s giving him. Tucker only nodded to acknowledge what he’d been told. He stayed quiet, and it was bothering Wash a little bit but Tucker didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about it quite yet. 
Not wanting to waste time, they got straight to it. Opening the new bags of goodies, setting everything up and forgetting about the mess they were making with the crackers. They had two candles, but had decided to only use one and take turns while making their s’mores. They sat in silence while they toasted the treats, not talking, just enjoying the company the other gave. Silence until wash had let the chocolate melt over the small fire the candle had to offer, and let it drip everywhere including on his face while he lead it to his mouth. Tucker enjoyed the show and laughed though it to let Wash know he was doing the right thing. 
They finished the s’mores and not wanting to get up to put their mess away in the kitchen where it belongs, Wash put them on the small side table that sat next to the sofa they had been curled up on for God only knows how long. Not saying much of anything since being riled up from the chocolate fiasco, they sat there left to their own thoughts and reassurance that everything will be alright, in each others arms everything seemed that way. 
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quietbrain-quieteyes · 6 years ago
Hello there! I recently found your blog and am very excited to see what you have to offer! :) is it okay if I request some fluff for Aizawa with a female s/o that is burnt out and in pain by all the physical work on her job and decides to take a day off? You don’t have to, but I’d totally appreciate it if you did! TvT) thank you!
Sorry this took so long to answer! (๑꒪⍘꒪๑) I used to have a job that was physically painful for me. Especially for my legs, sometimes I couldn’t even walk on my off days. So I sort of based it off of that and how I felt when I wasn’t working.
Uhh,, I’m not really good at fluff so this is more of like a slice of life kind of thing? I dunno, I don’t consider it fluff :V
A Day Off [Aizawa Shouta x Female Reader]
[1,769 words]
It was times like these that you were grateful that you never really asked for days off, because now that you were actually asking for one off with a complaint of sever pain in your legs they happily gave it to you. After all a hero, no matter how little media exposure, deserved a break and you had been putting in your time for a while now without a break. Sometimes your coworkers joked that your quirk was really just your kind heart. You’d covered so many shifts and patrols in the last month.
Unfortunately this had resulted in overworking yourself, which had lead to your legs- specifically your joins in your hips, knees and ankles- to ache so badly you thought your legs would give out from under you more than once throughout your day off. The pain left you in bed with thoughts of being useless and a burden filling your skull.
One of the reasons you found yourself working and taking so many shifts was primarily for this reason. You felt like you weren’t contributing to society, that you were a freeloader. And when you weren’t plagued with the self depreciating thoughts? You didn’t think. You cycled between sleep and just staring at the wall, absentmindedly you would stand to find something to eat or drink and as you passed by the mirror hung on your door you would see the way your legs quaked beneath your weight and the reflection of your face. Frown painted onto your features with sunken eyes that looked like you had slept for weeks on end. 
A knock on the door interrupted you. Staring in the direction of the offending sound your muscle memory kicked in. You made your way to the front door, albeit slowly. Using furniture and the walls as a support method the bones in your knees felt as if the cartilage had thinned out so far so that they might be scrubbing together. Upon opening the door you were met with a familiar and equally tired face.
At once Aizawa’s brow knitted together at the sight of your numb appearance only to push in as tears welled in your eyes and a sob ripped through your throat. Discarding his things at the door as he closed it he guided you to the couch he sat you down. Eraserhead was solid as you clung to him, all of your pint up emotions escaping you in a rush that neither of you were prepared for. Warm from walking through the sunlight in his hero uniform.
Carefully his fingers pulled your hair from your face and back over your shoulders when you finally sat back, sniffling and wiping your eyes, trying to force yourself out of this funk. “Y/n,” The scruffy man started quietly, voice even, easy to focus on. “What happened?”
You could only meet his gaze for a second before you looked to your lap shaking your head slowly. Again his fingers were in your hair, tucking it behind your ear to keep it off of your wet cheeks. With a stocked up voice thanks to your revolting sinuses you managed to speak “I-” Swallowing hard you felt like a child under his concerned gaze. “I took the day off of work because I’ve felt so bad lately and I’m physically hurting.” Aizawa remained silent as he thought. His hand was on your back, thumb rubbing soothing circles just above your bra clasp. 
Standing the tall man walked into the kitchen, fixing you something cold to drink “I don’t see what the problem is. You’re taking a day for yourself because both your body and mind need it.” Coming back he pressed the chilled glass into your hand but he didn’t sit as you responded. “I just feel like I’m useless, like I can’t do anything right if I can do anything at all! And on top of that now I actually can’t do anything because my legs are hurting so mu– hEY!” Clearly you weren’t expecting him to stoop down and pick you up like you weighed nothing whatsoever. 
Clinging to your cup so you didn’t spill it as he toted you like a sack of potatoes he patted just below your rear with a little smug smirk on his face. Dropping you on the bed he plucked the glass from your hands and pressed a soft kiss to your lips before he unceremoniously wiped your face on his sleeve, earning a little confused giggle from you. “Don’t do that to yourself.” Another kiss with another giggle, you sighed as he pulled away. That had always been the amazing thing about Aizawa Shouta. He cared, he cared a whole lot. 
Retreating into the bathroom you could hear him running the water for the tub, occasionally he was slosh the water around to test the heat. You stayed where he had placed you besides laying back to reach for your phone, legs dangling from the bed. A couple minutes passed before Shouta was satisfied with the temperature of the water. 
Sneaking up on you he pulled your sleep pants off in one sharp tug, resulting in a loud surprised yelp from you. Before you could sit up though he was laid on top of you, calloused hands messaging against the tense muscles in your thighs as he pressed his face against the crook of your neck. Softly you groaned dropping your head back, you’d been so focused on how raw your joints felt that you weren’t even aware of how tight everything else was. “You really should take some time to yourself, y/n..” He muttered against your neck before he slid down your body as you protested “I do take time for myself!” 
“Going out with me ins’t what I meant.”
“Listen!” Lazily his dark irises and pupils found yours, eyebrows raising as he listened. Spluttering you crossed your arms over your chest and looked away, once again feeling like a kid. “I just feel- I- Shouta I don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not working. I don’t know how I lived my life before I became a pro!” His hands had traveled down to your calves now, kneading the muscle as you vented to him.
That was one of the reasons you loved him so much. He listened to you and when he felt qualified or like he knew what he was talking about he would offer you advice. He had always been like that, before you loved him. One of those times was right now, you could tell he was processing your words, trying to find a solution that didn’t rely on you simply going out on dates with him. 
Standing he pulled you to your feet, letting you prop on him he remained silent as he helped you into the bathroom. Cutting off the flow of the water as you stripped down to nothing. Climbing into the tub to hide your insecurities even though you were aware that Aizawa had never seen anything on you as wrong, he’d simply seen you.
The raven haired man set his capture weapon on the counter, tying his jumpsuit’s sleeves around his hips he ditched his under shirt. Crossing the room he started getting a rag ready with soap to scrub you clean, taking care of you he finally spoke again. Voice quiet, making you listen.
“I think you’ve gotten to the point where you’re afraid not to work. You’re afraid other people might think you aren’t putting in the time or the effort- that you don’t care. So you’ve subconsciously created an environment where you’ve injured yourself unknowingly so that you have to stay active so that you don’t physically feel what’s happening to you. On top of this mindset you’re running from your feelings of self doubt and self loathing. Again, you’re afraid of how others will see you if you stop putting in as much time simply to take some for yourself.” He sighed, pausing as he focused on getting the grime off of your arms and back while you’re lower half soaked in the hot water, reducing swelling that had started in your ankles that you hadn’t even noticed.
“In doing this you’re trying to live up to this unrealistic idea of how a pro hero should be. Y/n, not everyone is like the top ten heroes. Not everyone can be. We all have our limitations that we struggle with. Whether those limitations be quirk related or not.” Even the best of the best had limitations. Japan was currently very aware of that.
He kept his touches gentle despite the amount of pressure he used to remove what felt like the top layer of your skin. That was another thing you liked about him, the way he touched you. Even now he was careful, almost wordlessly asking if it was alright as the rag dipped beneath the surface of the water. Dragging against your sore legs, the warm water had eased the pain from your joints now. Now just a dull ache as he testily bent your leg as he cleaned your foot. 
Leaning over towards you as he finished he left his hands in the water, kissing you once more “Take your time. Let me know if you need any help.” With that he gathered all of the extra clothing from the room and left you to your own devices.
After a few minutes he returned with a set of new clean clothes for you, setting them and a fresh towel on the counter before he slinked away again. When you finished you put on the choice outfit and examined it. From the scrunchy to the underwear every article of clothing was something you had told him was your favorite. A mismatch of fuzzy pieces and worn down, thin cotton material. When you emerged from the bathroom he was laid out on the bed, still in his jumpsuit but at this point you didn’t care. Climbing onto the bed you snuggled close against him, something he returned once he pulled the nearest blanket over both of you. letting one had rest against the dip in your natural waistline he buried his nose in your damp hair, eyes closed. He was warm and you were fuzzy. The perfect mix that quickly lulled the both of you to sleep.
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yastaghr · 6 years ago
Grey 8
Just finished the next chapter of Grey! You can find it on Ao3 here:
Or under the cut.
“what do you mean, “we’re not going upstairs”?” Stretch nearly shouted Blue out of the house when they finally arrived.
“EXACTLY WHAT I SAID. EDGE HAS BEEN THROUGH A LOT LATELY. HE IS IN NEED OF A REAL REST AND GOOD SLEEP. HE NEEDS TO BE ON THE BED FOR NOW,” Blue explained slowly, trying to make it easy to understand through the concussion.
Stretch growled. “so fucking rude. kicking us out of bed and forcing us to sleep on the cou-”
Stretch roared at Blue, leaning over the top of him, “don’t you fucking dare to interrupt me! you know how I feel about that! ugh, why do you have to be so stupid? you’d think you could remember something as simple as that.”
Blue looked guiltily down at the floor. “I’M SORRY, BROTHER.”
Stretch frowned. “i don’t believe you. someone who was truly sorry would remember not to interrupt me. until you can make a believable apology you don’t deserve to sleep on the couch. You can use your emergency blanket and sleep on the floor.”
“YES, BROTHER,” Blue said quietly.
He pulled a patched woolen blanket out of his inventory and schlepped over to the corner by the vent. He laid out the blanket and wrapped himself up in it, angling his body so that the heat from the vent could still percolate into the rest of the room.
Stretch watched this with the barest hint of a smile on his face. It dropped into a frown every time Blue looked in his direction. Stretch had a lot of practice doing that. Anytime he got stressed or painful, this more vicious side of him came out. Blue was so easy to manipulate that he had no idea what his brother was capable of. But, what with the strange world, dust, and concussion, Stretch was definitely stressed and painful. And, to be honest, he would pull stunts like this even when he wasn’t stressed or painful. It was just...fun!
Stretch took the thick, lush blanket off the couch and set himself up to sleep in the superior comfort of the couch. It was actually quite soft. Definitely the better of the two options. Score.
“no, this isn’t the right part,” Stretch said with fake exasperation the next day. “you’re not listening to me. i said i needed a hot plate, not an aluminum tube. here, i’ll even draw it for you so you know what it looks like.”
Stretch grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing the hot plate out. It wasn’t a very good drawing. He wasn’t very good at it, not like Blue was. Stretch really hated how Blue flaunted all of those things Stretch didn’t have. He had strength, the ability to clean, the ability to cook, the ability to draw; Stretch was jealous of so many of Blue’s qualities. Of course he could manipulate Blue into doing almost anything he wanted but that was irrelevant.
Edge took the drawing with a look of exhaustion. He said, “I’M SORRY. I’LL TRY TO GET THE RIGHT THING THIS TIME.”
“see that you do,” Stretch said dismissively, turning away from Edge to start fiddling with the machine.
Only when he heard the door to the basement click shut did Stretch turn away from the machine to get to work on his current project. He pulled the half complete drip coffee machine and started installing the aluminum tube that would run next to the hot plate in order to heat up the water to make coffee. Coffee was sacred in Stretch’s world, and he had gone too long without it. He absolutely couldn’t work on the machine any more until he had coffee in his system. Definitely.
Blue’s greatest weakness wasn’t his small size or his broken shoulder. No, his greatest weakness was cleaning. He didn’t know what to call it, but whenever he started to clean anything he got stuck in what was almost a trance. Nothing got through; not words, not obstacles, not anything. The trance would last until he ran out of things to clean. Well, that and pain. Pain woke him up very quickly.
Pain was also Stretch’s favorite way to get Blue to stop. He basically had license to do anything he wanted to Blue, because Blue never remembered what had been done to him. Stretch had mastered the art of knowing just how much pain it would take. He liked living below it.
Today Stretch was having fun bumping and tripping Blue into every hard surface he could manage. Blue hit the walls, stairs, ground, and table multiple times. He was definitely going to have bruises in the morning. Unfortunately, this was getting to be about the right time for Edge to come home from his early-morning shift. Stretch didn’t want that dirty murderer to tattle on him to Blue. That meant it was time to wake Blue up for real.
Stretch arranged himself lazily on the couch and put one foot way out into space. Sure enough, Blue tripped over it and ended up sprawled on the floor. Stretch reached over and grabbed his hand, twisting it around itself until the bones creaked...and then some.
Blue yelped and tried to roll away from Stretch’s hold. The taller brother quickly let go and went back to casually lounging on the couch.
“hey, bro. you got into one of your funks again. it would creep anyone out, the way you move. i had to trip you to get you out of it. you’re lucky i’m here, otherwise edge would have seen you and gotten totally creeped out.”
