#clean muscle up
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hinamie · 8 months ago
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*catboys ur shounen protag*
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b4kuch1n · 1 year ago
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polymer broadcast signal hijack
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the-broken-pen · 1 year ago
“You’re going to blow out your arms,” the villain observed. They watched as the hero merely grit their teeth, shoving themself through another pull-up. It looked painful, and if the sweat slicking the hero’s brow was any indication, it was.
They waited for the hero to let themself drop from the bar and accept the villain was stronger. But they didn’t.
Three more pull-ups, and the villain stepped in.
“Hero,” they said slowly. “You’re about to tear the ligaments in your arms. You need to stop.”
The hero blew out a shuddering breath. Struggled for purchase, fighting gravity—and let themself drop.
The hero’s hands were bleeding, calluses torn open by the bar. The hero didn’t seem bothered when their own hands shook so much that their blood began to splatter on the gym floor.
For a moment, the villain could only stare at them.
They didn’t know how to handle this. They knew the hero was dedicated. They knew the hero was strong, and perpetually trying to be stronger, but they hadn’t thought…
They hadn’t thought the hero would be so willing to tear apart their own body for success.
It was supposed to be fun, the villain thought. They felt a little sick as the hero pressed their palms together to soothe the bleeding, an action that was practiced and familiar. As if they had done this before.
The hero reached for something in their bag, smearing blood on the side, and pulled out a roll of blue electrical tape. The villain didn’t understand why, until the hero tore a strip off and made to wrap their hands with it.
The hero would be the death of them.
They crouched in front of the hero, plucking the electrical tape out of their hands.
“What are you doing with this?”
The hero blinked at the villain like they were the strange one in this situation.
“Wrapping my hands?”
The villain hissed in a breath.
“With electrical tape?”
The hero flushed slightly, looking down at their bloody hands. They looked close to tears.
“It…sticks to skin, really well. And it doesn’t move, either, when you move your hands or wherever else, even if you’re fighting. Plus, blood doesn’t make it come off, at least, not for a while.”
The villain blinked at them.”
“Blood doesn’t make it come off,” the villain repeated, processing. The hero nodded, reaching for the electrical tape. The villain settled it out of reach.
“Not if you wrap it right.”
Dimly, the villain realized that meant the hero had done this enough times to have it down to a science.
“And you couldn’t use a bandaid?” The villain asked incredulously. The hero shrugged a shoulder, then winced at the motion.
Yeah, the hero had absolutely blown out their arms.
“Bandaids move—“
The villain hushed them.
“Be quiet for a second.”
The hero, wisely, went quiet.
The villain rubbed a hand over their face, then studied the hero for a moment. They took one of the hero’s hands into their own, studying the damage.
“Why did you do this to yourself,” the villain murmured.
“What do you mean, why,” the hero snapped. “It’s my job.”
“Your job is to save people,” the villain corrected. “Not destroy yourself.”
“I’m not destroying myself—“
“You are.”
“Shut up—“
“I need to be better,” the hero snapped. Their voice rang out across the gym, echoing into the rafters, and they both froze. After a moment, the hero spoke again, voice soft. “I need to be better.”
They said it like they needed the villain to understand. The villain wondered who they were really saying it to—the villain, or themself.
“Better than who?”
“Everyone.” It was hushed, like a secret.
The villain watched them, waiting.
The hero took a shaky breath
“My whole thing is being the best. I have always been the best. That’s the only reason I matter. If I’m not strong enough, then I am nothing, so I need. to be. better.”
The hero had started crying, very quietly, like they were afraid to take up too much space.
The villain was not equipped to handle gifted kid burnout.
“There’s more to you than just being a good athlete,” the villain said hesitantly, and the hero shook their head.
“No. There isn’t.”
“Can you give me back my electrical tape?” They hiccuped to contain a sob.
“No,” the villain said firmly, and then the hero really was sobbing.
“You don’t understand—“
The villain didn’t. Not really. They had never been the kind of talented that the hero was.
They wondered now if maybe that was a blessing.
“I don’t,” the villain agreed. “But I do understand that you’ve saved half the city, and you give everything you have to give, and you always do your best.”