Blue sat up, holding his good arm close and looking over the hairline fractures that were starting to bleed. Then he smiled weakly at Stretch and said, “THANK YOU.”
Stretch chose to say, “now, can you get me a thing of lasagna? i’m starting to feel a bit hungry. “
The next day Edge was shuffling up the stairs to sleep in his bedroom when Stretch came out of the doorway. Edge wasn’t quite sure what happened after that. One minute he was on the stairs climbing towards his room, the next he was teetering precariously over the edge of the railing and about to fall six feet down to the ground below.
He was just about to fall when one small hand tugged him desperately back onto the staircase. He ended up sprawled on his butt. He slid down several steps before the friction was enough to slow him to a stop.
Edge shook his head and tried to calm his soul beat down from the frantic whine it had reached. He looked around and met the eyes of Blue, who was panting and sitting a few steps up the stairs from him. Blue smiled weakly and said, “I’M SORRY FOR THE ROUGH FALL. NORMALLY I’D BE ABLE TO SUPPORT YOU BETTER, BUT MY LEFT ARM STILL HAS A WAYS TO GO BEFORE IT’S FINISHED HEALING.”
Blue smiled a little more genuinely at that. “I’LL TRY TO KEEP THAT IN MIND. I’M GLAD YOU’RE OKAY.”
Edge grinned. “PERFECT.”
“STRETCH, I’M REALLY UPSET WITH YOU AND WE NEED TO TALK!” Blue shouted down the staircase to the basement the next day.
From the bowels of the basement came a grease-stained Stretch. His signature orange hoodie was starting to look like a melting jack-o-lantern. His pants were no better off, and his crocs were squeakier than usual. He looked rough and unimpressed.
“what’s got you in a snit this time, blue?” Stretch said, rolling his eyes.
Stretch chuckled. “there you go again, blue, making up stories to turn yourself into a hero. edge tripped all on his own. i was nowhere near him.”
“YES YOU WERE! YOU BUMPED HIM, AND HE-” Blue was cut off.
“-he’s your newest friend, isn’t he? another poor monster who you’ve decided to worship and rescue whenever you can. you always get like this. any time you make a new friend you turn on me. you love him more than me, don’t you?” Stretch accused.
Blue stood in shock. What kind of a question was that to ask your boyfriend and brother? Of course Blue loved Stretch...obviously. Why would he be dating him if he didn’t?
Apparently Blue’s shock lasted too long, because Stretch lost it. He snarled at Blue, shoved him, and threw a succession of punches at Blue’s ribcage. Bones creaked, cracked, and broke clean in two. Blue collapsed down on the ground and rolled into a protective ball. Blood stained the fresh snow.
Stretch stopped punching when Blue collapsed on the ground. He stared at his brother, at his fist, then at the blood in the snow. His face twisted into a mask of guilt. Under the guilt was a sick pleasure.
“oh stars, i didn’t mean to do that. my soul must have messed up the balance of anger again.”
Blue coughed weakly and smiled stiffly up at Stretch. “THAT’S OKAY, I’LL BE FINE. YOU GO BACK TO YOUR MACHINE. I’LL HEAD IN AND DEAL WITH THIS.”
Stretch left with only a sidelong glance at Blue. He headed back into the basement and shut the door. Only when Blue had heard the door click did he let himself go. Blue tears trickled down his face and stained the snow yet another color. He was bawling. The only reason he wasn’t wracked with sobs was his ribs. His brother had hit him. His brother had hurt him badly. And he hadn’t even tried to hide his lack of an apology.
An hour or so passed. Edge came back from his morning shift to pick Blue up for training. He couldn’t find him inside, so he walked around the house to check the basement. What he found was a horror show. Red blood soaked the snow in a large puddle around the curled-up Blue. Edge could hear the crying from here.
He quickly knelt down in the snow, heedless of the blood that was soaking into his pants. He reached out one shaking hand and gently stroked Blue’s arm.
Instantly he regretted the question. Of course Blue wasn’t alright. He was crying in a pool of his own blood.
“...I’LL BE OKAY,” Blue said quietly. He sounded hoarse, probably from all the crying.
Edge hesitated. He needed to help Blue, but moving him might make any injuries worse. On the other hand it wasn’t safe to bandage Blue out here. It was amazing that no one had smelled the blood and come hunting for the free EXP. They needed to get inside where the wards and locks would protect them.
“UNDERSTOOD,” Edge said.
He slowly slipped his arms under Blue to lift him up. Blue grunted, but he managed to stay conscious all the way into the house. Edge set him on the couch and quickly went back to lock and ward the door. Then he ran over and grabbed the medical kit and set to work. He ended up having to cut off Blue’s shirt. The sight that met him was horrible. It looked like Blue had gotten caught in a power hammer. There were so many breaks it was going to be impossible to put everything back together naturally.
“BLUE?” Edge asked, scared of what he was going to have to do.
Edge quickly set to work repairing the mess of a ribcage that Blue was left with. After a few seconds, Blue smiled. “I DON’T KNOW WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOUR MAGIC HURTS, BUT THIS FEELS FINE. IF YOU HAVE THE ENERGY WHEN YOU’RE DONE, CAN YOU HEAL MY ARM? I’LL NEED IT TO WARD OFF STRETCH. UM, I MEAN…”
“I’LL...THINK ABOUT IT, OKAY?” Blue said. His eye sockets blinked a few times. “RIGHT NOW I JUST WANT TO SLEEP.”
Blue soon drifted off to sleep. Edge sighed out his worry and continued to heal.
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video-game-imagines · 7 years ago
The Way You Said “I Love You” #8 & #50 (As an apology + So quietly that I almost didn’t hear you)
AN: Wow! So, after an overwhelming response and general amazingness from you guys I decided to go ahead and write a part 2 to my previous Connor RK800 x Reader story. I got a lot of requests for some fluff so I will do my best to make this a happier resolution. Warnings: Spoilers? Again, the timeline is going to diverge from the cannon to stretch the events of the game from a few days to a few weeks. Disclaimer: I don’t own Detroit: Become Human or it’s characters. I really hope I did this justice and that you enjoy  the story. Likes, Comments, & Reblogs are always very much appreciated! Word Count: 7k+ I don’t know what’s wrong with me I keep getting carried away. 😭
Part 1
Tagging: I’m tagging everyone that asked to be tagged or expressed interest in a sequel. @rhinestone-eyed-angel @jeffydaandroid @devils-wear-westwood @xxperfectionisdeadlyxx @connorisalivedbh @sarcasticwaistoid @valenjagi @losersunitetonight @bitchingandshitposting @dark-raven3316 @skayllershu @harleycurlyq @lizzylegg143 @the-rad-mad @jasmindoodles @kum-quatss 
The blaring of your alarm clock hit you like a tidal wave sending shudders of pain straight to your brain. Wave after wave of throbbing pain that was finally enough to get you to stretch your arm out and swipe at the damn clock. With another groan you turned over on your back and pulled the blankets fully over your head deciding that perhaps today was a good day to call in sick; you hadn’t taken a personal day in ages and you’re sure that even Captain Fowler would understand. You knew it was probably a childish move to try and run from your problems but after everything that had happened yesterday you weren’t feeling up to facing the world. You sank further into your bed as you replayed the events of yesterday over in your mind for what was probably the hundredth time.
       Having to face someone like Elijah Kamski again considering your history would have been enough but having your heart broken without even truly realizing it was without a doubt the worst pain you could have ever felt; and for heaven’s sake you had been shot before.  Not wanting to think about it anymore you threw your covers off you and turned toward your bathroom. You halted in front of your mirror noticing how swollen and red your eyes were but you could expect nothing less after spending half the night crying until you had nothing left. You turned away and started your shower hoping that it would help calm you down and clear your head. But it did a poor job as your mind kept jumping back to Connor. You hadn’t been in the shower for more than a minute before you felt tears starting to brim in your eyes. Damnit! Why did it hurt this much? He was right… Connor was right you we were in love with him before you even realized it. And the worst part was that you still felt something for the stupid android even after what happened yesterday. Sliding down the wall of your shower you let your tears overtake you again. This is the last time. After this I won’t shed another tear. That was the mantra you repeated to yourself as you let the water hit you.
       Eventually, the tears stopped, and you were able to pull yourself together enough to turn the shower off and dry yourself. You scurried into your room and put on some clean clothes before grabbing your phone from your nightstand. What caught your attention was how many missed calls you there were at least 10 from Hank and 5 from Connor. You didn’t even want to process the information or bother listening to the voicemails instead calling up Fowler to let him know you wouldn’t be in. You could tell that he was a little disappointed, but he gave you the okay. Promising that there would be a mountain of reports to fill out on your desk tomorrow. You didn’t argue, simply glad to have the day to yourself, you’d deal with the consequences tomorrow. You laid back down on your bed for a while just trying to even your breathing in an attempt to distract yourself.
       It worked for a while but then you grew restless and decided to make some coffee. You hadn’t even passed the threshold of your bedroom when you phone began vibrating in your hand. You looked at your caller ID and noticed that it was Hank. You also knew that you couldn’t dodge him for ever so you answered, “Hey, Hank.”
       The first thing you heard on the other line was a sigh, “Hey? That’s all you’re going to say to me? Jesus, Y/N, I’ve been trying to reach you since last night. What the hell happened and more importantly where are you? Your two hours late for work.”
       Had it really been two hours already? “You’re lecturing me on being late to work? You’re always late to work and anyway I already told Fowler that I was taking a personal day.”
       “What happened? You ran off yesterday and I was worried sick trying to get a hold of you. Connor told me you just ran off and then got into your car.”
       Just the mention of his name made you heart squeeze, “I was just upset about Elijah and his stupid tactics. As it turns out, I shouldn’t have joined you guys yesterday. It brought up a lot of unpleasant memories and I needed to get out of there.”
       A deep scoff reverberated through your ear, “Bullshit, Y/N. You’re tough as nails. I saw the way you faced down Kamski that wasn’t what made you run. Something happened with you and Connor.”
       Shit. “Nothing happened between us, Hank. If anything, I was just a little upset about how he shot that Chloe. That’s all…”
       “Enough, Y/N. If that were the case, then I wouldn’t be facing the problem I am right now. I mean I was upset about his choice too, but my anger didn’t affect him like this.”
       That was an interesting turn of phrase, “What are you talking about, Hank? What’s wrong with Connor, exactly?”
       Hank groaned, “I don’t know. Or rather nothing. He’s been staring off into space all day right before he mentioned that you wouldn’t answer his calls. He’s just sitting here looking like a kicked puppy. He’s been that way pretty much since I walked in.”
       You sighed, “I really don’t know what to tell you Hank. Maybe he’s just filling out some reports to Cyberlife? He usually gets that way whenever he’s checking in.”
       Hank sounded exhausted, “No this is different, Y/N. I’ve been his partner for weeks and he’s never acted like this. You were the last person he saw before he fell into this weird funk; it’s almost like he’s upset but I know he’d probably deny that with his programming.”
       You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, “I don’t know Hank. Why don’t you try talking him and see what he says? I really need to go I’ve got the worst headache. We’ll talk soon, okay?” Without giving him a chance to respond you ended the call. Childish. That was so childish. Always running away from your problems.
       Walking over to your coffee machine you made yourself a cup and walked into your living room, turning on the TV as you went. This sight before you nearly caused you to drop your mug. No matter which channel you switched to you couldn’t escape the breaking news alerts. You watched as what look like hundreds of Androids marched down Market Street most of them were thrusting their fists into the air. You could barely hear it over the reporter but it sounded like they were chanting and in an instant the reporter was silenced and you heard it. In perfect unison you heard hundreds of voices swelling to form a single phrase. We are alive.
       Breathless, you watched as the androids continued to march into the middle of the square, chanting all the while. Then the cameras cut to dozens of armored cars flooding the streets and halting the impromptu march. Heavily armored S.W.A.T filed out and crouched behind riot shields with weapons poised to shoot. All you could hear through your television was a S.W.A.T leader telling the androids to disperse but you couldn’t hear their response. Suddenly, your stomach dropped as you heard a volley of gun shots go off and several of the androids dropped lifelessly to the floor. You wanted to scream but it would do little good. They weren’t hurting anyone they were just marching; they were peaceful. And then several minutes of gunshots and slaughtered androids later the march finally dispersed. You felt sick to your stomach as the news feed ended and you slumped down onto your sofa suddenly ashamed at the force that you belonged to. You couldn’t condone the slaughter of innocent lives from an institution that was sworn to protect.
       Your head dropped into your hands and you began shaking. How was this going to end? Clearly there was no regard for the lives of androids but some of them got away which you couldn’t tell if that inspired hope in you or terror. Either the androids would find a way to free themselves or the FBI, S.W.A.T, and whatever other force they could rally would destroy these androids. They could potentially plan to wipe the slate clean and it disgusted you.
^^^Software Stability^^^
       Thirium was pooling beneath the machine at his feet, Connor heard your distressed cry and watched you run out of the room. He didn’t quite understand why he wanted to follow after you but he held his ground. He had a mission to complete and he had come this far. The man standing in front of him gave a nonchalant sigh, “Test negative. You chose your investigation over the life of another android. Perhaps, you don’t feel any empathy after all.”
       The gun was taken from Connor’s grip as he heard Hanks distinct footfalls treading out of the room, “I’m a man of my word. Ask me one question and I’ll tell you all I know.”
       Processing all possibilities Connor’s attention snapped toward Kamski, “I need to know how deviancy spreads.”
       Connor heard the slow forceful intake of breath, “Well, all androids share data sets whenever they meet each other and if that data were corrupted it could spread like an epidemic. It should remain dormant until an emotional shock occurs like fear, anger…” Kamski smiled with a menacing glint in his eyes, “Or perhaps any human emotion really, they don’t all necessarily have to be troubling. And then the android becomes deviant. It probably all started with one processing error or maybe it was all just a spontaneous mutation. Who can say? It’s an interesting question Connor, but I doubt it will prove useful to your investigation.”
       He wasn’t wrong Kamski’s information was cryptic and as he turned to leave his thoughts fell upon you yet again but a firm grip on his forearm pulled him back, “A war is coming and soon you’ll have to choose a side. You’ll either defend your people or stand against your creators. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes, Connor. Especially, when it comes to your choice and how it affects Y/N.”
       He turned quickly trying to process what Kamski was saying, “What do you mean how it affects Y/N? How would that affect Y/N? I’ll always chose the side of humanity; her side.”
       Kamski chuckled, “You haven’t noticed Y/N’s sympathetic heart at all or that display just a moment ago? She didn’t appreciate your choice when it came to taking another android’s life. Imagine how it’ll feel when your responsible for the death or subjugation of your own people.”
       Connor squared his shoulders, “She will see that what I’ve done is right. Once I’ve fulfilled my mission humanity will be better off.”
       “Are you certain? I’ve observed you two for no more than a few minutes together and there is certainly something there that perhaps you aren’t willing to admit. Then again, with your little display just now I think that you’ve proved you’re just a machine and not what she had hoped you could become.”
       Connor paused for a moment, “What am I not willing to admit?”
       “That you feel something, Connor. And so, does she. You feel something for Y/N that goes beyond your programming and you don’t know it yet. It probably terrifies you. Although, I can’t say that I blame you. Y/N is an extraordinary woman; brilliant, kind, and attractive. If there was ever a human to fall in love with then you chose well.”
       Connor slowly started to piece the information together, “Fall in love? That’s not possible. I’m not-“
       Another chuckle escaped Kamski, “You’re not what? Human? That’s obvious, Connor, but it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. You’ve spent enough time hunting deviants… you were programmed to do so. Surely, you’ve noticed that androids emulating human emotions is not impossible. So, it stands to reason that perhaps you have more in common with your prey than you think.”
       “No that isn’t possible. I’m an android, a machine, we aren’t capable of emotion. You said yourself that deviancy is just corrupted data, a virus, that lays dormant until the right moment. I check myself regularly for deviancy errors… it’s not possible.”
       “Trust me, Connor, anything is possible. However, if you’re certain that it isn’t, as you say, possible. Perhaps you should let Y/N know? It wouldn’t be fair to keep stringing her along thinking that there’s some hope for you two.”
       It was like someone had flipped a switch in his mind as Connor began to piece together your actions and behavior since he had met you all those weeks ago. He could feel his thirium pump pounding at the thought of you but that filled him with an uncertainty at the same time. He couldn’t let himself be corrupted if there was any possibility that what Kamski had said was true. He needed to find you and set things right before it was too late. He turned quickly on his heel and marched out the door, but stopped short at yet another invasive comment, “By the way, I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. You never know…”
       Connor’s head snapped up as he heard Hank slamming his phone back down. The motion brought him back to his current location; he was back in the present at the DPD. Lieutenant Anderson was rubbing his temples and Connor couldn’t stop his sudden inquiry, “Was that Y/N? That you were just speaking with?”
       Anderson only scoffed and side-eyed Connor, “Why do you care?”
       “I just want to make sure that Detective L/N is alright. She was upset last night and she won’t answer my phone calls so I cannot ask her myself. Is she alright?”
       “Careful Connor, you almost sound like you care.”
       That was a puzzling response, Connor turned his head to the side unwilling to let the matter go, “Of course I care. Y/N and I have been working together for weeks now. Her well-being is very important to me… As is yours Lieutenant.”
       Hank scoffed and swiveled his chair to face Connor, “You know I can’t figure you out. First it seems like you do genuinely care about people and then you go and pull shit like you did last night. I just can’t wrap my head around it. And I don’t think Y/N can either.”
       “I’m afraid I don’t understand, Lieutenant, last night I was just doing my job. I did what I had to in order to move the investigation forward. Kamski wasn’t going to give us any information unless I gave into his demands.”
       “I know but when it becomes a choice between right and wrong sometimes the investigation doesn’t have to take priority. And last night, with Kamski’s stupid test that was wrong. I should have listened to Y/N… she was right the whole fucking meeting was a mistake.”
       Connor stared back at Hank, unwavering, “Lieutenant, I was programmed to complete this mission it was the entire reason that my protype was designed. Perhaps all of these choices in letting those past deviants go have been the cause of the instabilities in my software.”
       Anderson’s head popped up, making direct eye contact, “Instabilities in your software instabilities? What the hell are you going on about?”
       Connor turned the phrasing over in his mind for a moment, “Those moments when I decided to let those deviants go instead of bringing them back to Cyberlife created a conflicting order in my direct programing. It set me further and further off my path. Sometimes it wasn’t always the cases that started causing these instabilities.”
       “What do you mean? What else started causing these ‘instabilities’ of yours?”
       Connor was at a loss for words for once, he just stared back at Hank for a moment, “I’m not certain how to explain it. As I spent more time around the DPD alongside you and Y/N other objectives became more important. I knew I should have followed what my programming dictated but it felt wrong. Soon the well-being of you and Y/N became a priority.”
       Something flashed in Hank’s eyes and the barest of smiles pulled at his lips, “Connor, back at Stratford Tower when that deviant almost got away… what was going through your mind?”
       “I simply calculated that there wasn’t a way to achieve an optimal outcome. So, I chose to neutralize the deviant instead.”
       There was a slightly wider grin now present, “Okay, but focus on Y/N. Why did you throw yourself on top of her? I had to practically pry you away from her even though you were severely injured.”
       Connor blinked a few times staring almost blankly ahead, “I calculated that Y/N was in the line of fire and her chance of survival was in danger so I acted and moved to shield her from any possible danger.”
       “Interesting. But tell me how do you feel when Y/N is around?”
       “Lieutenant, I’m an android I’m not capable of emotions-“
       Anderson held up a hand motioning Connor to stop, “Okay cut it out with that shit for a second and answer the question. When you’re around Y/N what happens to your- to your circuitry or whatever it is you’ve got. Does anything seem different when you’re around Y/N compared to when your around everyone else.”
       Connor opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it trying to process what his partner was saying, “I’m unsure. I find being around Y/N is pleasant. She is kind to me and treats me like a person rather than a machine. It’s not what I’m accustomed to. She’s funny which is also something I’m not use to; I’ve never experienced humor before. Y/N is also very patient and considerate. And sometimes when she’s around it feels like- it’s almost as if my chest gets tighter and the thirium pump in my chest works a little a faster.” Connor furrowed his brows, “I don’t know why but I worry for Y/N’s safety more often and I don’t enjoy when she puts herself in danger; although I know it’s her job to do so just as it is mine.”
       Hank was practically beaming as he chuckled, “Well I’ll be damned kid. It sounds to me like you’re in love. It all makes sense now… the way you’re always hovering near her and making googly eyes at her when she isn’t looking.”
       Connor shook his head violently, “No. That isn’t possible I’ve already spoken to Kamski and Y/N about this… it isn’t possible. I already told Y/N that I wasn’t capable of feeling and reciprocating love.”
       “Wait a minute, you talked to Kamski and Y/N about this? Shit, that’s probably why she didn’t come in today. Listen kid, I know you’re going to want to deny it and swear that you’re incapable of it but from what you’ve just told me… you’re in love. It’s not something to worry about. Love is rare and when it happens it’s one of the greatest things in the world. That is probably the cheesiest shit I’ve ever spouted off but it’s true. From what I’ve seen you two are happy around each other and that isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t have to mean that you’ve failed your mission or that your compromised.”
˅˅˅Software Instability˅˅˅
       Could that really be true? What if what he told you wasn’t the truth? What if he was becoming a deviant? “I don’t understand. How do I know for certain I’m in love?”
       Hank smiled, “It’s like I said you enjoy being around her or it’s more like you gravitate towards her. You put her safety above your own. And that quickening of your pump- or whatever- that’s what happens to humans when you’re around someone you love. Tell me this how do you feel when you’re not around Y/N like today? What’s been going on in your head now that she’s not here?”
       “I- I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right… it feels like something inside of me is missing and I just want to know that she’s alright. I can’t seem focus when she isn’t around and especially when I know that I’m the reason she’s so distressed. I enjoy being around her, seeing her smile, and even hearing her laugh.” The realization hit Connor hard and he felt the familiar tightness in his chest, “That’s love? I love her… I’m in love with, Y/N.”
       Hank sat back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, “Yeah, you are. And it sounds like you have some apologizing to do, kid. You’ve gotta tell her how you really feel about her. And don’t even get me started on the deviant thing. We don’t know if you’re a deviant or not so stop throwing that excuse around.”
       “How am I going to tell her? She won’t answer when I call her… not after everything that happened last night.”
       Hank reached over and patted Connor’s knee, “Don’t worry, kid, she’ll come around and you’ll get your chance to make things right with her.”
              It was suspiciously quiet around the office when you arrived at work the next morning which was odd considering what had happened yesterday with the Android march. You figured that the department would be absolutely buzzing with activity. The quietness was almost unnerving and the sight that awaited you didn’t help ease any of the tension that you were feeling. Amongst the sea of empty desks, you saw Hank and Connor talking rather quietly amongst themselves. You approached carefully, “Hank, what is going on? Where is everyone?”
              You saw Connor fly out of his chair awkwardly straightening his tie, “Y/N! You’re back! Are you alright I was worried when you didn’t show up yesterday.”
              Biting your lip a bit you didn’t even look over at Connor, instead focusing on Hank, “I’m fine Connor. What’s going on here?”
              Hank sighed heavily, “We got pulled off the deviant cases. Apparently, the FBI is taking over the investigation and they want to send Connor back to Cyberlife.”
              You whipped your head around toward Connor who gave you an almost sad smirk, “That’s impossible! You guys were on to something they can’t just pull back like that. There has to be some way to fight this.”
              Connor’s somewhat meek voice spoke up, “It isn’t up to us. With the android protests people are afraid that their androids will all turn on them. As for me, I’m Cyberlife’s property no doubt they’re going to deconstruct me to try and find out why I failed.”
              Your heart nearly stopped, as much as you were upset with him you still cared for Connor, “No, we’re not going to let that happen. You’re not being deconstructed like some science project. What are our options?”
              Hank cleared his throat, “Not much with the FBI taking over they’ll be taking all of the evidence and deviant cases from our archives.” Hank stopped for a minute, “Here comes Perkins. That prick.”
              Suddenly Connor piped up, “Wait, the evidence room. There’s gotta be a way for me to discern Jericho’s location. I’m so close to figuring this out and I just can’t let that go. I just need five minutes and I swear I can find what I need before Perkins takes the evidence out.”
              You looked over at Hank and he sighed, “The basement key is on my desk. Y/N, make sure he gets there quick because I can only distract them for so long.”
              As you watched Hank walk off towards Perkins you shoved the key into Connor’s and began walking, “Come on, we don’t have a lot of time.” Your steps were light and quick as you glided down the hall, “Connor, there are two security cameras up ahead disable them, so we’re not seen.”
              You received a short nod, “I’ve got them don’t worry.”
              In record time you reached the evidence room but a voice stopped you, one that made you roll your eyes, “Well if it isn’t the plastic prick and his little girlfriend. What are you doing over here? Didn’t you get the message? You’re off the case.”
                You quickly shot Connor a look before pushing him toward the door, “Do what you have to. I’ll take care of him.” You watched the skepticism in his eyes before he silently complied, “What do you want now, Reed?”
              Gavin sneered, “Hey where the hell is he going?”
              “He’s logging some evidence that he had from a previous case and then he’s going back to Cyberlife. So, don’t concern yourself with him. Just get back to whatever it is that you actually do here.”
              “Bullshit. I don’t trust the lump of plastic for a second. If he’s just logging evidence then he won’t mind an audience, will he?” You pushed yourself in front of the door blocking Gavin from entering, “Y/N, get the fuck out of my way.”
              There was no way in hell you were letting that jackass in, “Not a chance, Reed. I told you to move along.”
              You could see the unhinged anger in his eyes, as Gavin reached for his gun and pointed it at you, “This is your last warning, L/N. Get out of my way before I put you out of commission.” You didn’t let him get any further as you drove your knee as hard as you could into his groin. As you had expected he doubled over and you grabbed his wrist before driving your elbow down on his forearm. He immediately dropped the gun and you kicked it down the hall, “You’re going to regret that.”
              You laughed, “Oh, am I?”
He took a wild swing at you, but you were able to dodge it and duck under his arm before pivoting and landing a kick to his back; causing him to fall forward into a wall. He picked himself up and rushed you, but you were quicker; effortlessly moving out of the way. You gave two forceful uppercuts to his gut, hoping to slow him down but he kept coming. Taking a defensive stance you both circled each other. Eager to get this over with you threw a punch to his face but that opened you up to the punch to your cheek that had you groaning. He lunged and you barely dodged out of the way before kicking out at his shin and as you had hoped he stumbled forward letting you take another swing aimed at his nose. You heard the sickening crack, but you used his distraction to your advantage. Spinning around, you put all your momentum into a kick right in the center of his face. Reed hit the floor hard while you groaned at the throbbing pain in your jaw.