“But I-“
“No.” The villain stopped them. “You are doing your best.” They tipped the hero’s chin up until they met the villain’s eyes. “And it is enough.”
The hero froze, eyes darting over the villain’s face. They wondered if anyone had ever said that to the hero, if whatever mentor they had was giving them anything other than orders to be stronger. Be better. Be more.
The villain had some new targets to take care of, it would seem.
For now, though, they had to take care of hero.
“We’re going to go wrap your hands,” they said softly. “And then we’re going to take care of your arms, and you’re going to take a nap.”
The hero nodded, watching them like they were some kind of good, selfless person.
“And if I ever catch you using electrical tape again, so help me, I will put you six feet under.”
That startled a laugh out of the hero, and they let the villain guide them to their feet.
The villain turned to them. “Okay?”
Are you going to be alright?
The hero seemed to understand.
“Okay,” the hero agreed.
And so, it was.
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fellsfjara · 10 months ago
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this world is for madoka...
...yet i couldn't help but pull her from heaven
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turduckenail · 7 months ago
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@suzukiblu was talking bout Kon as a magical girl protagonist a couple days ago and i blacked out and when i woke up i had this. Just a WIP cause i'm sick of redrawing that one hand. the other one came out so nice but this problem child makes me want to die.
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immanuelcouldnt · 7 months ago
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newbuddylove · 30 days ago
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fortune-maiden · 5 months ago
@cypherptqueer the peishui + hx scenario you described earlier has fogged up my mind as well and inspired... whatever this is ahaha
Thank you ;w;
In the eternal broad daylight of Heaven, in the large open gardens of the Wind and Water Palace, the last thing He Xuan expects to see is the Water Master fooling around.
Shi Wudu is not the type. He is stoic to the point of arrogance, as strict with himself as he is with others. Even in the comfort of his own home, he is not someone who can openly relax. Any softer side he bears is reserved solely for private moments with his brother, moments He Xuan often hears about, but would never be allowed to witness.
And yet, it’s his voice, loud and spirited, He Xuan hears from the garden as he trails after Shi Qingxuan down familiar halls. White robes come into view, alongside golden armor, their respective figures oblivious to the rest of the world.
Pei Ming’s arms are wrapped tight around Shi Wudu’s waist. He brazenly kisses the back of his neck as he lifts him up and holds him over the koi pond. Shi Wudu screams out threats at him, but he does so laughing, his cheeks dusted pink with a rare dimpled smile across his face.
It shouldn’t be possible for Shi Wudu to make a face like that, He Xuan thinks, a knot forming in his stomach as he stops to watch the intimate scene. To look so happy, boyish even, to gaze upon someone without any of the contempt that defines him.
This isn’t how Shi Wudu is supposed to be. This isn’t how He Xuan wants to see him.
“Ming-xiong, let’s go,” Shi Qingxuan calls out, walking straight ahead, and looking straight ahead too.
“Isn’t that your brother?”
“Nope. Not at all. Just some palace attendants fooling around.”
“That is definitely your brother. And General Pei.”
Shi Qingxuan stops. “Ugh, look, you need to meet me halfway, okay? There are some things a little brother isn’t supposed to see, okay?” But it’s already too late – the splash as the two go tumbling into the pond is hard not to turn towards. Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan are treated to a show of swearing and shoving, and then shameless laughter as the great General Pei suddenly declares he can’t swim and clings to an exasperated Shi Wudu for rescue. Shi Qingxuan grimaces, lip curling in disgust, before he grabs He Xuan’s wrist and forcefully pulls him away.
When they’re safe inside Shi Qingxuan’s rooms, and the echoes of laughter stop replaying in his head, He Xuan remarks, “Your brother is certainly bold.” He’s not so crass as to rub the relationship into Shi Qingxuan’s face, especially when he’d equally like to forget what they’d just witnessed. “What a nice smile.”
His voice sounds as cold as he feels. Shi Qingxuan only sighs.
“Ge’s smiles are always nice,” he mutters. “But that side of him… that’s only for General Pei.”
There’s no one else in the world who can make Shi Wudu feel so secure and happy.
Neither of them likes it.