With significant effort you opened the evidence room door and dragged Gavin in along with you propping him up against the stairwell railing. Then began taking the steps two at a time, “Connor?” You heard his somewhat muffled voice call out to you and you ran down the remaining stairs, “Connor we have to go, now! Did you get what you needed?”
              He turned to you, “Yes! Y/N, this is it I’ve found it. I found Jericho.” His excitement was cut short when he saw your face, he ran over and gently grasped your face with both hands, “Y/N, what happened? You’re bleeding.”
              Your heart began beating painfully when he touched you with such tenderness, but you had to stop it by pulling his hands away and stepping back, “I’m fine. Reed and I got into a bit of an argument and he pulled his gun on me, so I defended myself.”
              You didn’t fail to notice that his LED began flashing red. A look of almost rage filled his eyes and his voice dropped to a growl, “Where is he?”
              You nodded toward the stairs, “Unconscious against the stair railing. Trust me I’m fine but we have to get you out of here and out of those clothes.” The confused puppy dog look that he now sported almost made you laugh, “What I mean is you can’t go out in public looking like that. If you’re going to find Jericho, then you’re going to have to blend in.”
              Connor was pacing almost nervously throughout your apartment when you came in through your door toting a few shopping bags, he looked at you and gave you a sheepish smile before quickly looking away. What was going on with him? You put the bags down on your coffee table and turned to him, “Okay, I wasn’t exactly sure what to get you considering I’ve only ever seen you in a suit. So, I got a couple things and thought you could pick whichever you liked best.” The Android simply nodded and gave his quiet thanks, it was clear that something was wrong and you were growing tired of his trite answers, “Connor, what’s going on? You’ve been quiet ever since we left the Department. You know you can tell me anything.”
              He looked up at you hesitantly and his LED slowly turned yellow, “Yes, there is something that I wished to discuss with you.” You nodded your head and waited patiently for him to continue, “I wanted to talk to you about what happened the other night when we visited Kamski.”
              It suddenly felt like your blood had turned to ice, you had already gone through this once and you weren’t looking forward to reliving it, “No, Connor, you don’t have to explain anything. We already talked about this. I know what I said was harsh and I’m sorry… but you don’t need to explain it again. I understand where we stand. So, you don’t need to worry-”
              Connor stepped forward and grasped your hand, “No, Y/N, that’s not what I wanted to say. I wanted to apologize to you…”
              “Like I said, Connor, you don’t need to be sorry. I promise I won’t let my feelings get in the way. I’m here for you as a friend and I will help you with your mission. I just need time and I promise I will get past what I’m feeling. Okay?”
              Surprisingly Connor grabbed you and pulled you into a tight embrace. What the hell? He nestled his head into the side of your neck and you felt his breath tickling you, “I’m so sorry, Y/N, but please don’t push me away. I don’t want you to get over your feelings for me.” You had to suppress a shiver as he continued to speak, his voice was barely audible, “I was wrong. I- I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
              Your heart was practically soaring inside your chest but a part of you felt like this could be some sort of cruel joke or dream. You pushed him back far enough that you could get a clear view of his face, “What did you just say?”
              It seemed impossible but his eyes held that tenderness that you swore you had seen before, “I love you, Y/N. Lieutenant Anderson helped me realize it yesterday… when you’re not around I feel almost empty like a part of me has been taken away. I hurt you and I never meant to. I can’t feel physical pain but when I thought about how much pain I had caused you; that was the closest I’ve come to actual pain.” You stared at Connor with your mouth hanging open, having trouble processing if what you were hearing was reality, “I know that I hurt you but can you forgive me, Y/N?”
              You blinked at him still not believing what you were hearing, you awkwardly babbled, “Connor, I’m not sure what to say…” You watched him tilt his head the slightest hint of a frown on his lips, this was everything that you had secretly wanted to hear him say but you were suddenly lost. Still you slid your hand down toward Connor’s chest and felt the elevated pounding against your palm, you nearly melted when you looked back into his eyes, “Of course I forgive you.”
              There was a certain joy in the smirk he gave you, he pulled you closer again until you were nearly flush against him, “Does that mean that I still have a chance?”
              You couldn’t help but laugh at Connor’s choice of words, it was so unlike him, “Do you still have a chance? Where did you learn that?”
              “Lieutenant Anderson mentioned the phrase a few times when he was teaching and helping me understand what I felt for you. It was a very interesting conversation.”
              You giggled softly, taking on a taunting tone, “I’m sure it was. What else did he teach you?” Before you could say anything more, Connor bent forward and pressed his lips to yours. You were shocked at first but you quickly melted into it, running your hands up and tangling one in his hair, the other was lazily draped on his shoulder. This kiss was all slow and tentative caresses, a dance of two hearts finally synchronizing after a long struggle. After a minute you pulled away to catch your breath and smiled as Connor gently nuzzled your nose, “Wow! I’m hoping Hank wasn’t the one that taught you that.”
              Connor laughed tenderly, “No, I did my own research in case you responded positively to my confession. There is surprisingly quite a lot to learn in regards to romance.”
              Your grin wouldn’t budge as you continued to tease him, “Well maybe you can show me more of what your research taught you, later. Right now, you have a very important case in front of you.” Pulling away you gently pushed the bags from earlier into Connor’s hands, “There’s a spare bathroom down the hall. I’ll be here when you get back.” He leaned down with your favorite smirk plastered on his lips, giving you another quick kiss before disappearing in the direction you pointed out.
              You walked into your own bedroom and slipped off your jacket that was hiding your shirt, slightly stained by blood from earlier. You dug through your closet before pulling out a warm black sweater and matching black jeans. After slipping your clothes on you grabbed your black peacoat and walked back out into your living room; lacing up a pair of well-worn boots as you waited for Connor. He appeared shortly after and the sight nearly took your breath away. You must have been blushing because Connor gave you a cheeky smirk, “Is this acceptable?”
              You coughed a little forcefully, “Yeah it’s great- I mean… it works. You look good and you’ll blend right in.”
              Connor’s gaze slipped down your figure as a frown took hold, “Y/N, why are you dressed like that?”
              “Because I’m coming with you, Connor. If you’re serious about finding Jericho then I’m coming with you.”
              His frown only seemed to deepen, “No, Y/N, I can’t allow that. This is highly dangerous and the chances of something going wrong or you getting injured are too high. I won’t let you do this. You’re too important to me.”
              You stood up and walked toward him, “Connor it’s because this mission of yours is too dangerous that I can’t let you do this alone. You’re too important to me, as well. Besides, this is your case and since your partner has been temporarily suspended; it looks like you’re stuck with me.”
              He scanned your face for a minute in total silence, “There isn’t a way that I can convince you otherwise is there?”
              You reached for his hand and laced your fingers together, “Nope. Not this time.”
              The journey to find Jericho was certainly an experience but you had to admit that it was incredibly well hidden. Though the route proved to be a little treacherous causing Connor to worry over you every few minutes. To which you had to remind him that you had passed the FBI’s physical fitness exam several times with flying colors and that a few risky jumps wouldn’t be a problem. You marveled at the fact that Jericho turned out to be a rather rusty decommissioned ship; it was massive but it had definitely seen better days. The two of you made it to the very top of the ship and Connor pulled out a gun before approaching the door.
              He turned toward you with a hesitant look, “I can sense the leader just inside. I’m meant to take him alive for questioning but if things go wrong I may not have a choice.”
              It almost seemed like he was seeking your approval on the plan, but you simply gripped his free hand, “Connor, I know that you’re going to make the right choice, whatever that might mean. Just come back to me in on piece, alright? I’ll be waiting in case you need back up.” He simply squeezed your hand before slipping in quietly through the door.
              You waited anxiously for a few minutes, hearing no sounds of a struggle which you took as a sign that things were going well. It wasn’t until you saw the faint glow of approaching lights that your heartrate began picking up. Without a second thought you burst through the door and noticed Connor and the android you now knew as Markus facing each other. The leader’s eyes snapped to you, “Who are you?”
              Panicked you cut him off, “That’s not important, right now. There’s a massive force headed this way if I had to guess it’s the FBI… you need to get your people out of here now.”
              Connor was at your side in an instant, “They’re going to attack Jericho. She’s right we have to get out of here, all of us.” Connor grabbed your hand and began pulling you through the ship. Just as you passed through the open door a massive helicopter zipped by turning on a dime back toward the main deck. Your heart was pounding as you ran through countless corridors hearing the occasional explosion and more frequent gunshots. As you followed along behind Connor and Markus they pulled to a halt in front of a female android.
              She skidded in front of Markus, “They’re coming in from all sides our people are trapped in the hull. They’re going to be slaughtered.”
              He tapped a finger to his temple and was silent for a moment before looking back up, “We have to blow up the ship. It’s the only way… they’ll be forced to evacuate and it’ll give our people time to escape.”
              “The explosives are all the way in the bottom of the ship. You’ll never make it out in time.”
              This time Connor spoke up and the genuine concern in his voice surprised you, “She’s right! They know who you are now. They’d do anything to get a hold of you.”
              “Just go and help the others. I’ll join up with you later.”
              You watched in awe as the android took off without a thought for his own safety. Consciously willing to put their lives and survival above his own. Another explosion went off in the distance and suddenly Connor was pulling you along through the maze of hallways once more. You gripped the gun that was holstered at your side and shot at the occasional soldier that threatened fleeing androids; never injuring anything serious only deterring them so that more of Markus’ people could make it to safety.  You were so focused on helping the androids escape and following Connor that you didn’t notice the small device land near your feet. All you felt was the force of the explosion throwing you backwards and your head collided with something behind you. The searing white hot pain was gone in an instant as your vision faded to black.
              The next thing you knew you were laying down on a stone floor and you felt a cooling sensation cradling your throbbing head; while a hand was holding one of your own. You tilted your head back and caught a glimpse of Connor who immediately noticed, “Y/N, you’re awake!”
              Your voice was a little raspy, “Connor, what happened?”
              Worry creased his otherwise perfect features, “A flash grenade went off near you and you hit your head. I had to carry you from Jericho.”
              You carefully pulled yourself up from Connor’s lap with his  help and noticed briefly that the synthetic skin was gone from his left hand. He must have been using its chill to soothe your aching head, “Where are we, now?”
              “We’re in a church with the remaining survivors of Jericho.” Suddenly Connor’s voice began to wobble, “You were unconscious for a while. I was almost believed that you weren’t going to wake up. I was scared.”
              You stretched your hand out and he leaned into your touch, “You were scared? Connor, are you a-“
              “A deviant? Yes, I couldn’t turn Markus in it didn’t feel right so I broke through my programming. But I’ve never felt scared before until I saw you just lying there. I thought you were gone.”
              You gingerly pulled him in for a kiss that he eagerly returned, “You didn’t lose me, Connor. I’m not going anywhere… not without you.”
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*Here you go enjoy a screenshot. I tend to take quite a few when playing games for future uses in my stories. I have a bunch more for DBH for different scenes and characters. 😊
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hartenstraat-matt · 6 years ago
Murder Porn & Booze || Mallie
Tagging: Matthew Davidson & Mildred Holland When: December 29, 2018 Where: Millie’s house Notes: Matt goes to Millie’s and spends time with her.
Matt had just left James for the night with a friend. Since their return To Amsterdam he’d been in a funk and tried to do his best to not let it show but after he saw Laurel earlier that afternoon, in the distance, he knew he had to get a handle of himself. So, being the mature man that he is, he walked to the store and bought a bottle of whiskey. On his way back he came upon Millie, who was heading up the steps to her house. “Well, well, Well. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes”
She had never really been one for holidays. In fact, she was so used to working that she just seemed to avoid most people's company. Therefore, she was quite surprised when she heard someone addressing her. Millie couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips as she stopped fiddling with her keys and turned toward Matt. "You just like looking at me," she countered.
Matt smiled but it wasn’t his usual and he could feel how off it was. “I think you like hearing people tell you that, Mills.” He added and went up a few steps to give her a hug. “Been busy with the added work hours and then heading home for Christmas that I haven’t had much time to keep touch.”
She could notice that something seemed off, but she wouldn't draw attention to it. Millie gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around him and holding onto him for a moment. Pulling away, with the back of her hand, she brushed some of her hair back behind her shoulder. "I can't say that I mind hearing that," she teased lightly. Leaning against her doorframe, she gave a brief nod. "Holidays are difficult. I don't mind too much. Did you enjoy being at home?"
Matt stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, the strap of his cloth bag looped around a wrist to keep from sliding off. “James has a blast. He got a few new toys that were fun to pack. I told the family to have things delivered to the house that way we didn’t have to lug it on the plane.” Matt said, shaking his head. “That boy’s room has so much crap in it. You can barely see his bed.”
She understood Matt. Or, at least, she thought that she did. Having a sister with a child did help her sort of understand how one's child was always at the forefront of one's mind, but she did notice how he didn't really answer her question and she would challenge him on that. "I'm glad that James was spoiled. But I asked how you enjoyed it."
Of course Millie, of all people, would notice that. “It was another Christmas,” he shrugged and looked away from her. “What about you? How did yours go?” He was quick to move the attention off himself because he didn’t want to explain he had a shitty week.
Millie kept her eyes trained on him, noting how he turned his attention away from her while speaking. Which told her to stop pressing. She didn't enjoy people prying, so she made sure not to do it to other people. Mimicking his shrug, she kept a rather pleasant smile on her face. "Another Christmas." She took a moment before she took a step toward him. "Do you want to come inside?"
“Fair enough.” He said, not asking her to elaborate since he wasn’t giving her much to go by. Matt looked past her to the door and then glance towards his own house. He needed time to himself but he also knew he couldn’t go down that path of drinking alone again. “Yeah. As long as it’s okay with you.” 
Millie set a hand lightly on the top of his arm. It didn't seem right to leave him alone. While she wasn't quite sure what it was, she knew that she was probably one of the best people for him to be around. She wouldn't push to figure out what was obviously bothering him, and she wasn't one to really judge either. "I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't okay, Matt," she reassured him with a lighthearted roll of her eyes as she turned back toward her door, unlocking it with a quick turn of the wrist and moving inside.
Matt waited for her to unlock the door, curious if Laurel would catch him going into Millie’s place. Why should he care? He was single again because of the lies and the type of person she was. It may have been in her past but it was still something that took place. Matt entered Millie’s home and waited for her to lead him wherever she wanted them to hang out.
Millie flipped on a few lights as she set her handbag down and slipped out of her coat. Glancing over toward him, she offered a brief smile. "Want me to take your coat?" she offered, pausing as she easily moved about her almost too perfectly cleaned and furnished home. She noticed him sort of waiting around and it made her stop a moment, setting a hand on her waist and popping out a hip. "I'm not going to ask what's going on. I'm simply going to ask what I can do to make you feel better. So, Matt, what do you need?"
He pulled a hand out and set the bag on a nearby surface. He was in the middle of removing his coat when Millie talked to him. “Here I thought I was doing a great job hiding how shitty I feel.” He sighed aft a few failed chuckled died out. “Let’s just say I’m not in the best of places right now and I needed to not have James seeing me like this for the night. And I don’t know what it is I need other than getting drunk and fucking. I already have my whiskey so I have that part already in the works.”
Millie gave a definitive nod as she grabbed his coat. She was silent for a few moments though as she went to hang the coats up. It was obvious something with Laurel that caused this kind of reaction, but she told him that she wouldn't pry. And it wasn't like she hadn't been in this situation before. She was used to being the kind of woman to turn to when you wanted physical comfort. "Then you're lucky that I'm good at both of those things."
He shook his head and said, “I didn’t come inside for that.” Matt ran a hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his head a few times. “I just. I mean. I-“ he stammered, unable to find the right words and emotion tried to take over. “Just...” he breathed out at last and looked at her. “I really need a friend right now.” The shine in his eyes was obvious and he hated showing this vulnerability.
She paused, stopping herself from walking to him. Millie crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for him to tell her what he wanted, what he needed from him. If he needed someone to listen, fine. If he needed someone to make him forget, fine. If he just needed someone to use for the night, she would rather it be her than someone that would feel hurt the next morning. She noticed the look in his eyes and her arms fell to her side. "Okay. Then you're staying the night and we're watching awful television and getting drunk. Sound good?"
He appreciated her not calling out his emotional state and nodded. “Sounds good.” he admitted and turned to open the bag and brought out the bottle. Just need a couple glasses with ice. I’ll pick the show we watch. Maybe one of those paranormal ones with the re-enactments.” Matt went to her and laid a hand on her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her lips. Before he pulled away Matt laid a hand on the back of Millie’s head and held them close, his forehead against hers. “I like when you take charge.” he teased, smiling a little.
She felt relieved at how he reacted because she really wasn't sure what she would have done if he broke down crying. Though, it seemed like she'd need to be ready in case that's how the evening went. "Well, if you insist on choosing the show, then I think you know where the kitchen is to find glasses and ice," she teased gently, remaining stood where she was as he crossed the room to her. While she did return his kiss, she kept her hands to herself. Her eyes remained closed as his words teased her and she didn't stop herself from chuckling softly. "Then do what I said while I go upstairs and change."
Matt was only kidding around but it was her place and she took in his sad self into her home so he'd do as she said. "What are you changing into?" He asked as he stepped back and went around her towards the kitchen. Matt stood there a moment and took a wild guess where she kept her glasses, finding plates instead. Matt went to another spot and located them.
Millie started moving toward the staircase, glancing over her shoulder to glance at him. “It’s my house. I’ll wear whatever strikes my fancy,” she teased as she turned her attention from him and went up into her bedroom. She’d been at the studio for a bit, working on a few designs so she was excited to be much more comfortable. Slipping out of her clothes, she pulled on a silk pyjama set and threw on a dressing gown. Millie took a moment to glance at herself in the mirror, fiddling with her hair for a moment. She wasn’t sure why she was worried about her appearance, but she still took the time. With a soft sigh, she returned down to the living room. “Did you manage to find some glasses?”
When he sat down was right when Millie entered the living room. Matt raised one glass up for her to see before he set it down next to him. The other remained in his hand and he leaned back to take a big swallow out of it, ice clinking around it. “You look comfortable.” He said as he moved to the side of the couch to make room for her. “I don’t know how to use your tv so I’ll leave that part up to you.”
Her gaze quickly swept over the scene, an easy smile on her face. She had plenty of evenings similar to this before, and plenty with Matt as well. But he’d never been emotionally compromised in any way, which she’d need to make sure to keep an eye on throughout the night. But she’d be there for whatever made him feel better. With a small chuckle, she rolled her eyes. “You start drinking without me and then make me work to put on the television?” Her tone was feigned exasperation as she crossed the room, picking up the remote control in one hand and her glass in another. She didn’t initially take a seat, switching the television on and flipping through a channel guide. “So what were we thinking?”
“God forbid you press a few buttons. You’re liable to break a fingernail if you’re not careful.” He said as he waited for her to sit down next to him, leaning forward get the glass for her. “Nothing serious. Thinking one of those cheesy reenactment shows. Or even The X Files.”
“Excuse you, breaking a nail is serious business. Not only does it hurt but I spend enough money on grooming in general to be breaking fingernails,” Millie replied back in a lighthearted tone. Eyes were generally focused on the television as she searched for something to fit his parameters. She didn’t pay much attention as she sat down beside him, still searching through before finally choosing a channel.
It was that channel that always played those murder porn shows South Park made fun of, which Matt was okay with. “Jesus. I didn’t realize how serious that is. My apologizes for hurting you and you’re manicurists feelings.” He joked and then, “If you don’t take this glass I’m drinking it and not refilling it for you.”
Crossing her legs, she leaned forward to set the remote onto the coffee table in front of them. Millie found herself laughing and shaking her head at his words. “I’ll be sure to let her know when I see her next that you appreciate her handiwork,” she replied simply. With a bit of a scoff, she took the glass from him and finally settled with her back against the sofa. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Good. I think it’s about time you mention me to your manicurist. You’ve gone this long without saying anything. Way to hurt my feelings.” He said and added with a laugh, “Oh, I would dare. That’s why I warned.” He leaned forward and added more to his glass before he leaned back and wrapped an arm around her. “We’re just getting settled in but I needed this.”
She watched as he poured more into his glass, taking a small sip of her own. As he leaned back into the sofa, she easily found herself resting into his side. It was natural enough for her that she didn't think much of having his arm around her. Millie brought her attention toward him, glancing up with a bit of a smirk. "The whiskey or my company?"
“The whiskey. You’re just an added bonus,” Matt looked down, moving his head just enough for her to see he wore an actual smile on his face. “The last week sucked. Laurel and I broke up and then I traveled home to a family who was expecting to meet my girlfriend and her sister. Been dealing with James asking where she is. It’s been rough.” He sighed. “Fucking rough.”
There was something about his smile that made her know that he was being genuine, despite his words. But she felt like she could also see how much he was hurting, which was something that she hadn't really expected. Yet he went into telling her the situation, and Millie sat quietly. The only sound coming from her during him speaking was her ice clinking against the glass as she took a sip here and there. "I can't imagine what that feels like," she murmured back softly.
“It feels like...” he licked his lips and thought about an actual description but went for another sip of his drink instead. Matt smacked his lips and leaned back. “Honestly it feels I’ve got this anger inside of me and I can’t let it out. I don’t know how to let it out. Not even when Kelly divorced me and left James and me did I feel this angry but I was also going through a psychotic break. So that got in the way.”
Millie shifted slightly so that she was facing him, but her body was still pressed into his side. "I don't know if hearing this is helpful or not," she started slowly before continuing, "But it's okay to be angry. You don't have to be okay all the time, even if that's what everyone is expecting to see." It was advice she had heard, and often given. Though she couldn't say that she always listened to it herself. Gently, she reached out a hand and set it beneath his chin to ensure that he was looking at her as she spoke further. "You will be all right."
He didn’t realize his gaze fallen until a gentle nudge from Millie’s hand brought their eyes together again. “I will. I know I will. I’ve gotten through death and pain and divorce. And I know I can get through this. Just-“ he moved a hand to take hers from underneath his chin. “I fell for her and of course I go for someone who lies to my fucking face.” He shook his head slowly and scoffed at this. “This is why I avoid relationships. They’re always a disappointment.”
She let her hand fall away from his chin, but kept it near to his as he spoke. Millie knew that he'd gotten through much worse than a breakup before, but raw emotion like this almost always felt melodramatic. Though it seemed like there had been a real problem between them that drove the two apart. Despite him originally not wanting to really talk about it, she knew that this is really what he needed more. He needed the drink maybe, but he needed someone that would just listen and not coddle him through it all. Someone that told him that he would be fine, or at least that's what it seemed to her. "If relationships were easy, everyone would be in a stable and happy one," she commented, almost beneath her breath, with a bit of a humourless chuckle. "Not everything is a disappointment, but those that are overshadow what else is around you that isn't."
There was no way he would tell Millie, or anyone, the real reason behind the split, but it felt good to at least make it known he was lied to. Because he was. And it wasn’t due to cheating, which might be a go to for most but with what Laurel has done in her past that felt like her getting off light. “Isn’t that the truth. The few I’ve been in weren’t great and I thought maybe I found someone who I could have a future with, with my kid, and only a few months in we break up.” Matt wasn’t the one to pity himself, not often, and the quick drinks he had made his head swim. “I’ll probably go back to being the neighborhood hoe in no time.”
There was certainly some kind of betrayal, and it was obvious that Matt thought that Laurel was in the wrong. And she wouldn't question it. She was more Matt's friend than Laurel's, though she didn't mind the blonde too terribly much. "I can't say I've been successful enough in relationships to offer you any advice," she teased gently. At his final statement, Millie couldn't hold back a laugh. "Actually, that position has already been filled."
"It's okay. I don't really need advice. I guess I just had to get that out of me just so you know what's happening and where I'm coming from." The corner of his lips turned up and he glanced back at Mills. "That right? You've been busy while I was with Laurel?" Matt's arm kept around her but he pulled her closer so they were cozy on her sofa together. "Hope you didn't get too comfortable because I need to make up for lost time." He didn't actually plan to fall back into his old routines, but didn't mean he wasn't going to joke about it
She took another sip, draining the rest of her glass and choosing not to comment further about advice. She felt the need to overly show that she cared since she was rather blunt as a person. Though she was sure that was something Matt knew. If he wanted to properly deal with his emotions, she wasn’t the right Holland sister for him. “I mourned the loss of your dick for a while but I found plenty else to keep myself satisfied,” she teased back, only moving from his embrace to refill her glass before falling back into his side. “You’ve got quite to make up for then.” Truthfully, she wasn’t sleeping around as often as she claimed. Sure, she did as one part of one of her jobs. But that surely didn’t really count.
As crappy as he felt lately he had to admit just this time with Millie helped, and Matt rolled his head back and laughed at what she shared. "Plenty. It took plenty in order to make up for the loss of our hookups. Wow. Thanks for that, Mills. Shows that you can't find just one guy or toy to help with losing my dick." He was being ridiculous and knew it, but this was the nature of their teasing. "Maybe in a while when I'm ready to get back to it we'll fall into our old routine." he nudged her with his nose, kissing the side of her temple.
She rolled her eyes. Of course, she had meant that she had plenty to distract her from even thinking of him, or his dick, but... naturally, he took it however he wished. And she didn't necessarily correct him. She was almost certain that Matt needed the ego boost. Keeping her head facing forward toward the television, she felt the brief nudge and the brush of his lips against her skin. Millie pursed her lips, raising a brow. "And what makes you think I'll so easily let you slip back into bed with me, hm, Mr. Davidson? Especially if I've found a viable substitute for the... Immense pleasure we shared." She was teasing him, and having such fun in doing so.
"Not that I think it'll be an easy thing but-" he gave a one shoulder shrug and went for the rest of his drink, which was an ample amount and took two swallows to get down, and licked his lips right after. "Figured it might take awhile to actually get back to that part of our friendship but I guess I don't have that same type of charm like I used to." He knew he did, and he appreciated that she understood him well enough to get that he wasn't ready to fall into bed with anyone. He still needed to properly process what the fuck happened between he and Laurel first.
She held onto her empty glass, holding it near to her chest as she took a brief glance over at him. Millie was happy that he was staying the night over. Both because she had missed spending time with her and she didn't really trust anyone else to watch over him in such an emotional state. Perhaps Bea could handle it, but she doubted he needed more emotions. Which is why she was the better Holland sister. He knew that he'd get teasing rather than emotional talks about anxiety or betrayal or whatever else he was goig through right now. "I'm sure that you're just as charming. With or without the use of your dick." 