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swifty-fox · 3 months ago
last line tag
tagged by @wwasted I got what u need bb
“There’s paper towel in the closet,” John says then grimaces, “It’s not really–”
“It’s fine,” Gale rasps, “Not a delicate flower.” 
“I try to be a good host,” John hums, standing and taking a moment to roll his shoulders. 
“Doin’ fine, John,” Gale murmurs, slapping the light on and rifling through a small closet until he finds the paper towels, cleaning up the worst of their mess. 
He feels oddly dazed, the casuality of their conversation not in line with the intensity whatever had just transpired. Or perhaps he’s just exhausted, tired now body and mind. John seems unaffected – or perhaps it’s only something Gale feels – setting up the pullout with pillows and sheets he pulls from a bin tucked underneath. It’s big enough to fit two adults if they didn’t mind a little bit of contact. Gale, already shivering, tugs his sweats and shirt back on and hugs one elbow while watching John work. 
“Next time I’ll get you candles,” John breezes quietly, “A hot bath and some rose petals. Get myself a better than ‘fine’.”
Gale’s lips quirk, “I’ll take the hot bath.” 
John clicks his teeth at him with a wink and a half-hearted throb of desire travels though Gale.
Upon finishing setting up
tagging @joeyalohadream @middlingmay @blixabargelds @soliloquy-dawn
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dumvixerum · 6 months ago
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Okay hear me out HEAR ME OUT
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eryanlainfa · 1 year ago
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Monster au doodle dump
Hugo has the very normal big wolf form but also this fucked up in between
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byanyan · 4 months ago
anyway i'm (very slowly) working on a lil meme doodle bc it's been in my brain for weeks now
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carmenpeach · 2 years ago
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old-sorry-i-spaced-out · 8 months ago
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Everytime I draw them their tail is getting longer
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dzozef · 2 days ago
im sick but i promise.... new art coming soon....
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djevelbl · 5 months ago
Ok. I now understand what that one person here was saying about doctors treating their patients with a clinical consideration (or lack thereof) that seems to be particular to the profession — or I now understand it more... personally, I guess. So I'm at the dentist (or whatever the specific type of doctor, idk about doctor pokemon types dude they're all the same to me) bc they had to put something on a badly decayed/fucked up tooth (hello bilingualism, how I loathe not knowing how to communicate properly) and she starts cleaning it bc of my, admittedly, bad dental habits
This is where the fucked up thing comes in: she notices that I'm tensing up and clenching the armrests on my grasp real tightly; I have this thing where if I'm grabbing onto an armrest and I'm scared/in pain/deeply uncomfortable I'll dig my index and middle fingers into it, the others circling around it — kinda like how you'd measure someone's pulse on their wrist, but I'm instead trying to strangle the shit out of an inanimate object. So she decides to inject some anesthesia on the general area so she can work better and I'm calmer — situation resolved!
Except, it doesn't work.
I've had problems with dental-related anesthesia in the past — I had to get my wisdom teeth removed and let me tell you, even if I didn't feel the pain that didn't mean I wasn't feeling it; I can only assume what I felt was discomfort, some sort of sensibility or something like that, but trust me, that operation was hell on Earth and I hated every second of it. Coming back to the present, I felt. Every. Fucking. Time her shooty mc watergun thing came anywhere close to my fucked up tooth — she had to clean around it? I felt it. She had to clean within it? Yep, I felt it. She moved the instrument around and it just so happen to soot water into the tooth? BOOM I was clenching the armrests like they owed me money. It was SO. BAD I started shaking at some point like I had hypothermia, it was HORRIBLE
The worse part was whenever she asked me if it hurt. The repeated chant of "it hurts? No? Of course not, I gave you anesthesia!" Will forever haunt me, in just the same way that doctor who took out my wisdom teeth does whenever I remember the pain and his question of "you can still feel it?" Whenever I said that I still felt pain from the needle entering my gums. I can still hear the befuddlement in his voice every time I shaked my head one way or another, clearly in a manner that did not align with The Good Patient Manual he'd been taught to learn. I don't think I'll ever forget her sort of upbeat voice as she cleaned my tooth and I was made to lay as still as the tremors allowed me to be, clenching the armrests and getting my head manhandled by my top front teeth with her finger — I didn't even think someone would ever do that.
Like. What the fuck
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