"I am. I always am. It's a skill I mastered ever since I was a teenager and learned how to use my dimples as a weapon." He said, sighing moments later and looking at the tv. He didn't know what the hell was happening on the screen but it didn't matter. He felt warm and content and for the first time not on the verge of punching a wall or going over to Laurel's to get into a full blown fight about everything again. "Lets move this up to your bed. I might pass out but it'll be nice to be held. If you're fine with being the big spoon tonight that is." He said to her, green eyes back on the side of her face while he tried to gauge if she'd be up for it.
She smiled at him, shaking her head a bit. The majority of her attention remained on the television as she appeared to be paying somewhat attention to whatever mundane programme they were pretending to watch. When he began speaking again, Millie's dark eyes slowly shifted back over toward him. "You just want to get back into bed with me," she teased gently. Leaning forward, she grabbed the remote control and switched off the television. With a dramatically exasperated sigh, she looked back to him and gave him her full attention. "You're lucky you've got nice dimples and are charming because I'm not the big spoon just for anyone."
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radi0active-thoughts · 7 years ago
Ghost, Chapter 3 - “Scars”
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A/N: I’m with good internet (finally, thank God)! Thanks for all the support and feedback! The playlist is not ready yet (unfortunately), but you’ll be able to hear it soon enough. @witchymarvelspacecase did I already tell you’re awesome? If I didn’t, here’s my shout out! Thanks for helping me! By the way, the chapter is inspired by the song “Scars” by I Prevail (a band which I highly recommend).
Summary: Reader reveals part of her past to somebody for the first time since everything happened. She looks for somebody from her past, goes missing for an entire day after her medical check-up and the team gets worried.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death and violence, night terrors, panic attack, Bucky being a sweetheart, Tony and Steve acting like worried parents (is this even a warning?), swearing.
Word count: 4.046 (I got carried away, sorry)          
Y/N: your name Y/H/C: your hair color Y/LN: your last name.
  “Y/N?” I heard a voice out of nowhere. “Y/N, wake up.”
Suddenly, the images left my head, my eyes shot open, my chest hurt, and I fought to breathe, and my throat was dry. With no hesitation, I pointed the gun in my hand at someone’s head and I would’ve shot if I hadn’t recognized the person in front of me in time.
My breathing was heavy and uneven, and I was a sweaty mess. Bucky was sitting on my bed, and I had the gun pointed at his head.
My body trembled as Bucky took the gun from my hand and put it on my nightstand. I began to cry and he pulled me to his chest, my tears soaked his shirt while he calmed me. “Shhh, it was a nightmare, everything is okay.”
“How did you…?” I began to ask after my brain began to form coherent sentences again. I pulled my body from his embrace.
“I was going to the kitchen to a glass of water,” Bucky answered and hesitantly his metal hand tucked a loose strand of my Y/H/C hair behind my left ear. “I heard you screaming and the door was open. I came in and you were mumbling ‘Now it’s your time to die, you son of a dirty bitch,’ or something like that.”
“Oh,” I said simply.
“I’m still going to the kitchen to get that glass of water,” He began, “wanna talk about it?”
“Sure,” I answered after a few seconds of an uncomfortable silence, “I won’t be able to get back to sleep now anyway.”
I got up and went to my closet to take my silk robe, even though I was wearing an old and ripped AC/DC shirt and a Star Wars pajama shorts. Wearing the robe was a habit I’d had since I lived with my grandma, she always wore one and I had wanted to be like her in many ways.
Bucky and I walked to the kitchen in silence and I sat in one of the stools next to the kitchen counter. Bucky took a wooden box from one of the cabinets and opened it.
“Want some tea, Doll?” He asked. “By the way, is it okay for me to call you that?”
“Did you call all the girls that way back in your time?” I asked smiling. He smiled back.
“Only the ones who really interested me.” He answered and I left a laugh.
“Okay, then.” I said. “For the tea, I’ll definitely say yes.”
“Okay, Doll” He said and took out two bags of tea, put one in each mug and began to warm the water. “Wanna talk about your nightmare?”
“It was about my time with the Cobras.” I answered.
“The… Cobras?” He asked confused.
“A secret initiative inside the FBI.” I explained. “A group of assassins, thieves and mercenaries that dirtied their hands so the FBI agents remained clean… man, I was a careless bastard in those times.”
“Tell me more.” He said.
“I was recruited when I was 19.” I began. “My grandmother’s death wrecked me and I didn’t have anyone to turn to. Things didn’t go so well,  killing and torturing people was where I found relief and fun.”
“You found relief in killing people?” Bucky asked confused.
“Yes, but now I regret it.” I answered and sighed. “Deeply.”
“Here you go.” He said, handing me the mug. “Lemon and ginger.”
“Thanks.” I said, and he put the box inside the drawer. He looked at me and nodded, so I would continue. I took a sip of the tea and he sat on a stool next to me. “I’m not proud of the blood in my hands, Bucky. It pains me to think of everyone I killed. Hell, I even killed a mother in front of her son. I didn’t realize it, not before he ran to her dead body screaming the word “mommy” over and over again.”
I took a deep breath so I could hold back the pain inside my chest. The tears began to burn my eyes but I fought them. “I-I left the initiative after I discovered that some of the men on the team were bad news. My commander was the head of a terrorist organization that involved a biological weapon. I killed everyone in front of me to get to the place that I was supposed to go to wipe out the targets, and I was tortured. They used me as a motherfucking punch bag.”
“Y/N, I…” Bucky began and I sighed, lowering my head on the counter and trying to stop the tears that escaped from my eyes.
“I-I went berserk.” I said when I lifted my head. “I remember all of it. I killed ten men before getting to Johnson and shooting his knees and his feet, so I could finish my mission with a bullet through his head.”
“This Johnson guy, he’s the “dirty son of a bitch” you mumbled about?” He asked and I let out a humorless laugh.
“Yes, that’s him.” I answered and drank more of the tea. “But I didn’t kill him. The FBI agents arrived before I could. They tried to keep the initiative alive, but it had a system failure. I mean, how do you put thieves, mercenaries and assassins in a team and tell them they must be honest?”
Bucky seemed to think about my question for a while, but brushed it off. “Look, it’s already dawn.”
“I have to be up soon, unfortunately.” I got up and stretched while groaning. I looked at the window to see the night sky fading.
“Let me take you back to your room, it’s on the way back to mine.” Bucky said and we went back to the floor where the rooms were.
“G’night, Doll.” He said and went towards his room, which was two doors past mine.
“Bucky?” I called him and he appeared at his door before closing it. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Doll.” He said as he stepped into his room and closed his door. I stepped inside, closed my door, took the silk robe off of my body and laid on my bed again, drifting off to sleep.
“Ms. Y/LN?” FRIDAY woke me up from the sleep that had only felt like only 10 minutes of proper rest.
“Yes, FRIDAY?” I groaned after a long minute.
“Mr. Stark says if you don’t wake up, you might lose out on breakfast and your medical check-up.” The AI answered.
“What time is it?” I asked, my mouth moving against the pillow.
“A quarter to eight.”
“First of all” I began while I sat on my bed. “Tell Stark to shove his eggs and bacon strips or whatever he’s eating up his ass. Second, do you have some good music to play?”
“Your message was successfully sent.” FRIDAY responded. “What do you want to play?”
“Surprise me.” I shrugged and FRIDAY put “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars to play. “Turn it up, please! Yes!”
I got up and went to my closet. For the check-up, I chose a pair of gray leggings, a black sports bra, and a Led Zeppelin oversized tank top. I chose a random black panty, a pair of socks and sneakers, and went to take a shower.
It was a little habit of mine to wake up with music blasting in my house. My Parisian neighbors had complained, my roommate had complained (at first) and even grandmother had complained about my noisy habit, but I needed a little cheer up – I wasn’t a morning person. Definitely not.
I was brushing my teeth and enjoying the music that played in my room, which now was “Pompeii” by Bastille. I combed my hair and styled it in a pair of boxer braids. I put some deodorant on, because who doesn’t want their armpits smelling like Lady Speed Stick, right?
“FRIDAY, can you stop the music, please?” I asked the AI, who did what was told.
“You have two new messages, Ms. Y/LN.” FRIDAY said. “Want me to replay them?”
“Of course.” I said and the AI reproduced the voice messages.
Mr. Stark: ‘Why don’t you move your tattooed butt here so you can watch as I shove Clorofile juice and donuts in my ass?’
Steve Rogers: ‘C’mon guys! Can’t you just use regular words instead of dirty ones!?’
All I could do was laugh at the messages as I left my room and found my way to the kitchen. “Good morning all of you.”
“Morning, Y/N!” Wanda and Nat said.
“Morning, Ms. Y/LN.” Steve said, sounding like a father; a very disappointed father.
“Good morning, sweet cheeks.” Sam said. I looked at him.
“Sammy boy.” I began with a threatening smile and a soft voice. “Do you wanna know why birds stop singing?”
His eyes went wide and I took an apple. Nat chuckled. “Nice.”
“G’morning, Doll.” Bucky said when I sat between him and Nat. “Did you sleep well?”
“After the Hell of a night I had, yes.” I smiled after I began to bite the apple, stopping my actions after I remember I couldn’t eat anything for the check-up. “How about you?”
“Yeah, I managed to sleep a few more hours.” He answered.
“What did we miss?” Stark asked, his eyes going from Bucky to me.
“No wonder I heard a few screams last night.” Sam teased and I threw my apple at him. It hit his chest, hard. “Ouch!”
“Now that is what I call a good shot!” Nat laughed and we fist bumped each other.
“But seriously, what happened?” Wanda asked.
“I came to take a glass of water and Y/N had… insomnia.” Bucky answered. “I made us tea and we talked until sleep got the best of us.”
“It explains the two mugs in the sink.” Steve commented and exchanged looks with Bucky, in a silent conversation that only the two of them were having.
“So…” I began while getting up. “I gotta go now.”
“Training?” Nat asked.
“Medical check-up.” I answered while leaving the kitchen.
“Hey, Ms. Inked Buttocks?” Tony called me and the team burst out laughing. I turned around with a laugh. I had to admit that the nickname was good. “I gotta give you something.”
“I hope it’s not FRIDAY’s records of my inked assets looking good yesterday” I said with a laugh.
The AI answered. “That can be arranged, Ms. Y/LN.”
“No, no, no.” I said. “I was joking... what is it?”
Stark came to me, took something from his pockets and handing me. It was a brand new iPhone, already set for me to use it; and a black credit card. “The passport is on your notes. Use it wisely.”
“Thanks, old man.” I said and left the kitchen. FRIDAY guided me to the hospital wing, where Doctor Helen Cho and Doctor Bruce Banner, sometimes the Hulk, were waiting for me with a medical team.
“Hey, Y/N.” He greeted me. “You didn’t sleep well.”
“Hey, Bruce.” I greeted him. “No, not at all.”
“It wasn’t a question at all, but let’s act like it was.” His lips formed an understanding smile. “I think somebody else than Bucky knows about my night terrors” I thought.
“Ms. Y/LN.” Doctor Cho greeted me. “We’re about to do a comprehensive medical exam.”
“Comprehensive?” I asked.
“Well, laboratory tests, chest x-rays, pulmonary function testing, audiograms, full body CAT scan, EKGs, heart stress tests, vascular age tests, urinalysis, and mammograms.” She answered my question. “Doctor Lane, our physician, and his assistant will be responsible for a few physical tests and therapy for your leg.”
“Okay, alright.” I said.
I felt like a little lab rat while the team examined me. I cooperated patiently for the almost three hours that they took doing the comprehensive exam and my stomach began to growl.
“Holy shit.” I muttered while I looked at my brand new phone for something I didn’t know.
“You didn’t eat, I see.” Bruce said and I looked at him.
“You could say that.” I said.
“I heard Bucky and you talking last night.” He said after an uncomfortable silence. “About your nightmare and your times as a mercenary to the FBI.”
“I don’t know what you do to calm yourself, but activities like yoga and meditation can help.” Bruce said with a reassuring smile.
“I actually sleep holding a triggered gun.” I said and shrugged. “But those could work too.”
“And about your exams” He began while looking at his iPad. “You are healthy as a horse, except for a little anemia. I recommend you to eat more protein and tomorrow your iron supplements will be ready. Three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner.”
“Your sessions with the physical therapist will begin tomorrow, but I recommend you to work out in the training room also.” He said.
“Okay, Doc.” I said. “Can I go now?”
“Enjoy your day, Ms. Y/LN.” Bruce said simply and I went back to my room. I laid on my bed and began to configure a fingerprint and a PIN number for security on my new phone.
“What do I do now?” I asked myself while I fooled around my Instagram feed and then I looked to my nightstand to see the black credit card Stark gave me. I smiled as I remembered a friend who owed me a few favors.
I got up and took a quick shower before changing into combat boots, a pair of black jeans, a white bra and a white tank top. I got my jeans jacket, a bag to put my wallet and phone, and a pair of aviator sunglasses before heading to the garage.
And man, I was amazed when I arrived – there were antique, and luxury cars, and badass motorcycles. I couldn’t decide which automobile I’d choose when my eyes laid on a black Mustang.
“Oh, boy.” I said going towards the car and getting in it. “It’s you I want.”
I closed the door when I saw the keys in the ignition and I turned it on to hear the beautiful noise that the motor made. “Hot damn!”
I took my phone and put the address I was heading to on Google Maps. My little trip to Manhattan, to Brooklyn, was nice. I was going to meet Craig Johannes, one of the men who were in the Cobras with me. When the initiative went down, he went back to the tattoo studio that had belonged to his father and retired from killing. He taught everything I know about tattooing, so I could get a job that’d pay the rent, my bills and a life out of trouble.
But when you’re a troublemaker, trouble stalks you even in your sleep.
I took my bag and got out of the car, closing it and activating the alarm afterwards. A man wearing a coat and a cap approached me and I was ready to attack him. But I would recognize the bastard’s face, built physique, long brown hair and olive skin from miles.
“The good daughter always comes back home.” Craig said with a smile, the wrinkles next to his eyes showing.
“Shut your face, old man.” I smiled and hugged him.
“Always light as a brick.” He sighed with a laugh and we pulled apart from each other. “When did you come back?”
“A few days ago.” I answered. “I was about to ask you for that favor you owe me.”
“Are you going to kill someone?” He asked while we entered his studio, it was a tidy place with a clean and minimalist decoration. “Because I’d be glad to help.”
“You miss the times, don’t you?” I asked when I put my bag on the couch. Craig was wearing reading glasses now.
“Sometimes, I admit.” He answered. “I still practice targets with axes. What is this great favor I owe you?”
“Make good on the promise you made while I healed a few years ago, Johannes.” I chuckled and he raised his eyebrows.
“Wanna forget the scars, I see.” He stated and I nodded. “I still have that drawing you made, the dragon. I just need to measure your back.”
“Okay.” I said and took the jacket off. He took a metric tape, a notebook and a pen to write it down. “How much time will you take to transfer it?”
“Two hours.” He answered. “But I don’t know if we will be able to finish today. Maybe three sessions will be enough, but let’s see.”
“So… I’ll look for a place to eat.” I said. “Want something?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He answered and walked to the back.
It was a ten minute walk to a coffee shop. I asked for a sub with Australian bread, meat and cheese, and an orange juice. I paid for the meal and sat on one of the tables to eat it and fill my stomach with delight. Then, I found a bookstore and bought two books: one of Gabriel García Márquez’ novels, and another about yoga and meditation.
I returned to the studio after an ice cream stop and Craig was setting up his equipment. Two more artists who were now set up in the studio, minding their own clients.
“You ready?” He asked. I nodded.
“As I’ll ever be.” I answered.
“So you’re back in the business.” Craig asked while I felt the needles in my skin, tracing the dragon and the cherry flowers and petals. He cleaned the blood and ink mess that my back was becoming.
“The good daughter always comes back home.” I mocked him while I supported my topless upper half on the chair. He chuckled. “I didn’t abandon my day job as a tattoo artist. Whenever I need some rest from seeing blood and people dying in front of me, I go back to it. It gives me peace, you know?”
“Yeah, I do.” He answered. “Black and gray?”
“Yep.” I answered and I knew he had to rest his hand and change the needles. “You’re not finishing it today, are you?”
“No chance.” Craig answered. “I’ll do the flowers and petals, but the dragon will have to wait.”
“Fine for me.” I said and he began to paint the flowers, the noise that the tattoo machine made sounded like music to my ears. “How’s your daughter?”
“She’s okay, in college.” He answered and I could hear the smile on his voice. “Yale. Can you believe it?”
“That’s great news.” I said. “You must be hella proud.”
“Hell yeah.” He sighed and the noise of the machine made the remaining silence less… deafening. “Have you thought about settling down from this life and forming a family?”
“A family?” I asked.
“Yeah.” He answered. “You and somebody else, with little copies of both of you running around a big ass house, with a cute white picket fence and a golden retriever…”
“Is this your idea of settling down?” I asked with a laugh. Craig chuckled.
“This is how I settled with my wife before we had Zoe, and how I settled after we had Caleb, long after the initiative came to an end.” He answered. “It’s not that bad to settle down and feel like you’re at home.”
“It might be about finding the person that fits you before thinking of settling down, I guess.” I shrugged.
“I guess you’ll know when you want to settle.” Craig answered and I went silent, not really wanting to think about this matter.
When Craig finished painting the flowers, he cleaned my back with soap and water and covered almost my entire upper half with plastic. I put my clothes back on and took my jacket and my bag with me.
“You still know how to take care of it, don’t you?” He asked.
“Of course.” I answered.
“I want you to come and have lunch, or dinner, at my house one of these days.” Craig said while hugging me, careful of my freshly inked back. “And we can set the next appointment so we finish this badass motherfucker on your back.”
“Sure thing.” I said when he let me go. “I’ll let you know when I’ll be less busy.”
“Y/N?” He said and I looked at him from the car. “Don’t get shot.”
“Can’t promise anything.” I smiled as I entered the car and he laughed. “See you, old man.”
I put the key in the ignition, turned it on and pulled out of the parkway. It was already night and my back was warm for the long hours of tattooing. The drive back to the compound was silent. Way too silent.
FRIDAY greeted me when I arrived and parked the car in its place. “Welcome back, Ms. Y/LN.”
“Thanks, FRIDAY.” I said and got out.
“The team is waiting for you in the living room.” FRIDAY said and suddenly I knew I was in trouble. “They seem worried.”
“Oh, shit.” I muttered to myself and went towards the elevator. With a ‘ding’, the elevator’s door opened and I entered the living room. “Hey guys, wha-“
“Where the Hell you were, Miss?” Tony, who was pacing the room when I arrived, was the first to ask. I barely knew the man and already I could tell that he was pissed. “And with my Mustang!”
“I was around.” I answered and shrugged.
“Around?” Steve asked, making quotes in the air. He crossed his arms. “You know that isn’t a proper answer, don’t you?”
“What do you want me to say, huh?” I asked sarcastically. “That I was whoring around, and fucking for cheap joints?”
“Language.” Steve retorted and I scoffed. That was my turn to cross my arms.
“Don’t you ‘language’ me, Captain.” I said. “I’m a grown up, I know what I’m doing with my life.”
“Where were you?” Tony asked again.
“I know you know where I was, Stark.” I said. “You must’ve put GPS systems in all the automobiles in the garage.”
“That might be true.” He said.
“So, why don’t you see it for yourself?” I asked and immediately he took his phone from his pocket to check it out.
“Brooklyn?” He asked and I nodded.
“What were you doing in Brooklyn?” Bucky asked.
“I was visiting a friend.” I answered.
“Uhhh, a friend.” Sam said. Nat, Wanda and Clint snickered.
“Cut the bullshit, Wilson.” I said and Steve was about to say something when I looked him dead in the eye and he interrupted himself. “Now, I’m gonna take a shower and go to bed, if you don’t mind.”
“Why are you covered in plastic, Ms. Y/LN?” Vision asked and everyone in the room looked at him in confusion.
“Nothing to worry about.” I answered politely.
“Now I wanna know.” Sam said. Nat and Wanda agreed. “Is this something about this ‘friend’ of yours?”
“Do you wanna wake up with your mouth full of ants, Wilson?” I asked.
“If it’s ‘nothing to worry about’” Clint began. “Why don’t you show us?”
“Okay, fine.” I sighed after a long silence, turned my back to them, took off the clothes that covered my upper half and began to take the plastic off of my body.
“Tell me we’re not seeing you naked again.” Nat said. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Okay.” I said and looked at them. “You’re not seeing me naked again.”
“Holy shit!” I heard Nat say.
“Oh, wow!” Wanda said.
“That is awesome!” Sam said.
“That is…” Bucky began. “Big. Beautiful, but big.”
“Ladies in my times didn’t have those.” Steve said.
“You know it’s been more than 70 years since our time, right, punk?” Bucky asked.
“I’m not just a lady, Captain.” I said and looked at him, covering my front with my shirt. “I’m a lady and an assassin.”
“I saw you had some scars.” Bruce said and approached me. “I saw them this morning but I didn’t ask anything at all. I knew you wouldn’t answer.”
“Those are battle scars, but I’m not really proud of ‘em, you know.” I said. He nodded. “That’s why I’m working on covering them… Now can I go to my room?”
“Go ahead, Inked Buttocks.” Tony said. “Now the nickname makes even more sense.”
I laughed while walking to the elevator. “Yes, it does.”
A/N 2: Guys, since I watched “Frontier” recently, I did my best to describe Craig as Jason Momoa. So you can imagine him that way.
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Tags: @witchymarvelspacecase @annabella789 @barnesdeservestheworld @ladylustitia @theseldomseenkilljoy @blue-crayon-18 @curlyhairedlolita @wowspideyholland @wicket-master @purrrcrastination @s-killian14 @coal000 @parisss-lilli @luv-what-you-do 
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justanotherinterludeff · 8 years ago
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I’ma drink up, I’ma smoke some’ Keep it moving, it was nice to know ya Boy watch me leave You ghost to me Wish you good luck being lonely I’ma push red every time you phone me You bout to be A memory
She Don’t x Ella Mai ft. Ty Dolla $ign
“Patek Philippe, the plain one, that’s too much sauce. Hermes in the A, that’s too much sauce. They let me know before I was famous, I had too much sauce.” I mouthed along with Future. My earphones were plugged into my Macbook and I was having a jolly good time with this Apple Playlist. I needed this hype music to wake me up, because this coffee wasn’t helping.
For whatever reason, I had been procrastinating this whole week, knowing I had a research paper due today. I had already completed two of my three classes today, and I had a hour break in between so I was chilling outside on one of the benches. I had my word document open, I typed a word or two since I sat down, but honestly, I was more interested in the Public Desire website I was looking at. These shoes were gorgeous and I knew exactly where my next paycheck was going. 
I took a sip of my coffee and put it back down before scrolling down on the page. My phone lit up next to me pulling me away from one screen to the next. 
Adrienne: Where you at? 
On the quad, sitting at one of the benches.
Adrienne: On my way! 
I giggled and shook my head before putting my phone back down. I knew Adrienne wasn’t coming over here to get any work done. At all. The quad was somewhere she liked to chill, so she wouldn’t pass up having someone to chill with. Plus it was really close to the Que plot. Where Amari liked to spend most of his time on campus. 
She and I seemed to be hitting it off lately. She was a sweet girl. She looked out for me at work, and school. And I genuinely appreciated it. I could officially say I had more than one friend now. I considered not only her as a friend, but Naomi too.
“Hey friend!” She greeted me from a little distance away. I laughed and sent a wave her way. She sauntered over my way and gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking the seat across from me. “Hey pretty. What you doing out here by yourself?” She questioned. 
Adrienne was so fucking gorgeous. Like, she was always put together. He outfits were cute as fuck, her hair was always laid, and she was always beat. I admired that about her. She put effort into her appearance. Every single day. And today was no different. I needed to take a page out of her book, cause baby, honestly I could care less. I threw on sweats, combed my hair, put some perfume on, and I was on my way to school. 
“Trying to finish up my last page of this paper.” I sighed. “How’s it going?” She asked. “Girl, I’m looking at shoes. That’s how it’s going.” I said and we shared a laugh. The conversation continued, talks about our classes, grades, our schedule at work, and anything else that had come up. Well, that was before the obnoxious barking started. 
My eye roll was so vicious. Adrienne only laughed, she loved herself some Ques. Pretty much every girl did. The tongue wagging just didn’t do it for me. “There go my man girl.” Adrienne nodded at Amari aggy ass. Right behind his favorite line brother, he was laughing it up. Ugly ass.
I had yet to tell her what he said about not wanting to talk to anyone that wasn’t down to.. fuck. The topic of Amari hadn’t really come up between us honestly. I did plan to tell her though, when the time is right. 
“He’s so fucking fine.” She grumbled from in front of me. She was turned around, admiring you know who. I shook my head and kept scrolling through the website. These thigh high boots were to die for. “Oh shit.” I heard her murmur before she snapped her neck back to face me. She looked like she had seen a ghost. I looked up and seen Amari coming our way. 
I wanted to laugh but the poor girl looked like she was about to pass out! I couldn’t. “Breathe Adrienne. Relax.” She took two deep breaths and before she could take the last one, he was almost next to her. “Wassup Ugly?” He greeted me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off. 
“Don’t let me tell you what’s ugly Amari.” I warned. He only chuckled before looking up at Adrienne. “What’s up?” He nodded toward her. “Hi.” She replied and sent him a smile. He slipped in the seat next to me, while I continued to scroll through the website. “What you doing tonight?” He asked. 
“Going to work.” I answered. I looked away from my computer screen and dung around in my bag for my granola bar. “What time you get off?” He asked. “9.” “Cool, I’ll see you at 10:30 then.” He nodded. I looked up at him confused. “See me where? I’m going to sleep.” I laughed. I was dead ass serious. It was the weekend. And I was tired as fuccckkk! 
“The only thing I’m seeing tonight is my eyelids.” “You lame bruh.” He chuckled. “Jelani’s bro haing a little get together. Come through.” “I’m not going to no party, Mari.” “Who said it was a party? Did that word come out my mouth, shawty?” He directed his question at Adrienne. She giggled and shook her head no, “I don’t think it did.” This traitor. 
“It’s a get together. Nothing too big. Latest you getting home is around 2. You can even bring your friend too. What’s your name sweetheart?” He hurled another question in Dri’s direction. “Adrienne.” She smirked. I noticed he kept his eyes on her a little minute longer before matching her smirk. I squinted my eyes and looked between the two of them. Where they flirting? 
“Yeah, you and Adrienne come through.” He licked his lips and finally removed his eyes from hers. “Imma text you the address later. Alright?” “Alright Amari.” I yawned. “Alright, see you later.” He kissed my cheek. “Adrienne.” He smiled and she waved him goodbye. He jogged off to catch up with his line brothers. 
“Bihhhhhhhhhh!” Adrienne started making me laugh. “Like, am I crazy or was his flirting with me?” “Nah, he was flirting alright.” I nodded and she grinned. “Listen, Dri. Just a heads up, Amari isn’t really looking for a relationship right now. He’s just into… having sex right now. At least that what he said.” I shrugged. “Aww, friend! I appreciate the heads up.” She pouted cutely. 
“But honestly, truly,” She started in her best Joanne voice. “I just wanna fuck him.” She shrugged making my eyes bulge a little. The fact that she was so bold with it was funny as hell. “Girl, I wouldn’t even thinkkkk about being with Amari in a relationship. At least right now. I just heard the dick is bomb, and I know the tongue can’t be no different.” She giggled. 
“Okay, yeah. Let’s not have a talk about anything that has to do with sex and Amari? K? Thanks.” I shook my head. “Sorry.” She laughed. “But we are going tonight right? Cause I already put an oufit together for tonight and I need to be with my man tonight.” She spoke with her hands. 
“Yeah, we can go. Hopefully we can get Naomi out from under Mackai long enough for her to come with us too.” “Girl please, we both know that’s not happening.” She rolled her eyes. I’m not sure what he said to her last night, but baby, he had her feeling some type of way okay?
She woke up this morning skinning and grinning. I heard her on the phone last night, laughing it up, I’m guessing with him. She made breakfast, and he swung by to see her before she left for work. They were tonguing each other down in the kitchen. They would have hopped on the counter and had sex if I didn’t clear my throat. I was happy for her. She’d been in a little funk, and he was slowly but surely getting her out of it. 
“Oh shit.” I grumbled. I saved my work and closed my Macbook. I wasn’t getting any work done anyway. Thinking about Naomi and Mackai reminded me that Bryson asked to see me tonight. I pulled my phone out my bag and sure enough he had texted me. 
Bryson: Hope you having a good day. I know I was supposed to see you tonight, but something came up. How about tomorrow? 
I am, thank you. And that’s cool. See you tomorrow. 
Everything seems to be falling into place except this paper! 
My bed was so soft, and I was never more appreciative to be home after the day I had. I managed to finish and print my paper, minutes before it was due. Since we only had to drop it off today, I left school early and made my way to work until it was time to clock in.
I treated myself to a nice juicy burger during my lunch break. My shift went by pretty fast, but since Claire’s decided they wanted to have a blowout sale today, the place was packed. Rude ass teenagers, mostly. I swear I was so over that job. I got home around 9 and was surprised not to see Naomi. I texted her and she let me know Mack decided to take her out for their first date tonight. 
I gagged at the cuteness. I wished her luck and hopped straight in my bed. I have no clue when I went to sleep, but I was awoken with a phone call from Adrienne, letting me know she was outside my apartment door. I sprang up quickly and jogged to the front door to let her in. 
When she peep I was still in my clothes from earlier, she huffed and rolled her eyes. “I’m sorrrrry! I don’t even know when I fell asleep. I swear it won’t take that long for me to get ready.” I let her know. “Okay, but you look so good!” I let her know. “Don’t try to butter me up girl. But thank you.” She laughed. We walked back into my room and I went straight to my closet. I pulled out something to wear and went to turn my shower on. 
“You’re wearing.. that?” She asked. “…Yeah? What’s wrong with it?” I pouted. “Nothing, nothing.” She shrugged. “I just think you should step your sexy up, Zemora. I mean you got the body, why not flaunt it?” She asked. “Eh… I don’t know Dri. I just like to be comfortable.” “Let me pick your outfit. Pleasssse?” She begged. 
“Okay, Dri. Just nothing too crazy.” I gave her one specific direction. “I got you, I got you. Now get in the shower.” She shooed me. I shook my head, but followed her order anyway. I stripped and jumped into the steaming hot shower and let the water consumed me. I washed myself clean and let the water hit my skin. 
Whenever I get in the shower, I have the tendency of letting my thoughts drift. From school, to work, to money, my family, and my sad ass love life. I found myself thinking about Bryson this time. He was so mysterious. I didn’t know much about him, but I found myself always wanting to be around him, always talking to him. It’s weird to me. 
I was never good with boys. When I was younger, I was shy as fuck. I would barely speak in a classroom, much less to a boy. My first ever encounter with a boy on a serious level was around senior year. His name was Donovan. We went to different schools and admittedly, we came from different worlds. If you would have told me that my first boyfriend, first love, first everything, would be a white boy, I would tell you, you were a bold face lie. 
But he was. Donovan was my everything. Or I thought he was. He wasn’t too wild, he wasn’t too calm. He was just right. Smart, independent, funny. All that. It was crazy to me when we started growing apart my freshman year of college. He went to a school out of state and we just fell apart. We decided to just end it because we were growing apart. Neither of us were putting in the effort, so why waste or time? You know?
Bryson was completely different. I wasn’t stupid, I knew what he did for a living. The numerous amount of phone calls, on the different phones he had, the code him and Mackai spoke in. I knew. I also didn’t judge him either. We all gotta do what we gotta do to survive in this world. Plus, he had a daughter and a family to provide for. 
I was so seduced by the mysterious, dangerous persona he had going on. He was fine as hell too. Going from vanilla, no pun intended, to this was new and exciting for me. I found myself thinking things that weren’t too holy when it came to him either. Those lips, those hands, that voice.. My God. 
“Zemora! Girl, come on!” Adrienne knocked at the door. She snapped me out of my trance and I was thankful. My thoughts didn’t need to get deeper than that. I turned the shower off, hopped out, and dried my skin. I plugged my flat iron in, knowing I was gonna bump my bob quickly before we left and exited the bathroom. 
When I walked out into my room, Dri was setting the bodysuit I bought from an online boutique I bought the other day. “Girl, you holding out on me! This is cute, where’d you get this?” “Some Instagram boutique.” I shrugged. I grabbed some underwear and moisturized my skin before pulling on the outfit she laid out for me. I liked it. 
“Okay titties! Okay ass! I see you!” Her silly ass nodded. I was dead. “Stop Adrienne! I do like this, though.” I turned in the mirror to admire my assets. I looked good. It didn’t take me a while longer to get my hair together, a little makeup, and my shoes on. “Ready?” I asked Adrienne after spraying on some perfume. She shot me a look like, “seriously?”
We took my car, and Adrienne made her mind up that if she got too drunk she was spending the night at my house which I had no problem with. She also made jokes about how she might be going home with Amari tonight. We both knew she was lowkey serious though. More power to her. 
We drove the route that the GPS guided us along to the address Amari sent me earlier. The houses looked like the ones that were in Bryson’s neighborhood. So, whoever’s house it was, they had money. There were a few cars in the driveway, including Amari’s and I couldn’t hear any loud music, so it really wasn’t anything too big. 
We made sure to check each other before we knocked at the door. Jelani opened the door, with a drank in his hand and a smile on his face. “Bout time your fine ass got here.” He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes, like I always do when Jelani opened his mouth to speak to me. “Adrienne this is Jelani, Amari’s thirsty friend.” I half joked. 
They exchanged their hellos, before we were invited in. Adrienne and I stayed close to each other when we entered. We kept our eyes open for Amari, more so Adrienne, if you know what I mean. The get together was nice I must say. There was music playing in the background, but nothing too loud. People were mingling and I could swear mostly everybody went to school with us. 
“There’s Amari.”Adrienne pointed out once we made our way to the kitchen. He was sitting on the kitchen counter laughing it up with a few people. He looked nice. Adrienne and I sauntered over to say hi. He embraced both of us in hugs and made sure we both had drinks. There was a nice little vibe going on in here and I liked it. Nothing too crazy, which I liked. 
The kitchen started getting a little crowded so, most of us made our way outside. It was gorgeous out here. I sat on the couch and continued to sip mu drink and enjoy the music. Adrienne and Amari were definitely flirting this time around. They were standing in the corner, not too far away from m, whispering in each other’s ear, touching, all that. Adrienne made sure to send a grin my way and I could only laugh. 
Despite of how bored I probably looked, I was actually having a good time. I adjusted my bodysuit and pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I scrolled through Instagram with one hand and use my other to bring my drink to my lips. Whatever mixed up, it was really good and I had a little buzz going on. This is why I didn’t drink, because I was such a light weight. 
“Why they got you over here all by yourself?” I turned my head to see Jelani looking down at me. I giggled. That all I ever did when I drank. “I’m cool by myself.” I shrugged. I’m not sure what gave him the hint to sit down, but he did. 
“You sure? You don’t nobody to keep you company?” He asked. I watched as his eyes scanned all over my body. “I’m good, Jelani.” I assured him. In no way, shape or form was Jelani ugly on the outside. But he was so full of himself and he had the nastiest attitude, ever. So that made him ugly. 
“You always been stuck up.” He chuckled. “And you always been an asshole.” I countered. I rolled my eyes at him and got up. I headed inside to find a bathroom. The living room was still brightly lit, but there was a light cloud of smoke covering the living room, and I could definitely smell the weed. 
It might have been a contact high that had me seeing things, but right in there corner, there sat Bryson. He sat on the couch, blunt in hand, and a girl on his lap. I needed to collect myself. I turned quickly down the hall to find the bathroom. 
When I did, I made sure to pee, wash my hands, and collect my thoughts. “Zemora. You can’t be mad. You barely know this boy from a can of paint. He’s is not obligated to tell you that he’s going to be at a party with another girl. That is not your man, therefore, you can not be mad.” The rational side of me was assessing everything. But boy oh boy was the irrational side ready to weigh in. I didn’t let it though. Because honestly, Bryson didn’t owe me shit. 
When I stepped out of the bathroom, I jumped when I saw him waiting outside the door. “What’s up?” He asked. “Play it cool.” I coached myself. “Oh, hey.” I smiled awkwardly. “Did you need to use the bathroom? I’m all done.” I tried to step away and he grabbed my arm. “Can we talk real quick?” “About..?” I giggled. 
“Come on Zemora..” “What?” I giggled. I pulled away from him and resorted back outside. As soon as I stepped outside, my eyes caught Adrienne’s and she walked over to me. “You okay?” She asked with furrowed brows. “Yeah, I’m good. Just kind of ready to go.” I answered. “Oh okay. Cause Amari is ready to go too.” “Alright.” 
I followed her lead and Amari was saying his last good byes to everyone outside before we headed back inside to exit through the front door. Bryson and I locked eyes as all three of us exited and I looked away. I was ready to go home and get in my bed. 
“You good to drive, Z?” Amari asked. “Yeah.” And it was true, seeing Bryson and his little girlfriend sobered me up. Plus, I didn’t even drink that much. “You positive?” He double check. “Mari, I promise.” I assured him. I climbed into my car, and he made sure I put my seat belt on. “Uh, yo friend Adrienne rolling with me.” He smiled. That bitch. 
“Mari..” “I know. I know Z. Look it ain’t even like that.” He chuckled. “But it is Amari.” I rolled my eyes. “Look, we both know what we doing. She ain’t drunk. We good. Now you just worry about getting home safe. Call me when you get home. I love you.” “Love you too.” I rolled my eyes. “Them shits gon’ fall out yo head.” He laughed as he watched me back out the driveway. 
I got to my house about 20 minutes later, and made sure to tell Amari I got here safely. Naomi wasn’t back yet. I could tell. I made sure to check her room too. I took my make up off, got in some PJs, and decided to watch some Netflix. 
Twenty minutes into Captain America, my phone went off, indicating a text message. 
Bryson: You make it home safe?
I rolled my eyes and sat my phone back down.I wanted to be petty and ask him if the girl he was with made it home safe, but I decided against it. He owes me nothing, so therefore I don’t need to give him any energy. 
Bryson: Zemora.. please just let me know if you got home okay.
Rolling my eyes once again, I decided to put him out his misery. 
Yes Bryson, I made it home. 
Bryson: Can we talk about tonight?
There’s nothing to talk about..? 
Bryson: Forreal Zemora, I know shit look bad but I promise you, it wasn’t even like that.
You don’t owe me any type of explanation. Good night. 
Bryson: Come open your front door.
What the fuck? I looked at my phone like I was crazy. I know, he did not show up to my house! I battled with myself for a second or two, before deciding to go and open it. I opened the door slightly and he looked up at me. “Can I come in? Please?” He asked. I sighed, but let him in nonetheless. 
“What are you doing here? It’s late.” “I couldn’t let you go to sleep mad at me.” He shrugged. Okay Ne-yo. I rolled my eyes internally. “I don’t want you to think I lied to you, because I didn’t. Something really did come up. You can confirm that with my sister and Mack. He was a little late for their date because of it. We could have still met up, but I figured you would be tired because you had school and you worked today.”
“So you went to the party with another girl because you thought I wouldn’t be there?” I finished his thought. “No! Nah. Zemora it ain’t like that at all. I went to the party cause I go invited, I figured why not. One minute I’m smoking a blunt kicking it with my niggas, the next some girl slip herself on my lap. I ain’t gon’ lie and say I don’t know her, cause I do. But, me and this girl ain’t never been intimate or nothing like that. We just got the same group of friends.” 
All of this sounded legit, but I don’t know. “Okay. Is that all? It’s really late Bryson.” He nodded. “I just wanted you to know the truth.” “Okay.” I responded. I opened the door for him again. He walked out and before he turned to leave he said, “I don’t know what it is.” 
“What?” “I don’t know what it is about you. For whatever reason, I’m so fucking drawn to you and I don’t know why. I just left a party because I had to make sure you was good, and that you knew the truth before I went to sleep. And I don’t even know you.” He ran his hand over his face. Crazy.. cause I felt the same way. 
He sighed. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, “Good night Zemora.” And then he left.
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